Issue 2 - 2014
Collie Super Sprints
Issue 2 - 2014
Issue 1 - 2014
QUALITY SERVICE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES SINCE 1991 We provide mechanical & log book servicing as well as full maintenance for all Porsche models • • • •
Pre purchase inspections Classic 911 RS Recreations & Restoration Performance upgrades PCWA Member discount
37a Sarich Court Osborne Park WA 6017 Telephone: 9227 8911 Email:
FRANK BOVE 0408 437 636
“Specialising in fine homes”
Issue 1 - 2014
contents 2 . M e m b e r s h i p re p o r t
2 0 . J o l l y R o g e r ’s P C W A A rc h e r y S a f a r i
2. Porsche Club WA Calendar 2014
24. Members Red Faced Porsche Moments
3. Presidents Repor t & Committee 4 . We b m a s t e r R e p o r t 5 . S e c r e t a r y ’s ( n e e s c r i b b l e r s ) u p d a t e
2 6 . L o rd Wa rd
6 . C l u b P r e s i d e n t s
7 . Tr e a s u r e r ’s re p o r t 9 . T h e V P ’s r a n t ! 1 0 . C a y m a n a n d G o l i a t h
2 4 . F ro m t h e v a u l t 28. PCWA Meets PCQ A chance Encounter
3 0 . M y 9 2 8 : a s c r a p w i t h b u re a u c r a c y ! 3 1 . N e w b i k e s a v a i l a b l e f ro m M a rc h 2 0 1 4 32. Choppers and Porsches
1 0 . S o c i a l P ro g r a m m e f o r 2 0 1 4
35. IROC Race series for next year
1 2 . A j o u r n e y i n a P o r s c h e We s t t o E a s t
36. Collie Super Sprint
15. Mid or rear engine? That is the question!
40. “It just happened to be a 356”
16. Sport Series Round 1
4 1 . C l u b L a p R e c o rd s
19. “My” Porsche Story
our supporters I/C:
KTEC Independent Porsche Specialist Inside
Wheels for Hope
Acton Real Estate
H H G L e g a l G ro u p
SRS Southern Racing Suspention
Tr a n s q u i p To o l s
Auto Exclusive Perth
Renn Sport
J o h n F o w l e r A u t o s p o r t
Porsche Centre Per th
Issue 2 - 2014
membership report In 2008, the committee commissioned a ten and a twenty year membership badge, to present to members who have ten or twenty years, continuous membership in the club. The following is a list of current members that have recently received their badges. Twenty year membership badges Graham Lloyd Bill Douglas Meryl Douglas We currently have 229 financial memberships i.e. 458 club members with 32 new or returning memberships for 2014. We would like to extend a special welcome to our new members and also our returning members, great to see you back! Peter Ward and family 911SC Brett Shields 911 William Stevenson and family 928 S4 Mark Debowski and family 993 Paul Swan and family 911 Ian Gath 911 Aero Brett Denith and family 911/Boxster Scott Alexander and family Boxster S Harry Worth and family 911 Johan De Jong and family 911 Paul Hemburrow Cayenne
Ten year membership badges Rudy Menke Jenny Menke Walter Epple Daniel Devries Jeff Beale George Bradbury Mary Bradbury Deryck Graham Bill Richards Judy Richards Jeremy Ludlow Bree Ludlow Adrian Watson Wayne Taylor
A special thanks to our new members who have submitted articles for our magazine. Their stories were a great contribution to our first issue and there are some more interesting articles in this issue. We invite all members to submit an article about their car, including a picture, for future publications. Thank you again to the members who have been handing out the postcards and promoting our club. A special thank you to Greg Arnold and the staff at Perth Porsche Centre for promoting our club, your support is greatly appreciated. We understand that circumstances change, so please let us know if you wish to make any changes to your membership by emailing membership@porscheclubwa. Julie Jacobs, Membership
Thank you again for your continued support of our club.
Porsche Club WA Calendar 2014 Jun 2014 3 Jun 14 – Tuesday - Club Meeting – location TBC 22 Jun 14 – Sunday - Chris and Tony da Silva’s Mystery Run 25 Jun 14 – Wednesday - Committee Meeting - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth 26 Jun 14 – Thursday - MC Motorsport Jul 2014 2 Jul 14 – Wednesday – Club Meeting - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth 6 Jul 14 – Core Cider House 27 Jul 14 – Sunday - Paul Blank Triple Treat 30 Jul 14 - Committee Meeting - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth Aug 2014 5 Aug 14 – Tuesday – Club Meeting – location TBC 10 Aug 14 – Millbrook Winery 24 Aug 14 – MC Motorsport Targa Course 27 Aug 14 – Wednesday - Committee Meeting - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth Sep 2014 2 Sep 14 – Tuesday – Club Meeting – location TBC 7 Sep 14 – Greenhills Tavern 24 Sep 14 – Wednesday - Wanneroo long track 24 Sep 14 - Wednesday - Committee Meeting - PCP Chellingworth 4
Oct 2014 1 Oct 14 – Tuesday – Club Meeting – location TBC 5 Oct 14 - Sunday – Wheels 4 Hope/Drive 4 Dreams 25 Oct 14 – Saturday – Club 30th Birthday - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth 29 Oct 14 - Wednesday - Committee Meeting - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth Nov 2014 4 Nov 14 – Tuesday – Club Meeting – location TBC 9 Nov 14 – Beverley Hotel 26 Nov 14 - Wednesday - Committee Meeting - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth 30 Nov 14 – Sunday – Concour de Elegance – South Perth Foreshore Dec 2014 3 Dec 14 - Wednesday - Club Meeting AGM - Porsche Centre Perth Chellingworth 6 Dec 14 – Saturday – Club Christmas Party – Pan Pacific Hotel TBC Planning for social events for Jul, Aug and Sep is currently underway. The above programme will be updated as details are confirmed.
president’s report Dear PCWA members, welcome to issue 2 of Porsche West! By now you would have all had plenty of time to read Issue 1 of Porsche West. I certainly hope you found it a cracking read. Judging by the comments & emails from members it has been very well received and enjoyed. I would like to thank all those members who have taken the time to let us know how much you enjoyed Porsche West, so on to the next issue then! Gosh how time flies we are already over half way through the year and what a year it’s been so far! We kicked of the second quarter of 2014 with our Sports Series Round 1 event held at Jacks Hill. After a false start due to a double booking (by Barbagallo raceway management) the event was a wonderful success with many newer members taking part. See Barry Nash (sporting director) full report in this issue. Then on April Fools day we had our first ever club meeting in an Aircraft Hangar! Yes the guys at Rotorvation Helicopters threw open the doors to their Chopper Cave for our April club meeting. What a wonderful sight it was to see the committee desk and members chairs all set up with 7 Choppers and a working airport as the backdrop! Members enjoyed a wonderful BBQ dinner & drinks organised by Chris and Glynis Westall (thanks guys!) followed by a light hearted April Fools day meeting which was interrupted from time to time by noisy Aircraft takeoff’s (hey but we didn’t mind one bit!) A few days later we then enjoyed a superb “Archery Safari” hosted and organised by our Vice President Roger Bernhardt, a big thanks to Roger for the day which was enjoyed by around 30 members and guests. The highlight of the day was a superb German Style Sausage Sizzle BBQ & Salad Bar which also gave rise to one of the lowlights of the day being PCWA member Frank Bove burning is finger while helping out at the BBQ. Nothing like molten plastic to make you drop your spatula hey Frank! See Roger’s full report in this issue Later in April was our first and only outing for 2014 at our favourite venue, the Collie Raceway for the Sports Series Round 2. It was nice to see all the cars arriving on the Friday night before the event some
of which had been trailored up! Members enjoyed a complimentary BBQ & Chicken dinner on the Friday night (with the usual drinks naturally) followed by an excellent track day & lunch on Saturday and then a superb meal at the Collie Ridge Hotel on Saturday night. Thanks to Barry & Hillary Nash, Chris Clarke & Julie Jacobs for their assistance at the track. It was also nice to see some members travel up on the Sunday to watch their fellow club members in action. Indeed some of the pic’s from the Collie weekend in this issue were taken by eagle eyed PCWA members. I must say that a “leisurely” drive via roads less travelled to Collie is one of the better drives you will ever undertake! A well tested excellent “back route” I have done a few times is via Pinjarra, Dwellingup, Quindaning & finally entering Collie on the Collie-Williams road! It is way way better than the mundane run up the freeway. If any members would like to know more about this route email or call anytime! See Barry’s full report on the track side of things in this issue. We kicked off May with our club meeting at Racing Dynamics in Malaga. Thanks to Cade Bell and the boys for opening up their “race cave” for the members and for providing the race simulators also. The meeting ended at around 8.30 but when leaving later that night I did spy a few members still firmly glued to the racing simulators seats taking the racing line in total safety! I wonder what time they actually pulled up stumps?..we can only wonder. Also in May we had one of the most interesting and different events I have ever attended at the club being Porsches & Choppers. This was really a day of days with a wonderful array of Porsche’s taking to a hand picked country route offering members a wide variety of driving conditions to really make their Porsche cars sing! Later we arrived to a lovely lunch and Chopper rides over Fremantle and back to Jandakot Airport. Thanks to Brett Williams and the team at Rotorvation Helicopters for arranging and staging this event. I can thoroughly recommend taking a chopper flight with the boys at Rotorvation who are very professional and offer a state of the art fleet of Choppers for any occasion! See my full report in this issue of Porsche West. June started off with our usual Club meeting back at one of our “spiritual homes” being Wheels World Osborne park. And this night was one to remember with our first ever “movie night” on the “Wheels World Mega Screen”. Members were treated to an extra short meeting (always popular) followed by bags of Popcorn (thanks to Drew Forster) and the
docu-movie “Living the Porsche” by Sodus Films NSW. I can thoroughly recommend catching this flick on youtube it’s basically a movie about guys like us with a love of all things Porsche. June 22 was also a wonderful day at the PCWA, with the luncheon run organised by the Da Silva Brothers. Who would have thought that around 40 Porsche cars of varying types would have turned up on a lovely Sunday morning for a wonderful country drive taking in some excellent driving roads and beautiful scenery followed by a sumptuous buffet lunch. Well that’s how PCWA punters roll! We love this kind of thing and thanks to all who turned up for this event and naturally to the Da Silva boys for again putting on a great event. Just briefly. I just want to offer a word of thanks to our PCWA Committee. We are always looking at new ways to improve your membership experience with fresh ideas for social events, better roads to travel while still offering a full list of sporting events. Sometimes some Club Members may not fully understand just how involving running the club actually is. Although we are all volunteers this does not stop incursions into our own personal time & work time! If at any time any of you have a complaint about anything (which we always welcome if given in good spirit) please bear in mind the aforementioned info and try to be kind to your Committee member they really do deserve it! Finally what has been the highlight of your PCWA membership experience? We would love to know for offer for issue 3 (which will be our bumper 30th birthday issue) please email them to me in the coming weeks. Oh and BTW the highlight of my membership (which begun in 2008) my very first sporting event at Collie 2008. You have to be there to see the amount of cars at this event, there was even Helicopters landing in the bush bringing some well heeled members to the track for race day! I will never forget it, I arrived in my Yellow Boxster S and just was in awe of everything. I kind of feel that I still have not lost that child like excitement of any PCWA event and I still love seeing the cars roll up to an event! Anyway I hope you all enjoy this issue 2 of Porsche West, please email me anytime should you have any stories, articles and pictures to submit and naturally we love to hear members’ feedback and remember Go Porsche! Cheers Edward Roose Club President. Issue 2 - 2014
webmaster report Hi PCWA Members, We have a new member in the club! His name is Gabriel and he was born about an hour or two after I wrote the last Webmaster report ;) Life changes so fast. Collie, I’m still stunned right now every time I think about that Sport Series event, it was my real first taste of racing and just how much love there is for the Porsche brand in motorsport. That event really made me appreciate that a car and drivers ability to perform isn’t measured by the horsepower rating the manufacturer claims or how many mods someone is able to plaster their vehicle with. I must admit, there are such amazing drivers within the club, seriously talented and passionate guys. A quick update on webmaster tasks. For Sale Section is up on our website. Even though there are not a large number
of updates I’m finding it’s a little difficult to keep the content up to date and may need to consider automated options for membership submission / withdraw and invest time here rather than create another administrative time consuming role. Transfer of content from old website to new. All of the images have been combed through and exported to USB. I’ve provided these images to key members within the club who have a deeper understanding of the history to help me group together what is what so I can reupload them to the Porsche CMS System. I see the next major task to take on board is to complete the investigation of how we fully leverage the Porsche CMS System to its full potential. At present we use a separate events management system for events / bookings / membership and the Porsche CMS System is merely a shell for web content.
