Origin Connections The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Our Free Call Numbers: USA - 1800 963 0094 UK - 0808 120 9695 Australia - 1800 333 007 (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week!)
Valentine’s Day Channeling By Senior Origin Reader Cathy Cox Page 3
Personal Development Feature ‘How you Can be Truly Confident’, by Bede Nicholson
Myth BustersThe Paradigm of Scientific Materialism Rod Nicholson
Page 16 Page 7
Page 4
What are you like in love - an astrological guide to Valentine’s Day ...
Welcome! An d H appy Val ent ine’s Day! Even living in the Western Isles of Scotland, you can’t escape the commercial message that Valentine’s Day approaches. I find it interesting that my eye has become quite practised at tuning out to all the red and glitz, much as it had with Christmas shortly before that.
In the quiet and intimate space of a psychic reading, you can be confident that your heart can be heard its doubts and wounds, but also its hopes and dreams.
So I thought I’d set myself a bit of a consciousness challenge. Rather than dismiss the hype as another commercial conspiracy, aimed at manipulating us to mindlessly spend money, I thought I’d look for the heart of Valentine’s Day (sorry!) - the essence and spirit of this festival of love. Well naturally, when you go to the heart of any of our favourite rites and rituals, its spirit is something deeply personal and incredibly beautiful. More than anything, Valentine’s Day calls us to look honestly into our hearts. Who or what do we really appreciate in our lives? Are we living out who we really are with those we love? Are there ways we could love ourselves better? Have we lost faith in the magic that happens when our hearts really are allowed to be in charge? This is the inspiration for much of our work on the Origin Psychic Line. In the quiet and intimate space of a psychic reading, you can be confident that your heart can be heard - its doubts and wounds, but also its hopes and dreams. I hope you’ll enjoy this month’s digital edition of Origin Connections. We have some exciting innovations - we welcome the first of our guest contributors, Dr Jonathan Young. Dr Young focuses much of his writing on the area of ‘Personal Mythology’ you’ll find his article about Imbolc on page 11. I’m sure you’ll also enjoy Rod Nicholson’s ‘Myth Buster’ feature - this is the first in a series we’ll be presenting in the coming months - it begins on page 7. And don’t forget to celebrate Chinese New Year on February 3rd - this year is the Year of the Rabbit. Being a Rabbit myself, of course I’m excited about this! Find out more about what the Rabbit year has to offer you on page 13.
Have a great February!
Cathy 2
In honour of Valentine’s Day, Senior Reader Cathy Cox shares a channeling, from the Celtic Goddess Guinevere...
‘To really open your heart to another, you must first restore your faith in its wisdom. Be still, be quiet – listen to what comes to you from the depths of your Your Personal Valentine’s own heart. It really does know what it is doing. Ritual..... When you look with your inner eye, you’ll find there Get yourself comfortable by sitting quietly, and is always a light there. Light and warmth. These slowing down your breathing. Take your time, never ever die out – your heart always remains relaxing down through every muscle in your connected, the divine can never be snuffed out. body, from your face, your neck, your shoulders, chest, hips and stomach, down through your legs That light, however soft, is eternal. When you to the floor. Do this several times, until you are really remember this, when you really know it, in feeling calm, centered, and peaceful. your very bones, the tenderness in your heart When you are ready, take your intention to your will feel secure, and your heart will be confident heart. Breathe in, and imagine that you are breathing light into your heart. Do this several times. See it to stay open - to connect with others, and at the spiraling there, expanding outwards with each same time, be true to itself. outward breath. Feel the warmth in your heart, and how easy it is to share that warmth. Your heart fire is easy to share - as you breathe out, you are sending that warm heart song out into the universe, and to those special people in your life, and those who are still to come into your life. Spend a few minutes in this beautiful space, and then when you feel ready, dig your heels into the ground, take a deep breath, and open your eyes again. Know that you have created a beautiful, loving, heart song, to go out into the universe and connect with other hearts...
That light, that soft presence of the eternal divine is in the hearts of others too. The Valentine’s festival honours the connections we make in the tender places in our hearts. You have nothing to fear. Make a commitment this year to restore faith in the infinite wisdom - the kind of wisdom that can only be found in the recesses of your own heart.’ 3
How can we be truly confident? We all know that confidence can be one of the most attractive qualities in another person. Yet ,what makes a person genuinely confident? Bede Nicholson explores this question from a unique perspective.
