Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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The Magazine of the Origin Psychic Line A Happy Christmas to One and All!

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Nollaig Chridheil, or in English, Happy Christmas! I love Christmas, always have; from the moment the tree goes up, the aroma of the pine, the bright glow of the lights just grabs me somewhere inside. Even spending time finding just the right present for each person gives joy, more so even than opening your own presents. There is nothing sweeter than sitting in the golden glow of the lights and a few candles with the sound of carols enveloping you to really make you feel you’ve found that special place. Nevertheless, Christmas can be a time of stress, and in this issue we’ve included features to help you get through the festive season with your sanity intact. Now we know it isn’t that bad, but you might just need a little support and empathy. Gaye’s article is all about discovering the power of forgiveness; about how letting go of trapped resentments and ill feeling will do you no end of good. This is the perfect time of year to let it all out and make that fresh start. Our MD Rod Nicholson shares an extraordinary tale about a man suffering from ‘Locked In’ syndrome, and Bede shares a little ‘love magic’ with some reminders of just how psychic readings can support and help us with the complications of modern relationships. I had the pleasure this past month to interview Natalie Arkins, who has recently joined the Origin Psychics team of professional readers. Natalie is a fascinating woman - you’ll find her interview on page 7. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

Cathy has been busy this month, preparing for a few service we are going t o b e o f f e r i n g . S t r e s s , a n x i e t y, nervousness, are all part of a plague that has come to infect modern society, more so in the current financial world of lost jobs and high prices. So Cathy is introducing an anxiety buster; a service which helps you to deal with your anxiety and stress through guided visualization, channelling and relaxation, in order to help you find the way back to inner balance and spiritual calm. Go to page 5 and check it out. And yet another innovation - Origin Psychics has joined Facebook! If you’re one of the millions who enjoys connecting with others of like mind, check out our Origin Psychics Facebook page, and if you like what you see, join our fan page! We have all sorts of things planned for our Facebook community, so have a look and say hello. Last but not least, I’d like to announce that Sara Hollowell is the winner of our Yuletide Dream Competition, and will be coming to see us here on Skye. Congratulations Sara, and thank you for sharing your dream with us. If you’d like to have your dream analyzed, and have the chance to win a free reading, please send your dream to letters@origincommunity.com. I, and everyone here at Origin wish you the best of everything for the festive season. May it bring you joy and strengthen your bonds with your family and friends. We’ll see you again just before the New Year!

This month Relationship Magic The anX-Factor The Power of Forgiveness Introducing Natalie Arkins Inner Power Dream Weaver Renewals Skye Shaman Hidden Gems December Horoscopes Christmas Specials


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Relationship Magic Bede Nicholson Over many years of doing psychic readings, literally talking to tens of thousands of people about their love and relationships, we here at Origin Psychics have found many ways in which a psychic reading can be invaluable in helping support people to build better relationships. While clients may come to us, wanting to know an answer to a simple relationship problem like ‘Will he come back to me?” there is so much more that a psychic reading can offer. A good psychic reading does more than just resolve short term anxieties - it supports a shift in self-awareness that can help you to deal with future challenges in a fundamentally positive way. 1. Psychic readings help you to listen to your inner voice Many of our relationship problems come from an avoidance of listening to our own intuitions – what has been called our ‘inner voice’ or our ‘gut instinct.’ Most often we don’t listen to our inner voice because we are frightened of what it is telling us. It may be that your inner voice is telling you that you are repeating a past pattern in relationship. Are you desperately in love with someone, but your inner voice is telling you that the situation is destructive? The strange thing is, that once we start to listen to our inner voice, we can begin to deal with a situation in a way that may actually help us to avoid the very problems we are frightened of facing. A destructive relationship can become a positive one, when we confront the real problems, rather than try to gloss over them and just hope they go away. A psychic reading helps you to bring out your inner voice, supporting you to learn to trust your own judgment, face your own fears and find an empowering response to relationship challenges.

relationships may go in a direction that we don’t want them to go, and that we will be unhappy. In relationship we may try to control by giving another person so much, that they won’t leave us. Or we may try to control by crying and becoming emotional when your partner tells you something you don’t like – making sure he never says it again! We eventually learn that control is illusion. Life rarely works out the way we plan it, and it soon becomes apparent that all the energy we spent on trying to make life happen the way we wanted it was a waste of time. It as at this point that often clients will ring me. They may ask ‘Why did he just and up and leave me when I gave him so much?’ A psychic reading can help you get in tune with the energy and flow of your relationship. It challenges you to stop trying to bend your relationship into a shape that you believe it should be, and start flowing with the way your relationship really is. This can sometimes be a frightening process. We sometimes have to let go of deeply held beliefs from our childhood about what makes a happy relationship. But if you are open to the insight of a psychic reading, you can begin to feel much more in charge of your life, not because you are in control, but because you have the confidence to cope and respond positively to the inevitable changes that occur within a relationship.

