Origin Psychics Connections - November 2011 Edition

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Origin Connections The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Psychic Booking Lines

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Is there any such thing as ‘THE ONE’?

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Breaking Through the Barriers!



Li gh t A Fi r e In Yo ur Be ll y Fire represents the deepest expression of our creative spirit. Is it any wonder that fire can have such an effect on us, that it can transport us into a transcendent state of mind?

I have to admit that I absolutely love it when Guy Fawkes Night comes around. Whether it's official celebrations, or just the neighbours sending off a few crackers, those cracks and bangs and whizzing colours are enough to send me racing outside like a child, to gaze skywards until they've all subsided. With each one that bursts into the sky, it's as if a little burst of joy opens up in my heart. What is it about fireworks that keeps us enthralled? Maybe it's their beauty; their vitality; the kaleidoscope of colours, shapes, and patterns, only limited by the creativity of the designers. But maybe it's also to do with the magic of fire itself. Most of us would have had the experience of gazing trance-like into a fire - whether a campfire, or an open fire in the winter, or candles lighting a romantic meal, it's hard to pull yourself away. It can be quite meditative simply looking into a fire - time and space slip away, your body relaxes, and you're in a different space altogether. There's no doubt that firelight can create an intimate atmosphere, and I'm not just speaking now in a romantic sense. Firelight is so much softer than other kinds of light - warm and golden and gentle. But fire is also one of the fundamental elements of this world - it represents the deepest expression of our creative spirit. Is it any wonder that fire can have such an effect on us, that it can transport us into a transcendent state of mind, and speak to us so personally? In the southern hemisphere, why not enjoy a campfire outdoors, now that it's warm again. And as we enter the dark months here in the northern parts of the world, spend some time simply gazing into an open fire. Wherever you are, let the spirit of fire speak directly to your heart at this time of the year.

Cathy 2

Myth Busters: Is there really any such thing as ‘The One’? B y Cath y Co x Most of us would assert that our loved ones, and our relationships with them, are what we value in life more than anything else. And psychological study after psychological study has supported this notion in recent decades. The questions asked by our clients in psychic readings also, not surprisingly, reflect this - without any doubt, the vast majority of the readings we do at Origin Psychics are to do with questions about relationships in one form or another. Naturally, too, most of these are to do with romantic relationships. Over the years and the tens of thousands of readings that we've done about relationships, I've been asked almost every question you could possibly imagine about love, and probably some you could not imagine! But one of the most challenging questions I personally encounter in readings is when a client asks me "Is he (or she) 'THE ONE'?" Or variations on that theme: I thought he was THE ONE but he's left me. If he isn't THE ONE then when will I meet THE ONE? How will I know when I've met THE ONE? Yes - I'm using caps 3

deliberately, because this concept is an incredibly loaded one - loaded particularly through the mis-use of this term by the popular media. And hence the 'mythbuster' title. Why ‘loaded’?

When someone uses language referring to THE ONE, they potentially reveal a number of things about their paradigm of relationships. A paradigm is simply a point of view - it incorporates the position we take and the beliefs upon which that position is built, and sometimes, it's so close to our skin that it's difficult to see. My observation is that this paradigm of relationships is a very limited one. At the very least, it reflects a belief that there is one 'perfect' person each of us is destined to meet and form a successful and fulfilling relationship with in our life time . This person is our 'soul mate', and often, there is an expectation that this person will make us feel 'complete', we will be ultimately compatible, the best of friends, that the sexual chemistry will be fantastic, and they will meet most, if not all, of our emotional needs.

Does this sound a bit exaggerated? Are you reading this and thinking, 'Well come on Cathy - I'm an intelligent person! Of course I don't expect all that from my relationship!' Just take a moment then to explore your own beliefs about relationships. Ask yourself a few questions:

✦ How would you feel if you discovered your partner

was confiding things they'd never told you to a counsellor (or a psychic for that matter!) Does that somehow undermine your relationship? Is that disloyal? ✦ Imagine

a very dear friend or family member suffered the tragedy of losing their partner, someone they considered to be their 'soul mate' - THE ONE for them. And then, some time later, they fell in love again! They're happy, and full of life and energy again. Which partner, for them, is THE ONE?


