Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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MAY 2010



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Welcome ...to the May edition of ‘The Origin Psychic’. Here in the northern hemisphere, we are FINALLY entering springtime - and of course the autumn will be nearing its end at home in Australia. The flow of the seasons really is an amazing thing. As I was thinking about this flow of opposites, it occurred to me that springtime brings regeneration, and autumn degeneration. Each is completely natural - nature just simply flows in the appropriate direction, without struggle. We, though, seem to struggle with generating anything at all! Regeneration these days seems to be perfectly natural to Dr Who, but most of us would leave it in the fantasy realm of a Time Lord. As for degeneration - well most women at least would have to admit to spending an inordinate amount of time trying to avoid it. Just think of what we spend on cosmetics. And yet the key seems to be the word common to both - generation! That seems to indicate that we have some part to play - that we can generate the energy needed to revitalize ourselves and our lives, or to let go, and allow the old and outmoded within us to fall away. Well in the spirit of ‘regeneration’, our magazine will be undergoing some exciting changes in a short while; we will be re-branding and updating the magazine to make it more reader friendly and dynamic. We want to make it the first port of UK 0844 704 5868

MAY 2010

Contributors GAYE WRIGHT

Origin Psychics Founder & Lead Psychic

call for all of you interested in selfawareness and fulfillment. We now have a dedicated email address for you to send your letters to and the best ones will be published every month with the writer of the ‘letter of the month’ winning a prize of a free reading. So get writing and send your letters to us here at letters@origincommunity.com We are also going to introduce a section on how the Origin Psychic Line has changed your perceptions and we will be writing individual features. If you would like to take part in this and tell us how your life has been changed, get in touch with us and we will use your story. This might be as simple as a short paragraph about a particular reader or a particular reading which has made a difference to you. Or it might be something more substantial. Either way, we are keen to have you involved! We look forward to hearing from you soon - I for one am keen to learn from the Time Lords and see if I can energize myself with a little taste of regeneration!


Origin Psychics Senior Reader & Psychic Life Coach BEDE NICHOLSON

Origin Psychics Senior Reader & Relationship Expert CATHY COX

Origin Psychics Senior Reader & Change Expert


Origin Educere Centre Retreat Assistant

Have a great month!


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Welcome...to the magical month of May... May is a special month for all those interested in psychic work, healing and magic. It is the month named after the Greek goddess Maia. She was the eldest daughter of Atlas, the most beautiful of her seven sisters, all of whom we can see in the night skies in the "Pleiades" constellation.

I was young. So when we settled on Skye, it was like filling in a gap in my life. I don’t have to live there now because something has been resolved, and I am sure that establishing our psychic base there was a big part of that resolution. That’s what happens Maia is sometimes referred to as the grandmother of in past life stories. You might have had the same expemagic because she bore Zeus a son, Hermes, the great rience in other ways, like being in a relationship that messenger of the gods in Greek mythology, who is has been meant to be, but not necessarily. also credited with the invention of medicine, astrology, and letters, and was an escort of souls to the un- Sensing past lives... derworld. May is a very psychically oriented month! Many of my clients are in touch with a more subtle You could make this the month you go deeper into sense of things when they feel a sense of belonging, your own psychic realms, to learn more about your familiarity, coming home, rightness, and so on, in intuition, and perhaps discover how much your senses meeting someone whom they have not known before are involved in the way you respond or react to your- in this life. It’s an instance when the senses are tuning self, others and the world around you. My article in into a much more subconscious connection that very this gazette might encourage you to take your sensory often defies logic, and custom, as well as social body more seriously. It doesn’t take too much time norms. If you have been in one of these situations, the first thing is not to despair. The second thing is to see each day to give your senses a tune-up, so to speak! where you might have to update your relationship so it works differently to before. In other words, the old Our Educere retreat centre... patterns have to change and new ones take their place, Have you been on our websites lately to see what is patterns of relating that are more in keeping with happening at our base in the UK on the Isle of Skye? where both of you are at in this life. I talk about havYou might not know it, but we manage our world- ing to go through the “mini-death” of the old relationwide psychic line from there. It is also the home of ship, which can feel like the relationship is actually our Educere retreat centre ( pronounced E-doo-che- finishing. It is, in a sense, but it has to, in order to ray ). You might not be able to visit, but you can expe- make way for the new life relationship that is much rience the magic of Skye through the photos and vid- more suitable for today. It’s not easy, but it is the most eos we are now uploading. Skye is the largest Isle in effective way to have the relationship of a lifetime! the Inner Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland, and remote though it is, it is frequented by many artists Have a magical May and take care until next month... who go there seeking the translucent light and subtle colours. Do you have a favourite place that you visit regularly or would dearly be able to visit? I can remember having that feeling about Scotland ever since