3. A psychic reading helps you to read the signs With such a hectic and demanding modern day life style it’s easy to get caught in tunnel vision. We spend so much time planning and worrying about the future, or thinking about the 2. A psychic reading helps you to let go of struggle past, we often don’t see the signs that are right before our and control eyes. We miss the subtleties and nuances of our interactions Being controlling is often associated with the idea of that often give us vital clues and information about our someone who is dominating and bossy. However, this is just a relationships. Or perhaps we over-think our interactions to more overt and obvious type of control. We all have ways in the point that we miss the obvious. which we try to control. We do this because we fear that our U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5 USA 1800 963 0094 AUS 1800 333 007 www.find-the-right-psychic.com



In our psychic readings we make a conscious intention to pick up on these relationship signs and interpret them. We look at the events and interactions and help a client to see what is meaningful and what is not - what requires attention and what needs to be put aside. So often relationships go astray because people focus on the things that reflect their own fears and issues rather than what is required to move forward. We can so easily get caught up in our habitual emotional patterns that we lose a sense of the bigger relationship picture. A good psychic reading helps you to read your relationship correctly. 4. A psychic reading helps you to see your blind spots While our role as a psychic reader is to support and be empathetic to our clients' feelings, our readings never shy away from helping you to see where you may be failing to hear messages being given to you from others. We all have ‘blind spots’ – issues and faults – we are just not able to see. If you are receptive and open – a psychic reading helps you to see these blind spots. We are able to tune in with how others

Join us on Facebook We believe that the psychic arts, once a respected form of wisdom, used by the most powerful kings and some of the most esteemed philosophers and thinkers, is needed in the modern world, now more than ever. With war, environmental crisis, breakdown of family units and

5. A psychic reading helps you to relax and be calm Most clients finish their readings feeling considerably calmer and more peaceful than when they started. This is because Origin Psychics don’t just do readings, but we see our role as relationship healers. Our tone of voice, our feelings when we are talking to you and our energy vibrations are all aligned to an intention to heal our clients' relationships. We all know that when we vibrate stress, anxiety, anger or other negative emotions, then we tend to attract that to us. Part of our role as a psychic is to help you to vibrate in a more harmonious and peaceful way. A genuine psychic reading comes from an openness of heart and helps you to connect with a more peaceful place within.

radically transform our lives and the society we live in. This is a path to personal change not led by a religion, political party or guru, but by a personal awakening in our own hearts, inspired by connecting to our own personal psychic wisdom and power. We, at Origin Psychics, wish to support all our friends to discover this

relationships, failure of politics and religion, it is clear that we have become lost, both as individuals and as a society. The psychic arts, when understood not as fortune telling, creepy ghost hunting, or other faddish gimmicks, but as a pathway to connect to our deep intuitions and insight, as a means to feel the

psychic power within, through our readings, psychic development, and whatever other means is at our disposal. We would invite anyone who feels a connection with what is articulated in this letter to join our Origin Psychic Community, and to become part of something we feel can be a very powerful

interconnectedness of life, and the wholeness of all things, has the potential to

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may perceive you – rightly or wrongly – and offer insight into how this may be effecting your relationship. An empowering psychic reading helps you to really see what's going on, beyond any projections.

force for positive change in the world.

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The anX - factor An empowering way to deal with your stress. Cathy Cox Do you suffer from anxiety?

The consultations I'm offering combine the following:

I'd have to say that anxiety is a kind of 21st century plague. Most of us have experienced it to some degree, but for those of us who have experienced extreme anxiety, it is gut-wrenching and can seem insurmountable in the moment of its experience.

* A brief initial discussion of your own perception of your anxiety experiences

The number of our clients who call in the midst of such an experience is quite extraordinary. This, coupled with my own personal battle with anxiety, has prompted me to seek a deeper understanding of what happens when anxiety starts to take hold, and to seek effective methods to empower myself, and others, to manage those frankly awful episodes.

* A guided visualization and relaxation to bring you to a more receptive state * An intuitive channeling - this will offer you personal imagery, specific to you, from your guides, to support you to change the vibration in your body After your session, I will send you a recording by email or on a CD of your personal visualization, with some simple relaxing music added to it, for your practice at home.

I believe in the Oneness of the Universe and that our universe is alive - everything is energy.

I am confident I can help you in a very practical way!

From that paradigm, anxiety is a vibration of fear. Most fear is irrational; this is true also of anxiety. Whilst understanding that we each have certain emotional and psychological triggers for our anxiety, that doesn't often help in the midst of a sickening episode of anxiety, where you feel paralyzed and powerless to do anything to change that feeling. Very often, this is because those vibrations of anxiety have become so habituated in our bodies that they feel like they are part of us - solid.

Book your channeling session now!

I am not offering a pseudo-psychological service to understand your anxiety. I am offering a service whereby I work with you to create an experience of a very different vibration in your body.

