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Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks & Peter Lewis-Jones

Think 3 UCB notranjost 01-03.indd 1

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CONTENTS Welcome p 4 A  Introducing yourself; Asking questions; The weather; Families  B  Meeting people; Past simple; Losing things; Furniture

C  Buying and talking about food; In a restaurant; Shops; Things you have to do  D  Plans and arrangements, Adjectives and adverbs, Sports and sport verbs



Unit 1 Let’s keep in touch

Making a phone call Role play: Phone conversations

Present simple and present continuous (review) State verbs

Phrases for communication Adjectives to describe communication Word formation: Making nouns from verbs WordWise: Phrases with in

Unit 2 Hard times

Animal rights Comparing the past and the present

Past simple and past continuous (review) could / couldn’t

Verbs that describe events Time periods

p 20

Review Units 1 & 2  pages 28–29 Role play: A health problem Unit 3 Making predictions Future bodies p 30

Unit 4 Traveller’s tales p 38


Talking about travel and transport Talking about life experiences Role play: Life as a bus driver / flight attendant

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p 12

Review Units 3 & 4  pages 46–47 Talking about things you have and haven’t Unit 5 done Amazing people Offering encouragement Role play: Good causes

Unit 6 The ways we learn

Asking and giving/refusing permission Role play: Asking permission

p 56

Review Units 5 & 6  pages 64–65 Comparing things and actions Unit 7 Asking for and offering help That’s entertainment p 66

Giving advice


Unit 8 Social networking

Parts of the body when and if WordWise: Expressions with do

Present perfect simple Present perfect with ever / never Present perfect with recently, lately, so far and still

Transport and travel Travel verbs

Present perfect with just, already and yet Present perfect vs. past simple

Personality adjectives Collocations WordWise: Phrases with just

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p 48

will / won’t for future predictions First conditional Time clauses with when / as soon as

p 74

Review Units 7 & 8  pages 82–83 Planning a community fun day Unit 9 Disagreeing politely Living together

Present perfect with for and since a, an, the or no article

School subjects Verbs about thinking

Comparative and superlative adjectives (review) (not) as ... as comparatives Making a comparison stronger or weaker Adverbs and comparative adverbs

Types of films Types of TV programmes WordWise: Expressions with get

Indefinite pronouns (everyone, no one, someone, etc.) all/some/none/any of them should(n’t) / had better / ought to

IT terms Language for giving advice

Subject and object questions Reflexive pronouns

Describing new experiences Crime Word formation: Adjectives with negative prefixes WordWise: Phrases with of

Relative pronouns Defining relative clauses

Types of story Elements of a story


p 84

Unit 10 What a story!

Telling a story

p 92

Review Units 9 & 10  pages 100–101

CLIL Literature Pronunciation

pages 102–106 pages 107–109 pages 110–111

Get it right! pages 112–115 Irregular verbs page 116 Speaking activities pages 117–118

Interactive exercises at iRokus.si


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Values: The importance of communication Self-esteem: Being assertive

Reading Web page: How to stay connected Article: How to send a secret message Article: When East meets West Writing Text messages Listening Conversation about a time capsule

Initial consonant clusters with /s/

Values: Things that are important to me Train to Think: Fact or opinion?

Reading Article: Events that changed the world Article: Family life in 17th-century Britain Culture: Where life is really hard Writing A magazine article about a historical event Listening A class presentation about extinct animals

The /h/ consonant sound

Values: Exercise and health Self-esteem: Getting help

Sentence stress

Values: Travel broadens the mind Train to Think: Exploring differences

Reading Blog: The non-stop traveller Interview: The taxi driver Culture: Hard journeys for schoolchildren Writing An essay about someone you admire Listening A traveller talking to children at his old school

Intonation and sentence stress

Values: Human qualities Self-esteem: Personal qualities

Reading Online survey responses: Who do you admire most? TV programme preview: Britain’s smartest kids Photostory: The new café Writing A short passage about you as Slovenia’s brightest kid Listening Playing a guessing game

Values: Learning for life Train to Think: Learning about texts

Reading Article: An education like no other Article: Learning is brain change Culture: A day in the life of ... Writing An email describing your school routine Listening Conversations about a book

Values: Spending wisely Self-esteem: The film of my life

Reading Article: Big movies on a small budget TV listings: Different types of programmes Photostory: Extras Writing A paragraph about your TV habits Listening Interview with a teenage filmmaker

Values: Responsible online behaviour Train to Think: Logical sequencing

Reading Article: Think before you act online Short texts: Different types of messages Culture: Communication through history Writing A web page giving advice Listening Conversations about installing a computer program