much of a priority do you expect to be in your partner's life? I'm not talking now about the early, passionate stages of a relationship. Be honest with yourself. Do you really, sincerely, make room for your partner's emotional and creative needs, or do you just tolerate What I've been fortunate enough to witness them, and still expect to be 'NUMBER ONE' most of the through the intimacy of readings is that we time? do seem to have this incredible and quite

magical capacity to spontaneously connect with others in our deepest heart. There are some people we seem to have a perfectly natural compatibility with. And sometimes, sadly, we also seem to be drawn to certain people almost despite what our heart and mind is telling us. But really examining what you believe about relationships can be incredibly empowering, and There is an incredible mystery in relationships reveal the underlying, and often unconscious beliefs that can't be denied. But the mystery of 'THE which may be blocking your relationship happiness. ONE' doesn't really match up with the vast, Or perhaps, blocking a deepening of your incredible, and magical universe of which we're a relationship. part. These are difficult questions, and of course, there actually aren't any black and white answers. They're a bit like that famous QC and his 'hypotheticals' - nigh on impossible to answer unless, perhaps, if you're actually in that situation.

Frequently asked questions... Lyn n e L e sli e This month, we’ve asked one of our professional psychics, Lynne Leslie, to discuss a situation that many clients face feeling stuck in life! Clients often tell me during readings, that they feel stuck and they don’t know what to do to move forwards in their lives. It can be that there are so many different major issues happening all at the same time, they are overwhelmed by the overall picture, or that they just don’t know where to start to sort things out. A psychic reading helps by firstly clarifying what is preventing them from making progress - what the underlying issues are - and with this understanding, it is much easier to step back from the problem and be more objective about the situation, providing space and energy to find creative solutions. A client asked me recently for help with a situation where she was having problems regarding her performance at work. Her health had been affected by this worry and stress, and she was anxious about the future, both financially and with her health. She didn’t know what she could do to improve things, and she was making herself ill with worry. During the reading, we uncovered that what was at the base of the problem regarding her performance at work was the fact that she had very high expectations of herself - made worse by the constant pressure from her employers to achieve and provide measurable results in her workplace. She was doing a good job, but judging herself negatively - and as a result was in a permanent state of anxiety. She felt she was letting others down with her perceived “failure” and was in a downward spiral of depression and worry - fueled by her own beliefs that she “wasn’t trying hard enough”, or “wasn’t good enough”.

When it became clear that the main thing that needed to change was her perspective - to see things differently and to recognize that she was already good enough - I could sense her energy lift. Seeing things differently meant she now had the knowledge and the power to make the changes which would improve her life - not just at work, but in general. Now she recognized that her life was back within her control again. What she gained from the reading was to recognize and then be able to set herself free from, the restrictions of her own mind. Up until that point, she felt that all of the power lay outside of herself, and so there was nothing she could do to resolve the situation. Now she is looking forward to moving forwards positively in her life, and not seeing herself as the “victim” of external circumstances.

by Lynne Leslie Lynne is an extremely sensitive psychic - she combines clairsentience with Tarot, to give you a confident way to move forwards in your life, even in the midst of complex or painful emotional dynamics.


The Wisdom of the Hermit This month, professional psychic Linda McCarthy shares her insights into the tarot card ‘The Hermit’, both for personal insight, and with a global perspective...

A Personal Perspective...

The Hermit is a card for reflection it is about withdrawing from everyday life to explore and activate your unconscious world. You are actually at the top of the mountain after a fairly weary climb, and probably through bleak conditions. You have achieved this but you are so tired you have lost sight of the strength and light within yourself that actually got you there. In some traditions, the Hermit is seen as the card associated with the Astrological sign of Virgo. One of the lessons for Virgos is to be able to be alone but not feel lonely. The Hermit is also number 9 in the tarot journey - the number of completion and integration. The Hermit says that this is a time to look within and reflect back on the journey and the lessons you have learnt. This can be done in many ways, through meditation, listening to your dreams, seeking the advice of a

counsellor, spiritual advisor, or your own spiritual guides. It is important for the mind to be silent, in order for you to tap into your unconscious world, therefore it is best to be away from the everyday distractions of your outer world if possible. This is why the Hermit sometimes signifies the need to retreat from a situation in order to determine what it is you want or need, what has served you and what hasn't, where you are going, and what, from that which you have reflected upon, will you be taking with you. It is the time to seek the glow of light in what might otherwise be a bleak picture - that glow is within you, and it signifies the strength which is there for you to access.

