Origin Connections The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Our Free Call Numbers: USA - 1800 963 0094 UK - 0808 120 9695 UK - 1800 333 007 (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week!)
Personal Development ‘Stress & its Real Cure’, Rod Nicholson Page 8
Myth Busters Romantic Love Vs Real Love, Merle Hurley Page 3
June Horoscopes What’s in store for you in your stars in June, by Sandy Johnson Page 16
Will & Kate Their relationship through the eyes of the Tarot, by Cathy Cox Page 5 AND MUCH MORE!
Welcome! A Mi dsumme r N i ght’s D ream...
‘A universe which offers encounters with such lovely, mysterious beings is a much more interesting and fun place to live.’
The more rational among us could really have wondered what Shakespeare was on about - fairies in the woods, love juice, and a man being given the head of a donkey! One interpretation might be that it’s just fantasy - a very funny, very entertaining story about love and jealousy, all tied together with a lovely happy ending.
Another angle might be to see the plot lines and characters as representing archetypal psychological experiences and processes. Love, friendship, infatuation, control, jealousy - even playing sexual games - these are all very common and very human experiences we can all either identify with or at least empathize about.
From a paradigm which sees everything in the universe as ‘One’, there is yet another perspective. From this perspective, there really is magic in the universe, and there really are all sorts of beings in the universe who operate within laws we can’t necessarily explain, well at least not within the bounds of Newtonian science.
These ‘magical beings’ appear throughout our stories, myths and legends, regardless of language and culture. Maybe they’re real - we call them ‘magical’ or ‘mythical’ simply because we can’t explain them within those narrow Newtonian terms. A universe which offers encounters with such lovely, mysterious beings is a much more interesting and fun place to live. And I, for one, prefer to interpret such stories from that perspective. This mid-summer, why not take yourself out into the woods, or just go outside and gaze at the moon on a clear evening. You might be surprised at who you meet.
Myth Busters: Romantic Love vs Real Love
B y Mer l e Hu r le y , Se ni o r P sych ic . Love throughout the ages and in modern history has been romanticised. Even though love has a universal meaning, the concept of love between romantic partners takes on a whole new perspective. Love occurs when two people connect in mind, body, and soul and develop the desire to form a bond. Bonds can be developed between friends and family, and with and between animals. Love is something we all know exists, because we feel it for our families and friends and yes even our pets. But for love to be maintained between two entities over a period of time, certain elements must be contributed by those who participate in the act of love. We reciprocate to those we love because of the common bond and desire to dedicate ourselves to those who mirror our cause in life. But love does not always run smoothly, and often things go wrong in relationships, a broken heart cries out “what is love, what does it mean? The question is, do we strive too hard in love? Are we driven by too many ideals about what love should be? Is the way we were raised having an impact on how we understand love? People enter relationships not knowing what it really takes to maintain a lasting and loving relationship. All we need to do is learn until we get it right. Robert J, Stenberg’s theory of love takes the mystery out of “the meaning of love”. Love in actual fact is a simple concept - it’s just that we tend to complicate it. Stenberg’s triangular theory of love points out three simple elements that form the act of real love. ✴
Passion – the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena
Intimacy – closeness, connectedness, and bonding.
Commitment - Ongoing Intimacy and passion lead to the commitment to maintain love.
Of course there are always dire circumstances which prevent us from being with those who we truly love, like sickness or war.
