Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - New Year Edition

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Happy New Year! It’s natural at this time of the year to be taking some time for self-reflection - what have we achieved in the previous year - where would we like to be come the next ‘New Year’? And especially with that forward looking focus, it’s very easy to be thinking in terms of what is missing, rather than what has been resolved and integrated.

So take some time this month to So never one to shy away from doing things a bit differently, I’d like to suggest this that we all have an honest look back, before looking forwards again. Take some really look year time to really acknowledge how much you’ve grown, what fears and doubts have you deeply into overcome during the past year, even if there is still some way to go? what you’ve The truth is, there’s ALWAYS further to go, when you approach life with an achieved, intention to grow and develop personally. Those small steps at overcoming selfat challenging an old habit or even an addiction - they all mount up, and at before you set doubt, some point, they begin to compound into a real strength in our spirit. your goals for is one of those magical laws of the universe - the law of compounding. Change the year. This and personal growth is never a straight line - from a certain paradigm, time is Make a amazingly expansive, relative, and certainly not linear! You keep on taking small promise to steps, and before you know it, some kind of quantum shift happens, and you’re in a keep faith totally different state of mind! with yourself, It’s that kind of perspective which I think can really propel us happily and into the New Year. By the time you read this, the solstice will be well and before enthusiastically and truly behind us, and the days will be becoming longer. Maybe it’s not that you know it, noticeable yet, but it’s certainly happening. All change is like that - gradual, and the New Year sometimes, in ways that aren’t able to be perceived or measured by the conscious So take some time this month to really look deeply into what you’ve achieved, will be mind. before you set your goals for the year. Make a promise to keep faith with yourself, fulfilling your and before you know it, the New Year will be fulfilling your hopes in mysterious and hopes in magical ways. mysterious and magical ways. Cathy 2

The Positivity Factor B y Nata lie A rki ns It seems almost a cliché today - ‘be positive, look on the bright side, don’t be so negative’. In reality though, sometimes we are not in a place to hear these things, and even though they are said to help, they may also hinder us or cause us to not feel understood by other people who express this positivity factor to us. Why do we as human beings label and judge every experience as being good or bad, positive or negative? Undoubtedly this is a simian/monkey mind feature, and has been well established scientifically and spiritually. Buddhist and hindu religion wisdom would relate the negative mind state or ego to the monkey mind. But is there really a universal distinction between positive and negative energy or experiences? Personally, I don’t believe there is, but there is definitely a distinction from each person’s own unique perspective of this universe, and so there is a subjectivity to the judgement of what is considered good or bad. I use the metaphor of weeds to explain this. Weeds, as I learned in a horticulture lecture at University, are really just plants growing where they are 3

not wanted. There is nothing inherently wrong or evil with them, but people don’t want them growing in their gardens. There could actually be something useful or positive about the plant itself, but it is judged to be negative and pulled or sprayed or taken out in some way. The mystic Osho has a lovely zen story which exemplifies this aspect of subjectivity/objectivity. In his Osho Transformation tarot, he has the card “Blessings in disguise”, with the story of the villager and his misfortunes. First of all, Osho states that the only problem with sadness, desperation, anger, hopelessness, anxiety and misery is that we want to get rid of these emotions, and as fast as possible! But we have to live with them. You cannot escape them - they are the very situations in which life has to integrate and grow. They are basically blessings in disguise. The story of the fortunes and misfortunes of the villager goes like this... A man had a beautiful horse worth lots of money, so much so that even the emperor wanted to buy him. But the villager refused to sell the horse. It happened one day that the horse had been stolen. The villagers told him how unfortunate he was to have this happen. He laughed and said, wait, let the future come, only say the horse is no longer in its stable. The horse came back after 2 weeks with 12 wild horses, and the villagers were astonished. The

man was right, this was fortunate for him! Again the man laughed and said, wait and see. I only know the horse has come back with 12 horses, nothing else. The following week, the man’s only son was training one of the wild horses, and he fell, breaking his legs. The villagers again judged that he had bad luck, now his son was a cripple! The man told them not to jump ahead, just wait and see what happens. “My son has only broken his legs, that is all.“ Two weeks later, the emperor conscripted all the young men in the town into his army, and the villagers said to the man, “You were right, our sons have been taken away and yours still is with you.”