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MAY 2010

Developing Your Senses by Origin Psychics Founder & Lead Psychic, Gaye Wright Have you ever thought about how much you owe to your senses? Winston Churchill claimed that his intuition gave him a warning that saved his life, and many people with not-so-famous names have said the same. You could have a story of your own. I probably trust my senses more than I rely on my logic to work out what is really going on, and this is especially true in my psychic work. That is what people call me up for, to give them a perspective on their issue or situation that goes beyond what the rational mind demands of them. In saying that, I don’t disregard the power of logic. It is a combination of the two that creates balance. Let’s take your senses... Your senses are operating full time, picking up signals, tuning in, conveying messages to you in a variety of ways. Most of us recognise, to some degree or another, when our senses are telling us something through our feelings. That gut feeling you have, or that prickly feeling at the back of your neck, or even a queasy stomach, are all ways that your senses are using body feedback to get through to you. The more refined your senses, the more refined the message... Some people seem to be more naturally gifted with acute sensory ability in one sense more than the others, although ask some of these people, and they might not agree with you. They could easily see it as a burden rather than a gift. They have lived with their “gift” for so long that they don’t realise that they can still learn to take charge of that gift and use it in the best way for all concerned, including themselves. People who UK 0844 704 5868

have premonitions don’t have to live with the belief about being messengers of doom. It depends on interpretation of what their sense is really telling them. Getting to know your senses is how you take charge of what your senses are communicating. You can still get messages of things to come, but you will know how to most effectively deal with what you are

receiving. A quicker route to sensory mastery is through body confidence practices. What kind of body work promotes confidence in our senses? If you want to refine your senses, you need to start with an understanding of what part your body actually plays in the process. Sure, we all know that we get gut feelings in our gut; we all know that we can hear voices in our ears; we all know that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, for we can look at someone very differently to the person standing next to us. We take all of this for granted, because it is common knowledge. But how do you develop your senses

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to the point where you can pick up on more subtle flows of energy?

so much better in the company of someone who makes us feel happy in our body.

An interactive body... The foundation of a highly developed sensory body is the experience of your body as interconnected with all the other bodies in the world, or the universe for that matter. Or, you can extend it even further to the cosmos! How can you sense things in a more expansive way if you are limited in how far your body extends? If you believe that you are separate, then you can only sense what is within your own body environment. You might have a gift that “jumps” the gap without your knowledge, over into other people’s body environments, and that is what happens when you have a gift that runs you, instead of you being in charge of it.

An exercise to promote a more confident sensory body environment... When you are next in doubt about a decision you are about to make, or have to make, try tuning into your body by closing your eyes and breathing yourself down into a more peaceful place. Breathe deeply until you feel your shoulders relaxing down and your breath getting slower. Next, in your mind space, count backwards from ten down to one, then, ask yourself the question: “How do I feel about this?”

Sensory mixing and matching... We are all interdependent, and that includes what happens in the mix and match of body energy, meaning that when I am standing next to you I am sharing our combined body environments. Think back to when you didn’t enjoy being in that shared space with someone. Your senses were not liking what they were tuning into. The message was clear. Move away. This is how many people realise that they are in toxic relationships. Bodies get stressed out and sick from constantly being overwhelmed by disharmonious sensory experiences. The opposite is also true, which is the basis of genuine healing. We all feel UK 0844 704 5868

Gaye Wright is the founder and lead psychic of Origin Psychics and the author of a variety of workshops, courses, and books on the psychic and healing arts. Gaye has also channelled Origin Dynamics exercises and meditations for refining the senses and increasing body confidence. For a reading with Gaye, call the free call numbers below...

