Porsche News april - may 2014

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The Official Journal of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc.




April - May 2014




PORSCHE REGULARS Events Calendar President’s Prose Editor’s Notes From the Control Tower Membership Report Market Place Parts for Sale Membership Form Members’ Business Directory


FEATURES Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 39 Page 44 Page 49 Page 51

CONTRIBUTORS Thanks to the following members and friends for their contributions: Sheldon Arkinstall, Ian Gall, Phil Holzberger, Mike Gillies, Bobby 3 McAlpin, PORSCHE Jack Kieseker. NEWS

Porsche Club History Le Mans 2014 Porsche 919 Early Crash Test Procedure Social Drive Day - Woodford The Boxter & Cayman GTS Round 1 - Lakeside New Member Profiles Bahnstorming Aussies Club Night - McElrea Motorsport Round 2 - QR Midweek Sprint

COVERSHOT Cover: Cayman GTS Porsche Cars Australia Inside Cover: 919 Hybrid Porsche Cars Australia

Page 8 Page 14 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 26 Page 30 Page 32 Page 34 Page 36

2013-2014 Committee and Assistants President Dave Beard 0413 121 213 pres@porsche-qld.org.au Vice President Grant Sparks vpresident@porsche-qld.org.au

Executive Secretary Kent Kieseker secretary@porsche-qld.org.au

Finance Director Sharon Donsky treasurer@porsche-qld.org.au Motorsport Director Ian Gall comp@porsche-qld.org.au

Social Director Donna Beard social@porsche-qld.org.au

Web Master Neil Macdonald admin@porsche-qld.org.au

Membership Secretary Tim Place 0419707 905 membership@porsche-qld.org.au Communications Director Sheldon Arkinstall 0421 271 029 editor@porsche-qld.org.au Production Assistant Rachel Place

Merchandise Director Michelle Shaw




Porsche News is published every two months by the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. primarily for the members and supporters. Print Post Number:


Please forward all correspondence to:Porsche News Porsche Club Qld GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Members’ contributions ae welcome and encouraged. Original articles and photographs will be returned if requested. Email to editor@porsche-qld.org.au The opinions expressed or inferred herein are not necessarily thos of the editor, committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. The Porsche Club Qld Inc. meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm at: PORSCHE CENTRE BRISBANE 146 Breakfast Creek Rd Newstead 4006 (Unless otherwise notified. Please check the Calendar for changes.) Management Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month - venue to be advised. Advertising: Porsche News has a circulation of approximately 500 copies, and is read by approximately 500 discerning readers and enthusiasts. Advertising rates vary, depending on locationa and size of adveritisment (see last page). For sale or wanted ads in the back of the magazine are free to club members for their private ads, $50 for commercial advertisers and $25 for non-members. Photos will be included when space permits. Advertisers should ensure that advertisments comply with the current Trade Practice Act, as responsibilty lies with the person, company or agent submitting the advertisment for publication. Club Web page is www.porsche-qld.org.au Membership: Please direct all membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary; or phone any committee member; or write to: Membership Secretary, PCQ GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Membership is from 1st July, through till 30th June in the following year.

Calendar 2014 Membership


The Club extends a warm welcome to the following new members:

Mike Abrahams

997 GT3 RS

David Cox Michael Eddie

930 Turbo

Lachlan Harburg RSR Brent O’Neill


Samuel Scerri

911 4S Cabrio

Thursday 4th

Motorsport Round 3 Midweek QR Sprints

Tuesday 8th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane BBQ - RSVP required

Sunday 13th

Social - Drive Day Birches Restaurant - Mt Mee

Thursday 24th

Committee Meeting

May Tuesday 13th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane

Sunday 18th

Social - Drive Day Hampton Food and Arts Festival

Sunday 18th

Macleans Bridge Sports and Classic Car Festival

Thursday 22nd

Committee Meeting

June Tuesday 10th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane

Saturday 21st Sunday 22nd

Motorsport Round 4 & 5 QR - Two Days of Thunder


This magazine is proudly printed by:

Thursday 24th Friday 25th

PCQ 40th Anniversary Run - 2 Day Social Drive

Friday 25th

PCQ 40th Anniversary - 1 Day Social Drive

Friday 25th

PCQ Park and Display

Saturday 26th

Noosa HIll Climb - PCQ Round

Saturday 26th

PCQ 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner RACV Noosa

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As we enter the final countdown to our midyear PCQ 40th anniversary celebrations on the Sunshine Coast, it’s time for club members to scan the variety of planned activities scheduled for July 2014 and cross check your calendar and register to ensure your participation.

We are directing all registrations to the events page of our website, where the respective registration and further details will be made available through various links. Additionally, to simplify communication, we have set up one email address 40th@porsche-qld.org. au for you to submit any questions and if required, direct your enquiry through to the

relevant parties for further assistance. The page will provide information in relation to accommodation at Noosa, entering the Porsche concourse in October and how to join in on the 40th anniversary drive up to the Sunshine Coast, which leaved Porsche Centre Brisbane on Thursday the 24th July 2014.

PCQ 40th Anniversary Key Dates Keep an eye on the PCQ website ‘EVENTS’ page for more information:


Thursday 24.07.14 – The Porsche Club of Qld 40th 2 Day Anniversary Drive. A two day trip route and accommodation venue being arranged by Greg McWhinney. Meeting at Porsche Centre Brisbane 9am.

Friday 25.07.14 – The Porsche Club of Qld 40th 1 Day Anniversary Drive. Meet at Porsche Centre Brisbane 9am and drive to Noosa, meeting up for lunch with members who departed the previous day.

Friday 25.07.14 – The Porsche Club of Qld 40th Anniversary Park and Display. This is to be run from 4.30pm at Gympie Terrace Noosaville. We will be meeting at neighbouring esplanade cafes for coffee and light refreshments.

Friday 25.07.14 – The Porsche Club of Qld 40th Anniversary RACV Drinks. Check in to RACV Noosa where we will be meeting in the resort bar at 7.30pm for drinks. PCQ members need to book accommodation direct. Quote PCQ for the club discount.

Saturday 26.07.14 – The Porsche Club of Qld 40th Anniversary Noosa Hill Climb. PCQ entrants, regularity available to all drivers and cars. Refer to the PCQ website for entry details.

Saturday 26.07.14 – The Porsche Club Qld 40th Anniversary Dinner. To be held at RACV Noosa.

Sunday 27.07.14 – The Porsche Club Qld 40th Hill Climb. To be held at the Noosa Hill Climb and run back to Brisbane in the afternoon after lunch

“Marque of the Year” for 2014 - Noosa Beach Classic Car Club

Have some PCQ Photos?

On Sunday 5th October 2014, Porsche will be the featured “Marque of the Year”. This will be another weekend away at RACV Noosa for PCQ members. This prestigious event is run by the Noosa Beach Classic Car Club and held at Lions Park Noosa Heads. This competition will be the venue of our own 2014 PCQ concourse competition and will in addition open our pristine Porsches to a larger, more competitive mix of premium car brands from around the world; all will be competing for outright titles. It will be an ‘Autofeast’ for car enthusiasts and another great reason to escape to a quite resort for the weekend. Contact Tim Place for more details.

On the evening of the 26th of July 2014, we will be holding our formal dinner at RACV Noosa to celebrate 40 active years for our club. Our illustrious past PCQ Presidents, along with our four PCQ Life Members will be amongst our many invited guests to participate in our 40th Anniversary function. I encourage all active and not so active PCQ members to join us for dinner to catch up with friends you may not have seen for years. For the evening, we are tracking down photographs that capture the spirit of our past 40 years; the people, the Porsches, the social days and the track days. If you have any mementos of bygone club



days, photos or perhaps footage, we would love to see what you have to share. Please e-mail all photos to 40th@porsche-qld.org.au or ask us to contact you to arrange collection/ copying of your photos or videos. Your old and perhaps not so old photos will make our 40th Anniversary dinner (and our next club magazine) that much more memorable and will remind us all of our clubs great history, lifelong friends and of course, our beautiful Porsches that have collectively galvanised our vibrant club into what it is today. Dave Beard President


This year is going to be a huge year for the club in nearly every respect, with all the 40th anniversary celebrations planned to place throughout the year. The magazine will most certainly be one of the main conduits for sharing information on upcoming events and letting everyone know about how the various events have been enjoyed by club members. I look forward to receiving many submissions for articles on these events and to hear what a great time you have had participating in them. There’s usually so much happening at these events, it’s very difficult for any one person to

capture all of the exciting things that occur. I am really very keen to hear from as many people as possible regarding their experiences; no matter how big or small the article is – even if it’s only a paragraph or two. So, if you’ve never submitted an article before, but either saw, heard or participated in something that you think others would love to read about or see in the magazine, please send it through to me.

Profile”, so if you’d like me to do an article for you, please let me know and I I’ll take you through what’s involved in preparing the story. Make sure to get out and get involved in our 40th Anniversary celebrations! I’ll see you there!