A full plan would have to be in place before seriously considering swapping out the systems and potentially performing the changes in our quiet season between the Annual General Meeting and first event of the year when there are no events or updates over the Christmas period to minimize the impact on the ongoing current operation. As usual, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions please don’t hesitate to email me at Thanks to all again and look forward to seeing you at the next event,( preferably race event). Christopher Uchanski, Webmaster
Its not a simple process of just clicking a few buttons or dropping some content in there are serious privacy, workflow, membership and event management concerns that need to be seriously considered as part of the entire process.
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secretary’s (nee scribblers) update Secretary’s (nee scribblers) update
President: Edward Roose
The Committee has been overwhelmed by the positive feedback regarding the first issue of our new quarterly magazine. Not wishing to sit on our laurels, the Committee has been working hard in preparing for the second edition whilst also fine tuning the program for the next six months.
Vice President: Roger Bernhardt
Treasurer : Graeme Robson
During the last three months we have continued to hold our monthly meetings at a range of interesting and diverse locations including Rotorvation (April), Racing Dynamics (May) and Wheels World (June). These meetings have been exceptionally well attended and I would like to thank these businesses for providing our Club members with unique opportunities that are not generally available to the wider public. I would also like to extend my thanks to the Committee for continuing to come up with interesting locations for our meetings. In response to a number of requests from our members, we are now hosting our monthly club meeting minutes on our website. This allows all members to remain in touch with the activities, discussions and decisions of the Club, even if they cannot make to our meetings. In addition to the usual planning of events, the Committee will commence a long stalled review of the Club Constitution. It is hoped that we will have a revised Constitution for Members consideration later this year. As part of the secretaries update I will be including a review of Porsche books and magazines. I would welcome our members to contribute to this thereby enabling others the opportunity to expand their library and knowledge of Porsche literature. There are a number of magazines dedicated to Porsches both in bookshops, newsagents and online. Two magazines that are readily available in Australia include: • •
911 & Porsche World and GT Purely Porsche
club committee 2014
Social Directors: Glynis & Chris Westall
Sporting Director: Barry Nash
Secretary: Andrew Forster
These monthly magazines are published in the United Kingdom and both offer the reader; reviews on recent vehicle launches, historical perspectives, vehicle reviews and comparisons. The advertising in both magazines is UK centric however there are some gems out there for those looking to source spares and other modification which may be hard to source in Australia. Both have a section dedicated to those whom have intentions of restoring or just maintaining some of those older vehicles- you know those that require just a little more TLC – including bits and pieces for little white 924’s . Anyway, happy reading and I look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming meetings, sports or social events.
Webmaster: Christopher Uchanski
Membership: Julie Jacobs
Publications: Position Vacant. Email if interested
The Club’s affairs are managed by a Committee of volunteers elected each year at our annual general meeting. As all Committee Members are volunteers, email is our preferred method of communication. Private phone numbers are not listed on this website for privacy reasons. Click the name of the committee member below to send them an email. Should you require assistance, please send an email and a committee member will get back to you.
Drew Forster PCWA Secretary proudly designed and printed by
Issue 2 - 2014
Tyres - Wheels - Suspension - Road and TRaCK
Call John: 0416 105 911
Tyres - Engineered in Germany.
w w w . z u m o g r a f x . c o m
Club Presidents YEAR NAME 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
Edward Kozyrski Edward Kozyrski Edward Kozyrski Peter Long Peter Long Adrian Corp Adrian Corp John Cheyne John Cheyne Wayne Rowett
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Wayne Rowett John Ogilvie John Ogilvie Alasdair Speedie Andy Brown Andy Brown Andy Brown Marilyn Thatcher Marilyn Thatcher Marilyn Thatcher Marilyn Thatcher Derek Pegg
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Derek Pegg Derek Pegg Derek Pegg Chris Clarke Chris Clarke Chris Clarke Chris Clarke Chris Clarke Allan Guelfi/Edward Roose Edward Roose
treasurer’s report Total Expenditure
“Porsche West” is the official magazine of The Porsche Club of Western Australia (ABN 85 153 133 180)
Publisher: The Porsche Club of Western Australia PO Box 447 South Perth Western Australia 6151 email:
Net income for the period $ 20,104
Membership fees less costs for have been over $23,500, which will cover meetings expenses, the Concours (30 November 2014) and subsidize our 30th birthday function, the Christmas dinner entertainment plus club costs for CAMS and insurance.
The club had a positive cash flow for the period to 30 June 2014. The opening balance $27,649 and at 30 June 2014 the balance was $47,753 as summarised below.
The sporting series has a net cost of $900 to date. With more participants and joint meetings with other clubs later in the year the rest 2014 should see income cover expenses.
Revenue from advertising in the flyer in 2013 was $2,748 and Laser Mail postage subsidy has been $566. We expect advertising revenue to be around $4,000 from our new magazine “Porsche West”.
-Fees received for sporting series 7,440 -Advertising
-Porsche Australia sponsorship 30th anniversary function 3,000 -Social functions – net income
-Future social functions fees received
-Laser Mail postage subsidy
-Bank interest
Editor: Edward Roose Mobile: 0416 009 711 Email: Advertising: Edward Roose Mobile: 0416 009 711 Email: Artwork & Printing Composite Colour 4/347 Bay Road, Cheltenham 3192 Ph: 03 9555 6665 email: Subscriptions: Porsche West is only available to financial members of the Porsche Club of Western Australia. Not for individual sale.
In summary, a good positive result for the six months. Future expenditure includes two magazines to publish in July and November plus CAMS affiliation fees and insurance premium due in July.
Contributions: Contributions, with quality photographs, are invited. Digital photographs should be 300 dpi jpeg or tiff files. They should be sent to
Total revenue
Disclaimer: Advertisers should be aware of the laws prohibiting misleading and deceptive conduct. No liability is assumed by the publisher for any losses which any person may sustain as a result of any misleading or deceptive advertisement or article published in this magazine.
Copyright: © 2014 by The Porsche Club of Western Australia All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any electronic format or transmitted in any form by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Expenditure -Printing and Stationery
-Sporting series fees and costs
-Membership costs
Special note: It is the policy of the Porsche Club of Western Australia not to publish its membership list to any person or corporation. Its membership list is not for sale or distribution. Any unauthorised use of its membership list or of the material in this magazine may result in prosecution.
-30th anniversary function - deposit 1,000 -Bank fees
Send your mail to:
Porsche Club WA PO Box 447 South Perth Western Australia 6151
Issue 2 - 2014
Collie Super Sprints
Porsche owners are risk takers, except when it comes to buying and looking after their cars. Chellingworth Porsche are Perth’s only factory authorised dealer of Porsche Sales, Service and Parts. Why trust your investment to just anyone when Chellingworth are the only people who can offer: • All pre-owned cars with Porsche Used Car Warranty, • All parts are genuine with full factory warranty, • All technicians factory trained by Porsche, • The worlds most sophisticated diagnostic equipment, • Invitations to Porsche Advanced Driver Training courses, • Invitations to Porsche Track events, • Invitations to Porsche launches, • Plus special discounts to all Porsche Club members on Parts and Service.
For Sales contact Paul Swiderski on 0417 902 409 Andy Porada 0419 932 219 or H Randy Hayes 0408 991 169 For Service contact Eddie Mura or Marco Magnaterra 9273 3171 For Parts contact Peter Foote on 9273 3161 For Marketing contact Jacey Brown on 9273 3113
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Issue 1 - 2014
Issue 2 - 2014 9
Porsche Drivers needed to change lives through Driving for Dreams 2014
Oktoberfest in the forrest Join the largest convoy of Porsches in WA wind their way from South Perth down to Dwellingup to celebrate the great German tradition of Oktoberfest and raise funds for Wheels for Hope.
Event Details • $50 per Driver • $25 per Passenger • Children under 10 free Price includes refreshments at start, lunch and Oktoberfest activities.