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MAY 2010

We are in love and married….to other people by Bede Nicholson Even in an age of more relaxed morals and sexually liberated viewpoints, ‘Adultery’ is still very much a dirty word. Associated with cheating and lying, adultery is up there in the Top 10 things that God said he didn’t want us to do. Yet, when faced with falling in love with someone outside our relationship, the moral and emotional ambiguity of this position becomes apparent. Isn’t love the most important thing above all? But what about the feelings of my current partner – I don’t want to hurt them either. The point of my article this month is not to make a moral judgement on affairs (I will leave this to the priests or Jeremy Kyle) but to honestly examine what motivates an affair and how having an affair can either be a catalyst for real and positive change in your life, or a recipe for emotional disaster. The emotional distraction affair The assumption that most people would make is that someone having an affair must be miserable in their relationship. Through many years of experience with talking to clients about their relationships, I have found this not to be the case at all. Many clients who I read for will tell me they are quite comfortable in their relationship, but they no longer view their partner in romantic terms but as their friend. In many cases, this person may have younger children or have a strong financial commitment to their relationship. This person is secure in their current relationship, but having an affair to meet other emotional/sexual needs. The emotional escape affair On the other hand, I also have many clients who are in fact desperately unhappy in their relationship. It may be abusive or dysfunctional and there is a sense that they feel completely suffocated and trapped in their relationship. An affair is an escape from this misery, and they are hoping that an affair my lead them to a way out. In many of these cases the person may have already worked out that they want to leave the relationship, but feel daunted by the prospect of the upheaval and emotional trauma that the breakdown in a relationship will bring. UK 0844 704 5868

Obviously, these are very broad generalizations, and many people may find themselves somewhere between the two, but the distinction is important because it reflects the intention of the person having an affair. When Mrs Emotional Escape meets Mr Emotional Distraction When a client of mine Elisa met Dave, she was desperately unhappy in her relationship with her husband Rob. Whilst the constant fighting had stopped in their relationship, Rob and Elisa had settled into a kind of loveless and often resentful relationship with each other. Elisa knew this was a bad situation but separating with Rob was going to be very traumatic. She knew Rob would make it difficult for her and that there would be custody issues with the children. Elisa met Dave at work. He was also married and therefore Elisa had never taken a second look at him. However, over the previous six months, Dave had been flirting with Elisa on a regular basis. She wasn’t sure whether Dave was just joking around or whether he was serious about something, but Elisa enjoyed the attention and went along with it for fun. One night at a work function, Elisa and Dave ended up kissing. Dave told Elisa he had feelings for her, and he thought

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the world of Elisa. Elisa asked Dave about his current relationship and he told Elisa that ‘things were complicated.’ Three months later Elisa and Dave were having a full blown affair, meeting whenever Dave could sneak the time. Dave rarely spoke about his wife and kids but was an extremely kind and attentive friend and lover. They spoke about everything (except their relationships) and there was a deepening sense of connection and love. At the six month mark, Elisa asked Dave where he felt their relationship was heading. Dave dropped a bombshell. He told Elisa that he could never leave his wife, that he loved her and didn’t want to lose the kids, but that he also loved Elisa. Elisa was obviously devastated. Dave also seemed matter of fact about it, while Elisa was in

feeling was there, but it wasn’t grounded on the reality of their everyday life. At some point, reality burst the bubble and Elisa was left devastated. In many ways I felt deep down Elisa already knew this at an intuitive level right from the word go, but she was so unhappy in her relationship that she was prepared to blind herself in order to entertain the fantasy. The critical point here is that if you are having an affair, it is vital that both people are clear and open about their relationship situation. Discussion of husbands and wives may be uncomfortable and may intensify the feelings of guilt, but the alternative of creating a relationship bubble, disconnected from reality, is much more dangerous for all involved. Talk about your feelings and issues with your current relationship and you may decide that it is better to just be friends than pursue an affair. Perhaps you can help each other renew your marriages, or perhaps you can help each other break out of them, but whatever the case, you are following a conscious relationship path, not looking for either distraction or escape, but for an honest and clear path for happiness.