F e b ru a r y’ s Pe rs ona l D e v e l o pmen t F e a t ur e . .. We all know that confidence can be one of the most attractive qualities in another person. We are drawn to confidence in others because, in essence, ‘being confident’ means being assured and positive about oneself and one’s life, and in a world filled with doubt, negativity, insecurity and anxiety, a confident person is someone we naturally gravitate towards. In the media we are saturated with images of confident people – usually they are beautiful, powerful, funny, charming, determined and get what they want. In many ways, confidence has become synonymous with a certain kind of success. Successful people are confident people. Yet, any basic examination of this argument reveals how ludicrous this idea is. If success gave us confidence, why does Robbie Williams, one of the most successful musicians, wealthy and desired by thousands of women, struggle with issues of depression? Why did Howard Hughes, one of the richest men in the world, live in such fear that he often couldn’t leave his room? For the everyday person, we may not attempt to achieve success on such a grand scale, but the belief that our confidence relies on achieving a certain successful end persists - If I had the right boyfriend, or if I get the right promotion, then I will feel confident. Confidence based on success is what I would call ‘false confidence’ - it is false because it is based on a view of ourselves as being able to be in control of our lives and the lives of others. We view ourselves as isolated egos, struggling to get to a point where we can be secure in the knowledge that if we want something, we can make it happen. I am confident because I know I am attractive and can find the relationship I want. I am confident because I know I’m good at my work and therefore I will become wealthy and influence others. Yet in reality, often these beliefs crumble. An attractive woman ages and is replaced by another attractive woman. A successful man loses all his money due to an economic slump. Will those people still feel confident? We have all faced these points in our life, and the temptation is to simply find some other external measure to make ourselves feel confident. The aging attractive woman gets plastic surgery. The wealthy man starts
a new business. And as such, we simply start the same cycle all over again. The first step to creating real confidence is to recognize that confidence is not based on achieving external goals, but is related to our conception of our identity, of ‘who I am.’ Our identities are often inherited from our childhood beliefs. The more narrow and fixed our identity is, then the more limited our confidence will be. Some of us start out with negative self-conceptions like ‘I’m fat and useless’ and others with more positive ones like ‘I’m attractive and good looking.’ While the positive conception certainly starts us out on a better footing, in reality both are as limited as each other. They are simply different sides of the same coin. Both are based on a conception of the self limited by a superficial understanding of who you really are.
The first step towards creating real confidence is to recognize that confidence is related to our conception of our identity - of ‘who I am’. Lack of confidence often emerges when circumstances no Creating real confidence requires us to develop a longer allow us to take on a certain identity that we have more expansive view of who we are, which is not fixed used to make us feel worthwhile. The empty nest or limited by our beliefs. For me, I always start out with syndrome is an obvious example of this. If the idea that ‘ I a basic viewpoint ‘I am a good person, connected and am a good Mother’ is the central feature of a person’s open to the spark of the divine within.’ This conception identity, then the kids moving away could become a real of myself is not dependent upon me achieving a certain trauma. We all face this same challenge in different ways. goal or being good at a particular thing, and no matter The test of real confidence lies in our ability to let go of what situation I find myself in, I can always stop and old identities and embrace new ones. Real confidence reaffirm this deeper knowledge about who I am. is based on our ability to be open to change inside ourselves. If you are a person who is stuck, rigid or A distrustful person can never be truly confident. We can unwilling to change who you are, then more likely see many examples of this in real life. You cannot be a good than not you will spend much of your life desperately business manager if you don’t know how to delegate and trying to make your life fit around your identity trust others to do the job. You can’t win a football match if rather than the other way around. The ‘good mother’ you don’t trust your teammate enough to pass them the ball. will turn into the interfering grandmother. The ‘great sportsman’ will turn into ‘aging has-been by the bar.’
‘I would prefer to be hurt a thousand times over, to experience love once, rather than to never be hurt, but also to never experience love at all!’ Many of us face moments in life when we feel our trust in others is being challenged. It may be a divorce, or a family feud where we end up feeling that everyone else is selfish and uncaring. We may end up thinking ‘I am on my own, and the only person I can count on is me.’ It is impossible to maintain confidence when we view others
with suspicion and fear. At this point, you may ask, ‘Surely, there are some people who don’t deserve our trust?’ Certainly, but there is a difference between being distrustful and being discerning. Being distrustful is a suspicious and fearful perspective about others. Being discerning is about being aware and clear about others' faults and limitations. When we are discerning we see the risks we make with open eyes. We are aware that we may get hurt, but we take a leap of faith. My father once said ‘ I would prefer to get hurt 1000 times, to experience love once, than to never get hurt once, and never experience love at all.’ This is an attitude of real confidence.