Sunday 5 October 2014
Gates open 9.00am, drive departs 10.30am
Registrations essential on Contact Jodie on 0448 158 946 for more information Supported by 10
Porsche Centre Perth
the vp’s rant! What is the definition of a “club”? According to the Oxford dictionary - An association dedicated to a particular interest or activity. So by definition the Porsche Club of WA (PCWA) is an association dedicated to all interests regarding the legendary brand of Porsche. Why did we join PCWA? Was it to enjoy the company of like-minded, dedicated enthusiasts devoted to all things Porsche especially the cars we own? Myself, I’m in that category and certainly enjoy the company of my fellow Porsche Club members both in the sporting and social events that are a part of the club experience. But my dedication to the club extends also to the day to day running of the club by being a member of the PCWA committee as the role of vice president. Now the position of Vice President is an interesting role on the committee with no particular formulated role other than to “jump in” when the President is indisposed or unable to discharge his duty. So the position of “vp”can be interpreted as a fairly “cushy” role by some and may have been in the past. I’ve served on the committee for several years (3 years to be precise ) previously as the Publisher /Editor of our monthly flyer. At the time I recently joined the
club and for several months the committee was imploring the members at the monthly meetings for someone to come forward and assume the job. So I thought that a person like myself that was totally inexperienced with the processes of publishing or editing of a publication such as the monthly newsletter was better than none at all. Having no experience with Microsoft Publisher I embarked on a voyage of frustration and sometimes (actually often) trepidation of producing monthly newsletters. The compilation of articles from the social or sporting events plus a couple of fillers and of course the most important and visually impacting the “front page”. I used to agonise over what images and headlines I would present on the front page, why was it so important? Well if the front page looked good or stunning it set the tone for the rest of the newsletter. So I accumulated quite a few “grey hairs” over my term as Publisher / Editor. I eventually resigned from the position because I felt that I could no longer be as creative as I wanted to be (I ran out of steam), I had explored all the ideas that I had. It was time for someone else to take the mantle and inject new ideas.
give up a not insubstantial amount of their personal time in their busy lives (we all have one of those - right!) to strive and ensure the well- being of the club, but most importantly the committee tries to pursue the motto of “enjoying the Porsche experience” be it at the various sporting or social events planned throughout the year. Since it is our 30th Birthday, which we’re celebrating on the 25th of October this year. Let’s celebrate together the club we all love and enjoy! Roger Bernhardt (VP) PCWA
Fast forward 12 months and in a moment of weakness, insanity, or was it just a streak of masochism. I again put my name forward to join the PCWA committee in the role of VP, why did I do it? Perceived prestige? For the money? (sorry to disappoint – we’re all volunteers!) Which brings me to the point of this article. All the members of the PCWA committee Rennsport BC Nov 08:Rennsport BC Designs
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*Top 50 Law Firms Australia, 2013/14 Issue 2 - 2014
Jim Richards debuts Cayman S in 2014 Targa Tasmania
Porsche News
Cayman and Goliath: Porsche impresses in Targa Tasmania debut Australia. ‘Agile. Fast. Brilliant’: Jim Richards has praised the Porsche Cayman S as a tarmac rally car following its impressive Targa Tasmania debut, despite a premature end to its 2014 campaign. Richards, an eight-time Targa Tasmania winner, and his co-driver Barry Oliver were exceeding all expectations when taking their near-standard Cayman S well within the rally’s outright top 10 while holding a commanding lead in the Showroom Sport class. Ultimately Richards’ campaign ended on the penultimate stage of Leg 4; his Cayman S sustained radiator damage when hitting a fence post on the wet Riana stage while passing a slower competitor. At the time of the incident, the Cayman was placed eighth outright.
While the Cayman S didn’t reach the final day of competition, the result didn’t dampen Richards’ enthusiasm towards mid-engined sports car.
Sport class and be within the top 20. As it turned out, we were quickest in the class on every stage and were not far off the times of the outright competitors.
“The Cayman S was absolutely brilliant and the best car I’ve ever driven at the Targa Tasmania event,” said Richards.
“The result was disappointing; though we know we have a strong car leading into the coming rallies and can head to Tasmania next year confident that we have a brilliant car for the event.”
“The car’s ability to handle the terrain was hugely impressive. It has a great chassis so, directionally, the car was fantastic and drove uninterrupted over every bump. “The Cayman was only around three quarters of a second slower than the 911 GT2 RS I have driven in the rally previously. That is absolutely mind blowing for a car that has 300 hp less and weighs around the same as the GT2 RS. “We went in to Targa Tasmania to see if we could be competitive in the Showroom
The Showroom Sport class caters for production vehicles valued between $100,000 and $200,000 and manufactured after January 01, 2003. Richards will next campaign the Porsche Cayman S at Targa West on August 14-17, 2014, followed by Targa High Country on November 07-09, 2014.
Social Programme for 2014 Sunday 22 June Where: Secret! Chris and Tony da Silva are taking us on a mystery tour, with some magic at the end - lunch! The venue got a big thumbs up from the Morgan and Ferrari clubs so you can count on this one being a great event. The restaurant is only small and can accommodate 40 diners comfortably. Lunch (food, coffees and teas) will be a smorgasbord and estimated to be about $40 per person. Alcoholic drinks are paid for separately at the bar. Sunday 6 July Where: Core Cider House Elisha and Brad Bird have offered to treat us to a run, finishing with a Christmas Dinner! I’m sure by the time the event comes around, we’ll be looking forward to a hot, hearty meal at this popular eatery. The menu is below at $45 per person: Hearty platters with a selection of housemade creamy French onion dip, rabbit pate, served with warm crusty Turkish bread and dukkah. Roast pork belly, onion caramel and asparagus or Pan seared bugs with butter sauce and asparagus Deconstructed desserts menu or Selection of cheeses with spreads, fresh fruits and crackers. Sunday 10 Aug Where: Millbrook Winery Brett and Jenny are taking us to Millbrook Winery, for a three course lunch. The drive promises to be a good one through the countryside, arriving at Millbrook for 11am. We’ll be having a wine tasting session before sitting down to lunch at Noon. The menu is as follows: Entrees: Breads and Olives, Shared Chef’s choice platters Main: Choose from the a la carte menu with garden fresh sides Desserts: From the a la carte menu The cost of this superb meal is $75 per person, drinks to be purchased separately. Sunday 7 Sept Where: Greenhills Tavern Janet and Ray Galbraith - The Fast and Furious! Are taking us to York, keep an eye on the web-site for more details. Saturday 25 Oct Where: Porsche Centre Perth
events, looking at past (but definitely not past IT!) cars and of course a good get together. Finger food and drinks will be served throughout the evening by a premier caterer, in the showroom. Sunday 9 Nov Where: The Beverley Hotel David Screaigh is taking us to his friends at the Beverley Hotel, he’ll be taking us for a drive through the countryside so we can work up an appetite first. The Hotel has a chef, not just a cook, so the food is good. The menu has been set as below and will be $30 per person. Drinks will be served and paid for separately at the bar. Menu (there’s something for everyone!) Entrée: Garlic Bread Main: A: Grilled Lemon Pepper Snapper B: Braised Beef Cheeks served with a red wine and rosemary sauce C: Lamb Rack with a Honey Mustard Glaze D: Chicken Forester - breast with creamy garlic and mushroom sauce E: Satay Beef Curry served with Pilaf Rice and Salad All (except the Curry) served with chips and salad. Sunday 30 Nov Where: Sir James Mitchell Park, South Perth Concour de Elegance The usual destination at Sir James Mitchell Park, South Perth for this popular Sunday in the Sun! Saturday 6 Dec Where: Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Scarborough Christmas Dinner Dance This is our biggest (booziest) social event of the year and you need to RSVP early to get in! We’re at the Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Scarborough for a sit down three course dinner with drinks throughout the entire evening AND a live band all for the same price as last year, $125 per person. We’ll have drinks upon arrival at 7pm sitting down to dinner at about 7.30pm. The presentation of the sporting series awards will be between courses. Once we’ve downed dessert the live band will take us through to midnight. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten free meals are usually available upon request. Please advise any special requirements when booking.
PCWA 30th Birthday Party An evening event so we can celebrate 30 years of PCWA, club number 86. To celebrate our coming of age, we’re kindly being hosted by Porsche Centre Perth, for an evening of remembering past
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Dr. Niro Sivathasan
A journey in a Porsche West to East…
The last part of Great Ocean Road Where is the best driving road? This is a question oft pondered by sports-carenthusiasts around the world. Being a petrol-/ piston- head is one thing, but I have been blessed with being able to drive extensively around North America and Europe, and have also owned a number of performance vehicles. For me, the ultimate road involves stretch after stretch of deserted perfection; perfection that is composed of hairpin bends, ruler-perfect straights, and beautiful backdrops. However, that perfection can only be realized in a fitting car.
Come December 2013, my time in Perth was drawing to a close, and I was due to commence my new job in cosmetic surgery in Double Bay, Sydney in January 2014. There were three options for getting my 911 from WA to NSW: drive it; ship it (by water or by land); or do both! I grew-up in Britain and have been fortunate enough to have seen a lot of the world, but am increasingly devoid of free time to do more travelling. So, I wanted to capitalize on the opportunity to see more of Australia, and, more importantly, to drive across the fabled Great Ocean Road (GOR).
I currently own a very heavily optioned 997.2 Carrera 4S and a 928 S4 Strosek. My 911 is a ‘keeper for life’ and my 928 is stationed in London for whenever I go there. Despite owning Porsches for a few years, I did not get into the enthusiasts’ club-scene until I moved to Perth and joined PCWA. I had finally met a handful of like-minded individuals who enjoy driving and who enjoy their cars as ‘daily-drivers’; with notable mention to Brett W., Mickey, MZ, Edward, Frank, and later to Brett R. and Chris U.. In fact, PCWA was composed of a really nice bunch of people, in general. Additionally, WA provided excellent roads – wide and smooth – with low trafficdensities, and, above all, fabulous weather.
I decided that given I had five, at-most six, days to complete the journey, I’d send my car to Adelaide using Great Southern Rail’s IndianPacific Service, and then drive to Sydney via Great Ocean Road and Alpine Way. So after shipping most of my home-possessions on a Saturday by road-freight, I went to drop-off my car at East Perth Terminal on the Sunday. Some pleasant people processed my car, but a degree of incompetence was obvious from the moment a lady loaded my car onto the train’s car-stage. First she slightly scraped the off-side rear alloy, due to ignorance about the car’s dimensions and, perhaps, a degree of over-confidence with loading cars. Then she opened the driver’s door to get out of the car
and hit the door onto the train’s metal pillar, due to sheer ignorance. Things were not very confidence-inspiring at that point. Anyway, it was too late to back-track and to either drive the car myself across the breadth of Australia or to send it in its own container, which would have also been more expensive, so I left after taking pictures of the snug fit of the car. The learning points: 1.Whilst 997s fit well within the dimensions specified by Great Southern Rail, the fit is too tight for comfort, especially for cars with upgraded alloys. In my car’s case, in addition to being wide-bodied, it has the ultra-rare Sport Classic alloys (305/30s) and has 5mm spacers; 2.Peace of mind is afforded by doing something yourself; 3.One gets what one pays for – I am normally in pursuit of excellence, but I guess I let my guard down on this occasion. I would not advise the use of ‘mass’ railtransit for premium or prestige cars.
In the Middle of Nowhere The next evening, I caught a flight to Adelaide and checked into downtown’s Hilton. Adelaide CBD was totally dead by 9 p.m., and the whole area felt as though it was almost frozen in time; I had not expected Adelaide to be this way, especially given that it was just before New Year’s Eve. So given the lack of things to do, I got an early night’s sleep in order to wake-up early on Tuesday to collect my car. There are, understandably, strict time-windows for collection from the transiting train.
very busy and want to use my supercar on a day-to-day basis, not shortlisting the thirstier and hugely less-practical Audi R8 was correct; 3.The 911 may be more of a Q-car than the aforementioned ‘competitors’, but it still draws the crowds! 4.(There is absolutely no rush to visit Adelaide, again!)
When I arrived at the station, my car had changed colour from Basalt Black to shimmering cinnamon; as my car had travelled on the lower deck (which, I was told, is the safest in terms of avoiding damage), my car was glowing red from the fine-coating of Australia’s earth. When the car was off-loaded, I highlighted the damage that was caused by the train company’s personnel, and stop number one was to get fuel, as I had initially droppedoff the car with very minimal fuel just in case Arriving in Sydney it got stolen during its travels. Stop number two was a car-wash. Heck, even the engine bay was now red, but I was going to clean that area carefully myself at the end of the journey. Luckily, my car is wrapped in clear plastic film, so stonechips and such damage just do no happen. I then parked the car outside Hilton, and went to indulge in the buffet breakfast before starting the ‘real’ part of my trip. Upon returning to the car, I found that there was a small crowd gathered around it, and people, from youngsters to those in the middle-age, were taking it in turns to snap photographs. The car had become a little celebrity in the quiet little city. I loaded the car with suitcases, and programmed the ‘points of interest’.
