MARCH 2010
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Welcome... I recently had the privilege to see the blockbuster ‘Avatar’. Now there has been an enormous amount of hype around this movie - reviews good and bad, volumes about its technological expertise, and even the back story of producer James Cameron’s up-coming battle at the Oscars with his ex-wife. Well forget all of that for a moment. Whatever else it is, this movie is a beautiful story about the universe of harmony, and our connectedness to everything and everyone. Even if you’re not a particular fan of fantasy stories, this film expresses that mysterious and magical energy field, of which we are all a part. It expresses in images the experience of ‘Oneness’ - something we all seek, and the magical way in which we can discover that connectedness all around us if we choose to ‘see’. If you haven’t already seen it, it certainly has more to offer than a technologically brilliant science fiction adventure.
‘I have met the most amazing people on my journey I have gone through great healing, I have forgiven those who have hurt me - something I thought I would never do. I have grown on a soul level and even changed my perspective on the world. I see things clearer now even those things that are not obvious to see on the surface. I have become more in touch with nature and have learned to appreciate the sma$ things that pass us by unrecognised.’ ‘...when a strange sensation came over me, I felt lighter, a warm glow filled my soul, then words were all around me – Love is the most powerful thing in the universe... I felt I was on a movie set – the lights, the sky was in the kitchen. It was all a soft yellow glow all around me, an explosion of light, warming my heart, my head was floating with all these words coming at me from I don’t know where. This knowledge, grand old trees are wise – they also know about the meaning of love. Powerful, it was so powerful it filled my entire being with love and happiness.’
Have you read something Please send us your recently, or seen a film that had a contributions! You too can win a particular impact on you? Please free reading. Email me at: write in to us and offer your perspectives. I personally find stories a very powerful medium with or via ‘snail mail’ to: which to understand myself and my experiences. We will be offering a Cathy Cox FREE READING again this month, Caladh if we publish your letter! Kensaleyre Finally, THANK YOU to those Isle of Skye IV51 9XE clients who have written in to us this past month with your psychic experiences. This month, two of our Have a marvelous March! clients will each receive a free 20 minute reading with one of our Senior readers - this is valued at £40.00. Congratulations to Rhonda and Beatrix.
MARCH 2010
Contributors GAYE WRIGHT
Origin Psychics Founder & Lead Psychic
Origin Psychics Senior Reader & Psychic Life Coach BEDE NICHOLSON
Origin Psychics Senior Reader & Relationship Expert CATHY COX
Origin Psychics Senior Reader & Change Expert KIM THOMAS
Origin Educere Centre Retreat Assistant
UK 0844 704 5868
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MARCH 2010
March Madness is a term that has been around for a long time to describe that feeling of being cooped up in the house too long and what that might lead you to do. Personally, I feel entitled to be mad at any time of the year if that is what takes my fancy. But hey, it's March, and perhaps there is a little extra help coming our way to express ourselves in an o%eat and unconventional way, and get away with it! Of course, no one is talking about being completely off the planet, or doing something that puts you or others at risk. Let's start with thinking out of the box. That might be as mad as you need to be in order to experience a little bit of March Madness. But for me, I want the full Mad March Hare experience! So what is it to be? Are we together in this? Are we going to think out of the box as starters and then move onto the main menu? Is this getting too weird? But remember, we haven't done anything yet! Sometimes just thinking about thinking out of the box can be scary. You might be remembering an instance in your life where you did think out of the box and paid for it. It was probably a time when your feelings were deep enough about something or someone to carry you through into action. Maybe your action lead to a very different outcome to what you had expected or planned. That might have been enough to convince you of the common sense of staying within the prescribed boundaries. But on the other hand, there might also be something still gnawing at you that you were right to do what you did. You might have taken a risk, been a bit of a Mad March Hare. But you followed some deeper knowing, a gut feeling, an intuition, whatever you call that inner voice. If anything is cooped up inside us, it's that inner voice. So this March, how are you going to let the Mad March Hare loose? It has to be something that means something. You can't let the hare loose just for the sake of winning against a slow tortoise. That might fall in your face. Be real. There must be something that you UK 0844 704 5868
consider worth the effort of thinking differently. When was the last time you wished you had taken a different perspective, thought out of the box, made a move that you intuitively thought was the right thing to do? At what stage of the process did your courage wane? There is usually a stage we get to where we have a choice. For some of us, it is when we think about what other people are going to think about what we are doing. Does that sound convoluted? It usually is, especially when we are getting confused about our choices and where they are leading us. We want to keep going, to test ourselves out, to see whether or not we have enough madness to follow through to a different conclusion. Sometimes we don't make it the first time around. It takes practice, and time.