Sternberg describes eight kinds of love ...non-love, liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, compassionate love, fatuous love, and consummate love. Consummate love is the only love that holds all three elements which makes love a true success over time. The other seven only hold one or two of the three key elements of love. For example, fatuous love may hold passion and commitment, but no real intimacy. Commitment cannot take place if intimacy and passion are weak on one side of the partnership, such as a casual sexual relationship. The lack of intimacy and passion for the other person causes a lot of relationship breakdowns, and the commitment levels are not constantly maintained and the foundations of love become rocky and not easy to repair. After the damage has been done, intimacy and passion are affected and
commitment is much more difficult to reach. For example if you are in love with a married man, the level of intimacy and passion are affected dramatically and over time, commitment can become almost too difficult to obtain. The road to love is ultimately painful, and sometimes unsuccessful. Reciprocation in relationship is important. To compensate in relationships, some women who are strong givers unconsciously may pick a man who lacks giving skills. But if your energy in giving and waiting for a man outweighs that which you receive, then you may be contributing to a lot of your own relationship breakdowns. Aristotle said, “the good life is the balanced life” so balance out your giving and take more when you should. The point is people in relationships need to give and take, to keep it functioning in a healthy way. Next time you aim to fall in love, keep in mind the points below... Many women in society struggle with finding love and commitment, and often wonder why. What needs to be understood is that women are often socialised and raised to be giving and nurturing and it often affects our expectations and goals in achieving in achieving a balanced relationship. If we learn to recognise these things then we can work hard on balancing our personalities so that we can mirror any soul potential that comes into our lives without too much drama. Self-awareness is the key. But the real key to finding love is to develop a sense of genuine self love. This means really caring for the human being inside. Not conceited or vain. To be able to love yourself first, hold yourself in the highest regard and have a What sort of a man am I looking to love ? passion for yourself as a person, this will lead to a sense of You need to have an idea of what you want. Does your own commitment to become a whole and centered person who doesn’t have to work for love, but attracts it he possess the same ideas about love, life and without effort. relationship as you?
Looking for love?
Love is a choice, between two people who have developed a determined sense of reciprocity, and a mirrored cause.
To have a reading with Merle, call our free-call numbers
Are we a good match? There’s no point in getting involved with someone who is not available to be in your life right now. Do I love or give too much without even realizing it? There is no rule in the universe that says you must compensate for someone else’s lack of reciprocity.
Will & Kate... Will The ir L ove L ast? The ‘Royal Wedding’ last month has been written about from just about every angle imaginable – official guests, clothes, designers, friends. As so much of our work at Origin Psychics is focussed on supporting our clients with their relationships, I thought it would be interesting to take yet another angle, and have a look at William and Kate’s relationship now, through the eyes of the Tarot. I’ve done a three card spread, and what stands out immediately in the reading is the presence of the Moon in the past. We all know that William and Kate separated for a time – what the reading reveals though is how significant this period was for their relationship to deepen and ultimately strengthen. I sense that their separation was a time when each of them went through a bit of a mysterious process, not just an emotional process. I feel that both of them knew deep down that they needed to make the break – it wasn’t a ‘one sided’ decision to separate – they both knew in that wisest part of their hearts that they had to take that step.
They may not have been able to really articulate why or what they needed. And I feel that they each had to try very hard not to simply slip back into the patterns of their relationship during that period of being ‘just friends’. I feel too though that they were both much more confident when they made the decision to be together again, and even though it has taken some time, I feel that they both knew and were confident that they would eventually marry, once they had reconciled. In the focus of the reading is the Knight of Swords. Wow! What strong-minded people they are as individuals. But in a way, they’ve become a really powerful unit, a real sense of being of ‘one mind’, as they step into their married lives together. I feel that this part of the reading reveals how much William and Kate took charge of their wedding day. Of course there were many factors over which they had absolutely no control – there would have been a mountain of protocol to follow. But I feel that despite that, they were quite a formidable force, and were really very focused and clear minded about the day also being very much for them, their families, and their friends. There is a confidence too in how open they are with one another in the way they communicate within their relationship. They are each confidante to the other, and I sense, deeply trust one another. This I feel is so important to them, that despite William’s
And in the future position of this reading – the Nine of Cups! Some traditional tarot interpretations call this ‘The Wish Card’, and it’s true that this particular card indicates a very happy and positive married life for William and Kate.
responsibilities in particular, he and Kate have a space to communicate which is only for them.
They will create a space for others – children of course, family and friends as well. But something more too – perhaps a sense of belonging which others in Britain will be able to identify with. Many have spoken of Kate being a so-called ‘commoner’, living a fairy tale of sorts, and marrying her prince. More important than the fairy tale is the every day magic inherent in their relationship, the alchemy which will support them in the years to come, both in their private life together, and in the enormous responsibilities which may come in the future.