Values: What makes a good society? Self-esteem: Being a good citizen

Reading Article: Culture shock in Spain Article: Can a leopard change its spots? Article: Are we all criminals somewhere? Writing A letter to your future self Listening Conversation about organizing a community event

Values: What’s important to you in a story? Train to Think: Understanding cause and effect

Reading Article: Everybody loves stories – but why? Article: Can anyone write a novel? Culture: Ireland – a nation of storytellers Writing A fairy tale Listening A conversation about a short story

Words ending in /ə/


The short /ʌ/ vowel sound


Strong and weak forms: /ɒv/ – /əv/

Silent consonants

Reading Article: Changing bodies Webchats: Crazy things that parents say to their kids Photostory: The phone call Writing A phone message Listening A conversation between people arranging to go out

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Word stress

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PRONUNCIATION Short and long vowel sounds: /ɪ/ – /i:/ and /ɒ/ – /əʊ/


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02/04/2021 10:44

WELCOME 1 Read the letter quickly. Write the names under the photos.

Hi Paulo,

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A  GETTING TO KNOW YOU Introducing yourself

But what about you? I hope you’ll want to write to me. There are lots of questions I want to ask you. Things like: what’s life like in Brazil? Do you like your schoo l? What’s it like? What’s the weather like in Rio? Have you got a big family? All that sort of stuff, to help me get to know you. Miss Edwards says you like surfing, but that’s all I know about you. So please write. I’d love to have a Brazilian frien d.

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your pen pal. I got your My name’s Nicola and I’d like to be ards. She lived in Brazil name from my teacher, Miss Edw d of your mother’s. for three years, and she’s a good frien t me? I’m 15 years So what would you like to know abou chester with my mum old. I live in a small house in Man OK, but they can be and my two little brothers. They’re t High School. I quite annoying sometimes. I go to Bluecoa give us too much like school, but my teachers always home from school, but homework. I usually do it when I get use I’m writing to you! I’m not doing that today – that’s beca ing games on the I like listening to music and play tar. I play in a band computer. I also like playing the gui too. I play volleyball t, with some of my friends. I like spor . team is and tennis. I’m in the school tenn nings. That’s a mor ay We usually play matches on Saturd ing up early gett like ly bit of a problem because I don’t real at the weekend.


2 Read the letter and complete the form about Nicola.

Name Age Likes Dislikes


Hometown Family




SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3. Give answers that are true for you.

5 Choose the next line for each of the minidialogues in Exercise 3.

1 What’s your teacher’s name? 2 Do you live in Rome?

3 Match the questions with the answers to make

4 When is your birthday?


Asking questions

3 What school do you go to?


5 Would you like to go out and do something with me?

1 What do you do?

6 Me too. Do you want to come over and play the

2 What are you doing? 3 What do you like doing?

new Angry Birds game?


4 Do you like studying English? 5 Where are you from?


Work in pairs. Think of one more line for each dialogue. Then practise your dialogues.

What do you do?

6 Are you 14? a I’m watching TV.

d I’m a student.

b Yes, it’s great.

e No, I’m 13.

c I’m from Italy.


I love playing tennis.

I’m a student.

What school do you go to? St Mark’s High School in York.


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The weather

1 What kind of weather do you love, like or hate? Draw a ,  or a  next to each one.   wet





humid   freezing








1.02   Listen to the weather forecast for the UK. Tick (3) the weather words in Exercise 1 that you hear.

1 Look at the family words. Complete the pairs. 1 mother and 2 brother and 3 aunt and 4 son and


Listen to Nicola talking to Paulo on Skype. How are these people related to Nicola? 2 Luke 3 Sharon


4 Becky 5 Jodie


5 grandma and 6 husband and 7 cousin and 8 nephew and


1 Colin


It’s windy and very wet.


Listen again. What is the weather going to be like in Manchester, Birmingham and London? Manchester

SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions.

What’s the weather like in Miami?





Work in pairs. Tell your partner.

I love rainy weather. 3


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6 Mike 7 Jamie 8 Kai 9 Shay 10 Joe


Work in pairs. Ask each other about your families.

Have you got any cousins? What’s your uncle’s name? 5

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B  EXPERIENCES Meeting people

Past simple 1 Write the past simple forms of these irregular verbs.