In addition to the anniversary celebration articles, I will still be seeking articles on “What’s in my Garage”, “My first Porsche” and “Member

keep up to date with what’s happening in and around the club - join the club facebook page Porsche Club of QLD

2014 model 911 GT3’s Recall Notice Porsche Cars Australia has contacted all five customers who have so far taken delivery of their new 2014 model 911 GT3 in order to have their engines inspected. Porsche is informing all owners of the 2014 model 911 GT3 directly to recommend they stop using their cars. The company is offering to pick up the vehicles and take them to a Porsche Centre immediately. Safety is the number one priority at Porsche, and the company takes its responsibility seriously. Engine damage occurred in two vehicles in Europe and the vehicles then caught fire. No traffic incident or personal injury occurred in either case. Porsche has decided to inspect all 785 delivered vehicles worldwide. Porsche is currently investigating the cause and will provide further information as soon as possible. 7



Sheldon Arkinstall Communications Editor



As we go to press, the first of the Motorsport events will have been run and at the time of writing, the numbers are looking good. We are trying a new format this year following feedback received from the recent survey, from which we received 108 responses. We will summarize the results and circulate them shortly. The cost and participation remain the main hurdles for us to overcome this year and to this end, we are looking at some lower cost events such as midweek and half day sprints. We are also establishing relationships with other clubs and to date have had cooperation from the BMW club and the HRCC, which is very encouraging. We will attend the HRCC summer track day at Morgan Park on the 15th and 16th of February and I believe several cars are going up for what promises to be an excellent event, as they offer training on day one and sprints on the second day. In addition, several members from the BMW club will attend our first event at Lakeside. Also as a result of the survey, we will be





providing more low speed events such as Autocross and Happy Laps for those wishing to get a taste of motorsport and experience the potential of their cars, in a safe and controlled environment. The competition rules will remain unchanged this year. The classing system relies on the honesty of the participants to correctly state the power and weight ratings for their car, on which the competition classes are based. So I ask that these be reported accurately. On a separate, but related matter, I believe the club owns a set of scales for weighing vehicles. If you know where they are, can you please give me a call so that they can be made available to interested members? We will also be applying stronger focus on safety this year and will be providing orientation and training to new entrants where it is required. I strongly recommend that those thinking of entering the clubs motorsport activities for the first time to obtain experience through one of


the providers of advanced driving courses that will be available at each event. If we can put together a group who are interested, a discount can probably be negotiated. Due to the amount of work involved with setting up track days and the requirements of the tracks, we will need to move the cut-off date for entries out from the present “day before at 5pm�, to a few days out so that we can meet deadlines etc. This will be instituted for our next event. I look forward to a fun and safe year and as a club, we are only as good as the participation of our members. I value any and all feedback so that our track days can be made more userfriendly. So please feel free to contact me at any time.

Ian Gall Motorsport Director


As we approach Easter 2014, the club is in a strong position again at 511 members. A new Club Brochure has been printed so make sure you grab some at club nights, or email me and I will send you some by mail. Let’s get them out to the local business and cafes you frequent. I am sure there are a lot of Porsche owners out there missing out on all the fun we are having!! The hot news for this month is the new membership cards have been printed, and have been posted to those members who have been waiting patiently for them. The new design features our 40th Anniversary logo, plus updated artwork for Porsche Centre Brisbane on the reverse side. Note: To participate in Motorsport activities, you must be a financial member of the club

PLEASE UPDATE YOUR DETAILS!! If we don’t have your correct email, mobile phone number and vehicle details you may be missing out on the chance to participate, or not hear about a last minute change to an event!! Please take a moment and Log into the Website. (Websites Guides available) to make sure your details are current. or send me an email with the details. If computers are not your thing, send me a fax (07 3009 0465) and I will make sure they get updated. This is especially prudent for Vehicle and Mobile Phone details, as we are starting to use SMS more frequently for Motorsport and Social Event reminders and Updates. Membership Status April 2014 Single Memberships: 225 Family Memberships: 143 Equating to 511 members (inlcuding 4 life members)

This is so you are compliant with the events regulations and the clubs insurance policy.

Do you need a Car Park? “Our best reference is the work we’ve done!” David Holzheimer, Director

Remember the benefits of membership include: • Motor Sport events held at Queensland Raceways, Morgan Park or Lakeside, • Social Activities that include club nights, touring and other events, • Special Events in conjunction with other Clubs, • Six Issues annually of the Club Magazine: Porsche News, • Fortnightly Newsletter updates by email. • A range of discounts and special deals, on a variety of services and products, • C.A.M.S Affilliation, and • Assistance with applications for Special Interest Vehicle discounted registration in Queensland. Happy Motoring.

Tim Place Membership Secretary Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au

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Porsche Club History




by Mike Gillies













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Le Mans 2014 Porsche 919

The new Porsche 919 Hybrid is celebrating its world premiere for the top category of the 2014 World Endurance Championships (WEC) at the Geneva International Motor Show. The innovative hybrid prototype will be joined by the Porsche 911 RSR at the Porsche exhibition area in Geneva, as well as at all eight races of the WEC series, the highlight of which will be the 24 hours of Le Mans. Matthias Müller, Chairman of Porsche AG: “Crucial in the development of the Le Mans




prototype were the newly created and revolutionary racing rules for this class as they relate to energy efficiency. In 2014, it will not be the fastest car that wins the World Endurance Championship series and the 24 hours of Le Mans, rather it will be the car that goes the furthest with a defined amount of energy. And it is precisely this challenge that carmakers must overcome. The 919 Hybrid is our fastest mobile research laboratory and the most complex race car that Porsche has ever built.” The exceptional efficiency of the Porsche 919 Hybrid is the result of a carefully

balanced overall concept. The sum of all of its individual components forms an effective unit: from the combustion engine, to the energy recovery systems, chassis and running gear, aerodynamics and driver ergonomics. The combustion engine is a compact, V-four petrol engine that also serves as a load-bearing member in the chassis. The engine has a two litre displacement, direct fuel injection, single turbocharger and revs up to 9,000 rpm. Power is around 500 hp (368 kW) in what can be seen as a frontrunner in future downsizing engine technology.

In addition, the Le Mans 919 Hybrid prototype has two energy recovery systems. Fundamentally new here is a system that recovers thermal energy from exhaust gases via an electric generator driven by the exhaust gas stream. The second hybrid system has the functionality familiar from the 918 Spyder. Here, a generator on the front axle utilises braking phases to convert kinetic energy into electric energy. Lithium-ion batteries serve as the energy storage medium. When the driver accesses this energy, an electric motor drives the front axle. This makes the 919 Hybrid an




all-wheel drive vehicle, albeit temporarily. A new Porsche team of over 200 employees was formed to develop and implement the Le Mans prototypes at the development centre in Weissach. Friedrich Enzinger, Head of LMP1: “Within two and a half years, we built the infrastructure, assembled our team and put this highly complex race car on the track. We have the greatest respect for the lead our competitors have in racing experience. Our objective in the first year is simple: to finish races and be competitive.�

Romain Dumas (France), Neel Jani (Switzerland) and Marc Lieb (Germany) will share driving duties in the Porsche 919 Hybrid with starting number 14. Car number 20 will be driven by Timo Bernhard (Germany), Brendon Hartley (New Zealand) and Mark Webber (Australia).

Article and Photos courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia

Early CrasH Test Procedure Article by Bobby McAlpin (Workshop Manager, Porsche Centre Gold Coast) Photo: Porsche The following photos demonstrate Porsche crash-testing the 904 in the mid-60’s...by using a crane to drop it! That was the best available method back in 1966 and was performed in the factory’s backyard, Zuffenhausen. Photo left And the moment of impact, if you were curious.... Photo below A quick calculation and assuming a 10 meter drop gives (Scaled up from photo with 904 4.090 meters long): What is the velocity of an object that has traveled d meters? Equation: v=sqrt{2gd}) ANSWER: The object has a velocity of 14.2733759943 meters per second after seconds on Earth. This is 51.3841535795 kilometers per hour, and 31.9286327718 miles per hour. The object will have traveled for 1.45547929153 seconds to achieve this speed.







Social Drive Day

Article and Photos by Phil Holzberger I’ll admit it’s been quite a while since I ventured out for a club drive day. The last time we drove to Canungra (from memory) and the trip included an economy run. I recall something about being in a Porsche weighing 2,300kg, trying to keep up with the GT3’s and using most of its 600hp – well, we were bound to be embarrassed at the final consumption reveal. So for the last couple of years, I’ve restricted myself to being the annoying prick in the British sports car at the club track days. Given the later start to racing this year has given me the chance to broaden my club involvement and what a great day it was; albeit I was still the annoying prick in another British built sports car. I’m not saying that I’m an ‘Anglophile’ or anything, but there is definitely something about the lady inside the satnav in English cars. My girl I’ve named Liz. She has a sultry, upper class accent with just a hint of naughty private school background. Even when she is telling me to do things I know I shouldn’t - well it’s very hard to say no. On the other hand, the Fraulein in my other car is much more dominating, more along the lines of do what she says or she might invade the controls. As homage to Dr Ferdinand I’ve called her Portia. And that reminds me, my first ever extra marital affair with the mysterious lady of the dashboard was back in my HSV days. Her name was Sheila. Satnav’s were in their early days and Sheila had a vague idea of where I wanted to go, but was not always too sure how to get there. I think that sometimes she was jealous of Diane and the only way she could think to separate me from my wife was via a 2,000km detour. Thinking back to Sheila, in contrast to my current harem and I’m sure she would have been happier in the back seat than up front? Anyway, I digress; the Woodford Drive Day. We met as usual at Porsche Centre Brisbane, where Donna Beard had things well in control with maps etcetera, to make sure we could all arrive at the appropriate place and time. Stuart Brunton had the misfortune of his Porsche




“failing to proceed”, so PCB very graciously took his car in for repairs and gave him and Sue a demo Cayenne to use for the weekend. I must try that myself. Maybe ride the pushy over to Newstead, blow a tyre and then try for a 991 Turbo for the week? Our first stop was planned for Esk and navigating 15 Porsches (plus a couple of ringins) through city traffic is always fun. Everyone was much better behaved than I recall from previous trips, so Dave Beard’s ‘pep talk’ about “responsibility” (boring) and “having the club on display” (killjoy) must have worked. For my part, I did my best to dispel the public image people have of Aston Martin drivers and at least kept the exhaust bypass switch open all the way. Approaching Esk, Diane called ahead to the Nash Gallery Café to order coffee for us in her name, so as to speed up the inevitable delay of 40 odd people arriving at once. How the staff

did mock me for fronting at the counter and saying I was the order for Diane. That was until I convinced them that was indeed my name (explained as spelt DYAN), as it was the old Gaelic spelling and a constant embarrassment to me for my not inconsiderable years on this earth. Thought that might get me a freebee, but no. We thought we had lost a few on the way, but it turns out they were attracted to the antique shops in the Esk CBD. Leanne Whillett was seen to be measuring up a very fetching Grandfather clock with which to ride shotgun for the remainder of the run. No mention of how Craig was to travel post Esk though? So there we sat, enjoying a bright, cool summers day until we were 20 minutes shy of our lunchtime ETA for Woodford – which according to Liz (you remember her, nice British girl, questionable morals) was 90 minutes up the road via our planned scenic route. Change of plans, go straight there, caution to the wind,




right foot to the firewall. Which was a good theory, but for the traffic and tarmac patches that are the Brisbane Valley highway. A cattle truck was particularly troubling us. For my part, the speed it travelled only seemed to maximize the distance between double line stretches. For Diane, the sight of all the young cows crammed in like they were in cattle class made

her feel uneasy. I assured her that because of drought conditions out west, they were merely being driven to a nice agistment retreat for their summer holiday. Unfortunately, the truck turned into the Kilcoy abattoir, which I failed to convince Diane was a French term for a bovine day spa.

