Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - July Edition

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Origin Connections

The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Our Free Call Numbers: USA - 1800 963 0094 UK - 0808 120 9695 UK - 1800 333 007 (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week!)

Personal Development

Relationship Advice

Letting go of Depression & Opening up to Joy by Michelle Walter

How to beat the relationship Drought, by Cathy Cox

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July Horoscopes

Be your own Psychic

What’s in store for you in your stars in July, by Sandy Johnson

Take your first steps in reading the Tarot, by Cathy Cox

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Welcome! H o lid ay Time ...

The resources of the universe really are infinite - we just are often so busy that we forget to ask to have our resources replenished!

Being July, many in the northern hemisphere will be heading off for a well-earned vacation this month, or very soon in any case. There’s that lovely feeling of being able to ‘switch off’, to give our minds and bodies a rest from the stress and routine which governs during most of the rest of the year. Sadly though, what most of us also experience is that on the return to our routine, it doesn’t take very long until we feel as though we haven’t had a break at all! How does this happen? Does this mean that it’s pointless to even take a vacation? Well as most of you know, I like to turn to the natural world for signs and guidance in these kinds of matters. And as soon as we look at nature, what we see everywhere are cycles - day and night, the flow of the seasons - activity and rest, yang and yin. These patterns aren’t dualistic, they’re interactive, flowing constantly, one into the other. I think that one of the most important messages from nature is to be able to REALLY relax, and not just on vacation, but in an integrated way in our day to day life. If you, too, find yourself feeling unrested soon after having a holiday, maybe it’s time to examine the day to day flow of your life. How well do you sleep? Do you give yourself space during the day? When you rest, do you find that you go into a bit of a dead space? The other really vital aspect lies in the very meaning of yin and yang - receptive and active. When you give yourself a break, whether it be on vacation, or in your day to day life, see if you can allow yourself to receive - the sun on your face, the vitality of the earth, the peacefulness of night. The resources of the universe really are infinite - we just are often so busy that we forget to ask to have our resources replenished!



Letting go of Depression & Opening up to Joy! Mich e lle Wa lt er MA ,BA Se nior Ori g in P sy ch ic Depression is very common in today's world. In fact, statistics show that one in five people will suffer from depression in their lives. So what is Depression? Everyone feels down or sad from time to time. Depression is not simply being sad. Depression is different to sadness in that it is more severe and persistent and can affect your day-to-day activities. When "sadness" stops you from going to work or studying, from being able to look after your children, if it affects your relationships or stops you from socialising or participating in activities you used to find enjoyable, then you are more likely to be suffering from depression. Depression consists of some or all of the following (different people have different symptoms): • very low mood most days • loss of interest or enjoyment in activities you once enjoyed • low self-esteem and poor confidence • feelings of guilt and worthlessness • disturbed sleep and appetite - either too much or too little • decreased sexual interest • thoughts of hurting yourself or suicide • fatigue • poor concentration or poor attention • bleak or pessimistic outlook about the future 3

One of the big factors that stop you breaking free of depression is lack of support and connection with others. Depression can be so debilitating that it takes up nearly all of a person's attention and energy. Friends stop calling or you push them away, and little by little you find yourself isolated from others. You may not even want to reach out to others because you haven't the energy or confidence to even ask for help. Each day you can retreat into a world that becomes more lonely. This scenario cuts you off from the oneness and sharing. How can you let go of the feelings that block you from reaching out to others?

Reviving the Happy You The answer is you have to get back to the real you: Your Origin. The first step in breaking free of depression is to return to the source of who you really are - your origin. Without realizing it, we often don't live our lives, in fact we live our fears. This happens through the power of your mind. Whatever you believe to be true will become true. Our consciousness is the greatest resource we have, but if your mind is imprisoned, then so is your potential. You can break out of this prison firstly by recognizing that it is your mind, and you can

create something new. This is not just a simple case of ‘will power' or 'looking on the bright side’; or ‘snapping out of it' or ‘getting on with it'. There is a technology of consciousness, just as there is nuclear technology and electromagnetic technology. You need to learn how to create using your consciousness. It is your consciousness on physical, emotional and mental levels causing the depression, and it is your consciousness that can create a different reality for you. One effective way to do this is through learning to focus your mind and heart through meditation.