Consultations last up to 40 minutes and cost £75.00 / $99 USD or $199 AUD This price includes your personalized channeling recording. Call our Free Call Numbers below to book!

‘I have greatly appreciated the visualization sessions run by Cathy at Origin Psychics. At a time when I was experiencing high levels of stress and associated heightened anxiety, the wonderful calming time through the visualizations has helped me step out of the anxiety and given me time out to become grounded, and energized. The first time, I felt an enormous sense of relief that there was a place where this anxiety did not exist, I was allowed time away from the fearful sensation in my heart area. It moved me to tears. The practice of meditation through the visualizations is a life skill, once learned, can be applied at any time helping to find that balance modern life throws out of kilter. Ideal for a telephone help session. Once over, one feels able to carry on with the day, calmly. Once again, many heartfelt thanks to Origin Life for their special insights and help with life today.’ Lorna Dilley

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The Healing Power of Forgiveness by Gaye Wright The alarm goes off and through the thin slit between your eyelids, a sliver of white daylight gets in, signaling another day has begun. With your sore, aching body, you buckle up your lead boots, strap on your sack of anger and resentment, and trudge laboriously into your day. You’re weak, exhausted, and burdened with pain before the day even starts. This is what it feels like to carry around anger, resentment, and emotional pain day after day. You have no energy left for things that might bring you joy or happiness. In fact, if asked, you may not even remember the last time you had a truly great day. All you keep seeing in your mind’s eye is replay after replay of the person you’re angry at, the person who wronged you. This may be a difficult thing to hear but the only person being hurt carrying this emotional baggage around is you. According to a study performed at the Harvard School of Public Health, those scoring highest on an anger scale were three times more likely to develop heart disease over several years than those scoring lowest. And here’s another other thing you might not want to hear – each day you hold on to that emotional pain and resentment, you give the person who wronged you control over your life. Each and every day drains away more and more of your own personal power. There is a way out of this soul-depleting cycle it’s forgiveness. You probably don’t want to hear that word either. But that one word carries the most incredible power of healing and growth. If you’re like many people in a state of emotional suffering, you may confuse forgiveness with excusing the wounding behavior, or simply forgetting about it, condoning it, or reconciling with the hurtful person. Forgiveness doesn’t mean any of those things. Forgiveness is having the courage to let go of the negative emotions you have about the person who hurt you. Researchers on forgiveness believe you are in control of your behavior and have the ability to make a personal choice to forgive or not. Choosing to forgive is YOU having personal control over your own life -- instead of giving that control over to the person who hurt you. This does not mean the offending person is unaccountable for their U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

actions. The goal of forgiveness is to take you from the place of victim to the place of improved health and greater personal power.You’re probably saying to yourself, “Yes, I’d love to let go of the heavy load I’m carrying around, but forgiving is easier said than done.” You’re absolutely right – forgiveness is probably one of the most difficult things to practice. Here are seven steps you can follow to help you in your process of forgiving and lead you into reclaiming your life. 1. In order to start the process of forgiveness, you must first acknowledge your anger, fear, resentment, and grief. Your feelings are justified and should not be minimized. 2. Recognize that to dwell on your negative feelings will do serious damage your physical and emotional health. 3. Understand that forgiveness does not condone the behavior that has brought you pain nor does it allow you to be abused. 4. Accept that you are responsible for your own feelings and it is up to you to heal your pain. 5. Make a choice to release the anger, sadness, grief, and fear your feeling by seeking appropriate professional help. 6. Make the decision to forgive the person who harmed you. 7. Remember you are forgiving the other person in order to free yourself from unnecessary pain and suffering — not the other way around. Practicing these steps can help you reduce anger, hurt, depression and stress and lead you on the path toward physical and emotional strength and well-being. Remember - forgiveness is for you –- for your health, overall wellness, and quality of life. It’s not for the offending person.You, and only you, can make the choice to take off the lead boots, un-strap the heavy sack filled with anger, resentment, and pain and start living your life free of the past.

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Natalie Arkins Natalie Arkins is the most recent addition to our Origin Psychics reader family. Some of you will already have experienced having a reading with Natalie, and will be aware of her skill and sensitivity. For those of you who haven’t, we thought we’d take this opportunity to introduce her to you... How did you start with psychic work - is it something you’ve always done? I was fortunate that psychic phenomena - and the reality of the psychic dimension of life - were totally accepted in my family. Even though my family were academics, the reality of other dimensions was, you could say, the paradigm in which I grew up. I started reading the Tarot when I was about sixteen, but it was when I moved to Ireland that I really started to connect with it. For a time, I used it as a tool for self healing and self direction, before I really started to develop my skills and began to move towards being a professional reader.

