Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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The Magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Get ready for the magic of Samhain

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We all want to improve our situation or ourselves in some way or other. I don't think there would be anyone who could truthfully say, "I have arrived. Everything in my life is perfect". One of the characteristics of modern society, as we have gone past the point of struggling to put a meal on the table, is the discovery that there are many things more important than money. We live in a time when ordinary people are more affluent than at any other time in history, and with it has come the understanding, now that basic survival is out of the way, that "Man does not live by bread alone." I think this is one of the good things about our materialistic age. We are discovering not only individually but also collectively, that having money in the bank is not enough. Origin Psychics, as a business, has completed tens of thousands of readings with people from all over the world, and they are not ringing us on the phone in order to find out where their next meal is coming from. No. They are looking for help and support in dealing with their emotional issues, often to do with relationships. A British university a few years ago did a massive piece of research involving more than thirty thousand people. It was about what made people happy. One clear cut conclusion that came from the research, was that once people were earning over ten thousand pounds a year, there ceased to be any relationship between money and happiness. As usual, an expensive item of research, has confirmed for us what we already know. There is no need for any of us to be a victim to the circumstances of life. One thing I have

learned in my life is that really knowing about things properly makes a huge difference. The issue of clarifying the mind and clearing away ignorance applies all across life. Getting to know something properly makes all the difference. I am sure everyone has had the experience many times of saying to themselves, "If only I had known then what I know now, my life would be very different." Real knowledge is extremely crucial in our lives. The danger for all of us occurs when we decide to stop learning. We either think we have arrived and know enough, or we couldn't be bothered applying ourselves. That is, of course, usually, until something happens, seemingly outside of ourselves, to challenge us. And suddenly, we seek the knowledge which will equip us to cope with that challenge. This is what the Origin Psychic Line, and the Origin Educere Retreat Centre are dedicated to offering – real and personal knowledge for each individual who uses our services. The beauty of a genuine psychic reading, or a personalized retreat, is that the knowledge which comes forth is personal and timely – it is what each of us needs in that moment, for us, personally. Real knowledge lightens up our lives. It is like the sun coming through on a foggy day. Everything takes on a different shape and appearance. A certain grayness disappears and life takes on a golden hue. I hope that we can

continue to bring a golden hue around your life and help you to lift any areas of murkiness.

Rod Nicholson


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This month Yuletide competition How Psychic Are You? Dreamscape Tarot Magic Renewals Shamanism Inner Beauty Hidden Gems Horoscopes Educere Special Offers

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Letters send your letters to letters@origincommunity.com

All letters must have name and address supplied and may be subject to editing.

Yuletide Competition Have you had a dream that simply didn’t make sense? Have you woken up with the feeling that something or someone is sending you a message? Why not enter our Yuletide competition and win a chance to find out more. Simply send us your dream before the 25th October and the winner will have their dream interpreted and a featured in our Yuletide edition. Additionally the winner will also get a free dream weekend at the Educere Retreat Centre. Email your entries to letters@origincommunity.com or send them to Caladh, Kensaleyre, Isle of Skye IV51 9XE Deadline for entries 25th October, last post.

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How Psychic Are You?

Being psychic means being able to create pathways into the Oneness to discover the knowledge that is meant for you or someone else. This knowledge is called psychic insight. You can find your psychic DNA and learn how to use it.

Gaye Wright The Oneness is also known by other names such as the shared consciousness, the shared mind or the cosmic mind. Psychics create pathways into the Oneness using their psychic and intuitive skills. This is something that anyone can learn to do. You can learn to be psychic. Being psychic requires training and practice to refine your senses.Your senses tune into energy just like a radio tunes into particular sound waves.Your senses pick up on what is going on around you and it comes through to you via your feelings. Your intuition is your ability to interpret what your senses are picking up and communicating to you. Intuitions are directly related to your feelings. Psychic insight is what knowledge comes to you through your intuition. Some people have a more sensitive sense of sight and their intuition communicates through one of the psychic insight arts called clairvoyance. Clairvoyance means clear seeing. People see energies differently. The way you live and interact in the Oneness is personal and unique to you. The way you access psychic insight in the Oneness is personal and unique to you.You have your own psychic blueprint! All people have their own psychic blueprint. People who do psychic readings are practicing psychics. Genuine practicing psychics take on another role in the Psychic Oneness. They help to create a shared psychic blueprint. Uplifting the psychic arts is about reinstating to its rightful place the power of intuition and psychic insight. Psychics can help themselves and others to think, feel, and act more in tune with their highest good. In readings psychics help people through the clairvoyant and psychic insights they access. Genuine psychic and clairvoyant UK 0808 120 9694