Be confident that you can change. Change is a natural. Whether we like it or not, change happens, and change happens to us, along with everyone else on the planet. But look on the bright side. When you start to think outside the box, you are linking into the flow of change. The box you have been living in, guarding, and defending, is outside the flow of change. So the issue is to get back into the flow and get with it. This is what March Madness is about. So what will it be? How can you turn the March hare loose this month and get outside your everyday mind into the thinking world where change is good, change is healthy, and change will bring you more happiness than you thought possible. Until next month, take care.
USA 1877 878 3868
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MARCH 2010
Is he ‘Mr Right’ or ‘Mr Good Enough? by Bede Nicholson BA, Senior Origin Psychic I recently read a very interesting article in ‘The Guardian’ which profiled controversial relationship commentator Lori Gottlieb. The two basic premises of her arguments have outraged many feminists and relationship experts – Firstly, she argues that women don’t want to be single. The idea of the single, happily independent woman is a modern feminist myth. All women really want to do is get married. Secondly, get married while you can while in your twenties and thirties even if the man isn’t your ideal match because you will end up regretting it! You don’t ‘deserve’ to find your ‘ideal man’ and it’s likely that you won’t end up getting it. Gottlieb is of course talking from personal experience. A single mother in her early forties she confesses to running away from relationships in her younger years. She found a whole host of reasons to do so. Either he wasn’t intellectual enough, or ‘cool’ enough or there wasn’t the chemistry there. Either way Gottlieb’s message is unequivocal ‘My advice is this: settle! That’s right. Don’t worry about passion or intense connection. Don’t nix a guy based on his annoying habit of yelling ‘bravo’ in movie theatres. Overlook his halitosis or abysmal sense of aesthetics. Because if you want the infrastructure in place to have a family, settling is the way to go.’ For Gottlieb, qualities like ‘kindness, compassion and readiness to commit’ are far more important in finding the right match. Upon reading this article I couldn’t help but reflect on the many thousands of relationship readings I have done over the years, and to ask the question – Are women unhappy being single and do women expect too much? An often asked question in my psychic readings is ‘is he the one?’ or ‘is he my soul mate?’ There is an almost religious faith in the ideal of a soul mate. The idea of one person who encapsulates everything we are looking for in a relationship - A man who gives you that special feeling of being in love and being loved. Yet, UK 0844 704 5868
what happens when that man doesn’t come along or that man you think is your soul mate finds another woman? Do you keep on waiting and hoping or do you accept that perhaps it just is not meant to be? For many women, this can feel like accepting second best and no person likes to have a ‘second best’ life long relationship. I agree with Gottlieb that women (and men in many cases) have unrealistic expectations of the ‘right’ relationship. No one will say they are looking for perfection in their partner, but there is no doubt that many women are looking for that intense romantic connection, and that we have a belief that compatibility follows chemistry. Yet, can we really trust a chemical reaction? I have lost count of how many readings I do for women who find themselves attracted to passionate yet hopelessly dysfunctional relationships, and who at the same time, turn down perfectly good men who could provide a meaningful and productive relationship. The ideal is of course to have chemistry and compatibility, but to what extent do we end up confusing the two things? There are problems with Gottlieb’s arguments however. Gottlieb still argues in terms of first and
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second best. It demonstrates the fact that she herself is still stuck in the mindset which she is trying to reject. For me, it is not a question of accepting second best, but rejecting the whole belief in the ‘relationship ideal.’ There is a fundamental difference between a person who goes into a relationship with the belief that you are accepting ‘second best’ as against a person who goes into a relationship recognizing that they place more importance on a healthy, loving relationship than the romantic big bang. The former accepts second best because of a fear that they will be left with nothing, and that they might as well accept what they can get. The latter goes into a relationship because they have emotionally matured and recognize that there are more important things in life than the initial passion of romance. I have done many readings with women who accepted the ‘second best’ and in many cases they find themselves at some point looking outside the relationship and often full of regret for perceived missed opportunities. They still believe that there is the ‘one’ waiting for them, but simply feel they have missed the boat. In contrast, readings I have done with women who may not have been looking for their
soul mate but instead simply met someone who they enjoyed spending time with and felt a good bond of friendship have been much more successful in creating a lasting relationship. From this perspective the whole question stops being about ‘finding the right man’ and develops into a question of our emotional maturity and development. Are you still stuck in adolescent romantic fantasies or have you come to accept the reality of a real relationship? Many people do not want to look inside themselves and face their own insecurities and lack of confidence, and therefore look for another to complete them, and make them feel special. When we come from this perspective, we are doomed to find relationships ultimately dissatisfying because no person can ever make us feel good about ourselves for a long period of time. In this mindset, every relationship will always feel like second best. The only answer is to look more deeply inside ourselves and take responsibility for our own happiness. When we do this, relationships stop being about the right or wrong man and start being about fostering all sorts of relationships that help us to reach our goals and aspirations.