Traversing GOR was epic; it truly is one of the world’s most scenic drives that covers a whole range of terrain from deserts to rainforests. The 911’s character can be changed with the press of a button: hitting ‘sports plus’ changes the car from a relatively frugal (for its class) and sublime town-cruiser to an aggressive beast with remapped throttle responses. Carving through the coastal roads under a dome of crisp blue skies was sublime. It was a pleasure to see reflections over the wide rear haunches or ‘hips’ and the sound of the flat-six beating behind my ears, propelling the car across some very dynamic roads, is something that shall never leave me. After hiatuses in Melbourne and then in Albury, I proceeded to take on Alpine Way (that passes through Kosciuszko National Park). I had not realized that Australia has such an area, and the drive was, again, just incredible! However, unlike with GOR, it felt a little more unnerving at some points perhaps in greater recognition of the fact that a mistake by a driver travelling in the opposite lane (heading in the direction away from Canberra) could be immediately fatal for me.
This is the route that I used from Adelaide: 1)
Adelaide Hills;
Murray Bridge;
Mount Gambier (over-night stop);
Apollo Bay – via Great Ocean Road;
Melbourne (over-night stop);
The learning points:
1.I was absolutely correct to cancel my Aston Martin order and to go for a C4S instead! Whilst the Aston provides greater aural delights and is a better car in which to pose, it just does not touch a Porsche for usability, and, of course, is not a match for the German’s reliability and driver-feedback;
Albury (over-night stop);
Thredbo – Alpine Pass;
Canberra (over-night stop);
2.Similarly, given my personal situation, i.e.
Flooring the throttle allowed the 911 to hunker down and take on the roads in a way that is unique to the 911 with its engine in the ‘wrong’ (or should that be ‘right’?) place, with great feedback from the direct mechanical steering. I had a 997.2 Turbo coupé for a while, but there is no denying that the normally aspirated drop-top provides more aural delights; whilst the whoosh is not there, it has a throatier grumble which feels so much more exaggerated with the roof down, and sounded great as it bounced of the mountain-faces. A word of warning, make sure you have a full tank-of-fuel before reaching Thredbo, because: a) the prices are extortionate up there (and fair enough, I guess); b) only low-quality fuel is sold (just 91 RON, from memory!) – my car is ‘only’ fed 98- or 99- RON petrol. As I approached Sydney, it really hit me how versatile the 911 is: the car was filled to the brim with stuff that I did not want to send by freight. Yet, it was eating up the twists and corners with consummate ease, and whilst its abilities were, somewhat, blunted by the extra load, the drive remained fantastic. The AWD gave me such confidence and security whilst driving through periods of very heavy rain. There are many who dispute the advantages Issue 2 - 2014 15
of 4WD in a road-car in Australia, but this journey absolutely confirmed my long-held belief that for pre-991 911s (which have a lighter front), the AWD system makes a tangible difference. Indeed, though I have passed the ‘advanced’ driver’s test and have certifications for track racing, the fact is that I am not an experienced racing driver; so for people like me, the extra traction gives greater confidence. Furthermore, and perhaps with a splash of naivety, believing in it’s extra traction, I took the car to the beach and up little sand-dunes and got some incredible photos of the vistas; I would have been reluctant to do that in a C2 or C2S. The learning points: 1.G.O.R. is quite deservedly one of the best roads in the world. People cite the roads in South Africa, such as Chapman’s Peak, as incredible but the fact is that driving a decent car, let alone a Porsche, in South Africa is a risky endeavour. Do you really want to be worried whilst driving and having stopoffs, or do you want to enjoy the drive? Similarly, the roads of South America just do not compare in quality. Period. Thus, G.O.R. is ‘the best driving road’ in the Southern Hemisphere; 2.Confirmation that for non-racing-drivers, AWD gives peaceof-mind, which is especially so for non-mid-engined cars;
The sights en-route
3.Oh, and did I say how practical the 911 is, for its class-ofcar?! The caveat is that whilst 911’s have effortless performance and are ferociously capable, they do lack the sense of occasion afforded by a Lamborghini or Ferrari – which some may prefer.) Porsche-engineering demands function over form, or perhaps more accurately, symbiotically with form. I had planned on buying a Macan to complement my other two Porsches, in the next year or two. However, many have said that the Macan may damage Porsche’s relative exclusivity, and I guess given the Macan’s comparative affordability, this may be the case. Furthermore, Porsche is due to release 4-pot versions of various models, which is, I suspect, due to governmental legislation around the world with consequential raised revenue, au naturellement. Of course and despite being part of VW’s family, Porsche has to have the funds to compete against mainstream players such as BMW and Mercedes, especially given Porsche’s recent return to racing. If Porsche retains the magic of the 911 and continues to produce hypercars, such as the 918, then I shall remain an aficionado; I can quite sincerely say that if finances do not restrict me, I cannot see myself returning to either BMW’s or Mercedes’ camps, and almost certainly not to Lexus’.
No stopping AWD
I wonder where the next few years of my automotive journey in my Porsches shall take me… (… and for what it’s worth, I have not joined PCNSW due to a combination of having a hectic schedule and also because I’m not convinced that the same amount of fun and camaraderie can be had over here!)
Leaving Perth
The Road Trip Begins 16
Story: Edward Roose
MID OR REAR ENGINE? THAT IS THE QUESTION! There has always been this little debate about what’s best, mid engine balance or rear engine grip, which is best, which do most prefer? Funny thing is that this “eternal” question is only asked in the Porsche world. I mean its either the Boxster/Cayman for mid engined mastery or the big daddy 911 for stubborn rear engine fun and grip. Yeh yeh we have all heard motoring journo’s, non Porsche people (ie: those that just don’t “get” Porsche) and even Porsche aficinado’s who don’t own a 911 carry on that the engine is in the wrong place, Ferdy got in wrong from the start etc. But is it that simple? Can we get to the bottom of this with some firm answers? Probably not because each of us have an opinion and will most likely stick to it. I am not trying to change minds here but just attempting to shed some light on the issue. From the very start the idea behind the rear engine was more weight over the back axle giving more grip, and yes that is true but you also get less grip at the front giving way to uber understeer and the tendancy to oversteer at the drop of a hanky (or the lifting of a throttle). But this is the result in it’s rawest form, pretty much before any real engineering has been applied. Fast forward 50 years and you can see that the current (and indeed many of the earlier 911’s also, especially post 964) have amazing grip in spades and when driven correctly, also less understeer (slow in fast out!) Having said that anyone who has a non PSM (Porsche stability Management) equipped 911, even as late as the 996 Carrera & Series 1 997 GT3 range will testify that you still can get that back end swinging around pretty quickly in many instances, especially in the wet or if the driver was being a bit playful. I have a first hand account of this as I have owned both a rear drive 996 and 997. Now my PSM equipped Manual 997 C2 could actually make me (anyone) look like a drift hero, especially given that I had retro fitted the Porsche “Sport” button to the car around 2011. The addition of the sports button re-maps the throttle response making it more edgy and backs off the PSM threshold. So when in the mood (like everytime I took a corner) I would flick it into the corner, then catch the slide with opposite lock (so I thought) and power out into the straight. Thing is that PSM warning light would flicker most times I did this. The light flickering means the PSM (and not me) was catching the slide. Now I know this to be true because one afternoon I decided to flick the 996 into a corner applying the same opposite lock as with the 997 and quickly found myself almost swapping ends before careering up a kerb and into some bushes (insert my porsche red faced moment for a future issue of “Porsche West” here). Yes the 996 snapped its backend faster than my knuckles could turn white! Rewind to 2008, now I am at Collie motorplex approaching a fast downhill left hander (for those that know it’s the one at the bottom of the hill just past the pits) in my (then) 986 manual Boxster S. Taking the corner with a fair amount of speed but probably a little too much (and too fast) steering wheel travel the car snapped loose. Lets pause for a moment here and think about the implications of this, travelling at around 110kph into that corner, the rear of a NON PSM equipped Porsche has just lost grip at Collie Raceway. Collie is a great track but those that know will testify that the run off’s (which are supposed to slow you down should you leave the
track accidentally) are well, not that flash, especially in that area although they have been improved of late. So realistically there was a reasonable likelihood that the car was going to have an “off” and maybe end up “kissing” the tyre barriers. Don’t think here that those tyres are soft & fluffy, no they are massive tractor tyres put there more to protect the flaura and fauna from out of control vehicles. So getting back to that loss of traction moment. For a split second I thought “oh Sh** I am cooked”. So what happenend? Nothing really, that car settled almost immediately and with very little fuss. Now I like to think the reason why I got out of that pickle was my great driving ability, but to he honest the talent bag is pretty empty in that department. No the reason is much more than that, the reason is the engineering coupled with the mid engine layout meant the car settled before I even had time to apply opposite lock. You see as I mentioned in edition 1 of Porsche West (see my article “what get’s under my skin”) this particular Boxster S was almost as quick around that track as my later 997 C2. I mean the 997 has way more power but also carries more weight (mind you a stock 997 C2 is the lightest of the standard range) and has the engine in the back! So in most later model 911’s you would be catching a Boxster in the straights but finding it no so easy in the twisty stuff. Anyway I have probably confused some of you here as no questions have really been answered have they? We still don’t know which is best. Well in my humble opinion they are both best! It’s a bit like asking what’s better, a Cold Beer or a good glass or Red. Your trusty pair of Jeans you have owned for years or your scruffy old board shorts? Your Loius Vitton handbag or your Backpack? You see it’s all about what you need at the time. I honestly think that we all need a bit of both. Everyone needs a 911 and a Cayman or Boxster in thier garage. Why? Because both of them are best and both can deliver all the thrills, spills and chills that Porsche have engineering into every single vehicle. So what do I prefer if I had to choose? Well I love the way the Boxster would allow me to approach a corner at such a speed that it would make a passenger reach for the imaginary break pedal as you see them press themselves back into the seat in anticipation of death in an “understeery fireball”. Then the Boxster would track around that corner and shoot you out into the straight with the speed and stability of a rollercoaster. So there you have it…Mid engined is best, I prefer mid engine! But then again I gotta say I love the way a 911 hunkers down when you apply the power just a little too early out of a corner. If you are in the right gear (2nd is the best gear for any really tight corner) you can actually feel the rear tyres scrabbling for (and aquiring) grip as it squats and fires you into the next straight. So there you have it! My choice is rear engine, rear engine is best!….. Well lucky I have never driven a front engined Porsche, then I may actually be confused! Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Barry Nash
Sport Series Round 1 Jacks Hill March 2014
After a false start to the season through no fault of PCWA due to a double booking of the Jacks Hill circuit we finally had run our first sports event for 2014 and what a great day it was! Nothing better than lots of balmy sunshine & the sound of revving engines to get the pulse racing, which thankfully was the order of the day.
