Rio squawk 7 30 2015 final

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The Santa Claus Rotary Club

Founded 1905 1,200,000+ Members 34,000+ Clubs 200+ Countries

“Service above Self”

President K.R. Ravindran (Sri Lanka) Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith (USA) General Secretary John Hewko (Ukraine)


District Governor Sherry F. Mischel DG-Elect Tonya L. Watson DG Nominee James A. Erickson District Secretary Peg Glink District Treasurer Charles Holland District Foundation Audit Chair Terrill L. Cowan Polio Plus Rodney K. Daniels District Foundation Treasurer Joanne Kline District Grants Chair Donald A. LaBarge Micro Lending Coordinator Terrence M. Lubsen World Peace Fellows Chair Honora A. Norton Area 1 ~ John S. Thornton Jr. Area 2 ~ Anthony D. Finocchio Area 3 ~ Michael V. Maurer Area 4 ~ Nigel Brooks Area 5 ~ James N. Kame Area 7 ~ Rich Guin Area 8 ~ Debra L. Daniels Area 9 ~ Kara Schroeder Area 10 ~ LaVelle McCoy Area 11 ~ Dena Oppenheim

Geoff Pashkowski ~ President Karen Ingersoll ~ Secretary Larry Horton ~ Treasurer PDG Ben C. Eubank Guiding Rotarian

Our Christmas projects start in just four months, so start thinking about where we can get toys!

Stacey Avent Stephanie Babb Ronjon Bhattacharya Corey Bruggeman Jack Buckles Karen Buckles

Patrick de Haan Ben C. Eubank, PDG Dona Mae Eubank Freeman, Ronald J. Corey Harris, Kent Hendricks,

Silvia Herrera Larry Horton ~ IPP Karen Ingersoll BK Knappenberger James Lemmon Tim Lidster,

Geoffrey Pashkowski Christina Ratto Dave Ratto Lynsie Rigby-Scharpf Linda Searfoss Michael Sherron Sue E. Strebe Ralph Williamson

Rotary Club of Southern Districts ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Bentley Curtin ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Islamabad ~ Pakistan, District 3272 Rotary Club Roma Sud Est ~ Italy, District 2080

Justin Randall ~ Spain 2009 - 2010 Laura Kalb ~ Jordan 2010 - 2011 Beth Anne Martin ~ Chile 2011 - 2012 For Information on TRS Rotary: 623-326-7951

Michael Sherron ~ Japan 2007 Caitlin King ~ Scotland 2009 Larry Horton ~ Australia 2011 Stephanie Babb, Holly Brauer ~ Bangladesh 2013

Tempe Rio Salado CONTENTS

Meeting Minutes ~ July 30, 2015

Cover – Goals 2 Credits & Bulletin Board 3 Minutes 4 Hats off to Kent Hendricks 5-6 2015 Club RI Goals

Corey Bruggeman, Larry Horton, Kent Hendricks, Ben Eubank, Patrick de Haan, Karen Ingersoll Meeting called to order by Sub-Moderator, Corey Bruggeman Ben Eubank (Special blessings for us heathens) : Kent Hendricks : Everybody

6 Message from Shree 7-8 Rotarian Action Groups 9 New Squawk Masthead 10-11 Phils Phun 12 TRS Santa Claus Humor

1. Larry presented Karen with the official New Member Sponsorship Pin (for bringing in Andrea Mahnke). 2. Club Goals for 2015-2016 were reviewed, discussed, and changes made accordingly. (Attached) 3. Phil Corderoy’s visit in October was discussed. We talked about potential activities while he’s here, including hosting a dinner in his honor. Karen will find out his schedule so we know to consider jet-lag or not.

(We ran out of time to go around the table, but Kent had one to share.)  Kent purchased clothing for the school nurse (Laird Elementary School) to use for kids throughout the school year… made the donation in the name of Tempe Rio Salado Rotary. Hey, now that’s pretty cool! (Pictures on next page)  The rest of us took a vote and decided we’re all happy.

Kent purchased clothing for the school nurse (Laird Elementary School) to use for kids throughout the school year‌ made the donation in the name of Tempe Rio Salado Rotary.

1) Our club will verify that all membership data reported through My Rotary or our data integration service provider is accurate by checking the Members in a Club report in Rotary Club Central. 2) We will achieve a net gain in membership of at least one member. 3) We will achieve a net gain in female membership of at least one female member 4) We will improve the member retention rate by at least 1 percent from last year. 5) We will increase new member sponsors by at least 1 percent from last year.

1) The giving and recognition data for our club and club members will be recorded on the contribution and recognition reports available to club officers via My Rotary. 2) We will support our Foundation by contributing at least $20. 3) We will support EREY by attaining a minimum Annual Fund contribution of $100 per capita. 4) We will increase the total number of Paul Harris Fellows in the club by at least one.

1) All data for these goals will be automatically recorded when the actions are undertaken. 2) We will have at least 50 percent of club members registered in My Rotary. 3) We will post at least one initiative on Rotary Showcase. 4) We will maintain a project in need of assistance on Rotary Ideas or contribute to a project on Rotary Ideas. 5) We will have at least two club members participate in Discussion Groups on My Rotary.

1) We will sponsor a Rotary Community Corps to enhance community engagement and ensure project sustainability. The RCC will be certified with Rotary International. 2) We will ensure that at least one club member belongs to a Board-recognized Rotarian Action Group. 3) We will have at least one club member attend a grant management seminar. 4) We will have at least 75 percent of club members involved in hands-on project participation. 5) We will partner on a project with a corporate or government entity. 6) We will partner with at least five other Rotary clubs in your region.

1) Currently sponsor or co-sponsor a Rotaract club. 2) Currently sponsor a community-based Rotaract club. 3) Have at least three club members mentor a Rotaractor or Interactor. (Clubs must report in Rotary Club Central.)

1) We will become a Sister Club with at least one additional Rotary Club during the next year. 2) We will host a visit from an international Rotary Club within the next year.

Our Primary Club Goals 1) To always place Service above Self 2) To make Rotary Fun!

Happy Guru Purnima to my inspirers, motivators, instructors and all those who helped in making this life beautiful. Thank you for your support. ~ Feeling blessed. Shree Krishna Dhital

Guru Purnima is an Indian and Nepalese festival dedicated to spiritual and academic teachers. This festival is traditionally celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists, to pay their respects to their teachers and express their gratitude. The festival is celebrated on the full moon day in the Nepali month of Ashadha of the Shaka Samvat, which is the Nepali calendar known as Hindu calendar in Nepal and India.

What are:

- Did you know that Patrick belongs to two Rotarian Action Groups? One works for World Peace and the other protects Endangered Species (RAGES).

LINK HERE to go directly to the information in this story: ps_flier_en.pdf

“How do you like the new Rio Squawk masthead?”

Ben – “Halleluiah!!”

Corey – “AAAGGGHH!!”

Kent – “Help! The Sky is falling!!”

TRS likes it!

Larry – “Wow! Awesome, Dude!!”

Jack – “I’m inspired to become a District Governor!!”

CXR likes it!

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