Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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Origin Connections The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line


Do you know the power of your mind?


Find your emotional voice.


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Welcome! Mer r y Ch ri stm as! ‘Well done everybody. We’re half way out of the dark!‘ What a beautiful way to describe this time of the year. It’s cold and dark, but time has turned again on its axis, and we’re moving slowly & inexorably again into the light.

I love Christmas! It's another occasion when I can happily express my 'inner child' and get away with it. I love the songs, and the food, but I especially love the traditions, and I love exploring the ancient lineage in those traditions. There's something incredibly comforting in the knowledge that we are celebrating rituals, common with people from thousands of years ago. I think the thing which strikes me more than anything else in these rituals is the focus on light - firelight, candle light, and in the depths of mid-winter, at the time of the solstice, the myth of the coming of the golden child - and the promise of the return of warmth and the light of the sun. It's those traditions around the promise of the return of light, at the time when the night sky is at its darkest, from which I think we can experience a deep and profound sense of hope. Hope isn't wishful thinking. It's a deep knowing and faith in the harmonious workings of the universe, even when we can see no overt signs that positive times will return. This is where I think rituals are so powerful - we act out our hopes in faith, and in so doing, give our own unique energy to the creative flow of the universe. We enter into co-creating our lives with one another. Myths and stories abound with messages of hope in the midst of darkness, and the power of the Oneness to bring things to fulfillment and wholeness. Of course, Christmas and winter solstice myths abound in cultures all over the world. In contemporary times, science fiction and fantasy stories are our myths, and as such, are full of archetypal mythical characters and wisdom. Dr Who, one of the aforementioned modern day myths, retold the Charles Dickens story 'A Christmas Carol' last year, in its own unique way. A particular line has stayed with me all year - 'Well done everybody. We're half way out of the dark!' What a beautiful way to describe this time of the year! It's cold and dark, but time has turned again on its axis, and we're moving slowly and inexorably again into the light. On behalf of everyone at Origin Psychics, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a very joyful Christmas season!

Cathy 2

The Wisdom Factor R od Nic ho l s o n One of the really basic things I have understood as I have gone through life is that as human beings, we are first and foremost, conscious. I know what I am saying might seem a bit obvious to some people, but, then what actually does it mean to be conscious and how should that affect our lives? As I see it, consciousness is the flow of thoughts, emotions and feelings that go on within our mind. I think it would be true to say that it is the flow of our thoughts and emotions that determine our feelings at a particular time. If there is a flow of angry thoughts and emotions coursing through us, then we will feel agitated and probably very hostile to all around us. The latest findings in neuroscience tell us that all our thoughts and emotions affect our brains and change the patterns of neural and hormonal activity in our bodies. The truth is that we change our bodies for better or worse by the type of thoughts and emotions we give authority to within our minds. It would seem that there is more and more evidence as well on the relationship 3

between many illnesses and the flow of our consciousness. If we accept this reality of the relationship between our consciousness and our health, then we cannot afford to have a mind full of negative thoughts and emotions. The fact is that when we have an illness and take a drug, we are only sorting out the symptoms, and not the source or cause of the problem. The secret of a healthy life lies within our mind and the quality of our consciousness. This means we have to take charge of that flow of consciousness. So now, recognizing that we are conscious involves something which really challenges us, because it means we have to take charge of that fundamental aspect of our being. How many of us are really prepared and ready to do this?

This is where meditation, and learning to meditate, has been part of the human story for thousands of years. If we are to be men and women who are independent and in charge of our lives, then we must learn to do certain basic things with our mind and consciousness. The logic is inescapable.

Meditation for me is, first of all, how I train myself to focus and pay attention, and from those basic abilities, discover the universe within myself.

I know, because the universe is One, that as I learn to travel within my own universe then I also learn about the whole universe. The more deeply I know myself then the more I align myself with nature and the universe. The more I do that, then I am more peaceful and happy. It is from this that a healthy body flows, no matter what age you are. If you are sick, then this is the basic way to move down a path of recovery. Of course, the path of meditation requires commitment and practice. In our 'easy fix' society, this requires an individual to stand out, and to stand up and be counted as a person with a mind of their own. In the end, there is no substitute for the reality that it is up to us - we are meant to be masters of our destiny.

