Rio squawk 10 08 2015 final

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The Official Newsletter of the Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club

The Santa Claus Rotary Club

Founded 1905 1,200,000+ Members 34,000+ Clubs 200+ Countries

“Service above Self”

President K.R. Ravindran (Sri Lanka) Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith (USA) General Secretary John Hewko (Ukraine)


District Governor Sherry F. Mischel DG-Elect Tonya L. Watson DG Nominee James A. Erickson District Secretary Peg Glink District Treasurer Charles Holland District Foundation Audit Chair Terrill L. Cowan Polio Plus Rodney K. Daniels District Foundation Treasurer Joanne Kline District Grants Chair Donald A. LaBarge Micro Lending Coordinator Terrence M. Lubsen World Peace Fellows Chair Honora A. Norton Area 1 ~ John S. Thornton Jr. Area 2 ~ Anthony D. Finocchio Area 3 ~ Michael V. Maurer Area 4 ~ Nigel Brooks Area 5 ~ James N. Kame Area 7 ~ Rich Guin Area 8 ~ Debra L. Daniels Area 9 ~ Kara Schroeder Area 10 ~ LaVelle McCoy Area 11 ~ Dena Oppenheim

Geoff Pashkowski ~ President Karen Ingersoll ~ Secretary Larry Horton ~ Treasurer PDG Ben C. Eubank Guiding Rotarian

Our Christmas projects start in just three months, so start thinking about where we can get toys!

Stacey Avent Stephanie Babb Ronjon Bhattacharya Corey Bruggeman Jack Buckles Karen Buckles

Patrick de Haan Ben C. Eubank, PDG Dona Mae Eubank Freeman, Ronald J. Corey Harris, Kent Hendricks,

Silvia Herrera Larry Horton ~ IPP Karen Ingersoll BK Knappenberger James Lemmon Tim Lidster,

Geoffrey Pashkowski Christina Ratto Dave Ratto Lynsie Rigby-Scharpf Linda Searfoss Michael Sherron Sue E. Strebe Ralph Williamson

Rotary Club of Southern Districts ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Bentley Curtin ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Islamabad ~ Pakistan, District 3272 Rotary Club Roma Sud Est ~ Italy, District 2080

Justin Randall ~ Spain 2009 - 2010 Laura Kalb ~ Jordan 2010 - 2011 Beth Anne Martin ~ Chile 2011 - 2012 For Information on TRS Rotary: 623-326-7951

Michael Sherron ~ Japan 2007 Caitlin King ~ Scotland 2009 Larry Horton ~ Australia 2011 Stephanie Babb, Holly Brauer ~ Bangladesh 2013

Tempe Rio Salado

Rio Macaw Official Club Mascot


Meeting Minutes ~ October 8, 2015 Larry Horton, Corey Bruggeman, Ben Eubank, Patrick de Haan, Kent Hendricks, Geoff Pashkowski, Karen Ingersoll, and Rio Macaw PDG Phil Cordery, Rotary Club of Southern Districts in Western Australia Meeting called to order by President Geoff Pashkowski Ben Eubank Geoff Pashkowski Geoff, Karen, Kent, and Phil (who did 1-5)

1. Ben quickly deposed Geoff from moderating the rest of the meeting. 2. Ben played (many… some would say, too many) renditions of the Australian Nation Anthem… all with him singing them. And then proceeded to tell some really bad jokes. 3. Ben then presented Phil with the official Arizona State tie – the Bolo Tie. 4. Rio Macaw had a nice conversation with Phil, and told some fabulous jokes! 5. More presentations!

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to All Concerned? 3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendships? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to All Concerned? 5. Is it FUN?

Phil was presented with an official Santa Certificate which included photo ops. Of note: Santa said, “Let me introduce you to my selfiestick”. (Honest, I don’t make this stuff up!)

Phil presented the Club with a banner made by his club – our Sister club – the Rotary Club of Southern Districts. (Photo ops abound!)

6. (Back to business) The multi-club United Food Bank project will be taking place on Saturday, December 12th. Kent, Karen, and Corey will be participating from TRS. 7. The third installment of the Sonoita orphanage project, Steps of Love, will be taking place this weekend. Members from CXR, White Mountains Rotary, and other volunteers will be working to complete the yard area for the children. 8. As a result of attending the Young Professionals week at Berkeley, CXR President -Christina Ratto, has organized a multi-club, multi-district networking event – Emerging Leaders And Professionals Networking Event @ CO+HOOTS, Thursday, October 15, 6:00PM. All are welcome! Phil Cordery gave a truly awesome presentation on Western Australia. There so many things we could never imagine about that area… for instance, did you know that there are more camels (feral, by the way) in Western Australia than in Saudi Arabia? Here is a link to all the pictures Phil showed:

Phil arrives at Sky Harbor. Welcome to Arizona!

