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Do you know the real horsepower of your Porsche? There are several very good reasons why Porsches, prepared by Porsche Centre Melbourne made a clean sweep of the major places at the recent Porsche Mt. Buller Sprint and the Michelin Carrera Cup races at the Grand Prix. We not only have the best trained staff, we also have the most sophisticated and innovative diagnostic equipment. In a process that involves a weigh-in of your car, we use software (developed with leading chassis dynamometer manufacturer Dyno Dynamics) that produces repeatable, accurate results via a power graph, to tell you what your Porsche's kilowatt power and power to weight ratio is. For motorsport enthusiasts, in fact anyone who takes their Porsche's performance seriously, it's an invaluable tool to measure tuning tweak effectiveness. An accurate Dynamometer Health Check (the Official Dynamometer for the Porsche Club of Vic) and weigh-in will settle 'power' arguments forever. It costs just $395, so book your car in for the full test, today.
Porsche Centre Melbourne 109 - 111 Victoria Parade, Collingwood VIC 3066 Tel: 0394730917 Service Hours Mon to Fri 7.30am to 6pm Sat 9am to 1pm _www.porschemelbourne.com.au
Porsche Club c
• ,- ,
- ,
Club Committee 2004/2005
Michael Chapman President
Jeff Thomas Vice President Ph. 9435 7122 Fax. 94357600 A.H. 9817 2701
Bus. 9714 8428
Fax. 9714 8559
Ian Jenkins & Competition Timing Ph. 0419 225 315
Roger Holding Treasurer Ph: 5229 0622
Duane Rodgers Event Director Ph. 0418 548 730
Richard Oldham Register Director
Cliff Herbison Editor & Advertising Coordinator Bus. 9223 4337 Fax.9223
:I''' ..~''..
Michael Dennis Social Director Ph. 0409 188331
p C V
~ James Caldow Quartermaster
Carly Pasco PCV Administration & Memberships
Nick Marandos Assistant Social Director & Competition Timing
New Members
We welcome the following members who have joined the P. C. V since our last issue. Name
Adrian & ChantaUAlbert
Domine, Simone, Dominic & Connor Loughman
2001 996 3.4 Cab
Martin Abson & Kate Vaarzon-Morel
John & Kerrie Maguire
2004 Boxster 3.2 S
Peter & Cheryl Andressen
1988 944 S 2.5
Troy Mansell & Michelle Jones
John & Carlene Baker
Matt Martin
Maurice & Eileen Mazzocchetti
Daniel Baahm
2000 Boxster 2.7
Stephen & Christine
Stephen & Carol Baulch
George Moraitis
Stuart, Loren & Alistair Brown
2004 Cayenne 4.5 & 1971 911 2.4 S
Andrew Morphetl
Graham Brumby
Leno & Christine
Nathan Brumby
Anne Neamontis
Howard & Suzanne Burton
2002 Boxster 2.7
Stuart, Katrin, David & Simone Newland
Charles Button
1987 911 3.2 Cab
Nick O'Halloran
David Palfreeman
& Cleo Jones
1990 964 3.6 C4
Laurie Baker
Michael Catchpole
19959933.6 2000 Boxster 3.2 S 2001 9963.8
2002 Boxster 2 7
& Alicia White-Palfreeman
Turbo Cab
1990 964 3.6 C4
Anthony & Jane Cementan
Jay Palmer
Andrew Clyne
1991 9285.0
Flavia Parletta
Michael Dancey
Con Pazios
Justin Davey
Tom Pearce
2004 996 3.6 C4S 2003 Boxster S 3.2
2.0 S
John & Mary Davies
John Peters
Don & Rosa Oi Domenico
Emilio Roccioletti
Amet Eski
Peter Schiavello
2004 GT2 3.6
Bryan Fitt, Helen Moore & Josh Fitt
2003 996 3.6 C4S
George & Leanne Sevastopoulos
1996 993 3.6 Turbo
Colin & Carol Fraser
Alan Shaw
Matthew & Dianne Gaut
2000 GT3 3.6 & 1980 911 3.2
Peter & Gemma Statton
Jamie & Ivka Griffin
2003 Boxster 2.7
Peter & Jenny Tamblyn
2004 Boxster 2.7
Christian Honig & Belinda Stevenson
3.0 SC Targa
Darnien Tangey
Peter & Edith James
Michael Tonks
Karlis Kambala
1997 Boxster 2.5
Anthony Trantino
Turbo Rs & 19929643.6
Darren, Robin, Thomas & Eloise Kelly
Max Twigg
Tim Karren
Michael Vukadinovic
Wil, Filomena, Bianca & Isabella Lauria
1999 GT3 36
Travis Williams
Ross Lilley
1984 944 2.5 Challenge
Chris Wiliis
1990 944 3.0 S2 Cab
Michael Loccisano
1999 GT3 3.6
Simon Wong
Srecko Lorbek & Chantal Tfiornton
2004 Boxster 2.7
1996 GT2 3.8
& Nathan Potter
Michael Chapman
he summer has now drawn to a close and we have had our first social and competition events all of which have been a great success.
This is our 30th year and on all flyers from now on you will see our 30th Anniversary Logo. We are going to go to some of the places that hosted our first Club events in 1976 leading up to the first Club Sprint which was held at Winton in August of 1977. Gradually we are putting together a secure online database which will enable members to update their information via the internet. We will also move towards distributing all club flyers and entry forms electronically, in other words you will get an email advising you that a flyer and entry form is available for downloading form the website.( you will still be able to opt to receive flyers by mail if you chose to). Eventually you will be able to submit event entry forms online. This will result in a large saving for the club as the distribution costs of paper forms costs around a $1000 per month to send all members. There is no quick fix, and we have a Database subcommittee looking at various web linked database products and their finding will be evident to you later this year.
"Gradually we are putting together a secure online database which will enable members to update their information via the. internet. "
The Club Calendar is on the website and isn't it great one with more competition and Social events than ever before? Competition is going to new venues such as the police driver training. ground at Attwood (on Mickleham Rd. Greenvale) which has a kilometre of closed road used by the police for pursuit training plus a great skid pan. The Khanacross at the Sale Yards at Bendigo was also great event with a 600m, easy to remember course with masses of space and a captured audience of sheep watching. )
Social keeps breaking new ground. At the first club night for the inaugural preview release of the new Boxster we estimate that 180 people were in attendance. Nobody could have predicted the turnout so I hope people were not put off by the lack of tables but certainly added to the ambiance of the night. The end of year dinner at the Grand Hyatt will be a special event which I encourage you to attend (even though it is still many months away). A lot of though has gone into the venue and even more into the programme for the evening to make it an Anniversary Dinner to remember, without taking too much away from the Club Awards that traditionally are a feature of this event. This year there will be more dancing and less speaches!!!! The venue will hold 250 plus people and if we get that sort of number boy can we put on a great event so write it into your diaries now! 26th NOVEMBER. Whilst we were at Phillip Island on the 20th Feb we took the opportunity to empty out of the club van two large boxes of unclaimed trophies which cost the Club in excess of $3500. We have tried to get people to claim them by publishing lists, physically chasing around hand them out -all to no avail. We needed the room so the boxes have gone!
This year we will not be producing individual trophies for each round. We will be making end of year trophies aka "Buckets" for all Class winners and place getters. The size of Bucket will depend on the number of events you have been placed in. The season class winners will still be getting their special Trophies. David Lawson has stepped down from the committee due to pressure of work. I would like to say thank you to David for his help with competition and the timely arrangement of trophies for 2004. We all wish David well in his new venture. I look forward to seeing you at an event soon. Safe Driving Michael Chapman
ROLL OF HONOUR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Life Members Norman Hamilton John King Noela Semmens Adrian Evans Greg Cook Hall of Fame Graham Stockley Bruce Harris Michael Browning Past Presidents
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Michael Stillwell Michael Stillwell Roger James Ken Foo Kerry Reynolds John Benson John Benson Graeme Redman Graeme Redman John King John King John King John King Michael Browning Graham Stockley Graham Stockley Graham Stockley Graham Stockley John King Adrian Evans Adrian Evans Cris Camamile Cris Camamile Paul Stuart Paul Stuart Greg Cook Greg Cook Noela Semmens Ian Knight Ian Knight
Russell Sturzaker Russell Sturzaker Graham Stockley Paul Mauger Dennis O'Keefe Ric Hallgren Award
"Porsche Parade" is the official magazine of Porsche Club of Victoria Inc. (ACN 005 727
of Victoria
PO. Box 911, KewVictoria 3101 web site: www.pcv.com.au email: pcv@pcv.com.au Editor & Advertising: Cliff Herbison Bus. 9223 4337 Fax. 9223 4300 Artwork
Ron Widdison Composite Colour Ph: 9804 7985 Fax: 9804 7004 email: cocolour@bigpond.net.au www.compositecolour.com.au Subscriptions: Porsche Parade is only available to financial members of the Porsche Club of Victoria Inc. A minimum of four issues are published annually. Not for individual sale.
Bruce Harris Bruce Harris Kevin Jarman Bruce Harris Bruce Harris Graham Stockley Stephen White Graham Stockley Bruce Harris Ric Hallgren Peter White Dennis O'Keefe Ed Aitken Ken Price Rex Broadbent Danny Loypur Bruce Harris Ojars Balodis Ed Aitken Richard Eldridge Matthew Harris Paul Stuart Bruce Young Michael Herrod Sven Burchartz Theo Mihelakos Theo Mihelakos Theo Mihelakos/lan Jenkins Sven Burchartz & Mark Chrzanowski Matthew Stoupas
Contributions, with quality photographs, are invited. Digital photographs should be 300 dpi. They should be sent to the Club's address. No responsibility is accepted for the return of contributions, photographs or the like. Advertising
rates: (Incl GST) 2004 Year
Full page colour (Cover only) $3,300 Full page colour (Inside text only) $2,800 $900 Half page colour (Inside text only) $1,800 $600 Full page spot colour $1,900 $600 Full page mono $1,600 $500 $1,400 $450 Half page mono $700 $250 Quarter page mono $350 $100 Business cards $725 Inserts Marketplace: Club members' ads no charge. Non-members: $60.00 for 50 words or less.
Danny Loypur Danny Loypur Matthew Stoupas John Woodward Greg Muller Greg Muller Theo Mihelakos Greg Muller Jon Trende
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Ann Tyson Ann Tyson Ann Tyson Ann Tyson Ann Tyson Brenda Moore Jill Willis Suzy Versluys Ava Balodis Ava Balodis Delyce England Aranka Figge Aranka Figge Aranka Figge Aranka Young April Houghton April Houghton Jill Willis Aranka Young Aranka Young Aranka Young Club Member of the Year
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Bruce Harris Don Tryhorn Graham Stockley Graham Stockley Graham Stockley Graham Stockley Rex Broadbent Graham Stockley Paui Sadler Danny Loypur Peter White Graeme Hitchell
Contributions: 0942)
Publisher: Porsche
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Dennis Bath Ed Aitken Don Watson Cliff Geis Matthew Harris
Outright Award
Tony Jones Memorial (Rookie of the Year)
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Ladies Championship
Club Champions
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Tony Jones Memorial
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
David Casey Allan Barbour Wayne Camamile Ian Begley Richard Eldridge Mark Connolly Callum McClue Stuart Jackson Matthew Stoupas Lyle Potgieter David Lawson Jon Trende Benjamin Faggeter Jeffery Bobik & Cameron Hung Do
Ian Nadenbousch Max Errington Graeme Andrews Dianna Foo Daryl Louey Barbara Clearihan Graham Stockley (No award) (No award) Egidia Woodhouse Paul Mauger Bev Madin Elspeth Froude Raymond Poon Alex Robertson Beth Harris Selwyn Hall & Ray Poon George Cairns Danny Jonas Tim Wadsworth Jeff Thomas (No award) Duane Rodgers MarnieGorman James Caldow
Disclaimer: Advertisers misleading
should be aware of the laws prohibiting
and deceptive
No liability is assumed by the publisher for any losses which any person may sustain as a result of any misleading or deceptive advertisement or article published in this magazine. Copyright: Š 2004 by The Porsche Club of Victoria Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any electronic format or transmitted in any form by any means without the written ,permission of the publisher. Special
It is the policy of the Porsche Club of Victoria Inc not to publish its membership list to any person or corporation. Its membership list is not for sale or distribution. Any unauthorised use of its membership list or of the material in this magazine may result in prosecution.
n late 2003, following some very 'persuasive' conversations with Linley Baxter and Michael Chapman, I agreed to join the Committee as Assistant Social Director under Roger Holding. My baptism was to organise the official display for the '911 40th Anniversary' celebrations at Domain Chandon in November that year. After two months of meetings, negotiations, countless telephone calls at all hours and ticking off all the items on President Ian Knight's extensive action plan, I had gained some idea of what it takes to stage just one element of a successful Club social event. Under Roger's capable Social Directorship in 2004, I served a valuable apprenticeship and I am most grateful that Roger and the rest of the Social Committee, Annie Mould, Barbara Clearihan and Will Darvall, have once more offered their time to serve the members socially in 2005. With new Committee member Nick Marandos as Assistant Social Director and Alf Carrigan volunteering his services in the offCommittee role of 'Tour Master', I believe we certainly have a team with the 'right stuff' to provide you with a rewarding 30th Anniversary social year.
"The Social Committee members are hard at work on forthcoming events, so keep an eye on the Club's website."
While competition events will always legitimately remain the backbone of our Club, the vision of Immediate Past President Ian Knight and President Michael Chapman, in actively encouraging the growth of our social calendar, is already bearing remarkable fruit.
Being an anniversary year, we looked back to the 'swinging seventies' to theme our first social run to Mitcheton Winery on Sunday February 6 with "In the Summertime", after that popular hit sonq by The Mixtures (also in the hope that the weather would be kind). Indeed, if you knew your seventies pop culture or your Porsche trivia, you had an even chance of winning some nice wine in the surprise driver and passenger quizzes, Kevin Ross volunteered to act as photojo~rnalist for theday and you can read his detailed report on this great outing elsewhere in the magazine. Apart from being a very successful event, mainly due to the efforts of Alf Carrigan and Richard Oldham who reconnoitred the route, we were somewhat taken aback by your response. With an optimistic limit set at 50 cars or 100 participants, three days before the cut-off we were actually forced to stretch acceptances td 55 and 116 respectively (the' restaurant limit), while eight unsuccessful members joined a waiting list and many more enquiries were received up to the Friday beforehand. While this augers well for our 2005 social activities, it is quite obvious that you really will need to get your entries in early for events!
o â&#x20AC;˘ Michael Dennis Our first Club Night on Tuesday 15 February, when we handed the evening over to Porsche Cars Australia (PCA) and Porsche Centre Melbourne (PCM) to preview the new Boxster models and enlighten us about Porsche's plans for the future, encountered the same phenomenon. Club Night's regularly cater for 100, which on this occasion we stretched (by Committee consensus) to 130, to allow for the preview. Remarkably, the up-market setting and catering arranged by PCM's Pamela Ward was in danger of being overwhelmed by the arrival of 180 members! The look of panic on the face of your Social Director at the prospect of so many unseated and unfed members was allayed by Pamela's professional contingency plan (extra furniture, crockery and cutlery borrowed from The Prince Patrick next door and a call to go easy on the food portions) which saved the evening. The opening address by PCA Managing Director, Michael Winkler assured those present that the company was on a sound footing and would continue producing the world's best sports cars with Australia as one of it's primary markets. Second presenter, PCM General Manager, Thomas Heberling continued this theme at the retail and customer service level and previewed the stunning 987 Boxster and Boxster S models, with the help of an informative video, before the actual cars were unveiled for close examination. According to both Michael and Thomas (plus comments and e-mails we received from members) it seems the unexpectedly large attendance only served to add some extra zip to a very successful evening. If the very positive reaction of those present was any indication, our friends at PCA and PCM have another winner on their hands. For those of you who want to know more about the Boxster 987, I suggest you revisit Michael Browning's comprehensive article in Porsche Parade Issue 4, 2004, or contact the sales staff at PCM.
en o ~
The Social Committee members are hard at work on forthcoming events, so keep an eye on the Club's website. By the time this edition is in your hands, up to 60 of you will have enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Sand ring ham Yacht Club on Saturday 12 March. Unfortunately, plans to conduct a Swap Meet on Sunday 17 April have been postponed (possibly until 2006) owing to the difficulty in accessing an appropriate central, reasonably priced, under cover venue. If you know of a facility that may be suitable, please let us know. With a Club Night, plus the Calder Twilight Sprints BBQ, you will not however be short of social activities in April. The one date we urge you to circle on your calendar right now is Friday 25 November, for the 30th Annivers~ry Annual Dinner Dance at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne, which is going to be a true five-star celebration. Please phone me on 0409 188331 or e-mail me at social@pcv.com.au with your feedback and suggestions and I look forward to meeting you at a forthcoming 30th Anniversary year social event.
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• 2004 Club Championship Results • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • .. _----- ------- -_.I • Club Champion: Matthew Stoupas Rookie of the Year: Hung 00 Outright Champion: John Trende Ladies Champion: Aranka Young Club Member of the Year: James Caldow
Open 1 John Trende, 133 pts Stan Adler, 69 pts Benjamin Faggetter, 65 pts
• •
Open 2 Ken Jarrett, 119 pts Andrew Halliday, 58 pts PORSCHE PARADE
Paul Blackie, 53 pts M1 Ian Knight, 157 pts Sven Burchartz, 140 pts Michael Herrod, 108 pts
B Class Jeffrey Bobik, 174 pts Richard Waters, 146 pts Duane Rodgers, 112 pts
M2 Michael Lentini, 180 pts Jamie Lovett, 153 pts Graham Gorman, 124 pts
C Class Mark Chrzanowski, 195 pts Cameron Cox, 136 pts Roland Newman, 134 pts
A Class Matthew Stoupas, 200 pts Ian Jenkins, 153 pts Bruce Harris, 117 pts
Class Hung 00, 174 pts Garry Voges, 166 pts Rick Barton. 109 pts
ew records were set for the printing and mailing of last edition of Porsche Parade, 4/2004. Heading into the Christmas period I did not think we would manage to have it printed, bound and mailed out by Christmas, but we did. Thanks to the efforts of our printers, Composite Colour, our binder Quality Bookbinding Services and Melbourne Mail Management, Australia Post was delivering the magazine to members from 24/12. A great effort, my thanks to all who made it happen. In the last edition of Porsche Parade we reported the new edition to the Stoupas garage - Georgia Lulu. Matt's wife Karen has provided the attached photo of Georgia. We wish them all the best. Grant Perryman, a fellow Porsche owner in South Australia has asked the PCV for our help in his search to locate a car which was once owned by his father. The car is a 1979911 SC, which was delivered new to Barry J Harrop of Kingston Tce, North Adelaide on or around 27.7.1979. Sold by Chateau Moteur, the colour scheme was Tobacco Metallic / Cork Pin Stripe Interior and air conditioning and an electric sun roof were fitted as options. The vehicle had "cookie cutter" alloys, however the inner parts of the alloy were painted black, reflecting the later series. Engine Number: 6394065, Chassis Number: 9119302708, Original Reg (SA) : SJP-298 Grant knows that the car was sold into Victoria inthe late eighties after approximately 5 years ownership by his father, and at a later time it was spotted it in South Yarra. Grant is hoping that the car is still in Victoria - and that we can help him locate it. If you own, or have any knowledge of the whereabouts of this car, Grant would be very pleased to talk to you about it. His contact details are: Mob: 0418 816 916, email: gperryman@perrymans.com Club members April and Michael Roberts have decided to up stumps and head to Queensland. Michael and April (nee' Houghton) shared April's 911 Targa M2 car for several years in Club competition and both tasted success behind the wheel; April was our Ladies Champion in 1999 and 2000. The black Targa has moved on now, and in recent years Mike and April have been part of Jeff Thomas' very successful marshalling team. There have been several farewell dinners and drinks for them both, a sure sign that they will be missed. We wishthem all the best in Brisbane, and I understand that the Porsche Club of Queensland may soon have two new members.
