Porsche News August - September 2014

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The Official Journal of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc.

August - September 2014 PORSCHE NEWS 1




PORSCHE REGULARS Events Calendar President’s Prose Editor’s Notes From the Control Tower Membership Report Market Place Parts for Sale Membership Form Members’ Business Directory


FEATURES Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 37 Page 42 Page 47 Page 49


40th Anniversary - It Was Great KB and the 991S An Artist with a Porsche Passion My Targa Experience Miracles Can Happen Oakey Sprints New Member Profiles The Porsche Queensland Connection Club Nights Rounds 4 & 5 - QR

Page 8 Page 15 Page 16 Page 20 Page 24 Page 26 Page 28 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32


Thanks to the following members and friends for their contributions:

Cover: 40th Anniversary Run Paige Winen

Sheldon Arkinstall, Jo Martens, Greg McWhinney, Kent Kieseker, Dave Beard, Will Holzheimer, Rod McCray, Brett Williams and Ian Gall.

Inside Cover: Noosa Hillclimb Kent Kieseker PORSCHE



2013-2014 Committee and Assistants President Dave Beard 0413 121 213 pres@porsche-qld.org.au Vice President Grant Sparks vpresident@porsche-qld.org.au

Executive Secretary Kent Kieseker secretary@porsche-qld.org.au

Finance Director Sharon Donsky treasurer@porsche-qld.org.au Motorsport Director Ian Gall comp@porsche-qld.org.au

Social Director Donna Beard social@porsche-qld.org.au

Web Master Neil Macdonald admin@porsche-qld.org.au

Membership Secretary Tim Place 0419707 905 membership@porsche-qld.org.au Communications Director Sheldon Arkinstall 0421 271 029 editor@porsche-qld.org.au Production Assistant Rachel Place

Merchandise Director Michelle Shaw




Porsche News is published every two months by the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. primarily for the members and supporters. Print Post Number:


Please forward all correspondence to:Porsche News Porsche Club Qld GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Members’ contributions ae welcome and encouraged. Original articles and photographs will be returned if requested. Email to editor@porsche-qld.org.au The opinions expressed or inferred herein are not necessarily thos of the editor, committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. The Porsche Club Qld Inc. meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm at: PORSCHE CENTRE BRISBANE 146 Breakfast Creek Rd Newstead 4006 (Unless otherwise notified. Please check the Calendar for changes.) Management Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month - venue to be advised. Advertising: Porsche News has a circulation of approximately 500 copies, and is read by approximately 500 discerning readers and enthusiasts. Advertising rates vary, depending on locationa and size of adveritisment (see last page). For sale or wanted ads in the back of the magazine are free to club members for their private ads, $50 for commercial advertisers and $25 for non-members. Photos will be included when space permits. Advertisers should ensure that advertisments comply with the current Trade Practice Act, as responsibilty lies with the person, company or agent submitting the advertisment for publication. Club Web page is www.porsche-qld.org.au Membership: Please direct all membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary; or phone any committee member; or write to: Membership Secretary, PCQ GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Membership is from 1st July, through till 30th June in the following year.

Calendar 2014 Membership The Club extends a warm welcome to the following new members:

Luke Dodd

August Tuesday 12th

AGM & Club Night Porsche Centre Brisbane

Sunday 24th

Motorsport Round 7 Afternoon Sprints Lakeside

Thursday 28th

Committee Meeting

Trent Giumelli Scott Brenchley

September Tuesday 9th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane

Thursday 25th

Committee Meeting

Saturday 27th

Motorsport Round 8 Mt Cotton Hill Autokhana

October Saturday 4th

Bowdens Own Premises Tour - 1.00pm

Sunday 5th

Noosa Beach Classic Car Show

Tuesday 14th

Club Night

Sunday 19th

Autofest @ Oktoberfest Brisbane

Thursday 23rd

Committee Meeting

Sunday 26th

Motorsport Round 9 Lakeside Sprints & Motorkhana

This magazine is proudly printed by:

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Our 40th Anniversary celebrations certainly took a hold of last weekend and truth be told, I’m still recovering. Hillclimbs, followed by drinks and 40th anniversary nightly functions do not give much time to rest. The ten or so PCQ ‘mountaineers’ who joined in to make a full social and track-active weekend will know what I mean. When the 40th weekend was being conceived late last year, the committee wanted to make the 40th celebrations as worthy and as special as possible, yet practicable and enjoyable. Pat on the back to all involved as it was a cracker of a time; 10/10. Celebrations started Thursday morning and thank you to Greg McWhinney for arranging the first leg of our weekend away. PCQ placed money on the bar for member drinks Thursday night at the Sheraton prior to dinner, so I trust a good time was had by all. Photos circulated certainly prove this was the case. Friday morning commenced with 60-odd members meeting at Fernvale for another drive, including a massive lunch at Parkwoods. Following the drive, it was off to the beachside Porsche show held under lights at Gympie Terrace Noosaville before drinks on the bar at Noosa RACV later that night at 7.30pm. Sigh...no wonder I was a bit foggy come my first run up the mountain in the RS early Saturday morning! May I say, multiple runs up the mountain on Saturday, followed by another long night of official celebrations didn’t make my Sunday morning any less foggy. Should this be considered for the 2015 motorsport calendar? The Noosa Hill Climb was $160.00 for the 2-day event that included 10 runs up the mountain, plus a sighting lap. There were over 120 competitors in 10-odd classes. So that equates to around 1,200 individual competitive sprints up the Noosa Mountain (which is about 5 mins from the heart Cooroy) by stock street and race cars, all with ZERO accidents; not one panel damaged by any competitors. This event has to be one of the stars of the modern age in Queensland motorsport and seriously worth considering as a great way to have a bit of fun in your Porsche.



During the event, I never got into 3rd gear (although I bounced the redline in 2nd a few times), so it’s not a high speed event. It’s also an event where no roll cage is required and as it’s held in a national park, it’s an adrenaline rush that is only open to competitors twice a year. Add to this that it is only $160.00 and you can see why it was put on the plate for our club to enjoy for our 40th celebrations. Unlike Mt Cotton, Noosa has no downhill sections, it just continues up, up and up the mountain. Awesome! Maybe next year we should include the Noosa 2-day event in the social and motorsport calendar with another overnight stay at Noosa? Let us know your thoughts.

resplendent in a 40th club shirt sitting in front of his shiny 928. We also had Grant Sparks performing as our esteemed MC, backed by spirited speeches from David Holzhiemer, past Presidents Phil Holzlberger and Joe Martens. To add to this, we were spoilt with a 40th Anniversary PowerPoint presentation playing in the background on 2 large screens displaying picture of various club members and events over many, many years. Superb.

The 40th anniversary dinner function on Saturday night at the RACV was certainly one of my highlights after four years in the Presidents chair. The committee puts in a lot of voluntary work into bringing events such as this dinner to life. To see over ninety members from all walks of life and all Porsche preferences in one room celebrating the birth of this great club was priceless. New members, old members, social day junkies through to track day junkies. One and all into the spirit of what our club stands for. Great friendships enjoying our fantastic cars in our great state. The essence of the Porsche Club of Queensland.

We have more events planned on the Sunshine Coast in October 2014, as part of for our 40th celebrations. Time to book your accommodation at the RACV or car into the Classic!

A big thank you to Porsche Centre Brisbane for its support, including providing our Club Secretary Kent Kieseker with a 991 Porsche CAMS Course car (Hmmm, I wonder if he returned it?) and a number of quality table gifts that were placed under various chairs as a surprise. Another massive thank you to Pamela Ward from Porsche Cars Australia for supplying over 90 individual commemorative, engraved gifts and support from Porsche Cars Australia’s Managing Director Sam Curtis for his special letter to us all – destined for the clubs pool room. On the night, we also presented video messages from a ‘chilaxed’ Phil and Gail Hart in WA, Paul Dortkamp, President of Porsche Club NSW and more locally, a piece put to camera by our Membership Director, Tim Place


So after an evening of endless celebrations – even dancing (no misprint), it was no surprise I was 10 toes up by midnight in preparation for more runs up the mountain early on Sunday morning.

2014 Noosa Beach Classic Car Show - Sunday 5th October 2014 This prestigious event has been held continuously for the past 26 years and plays host to over $7m worth of collectable cars, just 100m from Hastings Street at Noosa Lions Park. You may have read about this car show in Unique Cars magazine who cover it annually, as does the local media. All profits go to local charities and worthy causes, with the Noosa Beach Classic Car Show contributing in excess of $150,000 to these charities to date. Our members hyper clean Porsche’s will be competing against each other, as we have enjoyed in years past at Ormiston House. The major difference in 2014 is that our Porsche Concourse entries will in addition, be competing against a host of other present Marques that weekend, be that rare brands such as Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, Maserati, Ferrari, MG, or Lamborghini. Book it in your calendar now. Dave Beard President


Well, the 40th Anniversary celebrations at Noosa are now all but a great memory. By all accounts, this was an excellent event and does our club very proud, both from a member’s perspective, as well as the general public who witnessed a great car display and some very well attended and conducted social gatherings. The weekend was a credit to all of the Committee and associated helpers. In this edition of the magazine, you’ll notice that there are two very prestigious pages available from an advertising perspective the inside rear and rear cover pages! These two pages offer very ‘high-visibility’ from an advertising perspective and represent great value for money. Each is just $1,980 (Inc. GST) and provides you with 6 editions per year in advertising. We are sure that there are plenty of business owner club members who would love to show their support for the club, as well as gaining

some great marketing space. So if you are interested in advertising in these spaces, please email the Editor at editor@porsche-qld. org.au The next Club meeting will be our Annual General Meeting, where all of the Committee positions will be vacated and in some cases, new Committee members taken on board. In my case, I will not be recontesting the position as Communications Director. I have had four wonderful years in this role now and will look back on them very, very fondly. That’s not to say that it hasn’t been without its challenges, but it has always been very, very rewarding. I have had the opportunity to meet a great many more of our Club members and been a part of many Committee decisions and events that truly shaped our club and kept it heading into a very promising future.

like to pass on a very special thanks to Dave Beard and all of the other Committee members that have assisted me over the last 4 years. I’d also like to thank everyone who has contributed (both story contributors and the advertisers) to the magazine to help make it one of the very best club magazines anywhere…full stop. A very, very big thank you to Rachel Place too, who’s tireless work in constructing the magazine layouts over the last 12 months or so has been fantastic. Lastly, but no means least, I must save the biggest thank you for my wife Nichi, who at many points in time has had a ‘part-time’ husband who disappeared into the study for hours on end over the last 4 years and given me great support as well.

It has been a great honour to have been your Communication Director during this time. I’d

Sheldon Arkinstall Communications Director

keep up to date with what’s happening in and around the club - join the club facebook page Porsche Club of QLD

The committee ready for a meeting PORSCHE






Rounds 4 and 5 at the Shannon’s Days of Thunder have come and gone and so has the Noosa Climb as part of the 40th Anniversary celebrations. Days of Thunder was a success, but there was not much support for the Hill Climb, it could be that members are not interested in this type of event, so we have cancelled the August Hill Climb and changed it to a Friday afternoon Sprint at Lakeside on the 22nd of August. The afternoon Sprints have been well received so far and entrants receive plenty of laps for a very reasonable cost.

on weekends. This will mean that we have a half day Sprint at a manageable cost and also have access to driver training for those who want it. Paul provides a high standard of training for all levels. This type of event will fulfil our commitment to provide an avenue for training to those who would like it and it is strongly recommended that anyone who is new to the track undertake training. The days will probably consist of the training in the morning and sprint in the afternoon, full details will be advised shortly.

There will be a Motorkhana and skid pan event in September at the Mount Cotton Driver Training facility for those that would like some fun at lower speeds. Please note that the motorkhana will form a round of the championship.