1 think

2 drink 3 wear 4 see 5 lose

8 make 9 run 10 win 11 read 12 ride

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6 hear

7 eat

2 Complete the sentences with eight of the past simple forms in Exercise 1. 0 Carla 1 2 3

1 Put the parts of dialogue in order. Write 1–10 in the boxes.


A Really! Where? When?  A What book was it?



A Have you ever met a famous person?  A Did you say anything to him?


B It was my English course book, believe it


or not. I had it with me to help me with my English. Yes, he was really nice. I didn’t have any paper with me, so he signed a book that I was carrying. It was last summer. We were on holiday in LA. We were walking out of a restaurant when he walked in. Yes, I did. I asked him for an autograph. Yes, Bradley Cooper.



B  B

Lionel Messi outside a shop in Barcelona last summer. When she was younger, she never chocolate. How weird! I adore books about vampires. Last year I the entire Vampire Chronicles series. I some good jokes at the party yesterday but I can’t remember them any more. Mum her silver bracelet while she was gardening. Tour de France 2020 was brilliant! Slovenian cyclists first and second place. Nobody recognized me at the carnival. I a Venetian mask. I expected a better grade on my Maths test but I too many mistakes.

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A Did he give you one?








Listen and check.

Work with a partner. Practise the conversation. Change names, places and other details.

4 Underline examples of the following tenses in

3 Write your own sentences in the past simple using the remaining four verbs in Exercise 1.


SPEAKING   Work in groups of eight. Choose one sentence in Exercise 2 and continue ‘the story’. Each person adds another sentence to the previous ones.

Carla saw Lionel Messi outside a shop in Barcelona last summer.

He smiled at her and she asked him for an autograph. She didn’t have a piece of paper so Messi signed his name on her arm. 5 Compare your story with the other groups.

Exercise 1.

1 A past simple positive statement. 2 A past simple negative statement. 3 A past simple question. 4 A past simple short answer. 5 A past continuous statement.


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Losing things


1 Read the story and find the answer to the question. What was in the wrong container?

WRITING   Write a short story about something you lost. Use these questions to help you. ● ● ● ● ●

About ten years ago my mum got a job teaching at a university in Indonesia. At first she only went for six months, but she really liked it and agreed to stay longer, so we all went to live with her. We had a great time, but last year my parents decided that they wanted to return to the UK. Because we’d been there so long we had loads of things we wanted to take back with us – all the furniture from our house in fact.


a. co m

People often complain about airline companies losing their suitcases when they fly. It’s never happened to me, but something a lot worse happened to my family recently.

When did it happen? What was it? Where did you lose it? What did you do? How did you feel? Did you find it? If so, when and where?

1 Tick (3) the items mentioned in the story.

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So mum and dad went to a shipping company and arranged to take everything back in one of those big containers that you see on ships. The company packed everything into it: the armchair and sofas, the TV, wardrobes, desks, even all the carpets and curtains. Our whole house was inside that big green metal box.



We flew back to the UK and waited for the container to arrive. About ten weeks later we were having breakfast one morning when a big lorry arrived outside our house. On the back was a big green metal box. We were so excited. The men opened the container and started to take out our things. But they weren’t our things. The container was full of motorbikes. It was the wrong one. My parents were so annoyed. But the story has a happy ending. The men took the container and motorbikes away, and about two months ago our things finally arrived.

2 Read the story again and answer the questions. Use the word in brackets in your answer.

1 When did Liam’s mum start her job in Indonesia?


2 When did the family move to Indonesia? (later) 3 How long did they stay there? (about) 4 When did they decide to move back to the UK?

(last) 5 How long after they were back in the UK did the first container arrive? (about) 6 When did the correct container finally arrive? (ago)


SPEAKING   Name the other items. Which of these do you think Liam’s parents probably didn’t put into the container?

They probably didn’t put the toilet into the container. 3 Discuss in small groups. Your family is moving to the other side of the world. They are packing the house things into a container, but there is only room for five items. What five items of furniture from your house are you going to choose? 7

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C  EATING AND DRINKING Buying and talking about food

match the sentences with the pictures. Write the numbers 1–8.

1.05   Listen and complete each space with one word.






Morning, can I help you? Yes, please. Um, I want 1 onions. OK, how many? Two kilos. And can I have 2 mushrooms too, please? About half a kilo? OK. Anything 3 ? Oh, yes – tomatoes. A kilo of tomatoes, please. And 4 olives. 5 Sorry, we haven’t got olives today. Try the 6 across the street. OK, thanks. Here are your tomatoes. So, are you going to make pizza tonight with all this? No, I’m not. I’m making ‘7 à la grecque’. It’s a French dish. I had it on holiday in France. I loved it! What about lemons? You don’t 8 to put lemon juice in it, but 9 it’s a good idea! Oh, right. No, it’s OK, thanks. I’ve 10 got lemons at home. So how 11 is that? Let’s see. That’s £4.35, please. Here you are – £5. And 65p 12 . Thanks. Enjoy your dinner!