Cliff Herbison A number of Club members have been attending the Events O'Neill track days and reporting them to be great fun. Organiser Luke O'Neill provides experienced racing drivers to give guidance and tuition, but no times are recorded and trackside beacons are banned as this is a training day. Their next Sandown track day is on Tuesday July 19th. Events O'Neill's web site provides more information: http://www. eventsoneill.com Last year I took the opportunity to thank the Advertisers and contributors to Porsche Parade. Without their support this magazine would not exist. However, there are another group of people who work behind the scenes, and they also deserve recognition for their work. At the head of the list is Ron Widdison, who always has a camera in his hand at events which he attends, taking high quality magazine grade photographs for use in the magazine. Members may know that Ron's company, Composite Colour, does the magazine layout and printing for Porsche Parade, but Ron's time an effort taking the great photo's you see in the magazine is all voluntary. Thanks Ron. I also appreciate it when contributors provide photo's to go with their reports, and also when we receive unsolicited photos for inclusion - usually of some notable Club member in an embarrassing position. Sometimes these photos are held back - not because they don't merit reproduction in the magazine, or that they are too embarrassing - but they will see the light of day at an appropriate time. Thanks you to those who have sent these photos through (no names, you know who you are), keep them coming. The layout, printing and binding of Porsche Parade also deserves a mention. Over the years this magazine has evolved from the high quality Club magazine that it was to a magazine format that you would expect to pay good money for in a News Agency. Yes, we do pay for this service, but I have first hand knowledge of the work that goes into the preparation, layout and production of this magazine and I can see the value we receive fantastic for our money, Many thanks to Ron Widdison and his team at Composite Colour (Noah and Chris), and also to Mark Chrzanowski who's company Quality Bookbinding Services bound the last edition for us. Club members would know that I am always on the lookout for photo's of events and Club activities to be posted to our web site. In particular I'd like to thank Robin and Greg Humphries, who have sent me digital photos from several events they have attended. If you have photo's which you would like to send through to me for inclusion on the web site, send them to editor@pcv.com.au. If you are interested in contributing a report to the next Porsche Parade, drop me a line at Editor@pcv.com.au, or contact me at the numbers provided on the Committee pages of this magazine.
An emphatic milestone is set to be made in Australian Motorsport history in season 2005. The Australian Porsche Drivers Challenge and Australian GT Championship, two of Australia's prestige race categories are combining grids to produce the most exhilarating on track action that will delight race fans nationwide. The Porsches will be out to prove themselves against the likes of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Dodge Vipers, Maserati's, Honda NSX, Mustangs, Cobras, Chevrolets, Corvettes, and Lotus Exiges in the most anticipated battle of 2005.
The 2005 season opener is fast approaching whilst cars, drivers and teams prepare for season ahead. Increased grid sizes, tight competition and nail biting battles will see the Australian Porsche Drivers Challenge become one of the most irresistible places to race in 05! There are many exciting prospects that lie ahead for the series in 2005, including an increased vehicle eligibility list. To spice up the Porsche action in 2005, entries will be accepted from cars that are 02 plated, and 02' upgraded to 03 Cup Car with the GT3 R/RS also featuring as another exciting addition to the eligible vehicles list in 2005.
regulations. APDC vehicles eligible for the AGTC are able to compete in both Championships simultaneously representing the best national series/championship value for money. Each round will be aired in a 30 minute program on the extremely popular 'Speedweek' program between 12-2pm on Sundays and will also feature on Fox Sports 'Inside Speed' * Broadcast dates to be confirmed. Please check our websites soon for air dates. www.porschedriverschallenge.com.au The combined field will run in the exciting new National Motorsport series known as the AMRS (Australian Motor Racing Series) which kicked off at Wakefield Park 26/27 February. 2005 Calendar Round 1: May 21-22 Round 2: July 2-3 Round 3: July 23-24
Round 6: Novejnber 12-13
The category is set to become one of the most popular and sort after place to race with competitor interest and response overwhelming. You too can be apart of it!
Phillip Island, VIC
Round 5: September NonChampionship
Phillip Island,VIC Raceway, QLD
Eastern Creek,NSW
Round 4: August 20-21
There will be many new faces along with some more familiar names vying for the crown in 2005. Fans can expect to see Marc Cini in his spectacularly turned out GT3 Cup Car along with the Koundouris brothers, James and Theo, who will grid up in their GT3 Cup Cars. Mark Eddy is biting at the bit to get his GT3 R back on track this season in the Porsche Challenge and will be joined by names like Claude Giorgi (04 GT3), Malcolm Lyn (04 GT3) Gavin Bullas (GT3), John Kaias (GT3), Russell Kempnich (GT3), 2004 Outright Champion David Giugni (993 RSCS), 2004 PCA GT3 Trophy winner Anthony Skinner and many more.
The two categories will continue to run their own individual championships within the combined races under their respective
Wakefield Park, NSW
3hr Endurance Race: Dec3-4 Eastern Creek,
Expect to see full fields of the world's most majestic machinery battling it out in what is certain to be on of the most exciting prospect of 2005! For any further information Challenge please contact:
on the Australian
Rachael Wagg info@porschedriverschallenge.com.au 93877788
t the time writing this article we had completed two events with Sandown looming. The Bendigo Sale Yards were a pleasant surprise for all. We have to thank Jeff Thomas for organising and designing the two courses for the day and we hope that this style of special event will become a more permanent fixture on our calendar. With a turn out of 45 cars most classes had some representation. The most disappointing aspect is the number of drivers who are not reading the "supp regs" published for each event. Helmets were required and some drivers arrived without theirs, CAMS licenses were forgotten and a number of people arrived late. I guess we can put this all down to the first event jitters and a new facility. Drivers need to remember that arriving fully prepared is essential to a .successful event. Phillip Island provided great weather and with 86 cars to get around the circuit, a minor increase in-group size saw a chance to complete more runs than normal ... until the unexpected occurred and a minor oil incident brought proceedings to a stand still. Fortunately our new fire crew was a bunch of hardened race veterans and they soon showed us the fastest way to deploy sawdust on the oil trails.
Duane Rogers. chips, suspension modifications and other modifications are added the game becomes one of compromise and money, and only a few want to play that game. The committee can only be guided by the rulebook that was written more than 10 years ago, and can only enforce that rulebook. Everyone wants to race without cheating and if "Sheep Stations" aren't on the agenda, and you want to modify your car then move to a modified class. People may not agree with the stand we took on modified struts in standard classes, but this has been done and some competitors have changed back to the standard setup and others stayed on in a modified class. There will always be faster cars in a standard class, because PCV use a very simplistic power to weight calculation with little exception to technology.
Thanks as always goes to the flag marshal's on the day. You will also note in a recent mailout a flyer asking that any wouldbe official's contact the Committee to assist with events on our 2005 calendar. Your support will assist Jeff Thomas in the function of recruiting volunteers for our up and coming events. If you have not received or misplaced this information, please contact me and we will assist in collecting your information.
We believe that most cars running in A thru D are very close to standard, we just need to peg back some of the anomalies that have crept in during the last 10 years; that way everyone can stand and agree that at the pointy end of a class, the driver is the nut that is producing the result, not the car.
A couple of issues were noted from PI and these are topics that need occasional reminding.
Elsewhere in this magazine we have detailed the Competition Committee's views on the Standard Porsche.
· Noise limits at all of our track days are normally 75db. If you get pinged by the track officials you will get one warning. On a second offence you go home.
Moving forward committee has to deal with more technology issues with newer vehicles. A 997 can be optioned with PASM (Active Suspension Management) as Porsche assure us this can take seconds off a hot lap at a track. If someone enters a production car and another enters a 997 with the PASM option, both cars' will fall into the same power to weight category, yet how do you penalise a modification that can be optioned from new?
· If you have other numbers on your car, these need to be taped out, so the PCV window number is the only visible number. We do not want the wrong cars blacked flag because of a misread number, and this occurred at PI. · The novice sighting laps for our track days are just that. Novice drivers who have not been to that track before get a chance to drive in their own cars with an instructor. These sessions are not designed for instructors to drive passengers. Practice days can be used for this type of tuition and we are attempting to organise these during 2005. We are also considering the issue of mismatched racing seats with lap sashes and harnesses. We are aware that some configurations of seats, belts and harnesses are not legal or do not provide the necessary protection. More information will be provided on this safety issue, and we will formulate a statement on this, for 2006. During 2005 scrutineering we will be noting aruflnvestiqatinq this issue and any input into this topic can be directed to Race Control.
Technology aids have never fully been investigated or quantified within the current rulebook, yet on occasions committee has decided to just move a vehicle from one class to another because it performs better. These discretionary changes reflect that power to weight ratio rule cannot be the only way of classifying cars. Relatively minor aids or modifications can and do influence performance, we need to consider how to deal with these issues in 2005, but more importantly the 2006 rulebook. On that basis the 2006 rulebook will be formulated by August 2005 and a sub committee will be selected to review and recommend any changes for 2006.
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During this year we have a number of new facilities that we are currently developing motorkhanas style events similar to Bendigo. We have received major criticism that members want more sprint events and less special events. Once again Eligibility is becoming the most debated issue for 2005, and we have conflicting opinions on how to level the competition based on the lack of support from the membership, we are and provide more standard cars a chance to compete and considering dropping all testing and reverting back to the good old days of letting drivers get away with modifications that the,¥ earn points against the track setup specials. In years gone 6elieve are right based on their interpretation of the rule book. . by Club Champions were not always the fastest on the track. You needed a balance of both disciplines, and we believe that I have noted that many cars are running modified chips in the 2005 calendar attempts to provide a chance to allow for standard class and general consensus is that this is ok and we this result. should leave them because it has been that way for a long time .... I am not sure why we don't just run modified classes, simplify In closing we hope that drivers can understand the directions the rules and allow all of these changes. The standard classes we are taking can only make the competition stronger and are meant to allow members with 'standaro cars to compete fairer and lets all get back to having a lot of fun in the spirit of with a minimum number of changes in a competitive way. When the Club.
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Gathering momentum fter a slow start, which was perhaps inevitable for such a potentially big activity, things are beginning to happen and we now have no fewer than eight members who have volunteered to act as Captains of six Registers. The Registers are: The Restorer's Register. Graeme Ankers is the enthusiastic Captain whose eyes twinkle when he sees a likely object for future restoration. As you see from his introduction he's restored a wide range of cars and has lots of experience of older cars. Have a chat with him; he's full of useful advice. As you will see from his contribution here he has great plans for the Register. Boxsters. Geoff Mould and Aranka Young have agreed to team up and be joint Captains. Both of them are well known competitors in the Club and they have embryonic arrangements for a special introduction to the new Boxster. Watch out for the announcement. The 911 's (74 - 89) Register. Keith Ryding and Steve Page are joint Captains of this very large Register with potentially over 200 members. Their message here to those of you with 911 's in the year range is your invitation to join them. 924's, 944's, 968's (Front Engined Water Cooled 4's FEWC4's) Paul Flintoft is your Captain and he will be well known as co-driver to Alex Davison at the last two Mt Buller Hill Climbs. Paul, with able assistance from Kay, ran the first Register outing to the hills near Healesville a few weeks ago and some 13 cars joined him. 928's. (FEWC8's) Drew Cossar is the Captain and is the proud owner of an immaculate 1994928 GTS. His invitation to join his Register and his report on the inaugural run to Lome together with photographs are on the next page? We are organising a 928 Nationals Day on Monday 31 st October at Calder. This will be a great event of all 928's around the country to get together, get on the track and have some fun. More information soon.
Richard Oldham While we're talking ideas some people have contributed very negative comments on the acronyms FEWC4's and 8's that I've used and I must admit they are a little cumbersome. In the absence of anything better I'll continue to use them but if anybody has any brilliant (and polite) suggestions for improvement please let me know. The next step for most of the Registers, excepting the FEWC4's - Paul Flintoft's group, is to go out by email to the members identified in the Database as owners of that particular model with an invitation to join the Register. Carly Pasco, who is a whiz on the computer, will send out the emails to you and ask you to reply to her at PCV-Admin. She will then collate the replies and forward them on to the appropriate Register Captain who will then get in touch with responders direct.
:-a CD
It is generally accepted that communication from PCV Admin with the membership will be by email, though Register Captains can use whatever means they wish. Those of you who don't have access to email can respond to this article directly by phone or fax to any of the Captains or Carly. We do not propose to use the ordinary mail system for Register communications. The DataBase is being revised and refined to facilitate its use with the Registers and other activities in the future. Richard Oldham,
•• CD ••en
Register Co-ordinator
Porsche 911 Turbos. (All models and years) Graham Lachlan has kindly volunteered to be the Captain and he looks forward to getting your reply to his invitation to join him. There are over 40 Turbos in the Club ranging from the oldest built in the early 70's to the latest 996 and, soon to be I expect, the 997 version. The RS Register. As this whole Register initiative was the brainchild of your past President, Ian Knight, you won't be surprised to know he has accepted the role of Captain of the RS Register. Like the Turbo's the RS models and their derivatives span the 911 years and many have been produced. Ian will pick up the baton in July once his present cornmttments have eased - though Carly Pascoe, our excellent and most efficient PCV Administrator, will be in touch with RS owners in the next month or so. You will have noticed that despite the number of Registers there are some big gaps and the biggest group, probably the 993's and 996's, haven't yet been addressed as yet., Two Registers don't yet have Captains: the 964's of which there are about 47 cars in the Club and the early 911's ('63 - '73). If you own a 964 or an early 911 and you feel like running a register please get in touch with me. And if you have any ideas as to how we might logically split up or group the 993's and 996's I'd be pleased to hear from you. Better still please volunteer as Captain:
Aranka Young
Drew Cassar
Geoff Mould
Graham Ankers
Graham Lachlan
Steve Page & Keith Ryding 1/2005
He should know, as he's done more hard Boxster kilometres in Australia than most of us.
engine compartment of every Boxster until the new 987 series rolled off the line late last year.
As early as 1994, a convoy of plain black, heavily camouflaged /,-engineering prototypes spent quality time in the centre of Australia, travelling at high speed in 40 degree temperatures on the de restricted roads of the Northern Territory and then had every body seal tested against the invasion of the ever-present red dust on back roads from Adelaide to Alice Springs and Darwin to Sydney.
When incorporated in the first pre-production cars built in 1994, it was the mounting plate for a hand-operated hydraulic pump that was originally intended to raise and lower the Boxster's award-winning soft-top. It hindsight, it was a weird idea - a sort of half-way house between the Mazda MX5's one-hand manual flip back and a fully-electric job. Worse, that triangular plate also encroached on the precious space within the tight engine bay, limiting the size of the air filter, but there was nowhere else for it to go.
Juergen Kapfer was a key member of that original Boxster development team and has revisited Australia on test missions many times since, so it was not surprising to find him back to talk to AustralianvPorsche technicians, sales staff and press during the local launch of the new models in the Hunter Valley. And it was no surprise then to find that the latest Boxsters have lost nothing in translation from Stuttgart to Sydney. With their stiffer bodies, wider track, better aerodynamics, extra power and raft of new driver-assisting technology borrowed from the 997series 911, they continued to impress on home territory. However, there's another 'lost in translation' story on the new Boxsters that applies equally to left and right hand drive models. And this loss is every Boxster's gain. Peel back the fabric roof, detach it around the heavily insulated and carpeted engine cover, gaze in wonder at the more powerful 2.7 litre or 3.2 litre 'boxer' six cylinder engines that few owners will ever see and you'll notice something different in the second generation models. The air cleaner is substantially bigger. It's a major change to the air guidance system of every 2005 Boxster engines that has reduced back-pressure by a whopping 53 per cent. And because the filter has to do less work, its cartridge now can be changed every 60,000km instead of 20,000km. So if it was all that easy, who didn't the engineers fit a larger air filter in the first place? Remove the filter body, come in closer and you'll see. Something's missing. t's a seemingly insignificant triangular piece of steel, about the size of a folded paper table napkin that filled a corner of the
There's certainly a more urgent edge to the performance - try 0100km/h in 6.2 seconds for the manual Boxster and 5.5 seconds for the manual Boxster S. But it's the way the engines and transmissions work with the 14 per cent stiffer chassis, the up to 35mm wider track, bigger wheels and tyres, larger, better-cooled brakes and even sharper, variable ratio steering, that make the Boxster arguably the fastest point-to-point roadster you can buy. Both Boxsters can now boast perhaps the slickest gearchange in the business, with the Boxster S's new Getrag 6-speed manual transmission and shorter shift now also available on the Boxster as an option to the Boxster's sweet five-speed manual. Alternatively, you can order either with Porsche's intelligent five-speed Tiptronic S transmission, which allows either fullyautomatic operation, or manual driver intervention when the road and mood warrants it. However after the car had passed its critical barrier 'crash tests, the smarter marketing decision was taken to make the roof's operation electric. The mounting plate thus became irrelevant, but to remove it would have meant re-running the entire crash test programme and there simply wasn't time.
Specify the optional Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) and the already-brilliant chassis becomes even more poised as it continually optimises the suspension's reaction to changing road surfaces.
From the outset, the Boxster and its 996 brother had to succeed-to ensure Porsche's survival as an independent carmaker in the fact of a potential German Government directive for a forced marriage with Daimler-Benz or Volkswagen. And with falling sales in the wake of the Recession and the diverse and costly-to-produce front and rear-engined model range dragging the company down, every second to bring the new models to market counted. Two years ago, when Porsche's engineers again focussed their attention on the Boxsterfor its scheduled life-cycle metamorphosis into the 987, there was the time and now the money in the bank to make not only this, but many other sometimes small, yet significant changes. Certainly Juergen Kapfer and his Power Train Development team wasted no time in removing that extraneous metal triangle and the extra space it liberated was a crucial step in allowing the engine to breathe deeper and easier. More structural changes allowed a complete re-design of the Boxster's exhaust system, with the gasses now flowing more directly to the mufflers via new thin-wall, large cross-section pipes passing through the wheel arches, rather than being cramped beside the gearbox. In concert with other complementary enhancements, Porsche's engine team extracted a further 8kW from the Boxster's 2.7 litre engine, while the new power manifold developed specially for the Boxster S has released an extra15kW from its 3.2 litre engine. Peak torque for both power units is also up by 10Nm.
It comes with a console-switch able 'Sports' mode, which instructs PASM to work within the stiffer end of its performance range, but in practice we found that on all but billiard table smooth roads, the computer knows best, delivering a ride that is both more compliant, yet also firmer when working hard than the standard suspension. So that little tell-tale switch that is sometimes hard to see doesn't really matter at all!
The story of that missing piece of metal is symbolic of the myriad of small, yet significant changes made by Porsche's engineers to create the second generation Boxster - many of them which may pass unnoticed on first glance.
Like the new undershielding that now covers 70 per cent of the underbody; the bigger side air intakes that contribute to a 15 per cerirrnore efficient cooling system; larger side window glass that automatically clears water as you travel; a completely new folding roof that you can raise and lower at speeds up to 50km/h and assists in delivering 25mm more head room to occupants. Certainly first driving impressions in the Austrian Alps last October were very positive, but with their stiffer bodies, wider track, better "aerodynamics, extra power and raft of new driver-assisting technology borrowed from the 997-series 911, the new Boxsters are even more impressive on home territory. Start up either model and the muscular new sound that is a product of the revised intake and exhaust system confirms you're in for a new experience. "
Holden Racing Team founder, Australian Rally Champion and Phillip Island and Bathurst endurance race winner Harry Firth won the closed car section of the 1960 Australian Hillclimb Championships at Collingrove, South Australia in 1960 at the wheel of a 356A coupe, while Sydney's Jack Bono's modified 356 won the GT class. â&#x20AC;˘ Then in 1966, Norman Hillclimb Championship 904-based Bergspyder that year's Targa Florio national hillclimb titles 1981.
Hamilton's son Alan won the Australian outright at Collingrove in the Porsche sports car that had just finished second in road race. He went on to take two more in Porsche-powered cars in 1971 and
Fast forward to Mt.Buller, 2005. Nearly 57 years after the first Porsches scrambled up the Austrian Alps near Gmund, that mountain breeding shone through as a series of current model Porsches and a veteran hill climbing champion from 1959, dominated the outright and class results of the second annual Porsche Mt.Bulier Sprint. After its tentative debut in 2004, the special stage tarmac climb from the Alpine National Park entrance to the Mt.Buller Alpine Resort 180 kilometres North-East of Melbourne, hit the right buttons with both entrants and spectators alike in 2005. While less than 40 entrants sampled last year's inaugural Sprint, more than 90 cars from around Australia, including 28 current and classic Porsches, numerous four wheel drive rally cars, thundering V8 sports sedans and one-off specials, challenged both the clock and the wiles of the spectacular tourist road, with its alpine views and daunting drops over the weekend of January 22-23. And amongst them were around 30 PCV members. The Sprint began officially on the Friday afternoon in nearby Mansfield, with a 1.4km long Prologue stage around the crowdlined town streets to seed competitors for the eight individual climbs they faced over the weekend. From the outset it was clear that Porsche's name was destined to be written all over the results. Although Queensland's Wayne Park topped the Prologue time sheets in his fast but fragile 1985 Ford RS 200, followed by PCV members Jeff Beaumont and Jenny Cole in Beaumont's highly fancied 1999 Mitsubishi Evo 6, the next four places were taken by Porsches.