insight helps us to know with who we are and what makes us truly happy. There are many psychics who have talent and psychic ability. Many people have a natural gift for clairvoyance or one of the other psychic arts. There are many who are using their psychic gifts to better the world and help people. Being a fully integrated psychic is more than doing psychic work on your own. It involves being part of something greater and more cosmic. It is the realisation that being psychic means using your gifts to support others to discover their pathways into the Oneness so that they can interact in ways that empower them and bring them true happiness. Your psychic blueprint is how you identify yourself at a sensory level. And just as you need to study and learn about DNA and cells and so forth, in order to really understand your fingerprint, then you need to learn about yourself at a psychic level, in order to really understand your blueprint. In fact, it’s probably easier to understand your psychic blueprint than it is to understand your fingerprint. In order to understand your fingerprint, you probably would have to have a knowledge that is way beyond the grasp of most of us in an everyday sense. But in order to understand your psychic blueprint, it’s not so far out of the reach of what you might think after all, because it’s about learning about your intuition, it’s about learning about your senses, and these things are available to everybody very easily. You can learn about what sense you operate from more easily, what sense is your strongest sense. How do you relate to others vibrationally? Do you pick up vibes in a sensory, touching kind of way? Do you hear them? Do you interpret them through the way you respond to smells? Do you have a sense of whether something smells

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right or wrong? All these different ways of identifying yourself in your interaction with others comes down to your psychic blueprint. And it becomes a very exciting journey, because once you start to learn about yourself in your senses, then you become a much more sensitive person. And you can relate to the world much more sensitively. Knowing your psychic blueprint enables you to interpret your world, interpret your relationships, interpret your whole life, from a much more subtle level of sensitivity, to the way things really are. Not the way that they appear to be, but the way that you sense them to be. And the way you sense things to be is actually how you operate. Most of the time we think that we’re operating from something that we’ve worked out in our heads. But the truth is that we operate more from what we’ve sensed around us. We operate more from a feeling that we get when we sense our world around us. The more you understand and know your senses, your feelings, then the more correctly and accurately you will interpret your world in the way that’s most appropriate

and most beneficial for you. So in order to know your psychic blueprint, in order to acknowledge and appreciate your psychic blueprint, it’s really important to start learning about your senses, to take note of your senses, to start acknowledging that your senses play an extremely important role in how you relate to yourself, to others, and to the world around you. Your senses, your intuition, your psychic view of the world, all come together to create a flow of knowledge that can only be described as pure magic!


Samhain Festival Weekend 30th - 31st October 2010. A weekend on the magical island of Skye, you along with other

like-minded people will be celebrating the time-honoured Celtic festival of Samhain. This is the time of year when the Celts celebrated the passing of the old year and into the new. Known as

Total price, including tuition, two nights' accommodation, meals, and course materials -

one of the Celtic Sabbots, it was traditionally celebrated by the use


of fire (and this rite will be the main emphasis of the weekend). Included also over the weekend will be:

• Elements of Celtic history. • Divination using Ogham and runes.

Don’t miss out! To make your booking telephone

• Motivational techniques (to set targets for the new year). • Getting rid of old patterns with the use of rituals. • Time in nature with a Shaman to sense and feel the

