Level 9 Possible Ideas
P o s s i b l e Idea 1
My first possible idea for my final piece is to take a photo that I took in my Level 8 photoshoot, duplicate is and horizontally flip it so that the image is mirrored. I would then edit another photo from Level 8 to make it black and white as well to create a similar effect running through. To link the two photographs together I will use photoshop to combine the first and second photographs together by overlaying them. To futher make this section of the piece even more unnaturallooking, I will invert it.
There are many different ways in which I could display this possible idea for my final piece, however, I would like to show a clear gradient from one photograph to the other. The layout in my possible idea will be as shown on the left with the first photograph showing the ‘natural’, the middle photograph showing ‘natural Vs. unnatural’ and the bottom one representing mostly the unnatural, man made side of the piece. I have chosen to use three white frames, one placed below the other, to display my final piece as white will not take away from the actual photographs themselves. My ideas and the meaning behind it is that almost nothing nowadays is as ‘natural’ as everyone thinks. For example, at first glance most people will not notice that almost everything in the ‘natural’photograph is actually man made or has been altered to fit in with the human idea of ‘perfection’. By having a gradient of one photo merging into another, it could represent the change from rural to urbanisation, natural to unnatural which will therefore emphasise my original idea and theme which is human impact on the natrual world.
PossibleIdea 1 : PossibleEdits Using photoshop I have came up with three possible outcomes that I could use as the second ‘merged’ photo of my final piece. the effects that I chose were Subtract, Difference and
I chose these three effects as I think that athey complement the photos the best and seem to be the most effective in terms of showing almost every part of the photo even though it has been inverted.
C o l o u r B u r n
are more possible edits that
use for the second photo of my final piece.
overlayed the same photographs as shown
feel that
rather than mirroring it as
it took away from the overall effect.
P o s s i b l e
I d e a 2 :
Explaination This is my second possible idea. To do this I overlayed the two photographs shown below on photoshop. I started by overlaying the two photographs and inverting one of them. I then used the erasor tool in order to just have the footprints on the pathway showing to represent the human impact on the natural world. I like this idea because he idea of the human impact is really represented here as the footprints are shown in what seems to be a ‘natural’ setting. If I were to use this idea for my final piece I would perfect it by neatening up the edges and changing the exposure and brightness etc.
P o s s i b l e I d e a
My third possible idea is to use different photosho make it unnatural. For example, I could use filte above. I used the photograph that I had edited in make the mage even more unnatural.
p techniques in order to distort the image and rs and invert the photograph as I have shown the previous idea and further developed it to
P o s s i b l e I d e a y third possible idea is to use different photosh ake it unnatural. For example, I could use filt bove. I used the photograph that I had edited in ake the mage even more unnatural.
op techniques in order to distort the image and ers and invert the photograph as I have shown the previous idea and further developed it to
Possible Idea
3: Development
My fourth possible idea is to have three horizontal photographs situated one on top of the other. I have created the three photographs that I would use. I did these effects by using photoshop and techniques such as giving the photograoh glowing edges within the filter gallery. I also overlayed photos and coloured different parts of the photo using blending options- red and cyan, for example. To create different effects I adjusted the brightness, contrast, shadows, highlights, clarity etc. to achieve the look that I wanted. I have chosen to do these digital edits as I thikn that they represent human impact on the natural world, which is my theme. In order to further develop my photographs I could use manual techniques such as stitching and scratching which could emphasise how destructive humans are within the natural world.
Photo 1
The reasoning behind this edit is to show the contrastbetween the trees that are alive and the ones in the centre that have been chopped down and left. The destruction caused by humans often goes unnoticed so I felt it was necessary to show this throughout my work.
Photo 2
The reasoning behind this edit is to , again, show the contrast between natural and unnatural. The grass has not only broken through the surrounding concrete, but also has a man-made car tyre behind it. This edit “glowing edges� makes the colours vivid as well as emphasising the lines and shapes within the photograph itself.
Photo 3
The reasoning behind this edit is to clearly show human impact. The footprints represent the damage and destruction that humans leave on the natural world every day which is emphasised by the contrast between the colours of the footprints and the sand in the background.
I have chosen to use possible idea 4 as I think thatit represents my theme of human impact the most effectively. Each photograph that I have chosen to use has a specific meaning behind it and was chosen out of many others. For exmaple, photo 1 represents how humans are destructive upon the natural world by having a cotrast between living trees and ones that have been carelessly chopped downand left for no reason. Photo 2 also shows a contrast but between natural things (grass) and unnatural things (cars, tyre and concrete) and how humans have adapted nature and the natural world to create their own idea of perfection and to make their own lives easier without reviewing the negative effects that their actions may have. Finaly, photo 3. This photo represents the mark that people leave on the world (again, without realising) which could include things like pollution, CO2 footprint etc. I think that these three photos together will show a strong overall representation of my theme throughout my work.
Level 9 PossibleIdeas