An outstanding third outright were Alistair Bye and Michael Sherrin in Sherrin's GT3. No one was surprised to see seven-time Targa Tasmania Champions Jim Richards and Barry Oliver shadowing the leaders in Richards' 2003 model 911 GT2, from Tony Esplin (GT3), Max Williams (GT3) and Kevin Weeks (GT2), with the PCV's Simon Froude eighth in his GT3. But, like Targa Tasmania and Classic Adelaide, the Prologue only counted for starting places and when it really counted, the cream rose to the top. Alex Davison and the PCV's Paul Flintoft were uncatchable in 2004 in a virtually showroom-standard GT3, but even in their lighter and more purposeful GT3 RS this year they couldn't match the extra 'puff' of Jim Richards' turbocharged GT2. While Davison/Flintoft were consistently below their best 2003 GT3 time of 9min.01 sec. on all but one of their six timed runs over the weekend, dropping their personal best to 8min. 51.9sec, they never headed Richards and Oliver, The Targa champions opened their Mt.Buller account with a stunning 8min.55.30 opener and worked from there, finally lowering the record to 8min. 45.50 on their fifth run late on the Sunday morning. To underscore their hillclimbing heritage, Porsches also filled the next three outright places, with Queensland-based performance driving instructor Alistair Bye and Michael Sherrin third in their
Phil Verwoert enjoys his Cayenne Turbo on the Mt.Buller Sprint course in the untimed Porsche Touring category.
A number of other PCV members took part in the Sprint and posted impressive results. After placing third outright behind Alex Davison and Peter Brock (Monaro) in 2004, Rex Broadbent found the Porsche competition much hotter this year and despite undercutting his 2004 times could do not better than a still-excellent sixth place outright in Richard Bendell's 2000 model Daytona Coupe. Jeff Beaumont and Jenny Cole were eighth in their Mitsubishi Evo, while Simon Froude with Geoff Floyd were ninth in Simon's GT3.
The PCV's Simon Froude and Geoff Floyd finished ninth outright in their GTJ. current model 911 GT3, Tony Quinn and Keith Wenn fourth in their 2001 model 911 Turbo and Kevin Weeks and Jammeil Taylor from South Australia fifth in their 2001 model 911 GT2. Not an outright contender anymore, but a class winner and a crowd favourite, at Mt.Buller was the 1959 model Porsche 718 RSK 1500 Spyder which I navigated for Queensland Porsche Club stalwart and former Porsche Cup racer Peter Harburg. 'Navigate' in this case is a euphemism potatoes in the passenger seat'.
for 'sat like a sack of
With no odometer to read the official route notes by and no aural communications between Peter and myself because the lack of ignition suppression turned our words into high-pitched static, we were reliant on hand signals to transcribe Paul Flintoft's pace notes into something meaningful. Eventually we hot on a system where I would hold up four fingers or less to describe the upcoming tightest corners on the course according to the notes, no doubt entertaining the spectators who must have thought they were witnessing an official entry from the School for the Deaf. However, despite these handicaps, we won our class and have the trophy to prove it! But it was worth being a sack of potatoes for a weekend just to experience this magical little Porsche and Peter's enthusiastic and very capable driving. Entered by the Porsche Salzburg dealership for driver Ernst Vogel, the diminutive alloy-bodied sports car won two rounds and finished runner-up in the 1959 European Mountain Championship, including a notable victory in the Gaisberg Hillclimb, when Vogel beat Porsche factory driver Heinrich Walter in the rain. The car went on win the Austrian National Championship sports car series for cars up to 1500cc and also set an FIA 1500cc standing kilometer record in 1959. Peter acquired the car from a New York collector last year and is determined to make full use of it in Australian historic events so watch for this superbly presented and expertly driven piece of Porsche history coming to a race circuit near you.
Porsche's sponsorship included supplying all the course cars, some of which went uphjll faster than the competitors! .
Too much puff. Jim Richards and Barry Oliver had the power on Alex Davison and Paul Flintoft from the outset in their GT2. Other PCV members and their results were: John Crane/Shaun Carstairs (GT3), 18; Paul Stuart/Michael Herrod (GT3 RS), 21; Mark Cummings/Chris Alp (GT3), 25; Greg Muller (Mitsubishi Evo 8), 30; Paul Girt/Flavio Parletta (1974 911 3.6), 31; Jeff & Nerida Beable (1997 GT-R), 32; Geoff Taylor/ Lee Harper (1974 911 Carrera 2.7), 46; Tony Robertson/Stewart McAuley (1995 911 RS CS), 50;Peter Harburg/Michael Browning (1959 Type 718 RSK Spyder), 63; Max & Ben Williams (GT3), 70; Stewart & Alex Webster (1962 356), 73; Garry & Mark Tierney (996 Turbo), 85. However not all Porsches at Mt.Buller ran against the clock. Enthusiast owners and partners in the Porsche Cars Australiasponsored Touring Group enjoyed a more relaxed drive up the course in their private cars on two occasions over the weekend, while seven current model Porsches - 911s, Cayennes and Boxsters - provided an ever-present Porsche backdrop in their key official vehicle roles as high-speed course cars. While there have been some recent changes in the management structure of the Mt.Bulier Sprint, with Sam Beck resigning as the event's Sales & Marketing Director and the decision about Porsche's naming sponsorship undecided at the time of going to print, there's little doubt that the Sprint will go ahead in 2006 and will be as popular as it was this year. It's a great event to practice your Targa-style tarmac rallying skills on, with up to eight runs over the same course to refine your driving and pace note techniques. And if you've got a Porsche, it's a real uphill blast your car will enjoy. It's in its DNA.
Alex Davison and Paul Flintoft put in a mighty performance in their GT3 RS, but could not match the GT2 of Richards/Oliver on the 16km hill climb.
Our first track day at Phillip Island was run later than usual in February, due to the circuit hosting other events early in the month. The late February date caused a conflict for/Club members who had entered Rally Tasmania, and as many of them are regular M1 runners the field was somewhat depleted I,of front running cars in this class. It was left to Brian Power to give Sven Burchartz a hard time, which he happily did! On the weather front, the weather gods were kind to us, with warm and dry conditions throughout the day. As cars were scrutinized, several cars entered into Classes A - D were reclassified into modified classes due to various irregularities. As more focus is being applied to how standard cars are being prepared, compliance issues are being identified, particularly with exhaust systems. The Competition Committee continues toCtdiscuss compliance and guidance for competitors has been drafted. After the customary drivers briefing and novice laps, the event was underway. The field quickly settled down to the business of the day, having fun, driving as quickly (and safely) as possible and hopefully coming away from the event with a top three finish in class. For the most part, the day ran to plan and only one or two minor problems caused any delay (see Barbara Clearihan's notes which accompany this report).
I'm pleased to report that Graham managed another great lap in the third session to take out the class win, and I promise I won't do it again! (Note to self, don't lose concentration when entering the main straight, as it's a very fast corner to run wide on!) Many drivers did complain that their times were slower than at previous outings, a fact supported by their lap times - although a few drivers did manage to better their previous times from last October - very strange. Perhaps this was due in part to Victoria's unseasonal deluge earlier in the month, which no doubt washed rubber off the circuit? With most drivers managing to record 10 competitive laps over the course of the day, no one had any complaints regarding track time as they packed up and headed home. With the conditions not supporting ultra-fast times, it was not surprising that no driver managed to reset any class lap records on the day, but there were plenty who were trying. At the close of competition, as follows.
the top three in each class were
Open 1 (Lap Record 1:38.843 - Gregory Lovett) Open 1 was a tightly fought battle, with John Kaias (GT3 Cup) crossing the line with a fastest time of 1:44.186. Running a close second was Stan Adler (GT2) with a best time of 1:44.883, ~ome 3 seconds slower than he achieved in October '04. Simon Froude (GT3) was less than .5 of a second behind Stan in third place.
Outright and Open 1 honours were fought out by John Kaias and Stan Adler, with John emerging as the victor on the day. John was ably supported by Club stalwart and multiple-Australian title holder Peter Fitzgerald. Peter was both driving coach and race engineer on the day, and John's success was, no doubt, good practice for his assault on the Porsche Drivers Challenge this year. Ken Jarrett and Anthony Morabito fought out Open 2, while Brian and Sven sorted themselves out at the head of the M1 field, the rest of the class relished the opportunity to secure a place higher than normal. In M2, the battle for first was a tight affair, and at one point it looked like Graham Gorman would have to' settle for second place. Graham was on a very hot lap at the end of the second timed session when he entered the final. turn onto the main straight to find a car, half off the circuit and swinging wildly from side to side, and he had to sacrifice his lap to give the errant car (and driver) room to recover in safety.
Flag marshalls get together prior to the first run.
The registration team did a great job processing the competitors in a timely manner, so a big thank you goes out to them as well. Peter Witt has his scrutineering team firing on all cylinders and they quickly and efficiently processed cars and drivers. The CFA called in to inspect and stamp fire extinguishers, which was appreciated by all and we thank them for their help. Full . results are reprinted at the back of the and available for downloading from the Club http://www.pcv.com.au.
magazine, web site,
Notes from Phillip Island By Barbara Clearihan
Nina Probert & Laura Rodgers Open 2 (Lap Record 1:49.47 - Ken Jarrett) Ken Jarrett (GT3) was the clear victor in Open 2, with a time of 1:50.637. Securing second place was Anthony Morabito (996 3.6) who ran a 1:53.754, and Michael Bouts (964) collected third with a time of 1:56.017. M1 (Lap Record 1:47.61 - David Lawson) Sven Burchartz (911 3.4 Carrera) continued in winning form from our last outing at the Island and won M1 with a time of 1:48.343. Brian Power (993 RSCS) was right on Sven's tail for all day, but could not pass the flying Legal Eagle and finished in second place with a quickest lap of 1:48.531. Tony Robertson (993 RSCS) was third fastest with a 1:54.505. M2 (Lap Record 1:48.095 - Sven Burchartz) Graham Gorman has found yet more time from his 911.2.79 RS and won M2 with a time of 1:53.332. It was a near thing, as up until the last session second placed Glenn Cook was just ahead of Graham, but ultimately Glenn had to settle for second with a time of 1:53.337 (yep, that's 5/1000 behind Graham!). Third on the day was Michael Vati (911 SC 3.0), with a time of 1:54.922. A Class (Lap Record 1:48.095 - Matthew Harris) Mark McNamara (993) won A Class with a time of 1:51.804, with Ian Jenkins (993) taking second with a time of 1:54.727. Rounding out the top three was Tony Bennett (993), with a fastest lap of 1:55.788. B Class (Lap Record 1:51.677 - Jeffrey Babik) With Jeffery Babik not running, B Class should have been fought out by Michael Browning and Richard Waters - but no one told Matt Kirwan-Hamilton (964 C2) about this, and he duly clocked the fastest lap and won B Class with a time of 1:53.671. Michael Browning (3.2 Carrera) was second with a lap of 1:53.740, and Richard Waters (964 3.6 C2) ran third with a 1:55.616. C Class (Lap Record 1:52.542 - Mark Chrzanowski) Mark Chrzanowski (911 SC) and Cameron Cox (91.1 3.0 Carrera) continue their battle for honours in this class, with Mark again taking the win with a time of 1:54.764. Cameron's 1:55.413 was jusf(by 5/100) quick enough to relegate Roly Newman (911 3.0 best lap of 1:55.467. Carrera) to third with
The entry to the track is new, and quite different. How long it will stay that way is up for bets. However, it worked OK for us on the day, an interesting narrow 'lane' going parallel down to Corner 1, to enter the track there. Some drove down on Saturday, stayed at a very special B&B which was very luxurious, breakfast wonderful, driver's could only eat their hearts out because they had to be out too early to enjoy that. Sounds as if it is worth a separate visit to PI just for the B&B experience. 07.45 start of Scrutiny of our cars and ourselves. Scrutineers overheard giving a joking +5 to an entrant about to hit a witch hat, before we got out on the track. Did anyone check Brian Power's oil filler cap? Because it was loose and sprayed all over the track in his practice run, stopping the process for an appreciable time. There's always something eventful in the first group or two to slow things. I hear the schedule in fact builds this in. Jill Willis is back in action, and happy to be here. Not having driven for nearly 2 years, and not at PI for 14 years, she finished the day with 2.05, she wasn't happy but some others would have been! Chris Claydon getting used to the new 924 Turbo, the flying blue short-wheel base 911 no longer to be seen swinging perilously from left 2 wheels to right 2 wheels as he pummeled the little machine around with great flair. It has been good to see an early car out there, not enough of them! At the drivers' briefing, seems there was a problem for some in defining 'novice' driver, for that extra lap at the start, to sight the track. Open to (mis)interpretation by some. Then a question about passing, answer was the usual 'not under brakes, not in corners', Sven came back with a rejoinder which Michael Chapman followed with 'in your case behind a tree would be accepted'. To claim you took this literally is a bit far-fetched, but of course someone did, another of 'the rules don't apply to me' contingent, who claimed innocently that he had taken MC's comment literally. So he didn't think he was out of order. Ho hum. Bruce Harris was working hard in pit lane all day, his carsold and so he's Porsche-Iess for the first time in 30 years. A few drivers stayed through until the end and so had an extra bit of fun, taking the flaggies and helpers around, demo laps in exchange for the work they put in over the day.
D Class (Lap Record 1:55.36 - Matthew Stoupas) Rick Barton (944 S2) returned to Club competition with success on his mind, and duly won D Class with a fastest lap of 1:59.007. , Garry Voges (944 S2) led the class for most of the daY, but on their final lap each driver achieved their best times and Rick got past Garry, who had to路 settle for second place with a best lap of 1:59.1 00. Juris Briedis (944 S2) ran a 2:02.886 to take out third. Jeff Thomas and his team of volunteer marshals did a great job in looking after the safety aspects of the day, and our thanks go to all who' donated their time to assist.
Jeff Thomas prepares to take the track.
21 )
Island Sprints
Class A
20 February
Class A A A
993 9933.6 9933.6
Bruce Young
Ian Jenkins
OutRight Class Outright Class Points Points Place Place
Tony Bennett
Mark McNamara
Boxster 3.2 S
Rod Quince Geoffrey
3.2 S
3.2 S
930 3.3 Turbo Boxster 3.2 S
993 C4S
Trent Smyth
Class B Matt Klrwan-Harnltton
9643.6 C2
John Ashby
911 2.7 Carrera
Tony Jennings
DiBartolo Newland
Peter Harrison Jeff Kerr-Bell
JiliWitiis Jay Palmer
944 Turbo
968 CS 2.89 964 3.6
911 3.2 Carrera
9113.0 SC
911 3.0 Carrera
Peter Witt
9113.0 SC 9113.0 SC 9113.0 SC
911 3.2 Wide body
944 Turbo
Chapman Cementan
David Paszek Andrew
Philip Dobson Madeleine
Class D
9113.0 SC 911 3.2 Cab W
944 S2 944 S2 944 S2 3.0 944 S2 Cab 9443.0 S2
Chris Claydon
David Morgan Simon
Matt Martin
Tony Robertson
M1 M1
Brian Power
911 3.2 Carrera
993 RSCS 993 3.8 RSCS
Neil Jeffs
M1 M1
Michael Bouts Bill Stephenson
993 RS Touring
M2 M2 M2 M2
9112.9 RS 911 RS 9113.0 SC 9683.0 CS
Duane Rodgers Nicholas Batzialas
911 3.2 Carrera
911 3.2 Carrera
Mark Clair
M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2
911 CS 9683.0 9683.0 9112.7 9112.9 9683.0 9683.0
Glenn Cook Michael
Stuart Jackson
Robin Raymer Jeff Thomas Mamie
Class OPEN 1 John Kalas Stan Adler Simon
Don Tryhorn Simon
Troy Stapleton
Class OPEN 2
25 20 16 13 11 10 9
9443.0 S2
Cliff Herbison
Class M1 Sven Burchartz
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
9113.0 SC 9113.0 SC
Rick Barton Garry Voges Juris Briedis
6 5 4 3 2
911 3.0 Carrera
Grant Stephenson
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8
911 3.2 Carrera
9643.6 C2 9113.2 911 SC 9113.2 9683.0
Mark Chrzanowski
6 5 4
911 3.2 Carrera
9643.6 C2
S 3.2
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8
Boxster 3.2 S 996
10 9
993 RS Touring 9442.5
3.3 Kremer
GT3 GT2 GT3 CS 9643.6 RS GT3 GT2 928
25 20 16 13 11 8 5
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8
Peter Vanderzee
15th 22nd 29th
GT3 GT3RS GT3 968 3.0 CS RSR 3.6
1:52.881 1:46.531 1:54.969 1:57:405
1:52.064 1:48.918 1:54.505 1:55.394
1:56:414 1:59.352
1:56.017 1:59.999
1:56.980 2:09.297 1:54.922 1:59.789 1:59.258
1:54.592 1:53.515 1:56.548 2:02.029 1:59.071
2:00.859 2:00.917 2:05.613
2:00.209 2:01.592 2:11.986
1:52.139 1:56.286 1:59.144 2:04.075 2:06.745
1:50.637 1:56.219 1:54.662 2:01:473 2:06.265
1:50.860 1:55:439 1:56.044 1:56:636 2:05.551
1:53.332 1:54.654 1:57.611 1:55.912 1:58.836 2:05.127
1:54.013 1:53.807 1:56:411 1:55.595 1:59.917 1:59.339
2:04.777 2:01.806 1:55:449 1:56.182 1:59.380 1:59.511
2:02.338 2:01.542 2:06.354 2:14.837 2:12.568 2:23.347
2:10:453 2:02.320 2:05.138 2:14.097 2:10.615 2:21.126
2:01.873 2:01.217 2:04.158 2:15.961 2:12.306 2:31.839
2:13.731 2:09:471 2:14.805 2:10.271
1:45.097 1:45.971 1:45.735 1:49.287 1:47.591 1:55.356
1:45.009 1:47.530 1:45.977 1:48.035
1:44.186 1:45.751 1:46.079 1:46.958
1:46.326 1:46.770 1:45.300 1:47.553
1:44.978 1:46.906 1:46.937 1:46.354
1:54.704 1:55.819 1:59.882 2:00.583
1:50.794 1:56.841 2:03.007 2:03.638 2:09.823
1:51.921 1:56.677 1:58.728 2:01.858 2:07.358
1:53.233 1:55.523 1:57:480 1:57.896 2:09.002
" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1:48.343 1:48.531 1:54.505 1:54.578 1:55.163 1:56.017 1:56.262 2:17.688
1:49.146 1:52.139 1:57.587 1:54.578 1:55.512 1:57.689 1:58.089 2:29.081
1:48.985 1:52.436 1:58.756 1:55:457 1:55.163 1:58.292 1:57.875 2:20:419
1:48.725 1:49.987 1:59.681 1:55.662 1:55.438 1:56.191 1:56.571 2:20.369
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1:53.332 1:53.337 1:54.922 1:55.595 1:58.836 1:59.339 2:00.112 2:00.209 2:00:400 2:04.158 2:09.788 2:10.271 2:19.294
1:54.130 1:55.726 1:57.007 1:57.149 2:00.921 2:04.121 2:00.212
1:54.783 1:53:422 1:57.681 1:56.222 2:00.285 2:02.244 2:00.772
1:54.357 1:53.337 1:58.286 1:56.292
2:00.714 2:01.286 2:00.241 2:00.112
2:02.264 2:17.007 2:12.567 2:19:401 4:45.101
2:00:400 2:05.524 2:09.788 2:17.182 2:22.323
2:01.510 2:11:422 2:08.840 2:14.691 2:12.221 2:16.888 2:19.294
1:44.186 1:44.883 1:45.300 1:46.354 1:46.749 1:48.866 1:52.934
1:47.249 1:45.771 1:47.969 1:50.586 1:46.749 1:53.502 2:04.984
1:45.359 1:45.697 1:46.652 1:47.389 1:46.785 1:48.866 1:54.141
1:44.731 1:46.357 1:45.541 1:47.347 1:47.360 1:50.325 1:54.315
Morwell Hill Climb Brighton Show / Shine & BBQ DECA practice
1:57.031 1:57.879 1:58.010 1:57.942 2:00.092 2:00.933
2:01.120 2:00.791 2:03.109 2:12.256 2:06.818 2:13:482 2:20.250
2:05.800 2:07.094
1:48.784 1:50.204 1:55.337 1:55.345 1:56.718 1:56.451 1:56.262 2:17.688
2:00.482 2:00.363 2:02.996 2:09.841 2:09.620 2:13.998 2:21.212
1:52.187 1:54.666 2:00.102 2:02.112 2:06.849
2:06.793 2:08.175
1:48.554 1:50.133 1:56.580 1:55.839 1:55.964 1:58.206 1:56.327 2:18.570
2:01.270 2:07.231 2:08.702 2:07.805 2:12:448 2:14.971 2:22.261
1:52.042 1:53.754 2:00.059 2:03:464 2:08.508
1:59.007 1:59.100
1:48.343 1:49.243 1:59.254 2:03.283 1:55.874 1:57.777 1:57:468 2:19.947
1:59.007 1:59.100 2:02.886 2:05.068 2:06.818 2:13:482 2:17.392
1:51.532 1:59.655 2:00.887 2:01.938 2:15.313
1:59.309 1:59.565
1:49.052 1:49.106 1:56:435 1:56.594 2:03:466 1:56.808 1:59.213 2:28.087
2:03.130 2:05.539 2:14.153 2:11:442 2:10.518 2:13.961 2:14:427
1:50.637 1:53.754 1:54.662 1:56.636 2:05.551
1:59.361 1:59.874 2:12.748 2:05.068 2:07.340
1:57.520 1:56.594 1:57.137 2:02.504 2:05.826 2:03:493 2:07.522 2:10.939 2:13.671 2:19.548 2:18.859 2:13.022
9 16 19 32 59
1:56:486 1:55:413 1:56.874 2:00.773 2:04.897 2:03.137 2:05.942 2:11.497 2:12.923 2:19.548 2:14.265 2:16.719
1 2 3 4 5 8 11
1:57.299 1:55.751 1:57.186 2:03:413 2:05.171 2:02.904 2:10.610 2:18.405 2:08.586 2:19.548 2:14.558 2:23.121
1:55.093 1:55.583 2:00.297 1:59.380 2:01:437
1:54.764 1:55:413 1:55:467 1:59.147 2:01.102 2:02.904 2:05.539 2:07.648 2:08.586 2:10.518 2:12.224 2:13.022
25 20 16 13 11 10 9
2:01.521 1:59.994 2:01.629 2:07.127 2:08.367 2:08.770 2:08.699 2:13.535
2:00.194 2:00.670 2:04.314 2:07.289 2:10.738
