The Official Journal of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc.
August - September 2013
Events Calendar President’s Prose Editor’s Notes From the Control Tower Membership Report Championship Points Membership Form Market Place Parts for Sale Members’ Business Directory
Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 37 Page 41 Page 44 Page 49 Page 52
Interview with Sir Jack Brabham Club Night The Grand Prix de Pau Historique Porsche Celebrates 50yrs 911 Drive Day, King Ludwigs, Maleny Carrera Cup Shannons 2 Days of Thunder Webber to Contest Le Mans New Porsche Le Mans LMP1 Prototype Concours 2013 Rennsport Concours Rennsport Regularity
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Thanks to the following members and friends for their contributions:
Cover: Alistair Walker’s 911 3.0 RSR replica at Ormiston House Concours
Phillip Mandalidis, Stepehn Callaghan, Anthony & Marc Gerada, Richard Walker, Bill Black, Sheldon Arkinstall, John Forson, Tim Place
Inside Cover: Historic Race Cars at Rennsport 2013
2012-2013 Committee and Assistants President Dave Beard 0413 121 213 pres@porsche-qld.org.au Vice President Grant Sparks vpresident@porsche-qld.org.au
Executive Secretary Kent Kieseker secretary@porsche-qld.org.au Finance Director Sharon Donsky treasurer@porsche-qld.org.au Motorsport Director Richard Walker Motorsport Assistant Emma Ayers comp@porsche-qld.org.au Social Director Donna Beard social@porsche-qld.org.au
WebMeister Stephen Foss admin@porsche-qld.org.au
Membership Secretary Tim Place 0419707 905 membership@porsche-qld.org.au Communications Director Sheldon Arkinstall 0421 271 029 editor@porsche-qld.org.au Production Assistant Rachel Place
Porsche News is published every two months by the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. primarily for the members and supporters. Print Post Number:
Please forward all correspondence to:Porsche News Porsche Club Qld GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Members’ contributions ae welcome and encouraged. Original articles and photographs will be returned if requested. Email to editor@porsche-qld.org.au The opinions expressed or inferred herein are not necessarily thos of the editor, committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. The Porsche Club Qld Inc. meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm at: PORSCHE CENTRE BRISBANE 146 Breakfast Creek Rd Newstead 4006 (Unless otherwise notified. Please check the Calendar for changes.) Management Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month - venue to be advised. Advertising: Porsche News has a circulation of approximately 500 copies, and is read by approximately 500 discerning readers and enthusiasts. Advertising rates vary, depending on locationa and size of adveritisment (see last page). For sale or wanted ads in the back of the magazine are free to club members for their private ads, $50 for commercial advertisers and $25 for non-members. Photos will be included when space permits. Advertisers should ensure that advertisments comply with the current Trade Practice Act, as responsibilty lies with the person, company or agent submitting the advertisment for publication. Club Web page is www.porsche-qld.org.au Membership: Please direct all membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary; or phone any committee member; or write to: Membership Secretary, PCQ GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Membership is from July in one year to the end of June in the following year. This magazine is proudly printed by:
4/347 Bay Road, Cheltenham 3192 Ph: 03 9555 6665 email: info@compositecolour.com.au www.compositecolour.com.au
Calendar 2013 August
Membership The Club extends a warm welcome to the following new members:
Darren Barr
Tuesday 13th
Annual General Meeting Porsche Centre Brisbane
Sunday 25th
Social Drive - Sirromet Winery for Breakfast and then on to watch Hill Climb at Mt Cotton
Sunday 25th
Motorsport Rounds 6 & 7 - Mt Cotton
Billy Beer
Tuesday 10th
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
Sunday 15th
Motorsport Rounds 8 & 9 - Qld Raceway
Sunday 22nd
Sanctuary Cove 3 Hour River Cruise Seafood Buffet Lunch
Rod Edwards
Monday 23rd
Article deadline for Club Magazine
Timothy Gibbs
David Sharam
Tuesday 8th
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
Steve Thompson
Sunday 20th
Motorsport Round 10 - Lakeside
Kevin Vedelago
Stephen Cameron David Catchpole Anthony D’Andrea
Tuesday 12th
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
Saturday 23rd
Social - Morgan Park Dinner
Saturday 23rd Motorsport Round 11 & 12 - Morgan Park & Sunday 24th Monday 25th
Article deadline for Club Magazine
December Friday 6th