As I look at the card though, there is so much more to it. This is not some ‘happy ever after’ message. The card shows a large fire, and an enormous cauldron sitting above it. Outside is a beautiful clear night, and the stars are softly twinkling in the distance. The message which comes to me is of a hearth fire, and the magic and hope of simply being with one another with open hearts. There is depth and warmth in their relationship, and the magic that happens when the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
by Cathy Cox Senior Origin Psychic
Did you know? N at alie Arki n s Evolution is occurring on the quantum level without DNA or genes being involved. New Scientist had an article in their January 8th 2011 edition about the whole question of evolution, a question that goes all the way back to Darwin - Nature vs. Nurture. Darwin himself believed that conditions an organism finds itself in will lead to modifications that can be inherited. This theory lost creditability, and the idea evolved that only DNA inherited changes could be passed onto succeeding generations. Throughout the last century however, there have been many findings and research anomalies pointing to the fact that aspects such as chemicals, nutrition, and environmental factors that affect the parents (but not their DNA) can still affect subsequent generations in the same manner. Then there’s the question of quantum theory, and where it fits into this picture. A leading geneticist at John Hopkins University, Andrew Feinberg, put the ideas of quantum theory and evolution together, in a unique and insightful manner, which I think will transform science’s view point of evolution.
Randomness is enshrined by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which basically states we can measure one aspect of a property, but that means that other aspects of that property cannot be measured precisely at all, generating uncertainty and randomness into systems. Feinberg theorised that certain changes brought a Heisenberg-like uncertainty to the expression of genes, which in the end result would help the species survival rate. Variation is always the key to survival - otherwise we would be wiped out by one disease, one drought, or a flood. What does this mean for you and me, at a basic level? The conventional medical doctrine would say “You have these combinations of genes - you may get heart disease, or breast cancer, and die at 65.” With quantum evolution, there is just enough uncertainty about the random changes occurring within you, that maybe you will survive, and experience none of these things that are “encoded” in your genes.
Overall, it makes evolutionary sense to have some uncertainty in the mix, and that random changes do occur, which helps us to survive. I also think this is leading the way to a more spiritual outlook on our lives. We are not just destined to be a certain way because of our genes we can change our lives if we want to. This leads to greater personal freedom - you are more than just your genes. Since there is randomness, I will “feed” myself emotionally, mentally and physically in a positive manner that suits me, and brings positive results for me. Responsibility and freedom mean we can choose which path to take. That can be tough, because sometimes we are drawn to the negative path, by habit, pattern or unconscious effects. Overall, I think these results will help to prove the beneficial effects which meditation, affirmations and other positive mental attitudes have on our lives, and on the lives of succeeding generations.
Stress & its real cure I have observed in my life that when I am feeling peaceful, calm and confident, then at the same time I am feeling connected to something or someone.
B y Ro d N i c ho l so n, Ma na gi ng D i r ec t or The modern world is full of stress. A large percentage of people would see stress as their big problem in life. The issue of a stressful life is now no longer a problem for just adults - it has become a problem for many children, and doctors are even actually prescribing drugs to help young people cope with their stress. How sad that young people are losing the joy of life. There are many ways of defining stress. I’m just interested in getting to the cause, the root of stress. Stress in the real meaning of the word has always been with us. The word stress is, actually, a euphemism for anxiety and fear. This form of stress has been with us since the beginning of recorded time. We can do many things to alleviate stress. We can start with simply watching a good show on TV. We can go out to the pub and have a drink and a laugh with our friends. We can exercise. We can meditate. We can pray. There are many methods of alleviating stress, but in the end we can only cure it by eliminating anxiety and fear from our lives. Many people would say that is an impossible task. There is no way, they believe, we can live in a fearless and anxiety-free universe. Personally, I do not believe that to be true. I believe a fearless universe is possible and that when we live in that universe permanently we have arrived in Paradise, whether we do it here and now whether we do it in another life in another time and in another space. As I see it, when I experience fear and anxiety, it is always accompanied by a feeling separation and isolation. On the other hand, I have observed in my life when I am feeling peaceful, calm and confident, then at the same time I am feeling connected to something or someone.