ʻBede Nicholson is well known to our clients as a relationship expert and his reputation is deserved! Bede has been working with me for the past 10 years and has grown into one of our lineʼs top requested psychics. Bede is very sensitive to relationship patterns and can easily pick up on the emotional issues that sabotage you from achieving your goals in life - whether they be work, love or happiness.ʼ Gaye Wright - Origin Psychics Founder UK 0844 704 5868
‘Bede was able to immediately able to link
in and describe my feelings at the current time. I felt like a$ the stuff going on in my head was being spoken back to me. The accuracy rea$y blew me away, and his caring manner helped make this process a lot easier. The reading rea$y helped me to face up to a lot of things about my behavour and how much of a victim I had become. He helped me to take charge of my feelings and my relationship.’ Jenny, USA
USA 1877 878 3868
AUS 1800 333 007
MARCH 2010
The most important story you can read... by Michelle Walter, Senior Origin Psychic In Africa, the Ugandan women sing their story, they sing for their child soldiers to come home, they sing that they are forgiven, they they are loved, that they are welcome. The aboriginal people are building their healing journey around telling their stories. Firstly to one another, realizing their story is a shared story, other people, their brothers, their sisters, their uncles have similar stories. They are not alone. So what is your story? It may not seem you have one. Western civilization, in celebrating individualism, leads us to conclude that our story is a lonely one. It does not matter to anyone else, it is an isolated story containing one character. Yet we continually reach out through TV, books, films and song to discover the parts of our secret selves that can be expressed through others. Your favourite films are the ones in which you can identify with the characters. The ones that ‘play out’ your drama. I know for myself as a psychic counsellor, it is the aspects of the client’s story that I can feel and relate to from my own experience that forms the basis of the healing bond. It can be both horrifying and fascinating to see your story from the eyes of other people. When trust is missing, this can become an exercise in paranoia “This person hates me”, “You think I am obsessed”, “Everyone thinks it is my fault”. When you isolate yourself and stop listening to what other people are saying you can move into ‘un-reality’, “Even though he doesn’t say it, I know he loves me”, “Everyone is jealous of my success”, in short, it becomes ‘all about you’.
UK 0844 704 5868
These imbalances are easy to fall into, especially in a society where we don’t often talk heart to heart. Many people do not feel safe to reveal openly what is in their hearts. Maybe you have been betrayed, or misunderstood, once too often and now you need to protect yourself. Maybe you simply don’t know the words, no one has ever listened and you feel there is no story to tell. Your story is not a biography, listing the various events and changes that have occurred in your life. Your story is the picture you have built of the world and of yourself and how you came to build that picture. The sense you have of yourself and the world is crucial to how you live now and the choices you make for your future.
What is missing from your story? A father figure? Love and recognition? Friendships? Health? Confidence? Where are the holes in your story? What are the plot lines that don’t make sense? The relationships that ended mysteriously and left you confounded? The failures you experienced and simply took on board as a lack of ability? The bad things that happened that you could never
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understand, and so you simply blamed yourself ? The bits of your story you blame on others? Focus on one or two of these ‘plot holes’ and describe them as a reporter would, objectively in third person, including all the details you can remember. Switch your point of view… Now take a point of view of someone else in your life. It could be a lover, parent, sibling or friend. Another person who was present during an important plot hole. Someone that may have something to say that is different to what you might say. Write the story again in their voice Finding your voice Everyone has a voice. A true and wise voice that can see the whole picture. This is the deeper aspect of your mind, the part that dreams, gives you insights and guides your decisions. The part that goes ‘Aha’ when you realize something new, and says ‘Yes!’ when you know you are on the right track. Some people call it intuition, others ‘the higher self ’, ‘inner guide’, ‘gut feelings’ - you get my drift. You might think you are following and listening to this voice in your mind, but often you are listening to other voices. I am not
suggesting you are schizophrenic, but very few of us are completely integrated with a unified sense of identity that is present on a consistent basis. For example, the person you are at work is often quite different to the party animal you are when you are at the pub or the emotional wreck you can be in relationships at times! These are all different colours of your kaleidoscopic self. 3rd Person Often in difficult periods of our life, we need help to access the right voice to listen to and sometimes that help is not available. I am sure you have all had the experience of hearing a distressed friend give a very distorted view of events, coloured by their pain or fear. This is why it is important to share your story. In the sharing of your story, you can find the ‘third person’ point of view! Which is the view from others who are compassionate and supportive of you. Somewhere amongst all these different view points, you can arrive at a much broader view of your personal truth. Understanding and seeing your story in a new light is the key to creating a new story for yourself one that contains the elements you want in your life.