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
43 44 45 55 68 69
1:57.141 1:56.650 2:00.332 1:59.753 2:01.102 2:04.853 2:08.098 2:08.231 2:08.980 2:11.927
2:00.929 1:59.874 2:02.886 2:07.288 2:08.104
2:00.661 2:02.096 2:03.832 2:10.360 2:11.474
1:53.671 1:55.250 1:55.616 1:59.712 1:57.610 2:03.074 2:01.949 2:03.294 2:06.606 2:07:490 2:07:442
12 13 22 26 36
2:03.752 2:00.106 2:03.141 2:05.299 2:07.360 2:54.931 2:20.526
1:54.216 1:55.239 1:56.659 1:59.919 1:58:493 2:02.315 2:01.950 2:03.249 2:04.941 2:07:443 2:11.164 2:10.554 2:12.961 2:21.624
1:55.531 1:58.244 1:57.592 1:59.147 2:03.227 2:03:462 2:06.321 2:07.648 2:08.790 2:13.279 2:21.529 2:18.551
1:54.369 1:54.140 1:56.882 2:00.164 1:57.784 2:01:432 2:06.647 2:01.870 2:05.995 2:06.391 2:07.091 2:07.893 2:10.629 2:21.071
1:54.764 1:55:481 1:55.651 1:59.819 2:02.973 2:02.985 2:10.352 2:06.980 2:09.405 2:12.300 2:14.135 2:16.384
1:54.525 1:54.791 1:56.069 2:04.148 1:59.295 2:00.772 2:04.026 2:01.808 2:05:474 2:07.842 2:10.214 2:10.932 2:11.070 2:26.524
17 18 23 30 31 77
1:56.609 1:53.740 1:57.571 2:04.977 1:56.934 1:59:472 2:00.941 2:02.694 2:03.820
1:56.110 1:56.036 1:55:467 2:00.269 2:04.937 2:04.297 2:07.311 2:12.732 2:09.953 2:12.314 2:12.224 2:15.843
1:53.671 1:53.740 1:55.616 1:56.699 1:56.934 1:59.096 2:00.602 2:01.488 2:03.820 2:04.258 2:05.659 2:05.824 2:10.629 2:15.146
1:54.055 1:54.739 1:56.876 1:56.699 1:59.339 1:59.096 2:02.090 2:02.136 2:06.590
1:54.102 1:54.203 1:56.354 1:58.186 1:57.565 2:00.547 2:05.210 2:01.717 2:05.832 2:05.160 2:06.165 2:08.696 2:20.545 2:17.376
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
37 39 52 57 63 74
1:54:485 1:53.964 1:56.498 1:59.564 1:58.281 2:01.989 2:00.602 2:02.263 2:09.155 2:10.602 2:05.659 2:09.033
1:54.477 1:55.243 1:56.363 2:02.305 1:57.876 2:05.902 2:02.205 2:01.679 2:06.152 2:04.258 2:07.196 2:05.921 2:21.363 2:20.901
14 15 27 33 34 38 46 50 54 56 60 61 71 75
72 73
1:53.231 1:54.727 1:56.023 1:56.224 1:59.476 1:59.713 2:00.711 2:01.196 2:03.354 2:09:416
1:54.569 1:55.278 1:55.797 1:59.348 1:57:458 2:01:453 2:05.200 2:01.488 2:04.445 2:06.985 2:07.503 2:05.824 2:35.096 2:15.432
29 35 42 47 49 51 62 65 66
1:53.322 1:57.198 1:58.548 1:55.857 2:02.191 2:02.634 2:06:496 2:02.837 2:11.890 2:08.374 2:11.656
1:56.866 1:57.039 2:00.358
1:59:495 1:56.214 2:03.666 1:58.479 1:56.983
2:01:410 1:58.283 1:57.187 1:56:443
2:10.849 2:08.690 2:08.755
4th 18th
Motorkhana 30th Anniversary
Queens Birthday Weekend Winton Sprints /DECA Motorkhana Club Night
JUL 10th 17th 30th
OCT 2nd 12th 18th 30th 31st
Phillip Island Sprint Go Kart night AGM & 30 Years of PCV History President's Day .928 track day
Winter Run Attwood Motorkhana Calder Training
NOV 5th - 6th 25th
30th Anniversary Event Annual Dinner - Grand Hyatt
AUG 14th 16th 20th
Theme Dinner Club Night Calder Sprint
12th & 13th
-- - ---- --- - - - --PORSCHE PARADE
Xmas ~vent - TBA
1:52.954 1:55.683 1:58.608 1:57.286 1:58.808 1:59.353 2:02.973 2:03.587 2:05:482 2:08.922
1:51.909 1:55.633 1:55.788 1:57.069 1:58.995 2:00.792 2:07.592
1:52.552 1:57.678 1:58.279 1:57.939 1:57.446 2:02.356 2:06.741 2:03.907 2:04.368 2:14.359 2:09.063 2:11.336
1:52.087 1:56.916 1:56.785 1:57.271 1:59.016 2:01.089 2:01.880 2:01.265 2:03.972 2:06.544 2:08.251 2:09.146
1:52.512 1:56.913 1:58.782 1:57.154 1:57.710 2:01.802 2:06.909 2:02.782 2:05.835 2:11.093 2:09.588 2:08:465
1:51.819 1:56:420 1:56.602 1:56.701 2:01.085 2:00.381 2:01.920 2:01.892 2:04.555 2:07.770 2:08.570 2:11.721
1:53:421 1:57.294 1:59.125 1:57.103 1:59.124 2:00.716 2:10:415 2:03.733 2:07.213 2:11.073 2:14.186 2:08.996
24 25 40 48 53 58 64 67
1:51.804 1:56.397 2:00:419 1:56.807 1:59.977 2:00.236 2:02.821 2:02.915 2:05.567 2:10.803 2:13.032 2:08:414
1:51.804 1:54.727 1:55.788 1:55.857 1:57:446 1:59.353 2:00.711 2:01.196 2:02.837 2:06.544 2:08.251 2:08:414
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
20 16 13 11 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 20
--r---------2005 CLUB CALENDAR Ken Jarrett
2:10.392 2:10.673 2:09.117 2:12.676
- ••
- ••
"Grant's journey from vision to reality." tis Chandler is a Captain of Industry in the US, a man whose personal car collection warrants its own museum and until recently, owner of the famed LA Times. It was the celestial vision of a Carrera GT seemingly floating over a pool of water at the 2004 LA Motor Show that caught his attention, heart and wallet, in that order. The GT was officially launched in 2003 and since that time we have learned a great deal about the power and prowess of this super car, however have you ever wondered from whence it came? This object of our desire just didn't magically appear one morning. It took a vision, a want and a very special man working with a passionate and gifted team 5 years to give us the Carrera GT. In Feb 1999 Grant Larson, Manager I Advanced Design Exterior, Porsche AG, was the mortal given the task of giving life to Porsche's "want" to.create a "race car for the street". Grant first heard about the Carrera GT project when he was working in an external Porsche studio in the LA area: "1 had a lot to do with the Packaging Department, which at that time was headed by August Achleitner. I got a call from August , (or Gustl as he is called), requestlnq a few sketches of'my idea of a mid-engine supercar. This car would be using the V10 from the 1999 LeMans race' car. Gustl needed a few drawings to kick off the project, basically to have a few visuals to accompany the documents outlining the basic idea. Of course I would find time for this! The time was tight on the other project, so I spent quite a few late nights trying to "find" this car in my brain and getting it onto paper.
Concept sketches. The first thoughts that entered my mind, logically, were race-car related, as the Carrera GT was based on one. In 1998 Porsche had just claimed the Le Mans victory, so those cars as well as the GT-t's from the previous years served as role models. Of course this car had to be a bit more street friendly, and support the Porsche image of every day use to some degree. Even at this early stage, we came up with the slogan "Race Car for the Street", which is exactly how this car was born." j
The dictionary.com definition of the phrase "to create" is "to produce through artistic or imaginative effort" and this is exactly what Grant set about doing. Searching for the essence and the magic he needed involved a complex yet subtle mix of triggers. "When coming up with a new idea, a designer goes on sort of an inner search of something tangible or influential, a base to start from. The first thing a designer does at the beginning of a project is research. Here I do not mean customer profiling, branding, or placement, but rather pure unadulterated artistic emotion.
I was surrounded by 907 posters and models of 917s and science fiction and space books were everywhere. For example, the exhausts of the Carrera GT were influenced by jet engines and my collection of toy rockets and they were quite extreme at the start. Every designer is a fan of cool objects, products, and just plain great design. You just surround yourself in this stuff. And this was not a 9 to 5 thing at all - ideas always come when you least expect them. In my case it's always when I'm driving. The challenge is always to get to the destination quick enough before the idea disappears! It is important to always have a pen in the pocket". I think we all know how difficult it is to make a start on a new project; knowing where to start and where to direct those first few steps usually takes up more brain power and energy than the whole project, and Grant is no exception to the rule. "The start is always the most difficult. Sometimes the ideas are there but may not immediately come out and sometimes I would sit down and sketch without and basically "find" the car in the lines I have drawn. process and a very necessary part of the journey. "
vision and on paper, any idea, It is a long
Hundreds of sketches later, ranging from extreme to mildly extreme, Grant started to work more closely with others in the team. Now it was time to more seriously consider the engineering and performance aspects of the design.
"Porsches mid-engine race car history definitely served as a great influence, but we were set out to do something more than that. The only restriction we put on ourselves was that it had to be instantly recognizable as the super car from Porsche. The rest came just naturally. With a V10 mid-engine car, you automatically are confronted with a whole new set of rules concerning proportions. The long wheelbase and short overhangs provided a space between the wheels that was virtually a designer's playground. The requirement of a lot of cooling air, as well as its management, resuttino in maximum down force and aerodvnamics were also
Rear exterior concept sketch. part of our design criteria. However, we were cautious about utilizing a giant race car style wing on the back, and rather took the moveable route. This is not only a Porsche trademark, but it helps maintain a certain level of modesty (this is obviously a relative term - obviously more modest than what the designer would like) in such a car. And then we posed a few visual requirements on ourselves." Porsche have a long history of adhering to the form following function ideal as introduced by Erwin Komenda in their early years. The GT is the Meta of styling and design making full use of this belief. "We knew the engine was beautiful, so we made it visible. We knew the Carrera GT needed a lot of air, so we sculpted the body to "describe" the air flow paths. The body forms proudly display where the air enters and exits. Another case was the front bonnet. Common race car sense says that exiting the cooling air through vents on the bonnet also creates necessary down force. There would therefore be less of a (if anv) boot space. Here the
Interior concept. \
Interior perspective sketch.
trademark of Porsche every day use won out, as we needed a space to stow the roof panels. We knew a major portion of this car would be carbon fiber, so let's show it. And we wanted to design it as a roadster, the only fully open super car in the world." In April of 1999 the Carrera GT kick-off was beginning. The critical mass stage had been reached and it was time to put the whole creative genius of Porsche into the lift off. "The project, in all its dreaminess, was proving itselfto be difficult. After the conclusion of the 20 sketch phase, 3 different designs were chosen to be taken into the 1:4 scale model phase. In the case of the Carrera GT, this phase was short. We knew we had a deadline and we were anxious to get into the full size model. The proposal with the most potential was chosen, with the other designers helping later with the detailing. Running in parallel to the exterior, the interior development was begun. Here we had compiled a wish list such as: puristic and functional and at the same time displaying a certain level of higher technology. Harm Lagaay was persistent with his idea of the high mounted shifter. It was located the shortest distance possible from the drivers hand position on the steering wheel. The chassis engineers were coming up with beautiful functional solutions for the body structure, and we wanted to have some of this visible in the interior. So it turned out to be an interplay of function and organic forms, with everything serving a specific purpose. The same goes for the engine. This was to be the showpiece of the car and we wanted to make it slightly visible from the outside. The so-called "streamliners", the
30 CAD model of engine support frame. humps behind the roll bars, was an idea borrowed from Porsches past, but interpreted in another manner. Lagaay wanted to have them made of perforated aluminum, slightly transparent, to which he referred to as "negligee". The engine of the Carrera GT sat quite low, therefore a valley was created between the two rear wheels. It turned out that the streamliners were the perfect position for the air boxes above the engine. As the full size model was underway, before Christmas of 1999, the basic theme was there, it just needed a bit of that Porsche magic. By Christmas that year, the Carrera GT took a major swing forward and serious thoughts of production were in the air. Shortly after the holidays, Horst Marchart, then chief of the R & 0 Center visited the studio. As he walked around the back of the car, he nodded his head and said in a quiet voice "now it looks good". I guess that was the Austrian form of showing excitement.
1/ }
The model was then fine-tuned and worked out to a very level, and presented to the board in March of 2000. This place in an aircraft hangar. It was then decided to build prototype show cars, what I would refer to as the ultimate of commitment!
Clay model in progress.
high took two form
The exterior and interior models were immediately scanned and serious development had begun. Tony Hatter of GT-1 fame entered the project and was to over see the production car development. The production car changed very little, the biggest
Clay model - front 3/4 in dinoc.
Clay model in dinoc.-rear.
change being the integration of the removable roof panels. The area around the head/amps was brought forward to create more space for the head/amps, and due to the heat of the engine, more cooling openings were added.
Brief Show Car Design Timeline
The production version of the Carrera Geneva of 2003. n
GT was introduced
I have no doubt that being able to materialize a fantasy as grand as the GT, is to live the dream of designers and design students around the world and what better person to have been given this challenge than Grant Larson; a boy who dreamed of rockets and science fiction and grew into a man who now creates the magic of the future. In winding up my interview with Grant I asked if there were any extra special memories for him, as if the project in itself was not enough, and he quickly listed the hangar presentation in Santa Monica and then his eyes lit up and his whole persona radiated energy as he remembers "hitting 330 km/h with Walter Rohrl behind the wheel"! I
Listening to Grant reflecting on his ride with Rohrl reminded me of how lucky some of us were when Porsche Cars Australia arranged for the 1999 Le Mans winning Porsche GT1 and driver, Allan McNish to take us for a quick spin around Phillip Island; those 3 hot laps are definitely in my list of top 10 memories. People who know me already know that I am very passionate about Porsche, but how can one not be; they just never fail to over deliver. I posed the idea of this article to Grant and Michael Bauman, GE{,neral Manager International Press, and the rest is history. In spite of the many projects Grant is working on, he made the time to research the photos and provide terrific open and frank insights into his personal creative process. Once again, "thanks mate" from all your Aussie Porsche Club members and make sure you swing a trip down under soon. Ok, guys this is it for today, there is a Corvette Porsche joint Motorkhana happening and this I just have to see. Cheers
Feb 1999
First sketches for Kickoff
Apr 1999
Start of 2D Ideation Phase
May 1999
Start 1:4 Clay Models
June 1999
Start 1: 1 Clay Model; Exterior and Interior
Jan 2000
Design Freeze - Theme decision
Mar 2000
Board of Directors Presentation; Measuring; Start construction of 2 Show Cars
Sep 2000
Show Car Premier in Paris
Car Timeline
Jan 2000
Start, integration and feasibility of Production Car development
July 2000
Development of Digital Model based on Show Car
Sep 2000
Construction of 1:3 Model, Construction of 1:3 Wind Tunnel Model Further development
Prototype Tooling developed and milled from Digital Data Milling of 1: 1 Clay Model for further surface development July 2001
Styling Freeze - Exterior
Aug 2001
Styling Freeze - Interior
Nov 2001
Completion of first Prototype based on original digital data
Oct 2002
Completion of first "0- series" production car
Mar 2003
Premier at the Geneva Motor Show
Production press release - front view. 28
of Digital Model
(L-R) Grant with Otis and his GT.
By Michael Dennis
Like many of you, when I attended my first Annual Dinner (back in 2000) I had a great time, but gave little thought to the work that obviously went into staging the event. When the President
Barbara, Annie & Geoff Mould publicly thanked the Social Director that night for organising everything, I clearly 'recall someone at my table generating a few laughs with: "How hard can it be, a few phone calls to book a venue, another to an agent for a band, write up a flyer and the caterers do all the work!" Having survived the experience of coordinating the 2004 Annual Dinner, I will attempt to rectify such misconceptions and more importantly, give you some idea of what can be involved. The twelve month activity plan for the dinner ended up running to eight pages with 31 major items, the budget was around $25,000 (our biggest event) and
& 0 borah Holding
every General and e Social Committee member, plus many volunteers, contributed significant time and resources towards its e'uccess. It would take the whole magazine to cover all the tasks and dramas in any detail but the following 'interesting' examples should hopefully give you some idea of what goes on (and goes wrong) behind the scenes.
The Venue: In December 2003, after Social Committee members spent several weeks researching, inspecting and shortlisting preferred venues, we settled on the AFL Hall of Fame & Sensation, a state-of-the-art venue which was scheduled to open its doors eight months before our function date. Although still under construction, the plans and facilities looked great, it was operated by a caterer we had successfully engaged in the past and the idea of introducing our
Stan Adler & Sally Bruten
members to a new venue was appealing. In May 2004 however, after many of our arrangements had been confirmed, the caterer informed us that construction was significantly behind schedule and the Hung & Julia Do venue could not be guaranteed for our dinner. We had no choice but to start a new venue search, knowing full well that anything decent would probably have been snapped up many months earlier (you have to book major venues at least 12 months in advance). A week of frantic phone calls confirmed our worstfears and thoughts turned to more creative options such as big tents in public parks, airport hangers and some ideas you really do not want to know about. The B . James Caldow & Henriette estc following week however, after more persuasive phone calls and a lot of luck, the Function Manager of The Terrace (a reserved option which we relinquished at the start of the year in favour of The Hall of Fame) let it be known that the party currently holding the date we wanted had defaulted on their payments. While The Terrace had given that party 24 hours to pay up, we were told: "If you deliver a cheque to us tomorrow and the current cl ient does not, the venue is yours". The rest, as they say, is history. I spent \' a very restless day Ara & '-I" . awaiting the outcome n a Bruce Young but I can tell you that
our Club never raised and delivered a cheque as quickly as it did on this occasion. It was a fair bit of extra work transferring all our arrangements from the AFL Hall of Fame over to The Terrace, but with the success of our "Hot November Night" in the Botanic Gardens, this was soon forgotten.
路 h II Rodgers Duane & MIC e e faced reaching a compromise and presentations) and the social activities (dining, drinking and entertainment). Nothing highlights this more than the selection of the band for the evening. Member feedback from previous years indicated a clear desire for a band that would
The Band: Being a multi-purpose event with a very diverse audience, anyone organising the Annual
Dinner is always with the challenge of between the formal elements (awards
Lorraine & Mark Chrzanowski \
encourage dancing, with a preference shown for the 60's & 70's retro style of music. Great we thought, you want a real rock band for real dancing! After months of trawling through
take a little longer" we could add: "But an Annual Dinner takes 12 months!"
agencies, and a night out here and there to audition a short list of bands, in April 2004 we signed up Ron Charles & The Retro Bandits, a seven piece outfit considered by the music industry to be the most authentic and entertaining retro dance band in Melbourne. We also knew that their big sound would be suited to the high ceilings and dedicated acoustic environment promised by the 'intended' venue, which also boasted excellent access to facilitate the setting up of large groups and their equipment. Then came the forced change of venue! The Terrace, while it is absolutely wonderful in most respects, Ian & D . is unfortunately an acoustics and eboreh Kmght
Cox & Mandy Newman f~r our 2005 Annual . Dinner to take place on Fnday 25 November. To be held at our first five-star venue, The Grand Hyatt Melbourne, and needing to accommodate the 30th Anniver~ary celebrations, it promises be our most challenging, yet ultimately most successful dinner ever. Now that you have some idea what goes on behind the scenes, I'm sure you will all gladly offer Annie your full support if requested.