Spins where achieved by Gerry Willams and Glynis Westall. Drifting awards went to John Morrow and Shaun Baithe .
It was wonderful to see some older chargers were back including PCWA stalwarts Ray Galbriathe and Gerry Willems and also nice to see a rookie in the form of our esteemed social director Glynis Westall. However we did miss the flying Gary Jacobs (absent due to overseas trip) and the recently retired from the sports series Allan Gulifie.
It is shaping to be an excellent series. All members should consider using your car for what it was designed and get it out on a track with the PCWA. Please check your PCWA website for more upcoming sports series outings and get registered! We have experienced drivers who are very willing to help you with any Questions. Also I can be contacted on 0429189987 no question is considered dumb!
I must say I was very impressed with Stewart Lister in his new PDK Cayman who was fastest outright for the day. Well done Stewart! If you would like to see the full results for the day please visit the PCWA web site however the fastest of classes were:
Special thanks to Chris Clarke , Jayden Clarke for their efforts for the day and Colin Srickland who let us use his four wheel drive as the tow car .
Cheers and see you guys at the track! Barry Nash PCWA Sporting Director
Open Pre class: Colin Strickland Open Post class: Allan Quartermaine GT class: John Morrow A class: Stewart Lister B Class: Gerry Willams Rookie: Glynis Westall .
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Harry Worth Member
“My” Porsche Story
Howdy folks. My name is Harry Worth and I’m a new member. My car is a 1990 964 C4 which I’ve had for about 5 years and which is only recently back on the road after a 12 month engine rebuild, which I performed myself. The car had over 320000Km on the clock and was starting to show some wear. So in deciding to do all the work myself I did a chunk of research and parts procurement over an 18 month period beforehand. The opportunity to include some enhancements was too good to resist. The work included tooling up accordingly with manufacturing a few specialised jigs and tools. Fortunately my shed is well equipped including a lathe, mill, two post hoist etc. So what did I do and what did it include? The first decision was a volumetric increase from 3.6L to 3.8L, this meant new cylinders and I opted for LN Engineering 102mm slip fit ‘Nickies’ with matching JE Pistons (11.5:1 comp ratio) and a set of Pauter rods. In stripping down the case to check the crank I was pleasantly surprised after inspection and running the micrometre over the main and big end journals to find the tolerances were as new. A testament to the quality of Porsche crankshafts and regular servicing! So a standard set of big end and main bearings was all that was required. A new set of intermediate shaft bearings and chain sprockets, the oil pump was good, so the only other work required on the bottom end was to clean up the case and oil galleries!
guides were badly worn (as expected) but on #3 head after dismantling and clean up I noticed an unusual item sticking out of the exhaust valve guide. Someone somewhere in its previous history before me had done a bodgey job by using inserts into the existing guides. A quick check of all the receipts that came with the car and I had the name of the so called professional I believe responsible! The heads were stripped, cleaned and media blasted. The old guides removed, the new sealing face machined to required tolerances, new guides inserted and honed, combustion chambers polished and the valve seats re-cut. New valves were lapped into place and the heads re-cleaned and reassembled with new springs and hardware. Topping off the top end rebuild with new rockers and hardware, cam sprockets and timing chains plus a nice set of John Dougherty 993SS camshafts.
The restrictive 964 exhaust was replaced with a set of stainless headers and dual entry sports muffler. The dual mass flywheel was replaced with a light weight flywheel and Sachs clutch kit, plus a chip upgrade to assist with that change. A new set of fuel injectors and inlet stacks, a host of other parts including all sensors, filters, seals and so on plus braided S/S fuel lines to replace the weathered rubber hoses etc. That summarises the rebuild although a lot more man hours were spent in detail work and tolerance checks. It has been a great project and I look forward to enjoying the fruits of my labour. All up I reckon I’ve spent about $16k in parts. So how does it perform? The engine is still a bit fresh so I haven’t opened up the taps for any extended period, but in a word impressive!
Most of the work was involved with the cylinder heads. These where early 964 heads and needed to be match machined to provide the new sealing face to suit the ‘Nickies’. Furthermore these had been machined once before in their life as indicated by the stamp on the inlet boss and verified by measurement. This meant I had a whopping 0.1mm in total to play with, so a great deal of concentration and an accurate dial gauge on the lathe was utilised. The exhaust valve Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Roger Bernhardt
Jolly Roger’s PCWA Archery Safari Date: 6th of April 2014
Meeting at 10:00 am on a nice warm partly cloudy (thankfully not too hot) day at the lovely Garbin Estate Winery. While members were waiting for the remainder of participants to arrive, members were treated to a spot of wine tasting from the delightful range of wines as a start to the PCWA Archery Safari. Our thanks go to Katrina & Peter Garbin for the free wine tasting. Although all gathered enjoyed the tasting, one of our PCWA members (Ross Grant?) had a spot of car trouble with copious amount of smoke being emitted from the exhaust of his Gold metallic 996 911 Carrera. It was a sad sight to see the car being loaded onto the tow truck and towed to the mechanic and to take no further part in the day’s safari. Ross later phoned me to let me know that the problem was not as bad as it
appeared with the fault being the oil separator (a small problem easily fixed). By eleven o’clock we’re ready to assemble the convoy and leave for our next destination, the main event Hoddywell Archery Park near Toodyay. Once we all arrived (no one got lost on the way!) the members were split into 2 groups, one group preparing to tackle the archery course while the other group enjoyed a tasty lunch of barbequed German sausages and delicious salads (including my mum’s homemade German potato salad). Ernie, the proprietor of the Hoddywell Archery Park gave the prospective archers a quick lecture on the course safety measures and also some pointers on shooting. Once the first archery group completed the course they swapped over with the other group and also enjoyed the lunch
provided. With the BBQ’s in full swing Frank Bove offered to help only to come a cropper with a superheated Barbie mate and subsequent deep burn to one of his fingers and was promptly promoted to “Water boy” (handing out water bottles while keeping his finger cooled with ice from the esky. The burn didn’t deter him from completing the round of archery though (Well done, mate!). By 14:30 everyone had their fill of German “tucker” and archery and members commenced their journey home, just in time for myself to have a quick round of archery of the intermediate course. I hope that all members had a great time on the day and enjoyed the PCWA Archery Safari.
Issue 2 - 2014
Issue 2 - 2014
Members Red Faced Porsche Moments Bonnet Bingo! By Deryck Graham Without making a big fuss my Porsche Redfaced moment was 7 years ago in the early days of my 968 RS. I had a date with a very cute girl. Of course being a black car (crazy colour) it needed a wash for the drive. So after a good wash off we went in a freshly cleaned black rocket ship. Cruising down to Serpentine I stretched the RS’s legs for just a brief moment and all of a sudden everything went black....really black! Yes at a speed well north of 80kmph the bonnet went straight up over the windscreen and wrapped over the car roof so hard that the badge on the bonnet embossed the roof. Thank goodness we did get to drive the RS home but the cute girl was so rattled that there were no special thankyou’s! BTW the bill was $13,500…. Grrrr but I smile about it now! Moral? When rushing to clean car to impress girl - put the bonnet clips back!
“Paint as soft as Leather” Words by Edward Roose My latest red faced Porsche moment is more a dumb Porsche moment. After spending a few hours cleaning, drying, claybarring and redrying my Targa I then moved on to the waxing phase. This can also be quiet time consuming as I like to get it right and give good coverage of wax all over the car. So after around 1 hour of waxing it was time to remove (buff) it all off. Problem was that for some reason the wax was not buffing off in the usual manner, the harder I rubbed the worse it looked? After some deliberation and frustration I finally realised that I had used a bottle of Leather Conditioner instead of the Wax! So it took another hour of washing it all off, re-drying and re-applying the correct Wax followed by the buffing. I just want to say thankyou to Mguires for putting their Leather Conditioner and Gold Class Wax in a very similar bottle!
“UP IN SMOKE” Words by Grant Ross As a fly in fly out worker, I don’t manage to get to as many events as I would like. So I was happy I was able to attend the recent PCWA event Roger’s Archery Safari that included some wine tasting at Garbin’s winery, following which we were to progress onto the Toodyay Archery Park. Unfortunately my day was ruined when, just as we arrived at the winery, my 996 started belching large amounts of smoke from the exhaust. As I pulled into the winery car park, I could tell it looked bad by the dismayed look on my fellow club members faces. And in spite of some reassuring comments from those gathered I suspected the worst. So my day ended shortly after it started, with my pride and joy (and my pride) leaving the winery on the back of a flat bed truck. The story does have a happy ending though, fortunately Andy Stack was generous enough to open his workshop on a Sunday so I was able to take the car there that afternoon. I am also happy to announce that the problem turned out to be a failed Oil Separator (bad enough, but not as bad as it could have been) which Andy repaired that same week and I had the car back the following Saturday. A postscript to this story is after having to spend her Sunday be driven from West Swan to North Fremantle in a Tow Truck, I not sure if I will be able to convince Sheree to join me on our next outing!
Our Red Faced Boxster Moment During a drive through the hills in our Porsche Boxster during the summer, we decided to stop at a well known orchard to buy some stone fruit. Since buying the fruit wasn’t going to take very long, Belle (my wife) decided to wait in the Boxster. By the time I arrived back with my purchases, Belle was surrounded by a whole busload of Korean tourists (visiting the orchard) & was trapped in the open vehicle. She was unable to open the door or leave the vehicle. Hundreds of pictures were being taken, while an embarrassed Belle was unable to protest, because they did not speak English. However one of them did manage to ask “Is this a Porsche…WOW” In the end, I had to force my way through the crowd & rescue the Boxster & Belle from all the unwanted attention. Moral? Let you wife do the shopping while you take all the Porsche accolades!
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Peter Ward
Lord Ward
I came to Australia in 2008 and here is my story Trevor Ward sadly passed away 09/02/2011 due to a Major Heart attack. He was driving home with mum whilst towing a 1930s Morris for restoration work. Dad was an Old School engineer, using no computers, just a mind which was full of thought, inventions and new ideas. Dad specialized in mainly classic cars, but he could repair anything from your boring Ford Fiesta to an Aston Martin. Every contact with dad was through the phone, as I am originally from England trying to get residency in Australia, but finally a Resident after 5 years. The day before he passed away, at the time I was 25, I asked him about this Beautiful example of a 1978 911 Sportmatic. He just told me to buy the car being such low mileage, a very clean and original car also his words were “I want my boy to own his first 911 by the time he is 25�, so I did with no hesitation. The car is not something that I just bought to spend a bit of cash on and will sell like all the other cars I own. The Porsche had always been a childhood dream, something I always wanted to own and now here it is but this is not just a car of dreams, now it is a part of my soul, a
true keeper and a very sentimental piece of Porsche engineering that dad looks down from the clouds being proud of me. When I purchased the car it had a 3.0L standard engine with a 3 speed Sportmatic Transmission, the only modifications the car had was RUF bumpers and a Ruf Steering wheel. So I decided it was time to seek someone who knew about Porsches, so I was looking through the West Australian Sunday Newspaper and I see an advert for Ktec Autohaus, so I gave them a call. We decided to build a fresh 3.0 engine with bigger cams, a 915 LSD Gearbox, a Danks exhaust to help it breath better and of course a Whale Tail being a Porsche it needs one. As time went by, I decided to buy a Half Roll cage, then I bought a Coil Over conversion, then I went PMO to make the engine bay have that classic look and to sound better, then I went for Straight Through exhausts for the noise, then I bought some OMP Seats, Steering wheel harnesses, then I fitted a WEVO Gear leaver, a 300 kph Speedo and a hydraulic handbrake. I went through 3 Sets of wheels trying to get a modern and classic sort of look. I had all the carpets replaced, a new Headlining, new door rubbers, new RS Door trims, new front and rear screens and roll cage covers. Basically anything on the car I was replacing, to bring the car to a standard.