What others have said about Michelle... “Thank you for all your support over these past 4 years. Your insights have provided unique and valuable wisdom that has allowed me to grow and understand myself. Particularly outstanding has been your guidance on building loving, quality relationships with others, of which the results have added enormous quality to my life…..” Christina, England I feel you have become a friend whom I can call any time when my soul and heart ache and I know you will restore my spirits and cheer me up and so far all you have been able to see and perceive has been uncannily accurate and has helped me a lot in keeping “things” in perspective and context. Nicole, England Michelle Walter MA, BA (Psych)
Relationship Expert
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Origin Psychics’
MARCH SPECIAL OFFERS 20 Minute Reading Discounts... UK
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Each Special Offer available once per client during March 2010 UK 0844 704 5868
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MARCH 2010
Welcome to the Educere Centre! by Rod Nicholson, Founder & Managing Director Our first guests have now enjoyed the experience of the Educere Centre on the Isle of Skye. We have already had very encouraging feedback and we are only just beginning. I hope more and more of you will become our guests on the beautiful Isle of Skye.
being. The information we acquire from schooling is just a little blip, however qualified we become, in comparison to the wisdom and real knowledge that lies within ourselves.
When you have this understanding of education then it is a never ending process in our life and a We have this period of time in our life when we go to wonderful journey into the universe within ourselves. It school and maybe to university. It is called our is a journey that involves our education. We ask questions feelings and intuition and like, " Where were you our thinking mind has only a educated?" " Where did you part to play. This is why go to school?" "What was Caladh on the Isle of Skye is your university?" "What such a wonderful place to go degree did you do?" The in order to deepen our own answer to these questions educational process. It is are often markers of self one of the most beautiful regard and according to places in the world and how we can answer we feel above all there is a magic to good about ourself or often the land and the sea that rather shame faced. What resonates with our being we consider our education and brings forth from within has a significant role to play us deep and strong feelings. in outward self esteem in our society. I have experienced it personally many times. I have just spent a couple of months in China. I am looking The truth is that it is a pretty shallow way of judging forward in the very near future to returning to Skye and or assessing someone. I have been a teacher all my life feeling the land, the sky and the sea. I will let the silence ending up as principal of a large secondary school. I have taught all kinds of children. I have employed people with and solitude of Skye to penetrate into my bones, to relax my body and feel my Oneness with the universe. It is a all kinds of qualifications. One of the things that I have done in my mind as I have gone through life is to draw a very healing experience. clear distinction between schooling and education. I have met and taught quite a few men and women who I hope that some of you will be able to come along have gone to the highest reaches of our schooling system and enjoy the experience with me. You are all welcome getting themselves a doctorate in medicine, science or to share and help me on my educational journey through some other discipline. They have had the top schooling the universe which is unending, mysterious, enchanting but have they been educated? and very enjoyable. I like to believe that my university is the universe. The Educere Centre is about education in the real meaning of the word. How do we draw forth from ourselves our own knowledge of the universe, which lies within us to an infinite capacity. We are all one with the universe and the resources of the universe are part of our
For information about our personalized retreats and seminars, free call
0800 389 5781 Or email
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MARCH 2010
of Wilderness...