‘Look up! You have the light in your hand. You have the strength to hold your own light, however you’re not recognizing this strength within you.’ A Global Perspective...

We are going through amazing times on our planet at the moment. It is a really important time in history, and the message from the Hermit is to look within. Look at the ways we react, let go of our fears

and work through compassion and love in all our endeavours and interactions. You may find yourself going through one drama after another. But if you step back and look at the broader picture, you might find it appropriate to ask if it is your drama, or perhaps it is that you are a catalyst for change in someone else. This is very common at this time, so remember you are not alone in this. Have faith that these changes have to happen on a personal level before they can happen on a global level. When you look at any natural healing process, you can see that you have to go to the cause first, and only then is a real healing process possible. This is when the message and guidance of the Hermit is so powerful. Whilst going through this healing process, it is often the case that things get a lot worse, before the healing takes place. I feel that this is what is happening on the planet at the moment. 6

Theres’ no doubt that this can be overwhelming. Keep positive, and work on yourself. Look at your reactions. Remember when someone is ‘dumping’ on you, it is usually an unhappiness or insecurity within themselves that’s coming up. If you react negatively to them, even if it is just with your thoughts, you are simply feeding the situation. We are all connected energetically, so having negative thoughts about another is felt by them on some level. Even if consciously they don’t recognize this, they do react in some way. And so around and around it goes, with more and more negative thoughts and feelings, spiraling and compounding. By looking at your reactions and thoughts and working from your heart centre, you are not only helping yourself, but in turn you’re having a domino effect on those around you, and you’re also helping to lift the consciousness of the planet! Don’t ever think that your thoughts and feelings are not important and that you are not contributing, as you are. Your very being here at this time is your choosing and the more aware you become about this, the more comfortable you will feel as we continue to go through these profound changes. We have chosen to be here at this time - it is part of our spiritual evolution. Take the message of the Hermit into your heart and sit with it a while, and you’ll soon feel more peaceful with yourself, those around you, and you’ll feel a sense of bringing real healing into our world.

by Linda McCarthy Linda is intuitive, empathic and clairsentient, and she has been reading the Tarot for more than 20 years. She has studied metaphysics and spiritual counselling, and brings acute insight into the deeper aspects of our desire for happiness, healing, and well-being. Linda always leaves her clients with a feeling of empowerment - she will help you to find a positive in any situation, and to move forwards, even when times are difficult.

Did you know? By Na ta l i e Ar k i ns A planet orbiting a Pulsar in the Serpens Constellation has been discovered - and itʼs made entirely of diamonds!

Astronomers at the University of Manchester have discovered a planet that they believe is made up entirely of diamonds. This planet, which is thought to originally have been a star, with most of its matter siphoned off by the pulsar it is orbiting. Pulsars are small, quickly spinning stars (its 10 miles in diameter, and rotates more than 10,000 times per minute) and most do not have “companion” planets because the gravitational pull is so strong, it grabs or steals most of the matter off any star or planet close to it. All that is left after most of its matter was taken by the pulsar, would be carbon and a small amount of oxygen. This matter would crystallize under its high pressure (just as carbon crystallizes on earth into diamonds). The planet is estimated to be 40,000 to 60,000 miles wide in diameter (about the size of Jupiter). This is a rare finding, since only 2 of 1800 pulsars detected have been found to have companion planets, and its discovery has been published in the journal Science. This makes the song by the Beatles almost prophetic: Lucy in the sky with diamonds. This universe is vast, unpredictable and teeming with unusual phenomena. The stars are twinkling, and some may actually be diamonds! (Journal reference: Science, DOI: 10.1126/ science.1208890) 7

Your November Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCORPIO! Hi Scorpio! This is your month, and you ought to approach it with all of the intensity that the sign of Scorpio possesses. That slow, deep brewing intensity will serve you well this month, along with your incredible intuition. In mid-November, Mercury will be going Retrograde – and this will last until December 13th. You could find that many of your ideas, projects and plans could be stalled a little, put into a state of limbo. So you are to take this time to reconsider and restructure your plans, projects and direction. Then you will be much more centered and ready to pursue whatever you like when Mercury goes direct again. Financially, you will be met with some challenges, and perhaps some unexpected expenses, so be thrifty with your spending where you Julia Roberts - Celebrity Scorpio can. In your love life, this is a time to take your time, and to remember that “all that glitters, may not be GOLD”. Just don’t rush into any relationships now - you may seriously regret it later on!