Soon after, we arrived to a rousing welcome at the Woodford Golf Club. Thanks to a big spread in the local paper (featuring the smiling dial of our esteemed club Prez), the WGC was having its biggest Sunday on record. Pride of place on the front lawn was given over to the Porsche fleet and so, much like my cars builders forefathers in 1915 at the Gallipoli Peninsula, we withdrew a respectful distance. The locals were out in force, the club restaurant was full and the local musical talent was in fine voice. The club ran a people’s choice award for the best Porsche. There must be at least a few Porscheophiles in Woodford, for they chose a beautiful 1973 RS Carrera as their most loved example. Not sure who the owner was (not a member?) or if it was a genuine ’73 RS, but it sure looked the part. So all in all a good day. The next outing is to Salt near Kingscliffe on Sunday 23rd March. Donna is sure to set a challenging drive via the hinterland, so make sure you come along. Maybe we can swap navigators, sort of “satnav’s in the bowl”, I know Liz would be keen.





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The Boxter and Cayman GTS Released




The two most powerful and fastest mid-engine sports models from Porsche are ready and raring to go: with uprated engines and adaptive PASM chassis, the Boxster GTS and Cayman GTS set new benchmarks for sportiness in their segment. Uniquely enhanced front and rear body work, blackened bi-xenon headlights – with the Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS) as standard – and exterior lettering in silky gloss black are subtle, yet unmistakable features of the new top models. The name says it all: at Porsche, “GTS” stands for Gran Turismo Sport and has promised outstanding Porsche performance ever since the legendary 904 Carrera GTS dating back to 1963. With the new two-seaters, Porsche is renewing its commitment to genuine sports cars for both the race track and everyday use. The six-cylinder boxer engines fitted in the new top GTS models are based on the 3.4-litre engines from the Boxster S and Cayman S respectively. Thanks to optimised tuning, they now deliver an additional 15 hp or 11 kw. This means the Boxster GTS now has an output of 330 hp (243 kW), whilst the Cayman GTS delivers 340 hp (250 kW). The torque has also increased by 10 Newtonmetres in each model (370 Nm Boxster GTS; 380 Nm Cayman GTS). What’s more, the Sport Chrono package is a standard feature on both mid-engine sports cars. This means that in conjunction with the optional Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) and the active Sport Plus button, the Boxster GTS sprints from 0-100 km/h in 4.7 seconds, whilst the Cayman GTS is a tenth of a second faster. In regards to maximum speed – measured with the standard manual six-speed transmission – the Boxster is the first of the new premium roadsters to top the 280 km/h mark, with a top speed of 281 km/h. At 285 km/h the Cayman is even faster. The new top models are the first mid-engine two-seaters from Porsche to be certified according to the Euro 6 standard and with this measuring method, they achieve an overall fuel consumption with PDK of 8.2 L/100 km (9.0 L/100 km with manual transmission). The Boxster GTS and Cayman GTS combine top driving dynamics with undiminished ride comfort and exclusive features. For example, the combination of PASM and the Sport Chrono package as standard enables the driver to switch between progressive sportiness on the one hand and long-distance comfort on the other; all at the press of a button. The tyres measuring 235/35 at the front and 265/35 at the rear on 20-inch Carrera S-wheels provide the perfect setup for both. Both twoseaters come with sports seats and leather interiors as standard. Like other GTS models from Porsche, they are both refined with Alcantara styling elements. With the new models, Porsche is now extending the GTS principle to the Boxster and Cayman. Like the Cayenne GTS and Panamera GTS, these are extremely sporty top models that stand for superior driving dynamics in their segment.




The combination of letters originates from the 904 Carrera GTS, a race car dating back to 1963 that could also be registered for use on public roads. In the 1980s and 1990s the 924 GTS and 928 GTS cultivated this principle. It was reborn in 2007 in the form of the Cayenne GTS and was subsequently also implemented in the 911 series and the Panamera. The new Boxster GTS and Cayman GTS will be priced from $146,000 and $161,400 respectively, with Australian deliveries commencing in August. Article and Photos courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia





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Round 1 - Lakeside

Story by Ian Gall

Photos by Sheldon Arkinstall & Jack Kieseker The first round of the 2014 Porsche Club Queensland motorsport competition got underway on the first of February at Lakeside, with 34 sprinters and 10 “Happy Lappers” enjoying the delights that Lakeside has to offer. By all accounts a good, fun day was had by all and it seems that some members were surprised at the number of runs that were completed on the day. As a result, this has shown that half-day events can be successful when we have the organisation done in a timely fashion. The key change that has brought this about has been our new event entry format which requires that entries must be finalised a week before the event. We will be continuing with the half-day format for coming events; the next two of these will be mid-week events. This Round was also the inaugural running of an “Autocross” on the driver training track. Approximately 15 of the sprinters tried their skills on the Autocross track and this also was well received and from what I saw, the format tested the skills of some experienced drivers on

the tight driver training track. There have been calls for this type of event to be incorporated in the competition and I would appreciate some feedback on this. The program for the day was in direct response to the feedback received from the recent survey and it was good to see members coming out to experience a drive on a racetrack. I have had a couple of enquiries since seeking further information on the next steps. Unfortunately there were no takers for the training/orientation offered, despite quite a few responses in the survey from members wanting this at track days. We also opened the event to other clubs and had three members of the BMW club attend, one of those being their Motorsport Director, Kristian Steenstrup. A member of the Historic Racing Car Club (HRCC) was also in attendance. Each enjoyed the day and will advertise to their respective clubs on the merits of chasing Porsches. Unfortunately they weren’t able to catch many!

The day was run by QR and Doug Chapel, who delivered a comprehensive briefing on Lakeside and its challenges. Participants received 5 runs before lunch, with no major incidents other than one excursion on to the beach at turn one, resulting in no damage sustained other than pride. The ‘Save of the day’ award went to Nicole Duffell, who after being coached to use third gear rather than second into ‘Hungry’ corner again discovered the performance of number 403 when entering the main straight at higher speed. Nicole had a good view of both sides of the track before continuing on her way. However, this was followed by a quick trip to the pits for some wardrobe adjustments, then back to the track. All in all, it was a successful day, so spread the word if you enjoyed it and encourage those who are thinking about it to come out and have a go.



Name 6 Darren Hennig 918 Jeremy Norris

Make Porsche Porsche

Model Designation Capacity 997 gt3 cup 3.6 3.6 996 cup

151 Tim Tritton 109 Paul Ford 973 Geoff Hewitt

Porsche Porsche Porsche

911 carrera 911 GT2 996 TTS

16 Steve Cooper 190 Stuart Ellis

Porsche Porsche

64 David Palmer 50 Kevin Johnson 308 Sven Koremans 536 130 40 403 53 78 5 21 331 59 207

Previous PB 00:55.482 -

Year 2005 2004

Tyres Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove

Class Open Open

Best Time 00:54.563 00:56.915

Points 18 16

3.4T 3.6T 3.6T

1974 NS 2005

Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal

A1 A1 A1

00:57.684 00:59.035 NTR

20 18 16


993 GT2 997 GT3

3.6T 3.6

1975 2007

Road Legal Road Legal

A2 A2

01:01.652 01:03.200

18 16

00:57.235 -

Porsche Porsche Porsche

996 GT3 996 gt3 rs 996 turbo

3.6 3.6 3.6T

2004 2004 2000

Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal

A3 A3 A3

01:00.716 01:02.430 01:02.992

20 18 16

01:02.045 -


21 18 17

Phil Brook Alan Bell Nicole Duffell Ian Gall

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

911 930 911 911

911 Turbo coupe Coupe

3.6 3.3T 3.6 3.6

1974 1988 1977 1977

Road Legal Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove


01:00.193 01:01.484 01:07.697 01:09.013

20 18 16 14

01:02.760 -

1 1 1 1

21 19 17 15

Antony Van Der Drift Bill Black Ross Kennedy Eric Van Dyk Simon Cilento Matthew Moorhead Chris Lowe

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

964 911 911 944 911 996 996


1989 1969 1985 1989 1979 2003 1999

Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal


01:00.098 01:01.766 01:03.286 01:03.398 01:03.792 01:06.929 01:11.380

20 18 16 14 12 10 9

01:00.795 01:03.136 01:01.265 01:05.499 01:11.012


Carrera S2 SC C4S C2

3.6 2.7 3.2 3.0S 3.6 3.6 3.4

95 Gary Taber 175 Eckhard Schwarting 257 Rod McCray 36 Paul Henry

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

944 turbo 911 Carrera 911 SC 968 CS

2.5T 3.2 3.0 3.0

1986 1989 1981 1993

Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal


01:03.903 01:06.066 01:06.176 01:06.282

20 18 16 14

01:01.307 01:06.142 01:05.848 -


20 19 16 15

944 David Yould


944 Turbo



Road Legal







145 Justin Baldwin


944 na



Road Legal







81 Phil Holzberger 27 Kristian Steenstrup 16x Robert Hanton 55 Karl Johnson

Radical BMW triumph radical

1.5 3.0 3.9 1.5

2011 2005 1980 2007

Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal Slick or Twin Groove


00:52.215 01:03.037 01:03.990 01:04.000

20 18 16 14


1 1 1 1


SR3 130i tr7 V8 sr3

RS M sport


PB Pts 1 1

LR Pts Total Points 20 1 17

1 1

21 19 16 18 17

1 1


1 1



22 18 16 14 13 11 9

22 19 17 15




est nd’s larg Queenslaolourful sports tc and mos sic car festival. la and c s ents in one! Two ev

Sports and Classic Car Festival

Sunday 18th May

at the Logan Campus of Griffith University University Drive (off Loganlea Road) beside the Logan Motorway Exit M1 (towards Gold Coast) at Exit 31 and cross over M1 onto Logan Motorway Loganlea Road is the second exit on left.