Don’t miss out on purchasing the new edition of Managing Director Rod Nicholson’s book, ‘Change Yourself, Change the World’. Order your copy by calling our free call numbers below. Only £9.95, $14.95 (USA) or $17.95 (Aus) + p&p. This edition includes digital sound files of specially written meditations and practices, to support you in the process of change.

ʻMy experience at the Origin Retreat Centre was an organic process of exploring my own consciousness and anchoring myself as master of my own universe. I leave with the tools to continue manifesting this process. Many thanks to Rod!ʼ Chris Young, New Zealand

Rod Nicholson is available for personal consultations at the Origin Educere Retreat Centre on the Isle of Skye. For more information, or to discuss your personalised retreat programme, call our freecall numbers or email cathy@originlife.com.


Connecting with the Moon B y N at alie Ark i n s The moon has been our companion on this earth journey for 4.6 billion years. In ancient times, we lived our lives in rhythm with the moon and the moon phases- when to plant, best to time to harvest and even the female menstrual cycle was associated with “moon time”. We may have lost that connection to the moon in modern days, but we can still connect with its energies and understand the role it can play in harmony with our modern lifestyle.

is one of the water signs (cancer, pisces or scorpio).

and less problematic than during a waxing moon.

While there are books and websites that will detail the right time to do anything based on the moon (see resources), I would like to help you connect with the moon through explaining the moon phases, how they affect us, and a give you a brief outline of the moon signs and their basic meanings. This understanding will give you a base to start connecting with the moon during its monthly cycle.

New Moon: This is when we cannot see the moon in the night sky - the moon is darkened to our vision, and thus its energies are felt less strongly than at other times. The new moon period is only a few days long. This is a good time for new beginnings, starting new projects and connecting with new energies in yourself. This is also a good time to get rid of any problems - relationships, feelings, bad habits, old beliefs. The day of the new moon is a good day to fast, since detoxification of the body is at its highest.

In Native American traditions, there are many creation myths about Grandmother Moon. In general, it is believed that THE MOON PHASES Grandmother Moon Waning Moon: This is the period was the first of 3 spirits after the full moon, when the moon placed by Great Spirit appears to be becoming smaller - it to watch over the lasts for approximately 14 days. The children of earth. moon’s spiritual and natural energies She is the leader of the feminine life, intuition, introspection and helps you with your dreams and visions. In modern astrology, the moon is ruled by Cancer, and represents the unconscious and reflective forces in our lives. It is associated with the mother and our feminine energies. The moon sign that you are born in can also affect you more than your sun sign, especially if the moon sign

are decreasing. This is a good time for preventive and curative treatments, such as detoxification, and as a brake on our energies (energies slowing down, less active phase). This is a good time for detoxification, and detoxifying during the period of a waning moon is seen as more powerful than during a waxing moon. It is also a good time to get housework done, any cleaning or washing will be more successful

Waxing Moon: This is the time when the moon is growing in size, and so is a time of regeneration, absorbing, building up of energies and strengthening. This also occurs for about two weeks. Of course this regeneration is better if you had previously detoxified during the waning/new moon phase. The closer it gets to the full moon, the more effective is this strengthening force. The body will absorb everything better, and it is also a good time for new insights.


Full Moon: This will last for about 3 days in total, and the energy of the moon is at its highest. It is a restless time, when people have more trouble sleeping, and animals also tend to be more restless on full moon nights. Emotions can be at their peak. The full moon is also time for reconciliation, forgiveness and new friendships.

ARIES MOON: Feels well-being when expressing emotions in a fiery, direct way. Shows love through actions, and needs to stay challenged to be happy.