Rofy & N ancy
Knowing all this, Social Committee member Annie Mould has bravely taken on the organising role
logistics nightmare for bands, the bigger the band, the bigger the problem (and we had a big band). Apart from honouring their contract, we loved their music so we had no less than four onsite meetings with Ron Charles and The Terrace management to reduce the impact of these problems. Once again, the rest is history. Those arriving at the event last year may remember seeing some band members
James Caldo
& M' Ike Chapman
in their shorts still doing essential late soundunfortunately clashed a of the harpist we hired to
checks (access logistics) which little with the classical performance provide ambient predinner music. When the band hit its stride so brilliantly during the dance brackets, there were some glass-backed areas in the room that amplified their sound well above desirable' levels (bad acoustics), While there were a few justified complaints about these issues, the dance floor was packed for most of the night, even during some of the slow sets. The smiles on the faces of two dance-weary Presidents at the end of the evening were testament to the best dancing ever seen at an Annual Dinner. There's an old business slogan that goes something like: "Difficult jobs we fix immediately, impossible ones may
Karen Stephenson & Helen Baxter
The Club's first event at Sandown for 2005 was a very well run 'affair. With 96 competitors facing the starter, the probability of experiencing delays was higher than normal, but efficient organisation and the lack of on track driver errors meant that we successfully completed 12 timed runs on the day - and if we had another 45 minutes available we would have done 4 more! It seemed a bit odd that we were all done by 3:45pm, but it was not possible to run the 9 groups we had on the day through another 4 or 5 laps each before we had to vacate the circuit. As it turned out, by the time our Officials had a few laps of the track and the Ouarterrnaster and Timers had finished packing up, it was after 5:00pm anyway. At our last Sandown event I complained about the number of lap records that were broken on the day, but it keeps happening. This time Sven Burchartz reset his own M1 record, lowering it by .12 of a second, and Jamie Lovett has set his first Club lap record in M2, lowering the time previously set by Sven by .065 of a second. Congratulations to both drivers! At our last Sandown event, Rodney Jane brought his Carrera Cup car out for some practice, and left our regular Open 1 competitors in his wake. With Rodney absent this time, things returned to normal with Lyle Potgeiter, John Kaias, Matthew Turnbull, Simon Froude, Stan Adler and Co. all out to set the fastest lap of the day. Ultimately Lyle won out, relegating John and Matt to the minor placing's, but there wasn't much to separate them. In Open 2, Michael Loccisano won the class, with Ken Jarrat and Anthony Morabito taking 2nd and 3rd. Ken had the class lead for most of the day, but Michael put together a blinder on his second last lap to snatch the win.
Brian Power into 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. Having proved his point (I assume that it was that you don't need an RSCS to win M1) Sven has put his Club and Class Championship winning car up for sale (see the Marketplace and Club website for more details). Now we find out what it's really made of! Hung Do (944 Turbo) debuted his new car in M1, and by his account it was a wild ride. With the turbo providing boost with little warning, Hung found it difficult to forecast when it was going to kick in - giving him some interesting moments exiting corners! No doubt the flag marshals enjoyed the show. In Modified 2, Jamie Lovett had a really good day. With clear air between himself and the rest of his class, Jamie showed again what a good driver he is with his lap record time of 1:21.630. This time was quick enough to give Jamie one outright point, more than some RS, RSCS and Turbo owners had to show for their day. Further down the field, A Class competitors Ian Jenkins and Mark McNamara slugged it out all day, with Ian just managing to keep ahead of Mark, with Tony Bennet keeping the fastest Boxster S in
The lowest seven times were set by Open 1 cars - no surprises there you say, but the eighth and tenth fastest times were set by Sven and Michael Herrod in M1, a very respectable effort. Speaking of Modified 1, fourteen cars ran in this class, the biggest field in M1 for some time. Sven continued his winning ways, pushing RSCS pilot's Michael Herrod, Greg Cook and
Fine conditions ensured
a trouble free day.
The Author at speed.
Gordon Robertson & Sven Burchartz.
the Club out of the top three. Bruce and Aranka Young acquitted themselves well, taking 4th and 5th in class. In B Class Matt Kirwan-Hamilton and Jeff Bobik had their first on-track match-up, and Matt won the day, with Neil Hawker collecting 3rd. In C Class, Mark Chrzanowski is still the class of this field, taking the win with Cameron Cox collecting 2nd and Roly Newman 3rd. There were very few entrants in D Class; with only five drivers competing, full points for the Class results were not available. Garry Voges collected the win, with Juris Briedis and Mark Homer taking the minor placing's. D Class is one of the few classes where we see different drivers collecting points on a regular basis, which certainly adds interests to the competition. Linley Baxter debuted his new 944 S2 (ex Cliff Herbison car) and suffered a few teething problems on his first outing, but I think we can expect Linley and son Simon to soon be hassling the front runners in this class as they regain their competition form.
M1 (Lap Record 1:21.7808 - Sven Burchartz) Fourteen drivers ran in M1 at Sandown, and as usual it was left to Sven Burchartz (911 3.4 Carrera) to keep the RSCS's honest. Sven won this class with a fastest lap of 1:21.630 - also good enough for eighth place outright and a new lap record. Michael Herrod (993 RSCS), having his first circuit outing in 2005 clocked a time of 1:22.981 to take second place from third placed Greg Cook (993 RSCS), also having his first circuit outing for the year with a time of 1:23.370. M2 (Lap Record 1:23.950 - Sven Burchartz)
We were fortunate that the weather remained fine all day, and all drivers were able to post their best times on a dry circuit. Here is a summary of the class results.
Jamie Lovett (911 RS Replica) took another leap forward, setting a new lap record time of 1:23.885 - his first PCV Lap Record. Michael Vati (911 3.2) collected second place with a best lap of 1:25.751, relegating Glenn Cook (911 RS) to third place with a 1:25.765. Glenn's RS is looking fantastic in is Gulf colour scheme (sky blue / orange) and is a credit to Greg and Glenn. I understand that this car will be used in several tarmac rallies this year, and it will surely be a potential class winner.
Open 1 (Lap Record 1:15.7423 - Rodney Jane)
A Class (Lap Record 1:23.4926 - Matthew Stoupas)
Lyle Potgeiter (993 Turbo) won Open 1 and set the fastest time of. the day with a best lap of 1:17.991. John Kaias (GT3) continued his good form from Phillip Island to secure second with a time of 1:18.1 07 and Matthew Turnbull (GT3) was a close third with a 1:18.323. Eleven competitors entered Open 1, a very strong field.
Ian Jenkins (993) and Mark McNamara (993) look to be the drivers to beat in A Class this year. Ian pipped Mark this time, posting a 1:25.808 to Mark's 1:25.901. Third on the day was Tony Bennett (993) who stopped the clocks at 1:27.639.
Open 2 (Lap Record 1:21.269 -Slrnon Middleton)
Matt Kirwan-Hamilton (964 3.6) continued his winning ways from Phillip Island to take B Class win with a best lap of 1:25.948. Jeffrey Bobik (968 CS) recorded a 1:26.407 to safely secure second place from Neil Hawker (964 3.6) who placed third with a best lap of 1:27.687.
Open 2 also had a strong field of seven competitors, with Michael Loccisano (GT3) victorious on the day. Michael's fastest lap of 1:23.301 was quick enough to relegate Ken Jarrat (GT3) to second; Ken's quickest lap was a 1:23.833. Anthony Moribito (996) rounded out the top three with a 1:24.979.
B Class (Lap Record 1:24.62 - John Woodward)
C Class (Lap Record 1:27.480 - Mark Chrzanowski) Mark Chrzanowski (911 SC) was a clear leader in C Class, and placed first with a time of 1:28.256. Cameron Cox (911 3.0 Carrera) followed Mark into second, and recorded a time of 1:289.147 and Roly Newman (911 3.0 Carrera) rounded out the top three with his fastest lap of 1:29.568. D Class (Lap Record 1:28.12 - Matthew Stoupas) Garry Voges (944 S2) won this class with a lap of 1:32.230. Juris Breidis (944 S2) collected second place with a 1:34.254 and Mark Homer collected his first podium in his recently acquired 944,S2 with a time of 1:34.492. The success of this event was due in no small part to the event organisation, and to the volunteer marshals who gave up their time to make it a success. Thank you all!
A Motley Crew!.
Full results are reprinted at the back of the magazine, and available for downloading from the Club web site, http://www.pcv. com.au.
33 .r
2005 Sandown Sprints - 13 March Name
9933.6 993 9933.6
Class A Ian Jenkins
Mark McNamara
Tony Bennett
Bruce Young Aranka Young
1:25.948 1:26.407 1:27.687 1:28.460 1:28.474 1:29.504 1:30.061 1:30.263 1:30.674 1:31.412 1:31.545 1:31.662 1:31.937 1:33.549 1:34.025 1:38.646 1:40.152
1:26.790 1:27.337 1:29.228 1:30.888 1:31.334 1:31.041 1:33.099 1:32.255 1:31.412 1:32.665 1:47.582 1:32.328 1:33.549 1:35.606 1:38.646 1:40.825
1:29.416 1:29.201 1:30.741 1:54.213 1:30.575 1:31.066 1:35.150 1:36.563 1:34.414 1:32.736 1:32.668 1:34.743 1:50.642 1:38.715 1:40.787
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
34 41 45 48 62 66 78 80 83 85 87 89 90 93 94 95
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1:28.256 1:29.147 1:29.568 1:30.152 1:31.738 1:32.612 1:35.757 1:36.019 1:37.374 1:37.749 1:38.438 1:38.689 1:39.098 1:40.507 1:40.641 1:41.462
1:29.236 1:30.112 1:29.568 1:30.773 1:33.101 1:33.994 1:37.665 1:36.317 1:39.333 1:39.465 1:51.229 1:44.037 1:42.107 1:42.738 1:42.494 1:41.462
944 S2 944 S2 3.0 944 S2 3.0 944 S2 Cab 944 3.0 S2 9443.0 S2
25 20 16 13 11 10
64 74 75 76 82 86
1:32.230 1:34.254 1:34.492 1:34.819 1:37.252 1:38.327
911 3.2 Carrera
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
8 10 12 13 18 19 27 29 33 37 43 46 53 57
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
15 20 21 28 38 39 42 50 55 59 81 84
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 17 25 68
3.2 S S 3.2
928 GT 930 3.3 Turbo Boxster
3.2 S
3.2 S
Matt Kirwan-Hamilton
9643.6 9683.0 9643.6 9643.6 Carrera 968 CS 9643.6 9113.2 911 3.2
C2 CS C2 C2 3.2
944 Turbo
B Babik
Neil Hawker
Richard Waters
Peter Harrison
John Ashby Stuart
C2 Carrera
911 3.2 Carrera
Jay Palmer
9643.6 9683.0
Simon Wong
911 3.2 Carrera
911 3.2 Carrera
9113.0 SC
Mark Chrzanowski Cameron Roland
Cox Newman
Tony Jennings Grant Stephenson Michael
Peter Witt Andrew
Karlis Kambala Madeleine David
Philip Dobson
Class D
Mark Homer David Morgan Linley Baxter Matt Martin
jC)ass Sven
Greg Cook Brian Power Tony Hughes Tony Robertson Cliff Herbison Michael
Bill Stephenson Dean Hung
Koutsoumidis Do
Lex Lasry David Oscar Andrew
Class Jamie Michael Glenn Graham
M2 Vati
Cook Gorman
Stuart Jackson Ken Knight Spencer Harrison O'Keefe
Robin Raymer Jeff Thomas Robert
9113.0 9113.0 9113.0 9113.0
944 Turbo
9113.0 SC 911 3.2 Wide
9113.0 SC Boxster
964 C4 3.6 9113.0 SC
M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1
993 RSCS 993 RSCS 993 RSCS
930 3.0 Turbo
9933.8 RSCS 9442.5
993 RS Touring 964 3.6 Cup Car 9442.5
964 3.6 RS 9933.6
911 RS 9113.0 911 RS 9112.9 911 CS 9683.0 9442.5
(Replica) SC
M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2
RS 3.2 CS
911 2.7 Carrera
9442.5 9683.0 CS 9112.7 9683.0 CS
Lyle Potgieter John Kaias Matthew Turnbull Simon
911 3.0 Carrera
[, M2
Mark Clair
911 3.0 Carrera
0 0 0 0 0 0
Garry Voges Juris Briedis
Stan Adler Don Tryhorn Simon Middleton Michael Lentini Troy Stapleton Zoran Letunica Ian Henderson
Ken Jarrett Anthony Morabito Will Lauria Peter Vanderzee Bruce Thomas
1 993 Turbo
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 968 turbo+
GT3 GTJ 3.6 GT 3 CS GT2 9643.6 RS GTJ 3.6 9933.6 928
OPEN 1 911 3.0
2 2 2 2 2 2
996 GT3 GT3 996 3.6 GTJ 3.6 911 RSR 3.6 911 3.5 RS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Boxster Boxster
Graeme Robson
24 26 31 35 36 44 47 49 51 58 60 61 63 71 72 88 92
Run 1
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3.2 S
Boxster 3.2 S 9933.6
1:26.140 1:26.566 1:29.484 1:30.312 1:31.842 1:33.181
Geoffrey Mould
ClassPfa ce
1:25.808 1:25.901 1:27.639 1:28.814 1:30.737 1:30.761 1:32.601 1:33.425 1:33.479 1:34.117 1:35.023 1:35.937 1:39.440
Des Aldridge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
22 23 30 40 52 54 65 69 70 73 77 79 91
Class Points
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Nick Marandos
25 20 16 13 11 10 9 7
25 20 16 13 11 10
11 14 16 32 56 67
Run 4 1:25.808 1:26.413 1:29.770 1:31.451 1:31.572 1:31.557 1:32.700 1:35.239 1:37.553 1:35.255
Run 7
1:25.915 1:27.186 1:32.252 1:30.003 1:32.419 1:32.954 1:34.374
1:29.341 1:27.081 1:29.088 1:28.814 1:32.201 1:34.092 1:32.969
1:26.458 1:26.001 1:28.339 1:31.285 1:33.979 1:32.643 1:32.615
1:35.088 1:34.863 1:38.521 1:38.587 1:40.658
1:35.072 1:36.879 1:38.900 1:41.610
1:35.494 1:36.077 1:37.004 1:37.691 1:42.483
1:31.253 1:27.313 1:29.561 1:29.798 1:30.971 1:31.770 1:32.042 1:32.101 1:34.574 1:35.008 1:34.989 1:34.066 1:32.200 1:36.731 1:36.244 1:42.639 1:42.366
1:30.763 1:26.867 1:29.157 1:29.517 1:29.483 1:30.597 1:31.400 1:32.912 1:32.142 1:34.034 1:35.566 1:32.130 1:35.030 1:33.701 1:37.150 1:43.007 1:45.905
1:30.648 1:26.910 1:29.318 1:30.275 1:29.869 1:30.224 1:31.059 1:32.699 1:33.637 1:34.442 1:35.411 1:32.166 1:32.354 1:34.765 1:35.815 1:42.334 1:41.572
1:31.454 1:26.683 1:29.720 1:29.699 1:29.210 1:30.528 1:31.542 1:31.658 1:30.674 1:32.503
1:30.369 1:30.865 1:31.422 1:30.581 1:34.915 1:33.983 1:36.955 1:37.120 1:39.843 1:38.391 1:42.678
1:29.228 1:30.551 1:30.913 1:30.571 1:34.194 1:33.755 1:36.452 1:36.981 1:38.287 1:37.749 1:41.622
1:29.845 1:31.423 1:30.285 1:33.396 1:32.970 1:35.804 1:38.858 1:37.374 1:37.960 1:41.479
1:30.246 1:33.059 1:30.512 1:32.899 1:33.093 1:36.226 1:37.123 1:37.455 1:38.700 1:39.511
1:40.459 1:43.540
1:41.690 1:40.606
1:40.366 1:40.507
1:33.985 1:35.165 1:35.871 1:36.817 1:39909 1:39.481
1:34.042 1:35.588 1:35.969 1:37.090 1:38.410 1:39.434
1:22.288 1:23.586 1:24.260 1:24.399 1:27.565 1:26.893 1:27.348 1:28.481 1:28.987 1:29.450 1:30.794 1:30.172 1:31.565 1:35.512
1:22.121 1:23.040 1:24.710 1:24.581 1:27.803 1:27.874 1:27.510 1:27.269 1:28.688 1:29.376 1:30.159 1:30.085 1:31.301 1:34.747
1:26.535 1:27.840 1:26.366 1:26.487 1:30.064 1:30.602 1:29.987 1:32.113 1:32.189 1:34.002 1:36.271 1:41.965
1:25.575 1:27.500 1:28.965 1:26.600 1:29.152 1:29.109 1:30.372 1:30.614 1:33.336 1:33.364 1:37.479
1:25.557 1:28.217 1:28.094 1:26.511 1:29.928 1:30.728 1:29.158 1:40.809 1:32.792 1:32.946
1:26.476 1:26.688 1:29.443 1:32.702 1:34.430 1:32.441 1:33.130 1:32.667
1:19.018 1:18.704 1:22.902 1:23.286 1:21.169 1:22.004 ~1 :26.042 1:24.807 1:26.836 1:30.589 1:36.805
1:18.445 1:19.104 1:19.633 1:20.865 1:20.493 1:22.716 1:23.343 1:22.650 1:26.008 1:26.980
1:24.502 1:24.893 1:27.340 1:31.482 1:34.362
1:26.598 1:26.112 1:28.215 1:30.524 1:30.840 1:34.310 1:33.473 1:34.671 1:35.454 1:35.939 1:37.426 1:36.547 1:39.440
1:26.704 1:26.344 1:27.639 1:29.151 1:30.737 1:33.568 1:32.886 1:33.425 1:39.881 1:35.094 1:42.183 1:37.543 1:39.585
1:25.963 1:27.418 1:29.036 1:29.688 1:31.223 1:30.119 1:30.061 1:30.847 1:31.531 1:32.426 1:32.509 1:32.996 1:32.015 1:33.961 1:34.025 1:59.568 1:43.554
1:26.371 1:28.309 1:29.170 1:29.025 1:29.501 1:29.504 1:32.346 1:30.263 1:31.322 1:33.620
1:28.328 1:29.147 1:30.498 1:30.657 1:32.213 1:33.377 1:36.872 1:37.164 1:38.225 1:41.204 1:40.898 1:40.395 1:43.286 1:44.728 1:42.756 1:42.546
1:29.173 1:29.234 1:30.205 1:30.566 1:32.472 1:32.682 1:36.191 1:37.413 1:37.569 1:41.834 1:38.438 1:41.519
1:28.256 1:30.302 1:31.110 1:30.911 1:32.955 1:36.262 1:36.019 1:38.130 1:41.279 1:38.690 1:38.689
1:41.063 1:40.641 1:42.481
1:41.176 1:41.905
1:33.051 d6.678 1:38.028 1:37.006 1:39.707 1:40.811
1:36.256 1:35.605 1:37.684 1:34.819 1:38.422 1:39.539
1:32.230 1:35.819 1:37.079 1:36.862
1:34.145 1:35.304 1:36.996 1:35.079
1:34.568 1:36.347 1:37.029 1:38.568
1:21.630 1:22.981 1:23.370 1:23.558 1:25.639 1:25.654 1:26.478 1:27.269 1:28.156 1:28.559 1:29.312 1:29.807 1:30.750 1:31.124
1:22.237 1:23.619 1:24.951 1:25.024 1:25.639 1:27.129 1:27.291 1:28.520 1:29.326 1:30.624 1:29.312 1:31.513 1:30.750 1:37.424
1:22.275 1:23.350 1:23.370 1:23.558 1:26.482 1:27.115 1:26.478 1:28.500 1:28.156 1:28.574 1:46.060 1:31.186 1:31.399 1:36.663
1 :22.069
1:21.630 1:24.770 1:24.100 1:23.887
1:24.235 1:24.499 1:26.102 1:25.659 1:28.454 1:26.955 1:28.410 1:28.211 1:30.092
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1:23.885 1:25.751 1:25.765 1:26.487 1:28.605 1:28.621 1:29.158 1:30.614 1:30.933 1:31.543 1:36.271 1:37.746
1:27.390 1:27.679 1:26.845 1:27.199 1:28.605 1:35.133 1:30.556 1:31.662 1:31.323 1:34.608 1:38.255 1:45.021
1:25.956 1:25.751 1:25.765 1:26.683 1:28.763 1:30.135 1:37.714 1:31.731 1:30.933 1:33.270 1:42.045 1:42.753
1:26.396 1:44.198 1:28.023 1:29.017 1:29.754 1:29.642 1:30.800 1:31.071 1:33.314 1:38.307 1:42.276
1:27.077 1:29.806 1:41.850 1:29.288 1:31.820 1:31.203 1:32.959
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1:17.991 1:18.107 1:18.324 1:19.075 1:20.199 1:20.519
1:19.199 1:19.154 1:21.411 1:20.389
1:19.316 1:19.888 1:20.175 1:19.075 1:20.670 1:20.519 1:21.179 1:25.328 1:27.690 1:28.102 1:35.620
1:18.229 1:18.518 1:21.345 1:19.422 1:21.586 1:20.931 1:21.295 1:23.979 1:26.790 1:26.499 1:36.044
1:18.139 1:18.570 1:19.708 1:20.595 1:20.814
1:22.286 1:25.361 1:26.263 1:33.328 1:23.301 1:23.833 1:24.979 1:27.953 1:30.934 1:33.093
1:35.231 1:35.559 1:34.117 1:59.238 1:38.956 1:39.555
1:21.094 1:22.135 1:25.392 1:28.915 1:29.030 1:37.631 1:26.428 1:24.989 1:26.806 1:31.319 1:34.530 1:35.690
1:25.825 1:23.986 1:26.864 1:29.713 1:33.704 1:33.792
1:22.981 1:24.658 1:24.684 1:26.076 1:27.420 1:27.226 1:28.162 1:29.141 1:29.666 1:30.279 1:29.986 1:31.776 1:35.024
1:24.381 1:23.833 1:24.979 1:28.251
1:31.284 1:33.177
1:35.937 1:42.310
1:32.199 1:31.937 1:37.838 1:37.575 1:44.226
1:26.875 1:27.077 1:27.668 1:28.268 1:28.849 1:29.807 1:30.967 1:33.638 1:27.376
1:21.231 1:24.402 1:27.271 1:28.136 1:40.291 1:24.498 1:24.322 1:29.916 1:28.750 1:32.581 1:33.093
Run 6
' Run
1:31.206 1:30.463 1:32.331 1:34.644
1:18.107 1:19.382 1:20.407 1:20.370 1:20.922 1:22.303 1:22.313 1:25.897 1:26.263 1:33.804
1:24.714 1:24.449
1:25.874 1:30.609
Run 10
Run 11
Run 12
1:26.374 1:26.452 1:28.125 1:30.501
1:26.231 1:26.027 1:29.743
1:26.639 1:26.726 1:28.433
1:27.139 1:26.149 1:27.701
1:25.901 1:28.330
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1:35.898 1:32.601
1:33.511 1:35.515 1:38.159 1:37.547 1:41.673
1:33.479 1:36.710 1:35.099 1:36.996 1:41.124
1:35.664 1:36.208 1:35.023 1:36.658 1:41.912
1:34.042 1:35.639 1:37.279 1:39.916
1:26.407 1:29.278 1:29.607 1:29.544 1:31.693 1:32.377 1:30.779 1:32.777
1:28.032 1:28.126 1:29.102 1:30.969 1:30.879 1:33.378 1:32.501
1:26.533 1:28.511 1:28.526 1:28.474 1:30.376 1:30.225 1:31.400 1:31.806
1:38.326 1:27.687 1:28.460 1:28.506 1:30.896 1:30.130 1:41.640 1:31.013
1:35.591 1:31.662 1:32.315
1:31.545 1:32.698 1:33.049
1:32.867 1:32.158 1:32.758
1:34.174 1:32.707
1:35.080 1:40.837 1:40.152
1:34.741 1:42.644 1:40.241
1:34.116 1:40.817 1:40.217
1:34.231 1:45.954 1:40.888
1:29.642 1:31.390 1:32.643 1:31.687 1:34.614 1:33.592 1:36.549 1:37.210 1:39.255 1:38.639
