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ANGLEŠČINA 7 Zahtevnejše naloge za vse, ki želijo še več

Avtorica: Nevenka Jesenik Strokovni pregled: Emika Asani Lektoriranje angleškega besedila: Iain Garioch Ilustracije: Marta Bartolj Fotografije: Dreamstime, Istockphoto in Shutterstock

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CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 811.111(075.2)(076) JESENIK, Nevenka, 1961Znam za več. Angleščina 7 : zahtevnejše naloge za vse, ki želijo še več / Nevenka Jesenik ; [ilustracije Marta Bartolj ; fotografije Dreamstime, Istockphoto in Shutterstock]. - 1. izd. - Ljubljana : Rokus Klett, 2010. - (Zbirka Zlati Znam za več) ISBN 978-961-271-049-1 251749120

Kazalo HOLIDAY FUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 HEALTH MATTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 THE USA: VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 SHOPPING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 HEROES AND FAMOUS PEOPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 ANIMALS FROM HERE AND THERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 REŠITVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Dragi sedmošolec, draga sedmošolka! Predstavljam si, da sodiš med tiste zvedave učence, ki imajo angleščino nadvse radi in jim je znanja vedno premalo. Med tiste, ki snov v učbeniku usvojijo, kot bi mignil, in si želijo še več. Če je tako, je odločitev za zbirko vaj Zlati Znam za več, ANGLEŠČINA 7, zares dobra odločitev. Nič kaj po šolsko ti bo šest enot pomagalo ne le do obsežnejšega in boljšega znanja angleškega jezika, temveč bo z raznoliko tematiko in nalogami razširilo tvoja obzorja na mnogo področjih, hkrati pa boš na zanimiv način in nič kaj šolsko uril/-a spretnosti, ki jih potrebuješ, da lahko s ponosom trdiš, da angleški jezik dobro obvladaš: poslušanje, branje in pisanje. Na poti do obsežnejšega znanja ti bodo pomagale raznovrstne teme najrazličnejših področij našega življenja in dela, zbrane v šestih poglavjih. Vsa poglavja sestavljajo naloge slušnega, bralnega in pisnega razumevanja, ki se jim pridruži še kakšna naloga za širjenje besedišča in rabe jezika. Nikar se ne boj – slovnice je zelo malo in še ta je zavita v tako zanimivo vsebino, da ob reševanju nalog ne bo težav. Če pa se slučajno pojavijo, so ti v pomoč rešitve na koncu knjižice. Pri delu ti svetujem, da greš lepo po vrsti, saj so naloge sestavljene tako, da prehajajo od lažje do težje in se vsebinsko nadgrajujejo in poglabljajo. Pogumno se spopadi z novim besediščem in ga sproti obnavljaj, posnetek poslušaj večkrat, če je treba, besedilo večkrat preberi. Vztrajaj in poslušaj radovedni glas v sebi, ki kliče po več. Če te bo ta knjižica spodbudila k samostojnemu delu in raziskovanju, je moj cilj dosežen. swis721

Želim ti veliko veselja in uspeha! Avtorica

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1 Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not

given (NG) according to the text. GAMES Most people love to spend their holidays with their friends and family. One of the best ways to have fun and pass the time is playing games. There are thousands of different games: video games, board games, internet games, card games, etc. Board games are still very popular amongst players of all ages, in fact, more people play board games than any other type of game. The question is – why? swis721

Board games are fun. They can turn into a social event, and players are learning and developing different skills, such as memory, and don’t have to worry about pushing the right button or using a joystick. Board games don’t need updating and upgrading. Once a game is started, you can stop it at any point, come back and continue playing without losing points based on the loss of time. The rules are quite simple to remember and you can play the game almost anywhere and anytime. If you don’t have the game with you and feel like playing it, you can draw it on a board or a piece of paper and use shells, small stones or beans to play with. You certainly can’t do that with a video game, can you?