There are many ways in which we at Origin Psychics, and the Origin Educere Retreat Centre, can support anyone seeking to develop themselves personally. If you would like to find out more about one of our personally tailored retreat programmes, visit www.origincentre.com, or email cathy@originlife.com. We can help you find the pathways to your own, personal and inexhaustible source of wisdom...
Myth Busters: The paradigm of Scientific Materialism in Medicine B y Rod Nic ho l so n Have you ever thought about how our doctors are taught? What is their curriculum? Upon what beliefs and assumptions is it based? I have been a professional educator all my life, so, as I have encountered doctors, I have been curious about what goes on with their training and education, especially when we have not seen eye to eye about what I should be doing to keep myself healthy. We are having big problems in our health systems throughout the Western world. Could it be that our doctors’ particular method of trained is a significant contributing factor? In my opinion, from an educational perspective, I would say we have some serious thinking 7
to do here. The truth is that our medical education is gravely behind the times. Our medical schools are still firmly entrenched in a belief in Scientific Materialism. There are many ways in which the belief we have in scientific materialism is keeping our medicine stagnant. I know they will hate me for saying this but, in my opinion, many members of the medical profession today are like the priests of the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century when Galileo was imprisoned. They are holding on to beliefs and assumptions which are dead and buried, although they refuse to see it at the moment. A doctor’s training is fundamentally no different than the training of a car engineer except that a human being is not a machine but has a mind and feelings and is not just more complicated than any car - we have a different level of being.
We are called as a species, ‘Homo Sapiens’. The translation of this from Latin is ‘Wise man’. Humans require more from a doctor than simply body engineering.
A lady friend of mine, lying in hospital, just recovering from a breast cancer operation, said to the hospital doctor, “ I am going to stay positive and believe in my ability to keep cancer at bay in the future through how I think and feel.” The doctor’s response was to say that there was no scientific evidence to show that the way you thought and felt had any relationship to cancer. Apart from the total insensitivity of what he had to say, it was also untrue. There is a great deal of evidence to show the relationship between our mind and our bodies. He knew nothing about this evidence because he was locked in his belief system just as much as a fundamentalist Christian still asserting that God made the world in seven days. Our doctors are taught to believe in the body in mechanical terms, as are we. The heart is a pump, the lungs are bellows, our legs are levers and so on. The belief is that we are biological machines and there is no correlation between our body and our mind and emotions. We have a hospital system that is still based on the model of factories from the industrial revolution. There is now more danger to life and limb in going into hospital, regardless of our medical reason than getting into our car or being a soldier in a war zone.
The classical physics of Isaac Newton forms When we visit our doctor he might hardly know our name the basis of our medical model – that based and certainly little of our personality, circumstances and in the laws of a mechanical universe. The background. Often, his diagnosis and treatment is likely to problem is that in 1925, the basis of physics be centred around which drug to prescribe. moved into a different universe, the quantum universe, with its understanding of an energy The truth is that how we feel and how we think is central to our health. If we are going to keep healthy and universe and the interconnectedness of all maintain our energy and vitality throughout our life we things. Our medical schools still, after over 85 need to work on our inner world and our years have not come to grips with this paradigm consciousness. We have been brought up to believe shift and what it truly means for medicine and we have no personal power with regard to our health health. and when we have a problem we look to a doctor to solve it for us, just as we look for a TV technician with our TV or a car mechanic with our car.
We are encouraged to look after our bodies in the same way we look after our car. Keep it clean, service it regularly, don’t stress it out by going beyond its capacity. However, cars do not have their own minds and feelings. We do. Mechanical care and servicing is not enough for us as human beings.
We need inner training, not outer training.
