Level 4 photoshoot

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Rebecca Mclean

Level 4 Photoshoot

Main aim of photo shoot I want to show the the effects of humans on the natural world and how we ha



Shutter speed range (secs)

Aperture range(f numbers)

MY CHOSEN THEME IS: The natural world, however, I would like to show human interaction with nature

MY PHOTOSHOOT IDEAS ARE: Literal idea: My idea is to capture images of the natural world and also how human activity has affecte Technical idea: I will use all different camera angles at different times of day to give different affects phasise my ideas. Symbolic idea: I want to show how humans have affected the environment. Cultural idea: This idea does not affect me directly, however, the urbanisation of the area means that i mans are also gradually destroying nature which may in turn affect me later in life. Photo shoot evaluation What was successful? What didn’t work and why? What needs to be changed for the reshoot?

Date of photo shoot

ave altered it to be more urban.




Light source

e and an element of how ‘unnatural’ it has become.

ed it. on the photographs. The different times of day will give different amounts of light and may help em-

it draws the attention away from what was originally there and the beauty of the natural world. Hu-

Contact Sheets

Aim of my photoshoot: I want to show the effects of humans on the natural world and how we have altered it to be more urban. Literal idea: My idea is to capture images of the natural world and also how human activity has affected it. Technical idea: I will use all different camera angles at different times of day to give different affects on the photographs. The different times of day will give different amounts of light and may help emphasise my ideas. Symbolic idea: I want to show how humans have affected the environment. Cultural idea: This idea does not affect me directly, however, the urbanisation of the area means that it draws the attention away from what was originally there and the beauty of the natural world. Humans are also gradually destroying


I walk along this man-made path Either said is Natural grass. And in my head I do the math: Soon development will start en masse. Sand and cement, motar and pricks Will plant the seeds for urbanisation. Sand and cement, motar and bricks Will plant the seeds for devastation. And memories of childhood play, Of running and jumping and rolling in grass Will be destroyed and I shall be in dismay, And all of this started from a manmade pass. https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2359714/1/Urbanisation



At the Preserve impressions left upon ground digging deep into the earth walk on the narrow path journey alone, deep in the woods warm air fills my lungs deep breath in and out dandelion and snakeroot tickle my nose and the ever present scent of pine is underneath on then first step over fallen log which has just begun to rot rest sip fresh water and have a protein bar up ahead lie two gardens-carefully planted one yields potatoes, one nectar a place for butterflies to dance walk by the stream then head past pavilion finally go towards the car dream and wait for another Saturday. Brittney Brannum


Breaking Th

g Through










To create these photographs I used photoshop and overlayed the two photos shown on the bottom left. I then further edited the photo on the left to create almost a vintage effect. My idea behind these photographs was contrasting between something natural and unnatural. The original thought I had when taking these was to have them side-by-side opposing one another, however, I did not think that it would do the photos (and the meaning) justice. I think that the photographs almost complement eachother when combined and show a clear difference between man-made objects and the nature that surrounds us everyday.


Natural vs.

. Unnatural

This mother Earth, Who gives us life; This mother Earth, Heart filled with strife, We love her not, Though love we should; Her death we plot, For life’s “own good”; She gave us air, and food, and home, That’s not enough we humans scream; With greedy lust our mouths do foam, With evil hopes our eyes do gleam; Her air we fill, With smoke and death; Ourselves we kill, For lack of breath; The sea once clean, Now choked with waste; To drink we fear, Will death make haste; The soil once pure, And full of life; Now barren sand, Of farmer’s strife; No longer she, Can stand our “love”; Now we must flee, Like scattered dove.



CColour O verlay olour Overlay

Colour Overlaying

Selective Color: Reds

Level 4

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