We are also looking at how we class cars and have been advised by those ‘in the know’, that the way we are currently doing it is perhaps inaccurate and outdated. We are looking at alternatives together with Guy Harding and will provide details shortly. Following the building of Phil Brooks’s new car, which is the same configuration as several others built by Don

We are presently negotiating with QR to run joint days with Paul Stokel (Driving events)


Munro and the subsequent testing of that car, we will be moving all those vehicle of this type to the A3 class. There have become aware of issues of late with classing, which are attempting to resolve and I would encourage all to move on from the past and be part of the future. The success of the Motorsport arm of the club as always relies on the participation of members, so I would encourage those so inclined to support the track days and other events. The club has generously made funds available to ensure the success of the remainder of this year and the 2015 competition and we will be providing both weekend and weekday events provide the support is there. Ian Gall Motorsport Director


Thank you to everyone who has renewed their membership to date. There has been an overwhelming increase in renewals this year which again shows great support for the committee and the club in general.

Noosa Beach Classic Car Show In October. See the other articles in this magazine for further details, or send me an email – we already have the first entrant’s expression of interest!

To participate in Motorsport activities, you must be a financial member of the club.

Tim Place Membership Secretary Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au

Don’t let your membership lapse, it’s easy to renew. There are indepth instuctions on the membership page of the website If we don’t have your correct email, mobile phone number and vehicle details you may be missing out on the chance to participate, or not hear about a last minute change to an event!! For those interested in the Clubs Annual Concours, it will be held this year as part of the




Remember the benefits of membership include: • Motor Sport events held at Queensland Raceways, Morgan Park or Lakeside, • Social Activities that include club nights, touring and other events, • Special Events in conjunction with other Clubs, • Six Issues annually of the Club Magazine: Porsche News, • Regular Newsletter updates by email. • A range of discounts and special deals, on a variety of services and products, • C.A.M.S Affilliation, and • Assistance with applications for Special Interest Vehicle discounted registration in Queensland.

Vale - Willi and Christa Reinicke I first met Willi and Christa at a club night at the German Club late in 1992. Willi was the proud owner of a number of 356’s and an early 911 targa. They were ever present at social events and participated in most Club events. Willi loved driving fast and used every track opportunity to run the old blue 356 to its limits. Christa was the ever present calming influence and quite often was like a mother to the Club and its members. She would help out wherever she could and enjoyed the social atmosphere of the Club. Willi was Vice President in the 19971998 club year and made the committee meetings very lively. He and Christa attended every National Meeting that I attended from 1993 to 1996. They enjoyed the event immensely and seemed to be the doting grandparents for the rest of us young ones. Willi was hopeless at motorkhanas, Wrong Way Willi being an apt nickname. He always tried really hard at the Concours as the photo shows. In the Sprints, he always drove at ten/ tenths on the track and had no fear. He usually bagged some trophies because there weren’t too many cars in his class, that’s why he brought the 356. In those days we all used to drive together in convoy with the Club radios for communication. Something always happened to Willi or his car and this was always very amusing. I have very fond memories of sitting on the side of the New England Highway waiting for help. Afterwards we would all have a drink and reminisce the occasion. He did frequent trips to his home country of Germany meeting family and sourcing parts for the cars. He loved tinkering and built the first real man cave at his new home near Samford.

By Jo Martens

He picked up a few 356 wrecks and was trying to get a real Carrera (356) which I think he found. He was also an active member of the Australian 356 Register. Willi and Christa were always very hospitable and friendly and loved a cup of coffee or a drop of wine. They leave behind daughter, Daniella and husband, Robert Hawley and two grandkids, Christian and Emma. Our thoughts and condolences go to them at this very sad time. The photos are scanned from old Club magazines: Dayboroxmas - A Club Xmas run and social event at Dayboro in 1993. At left is Willi, and from the right, Karen Gillies then Christa. Note both were wearing the new Club (swirl) shirts.

***** 94Nats - Willi preparing the 356 for the Concours in Melbourne in 1994.


Pushstart95nats - The Queensland contingent push starting the 356 with Willi at the helm. You can see the real Club comaraderie of the time, with all hands on deck!


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28/04/10 NEWS

9:20 AM


40th Anniversary Celebrations It was Great Two Day Drive Days Day One Thursday 24th greeted us with great winter’s day weather a fine, crisp sunny morning. Seven club members with wife’s, partners, brothers and one dad pretending to be ‘the older brother’ as navigators, met outside Porsche Centre Brisbane to head off on the club’s two day drive. We had a great array of Porsches to start the event including a 997 GT3, 996 GT-3 RS, 911 SC, 964 C-4, 997, 968 and a Cayman S. After crossing the Story Bridge as a group, then on to the M-1 then heading south, exiting at Daisy Hill, through Marsden and on to Beaudesert for coffee and cake. Then it was time to meet up with six more members at Jubilee Park in the Gold coast area, along with PCQ members Wayne and René from Dalby and David and Dianne from Tassie. After handing out 40th anniversary drive day caps and lanyards, we spent some time sharing stories about our cars and how we are looking



Photos & Article by Greg McWhinney forward to the next couple of days driving and sharing each other’s company. Then we ‘hit’ the road to Kyogle for lunch via the Mt. Lindsay Highway and Summerland Way. With 13 cars in ‘tow’, we added a further two 928’s, two Boxsters, a 996 Turbo and a 911 Carrera to the group. We had a great run, to the extent that when we caught a doubledeck cattle truck in some great twisty stuff near Mt. Barney and at the first chance of a bit of straight road, the truck driver pulled over and waved our group through. Some in the group took photos ‘on the run’, but it wasn’t until we finally had some road-work traffic lights that we got the chance to get out and take some group photo’s on the way into Kyogle. The food, conversations and laughs being enjoyed around the tables was great to see, with old and new friendships starting by sharing stories and laughs. After lunch we ventured over the UkiMurwillumbah road and then onto the Advancetown road. After enjoying some great roads, we eventually drove on to the Sheraton


Mirage and even managed to stay as a group through all the traffic lights. The staff were great, it’s not every day that nine Porsches pull into the reception area at Sheraton Mirage nose to tail and it made for a great site. After everyone had checked in and wondered around the complex, we all meet up in the Horizon Room for drinks and dinner. Mark and Martin from the Porsche Centre Gold Coast joined us for dinner and brought up two vehicles; the new Macan Turbo S and 991 Cabriolet which they showed us over and answered our questions later in the night. We came out after dinner to view the two new Porsches (Thanks PCGC) and were amazed to see so many members of the public having pictures taken with Jason’s GT-3 RS or the new Macan Turbo S and 991 Cabriolet, even some of Sheraton’s staff admitted to us they too had been drawn to the three vehicles and snapped some ‘selfies’. The evening drew to a close as we all needed to get some sleep for the following days big drive day up to Noosa.

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Day 2 Friday 25th and again we were greeted with another perfect winter’s day for driving. We now had several more Gold Coast club members join us for the Day Two part of the drive, including Craig and Leanne, and new members Paige, Emma and their daughter Gracie, who proved that a child’s restraint seat can be fitted into the back of a 996. This proved very insightful for new member Tom with his 964 C-4. As some of Thursday’s drivers couldn’t make Friday’s drive and with our Gold Coast friends joining us, we had 12 cars for the drive from the Gold Coast to Fernvale, where we were to meet up with the “Brisbane Crowd”. My phone had been running hot early that morning with several PCQ members phoning me asking if they could still join the drive, the answer was ‘Yes – please do, as it’ll be a lot of fun’. After enjoying the drive back to Beaudesert, on to towards Boonah, then up to Amberley, through Walloon, it was on to Fernvale Bakery for coffee and cake. I was blown away with the sight of another 17 Porsches waiting for us in Fernvale. What a sight! We managed to arrange group photos with help from a member of local council work force. Again I handed out more 40th Anniversary Drive day caps and lanyards and after a quick coffee, we ‘hit the road’ for the drive to Palmwoods Pub



for lunch. As we headed out with 29 Porsches covering almost every model (the only two missing a 356 and 924), President Dave and several other members were in front of me, when we approached the first turn off, they went straight on, ’Ooops’. This lead to some confusion, but as we all turned onto Wivenhoe Dam Road and got back on track. I was told by others later that Dave and the others, with some ‘spirited driving’, actually enjoyed the roads as they caught back up with the pack.

After lunch most of us headed for Noosa via the highway, some via the Coast road in the drive day notes and once booked into their accommodation, it was off to Lions Park Noosaville, where we had 30 Porsches on display. Again, almost one of every model was on display (we were only missing a 356 and 924). The Noosa Council provided floodlighting towers so the public could enjoy the sight of our Porsches after dark, as we either had a coffee or walked along the foreshore.

Driving the Wivenhoe Dam road with some ‘spirited’ effort was a lot of fun and to look out the back window to see nearly 30 Porsches ‘following’ for as far as the eye could see, was just fantastic! This was followed by Somerset Dam Road, with great views, but at very moderate pace due to some SUV’s in tourist mode - but still fun.

Some of us went next door to the Noosa Yacht club for a light meal before heading back to the RACV for drinks and laughs about the two days of driving and fun that we had just enjoyed and what we looked forward to over the weekend.

Once through Kilcoy and onto the Peachchester Road, we could enjoy some of the great roads we have to choose from in South East Queensland. I lead the ‘charge’ along Bald Knob road, Tunnel Ridge Road and Eudlo Road, which led onto Palmwoods for lunch. The club had pre-booked for 44 diners, but we ended up with 57 members and friends joining us for lunch. I had many members come up to me over lunch thanking me for leading the group, as they had really enjoyed the experience and for many, they had never experienced those roads or knew of their existence.


For me, it was a lot of fun to see everyone mixing and talking, laughing in each other’s company. To have over 30 Porsches participate in the drive, enjoy the roads and to arrive safely at all our destinations over the two days was my reward. I look forward to being your Social Director for the next 12 months, with a mix of short and long drives, mixing up eateries and destinations. If you have a favourite place to eat at, to drive to, or an idea for a weekend away, please send it through to the social email address. Cheers Greg McWhinney (PCQ - Social)




Noosa Hillclimb

Story and Photos by Kent Kieseker

Porsche Club Queensland had a number of people participate in the Hillclimb at Noosa as a part of our 40th celebrations. Participants and the best time included: • Bruce Simpson (934 Replica) 61.72 • Jeremy Norris (GT3 Cup) 64.96 See • Rod McCray (911) 67.81 • Dave Beard (GT3 RS) 72.75 of the • Antony van der Drift (964C2) 64.22 Hillclimb on our • Geoff Hewitt (Boxster) 69.14 • Ross Kennedy (911) 69.47 Facebook page • Kevin Dargaville (Boxster) 84.54 • Stephen Callaghan (MGB) 79.77 Porsche Club of Qld • Frank Purdey (A45 AMG) 66.00 Some of the finer points of the weekend are: 1. Fastest run was 51.51 in a Force PC 2. The track record was broken three times over the weekend 3. There were 110 entrants 4. Each entrant had 10 runs 5. Almost 1,100 runs over the weekend and not one incident 6. Stephen Callaghan won the regularity 7. Dave Beard was second in his class 8. Oh – first in Dave’s class was a Datsun 1200 (120Y), and 9. The Datsun had a 4.0l turbo skyline motor in it Overall, it was an excellent weekend and you can view the track on the Club’s Facebook page within the 991 being driven by Kevin Bartlett. It looks like a great track and a great weekend of motorsport while the wives go to the Eumundi markets.

more action

Stephen Callaghan

Dave Beard

Antony van der Drift



Rod McCray


Bruce Simpson

Frank Purdy

Ross Kennedy

Geoff Hewitt




40th Anniversary Dinner Article and photos by Sheldon Arkinstall The 40 Anniversary Dinner night was held at the RACV Resort at Noosa, where most club members also stayed for the night. th

Festivities started with pre-diner drinks at around 6:30. This was a great way to unwind from the day’s events and to get ready for what would be a great night. There were over 90 club members in attendance on the night, including several past Club Presidents and other guests.

video presentations from absent club members and speeches from David Holzhiemer, along with past Presidents Phil Holzlberger and Joe Martens. Following a great meal, we all enjoyed some more drinks, dancing and conversations well into the night. By all accounts it was a huge success and everyone enjoyed their night immensely.