So, the lesson is just to state the fact - don’t judge or label anything as a curse or blessing, don’t interpret, and you will see that everything is beautiful. Another aspect of negative energy, whether we are talking I don’t believe we should negate someone’s emotions, experiences or just energy, is that there is always the possibility of transforming it, changing it into its higher experience - if they are going through a vibrational aspect. This is the essence of Alchemy. The negative phase, we can’t really deny them the alchemist believed it was possible to turn base metals into right to go through it. It’s ok to let them gold or silver. Tantric practices also work on this principle, discuss it, feel it, and have compassion for of transmuting the poison (negative aspect of the energy) them in experiencing this. The time may not into the nectar (positive aspect of the energy. This is a much harder and more esoteric practice, that does be right for them to hear, ‘be positive’. And it require training in the specific practices, but it can be may not be for you to say that to them either. achieved. On the most basic level, by finding the All we can really do is look within ourselves, and blessing hidden within the negative experience, this is how we judge our experiences. If we can turn a alchemy in practice, and can be done by anyone. negative into a positive, even years later, you will Sometimes it is not the experience itself that was feel the lift as the energy entangled in that negative - it may just have happened unexpectedly or negative experience is released into a positive we weren’t ready for it to happen. This could be true about marriage, relationships, graduating from feeling. The positivity factor is important, but let’s school, having a baby. All these events should be not label all experiences as positive or negative. All happy and positive, but if we are not ready for them the lessons are simply there, and we are all learning to happen, they suddenly can become negative them. experiences.

Letting Go... B y Lyn n e Le s l ie So often in readings, psychics are asked ‘Should I let go?’ Origin Team Psychic Lynne Leslie offers some insights into this incredibly important and potent process. This is a process I am continually working on personally of letting go of old practices/things/relationships/ behaviours and creating more space so I can have more clarity on what is really important for me - so that I can move forwards towards it. It means my letting go of things which were using a lot of energy and attention to hold onto, but which weren’t actually necessary to me. It has also allowed me to be more conscious about where I choose to put my energy and efforts, to create the future I desire, rather than the life that the Government, Corporate Marketing Departments, etc, decide they would like me to have. New Year is a perfect time for this process to start. If you feel an urge to start this process - then use the burst of energy from this urge and simply get started. For many, the process starts like a spring-cleaning, and grows from there. So they start to intuitively sense the things that they have been “putting up with”, or that have been sneakily draining their energy, and as these things are handled, there is more energy to continue the clearing process and to bring new and better things into being. I’ve found that this process tends to come and go in cycles. I go through a period of review, making a decision to change something, then more review. This will continue for a while, and then I grind to a halt - so I have a period of adjustment and rest - and then the process starts again. For me this will be a lifelong way of being - and not something that will happen just for this year or for the next few years. You may have seen the quote in some Origin articles previously - “change is constant”. Readings remind me of just how much this is the case. Nothing ever stays the same - whether we recognize it or

not, our physical self is constantly changing, as is our emotional self, and this simplifying and letting go process allows us to work with this. It allows us to keep adjusting the energy in our life so that it matches who we are NOW and where we want to be going - letting go of things that don’t have a positive energy about them any more, giving ourselves permission to let go of that horrendous set of china that Auntie Jeannie passed down 10 years ago! (Practically, or metaphorically!) Things we hold onto can affect our energy, whether we are conscious of it or not. They can be things we feel responsible for, that we have to make decisions about. How liberating it is to make the decision to give them to a new home where they will be loved and cherished, rather than just take up space where they are now, and we can send them off with love and gratitude for the sense of freedom that will follow. This process can be applied to anything in life, whether it is a friendship that has been outgrown, an old belief, a relationship, or Auntie Jeannie’s china. I can see in many readings when a client is feeling stuck, and powerless to move forward - and it is very uncomfortable for them. My passion is in helping them understand how they can start to move forward - showing them the potential for their future, and clarifying what is keeping them stuck, so that they know they do have power over what happens in their life, and that they will not be in this stuck position for ever - empowering them to make positive changes in their lives.