I was offered a 4.0L engine, Motek, Throttle Bodies, Huge cams, Big exhausts. The engine was built in America so I thought now have a half decent looking Porsche I need it to be a lot faster, so without hesitation I bought it without the Girlfriends Permission... (we are still together ha ha) I looked over the internet at pictures, I saw different Porsches around the World, I even looked at cars in Museums to get some ideas to build myself a dream car, which looks great, sounds great and people will respect ( apart from the neighbors and elderly). So after having this engine fitted I decided to go back to a standard looking car so Ktec gave me SC Bumpers and are arranging a set of FUCHS. This car is in memory of my Dad and Ktec made it happen. They understood what I was trying to do and they did everything I asked. We had a few problems with the car along the way of the build, but they were patient with me. Here are some pictures to show the process from when I first bought the car to now
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Brett Williams
PCWA Meets PCQ A chance Encounter 7 Years ago I bought my first Porsche. I originally purchased my 996 Carrera (nicknamed “Silver Bullet”) from Queensland, and was surprised at the time to find out that the car had been bought brand new by the then president of Porsche Club Queensland. To this day, the car still carries the PCQ sticker, in reference to it’s origins. I remember when I flew over to pick it up, thinking I wish I had more time to give it a decent run, alas work prevailed and I simply dropped it off to Ceva Logistics and flew home. After many incredible years of fun with Silver Bullet, I recently decided to upgrade to a newer Porsche, a 2007 Cayman S. After a year of searching Carsales for the right one (you all know what I mean), I found a pristine low kilometre Cayman S with all the right upgrades, funnily enough, located once again in Brisbane. With all the right feedback from a Porsche Centre pre-purchase inspection, I decided to fly to Brisbane to sign the deal and take delivery. This time it would be different, as I allocated enough time to give the Cayman and myself the chance to bond by embarking on a weekend driving adventure through the hinterland and valleys of the Sunshine Coast Arriving at 5.30 Brisbane time, I was picked up by the seller at the airport, did my final test drive and paperwork, and by 7.30am Saturday, I was off and running. What an amazing Saturday. Straight up to Brisbane’s Mt Cootha lookout and then off through various mountain passes north west of Brisbane, up through the valleys surround Wivenhoe Dam and Lake Somerset, north through the winding roads of the lower hinterland around the famous Glass House Mountain, lunch up at famous Maleny town, and then a solid inland backroads trek through glorious unused roads all the way up to Gympie. Now most big runs in my Silver Bullet I would normally do with the club or a bunch of Porsche (elite) enthusiasts. Having that whole day with the Cayman of just driving and experiencing, without distraction and with a single focus, well it was just incredible. The morning of Sunday unfortunately was quite bleak. With rain pouring down, I made the long journey back to Brisbane, trying to balance my enthusiasm with careful application of the throttle. By about 1pm, I decided to leave the valleys and highway and venture up a mountain pass, completely different from the way I had left Brisbane. As I worked my way up Mount Mee, I was amazed to come across a tiny mountain town with dozens off Porsches parked up, right at the top next to a restaurant. What were the odds of that? I had come across Porsche Club Queensland. I thought what the heck, time to walk in and introduce myself. With 50 or so club members enjoying lunch, I randomly walked up two ladies and asked “This must be the Porsche Club, who’s the organiser?” Continuing the coincidence streak, the woman replied, “That would be me, I’m Donna Beard, Social Club Director”. She promptly introduced me to her friend Sharon Donsky, Treasurer. I was then introduced around the various tables, joined the club for lunch, shared my adventures, found out more information about the past owners and experiences of both my Queensland Porsches, and had an absolute laugh with my fellow Porsche enthusiasts. As everyone finally got round to leaving, the day ended with me standing on top of a table in the corner taking a photo. And this photo comes with a message, “A Big Shout Out and Hello from Porsche Club Queensland to Porsche Club of Western Australia” The moral is two-fold. Firstly, Porsche enthusiasts are the same wherever we may be. Secondly, we are meant to connect and share our passion together. What a way to top off my Queensland driving adventure.
Story: Lothar Losch
“PORSCHE LOVE” Hello fellow Porsche enthusiasts! My name is Lothar and I am a huge Porsche fan. My wife Belle and I joined the PCWA in January 2013 and are really enjoying it. Like many boys and teenagers around the world, I had Porsche posters on my wall and Porsche models on the shelf. Already then, I loved the look, the shape and the promise of speed and exhilaration. Things became serious for me, when I was working in Germany in the late 70’s. The company owner’s son had just bought a new 930 Turbo, which he drove to work every day (his Dad probably bought it for him) and I absolutely fell in love with it! My workmates got fed up with my fascination with the car and would sometimes say things like “Stop dreaming boy, those are only for rich people” and other helpful advice. But the seed was planted. It was not until many years later, that I decided to follow my dream and buy my first Porsche. I received an invitation from Porsche to take part in a special Porsche drive in the Perth hills. There were 5 different Porches available to drive on that day and they were all fantastic to drive. There were Boxters, 911 Convertibles, a 911 C4 and more, and naturally I loved them all! I then went out and bought a Boxter Tiptronic and had a lot of fun with it over the years, actually we I still have it. But I wanted more! (some of you may recognize this feeling). Bigger, better, faster and all that good Porsche stuff, but this time it had to be a manual. So I came up with this shopping list which consisted of a 996 Turbo, 993 Turbo, 996 GT3 and a 993 C4. I spent a whole year, looking for that special Porsche, wearing everybody out in the process. In the end, a person very close to me told me to GET ON WITH IT! “Go out and buy that Porsche and don’t come home without it” Now that I had my orders, I went straight to the local Porsche dealership and guess what? It must have been my lucky day, because there it was, a 996 GT3 Club Sport. You Beauty! I drove it, I bought it and I am still drooling. Cheers, Lothar
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Tony da Silva
MY 928: A SCRAP WITH BUREAUCRACY! The Porsche 928: loved by some and frowned upon by others – especially by many 911 owners that maintain “…… to be a real Porsche, the engine has to be in the back.” The model was launched in 1977 to a huge press accolade and was awarded Car Of The Year. It was the most expensive car that Porsche produced and was the flagship model at the time. Since then, the 928 had undergone several model upgrades and its engine capacity increased from 1977 to the end of its production in 1995. I have always wanted a 928 when it was first launched; but was never able to afford the hefty price tag that accompanied it. My car is the GTS model that was first registered in the UK in 1994. It is the last of the model range and sported the largest engine capacity (5.4 litres). I purchase the car in 2000 when I was still living in the UK and decided to bring it with me when I moved to Australia in 2002. I’m its second owner; and at the time of purchase, the car had only covered 46,000 miles. The 928 was (and still is) in excellent original condition except that the previous owner must have had a “bad hair day” and fitted a hoon-like silencer with a sewer-sized tailpipe! (à la Subaru WRX et al!) Prior to leaving the UK, I made arrangements with a shipping company that advertised that they were able to ship and arrange insurance as well as applying for the relevant paperwork including import permits – in short, a complete do-it-all package. Several months after my arrival in Perth, the car landed sans paperwork or permits and was immediately impounded much to my utter dismay! I was informed by the authorities that it had to be returned to the UK within 3 months or be scrapped. After many international calls to the shipping company, I discovered to my horror that the employee there who was dealing with my case had meanwhile been dismissed and all the documentation was never completed let alone submitted to Canberra! I was understandably livid with the situation; but eventually, the shipping company’s area manager admitted their mistake and wrote to the
Department of Infrastructure/Vehicle Imports in Canberra, explaining the whole situation to them. This was accepted by the powers-to-be; but they [the powers-to-be] added that they were still disallowing entry for the vehicle as it was registered after 1989, the so-called cut-off year for private importation even though I had emigrated here! To cut a long story short, I took the matter to Court against that Department and won my case to keep the car in Australia. As with all things legal, this took an anxious 8 months with the car held in the impound yard for that period. Luckily, I had a heavy coat of wax applied to the bodywork and crevasses in the UK before it was loaded into the shipping container otherwise the salt air dockside would have meant rust taking hold! Coming back to the present, I still love the slippery shape of the 928, the way it drives, performance figures and its capability to travel vast distances in comfort. And yes, I have replaced the hoon tail pipe with the original-spec one….!
New bikes available from March 2014
Porsche News
Two wheels and still a genuine Porsche Porsche is synonymous with sportiness, performance and driving pleasure – attributes that apply on two wheels as well as four: Porsche is expanding its Driver’s Selection range to include new bikes, available from March 2014. The Porsche Bike RX, Porsche Bike RS and Porsche Bike impress through their use of innovative materials, and deliver a sporty ride both on the road and off it. The design is typically Porsche: The frames of the new bikes are reminiscent of the silhouette cut by the sportscars produced in Zuffenhausen. Featuring a 20-speed gear assembly supplied by Shimano and 27.5 inch wheels, the new Bike RX is the ideal partner for off-road routes. The mountain bike’s high-end carbon frame blends stability with a low weight and outstanding damping properties, guaranteeing boundless riding pleasure in the great outdoors. A DT Swiss air-suspension fork and hydraulic disc brakes supplied by German brake specialist Magura ensure optimum control for every manoeuvre and on all terrain.
The Bike RS also features a high-end frame, with ergonomic components made from carbon, bringing the sport bike’s overall weight to just nine kilograms. A 20-speed gear assembly makes the bike ideal for particularly sporty rides through vibrant urban settings or on extended trips. What’s more, the XTR equipment provided by Shimano and the ultra-lightweight brakes supplied by Magura ensure complete exclusivity on the road, even without an eight-cylinder engine. The Porsche Bike, in turn, features a Shimano Alfine 8-speed hub gear assembly, which permits the eight gears to be shifted with ease. A low-wear geared belt drive transfers the power to the wheels without making a sound, while the MT26 disc brakes provided by Magura ensure optimum safety – making the Porsche Bike the ideal companion when navigating through the urban jungle.
standard under the paint on the frame. The label contains a unique code and is intended to deter thieves. Should a theft nevertheless occur, this code can then be used online to report the bike as stolen. Registered bikes can ultimately be checked by anyone – online and while on the move – simply by using an iPhone app and QR code, making it considerably more difficult to sell on stolen bikes. The Porsche Bikes will launch on the global markets in three sizes (S, M and L) from March 2014. Details of these and other products in the Porsche Driver’s Selection range can be found in Porsche Centres around the world and online at Not all products are universally available.