Club Vice President Grant Sparks presided over the night as our esteemed Master of Ceremonies and did a fantastic job of keeping things rolling at a good pace. We had several

40yr Anniversary Merchandise You asked for them, and here they come.

You will be proud to wear this high quality merchandise at Club and social events, reminding you of the fun you had and friendships you formed at this memorable event. The Polo Shirts are high-quality, black knitwear shirts which retain their shape after many washes, with an embroidered Porsche Crest logo and Porsche Club Queensland 40th Anniversary logo on either side of the chest, and the Porsche Centre Brisbane logo embroidered on the right sleeve. The long-sleeved T-Shirts are high-quality, black poly/cotton shirts with an expressive celebratory banner printed on the back and the Porsche Centre Brisbane logo printed on the sleeve. Perfect for wearing with jeans, out to the track, or anywhere at all. See the Porsche Club Website for sizes.




KB and the 991S

The 991 is a phenomenal car. Every now and then, an opportunity to drive something special comes along and you wonder what will it be like? Will it live up to my expectations? Would I consider it a value proposition? Wow, wow, wow, is the best way to describe the car. The more I drove the car, the more I appreciated its capabilities and the attention to detail the Porsche engineers achieved to make the 991 an experience beyond expectations. Every human sense is considered to make the experience a cognitive delight - sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste and yes, taste. You can’t eat it, but you hunger for more and more of the experience. It’s hard to put the overall experience into words, but the end result is the 991 becomes a part of you when you are in the driver’s seat. It delivers strength and composure in all areas. It can drive you to work and back through the

Story and Photos by Kent Kieseker

week quietly and comfortably, but you will be tempted to keep it in sport mode with the exhaust button on loud. You can absorb the complimentary and perfectly timed downshifts with a blip of accelerator to make you sound like the world’s best driver. It is infectious and I doubt I would ever tire of it. The Porsche Club Queensland 40th celebrations included joining with the Noosa Beach Classic Car club Noosa Hillclimb, where Porsche was the nominated marque vehicle for the weekend. Porsche Centre Brisbane was one of the sponsors for the event and amongst other things, provided the course vehicle for Kevin Bartlett to drive up and down the track to collect run groups. The 991 course vehicle was a Carrera S with a number of nice options including the 7-speed PDK gearbox. I’m a fan now….. don’t give up on it until you’ve had a decent drive.

I was trusted with driving the course car to Noosa and back for the weekend. Kevin Bartlett was the only person who could drive the 991 on the course and he was impressed too. I think his initial thoughts before driving the car were a little subdued. The more he drove the car, the more he explored the dynamics and also the various driving modes that are available at the push of a button. He initially tried the standard auto mode, then sport mode and ultimately sport plus mode. He made the comment that the sport plus mode was not a gimmick, he was actually very complimentary of the sport plus mode and the PDK. I want to thank Dave Marshall from Porsche Centre Brisbane for the opportunity and pleasure of driving the 991. My wife would like to thank you as well, because all I do now is look up lease calculators and annoy her more than usual.




An Artist with a Porsche Passion Porsches as artwork; an uncommon artistic subject, but very exciting to those of us with the Porsche passion. Combining his passion for both Porsches and motorsport, Robin Pierre Versluys has now established himself as artist that brings these subjects magically to life in acrylic paint. Robin Versluys is an artist and a huge Porsche fan. He is now retired and living in Tewantin on the Sunshine Coast, but back in the ‘70’s and 80’s he was a very successful designer of furnishing and fabrics in Melbourne. He was also very active in the Porsche Club of Victoria at a time when some very influential Porsche identities were seen commonly at club events. Robin first fell in love with Porsches upon seeing his first 356B, a bright yellow cabriolet when he was just 6 years old. This early affinity with cars (particularly Porsches) led him to many, many motorsport events, including the Le Mans 24 hours in 1970. This just happened to be the year that Steve McQueen was also on location making his epic, legendary motorsport film Le Mans, which featured the legendary



By Sheldon Arkinstall

Porsche 917s and many cameo appearances by early 911s. He can still remember the sight of the helicopters fitted with movie cameras chasing the cars around the track.

Club of Victoria ‘A-grade’ championship in the car. Soon after he sold the RS, something that he regrets to this day, especially given what the cars are changing hands for these days.

Robin started his own Porsche story when he bought his first Porsche, a brown 911 2.7 in 1976. This started a long and exciting list of cars that many of us would be proud to own today. These included:

In the mid-eighties, Robin came up to Queensland to participate in the Porsche Club Nationals (the event is now called Porsche Parade. This gave him his first taste of Queensland, that eventually saw him move here for good and he now resides in Tewantin on the Sunshine Coast.

A black SC purchased in 1978;

His most illustrious Porsche, a beautiful red ’73 RS (modified to 3.0 RS look);

A 928S manual (rare at any time and a reflection of sporting nature);

A 356A coupe; and

Finally, two at the same time, a black 2.0S 911 along with a black 2.7 911 Targa.

Robin was very active in club motorsport, mainly in his beautiful red RS, thoughts of which still brings an immense smile to his face – you can still see the gleam in his eyes when he talks about it too. In 1980, he won the Porsche


Today, Robin’s great passion is to paint portraits. Whilst cars do feature prominently, he also does some very interesting work in all other areas of portrait painting and recently held an exhibition called “Retro Nudes” at Noosa – excellent painting, but probably not sufficiently Porsche related for this magazine (Sorry guys). If you’re interested in seeing more of Robin’s work or would like a portrait painting of your special car, please contact Robin directly (refer to the pricelist over the page).




Pricelist: 1 July 2014 – 31 Dec 2014 How to order Just email you details i.e. Name, address and photo of subject along with the size you require. Stretcher frame thickness is 32mm. Delivery and Packaging Delivery and packaging for all canvasses is normally between A$45.00 and A$65.00 within Australia. This will be confirmed to you prior to painting. Deposit of 40% required. Balance prior to delivery via bank transfer. (A/c. details provided on invoice) Delivery approx. 3-4 weeks. SQUARE Centimeters


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Robin Versluys


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Article and Photos by Rod McCray

I have again ventured to Tasmania for the 23rd Targa Tasmania. I was keen to compete again, because under the Australian Targa Championship regulations, if I successfully completed three Targa events in a row, I would be awarded a Golden Trophy. I also had to compete to defend my two-year Class Championship status. The course this year had 38 stages and we travelled approximately 2,000+ kilometres over some of Tasmania’s most breathtaking roads. I say breathtaking, because ‘The Sideling Road’ stage had us driving over mountains with a drop off of 500 metres plus and with no guard rails. On a clear day, from The Sideling you can see the Furneaux Islands in Bass Strait, over 100 kilometres away. Unfortunately for our run, it wasn’t clear and the freshly completed road works didn’t help either. Of course there’s Queenstown with the beautiful colours of its surrounding mountains, but you really don’t get the chance to appreciate it in the 7 kilometres it takes to cover the course; you miss the thrilling views. We were watching the weather report anxiously on the weeks leading up to the event and were expecting chilly temperatures, maybe even snow. However, as it turned out, the day we got to Tasmania they experienced an “Indian Summer”, with temperatures only getting to 2 degrees for the coldest morning in Strahan on the west coast and a moderate daily temperature ranging from 15 – 17 during the day. In the first few days of the event, the ‘Weather Gods’ smiled on us, but by the fourth day, all bets were off and Tasmania showed it’s true colours and some competitors, experienced and novice alike, felt the cruel side of Tasmania inclement weather. In one day we lost 34 cars from the event. Some cars could be repaired and some had to retire from Targa. The Service crews had a frantic night attempting to rebuild cars in the rain and with near freezing



conditions. Luckily for us, we sat down to an enjoyable meal and drink at the local pub to commiserate with some competitors whose Targa journey was over for the year. Part of the regulations for Targa is blowing ‘zero’ on a breathalyser every morning before the start of the event. Some crews discovered that their metabolism wasn’t as efficient as they thought and had a very worrying 1530 minute wait after blowing positive when leaving the Silverdrome (Park Ferme). Luckily for those competitors, taking the 30 minute wait, along with lots of coffee and bitting of fingernails, they managed to pass the dreaded breathalyser and preceded out on the race stage, before the clearance car. This year we were also breathalysed at varies stages throughout the event, although I don’t know where they thought we could stop and have a beer during the race. This year, some cars including Frank’s were spot checked by CAMS for compliance as per their documentation. I believe some competitors’ vehicles did not pass this additional scrutineering and luckily for them, only their classing was changed (they could have been excluded from the event). CAMS and Targa Australia have changed regulations and all cars now have meet new guidelines for next year which will affect their classing. They have also changed the event tyre allowance from 8 tyres to 6 tyres for the entire event. Anybody who competes in Targa next year is guaranteed a position in the 2016 Targa Tasmania event. For those of you who feel the need for speed or like pushing yourself and your car to its limits, then Targa Tasmania is the event for you. You don’t need to have the latest and greatest vehicle to compete, as this event is more about driver ability and vehicle set up to get the most out of the event. One of the front runners this year was a Datsun 1200, but unfortunately for this vehicle, the driver ability wasn’t as good as he thought it was. This year I had time to do a bit of sight-seeing


before I started the event and visited many ‘must-do’ Tassie tourist wonders, including Smithton, Stanley, the historic Highfield house and The Nut, Tarkine Forest Adventure at Dismal swamp - the largest sink hole in the southern hemisphere, Hellyer Road Whiskey Distillery, the Don River Railway and the home of Tasmania’s first Prime Minister, all in the North and North West of Tasmania. Targa field this year included 1934 Ford “Indy” Car coming from Queensland, 1938 Dodge speedster from Tasmania, Porsches old and new, Holdens, Alfa Romeos, Triumphs, Toranas, Morgans, Fords, Aston Martins, Minis, Nissan/ Datsuns, Mazdas, Lancer Evos, Chevrolets and Lotus’ to name a few. Unfortunately, Jason White’s $600 000 Lamborghini went up in smoke at the Wrest Point event of the Championship, but never to be caught without a back-up, he ran a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 to continue his Targa Championship. Unfortunately he came unstuck and failed to finish. This year Jim Richards and his constant companion Barry Oliver “downgraded” to a 2014 Porsche Cayman and they loved it up until they had a little incident, which forced them to retire. Another favourite Tasmanian son – Jamie Vandenberg, successfully completed the course and won the event much to the crowd’s delight. I tried different tyres on my car this year on the advice from a Tyre specialist, but I never felt confident with them and it showed in my stage times this year. I was seconds slower than last year in every stage compared to the year before. The inconsistency of the tyre’s grip gave me no confidence in where I could place my car and believe me, on Tasmanian roads that is not something you want to experience. Out of the four Queensland Porsche Club members who competed this year, three of us completed the event in Trophy time. Unfortunately, one of our party had mechanical issues on the last day and had to retire.