What does the Tarot have to say about 2012? Just before the New Year is a great time to have a look at the year ahead, to get an intuitive ‘feel’ for how best to approach the events and circumstances of our lives. I’ve done a ‘year’s spread’ for 2012 – a focus card, and then one card for the prevailing energies for each month.

The focus card for the year is The Lovers! What a wonderful message for us, after such a challenging time we’ve been experiencing lately. In a way, it’s not surprising – at a time when financial difficulties have been very present, and a broad questioning of the values embedded in our international markets and domestic economies is everywhere in the media, we’re being given a message to really examine what is important in our lives – what and who do we love and value? And to focus this coming year on really living that out in our day to day lives. It’s a message to make a choice for love and the strength of the human heart, no matter what.

January - In January we have the Judgement card. While the northern hemisphere still cycles through the dark and cold, and the southern hemisphere waits under heat and humidity, this is the

perfect time to really examine what has passed, and how we have come to where we are in life. It’s a time for gentle self-honesty, above all else, so that we can equip ourselves to move forwards into the year, with faith in ourselves and in life.

February – The Star has appeared for February in this leap year! What a beautiful message. After the inner searching of Judgement in January comes the time to really look forwards, no matter where we are at. This can apply to any area of our lives. It’s a time to look up, and to look out – there is always grace, no matter what the situation, and this is the time to hold on to it and let it guide you into a new cycle in your life.

March – March brings us the Four of Coins. We may not see so much intense focus inwards at this time – instead it is a time to put energy into the ground beneath our feet, metaphorically and practically. How stable are your emotions? How secure are your financial plans? How much attention do you give to your health? The Four of Coins is also a sign of things coming to fruition – interesting that it has appeared at the beginning of spring in the north!

April – The Four of Wands is a beautiful, abundant, and fertile message for April. Things will be

blossoming in all sorts of ways in our lives. This is a great time to move forwards, without hesitation, to take a few risks emotionally and creatively. There is a surge of creative energy available to us, a wave carrying us into a joyful celebration of life and fertility, culminating in Beltane on May 1st.

May – For May, the tarot message is the Two of Swords. Those questions you’ve still been wrestling with will finally be resolved during this month. This is a time to let yourself be really aware of any dilemmas you may have lurking at the back of your mind. Don’t worry – it may seem as though they go around and around in a circle for a little while, but the whirlpool of your thoughts will bring you a solution, and it will be crystal clear by the end of the month.

It’s very interesting to see that we have 6

had two ‘fours’ followed by two ‘twos’ in our year’s spread. These sorts of synergetic patterns are always incredibly powerful in a tarot reading. June – In June, we have the Two of Wands. Equipped with the resolution of the Two of Swords in May, you’ll find in June that there are all sorts of ways to engage with life. You’ll have more creative energy than you can remember having for some time, but you’ll feel in charge, and able to direct it in the ways which are most important to you.

July – We’ve now passed the solstice again, and are heading into the second half of the year. And for July, the Tarot message is the Ace of Swords. This is a message to stop for a moment, and to remind ourselves of who we are. A time to affirm our best qualities and to slice away anything which has run its course in our lives. ‘To thine own self be true’ in every way possible – we’ll feel light and more secure as a result of this process. This enables any big decisions around at this time to become really clear within.

August – The Knight of Coins is our messenger for August. After all the inner work, and momentum of the previous months, August will be a time simply to get on with things.

There will be plenty of energy available, and nothing too stressful to demand our attention. Our practical goals and projects will be coming to fruition very nicely during this period. If there are tasks you’ve been avoiding – now is the time to just get on with them and get them out of the way!