Concours display and car show

in idyllic surroundings with excellent catering and trade displays. Further Inquires: murrayclark1@bigpond.com.au Mike on 0417 193 611 Concours enquiries – Geoff on 0407 690 704 ENTRANCE FEES

Display car, driver and 1 passenger - $15.00 Extra passengers - $10.00 Visitors (including parking0 - $10.00 Children under 12 - FREE Activities for all sports and classic car enthusiasts. Proudly presented by the Triumph Sports Owners Association Queensland for the enjoyment of all sports and classic car club members and enthusiasts.






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New Member Profile

| Greg Bishop

Hello, my name is Greg Bishop and have been a member of the club since the middle of last year without owning a Porsche. As of January, I have rectified this discrepancy and, after much searching, have a Silver 2002 model 996 C2. The car was rescued from Sydney and has already proved its worth along the Thunderbolts way from Gloucester to Armidale on route to its new home in New Farm. I have just ticked over 21 years of marriage to a wonderful lady, who has graciously accepted the new love of my life, and have two terrific teenage girls. I am looking forward to meeting other members as well as learning more about my car and how to get the most out of it.

New Member Profile

| Grant Wales

Hi. My name is Grant Wales and I work for Nova Systems, a professional services provider. I purchased my blue 1989 944 Turbo a couple of years ago, with the intention to take it on the track (it’s taken a while, but nearly there… ;-) ). Been married for 18 years to Manuela and we have a 13 year old son called Kye. Over the last 6 months, I’ve been attending most of the PCQ track days to have a look and chat to members on how it all works (everyone has been friendly and helpful, so thanks guys!). Looking forward to attending the various events that PCQ offers.

New Member Profile Hi, my name is Taavi Orupold. I recently purchased a Boxster S, my first Porsche. I joined the club so as to better understand the nuances of my new toy and to create friendships with like minded people. The last time I purchased a car was more than 30 years ago (but recently I have had a couple of leased VW products, the last being an Audi TT Roadster). All my recent purchases have been Land Rovers. I am currently a member of the Land Rover Owners Club of Brisbane and in the past I have been an active member of other off-road clubs including being a registered trainer. I am married to Liz and we live in Woolloongabba. My three kids are “grown up” and have long left home. I work for a multi-national Danish company and I am the Global Product Manager for a ground breaking gravity separator for the minerals industry. I would like more time to enjoy my vehicles but work takes up a lot of my time (I get to see a lot of mines in less than desirable locations around the world). Liz and I hope to able to attend as many club nights and events as possible. Attached are 3 photos - Myself - The D3 on top of Big Red on last trip across the Simpson Desert - And the Boxster, an hour after leaving the Brisbane Porsche Centre.




| Taavi Orupold




Oktoberfest Brisbane 2014 Autofest Brief


Event outline: Oktoberfest Brisbane is proud to again host Autofest, a display of the best of the German car industry. Entry is free for exhibitors to one of the best Oktoberfest’s in the world. Oktoberfest Brisbane is the major German Festival in Brisbane. It runs over six days ie two weekends. The festival dates this year are 10-12 & 17- 19 October. For more information on the festival itself please see www. OktoberfestBrisbane.com.au . Autofest will take place on the second Sunday of Oktoberfest Brisbane, that is on the 19th of October 2014. As space is limited pre-registration is essential to guarantee a place. All German marques from classics through to modern are welcome, in particular vehicles of historical significance. Please contact any members in your club who may have such a vehicle. This is a great event to show off to an eager public.



Independent business initiatives Assisting businesses with:  cash flow  sales and marketing  efficiency improvement  people management  exit strategies. For assistance with your business contact Andrew Swan, accredited associate of the Institute for Independent Business (IIB). P: 0410 111 417 E: andrew@swancaulfield.com.au A: 42 Crawford Road Chelmer Qld 4068




• All club and competition work. Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brakes, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and modifications, including fabrication and machining. • Servicing , wheel alignments, trouble shooting. • Pre purchase appraisals. • 25 years PCCQ member, 3 club championships. Many class wins and records. 20 years building, modifying, restoring Porsches. 6 years at t&d building motors, gearboxes and performing the majority of club preparation. • Low rates, quality work and personal service. Ph: Brett Wentworth 0419990993 3/59 Chetwynd St Loganholme 4128 Email: brettww@bigpond.com


Story and photos by Geoff Hewitt

The Fatherland is famous globally in a number of interesting ways – beer steins and pretzels, lederhosen and strange music, an unfortunate tendency for starting major wars, being home to three or four of the highest quality brands in the automobile world, and of course autobahns. It was with great anticipation that, 26 years after visiting England, Scotland and Wales and deciding to “leave Europe for another day”, Toni and I headed to Frankfurt for five weeks in Germany. “Why Germany?” was the question asked by pretty much all our family and local friends, but fellow Porsche enthusiasts didn’t need to ask…the Porsche factory and Museum, the great motorways and mountain roads, driving the Nurburgring….

197km/h in the E class in the fast lane, moments later flashed from behind by an Audi SUV who shot past us. Flashing lights is the accepted way to ask those in front to clear the lane and you must oblige promptly. Faced with the chance to drive Germany’s many great roads for four weeks, we decided it was a great opportunity to play amateur motoring journalist and try out some of their local bahnstormers. Sadly, Mrs Hewitt’s packing habits, including no less than four large coats (“Its going to be WINTER in EUROPE!!!”) eliminated any chance of hiring the new 991 series 911 from hire company Sixt, who proudly boast its availability in all the major airports, so we decided to give the German sedans a run. Week 1 with an Audi A5 Sportback, week 2 in a Mercedes E class, week 3 in a BMW 5 series and week 4 (after being joined by another couple who had taken Toni’s packing tips and doubled it for good measure), a VW 9 seater Caravelle. Contrary to popular belief, not many of Germany’s Autobahns have open speed limit. We did about 4,000 kilometers and my estimate




is about 40% have the much searched for blank speed limit sign, but the remainder are limited to 130KPH, or signed at 130 at least. The German police do not seem to have been injected with the same ‘spoil sport’ juice that is administered liberally in Police Academies across our country, so if you stay under about 150-160 you are pretty safe. Actually that’s not fair – the big difference is the quality of the roads. The German police would not let us drive fast here either. You will struggle to finds any roads in Australia of equal standard to the Autobahns and it is this which in part at least determines where the open speed limit applies. If a road is not perfect – and I mean Brisbane Airport runway perfect – it will have limits in place.

Cruising in the middle lane at 145km/h, and being blown away by a Transit van doing at least 40km/h faster in the left (fast) lane (later we found the VW very stable at 160!!). Not surprisingly, we were a little daunted as ensconced in our new Audi and having mastered the not insignificant challenge of converting the GPS from German to English (when all the instructions on how to do so were in German), we tentatively crept out of the underground garage at Frankfurt Airport and were almost instantly swept into very heavy traffic going somewhere much faster than I would have liked, even if I had wanted to go wherever it was we were going! Thanks to adrenalin induced Mark Webber style reflexes on my side of the car and hysterical gesturing and driving advice issued in her newly acquired “Chipmunk with testicles stuck in a tree fork” voice from her side of the car, we survived the first few minutes of madness! From then on it was plain sailing. The Audi served us well. It gave decent power, whilst using almost no fuel, but in fairness to the others, it lacked that little something special.

The BMW was probably the best of the three to drive – best power, best brakes and best handling, but seemed somewhat ‘old hat’ when compared to the new series E class, which I must admit I was very much taken with. It excelled in every aspect - except one, Toni was not a fan of its GPS, which was poor against either of the other cars. It also caused me a moment of considerable embarrassment at the service station when, after letting me admire the low noise levels and strong performance of its modern diesel engine for the past 960km, it steadfastly refused to let me fill it with diesel and after three failed attempts to insert the nozzle, it finally announced in tiny letters inside the fuel

filler cap that it actually preferred 95 octane – petrol! And I consider myself to be reasonably mechanically minded. It just goes to show how good the Audi and BMW diesels of today are, that you can move from diesel to petrol engines and not detect the difference! Try moving your Mercedes from the diesel bowser to the petrol one without most of the one to two hundred German bystanders sniggering at you and wondering how we ever won the war. Thankfully, I had been practicing my American accent for just such an occasion, so their undoubted admiration for Aussies is still intact! Driving the Autobahns is exhilarating. The standard of the roads, the local cars and the German drivers is very high. The speed of your own car is in your control, but don’t venture into the fast lane for long, unless you are comfortable at around 200. Germany is a very pretty country and a great place to see by road. I recommend it as one of the great driving experiences and certainly one to be added to the bucket list!

Join us to celebrate our 40th year! We have organised the largest and most exciting schedule of celebrations and motoring events the club has ever conducted!

Thursday 24.07.14 Friday 25.07.14 Friday 25.07.14 Friday 25.07.14 Saturday 26.07.14 Saturday 26.07.14 Sunday 27.07.14

– – – – – – –

40th Anniversary Two Day Drive 40th Anniversary Drive Day 40th Anniversary Park and Display 40th Anniversary RACV Drinks 40th Anniversary Noosa Hill Climb 40th Anniversary Dinner 40th Anniversary Hill Climb

Make sure you book ahead to participate in the celebrations and events

Visit our Club Website or Facebook page for more details.




Club Night- McElrea Motorsport

Story and Photos by Sheldon Arkinstall

Our club for February was held at Mc Elrea Racing at Yatala (visit www.mcelrearacing. com). The night was a huge success, with over 50 members in attendance. The main draw card for the night was the appearance of four brand new 991 GT3 Cup Cars that had on just landed in the country, along with special guests, Carrera Cup drivers Alex Davison and Shay Davies. The ‘Opener’ for the night was a presentation by Andy McElrea (Team Principal), who gave a great over of the products and services offered by Mc Elrea Racing which include:


General vehicle performance tuning;

Sales of Techart performance products;

Motorsport preparation;

High performance car mods; and

The No Second Chance (N2C) program for school kids.