I had my gall bladder out when I was in my late thirties. I know why now. I have quite a fiery nature. I spent of lot of energy controlling my anger. My anger grew into gall stones over a number of years. I know this to be true for me. No one had ever educated me in how to dissolve my anger. I only knew how to deal with it through control, hence the gall stones growing in a hidden way inside my body until at last something had to be done about it. Surgery, by that time, was the only option. It is not too late for any of us to begin to re-educate ourselves. We can all begin to start on an inner training programme. The basic dynamo of a healthy, energetic life begins and ends inside our own minds.
Rod Nicholson is the CEO and founder of the Origin Educere Retreat Centre on the magical Isle of Skye. Based on a lifetime of study and contemplation, beginning when he became a monk at the age of 16, Rod has developed a method of mentoring and supporting people to make real change in their lives - he calls it ‘The Wisdom Factor.’ Visit Rod’s blog at http://wisdomfactor.blogspot.com
‘Thank you to the team at the Origin Retreat Centre on Skye. My time with you was a real experience of inward reflection, inspiration and growth.’ Dr Gary Orr, Consultant Psychiatrist The Origin Educere Retreat Centre - Skye
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a world where most things are dead, to a world
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where you can feel the magical energies of revival and connection all around you.
In the long stretch of human history, most people have seen themselves as being part of a living world, a world where everything is alive and nothing is dead. Since the arrival of the modern industrial age, most people have lost touch with the aliveness of nature. Nevertheless, there are many of us who feel the throb of that aliveness in our bodies and long to restore a real connection, knowing it will help to heal and restore our energies and vitality. The Isle of Skye is a place where the aliveness of nature is still palpable. Everyone who comes here feels its special energies immediately. It is so wonderful to move out of the
Skye is a place where you can enjoy feeling connected, where the sense of separation and isolation begins to dissolve. Here, you begin to experience your sense of oneness with everything around you. Whatever it is about this island, it is a very special place, and the vast majority of people who come here experience something that uplifts them. There are some things that are really worth the effort, and to make the Isle of Skye one place that you can say you have visited, seen and experienced is one of those things - a unique and wonderful experience, just in itself. 10
Imbolc A Day for the Queen of Heaven B y Dr J on a t ha n You ng Joseph Campbell believed that mythic stories draw us into accord with nature. We tend to forget that we are still animals on a fragile planet. The tales remind us of our place in the natural order. The oral tradition had rich reflections on the changes of the seasons. In the Celtic calendar, the first of the four fire festivals of the year is Imbolc. It is celebrated on the second day of February. The divinity acknowledged in these early Spring rites is the goddess Brigid, the queen of heaven. She is the greatest of the
Jonathan Young, Ph.D. -storyteller and psychologist -- assisted Joseph Campbell at seminars and was the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archives in Santa Barbara. His books and articles focus on personal mythology. His recent writing can be found at www.folkstory.com
Celtic divinities and is closely associated with the land. She is the protector of the wells and springs. She is the guardian of nature, and therefore agriculture. She is specifically associated with livestock. As a fertility goddess, Brigid is also the patron of the poets, artists, and others who create. Hence, her name is invoked at childbirth. When Brigid slipped into the world, a tower of flame rose from the top of her head to the heavens. Her fire aspect means she is the goddess of the hearth, and the forge. She is the guardian of those who worked with metal. By extension, she is the goddess of the machine. If we have difficulties with our cars or computers, our pleas for divine intercession might be properly addressed to Brigid. The various historical details have contemporary psychological implications. We can think of the deities as symbols of inner mystery. If we ponder the images in the stories as if they had appeared in our dreams, we will discover many valuable insights. Joseph Campbell thought myths were much like dreams. Guidance through life’s difficulties could be drawn from their symbolism. The symbolism of wells and springs reflects the connection to the waters of life that emerge from unseen sources. In psychological terms, this could signify the wisdom of the unconscious that flows from mysterious origins.
The key is developing a practice of receptivity. For example, contemplating our dreams can open us to an awareness greater than our conscious knowing. Brigid’s protection of agriculture and poetry underscores the need to tend our inner fertility. Tending our forms of creativity is crucial to a fulfilling life. The ancients believed that gifts of expression were only on loan. We are reminded to remain grateful, and to be good custodians of artistic talents. Her association with fire also pertains to the creative life. Finding passion in our work is a major achievement. Handling our energies well requires maturity. It takes effort to find a balance where we have vitality without being consumed. The plume of fire radiating from her head connects her to the life of the
Experiences of renewal often include bereavement. We continually suffer losses, especially in the moments of passage. Claiming our wholeness includes valuing the sorrow for that which is no more. One traditional practice on her day was to put baked goods out on the doorstep. They were called cakes for the queen of heaven. These offerings were often eaten by hungry travelers in her name. We might honor this custom by giving money to the homeless for something to eat on Imbolc. The idea is to find a way to share the boon. Those who have been blessed in life are called upon to develop some practice of service to others.