GEMINI MOON: Gets a warm feeling from the colorful exchange of ideas, stories, jokes and interesting tidbits. Likes to keep

Finally, just a few interesting suggestions about how to time things in love and relationships. This is not related to your moon sign, but when the moon is in each zodiac sign, which lasts about 2.5 days during each monthly cycle of the moon. • Love - when the moon is in Cancer is the best time for love, although any time is good for love really! The three water signs, Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are also good for romance. • Optimal time for openness in love and partnership is during every full moon, and when the moon is in Pisces.

being nourished by the rhythm of the day. Has the patience to build things up slowly, and is grounded in the pleasures of the senses.

moving, and engage with others lightly. CANCER MOON: Finds it natural to share emotions and nurture others at an intimate level. Sensitive, changeable, imaginative, with an instinctual need to return to home base for nourishment. LEO MOON: Has a strong need for self-expression and the enthusiastic approval of others. Can be generous, a natural at friendship, playfully childlike, and supportive of the dreams of others. VIRGO MOON: A creature of habits who loves to sort, edit, analyze and keep refining the routine. Has an instinct for purifying the self, and can be a healing force for others. LIBRA MOON: A lover of all things beautiful and harmonious,

• Best time for a love affair is then the moon is in Scorpio or Sagittarius.

with an instinct for creating balance in relationships. Needs the

• Heart to heart talks are best done when moon is in Aries, when the energies are open and direct. Moon in Libra is also a good time because you will be able to see both sides of the issue.

SCORPIO MOON: An intense emotionality can bring turbulence,

• Weddings are ideal when the moon is in Geminithe twins symbolize the lovers.

as home, exploring and learning throughout life. Nourished by inspiring ideas, curious people, and actively pursuing new

mirror of the other, in order to see all the facets of who they are.

but also take them deep into relationships. Senses the hidden reality of life, and has a sixth sense that goes beyond intuition. SAGITTARIUS MOON: A true adventurer at heart, with the world


• Declarations of love are best when the moon is in Libra or Aquarius.

CAPRICORN MOON: Finds it comforting to work, as part of an


and reluctant to share feelings, but with a reservoir of emotional depth to draw from.

Moon Time: The art of harmony with nature and lunar cycles. Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe.

AQUARIUS MOON: Has an emotional detachment that lends a broad, abstract vision, making them able to see how things are

Moon Signs: Picking the right time for everything you want to do. Sabine Heideweg. http://astrology.about.com/od/themoon/a/ MoonSigns.htm


TAURUS MOON: Thrives in situations that feel stable, while

innate need to experience worldly success. Can be deeply private

interconnected. Can be self-contained, but comes alive in the larger sphere of groups.

PISCES MOON: Often feels a profound lack of boundaries, which makes them vulnerable to all the energies in the environment. Imaginative, and aware of the subtle ways we're all connected, they are nourished through creativity.

Your December Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAGITTARIUS! Happy birthday Sagittarius! It’s a bit of a slow start for you this month - during the first two weeks of December, Mercury will still be moving in retrograde. Mercury will go in a direct motion on December 14th, so until then things will go at a slower pace than usual. Whatever projects you start during these first two weeks, will have some difficulty getting going. Mid-month, as well as the movement in Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus will both be going direct after about six months in retrograde. So many situations, projects and issues you have been working on will clear up and move forward now. Financially, this month it’s best for you to put all your bills and finances in order, as this will serve your “highest good”. In your love life, it’s a message to hang in there! Many of the obstacles that have been there in your relationships will be clearing up after midDecember. Overall, it’s a great time for getting things in order for your coming year.

Aries Hi Aries! The month of December will be bringing much renewed energy for you and the desire to get out into the world and take it on, “full speed ahead”. Actually, that is not a bad idea for you. With the three planets, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus, going direct mid-month, you might not have any other choice. The result of doing this will actually work to your advantage, as you’ve been putting many things on hold recently. Financially, your money will be doing very well, and there is little for you to worry about there. Love Note: Be careful not to start thinking the “grass is greener” elsewhere Aries, because it is not. Try working out the issues in your present relationship this month.