Another outstanding feature of the Porsche Bikes is the anti-theft label, applied as
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Edward Roose
Choppers and Porsches
Anyone who arrives first at a party or event (like a car launch) usually feels a little uncomfortable. I know I have arrived early at similar events and found myself waiting in the car scoping out the venue looking for some other person to be the first. It’s normally not the done thing is it? We like to arrive at any event after other punters have already done so. So why then is this totally different when arriving for a PCWA social run? Yep that’s right, I was the first to arrive at Dome Success on our Porsches and Choppers day. I made it that way on purpose. There is no shame whatsoever in being the first to a drive day. Indeed first in best dressed I say! Why? Well there is a magical feeling watching the cars roll in. Every one a super car, every
one special not only to their proud owners but each and every one of us too! You see we are Porsche aficionado’s so any well maintained and loved Porsche is a good one.
driven by Brendan Anesbury esquire and his son! Brendan thew me the keys and not long after a bunch of members where all over it and with good reason, we all want one!
On that cool morning I just sat back with a hot coffee and waited, and sure enough I heard that first thrum of a flat six followed the sight of a pukka 911 sitting at the lights waiting to turn into our meeting point. A few minutes later there was another, then another and before long the carpark was filling fast, 911’s Boxsters, Caymans, 944’s we love them all! And especially a lovely green GT3RS
Then there is that glowing smile of anticipation of the members. You could just see the look of excitement and feel it in the air also. This was going to be a good day, a very good day. Much anticipated by all the members and now here we are! Before long the carpark was full of wonderful machinery and happy PCWA members all perusing each others
cars, while some decided to rev their engines to the delight of others. The actual driving route put together by PCWA member Brett Williams was a corker! It took in high speed open roads and super long curves with some twisty bends. All up it was very well received and ejoyed by all and sundry. During the run one PCWA member spotted the local constabulary in a 4x4 on a paddock probably investigating the theft of a sheep or cow the night before. I am sure the copper was very surprised to see 30+ Porsches whiz by (all at the speed limit naturally) on a normally quiet Sunday morning in the middle of nowhere. On arrive at Rotorvation Choppers Jandakot members were treated to a lovely complimentary lunch and soft drinks while signing on to take a Chopper flight over Freo at a very discounted rate! Thanks to Rotorvation for offering such a wonderful experience to our members. I would encourage any of our members to consider Rotorvation Choppers for your next “special” engagement as these guys fly to many destinations in WA and offer wonderful service at reasonable prices. Some of our members also took up the kind offer of $100 off a trial flight in on of their Choppers and reports are this is a must do! So if you still have one of the vouchers available please book your discounted trial flight ASAP! All up this day was one of the most interesting social days the PCWA has seen for quite a while. Thanks to all who attended and watch this space, we may be having a similar “Porsches and Choppers” day next year where we will be flown to a lunch destination!
Issue 2 - 2014
story : Richard Batchelor
IROC Race series for next year
An exciting new Porsche race series is planned for 2015 in Australia, comprising cars that mirror the 1973-74 IROC 3.0RS/RSR in appearance, coupled with a control specification to address affordability, reliability, serviceability and parity. The 2015 IROC series will be conducted over at least six rounds under CAMS auspices and will feature race meetings in Queensland, NSW, Victoria and South Australia. The organiser of the IROC series is the widely experienced Rowan Harman of Motoring Events Management. Roger Penske kicked off the original International Race of Champions (IROC) by purchasing 15 Porsches for delivery in October, 1973. The cars were based on the new Carrera 3.0RS but had full RSR race engines tuned to produce 316 bhp, wider wheels, 9in at front and 11in rear, and the hyper-expensive 917 four piston finned aluminium brakes. The race series comprised four races and was contested by a stellar cast of Formula 1, Nascar and Indy drivers. The first three races were held in October, 1973 at Riverside (California) with the final race at Daytona (Florida) in February, 1974. With three race victories Mark Donohue was the series winner. Sadly he died following a practice accident at the Austrian Grand Prix later that year. The proposed Australian IROC specification Porsche already complies with the CAMS Marque Sports Cars category and hence will be eligible for a variety of racing disciplines, including PCV events. The specification will allow widely available and affordable components, many of them “off the shelf”, to be incorporated into a 911 race car that, visually, will replicate the iconic IROC 3.0RS/RSR. The technical specifications are still being finetuned but appear likely to include:• Race cars to be based on pre 964 (1989) bodies, right or left hand drive • Roll cage permitted to mount through front firewall to strut tower • IROC fibreglass body kit - F & R bumpers, bonnet, rear lid and spoiler and replica
‘headlights’. Flared guards can be in steel or fibreglass or combination of the two • No interior trim, original or fibreglass dash pad, analogue instruments • Glass windscreen, other windows glass or Perspex/polycarbonate • 3.6 litre twin plug engine, control camshafts, Weber-PMO 46mm carburettors, control ignition system • Transaxle – 915 or G50 with LSD. Spools (locked diffs) not permitted • Standard or FIA fuel tank, foam filled • Suspension: Standard front struts and pick up points. Standard alloy rear arms but rose joint mounting permitted. Torsion bars removed. Control mono tube gas coil over conversion, front and rear • Wheels; front 15x8in, rear 15x10, Fuchs style. Hoosier tyres • Brakes: 3.2 rotors F & R, Boxster callipers, control brake pads • Minimum weight 1100kg, including driver The new Australian IROC series requires that each Porsche must be painted in one of the original IROC colours, with silver an additional colour. In order to compete in IROC competitors will be required to have an IROC Entrants Agreement (License). There will be a maximum of 36 licenses available. The first 20 licenses will have no fee attached. The balance of 16 will carry a fee of $3300. The licenses will require holders to take part in the first round of the 2015 series and attend at least five of the six rounds in the series. There will also be a series entry fee covering all costs per round, apart from possible TV coverage. Fee rebates will be made to each license holder per round attended. Comments: This is a great concept and already we understand that several cars are being prepared. To see how stunning a (genuine) IROC car looks intending competitors should take a peek at George Nakas’ orange ex-Mark Donohue IROC winning car, now residing at Dutton Garage in Melbourne.
The proposal to go with Weber carburettors is interesting, given that the original IROC cars used Bosch mechanical injection, and presumably reflects the scarcity of the latter systems. The ‘control’ camshafts clearly are aimed at containing the power output (and cost) of the 3.6 litre engines, but the 316 horsepower of the original IROC cars should be comfortably exceeded. Weber-carburetted engines are also known for their excellent low down torque, enabling rapid acceleration out of low speed corners. Due to the likelihood of healthy amounts of grunt from the 3.6 engines, it seems likely that most competitors will adopt the strong G50 gearbox rather than the older 915 box, which would be at the limit of its capacity, even with reinforcing plates. Former Australian Porsche Cup (circa 1986-94) front runners Mike Tankard and Harry Witham will supply the body panels and wheels respectively. Mike in fact won the series one year. It will be interesting to see if either or both are tempted back into the fray. Harry still owns a couple of his old race cars and it would not surprise if Mike did too! While cost containment is a laudable aim, it clearly won’t be cheap to build up an IROC spec. car and some potential racers might be weighing up whether to do this or simply buy one of the many GT3 Cup cars on the market – these could not be used in the IROC series of course but are eligible for other race categories. However if the old Australian Porsche Cup series is any guide the new IROC venture should lead to excellent camaraderie among participants, which after all is one of the main reasons why we enjoy motor sport. We look forward to following the progress of this exciting venture during the course of this year. For further information email: rowan@ or au
Issue 2 - 2014
26th April saw one of the favourite events of the PCWA sporting series with the Collie Super Sprint Track day. Due to clerical issues with CAMS the HSV club was unable to attend this event in numbers, however we did see a couple of Holden’s on the track nonetheless. It was fantastic to see most members arriving at Collie Ridge on Friday afternoon, it’s terrific to walk around the parking lot and see all the different Porsche cars catch up with fellow members and have a laugh. It was also nice to see quite a few cars being tailored up, which meant that there would a good mix of track focussed and regular road cars competing. The traditional Friday arvo BBQ, Beer and Wine was enjoyed by all. Even though Glynis and Chris Westall could not attend I would like to thank them for arranging restaurant bookings and some of the food. Also thanks to Colin Strickland for bringing down the club eskies. With rain threatening on the Saturday afternoon it was decided to get started as early as possible. As it turned out this was a good idea as rain began to fall just before the completion of the event. With 21 entrants there was plenty of track time for all. We also had a nice morning tea with plenty of donuts, cakes and lamingtons to be had followed a few hours later by a wonderful lunch. It was great to see Ray Galbraith back at Collie , he was showing exceptional pace before his motor expired , I am sure Ray will be back faster than ever because he was turning in some super times already even while is motor was singing a song of pending engine failure. I was stunned by the pace of one particular Boxster 2.7 and Flame throwing 911 SC on approaching the guys concerned in the pits, I was told they had both tuned their respective cars. All I can say is great tuning by Ian and Brad who made these cars go fast and look fast! Andy Tudor in his Boxster 2.5 drove very well and broke the existing D class track record in the process. Stuart Lister showed more improvement and was only fractionally slower than the flying Gary Jacobs. Daniel Bathe showed he can punt a Boxster as good as any. Brett Read continues to impress with a time of 50.7772. Rookie of the day has to go to our Webmaster Chris Uchanski who did 53.2105 in his new type 991 911on street tyres. This time is testament to the fine engineering of the 991 but also to the natural ability of the driver! Fastest outright went to Tony Michelson in his flying 996 turbo with a 49.9196, the second fastest time ever by a PCWA member at collie! Well done Tony I am sure there is more in the car as you comes to terms with it. Hard to believe Tony was last year’s rookie. I have to say I was very impressed
Story: Barry Nash
PCWA Collie Super Sprint SSR2 26th of April 2014
Issue 2 - 2014
by all competitors on the day everyone drove within themselves and no major incidents where recorded, most set or broke personal best times and all showed respect and understanding for fellow members. A big thankyou to Ktec Autohaus. Brendan & Tim actually made the trip down to Collie just to help out on the day. It was wonderful to have the Ktec mobile workshop on hand to help members from anything from tyre pressure checks to suspension tweaking. I also would like to thank Chris and Jayden Clarke who helped make the event possible and my wife Hilary Nash, Julie Jacobs and President Edward Roose. Thanks also to all who attended this event either to compete or to check out the action. It certainly was a great day! Remember it’s not too late to join our sporting program in your Porsche. If you want to really have some fun in your car then get it out on the track with the PCWA! Contact me directly if you need any info on what is required to get your car racing. See you all at our next event! Barry Nash Sporting Director.