September - Spring has arrived in the southern hemisphere, and the leaves begin to turn in the north, and the Two of Cups seeps gently into our lives, holding us softly in our bonds with others. During September, turn your attention to your relationships – look for those who need your attention, a little more than usual. There is a very powerful message in our year’s reading – the focus card is The Lovers, and then we have three ‘twos’ during the year. This is a very strong message to bond, and to work and be together. In fact, the only two missing is the two of coins – interesting that our practical and financial relationships don’t seem to be quite as important as the others this year!

October - The Tower is our card for October – be prepared if you can for important changes during this month. The thing about the Tower is that it symbolises unexpected change, but don’t presume this is difficult. October will be a time of breakthrough! Of the old really falling away, and the space becoming available for a

totally new and refreshing cycle in our lives. We won’t necessarily feel in control, but we will feel invigorated by month’s end.

November – The King of Cups is our messenger for November – look for your own internal King of Cups first! He represents a quality of quiet confidence – a knowing that you have all the emotional resources you could possibly need deep within your own heart and mind. November will be a time to get to know this quality within ourselves – to have faith in the strength which lies in the essence of all sentient beings.

December – And finally in December we have another King – the King of Wands. We must have an interesting year approaching in 2013 – two kings awakening within the collective consciousness to lead us forwards. Know your own strength, know your own creativity, know your own passions, and know that you can find anything you need in the creative cauldron of your own heart.

by Cathy Cox Senior Origin Psychic


New Year - New You! So the start of another New Year and with it, the promise we make to ourselves to be good and follow our New Year’s resolutions. We promise ourselves that this year we will make a fresh start and stop doing all these things we feel bad about. We say we are going to wipe the slate clean and start again. I wonder how many resolutions you have made this year, and how long you will be able to keep going. It is hard to keep to our resolutions. We start off on a high with our will power strong, but often will power alone will not be enough. We need to look behind these patterns to see why we behave the way we do. Often these are patterns that we have become "addicted to" such as smoking, drinking too much, eating too much chocolate etc. Other patterns may not be quite so obvious, such as watching too much TV, not getting enough exercise, swearing too much etc. Many of these patterns come from low self esteem, lack of faith in oneself, lack of motivation, or boredom. Everybody has little addictions and bad habits that they are not happy about and this time of year gives us the impetus to change, and try to stop the pattern. It is hard to stop doing something that you have been doing very

Your ‘New You’ Checklist... ✴ Make your resolution ‘doable’. ✴

Take many small steps instead of one big one!

Visualize the ‘New You’ regularly, to keep yourself motivated

Develop ‘distraction’ strategies

regularly, so regularly in fact that it has turned into a way of life, rather than a one off or a little treat we give ourselves. The important thing is to be gentle with yourself and make your New Year Resolutions ‘do able’ by making small changes to your lifestyle that will give you motivation to keep going. Often taking small baby steps make better inroads to habits you wish to change rather than stopping everything and then feeling overwhelmed by all the changes you have made. This is often the reason resolutions do not last, as they feel just too big and too scary to face life without. So make it easy on yourself. Take each day on its own merits. See each day as a fresh start and a blank canvas. Make one resolution at time and cut it down to a small size. Think of all the positive reasons you want to stop this habit and also plan activities to occupy you so that you do not obsess about the thing your are giving up. For example, if you decide that you are going to stop smoking, have a plan of action. How are you going to distract yourself from thinking about smoking and what are you going to do differently than usual so you break 8

the habits and routine that you got into as a smoker? Thinking positively in advance will give you tactics to follow when the cravings hit in. Getting fit is often another resolution that is made at this time of year, and if you tie it in to stopping smoking you will likely see positive results - one resolution is benefiting from another, giving you positive reinforcement. Imagine the new you, feeling and visualizing what you will be like once you have kicked your bad habit is important so that you anticipate the positive changes that you want to happen. You are allowing your body to let go of old patterns and raising your vibration to welcome in the ‘new you’ that you are wanting to happen. Let your imagination flow and really see yourself as you want to be. Start a journal and note down any feelings you have about giving up your 'pattern' and what you want to do instead. Note down the positive feelings you have when you succeed and also the more difficult feelings. You can use this journal as a motivational tool to help you keep

going. The art of allowing is very positive in helping you change for the better.

times, but you are so worth it and so strong for keeping going.