Down through the years, mythic stories continue to enchant. On close inspection, the images have much to say about modern life. Joseph Campbell said the ability to see the metaphors in the old tales opens us to the richness of everything around us. The whole world turns into a holy picture. We can become aware of a dimension of significance in the ordinary that is nothing short of radiant. So, let us honor the Great Mother, the Queen of Heaven. May we be open to her many gifts of inspiration in this season of renewal.
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Welcome to the Chinese Year of the Rabbit! The Year of the Rabbit begins on February 3rd, 2011. Rabbit years are often characterized by being quiet, positive and inspiring - this year does seem to be heading in this direction. Quite a change from the often dramatic Year of the Tiger! It’s a year for personal development and patient diplomacy, whether in the home, the office, or international frontiers. The Rabbit year is a great opportunity for us all to renew our focus and commitment to the gentler aspects of life those we love, friends & family, our love for the earth and everything which lives on it, how we express ourselves through art and music. It’s a time to renew and take good care of ourselves and those we love.
Famous Rabbit People
Confucious Albert Einstein Cuddly, warm and affectionate... these are just Winston Churchill some of the characteristics of people born in Johnny Depp the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. Not Angelina Jolie surprisingly, they avoid conflict if they can Lewis Carroll possibly do so, but are also known to be sincere and compassionate. They love to be John Hurt surrounded by family and friends, and are David Frost considered to be one of the luckiest signs Jet Li in the Chinese Zodiac! Germaine Greer Want to check out if you’re lucky enough to be born in John Cleese the year of the Rabbit? Well there’s a good chance if you were born in any of the following years: Jane Seymour Orson Welles 1939 / 1951 / 1963 / 1975 / 1987 / 1999 Ingrid Bergman
Wholeness & Unity: In te grat in g Y o u r Ma le & Fe male En e rgi es B y Nata lie A rki ns “In union there is strength” Aesop. We are coming to a time where the issues of separateness and division are being broken down, and a new consciousness of our unity and connectedness is blossoming. This is happening at all levels- globally, politically, mentally, spiritually and physically. Science is even catching up with the spiritual consciousness movement, and showing through experiments on quantum mechanics (called quantum entanglement theory 1,2) that at the most basic energetic level, we are all connected across distance and time. Unity does give strength, but I believe we had to experience the separation to want to move towards unity. The Buddha is quoted as saying “Unity can only be manifested by the binary. Unity itself and the idea of unity are already two.” This means that unity can only really come from
things that are already separated, already in binary form, and that creates the urge to merge with another. We are also divided from our own self- we think we are not whole until we merge with another being. Like two halves of the same apple, we need to find the person that is the perfect fit to us. Our minds and emotions are divided, creating a schizophrenic personality. Wholeness starts when we connect the divisions within ourselves, becoming whole, and thereby creating the seeds of wholeness in our energy field. We have to begin to unify within ourselves, it is too big a task or concept to try to change others. If we do try when they are not ready we are bound to fail and might harm the relationship we have with them. Not surprisingly, divisions also exist between the sexes. According to the eastern philosophies, male/solar energies are yang, equated with the actions and in general are strong, active and giving. Female/lunar energies are yin, equated with passive, receptive and reflective qualities. There are lots of theories about men and women being from different planets, how different we think and feel and these seem to accentuate our separateness. This sense of separation creates division, not wholeness. But this division within us and between the sexes is not true at our most basic genetic level, we are more alike and share most genes3. Since genes are the blueprint
for our energy system, it cannot be true on the outer experience either. This collective mental thought pattern or thoughtform (an idea that has created its own energy and grows and spreads) has been perpetuated throughout the world, and it is time to change this thoughtform by reconnecting and integrating our own inherent male and female energies. During our conception, we are created by two gametes coming together, and fertilizing into a new whole being4: again, two (binary) becoming one. The X and Y chromosomes share many genes, and just a few are not shared- these are the genes associated with the development of the male sex. One gene determines male sex- the SRY gene. Physically we are an outer representation of our sexuality- externally male or female. Internally we carry the opposite sexual energy. At certain points in our days, we will have to make decisions and act. Other times, we need to receive- let someone help us, or let someone love us. In essence, we already express our wholeness, but we can deceive ourselves into thinking that we are still split.