DRIVER NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
996 TURBO ('04) (Modified)
Broke PBL Time
996 GT3 (Modified)
911 RACECAR ('75)
991 CARRERA S ('13)
Broke PBL Time
944 TURBO ('86) (Modified)
911 T ('69) (Modified)
49.9196 51.7763 52.6555 53.2105 54.9762 58.2693
996 TURBO ('03)
CAYMAN S ('10)
CAYMAN S ('09)
51.8701 51.9162 52.2666 54.0080 54.1277 55.6347 56.8830
968 CS ('93)
54.4972 55.5459 59.5351
Broke PBL
944 TURBO ('86)
Set a PBL Time
CAYMAN S ('13) BOXSTER ('07) (Modified)
Broke PBL Time Set a PBL Time Broke PBL Time -
Broke PBL Time Set a PBL Time Broke PBL Time Set a PBL Time Set a PBL Time Broke PBL
15 16 17
911 SC ('83) (Modified)
911 SC ('78) (Modified)
BOXSTER 2.5 ('97)
Broke Club Lap Record
20 21
58.1396 70.2896
Broke PBL Broke PBL
Issue 2 - 2014
Story: Marc Sherriff
“It just happened to be a 356” 1977, living 5km from Ford motor company, where both parents worked, a six year old stands in the driveway, stunned. A path is cut in his life that he will now follow, unaware. Cars are a part of all lives in his town. The one mum drives rumbles a lot, is white, had 2 big stripes from front to rear, and has a fantastic little cartoon on the side of a kangaroo with mag wheels instead of legs. Dad’s car was newer, a horrible banana colour, but not as boxy. All the cars always had a blue oval badge. Always. They all went very fast until they got to a corner, where they went around it like granddad’s dinghy on the Barwon river. We had some great nights fishing in that dinghy. Never caught a fish, but the six year old learnt the valuable lesson that just because the river looked like chocolate, didn’t mean it tasted like it. Much saltier. When his mates were all out kicking the footy with their dads, this particular boy is stuck in the garage, the only place his dad ever was, fixing the neighbour’s cars. They always left quieter than they arrived. There were a lot of different shapes and sounds. And Badges. Every 6 year old loves the badges. Besides being shiny, they also let him know what mood Dad was in. The blue oval badge meant he was relaxed, The badge with a lion, meant swearing, with lots of head shaking. There was a great looking car that looked like a snail with very shiny upside down v’s on the grill. This one meant dad was spending more time reading than working, and looking for tools he was sure he put down there, just yesterday. The small car that was funny, was the mini. Dad could not fit in it properly, so mum had to test it, and dad was frustrated trying to understand what she meant by “’s a bit rough” Occasionally there was a big car that looked like a tank, it was black, and had a big 3 pointed star on top of the radiator grill. Oh how the six year old wanted one of those stars. Dad just burnt his arms a lot trying to fix it. Smelt like bacon. The car that made Dad smile though was the beetle. Everyone smiles when the beetle was around. It was white, and dirty. The 6 year old could not figure out why dad spent so much time looking in the boot though. The boot wasn’t even very big. But it did look like Herbie, and that car could do amazing things. It was on tele, in colour, so everything it could do was definitely true. Everyone wanted Herbie. The day that changed everything was when Dad came in one day in a silver car that looked like a grownups version of Herbie. It was low, not much taller than the six year old, he could easily see in the window. It looked 42
like a space ship. It was curved, and sleek. It had an amazing big wooden steering wheel. It sounded like an angry version of Herbie. When dad went inside for tea that night, the six year old got in behind the wheel, but could not see over the dash. The sensation that stuck was the smell. It smelt of what he later in life found to be a combination of transmission oil, burnt engine oil, fuel, and damp carpet. The emotional smell of a vintage car.
Driving around was very different to his mum’s car. Mum’s car felt like you were waking up a dragon or distant thunder rolling closer. This silver little car felt like lightning. It felt like it was flying. Just like the space ship it looked like. Dad let him sit up front on a cushion, so he could see. Dad did not slow down to go around the corner, and the six year old had to hang on to a handle that must be there for this reason, otherwise he’d fall out the door. The next day the car was gone. As the six year old grew up, he got to see a lot of cars, new ones came and went. Rarely seeing another Porsche 356 on the road, in a town dedicated to making one brand of car. One passed the family when he was 13, on holiday in Queensland, the emotion was back. Hairs raised on his arms, a lump in his throat. Can we follow that red Porsche dad? When it pulled into the next servo, its window was open. The smell. The way it ticked cooling down. The smell. It felt like just the other day in the silver one.
“What car is this, dad?” It’s a Porsche, old thing, 356 I think they call it. Porsche 356. The boy would not go to bed until mum, started really yelling. He just sat on the porch and could not stop looking at it. He could not stop asking questions. “Why is it so little?” “Do you think it would fit in the boot of mum’s car?” When can we go for a drive? Where are the seat belts? This back seat is made for kids, can I sit in the front next to you? When can we go for a drive? Why don’t we have one? When can we get one? Is this the only one there is? Why don’t we ever see these? Why is there a rusty window in the floor under the rubber mat? Doesn’t it get cold? Can I have one when I get older? ENOUGH.
He had not forgotten. The shape. The sound. The smell. You know when you’re six, and you know when you’re thirteen. You know in your forties, when it is finally attainable, and it takes you back to those moments. You find the car, sit in behind the wheel. Sitting where dad sat. You can now see over the dash to the vanishing hood. This is the car. This feels right. Negotiating with a lump in your throat, and misty eyed, rarely puts you in a good position. It did not matter, you’ll pay what it costs. Those feelings of emotion and passion are why we drive what drive, and love what we love. For some it might be a Mini Cooper, others a GT-HO Falcon, or a ’84 930. For me, it just happened to be a 356.
Club Lap Records These Are The Club Lap Records For Club Sanctioned Events Held At Collie Motorplex. They Relate To The Full Circuit And Have Been Taken From Timed Laps During The Sports Series Rounds Held Each Year.54.0816 Seconds Collie Full Circuit Recorded Time Driver Car Date Class - Open 48.5120 Seconds Cade Bell 9 11 Rsr Rep. (‘74) 4Th-Apr-2009 Class - Gt 50.3620 Seconds Brad Kidd 996 Gt3 (‘04) 29Th-Mar-2008 Class - A 51.6423 Seconds Gary Jacobs Cayman S (‘10) 27Th-Nov-2013 Class - B 54.0816 Seconds Bill Stagoll 911 S (‘75) 29Th-Aug-2009 Class - C 56.0875 Seconds Ray Galbraith 911 Sc (‘83) 4Th-Apr-2009 Class - D 66.4612 Seconds Michael Broughton 356 Sc (‘65) 23Rd-Mar-2013 COLLIE MOTORPLEX CIRCUIT Progression of Club Lap Records for each Class. (Please Note : The Collie racetrack was upgraded and changed during our record keeping) Outright Record DATE RECORDED TIME DRIVER CAR 15-Sep-2007 29-Mar-2008 4-Apr-2009
55.9163 seconds 50.3620 seconds 48.5120 seconds
996 GT3 (‘04) 996 GT3 (‘04) 911 RSR Replica (‘74)
29-Mar-2008 4-Apr-2009 Class GT Record
52.6470 seconds 48.5120 seconds
968 RS (‘95) 911 RSR Replica (‘74)
15th-Sep-2007 29th-Mar-2008
55.9163 seconds 50.3620 seconds
996 GT3 (‘04) 996 GT3 (‘04)
15th-Sep-2007 29th-Mar-2008 4th-Apr-2009 29th-Aug-2009 9th-Apr-2011 23rd-Mar-2013 27th-Nov-2013
58.3981 seconds 56.4160 seconds 53.6151 seconds 53.2677 seconds 52.7648 seconds 52.2173 seconds 51.6423 seconds
CAYMAN S (‘07) CAYMAN S (‘07) CAYMAN S (‘07) CAYMAN S (‘07) CAYMAN S (‘10) CAYMAN S (‘10) CAYMAN S (‘10)
Class B Record 15-Sep-2007 29-Mar-2008 4-Apr-2009 29-Aug-2009
61.0587 seconds 55.2850 seconds 55.0054 seconds 54.0816 seconds
911 TARGA (‘85) Modified 911 S (‘75) 964 CARRERA 2 (‘89) Modified 911 S (‘75)
Class C Record 15-Sep-2007 29-Mar-2008 4-Apr-2009
59.7692 seconds 57.9630 seconds 56.0875 seconds
BOXSTER (‘99) 911 SC (‘83) 911 SC (‘83)
66.4612 seconds
356 SC (‘65)
Class Open Record
Class A Record
Class D Record 23-Mar-2013
Issue 2 - 2014
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Porsche Club of WA PO Box 447 South Perth WA 6151
Club Class Champions for Each Class YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Brad Kidd Deryck Graham Daniel Devries Murray Hill John Zelesco Colin Strickland
Allan Guelfi Allan Guelfi Allan Guelfi Allan Guelfi Allan Guelfi
Behnam Bordbar Behnam Bordbar Behnam Bordbar Craig Lampard Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs
Adam Plummer Craig Lampard Steve Vojkovic Steve Vojkovic Derek Pegg Gerry Willems Gerry Willems Ray Galbraith Gerry Willems
Derek Pegg John Fowler John Paluch Ray Galbraith Colin Strickland Colin Strickland John Fowler Bill Wright David Blainey
Lance Kinnaird Michael Broughton Michael Broughton Michael Broughton Nicholas Ager Michael Broughton
1. Class A was highest Class until Class Open was introduced in 2008. 2. Class Modern was introduced in 2009 and was renamed Class GT in 2013.
Club Concours D’elegance Best of Show YEAR
1989 1990 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Barry Heatley Ron Roozen Justin Willis Lou Schillaci Russell Byfield Craig Lampard Samantha Bordbar Terrence McLaughlan Bryan Williams Chris Gaudet John & Jessie Ryan Dr Beng-Keat Chan Ray Chan Stephen Matthews
930 Turbo (‘85) 911 SC (‘80) Boxster (‘99) 996 Carrera (‘01) 928 S (‘82) 928 S4 (‘88) 993 Cabriolet (‘95) Boxster S 550 Anniversary 911 3.2 Carrera (‘87) 928 S4 (‘88) 944 Coupe (‘84) 911 3.2 Carrera (‘89) 911 3.2 Carrera (‘89) 993 Carrera
Club Outright Competition Champion YEAR
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Behnam Bordbar Behnam Bordbar Behnam Bordbar Brad Kidd Deryck Graham Allan Guelfi Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs Allan Guelfi
964 RS (‘92) 964 RS (‘92) 996 GT3 (‘03) 996 GT3 (‘04) 968 RS (‘95) 996 GT3 (‘00) Cayman S (‘10) Cayman S (‘10) 996 GT3 (‘00)
Club Class Competition Champion YEAR
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Derek Pegg John Fowler Behnam Bordbar Brad Kidd Derek Pegg Gerry Willems Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs Gary Jacobs
911 SC Targa (‘80) 911 SC Targa (‘79) 996 GT3 (‘03) 996 GT3 (‘04) 964 Carrera 2 (‘90) Boxster S (‘00) Cayman S (‘10) Cayman S (‘10) Cayman S (‘10) Issue 2 - 2014
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