Taurus Hi Taurus! You have been very busy ignoring what issues are most important to you for some time. Now, in December, you will come face to face with a number of these. You might just be forced to deal with them once and for all. You have no choice as Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are going direct this month, and sweeping away all your resistance with them! So if you are unhappy with your living situation, or your work situation, this is the time to take action, and make a positive decision. Financially, once you make the necessary decisions, you

Scarlet Johansson Celebrity Sagittarius

will see your money steadily improving. Love Note: You might have been trying to ignore certain issues here too Taurus - December will force you to come to terms with your love life, and then start the year in a very positive state of mind!

Gemini Hi Gemini! The month of December may be a bit of a challenge for you, as you must stop and take a good, long, hard look at yourself, and the direction you are taking with your life. You have spent several months throwing caution to the wind - this hasn’t really served you well. You need to spend this month settling in and taking care of all the little details in your life. Financially, this month will be the start of you getting your house in order for 2012. Love Note: It is time for you to stop picking every flower in the garden, and settle down into picking your favorite flower Gemini. You’ll feel much more peaceful and content when you do.

Cancer Hi Cancer! This will be a very interesting month for you - many of the plans you made several months ago, you’ll be seeing coming to fruition by about mid-December. And the plans and projects that do not happen, or appear to have been stopped, are being


delayed for very good reasons. This will only be really obvious in hindsight, so for now, try to accept that this is for the best. Financially, this will be a month when you start to build a much more solid foundation with your money. Love Note: Even though you’re always the romantic Cancer, I’m afraid practicality is the keyword this month. Don’t spread yourself too thin in the romance department.

Leo Hi Leo! You will gladly welcome the major planetary changes taking place this month for you. As Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus come out of retrograde mid-December, you will feel as if you are able to achieve whatever you like. This is partly true, as you will be experiencing a greater influx of energy than usual. And this will be especially true in regard to whatever your employment is, as new opportunities will be opening up. Financially, this month will be the start of an upswing for you. Love Note: Please don’t make any major changes just yet Leo. Work on the issues with your loved one, and they will all work out positively in the long term.

Virgo Hi Virgo! The end of 2011 is finally here, and I know you’re bound to be excited about that. December will be an interesting month for you, as three major planets, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus will be going direct. While Mercury was in retrograde, it ought to have given you some serious reflection time - time to iron out any issues concerning work, family and money. Now that December is here, you can now put all your plans into action, and with some very positive results. Financially, you will be able to pursue and achieve what you want now. Love Note: Yes, you are a romantic Virgo - you just don’t always realize it. It’s about time to allow some romance in your life. Enjoy the ride this month!

Libra Hi Libra! December is usually a good month for you, and this December will not be any different. So enjoy it! You may have been feeling stuck, but that

is soon to change. With the major movements of the planets, (Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus) your work and business will be picking up at a super fast speed. What is good about this change is that you are totally ready for it. You have been waiting on this for a long time, so go with it! Financially, you will be surprised at how quickly and positively you will be doing this month. Love Note: Oh yes, there will be many good and positive surprises here also. Accept all the love coming your way now Libra.

Scorpio Hi Scorpio! You can’t wait for 2012 to get here - not to worry, you only have December left, and the year will actually end on a good note for you. You have been extremely intense about everything for the last couple of months. Take this month to gather all your thoughts and emotions into order, so that you can approach 2012 in a cool, relaxed manner. This process will serve you very well indeed. Financially, if you continue to put and keep things in order and organized, you will have a great money month. Love Note: Oh yes, you need to take your time here Scorpio. Don’t rush into anything new for the time being. Enjoy where you are right now!

Capricorn Hi Capricorn! This has been a seriously challenging year for you, and finally you are at the end of 2011. You may feel the need to get everything done this month, and tie up loose ends. Take a minute, and look back over your last year, and you will see what positive changes you actually have made. December will be a good month for you - Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are going in a direct motion. You may still be struggling with some personal issues, and your sense of self. But, not to the degree you have in previous months. Financially, it’s best if you wait on any major purchases or investments until the last week of the month. Love Note: You may be met with some delays in this area. But it is important for you to know exactly what you want before you act on it, so don’t be despondent about these delays.