An affirmation for integrating your male & female energies:
‘My male & female energies are connected, united, and whole. I am complete, exactly as I am.’ References: • http://wired.com/wiredscience/2011/01/ timelike-entanglement. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ quantum_entanglement • http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y_chromosome, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_chromosome • biology.about.com/od/genetics/a/ aa040805a.htm • Healing with Form , Energy and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra and Dzogchen. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. • http://yoga.about.com/od/breathing/ Yoga_Breathing_Exercises_Pranayama.htm
There are many techniques that work to connect and integrate your male and female energy, these vary from physical techniques using the breath (pranayama5 in yoga, Nine purification breaths in the Tibetan Bön tradition6), using the imagination, visualisation or verbal affirmations. When using the imagination and visualisation, it is as easy as imagining that your male and female energies are united and whole, or you may want to visualise your right and left sides uniting. For those who prefer affirmations, I have one that you can utilise, or you can make up your own. “My male and female energies are connected, united and whole. I am complete exactly as I am. ” These techniques do not need to be repeated daily, just say or do them when you feel the need to connect. Then, it is important to trust that you are whole and connected with your Male and Female energies.
Your sign in love... Aries in Love There’s one thing which is a real blessing for those in love with you Aries – they almost always know where they stand! Enjoy your sense of adventure, your joie de vivre – if you temper your passion enough to choose a partner who is actually compatible with you, they won’t be able to help but come along with you. Your joy will be infectious, and will keep fanning the flames of your romantic relationships. On Valentine’s Day: Be your most passionate self and go all out Aries – spoil your lover with their ideal Valentine’s Day wish! Taurus in Love Oh my, Taurus, you must really be in your element as we approach Valentine’s Day! For your deeply romantic soul surely sings with all the possibilities open to you. Celebrate your depth and sincerity with those you love – those you love know with absolute certainty that they can rely on you. Stay true to the strength of that, and your relationship life will be deeply fulfilling. On Valentine’s Day: All you have to do is trust your intuition about how to celebrate Valentine’s Day Taurus. Venus doesn’t just rule your
sign – she talks privately to you if you’ll listen! Gemini in Love Couldn’t you take a little pity on all those poor souls in love with you Gemini? Are you really that fickle? NO! You and I both know that particular behaviour is just a cover up for your frightened heart. You’d probably enjoy your love life a whole lot more if you had the courage to reveal your fears, instead of pretending you have none. When you do take the risk to really share your heart, instead of just your charm, you share a vibrant love - ever changing, ever fresh. On Valentine’s Day: Your eccentricity can really shine this Valentine’s Day Gemini. All you have to do is genuinely put your heart into it, and you’ll have a wonderful day. Cancer in Love What a contradiction you can seem to be to those who love you Cancer. Surprised? Soft, emotionally open and nurturing one minute, focussed, ambitious and determined the next. Overall though, you cherish and devote yourself to those you love most, but especially that special someone you feel that deep,’soul’ connection with. Keep clear about your own deep sense of identity, and the confidence which comes from that, and your relationships will be deep and fulfilling. On Valentine’s Day: You’re good with children Cancer – connect with
your own inner child this Valentine’s Day AND PLAY! Your lover will enjoy every minute of it. Leo in Love Leos love to be in love, and with the way you shower affection and romance on your lover, you’re usually not short of opportunities to be in that space. But why not shine a little light on the quieter corners of your heart too, Leo. We both know that beneath your passion and tendency to adore those you love, lies a deep, and beautiful tenderness. Share this, and cupid’s arrow can’t miss. On Valentine’s Day: You could really start some fireworks this Valentine’s Day Leo! Celebrate what really makes your lover unique in your mind. Virgo in Love Do you realise just how versatile you are Virgo? If you could accept that one little thought, your relationships would flow along so much more smoothly. People who love you absolutely love your thoughtfulness – the way you always remember birthdays and anniversaries, and look after those you love in a hundred little practical ways. Keep reframing with the positives in mind, and you won’t go wrong. On Valentine’s Day: I’m sure you’ve attended to all the details Virgo – you couldn’t not! So now put on that fantastic outfit, and celebrate love, no matter what!