What others have said about Bede... ‘Bede was able to immedi-

turmoil. She understood Dave’s situation was difficult and that his children were younger than Elisa’s, but she had never expected such a point blank rejection of any possibility of their relationship progressing. She had always thought that as their relationship grew stronger they would at some point discuss ways to leave their prospective partners.

ately able to link in and describe my feelings at the current time. I felt like a$ the stuff going on in my head was being spoken back to me. The accuracy rea$y blew me away, and his caring manner helped make this process a lot easier. The reading rea$y helped me to face up to a lot of things about my behavour and how much of a victim I had become. He helped me to take charge of my feelings and my relationship.’ Jenny, USA

Getting on the same page The point of this case study is not to provide some kind of horror story on the inevitable tragedy of affairs. Not all affairs end like this. However, it does illustrate some problems. Elisa and Dave’s relationship existed in a bubble. The emotional connection and

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MAY 2010


*to bring forth hidden potential. The Origin Educere Retreat Centre on Skye is quickly becoming a busy place! Our guests, and their needs, vary greatly. What is consistent though is the personal attention and support they receive to achieve their goals. Here we see Paula and her son Dan with our Shaman Graham Watt. They had each just snapped those arrows you see in their hands! The arrow break originates 'om a Fijian Ritual. It is a highly eective motivational tool for breaking through mental and emotional resistance barriers and it also aids you in stepping out of your present negative patterns in life, creating a much more positive state of mind for the future. I would personally like to extend a very warm invitation to any of our readers who would like to come to our retreat centre here on Skye. I can certainly assure you that magic is happening here - you, too, can experience that magic personally!

Cathy Cox, Origin Educere Centre

The reality of personal power. by Rod Nicholson, Managing Director All of us wish to achieve success and happiness in our life. The key to this is to tap into our own personal power. Friedrich Nietzsche, a famous German philosopher believed that our will to power was the essence of being a human being.

The problem is that many of us have given away our personal power. We have become victims of our It is certainly true to say that when we experience a circumstances, personal sense of power then we always feel good about ourselves. Personal power is there when we feel in charge feeling often that the events of life of our life, when we can achieve our goals, when we are that we have to deal confident about our ability to influence people and with are beyond our communicate with them successfully. control and power. When we tap into our personal power then our I can see how in my life I have had a distorted view energy level rises and we become enthusiastic and of personal power and what it means. When I first optimistic about our life. We know we can initiate started teaching many years ago, authority in the things, our self-image is positive and we glow with classroom was something that I understood had to be confidence. imposed and I had no hesitation in using the cane when I thought it necessary. Perhaps, it was necessary. I must UK 0844 704 5868

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be honest and say, although it is no longer politically correct, that I still think a smack at the right time and in the right manner, is still something that some young children need. Phew! I hope saying that doesn't get me into trouble?

Once we understand that we live in a universe of Oneness and constant interaction there is no question of being without personal power. There is only a question of how we use it. The victim is as powerful as the initiator.

I do know that if I went back to those days, knowing what I know now, that I would have a very different attitude. The big thing for me is that I have grasped far more clearly than I ever did in my younger days, that we live in an interconnected universe. We are all part of the Oneness.

The issue is whether or not you are happy exerting your personal power as a victim, having people feel sorry for you, running after you, getting tired of your constant complaining, trying to avoid your company because you are too heavy and dreary. Or, would you prefer to be someone who creates an energetic, happy and caring atmosphere? Would you like other people to seek out your company rather than avoid you?

