o! hell is beo. e r am my n at is you ld o h w w e? ho nam re you? a
my name is tim and i am six. how are you today? i’m ok. and how are you?
introducing knjigarna.com myself swis721
CMYK 10/100/90/0
very than well, k yo u!
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find the picture. follow the path from the word to the picture. poišči besedam ustrezno sličico. pomagaj si s črticami.
kokoš lešnik
a hen a fox
a chicken a tree
a king hiša
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ja se z ve po m re an , ka č g k al e ra leš o i ti čk ko ve a. š?
a nut
a duck
the sky a goose
a house
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CMYK 10/100/90/0 drevo 5
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a te zanim a ic b d zgo ku? č n a č iš p o in preberiva jo. a jv a š lu s po
track 1
chicken licken once upon a time there lived chicken licken. one day as he was resting under a tree, a nut fell on his head. »ouch!« said chicken licken. »the sky is falling down! i must tell the king!«
on the way he saw a hen. »hello, my name is chicken licken,« he said. »hello, my name is henny penny,« said the hen. »where are you going?« »the sky is falling down. i must tell the king!« said chicken licken. »the sky? i will come with you,« said henny penny. and off they went to find the king.
knjigarna.com swis721
on the way they saw a duck. »hello, my name is ducky lucky,« said the duck. »where are you going?« »the sky is falling down. CMYK i must tell the king!« said chicken 10/100/90/0 licken. »the sky? i will come with you,« said ducky lucky. and off they went to find the king. 6