Aries You have many new positive opportunities coming your way during November Aries. So open up and accept them. You will be surprised at how easy things will be for you in the first three weeks of the month. They will slow down considerably after the 24th when Mercury goes retrograde, but this is only for a few weeks. Take advantage of the early part of the month, and go for it! Financially, you will be surprised at what positive results you will have in the coming weeks. So just get the ball rolling. Love Note: Love is in the air this month for you Aries! So as in all areas this month, go after what you want in the love department, and you will not be disappointed.

Taurus November is likely to be one of those more frustrating and slightly challenging months for you, although you will come out a winner in the long run. The Sun is in Scorpio this month, in harsh aspect to your Sun sign of Taurus, so much of what you do attempt to do, will feel thwarted by unexpected external forces. Mercury going retrograde late in the month will force you to take stock of many things that you might have been avoiding for a while now. Ultimately of course, this will be to your advantage, so try not to avoid it any longer. Financially, you always keep a

close watch over your money Taurus - this month ought to not be any different. If you do as you always do, everything will be OK. Love Note: It is time for you to take stock of yourself and your love life Taurus. Things will begin to move along as you begin to take more responsibility for what you feel.

Gemini You are likely to feel totally at home with yourself this month Gemini. And unlike most of the other Zodiac signs, you can handle the retrograde Mercury that starts on November 24th just fine. Since Mercury rules your sun sign, it is easier for you to adapt to the changes of the retrograde period. And you will be able to “go with the flow” & “keep your head”, when others aren’t. You have nothing to worry about in November, as long as you remember this and stay flexible to what comes along. Financially, this month will be a good time to look at how to adjust your budget, for maximum benefits. Love note: In the romance department, you will find an easy flow of give and take with your love, and with some very happy times as a result.

Cancer November will find you with a very “special glow” in the early stages Cancer. Everything will feel as if it is moving along at an


easy, steady pace. You will be more in touch with your feelings and the feelings of others than you have been in recent months. Your intuitive abilities will be right on this month, so it would be wise to listen to them, and follow your deepest instincts. Even the retrograde Mercury mid-month won’t get you off track. Financially, you will be in very good shape also, and once more, you’ll find your intuition guiding you if you let it. Really have faith in yourself and your discernment this month. Love Note: This will be a happy month for you in the love arena Cancer. Follow your intuition, and you won’t be disappointed.

Leo You may well find yourself wondering just what this month is all about Leo, as so many issues and decisions are being put in your path just now. You may even be feeling a bit overwhelmed, mid-month. It’s only a temporary situation Leo - once more Mercury will be going into retrograde on the 24th. If you are trying to make career decisions, especially longer term ones, this will aspect could cause you some concerns. You just need to take your time, and you will be guided in the right direction. Financially, it would be wise for you to approach your money decisions with a cautious optimism. Love Note: Actually, this will be a very positive, caring period for you in regard to your love life. Take your time and enjoy the ride Leo.

Virgo Virgo you need to hang in there during November - this month may be a bit of a roller coaster ride for you. You generally like to have everything in order, and running smoothly, much like a well oiled machine. November will be nothing like that for you I’m afraid. Don’t allow yourself to be thrown off your game when mercury goes in to retrograde on the 24th. It won’t last long Virgo, and if you’re conscious of it, you’ll be able to handle it just fine. Financially, you will have many new opportunities this month, but it’s still a time to consider your options with caution. Love Note: This is not the month to make any major decisions in affairs of the heart

Virgo. Take your time in any new relationships, and you’ll feel much more certain of your decisions.