Have you had any particularly important psychic experiences in your own life? A turning point came for me when I experienced a visitation by an angel! It happened about six years ago - I had woken up, and there beside my bed was the most beautiful glowing Cherub - just standing there looking at me, smiling, and glowing with pure love! The next day I was walking in the village, and there was an advertisement for a course in connecting with Angels - that moment was obviously really meaningful for me.

Do you have a particular way you like to do a

‘In my first reading with Natalie she really empowered me in a moment of feeling at a low point in my self-esteem. She told me a mantra to say to myself, to empower me through my confusion. I really used this mantra and I have a great deal of gratitude to Natalie who helped me through this particular episode in my life. I would recommend Natalie as an insightful and compassionate reader.’ focussed on seeking solutions for the client, not just understanding the problems of their situation.

Is there a ‘case study’ you could share with us, where you could see how the reading really helped the person concerned? Yes - I had been reading for a woman who was having real problems with her relationship - she couldn’t quite make it click. In the reading, it became clear that she had a hidden blockage to really accepting the relationship. I did some healing with her, as part of her reading, and within minutes of the reading ending, the lady’s partner had sent a text asking to meet up. It was one of those really amazing healing experiences, and the relationship went from strength to strength. I still hear from her, and this lady is now living with her partner, and in a settled and happy relationship. That’s really why I do this work - it’s the desire to heal and help and to pass on the power that the ancients of Ireland share all around us here.

reading? I really love to use the Tarot, and especially as a healing tool. The healing comes right through in the cards, and especially so in relationship readings. My philosophy and my intention when I begin a reading is very much about being U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

Have a 25 minute phone reading with Natalie this December, for the price

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INNER POWER by Rod Nicholson Have you ever heard of the "Locked in Syndrome"? I

thoughts and body to break down. Six months after his

hadn't until recently when I read a remarkable story from

stroke, he was walking in a Zimmer frame and after a

the UK Guardian newspaper. It makes me shiver to my

year, he was fit enough to look after himself.

depths to feel what this man experienced. When I reflect on this remarkable story the words Ray Edwards, an engineering manager, is coming home

that come to my mind are, 'Inner Power". Here is a man

early from work. He starts to feel woozy with a strange

with nothing but his mind and thoughts left inside him.

buzzing sensation. Very soon after arriving home, he

Everything is immobile but for a flickering flame of

cannot move. He blacks out in hospital. He comes round

intelligence and intention within his paralysed body, and

two days later completely paralysed and only able to move his eyelids, although he could feel, hear and smell.

from this core of consciousness, the body is restored in a man who was supposed to die.

Ray had suffered a stroke and with it, a rare

I think of the Buddhist saying, "Everything begins and

neurological disorder called "Locked-in Syndrome". For

ends in the mind". We see here in stark simplicity the

him, according to modern medicine, this meant death or a

inner power of one man and his determination and

living death. Can you imagine waking up into this

concentration to heal himself, upending the belief of his

condition? Can you put yourself inside the body and mind

doctors and modern medicine. There comes to my mind

of this man?

a sentence from a book nearly 2500 years old.

Ray's first resolution was the determination to recover. He found even thinking to be exhausting and

"When inner power develops and wisdom emerges, the myriad things will, to the last one,

could only focus on immediate things like swallowing,

be grasped."

moving his head and finding his voice. To start with, he could only communicate by blinking.


CHANGE THE WORLD The reality for Ray was that he was simply expected to die, as he found out later. He continued to concentrate within the prison of his paralysed body.

His mind and thoughts were still able to move. After months of concentration he got his big toe to flicker and gradually he got the barrier between his U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

by J R Nicholson

‘The Origin Way is the journey of the return to the origin mind. It is a journey far more fabulous than ever made in any Star Trek adventure. Just as in space travel, we talk of light years, so in order to return to the origin mind we have to become a traveller within the space of our own mind. We have to learn how to propel our consciousness light years beyond the limitations of the conditioned mind.’ ORDERS BEING TAKEN NOW - ONLY £12.95 + P&P

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DREAM WEAVER Sara Hollowell is the winner of our Yuletide competition! She will receive a personalized retreat package at the Origin Educere Retreat Centre on the beautiful Isle of Skye! Congratulations Sara!