1:29.461 1:30.310 1:32.744 1:30.909 1:32.339 1:34.385 1:35.757 1:37.032 1:42.572 1:40.669
1:29.449 1:31.027 1:30.960 1:30.152 1:32.597 1:33.468 1:36.404 1:37.274 1:40.065 1:39.539
1:39.941 1:44.128
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1:39.098 1:43.186
1:33.770 1:35.230 1:35.834 1:36.096 1:38.457 1:38.774
1:33.604 1:36.579 1:35.327 1:35.708 1:38.389
1:33448 1:34.690 1:35.085 1:34.955 1:37.252
1:33.964 1:34.254 1:34.492 1:34.889 1:37.265
1:34.324 1:34.913 1:35.852 1:37.529
1:22.074 1:23.367 1:23.983 1:25.226
1:23.306 1:24.275 1:26.063 1:24.934 1:27.405 1:26.948 1:28.123 1:28.076
1:22.169 1:23.792 1:25.871 1:23.569 1:27.546
1:22.094 1:23.870 1:24.828 1:26.890
1:24.141 1:26.505 1:24.531
1:39.194 1:36.517 1:43.964
1:32.874 1:32.315 1:36.162 1:35.053 1:41.524
1:27.812 1:27.455 1:30.177 1:31.629 1:31.149 1:30.289 1:35.849 1:28.434
1:23.522 1:18.488 1:20.378 1:20.199
1:22.964 1:26.048 1:27.204 1:33.328 1:24.278 1:23.849 1:25.030 1:30.795 1:31.873
1:32.919 1:30.691 1:31.738 1:32.612 1:39.343 1:37.121 1:39.552 1:40.739 1:41.843 1:42.429
1:29.314 1:30.279
1:27.339 1:28.132 1:32.171 1:28.559 1:31.001
1:26.594 1:27.771 1:28.598 1:29.101 1:28.576 1:30.584
1:32.254 1:31.124
1:32.690 1:32.677
1:31.792 1:35.641
1:31.706 1:36.777
1:25.714 1:27.643 1:27.560 1:27.687 1:29.800 1:29.784 1:29.788 1:33.779
1:23.885 1:28.097 1:33.566 1:27.133 1:30.103 1:29.108 1:31.910 1:33.342
1:25.553 1:26.700 1:26.174 1:27.205 1:29.880 1:28.621 1:29.490 1:36.969
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1 :27.223
1:28.485 1:30.392
1:22.396 1:21.468 1:22.017 1:22.615 1:25.452 1:24.618 1:45.646
1:18.686 1:20.420 1:20.653 1:21.560 1:22.900 1:22.707 1:25.384
1:18.324 1:20.747 1:20.577 1:21.128 1:22.935 1:22.286 1:25.361
1:18.816 1:19.921 1:20.766 1:20.834 1:22.447 1:23.585
1:24.692 1:24.771 1:26.042 1:29.936 1:33.348
1:24.524 1:24.600 1:26.710 1:28.415 1:33.994
1:23.301 1:25.230 1:25.836 1:27.953 1:32.730
1:24.383 1:24.638 1:26.563 1:28.291 1:33.197
With over 25 years experience racing Porsches, the team at Fitzgerald Racing Services knows the business. This is why when it comes to care, Porsche care, service, upgrades and advice, you can't go past Fitzgerald's. We offer a range of services, just some of which are listed below. @ @
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Talk to Fitzgerald Racing Services Today about your particular needs
By Cliff Herbison The Competition Committee met recently to discuss the interpretation of the Club rules for cars running in Classes A - D, standard road cars. The initiative to define and police the Standard car has come about is to satisfy competitors requests for a level Playing field. Over the past few years, the Committee has been paying more attention to ensure that cars running in these classes comply with both the rules and the intent of these classes. While replacement of certain parts is allowed within the class rules, particularly in the areas of safety, modifications are not permitted. The intent of these classes is to allow owners who have road cars to compete against similar vehicles where the driver skill the determining factor in competition results. Power and weight figures are as per the factory data, which is published at the end of the Club rule book. Vehicles are classed according to their PIW ratio, with a variation of + 5% allowed for power, as measured on the Porsche Centre Dyno. This allowance has been made in recognition that no two vehicles will perform exactly to specifications directly off. the production line, and to acknowledge that Porsche AG performance specifications are typically underestimated, but it has been interpreted by some to allow limited modifications to increase a vehicles performance to measure up to 105% of the factory figure. This is not permitted. Competitors are reminded that the Rule book comments on the "Spirit of the Club Competition" and "Interpretation" as its first two topics, and that all Competitors by completing and signing their 2005 Vehicle Entry Form have read and understood the Rules of the Club. Club members who compete, or are planning to compete in Classes A - D are encouraged to fully understand the Rules of the Club and to think twice about investing money in I"'performance enhancements' that will compromise the legality of their cars in these classes.
Non standard disc rotors. The Competition Committee considered the following areas and deliberated on how they impacted on the Standard Car. Tyres, Brakes, shock absorbers, springs & torsion bars, seats, seat belts and harnesses, exhausts, engine management chip upgrades, strut (tower) braces and measurement (dyno performance and weight). Here are the Committee's views on each of these topics.
Tyres As per the rule book, Rule 6.1 Tyres & Wheels. Competitors in Open 2 are not permitted to run slick tyres at any time while competing in Club events. Brakes Brake pads and fluid may be replaced with racing type components at the discretion of the Competitor, Rule 6.4. The Committee recommends that vehicles prepared for circuit events have both these items upgraded from normal road specification items for improved safety and braking efficiency. Shock Absorbers,
Springs and Torsion Bars
Limited changes are permissible to these items, as detailed in Rule 6.3. Competitors are cautioned to read the rules and not interpret them. Components offered by Porsche as factory options for the particular model may be fitted, in accordance with the Rules - as long as they are declared on the Vehicle Registration Form. Seats, Seat Belts and Harnesses Standard seats may be replaced with an approved racing type seat; Rule 6.5. If an after market racing type seat is fitted, the Committee recdtnmends the use of a 4, 5 or 6 point harness, which must comply with Rule 5.4. Standard seat belts may not secure the driver adequately when used with a race seat, and likewise a harness used with a standard seat may not work as it was designed to without locating apertures in the seat. In the event that a harness is fitted to the car, it must be fitted to comply with the Confederation of Australian Motorsport (CAMS) Schedule I, which ensures that the belts are fitted correctly and the: belt angles are correct, particularly with regard to the fitment of the rear parts of the harness (ie anchoring the shoulder belts to the lower rear seatbelt mounting points is not likely to be acceptable). It is recommended that cars without RaPS (RollOver Protection System) utilise a seatbelt harness bar. Most race harnesses also have a 'use by' date, which the Club strictly enforces.
Race seat matched to approved five point harness, mounted to a harness bar. 36
Exhausts Rule 6.8 clearly describes the types of exhausts which may be used on Standard Cars. After market exhausts are permitted as long as they conform to the "factory standard layout as to design, dimensions and size for the PCV registered model. Catalytic converters may not be removed or bypassed ... " 911's manufactured from 1963 to 1989 are permitted to run SSI type exhaust systems, and this is the only variation allowed to the exhaust rule. Use of aftermarket (and sports) catalytic converters, mufflers etc is accepted, provided that these are of the same dimensions as the standard Porsche part. IE. if the original muffler is 40cm long, the replacement one must be approximately the same length. Engine Management
Computer upgrades
Replacement of the standard engine management chips, remapping of standard chips or the addition of so called piggy back chips are not permitted in the Standard Classes. Some Competitors have interpreted the +5% variation in standard power figures as an opportunity to increase the performance of their cars up to this figure, and replacing or supplementing the standard engine management chips has been the favoured way to do this. Rule 2 covers this where it states that "No removal or substitution of standard parts .." is allowed. Strut Braces While not considered by the Committee to be of much value to improve the handling of Club cars (unless they are cross braced to the body), the Committee believes that the addition of these braces is not in keeping with the Club rules, and is likely to ban their use in Classes A - D from next year. Measurement In the past the Club has published a formula to assist members in "deriving the flywheel horsepower / kilowatt output of their cars for comparison to the factory figures. Recent improvements in the software used by dynamometers allow them to take drive train losses into consideration when producing power figures, so the old formula is no longer required. The Club will accept power figures calculated by the dyno installed at Porsche Centre Melbourne. PCM can also weigh the car, and the Club has arranged a very
Spot the modifications! attractive deal with PCM where weighed; details of this special found in the PCM advertisement by contacting them on (03) 9473
Club cars can be dynoed and offer to PCV members can be elsewhere in this magazine or 0917.
The Future As Porsche improve suspension and vehicle dynamics, which also impact on the overall performance of the car, it is becoming more difficult to rely on the simple power to weight measurement to fairly class cars. In the next year or two the Committee intends to revamp the existing Class structure to allow for more factors when classing a car, particularly in the area of driver aids. The Club aims to offer opportunities for all of our members to compete in their cars in a category which reflects the owner's commitment to motorsport. Drivers with serious intentions and the budget to suit can enter in the Open or Modified Classes, while drivers who wish to leave their cars in road trim, but want to experience the driving pleasure and performance of their road going Porsche in the safe confines of a race circuit can compete in the Standard classes. The Competition Committee's role is to ensure that fair play is adhered to in the standard classes so that drivers of standard cars are not disadvantaged by competing with cars built to test or overstep the rules.
Australia's Fastest Porsche? By Richard Batchelor
In my note on the Victorian Tourist Trophy one hour sports car race at Phillip Island, I made the bold statement that David Stevens' twin-turbo GT2 is "Australia's fastest Porsche." Ever since I have been wondering if this is correct! At Phillip Island, Stevens was able to lap in 1 minute 39.6 seconds. The PCV lap record for the track is 1.38.8 'set by Greg Lovett, also in a GT2. Carrera Cup aces such as Alex Davison and Jim Richards would have no difficulty in matching these times in their naturally aspirated GT3 Cup cars. Brett Bedggood, John Good and Queenslander Wayne Hennig in their GT2s would also bein with a shout. And then there are the "museum pieces" - those fire-belching 935s from the 1970s, owned by Rusty French and Don Tryhorn. In the 935 now owned by Don, Perry Spiridis did a 1.40.40 at the Island about 10 years ago. What would this car do on today's tyres? It would be fascinating if all these gentlemen could get together with their cars for a shoot-out to determine, once and for all, who owns "Australia's fastest Porsche." Alas, this will probably never happen.
(Photo of David Stevens' Racing Pty. Ltd.)
of Bob Stevens
It takes people with a very special character to design and build a car as unique as a Porsche. A large part of that character is the ability to tackle every challenge with a sense of childhood adventure. It is an attribute that gets passed from the designer's imagination to the drawing board, from concept to reality, from testing to final product. You can feel it whenever you see a Porsche. You become a part of it as the car tackles the road. It is that same sense of adventure. And you and I, who buy them, surely we have that similar kid-in-us as the people who make them. No? Well, I can prove it! You see, thirty years ago in the news there were horror stories from central and southern Africa, the Middle East was a war zone and a large amount of money was being funnelled into Cancer research. Closer to home, Vietnam and Korea were making the headlines and at the Sydney Opera House a benefit concert raised $75,000 for the victims of Cyclone Tracy. These were tumultuous times! That didn't stop Porsche designing and building one of the greatest sports cars the world has ever known - the 911 Turbo. Despite the energy crisis at the time, there were people at Porsche who were driven By that sense of childhood adventure: an exploration
of the possible, despite the conditions around them. It was this same sense of adventure that saw the creation of the Porsche Club of Victoria back in 1975, and despite the rainy conditions on the day, brought 47 proud Porsches together for the inaugural drive up to Lilydale. Thirty years later, although the names on the charts are different I suspect the messages in the music are the same, and I think you'll agree that the news really hasn't changed that much either. Despite all that, Porsche still make cars that display that wideeyed excitement (the new 997), and dare I say it, show their sense of daring (the Cayenne!) And its customers still buy them because of it. Now, if you are still not convinced, then you couldn't have been one of the 120 club members who attended this year's kick off event on Sunday February 6th. Thirty years after that first run to Lilydale, the club invited its members to relive that inaugural event with another drive into the country, this time up to Mitchelton Winery. The response was so overwhelming I think we proved beyond doubt that when it comes to the passion for fast cars and fun, the member's of the Porsche Club of Victoria haven't lost their edge! I watched the cars pull up at Porsche Centre, and one after the other the club members who got out had that kid-like anticipation written all over them. Apart from the fact that it was looking like a bright sunny day, from the time I arrived and started chatting to other members, there was already a clear sense of excitement about the day ahead. One of the ladies in the group I was chatting to suddenly yelled out: "You're a hoon, Alf!" I looked around to see Alf Carrigan approaching. He was beaming from ear to ear. I am not sure why the comment was made, but it was obvious that the sense of comradeship in the club was not confined to the events themselves. It seems to me that the same sense of passion that compels us to buy these cars also shines in the way in which we love to share the experience. After thirty years as a club, it is obvious that the passion is as strong now as it has ever been.
"You're writing the article, right?" another member asked me. ,"Well, did you notice the paperweight?" I looked at where she was pointing to find an empty VB stubbie had already found its way into our midst! Now I believe that Mike Dennis had a few sleepless nights getting the day together, but gees Mike - think of the example this is setting for the new members! Speaking of comradeship, both Alf Carrigan and Richard Oldham deserve a big thank-you for all the help they gave to Mike to make the day happen! A toast, then ... now, where did I put my stubbie? Actually, as I write this, I am finding it hard to leave out all the examples of friendliness among the club members. I would personally like to thank every car that passed me on the way up to Mitchelton, and stopped to make sure we were ok! My son had started feeling a little carsick. I suspect it may have been the bendy roads. Or perhaps it was the way in which I was driving them ... but I was just trying to keep up - honest! Not to labour the point, but another fantastic example of the club's attitude was the tea break on the way up to the winery. To thank them for all of their assistance to the club over the years, we stopped at the Arthur's Creek CFA to help out with its fund raising appeal. The several hundred dollars that the club raised is going towards a new station and tanker. Of course, this was another great opportunity to meet and greet and take photo's of the cars, and to sample the fantastic scones supplied by the ladies at the CFA! Now it's funny how things happen to create memorable moments - it just so happened that across the road from the CFA, was a house with a letterbox on which was the street number of the property ... 911! I
The somewhat spirited drive up to Nagambie (I trust we all survived the speed camera?) gave the passengers and drivers a chance to think about the answers to their quiz questions before we arrived at the Mitchelton Winery where we were having lunch.
Before we went inside for our three-course meal (which was mouth watering, by the way), Mike Chapman called for all the new club members to gather for a photo. I was expecting a handful of people to come forward for the shoot - but to see eighteen new faces standing around that 550 was just fantastic! When I looked through the lens to take the shot, in that moment when the mirror lifted and the viewfinder went, I hoped that what was frozen in the picture was the passion I saw on each smiling face! It's a passion with many motives mind you. During the day I got talking to different members about what it was that made them buy their first Porsche. Each person had a different story, but the underlying passion was the same. Keith is in IT. Steve is 'a man of leisure'. 1 met David Palfreeman first on the rennlist. com forum (a Porsche enthusiasts discussion group) and who was also one of our new members. Each person had a different reason, a different motivation, but the same love for Porsches, and a passion for life. Speaking of motivations, one club member told me that she had bought her Porsche to spite her unfaithful ex-husband! Apparently he had always wanted one, so after the divorce she decided to beat him to it. You go Sister!
Mike had asked that we did not use our phones to call around and get the answers - and I know that no-one did because when the winners were announced, it was clear that only a handful had got more than three out of ten correct! I mean, honestly, how was I supposed to know a 928 had set a speed record! I'm a 911 Turbo driver for goodness sakes - I want a remark! Mitchelton Winery is another prodigy of the 1970's. It is just a couple of years older than the Club, and is architecturally one of the most breathtaking wineries I have visited. The winery also has a tradition of daring though which they have trial led many new varieties, and gained a deep knowledge of the soils and microclimates in the region. It seemed to me that the winemakers exhibited the same passion as we did. OQ the lawn outside the dining area, we were able to park a few of the club member's cars, which naturally attracted much interest. I took some time to go up the Tower and snap a few shots of the club members enjoying sparkling wine (another thing they were doing back in '75) and the sun.
During lunch, the winners of the Passenger and Driver Quiz's were announced. To my embarrassment I discovered that I scored a grand total of 3 out of 10 on the driver's quiz. My passenger (my cousin Bruce who was visiting from the UK) didn't do much better-on the passenger's quiz, but that didn't make me feel much better. Of course, there's always the exception to the rule ... and James Winder who won the passenger quiz was obviously.one of them. The driver's quiz was a little more hotly contested with Stan Adler and Russell Sturzaker having to playa shootout round to decide the winner. Would you believe, Russell Sturzaker, who happened to be the founding member of the Club thirty years ago, won the quiz! (Editors note; Turns out Stan's answer was also correct, but this was not known on the day.) It's funny how things happen to create memorable moments!