3 4 5 6 7 8




yoghurt in the fridge. mushrooms in the kitchen. There aren’t mushrooms in the pizza. I’d like of those potatoes, please. Sorry, there aren’t potatoes. I’d like coffee, please. Oh, there isn’t yoghurt. No, I don’t want coffee, thanks.

2 There are

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1 There’s

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2 Complete each sentence with some or any. Then










SPEAKING   Which of these things would you always / never / sometimes see on a pizza?

carrots  | onions | peppers | yoghurt | pears pineapple  | chicken | mushrooms | tomatoes cheese  | olives

There’s always cheese on a pizza – but you never see … ! 4

Work in pairs. Use your sentences from Exercise 3 to do a role play. ROLE PLAY


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In a restaurant



1 Look at the shops below. What things can you

1.06   Read the sentences. Mark them W (waitress) or C (customer). Listen and check.

buy in each place? Think of as many things as you can. newsagent’s

shoe shop


post office


sports shop

bookshop clothes shop

1.07   Listen. Which shop is each person in? Write the number of the dialogue next to the correct shop in Exercise 1. There are three shops you won’t need.


1.07   Listen again. In which shop do you hear these words?

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1 You don’t have to wait in a queue.

2 You have to wear them two or three

1 Can we see the menu, please? 2 Is everything OK? 3 There’s too much salt in the soup! 4 The bill, please. 5 A table for two? This way, please.

you need.

4 You have to fill in this form.

5 You don’t have to pay for the third


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6 We’d both like the fish, please. And the


3 You don’t have to buy a larger size than

soup to start. 7 It’s very noisy here. There are too many people. 8 Are you ready to order?

Things you have to do 1 Read the sentences below. For each one, think

of possibilities for a) who said it and b) who to.

2 Complete each phrase with much or many. 1 too 2 too


3 too

sugar salt mushrooms money people things on the menu

4 too 5 too 6 too

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with a phrase


from Exercise 2.


1 A This soup is horrible.


I know! There’s

in it.

2 A Ugh! I can’t drink this coffee.


I know! There’s

in it.

3 A This pizza isn’t so good.


4 A


5 A


6 A


I know! I like mushrooms, but there are on it! This is horrible. We can’t talk. I know! There are here. I don’t know what to choose. I know! There are . Look! €30.00 for a pizza!! I know! It’s .


You don’t have to eat it.


You have to give it to me tomorrow morning.


I don’t have to listen to you!


I have to finish this tonight.


You don’t have to put mushrooms on it.


It’s fantastic! I have to buy it!

SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Choose three of the sentences in Exercise 1. Act out a mini-dialogue for each sentence that you choose.

Chicken? Again? That’s boring. Well, you don’t have to eat it. Can I have something else? No, we’ve only got chicken. OK then – I’ll eat the chicken. 9

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02/04/2021 10:46

Hi Susana

a. co m

us next I was really happy to get your email saying that you’re coming to visit time! right the just at here be to going weekend. It’s great news, and you’re one every year. Next weekend our town is having its special weekend gala. There is too. There are What’s a gala? Well, it’s like a party but with sports and other events, for some fun! ready you’re lots of different activities. We’re going to join in, so I hope and in the It all starts on Saturday. There’s an opening ceremony at lunchtime, at six And things. and games and races – kids for afternoon, there are things town another against playing are team town our – match football o’clock there’s a near here. Then in the evening, a local band is playing in the town square. It starts in the On Sunday morning there’s a charity run – it’s about eight kilometres. area, then g shoppin main the through and park and goes past the railway station you (Would race! the in running I’m what? guess finishes at the park again. And Sunday on And OK?) asap, know me let – in you get can we like to run too? I think forecast afternoon, there’s a big street party with games and things. The weather clothes. r summe new my wear to going I’m so sunny, be to going says it’s Sunday So we’re looking forward to seeing you here. Oh, I almost forgot! On ! We’re going birthday 18th sister’s my for place evening we’re having a party at our Sunday on leave to have don’t you say Please to make it a really special party. evening! on Friday? Anyway, let me know more about your plans. When are you arriving See you soon, Belinda

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D  LOOKING AHEAD Plans and arrangements

1 Read the email. Match the times and the events. 1 Saturday lunchtime  2 Saturday afternoon

3 Underline other examples of present continuous for arrangements in Belinda’s email.


3 Saturday evening


4 Sunday morning

SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about plans you have for next weekend.