Aquarius Hi Aquarius! December will be a pretty good month for you all in all. Many of the challenges of the past year will finally be clearing up for you. Many practical, health and work issues will be coming to a positive conclusion by the end of this month. You have been frustrated and confused, but this is not the time to lose hope. It is the time to “hang in there” and “keep the faith”. Financially, you will be very surprised at the positive turnaround you will experience by the end of December. Love Note: This is an area you’ve been giving much thought and time to recently. The more you relax, the more all that you desire in the love department will come to fruition for you this month.

Pisces You may be feeling a little tired and somewhat unmotivated this month Pisces. All the more reason you must take a long, hard look at how you may be sabotaging yourself. This is the perfect time for you to break down your past actions and motives, to make a real difference in the present and especially into the future. Once you seriously attend to this, the coming month will be the beginning of a very good period for you. Financially, you need to keep control of your spending, and not spend foolishly over Christmas if it’s at all possible. Love Note: You’re probably feeling that it’s about time you got the love and romance you deserve Pisces. You may be right - this month your love life will be improving at a steady pace!

by Sandy Johnson Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

Healing the Heart by Linda McCarthy Throughout our lives we all have many hurts, and as a self-protection mechanism we can unconsciously close down our ‘heart centre’. This then can affect our relationships in every area of our lives, personal and work related. The following quote is from a lecture by Dr Mohamed Omar Salem, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Science at the UAE University... ʻFollowing several years of research, it was observed that, the heart communicates with the brain in ways that significantly affect how we perceive and react to the world. It was found that, the heart seemed to have its own peculiar logic that frequently diverged from the direction of the autonomic nervous system. The heart appeared to be sending meaningful messages to the brain that it not only understood, but also obeyed (Lacey and Lacey, 1978). Later, neurophysiologists discovered a neural pathway and mechanism whereby input from the heart to the brain could inhibit or facilitate the brainʼs electrical activity (McCraty, 2002)ʼ

The power of our heart to influence our thoughts, feelings, and physical health is being explored more and more. The following is a simple but extremely powerful exercise to open your heart centre. Sit quietly on a chair, put your shoulders back a little and relax them. Take a few moments to really relax, allowing any stress or tension to dissolve away. Now imagine in the centre of your chest, right in your heart centre, a beautiful white flower. This flower is closed…….breathe in through your nose right down into your diaphragm, feel your stomach move out as you breathe in very deeply, as you breathe out, imagine this beautiful flower opening. This exercise not only helps in opening up your heart centre, it also helps clear blockages right down from your solar plexus (intuition) up through to your throat (for communication) and will help with clarity in your thoughts.

Find your emotional voice... B y S hei la Jo n es One of the most common challenges we face in our relationships is around communication, or the lack of it. This month, Sheila Jones shares a ‘case study’ of just such a situation... Sue was a client of mine who had a real challenge in her marriage, all centering on a very difficult pattern of communication. She and her husband Mike had been together for almost fifteen years, married for five. When she first called me, Sue was feeling that Mike had become very distant to her, and that he would never be open about what was wrong, just saying that everything was fine. He blew hot and cold all the time and Sue was feeling rather unloved and lonely. The First Reading Eventually, she was feeling that she and Mike were drifting further and further apart, and that she was an onlooker rather than a proactive partner in the marriage. Looking at her situation in the cards, I felt that this situation had been going on for rather a long time and that Sue had been trying to keep her emotions in and hold it all together. Mike's cards showed me that he rarely displayed any of his feelings openly. Sue confirmed this by saying that whenever she'd asked him how he was feeling he would always say 'OK'. His Emotional History Mike had spent years pushing his feelings and emotions down and Sue was left in a state of limbo, never really knowing how he felt about anything. If he did show his emotions, it was usually anger that came up and Sue told me that when he did vent his feelings it was rather frightening, even though she believed he would never physically hurt her. I could pick up from Mike that he had acted like this since childhood. He had been brought up to think that showing emotion was a sign of weakness, hence his habit of keeping it all inside. This meant that he had difficulty expressing himself and when he did

express emotion, it was the frustration of anger that came out first. The reading showed that Mike did love Sue very deeply, but it was as if he was locked into himself - he needed to find his emotional voice. He needed to be reassured that it was OK for him to show feelings.