Meditate on Joy The thing about depression is it makes you feel really, really small - very separate and very insignificant. You feel separate from the beauty, the love, the laughter, the success and joy, and abundance of the world. Something, somewhere along the way made you feel separate from all that is good, all that is free, all that is loving. We are not going to worry about what it is that made you feel separate. We are just going to focus your mind on the beauty that is waiting for you and draw it closer to you.

When you’re relaxed, bring your attention to your breathing. Observe the breath as it flows in Before we start, I want you to focus on all those things you feel and out. Give full attention to the feeling of your separate from. See them all together - imagine them in a ball all breath as it comes in and goes out. Whenever you condensed together. See that ball take on a form - it could be an find that your attention has moved elsewhere, just angel, a beautiful scene, god, whatever. See all that beauty that note it and let go and gently escort your attention seems to be out of reach. This is what we will meditate on. back to the breath, back to the rising and falling of The Buddhists call this Vajrayogini - Deity Yoga. It means your own belly. ‘union with the divine’. You can at any moment, stop, take When you can maintain some continuity of attention on the time to be still, and connect with the Oneness. It is the breath, try expanding the field of your awareness to always there and always available to support you. You can make a connection with someone special for yourself. If connect with the Oneness through a walk in nature, a there is no-one you can think of connecting with, make a prayer, or this simple meditation. Sit with an alert and link with a special being in the universe: a guardian angel, relaxed body posture so that you feel relatively god or spirit. comfortable without moving. You can sit either in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor, See it, in detail. Breathe it in. Enjoy it. Meditate in your mind. or on a thick, firm cushion three to six inches off Whenever your focus wanders, bring it back. Focus on the the floor. Keep your back, neck and head vertically beauty of the Oneness. aligned, relax your shoulders and find a comfortable place for your hands (usually on Relax your whole body and open to this being. You can name this your knees). being whatever you want. The universe, goddess, mother, Buddhanature, god. Allow your heart to open up to the beauty and love this being has for you. Allow your heart to heal and dissolve the negative feelings and thoughts that have been blocking you.

How to beat the relationship drought! C ath y Cox , Sen io r Or ig in Ps yc hic


where you are meant to focus on other things. Relationships aren’t happening because they aren’t meant to happen at that moment - Simple as that!

There are times though when this drought may be indicative of some deeper blockages. Certain beliefs or perspectives may be holding you back from creating the right relationship for you. I would like to highlight three areas which I often find are blocking people in my experience as a psychic.

We all reach points in our life when we hit a relationship drought. Suddenly, it seems that no-one is showing any real interest in you, or if they do, you aren’t really interested in them. You start to wonder whether you should compromise, drop your standards. Maybe you are being too picky or perhaps you think 'I’m just never going to meet a person who I really like and who really likes me back'.

Are you scared of running out of time? Do you feel that you don’t have time to meet someone? Do you feel that everything is going way too slowly?

The first thing to remember is that we all have cycles where relationships take a back stage position in our life. This doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you or your perspective - it just means you are at a stage

You may even see ‘Time’ as an enemy! If you answered yes to any of those questions you need to revaluate your relationship to time. You are stuck in a tunnel, so busy

trying to get to your relationship destination that you have forgotten to stop and see what is already around you. You are definitely not ‘living in the now’ because you see here and now as being somehow not where you want to be, not satisfactory. You are still thinking of a relationship as some kind of future goal that will make you feel happier and secure, rather than seeing a relationship as a product of your own current happiness. In other words, a relationship will not make you happy. Happiness will make you a relationship. What to do? Write down a list of things that make you happy right now. Even if the list is only one or two things, that’s OK. Look at this list every day and add something new to it when something makes you happy or gives you pleasure. It might be something as simple as eating your favourite chocolate bar. Your goal is to get this happiness list to grow.