When we really understand this then we also understand that our personal power cannot be a forceful and dominating power. When we understand our interconnectedness, then we also realize that the quality of the flow is what really matters. It has taken me a long time to realize that forcefulness most of the time is not quality interaction. It might have its place occasionally, but overall other people react negatively and stubbornly to people who exert their personal power and influence in a dominating manner. The reality is that we are never powerless. We always have an influence on people around us. We cannot avoid this. Everybody knows that one of the most effective ways to make other people uncomfortable is to give them the "silent treatment." Most people find that very difficult to cope with.

So, the main issue with personal power is not do I have it or not? Can I tap into it or not? The reality is that you cannot avoid it. The issue is, how do you exert your personal power? Do you make it something positive in your life or do you use it in a dreary and miserable way? When we understand personal power in this way, then it is not about gaining or losing but rather about how we use what we have. This is a very different story to the one that most people believe.

"Thank you to the team at the Origin Retreat Centre on Skye. My time with you was a real experience of inward reflection, inspiration and growth. This week has recharged the batteries and laid the foundations for a better way of being. Even those trained in helping others, need to allow time for themselves to heal and reenergise."

Dr Gary Orr, Consultant Psychiatrist. 'I have taken away grounding meditation skills / exercises to help me work through difficult situations, emotional responses and improve my life. Thank you to Cathy & Kim for your help & expertise. I feel rejuvenated and at peace with myself again.ʼ

Rachel Eldessouky ʻThe therapies were very helpful and calming. The atmosphere within the house was very tranquil and therapeutic, with superb views. Managed two full nights sleep which has been wonderful! Exploring the island is therapeutic in itself.ʼ Mandy Scott

Everyone is able to say, " I am a powerful person."



This retreat package is particularly designed for those who wish to 'get away from it all' and make the most of the island's special qualities. £150.00

You can choose to focus your retreat on your physical well-being by selecting from our services, including : reiki, quantum touch, nutritional therapy, meditation. £150.00



On this retreat, we support you with the tools you need to begin to explore your own personal inner landscape. £120.00

Skye is a very magical place, and there's no better place to be open to the messages of the cosmos. £199.00

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MAY 2010

Introducing... Merle Hurley Origin Team Psychic ‘Merle has a beautiful, calming and healing energy. I was broken hearted over a past relationship and fearful of letting a new one come to me and develop. Merle completely put me at ease and I was able to cry the tears 'om my heart, accept that this ex was not right for me and let it go. Merle helped me to move on and a$ow this wonderful man that I've connected with to come closer. She encouraged me to treasure what I'd learned 'om my ex and have confidence in my choices.’ Jan, Manchester We decided it would be best if Merle explained a little about her psychic work herself. Here is her response...

‘Although my background has previously been in industry, I have always been highly committed to a quest for learning and wisdom. At the moment I am doing a degree in counselling, but was previously studying towards an Arts degree with a major in psychology. One of my mentors in life has been Dr Wayne Dwyer - he has written many books. Dr Dwyer is a psychologist who is a deeply spiritual man and who always looks for answers in life to help others. Throughout my life I have made the effort to improve myself on many levels in the aim to reach a higher understanding of myself and life, and I consider my journey a unique and unusual one. I’m a Capricorn and I tend to do things the hard way, but that way I tend to learn more. When I was a child I experienced some traumatic events which triggered my psychic abilities. In a very unfortunate incident at the tender age of seven years old, I remember seeing my life flash before my eyes and I faced the reality of what life and death really meant. Knowing at that moment I was facing my own mortality I developed a sudden superhuman strength that helped me to overcome and survive the whole


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situation. I have memories that go back to when I was three years old, they are still very clear in my mind. At that tender age, I lost my five year old brother, and at the young age of 17, I lost my father. Instead of letting go of my father and my brother, I kept the connection throughout time and they have always been my guides throughout my adult life. This is a very valuable source of positive energy, because when death occurs a new energy is waiting to take place. I taught myself to tap into this amazing universal energy from a very early age and it has helped me to gain an enormous insight to all aspects of life. My door is now permanently opened to the universe, and it presents to me an endless amount of information on a daily basis. I have become skilled over the years in allowing information to flow freely and that is why I am able to help people when they are blocked or need reassurance and direction. In my readings I find people are appreciative of my support, empathy and genuine understanding. But my most important quality is that I am committed to using my abilities to help others.