Libra Just when you thought things were becoming steady and smooth Libra, November is likely to bring a few hiccups. Another cycle of Mercury going retrograde is rearing its ugly head. This needn’t throw you completely off balance, and it won’t last long. Actually, if you take your time, you will actually be able to make some clear, precise decisions, and come out “smelling like a rose” by the early part of December. Financially, you will see your money turning around in a positive direction during the course of this month. Love Note: You are “in love with love” Libra, but not everyone you meet is the “one”. So take your time, and wait until you hear that deep soft voice of wisdom telling you you’ve found who you’re looking for.

Sagittarius This will be a busy month for you Sagittarius, as you will have to make several important decisions about your future direction. To further complicate things, Mercury will be going into retrograde midNovember and this is happening in your sign. So it is a wise idea to gather all your thoughts and ideas on paper, figure out what you want in future months, and put them into action after December 13th, when Mercury goes direct again. Financially, what advances you were making money wise will slow down just now. Just hang in there for a few weeks. Love Note: This is not a month for you to randomly pursue romance Saggie. If you’re looking for love, it will come to you without you looking for them. Just relax and allow them to find you.

Capricorn It’s November, and we are slowly winding down into the holidays and 2012. This being so, you might feel a little frustrated and feel as though challenges keep popping up in front of you. It’s just Mercury going into retrograde later in the month Capricorn. Also, transiting Saturn is in a bit of a challenging aspect to you Capricorn, so this is a month 9

that you ought to “walk softly but carry a big stick”. Take your time, don’t rush into anything, and it will be a good, progressive month for you. Financially, this will be a good month for you, and you find yourself being able to put some money away. Love Note: You would really like to have a steady love, with no complications. Keep focused on these deeper goals and “hang in there” Capricorn – it won’t be long in coming.

Aquarius Well Aquarius, transiting Neptune is going direct in the beginning of November, and in your part of the heavens! This means that any major holdups from the past will be freeing up for you in the coming weeks. But Mercury is going retrograde late in November, so even though things are starting to move, this is a good time for you to examine and evaluate the past year. This retrograde will help you to get more focused on your ultimate goals and how to manifest them. Financially, you will be more relaxed, because you have finally cleared up some major money issues. Love Note: Hang in there Aquarius - you are just about to get all that you seek, along with a couple surprises. That will bring a smile to your face!

Pisces Actually this will be a pretty good month for you Pisces. You will see many health issues coming to a positive close. And any lingering legal issues will resolve during the course of this month. Although Mercury will be going retrograde on Nov. 24th, it will actually work to your advantage. You will finally feel like things are moving along for you in a smoother manner, and they actually will be. Financially, you’ll finally be able to tie up several lose ends, and you will be able to feel more relaxed in this area as we move towards the end of the year. Love Note: You have been longing for the perfect mate - maybe you ought not to set your standards quite so unreasonably high Pisces. Nobody can be that perfect! Relax, and you may actually find the “love of your life” before much longer.

by Sandy Johnson Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

Autumn Moon November in the northern hemisphere is a perfect time for reflection - the soft gentle light of autumn smooths the edges of past hurts and draws us into the quiet of our inner world. The moon will be waning again after her peak on November 10th. If you want to really let go of the old, this is a perfect time. Autumn is entering its final phase, and the moon is relaxing back to her quieter self, peacefully diminishing to allow the space for her to open again at the right time. But the Moon also supports us in a mysterious way to reflect on what is past, and to see those experiences in a new light. She has a knowing of the mystery of the universe. She sings and helps us to weave the threads of our own story into new patterns - she creates a passage to the resources of our knowledge and wisdom of our past lives, our accumulated and shared experience with everything in the universe. The Moon is a communicator of hope because she forgets nothing and helps us to remember the depths of our own soul and the extraordinary abundance of that shared place.

Be your own Psychic Ever had a ‘Gut Feeling’ or a ‘Sixth Sense’? You’re experiencing Clairsentience. Have you ever had the experience of walking into a room and knowing here had been an argument going on just prior to your arrival? Perhaps you’ve been driving home and suddenly decided to take a different route, only to find there had been a long delay on the route you’d originally been taking. Or the phone rings, and you have a sense of who it is before you answer it - no cheating now! I’m talking about conventional ‘old-fashioned’ phones, not the sort with caller ID. They don’t count! These are all very common psychic experiences of a particular kind - clairsentience.