There’s just no Spark Ask yourself…. • Do you find yourself always being attracted to the wrong kind of guy/girl? Do you find yourself either chasing or being chased? • Do you find it hard to get the mix of both physical and mental attraction in balance?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you may be locked into a dysfunctional relationship pattern from the past. This might come from a relationship with one of your parents, or from a significant first love, but the common theme in this type of situation is that you are not forming real friendships and sustainable relationships, but instead searching to resolve past emotional issues through your current relationships. This is very rarely a conscious process, and you may find it expresses itself as being attracted to a certain ‘type.’ This makes the dysfunctional pattern of relationship seem natural or that it's ‘meant to be.’ Surely, you may ask, if I am so attracted to this person, then there must be something to it. The important thing to realize is that the spark isn’t some magical thing outside of us. A 'spark' is simply the physical manifestation of a belief about who you think is the right one for you. Most of these beliefs are created from our childhood experiences and early stages of relationship development.

What to do? Before you move forward with finding a relationship you need to heal past hurts and issues. There is some pain you still have not resolved. You may not think about it any more, but at some level you are still holding on to it.

In this situation, counselling would certainly be useful. Looking back at the past is something that can be painful and you will certainly need support. Also, it is important to start creating a different vision of the kind of man/woman you want to be with. Stop trying to make a certain type work for you, and open up to the possibility of a new type. You might be scared you are settling for second best, but in reality what you may be doing is actually letting go of something old and destructive.

Opportunity ain’t knocking • Are you stuck in rut? • Are you looking for a relationship to fill a void in your own life? • Are you looking for a change but not really doing anything about it or waiting for something to happen?

Sometimes we go through phases in our life where we simply don’t meet many new people. It may be because you have responsibility for


children that takes all your time or you may be at an age where it’s not as easy to meet other singles as when you were younger. This can often feel like the worst kind of situation, where you feel helpless to do anything differently. In these situations I find the most common problem is really about people being stuck in a rut. Being stuck in a rut doesn’t mean you are sitting at home doing nothing with your life many ruts can be quite stressful and busy. However, the common theme of being stuck in a rut is that life has become routine and as a result there is no spontaneity. And spontaneity is the life spring of a relationship. From this perspective it's not about going to a singles club or even meeting other singles, but about focussing on ways that you can break the pattern and routine of your life to help you feel more alive, energized and passionate about your own life. If you have no passion and are bored with your life, then people will have no passion for you. It’s a kind of ‘You are what you eat’ philosophy, but from a romantic angle. What to do? Breaking a rut may be as easy as taking simple initiatives to do different activities in the week, like going to a Yoga class or taking a walk in the morning. In other cases I hope this article has helped you identify it may require a more painful breaking out of your comfort some areas that you can work on to beat your zone and re-examination of your values and priorities in life. One thing is certain though - once you break out of relationship drought. In many cases, the your rut, you will feel better about yourself and your life. issue may really just be about being patient It's like starting exercise after a long period of doing and giving yourself some time. We all fear nothing, you start to feel better not just because you feel becoming the old lady with lots of cats, but in healthier but because you know you are actually doing reality, most people just go through periods something to take charge of your life. Breaking out of a rut is really about breaking out of being a victim. when they are being challenged to do a little Write a list of all the things you would like to do, but never manage to find the time for. Don’t write down anything too big and unrealistic. Don’t write down – 'become an amazing Latin dancer'. Do write down – go to my first Salsa class. Over the next month, progressively work through the list.

work on themselves and become better people and partners. Even the worst drought eventually comes to the end and when the rain starts to fall, we appreciate it all the more.