You may experience episodes of negativity, or ‘I can't be bothered’ syndrome. This is the bad habit (Smoking, drinking too much, eating too much, etc) trying to work its way back. This is the time to really reinforce how well you have done. Give yourself a treat that does not involve your ‘vice’. Do not reminisce, or romanticize your old habit. This is your old habit playing mind games with you. It wants you to slip back into the comfortable old pattern that you have managed to break. You are changing and moving forward to the new you, the you that you have imagined. You are moving towards it and your old habit is no longer in control. Yes it can be difficult at

Every day you manage is a day towards the new you. You are creating the You of the future. Only you can do this, so make 2012 the year you took control of your old patterns and bad habits and turned You into the You that You have been dreaming of.

by Sheila Jones Origin Team Psychic


Your January Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPRICORN! The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are transiting in Capricorn this month, in good aspect to Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Virgo. This means that all of these planets are in earth signs, creating a “grand trine” in earth. A ‘grand trine” in earth is a great sign for the start of a new year for you Capricorn - it creates for the individual much ease where finances are concerned. This will create an opportunity to bring about good changes and growth in all areas of money, and in your life. This will be happening for a threeweek period in January, so take this time to seize the moment and make things happen for yourself financially. These positive financial changes may take some extra work on your part, as Saturn will be in Libra in harsh aspect to the Sun, Mercury and Pluto. This means that you must just give that much more care and attention in this area, dot The Duchess of all the ‘I’s and cross all the ‘T’s. And then the results will still be ultimately positive. In the Cambridge - Celebrity Capricorn area of love and romance, you will be experiencing a type of renaissance this month Cappy. This will be a good time for you to go after the positive, rewarding type of love you so greatly deserve. Happy Birthday!

Aries January could be a bit of a challenging month for you Aries, as the transiting Sun, Mercury and Pluto will be in the sign of Capricorn. The will be causing an uncomfortable square aspect to your Sun sign in Aries. Along with transiting Saturn in Libra, you might just feel as if you cannot get anything off the ground. Saturn will give you the feeling that wherever you turn, or whatever you start, it is being blocked. In a way it is, because with a Saturn transit, you must always take care of the foundation and basics, before you start a project. If you do this, the month will move along in a much easier pace for you. You will get some help from Uranus in Aries, but you must still be careful to take things slow and easy. In the area of love and romance, this is not the best month to start out a new relationship. It is better for you to work on and solve whatever issues there are in your present relationships Aries.

Taurus January is shaping up to be a fairly good month for you Taurus, as transiting Sun, Mercury and Pluto are in Capricorn. This creates an earth trine aspect between these three planets and your Sun sign in Taurus. This will create a positive affect with your finances, and any new job

or project you may be starting will get a good boost along. You will experience much ease in this area through out the month. Transiting Saturn in Libra will stabilize your emotions and finances , FINALLY. You’ll be feeling totally renewed this month, and you could be surprised at how much extra energy and insight you have. Transiting Jupiter, the “benefactor” will be in Taurus, and will be shining its positive light in your direction. You will also experience a renewed sense of compassion and love about every part of your life. This will come in very handy in the romance department, so enjoy the ride this month Taurus.

Gemini In January, you could find yourself feeling some renewed anger surfacing from past issues you may not have dealt with totally. Transiting Mars in Virgo will be in harsh aspect to your Sun sign Gemini, so you may be experiencing some extra challenges and frustrations. But you will have the ability and help from transiting Saturn in Libra in trine aspect to your Sun sign. This aspect will stabilize you, and will carry you through with positive results and answers to your present challenges. Your finances will be very good as the Sun, Mercury and Pluto are in a trine aspect to your Sun sign.