Of particular interest is the N2C program (See website). N2C is program started by Mc Elrae Racing (as a result of tragic events such as the death of Paul Stanley – ‘One punch can kill’ program) that visits schools throughout Queensland and presents real life stories to school kids that demonstrate how much their lives can be impacted when making decisions involving alcohol, violence and hooning on the streets. The program has been developed to demonstrate that the choices that people (particularly school-age kids) make sometimes have a MASSIVE ripple effect and can completely change their lives and the lives of others. They do this by giving the students real life examples of such situations in an attempt to get them to think before acting. Following on from this, the crowd was further entertained by Alex Davison who provided a detailed overview of the products and services offered by their new company called Tech8, the local resellers of Techart products. Tech8 had a very impressive Cayenne outside the showroom to display the quality of their offerings and what can be achieved with their product.

The final presentation of the night was provided by Shay Davies. Shay shared with members his thoughts and experiences with the new 991 GT3 Cup Car and compared its performance and abilities with the out-going 997 counterpart. In addition to the very informative and interesting presentations, Mc Elrea Racing also had a number of very interesting cars present in their workshop, including exFormula 1 and AI GP cars. All-in-all, it was an excellent club event and well worth the drive down to Yatala for the night.




Round 2 - Mid-Week Sprint - QR

Story and Photos by Ian Gall

Round Two of the 2014 competition was held on Wednesday, 12th of April at Queensland Raceway. It was the first of the “Mid-week” sprints and was a trial for future events. Twenty-three drivers participated and we achieved five runs on the Clubman course and two on the National track with approximately twenty minutes of open track at the end of the day for those who wanted just a little more. A fun day was enjoyed by all and it appears that the mid-week format was a success. Round Three will be held at Lakeside on Friday April 4th; this will also be an afternoon sprint. No major incidents we reported or observed

on the day, however there were a couple of excursions into the rough, when drivers ran out of talent at turn four on the clubman circuit. One motorsport Director, who will remain nameless, took to the track after his run group had left and due to a poor positioning of marker cones (my story and nothing to do with a ‘seniors’ moment) decided that the sprint track was a better one to run on, resulting in a couple of quick times being recorded before Doug Chappell was observed waiving frantically from the wall. Ah well, such is life.

Best times in Classes where there was more than one vehicle running were:

Anthony D’Endrea had an eventful day, with his tow vehicle expiring on the way out and having to be rescued before making it to the track and still managing to get some runs in.

As numbers were good and the cost is less for mid-week events, we managed to cover costs and will look at a price reduction for the Lakeside event.

A1 – Tim Tritton (PB) B – Phil Brook C – Antony Van Der Drift D – Rodger Hall Associate – Phil Holzberger


Designation Capacity Year


Class Best Time Points


Previous PB Pts LR Pts Points Best Time Points Previous PB PB Pts LR Pts Points Total Points PB 1 0 21 01:19,338 20 01:21,224 1 0 21 21,0 19,0 1 19 1 19 01:21,141 18 1 17 NTR 16 16 16,5



151 Tim Tritton 109 Paul Ford 973 Geoff Hewitt

Porsche Porsche Porsche

911 911 996

carrera GT2 TTS

3.4 3.6 3.6

1974 Slick or Twin Groove 1995 Slick or Twin Groove 2005 Road Legal

A1 A1 A1

00:59,708 01:00,255 01:02,347

20 18 16

308 sven koremans




















536 128 403 40

Phil Brook Don Munro Ian Gall Nicole Duffell

porsche porsche Porsche Porsche

911 911 911 911

3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6

1974 Road Legal 1974 Road Legal 1977 Slick or Twin Groove 1977 Slick or Twin Groove


01:01,672 01:03,285 01:05,117 01:07,852

20 18 16 14


1 1 1 1


21 19 17 15

01:23,454 01:26,160 01:31,126 01:33,665

20 18 16 14

01:25,737 01:28,665 01:28,639

1 0 0 0


911 Coupe coupe

21 18 16 14

21,0 18,5 16,5 14,5

53 21 331 5 28 TBA

Antony van der Drift Eric Van Dyk Simon Cilento Ross Kennedy John Gill Anthony D'Andrea

Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche

964 944 911 911 928 911

C2 S2 sc Carrera GT S

3.6 3 3.6 3.2 5,0 2.7

1989 Road Legal 1989 Slick or Twin Groove 1979 Road Legal 1985 Slick or Twin Groove 1990 Road Legal 1977 Road Legal


01:02,889 01:04,427 01:04,642 01:06,252 01:07,310 NTR

20 18 16 14 12 5


1 1 1 1 1


21 19 17 15 13 5

01:24,473 01:26,875 01:28,489 01:28,578 01:30,609 01:58,899

20 18 16 14 12 10

01:25,571 01:27,260 01:26,373 01:37,880 -

1 0 0 0 1 1


21 18 16 14 13 11

21,0 18,5 16,5 14,5 13,0 8,0

46 36 95 175 117

Roger Hall Paul Henry Gary Taber Eckhard Schwarting Grant Wales

Porsche 1973 2.7 RS porsche 968 Porsche 944 Porsche 911 Porsche 944

RS CS turbo Carrera Turbo

2.7 2990 2.5 3.2 2.5

1973 Road Legal 1993 Road Legal 1986 Slick or Twin Groove 1989 Road Legal 1989 Road Legal


01:04,063 01:04,507 01:06,304 01:06,589 01:12,090

20 18 16 14 12


1 1 1 1 1


21 19 17 15 13

01:26,361 01:28,447 01:29,505 01:30,297 01:44,934

20 18 16 14 12

01:25,513 01:29,320 -

1 1 0 0 1


21 19 16 14 13

21,0 19,0 16,5 14,5 13,0




Road Legal

















Road Legal














2011 Slick or Twin Groove ASSOC 00:54,825 2008 Road Legal ASSOC 01:08,743

18 16


1 1


19 17

01:14,580 01:35,543

18 16

01:11,397 01:37,536


18 17

18,5 17,0



944 David Yould



94 Robert Annett



81 Phil Holzberger 149 Stephen Chadwick

Radical VW

SR3 Golf




1.5 2


Road Legal

0 1




Check out the article about our talented club member Merry Sparks in the latest Christophorus magazine.






Porsche 996 GT3 Cup Car

Factory built 2003 Carrera 996 GT3. This vehicle was originally campaigned by Peter Fitzgerald Motor Sport. This vehicle has had very little race hisory and has been stored and maintained as a club car. Its in excellent condition, with a recent leak-down showing the engine is in very good condition. New whell bearings, clutch, seat, harness, etc, etc. Being sold as I have upgraded to a later model 997 for Australian GT series. Why race your good road car on club days when you can have a fully prepared race car that you can race in GT3 Challenge or Australian GT series at low cost.




George on 0400 778 107 (sms)

Porsche 911 Club Car

Log booked, road registered, 3.6L Vario ram motor, G50 close ratio gear box, 1/2 Cage, 3 sets of wheels, fuel cell, coil over suspension (adj shocks), glass guards, bonnet and perspex side and rear windows. Built and maintained by T&D Automotive. Needs minor comestic works and some mechanical attention.

Price: Contact:

Reasonable offers considered. 0413 811 234

1991 Porsche 964 Carrera 2

Australian delivered, immaculate 1991 Guards Red Carrera 2 Tiptronic with full service history, including original tools and manuals. This car is totaly original and unmodified, with a low 85,373kms. Always garaged, very well presented and has been a consistent placegetter in the PCQ Concours. Excellent performance from 3.6 Litre air-cooled flat six engine. A delight to drive, with the excellent Porsche Tiptronic Gearbox, making it easy to drive in traffic and the option of manually shifting as needed. Personalized plates not included.

Price: Contact:

$59,900.00 (or sensible negotiated offer) George 0438 678 084 or email: gepaterson@bigpond.com

2010 911 GT3 Mark III 3.8 litre

This car is the latest Model GT3 with Centre Lock Wheels, dynamic engine mounts, carbon seats, 6-point harness, fire extinguisher and half roll cage (all factory fitted). It has travelled only 4,300kms from new and has always been serviced by Porsche Centre Brisbane. The car has also been fitted with airlift front suspension, clear stone chip film and has full Porsche warranty, which can be extended for up to 10 years for peace of mind. Why modify your road car when you can have a factory built track machine?

Price: Contact:




$240,000.00 George 0400 778 107 (sms)

1992 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet

This vehicle is in excellent (orginal) condition, and has always been kept undercover. All mechanical work that has been carried out on this vehicle has been completed by T&D Autos Brisbane (including engine rebuild 166,000kms) and more recently Eurotune on the Gold Coast. New tyres 12 months ago. Both myself and the previous owner are Porsche Club Qld members. This is an exhilarating vehicle with performance and looks that will not disappoint.




Kevin 0418 443 547 or email: kevnsim@bigpond.net.au

1985 Porsche 911 Cabriolet

Rare 1985 wide bodied Cabriolet with electric roof, 3.2ltr. Australian delivered, factory aero kit. All the bells and whistles, including rear spoiler, electric windows and mirrors, headlight washers, air con and cruise control. Reconditioned leather seats and trim, dashboard, etc. 268,000kms. Serviced by T&D Automotive in Brisbane and now Porsche Centre Gold Coast. Full service history and receipts available. I am relutctantly now parting company with her as times and lifestyles change.




April 0412 057 813 or 07 5502 0932 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au

1976 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa

3.0 litre, 5-speed, fuel injected, BBS forged alloy wheels, new tyres, aircondiioned, twin exhaust, driving lights, SD player, GPS. Has only travelled 101,000 miles (160,000kms) and is in excellent condition throughout. Refer to club website for more details.

Price: Contact:

$25,000.00 Trevor 0499 589 180 or email: production.7@bigpond.com

2007 Porsche 997 Carrera 4S Manual

Why buy this particular exciting and dynamic manual 4S in top condition? Easy: Only one fastidious owner. Only Porsche services and spare parts. All documents and books are available. Porsche warranty to June 2014 (extendable). Genuine Porsche accessories fitted: Sports Chrono, Sports Exhaust, Multifunction Sports S/wheel, Sports brake fluid, Communications Package ,Park Radar, metallic paint. I am happy to discuss further detail by phone or e-mail.