Ancient Wisdom for Vital Living A workshop presented by the Origin Educere Retreat Centre Friday September 2nd to Wednesday September 7th Origin Educere Retreat Centre - Isle of Skye, Scotland

Revitalize Yourself! The essence of this workshop is to support you to develop a different way of looking at your life - to bring change to your life by changing your beliefs, your mind set. What you’ll find is that this spontaneously brings a renewed sense of vitality to any area of your life where you are seeking change - body, mind or spirit. You’ll begin a course of ‘inner training’ - using practical tools, drawn from ancient wisdom traditions, and put them into practice in your everyday life. Learn how to use Qi Gong for physical and emotional health Understand Yin & Yang to create harmonious relationships Connect with your Inner Sage - develop your personal power to let go of the ‘victim’ stance and take charge of your life!

What you’ll gain from this workshop: You’ll learn a method of Qi Gong, suitable for anyone, regardless of physical fitness or flexibility. During the course of the workshop, you will learn the foundation elements and exercises of a Qi Gong sequence called the ‘Origin Form’. This will be a practice you can use in your everyday life, to revitalize your physical and emotional health and well being.

You’ll practise using & interpreting the ‘I Ching’ ‘I Ching’ literally means ‘Book of Changes’ - it is a powerful source to access guidance about any aspect of life, the changes we all face, and how best to flow with them in a way which energizes you, rather than depletes you. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the tools to ask the I Ching a question, and begin to interpret the response.

You’ll rediscover or deepen your bond with nature. The Isle of Skye is one of those very special places in the world, where the vitality of the natural world is so accessible. You will learn specific practical tools to support you to bond more consciously with the vitality of the natural

world - each day you will be able to visit certain particular locations, to experience this directly.

You’ll discover how to be consciously receptive and confidently initiatory in your own life. The terms ‘Yin and Yang’ are bandied about regularly these days, but what exactly do they mean? You’ll learn particular meditative techniques to become more conscious of the flow of real receptivity (yin) and real initiative (yang). Using these practices will have a powerful impact on your relationships, and on the confidence with which you interact with others in any situation.

Price - £449 per person (Includes accommodation & all meals) Friday 2nd September to Wednesday 7th September To Book, or for more information: Email - cathy@originlife.com Phone - (44) 1470 532 456 or any of our toll free numbers

Did you know? N at alie Arki n s Astronomers have found a young Proto-star that is shooting Jets of water from its poles into space.

The researchers, from Leiden University in the Netherlands, are publishing these amazing results in Astronomy & Astrophysics. This ‘Celestial Sprinkler’, as its being called by the scientist, is an important discovery, because it could explain how life is seeded in the universe, and even how life on earth was seeded millions (or billions) of years ago.

Water is the source of life, and what makes Earth unique, and helps support the vast and multifaceted life forms that exist on earth. It was always theorised that frozen comets and meteorites brought water and other substances to earth. This the first time that a star has been seen to be seeding the universe/interstellar space with water.

average a few thousand degrees celsius, before being spewed out from the poles in a gaseous form (as the temperature is actually getting hotter , around 180,000 degrees Celsius).

The water condenses as it leaves the protostar and interacts with the cooler material of space. They have calculated that the speed of the water as it jets out from the star is about 200,000 km per hour. This is really exciting research, and just shows how much we still need to learn about how life is created- throughout the universe. Yes, we are made of star material!

Natalie Arkins The star is in the northern constellation of Perseus, about 750 light years from earth, and the sun-like star is only about 100,000 years old, which makes it very young, a “protostar”. The scientists theorize that this may be a stage that all infant stars go through, and could be how life is spread throughout the universe. The water was detected with the European Space Agency’s Herschel Space observatory, and was able to detect the light signature of hydrogen and oxygen molecules swirling around the protostar where temperatures

Natalie's many psychic talents include tarot reading, shamanic journeying, clairsentience, clairvoyance, mediumship and dowsing with a crystal. Natalie has been reading the tarot for 10 years, and uses her psychic abilities to give accurate and in depth readings.


