July 9, 2015
The Santa Claus Rotary Club
Tempe Rio Salado Meeting Minutes ~ July 9, 2015 ATTENDENCE Members: Ben Eubank, Larry Horton, Patrick de Haan, PINO Geoff Pashkowski, and Karen Ingersoll Guest: Nigel Brooks – Assistant Governor, Terry Mickelson – TRS Past President, and Mike Barry – Impact One United, Inc. 7:00 AM: Meeting called to order by Moderator Geoff Pashkowski Invocation: Ben Eubank Pledge of Allegiance: Larry Horton Four-way Test: AG Nigel Brooks (without American accent)
DISCUSSION 1) Pat was late because he locked himself out of the house… again. (But he arrived sporting a new, and very slick looking vintage Santa shirt. Pirate style!) 2) Charter Night will be Charter Afternoon on Sunday July 19 th. Exact time (probably 3:00-6:00 PM) and place TBD. Please keep the date open… this will be a great time and cause for celebration! 3) Pat took the official “Changing of the Guard” photo. 4) Dona Eubank is home from the hospital! She’s very sore from the surgery, and hooked to an oxygen machine, but her condition continues to improve. We couldn’t be happier!
GUEST SPEAKERS works with the volunteer service at Phoenix PD, and is a prior 19 year veteran on the Civilian Force. He is here to talk with us about Impact One United, Inc. (IOU). IOU is an organization that provides back packs and school supplies to approximately 2,000 children ages 5 – 12 in the Glendale Union School District. Each filled back pack costs about $10.00, and they are looking to raise about $30,000.00 to fund the project this year. (A flyer is attached with details.) Mike will personally match any donations from our club. We talked about other ways the club can support their efforts. Pat suggested we could offer the families attending the event free family photos similar to the Laird School Food Box event. SEE ATTACHMENT ON PAGE SEVEN
The legendary made a surprise visit this morning. Terry is a Past President of this Club and one of our favorite people. As usual, he has been involved in all sorts of creative, interesting projects. Terry has been serving as tech advisor and financial support for an entrepreneurial effort in Honduras. He is working with a woman in Roatan who is putting together a business directory like the Yellow Pages – something they’ve never had there. He is supplying soccer balls for her to give away as incentive for participation. (NOTE: There is much more to what Terry is doing and we need him to return and provide us with a detailed report so that we can get involved and support his efforts.)
Meanwhile, back at the meeting . . . HAPPY DOLLARS
Larry, Mike, and Nigel had to leave early… but they all appeared to be happy.
Pat is really happy… since he started wearing his new FitBit two weeks ago, he has lost 10 lbs. He’s lost 18 lbs. since March. Pretty soon we’ll have to call him Skinny Santa! Also having a blast building the “Purple Pirates” ship for his granddaughters out of the Water Heater box. It’s almost done and turning out great!
Karen is just happy. Nothing amazing happened this week… but happy Dona is home!
Geoff is happy that Dona is home and on the mend.
Terry Mickelson happy to be with us… brought a banner from the Rotary Club of Roatan – Bay Island Honduras.
Ben is really happy that Dona is home!
I think that guy is my Father!!!