(44) 1470 532 456 This is a weekend not to be

energies of mother earth. UK 0808 120 9694

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Some dreams may appear to be simple processing of the day’s events and yet when one looks deeper, layers upon layers of personal and collective significance can be found. Kim Thomas. Death so common and yet so feared is an integral part of human experience. In nature we see the cycle of death, decay and renewal time and again and yet within us we resist this process instead holding on or ignoring the inevitable. Death occurs all the time, in every cell of our body, and within this shadowy realm so common to us all, is the seed of renewal and the potential for rebirth. Howard’s dream below describes this process. Dear Kim, I found myself near the shopping centre again looking for a place to buy pastry and a latte. I looked everywhere and simply couldn’t find it. Then all of sudden it was night and I looked at the sky and my brother and my mother who died 4 months ago due to cancer was there also. What I saw then was just amazing. I saw this star, this massive bright star which started to expand and get bigger as if it had just exploded the colours started changing from white to orange and then to radiant blue, I then realised that the shock wave started expanding beyond any measure and I felt afraid that whatever was coming off the star was going to hit out planet. I was in fear and started running, then all of a sudden it started getting freezing cold and I then knew that I was going to die. The very next second everything around me including my own body froze and I started chanting…… I died when I still remember that moment very well. I was conscious yet my body was simply frozen and dead, I then woke up chanting a mantra out loud. Very powerful, what do you think? Howard Dear Howard Yes, a very powerful dream that is offering you understanding and cathartic release from your recent loss and perhaps from old ways of being that no longer serve your passage towards wholeness. I feel searching for the pastry and coffee is significant. What do these substances mean to you? These foods are commonly used to make us feel better, to lift us out of our normal state of mind. Sugar’s sticky sweetness provides comfort UK 0808 120 9694

and releases the body’s endorphins, dulling our senses and relieving pain. Caffeine is a stimulant and causes expansion to our consciousness as does sugar, both are addictive. Sugar is known to relieve the pain of loss, as research with chicks separated from their mothers has shown, it reduces there crying, so it makes them forget. So in a way you are looking to self medicate yourself from the loss of your Mother. As we know Mother stands for comfort and to where or what do you turn now? Without this succour you are left to truly experience your feelings and work through them. Yet in your dream you are reminded of the undying aspect of life – love. Your Brother and Mother, where ever they are, they support you in this regeneration process. I feel what you saw was the beginning, perhaps the creation of a new world, your new world, a Super Nova causing stellar shockwaves and creating new stars, the radiance and colours symbolising the totality of the Universe, of which you are a part. In your dream you feel the fear of the unknown, you run but you can not avoid the inevitable. In dying you are reborn, the ice symbolically cleansing and clearing away the old, making way for a new version of yourself, more self sufficient, more knowing. The chanting feels like your higher self, showing you the way home, reminding you where you can find solace. Chanting regulates breathing, bringing prana into the body to revitalise every cell, you have resuscitated yourself, calmed your mind and faced your fear. Life contains many deaths, great and small but always continues transformed. My words may not resonate with you, only take from it what you feel to be your Truth. Nevertheless, I do feel that the positioning of these two dream sequences together are significant of you letting go of dependencies as you move into a deeper place of inner strength. May light guide you Kim

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Skye Magic Cathy Cox Regular readers of our magazine are no doubt aware by now of my love for Skye - I write about it often enough! But it's not just the beauty and the stillness of this island that I want to share. I have to admit that I have been changed by living here over the last few years - the spirit of the island has reached out to me and befriended me. This is a major motivation for me to now write an 'Isle of Skye Tarot' - to channel and share the spirit of Skye as it, and its oldest inhabitants, share their wisdom so freely. The spirit of Skye actually wants to reach out to the world. It has long held open a gateway to the magical universe that we, in our modern civilization, have lost touch with. This is the island's destiny, and it has been quietly fulfilling that mysterious destiny for eons. It has waited - still and quiet - building up the strength of its energy field, until the time when we would have the consciousness to recognize and hear what it needs. It appears to me as a giant, a gentle giant, a quiet, loving, incredibly strong, immovable giant. And it shares its energy so happily. The messages I will continue to share through the Tarot are an expression of the spirits of this place - a kind of merging of channeling and spirit guidance, expressed through the imagery and the archetypes of the Tarot. For this month, the legendary warrior queen Sgathaich has stepped forward, not surprisingly! And she has a message about Strength. 'Strength' in the traditional Tarot is one of those cards which seems to communicate an obvious meaning - at least I can remember feeling that was when I first started reading! And yes - there are some obvious messages about overcoming fears, experiencing deep instinctive feelings, even overcoming one's own pride or desire to control a situation. The archetype of 'Strength' is 'The Warrior'.