Have a 20 minute reading with Merle this month and receive a 15% discount off the normal price.

Free Call - As below...

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MAY 2010

What is your Fairy Tale? by Michelle Walter, Senior Origin Psychic Why do you end up feeling the same way about yourself, regardless of all the changes you make in your life to accomplish your dream? Michelle Walter looks at the personal myths we hold about ourselves.

Dream of the Sleeping Beauty complex – You feel cursed and that your life is a struggle until a man comes along and breaks the spell. Often you can have a traumatic childhood or events to overcome, and relationships are a tool to heal from the past, but can sometimes repeat the trauma of the past. Dream of the Snow White complex – The people's princess - popular, the golden child. Often people are jealous of you and relationships can contain jealousies or triangles with a third person. Your challenge is to accept that you deserve love and you don't have to fight for it.

Every person has a personal mythology - a secret picture or story of you that hides away in your dream and fantasy. This secret you contain is the story that becomes your life dream. This dream can be a dream we have lived out in past lives. This is why so many people benefit from past life readings in order to gain this important insight into their identity.

Dream of the Rapunzel complex – You’re waiting in the tower for a man to rescue you. You can be dependent on a man to reinforce that you are beautiful and special. The danger is that the higher up you are on the pedestal, the harder the fall when the relationship changes.

Your Secret Self…your Dream! Your personal mythology creates certain feelings you have about yourself and in particular, it creates the feeling you have towards relationships in your life. If your unconscious picture of yourself is of a damsel in distress, then you will search out a strong and controlling Ask yourself… man to take charge of your life. • What fairy tale image 'dream' are you most attracted to? What is your Fairy Tale?

Dream of the Cindere$a Complex - The good girl who • What fairy tale story 'dream' does your life most always does the right thing for other people, but doesn't mimic? get anything for herself. You look for a relationship to • What are you looking for – to be rescued in your give you what is missing, but this can put pressure on the dream? For your life to turn around? To be made to feel bond. special? Dream of the Alice in Wonderland complex - You are the babe in the woods, the free spirit who seeks relationships that give you adventure and romance. But sometimes your rose-colored glasses can blind you to what is really going on.


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Please bear in mind that these questions are a fun look into this important topic. If you are interested in going further into this topic, mentoring sessions with a psychic mentor are recommended.

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Myth vs. Reality in Dreams It is important to de-mythologize your fairy tale dream. To do this, you have to identify the beliefs you have about yourself and see where these beliefs are leading you; otherwise you will continue to search for someone to ‘play’ a role in your life. When you are playing a role in your own dream instead of being yourself, you can't form a real relationship with others. Role playing in relationships or believing that someone else is playing a role for you holds the key to understanding why your expectations are disappointed and how you are ‘tricked' in your relationships.

What others have said about Michelle... “Thank you for all your support over these past 4 years. Your insights have provided unique and valuable wisdom that has allowed me to grow and understand myself. Particularly outstanding has been your guidance on building loving, quality relationships with others, of which the results have added enormous quality to my life…..” Christina, England I feel you have become a friend whom I can call any time when my soul and heart ache and I know you will restore my spirits and cheer me up and so far all you have been able to see and perceive has been uncannily accurate and has helped me a lot in keeping “things” in perspective and context. Nicole, England

Don’t forget... Every month, we offer our clients a 40 minute reading for the price of 30 minutes!