I, personally, have not arrived at living in a totally fearless universe, but, as I feel more and more connected, feel more part of the whole, then there is less and less anxiety and fear in my daily life.
So, I see myself on a journey into a fearless universe and I enter this fearless universe ever more deeply, and, for longer periods of time, the more often I connect with people, the world and the universe around me. I believe that the more and more I consciously bond and feel and experience my oneness with each and everything around me, then, fear and anxiety become less and less, and, my heart and mind and body become ever more peaceful and calm.
Rod Nicholson is the CEO and founder of the Origin Educere Retreat Centre on the magical Isle of Skye. Based on a lifetime of study and contemplation, beginning when he became a monk at the age of 16, Rod has developed a method of mentoring and supporting people to make real change in their lives - he calls it ‘The Wisdom Factor.’ Visit Rod’s blog at http://wisdomfactor.blogspot.com
Ancient Wisdom for Vital Living A workshop presented by the Origin Educere Retreat Centre Friday September 2nd to Wednesday September 7th Origin Educere Retreat Centre - Isle of Skye, Scotland
Revitalize Yourself! The essence of this workshop is to support you to develop a different way of looking at your life - to bring change to your life by changing your beliefs, your mind set. What you’ll find is that this spontaneously brings a renewed sense of vitality to any area of your life where you are seeking change - body, mind or spirit. You’ll begin a course of ‘inner training’ - using practical tools, drawn from ancient wisdom traditions, and put them into practice in your everyday life. Learn how to use Qi Gong for physical and emotional health Understand Yin & Yang to create harmonious relationships Connect with your Inner Sage - develop your personal power to let go of the ‘victim’ stance and take charge of your life!
What you’ll gain from this workshop: You’ll learn a method of Qi Gong, suitable for anyone, regardless of physical fitness or flexibility. During the course of the workshop, you will learn the foundation elements and exercises of a Qi Gong sequence called the ‘Origin Form’. This will be a practice you can use in your everyday life, to revitalize your physical and emotional health and well being.
You’ll practise using & interpreting the ‘I Ching’ ‘I Ching’ literally means ‘Book of Changes’ - it is a powerful source to access guidance about any aspect of life, the changes we all face, and how best to flow with them in a way which energizes you, rather than depletes you. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the tools to ask the I Ching a question, and begin to interpret the response.
You’ll rediscover or deepen your bond with nature. The Isle of Skye is one of those very special places in the world, where the vitality of the natural world is so accessible. You will learn specific practical tools to support you to bond more consciously with the vitality of the natural
world - each day you will be able to visit certain particular locations, to experience this directly.
You’ll discover how to be consciously receptive and confidently initiatory in your own life. The terms ‘Yin and Yang’ are bandied about regularly these days, but what exactly do they mean? You’ll learn particular meditative techniques to become more conscious of the flow of real receptivity (yin) and real initiative (yang). Using these practices will have a powerful impact on your relationships, and on the confidence with which you interact with others in any situation.
Price - £449 per person (Includes accommodation & all meals) Friday 2nd September to Wednesday 7th September To Book, or for more information: Email - cathy@originlife.com Phone - (44) 1470 532 456 or any of our toll free numbers
Why is the world so afraid of psychics? Mich e lle Wa lt er MA , B A Burned at the stake, ex-communicated by the Church, and now rejected by scientific communities… psychics have endured the suffering of an oppressed people. Why? Well, for the same basic reason any group becomes marginalized in our society: Fear! In today’s world, there is no need to jail psychics or physically torture them, even to silence them. In contemporary western society, we destroy people through humiliation. Neurological studies show that when you humiliate someone, there is the same reaction in the brain as that which occurs with physical abuse. Years ago I attended the Cheltenham literary festival where prominent scientist Rupert Sheldrake 11
was appearing. He has proposed a biological explanation for telepathy in animal populations. Rupert started his talk by saying he couldn’t understand why everyone would become so aggressive and up tight about his research. He responded to his attackers: "I am simply doing research!" There are many academics who have been discredited for publishing results which express psychic phenomena - parapsychologist, Jeffrey Mislove, physicists, Amit Goswami and Henry Strapp to name a few.