Be your own Psychic Tak e Som e S im p l e S t ep s T o R e ading T ar o t C a r ds F o r You rself. In the world of psychic readings, there exists a belief among some people that Tarot is a ‘lesser’ form of psychic art, that it is somehow rigid, and based upon specific meanings of the cards. There’s no doubt that Tarot cards reflect archetypal experiences that we all, as human beings, share, regardless of culture, language, gender, or age. But reading a Tarot card is so much more than this. The card comes alive through your personal interaction with it. By using our own intuition, the message in the

Discover the power of gazing... Take a few moments to close your eyes and quiet your mind. Sit with your feet flat on the floor, and take some slow breaths and relax down into a receptive state. When you are quite relaxed, pick up your cards, and shuffle them. When you feel ready to, stop shuffling, place the cards face down, cut them once with your left hand, place the lower pile of cards on top of the upper, and turn over the first card. Now, simply gaze at the card - take note of what your first impression is. What stands out to you most? Do you notice any colours? Is there a part of the card which stands out more? If there are people in the card, what do you notice about their faces? Do any words or phrases come to you? It could even be the lyrics of a song. Anything at all is valuable. Practise gazing at a different card each day, and keep note of what comes to you in a journal. You’ll be surprised at how much information you uncover.

card takes on a specific meaning in that moment and for the particular person having the reading. There’s no ‘getting it right’ or ‘getting it wrong’, only a sharing of knowledge, which is accessible to everyone. If you’d like to start learning to read Tarot cards for yourself, first of all, take some time to choose a pack which ‘feels’ right to you. Go into a shop which will allow you to actually look at cards from different decks the imagery, colours, style, etc. need to suit you and your own personality. Once you’re chosen your deck, pull out the cards known as the ‘Major Arcana’ - these are the cards which have titles, such as ‘The Emperor’, ‘The Chariot’, ‘The Lovers’, ‘Death’ etc. Get to know your deck - which cards appeal to you most, which cards make you feel uncomfortable. The feelings you have in response to your cards are your first signs of connection, the first level of feedback, which will help you to ‘know’ what your cards are telling you. Try the exercise in the box on the left to begin to build your own intuitive link with your cards. Take your time to get to know your cards - learn to listen to them and you’ll soon be discovering all sorts of guidance coming to you from your cards.


Psychic Intensive Workshop 5 D ays I n The S o u t h Of F r an ce ! The Psychic Intensive Workshop has been conceived and developed by professional psychics, who have years of experience in training and supervising professional psychics! Michelle and Cathy approach psychic development within the framework of the Educere Centre’s fundamental philosophy - that is, to bring forth the potential in each individual with whom they work.

“I want to run a workshop that will reveal the secrets of what makes a good psychic! I have been working in this field for 15 years, and trained psychics for an International Psychic Line. Now I’d like to pass on that knowledge to you. Being psychic gives you confidence, strength in your convictions and more power in helping others. I have watched people grow in their abilities and become powerful healers and great seers. Now I’d like to see you grow too!” Michelle Walter - Co-Ordinator Psychic Intensive is five days of Psychic training, Meditation and Qi Gong for Psychic Awareness. These days are designed to awaken and strengthen your natural intuition. During this time you will be supported and guided by our group leaders to have genuine psychic experiences - you’ll experience a shamanic journey, learn how to do a relationship psychic reading, meet your spirit guides, understand & connect with your past lives, and much What does it cost? more! You will learn all you need to know to 5 Day Ticket - £249.00 continue on your path as a Psychic Healer.

