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Meredith Levy  Noel Goodey  Diana Goodey


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Delovni zvezek za angleščino v 9. razredu osnovne šole




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6.6.2016 13:54:11

1 Getting together Step 1


What’s happening? This picture is called Welcome! It shows a scene in a London café in the 1960s. Complete the description of the picture. Use the verbs in the box in the present continuous. / Slika se imenuje Dobrodošli! Prikazuje prizor v

a. co m

londonski kavarni v šestdesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja. Dopolni opis slike. Glagole iz okvirja postavi v present continuous.

wear • sit • eat • laugh • drink • come • wash • look at • carry • play • read

In this picture a woman 1

a dog under her arm. Two men


cards. There are two teenage girls who 6


. A man 8


coffee. The café owner 10


a dark suit and a big hat. She

at a table near the window. They


ice cream and both of them

a newspaper at a table near the counter and he

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into a café. She 2




is coming

cups and plates behind the counter. They

the woman with the dog.

The present and the past

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs: present simple, present continuous or past simple. Dopolni besedilo s pravilno obliko glagolov v oklepajih. Uporabi present simple, present continuous ali past simple.

(love) old films and he’s got a big


My dad 1

collection of DVDs. A few years ago he 2


The Third Man, and he and my brother Martin 3 (watch) it at the moment. The British director Carol Reed 4

(make) the film in 1949. The novelist Graham

Greene 5


(write) the story and Orson Welles, the

great American actor, 6

The action 7 the story 8 9

(play) one of the main roles. (take) place in Vienna in the 1940s and (be) very exciting. The film

(be) immediately popular when it first


(appear) in cinemas, and today lots of people


(think) it is one of the best films of all time.

Martin 12

(watch) it for the first time and I’m

sure he 13

(enjoy) it.

2  Module 1

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Reading Who does what?



In these pairs of quiz cards, all the answers are in the wrong place. Match the questions with the correct answers. / V spodnjih parih kartic so odgovori na napačnem mestu. Poveži vprašanja s pravilnimi odgovori.

Subject and object questions Make questions to go with B’s answers. Oblikuj vprašanja, da bodo ustrezala danim odgovorom.

1 A: (What / lions?)

What do lions eat?



2 A: (Who / the Mona Lisa?)

Which nationality drinks the most coffee?


Which country do chips come from?

3 A: (What / kind of fruit / you?)


What do frogs eat?

d The Norwegians


What did John Pemberton invent in 1886 in the USA?




Who calls their city The Big Apple?

The people of New York







What did most British people have for breakfast this morning?

Which city has more Indian restaurants than Mumbai and New Delhi?

Johnny Depp


Who invented cornflakes?

B: Cows, horses and sheep eat it.

6 A: (Who / geography at your school?)

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What eats frogs?

B: He killed Abraham Lincoln.

5 A: (Which animals / grass?)

Toast and cereal


B: I like strawberries, apples and grapes.

4 A: (Who / John Booth?)



B: Leonardo da Vinci painted it.

a. co m



B: They eat meat.














Think of four more questions for a quiz. Ask your classmates and see if they know the answers. / Domisli se štirih dodatnih vprašanj za kviz. Zastavi jih sošolcu/sošolki. Ali zna odgovoriti nanje?

2 France



Extension Quiz questions


Who played the part of Willy W. K. Wonka in the Kello gg, in and ie film Charl 1894 the Chocolate Factory?


B: Mr Carroll. He also teaches history.

3 4

Unit 1  3

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Step 2 1

Vocabulary Verbs + prepositions

Write the sentences in a different way. Use the verb in brackets + the correct preposition (about, after, at, for, from, to or with). / Napiši povedi na drugačen način. Uporabi glagol v oklepaju in ustrezen predlog (about, after, at, for, from, to ali with).  1 She often has a conversation with her neighbour.

(talk) She often talks to her neighbour


2 What’s the subject of your conversation?

(talk) What


3 When they discuss music, they never agree.

(argue) They always


4 I’m trying to find my bag.

(look) I


5 Shall I show you my holiday photos?

(look) Do you want to


6 Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re OK.  7 Yasuko is from Japan.  8 Jan had the same opinion as me.  9 I want an answer and I’m waiting. 10 I can’t forget you! 2

Questions and short answers

a. co m

(look) Don’t worry, I


(come) Yasuko


(agree) Jan


(wait) I


(think) I

every day.


Use the correct tenses to make questions and complete the short answers. / Tvori vprašanja s pravim časom in dopolni kratke odgovore. 1


Verbs + prepositions in Wh- questions

Ask questions about these people. Use What or Who + verb + preposition. / Tvori vprašanja o osebah na

A: I / hurt / you?