We have had the most beautiful entries in our ‘Magic of Wilderness’ Competition - we couldn’t actually fit them all into this edition of our magazine! So there will be more appearing next month. For now, I can announce that Julia Bond is the winner of our ‘Magic of Wilderness’ Competition! She will receive a weekend’s personalized retreat at the Origin Educere Centre on the magical Isle of Skye. We’ve received so many wonderful entries that it was very difficult for our judges to decide. Thank you to ALL of our contestants, and congratulations to Julia! I feel privileged that I’ve felt the magic of wilderness. For a number of years, I lived in a small village on the river Wye in Wales. The village has a magnificent backdrop of the beautiful Black Mountains. The are called the Black Mountains, but to me, they always seemed to be changing to shades of blue and green. A dark inky blue with sparkling white snow covered tops in winter and soft patches of green covering the slopes in the Spring. I gradually learned to appreciate the river in all seasons and weathers. It is wide and deep and dark, hypnotic and at times, silky and seductive. Powerful with strong currents, eroding the river banks and the adjoining fields, changing the landscape slowly but relentlessly over many years. There are a few places where it becomes shallow, playful and enticing. The water runs quickly over the bed to rejoin the flow of the main course. It murmurs as it bubbles over the stones. When I was troubled I would often gravitate to the same wild places. The tall ancient gnarled trees were steadfast and stable with shelter under the large boughs and laps to sit on in the roots. The young willows - their branches flexing in the breeze and leaves rippling. I could feel the surge of the river and UK 0844 704 5868
the timelessness of the mountains looking down and encompassing me. I felt a connection to something old and enduring. I struggled to recognize it and put a name to it, but I knew it was there surrounding me, healing me and lifting me. I had found a magic spirituality and I could walk to it from my own front door. I could rely on it in good weather or bad, stormy or sunshine to tease me away from the small thoughts that limit. I was able to bring clarity to my thoughts that I could not find any where else. I had found a spiritual strength that would help to carry me forward. I could see ahead, there was a future for me. I felt the much needed confidence I’d lacked that would enable me to make life decisions. Sitting on the river’s bank, I would sometimes be astonished to find that only a few minutes had passed when it seemed like much longer. At other times,when I felt as though I had only just arrived, to my amazement, an hour or so had passed. Watching the wildlife and barely moving, I was becoming part of the landscape and the magic.
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I have returned to the river and the mountains many times and am always grateful to find a spiritual joy and strength there. Whether I am teased and patiently cajoled to a better place or there is an explosive connection that takes me by surprise, I feel blessed. I have learnt to be able to take a small part of the joy with me. I have come away stronger, enriched and comforted by the wisdom and the magic wildness and the spirits that I have met in magical wilderness places.
water river in Wales in December in the snow or walking alone through the foothills of the Himalayas in Monsoon. However, I do find one commonality in each experience and that is the spontaneity of the emotion. My reaction is not something that I think my way to, or consciously feel my way towards. It is not something that I have analyzed, wished for or denied. It is untouched by my ego, my need and my fear. It just is. And somewhere in that ‘just isness’ I find purity. And in that purity I find reverence. Maybe it is this sense of gratitude I find in the wilderness that has an instant meditative effect on me. When I just observe like this, beyond analysis, my perspective becomes clearer as if my senses have become purified. I see the brilliance in colour, whether it be the bright white of a cloud or even the dull grey of a winters evening. I hear the noises of nature as crisp and loud, almost penetrating, as if they are shooting through me, be it birdsong or rushing water or the rustle of leaves. I feel open and expansive, rejuvenated and alive.
Our runners up...
The wilderness is often vast and deeply beautiful, it can be overpowering and overwhelming, it can be too big, too scary, too open and at times too magical.
Emma Stacey wins second prize of a free 30 minute reading with one of our Senior Team, valued at £60!
You may experience emotions you may not be used to, that you don’t know how to describe, maybe emotions that feel bigger than you are. And that is where I believe the wilderness has its own alchemy; through the expansion of the heart. Whatever I feel, however raw, has an innate honesty to it and at those times I feel as if I am sat deeply within my skin. That is the magic of the wilderness to me.
I have voiced many a cliché trying to describe the experience of this wilderness scene and I have never come to what I feel is satisfactorily just. The descriptions of ‘awe’ and ‘wonder’ have often come to mind and yet I feel that those words in themselves feel like small children trying to explain pain to an adult – as if they are not yet fully mature enough to encompass the different layers of emotion I am seeking. In trying to describe my experience of any area of wilderness and its effect on me I have come to realize that it is not only and obviously deeply personal, triggered by our histories, perspectives and layers of emotion but also unique. When I try to go beyond the obviousness of ‘awe’ and ‘wonder’ I find that one wilderness scene never triggers the exact same set of emotions in me as another be it canoeing down a white UK 0844 704 5868
And it has the ability to re-ignite those feelings whenever I look at a picture of the same scene. It is as if it self-medicating. For that one moment, that second or third glimpse, self doubt is rubbed away and pain is eased as I experience emotion beyond my current circumstances. Over the years I have come to truly believe that nature really does have the ability to heal the heart because it speaks to it in such a pure manner. One in which we, as human beings, often have trouble in doing so ourselves.
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would try and wait for another to appear if their was just one, being of a superstitious nature. From that moment on my senses were heightened, i just knew. It wasn't a coincidence, we had a special bond between us and shared some of our precious time in a special place, in the wilderness together. In memory of Jacqueline Rose.