I felt that Mike could actually have become depressed the weight of holding in all that emotion was his way of experiencing some control in his life. Sue confirmed that she also felt this and had tried many times in the past to discuss this with Mike but never got anywhere. She felt at the end of the road. Although they got on fine together on the surface, she felt they never discussed anything important about their relationship. Mike would avoid this at all costs! Sue needed to find her voice too. In her professional work, Sue had to deal with very sensitive people, so she knew how to communicate with them in a way for them to open up. However, she seemed to not be able to use these skills in her personal relationship. Her Emotional History As we went into this more deeply, Sue admitted that she'd always had a problem with confrontation and never wanted to rock the boat at home. Her own mother and father split up when she was about nine, her father leaving the home. She felt responsible for her mother's unhappiness and made every effort to make sure she was feeling OK. Her mother, in trying to be strong, would always answer that she was OK, rather than showing her feelings. I could see that both Sue and Mike were locked 10

into a little pattern. Sue trying to make everything OK, and Mike unable to say how he felt and withdrawing into himself regularly. Working with whatʼs possible Sue needed to accept that she could not change Mike. She could only change herself and the way she reacted to this situation, instead of taking on all the responsibility for both her own AND Mike's emotions. She realized that she had been using avoidance tactics so as not to allow Mike to lose his temper, walking on eggshells and losing her own happiness to try and maintain the status quo.

Sue needed to accept that she could not change Mike. She could only change herself and the way she reacted to this situation, instead of taking on all the responsibility for both her own AND Mike's emotions. Over the months Sue began to feel stronger. She began to relax and observe her reactions to Mike before she acted. Taking a little step back allowed her to see the steps of the dance she and Mike had been playing out. She would then express how she was feeling, without blame or accusation. Mike in due course saw that things were changing, and this slowly allowed him to feel more secure about sometimes being more open in his feelings. Hopeful signs It's still early days for Sue & Mike, but being able to have a safe place and time where emotions and feelings can be looked at and discussed in an open manner has been liberating for them both. They have reestablished the connection that made them fall in love all these years ago. This has given Sue great hope for the future. She knows they have a way to go, but also that they are on the road to recovery.

What clients have said about Sheila... ‘Absolutely brillant reader - spot on with her insights into my situation and really good advice to follow, very down to earth no messy answers. Thank you very much.’

18/10/2010 Mark, Birmingham ‘I was amazed at how accurate Sheila's insight into my life at the moment is. She comes through as a compassionate, down to earth lady and inspirational. I look forward to my next reading with her.’

09/09/2010 Martha, Leeds

DID YOU KNOW? Neuroscientists have begun to ‘read’ dreams using MRI and near infrared technology... In an article to be published in Current Biology (DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2011.09.029) neuroscientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry have studied the brain patterns in people who are having lucid dreams. Basically these individuals are able to be conscious while dreaming and able to direct or control their dreams. The study is small, since this is a very rare ability, they only found 6 individuals who said they are able to lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is a very difficult practice, and can take years of practice to develop. Lucid dreaming is a foundation of Tibetan Buddhist and Bön shamanic teaching. It is taught to help clear unconscious energy, to learn new

teachings, connect with other dimensions, and help with reaching “enlightened” states, because in these traditions, the dream world is real (the brain perceives and experiences the dreams as real) and affects how you are in your awakened state, and can heal issues that you carry. This research actually confirms this theory. The difficulty with the research was finding people who could lucid dream, and then getting them to lucid dream while in an MRI scanner and infrared spectrometer (only 2 out of the 6 individuals were able to accomplish this). To let the researchers know that they are dreaming and conscious, the dreamers moved their eyes from left to right a set number of times. The action that they performed in the dream was clenching a hand. The same areas of the brain lit

up as when an awake person imagines clenching their hand. This is just a first step, but I do believe that this will help alter our view of dreams and promote a wider acceptance and learning of the benefits of lucid dreaming. What it shows at the basic level is that the same parts of the brain are active when doing an action in the dream state as when you are awake. This resonates with the Bön teaching that when awake we are just less asleep than when sleeping- both states are extensions of each other. The science has now shown that at the level of our brain, doing or imagining an action and dreaming it are the same.