What are you doing on Saturday morning?

5 Sunday afternoon  6 Sunday evening

I’m going running. / I’m not doing anything. Why?

a kids’ games and races

b party for Belinda’s sister c opening ceremony


d local band


1.08   Put the parts of the dialogue in order. Then listen and check.

e charity run f

BELINDA Isn’t it great! Let’s go on the merry-go-

street party

2 Read the sentences. What do the underlined verbs express? Write A (arrangement) or I (intention). 1 In the evening, a local band is playing in

the town square.

2 I’m running in the race. 3 We’re going to join in. 4 I’m going to wear my new summer clothes. 5 We’re going to make it a really special party. 6 We’re having a party at our place.


round first.   BELINDA Susana, I’m so glad you’re here.   BELINDA Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. Then we’ll get ready for the charity run.   BELINDA Don’t worry. You can do only half of it.   SUSANA OK then. I’ll do my best.   SUSANA I don’t know. Last time I did that, I was a little girl.   SUSANA But I don’t think I’m fit enough for a run.   SUSANA Thanks for inviting me. This gala is really special.


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WELCOM E 6 Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in the list.

2 What did Susana do on the day she visited Belinda? Use the adjectives in the list to make adverbs. Then complete the sentences.

visit  | have | run |  not sell  | play  not leave 1 In the gala, they 2 Susana and Belinda


careful  | patient | quick | easy | happy | late  polite  |  early (x2)

fast food. lots of fun

3 Belinda

7 Imagine you are going to go to a gala in

your town. Make notes about your plans: who you’re going to invite what you’re going to take with you which events you’re going to see which sports you’re going to join in which music bands you’re going to listen to what you’re going to spend money on how long you’re going to stay there

SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the visit to the gala you planned in Exercise 7.








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a. co m

the museum at the local castle. 4 Popular music bands some new songs of theirs. 5 Belinda in the charity race. 6 Susana before the birthday party.

0 She got up


1 She packed her suitcase

Who are you going to invite?


My best friend. We’re going to have a weekend for ourselves.

3 4 5

Adjectives and adverbs




1 Complete the sentences with the


. She didn’t want to arrive at the station , so she left home . She waited for the train. When the train arrived, she got on . She found a seat . She inquired about the time of arrival. She greeted Belinda when she arrived.

comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Sports and sport verbs

1 It’s a bit chilly now but it will be much

1 Complete the table with the sports in the list. running  | football | tennis | gymnastics | athletics  rock-climbing  | karate | skiing | ballet | surfing volleyball  | cricket


(hot) at the weekend.

2 The gala takes place once a year; it’s 3 4 5 6 7 8

(popular) event in the town. The charity run is (exciting) than the football match. I love running; my results are getting (good) every year. My sister will be (happy) person in the world when she gets her presents. The band this year is (famous) than the one that played last year. Mum and I are going to bake (big) cake ever. What’s the (bad) thing that can happen?





SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Which sports do you do often / sometimes / never? Talk to your partner.

I often go running, but I never do karate. 11

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SPEAKING   Work in pairs. Think of reasons why people sometimes have to spend time away from their family and friends.


1.09   Read and listen to the article. Which of your ideas from Exercise 4 do the bloggers mention?


1.09   Read and listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

the photos.


1  write a letter  |  2  post photos on social media  3  talk on the phone  |  4 text |  5  send an email  6  have a video call

2 Do you use these forms of communication? Who

do you communicate with in these ways and why? Write a sentence for each one. SPEAKING

Work in pairs. Compare your sentences from Exercise 2.

I write a letter to my aunty when she sends me a birthday present. I never send emails because my friends don’t use email.



1 Match the forms of communication in the list with


present simple and present continuous (review); state verbs VOCABULARY:  verbs and verb phrases for communication; adjectives to describe communication; making nouns from verbs; phrases with in GRAMMAR:


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FUNCTIONS:  making a phone call

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1 Maya often speaks to her cousins. 2 She and her cousins are all still at school. 3 Ethan’s grandparents prefer to chat to him on the

phone. 4 His grandmother doesn’t think his handwriting is very good. 5 Klara’s mother often talks to her about food. 6 Klara only communicates with her mother in the evenings.


Think 3 UCB notranjost 12-19.indd 12

02/04/2021 11:04

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