** Early Bird Discount - £199.00 3 Day Ticket - £149.00 (Accommodation not included)

When does it take place? September 15th to 19th, 2011 To book, or for more information... Email: michelle@innertraveller.com or cathy@originlife.com Telephone: (44) 1470 532 456 or any of our toll free numbers 11

Your Venue: The Alive Centre Collonges la Rouge, South West France

Your Monthly Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANCER! Well Cancer this is your month! And it will be a good month for you. It is now time for you to take stock of the first half of the year, for you to start giving your attention to all those projects that have been on your mind. Time to take charge of your life, once and for all. You actually have more personal power than you know. Many changes have happened for you recently. And, most of them have been very good for you in the end. These past months of restrictions, have weighed heavily on you. But, although you may still be feeling the effects somewhat, you have learned the fine art of rising above these issues. You are now at a point where Meryl Streep - Celebrity Cancerian you now have all the strength you need to take on anything that comes across your path. “Strength through adversity” is the key here. You now know what you want, and how to go about getting it. “Go for it” slowly but surely, and you will soon see the results. Now, as for your love life - you’re such a romantic! Flowers and chocolates will always melt your heart, and July will be no different. Honor yourself first, in affairs of heart. You will then get all you want and need out of your love relationships this month.

Aries July might not be as easy as you’d like it to be Aries. You like things to move along at an even fast pace. Unfortunately, July is likely to have quite a few stops and starts. This could frustrate you if you let it. You like to have things when you want them, and don’t always understand, why it doesn’t happen that way. Life doesn’t always work that way Aries, and July will be one of those months. The best thing you can do is to go with the flow as best you can. Love Note: Thankfully, your love life will be a different story! You feel it is time to settle down, but at this time you are just fooling yourself. Don’t settle for less - picking the first person who comes along wouldn’t be for the best Aries!

Taurus Yes well we all know you can be very

stubborn at times Taurus. And that doesn’t always serve your “highest good”. This month is a time for you to rethink everything practical in your life - job, finances, and living situation. That doesn’t mean that you will be moving soon. Just that you are feeling a little antsy and have a need for change. That change must come internally before it becomes a physical move. Financially, you will be in a very good place. You will be starting many projects that will soon pay off. Love Note: In that area you’re probably not having any issues, except that you must slow down long enough and stop working for a bit. The one you love wants some more precious time with you Taurus.

Gemini You’ve just had your birthday month Gemini, which will have brought many positive changes with it. This month is about

implementing these changes, and making them work for you in July. You have embarked on a new beginning and spent much of last month letting go of the negative in your life. Financially, by the end of this month you will see things turning around for the better. The keyword for you this month is, “complete”. Follow through and complete all you begin Gemini. Love Note: You probably feel as though you’re now ready for a new love in your life Gemini. But my suggestion is for you to take a little more time than you’d like to - go slow and take it easy love wise. Hold your heart back for the right one this time!

Leo This is a time for many changes for you Leo. Saturn has gone direct, and this basically is a prosperous month for you. We are now just a month away from your 12

“birthday” month. Within that come many shifts. So this month you will be facing and feeling many new challenges, all for the better, finally.You will be experiencing a new burst of energy and power Leo, in all that you encounter. About six months ago was a difficult time, but you can now say goodbye to that period of negativity. You have done your homework and will be enjoying the “fruits of your labor” before long. Love Note: On the love front there may be more challenges than you are used to this month Leo. Please take your time and be cautious. You’re likely to be getting many offers in the romantic arena before long. Make your choices carefully, and all will go well.

Virgo Not everything can be perfect ALL the time Virgo, even if you might aim for that perfection! Most people don’t come up to your standards, least of all yourself. This month is about relaxing with everything that comes your way. You will feel much better handling things this way. There will be less stress and chaos for you, and for those around you. You may feel the Universe is aiming all these challenges at you and no one else. That is just not the case. Trust me, the Universe is an equal opportunity employer. Much of your worry is based in the financial arena. August will be a much better month for you, I promise. Love Note: This might just be another area which will not necessarily go as smoothly as you would like. Just

hang in there, and try not to take everything quite so personally, OK! “Detachment” is the keyword for you this month.