Get to know how you ‘know’... Take a few moments to close your eyes and quiet your mind. Now spend some time mentally scanning your body - take notice of any tension; take notice of any physical sensations, such as a pain in your shoulder, tingling hands or feet, even goose pimples. Now take some time to really relax - roll your shoulders, slow your breathing, and sink deeply into where you are sitting or lying. Take some more slow deep breaths and relax down into a receptive state, and then scan your body again. Are you experiencing the same sensations, or different ones? When you feel really relaxed, picture an energy field around your body. This is your energy field - your vibration. Does it have a colour? Just take note of any aspects that stand out to you. As you breathe slowly in and out, feel how your energy field softens, and becomes expansive. Take a few moments to simply be in this space and take note of what you experience. When you are ready, bring your awareness slowly back to the room, press your heals into the floor, and open your eyes.

Clairsentience - the art of clear sensing or clear knowing. When you know something in a clairsentient way, you just know it. You can’t prove what you know, or how you know it, but you know you have felt something that is important. These moments of knowing stay with us so strongly because they are related to our feelings, and we all know how feelings like to hang on in there - they can be quite sticky at times! Most of us can be quite disconnected from how our body is responding to people and circumstances until those feelings become intense enough that they send a strong signal to our brain. The key to harnessing this ‘extra sense’, and allowing it to guide and support you, is to catch those feelings when they happen. As with any aspect of intuitive development, it is important to allow yourself to practise relaxing and meditating, so that you are in charge of your feelings, and not being distracted by the more superficial feelings that come along. Clairsentience is very much a ‘mind-body’ experience try using the exercise in the box on the left to build up your discipline at listening to your feelings, and giving them the space and time to communicate what they are trying to say, as well as training your mind to understand their language.


Breaking Barriers ‘The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.’ We all come up against obstacles in life. But how many of them do we create ourselves? Natalie Arkins explores ways to overcome these barriers. 12

N o v e m b e r’ s Pe rson a l D e v e l o pmen t F e a t ur e . .. I just love hearing from my clients that they have overcome a barrier in their personal life, whether it is deciding to go for that new job they didn’t think they could do, start a relationship or leave one, or just change the way they live their lives. Breaking through the limitations we have set ourselves is always empowering, allowing us to realize we can do something we previously thought was impossible. This is a return of power to the individual, and starts us on the path of opening and exploring our world, until we reach the next barrier. Barriers are everywhere in our life, and of course, some are needed for safety’s sake, and are reasonable for living in this world. Other barriers are there that we have put in place, whether told to us by our parents, teachers, peers, or some that are simply self-imposed. As the quote above from Einstein states, we have to be curious and questioning about the world around us, or we may just become complacent and accept limitations, even when they are obstructing our growth or are detrimental to our quality of life. Curiosity is a blessing for us, to look at the world with new eyes.

‘Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.’ Albert Einstein In the last month, a huge discovery occurred in science that has the ability to turn all our previous knowledge and theories of the world on its proverbial head. This is the discovery of neutrino’s moving faster than the speed of light in experiments with CERN and San Grasso laboratories. If replicated and proven, this is what science calls a “paradigm shift”- a shift in the theories that rule science. And they are just theories- working hypotheses until someone proves otherwise or breaks that barrier. I believe that if Einstein was alive today, he would be absolutely chuffed that scientist’s had broken the speed of light barrier, thought to be unbreakable. That was what Einstein was all about- questioning the world, not

believing in what was taught in school as “written in stone”, never to be changed. School teaches us the current theories that rule our world, but these are not absolute truths, and in some way can block real learning, because we are taught this is how it is, and you must accept this as fact. This type of education is memory based, instead of real learning, where new ideas and advances can occur.

‘Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.‘ Mary Kay Ash ‘The only really valuable thing is intuition.’

Albert Einstein These two quotes are interconnected, because the bumblebee does not know about aerodynamics, it just feels in its body that it can fly, and so it does it. This is intuition - a feeling in your gut, third eye, even your heart, that tells you something that your mind would disregard or tell you that you can’t do. Intuition is indefinable really, but naturally occurring in everyone, and should be utilized and valued more by modern society. Unfortunately, even though most scientists will admit that intuition and imagination were the key to certain discoveries, the modern world still values logic and the mental processes over intuition.