to Tarscavaig and overlooking Whale Bay stand the ruins of Dunscaith Castle, said to mean 'the Fort of Shadows', her stronghold. Sgathaich was a formidable woman, a teacher of war-craft and a prophetess, skilled in the art of divination. She was reputed to be the matron of selfdefence and female independence as well as the guardian of young people who seek to know their full potential. 'To be strong and wield a sword in life, you must first wield a sword in your consciousness. Grasp the sword of your own consciousness and be prepared to know your own strength. When you need strength in your life, this is what you must discover and access.You don't need 'armour', nor other defences.You don't need to be tough, nor aggressive.You need first to be still and allow your own strongest qualities to permeate your heart, mind and body. Then the paradox is that you will be equipped like the Celtic warrior - to go into unknown territory, knowing you are infused with your strongest qualities. This way you will be able to draw on your inner resources confidently and intuitively. The more you get to understand what your real, innate, personal strengths are, the more quickly and effortlessly you will be able to access them. The pathways are already there in your consciousness - the qualities which are strong in you feel natural; they have become part of you. Confidence in the qualities within you is the source of your real strength, and it will equip you to handle anything.' (Channeled from Sgathaich September 7th, 2010)

Sgathaich has another message - 'know your own strength!'. Sgathaich was a warrior queen who presided over a famous military academy at the South end of Skye. Near UK 0808 120 9694

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loved ones in the room themselves, even before I tell them. That is a comfort in itself, to know that their loved ones have been present, there to watch over them.

This month, working with spirit during healing sessions

Lynne Leslie

Before a healing session with a client, I take time out to prepare - to disconnect myself from the busy daily routine of life with its stresses and pressures, and to create a calm and healing space (and therapist!) for my clients. In preparation for a therapy treatment, I spend some time smudging my energy field (cleansing using the smoke from a stick of burning white sage), and allowing my energy to settle, allowing any tension to leave my body. Once I have prepared myself, I bless the therapy room, clearing it of any lower vibration energies – again by smudging - and then drawing healing energy into the room, with the intention to create a safe, calm and supportive healing space for my client. I also ask that I be given help to provide whatever healing the client needs. When clients enter that space it is the start of the healing process – the vibrational energy of the room has been raised and they often mention how peaceful it feels. After a treatment, clients will often say that they felt someone else was in the room at the same time – for example someone was working at their feet while they knew I was working on their head. I feel very humbled when this happens, as I do believe that I am often an “assistant” in the healing process, assisting a protective, healing presence who has come to help my client. Sometimes we get a different type of “visitor” during the session – someone who has passed over who is linked to the client. I may get a visual impression of the person and can describe them to my client, other times it is more a feeling of what kind of personality and energy they had when they were alive. Occasionally, clients who are particularly sensitive to energy will feel their UK 0808 120 9694

During one session with a client we had a visit from someone in spirit who had a very strong energy – so strong that it could have been masculine, but as I tuned into the energy it became obvious that the visitor was a female relative who had a strong character, and had been very dominant when she was alive. She made sure she stayed close by during the healing “supervising”! It is my belief that we are all energy, and this energy never dies, it simply transforms. Our soul is our vital energy, the essence of who we truly are. When we die, it is only our physical body which dies - our soul continues to exist, and this soul energy is what I am sensing during a healing session or a psychic reading. They can often be present during a healing session because the higher vibrational energy of the environment of the healing room is more in alignment with their energy and makes it easier for them to be present. Forms of spirit are around us every day, but because of the pace of everyday life, we don’t slow down and still our busy energy enough to pick up the subtle signs – a shadow seen out of the corner of the eye, a gentle tingling, or the feeling that someone is standing right behind us. If we can allow ourselves regular time to be in that quiet space, we can start to open up the pathway to connect to spirit, and to a whole new understanding of life.

Don’t forget to visit our website for Lynne’s monthly distance healing podcast

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This month Graham Watt explains all about the four seasons of the Celtic year.

Shamanism Our Celtic ancestors divided the year initially into four quarters (closely linked to our four seasons). Their whole life depended on the farming of the land, therefore it was imperative that their crop rotation/tending of the animals was rigidly adhered to around the four quarters dates. The four quarters were also sub divided to create a total of 8 festivals, two of these being the Equinoxes and two being the Solstices. Creating an 8 spoked wheel symbolizing the celtic sacred world. Let us now look at the individual festivals and there meaning to the Celts. Yule (Winter Solstice) - Rebirth. Dec 21st Yule marks the longest night of the year, it is the apex of the wheel and from here a new cycle begins. The following day marks the return of the sun encouraging more light , warmth and growth. Even in the dead of winter the tree shows signs of growth, reminding us of the force of Mother nature. Imbolc (Candlemas) - Quickening. Feb 1st Although February can traditionally be the hardest month for weather, the ground starts to show signs of growth Snowdrops start to appear, lambs are born and birds start to nest. It is a time of preparation and purification when we clear out old clutter and make way for new growth. Ostara (Spring Equinox) - Emergence. March 21st This date marks the first day of spring, all around us we witness the earths beauty and vitality. On this day light is in equilibrium - light and darkness are in perfect balance. It was traditional to celebrate the new found fertility with painted eggs, giving us the Easter celebration that we know today. It is a time to renew your relationship with natures spirits.