Larry took Phil North to visit the Grand Canyon.

Phil attended our meeting, met Rio Macaw, received an asteroid certificate, and was made an Honorary Santa Claus.

Phil presented us with a gift from the Rotary Club of Southern Districts.

860 kms. North of Perth and 430 kms. East of Carnarvon via Gascoyne Junction All access roads are gravel but are suitable for two wheel drives It is 35 Square miles in Area And over twice the size of Uluru [Ayers Rock] The main difference between the two Uluru is a monolith consisting of a single rock Mt Augustus is a monocline composed of Sandstone and Conglomerate on a granite base Mt Augustus has vegetation and wildlife [mainly Wallabies] Rising to 2400 feet high above a stony red sand plain Its main central ridge is approx. 4 miles long About the size of a domestic cat It has no fear of humans and is very approachable And was recently voted one of the happiest animals in the world Lives exclusively on Rottnest Island Apart from a small population on Bald Island near Albany Both these islands are free of feral cats and foxes It is a Marsupial from the macropod family [i.e. Kangaroos and Wallabies] Its main diet is flowering plants and vegetation First discovered by Dutch explorer William de Flamingh in 1696 he mistook them for For giant rats and named the island Rotte nest which in Dutch is rat nest Although very friendly animals they are highly protected and interference to the Quokkas can lead to hefty fines up to $2000 Australia's largest open cut mine 3 miles long and 1, 5 miles wide and 1800 feet deep It's about as deep as Uluru is high and has about the same circumference Once a series of small mines on the Kalgoorlie Golden mile KGM OF Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines converted it to open cut in 1989 It averages about 700,000 ounces of Gold Annually The Kalgoorlie Goldfields have produced over 50 million ounces of gold Set sail from the Netherlands in 1616 to Dutch East Indies [Indonesia] After leaving Cape Town at The Cape of Good Hope He set off across the Indian Ocean for Batavia [now known as Jakarta] Blown off course he made landfall on the 25 October and what is now known as Dirk Hartog Island. He spent three days exploring the coastline and nearby islands When he left he placed a pewter plate on a post 1616 25th October arrived the ship Eenracht of Amsterdam Set sail for Batavia 27 October Deputy Jan Stins Steersman Pieter Doordes in year 1616 81 years later early Explore William De Laming found the plate and replaced the post and plate Taking the original plate back to Amsterdam In 1818 French explorer Louis Frenhinyet discovered the plate and substituted a lead one He was shipwrecked in the Falkland Islands And the plate and other materials were transferred to another ship and taken to France After being lost for almost 100 years De Vlaminghs plate was discovered in a small room with other plates

After two world wars and many Australian lives lost in battle in France As a goodwill gesture the plate was returned to Australia in 1947 Dirk Hartogs original plate is in a museum in Amsterdam Have mainly black feathers with white flight feathers and a bright red bill And is most common in the wetlands of south Western Australia It is a highly nomadic bird with no migratory habits It was first seen by William de Flamingh while he was exploring WA in 1696 They have been introduced to various countries as an ornamental bird Yet many have escaped and formed stable populations One captive population in Lakelands Florida has produced some individuals with a light mottled grey color instead of Black Many locations in Perth have the name swan  The Swan River  The swan brewery  Sports teams  And even Rotary Clubs First arrived in 1840 and over the next 20 years another 12,000 arrived mainly from India and Palestine And with them came many Afghans Palestinians and Turks Modernization saw the camels released There is about 1, 2 million feral camels in Australia And the numbers are thought to be doubling every 10 /12 years They occupy an area of about 3.3 million Square km's A culling program by the federal Government from 2009 tO 2012 eradicated about 160, 000 And reduced the numbers to about 750, 000 But this has since stopped and numbers are increasing again Have very colorful fur mainly black brown grey white and red And lives on termites ants and small insects The numbat is a small sized marsupial And despite being a marsupial it doesn't have a pouch its body Due to its small size they are easy prey for foxes feral cats dingos and wild dogs And kookaburras who are a meat eating bird prey on the young ones There is only thought to be about 1500 surviving in the wild today Perth Zoo has a very successful breeding program and these are released back into the wild in protected areas Western Australia is easily Australia's largest State covering an area of 2.500 million square miles If it was a country on its own [and some of us think it is] It would be the 10 the largest country in the world just after Argentina in size The UK would fit in to WA just over 10 times And it is bigger than Texas California Montana New Mexico Nevada and Arizona all added together

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