I have long been a fan of living “off the grid”. By this I don’t mean I want to live in complete isolation, with no running water, power or ride on mower, but I do want to wake up to the sound of the birds in the morning and at night see a sky filled with stars, those living in the city don’t know exist.
Unfortunately, as Melbourne grows and land is subdivided at an alarming rate the Robert Rushfords of the world are finding they need to move further out. This is the price of living with space around me. The price is driving for longer periods to get to work and paying more for the privilege of living in the “bush”. It is not crazy that the new “worker” is turning to working at home and saving the “commute” to and from work. For those of us lucky enough to do this the advantages are amazing. Imagine - waking at 7, instead of 5 to get to work by 8.30. Breakfast on the run? No - these days I can take my time. I can put in 3 hours of work before I get to the office and miss all the peak hour traffic, which can turn my commute into 2 hours instead of 1.
The internet and the technology of today - has changed us for the good and the bad. Those born after the year 2000 cannot comprehend life without mobile phones, Ipads, computers and all the other wonderful gadgets that have emerged in such a seemingly short time.
Each generation has its own experiences - and I wonder if the future generations will experience the wonder and excitement of living away from the “inner suburban” hustle and bustle. Living with the chickens, the dogs, the cats, the ducks and hearing the wind whistling through the house during Melbourne’s cold winters makes me count my blessings I am a man of my generation.
Want to know more? Robert Rushford
ABN 86 538 848 780
Kindred Studios Level 1/3 Harris Street Yarraville 3013 Telephone : 1300 090 261 Email :