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Beltane (May day) - Growth. April 30th This time marked the beginning of Summer and was one of the major gateways between the worlds. Traditionally people would jump over fires and cattle would be driven between fires for purification and good luck. Fires would be lit on hilltops to bring down the sunlight to Mother earth. At this time of the year we can energize projects and new life directions and honor the growing fullness of our lives. Midsummer (Summer Solstice) - Fruition. June 21st The longest day of the year, when the sun reaches its peak. Bonfires would be lit and the ashes scattered over the fields to bless them. Midsummer has a tradition of being associated with Magic and connection to the Fairy realms. Lammas (Lughnasadh) - Releasing. July 31st A time of celebration, horse fairs and trial marriages Bringing in the harvest and preparing special meals with grains and berries. Mabon (Autumn Equinox) - Harvest. Sept21st The first day of Autumn, a time to celebrate the many blessings in our lives. All of the crops would now have been harvested and stored for the winter. This was also a time to work with the energy flows of the new moon. Samhain (Halloween) - Death. October 31st For the ancient Celts, Samhain marked the end of the old year and the start of the new. It is a time when the veil between the spirit world and the physical world is at its thinnest, creating the current celebration of Halloween. It is a time of getting rid of old patterns and bringing in new ones. Cattle and sheep would be brought down from the hills and life became a preparation for the oncoming winter.

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Inner Beauty How to be a Goddess

Michelle Walter How do you feel about your body? Is it for you the key to your success or do you recognise that real beauty comes from inner calm, and being at peace with yourself? Real success is to be found by viewing your whole body and mind as something to be kept precious and treated with love and respect. In this article, we are looking at the whole picture of how you see yourself and how this can influence your self-esteem. Beauty in the noughties means following a complex, and, let’s face it, almost unachievable formula of absolute selfcontrol.Yoga for the perfect mind, a carb-free diet for the perfect body, 8 glasses of water for the perfect face, no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, more exercise, more meditation, etc etc. Anyone capable of this level of selfmastery deserves to be beautiful.Yet often they are not.

What makes you beautiful could be your vivacity, your infectious laugh, or your depth and stillness. When you are in that space - that is when you attract others, no matter how you seem on the outside. This is because people respond much more to energies than they do to appearances. Of course, in the first few minutes height, weight and other visual cues are important - but what counts for the many minutes, months, and years later is the beauty of who you are - flowing and expressed openly. Not covered up behind a facade of the 'perfect girl' Remember when someone is looking at you - they are really looking at you - the real you! Unless you are looking up from a magazine page or TV screen, the person seeing you is feeling you and experiencing you too. Most people would rather spend their night with someone who makes them feel good rather than just someone who looks good.

It is a well-known fact that those who diet too much become snappy and aggressive. Too much body control with exercise makes you an obsessive control freak. Not enough letting go and breaking out once in a while makes you an emotional time-bomb, waiting to explode. So what is the key to inner and outer beauty? We have all seen it, the unlikely couple: the beautiful, successful, younger man with a somewhat unattractive or mismatched woman by his side. How did she get him? What is her secret? Confidence? Great personality? Large bank account? Maybe she was just being herself: and her inner beauty has the power to shine through on all levels. Inner beauty is how alive you are, the magic of how you see the world, your uniqueness. UK 0808 120 9694

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Hidden Gems Our monthly delve into the Origin archive. This month, why you should break the rules if you want to be a dating success. By Michelle Walter.