The following entries have each won a pack of our meditation CDs - ‘Reflections on Light’, and ‘Friends & Lovers’, by Gaye Wright. From Fiona Rowbotham:
Sacha Marran wins a prize of a free 20 minute reading with one of our Senior Team, valued at £40! The magic of wilderness brought for my dog and me some very memorable times walking together on a large quiet estate of land. In its stillness it brought me peace at a time of sadness and the added benefits of seeing my very content but frail and happy dog enjoying her last few months. To make it extra special, we would normally go when the sun was coming up. No one else around but the sound of the birds and the rustling of the trees. These were very precious moments that I will always treasure and remember. Sadly I had to say goodbye to my dear friend recently as her hind legs could no longer hold her anymore. The following weekend I summoned up the courage to do our usual walk in memory of my friend and to comfort myself from the loss. The sun was going down and the light was as radiant as ever. I walked our normal trail and imagined her beside me sniffing the lush green grass. Ahead of me was the remains of a dead old tree trunk we would often walk to. On the ground below lay scattered some interesting pieces of old bark and branches. I stood quietly contemplating choosing a piece of branch in which to carve a momentum out of. To my astonishment, a white owl swooped down from the top of the tree trunk in front of me and I watched as it flew into the distance. I then heard the sound of a magpie and saw that their were in fact two sat in the hedge. I felt emotional yet happy at the same time as I new this was a sign, Jackie's presence in spirit was with me. I always had a thing about seeing magpies on our walks and UK 0844 704 5868
Wilderness: To some people this conjures up an image of a fruitless, barren land to others this takes the shape of peace and tranquillity, for me, it is an area in my mind, where thoughts are allowed to drift in and out of their hiding place. It is an area where I take stock, on a daily basis, where all my values and beliefs are crammed in, it is an area where even i only dare go from time to time. When I go into my own personal wilderness, I like what I see and hear. I am in touch with the very being of my soul, life’s thread. People who have held meaning to me in their life, but have since passed on are all there,talking to me, advising me in a coherent orderly fashion. They talk I listen. In the wilderness you are never alone or isolated. The calmness experienced replaces the madness and mayhem we know as everyday life and existence. Spiritually it is a release, a place where anything goes, an area of deep privacy. I go there to recharge my batteries, to speak to people who have passed on to another universe. It is a void in my mind where I am free to explore at my will. Wilderness is a platform to base and store all life’s treasures, the things which are important to us as human beings: love ,consideration,compassion and above all forgiveness. Plant seeds in your own wilderness, name them and watch them grow into a landscape. Allow the soft rains to water and nourish them,allow the golden globe, we call the sun, warm and feed them and watch as they spring and sprout forth producing a beautiful land. Do not let bad feeling taint this karmic haven,allow yourself the time and space to appreciate its splendour. Listen to the stillness, for there is no
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MARCH 2010
other sound on earth like it. It is Gods creation,His gift to man-kind. Blessed are the people who have found their own wilderness and made something of it,not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of others. In your own personal wilderness you will find peace, love and harmony. From Roger Phillips: The wilderness can indeed be magic, but for many in this world it still conjures up a place of mystery and danger. It is often seen, by our modern fragile standards as unexplained yet frighteningly beautiful, somewhere to go, but not to stay. It is a place that is unfamiliar and unwelcoming in its stillness and in the consequent solitude. So mysterious is this vision of the wilderness, that it can describe a non – physical state of awareness, of being “lost in the wilderness”. It is a place that encompasses us all at various times, and yet few realize its significance as a part of being human. The wilderness in this instance is a place that we come to inhabit, willingly or otherwise, entirely within our being. Our physical reality, our world, remains the same, but somehow, in our imaginings, everything is different. We have entered our own, non – physical wilderness. I stumbled into my own wilderness about two years ago, and as I write, in many respects I’m still there, but as my understanding of my situation has increased, so the raw feelings of being lost have decreased. It has been a time in my life when I have had to stand alone, a time when friends seem to have deserted me, and a time when there appeared to be no – one to help me face my solitude. It has felt as if I received no help from any source other than my own connection to the universe. It took me some time to become aware of this. It took me even longer to fully understand it. I appeared to be in the midst of what seemed to be a very traumatic and negative experience, without an end in sight, completely lost. As time moved on, however, I realized that the solitude that I was experiencing was necessary and in it’s own way, truly wonderful. It opened so many doors of understanding that I had allowed to remain ajar for so long, with only a brief glimpse of what was within. It was an experience that enabled me to come “home”, back to the Divine Source. I became aware of a number of other changes during this time. One aspect of this was that I had questioned my love, faith and trust in others, both UK 0844 704 5868
