Mariagrazia Bertarini ■ Martha Huber
Garan Holcombe ■ Mateja Todorovski
Mariagrazia Bertarini ■ Martha Huber
Garan Holcombe ■ Mateja Todorovski
Samostojni delovni zvezek za anglesˇ cˇ ino v 5. razredu osnovne sˇ ole
1. del
Unit 1
Unit 2
Weather: foggy, snowy, cold, rainy, warm, sunny, hot, windy, cool, cloudy
Seasons and months
School subjects: science, PE, ICT, geography, music, history, maths, English, art
Days of the week
Adjectives: excellent at, very good at, not very good at
Life Skills Classwork and homework
Daily routines: get up, have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, do sport, have dinner, go to bed
Parts of the day
Adverbs of frequency
Unit 4
Physical description: bald, freckles, wavy hair, spiky hair, straight hair, fringe, beard, ponytail, curly hair, glasses
Descriptive adjectives: young, old, plump, slim, short, tall
What’s the weather like? It’s …
When’s your birthday? It’s in …
What time is it?
It’s … o’clock.
When’s (subject)? It’s on (day).
She is very good at PE.
CLIL – Science Matter
Living English
Going to school
CLIL – Art Lines
Living English
Gardens in Europe
What time does he get up? At (half past six).
Do you have a shower in the morning?
Yes, I always have a shower in the morning.
What does he look like?
He’s (young).
He’s got (glasses) and (spiky blond hair).
Has he got (glasses)?
Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
CLIL – History
How ancient Egyptians make a mummy
Living English
Egyptian art in London
CLIL – PE Basketball
Living English Giants in the Englishspeaking world
1 Preberi, kaj se boš učil/-a v 1. enoti. K besedam, za katere že veš, kaj pomenijo, dopiši pomen.
Naučil/-a se bom:
a uporabljati besede, povezane z vremenom.
cloudy cold
cool foggy
hot rainy
snowy sunny
warm windy
b spraševati in odgovarjati o vremenu.
c poimenovati mesece in letne čase ter jih povezati z vremenom in značilnimi aktivnostmi.
autumn spring
summer winter
2 Preberi, kaj boš znal/-a na koncu 1. enote. Razmisli in obkroži, katera znanja iz 1. naloge potrebuješ, če želiš:
• povedati, kakšno je vreme v različnih letnih časih; a b c
• povedati, v katerem letnem času in mesecu imaš rojstni dan; a b c
• spraševati o vremenu, letnih časih in rojstnem dnevu; a b c
• pisati o značilnostih letnih časov. a b c
3 Premisli, kje in kdaj boš lahko svoje znanje uporabil/-a.
4 O čem bi se v tej enoti še želel/-a učiti?
1 Look and tick. Poglej in odkljukaj.
I can see … an elephant a jacket a horse
2 Listen and say. Poslušaj in ponovi.
3 Listen and sing. Poslušaj in zapoj. 10 cloudy
a bird a bear a kite
2 3-4
What’s the weather … what’s the weather … what’s the weather like today?
Tell me children, what’s the weather … what’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny?
Is it cloudy?
Is it windy or hot today?
Is it snowy?
Is it rainy?
Is it foggy or cold today?
(Repeat chorus)
4 Play the game. Odigraj.
It’s cold. Where am I?
You’re in New York.
What’s the weather like? It’s sunny!
What’s the weather like today?
It’s rainy and cold.
Right! ° ° ° °
7 Listen and say. Poslušaj in ponovi.
autumn winter spring summer
8 Complete. Dopolni.
1 In , the weather is usually .
2 In , the weather is usually .
3 In , the weather is usually .
4 In , the weather is usually .
9 Read, think and complete. Listen and check. Preberi, razmisli in dopolni. Poslušaj in preveri.
1 School is closed. I can’t go to school but I can go on holiday with my family. My favourite season is .
2 I can drink hot chocolate, I can read books on the sofa and I can write Christmas cards. My favourite season is .
3 I can ride my bike and play in the park. I can paint Easter eggs, too. My favourite season is .
4 I can see my school friends every day and I can wear my Halloween costume. My favourite season is .
10 Listen and say. Poslušaj in ponovi.
LANGUAGE GARDEN When’s your birthday? It’s in December.
11 Write the months of the year in the correct order. Listen and check. Napiši
12 Read and guess. When’s Aouda’s birthday?
Aouda, when’s your birthday?
It’s in autumn, but it isn’t in September and it isn’t in October.
Work in groups. Surf the Internet and look for the weather in London, New York, Sydney and in two other towns or cities in different continents. Then make a poster with words and pictures.
13 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a classmate. Dopolni pogovor. Nato ga poslušaj in odigraj s sošolcem/sošolko.
Jane Hello, Ben. It’s Jane.
Jane Can you come to my birthday party?
Ben Yes, I can.
Jane It’s in December, at my house.
Jane Nooo!
Ben It’s not in the garden?
Jane Nooo! Why are you surprised?
Ben Because in December.
Jane Hot? Ben ... in December
Ben Jane! In December it’s hot and sunny.
Jane Mmm … are you Ben Carter?
Ben No! I’m Ben Robinson
Jane Australia? Oh, dear …
14 Listen and say. Can you repeat it three times?
Poslušaj in ponovi. Lahko ponoviš trikrat?
• When’s your birthday?
• it’s very hot
• from Sydney, Australia
• it’s cold and snowy
15 Listen and circle. Poslušaj in obkroži.
1 chick kick
2 chain cane
3 cheese keys
4 chat cat
16 Listen to the story. Poslušaj zgodbo.
It’s a nice day, today!
Yes, it’s cold but it’s sunny.
You can’t judge a book by its cover.
And it’s windy, too! Look at the trees, Mr Fix.
Mr Fogg! There’s a letter for you!
Thank you, Passepartout. Is it a letter from England?
Yes, it is. It’s from Aouda. She’s in England. The weather is bad.
Yes, it’s rainy. Look at the photo!
What cake?
Look! The cake with candles on the table. Aouda is beautiful and that cake is very nice.