Price: Contact:


Peter Bettess 0417 217 215 or email: peterbettess@esc.net.au

Porsche 924 Carrera GT

One of only 75 RHD built. One of only 7 RHD in Black. Delivered new in the UK, this loved CGT is matching numbers and has travelled only 77,000 miles. The complete history file includes stamped logbooks, receipts, club concours results (1st in class three years running), photos, press releases and previous keepers (including a famous pop star from the 1980’s). Well known in the Carrera GT register, this car is unmodified and as it left the factory and surely the best available.


Contact: 42



$65,000.00 Nick 0419 213 355

2002 Porsche Boxster S

Porsche Boxster S (Dec 2002), Facelift Version, Seal Gray, 45,000kms, Reg May 2012, Bose Sound System, Porsche Alarm, 18” Porsche Alloys, Black Leather Interior, Full Porsche Service History.


$46,000.00 (ono)


Dean 0448 005 853

or email dean.morrison218@gmail.com

1989 944S2

Reluctantly I am selling my 1989 model 944S2. Without question the best handling car I’ve owned and an absolute joy to own and drive. No expense has been spared in maintaining this Porsche in peak condition and recent service repairs include, timing and balance shaft belts, and more. All receipts, full service history and books have been retained with this Porsche. If you are in the market for a great Porsche experience of your own and would like to share a little time to check this joy of mine out, then feel welcome to call.




Ron 0421 787 512

2002 Porsche Boxster

Concours condition, 40,000 kms, black leather interior, driven sunny week-ends only, serviced at Porsche Centre Gold Coast.

Price: Contact:

$43,000 ono Peter on 0418 310 364 or peter.davidson@uchealth.com.au

2006 Porsche Boxster S - $55,000

Purchased new in April 2006 at Gold Coast Porsche; all service completed at same. Has been garaged and covered with Porsche Boxster cover. In excellent condition. 2006 (Type 987) Porsche Boxster S 3.2 litre engine | 6-speed manual | 36,000 kms | Arctic Silver Metallic Sports Seats | 4 new tires put on at 29,000 kms Car is located at Lennox Heads (1.5hrs from Gold Coast)

Price: Contact:

$55,000 Marty Delahanty on (02) 6687-4748

Porsche 997 Cup Car

Very straight, low hours on fresh engine and gearbox. New front rotors, 2 sets of wheels, air jack wand, safety stands, transport tie-down rings.

Price Reduced:

$85,000.00 + GST

Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au


2004 996 Cup Car

2004 996 Cup Car, fresh “Sonic Motorsports’ engine with 997 upgrades and enhancements, including new 997 Cup heads, 997 Cup inlet maniforlds etc. The car has new Sachs motorsports clutch, upgraded driver cooling system, new suspension upgrades including RSR components; ABS, 2 sets of BBS wheels, air jacks w/-saftey stands. New lightweight carbonfibre bonnet, boot-lid and wing, lightweight front bumber.

Price Reduced: Contact:




$68,000.00 Wayne 0417620980 or 54498888 or email: wayne@hennigmotorsport.com

2004 Porsche 911 GT3

This immaculate Series II GT3 was the personal car of Ray Lintott, former Dealer Principal of Porsche Centre Sydney South. It has been maintained regardless of cost and has only 25883 kms on the clock. The car comes with a Cams log Book, FIA Chrome Moly Cage. Log book entries show, 2004, 2006 Targa Tasmania and five race meetings during 2004 - 2006, very little use since. New discs, new coil springs, shocks serviced and re-valved for tarmac rallies or club supersprints. Registered in QLD. Will accept a trade-in.



$110,000.00 Stan Adler 5546 6952 or 0414 911 901 or email: porscheparts@performance9.com.au

997 GT3 CS 2010 Model - $198,000

Porsche 997 GT3 CS 2010 model, with only 16,500kms. Possibly the last of the manual GT3’s with a manual gearbox. Gorgeous Speed Yellow and heavily optioned: - PCCB - Front axle lift - Dynamic Engine mounts - Factory Clubsport version - Factory passenger harness - Speed Yellow highlights in interior - Alcantara console lid with Porsche logo - Mobile phone prep and iPod interface



$198,000.00 Nic 0438 270 672 or email: nicmarentis@mail.com Also listed on David Blacks website - www.dbps.com.au

1982 Porsche 928s

Always garaged. T&D Automotive full service history available. Very good condition throughout - reluctant sale.

Price: Contact:

$14,000.00 - Urgent Sale John 0403 506 661

1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 4

1990 Porsche 911 (964) Carrera 4 with 156,000kms. Electric sunroof, black interior, badge on steering wheel (No. 716 Porsche Festival Melbourne - 50 years of Porsche, November 1998). Registered until May 2013. Garaged at Stanthorpe.

Price: Contact:

$46,500.00 J Kenyon 07 4681 4655

1972 911T-E 2.4L coupe with 915 5-speed gearbox. MFI, Recaros, Pastel Blue, Classic 911

Only 3 owners — second owner stored and never drove car * Original rust-free floorpan, boot, subframe, doors, roof, mudguards etc * Original unmolested specs — only new paint, carpets, headliner, dash top, rubbers, H4s, lenses * Mechanically A1 — engine (MFI) rebuilt early 1990s, gearbox in 2012, plus all new hoses, seals etc * PCQ concours class-winning car (twice) and second outright; occasional use, never raced * Professional RHD conversion with Porsche Factory parts — almost indistinguishable quality conversion * Photographic record and work file available (since owned) * Only 9 examples of this model sold new in Australia in 1972 * Very few remain in original specification like this car * This is the most desirable series 2.4 litre early 911 with the external oil filler. Perfect classic 911 example — nothing to do, just drive and enjoy * Includes valuable spares, manuals, service records. Also have a Factory 1972 sales brochure, colour chart and options list. $POA. Serious enquiries only please. Tel. (07) 3279 3930. For more photos and information, email: mikar5363@gmail.com




2006 Porsche Cayman S

Porsche Cayman S 2006, with Genuine Porsche Extended Warranty till February 2014 and can be extended till 2016! Owned by genuine car enthusiast and looked after like it deserves. Immaculate condition, you will struggle to find a Cayman S in better condition than this. Always garaged and stored under a genuine Porsche car cover, this car is used on weekends mainly and has been regularly serviced at the Porsche dealership. Just had its annual service recently, with new brake pads fitted and new Michelin Super Sport tyres, absolutely nothing to spend on this car. It has been optioned with PASM and Sports Chrono, the PASM offers amazing handling, with the click of a button! If you have not driven a Porsche with PASM, you will be very surprised at how it improves handling and performance. Black leather interior is absolutely faultless and honestly presents like a new car. Always run on 98octane premium and used Mobile 1 oil recommended for Porsche. If you would like any more information or to organise a time to inspect the car, please email me. I am happy to organise interstate transport if needed.



$69,300.00 Brad on email: brad@ry.com.au

1981 911SC

1981 911SC Matt black, Twin Turbo stripped for racing, light weight fuel tank, Sparco racing seats, roll cage.



$50,000.00 ono Dawn

2001 Boxter

5-speed manual, with only 63,500km. Black on black, sheepskin car seat covers, bluetooth, excellent condition. Vehicle is located in Mackay


$23,000.00 ono


Dawn 0408 425 060 ddeakin@localdirectoies.com.au

1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa

This is an Australian delivered 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Targa with 182,000kms on the clock. It is in excellent condition throughout, with no leaks or oil consumption. The paint, exterior and interior are in excellent condition and the car has no rust. Includes Log books and some maintenance records and has a bunch of new parts included. I am a retired ex-Qantas Engineer and make a few trips a year to the USA to buy my parts; I have been bitten by the Porsche bug and have a new project car coming next month so I need room in my garage.


$27,500.00 ono


Peter 0414 658 556 pbereg911@gmail.com

1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet

1998 911 Carrera Cabriolet with only 62,000 miles (100,000kms) on clock, new clutch, good condtion throughout. Purchased in Hong Kong, 2 owners only. Car is located at Noosaville, but can deliver to Brisbane.

Price: Contact:


Maggie Howard email: distinctions@bigpond.com





WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR PARTS HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au 996/997 Wheel Sale


Volk forged wheels with German TUV approval, 8.5x19 and 12x19. Offsets to suit GT3 (and others), 16kg saving over standard wheels. Includes set of sensation Pirelli Trofeo r spec tyres (3 club days)


Full Carbon Stilo WRC helmets, specifically designed for rally use. It is not a standard helmet fitted with microphone holder and wiring. Integrated microphone, plug and wiring are an integral part of the helmet. Also features a flip-up tinted visor.


Champion 8.5x19 and 11.5x19 wheels. Offsets to suit GT3, these are a one piece high performance forged wheel with a 21kg saving (with slicks) over standard wheels. Includes two good front slicks and worn out rear

Price: $3,500 Contact:



Mitch Gaskell email mitchell@gabba.com.au

‘Turbo 2’ Number Plates

Please text my phone number 0407244652 or email me on ppbrook@yahoo.com.

TURBO 2 Number plates. 1 standard and 1 slimline, both in perfect condition.


Assorted Parts Porsche genuine 997 GT3 brake rotors front and rear, in box never open Price: $2500

Set of OZ Superleggera black centre lock 19” wheels black used twice as new, only scrubbed in Hoosier A6 fronts and R6 on the wheels very light track wheels.


$1,000 each ono

$4000 with tyres or $3000 without.

$3,500 or best offer

Contact: Laurie 0418 480 461 or email laurie329@hotmail.com 964 Parts Factory original cassette holder, sits in console between front seats of 964, 993, etc. Good condition. Price: $50 ono.

Fabspeed cat bypass ($750) and Fabspeed air intake system ($400). Price: both for $1000

996 Factory Mufflers stainless steel Price: $200 the pair ono.

Dual axle lightweight ‘TiltaTrailer’ brand air bag suspension for ride height and ramp lowering

7 letter prestige plates in box never used Price: $3250.00 Contact: Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au

Price: $5000 Contact:

Hot Shot Number Plates

Simon 0419006995

Porsche 930 Turbo Wastegate

987 Cayman Car Cover

Porsche 930 wastegate. Has been rebuilt and has 0.8 bar spring. Also fits 924 Turbo.

Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 987 Cayman

Price: $250 Contact:

George 0457 681 998 or email verikios@internode.on.net

Price: $250 Contact:

Peter 0409181338

996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels 996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels (2) with Pirelli P Zero Corsa road race tyres fitted, maybe 1-2 track days left (depends on how hard you drive them). Very good condition wheels that come with Turbo centre caps (not pictured).



Contact: 46



Jono O’Reilly 0408 600 008

Genuine GT3 rims to suit 997 and 996 8.5 x 18 front, 11 x 18 rear with Hoosier twin groove tyres P245/35 x 18 front @ 80% tread and P315/30 x 18 rear @65-70%. All in very good condition. Sell complete or separate. Rims and Tyres (February 2013).


$ 3200 ono or separate Rims $2000 Tyres 1200 Genuine Turbo rims to suit 996 and 997 8 x 18 and 10 x 18 in good condition.

Price: $1,200 ono

Genuine Porsche 997 Race steering wheel in very good condition.

Price: $500 ono Fully Enclosed Car Trailer - $8,600 This is a custom built, heavy duty, fully enclosed car trailer, with 2.8 tonne ATM and tare of 700kg. It has a beaver tail and 2.5m slide away ramps. Overall length: 6m, internal measurements: L4.55m x W1.9m x H1.53m. The trailer was professionally built to transport my show car, which is now also being sold, so no further need for it.

Hoosier Twin groove tyres and spares. Hoosier twin groove tyre set 2 x P245/35R18 and 2 x P315/30R18, with 50% rubber left (imported Oct 2012) at $750, also spare Hoosier tyres 2 x P245/35R18 at 60% $250 pair and 1 x P295/30R18 @ 50% @ $150 and 2 x P245/35R18 @ 30% $150 a pair.

The trailer is in excellent, near new condition and is under 12 months old. It has electric and breakaway brakes, manual 3-speed winch, 5 x new 14 inch wheels and tyres, and 8” jockey wheel. It has a steel nose cone, with heavy duty vinyl roof and sides with covered zippers and heavy duty tie downs. There are 11 internal anchor/tie down points each side (22 in all) and LED brake and clearance lights. It has Qld registration to 30/4/14.

Price: Numerous at ono


Genuine Porsche Race Seat - $2,500


$8,600 John Forsen at Narangba on 0430574533.

Genuine Porsche Race Seat with rails to suit 996 or 997, new 2010. Comes with 5-point belts, legal to 2014 in as new condition. Cost 6500 sell $2500 ono (seat belt bar mount for cars without roll cage available for 997 $300 with seat only, unless seat sold)

Price: $2,500 997 Brake Pad used sets. Front and Rear GT3 997 series 1, PMU club sport 50% front, 40% rear. Cost $1,200, will sell for $400 ono. Rear 997 Carrera Series 2 Padgid RS19 90%. Suit some cup and GT3 cost $650 sell $200.

Price: See text

Wanted Front Seats for 2000 996

Contact: Cameron 0407 129 900

Contact: Jeff on 0419 6 888 55

Set Of Cibie Rally Lights Original Citroen DS 19 Hoodlights or commonly known Porsche rally lights( Pallas). New Old stock 1960’s /70’s.

Price: $1700.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969 911 Whaletail And Engine Lid Fibreglass Spoiler with minor scratches and in good condition Price: $500.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969




997 Parts 1. H & R adjustable coil over suspension (cost $4300) 2. H & R front strut bar (cost $1000) 3. Gemballa branded air box (cost $2000) 4. 4 x 18” turbo rims, for track work. 5. 4 x Hoosier tyres, 19”, 60% remaining 6. “Impact” race helmet, L size, black. All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted. Price: All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.


Ian 0412 760 234

Number Plate “9 ONE 1” “9 ONE 1” - black lettering on silver background. Will look amazing on any 911, old or new. Plates have never been installed – brand new, still in box. Slim height front plate, normal height rear plate. Go on, treat yourself!

BAD 930 Number Plate Price:



Ben 0408 727 982

Price: $3,000 o.n.o. Contact: Harry 0407 083 982

Complete set front and rear 996 Cup suspentions, will fit any 996 GT3

Price: $3,500 Contact: James 0410 590 000 or email jea@sedja.com.au

Personalised Plates Is this the plate you have been looking for? This is for that special person in your life. One slim line and one full size plate. White background black letters. Price: $6,500 Contact: Geoff 0409 347 289 or email poolespt@bigpond.com

GT3 R Number Plates Number Plates - GT3 R

Price: $3,000 Contact:

Kerry 0414 443 232

Number Plate for new 99I Price: $9,500 Contact:

Jonathon - email jonathon.bloxsom@opteonproperty.com.au

These number pates (911 964) are mounted on prestige frames and have never been fitted.

Price: $3,500.00 Contact: Neil Robson

911 996 Car Cover

Price: $7,000

Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 996 911 in very good condition.








Peter 0409181338

911E Plate

V Turbo Plates

Perfect Porsche 911 plate. 2x2 Flexi Plate. Never been used or registered to any vehicle. No holes drilled and still in delivery box.

Silver letters on black in theft proof brackets. All offers considered

Price: $3,000 open to offers Contact:Justin - email justin@qldwindowcleaning.com.au

email neilandkate2@hotmail.com

Price: $4,000 Contact:Peter 0409 181 338

991PDK Plate


Number Plates 9II 964

Personalised Plates

Price: Alll offers considered Contact: Julia - office hours Tuesday-Thursday 3256 1517 or email impact_h@bigpond.net.au

911 Parts

Garage Sale! Genuine 996 GT3 wheels, Continental Tyres with less than 5,000 kms. Wheels and tyres like brand new. Price: $2,650 996 Cabrio or Coupe custom made car cover. Made from the highest quality materials by Speciality Car Covers (UK). Excellent condition. Price: $125 Tilt-a-Hitch is a hitch that allows a normal car trailer to tilt allowing low clearance cars ease of loading. Used once. Cost $395 Price: $200

NEW Mahle 2.7S Piston and cylinders, 90mm, 175HP, will suit all K-Jetronic engines. Price: $2,650 Genuine 993 RS/GT2 front strut top mounts to suit all 993’s.


$550 **please note price change incorrect last magazine**


Stan 0414 911 901

PCE 911


$750.00 ono


Porsche Continenatl 19� Rear Tyre (1). Very good condition 265 / 30 / ZR 19 and very low kms Price: $50


$5000.00 ono

Contact: Ann 0418872109

Porsche Cabriolet factory Windblocker and tyre cover/carry case. To suit 996 and 997

Price: Contact:

$200| George 0400 778 107 (sms is best)

Hoosier Competition Tyres Hoosier competition tyres for sale. Only bedded in 5 laps. Rears are R6 compound and fronts are A6 (softer). Sizes are 315 x 30 (2) and 235 x 35 (2), both R19. These were for my GT3 and fit under the standard guards.


Original 993 Turbo Twist hollow spoke factory numbered alloy rims with tyres. 2x8Jx18 ET52 and 2x10Jx18 ET40 in really excellent condition with Bridgestone tyres 225/40ZR and 285/30ZR (average 50% wear) New price for rims $11,500 - Sale

Price: $2,900

Jeremy Norris 0412 131 181

Sparco Driving Seats 2 SPARCO DRIVING SEATS (1 brand new, 1 almost new). Purchased these for my 911SC Carerra and installed 1 and completed 2 track days and then removed it when the car was sold. These seats are ideal for motor sport or track days. FIA approved.

Brand new Michelin Slicks 2 x 24/65-19 compound S7A soft 2 x 29/65-19 compound S8A medium

Price: $2,000 (save $1,000) Contact:

Price: $2,650 Contact: George 040 778 107

Jeremy 0412 131 181

Porsche 997 Turbo Exhaust

Price: $4,000 ono Contact:Domenic 0404 846 860


(sms is best)

996 GT3 Spoiler Engine Lid

Fits all 997 Turbo. Complete exhaust system: All stainless steel, with headers and filter. Increased horse power +60. Worth $10,000 new/when bought


Des 0412 723 492

$100 each



I wish to swap this 996 Rear GT3 Spoiler Engine Compartment lid for a standard 996 Carrera engine lid (One with no spoiler), or will sell.

or email smcicchino@hotmail.com


Contact:Phillip 0452 611 075 Price: $700 or Swap

Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars – buy the calendar for the year that your Porsche was made! Each with great Factory photos or racing and production Porsches. Years available: 1972#, 1973#, 1974*, 1975*, 1976, 1977*, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981* & 2000 (unopened) # no bronze medallion; only December date strip remains plus all posters * no bronze medallion Packaged in original delivery sleeves. These calendars are up to 41 years old so expect some minor ageing marks and blemishes, but they are mostly in quite good condition. Hence $50 each – or VNO. Buyers to collect (Brisbane).

Price: Offers accepted.

Contact: Mike on 07-3279 3930

Multiple parts Open to offers, all must go Contact: Mark 0416 108 679. A arm brackets including brand new bushes – used removed due to upgrade.


$ 80

Air conditioner – unknown condition

Price: $30

Hot air duct from 911 SC, new

914 Exhaust gaskets – x6 New never used

Price: $20

Price: $50

ITG Air Filters JC40/100 blank plates, never fitted brand new, will flow 500HP worth of air each.

Shock mounting rings – new unused.

Price: $30

Price: $150

External oil cooler valve internals – used (only changed due to upgrade) Price: $30




79 3.0 SC standard pistons, gudgen pins and valve springs, removed due to upgrade.

Price: $100

Sump Plate 3.0 SC, used includes gasket and all mounting bolts

Price: $60

Trailing Arm bushes 911 to 86– New unused.

Price: $80

Torsion bars from an 86 911 (F&R), excellent condition removed due to upgrade only. Price: $120



You can pay by Credit Card for applications and renewals online: Porsche-QLD.org.au Tick One Box in One Category Annual Membership

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$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B & C $129

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Applicants should allow up to 6 weeks for processing. Porsche Club QLD Memberships are non-refundable and not transferable. Renewing Membership payments are due July 30, and must be paid prior to Sept 30, otherwise the $55 Joining Fee will apply. Annual General Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of August.  Only financial Full Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.  Full Members must be financial prior to voting.