Just last night I had a dream I couldn't understand. Before I went to bed I was thinking about the fact that I am not close to the remaining members of my Mum's side of the family (she died 10 years ago) and wondering about what changes I should make to my life to renew my sense of purpose. I asked for a sign to guide me in making changes. What I got was a dream that simply didn't make sense. The dream starts with me in a big, old white cottage, not especially picturesque. I am packing to go home at the end of a holiday. My Grandma is in the cottage with me. She cannot help me because she is crippled with arthritis, as she was when alive. However, she draws my attention to a wasp flying in the room. When I look in my suitcase there is a block of wasps, fairly small but tightly packed and containing hundreds of wasps. More wasps start to fly out of the case, beginning their journey from inside my rolled underwear. Without attempting to get Grandma out of the room I run outside into the garden, which is just lawn and find my dog Lucy, a cavalier king charles spaniel, (who in real life died less than a year before Grandma, about 11 or 12 years ago and on the day before Grandma had to move from living with us into a nursing home. I took Lucy to the vets to have her nails cut and was told she had a heart problem and had to have her put down). In the dream Lucy had a really big spider covering her muzzle. The spider had black and beige stripy legs. I started to try to prize the legs from the top of Lucy's muzzle using a straw hat, but it wasn't at all effective. I felt helpless because I could not get the spider off Lucy but too squeamish to actually grab hold of it with my bare hands. Lucy didn't seem to be bothered about the spider and just stood there placidly, not making any attempts to shake the spider off. At this point I woke up. My only thoughts were that the dream might be a literal warning about a spider (there are lots in my house, but so far I've only seen stripy ones outside and there were no spiders in my room on waking) and that the scene in the dream called to mind how I used to run round the garden with Lucy when I was a teenager in breaks U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

from revising for what were then O-levels. I had a hat (green cotton not straw) from Australia with corks round it that I can remember wearing in the garden that summer, and Lucy getting agitated at the corks flying around when I ran.

Dear Sara, The symbol of the wasp in your dream is very significant, as I feel it is a sign of how you would like to relate to your family.Wasps are quite different to bees, which are hive oriented – wasps like their independence! I feel the wasp is communicating to you that you have sought your independence, and have wanted to do things in your own way. I feel that the fact that much of the imagery of your dream relates to actual experiences from your adolescence is calling you to connect with that part of your identity which is just simply ‘you’.Your grandmother I feel is symbolic of your own personal ancestors, and the role they are still happy to play in your life, ‘pointing out’ things you might otherwise miss, like the wasp. Your adolescent memories, sparked off in your dream, take you back to a time when we begin to individuate, to assert our own personal identity, and in your search for more meaning, you are seeking to express your own personal identity more clearly in the years to come.The wasp is also a messenger for you that you will step out with a new idea in the coming year of your life – something which will take you into much more satisfying experiences and bring the meaning you desire in your life. I feel it’s a kind of omen - and a good one! The spider is also a powerful symbol – I sense it’s a sign to you of the importance of the subconscious, and your own personal intuition in your life.Your dog was quite comfortable with it – she wasn’t distressed at all. She is communicating with you from her spirit, and communicating with you THROUGH the power of your intuition in your dream. The hat is particularly interesting to me too, in that the hat you describe is one which developed in Australia to keep flies away from the person’s face – maybe it’s now time for you to embrace the spirit of the wasp and the spider, instead of keeping them away, as you were attempting to do with the hat metaphor in your dream.This is a powerful dream Sara, and one which is encouraging you in your intention to build more meaning in your life. I hope this interpretation has helped you.

by our ʻmysteryʼ psychic dream interpreter...

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RENEWALS Letting Go by Lynne Leslie To a certain extent, having expectations is positive - like setting work goals to move towards a promotion. However when the balance tips and the pressure of expectations from many directions becomes too much, this overload creates the condition of stress, with its associated symptoms of insomnia, feeling fragile emotionally, a reduced ability to fight off disease, and having low tolerance levels with others. When clients call me for a reading on their situation, I may get the picture that their life is out of balance - and this needs to be brought back into alignment again. It may be that someone gives too much - trying to care for others with the best intentions, but at a cost to themselves. Or perhaps they lack the self-confidence to say “no” to others, and end up being the willing horse who gets all the work to do. We often discover that the underlying cause is not an external one - internal emotional processes and beliefs are what create the condition, even though we may think the one to blame is our boss, our partner, our family. Sometimes it can be the speed of life which helps bring this situation to a head - we are so busy doing things that we “have” to do that we don’t notice things going wrong in our lives, and only when we have a major blowup of some sort do we realize that we have been moving through life without seeing what is going on. Essentially, I aim in a psychic healing session to bring up the energy levels for the person concerned. This helps them have the strength to handle their situation more calmly and more objectively. Then we look at what steps they can take to resolve their situation - a life review - looking at what the responsibilities they believe they have no choice but to accept. Often this leads to their acknowledging that some of their beliefs about what they feel they have to do in life are outdated and need to be revised. This is the first step towards their emotional wellness, a process of letting go; letting go of old beliefs, letting go of the need to be responsible for others, the need to be responsible for creating others’ happiness, the need to please others. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

It is a simple prescription for inner happiness - to “let go”. It sounds easy but many of us find it very hard to put into practice - believing that we must try harder in order for it to work, when in fact all this does is to push it away from you. An example would be if you think you may have upset a friend with a slip of the tongue. You may be worrying about how to resolve the situation. Rather than tying ourselves in knots trying to fix the situation, all that is needed is to let go - letting go of the fear of losing the relationship, and the responsibility for creating someone else’s happiness. Amazing results come from this letting go process - it sets us free from the bonds of having to do anything. We then come from a place of choice, rather than being driven by internal demons, over which we feel we have no control. We can apply this choice to our whole way of being whether it is to look at the “I really don’t have the money to buy Auntie Katie a Christmas present but I feel I have to” type of scenario, or perhaps someone trying to enlist your help with a project when you are already overloaded with work. It is about becoming aware of our underlying beliefs and setting ourselves free to make the choice.