Libra in Love Are you in seductive mood Libra? Do you have any idea how attractive you are when you go into that space? Do you have any idea how frustrating it is for those in love with you when you run scared? Just a few little interesting, perfectly innocent analytical questions for you to help you along with your love life. Seriously Libra – give the rest of us a break and realise that you do long for love, and you’re perfectly capable of coping with it when it comes along. On Valentine’s Day: Which side of the scales are you on this Valentine’s Day Libra? Go on – jump out of the middle and right into all that romantic schmalz you love so much! Scorpio in Love Mysterious, passionate and magnetic – that’s you Scorpio, isn’t it! You can’t keep that part of your psyche secret. Potential lovers, be aware – if you fall in love with a Scorpio, it will be intense. If it works, it will be fantastic! The key really for you Scorpio is to be able to balance your passions and your desire for some privacy. You need both for your peace of mind. At least be open with your lover about that. On Valentine’s Day: Go for it Scorpio! This Valentine’s Day, the planets are lined up for some passionate play. Should suit you down to the ground.
Sagittarius in Love Your passion, generosity and enthusiasm attract plenty of potential partners to you Sagittarius, but your need for some independence within your relationships does confuse at times. Draw on that forthright part of you to ensure you’re clear about what your romantic intentions are. Be warned though – you might just be taken by surprise at how deeply you can share your heart, when that compatible person comes along! On Valentine’s Day: No quiet romantic dinners for you on Valentine’s Day Saggie – step out there and sing your lover’s praises, in whatever way takes your fancy.
Aquarius in Love Fair, friendly, patient and incredibly accepting – are you the model lover Aquarius? Sadly, no – nobody fits that description, but it is good to see and celebrate what powerful characteristics you share with those who love you. Really Aquarius, the main thing is to recognize that what you see as being ‘direct’, your lover may interpret as you being thoughtless. Temper your communication a little, even if it seems unnecessary or irrational, and your relationships may just last as well as your friendships. On Valentine’s Day: Go all out this year for your lover Aquarius – let your vast imagination conjure up the most passionate and exciting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Capricorn in Love ‘Hopelessly devoted to you’ could have been written with you in mind Capricorn – I mean that in a positive way. Your devotion gives your loved ones a depth of security you may not even realise yourself. They certainly wouldn’t be able to be too openly emotional about it, nor, heaven forbid, display their love publicly! Even so Capricorn, if you can let yourself show the intensity of your feelings, you’ll keep the connections you value full of vitality. On Valentine’s Day: You may not find the frequently ‘OTT’ aspects of Valentine’s Day all that comfortable Capricorn. Just show your feelings in your own way, and all will be well.
Pisces in Love I wonder if you see the sweetness in your soul as much as your loved ones do Pisces? Maybe it’s to do with your ability to see the best in others; maybe it’s your ability to love unconditionally. The only thing to be cautious about really Pisces is that you’re actually seeing your lover in reality, and not a projection of your infatuation. See the best by all means, but see too what is there now. Your lover needs to be able to be themselves with you. On Valentine’s Day: You’re usually in your element on Valentine’s Day Pisces, and this year is no exception. Revel in your romantic heart, and let your famous daydreams become a reality.
Your Origin Psychic Team... Merle Hurley Merle is one of the Senior Readers on the Origin Psychics Line. She is warmhearted and loving, always willing to give of herself and her time, and clients can rely on her to give them an honest yet very sensitive and empathetic reading. Merle has many years experience and has demonstrated her gifts on our psychic line time and time again and her impressive group of followers gives testimony to that. Anne Anne loves to work with Tarot, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and Astrology - her readings offer a wonderful fusion of these. She has a deep belief in the power of psychic readings to uplift and inspire us, and the feedback we receive from clients about her readings demonstrates her commitment to do just this! she aims to always leave her clients feeling positive and with a sense of empowerment in their lives, no matter what their circumstance. Sharon Johnson Sharon is a highly intuitive psychic, tarot reader and Reiki master, whose readings are accurate, caring and insightful. Sharon is able to uncover emotional issues and
relationship dynamics, and helps people to gain the confidence they need to make positive change. She is already becoming very popular with our Origin Psychics’ clients - her style and care for her clients is obviously something many of our clients are already responding to. Jody Cassidy Jody is a reader who connected with her gift at a very young age - she has been reading professionally for over 30 years now! Her expertise lies in the area of psychic tarot readings, and with a particular sensitivity to the subtle dynamics of our relationships. Jody is very acute - you’ll feel much more hopeful after your reading! Rose Ferraro Rose’ particular strength and interest lies in clairvoyant readings. But, in her own words: ‘My clairvoyant readings are not just readings. I work from my heart and my goal is always to assist in guidance where reconnection to one’s higher self can be acheived.’ Kristie Terrell Kristie uses a combination of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, mediumship, spirit communication, angel cards and Reiki to help you find the path that is best for you. Her approach is very caring, but honest and never judgmental. She can assist you in all areas of your life and help you with your heart’s desire, whether it has to do with career, family, friendship or love.