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Frank Purdy in his 2009 Nissan GTR finished 4th outright (a brilliant effort), Paul Henry in his 1993 Porsche 968 finished first in his class (well done) and said it was his best performance in the eight times he has competed. I just managed to complete the event in Trophy time (overall 15 minutes slower than last year) and picked up my Gold Trophy (Congrats, well done – Ed.). There are those in their 2005 Porsche 911 turbo who have chalked it up to the Targa Tassie experience and are willing to try again next year. Due to the lack of space on the boat coming back after Targa finished, we were lucky enough to have a few days after the event to do more sightseeing. This time we travelled around the state to see Lake Pedder, up to the Gordon River dam, Resolution Creek at Two Tree Point (where Captain Cook stopped to take on fresh water) on Bruny Island, south from Hobart (the trees are still growing on the Point and looked almost the same as the sketch on the plaque), Coal Mines Penal site at Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsular (where you can clearly see the coal seam running along the beach front), Lake Dove and Wombat Pool in the Cradle Mountains, Cape Tournville Lighthouse and Coles Bay on the Freycinet Peninsular, Bicheno Blowhole on the East Coast. We also took a drive across the Central Highlands, where we ran into cloud literally and could hardly see three metres in front of the car. We took a short cut on our way to Latrobe to pick up the trailer and race car, then headed on to Devonport to board the Spirit of Tasmania, to head back to the mainland. It was a nice gentle crossing, with only four metre seas. We then had another two days driving ahead of us to get back to Brisbane. Following a successful Targa, we arrived in Brisbane with body and car intact. Since returning, I have been talked into going for the Platinum trophy (for competing five years in a row) and because 2016 is the 25th anniversary of Targa, unique trophies will be awarded to those who compete. I like to thank John Gill for his invaluable work on the vehicle as my Pit Crew for this year’s event.







Miracles Can Happen

Story and Photos by Will Holzheimer

And I am living proof of this. On Tuesday October 15th 2013, I was the driver of the Porsche 996 Cup Car that crashed at turn six at Queensland Raceway. The accident tragically claimed the life of Sean Edwards, and left myself critically injured. If you saw the remains of the car, you would concur that it is a true miracle that I even survived. There has been no report released from the Coroner as yet; we are still awaiting the findings and this could take a year or so. A quick recount for those who may not be aware of the accident. At approximately 10.30am, my Cup Car hit the concrete wall in front of turn 6 at about 190km/h, and soon after burst into flames. It took emergency services 2-3 hours to open the car and remove me from the wreckage, as I was jammed inside. They had to assume the worst, with my injuries and could not afford to remove me quickly. As soon as I was freed from the car, I was air-lifted to the Royal Brisbane



and Women’s Hospital. I underwent immediate emergency surgeries to stabilise my injuries. During my 26 day stay in the Intensive Care Unit, I had to have numerous orthopaedic surgical procedures, some of which lasted up to 8 hours. I was then moved into another ward for 9 weeks where I had some further surgery and spent time recovering. After this, I progressed to a rehabilitation ward for 11 weeks, before I was totally discharged from hospital and was allowed to return home. All up, I spent approximately 5 month’s hospital. Just for the record, I sustained NO burns, contrary to media reports. A few huge ‘thanks’ are deserved; to Charles Holzheimer who was the first person on scene and who instigated and organised the initial fire crews and other persons who helped with the fire control. David Holzheimer, who was also trackside at the time and never stepped away from the car until Police forced the crowd back into pits. Cam O’Neill who was the first trackside medic at the scene. Matt


Kingsley and Grant Sparks, who were also at the scene to provide whatever assistance was required. Jo, my mother who was there every day postaccident and has case managed my rehabilitation and Emily Cooper, who was present every day of my hospital stay and recovery, and who always put me and my needs first, even over her own. The Emergency trauma surgeons, who managed to save both of my legs and other injuries. The ICU Doctors, who never ever gave up and were always positive about my recovery and care; all of the visitors during my hospital stay, including Dave Beard. I’m sure there are many other people who also assisted, supported my family and had me in their thoughts for some time, there are just too many people to list, so I too thank you for your constant best wishes. Another piece of proof that it is a miracle, is that I am very lucky to be alive and have so far had no complications from my extensive list of injuries.

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Let start with the temperature..FN freezen! That is my foremost recollection of the Oakey Street Sprints held in July, the weekend before our 40th weekend at Noosa. As a track tart looking at getting into a greater variety of motorsport, Oakey Sprints puts getting heat into the tyres in the early morning runs as easy as finding a hot bath in our motor inn. Maybe I need to toughen up, but waking up with ice on your car certainly puts an interesting spin on your day. Oakey Sprints consist of a 1km sprint through an industrial estate, with chicanes to take the edge off excessive speeds. Not sure



how many Porsches have appeared on track since the inaugural event kicked off in 2009, but given the calls I received from organisers to reclass my car due to complaints from fellow street registered competitors, I’d think not too many. I ended up in a class against a Nascar race ute. Track preparation? I emailed off my entry back in early June and hadn’t done a thing to prepare the RS. I made sure to draw a line through my calendar to make sure I had no meetings planned on the Friday, so we could be at Oakey for scrutineering after lunch. The


Article by Dave Beard

tyres were perfect, with a fresh $780 wheel alignment, so at 5am on the Friday I thought I had better take a closer look at the RS. How times have changed. I scrolled through the dash modes to ‘TYRE PRESSURES’ and saw on my dash I had 34lb on both front tyres and 36lbs on both back tyres. Great! Scrolled next through to ‘OIL LEVEL CHECK’ and the engine did a digital scan in front of my eyes and saw I had perfect oil levels. So a final check of brake fluids, a grab of my race suit and I’m gone. As for my race helmet, it has not left the back of my RS in the 4 years I have owned the car.

You never know when opportunities present themselves. I do recall one such opportunity where I grabbed the helmet, gloves and the race suit I still had in the car, along with another club member on our Rennsport weekend road trip to Sydney. I mistakenly thought that fully suiting-up and meeting the rest of the Porsche drivers on the side of the highway at dawn would be a good way to start our ‘meet and greet’. Well, we were in stiches for around 30 seconds until an errant police car drove past us, with the Officer hardly believing his eyes, setting off what could only be described as World War 3. Note to self… Don’t suit up with helmet, gloves and a race suit on a major public road in a GT3 RS, with a visible red roll cage, boasting a large number 30 on the door. I found NSW Police will struggle to believe you aren’t racing. Oh, no front number plate didn’t help either. Yes I know I know. Anyone who is familiar with my track day requirements, all I need is the time. Given free time away from endless emails, I’ll happily race around a roundabout. And regarding the Oakey sprints, that’s pretty much what it is, two loops of an industrial estate, each lap of approximately 750m. Sounds pretty uneventful

and easy, but like a lot of things, all is not what it seems. Just ask our good mate Holzy. If you know Phil well, you’ll know that Phil will never do things by halves, leave too much to chance or rely just on talent - which clearly he has. Just as Phil does, a lot of our fellow club members want the reliance of skill to be the last resort. I guess I can’t talk, but to see the 140 strong field of bombed Ford Anglia’s, over powered Datsun 120Y’s with Skyline engines, an XE Falcon with the engine moved between the front seats, an 800hp Ford Fairlane, a V8 supercar-powered Shelby Cobra, it was clear that most of the regions farms had an overactive mechanical minded son, who knew his way around a lathe and was fearless. I don’t recall seeing two of the same of anything. I did see a nice original FB Holden from the early 60’s in the pits. Very straight, but when the bonnet was popped, I saw it was running a small block Chev. So when Holzy rolls up and pulls his V8 Radical off his trailer - which no doubt would be de Jour at the ‘Ring, it was I suspect the first Radical to grace Oakey Street Sprints. So that makes the Radical also the first Radical to DNF at an Oakey Sprints, after an understeering moment into the concrete

barrier. The cold tyres were no doubt to blame. If anything positive came out of this, it certainly was allowing my roommate Brad Rankin to have his own room that night. I have to say Phil wasn’t the only off, with 6 or7 offs throughout each day affecting the flow of runs. Enough to convince me to pilot the RS around in a sensible time and have a bit of fun along the way. I was on 100% street legal road tyres, which performed pretty well, but nowhere near as reassuring or as fast as A6 Hill Climb Hoosiers. On the Saturday night, they had burn out competitions on the track and judging from the amount of rubber on the road (and various bits of small engine parts), they had a great time. It did make the first runs on Sunday morning pretty perilous, so I packed up and headed home. John Gill had also headed home by this stage in his slick shod 928 S4. So where did I come? I won my class, but only 30th fastest from 140 odd competitors. Most importantly, I was able to drive back to Brisbane, stop in at Hoppies along the way and have the car parked back at home, spick and span, ready for next weekend round of events at Noosa.




New Member Profile

| Kathy Pane

Hi I’m Kathy Pane and I’m thrilled to have just bought my first Porsche, a lovely 2007 997 Carrera. My husband Anthony and I are delighted to have joined this fine club. I’ve loved Porsches my whole life and seeing one as a kid would always brighten up my day. We’ve driven Porsches on road and track in the UK, US and Australia and although these were wonderful experiences, we’ve always dreamed of owning our own 911. So far it’s doing surprisingly well as a “family car” - we also have a Subaru wagon but our boys always insist on being dropped off to school in the Porsche! Anthony and I are looking forward to taking part in Club track days and social drives, and learning more about these wonderful cars.

New Member Profile

| Luke Dodd

Hi, my name is Luke Dodd and I work at Princeton Dental in Kenmore. I have recently purchased a Metallic blue 911S. I am married with three children and we live in Anstead. Having recently obtained my Cams level N2S licence I look forward to getting involved with the clubs activities.

New Member Profile

| Trent Giumelli

Hi my name is Trent Giumelli & I am the founder & Ceo of the Giumelli Group which specialise in property investment. Currently i don’t own a porsche however my passion for the product is second to none & we will be looking to purchase a GT3/RS and Cayenne Turbo when applicable with the 993 turbo/s being my all time favourite - yes im an air cooled guy. I currently own a 1998 Mazda Rx7 which is being set up for track work & time attack. Engaged to wed Kristy Smith in October searching for a convertible 356 for pics. We are very blessed to have a beautiful 17 month daughter Chloe and live Twin Waters. I thank Wayne Henig for the introduction and look forward to enjoying Club Nights, Motorsport and Social outings

New Member Profile

| Scott Brenchley

My names Scott and I work in the coal mining industry in Central QLD. I’m currently restoring a Porsche 356B T5. This was the car when I purchased it. And this is me with it and progress so far







Oktoberfest Brisbane 2014 Autofest Brief


Event outline: Oktoberfest Brisbane is proud to again host Autofest, a display of the best of the German car industry. Entry is free for exhibitors to one of the best Oktoberfest’s in the world. Oktoberfest Brisbane is the major German Festival in Brisbane. It runs over six days ie two weekends. The festival dates this year are 10-12 & 17- 19 October. For more information on the festival itself please see www. OktoberfestBrisbane.com.au . Autofest will take place on the second Sunday of Oktoberfest Brisbane, that is on the 19th of October 2014. As space is limited pre-registration is essential to guarantee a place. All German marques from classics through to modern are welcome, in particular vehicles of historical significance. Please contact any members in your club who may have such a vehicle. This is a great event to show off to an eager public.



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• All club and competition work. Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brakes, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and modifications, including fabrication and machining. • Servicing , wheel alignments, trouble shooting. • Pre purchase appraisals. • 25 years PCCQ member, 3 club championships. Many class wins and records. 20 years building, modifying, restoring Porsches. 6 years at t&d building motors, gearboxes and performing the majority of club preparation. • Low rates, quality work and personal service. Ph: Brett Wentworth 0419990993 3/59 Chetwynd St Loganholme 4128 Email: brettww@bigpond.com




The Porsche Queensland Connection 7 Years ago I bought my first Porsche. I originally purchased my 996 Carrera (nicknamed “Silver Bullet”) from Queensland, and was surprised at the time to find out that the car had been bought brand new by the then president of Porsche Club Queensland. To this day, the car still carries the PCQ sticker, in reference to it’s origins. I remember when I flew over to pick it up, thinking I wish I had more time to give it a decent run, alas work prevailed and I simply dropped it off to Ceva Logistics and flew home. After many incredible years of fun with Silver Bullet, I recently decided to upgrade to a newer Porsche, a 2007 Cayman S. After a year of searching Carsales for the right one (you all know what I mean), I found a pristine low kilometre Cayman S with all the right upgrades, funnily enough, located once again in Brisbane. With all the right feedback from a Porsche Centre prepurchase inspection, I decided to fly to Brisbane to sign the deal and take delivery. This time it would be different, as I allocated enough time to give the Cayman and myself the chance to bond by embarking on a weekend driving adventure through the hinterland and valleys of the Sunshine Coast Arriving at 5.30 Brisbane time, I was picked up by the seller at the airport, did my final test drive and paperwork, and by 7.30am Saturday, I was off and running.