You’ll experience an easy flow in regard to your money the entire month. And the positive energies around money will also smooth any rough edges in your relationships. You’ll be experiences many happy and surprising experiences in the romance department this month Gemini!

Cancer In January, you could find yourself experiencing many challenges due to the transits of the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in an afflicted square aspect to your Sun sign. This is along with Saturn the “taskmaster” in opposition to your Sun sign. You might need to call upon some patience and guidance during this time Cancer. You will be questioning whether you are making the right decisions through out the month, and whether you are making the correct choices. You may be experiencing some self-doubt, but not to worry, as there is a light at the end of the tunnel, for sure. By mid-month, you’ll be getting some help from the planet Venus in Pisces, which will ease much of your tension and worry. In the romance department, take your time. This is not the best time to start anything new. By the end of the month, things will have really eased for you.

Leo During January, the transits of the Sun, Mercury and Pluto will serve you very well Leo - you will have an influx of opportunities in the area of finances. You will question how and why some of your life situations turned around so quickly. You will feel a steadiness entering your life in all that you do. And you’ll begin to feel as if you can start and finish new projects, with an ease you didn’t have before. This will be a result of transiting Saturn in Libra, which will help you along in this area of your life. Many newfound opportunities will be entering into your life at this time also. Take charge and enjoy the ride, and the new positive experiences. In the area of love and romance, you will be surprised at your new sense of wonder and confidence. You will feel as if there is no challenge that you cannot complete positively.

Virgo This will be a great month for you Virgo, as you will be experiencing the very positive effects of the Sun, Mercury and Pluto aspect in the sign of Capricorn. Also along with transiting Jupiter in the sign of Taurus, you will no longer feel the need to struggle any more, with anything. And this will be a time of great building for you. You will spend most of your time this month building a super strong foundation for the coming year. And this will be taking place in ALL areas of your life. Your finances will begin to take off in a new, positive direction, without much hard work on your part. Enjoy the added power of this transit, and jump on and enjoy the ride. Romance and love is in the air for you, in a new super-charged sort of way. So take hold and enjoy the experience. You don’t need anyone’s permission to enjoy yourself this month Virgo!

Libra Libra there are likely to be some challenges for you right now, due to the transits of the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in harsh aspect to your Sun sign. You could be feeling a bit blocked for most of the month, and you may even be forced to endure these challenges in silence. You must learn to just trudge on through it all this month. Saturn will be transiting in Libra at this time, and being the “taskmaster” that Saturn always is, you will feel you that you are forced to put your nose to the grindstone. Yet when this transit is done you will reap the rewards of the Jupiter transit into Taurus. Both your health and finances will improve by the last week in January. This is not a time to pursue new love relationships or to put too much energy into affairs of the heart. If you are presently in a relationship, stay in it, and attempt to iron out any present issues.

Scorpio The transit of the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn will actually be a positive aspect for you this month Scorpio. There will be a feeling that you will be able to handle any challenges that will be coming your way. And, that will actually be the case. You will be


experiencing a new found strength and knowledge of what your wants and needs are. And, you will also have the insight to figure out how to bring your desires into manifestation. Transiting Jupiter will be in harsh aspect to your Sun sign at this time, but it will be hardly felt at all. Because even when in harsh aspect, a Jupiter transit is very mild, it always helps take the rough edges off difficult situations. Both your finances and love life will prosper during this time.

Sagittarius You will be feeling like you can achieve practically anything this month Sagittarius. And actually that is partly true. You WILL feel you are able to “jump tall buildings, in a single bound”. This is because of transiting Jupiter being in your Sun sign at this time. You will feel better than you have in a long time, and it will feel really nice for a change. Jupiter in your Sun sign is a great feeling. After all Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius, so you feel right at home with this aspect. The only thing you must be cautious of during this period is to not entirely view your world through “rose colored “ glasses, which Jupiter has a tendency to do sometimes. Because when you slip and fall, it won’t be so much fun any more. Hang in there, and enjoy your good times with a bit of caution. Your finances and love life will also experience an extra boost at this time. Have a great month Saggie.