Practice for Letting Go... Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor - take some slow deep breaths, close your eyes. With each outward breath, feel your body softening. Keep your hands open in your lap, palms up. When you are ready to do so, picture what it is that you want to let go written clearly on a piece of paper. Imagine now that you are scrunching this paper in your fist. Now imagine that you open your fist, and your paper has turned to dust. Watch as the dust simply blows away and into the atmosphere. It’s gone.... You’ve let it go.... Take your time in slowly bringing your breath back to normal, and when you’re ready, dig your heels into the floor and open your eyes.

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The Sweat Lodge

Shaman Graham Watt

The Sweat Lodge is one of the tools of the Shaman, and is seen across a great variety of cultures. Sweat Lodges have been around for many centuries most people who have heard of them in our culture would be familiar with the native American style of sweat lodge. Essentially the lodge consists of a timber frame (branches/saplings) bound together in the shape of a domed hut. Inside, in the middle of the Lodge, a hollow is created in the earth, in which to place a number of hot rocks. Over the frame, various layers of blankets are fitted, to completely prevent any light from entering, and to prevent any loss of heat or steam. Approximately 12 feet in front of the lodge a large fire pit is made, to hold all of the rocks - the number depends on the spiritual beliefs of those concerned, but usually there are around 32, as well as the logs used to heat the rocks. The principle is that a fire is built in the large pit, with the stones buried under the logs. This fire is allowed to burn for approximately two to three hours, making the rocks red hot. When the ritual begins, a group of people enter the Lodge along with the Door Keeper - the person who is looking after the Lodge. Once everyone is inside, the fire-tender passes in the first of eight rocks. The door keeper blesses the rocks as they enter, and once the lodge heats up, then he or she throws water over the rocks to create steam. The ceremony has a total of 4 rounds, or prayers. Each round is dedicated to a compass U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

direction and this has relevance to what our needs are and what we wish to create in our life. For example, by praying to the East, the direction of the Sun rising in the new day, the emphasis would be on new beginnings, bringing warmth and light into our life As stated earlier, Sweat Lodges can be found all over the world - after years of research, I have found that the Celts also used Sweat lodges. At the Origin Educere Retreat Centre, we are offering people the chance to participate in a unique kind of Sweat Lodge - one developed in line with Celtic Shamanic practices. If you are interested in being part of a Sweat Lodge ritual, please don’t hesitate to call on 01470 532 456, or email me at grahamwatt@origincommunity.com .

A Celtic Sweat Lodge... The Lodge is built by establishing a ring of vertical posts in the ground; the roof is turfed as opposed to using blankets, making it more of a permanent structure. In our prayers, we honour our Celtic deities and forefathers. The Lodge and prayers create a rebirthing process, along with a physical cleansing which comes from the heat and the steam. We thank Mother earth and Father sky and show respect to the elements we work with - the rocks, the water and the air. With a joining of hearts, the sharing in a circle, our thoughts and inner processes, the release of emotions, combined with the heat, darkness and humidity - all of this makes the Sweat Lodge one of the most powerful spiritual tools available to the Shaman.

‘The first time I entered the lodge ... I almost wept. It was a feeling of remembrance, of returning, of being completely safe, of being held in the embrace of an ancient culture and spirit. Something deep in my soul remembered this sacred ceremony. It was a ceremony of prayer, of steam, of connection with the Infinite. It helped me to remember who I was in a deeper sense...’

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Hidden Gems

Our monthly delve into the Origin archive. Angels are a worldwide

phenomena, in this issue Cathy Cox takes a look at some of the beliefs that surround these celestial beings. If you believe in Angels you join millions of people around the world who also believe in Angels. Time Magazine (1993-DEC-27) featured a story on angels. An opinion poll revealed that: • 69% believe in the existence of angels • 55% believe that angels are "higher spiritual beings created by God with special powers to act as his agents on earth". • 49% believe in the existence of fallen "angels or devils." They were presumably referring to demons. • 46% believe that they have a personal guardian angel In Greek the word Angel means "messenger" - celestial beings believed to be messengers or intermediaries sent by God to instruct, inform, or command humankind. All religions deals with the relationship humans have with the supernatural realm. Angels are represented in ancient Greek religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam and you could argue many other equivalent being can be found in indigenous cultures... “The angels are so enamored of the language that is spoken in heaven, that they will not distort their lips with the hissing and unmusical dialects of men, but speak their own, whether there be any who understand it or not" 1803-1882 American Poet Essayist Traditional Israelites believed that angels have the form of human males, and as a consequence they were sometimes mistaken for men. Years later and after U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