What an amazing Saturday. Straight up to Brisbane’s Mt Cootha lookout and then off through various mountain passes north west of Brisbane, up through the valleys surround Wivenhoe Dam and Lake Somerset, north through the winding roads of the lower hinterland around the famous Glass House Mountain, lunch up at famous Maleny town, and then a solid inland backroads trek through glorious unused roads all the way up to Gympie. Now most big runs in my Silver Bullet I would normally do with the club or a bunch of Porsche enthusiasts. Having that whole day with the Cayman of just driving and experiencing, without distraction and with a single focus, well it was just incredible. The morning of Sunday unfortunately was quite bleak. With rain pouring down, I made the long journey back to Brisbane, trying to balance my enthusiasm with careful application of the throttle. By about 1pm, I decided to leave the valleys and highway and venture up a mountain pass, completely different from the way I had left Brisbane. As I worked my way up Mount Mee, I was amazed to come across a tiny mountain town with dozens off Porsches parked up, right at the top next to a restaurant. What were the odds… I had come across Porsche Club Queensland. I thought what the heck, time to walk in and introduce myself. With 50 or so club members enjoying


by Brett Williams

lunch, I randomly walked up two ladies and asked “This must be the Porsche Club, who’s the organiser?” Continuing the coincidence streak, the woman replied, “That would be me, I’m Donna Beard, Social Club Director”. She promptly introduced me to her friend Sharon Donsky, Treasurer. I was then introduced around the various tables, joined the club for lunch, shared my adventures, found out more information about the past owners and experiences of both my Queensland Porsches, and had an absolute laugh with my fellow Porsche enthusiasts. As everyone finally got round to leaving, the day ended with me standing on top of a table in the corner taking a photo. And this photo comes with a message, “A Big Shout Out and Hello from Porsche Club Queensland to Porsche Club WA” The moral is two-fold. Firstly, Porsche enthusiasts are the same wherever we may be. Secondly, we are meant to connect and share our passion together. What a way to top off my Queensland driving adventure.

Brett Williams

Club Nights

Story by Sheldon Arkinstall

The usual Tuesday club night was deferred to the Wednesday for June for a very, very special event – the first viewing of the new Porsche Macan! This special event was held solely for Porsche Club Queensland members and was held the night before its official public release on the Thursday. A large contingent of our membership was in attendance, as can be seen in the photos. There were three vehicles on display on the night including the base Macan S (in both petrol and diesel versions), along with the top of the range Macan Turbo. We were given a very comprehensive run-down on the development story and specifications for the car, as well as being treated to a demonstration of the Turbo’s exhaust note. The new Macan was well received by all of those who were in attendance and has obviously already been a sales hit, with over 100 cars be bought through Porsche Centre Brisbane, sight unseen!


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Round 4 & 5 QR Thirty-odd Club entrants took advantage of the Days of Thunder event and by all accounts, they all had a great time. There were many interesting vehicles participating across the weekend and some close racing to watch between sprints. Sunday started early, with a sprint in



the fog that caused some interesting «moments» with myself, Don and Phil all looking at the track from a different angle! Most enjoyable and no harm done. Trophies were awarded by QR for the sprints with (from memory, which may not be all that accurate, so apologies


Article by Ian Gall to any I have missed) Chris Matters, Phil Brook and Eric Van Dyk taking out first place in the various categories. Overall a great weekend with some good times achieved, results for the club championship are on the website and below.

can’t see Your car here? then attended a track day! Check the website, calender of events or contact comp@porsche-qld.org.au

Dont miss out on all the fun, register for the next event today PORSCHE




Name Darren Hennig Jeff Neale Jeremy Norris

Make Porsche Porsche Porsche

Model 997 997 996

Designation Capacity GT3 Cup 3,6 Cup 3,8 Cup 3,6

Year 2005 ?? 2004

Tyre Class Slick or Twin Groove Open Slick or Twin Groove Open Slick or Twin Groove Open

151 109 111 973

Tim Tritton Paul Ford Chris Matters Geoff Hewitt

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

911 911 997 996

Carrera GT2 GT3 RS TTS

16/69 190 3 68

Steve Cooper Stuart Ellis jim schilling Cameron Cooper

Porsche Porsche porsche Porsche

993 997 996 993

308 82 26 37 64 50

Sven Koremans Kevin Vedelago Joel Wills Edward Draydon David Palmer Kevin Johnson

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

536 403 40 130 128

Phil Brook Ian Gall Nicole Duffell Alan Bell Don Munro

21 5 28 53 331 191 78 181 59 88 207 TBA

3.4T 3.6 3.6 3.6

1974 1995 2007 2005

Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal

A1 A1 A1 A1

21 19

21,0 19,0




3.6T 3,6 3,6 3.6T

1975 2007 2004 1998

Road Legal Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove

A2 A2 A2 A2

18 17

996 997 996 911 996 996

Turbo S2 GT3 RS GT3 GT3 RS

3.6T 3.8 3.6 3.6 3,6 3,6

2000 2009 2004 1971 2004 2004

Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal

A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3


Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche porsche

911 911 911 930 911

Coupe Coupe Turbo 911

3.6 3,6 3.6 3.3T 3.6

1974 1977 1977 1988 1974

Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal


21 15 17 19

21,0 16,5 14,5

Eric Van Dyk Ross Kennedy John Gill Antony van der Drift Simon Cilento Steve Goodson Bill Black Rainer Waldmann Matthew Moorhead David Sharam Chris Lowe Anthony D'Andrea

Porsche Porsche porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

944 911 928 964 911 911 911 996 996 987 996 911

1989 1985 1990 1989 1979 1978 1969 2002 2003 2008 1999 1977

Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal


14 16

18,5 14,5 13 21,0 16,5

Targa C4S Boxster s C2 S

3.0S 3.2 4.9 3.6 3.6 3.6 2,7 3.6 3,6 3.4 3,4 2.7

175 95

Eckhard Schwarting Gary Taber

Porsche Porsche

911 944

Carrera Turbo

3.2 2.5T

1989 1986

Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove


S2 Carrera GT C2 SC SC

Round 1 20

Round 2

Round 3


17 16



20 17 14 19 18 17 22


20 17

20 16 14




14 18 17

21 18 16

21 13


19 20


16 19





21 18

22 13

Round 4/5

11 8,0 14,5 16,5



2014 PCQ MOTORSPORT - ROUND 4 & 5 - QLD RACEWAY 2DOT 21 & 22 June 2014 No.

Tyres Class Slick or Twin Groove Open

Sat Best Sun Best Previous Time Time Overall BestPoints PB PB Pts 01:18,336 01:19,871 01:18,336 16 1


Jeff Neale


Chris Matters






Slick or Twin Groove


01:18,107 01:17,708 01:17,708







Steve Cooper Cameron Cooper


Stuart Ellis

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

993 993 997 996


3.6 3.6 3.6 3,6

1998 1998 2007 2004

Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove

A2 A2 A2 A2

01:19,637 - 01:19,637 01:20,265 - 01:20,265 01:22,401 01:22,718 01:22,401 01:25,005 01:23,406 01:23,406

20 18 16 14

####### #######

0 1 1 0



20 19 17 14

Porsche Porsche Porsche

996 996 997

GT3 Turbo C2S

3.6 3.6 3.8

2004 2000 2009

Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal

A3 A3 A3

01:22,015 01:21,053 01:21,053 01:27,063 01:27,932 01:27,063 01:31,560 - 01:31,560

20 18 16

####### -

1 0 1


22 18 17

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

911 911 911 911

911 911 Coupe Coupe

3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6

1977 1974 1977 1977

Road Legal Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove


01:24,212 01:27,344 01:30,422 01:35,176

01:23,781 01:26,531 01:28,966 01:33,691

20 18 16 14

####### ####### ####### #######

0 0 0 0


20 18 16 14

944 911 928

S2 Carrera GT

3.0S 3.2 4.9

1989 1985 1990

Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal


01:25,351 01:26,659 01:25,351 01:28,209 01:31,077 01:28,209 01:31,256 01:37,263 01:31,256

20 18 16

####### ####### #######

1 0 0


21 18 16


Jim Schilling


Joel Wills


Sven Koremans


Kevin Vedelago


Phil Brook


Don Munro


Ian Gall


Nicole Duffell


Eric Van Dyk


Ross Kennedy

Model Designation Capacity 997 Cup 3,8

Year ??

Make Porsche



01:23,781 01:26,531 01:28,966 01:33,691


John Gill

Porsche Porsche Porsche


Eckhard Schwarting






Road Legal


01:29,597 01:29,633 01:29,597





Grant Wales






Road Legal


01:38,473 01:39,198 01:38,473







Lap Records QR Driver


Russell Kempnich


Brett Wentworth


LR Pts Total Points 0 17

18 17

National Track Lap Time

####### #######

Round 6




our For all yR ace Porsched Parts and Use

Phone 07 5546 6952 Mobile 0414 911 901

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Upgrade your front cooler with 50% extra capacity and runs 10 degrees cooler! Kit with shroud and oil lines or Cooler only

Fuchs genuine & replica 15,16,17� & other wheels. Alloy wheel spacers. longer studs & bolts.

Pedal Boards, 935 Adjustable Mirrors, Strut Tops Cam Block off, Acrylic Headlight lens, Jacking plates.

Harness Bars & Strut Braces all models

Light weight Alloy Hi clamp Pressure plates Clutch Plates, fly wheels Starter Motors

Calipers, Discs pads, s/steel brake lines, ADR approved, Cooling ducts


Torsion Bars Camshafts

Adjustable Sway Bars Pagid and Ferodo Pads

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Coil Over Kits JE & Mahle Pistons Fibreglass Spoiler & Body Kits



Radical SR3RS 2011 Not a Porsche but better than RSR lap times at a fraction of the cost (speaking from personal experience!). Easy and fun car to drive fast - Lakeside 52 seconds, QR National track 1min 10 sec, Morgan Park old track 1 min 2 sec, long track 1 min 15 sec. Run all year on 1 set of tyres, 2 years on brakes and 3years before engine rebuild ($9,000) and rebuilds come with 30 hours warranty. Currently 2 hours on engine and gearbox.Upgrades include larger brake package, 3 way adjustable shocks, sequential paddle shift with flat upshift and clutchless auto blip downshift, manually activated fire bomb. Winner of last 2 years PCQ Associate Class championship and currently running 3rd in State Clubman series against some exotic competition.

Price: Contact:

$69,000.00 plus GST Phil Holzberger 0419 407718

Porsche 934 Replica CAMS log booked, roll caged and road registered. Very recent engine upgrades including new 98mm pistons/barrels, carrillo rods, EFI conversion with Vi-Pec V88 ECU, twin plug, 964 plastic inlet manifold, Tial F46 waste gate, Garrett GT35/82 turbo, setup for E85 fuel, conservative mapping of ECU and small pipe extractors giving a handy 375 rear wheel horsepower from 5,000 to 6,000 RPM at 1 bar boost (my dyno man reckons better extractors with same boost and safe, but less conservative ecu mapping should give circa 440 RWHP). Freshened G50 gearbox, new Velo seats, new Momo Prototipo steering wheel, BBS wheels 18x10 fronts and 18x11 rears. Since above work the car has only done two hill climbs: PCQ HC Mt Cotton Aug 2013 and Noosa HC Nov 2013 . Car is entered for PCQ Noosa HC July 2014 . Circa $30K spent over past three years. The car is a lot of fun to drive with about 500 horsepower (at fly wheel) and weight of circa 1120KG . A very reluctant sale and the only reason the car is offered for sale being my present unplanned fiscal situation. Asking $80,000 (including a tilt trailer, numerous spare wheel sets in 16’s, 17’s and 18’s and various expensive spare parts). Alternatively I will consider relationship offers from a warm understanding lady with a nice house (and garage) willing to accommodate me and my Porsche.