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People played games before they learnt to read and write. They started playing games when they had a spare moment and they didn’t have to care about food or shelter or, simply as a rest from everyday troubles. 4

A board game is played on a board. You also need small figures, counters or objects that you put on, off, or simply move across the board. One of the oldest known board games is Ur. It was found in the royal tombs of Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq) and it is over 4,500 years old. Ur was a ‘race’ game. The players moved the pieces from one part of the board to the other and the winner was the one who first reached the opposite side of the board. In Ur they needed two sets of markers and three dice that looked like small pyramids. Senet is an old Egyptian game and is about 1,000 years older than Ur. People from all levels of society played it. The Senet board had a special grid of thirty squares and they had two sets of small chess-like figures. The old Egyptians believed that their gods protected good Senet players so they put Senet board games in their tombs. Mah Jongg comes from old China and is about 4,000 years old. They used paper or wooden planks as cards. Only rich people played it and the rules were a secret. Mah Jongg was unknown to the rest of the world until 1920 when it was introduced to the USA. The most popular modern board game was ‘born’ in 1904 and is called – Monopoly. To play it you need: the monopoly board, 2 dice, 11 tokens, 32 houses, 12 hotels, 16 chance cards, 16 community cards and monopoly money. The players buy houses and other property and the winner is the ‘richest’ player at the end of the game. Today, many board games have their modern computer version. Example: You can play board games regardless of your age. swis721


1. Today, internet games are the most popular of all.

2. When you play board games, you also learn various skills.

3. People invented board games after they had learnt to write.

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4. In Mesopotamia, they played Ur when a member of a royal family died. 5.

6. The rules for playing Mah Jongg were a secret for a long time. 7. You need real money to play monopoly.


HOLIDAY FUN 2 What’s your favourite game? How is it played? How many people can play it? Describe the

basic rules for playing it. Write about 80 words.

3 Imagine you are a board game designer. Design your own board game. Remember

– simplicity is good. Follow the cues: • • • • •

What you need to play it How many players can play it What's the goal of the game What are the rules – what must/should/mustn't players do (no more than 7 rules) Who wins

Write about 120 words. Illustrate your game if you want. Last but not least, think of a good name for your game. swis721 CMYK 10/100/90/0


4 You are going to read an article about holidays. Choose from the list A–H the most

suitable topic for each part (1–6). There is one extra summary topic which you do not need to use. A B C D E F G H 0.

Holiday definition Independence Day Holiday activities A special dinner Changes with the new calendar The national hero of Ireland Australian Day A holiday for those who care about each other

Holiday definition The word holiday has three meanings: 1. A religious feast day, a holy day. 2. A day free from work as a commemoration of an important event from the past or present, such as Prešeren Day or New Year’s Day. 3. The time when you rest or travel somewhere.

1. Holidays are often associated with different social events and public ceremonies, such as parades and carnivals or are simply a time for a family and friends to get together, relax, have fun, have a big meal. Every country has its own holidays, but there are some holidays that are celebrated in many different countries around the world, for example New Year. Schools and banks are closed everywhere on this holiday. 2. We can divide holidays into three groups: religious, national and fun holidays. Valentine’s Day is a typical fun holiday, which started many centuries ago, when St Valentine secretly married couples to prevent young boys from serving in the army. When they caught him, the emperor of Rome, Claudius, sent him to prison. While in prison, waiting to die, he was said to have cured the daughter of his jailer. The girl fell in love with him, but couldn’t save him. Before he died, he sent her a note, signed, ‘’From your Valentine’’. swis721


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Every country has its national day. In Australia, they celebrate their national holiday on January 26th. Special events and fireworks take place in all Australian states and territories. They celebrate this day in the memory of the first English settlement at Port Jackson, which Captain Arthur Phillip and his crew built in 1788.