Aquarius The “grand trine” in earth in January will also have a good effect on Aquarians. It will not have the punch it will give to Capricorns, Virgo and Taurus, but it will be positive just the same. And you will still totally reap the rewards of this transit. You will also be getting much help from transiting Saturn and Neptune. Saturn is transiting in Libra, and will be bringing many positive, stabilizing effects for you this month. You will feel the need to settle into your life this month, and make long range goals and plans for the coming year. During this transit, is the perfect time to begin doing this. Transiting Neptune in Aquarius will

bring out your creative side more. So take hold and go with your creative side this month Aquarius. In the area of love and romance, you are likely to want to spend more time with yourself, than with others. Time to listen to your inner wants and needs - follow those feelings.

Pisces This month Pisces, you will be very strongly affected by transiting Venus in the sign of Pisces. This may finally offer you an opportunity at love, as well as an influx of money! There will be a period in the middle of the month, where your finances will begin to improve. This will be a welcome change after some of the difficulties you may experience in the beginning of the month. The first two weeks of January will be a bit of a challenge because of transiting Mars in Virgo in opposition to your sun sign in Pisces. But not to worry, as I said by the third week, that will change. This will also be a month of great transformation for you, because of transiting Pluto in Capricorn. This will bring about great insight on your part, and into many areas of your life . And many new romantic and love opportunities will come your way before long.

by Sandy Johnson Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

DID YOU KNOW? The last universal common ancestor (LUCA for short) was a megaorganism, filling the whole world’s oceans.

How did life begin on earth? This has been a big philosophical and scientific question for many generations. Scientists are coming close to answering what life form began all life on earth (New Scientist, Nov. 2011). The theory now being formulated is that this organism, called LUCA, was as big as all the oceans, and existed about 3 billion years ago (the earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago). This oceanic mega-organism consisted of genes and individual organelles and some form of leaky membranes. It could break down and extract energy from nutrients and make some proteins, but it lacked enzymes for making and reading DNA - so it wasn’t dividing and evolving at that point. The theory states that around 2.9 billion years ago, LUCA split into 3 domains of life, that we have today - bacteria, archea, and eukaryotes that gave rise to plants and animals. What I like about this finding and theory is that it

really supports the spiritual belief, common in almost every spiritual tradition, that we are all connected and that there is an inter-dependence between all species of life on earth. We come from a common ancestor, which spanned an area of this world that we cannot even imagine today! And its individual cells and organelles worked together to keep it living, and to help create the life we have now. Thank you LUCA, for creating us, and let us all remember , we are connected, in ways we can only begin to imagine.

by Natalie Arkins Ph D Origin Team Psychic


And finally... Join O u r O r i gi n H ea l i n g C irc le... On Thursday January 19th, we will be holding another of our Healing Circles at our psychic & retreat centre on the Isle of Skye. If you’d like to be included in our ritual, or you’d like us to include someone you are concerned about, please just send your healing request to cathy@originlife.com and we’ll be only too happy to do so. You just need to include a brief description of what it is you are seeking healing for. This could include a particular issue in the world right now, or particular people in our society that you feel you’d like to support.

Origin Educere Retreat Centre We’re currently taking bookings for the coming season at our retreat centre on the beautiful Isle of Skye. If you’re interested in having a personalised retreat, some psychic development coaching, or even just some peaceful and relaxing time ‘away from it all’, why not come and stay with us. Special discounts apply to Origin Psychics’ clients. For more information, or to discuss your personalised retreat package, phone 0845 287 6693, or email cathy@originlife.com

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Prepare yourself for the coming year - have a 2012 forecast reading with us, and use one of our special magazine discounts... 15% discount on any 20 min reading 20% discount on any 30 min reading AND we’ll send you your personalized Astrological Forecast for 2012 for FREE. Just ask our reception when you book.

UK - 0808 120 9695 USA - 1800 963 0094 Australia - 1800 333 007 Discounts available with any reader, and are valid until January 31st, 2012.


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