It amazes me to see the effect a little book called, "The Rules", has had on the dating world. Clients ring me, baffled as to why their men are still running away, even though they are 'Rules Girls'. They did all the right things and got all the wrong results. What went wrong? Lisa (not her real name) is a client of mine who has been dating on and off for a number of years. She has done a lot of work on herself and she now feels ready to meet her soul mate. When Darcy appears, introduced to her through a friend, Lisa thought her moment had come. Not wanting to appear too keen, she waited for him to approach her. He did. They got talking and had a wonderful night wrapped up in each other’s company. Being a 'Rules Girl', she consciously ended the night first and to her delight, he asked for her number and if he could call her. The next day went by. No phone call. Then the next day. No phone call. On the third day, Lisa receives a voicemail from Darcy. "Oh! Maybe he’s playing by the Rules too!" She decides to ignore the voice message and let him chase her. After all, it is a man's instinct to hunt and she doesn't want it to be too easy for him. Friday night comes around again and she is invited out by the same group of friends. In the back of her mind, she wonders, "Will Darcy be there?" Sure enough, late that night Darcy appears. Lisa is careful to make sure that he approaches her. And, he approaches her alright, right at the end of the night after he has chatted up every other girl in the room? What went wrong? Is he simply a player? Was he trying to make her jealous? Was she simply not his type and he only wanted to be friends.... the list of possibilities was endless. In order to find the correct answer, first we must look at the Rules Lisa obeyed. What are the Rules? At a quick glance, the rules are all about playing it cool. Withholding your feelings, keeping your distance, playing UK 0808 120 9694

hard to get and then finally playing hardball if you don't get what you want. Surprisingly, the rules weren't written by men, although they pretty much outline a male approach to a business deal. 1. Being a creature unlike any other is really an attitude, a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe. It's the way you smile (you light up the room), pause in between sentences (you don't babble on out of nervousness), listen (attentively), look (demurely, never stare), breathe (slowly), stand (straight) and walk (briskly, with your shoulders back). 2. Realize that you may not meet Mr. Right naturally and that you therefore must take social action immediately even if you don't want to. Do something to increase your chances of meeting men. 3. Don't waste time on a fantasy relationship. You may have a good rapport with your doctor, lawyer or accountant, and you may find yourself wondering if he is interested in you romantically. How can you know for sure? If he's never asked you out, then he's not interested! 4. On e-mails, responding once for every four of his emails is a good rule of thumb. 5. On the first three dates we don't have sex with a man or have him stay at our place overnight It goes back to the basic premise of The Rules: Man pursues woman. Never pursue him - let him chase you. Put an ad out, don't respond to his ad. 7 We know this is hard to accept, but it's not that he hasn't called because he's busy, or because you didn't smile or talk enough (or did too much). It's not that he

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lost your phone number. The bottom line is, if he hasn't called, he's not that interested. 8. If you've followed The Rules, your man probably loves you and wants to marry you.Your problem is not if he marries you, but when! If it's been more than a year, see less of him and think about dating others.You've already spent more than a year waiting for him to propose; do you have another year to wait? 9. Love may be blind, but Rules girls are not stupid! How does he act in the relationship? Is he cheap on dates? Is he critical of you? Remember, The Rules are not about marrying the first man you are attracted to who calls you by Wednesday for Saturday night and buys you flowers. It's about marrying your own personal Mr. Right - a man whom you love and whose character you admire and can live with. 10. Take care of yourself - take a bubble bath and build up your soul with positive slogans like "I am a beautiful woman. I am enough." You must learn to accept that, as an adult, you can't always rely on a friend to do things with you. Even if you don't meet Mr. Right, going out - whether it's a restaurant, a lecture or a party - is a chance to meet new people and practise The Rules. The One good thing about the Rules The Rules, like many other popular self-help books for women, build up your self-esteem.Valuing yourself and knowing that you are worthy of a happy, loving relationship is important. Not settling for a relationship that makes you unhappy is important. Taking your life into your hands and going out there to meet people, is important. However having a script for how your relationship progresses can lead to trouble.... What about Lisa and Darcy? So poor old Lisa, an old hand at the dating game, was totally baffled when Darcy ditched her. Let's take a step into Darcy's mind. "I was really attracted to Lisa from the moment I laid eyes on her. She was a confident, nononsense woman. I've been sick of dating girls who either have nothing interesting to say or create stupid