The pressure is on to suppress any research made into psychic phenomena, or at least, to reinterpret the results so that they don’t conflict with modern, mechanical perceptions of how the universe works. Yet in a review of 100 years of para-psychological research, the scientific community found they could not dispute the research on scientific grounds.
The Psychic Shadow People who deny psychic ability are running from their own shadow. Psychic phenomena have followed people throughout history, as evidenced in the writings of the bible, medieval accounts – actually right up into the 21st century we continue to hear about PSI phenomena. Psychics remind us of our intuitive capacity. As society as a whole has become more and more skewed towards the thinking, cognitive, and logical aspects of our brain (through schooling most specifically) we have neglected the feeling, emotional, intuitive aspects of our nature.
The Jewel in the Mind
psychic! Master Wan, Qi Gong master in China, Daisy Li, Qi Gong, Lama Zopa in Nepal - all expressed psychic ability. As they connected to the Tao, To Buddhafield, to God, their psychic ability increased. Actually it is through using their psychic senses that they could connect!
Put on your own God Helmet In the field of consciousness studies there is a famous experiment which was conducted to show that there is a ‘God Centre’ in the brain. A helmet has been constructed by Stanely Korbet, which neurologically stimulates the brain in the mesio-basal temporal lobes. Research Michael Persinger reported the following results:
Psychic ability is the gem in the heart of our right brain emotional side.
“at least 80 percent of his participants experience a presence beside them in the room, which ranges from a simple 'sensed presence' to visions of God.”
It is the most precious and one of the most powerful gifts we have one that most people have not unwrapped.
These were ordinary, everyday people, who don’t meditate, and who don’t have any kind of spiritual practice at all!
It is through our psychic senses that we gain access to our inner world, and actually to an inner world that leads to a connection to all things. Even recently on my journeys through India, China and Nepal, all the practitioners I met were
Some scientists have interpreted these results to mean that god doesn’t exist, that He is just a human experience of neurons firing. How short sighted! What it also suggests is that we have the brain architecture necessary to experience Oneness, God, Bliss, Buddha …. It is the answer which is right within you, your psychic centre.
Developing Psychic Literacy For the majority of you reading this article, psychic literacy is nothing new. Most likely you have had your own psychic experiences and you possibly even practise methods like meditation, healing, etc which enhance these natural abilities and strengthen this part of the brain. However this is not the case for everyone. Many people are still scared of their psychic shadow. And those people will continue to deny, shame, or discredit knowledge gained through psychic experience. The result of this oppression, if you listen to it, is a straight-jacket placed around your psychic world. Not being able to fully express and share your psychic experience means it can’t flourish and grow - it can only pop up in isolated moments - like the famous psychics who have popped up through history reminding us there is more!!! In order to fully integrate your psychic sense with your life and receive its full value, you need to be able to develop a new spiritual map 12
of your life and most importantly, to be able to use and share your experiences. Guardians of the Inner World This map is in defense of your inner world it protects and creates a safe space inside your mind for psychic senses to grow and develop.
Becoming a warrior of the inner world means feeling confident about all the things you will face inside you. We all know that in repression and fear, in the darkness, monsters grow. Many people experience fearful psychic experiences - ghosts, entities, even things like night terrors and psycho-kinesis (objects moving around the room). To make your psychic world safe, you need support and a map through the labyrinth of fear.