In the last issue of Porsche Parade, master detailer Michael Bailey of Marque Prestige told us how to wash a Porsche properly.
The Contamination Test
But that's just the start of the adventure. This issue we go deeper into your car's finish and learn how to decontaminate it.
Wash your car in the shade (refer to the last issue of Porsche Parade for his advice on how to do it properly), chamois it dry, and then run your hand gently over the surface. If it doesn't feel baby-bum smooth, then what you're feeling are contaminants of one form or another.
ou've probably seen those horror medical documentaries about how we're all a seething mass of microbes if put under the microscope. Well your Porsche's paintwork, leather and glass are a bit like that too, according to detailing specialist, Michael Bailey. .; - '
Airborne bacteria, dust, road grime, tar, â&#x20AC;˘ industrial fallout and even overspray from paint and chemicals is all eating into your pride and joy - probably as you read this. So regular decontamination of your paintwork, seats, plastic surfaces and glass is not just a good idea - it's a necessity.
Michael says the first step is to test your paintwork for contaminants and it's easy.
Getting detailer easiest product
rid of contaminants is something you can entrust to a on a regular basis, or you can do it yourself. The best and way, Michael says, is by using a modern leading edge - man-made 'clay'.
Specifically designed for this purpose, 'clay' looks like Plasticine or Blu Tack and can be purchased from major automotive accessory retailers like Autobarn and Repco (or direct from Bailey's Marque Prestige) in several 'grit' levels . Fine, with grit level of approximately 2200 is the most commonly used, while medium (1500 grit) or heavy (about 800 grit) can also be purchased for heavily contaminated paintwork, wheels, j etcetera.
Many auto product suppliers would like you to believe that'all you need to do is wash your car then gently apply a sealing polish to make the world wonderful again. But according to Michael, that's hogwash (he actually used a different word, but this is a family magazine!).
A 200 gram tub costs around $45-$60 and according to Bailey, this is enough to decontaminate 15 Porsches externally. In other words, one third of a block will do five cars and used correctly, is less invasive on paint surfaces than traditional compound cleaners.
Unless you decontaminate the paintwork first, all you're doing is trapping the damaging contaminants under a blanket of silicone, effectively wasting your time, effort and money.
For a start, it needs to be applied in conjunction with a surface lubricant, such as the fine mist of Meguiar's Final Inspection or Quick Detailer.
Once you have cleaned the leather, Bailey says it's time to nourish it. . "Only apply a leather cream after you've cleaned your seats first, or you're wasting your money. "Using a microfibre cloth or applicator pad, start on the solid side parts of the seat first, then work the residue into the perforated parts next," he says. "If you do it the other way around, you'll clog the perforated 'pores'."
Glass - worth looking into The first mistake many people make, according to Michael, is to use a household product like Windex on automotive glass.
If your paintwork doesn't feel totally smooth after it's washed, it probably needs decontaminating, says detailing specialist Michael Bailey. Work a fairly small area at a time- say a quarter of the bonnet - rubbing the clay ball across the surface using even, but not heavy pressure. It is important to keep scrunching up the clay from time to time to allow it to self-clean, exposing new areas to the paintwork. As the clay gets older, its grit level increases and becomes finer, so that it will become less abrasive. (At that stage it's good for the plastic back windows of earlier 911 Cabriolets and Boxsters, Michael says). As you finish each section of the paintwork, wipe off the residue with a clean microfibre cloth - again available through automotive shops or direct through details like Bailey. The paintwork is now clean and ready for a protective polish. 'But that's another subject we'll cover in later issues of Porsche Parade.
"Car glass is subjected to very different contaminants to that of household glass and these products have a very high ammonia content," he says. "Ammonia will accelerate cloudiness, or socalled vinyl bloom and clearly isn't appropriate." He recommends Meguiar's No Smear and Autoglym's Fast Glass - both of which are sprayed onto the glass - but says Sonax also has a good glass cleaner that should first be applied to a microfibre cloth before the glass. If you want to keep your windscreen glass clean, another major 'no-no', says Michael, is the use any of the popular trim dressing products on your dashboard top. "You wouldn't cover yourself in baby oil then fry yourself in the sun in 40 degree heat for hours, so why would you do that to your dashboard?" he asks. The 'frying', you see, also releases more material from the vinyl, which in turn clouds the window glass. In the next issue of Porsche Parade, we get down and get dirty with Michael Bailey as he tells us how to clean our wheels and those hard to get at spots under the mudguards. Or you can get him to do the job for you by calling him at Marque Prestige on (03) 9419 9701 /0418 522 565.
Looking After Your Leather One you've finished with the paintwork, you should decontaminate the interior. Michael Bailey says the simplest way to check if your leather seats and steering wheel are contaminated is to see if they shine. Fresh, clean leather normally has a matt finish. (Have you seen any really shiny cows?) The dye from dark coloured clothing such as denim jeans, navy blue and black trousers, is actually drawn into the leather, so vehicles with light-coloured seats need treatment on a regular basis to avoid them appearing discoloured. Of course you can buy a 'leather protector', suggests you don't.
but Michael Bailey
"If you put a protector on a seat that hasn't been cleaned, you're just locking all the dirt in," he says. "You need a soft, kind, dedicated interior cleaner that is safe to use on leather or carpets and there are excellent products made by Autoglym, Sonax, Meguiar's and Zymol to choose from." The same interior cleaners can also be used to clean the 911, Boxster and Cayenne Alcantara roof linings, says Michael. The application technique is simple, but effective: • Apply to a small section at a time • Agitate with an old toothbrush (such as an Oral B)
• Wipe off with a good quality microfibre cloth.
Michael says you get what you pay for with microfibre cloths. "The cheap ones are just that - cheap - and good ones will last for years if laundered regularly and looked after properly," he says.
Your Porsche's interior is probably a lot dirtier than you think, particularly if it's a cabriolet or Boxster, says Michael Bailey. But you must decontaminate the leather first before you can treat it with a hide food.
The first PCV event for the year was held on a blisteringly hot day at the Bendigo Livestock Exchange. The event was jam packed with action including plenty of regulation smoking and squealing. Fortunately for the city slickers amongst us the distinct waft of burning rubber overpowered the anticipated smell of cattle.
I' .
First course
L -_J
Regulation smoke was on order for Bendigo! New members were officially welcomed, and all PCV members were given the opportunity to walk the track and ask any essential questions about either of the two courses before getting behind the wheel, which seemed to be much appreciated by all drivers involved. The first motorkhana course of the day was relatively trouble-free, consisting of an up and back stage layout, divided by two driveIthrough garages as the stages centrepiece. Spectators gasped "as one driver of a 944 swung the car's tail frighteningly close to a concrete wall on the way through the final few cones. The final garage sure proved to be the place for impressive braking efforts as drivers attempted to stop within it, resulting in even the officials moving their desks back for fear of being run down. The second and final course proved to be bigger, faster and more challenging on the whole than its previous counterpart, particularly in relation to the more complex layout of the course which caused some unforced errors amongst drivers, ie. Wrong Direction's (WD's) and plenty of contact with cones. Confusion was also apparent as to which direction the 360 turn should be made. The longer nature of the course meant that the only spectators to view the far left end of the track were the surrounding sheep who looked on in horror as drivers threw their cars around the return cone in an often spectacular 180 degree turn! Overall the day ran very smoothly and was a credit to all involved. This was the first event to be run under our newly appointed President, Michael Chapman and his dedicated committee. Thank you also to the club's latest budding photographer, Leigh Voges, for his contributions to this edition of Porsche Parade.
Second course
RESULTS Class Open 2 Don Tryhorn (GT2) "Open 2" was taken out by Don Tryhorn in the formidable GT2! Class M2 Kerry Bruty (911 3.2 Carrera) Duane Rogers (911 3.2 Carrera) Kerry Bruty comfortably secured a class win for "M2" in his 911 3.2 Carrera, and Duane Rogers in second place driving his 911 3.2 Carrera. Class M1 Michael Herrod (993 RSCS) This class proved to be the battle of the almighty 993 RS's! With Michael Herrod in his 993 RSCS comfortably taking the honors in "Class M 1" and overall results for the day! Class A Bruce Young (Boxster 3.2 S) Ian Jenkins (993) Geoffrey Mould (Boxster 3.2 S) "Class A" was dominated by Boxsters at Bendigo. With Boxster 3.2 S's taking out three of the top four spots. Bruce Young being the overall class winner and second overall for the day in his Boxster 3.2 S. Ian Jenkins managed to split the Boxsters to take second place in his 993, with Geoffrey Mould taking out third place in his Boxster 3.2 S. Class B Robert Dykstra (911 3.2 Carrera) Jeffrey Bobik (968 CS)
Richard Waters (964 3.6 C2)
Competitors inspecting the course, some more closely than others! 44
With the largest field of any class at Bendigo, "Class B" was narrowly taken out by Robert Dykstr.a in his 911 3.2 Carrera over last years class winner Jeffrey Bobik in his 968 CS. Richard Waters rounded out the top three in his 964 3.6 C2. With myself just missing out on my first top 3 finish in 4th!
Class C Cameron Cox (911 3.0 Carrera) Roland Newman (911 3.0 Carrera) Mark Chrzanowski
(911 3.0 SC)
Cameron Cox in his 911 3.0 Carrera took out "Class C" and managed 3rd overall for the event. He was closely followed by Roland Newman in his 911 3.0 Carrera, with Mark Chrzanowski rounding out the top three in "Class C", in his 911 3.0 SC. Class D Juris Briedis (944 S2 3.0) Garry Voges (944 3.0 S2) Leigh Voges (944 S) Juris Briedis took out "0 Class" honours fairly comfortably, while Father-Son rivalry was as heated as ever in "Class 0" with Garry Voges holding off son Leigh Voges for second in class.
CONGRATULATIONS to the overall winner Michael Herrod in his 993 RSCS! (Class M1) Followed closely by minor place getters in the overall results, Bruce Young in his Boxster 3.2 S (Class A) and Cameron Cox in his 911 3.0 Carrera (Class C). Congratulations are extended to all class winners and everyone who competed in this season opener! I am sure if the season continues as it has started we are in for a fantastic year!
Bendigo was certainly popular with front-engined Porsche's. As the Lachlan and Voges entries return to the finish of course one!
Full results for this event are reprinted at the back of the magazine, and are also available for download on our Club website, www. pcv.com.au .
Michael Chapman in a cloud of smoke fit for a President!
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Bendigo Motorkana Sunday 30 January 2005 No
Class A 30 Bruce Young
OIA Place
OIA Points
Class Place
Class Points
Boxster 3.2 S
Ian Jenkins
Geoffrey Mould
Boxster 3.2 S
Aranka Young
Boxster 3.2 S
70.69 70.43
38.29 39.43
Mark McNamara
David Oscar
9933.6 Carrera
Nick Marandos
Richard Oldham
993 3.6 Carrera
71.79 72.03
37.73 5
Class B 33
Robert Dykstra
911 3.2 Carrera
Jeffrey Babik
968 CS
Richard Waters
9643.6 C2
Stewart Lachlan
968 CS
Jill Willis
968 CS
Martin Willis
968 CS
Matt Kirwan-Hamilton
9643.6 C2
Brian Reed
968 CS
Neil Hawker
9643.6 C2
39.32 36.41
Stuart Newland
Graham Lachlan
968 CS
Gregor Hall
944 Turbo
Andrew Lipman
911 3.2 Carrera
73.73 74.45
83.83 wd wd
Class C
66.95 66.78
Cameron Cox
911 3.0 Carrera
Roland Newman
911 3.0 Carrera
Mark Chrzanowski
9113.0 SC
Ken Knight
71.17 71.43
Gordon Robertson
Michael Chapman
9113.0 SC
John Lewis
9113.0 SC
William Clifford
Ron Widdison
911 3.2 Carrera
Class D 11
Juris Briedis
944 S2 3.0
Garry Voges
9443.0 S2
944 S2
Mark Homer
944 S2 3.0
Brenton Homer
wd 76.44
Class M1 17
Michael Herrod
993 RSCS
Neil Jeffs
993 RS
Class M2 16
Kerry Bruty
911 3.2 Carrera
Duane Rodgers
911 3.2 Carrera
Glenn Cook
911 RS
Nicholas Batzialas
911 3.2 Carrera
19 13
Class OPEN 2
Don Tryhorn
Nathan Brumby
930 3.3 Kremer
37.66 41.44
Stan Adler
5 wd
wd 65.46 71.26
46.65 '
77.15 82.15
62.66 -
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Cars For Sale GT3 Clubsport, '99 Aust. Delivered, White with black interior, ex Nations cup car that has been fully refreshed, including paint I interior I brakes & fully rebuilt gearbox. Engine is very strong. No major accidents. Very light & quick car suitable as a daily driver or competition car (Targa, Dutton rally, Mt Buller Sprint etc.) In great condition will consider trading an "interesting" earlier Porsche model. $149,500 inc. GST with RWC. "FIRM" (No offers & no time wasters please!) Ph. 0402 797 666 1/05 911 Carrera 3.2, 1984 . Absolutely the best standard club Carrera 3.2 in Australia. Michael Browning's wellknown Carrera 3.2, delivered 29 May 1984 in Sydney and now with its fourth owner. This car has regularly been a consistent sprint trophy winner for several years and with the tighter club controls on permissible modifications is potentially the fastest Class B Porsche in the PCV and a likely category winner in tarmac rally events such as Classic Adelaide. Recent total engine, gearbox, final drive, suspension rebuild by Porsche Centre Meibourne (all receipts supplied) including factory LSD. Factory sun roof. Fuli no cost-spared Charlie Battisti total repaint in original Guards Red. Detail mods as follows: FRONT END: Top adjustable Kanis, Bigger Torsion bars, Alloy tower brace, Adjustabie sway bar through the body REAR END: Top adjustable Kanis, Larger torsion bars, Rose-joint adjustable sway bar, Height adjustable spring plates BRAKES: Braided brake lines, Harrop-slotted front discs, Pagid brake pads, Castrol SRF fluid. Fibregiass brake ducts on front lower control arms OTHER: Current CAMS log book. Full Turboco (Chris Randell) Chrome Moly (bolt in, bolt out) roll cage with removable hip bars and front hoop. Professional re-trimming in lightweight carpet by Garry Blackman, Mama Top Nascar bucket seats, Driver and passenger harnesses, Window net Smaller Mama steering wheel, Helmet net behind seats , New high performance battery, Fitted with paintwork-protecting clear Stoneguard film. Supplied with George Cairns front and rear alloy under shields (for TargalClassic Adelaide) The car's original air conditioning system has been removed and is boxed, ready for re-fitting if required. Similarly, the car's original interior carpet, door trims and rear parcel shelf trimming including speakers is stored and ready for re-fitting. The car's original steering wheel has been retained and can be re-fitted to return the car to standard Carrera 3.2 touring specs, if required. PERFORMANCE: The car is fitted with a stainless steel German DP rear muffler (original muffler also available) which with the appropriate outlet is PCV B Class legal. Laps Phillip Island in 1.52.795 (02/02/03), Winton 1.40.41 (open for driver improvement!), Morwell Hillclimb 36.47, Geelong Speed Trials (standing 400 metres) 13.92 sec, Class winner Targa Tasmania 2000 & 2002. In winning team, Winton 6 Hour race 2000 and 2003. Reluctantly making way for new project Price: $70,000. Contact: Michael Browning 0418 324 328 1/05 911 SC, 1978 model, 3.0Itr, 5 speed with 31,000 original kms. If you can find a better '78 SC Porsche, buy it $55,000 Contact Michael 0412 618 069 1/05 RSR replica, Zero kms after full rebuild of engine, new clr gearbox. 3.6 L 12 plug race engine, Autronic EMS, Cosworth pistons, Carillo rods, Modena fuel inj., Harrop "brakes, coil overs, air jacks, fully caged and seam welded shell, recent repaint, weighs 1000 kgs. 2 sets wheels. Unregd. (previous NSW rego.) Nothing to spend & sold at fraction of cost to develop due new 1/05 project $69,900. Richard (03) 9822 5034 Boxster S, July 2003 in metallic arctic silver with black interior, aluminium and leather finish gear shift and hand brake, 18" Carrera wheels, hi-fi sound package upgrade, Nokia phone in car kit and. Porsche mats . Only 18,600km and in immaculate condition. Still under manufacturer's warranty. $115,000. Contact Derek 0425813665 1/05 Sven's Carrera. 1985 Carrera. 1985 First rate competition record, 2 Club Championships and Class Wins - check PCV site for details. Always maintained regardless of cost Full documented maintenance and modification history. Engine - 3.4 high compression Mahle piston and barrel conversion, full M8 Motec management, RS
intake manifold, BMC Cup air filter, twin plug ignition, ported and flowed heads, matched competition valve springs with titanium retainers, Starr Performance equal length extractors (with heat exchangers - heater works!), Starr muffler with RSR style outlets, RSR Sprint cams, top end rebuilt 12 months ago, bottom end checked and good, Club sport engine and gearbox mounts, twin oil coolers Gearbox - LSD, close ratio box (lightweight gears), 993 drive shaft conversion, new CV's, lightweight pressure plate, Kevlar clutch, lightened flywheel Body - GRP front and rear bumpers, GRP/carbon doors (steel doors with RSdoor trims and pulls and wind up windows included), GRP bonnet, GRP/carbon rear lid and spoiler, Lexan side and rear windows (tinted to look factory stock). Light! Suspension - RS front struts, Turbo brakes (new rotors and pads all round), full floating front rotors, adjustable front bar, Koni shocks - adjustable front and rear (double), Turbo tie rod ends, solid rose jointed rear, Turbo torsion bars, 7+ 9 x 16 Fuchs, fast RE55 Bridgestones, front brake cooling ducts General - GT3 battery cut out, light battery, CAMS logbook, CAMS certified full cage, lightweight interior, Race seats, harnesses, window net, lap timer and beacon, second set of 15" genuine Minilites with good A032R's, car has heater for rally's. Price includes 3 Weltmeister driver training days. Comes with extensive set up data. Car in VGC Price $85,000. Will consider part trade of earlier 911 or standard G series. Telephone Sven on 0419754865 1/05 9142.0,1974914. Left hand drive, currently registered in SA as a club car. Full registration papers from Transport SA included. 63,000 original miles, Fuchs, 916 front and rear bumpers, many performance extras. This maybe the best example of a 914 in Australia. $18,500 Call Simon 0402 088 350 or (08) 8357 2319 1/05 965 Turbo, 1992 Black with soft black leather interior and sunroof. 1 of only 19 Hamilton's delivered. Showroom Condition. $110,000 Contact Dina 0438 542 407 1/05 944, 1984 Gold 944 Great car for entry to Porsche club at $16,500.obo FSH original and well maintained car. 153,000 km new tyres. Have upgraded to a faster 944. Please call Mark 0409 940 612 1/05 GT3, One of the fastest non Cup Cars in Aust, Recent body refresh. Reco Bilstin 2 way adjustable shocks, rebuilt glbox (new synchro's, sliders, and crown wheel and pinion), new lsd, reco brakes. New Starr exhaust Upgraded ECU (2nd generation from Porsche with rev limiter), Motec data logging, extensive spares incl 4 sets of wheels, lightweight doors, carbon bonnet (not currently on the car). Ready for Targa or the Porsche Drivers challenge or Aust GT sports cars. All original GT3 Road parts. Road Reg NSW. $150,000 ph Tim 0409 0909 32 1/05 993 Coupe, 1996, 285 HP Varioram engine. White with light grey trim. Electric sunroof and seats. 6 speed manual. 17" wheels. 148,000 km (Country km's). Full service history. $117,500. Contact Spencer Harrison 0418930912 1/05 996 GT3RS, Year 2003 ( race car) Fully maintained by Porsche Weissach. Belgian champion in 2004, about 140 hours. since new and 25 hours since fully rebuilt ( new body shell, engine, transmission, suspension, uniball etc ...) BOSCH MS engine management MOTEC display with integrated data recording. 1100 Kgs ( FIA version ),Sachs shock absorbers. This car is in perfect condition Best price ex Belgium 145000 Euros. Contact Yves LAMBERT Star Trax s.a. 1/05 Tel: +32 10657729