here and dare I say, in spirit. My doubts disappeared completely when I fully grasped the reality that everything that happens in our lives is for our own highest good, an understanding that deserts us so often! The other all important insight was the complete and full realization that we choose our own reality in each incarnation. Somehow, somewhere and completely beyond my understanding, I know that I agreed to this time, that I chose it, and that it has been, and continues to be for my greater good. It has been a time of working through problems and sorrow, the solitude giving me the opportunity to go within, to meditate, and to reach the answers and wisdom that were always there, just as Christ did in the garden. In many respects, it is not a wilderness at all, but a sense of being. A place to meditate and be still, thus enabling wisdom to be gained and to have a greater connection to the Divine Source. As I’ve worked through my wilderness, I’ve come to realize that there is nothing intrinsically right or wrong; it is only right or wrong because we say it is. It is a subjective judgment based on our previous experiences. This time has allowed me to come back home, and start again. I taught art at high school for many years, and exhibited paintings and drawings successfully on both sides of the globe. During this time I realized that I was guided spiritually when producing artworks for exhibition, as well as spirit also giving me the ability to produce psychic portraits following a meditation. As can often be the case, I allowed the latter to slowly drift away, as I became more immersed in my students’ needs and day to day teaching. My time in the silence of the wilderness has rekindled the artistic skills that come through from spirit. I am once again, after a gap of about twelve years, taking part in the miracle of psychic art, which is the only way that I can describe the lovely portraits and work that “I do”. Did I encounter a friend in spirit when in the wilderness? I found myself, and a host of others, who I know are always here with me. I have drawn their portraits! The wilderness offered me myself, like awakening from a deep sleep. The wilderness gave me the time to search and a path to follow. It has given me a clear spiritual viewpoint, and a capacity to endure, and to know a place of great peace and love. I have become myself again, and realize that the experience and understanding has thrown open all those doors that I allowed to be merely ajar for so long.
USA 1877 878 3868
AUS 1800 333 007
MARCH 2010
Your Origin Horoscopes for March ARIES Early March will find you introspective and perhaps a little lacking in energy Aries. Events in your sectors of creativity and relationships will deepen your thoughts on how to make changes in your life direction. The Pisces vibes this month are imaginative, encouraging visions for a future, full of balance, love and happiness for you and your loved ones. This is a valuable time to ponder; journaling may aid the process. Mars turns direct from the 10th and the Sun enters Aries from the 20th, and you’ll be feeling optimistic and ready to initiate change. Watch out for confrontations at this time, as your energy will be high.
You may find yourself amongst new and unusual groups of people early in March Taurus. You are being challenged to expand your horizons and with it, your social circle. Inevitably some restrictions may be felt as the nitty gritty of life, home and work call for your attention too. From the 20th , time spent in meditation will improve your health and focus, enabling a more balanced view of others, how you value yourself and your daily responsibilities. This awareness may lead to some much needed changes at home. The full moon on the 31st brings a harmonious couple of days full of love and security.
This month’s focus is on career and your sense of social standing; changes bring about opportunities, which if followed up will improve your self-image, and your social life, so take necessary action. Mid-month sees communication with siblings, short trips away with friends or just some much needed time at home. Finalise work details before you go so you can focus on relaxing 100%. By the 22nd your personal power day sees an increase in your energy levels, enhanced perceptions and a bit of luck. Your competitive streak is fired up by month’s end, so try to avoid irritation with friends or romantic partners by taking a few deep breaths!
A focus on higher learning sees you expand your horizons, with some inner and perhaps outer travels coming your way. Being able to communicate and understand your values and feelings at this time will bring enlightenment. Your insights benefit life at home and your sense of self. This receptive place is transformative and healing. The new moon on the 15th with contacts to Saturn and Pluto may feel intense and emotional. Try not to get involved in any drama, and seek resolution creatively. The ego drives situations in matters of self-worth and career this month. It’s a good time to initiate projects as your energy expands outwards.
The Pisces energy this month melts boundaries, allowing you to explore your emotional wounds and how you serve others. Surrender may bring some understanding as Saturn is trying to help you, by learning to be more fair and responsible to the ones we love. Mars moves out of reverse from the 10th, so this and free-flowing contacts with Venus could make for a heady mix. You feel satisfied with yourself, and may embark upon a trip away or a new course of study. You search for truth with the Sun in your house of philosophy from 20th, while your personal power day on the 26th, makes you feel sociable and crave attention.
The spirit of service and compassion reigns this month, but take care that self sacrifice does not mean that you forget yourself Virgo. Events involving others, romance or children may bring opportunities with your career as well - take control and grab them. From the 17th your ruling planet, Mercury, begins a new cycle. This signifies a focus on shared resources and the deeper motivations for human experience. With Saturn traversing your house of self worth, you may feel insecure about your ability to cope. Try not to fret too much as the end of the month brings an imaginative idea or even a helping hand.