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dramas over nothing. Then there was Lisa - we talked for hours and hours. She had me laughing my socks off. I felt totally comfortable in her presence. Then she just took off. I thought she might have changed her mind or had a boyfriend, because she didn't seem to want me to go back to her place or anything, and she hardly seemed like the kind of woman who hadn't had a relationship before. I got her number all the same. But over the next few days it really bugged me. Had I said something to put her off? Maybe she has a partner. The truth was I didn't want to be thinking these things and feeling insecure. But I decided to call her anyway. When she ignored my message - that was the last straw. I thought, 'stuff this I don't need it'." Why the RULES backfire... The Irony of rule number one: ‘Be a creature unlike any other’ is that the rest of the book is a complete protocol on how you should act, when you should speak, when to call, when to sleep with him and even how to breathe. This is obviously a complete contradiction. And in truth, it sums up the contradiction implicit in following the rules.Yes - you want to be appreciated and loved for the special, unique person you are, but how can that happen if your behaviour is giving contradictory messages? For example if you are an enthusiastic, friendly and nononsense person, and then suddenly you are ignoring phone calls - it doesn't make sense! If you are strong and confident and you don't take initiatives to call or arrange dates, a prospective partner will believe you aren't interested. If you are quiet and shy and then suddenly cut someone out because they didn't ask you out quickly enough - it doesn't make sense. Obviously they may be responding to the messages coming from your 'real' personality! Playing hard to get is a simple approach, which as a stereotypical "Me tarzan, you Jane" formula may work for some primitive men! So girls, take a risk be yourself and Follow your Heart, not the Rules!

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Origin Horoscopes

Kim Thomas

Aries: October is potentially a significant time to create structure within partnerships, the keynote this month is intensity. Now is the time to think deeply about your most intimate connections, how they reflect you, mould you and shape you. This 7th house focus suggests legal matters and contracts so try to keep on the ball regarding paperwork especially regarding other people’s money. From the 20th expect change and movement, as Mars connects with 4 other planets and a Full Moon in your sign, prepare yourself for adventure and possibly travel but certainly new understanding about your dreams and how to fulfil them. Taurus: This month sees you having to work hard in your daily life, its all about consolidation. Your need to learn and grow is channelled into new projects, you may be signing contracts or doing deals but certainly you will have to handle other people and their values. Partnerships from the 8th may feel like they are going backwards but trust there is more to learn through this process. It’s not all work though, circle the 24th on your calendar as a day for enjoying the company of others when you will sweetly but decisively be able to put your point across

Gemini: The time has come for Gemini’s to get serious about what you create, this could be anything from art to romance. Early month opportunities for advancement appear and then disappear like a gigantic, enticing carrot so keep it real and focus, one thing at a time, please! On the 3rd, your mind starts whirring about how to make your dreams a reality, while the New Moon on the 7th offers co-operation and partnership, so perhaps a celestial solution? After the 20th, your work begins as you implement what you have built into your daily life. Dare to dream. Cancer: The changes you have been thinking about for sometime are now happening. This month sees you focusing on your home, finding a base, putting down roots, perhaps literally but certainly metaphorically. This coupled with refreshing energy in your romance sector feels like you could be well on the way to transforming your life. The Waxing Half Moon on the 14th may have some challenges for you in the partnership front but enjoy as it will be anything but dull! The Moon’s culminating power on the 23rd finally shows you how far you have come and how much more you can create. Leo: The Sun in Libra traditionally heralds a turning inwards of energy. For Leo this month internal energy is focused on the mind and working with communication. Your solar fire is contained by Saturn to direct its power and come up with solutions. Family togetherness or socialising at home brings a sense of peace to allow you to loosen your grip and relax a little on the 3rd. The Aries Full Moon on the 23rd brings healing to some deep rooted hurts, the vision you decide upon now creates your future, so choose wisely.

Virgo: Working diligently and cleverly to support yourself, balancing finances and making plans feature for you early October. Do check yours sums as there may be a tendency to overextend yourself or your purse. On the 3rd and 4th try to stay positive or at least keep your thoughts to yourself, with Mercury moving into your house of communication from the 20th you will have ample opportunity to speak your mind, and with Venus there you will be more diplomatic. You may uncover opportunities around the time of the Full Moon on the 23rd, be sure to reach out and grab them. UK 0808 120 9694

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Libra: With the Sun and Saturn in your First house, this month, you are focused on your personal identity, there may be certain restrictions but inevitably they will help you to see yourself realistically and improve your confidence in the future. Coupled with the Libra New Moon on the 7th you may be in for a challenging month as realisations arise, the energy is focused on transforming your home and family life and breaking down old ways of being, an uncomfortable process but worthwhile. Venus turns retrograde from the 8th, blessing you with time to reassess your relationships, values and resources. Scorpio: Life goes in cycles and as you are coming to the end of one you may be feeling tired due to all the psychological processing of the past year. Mars is here to give you a boost in October and coupled with Venus on the 3rd, you are able to manifest balance with regard your needs and wants, albeit in your very intense way. Around the 22nd, try to escape your ordinary life for a while, in preparation for the Aries Full Moon which may symbolise some stress or other with the women in your life. Creative tension brings change.