Ported Heads, Individual Throttle bodies, Turbo Brakes, Fully adjustable suspension, RS RUF lightweight deck lid &spoilers, oversize oil cooler and so much more ..... Represents fantastic value at firm $85,000. Call 0412 053 567 1/05 944 Turbo, 1985, RHD, no transmission. Would make an excellent base for 944 Challenge Car or Club Car. $7000.00 ana Ph 0410 614911 (Adelaide) 1/05 GT3 Club Sport, 00. Red as new condition, never raced, rally or clubbed. Can supply with road set up or competion engine & gearbox. Consider trades. $165000 1/05 Contact John Good (0418)317 895 996 Twin Turbo, 01 Dark Bluel Dk Blue interior, engine & gearbox are brand new(O kms) not rebuilt but factory new, not Australian delivered, ideal Targa or c1ub( not previously) $165000 contact John Good 0418317 895 1/05 GT3, Near New Porsche GT3 Cup Car genuine 2003 model, includes full 2004 upgrade, brand new never marked or damaged body, just 3,100 klms. Only competed in 6 events. Ready to run season 2005. Presents as new. Price reduced to $219,000 incl. GST can also supply spares at less than cost For further details and photos Ph. 0411 724 176 1/05 911 SC, 3.01tr, fully prepeared club car, serviced and maintained by Weltmeister service, fully rebuilt competition motor and gear box, light weight clutch & flywheel , strut brace, Willens harness, Camms approved full cage, re trimmed black interior, Bilstein suspension, limited slip diff, close ratio gear shift, 2 x sparco race seats, RPM steering wheel, S.S. braided brake lines front and back, 15x7 & 15x8 Fuchs rims with Dunlop D01 's rubber, uprated torsion bars, spare set of either Fuchs or Simmons B45 rims with rubber, electric windows, CD player. Excellent entry level club, rally or race car in excellent condition looked after by fastidious owner. $50,000.00 ana. Call Tony 0412 534836 1/05 911 RSR Replica, 1975 MFI 2.9 (engine # 6631129 - genuine '73 RS motor) with 50mm MoTeC throttle bodies, twin-plug heads, 'S' cams, solid RSR rocker arms, SSI heat exchangers, 3" Monty muffler, 930 brakes, 930 tie-rods, custom-made 9 & 11 x 17" wheels (with brand new Yokohama A032R rubber), IROC whale-tail and bumpers, fibreglass front guards, and a full Connelly leather interior. This 'like new' 911 (chassis # 9115100503) is one of two RSR replicas built by John Gregory in the late 90s at a cost of over $150,000. It has travelled only 18,OOOkms since it was built, and is the perfect platform for a c1ubltarmac rally weapon. $59,500 Work: (03) 9899 9999 Mobile: 0418 528 703 1/05 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Tiptronic 2000 model. Speed Yellow with Black 'soft look' leather seats. Interior aluminium highlights and instrument dials. 'Sports Design' 18" wheels, Aircon, CD stacker, Sports Pack, Porsche Stability Management Hardtop available. Full Porsche service history. One owner. 39,000 kms. $129,990 Call (03) 9822 6830 for more details 1/05 993 RSR, Porsche 993 RSR (genuine RS) 1995 model, LHD racecar (not able to be registered). Current Log Book. Car competed in Porsche Drivers Challenge 2003/4 , third outright 2004. Engine: 3.8 RSR, 196kw, with restrictor. Motec. Recent rebuild including new c1utchlpressure plate. Modena diff. Body: RS body, with GT2 body kit, carbon fibre guards, doors, bonnet, boot lid. Weighs approx 1080kgs. Full roll cage, 6 point harness (2008 compliance) Wheels 9x18, 12x18, 2 sets. Lap Times: Winton 1.29, Sandown 1.17, Wakefield Park 1.03, Phillip Island 1.43 Car has been fUlly maintained by Fiztgerald Racing and is ready for action in 2005 for Porsche Drivers Challenge, Marque Sports and Club Sprints. $75,000 . Phone Paul Stuart, 0417 396 905 1/05
911 RS 3.2, 1982 This vehicle is probably the best known Porsche club car in Victoria. Almost twelve years of Weltmeister development, over $200k worth of receipts and if host of competition podium results including Class and Club Championships in 2000, 2001,2002 and Outright Championship in 2002. Car Carrera Cup Car, 2003 CUP CAR - COST NEW changed ownership in mid 2003 season and was $265,000Perfect condition with, Fresh gear box ,clutch, not raced until 2004 when it was retired early due to brakes and much more.This car has only done 9 races engine failure. SUbsequently the engine has recently in 03 and 2 in 04.The price of the car is negotiable and been rebuilt from top to bottom, interior freshened to a flexible structure will be considered.Trade/Swap on RS specs by Blackman's, a new lick of Paint and is a Black 996 Twin Turbo preffered.Genuine enquiries ready for the lucky buyer to very likely win the 2005 welcome on 0418 507 403 1/05 Championships. Mods include MOTEC,RS cams, JC Racing Pistons, Titanium Valve Springs & guides, LSD,
Fuchs 15 x 7 and 8s, Genuine factory rims, with Qunlop - 105,000 kms. Log Books from beginning, currently GT2 EVO, 993 Race car, LHD, Turbo, proven Porsche serviced by Auto Coupe. $65,000 Contact Julie' on D01Js (215/50 and 225150). Rims are straight and C,up Challenge) engine with shattering performance undamaged but could use a decent clean. I have not 4/04 and ability to set lap records in competition. Engine 0417244124 touched them because I didn't want to ruin the anodising. has approx 6 hours , gearbox 0 hours as it has just 2001 GT3 CUP CAR This is a low hour car fully refreshed Rear tyres useful only for driving to the tyre shop! Fronts been re-built to as new. Engine is on Motec, Electronic and overhauled ready to race. It has had a fresh engine are maybe 30%. Great for lowering 911 ride height arid Instuments by Stack. Well organized car originally built build and a complete chassis overhaul. Work includes gearing, and lap times. These rims do not clear 928S4 from RS. Presented ready to go racing - will sell outright new driveshafts, control arms, caster arms, rotors, brake callipers ... but will clear Boxter callipers. I would II ease Ihire. Can provide all trackside and/or preparation pads, undertrays and oxy sensors. Car has never been like $2500; will sell as a set only and can supply more including transport if required. Will consider trade-ins. If crashed (minor scrapes only). Fresh paint inside and photos on request. Gordon 0402 911 444 1/05 you have been thinking of going racing talk now! Sale out. Comes with a stack dash/data logger and beacon, price is $120,000 ONO For more information contact CAMS log book, new harness and fire extinguisher, 3 x Fuchs 16 x 7 and 8s, Genuine factory turbo rims, with John Good (0418) 317 895 1/05 sets BBS wheels with rubber, control arms, drive shafts, Dunlop SP9000s, virtually unused. These come with rear window and other "bits'n pieces". Eligible for PDC, centre caps and will fit any narrow or wide bodied 911 911 RSR Replica, RSR73 Current M2 class Winner Blue, lightweight panels, HUGE brakes, Motec, GT Sports Cars, Prod Sports, Marque Sports and Club before 964 (must have SC or Carrera guards). Tyres Individual Throttle bodies on 3.0 Carrera engine with Sprints. PRICE NEGOTIABLE Contact Paul Blackie on and rims are round, balanced and undamaged. Tyres cost me $1320, rims $2400, I would like $3200 for the 03 9824 5648, 0418 319908 4/04 very recent full rebuild of engine, g'box, diff no expense lot. Which still hurts quite a bit... Gordon 0402 911 444 spared.($45K). Extensive chrome moly cage and 944 S2 1990 White with Black leather interior. 130,000 (NSW) 1/05 exhaust by Starr. Velo seats and Schroth Harnesses. kms, powered windows, mirrors and sunroof. Well Too many extras to mention. Very consistent performer Manufactured by Dansk (OEM maintained with service book. The car has a Limited Slip 996 Headers/Extractors, well known in club. Dominant In G.P. Rally Classic (prior supplier to Porsche), Never used, Quick and simple to rebuild). Phillip island 1:50.4, Sandown 1:25.0, Calder Diff., M030 adjustable suspension. Timing Belt done at 103,000km, new rotors, new Falken road tyres and a power upgrade! $1500 Contact Brad on 0417 525 625 65.0 all on club tyres. Comes with 3 sets of wheels I 1/05 set of Michelin Pilot Sport Cup race tyres. A relaxed tyres.slicks.Excellent Marque sports car. Cams 2/2b log touring Porsche or a PCV class winning Porsche for book. $68,000 Call Michael Lentini 0412542910 1/05 Michelin Race Slicks, Only 20 practice laps old at only $30,000.Contact Hung 0411282572 4/04 Winton, 1 year old.Stored in garage under constant temperature Fronts 24/64-18. Rears 27/68-18 Tyre Porsche 911 E 1973 speed manaual 2.4 fuel injection originally from Carrera Cup car and were only used to white with red interior and tartan fabric seat panels. 993 Carrera 2S 1997 Varioram Tip. Absolutely original give drive a test in car Make me an offer to get them out Elec windows, fuchs wheels, new tyres, new clutch, silver with black leather interior in concourse condition. of my shed or looking for 911- 69 bits for trade or deal fitted air-con, elec aerial blaupunkt stereo. Just Fully optioned including all electrics, QuikTrack, new Contact Richard Baskus 0408 9115411/05 clicked over 60,000 miles, one owner/driver since Jan shocks and rear tyres [Oct 04]- 18" alloys. Full service 1985. Complete dossier last 23 years.Outstanding history + invoices. A rare example of the last of the air 944 Turbo Wheels, Original 944 Turbo S Forged condition inside/out Genuine buyers only at $55,000 cooled Porsches - for the fussy perfectionist. Priced to ClubSport Wheels, 2 16xT' Fronts (18.5Ib) and 2 16x9" Mobile: 0425 714 794 4/04 (20Ib) rears in very good condition $800, call Hung sell at $121,900 ono . Contact Jack on 0425 224464 04112825721/05 (Sydney) 4/04 Porsche 911 SC, Targa 1980 model. Excellent condition. 3.0 litre, 5sp manual. 223,000km with extensive 911 3.2 Performance Chip, Improve the power Other Marques Porsche service history. Re-covered soft-top. Australian and torque curve right throughout the rev range. Ford F150 XL T, 1996 Maxi tray. 5.4 litre V8 Petrol. Dual Manufacturer claims 6-8% increase. Tuned specifically delivered and 'completely original' - the way Porsche Cab. Seats 6 comfortably. Rear seat also converts to a to 98 Premium Fuel. Suit 87-89 Carrera with 24 pin chip. intended. Grand Prix white, leather interior. Registered flat surface additional' for storage. Long tray and long Easy do-it-yourself till May 2005. Major service just completed by Porsche instructions. $350 Call Mark 0425 specialist. CD, Immobiliser, Electric windows/mlrrors. A wheelbase model. Dual 80 litre fuel tanks for those 7349271/05 long trips. Air con. Auto with overdrive. Rear or four must see for someone looking for an original Porsche. Also included with the car: New Michelin Air Pump (for wheel drive. "Roller shutter" secure lockable tray cover. 911 Alloy Roll Cage, 6 Point With Side Intrusion Bars Proff. Built.$1000 Offers Call Peter 035251 3685 or space saver); '101 Projects for your car' handbook; '911 Excellent condition. Great for towing. Must sell because my neighbours are complaining!!! Dean Koutsoumidis 0409 002 881 1/05 Porsche History' handbook; 15 'GT' and '911 Porsche' 1/05 Magazines from this year; Porsche History DVD; 0412365029 911 Engine, Complete 2.7 K Jet ,only 3,000 klms and 2 Porsche Caps (Value $400+) Asking $34,900 I am AMG C36 Four door Porsche? Not quite, but if you are since full rebuild ,still in car so any test welcome! NEGOTIABLE. Contact Clarke on (H) 03 93791561, looking for the ideal performance family car this is it. This upgrading to a 3.2 as soon as this engine is sold ,Priced (W) 03 9605 6212 (M) 0402 444 848 4/04 genuine AMG C36 Mercedes Sports gives you 206Kw at just $7,000 for quick sale this is less than the cost of a 1/05 GT3 Silver 23,000 kms Double adjustable Bilstien and 375Nm. It will go from 0-100 in 6.4 seconds and rebuild, contact Ray 0418 310135 or 0395559277 suspension, Star exhaust, upgraded ECU. Short gear is electronically limited to 250kph. If that's not enough, Lap Timer, Intercomp race timer 6 months old contact it also includes 10 stack CD, air conditioning, sunroof, ratios, full roll cage with removeable side intrusion Mark on 0418 382 300 or email $650 ono 1/05 full service and twelve month's registration. To view or bars. Light weight Cobra race seats (adjustable drivers), removable sports line steering wheel, 2 sets light weight rims 8. slicks (Original GT3 wheels with near new tyres). All in excellent condition, extremely fast & well maintained car. $145,000. Call Damian on 0425 723 242 or 9597 0009 (AH) 4/04
discuss this realistic alternative give Jeff Thomas a call on 0411 743339. A true thoroughbred at just $39,000 4/04
BMW 2003 Tii 1973 model, genuine right hand drive Australian delivery. Modified suspension, flares, 2004 GT3 Club Sport Australian delivered - Black mags, very good condition. Make a great tarmac rally on Black, 2,500 km. never raced. Factory options car. $11,500 ONO. Contact Gary on 0418 551 870 or - Ceramic race brakes (Cost $19k.) A/C. Stereo, 2 x (03) 98151693 .. .4/04 "factory" leather race seats also includes original fire retardant clubsport race seats. After market options - Starr race exhaust - 18" black speed line race wheels Parts For Sale fitted with Dunlop competition tyres. (Original wheels also included.) Car is immaculate - all options are brand new! WILL NOT FIND BETTER. Cost $290,000 will consider trading a 4 seater practical vehicle $239,900 ono Ph. 0402 797 666 Reg. NINE 96 4/04
996 Sports Seats, Pair of black Leather Sports SEjPts, normally only available as an original fitment option on the 996 Turbo and GT3, and not able to be purchased 944 Challenge Car Excellent straight body, recent separately from Porsche as a spare part! They have an respray & no shunts. Brand new engine, 10 laps only. electric adjuster for the backrest and a manual adjuster Latest mods including competition radiator and blade for height. Will fit all 996 models, these are the perfect adjustable rollbar. Ran 9th at Sandown with rusty driver. solution for the driver who wants a supportive seat for View on aPorschapPrt website. $36000. Call Geoff on comfort or club competition, but still needs the seats 0418 995 500 4/04 to fold forward to access the rear seats/luggage area, Porsche 356B 1960 T5 1600 Super. New detailed big and who also wants to preserve the originality of their car by using genuine Porsche items. In absolutely bore engine, new brakes all stainless steel sleeves fitted. Car originally from Texas USA so the body is in perfect, brand new condition. The replacement value, if they were available, would be well in excess of $8000. good condition for its age. The car is nearly complete and now most of the mechanicals are done. This is a Secure yourself a bargain for around half that, $4500 the pair. Call Rex on 0407 911 0121/05 good base for restoration. $ 22,500. Spencer Harrison Mobile 0418 930 912 4/04 911 SIS Muffler, (Cargraphic) Highest quality from "Cargraphic" S/Steel (T304) double skin Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera 2 1986 Widebody, Vic Reg Germany muffler to suit 911 with SSI system inc. 3Ltr SC. Twin 21/3/05. Alarm 1 remote central locking, immobiliser, 83mm tail pipes. As New. costs $2100.00 Sell $1250 18" 3 piece alloys, Carrera 2 tail. Air conditioning, Contact Ian 0414 345 318 or 988917021/05 single CD 1 stereo, leather interior. Australian Delivered
Wheels/Tyres Italian Cup 2 (993) wheels 7.5*17(52mm offset) & 9*17 (47mm offset) with worn but useable Dunlop D01J type R 225/45 & 265/40. $1350 ono Design 90 (6*16 & 8*16 52.3 mm offsets) with good Bridgestone S01 205/55 front and Falken GR-RS 225/50 rear. $850 ono. All with new valves and freshly balanced. Good 17 inch Falken Azenis Type R tyres 2 * 215/45 & 3 * 255/40. $400 ono Contact Jonathan 0438 443957 1/05 911 Harness Bar, Out (from a 911 SC), 5 mths old as new condition, black $350.00 Call Tony 0412 534836 1/05 911 Muffler Stainless Steel, as new ,custom designed with twin centre outlets .Cost $1190 Sell $695 ,contact Rayon AH 0418310135 or WH 03 95559277 4/04 911 Engine Race Spec 3.2 Twin spark setup, engine was dyno'd and its producing over 300HP, gives any 911 awesome performance, its still on car so it can be tried and tested. Option of purchasing the engine with current Motec M4 computer and induction system (one cover is off so you can see what it looks like) for $13500 or you can have the engine without that and put the standard manifold for $9500. Its a real bargain, but I'm desperate to sell because I have a 600HP+ engine to put in the car. Call anytime 0408 456 911 4/04 993 Exhaust Straight through exhaust to suit 993. Increase the performance of your car and give it an exhaust note GT3 owners only dream of. $500.00. Call Guyon 0419 418 518 4/04
XX 911, Slimline and brand new. Kept in storage over 5 years. Consider all offers over $5,000. Contact Jim mobile 0403 120 318 1/05.
Power Upgrade Kit for 996 Turbo 2001-2004, Kit increases power from 410 BHP to 640 BHP (477 Kw), kit includes upgraded ECU, modified KKK 24 turbo's, Billet Diverter Valves, GT2 Intercoolers, makes the car unbelievably fast, 0-100 kmlh in low 3's, 'I. mile in high 10's (Subject to traction), I can arrange a factory trained technician to install if in Sydney, Kit will also fit GT2 and X50 Optioned cars, over $25k spent, P.O.A, George 0416 222 333 4/04 7:37 Crown Wheel and Pinion This extremely rare crown wheel and pinion took months to source -- back in '96. Price: $3,000 Call: 0418 528 703 4/04
BOX 987 - To suit new Boxster. Green writing on white background slimline. $ 2,500 ono. Call Edward on 0408 007 986 1/05
Number Plates For Sale
(Black & White Slimline) - $5,000 ono. Call Edward on 0408 007 986 1/05 Personised
Plates, all slimline in size (Brand new).
RED GT3 " $3,000.00
911 C2 Turbo, '89 thru '93. Prefer 3.6L but 3.3L is fine. Must be AUS delivered and unmodified. Willing to pay good money for a good example. Contact Bruce Tyson 0418551 133 or alh 03 9830 5519 1/05 944 Turbo, In good well maintained condition. 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo S or 1989, 1990 or 1991 Porsche Turbo. Please contact Chris Lowe on (07) 3257 8561 (work) 1/05
CAYEN1 $ 3000 CAYEN3 $ 3000 POR997 $ 5000
"997-911" Perfect addition for your $6500.00 Ph Simon on 0413 025 665
new Porsche. 4/04
"REV 911 " Brand new slimline Victorian number plate. Blue on white background. Great for all 911 models. $911. Phone David on 0409 200331 4/04
18" Rims Suit 996 with R spec tyres. Also pair of GT3 Clubsport Recaro seats. Phone Barry Cuneo on 0409 768 378 4/04 968 CS Wheels One pair of standard front wheels for '93 968CS, (cup style, 17 x 7.5, 65mm offset). Also used on some early 90's 911 's I believe. Contact Brian Reed on 03 9481 5673 (day or evening) 4/04
"997 GP" The ultimate plate for your new PORSCHE 997. Brand new "997 GP" number plate - best offers invited. Contact Irwin 0414605693 or Luis 0412 605 692 4/04
RED 996 " $1.500.00
18" Formula R Tyres, Please contact Nathan Brumby on mobile: 0438206496 1/05
944 Engine Block, 2.5L engine block with pistons, main bearings and pre lapped barrels (save $500) Ready for assembly. $2,000. Ian Percy 9226 7788 or 0412321396
sports 1/05
997121 - To suit new 911. This is the model code for the 997 Carrera'S'
Call 0403 044911 1/05
RED 993" $1,500.00
GT3 Touring Seats, or 996 Porsche Contact Andrew Morphett 0412 541151
23540 x 18", Wanted: Bridgestone RE 540 S tyre one only required. Call Troy 0438 928930 1/05
928 Wheels and Parts One new fuel Bosch injector for 928S2, Porsche part No 928 606 11900 (Bosch No 0 280 150 252 ): $80, 928 mag wheels, 4 Michelin tyres, Pilot SX MXX3 size 225 X 50 ZR16. Buy the tyres and get the 4 rims for free: $600 ONO Contact Paul Belcourt t) 03 59759723 , m) 0402 134038 4/04
RED 930 asking price $3,000.00
18" Simmons wheels, or similar to suit 996 Carrera with or without tyres Andrew Morphett 0412 541 151 1/05
997111 - To suit new 911. This is the model code for the 997 Carrera (Black & White Slimline)- $5,000 ono. Call Edward on 0408 007 986 1/05
GT3 Style Rim Rear 17". Will fit Boxster. Cost $1,800.00 brand new. Only on car for 2 weeks. $440.00. Dean. 0412 365 029 4/04
'CAB 997' Secure this Victorian plate in advance of the new 997 Cabriolet release - $5,000 ono and 'BOX 550' To suit Boxster S 550 Anniversary Edition - $3,000 ono Contact Adrian on 0407 185 273 or email 4/04
RED 888 " $3,000.00
Call James Camilleri
..... (M) 0419 332 991 1/05
"PCH-911" White and blue standard ONO. Phone: Steven 0418 863 034
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