Price: Contact:

$80,000.00 Bruce Simpson on 0435 993 934

1973 Porsche 911S Targa - $23,950 This is a genuine 1973 Porsche 911S Targa. It is an original right hand drive car which is nearing the tail end of a restoration. A lot of the hard work has been completed to date. It is a rolling chassis with suspension, wheels and just about everything needed to complete the restoration. The only things missing is the engine and gearbox, I believe. This would look great in the garage next to the 991 Targa.

Price: Contact:

$23,950.00 ono (must be sold) Jonathan on 0412882843




Porsche 996 GT3 Cup Car

Factory built 2003 Carrera 996 GT3. This vehicle was originally campaigned by Peter Fitzgerald Motor Sport. This vehicle has had very little race hisory and has been stored and maintained as a club car. Its in excellent condition, with a recent leak-down showing the engine is in very good condition. New whell bearings, clutch, seat, harness, etc, etc. Being sold as I have upgraded to a later model 997 for Australian GT series. Why race your good road car on club days when you can have a fully prepared race car that you can race in GT3 Challenge or Australian GT series at low cost.




George on 0400 778 107 (sms)

Porsche 911 Club Car

Log booked, road registered, 3.6L Vario ram motor, G50 close ratio gear box, 1/2 Cage, 3 sets of wheels, fuel cell, coil over suspension (adj shocks), glass guards, bonnet and perspex side and rear windows. Built and maintained by T&D Automotive. Needs minor comestic works and some mechanical attention.

Price: Contact:

Reasonable offers considered. 0413 811 234

2010 911 GT3 Mark III 3.8 litre

This car is the latest Model GT3 with Centre Lock Wheels, dynamic engine mounts, carbon seats, 6-point harness, fire extinguisher and half roll cage (all factory fitted). It has travelled only 4,300kms from new and has always been serviced by Porsche Centre Brisbane. The car has also been fitted with airlift front suspension, clear stone chip film and has full Porsche warranty, which can be extended for up to 10 years for peace of mind. Why modify your road car when you can have a factory built track machine?




George 0400 778 107 (sms)

2002 Porsche Boxster S

Porsche Boxster S (Dec 2002), Facelift Version, Seal Gray, 45,000kms, Reg May 2012, Bose Sound System, Porsche Alarm, 18� Porsche Alloys, Black Leather Interior, Full Porsche Service History.


$46,000.00 (ono)


Dean 0448 005 853

or email dean.morrison218@gmail.com

1989 944S2

Reluctantly I am selling my 1989 model 944S2. Without question the best handling car I’ve owned and an absolute joy to own and drive. No expense has been spared in maintaining this Porsche in peak condition and recent service repairs include, timing and balance shaft belts, and more. All receipts, full service history and books have been retained with this Porsche. If you are in the market for a great Porsche experience of your own and would like to share a little time to check this joy of mine out, then feel welcome to call.


Contact: 40




Ron 0421 787 512

1992 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet

This vehicle is in excellent (orginal) condition, and has always been kept undercover. All mechanical work that has been carried out on this vehicle has been completed by T&D Autos Brisbane (including engine rebuild 166,000kms) and more recently Eurotune on the Gold Coast. New tyres 12 months ago. Both myself and the previous owner are Porsche Club Qld members. This is an exhilarating vehicle with performance and looks that will not disappoint.




Kevin 0418 443 547 or email: kevnsim@bigpond.net.au

1985 Porsche 911 Cabriolet

Rare 1985 wide bodied Cabriolet with electric roof, 3.2ltr. Australian delivered, factory aero kit. All the bells and whistles, including rear spoiler, electric windows and mirrors, headlight washers, air con and cruise control. Reconditioned leather seats and trim, dashboard, etc. 268,000kms. Serviced by T&D Automotive in Brisbane and now Porsche Centre Gold Coast. Full service history and receipts available. I am relutctantly now parting company with her as times and lifestyles change.




April 0412 057 813 or 07 5502 0932 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au

1976 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa

3.0 litre, 5-speed, fuel injected, BBS forged alloy wheels, new tyres, aircondiioned, twin exhaust, driving lights, SD player, GPS. Has only travelled 101,000 miles (160,000kms) and is in excellent condition throughout. Refer to club website for more details.

Price: Contact:

$25,000.00 Trevor 0499 589 180 or email: production.7@bigpond.com

Porsche 924 Carrera GT

One of only 75 RHD built. One of only 7 RHD in Black. Delivered new in the UK, this loved CGT is matching numbers and has travelled only 77,000 miles. The complete history file includes stamped logbooks, receipts, club concours results (1st in class three years running), photos, press releases and previous keepers (including a famous pop star from the 1980’s). Well known in the Carrera GT register, this car is unmodified and as it left the factory and surely the best available.



$65,000.00 Nick 0419 213 355

2002 Porsche Boxster

Concours condition, 40,000 kms, black leather interior, driven sunny week-ends only, serviced at Porsche Centre Gold Coast.

Price: Contact:

$43,000 ono Peter on 0418 310 364 or peter.davidson@uchealth.com.au




2006 Porsche Boxster S - $55,000

Purchased new in April 2006 at Gold Coast Porsche; all service completed at same. Has been garaged and covered with Porsche Boxster cover. In excellent condition. 2006 (Type 987) Porsche Boxster S 3.2 litre engine | 6-speed manual | 36,000 kms | Arctic Silver Metallic Sports Seats | 4 new tires put on at 29,000 kms Car is located at Lennox Heads (1.5hrs from Gold Coast)

Price: Contact:

$55,000 Marty Delahanty on (02) 6687-4748

Porsche 997 Cup Car

Very straight, low hours on fresh engine and gearbox. New front rotors, 2 sets of wheels, air jack wand, safety stands, transport tie-down rings.

Price Reduced:

$85,000.00 + GST

Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au


2004 996 Cup Car

2004 996 Cup Car, fresh “Sonic Motorsports’ engine with 997 upgrades and enhancements, including new 997 Cup heads, 997 Cup inlet maniforlds etc. The car has new Sachs motorsports clutch, upgraded driver cooling system, new suspension upgrades including RSR components; ABS, 2 sets of BBS wheels, air jacks w/-saftey stands. New lightweight carbonfibre bonnet, boot-lid and wing, lightweight front bumber.

Price Reduced: Contact:

$68,000.00 Wayne 0417620980 or 54498888 or email: wayne@hennigmotorsport.com

997 GT3 CS 2010 Model - $198,000

Porsche 997 GT3 CS 2010 model, with only 16,500kms. Possibly the last of the manual GT3’s with a manual gearbox. Gorgeous Speed Yellow and heavily optioned: - PCCB - Front axle lift - Dynamic Engine mounts - Factory Clubsport version - Factory passenger harness - Speed Yellow highlights in interior - Alcantara console lid with Porsche logo - Mobile phone prep and iPod interface



$198,000.00 Nic 0438 270 672 or email: nicmarentis@mail.com Also listed on David Blacks website - www.dbps.com.au

1982 Porsche 928s

Always garaged. T&D Automotive full service history available. Very good condition throughout - reluctant sale.

Price: Contact:

$14,000.00 - Urgent Sale John 0403 506 661

1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 4

1990 Porsche 911 (964) Carrera 4 with 156,000kms. Electric sunroof, black interior, badge on steering wheel (No. 716 Porsche Festival Melbourne - 50 years of Porsche, November 1998). Registered until May 2013. Garaged at Stanthorpe.

Price: Contact: 42



$46,500.00 J Kenyon 07 4681 4655

2006 Porsche Cayman S

Porsche Cayman S 2006, with Genuine Porsche Extended Warranty till February 2014 and can be extended till 2016! Owned by genuine car enthusiast and looked after like it deserves. Immaculate condition, you will struggle to find a Cayman S in better condition than this. Always garaged and stored under a genuine Porsche car cover, this car is used on weekends mainly and has been regularly serviced at the Porsche dealership. Just had its annual service recently, with new brake pads fitted and new Michelin Super Sport tyres, absolutely nothing to spend on this car. It has been optioned with PASM and Sports Chrono, the PASM offers amazing handling, with the click of a button! If you have not driven a Porsche with PASM, you will be very surprised at how it improves handling and performance. Black leather interior is absolutely faultless and honestly presents like a new car. Always run on 98octane premium and used Mobile 1 oil recommended for Porsche. If you would like any more information or to organise a time to inspect the car, please email me. I am happy to organise interstate transport if needed.



$69,300.00 Brad on email: brad@ry.com.au

1981 911SC

1981 911SC Matt black, Twin Turbo stripped for racing, light weight fuel tank, Sparco racing seats, roll cage.



$50,000.00 ono Dawn

2001 Boxter

5-speed manual, with only 63,500km. Black on black, sheepskin car seat covers, bluetooth, excellent condition. Vehicle is located in Mackay


$23,000.00 ono


Dawn 0408 425 060 ddeakin@localdirectoies.com.au

1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa

This is an Australian delivered 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa with 182,000kms on the clock. It is in excellent condition throughout, with no leaks or oil consumption. The paint, exterior and interior are in excellent condition and the car has no rust. Includes Log books and some maintenance records and has a bunch of new parts included. I am a retired ex-Qantas Engineer and make a few trips a year to the USA to buy my parts; I have been bitten by the Porsche bug and have a new project car coming next month so I need room in my garage.


$27,500.00 ono


Peter 0414 658 556 pbereg911@gmail.com

1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet

1998 911 Carrera Cabriolet with only 62,000 miles (100,000kms) on clock, new clutch, good condtion throughout. Purchased in Hong Kong, 2 owners only. Car is located at Noosaville, but can deliver to Brisbane.

Price: Contact:


Maggie Howard email: distinctions@bigpond.com





WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR PARTS HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au 996/997 Wheel Sale


Volk forged wheels with German TUV approval, 8.5x19 and 12x19. Offsets to suit GT3 (and others), 16kg saving over standard wheels. Includes set of sensation Pirelli Trofeo r spec tyres (3 club days)


Full Carbon Stilo WRC helmets, specifically designed for rally use. It is not a standard helmet fitted with microphone holder and wiring. Integrated microphone, plug and wiring are an integral part of the helmet. Also features a flip-up tinted visor.


Champion 8.5x19 and 11.5x19 wheels. Offsets to suit GT3, these are a one piece high performance forged wheel with a 21kg saving (with slicks) over standard wheels. Includes two good front slicks and worn out rear

Price: $3,500 Contact:



Mitch Gaskell email mitchell@gabba.com.au

‘Turbo 2’ Number Plates

Please text my phone number 0407244652 or email me on ppbrook@yahoo.com.

TURBO 2 Number plates. 1 standard and 1 slimline, both in perfect condition.


Assorted Parts Porsche genuine 997 GT3 brake rotors front and rear, in box never open Price: $2500

Set of OZ Superleggera black centre lock 19” wheels black used twice as new, only scrubbed in Hoosier A6 fronts and R6 on the wheels very light track wheels.


$1,000 each ono

$4000 with tyres or $3000 without.

$3,500 or best offer

Contact: Laurie 0418 480 461 or email laurie329@hotmail.com 964 Parts Factory original cassette holder, sits in console between front seats of 964, 993, etc. Good condition. Price: $50 ono.

Fabspeed cat bypass ($750) and Fabspeed air intake system ($400). Price: both for $1000

996 Factory Mufflers stainless steel Price: $200 the pair ono.

Dual axle lightweight ‘TiltaTrailer’ brand air bag suspension for ride height and ramp lowering

7 letter prestige plates in box never used Price: $3250.00 Contact: Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au

Price: $5000 Contact:

Hot Shot Number Plates

Simon 0419006995

Porsche 930 Turbo Wastegate

987 Cayman Car Cover

Porsche 930 wastegate. Has been rebuilt and has 0.8 bar spring. Also fits 924 Turbo.

Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 987 Cayman

Price: $250 Contact:

George 0457 681 998 or email verikios@internode.on.net

911 996 Car Cover

996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels (2) with Pirelli P Zero Corsa road race tyres fitted, maybe 1-2 track days left (depends on how hard you drive them). Very good condition wheels that come with Turbo centre caps (not pictured).

Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 996 911 in very good condition.


Contact: PORSCHE

Peter 0409181338

996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels



Price: $250 Contact:


Jono O’Reilly 0408 600 008




Peter 0409181338

Genuine GT3 rims to suit 997 and 996 8.5 x 18 front, 11 x 18 rear with Hoosier twin groove tyres P245/35 x 18 front @ 80% tread and P315/30 x 18 rear @65-70%. All in very good condition. Sell complete or separate. Rims and Tyres (February 2013).

997 Parts


$ 3200 ono or separate Rims $2000 Tyres 1200 Genuine Turbo rims to suit 996 and 997 8 x 18 and 10 x 18 in good condition.

Price: $1,200 ono

Genuine Porsche 997 Race steering wheel in very good condition.

Price: $500 ono

1. H & R adjustable coil over suspension (cost $4300) 2. H & R front strut bar (cost $1000) 3. Gemballa branded air box (cost $2000) 4. 4 x 18” turbo rims, for track work. 5. 4 x Hoosier tyres, 19”, 60% remaining 6. “Impact” race helmet, L size, black. All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.

Price: All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted. Contact:

Ian 0412 760 234

Set Of Cibie Rally Lights Original Citroen DS 19 Hoodlights or commonly known Porsche rally lights( Pallas).New Old stock 1960’s /70’s.

Price: $1700.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969 Hoosier Twin groove tyres and spares.

911 Whaletail And Engine Lid Fibreglass Spoiler with minor scratches and in good condition Price: $500.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969

Hoosier twin groove tyre set 2 x P245/35R18 and 2 x P315/30R18, with 50% rubber left (imported Oct 2012) at $750, also spare Hoosier tyres 2 x P245/35R18 at 60% $250 pair and 1 x P295/30R18 @ 50% @ $150 and 2 x P245/35R18 @ 30% $150 a pair.

Price: Numerous at ono Genuine Porsche Race Seat - $2,500 Genuine Porsche Race Seat with rails to suit 996 or 997, new 2010. Comes with 5-point belts, legal to 2014 in as new condition. Cost 6500 sell $2500 ono (seat belt bar mount for cars without roll cage available for 997 $300 with seat only, unless seat sold)

Leather Seat Covers Pair of black, perforated leather highback seat covers for a Porsche 911to suite model years 1985 2002. Price:


$1,500.00 Steve 0409 970 711

Price: $2,500 Porsche 911 Engine Dolley Custom-made engine dolley ideal for 911 motor. Trolley jack access. Very solid.

Price: $80 ONO. Contact: Mike (07)

3279 3930

Universal engine stand Universal engine stand, takes 911 motor, well made.

Price: $60 ONO. Contact: Mike (07)

3279 3930

Complete set front and rear 996 Cup suspentions, will fit any 996 GT3

Price: $3,500 Contact: James 0410 590 000 997 Brake Pad used sets. Front and Rear GT3 997 series 1, PMU club sport 50% front, 40% rear. Cost $1,200, will sell for $400 ono. Rear 997 Carrera Series 2 Padgid RS19 90%. Suit some cup and GT3 cost $650 sell $200.

Price: See text Contact: Jeff on 0419 6 888 55 Wanted Front Seats for 2000 996


Cameron 0407 129 900




Number Plate “9 ONE 1” “9 ONE 1” - black lettering on silver background. Will look amazing on any 911, old or new. Plates have never been installed – brand new, still in box. Slim height front plate, normal height rear plate. Go on, treat yourself!

BAD 930 Number Plate Price:



Ben 0408 727 982

Price: $3,000 o.n.o. Contact: Harry 0407 083 982

Personalised Plates Price: $750 Contact: Chris 0498 093 097

Personalised Plates Is this the plate you have been looking for? This is for that special person in your life. One slim line and one full size plate. White background black letters. Price: $6,500 Contact: Geoff 0409 347 289 or email poolespt@bigpond.com

Price: $9,500 Contact:

Jonathon - email jonathan.bloxsom@opteonproperty.com.au

991PDK Plate

GT3 R Number Plates Number Plates - GT3 R

Price: $3,000 Contact:

Number Plate for new 99I

Price: $7,000

Kerry 0414 443 232

Contact: Denzil

Personalised Plates Price: $4,000 Contact:Peter 0409 181 338 Number Plates Suit Prestige Vehicle Black and Gold Classy Plates



Number Plates 9II 964 These number pates (911 964) are mounted on prestige frames and have never been fitted.

Price: $3,500.00 Contact: Neil Robson


Helen 0419681772

911E Plate

V Turbo Plates

Perfect Porsche 911 plate. 2x2 Flexi Plate. Never been used or registered to any vehicle. No holes drilled and still in delivery box.

Silver letters on black in theft proof brackets. All offers considered

Price: $3,000 open to offers Contact:Justin - email justin@qldwindowcleaning.com.au

email neilandkate2@hotmail.com


Above $4,250.00


Price: Alll offers considered Contact: Julia - office hours Tuesday-Thursday 3256 1517 or email impact_h@bigpond.net.au

911 Parts

Garage Sale! Genuine 996 GT3 wheels, Continental Tyres with less than 5,000 kms. Wheels and tyres like brand new. Price: $2,650 996 Cabrio or Coupe custom made car cover. Made from the highest quality materials by Speciality Car Covers (UK). Excellent condition. Price: $125 Tilt-a-Hitch is a hitch that allows a normal car trailer to tilt allowing low clearance cars ease of loading. Used once. Cost $395 Price: $200

NEW Mahle 2.7S Piston and cylinders, 90mm, 175HP, will suit all K-Jetronic engines. Price: $2,650 Genuine 993 RS/GT2 front strut top mounts to suit all 993’s.


$550 **please note price change incorrect last magazine**


Stan 0414 911 901

PCE 911


$750.00 ono


Porsche Continenatl 19� Rear Tyre (1). Very good condition 265 / 30 / ZR 19 and very low kms Price: $50


$5000.00 ono

Contact: Ann 0418872109

Porsche Cabriolet factory Windblocker and tyre cover/carry case. To suit 996 and 997

Price: Contact:

$200| George 0400 778 107 (sms is best)

Hoosier Competition Tyres Hoosier competition tyres for sale. Only bedded in 5 laps. Rears are R6 compound and fronts are A6 (softer). Sizes are 315 x 30 (2) and 235 x 35 (2), both R19. These were for my GT3 and fit under the standard guards.


Original 993 Turbo Twist hollow spoke factory numbered alloy rims with tyres. 2x8Jx18 ET52 and 2x10Jx18 ET40 in really excellent condition with Bridgestone tyres 225/40ZR and 285/30ZR (average 50% wear) New price for rims $11,500 - Sale

Price: $2,900

Des 0412 723 492

$100 each


Jeremy Norris 0412 131 181

Sparco Driving Seats 2 SPARCO DRIVING SEATS (1 brand new, 1 almost new). Purchased these for my 911SC Carerra and installed 1 and completed 2 track days and then removed it when the car was sold. These seats are ideal for motor sport or track days. FIA approved.

Brand new Michelin Slicks 2 x 24/65-19 compound S7A soft 2 x 29/65-19 compound S8A medium

Price: $2,000 (save $1,000) Contact:

Price: $2,650 Contact: George 040 778 107

Jeremy 0412 131 181

Porsche 997 Turbo Exhaust

Price: $4,000 ono Contact:Domenic 0404 846 860

(sms is best)

996 GT3 Spoiler Engine Lid

Fits all 997 Turbo. Complete exhaust system: All stainless steel, with headers and filter. Increased horse power +60. Worth $10,000 new/when bought


I wish to swap this 996 Rear GT3 Spoiler Engine Compartment lid for a standard 996 Carrera engine lid (One with no spoiler), or will sell.

or email smcicchino@hotmail.com

Contact:Phillip 0452 611 075 Price: $700 or Swap PORSCHE



Multiple parts Open to offers, all must go Contact: Mark 0416 108 679. A arm brackets including brand new bushes – used removed due to upgrade.


$ 80

Air conditioner – unknown condition

Price: $30

Hot air duct from 911 SC, new

914 Exhaust gaskets – x6 New never used

Price: $20

Price: $50

ITG Air Filters JC40/100 blank plates, never fitted brand new, will flow 500HP worth of air each.

Shock mounting rings – new unused.

Price: $30

Price: $150

External oil cooler valve internals – used (only changed due to upgrade) Price: $30



79 3.0 SC standard pistons, gudgen pins and valve springs, removed due to upgrade.

Price: $100


Sump Plate 3.0 SC, used includes gasket and all mounting bolts

Price: $60

Trailing Arm bushes 911 to 86– New unused.

Price: $80

Torsion bars from an 86 911 (F&R), excellent condition removed due to upgrade only. Price: $120



You can pay by Credit Card for applications and renewals online: Porsche-QLD.org.au Tick One Box in One Category Annual Membership

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July 1 to June 30

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$175 (Annual Fee $115 + $60 Joining Fee)

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$115 (Annual Fee $115)

$198 (Annual Fee $138 + $60 Joining Fee)

$138 (Annual Fee $138)

$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee)

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$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B & C $129

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PCQ Membership Number:

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Application cannot be processed without Signature

My Cheque or Postal Note made out to Porsche Club QLD for: $ I wish to:

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NEW MEMBERS Please complete details on next page PORSCHE




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Preferred Name on Card:


Postal Address: Suburb:


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Spouse/ Partner First Name:

Spouse/ Partner Surname:

Preferred Name on Card:


Home Phone:




(Please print clearly)

Work Phone:

Children 17 years of age and under and full time dependant students: Name:

Date of Birth:


Date of Birth:

PART D. NEW MEMBER: JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (Parent or guardian to sign below for applicant) First Name:


Preferred Name on Card:


(Please print clearly)

Postal Address: Suburb:


Home Phone:



Country: Work Phone:

PART E. Porsche Club QLD Local Member Business Guide Entry Business Category

(per Yellow Pages Directory)


(Please print clearly)

Business Name


PART F. Porsche vehicle details (REQUIRED for Full Membership) MODEL

NOTE (i.e. Carrera )


Contact Number



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(If more space is required please feel free to attach additional information)

Please Note:    

Applicants should allow up to 6 weeks for processing. Porsche Club QLD Memberships are non-refundable and not transferable. Renewing Membership payments are due July 30, and must be paid prior to Sept 30, otherwise the $55 Joining Fee will apply. Annual General Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of August.  Only financial Full Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.  Full Members must be financial prior to voting.