Sagittarius: October invites you to make your dreams reality, with a little help from friends, of course. Community or social responsibilities weigh heavy on your shoulders early month but think of it as a test to your fellowship and a stepping stone towards your own vision. On the 1st, temper your need to expand with strategy and forethought, all that glitters may not be gold. Keep steady as around the 11th more information is revealed which may mean a change course. Month end, your drive returns and the adventure begins.

Capricorn: The complications persist at work, there is a call for pulling in all your resources and concentrating your energy to get through these challenges. Do your best to transcend any need to control or excessive worry as on the 8th, important news sheds light on your life path and future. Your plans may be tested on the 14th and levels of frustration may peak, but this is truly a test. Yes, you have responsibilities but being true to yourself comes first, so do the truly Capricornian stay grounded and go get what you want. Aquarius: So what are your options? You are being given an opportunity to see the bigger picture this month, open yourself up to possibilities: study or travel. But to maximise your potential - stay grounded on the 2nd, as Saturn is teaching you a lesson and that is for external change to occur it has take place within you first. The Moon on the 17th adds power to your understanding while Uranus positively encourages you to celebrate your uniqueness and move towards communicating new life goals with others. By the 24th the focus moves to your career and transforming your life, so get planning. Pisces: The Sun shines on healing and regeneration this month, your energy is focused on the emotional and psychic realms, a psychological detox, helping you to let go of recent endings. You may also face dealing with taxes or mortgages, details will be very important so do read the small print. Full Moon Madness on the 23rd and Neptune’s transcendent powers encourages you to take time out and perhaps even plan a holiday. The healing work you are undertaking is challenging and sometimes frustrating be kind to yourself as the process of self-change is well underway.

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Feeling special – 5 reasons why you are the best thing since sliced bread! I was watching a television documentary the other day, in which a group of young teenage girls were being asked what they liked and didn’t like about themselves. Each girl was able to quickly list a myriad of traits and features (especially physical ones) which they didn’t like about themselves. When it came to listing things they liked about themselves, responses ranged from silence to uncomfortable mumblings. It strikes me as very sad they we live in a society where saying something positive and confident about yourself is so challenging. It's ironic that in such an individualistic culture that prides itself on the idea of ‘being different’ that anyone who might present themselves as genuinely special could be seen as being ‘big-headed.’ Are we still sheep dressed in wolves' clothing? This gave me an idea to try and find 5 things that make you special. You are truly beautiful – A recent NBC survey found that the most attractive quality in a person for both men and women was a smile. Regardless of whiteness or quality of teeth, respondents immediately found the smiling person more attractive than a non-smiling person. Even better, each person’s smile is completely unique. So, you are uniquely beautiful. So, forget watching your weight or fad exercise machines. All you need to do is turn that frown upside down.

are stars in the universe, which is about the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. You are a child of the stars - The kind of chemical elements you find inside the human body – hydrogen and oxygen in the water, carbon in our tissues, calcium in our bones, iron in our bloodstream - they’ve come basically from the earth because that’s where the plants got them from. The earth and the sun, because they formed at much the same time, got these elements from preceding exploding stars.You are quite literally a child of the stars. You are a natural healer – You don’t have to be a Reiki practitioner or doctor to help heal someone. Laughter for example has been consistently shown by scientific studies to support natural healing processes. Human touch has also been demonstrated as helping people recover from physical and psychological trauma. So, all you need to do is crack a joke or hug a friend and you can be your own natural healer.

You have a good heart – I am speaking metaphorically, rather than literally of course. In a world ravaged by war, famine and other social ills, it might be easy to think that we are pretty selfish people. Scientific research has shown that infants as young as 18 months show altruistic behaviour, showing that we have a natural tendency towards altruism. Whenever you get down on yourself or think you haven’t done the right thing – remember you are a naturally good person. You are as vast as the night sky– While we might marvel at the glowing stars of the night sky, the human brain is equally compelling. It is estimated that the brain has 100 billion nerve cells and more connections in it than there UK 0808 120 9694

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