by Natalie Arkins Ph D Origin Team Psychic 12

Quaint Christmas Customs B y Cat hy Co x Are you one of those traditional types who enjoys grabbing a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas time? Well, before you head off to your office Christmas party, armed with a sprig or two, there are a few things you should know about this mystical plant and its custom. From the earliest times mistletoe has been one of the most magical, mysterious, and sacred plants of European folklore. It was considered a bestower of life and fertility; a protectant against poison; and an aphrodisiac. So far, so good. It was long regarded as both a sexual symbol and the "soul" of the oak tree, upon which it often grew. It was gathered at both mid-summer and winter solstices, and the custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of Druidic and other pre-Christian traditions. Kissing under the mistletoe is first found associated with the Greek festival of ‘Saturnalia’ and later with primitive marriage rites. Mistletoe was believed to have the power of bestowing fertility, and the dung from which the mistletoe was thought to arise was also said to have "lifegiving" power. In Scandinavia, Mistletoe was considered a plant of peace, under which enemies could declare a truce or warring spouses would kiss and make-up.

And for those who wish to observe the correct etiquette this Christmas a man should pluck a berry when he kisses a woman under the mistletoe, and when the last berry is gone, there should be no more kissing! And finally, just in case you were beginning to become a little overcome with the romance and excitement of it all, I need to tell you where the name ‘Mistletoe’ came from. The common name is derived from the ancient belief that it was propagated from bird droppings! This belief was related to the thenaccepted principle that life could spring spontaneously from dung. In ancient times, it was observed that mistletoe would often appear on a branch or twig where birds had left droppings. "Mistel" is the AngloSaxon word for "dung," and "toe" is the word for "twig". So, far be it for me to question ancient customs, but it doesn’t seem quite so romantic to be kissed under the ‘dung on a stick’ at Christmas! Well at least, now you know!

In Northern Europe, Winter festivities were once considered to be

a Feast of the Dead, complete with ceremonies full of spirits, devils, and the haunting presence of the Norse god, Odin, and his night riders. One particularly durable Solstice festival was "Jol" (also known as "Jule" and pronounced "Yule"), a feast celebrated throughout Northern Europe and particularly in Scandinavia to honor Jolnir, another name for Odin. Since Odin was the god of intoxicating drink and ecstasy, as well as the god of death, Yule customs varied greatly from region to region. Odin's sacrificial beer became the specially blessed Christmas ale mentioned in medieval lore, and fresh food and drink were left on tables after Christmas feasts to feed the roaming Yuletide ghosts. Even the bonfires of former ancient times survived in the tradition of the Yule Log, perhaps the most universal of all Christmas symbols.

To all European races, the Yule Log was believed to bring beneficial magic and was kept burning for at least twelve hours and sometimes as long as twelve days, warming both the house and those who resided within. When the fire of the Yule Log was finally quenched, a small fragment of the wood would be saved and used to light the next year's log. It was also believed that as long as the Yule Log burned, the house would be protected from witchcraft. The ashes that remained from the sacred Yule Log were scattered over fields to bring fertility, or cast into wells to purify and sweeten the water. 13

And finally... Ge t In t o Th e S pi r i t On Thursday December 15th, we will be holding another of our Healing Circles at our centre on the Isle of Skye. If you’d like to be included in our ritual, or for us to include someone you are concerned about, please just send your healing request to cathy@originlife.com and we’ll be only too happy to do so. You just need to include a brief description of what it is you are seeking healing for. This could include a particular issue in the world right now, or particular people in our society that you feel you’d like to support.

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