HOLIDAY FUN 4. There’s a historical reason for every holiday. St Patrick’s Day is an example of a religious holiday. Like Valentine, Patrick was a real person. He was born in Wales, around 390 AD. At that time the Romans ruled the country and they sold Patrick to Ireland as a slave. He escaped and became a Christian missionary. He became the national hero of Ireland and many years later also the symbol of Irish immigrants to America. 5. Some holidays could hardly be called holidays, April Fool’s Day for instance. No one can tell how this unusual day started, but it probably began in France. One of the theories is that until the 16th century, they observed April as the first month of the year. New Year’s Day was therefore April 1st. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced the new calendar where the first day of the new year was January 1st. Many French people didn’t believe that the year started in January and not April and continued to celebrate it so. Those who knew about the change made fun of those who celebrated in April and called them “April fools”. 6. Many holidays are associated with food. Thanksgiving, for example, started in 1621. This was a very difficult time for the Pilgrims, religious refugees from England, because it was their first winter in their new country, America. The weather was very cold and the immigrants didn’t have enough food. Many died through illness and starvation. Then the Native Americans came and brought food with them. They helped the immigrants survive the winter. Thanksgiving dinner is a very important family tradition in the USA. There’s no real Thanksgiving dinner without a roast turkey, corn bread, celery, sweet potatoes and baked carrots. swis721

5 Find the words in the text in exercise 4 which match the definitions below.

Example: a large meal, prepared for many people to enjoy and have fun – a feast 1. the act of honouring the memory of someone or something – 2. to rest or to become less tense – 3. done hidden from others or known only to a few – 4. a colony that is newly established – 5. a person who works hard, has no rights and belongs to another person – 6. to go on with a particular action or in a particular state – 7. not having enough food –

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6 Read the clue words for some holidays. The pictures below will help you.


Prešeren Day The greatest Slovenian poet, Vrba, sonnets, Julija Primic, Kranj, lawyer, Slovenian national anthem, February 8, state holiday, death anniversary.

2. Winter, decoration, presents, carols, cards, Santa, reindeer, chimney, December 25, work-free.

3. October 31, Primož Trubar, protestants, the first book in the Slovenian language, national holiday in Slovenia, work-free.

4. Sunday and Monday, date varies each year, chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, egg hunt, work-free.

7 Write about your favourite holiday activity. Consider why you like it, who you do it with,

when you started doing it, etc. Write about 80 words. swis721 CMYK 10/100/90/0


HOLIDAY FUN 8 Read the text carefully and write short answers to the questions below.

PLANNING A HOLIDAY In the past, only rich people could afford to go on holidays. Luckily, this has changed. Most of us have holidays a few times throughout the year. Many people prefer summer holidays although there are quite a lot who love winter holidays even more. There are hundreds of ways to make our holiday as fun and memorable as possible. However, there are some things to keep in mind when you start planning your holiday: 1.

Decide where you are going. You will find travel brochures, guide books and even internet resources very helpful.

2. Set the date of your holiday and decide how long your holiday will be. 3. Choose the type of your holiday. Do you prefer a traditional one-week sunbathing holiday or do you prefer to be active and maybe try sports and activities that you haven’t tried before? Or something in between? 4. Think – do you want to plan your holiday on your own or would you feel a lot safer if you travelled with an agency and a group of other people? 5. If you plan a visit to a distant country, check their political situation – you don’t want your dream holiday to become your worst nightmare. Get vaccination (protection against illness) if necessary, and check what currency you need to buy to be able to pay for things in that country. It is always a good idea to buy or borrow a guide book. It provides you with lots of information about sights and other places of interest, including hotels and restaurants. A phrase book is particularly useful if you don’t speak the language of the country you are visiting. You won’t be able to make business deals with it, but it is nice to be able to say and understand some everyday phrases, such as ‘Hello’, ‘Goodbye’, ‘Thank you’ or order lunch in a pub, using the local language. swis721

It is also very important to check your travel documents. This is not a problem if you travel to any of the EU countries in the Schengen zone, because we can use our ID card, but for most countries we need a passport and often a visa, which is a special stamp that is put into your passport at the embassy of the country you want to visit. You will also need travel and social insurances which will help you if you get sick on holiday.

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Finally, don’t forget to ask friends or neighbours you can trust to water your plants, empty the mailbox and feed your cat. 10

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