UK 0844 704 5868
USA 1877 878 3868
AUS 1800 333 007
MARCH 2010
Your daily routine, work, health and service are illuminated early this month. You may feel the need to break out as responsibility weighs heavily on your shoulders. Try not to be too hasty Libra - finding some balance is the key. Try to do something different - be creative and play a little. Venus moves into your relationship house on the 7th, so love is in the air, even though Saturn’s continuing opposition may make for some anxiety and frustration. On the 10th Mars moves forwards, encouraging feelings to flow and some definitive action. The month ends with a full moon in your sign - diplomacy and co-operation will be crucial at this time.
Life offers creative indulgence, children, romance and fun although demands from your career loom early in the month. Communications with likeminded folk stimulate hopes and dreams. The hold ups from previous months finally shift as blocks to success are removed. You now hold the power to initiate change at work. The Sun in Aries heralds the start of projects which have been gestating within you for months - new business or opportunities for self-promotion. Your motivation is high now regarding ambition. Listen to the moans and groans of others as this will spur you on to define your needs and wants.
March brings changes on the home front for you Sagittarius. Ongoing tension between worldly ambitions and family are likely to intensify - you may feel a little insecure. Taking personal action may have repercussions regarding shared resources. Time to plan and articulate your intentions with your family. The waning half moon in your sign on the 7th provides a chance to let go. These stressful conditions will eventually bring change, just keep the faith. After the 20th creative ideas will spring forth, and challenges from others will help you to keep realistic. Month’s end brings synchronistic timing leading you to an opportunity that benefits home, loved ones and you!
Saturn’s presence at the top of your chart, symbolises the insistent nagging regarding your past and your future life goals. The pressures at work mount, demanding your mental faculties to be razor sharp while a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas further accelerates the renewal process that is underway within you. Expect some frustration with others early on Capricorn, as you try to balance your needs and desires. Hold tight as concentrated Aries energy moves into your home section midmonth, shaking your very roots and grounding those aspirations. The end of the month brings opportunity, perhaps disguised as a challenge; nevertheless it will push you forward.
Money is the focus for you at the beginning of the month Aquarius - how you share it and how that makes you feel. It’s a time of heightened emotion, with feelings of insecurity either from yourself or others. This in part is due to new understandings regarding your value system. Difficult emotions and feelings of being blocked persist but the moon in your sign on the 12th encourages a cooler, more detached view of your situation. Time to look inside for the answers, perhaps along with some movement meditation like Tai Chi or dancing, which will stimulate the energy flow for you.
With so many planets lighting up your first house this month, you are bound to be feeling more enthusiastic and energetic Pisces. Jupiter’s influence brings expansion and hope, while career developments and self-improvement come to the fore. Keeping fit, and a focus on your health and healing feature strongly this month. The New Moon in Pisces on the 17th provides an opportunity for creative pursuits and group associations. After the 20th the focus turns to finances while ongoing pressures at work relax slightly, allowing you time to create some plans for the future. Invest in those dreams and make them a reality during your month Pisces.
Kim Thomas is Retreat Assistant At Origins Educere Centre on the Isle of Skye. She is a degree trained Nutritional Therapist - her interests include gathering techniques to develop awareness, consciousness and intuition, dream interpretation, Astrology and Energy Medicine. UK 0844 704 5868
USA 1877 878 3868
AUS 1800 333 007
MARCH 2010
The Origin Educere Centre Presents...
‘Spirit of Skye’ Psychic Development Course April 28th - May 3rd The Origin Educere Centre is offering our clients this very special opportunity. Skye is a magical place - the island itself supports people to connect with their ‘inner voice’ and to strengthen their natural intuitive senses. Included in the price are the following: 5 Nights Accomodation & All Meals Origin Dynamics Instruction - A form of moving meditation which enlivens your senses and supports you to become more sensitive to the flow of energy Group instruction in a variety of intuitive arts - including introductory Tarot, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience. Daily ‘Dreaming Download’. All materials including a copy of Gaye Wright’s ‘Origin Tarot’.
** Saturday May 1st is Beltane - included in the course will be a shamanic fire ritual to celebrate Beltane - led by our Shaman Graham Watt.
Early Bird Price - £750 / $1,150 (USD) € 850.00 / $1250 (AUD) (For bookings before March 31st, 2010) Travel to Skye not included
Enquiries & Bookings: UK - 0800 389 5781 / USA - 1877 878 3868 / AUS - 1800 333 007 UK 0844 704 5868
USA 1877 878 3868
AUS 1800 333 007