Lynne Leslie Originally from the north east of Scotland, Lynne Leslie joined the Origin Psychics’ team in 2009. She is an extremely sensitive psychic – empathic and clairsentient, and she helps her clients to experience a much clearer picture of what are often painful and confusing feelings and circumstances. Lynne’s particular strength is in supporting her clients with complex emotional dynamics in their relationships. She will help you to unravel the confusing threads in your life, and to develop a clearer sense of how to move forwards confidently. Debbie Kiely Debbie comes from a family with a strong lineage of psychic and mediumship ability, and she herself has been working as a professional psychic for over 20 years. She has a wealth of experience in a range of psychic arts - tarot, astrology, mediumship, spirit guidance, and in addition, she is a trained counsellor. Debbie gives her clients a wonderfully healing perspective with any question or difficulty they are facing. Natalie Arkins Natalie’s many psychic talents include tarot reading, shamanic journeying, clairsentience, clairvoyance, mediumship and dowsing with a crystal. Natalie has been reading the tarot for 10 years, and uses her psychic abilities to give accurate and in depth readings. Natalie can help you with relationship and love issues, family, career and health to guide you on the path that is best for you, always focusing on positive solutions on your life journey.
Charles Russell With over 15 years experience as a psychic Charles have received frequent praise for the accuracy of his readings. Charles is a clairsentient who loves to work with Tarot to help clients answer their questions. His clients have come from diverse backgrounds including those in business and the media. As a dream practitioner Charles also likes to use the creative insights of dreams as a practical guide.
Dana Patterson Dana has worked as a professional Intuitive/Psychic for over thirty years. Her readings often begin when you say your first name. Dana will see the core issues surrounding the dynamics of your life direction, relationship issues and so much more. She has worked for many years at Oprahs favorite Spa Resort helping thousands. Many of Oprahs staff and friends would recommend her readings.
Sandy Johnson Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her work with Origin Psychics. Clairvoyance, Tarot, Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. The key to Sandy’s success as a reader during over 35 years in the field is that she has a passion for working with people in the interpersonal relationships, decisions, and spiritual growth. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.
February Tarot Th e P age O f W a n ds The Page of Wands is playful and maybe even a little mischievous. It is like the striking of a match – a spark of initiative, which hops and darts around, getting things moving in our lives. Imagine a tree sprite – small, quick moving, full of life and vitality, daring you to chase it! This is the essence of the page of Wands. Have you become a little stuck in your ways? Don’t be surprised if something unexpected happens in your day - not a major turn of events, just something which challenges you to change course, think differently, change your timetable – even just to smile or laugh out aloud! The Page of Wands doesn’t usually appear as a particularly obvious change in our lives, nor a person who has a big impact on us. But just as a single match can light a bonfire, so the Page of Wands has the power to create real magic in our lives. He reminds us to bring some lightness into our day, and can be the beginning of a real shift in our intention. Try in the midst of your day just to smile – for no apparent reason. If nothing else, people around you at work, on the train, or in the car next to you, will wonder what is going on in your mind, and you can experience a little mischievous moment of joy at the mystery you have created in their day.
‘I can truly say, that Origin Psychics are the most sincere and compassionate there is in this line of work. There are many psychics out there, however there is no-one like Origin Psychics. With an Origin Psychic reader, every minute is spent delivering with empathy and sincerity and you are really left uplifted. Above all, the delivery of service is of the highest standard. Thank you all at Origin Psychics. Please continue with this line of work, helping people around the world.‘ SU, England
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