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slikah. Uporabi What ali Who + glagol + predlog.

Am I hurting you? B: Yes, you are


A: you / want / come inside?




B: Yes,

3  .


A: they / play / well?

B: No,


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A: he / like / tennis?

4  Module 1

What’s she listening to?


B: No,



A: we / got / any water?

B: Yes,



A: you / make / a cake?

B: No,

5  .


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Expressions Contradictions

Complete the conversations so that the speakers contradict each other. / Dopolni pogovore, tako da si govorca nasprotujeta. 1 A: Ugh! This coffee’s terrible.

B: No, it

A: Yes,


4 A: Sarah doesn’t play volleyball.

! ! It’s awful.


! She plays hockey.

5 A: Your parents are waiting for you.




! I saw them outside.

B: Yes, they


B: No,

6 A: You forgot to close the windows.



a. co m

! They had lunch in the park.

3 A: You’ve got my sunglasses.

! They’re mine.



! They were open when I

A: got home.

Listening What are they talking about?

2 Listen to the three conversations. Then answer these questions. / Poslušaj tri pogovore. Nato odgovori na vprašanja.

Conversation 1 1  What are they waiting for?

Conversation 2 1  What are they looking at?

Conversation 3 1  Where are they?

2  What time is it now?

2  Is the girl in Paris now?

2  What are they looking for?

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2 A: Ivan and Mojca weren’t at the café. A: No,



Correct the sentences

There’s a mistake in each of these sentences. Cross out the mistake and write the correct word(s). / V vsaki od spodnjih povedi je napaka. Prečrtaj


Extension A puzzle

Look at the picture and read the sentences. Can you find the boys’ names? / Oglej si sliko in

preberi opis. Poskusi poiskati imena fantov.

jo in napiši pravilno rešitev.

1 Danny and his friends go to the cinema this evening.



are going




2 Who they’re waiting for?


3 Nadia is knowing that Luke often arrives late.


4 Danny doesn’t agree to her.

5 Who did buy the cinema tickets? 6 Nadia doesn’t got the tickets in her bag. 7 Clare is putting the tickets in her pocket before she left home.

Leo’s wearing glasses. Rob isn’t eating. Max and Rob aren’t wearing baseball caps. Charlie isn’t talking on his mobile. Leo and Dave aren’t reading. A= B= C= D= E=

8 Luke isn’t having time to get to the café now. Unit 1  5

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Step 3 1

‘Hi there!’: vocabulary check

A Look at the words in the box. Which is the only adjective?

Oglej si besede v okvirju. Ali najdeš edini pridevnik?

take care of • rock • butterfly • office • perfect • loads of • it sounds • sunset • miss • tour

Dopolni povedi. Uporabi besede iz okvirja v nalogi 1A.

a. co m

B Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box in 1A.

1 New York was wonderful. We got a bus and did a

of Manhattan.

2 Dave has had an accident. I don’t know what happened but


3 Mr Ford is the manager of this bank. He’s got a big

on the top floor of the building.

4 Inside the cave they found ancient pictures of animals painted on the  5 There’s a really lovely


over there. It’s just landed on one of those pink flowers.

6 I don’t think you should change anything in your room. It looks  7 There was a fabulous


this evening. The sky was red and gold.

8 I can’t go out tonight. I’ve got

work to do.

9 Remember, your sister’s very young, so please

her when you’re out together.

10 My friend Lovro has moved to another town and I really

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Translate these sentences into Slovenian.


Word work someone, everywhere, nobody Underline the correct word in each sentence.

Spodnje povedi prevedi v slovenščino.

V vsaki povedi podčrtaj pravilno besedo.

1 A: What are you looking for? B: M y keys. I think I left them on the counter at the sports shop.

1 There’s (something / somebody / somewhere) in my




2 A: Jan’s living somewhere in Japan now. B: You’re joking! Who told you that?


3 A: Sorry I’m late. B: H urry up! We’re meeting Lisa outside the café at half past six.

4 A: You always agree with Ben. B: No, I don’t, but I like talking to him.

eye. It really hurts.

2 We were hungry when we got home, but there was (nothing / nowhere / nobody) to eat in the fridge.

3 I can’t find my gloves, but I’m sure I left them (everywhere / anywhere / somewhere) in this room. 4 Patrick didn’t really enjoy the party because he didn’t know (someone / anyone / no one). 5 My grandma is crazy about her dog. She takes it with her (somewhere / nowhere / everywhere). 6 The school play was a great success. We made a few mistakes, but (everyone / no one / someone) noticed. 7 Have you seen my black jumper (everywhere / anything / anywhere)? 8 I’ve got (something / everything / everyone) I need for the apple pie, so I’m going to start making it now.