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MAY 2010

Star Challenges by Kim Thomas, Origin Astrologer & Team Psychic With several Hollywood couples announcing splits recently, and last year’s Tiger Woods scandal, 2010 is already a challenging and transformative year for many peoples’ relationships. Stars such as Kate Winslett and Sam Mendes announcing their recent break up, have got people asking, what went wrong in paradise? Astrology can provide a starting point for understanding our own energies and our partner’s, while opening a discussion for our deepest needs and desires. Both Kate Winslett and Tiger Woods have the sign of Libra in common. Currently, celestial heavyweight Saturn (boundaries and integrity) is reversing back and forth through Libra (relating and balance). Kate has a cluster of planets in Libra, so she is certainly hearing Saturn’s call loudly, which for her may be to create a stable base for herself and her children. Ignoring, Old Father Times’ call to responsibility, may eventually lead to some neurotic behaviour so she is certainly taking control of her life. Then we have Tiger, who with Libra (indecision) on his Ascendant (how people see you) with Saturn (teacher of hard lessons) and the call of Uranus (individuality and freedom) pulling him in the opposite direction, we get an idea of the inner, obviously unconscious turmoil within him. The Celestial heavy weights Saturn and Uranus are causing stress and tension between our need for security and our need to express our individuality. Furthermore, Pluto (death, regeneration and healing) is in the mix challenging us to get rid of the old worn out structures, no longer suitable to the people we are newly becoming. This year will be make or break, if it does not work for you, you will have to fix it or throw it away. Relationships can be viewed as platforms for growth and therefore struggles and challenges are tied up intimately with the joys of relating to others. Our Future Love and Romance Forecast provides a very detailed account of the planetary transits relating to your love life for the next 12 months. So if you are feeling like running away one minute and then throwing yourself at the knees of your loved one the next, perhaps an Astrology report might give that much

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needed objectivity about what is happening and how to

move forward with integrity. Extract from Kate Winslett’s Future Love and Romance Forecast

“You now wi$ be more sure of yourself psychologica$y, and what is very important, you are not attached to or stopped by people in your family environment. You prefer to devote part of your energies, your time and your effort to improve the dynamics of your family, have family gatherings 'om time to time to talk over your problems, or simply to pass the time. Thus, your personal self-esteem is increased, making you a very useful person prejudiced toward evolution and change, which wi$ not bring states of emotional susceptibility or evasion. You prefer to sweeten the circumstances with motivation, facts, and 'uit, rather than to attempt to adorn them, to defer them,

Future Love & Romance Forecast Only $15.95 - Normally $24.95 (+ P&P) www.find-the-right-psychic.co.uk

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MAY 2010

Your Origin Horoscopes for May ARIES


Material wealth and security feature strongly in early May. Strategy and flexibility hold the key when faced with angry challenges regarding your self-worth and need for creative expression. By the 10th and 11th blocks to progress are removed, personal power and initiative manifests, bringing changes at home. Stay centred as it may feel like external forces at work or in relationships are holding you back from moving into a new way of life. Remember, nothing external is real, it is your fear; you are giving birth to yourself, frightening but fulfilling.

With the Sun emphasising your personal identity and purpose in the first half of the month and retrograde Mercury making you think about some unresolved issues, its likely that miscommunications may arise, but be patient and flexible. Your feelings of restlessness are there to nudge you towards balance at home regarding self-assertion and the needs of others. By the New Moon in Taurus on the 14th, mental clarity and determination returns bringing with it financial and home initiatives. From the 21st your need to connect and communicate with friends and lovers deepens, try to smooth out differences and renew old ties.



A light is shining on your subconscious; those hidden processes that prevent new growth are being steadily dissolved. The space created is needed for radical regeneration at home, work and health matters. Heavy work but Venus in your first House of Self, lightens the load and encourages an air of love and reciprocation with others although do try to focus on self love first and foremost. Your personal power days on the 15th and the 16th bring a whirl of chatter and excitement, with increasing energy levels growing after the 20th. Stay with the inner work, it will reap rewards.

May sees an increase in social activity; discussions with friends regarding hopes and dreams brings forth the impetus to reach for long term goals especially regarding finances and self-worth. The Moon in Cancer on the 18th hastens developments regarding the long standing battle between your career and your home life, your security needs are upper most in your mind. The tension builds and with Uranus moving into fellow sign Aries on the 27th, expect the unexpected, a new life is coming for you. The Sagittarius full Moon brings freedom for those who dare.