Your Personal Spiritual map Imagine your psychic world like an overgrown forest. You haven’t been in there gardening or picking out the weeds. Sometimes, you get great psychic intuitions, and at other times you are completely off track. Naturally this makes you doubt yourself completely. Psychic knowledge is not like mathematical knowledge - where there are limited logical On a practical level - the more you use it, the pathways. Even with mathematics you have to practise and stronger your psychic ability will become. This learn the rules so you can get the answers right. Psychic is simple practical advice. For people who want warriors need to do the same. We need to learn the to go to the next level, stronger guidance is psychic map of our inner world - that is our body. Our psychic senses come from the body - we need to be able needed. I am holding a Psychic Intensive 5 day to untwist the pathways that are confused. For example, workshop in France this September to share this what is the difference between a gut feeling or a sense knowledge, as well as psychic practices and to give of fear? A wishful thought or a premonition about the people a powerful experience of their psychic future? There are twisted pathways in our mind we may never have tried to straighten out. We need to understand and clear the pathways so we know exactly where our information is coming from!
Psychic Intensive Workshop 5 D ays I n The S o u t h Of F r an ce ! The Psychic Intensive Workshop has been conceived and developed by professional psychics, who have years of experience in training and supervising professional psychics! Michelle and Cathy approach psychic development within the framework of the Educere Centre’s fundamental philosophy - that is, to bring forth the potential in each individual with whom they work.
“I want to run a workshop that will reveal the secrets of what makes a good psychic! I have been working in this field for 15 years, and trained psychics for an International Psychic Line. Now I’d like to pass on that knowledge to you. Being psychic gives you confidence, strength in your convictions and more power in helping others. I have watched people grow in their abilities and become powerful healers and great seers. Now I’d like to see you grow too!” Michelle Walter - Co-Ordinator Psychic Intensive is five days of Psychic training, Meditation and Qi Gong for Psychic Awareness. These days are designed to awaken and strengthen your natural intuition. During this time you will be supported and guided by our group leaders to have genuine psychic experiences - you’ll experience a shamanic journey, learn how to do a relationship psychic reading, meet your spirit guides, understand & connect with your past lives, and much What does it cost? more! You will learn all you need to know to 5 Day Ticket - £249.00 continue on your path as a Psychic Healer.
** Early Bird Discount - £199.00 3 Day Ticket - £149.00 (Accommodation not included)
When does it take place? September 15th to 19th, 2011 To book, or for more information... Email: michelle@innertraveller.com or cathy@originlife.com Telephone: (44) 1470 532 456 or any of our toll free numbers 14
Your Venue: The Alive Centre Collonges la Rouge, South West France
Be your own Psychic Harn ess Yo u r P er s o n a l G i f t Of Clairvo y a n c e. Clairvoyance literally means 'clear seeing'. It is a wonderful tool available not only to professional psychic readers, but to each and every one of us. How can I say this? Isn’t ‘Clairvoyance’ something particular readers are born with? Well, actually, we’re all born with it - and the proof is that we all dream. Every human being on the planet dreams - we are biologically ‘hard wired’ to do so. Even if we don’t remember our dreams, they are still going on. And dreaming is a very powerful form of imagery, available to us all every night as we (hopefully!) relax, and go into a deeply receptive state. Dreaming is our most obvious personal pathway to the unconscious mind.
See with your ‘third eye’... When you are quite relaxed, take your attention to your 'third eye' chakra. This is a point in about the middle of your forehead. Focus your attention there as you breathe in and out gently. You may experience a slight tingling sensation. Imagine now a spiral flowing around gently in your third eye. Let it turn slowly as you continue to focus your attention there. Once you feel quite comfortable, imagine a star turning around slowly in that same place. Notice the colour of its light.... is it hazy or bright... does it appear to become bigger as you're seeing it there in your third eye? Know that the star is a powerful symbol of hope and vision for the future. It is communicating this to your subconscious mind as you turn it there. Stay as long as you like with this vision. When you feel ready to do so, let the star fade and slowly bring your breathing back to normal. Bring your awareness back to the room you are in, dig your heels into the floor as you breathe in deeply, and open your eyes.