Libra Actually you have a pretty good month ahead in July Libra. Each month your finances seem to have gotten better and better, and they will continue to do so. Enjoy it - this process is the result of all your hard work, over the last few years. You are finally getting back the “good” you have been putting out for so long. You are receiving all of this good back twofold in all areas of your life. Love Note: “Patience” is the keyword for you in July Libra. Even when you think you have reached your limit, you need to dig in deeper for a little more. This is not easy for you, as you are the hopeless romantic. Just hang in there and breathe deep Libra! Keep working on the “DREAM” - it’s coming.

Scorpio You may not realize how unique you are Scorpio - yes unique! Which is wonderful, although difficult for others to understand all the time. You take life very seriously, and July will be no different. Often times people mistake your intensity and passion for anger, among other things. That is why this month you must rein in any anger or major frustration you are going through. Journal, journal & journal - it will see you through this month, and help

you balance things out. Part of your frustration will be in the financial area. The projects you have been working on for so long, have failed to manifest on your timetable. Not to worry, they soon will. Love Note: You will actually be doing pretty well in your love life this month - surprise! Enjoy it Scorpio, and ‘ride with the tide’. Just try not to take any of it too seriously, OK. You are to relax in this area, and just let it happen easily.

Sagittarius This month ought to be fairly good for you Saggie, and you will be pleasantly surprised. Yes, “all things come, to those who wait”. You will not have time for excess emotions nor any kind of chaos this month. You are ready and accepting of all those good things you have been waiting for for so long. Financially, this month will be the beginning of a much more positive phase. And it will be just the beginning of your prosperous financial future. Love Note: Not everything you had hoped for the last few months has gone the way you would like. It is time to relax in this area, take love and romance slow and easy, and with far less seriousness, worry and fear. Your love life will work far better, after a slight attitude adjustment!

Capricorn This entire year will be a year of changes for you Capricorn, some very good, and some a little tougher. But you definitely have the strength to handle 13

whatever comes your way. You are beginning to get in touch now with your immense strength. You may well have wondered where your strength had gone recently. This month will be very different - you’ll access it easily. Also your finances will be starting an upward swing. That will bring a big smile to your face, and to those around you. Just keep doing what you are doing financially. Love Note: Be careful to not be too sensitive this month - work on the unconditional aspect of loving someone. I know it doesn’t sound easy and it is not. But, that is what is needed for you this month.

Aquarius You’re quite adept at helping others Aquarius, but this month is much more about you learning to help yourself . Begin turning all that kindness and help you give to others, towards yourself. Oh my, what a concept, totally foreign to you, huh? This ought not to be, but you are actually learning this, slowly but surely. Financially, this month will be far better than it has been recently. Your finances got thrown

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Merle - 6187 Anne - 6106 Natalie - 6120 Jody - 6126 Brigid - 6104 Charles - 6127 Sandy - 6130 Dana - 6120

off track about three/four months ago. It has taken this long to get it straight, and your money will get much better, “slowly but surely”. Hang in there! Love Note: Your patience in your love life will soon pay off Aquarius. For now, with so many choices and suitors around, it is difficult to just settle on one. And this just might not be the month for the special one to happen. When it does, you will be more than ready!

Pisces This will be a very good month for you Pisces. Finally, your health is improving, and it’s about time! Enjoy this new-found ease. You usually have tremendous strength and insight to handle the rough times. Yet, it has not been that simple the last few months. Financially, you are on the verge of a very positive period. You deserve it, and it is long overdue. Now, you can begin to do all those projects you have been longing to do. Love Note: It has been a long, long time since you have totally opened your heart to someone. Don’t you think it is time to do so? July would be a perfect month to start moving in this direction.

Our special offer on 20 minute readings in July... This month, have a 20 minute reading with any reader, and have 15% off the normal price. This is valid with any reader, any time, and available for the whole of July!

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