6  Module 1

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Extra reading Welcome to Liverpool!



Use words from the text to complete the puzzle. / Uporabi besede iz besedila in reši križanko. 1 4





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Read the text on page 13 in the Student’s Book again. Then look at these sentences. Choose the best answer and underline it.

1 A is an area where workers put things onto ships or take them off. in northeast England is different 2 The from the English that’s spoken in the south. It’s got different words and pronunciation. , you put meat and 3 When you make a vegetables into a pot and cook them for a long time. 4 Stolnica Marijinega vnebovzetja in Koper is in Slovenia. a very old of Ljubljana, about 5 Medno is on the 10 km from the city centre. place in 6 An important music festival Maribor every October. is a very informal type of language, 7 used in conversation. 8 A city or town next to the water where lots of . ships come and go is called a

Ponovno preberi besedilo na strani 13 v učbeniku. Nato preberi spodnje povedi. Izberi najustreznejše nadaljevanje vsake povedi in ga podčrtaj.

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1 Danny’s main purpose in writing this text is to a describe his favourite places and activities in Liverpool. b inform us about the history of Liverpool. c introduce us to Liverpool’s life and culture. 2 Liverpool has a a population of nearly half a million. b a larger population now than in the 1800s. c problems because people speak different languages.


3 Aintree is a a football stadium. b used only once a year. c not in the centre of Liverpool.

5 Visitors should go to Albert Dock if they’re interested in a looking at art. b seeing an important church. c taking a boat trip. 6 ‘Scouser’ is a a type of food. b another word for ‘Liverpudlian’. c a form of language spoken in Liverpool.

Extra writing

Choose a European country (not Slovenia) and imagine you are leaving soon to go on a four-day coach tour in this country. Write about your arrangements. Do some research and use a map to help you. / Izberi eno od evropskih držav (ne Slovenije) in si predstavljaj, da se odpravljaš tja na štiridnevni izlet z avtobusom. Opiši svoje priprave. Opravi kratko raziskavo in si pomagaj z zemljevidom.


4 Liverpool is called ‘the UK Capital of Pop’ because a the Beatles’ musical career started there. b it has produced lots of successful musicians. c the Cavern Club is a famous music venue.


•  •  •  •  •

When and from where is the coach leaving? Where are you going on each day of the tour? Where is the coach stopping on the way? What are you looking forward to seeing? When are you coming back?

Don’t forget to read what you have written and check your grammar, spelling and punctuation. Use the grammar notes at the end of the Workbook to help you with your writing. Unit 1  7

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Revision 1 Complete the sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in the box. Dopolni povedi tako, da glagole iz okvirja postaviš v present continuous.

stand • listen • not watch • not rain • do • ring • wear • go up

’s standing

1 I can see John. He

over there.

2 Hello, Mum. Guess where I am! I

5 It 6


a new top? It’s very


the Eiffel Tower.

3 We

now. Let’s go for a walk.

7 Your mobile

. Aren’t you going to

a. co m

to my favourite tracks on

this album.

answer it?

4 What


8 You

with my

phone? Give it back to me, please.

TV, so why don’t you turn it


2 Put the words in the right order and make questions. Then look at the pictures and write the answers. Postavi besede v pravilen vrstni red in sestavi vprašanja. Nato si oglej slike in napiši odgovore.





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What’s she looking at?

1 at / she / what / looking / ’s ?


3 come / they / where / from / do ?

4 for / she / what / looking / ’s ?

5 they / who / to / talking / are ?

6 arguing / are / what / about / they ?



2 ’s / what / about / thinking / he ?

She’s looking at some shoes.

3 Match 1−8 with the replies, which are all contradicitons. / Poveži povedi 1−8 z ustreznimi odzivi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a b c d e f g h

You’re joking! Luka’s got a new bike. Ana doesn’t eat meat. You weren’t at school yesterday. Mum told you to tidy your room. Sam isn’t playing in the team today. Come on! You can do it. You don’t get enough excercise.








No, he hasn’t. Yes, he is. No, I can’t. Yes, I was. Yes, she does. No, I’m not. Yes, I do. No, she didn’t.


8  Module 1

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Extension 1 Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs, using one word from each box. If you aren’t sure, use your dictionary. / Dopolni povedi s fraznimi glagoli. Uporabi po eno besedo iz vsakega okvirja. Pomagaj si s slovarjem. break • blew • turned • find • go • trying • pay • went

on • on • away • up • off • down • back • out

1 There was nothing we wanted to watch, so we

the TV

and played cards instead.