Clairvoyance as most people think of it, as one of the psychic arts, is simply a more particular function of imagery, which we use more commonly when awake. So what exactly is 'imagery', and how does it work? ‘Essentially, it is a flow of thoughts you can see, hear, feel, smell, or taste. Imagery is a window to your inner world, a way of viewing your ideas, feelings, and interpretations. But it is more than just a window; it is a means of transformation and liberation from unconscious distortions that may be directing your life...’ ( Dr Martin Rossman) So clairvoyance is a very personal experience. For me, it is often a symbolic image which will arise in my mind as I am doing a reading for someone - faces, showing emotions, aspects of stories which have special meaning, images of places and in some cases, such as past life visions, other times in history. We each have this facility to use imagery in both an active or receptive way - we can create images through creative visualization, and we can ask questions of our own subconscious mind, and receive images. In the box on the left is a simple but powerful practice to support you in developing confidence in your own gift of clairvoyance...
First of all, take a few moments to relax and allow your mind to become quiet and still. Take your attention to your breath - let it slow down and become regular and gentle. Scan your body to see if you are holding on to any tension in your muscles or joints. Once again, pay attention to your breath. 15
Your Monthly Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI! Hello all of you Geminis out there! Yes I’m talking to you, all those personalities in each of you! This is YOUR month, and what a month it will be! You will be blessed with not only one Eclipse, but two - talk about seeing double. The eclipses will come within two weeks of each other, so hold on! The first, a Solar Eclipse will be on June 1st, in Gemini - what a way to start the month. This will impact on you and your personality, your sense of self, of who, what and where you are going, your job, money & position in life. This is actually a great time to set your plans on paper and put them into play. The manifestation may take a year or two, but this is the perfect time to get started. The second Eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse, is on June 15th, in Sagittarius. This will be affecting your emotions & whether you are getting the love you want. You’ll also become very aware of what is lacking in this area. Same advice - write the list & put it Morgan Freeman - Celebrity Gemini into action! What decisions you make now will impact you for the next 3-4 years. This is actually a great month for you where romance is concerned. Whoever you meet this month will be of great importance to you, and may actually be the “love of your life”! So go for it Gemini!
Well Aries people, it’s time to “rise and shine”, and go after everything you want. With the added power of the two eclipses this month, you will have all you need to start and finish anything you take on. Financially, you will quickly be able to put all that added energy to work, and make lots of money. Love Note: Often times your assertive nature isn’t all that welcome in affairs of the heart. But actually, this trait will come in handy this month, as your romantic interest may need that extra little nudge from you!
bringing many surprises your way. You will have opportunities to begin projects you have been putting off for some time. And, much of what you start this month will have many long range, positive results. This will be much to your surprise. But, don’t you think it is time for you to “reap the rewards” of all your hard work? Financially, you will be pleasantly surprised at what ease you’ll be having money wise. Love Note: Romance is in the air for you this month Taurus. You will have much “good luck” in the area of love. What fun - enjoy, open your heart, and share your newfound happiness with the one you love.
Hi, all of you Taurus people! The month of June will be
You’re the consistent nurturer of the Zodiac Cancer. Don’t you think it’s time for you to give back to yourself, instead of only
giving to others so freely? You’ll particularly feel the need to spend more special time on YOU after the 15th this month. The lunar eclipse will touch all your emotions Cancer, including memories of past hurts etc. You’re now being given the chance to put your feelings on track. No more “casting pearls before swine”. Often people don’t appreciate all that you do for them. This month is the time to use the energy of the eclipses & put your goals in order & follow through. Your finances may not be as positive as you’d like, but hang in there - they’ll soon improve. Love Note: Please keep your head on straight in the LOVE arena this month, OK Cancer. Take your time & don’t worry about things so much. Although love may not develop as quickly as you would like, it will come strongly when the time is right for you! 16
Leo Amazingly, this will be a very good month for you Leo. The eclipses will be very positive, and bring your energies to a new high. It is time for you to move forward quickly in areas of finance & life goals Leo. You may actually start to think of going back to school, or get additional training of some kind. This month is all about building your financial future, so get started now. You will also be feeling much renewed emotional energy, and with many positive results. Love Note: As usual, you’re always ready for love and romance Leo! And this month will be no different; it will be a great month for you romantically, but especially after the lunar eclipse on the 15th. Your heart will be open and confident. Enjoy!