Single Membership: Covers one Member only. Single Parent Membership: Covers one Member (parent) and children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. Family Membership: Covers two Members (as spouse/ partner) & children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. 4 Junior Associate Membership: Covers one Associate Member6 17 years or under, who is not part of a Family Membership3. 5 Full time dependant student: requires current Student Identification card. 6 Associate Member: Any person eighteen years or over who does not own or have access to the use of a Porsche motor vehicle, but who considers themselves a genuine enthusiast of the marque or can assist the club in any way, may apply to the club to become an Associate Member. Associate Members do not have club voting rights, and are unable to stand for committee positions. 2 3

Post to: Porsche Club Queensland GPO Box 584 Brisbane QLD 4001 For Urgent Response Fax to: 07 3009 0465 or Scan and Email to Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au

Office Use Only Name on Cheque

Membership Type

Money Order Membership Type Full


Cheque No: Single Parent


Associate Application Processed Date:







Receipt Number:


/ Junior


Business Category (ie. Real Estate, IT) Accommodation Accountants Accounting Advanced Driver Training / Accident Consultancy Auto Mechanical Automotive Automotive Automotive Aviation Battery Importer Bookkeeping Builder Builder Business Advisor Business Consultant Bycycles Car Care Cardiologist Chartered Accountant Civil Contractor Cleaning Client Relations Manager Computer Solutions Corporate Computers and IT Computers and IT Computers and IT Services Construction Construction Construction Construction & Mining Contractor Consulting Consulting Engineer Convenience Store Debt Collections Dentist Drink Coasters Earthmoving Machinery Sales Earthmoving Machinery Sales Electrical Contractor Electrical Engineering Energy Reduction Engineering Engineering Engineering Excavating Fencing Contractors Fire Systems Food fruit & veg wholesaler Funds Management Funds Management and Real Estate Galvanising Gas Supplier General Manager Handmade Jewellery Health Health Human Resources Efficiency Tools


Melbourne Brisbane L5;193 North Quay Brisbane Kedron Australia

Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Gold Coast Brisbane Sunshine Coast Eagle Farm Brisbane Toowong Gold Coast Brisbane Noosaville Ballina NSW Brisbane Australia SE Qld Queensland Gold Coast Brisbane Toowoomba Brisbane Archerfield Brisbane & Sunshine Coast Camp Hill Brisbane Yatala sherwood Brisbane Brisbane Richlands

Business Locality Labrador Loganholme SE QLD Australia Wide Toowoomba Brisbane Milton Brendale Sunshine Coast Sydney & Brisbane Brisbane Burleigh Heads Queensland South Brisbane Australia Brisbane Australia Brisbane Ipswich Brisbane National Brisbane

Business Name Blue Waters Holiday Apartments AGK Chartered Accountants SMSF Options Motor School and 4WD Training Pty Ltd Lindsay St Service Centre T &D Automotive Specialists Wayne Park Auto & Tyres Rotah Restorations LEAPP Federal Batteries CHS Business Services UPRIGHT ENTERPRISE PTY LTD EA & PJ Bell Pty Ltd Swan Caulfield & Associates Marketing Improvements Australian Cycle Bowdens Own Queensland Cardiovascular Group Harding Martin Frostdale Pty Ltd Service Corp Patrick B Smith Pty Ltd Multibiz Solutions Consolidated Computer Services Network Solutions TLC IT Solutions Greyburn Building Contractors Project Strategies Hennig Brothers construction CMC Indesign Technologies MPN Consulting Nightowl Network Collections Noosa Dental Coaster Kings Rim Equipment Machinery Action Group Rod McCray Electrical Pty Ltd hExeis D.A. Kitcher Consulting Pty Ltd AMEC Minproc kehoemyers Aurecon Earthquip Design Fencing Pty Ltd Fire Service Professionals Pty Ltd Gotzinger Smallgoods Cumming Produce Centre Certitude Carter Global Capital National Galvanising Industries Agas National Mornington BMW Handmade by Rhonda Uniting Care Health Performance Health Qld Onetest

Business Contact Ph 0755911695 0733870190 0432634047 0400778107 0746324510 032562004 0733695500 0418750666 0754302220 033567877 0409487788 0407156749 0417792767 0410111417 0417447090 037158228 0754456065 0438601940 0738122233 0411695694 0411499696 0448612781 0738210033 0738788000 0413200271 0735055000 055284592 0417601600 0754508022 1300727023 1300INTGR8(468478) 0733716677 0418724720 032011710 0754743855 0266866936 0412197850 0438300220 0733755330 0732602946 0427449720 0418782075 0746328100 0421327599 0732771377 054956280 0738433433 0755493955 0733793409 0732186200 0419643568 0733754200 0731030667 0433100935 0418732683 0418310364 0738610611 0408722852


www.performancehealthqld.com.au www.Onetest.com.au



Adrian Flack Terry Knight Rhonda Barwick Peter Davidson Graham Lyttle David Dahl

Business Contact Name Darren Ackland Adam Krauel Guy Wuoti www.smsfoptions.com George Foessel www.motorschool.com.au Jim Schilling Stephen O'Brien www.TDAutomotive.com.au www.WaynePark.com.au Wayne Park Www.rotahrestorations.com.au Bob Thorn www.LEAPP.aero Steve Adams Chris Drysdale www.federalbatteries.com.au www.chsgroup.biz Eckhard Schwarting Dean Marquart Alan Bell Andrew Swan Anthony Thompson www.miagencies.com.au www.CycleSkills.com.au Robert Kearney Dan Bowden www.BowdensOwn.com.au Malcolm Davison www.qcg.com.au David Martin www.hardingmartin.com.au www.Frostdale.com.au David Holzheimer www.scorp.com.au Greg Kermeen Patrick Smith www.patrickbsmith.net Jeff Neale www.multibiz.net.au Timothy Place www.Consolicom.com www.Network-Solutions.com.au Aaron Stuart David Hawley www.TLCITS.com.au Michael Byrne www.greyburn.com.au Geoff Cunningham www.projectstrategies.com.au www.hennigbrosconstruction.com.au Darren Hennig cmc.net.au Peter Kendall www.indesigntechnologies.com.au Peter Coman www.mpnc.net.au Rick godfrey www.Nightowl.com.au Tom Garrett www.noosadental.com.au Jeremy Norris www.CoasterKings.com.au Phillip Calnan www.rimequipment.com.au Ian Ryan www.machineryaction.com Michael Leu Rod McCray www.hexeis.com Matthew Vanderburg David Kitcher Robert Buckley www.kehoemyers.com.au Terrence Kehoe www.aurecongroup.com Bill Guy www.earthquip.com.au Don Warriner Robert Smith www.fsp.com.au Trevor Voevodin www.gotzinger.com Antony van der Drift nicholas marentis www.certitudeglobal.com.au Paul Burbidge Robert Carter Business Web Site www.BlueWaters.com.au

Members’ Business Directory


Members’ Business Directory

Business Category (ie. Real Estate, IT) Industrial Warehousing Insurance IT IT & Business Consulting IT, Business & Law Laboratory Services Landscape Supplies Laywer Lighting Management Consulting Manufacturing Mapping - Mining Marketing, Advertising Masseur Mechanical Mechanical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Metal fabrication Motor Dealer Motor Dealer Motor Dealer Motor Repairs Motorsport Motorsport Motorsport Motorsport Services Optometry Orthodontists Orthopaedic Surgeon Paper Products Passenger Transport Performance Modifications Pharmacy Plumbing and Gas Fitting Porsche Race Parts Racing and Used Parts Rail Freight Transport Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Services Relocations Seafood Importer Sheetmetal Shopfitting SOLAR POWER/LEGAL/REAL ESTATE Sporting Products Supported Accomodation Surveyors Timber Trailers Wedding / Portrait Photographer Winches Window Cleaning Yoga

Business Locality Northside Brisbane North Queensland Gold Coast National Gold Coast / Brisbane Darra Qld Darra Southport Richlands Brisbane and International Arundel, Gold Coast Kedron Brisbane Surfers Paradise Southport loganholme Gold Coast Brisbane Jimboomba South Brisbane Highgate Hill Brendale Gold Coast - Brisbane Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane Gold Coast Gold Coast Capalaba Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Ipswich Benowa, Gold Coast Suite 5; Specialists Centre; Greenslopes Hospital Australia Burpengary Brisbane Brisbane CBD Brisbane Noosa Ormeau Brisbane Brisbane & Gold Coast Brisbane Brisbane CBD Brisbane Innercity Brisbane & Worldwide Gold Coast Brisbane SE QLD Brisbane Brisbane SEQ Beaudesert Carole Park Brisbane / Australia Wide

Main Beach

Business Name Bloxsom Family Group Joe Vella Insurance Brokers Ry.Com.Au CGI FIRST Consulting Group Pty Ltd Scientific Analytical Services Centenary Landscaping Supplies Ivan Poole Lawyers Intralux Imagine Consulting Group International (ImagineCGI) Precise Precut Walker Mapping Design for Communication Natural Massage Therapies Action Tyres flat six motorsport Olsen Avenue Specialst Clinic City Eye Centre Jimboomba Junction Family Practice & Skin Cancer C Mater Hill Gastro T&C Medical Wiltec Industries Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Tesla Motors Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Porschop Driving Events Emtec performance tuning Promotive Engineering The Racing Room Phil Hart Optometrist Medland Orthodontics Dr Ross Kennedy Rosche Paper Kangaroo Bus Lines Harding Performance Post Office Square Pharmacy A Grade Plumbing and Gas Hennig Motorsort Performance9 QR National Limited e-select Real Estate Ray White Coldwell Banker Property Direct Crown Relocations HTC trading Pty Ltd Border Sheet Metal Rapid Racking Australia Gabba Sports Windsor Lodge Steve Cooper & Associates Enrights Sawmill Rogers Axel and Spring Works Ben Clark Photography Winch Hire Australia Queensland Window Cleaning

Business Contact Ph 0412882843 0740404444 1300599773 0439717016 0756304288 0738567555 033734900 0755912522 033759333 0417700134 0755745266 0405132777 0413152722 0423892573 0755324599 0419990993 0755744445 0738316888 0755477733 0731637820 0418736789 0738813992 0755966622 0426255917 0755966622 0 0419549122 0412084004 0413878762 1300893911 0738121315 055973344 0738478820 1300443203 1300287525 1300730949 0732299696 0732877891 054498888 0755466952 0730469353 0412736705 0411759770 0730102600 0733607222 0732609218 0410308881 0413808643 0418196388 0435993934 0733944200 0738578628 0734866477 0755411077 0732711744 033541600 0733762888 1800447708 0414777018

Business Web Site www.bloxsom.com.au http://jvib.com.au www.RY.Com.Au www.cgi.com http://www.firstconsulting.com.au www.urbanutilities.com.au/SAS centenarylandscaping.com.au

www.Intralux.com www.imagineCGI.com ppcut.com.au

Business Contact Name Jonathan Bloxsom Joe Vella Bradley Carr Neil Macdonald James Austin Bob Gray Terry OShea Ivan Poole David Tilbury Tony Wheeler Lyle or Aaron Alastair Walker

Raymond Hackett Matthew Kingsley brett wentworth Heinz Albrecht Lawrence Lee Rodney Willett Johannes Wittman Dr Chris Bradshaw Shane Wilson Colin Duck Jay McCormack Chris Maindonald Gazz Corfield Paul Stokell John Gill Michael Harris Dijon Johnson Phil Hart William Medland Ross Kennedy Damien Flack Daryl Webster Guy Harding Stuart Ellis Chris Neal Wayne Hennig Stan Adler David Collins Steve Goodson Julian Rajah Dean Yesberg David Beard Mick Tobin Hoa Cheng Karl Johnson Cameron Mcconaghy Bruce Simpson Mitchell Gaskell Robert Hoare Steve Cooper



Alex Chambers Ben Clark Brett Williamson Justin Lush David Leneman


www.raywhitecbdresidential.com.au www.cbpd.com.au www.crownrelo.com www.htctrading.co www,bordersheetmetal.com.au www.rapidracking.com.au

www.agradeplumbingandgas.com.au HennigMotorsort.com www.performance9.com.au www.qrnational.com.au

www.medlandorthodontics.com.au www.rosskennedy.com.au http://www.roschepaper.com/ kangaroobuslines.com.au www.hp.net.au

Gaz_C@Bigpond.com www.drivingevents.com.au http://www.dynotuning.net.au www.promotive.com.au www.TheRacingRoom.com.au


www.metrocentre.com.au www.wiltec.net.au

http://www.oasc.net.au/ www.CityEyeCentre.com.au Www.jjfp.com.au

www.Willex.com.au www.benclarkphotography.com.au www.Winchhire.com.au www.qldwindowcleaning.com.au www.indrya.com




Advertise Here Email editor@porsche-qld.org.au PORSCHE



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Acrylic paint on canvas, what a great gift or indulgence! Just select a size, email me a photo of your car, and I will artistically create in a minimalist style ( see above ) your painting All art has two coats of clear gloss or flat acrylic over the top See pricelist and size details inside the magazine 54



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