Some Guidelines to use in discovering and overcoming your barriers... ✴

Be curious, explore your limitations and be

Interestingly, the finding of subatomic particles breaking the light open to discovering what is your truth. barrier would also help to explain intuition and psychic phenomena. How can we know, before something has happened, ✴ Experience is vital; knowing something that it will happen? How can some people see ghosts or connect because someone told you is not enough. with spirits that have passed over, when they are no longer in the same “time” frame or dimension as us? If this new finding ✴ Use your intuition - these are the gut feelings, is proven correct, it would explain this because causality insights and inner knowing that will guide you. cause and effect would not happen, and things would occur ✴ Imagination is important for expanding your outside of the property of time. I am looking forward to hearing the new theories that will come out of this. boundaries of what you think is possible. I would also add that imagination is important too, and that imagination is a component of intuition. It is where we dream of the future possibilities, and that is the first step in manifesting what you want in life. Vision

Everything is constantly changing. By accepting

change, it can occur without any effort on your part. Most of all enjoy the journey and avoid those who don’t want to experience change.

boards, vision quests, daydreaming are vital to expanding our horizons. It is how we create our future, although we have to be careful here, since sometimes we are imagining negative or bad outcomes instead of positive and expanding outcomes.

‘I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.’ Richard P Fynman ‘The only source of knowledge is experience.’ Albert Einstein These quotes remind me of what the Buddha said to his followers. Basically he told them not to believe what he said about the world, but to experience it themselves and then decide. Being told something is true, but not having experienced it means we take on someone else’s viewpoint - both positive and negative, without discovering if this is true for ourselves. The Toltec Naguals (shamans from the area of Mexico) use the metaphor of the universe as an eagle. We are but one feather of that eagle, and even the most developed, conscious being here can only know or understand that one feather. To get close to our barriers, we must explore our world that we have created, mentally and

physically and experience life in all of its complexity. Yes, sometimes, that means having negative experiences too, but that teaches us to what avoid in the future. Once we realize where the barriers are, we can use curiosity, intuition and imagination to overcome those barriers. But that is not the final step, it is an eternal circle, ever expanding and widening, just as our universe is physically expanding into new space. There will always be more limitations to overcome, more empowerment to be had by crossing our barriers.

‘As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.’ Albert Einstein Einstein was always questioning even his own theories, coming up with counter-arguments, always willing to learn and expand. This reality is multilayered - different dimensions, different realities for each individual that experience life on this earth. Mathematical laws do not circumscribe our reality, they can only describe what we know so far. The only constant thing is change everything is changing, with or without our help.


Mind Space Learning some form of meditation practice has become very common in our ultra busy world. Essentially, meditation practice supports us to take charge of our consciousness - and there are numerous methods and practices available for us to use. Here is a simple but extremely powerful visualization practice, to life your heart and your mind! A smile is a beautiful expression of who you are, and the simplest

The Healing Smile... ✦

✦ ✦

Sit comfortably with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor Close your eyes, and take your attention to your breathing Slow down your breathing, and feel all the tension falling away, down from the top of your head, through your neck and shoulders, through your body, through your legs, and out through the soles of your feet and into the earth Do this several times until you feel completely relaxed and at ease Focus again on your breathing Gently breathe in and out....in and out

Sit with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed. Breathe in and out 5 times to relax down even further. Now SMILE the biggest smile you can! Feel tension melting away. Let your smile warm and heal you. A smile makes you feel confident.

way to life your spirits and connect with others - even complete strangers. In order to make the most of your consciousness practices, it’s important for you to develop an awareness of your state of mind and emotions before you begin. Take a few moments to become aware of your emotions, of what’s been going through your body and mind. The more conscious you become of where you’re at, the more quickly and easily you will be able to relax down into a state of receptivity for your practice. And the more you’ll feel in charge of your life.

Now think of someone you love. Smile for them. Send them healing through your smile. As your eyes and mouth uplift when you smile, so does your confidence and enthusiasm for life. Be aware of the uplifting nature of your genuine smile.

Why not keep a journal on your meditation experiences? You’ll be amazed at how much this deepens your experience and helps you to reflect as time goes by.


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