Single Membership: Covers one Member only. Single Parent Membership: Covers one Member (parent) and children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. Family Membership: Covers two Members (as spouse/ partner) & children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. 4 Junior Associate Membership: Covers one Associate Member6 17 years or under, who is not part of a Family Membership3. 5 Full time dependant student: requires current Student Identification card. 6 Associate Member: Any person eighteen years or over who does not own or have access to the use of a Porsche motor vehicle, but who considers themselves a genuine enthusiast of the marque or can assist the club in any way, may apply to the club to become an Associate Member. Associate Members do not have club voting rights, and are unable to stand for committee positions. 2 3

Post to: Porsche Club Queensland GPO Box 584 Brisbane QLD 4001 For Urgent Response Fax to: 07 3009 0465 or Scan and Email to Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au

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Business Category (ie. Real Estate, IT) Accommodation Accountants Accounting Advanced Driver Training / Accident Consultancy Auto Mechanical Automotive Automotive Automotive Aviation Battery Importer Bookkeeping Builder Builder Business Advisor Business Consultant Bycycles Car Care Cardiologist Chartered Accountant Civil Contractor Cleaning Client Relations Manager Computer Solutions Corporate Computers and IT Computers and IT Computers and IT Services Construction Construction Construction Construction & Mining Contractor Consulting Consulting Engineer Convenience Store Debt Collections Dentist Drink Coasters Earthmoving Machinery Sales Earthmoving Machinery Sales Electrical Contractor Electrical Engineering Energy Reduction Engineering Engineering Engineering Excavating Fencing Contractors Fire Systems Food fruit & veg wholesaler Funds Management Funds Management and Real Estate Galvanising Gas Supplier General Manager Handmade Jewellery Health Health Human Resources Efficiency Tools




Melbourne Brisbane L5;193 North Quay Brisbane Kedron Australia

Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Gold Coast Brisbane Sunshine Coast Eagle Farm Brisbane Toowong Gold Coast Brisbane Noosaville Ballina NSW Brisbane Australia SE Qld Queensland Gold Coast Brisbane Toowoomba Brisbane Archerfield Brisbane & Sunshine Coast Camp Hill Brisbane Yatala sherwood Brisbane Brisbane Richlands

Business Locality Labrador Loganholme SE QLD Australia Wide Toowoomba Brisbane Milton Brendale Sunshine Coast Sydney & Brisbane Brisbane Burleigh Heads Queensland South Brisbane Australia Brisbane Australia Brisbane Ipswich Brisbane National Brisbane

Business Name Blue Waters Holiday Apartments AGK Chartered Accountants SMSF Options Motor School and 4WD Training Pty Ltd Lindsay St Service Centre T &D Automotive Specialists Wayne Park Auto & Tyres Rotah Restorations LEAPP Federal Batteries CHS Business Services UPRIGHT ENTERPRISE PTY LTD EA & PJ Bell Pty Ltd Swan Caulfield & Associates Marketing Improvements Australian Cycle Bowdens Own Queensland Cardiovascular Group Harding Martin Frostdale Pty Ltd Service Corp Patrick B Smith Pty Ltd Multibiz Solutions Consolidated Computer Services Network Solutions TLC IT Solutions Greyburn Building Contractors Project Strategies Hennig Brothers construction CMC Indesign Technologies MPN Consulting Nightowl Network Collections Noosa Dental Coaster Kings Rim Equipment Machinery Action Group Rod McCray Electrical Pty Ltd hExeis D.A. Kitcher Consulting Pty Ltd AMEC Minproc kehoemyers Aurecon Earthquip Design Fencing Pty Ltd Fire Service Professionals Pty Ltd Gotzinger Smallgoods Cumming Produce Centre Certitude Carter Global Capital National Galvanising Industries Agas National Mornington BMW Handmade by Rhonda Uniting Care Health Performance Health Qld Onetest

Business Contact Ph 0755911695 0733870190 0432634047 0400778107 0746324510 032562004 0733695500 0418750666 0754302220 033567877 0409487788 0407156749 0417792767 0410111417 0417447090 037158228 0754456065 0438601940 0738122233 0411695694 0411499696 0448612781 0738210033 0738788000 0413200271 0735055000 055284592 0417601600 0754508022 1300727023 1300INTGR8(468478) 0733716677 0418724720 032011710 0754743855 0266866936 0412197850 0438300220 0733755330 0732602946 0427449720 0418782075 0746328100 0421327599 0732771377 054956280 0738433433 0755493955 0733793409 0732186200 0419643568 0733754200 0731030667 0433100935 0418732683 0418310364 0738610611 0408722852 www.performancehealthqld.com.au www.Onetest.com.au



Adrian Flack Terry Knight Rhonda Barwick Peter Davidson Graham Lyttle David Dahl

Business Contact Name Darren Ackland Adam Krauel www.smsfoptions.com Guy Wuoti www.motorschool.com.au George Foessel Jim Schilling www.TDAutomotive.com.au Stephen O'Brien www.WaynePark.com.au Wayne Park Www.rotahrestorations.com.au Bob Thorn www.LEAPP.aero Steve Adams www.federalbatteries.com.au Chris Drysdale www.chsgroup.biz Eckhard Schwarting Dean Marquart Alan Bell Andrew Swan www.miagencies.com.au Anthony Thompson www.CycleSkills.com.au Robert Kearney www.BowdensOwn.com.au Dan Bowden www.qcg.com.au Malcolm Davison www.hardingmartin.com.au David Martin www.Frostdale.com.au David Holzheimer www.scorp.com.au Greg Kermeen www.patrickbsmith.net Patrick Smith www.multibiz.net.au Jeff Neale www.Consolicom.com Timothy Place www.Network-Solutions.com.au Aaron Stuart www.TLCITS.com.au David Hawley www.greyburn.com.au Michael Byrne www.projectstrategies.com.au Geoff Cunningham www.hennigbrosconstruction.com.au Darren Hennig cmc.net.au Peter Kendall www.indesigntechnologies.com.au Peter Coman www.mpnc.net.au Rick godfrey www.Nightowl.com.au Tom Garrett www.noosadental.com.au Jeremy Norris www.CoasterKings.com.au Phillip Calnan www.rimequipment.com.au Ian Ryan www.machineryaction.com Michael Leu Rod McCray www.hexeis.com Matthew Vanderburg David Kitcher Robert Buckley www.kehoemyers.com.au Terrence Kehoe www.aurecongroup.com Bill Guy www.earthquip.com.au Don Warriner Robert Smith www.fsp.com.au Trevor Voevodin www.gotzinger.com Antony van der Drift nicholas marentis www.certitudeglobal.com.au Paul Burbidge Robert Carter

Business Web Site www.BlueWaters.com.au

Members’ Business Directory

Business Category (ie. Real Estate, IT) Industrial Warehousing Insurance IT IT & Business Consulting IT, Business & Law Laboratory Services Landscape Supplies Laywer Lighting Management Consulting Manufacturing Mapping - Mining Marketing, Advertising Masseur Mechanical Mechanical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Metal fabrication Motor Dealer Motor Dealer Motor Dealer Motor Repairs Motorsport Motorsport Motorsport Motorsport Services Optometry Orthodontists Orthopaedic Surgeon Paper Products Passenger Transport Performance Modifications Pharmacy Plumbing and Gas Fitting Porsche Race Parts Racing and Used Parts Rail Freight Transport Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Services Relocations Seafood Importer Sheetmetal Shopfitting SOLAR POWER/LEGAL/REAL ESTATE Sporting Products Supported Accomodation Surveyors Timber Trailers Wedding / Portrait Photographer Winches Window Cleaning Yoga




Main Beach

Gold Coast Brisbane SE QLD Brisbane Brisbane SEQ Beaudesert Carole Park Brisbane / Australia Wide

Business Locality Northside Brisbane North Queensland Gold Coast National Gold Coast / Brisbane Darra Qld Darra Southport Richlands Brisbane and International Arundel, Gold Coast Kedron Brisbane Surfers Paradise Southport loganholme Gold Coast Brisbane Jimboomba South Brisbane Highgate Hill Brendale Gold Coast - Brisbane Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane Gold Coast Gold Coast Capalaba Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Ipswich Benowa, Gold Coast Suite 5; Specialists Centre; Greenslopes Hospital Australia Burpengary Brisbane Brisbane CBD Brisbane Noosa Ormeau Brisbane Brisbane & Gold Coast Brisbane Brisbane CBD Brisbane Innercity Brisbane & Worldwide

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Business Name Bloxsom Family Group Joe Vella Insurance Brokers Ry.Com.Au CGI FIRST Consulting Group Pty Ltd Scientific Analytical Services Centenary Landscaping Supplies Ivan Poole Lawyers Intralux Imagine Consulting Group International (ImagineCGI) Precise Precut Walker Mapping Design for Communication Natural Massage Therapies Action Tyres flat six motorsport Olsen Avenue Specialst Clinic City Eye Centre Jimboomba Junction Family Practice & Skin Cancer C Mater Hill Gastro T&C Medical Wiltec Industries Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Tesla Motors Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Porschop Driving Events Emtec performance tuning Promotive Engineering The Racing Room Phil Hart Optometrist Medland Orthodontics Dr Ross Kennedy Rosche Paper Kangaroo Bus Lines Harding Performance Post Office Square Pharmacy A Grade Plumbing and Gas Hennig Motorsort Performance9 QR National Limited

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Business Web Site www.bloxsom.com.au http://jvib.com.au www.RY.Com.Au www.cgi.com http://www.firstconsulting.com.au www.urbanutilities.com.au/SAS centenarylandscaping.com.au

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Business Contact Name Jonathan Bloxsom Joe Vella Bradley Carr Neil Macdonald James Austin Bob Gray Terry OShea Ivan Poole David Tilbury Tony Wheeler Lyle or Aaron Alastair Walker

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Porsche Centre Gold Coast


Contact your Business Manager Anouk Grant Tel: 07 5555 7911 Email: anouk@pcgc.com.au




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