Virgo Hang in there Virgo the eclipses this month won’t be as bad as you might expect. Yes, they may shake you up and out of your normal routine. But it’s a much-needed change, so embrace it if you can. You might have been in a bit or a rut lately, and not really have noticed. This is the time to start making longrange plans, change things about a bit. Yes you will always maintain your sense of order, so loosen up a bit, please. Financially, this will be a good month for you, continuing to build on your future. Love Note: Oh love, what fun. You really are loosening up Virgo - you’ll receive all the rewards that go along with doing
so this month! Watch for a free spirited person stirring your heart in the second half of the month.
Libra Oh, how you long for some peace and calm Libra. Sadly, you may have to be patient yet, as June may still not offer a great deal of the calm you long for. What you’ll get from the Eclipses is change, and lots of it. Don’t worry though - most of the changes will be very positive & you’ll be letting go of worn out situations & relationships. Towards the end of the month you’ll feel that sense of freedom you’ve been longing for. This month will be good for you financially, with many new opportunities to develop. Love Note: Hang in there Libra - it’s coming. June is a preparation time for a whole new phase of relationship for you. Spend this month getting ready for it. Love is just around the corner for you.
Scorpio Your intuition and strength will carry you through the two eclipses this month with flying colors Scorpio. Yes, the lunar eclipse will effect your emotions to the point of a few tears. But you’re only washing away some negative emotions - these will soon be replaced by much joy. Hang in there Scorpio and again, journal, journal, journal. Financially, your situation will remain much the same as the last month, so nothing to worry about. Love Note: Actually,
towards the end of June, you may be pleasantly surprised, as there will be some new romantic adventures for you Scorpio. Please remain open to these, as they will take you into wonderful new romantic territory!
Sagittarius The solar Eclipse on June 1st may be a bit of a challenge for you Saggie, as it will possibly expose a few self-esteem issues. Not to worry, it will ultimately be for your “highest good” and open you up to many new ways to embrace the joys of your life. It is time for you to take on life fully now, and the solar Eclipse will help do this. Financially, you may be met with a few challenges, but these will begin to improve by the end of the month. Love Note: Love will be great for you this month Sagittarius - you’ll have many opportunities for deep and wonderful experiences of closeness with those you love, so enjoy!
Capricorn There are two eclipses this month, and they’ll bring about some much needed change for you this month Capricorn. It really will feel like a new beginning in your life! By June 15th, you’ll feel as though a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. A lot of that shadowy serious side of you will be receiving more light this month, and you’ll experience a sense of joy which you’ll find will stay with you for some time now. Financially, you may be 17
met with some challenges, but not enough to throw you off track. Love Note: Your love life may stay fairly routine for now, but with the possibility of a past love surfacing once more. What can I say? Enjoy this month!
Aquarius June is here, and you’ll be very ‘present’ in your state of mind. Yes, this will be a very good month for you Aquarius. You will be met with quite a few changes, most of them positive. This is the month to really take hold of your life. Regardless of what others may want, it’s important to put yourself first just now. This is long overdue, and you’ll find great joy in doing so. You’ve been longing to move on in many areas of your life, and thanks to the two eclipses, this is THE time to do it. Financially you’re getting into order - maybe put some away this month. Love Note: What has recently been a bit of a challenge for you romantically will get a welcome
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change after June 15th. Keep your eyes open for these positive changes this month.
Pisces Pisces some of you may find June has a few challenges for you - the eclipses are both likely to stir your emotions up a bit more than usual. If you’re prepared, you can avoid slipping into feeling down on yourself. Confusion around the middle of the month will soon clear, leaving you feeling more focused and enthusiastic about your goals. Financially, this is not a time to make decisions - keep things steady for now. Love Note: Do you have a new attraction in your life Pisces? Have you been hesitating to approach them? This is the time to take that risk and go for it!
by Sandy Johnson, Professional Origin Psychic & Astrologer.
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