Level 8 Re-Shoots Rebecca Mclean
Main aim of photo shoot
The aim of my photoshoot is to use different techniques to portray world. I will use techniques such as camera angles to show the nat
Shutter speed range (secs)
Aperture range(f numbers)
MY CHOSEN THEME IS: The Natural World
MY PHOTOSHOOT IDEAS ARE: Literal idea: My idea is to capture photographs that represent human impact o the na Technical idea: I will use all different camera angles at different times of day to different amounts of light and may help emphasise my ideas.
Symbolic idea: I want to show how humans have affected thethe natural world in order
Cultural idea: This idea does not affect me directly, however, the urbanisation of t the beauty of the natural world. Humans are also gradually destroying nature which m
Photo shoot evaluation What was successful? I think that my photoshoot was indeed successful because different camera angles to emphasise that.
What didn’t work and why? In order to improve my photoshoot I could have phot location to further develop my work.
What needs to be changed for the reshoot? I will develop my work further by t for example.
Date of photo shoot
y the human impact on the natural tural world in a different light.
Light source
atural world. give different affects on the photographs. The different times of day will give
r to alter it to be their idea of ‘perfection’.
the area means that it draws the attention away from what was originally there and may in turn affect me later in life.
e I think I portrayed human impact much clearer and used techniques such as
tographed a wider rande of objects or done another photoshoot in a different
taking photographs in different lighting and at different times of the day,
Contact Sheets
Contact Sheets
My original idea behind these photographs was to show the grass breaking through the man made concrete. This suggests that nature is trying to combat and almost ‘take back’ what was originally there. However, I then decided to further develop my photo and encorporate the tyre of a car. to edit the photo I simply darkened the blacks and altered the shadows, decreased the vibrance and finally, increased the clarity. This gave the photo an almost rustic effect, I made sure that I kept the grass in vivid colour to put an emphasis on the contast between the natural and unnatural. F Number: 4.2 Shutter speed: 1/30 ISO:220 My original idea behind these photographs was to show the grass breaking through the man made concrete. This suggests that nature is trying to combat and almost ‘take back’ what was originally there. However, I then decided to further develop my photo and encorporate the tyre of a car. to edit the photo I simply darkened the blacks and altered the shadows, decreased the vibrance and finally, increased the clarity. This gave the photo an almost rustic effect, I made sure that I kept the grass in vivid colour to put an emphasis on the contast between the natural and unnatural. F Number: 4.2 Shutter speed: 1/30 ISO:220
When doing my level 8 photoshoot I came across some chopped down wood in a forest. I think that this shows the clear effect of human impact on the natural world and represents athe contrast between natural and unnatural. This is emphasised by the fact it is such a natural object that has been destroyed and then placed and left in its original enfironmentthe forest.
Human Impact
Presented here are photographs of roots of a tree breaking through the man made concrete. Over time, the roots have began to crack the concrete in order to come to the surface. These photograohs represent a clear contrast between natural and unnatural, rural and urban.
Although this photograph may look as if it were created just to be aesthetically pleasing at first glace, it shows the natural world and how it has been altered to meet our needs and to fit in with our idea of ‘perfection’. The pathway, concrete and the fence have been forced into the environment in order to make our lives easier but at the cost of the natural world, which often goes unnoticed.
In the centre of the Virginia Waters Lake is a man made object which obscures the view of the famous lake. Although this is not direct human impact, it shows the natural world being altered by humans in order to meet our requirements and help to beenfit us. However, the impact on nature is often discarded and forgotten about which will in turn alter our future and that of the rural environments left.
In the centre of the Virginia Waters Lake is a man made object which obscures the view of the famous lake. Although this is not direct human impact, it shows the natural world being altered by humans in order to meet our requirements and help to beenfit us. However, the impact on nature is often discarded and forgotten about which will in turn alter our future and that of the rural environments left.
OverlayingPhotos To overlay these photographs I used photoshop. I started by editing both of the images and making them black and white. I then followed by coppying and pasting the footprints photograph over the other and changed the opacity to 35% which helped to blend them together. However I then wanted to create a more subtle blend between them both in which I did by selecting the ‘normal’ effect. I could possibly use this technique in my final piece to combine two photos.
Level 8 Re-Shoots