When it comes to your business it is important you keep everything in order. The tax department can call an audit at anytime. Many businesses have been so caught up in the daily running operations of the business they have not paid attention to smaller matters, like GST.
If you are registered for GST there are compliances you must observe and overlooking these seemingly “less important” tasks may actually end up being the demise of your business.
The tax department is an organisation, so the heartfelt pleading you do on the phone everyday to try and sort it out is not going to cut it. Therefore, I strongly advise you keep your housekeeping procedures spic and span. Many clients run into problems with GST, no compliance and with no way of dealing with the tax department handball the negotiations to Rushford Matheson Advisory Robert Rushford heads up the team working with a strong complement of advisers, each an expert in his respective field. Tax issues are complex and the rules change regularly - it is impossible for the business owner to keep abreast of these constant changes, making it important your business has professional advice on hand.
Robert Rushford works with clients to streamline their business operations. The structure of a business is essential - and decisions around whether a business operates as a sole trader, partnership, Pty Ltd or a publicly listed company, will determine the structure of everything else in the business and how the “paperwork” is handled.
The businesses that spend the extra time to sort out the business compliance issues around their respective operations are usually the ones that survive the tough job of running and operating a successful company.
Want to know more? Robert Rushford
ABN 86 538 848 780
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