Mesopotamian and Persian influence, another dimension was added to the Jewish concept of angels which now included hostile and destructive angels who are rebellious against God. Later developments in both Judaism and Christianity show a remarkable growth of angelic folklore. In the early and mid 1990s there was a renewed interest in angels with the use of angels on greeting cards and television specials concerning encounters with angels. This almost was reflected in popular TV dramas such as Highway to Heaven and more recently Angel. “It is not known precisely where angels dwell -whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God's pleasure that we should be informed of their abode.” Voltaire 1694-1778 French Historian, writer, philosopher People’s belief in angels come from basic intuitive knowing that we live in a universe of harmony that is both magical and mystical. It also comes from a basic sense that we are looked after and protected. Angels and miracles Often Angels are associated with miracles. When people are faced with very difficult situations where there seems to be no “human” way out of it, they may have first hand experience of an Angel. Sometimes this is visual and sometimes this may just be a sense of what has happened. Susan’s Angels Story… My angel experience happened about 14 years ago. It was a hot summer afternoon in Texas. My son was about 1 year old and running a very high fever that day. We had been to the doctor that morning; he was so sick that he had not sat up all

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day.We were home alone that afternoon and I did not want to leave his side for a second. I put a quilt on the floor and got some pillows and we lay under the ceiling fan and watched television. I had never seen my baby so sick before, I was really worried about him because he just laid there. I waited for him to go to sleep before I got up to do anything. Once he was asleep I got up and went down the hall, I had not gotten to the bedroom yet when I heard a terrible crashing noise. I had only been gone 3-4 seconds, I ran back to the living room and my heart sank. The large ceiling fan that was running on high above our quilt had fallen. I looked and my very sick little boy was sitting on the sofa crying softly. I know that an angel had to have moved him to safety, because there is no possible way that he could have woke up and climbed to the sofa in that amount of time he was barely walking anyway.There was broken glass everywhere and the fan hit the pillows and the quilt. I know that could have killed him, and I thank God for the guardian angel that picked him up and carried him out of the way.The fan would have seriously hurt me also; I believe that God had me get up at the right moment to protect me also. I know God was in my house watching over us that day, because a sound asleep sick child that has not gotten up all day does not jump up from a sleep and get on a sofa. I thank God for this miracle often, and I am so thankful to watch my son grow all these years, he is now 15 years old. Life is so precious, and I know that both my boys have guardian angels to look after them.

Connecting with Angels Your connection with Angels does not have to be something that happens in the midst of tragedy. Angels do not have to be seen as human being like figures with wings that fly above. Rather it is easier sometime to see angels as beings of celestial of light that exist like you and I and that have a role to support us to be the people we are meant to be and to live more deeply from out sense of divinity.You can connect with Angels on a daily basis it is just a case of consciously making the connection. More often these beings of light want to connect with us. Four Fundamentals to connecting with Angels. 1. Ask: Invite your angel to be with you and to share with you its warm light Sit quietly with paper and pen in hand. Be open and allow the exchange of energy to come through to you. 2. Trust: Your angels are with you and you will receive a message. Let it happen.You are being guided although you may feel you are making it up. The message will seem like your own thoughts. Acceptance is most important. 3. Let Go: Begin writing what you know to write. Let the angelic energy come through to you. It may be as a soft whisper, a picture in your mind, or a feeling of knowing.Your angels have the same loving voice you have heard many times before. The harder you think, the less flow there will be. 4. Say Thank You: You have received a message for which you didn't have to do anything. Simply be grateful for what you have received and acknowledge receiving it by giving thanks.

No time to have a phone reading? Have you thought about having an email reading instead? It’s very simple - just go to www.find-theright-psychic.co.uk and follow the links to order an email reading through our online shop. Here’s what one of Cathy’s email reading clients said: ‘Every time I have received a reading from you I feel that the picture of what is concerning/surrounding me is a clearer and more hopeful one. It is like the most confident part of me is getting some support and affirmation. At times you have been so precise in giving light to the process I am going through, that I have felt rather touched’.

During December, you can have an email reading with Cathy and receive a 15% discount. Just enter the code ‘CathyChristmasOffer’ when you place your order, and the discount will be applied. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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Origin Horoscopes

Kim Thomas

Aries: Mars, your ruling sign is lording over your chart this month, pushing and driving situations, a hard aspect with Uranus on the 3rd could create some restlessness and irritability within and possibly around you, stay calm and recognise it for what it is, an unconscious urge for freedom and change. Travel, education and deep profound wisdom is yours for the taking in December. Action also seems inevitable in your work sector. Watch out for clashes with dominant figures in your workplace on the 13th, channel your energy into accomplishing something for the greater good and peace will be reinstated into your life.