Ambitious Leo, your fiery energy is focused within the sector of business and career. Spend time analysing the details and ensuring th your plan is workable. From the 11 put your foot to the floor and get moving with your initiative. The Taurus New Moon will challenge you but any changes made now will provide staying power to any strategy. A Scorpio Moon on the 26th may bring confusing encounters with women or surprises at home. Stay calm, keep your feet on the ground and try to see the over view of the situation while assessing what role you have played in this drama.

With retrograding planets affecting you personally, you certainly will be looking to the past in order to gain a broader understanding of self and your place in the world. Saturn’s re-entry into your sign last month may have re-instated some tense ego struggles with another. Holding on too tight will only make you weary, learn your lesson and move on, the Universe is showing you another way to be. Forward motion from Mercury on the 11th and Saturn on the 30th, takes the brakes of work and communication. While, the Full Moon on the 28th, tests your more solitary needs against your need for companionship.

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MAY 2010



Powerful forces work within you this month. Internal messages of change bring understanding regarding power, sex and money, by re-evaluating financial plans and healing ailing relationships with kind words, future security is strengthened. Venus moves into prime position for career and social standing from the 19th. Challenges abound during this time, particularly with work and daily routines, keep your head down and work smart for all eyes will be on you. Reflect long and hard about how you can improve your situation to allow for more scope regarding creative pursuits. Be prepared as the planet of change, Uranus enters your opposite sign on the 27th.

Partnerships are highlighted this month. Heated discussions may bring frustration, nevertheless your insight and sensitivity is enhanced, giving you the benefit of seeing both sides of the argument and allowing for balance and fair exchange. The New Moon on the 13th may bring challenges regarding how others see you, so keep your cool and listen to what is constructive and dismiss what is not in the spirit of knowing thyself. With the Moon in your sign on the 26th inviting you to let go of old selflimiting pattern, healing and growth is renewed.



May starts with the Moon in your sign, unexpected events may hasten an awakening regarding your sense of emotional security bringing home the need for more stable foundations. Conveniently, your head is full of strategies to improve your daily routine, health and work this month disciplined effort will bring an enhanced level of self-esteem, career openings and relationship insights. Partnerships get a boost as your confidence grows from the 20th , with Venus in your house of sex and transformation and the Full Moon on the 28th making beneficial links with Mars, you are red hot.

The Universe blesses you with leisure pursuits this month, children play a bigger part in your life or perhaps its your inner child needing expression? In contrast the Capricorn moon on the 3rd supports you in recognising how to adapt home and daily life, you are serious about the long-term security of yourself and loved ones. The tension felt in previous months regarding home and career peaks again around the 23rd, this time is different though as you start to accept that change is necessary and with the help of the Full Moon on the 28th, hope blossoms.



This month may some how feel like a reality check. In what way do we subjugate our dreams for perceived security? Take our values and what fills us with joy, how do we compromise our passions for seeming stability. The waxing half Moon in your sign on the 6th compounds this crisis of faith, torn between needing a little and wanting a lot. Your expansive wishes and the need to ground yourself causes creative tension. Take heart as your rulers, Saturn and Uranus move, so does the horizon, giving you more ground to manoeuvre as a new cycle begins.

Where do you feel you are headed? What has the last 7 years been about? What of your hopes and visions? How do you make them a reality? The voice of Saturn within us, questioning, insisting on concrete plans, may sound a bit loud this month. The Sun moving into fellow mutable sign, Gemini on the 20th further emphasises this month’s theme of dreams joining with purpose. Your focus is on planning and strategy, building a platform from which to fly and you will fly as Neptune turns retrograde at month end your psychic abilities expand. Dare to dream.

Kim Thomas is Retreat Assistant at the Origin Educere Retreat Centre on the Isle of Skye. She is a degree trained Nutritional Therapist - her interests include gathering techniques to develop awareness, consciousness and intuition, dream interpretation, Astrology and Energy Medicine. UK 0844 704 5868

USA 1877 878 3868 www.find-the-right-psychic.com

AUS 1800 333 007


MAY 2010

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