2 The party started at about 8 o’clock in the morning and

until after midnight.

3 I can lend you the money you need, but you’ll have to


4 The car’s making strange noises. I’m worried that it might

before I can get it to a garage.

a. co m

5 I’m trying to

to me next week.

how I can get to Glasgow from here. Can you give me some information?

6 When the fire reached the oil tanks they

in a huge explosion.

7 Patrik’s in the fitting room. He’s 8

a pair of jeans.

! You‘re really annoying me.

2 Kate is at the airport, waiting for her flight. She’s looking at the people around her. Read what she sees and complete her description. Use the correct form of the verbs. / Kate je na letališču in čaka na svoj let. Ogleduje si ljudi okoli sebe. Preberi, kaj vidi, in dopolni njen opis s pravilno obliko glagolov v oklepajih.

There are lots of people here and everyone 1 opposite me 3 5

(wait). I wonder where they 2

(probably travel) on business. He 4 (talk) on his mobile. He 6

(enjoy) it because she 9

(smile). I think she 10

(go) on holiday, like me. There’s an American couple sitting behind me. I 11 they 12

(wear) a suit and a tie and he

(seem) a bit nervous. The woman next to him 7

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(read) a book. I think she 8

(go). The man

(speak) with an American accent. They 13

(know) they’re American, because (talk) fast so I 14

understand) everything they’re saying, but I can understand quite a lot. I think my English 15

(not (get) better.

3 Read the text about Leon Štukelj and answer the questions. Preberi besedilo o Leonu Štuklju in odgovori na vprašanja.



Leon Štukelj, one of the greatest Slovenian athletes, was born in 1898 in Novo mesto, where he started training as a gymnast at the age of eight. He represented his country for the first time in the 1922 World Championships in Ljubljana. In the 14 years that followed, he took part in six other major international competitions, including three Olympic Games. He won a total of twenty international medals, and six of these were Olympic medals: three gold, one silver and two bronze.

1 Where did Leon Štukelj come from? 2 What was his sport? 3 How many big international competitions did he take part in? 4 How many times did he come first in Olympic events?

At that time no professional athletes were allowed to take part in the Olympics, which meant that no one could earn any money from their sport. Štukelj worked as a lawyer and he became a judge when he retired from competitive gymnastics at the end of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He lived in Maribor with his wife and two children.

5 Why did Štukelj have to work when he was a top athlete?

Leon Štukelj was the world’s oldest Olympic champion when he was a special guest at the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996. He was still fit and energetic and exercised regularly. A year later, he joined the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame, and when he turned 100 Slovenia held a huge party for him. He died in 1999, just four days before his 101st birthday.

7 What took place in 1998?

6 When did he stop competing in his sport?

8 How old was Leon Štukelj when he died? Unit 1  9

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6.6.2016 13:54:30

2 Friends and neighbours Step 1 1


Complete the text with words describing flats and houses. / Dopolni besedilo z besedami, ki opisujejo stanovanja in hiše.

3 Listen to the four conversations. Tick () the right picture: A, B or C. / Poslušaj štiri pogovore. Odkljukaj ustrezno sliko: A, B ali C.

I live with my family in a 1b e



flats in London. There’s a big glass door at the

to the building and our flat


is at the back on the 3g


There’s room for everyone to keep their car in an 4

Listening Definitions

a. co m

Vocabulary Flats and houses


car park, which is great,










because it’s hard to find parking places in the street. My friend Emma lives on the third 5f



Her flat is really nice. It’s got a 6b


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so in summer the family can sit outside in the sun. When I go to Emma’s, I don’t often use the 7


because it’s very slow. I usually

go up the 8s 2



Present simple or present continuous?

Peter’s at home on Sunday morning. Underline the correct verb form. / Peter je v nedeljo zjutraj doma. Podčrtaj


ustrezno obliko glagola.

1 It’s Sunday morning, so I (’m reading / read) my music magazine in bed.

2 I (don’t get up / ’m not getting up) early at weekends. 3 I (’m knowing / know) everyone in our block of flats.


4 Our neighbours are Bosnian. They (’re coming / come) from Mostar.

5 It’s sunny today and they (have / ’re having) breakfast


Dave Ford, Flat A Ground floor, Churchill Court A

Dave Ford, Flat A 4th floor, Churchill Court B

Dave Ford, Flat A 1st floor, Churchill Court C

on their balcony.

6 My brother (isn’t owning / doesn’t own) a car. He’s got a motorbike.

7 He (cleans / ’s cleaning) his motorbike now. 8 He (’s doing / does) the same thing every Sunday morning. 10  Module 1

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6.6.2016 13:54:31

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