Taurus: December could be truly transformative for you if only you are willing to open your heart and let go of the past. On one level taxes and debts may be due but on a higher level, karmic healing is on offer. Opportunities to recognise the truth within relationships and to give from your heart appear briefly so stay open to deep regeneration of the soul. It is not an easy time, but eventually you will see profit. Significantly, the Equinox on the 21st heralds the return of the sun in the northern hemisphere, symbolically suggesting the return of hope for you. Gemini: The 1st of December brings light energy where you are able to express yourself clearly and profoundly to those who matter in your life. Take time out to enjoy, gift yourself some time off and with Mercury going retrograde from the 10th to the 30th, you may as well relax as little external is achieved. The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 21st continues the theme and marks a shift in your awareness from me to thee, recognising how others have enabled your process of late and encouraging a sense of team work for the next 6 months.

Cancer: The 5th of December marks a beginning for you in work or health. Whether it’s starting a new job or getting back on the diet, its initiated with a sense of enthusiasm and with support from Saturn, blessings you with discipline to reach your targets. The lunar eclipse on the 21st uncovers, self-sabotage methods, a tendency to climb into your shell when the seas are rough, instead speak with conviction and fight your corner; you will be respected for it more eventually. Continue as you mean to go on and resolve old issues with loved ones on the 28th, time to clear the way forward.

Leo:The Sun is in Leo’s natural home, the 5th house for most of this month, helping you to express your creativity whether it’s fun or work. Saturn pushes you to stamp your uniqueness on work and pleasure, enabling you to focus and produce something of worth. Events of the recent past are still eating away at much of your energy, these boundary issues seem to echo in other relationships. The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st although creating sense of tension with friends, allows for the expression of true feelings which need to see the light before healing and letting can take place.

Virgo: Your focus is on family and home this month, especially the older males in the family – dad’s and uncles are keen to offer advice and support early month. Leave big decision making til after the 5th, when your mental faculties and insight is high, although watch out for pushiness or persuasive sales people types! Mercury goes retrograde between the 10th and the 30th, this usually means hitches and hold ups with communications so perhaps getting the important Christmas preparations out of the way to allow for more time to socialise, the 21st being a stand out night for fun and friends. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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Libra: Your planetary ruler,Venus, is now moving forward through your house of money and possessions, bringing opportunities and a degree of luck. This energy can be extravagant or impractical; fortunately you wits are sharpened this month, so expect some degree of clarity and progress with regard your financial security. The period of the waxing moon after the 5th brings a slow build up to the Full Moon on the 21st, the focus is on the foundations of your life such as home and family, and some tough decisions have to be made which seem crucial to transforming the fundamentals of your daily existence. Scorpio: Issues of self worth relating to the material world and its trappings encourage transformation and healing this month. Using money wisely as a tool for self-improvement with a new haircut or clothes enhances how you feel and how others see you, boosting your confidence. There is also extra drive and motivation in your money sector where you are encouraged to think out of the box on the 3rd, openings appear to improve your financial situation such as a freelance work or a profitable hobby. So December is about getting the money to work for you not the reverse.

Sagittarius: Finding your place in the world is so much easier with a strong sense of self, and by the end of this month you will have an even bolder sense of direction. The New Moon on the 5th of December is personal to you and its connection with Saturn bodes well for anything new, you will have the drive and discipline to create something with lasting potential. The Lunar Eclipse on the 21st feels like a radical shift in consciousness regarding your personal power in relationships and family, the consequence being a greater sense of self-sufficiency.

Capricorn: Retreat and regeneration is essential for most of the month, be still, turn your focus inwards, receive nourishment from the darkness. Stirrings begin from the 7th, when a cluster of planets huddle together in Capricorn bringing light to the inner and outer struggles in your life, furthering your understanding of the unconscious drives that limit you. The Full Moon on the 21st re-ignites the need for radical change within your career and psyche, this process is well underway, believe it, you are not going round in circles and in the next 6 months considerable progress will be made.

Aquarius: Paying attention to groups and friends takes on an even greater importance this month, relatively easy for Aquarians who value togetherness. Saying that, your high ideals may be challenged as your own personal needs and drives take precedence, bringing with it some restlessness as you try to meet the needs of the collective with your own. Your co-ruler, Uranus moves forward, bringing inner energies out into the open and pushing for action. With the Eclipse on the 21st occurring in your house of creativity, it brings possibilities of unconventional resolution and transformation over the next 6 months.

Pisces: Most of the month you are involved with career issues, this may be quite difficult as Neptune your ruler is sending some dreamy spiritual energy towards you, making it a challenge to focus on anything out with yourself. Nevertheless, time to dream will also bring your aspirations into clear view, enabling the process of manifestation. Your senses and intuition are working at full capacity though, so do trust them especially around the 2nd. Around the Eclipse time on the 21st, a window opens and allows you to see from a distance all that has challenged you of late. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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