Christmas Party
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By now you will have certainly noticed the upgrade of our club magazine. It has been planned through and underway for around 6 months and certainly the toil has paid off. The quality and content of our magazine rivals and perhaps exceeds certainly any car club magazine I recall ever reading? Well done to Sheldon for driving this cost effectively and to Rachel Place for preparing the layout. I have parted with my recent Porsche Club Qld magazines after reading them by leaving them at local cafe’s; mostly those located in Park Road Milton. In an endeavour to expand our club membership past 500 and to bring on board new club mag advertisers, I have felt that this is a positive use for our club mags after they have been read. I’m surprised at how quick the magazines get taken away for reading at home by café patrons; usually within 48 hours. If you have a quality cafe or related business that you frequent in your area, I ask that you consider leaving the mag for patrons to read over a coffee. In my experience, the cafe owners will have no issue with this practice. At the time of this prose, we are yet to hold our Porsche Club Qld Annual General Meeting (AGM). I thank the current committee members
for the past year of service to our members and support of the many initiatives. As you would understand, a lot of work goes on after hours, not only to bring you this magazine, but to keep the club calendar full of safe sprints and club social runs, annual events such as the Christmas party and awards night, the Ormiston House concours and not forgetting our monthly club nights. I would like to personally thank the Porsche Club Qld committee that has been a true pleasure to lead over the past 12 months: Vice President: Grant Sparks Social Director : Donna Beard Motorsport Director: Richard Walker Club Treasurer: Sharon Donsky Communications: Sheldon Arkinstall Webmaster: Stephen Voss Executive Secretary: Kent Kieseker Memberships: Tim Place
Also a special thank you must go to Ian Ryan for arranging the food and drinks on our monthly club nights and to our passionate motorsport subcommittee for assisting with our various track events. Also very importantly, thanks must go to our Qld Porsche dealerships for supporting our great club with facilities and sponsorships throughout the year. In addition, as we approach our AGM, I would like to lastly thank past club Presidents and committees, who along with our 500 members, collectively make our club what it is today… Very special. Dave Beard Club President
Well I hope you enjoyed the last edition of the magazine, even though it was very, very late! We have received some excellent feedback on the new layout and I hope that everyone is pleased with the lift in the production quality. As promised, in this edition we have a very special, final interview submitted by Philip Manadaldis...an interview with Sir Jack Brabham! It’s a tribute to Philip’s enthusiasm, tenacity and professionalism that we have such a well written and very interesting insight into Sir Jack and his extraordinary life. It’s an interview that will be very hard to beat, I’m sure you will agree. For the October-November issue, I’d like to continue the 50th anniversary celebrations of the 911 with a story on a Club member that either has or has owned a 911 very close to the date that the car was released in 1963 (i.e. one of the first in the country). If you fit these criteria, please drop me an email (editor@porscheqld.org.au). On a completely different train of thought, very early last Sunday morning I went for a drive with some other ‘like-minded’ enthusiasts out through Beaudesert, Boonah and on to Lake Moogerah and surrounds. I had forgotten just how beautiful Queensland can be and was reminded again just how much enjoyment there is in driving and enjoying our cars, even when we’re not going ’10 tenths’! I hope these couple of pictures portray that beauty and I encourage you all to get out there enjoy your Porsche! Sheldon Arkinstall Communications Director
Also, the old website did not allow to quickly add functionality that many of you have been asking for.
It looks as if the success of Rennsport has passed all Porsche Australia’s expectations. Porsche Australia is keen to continue the Rennsport concept, but intends to carefully plan when to revisit. We need to ask the question as to how often we should hold this special event. Every year would be fantastic, bring it on! But you will all probably agree that to make the event continue to be successful, this may not be feasible. At the moment we are considering every three years and hope that having to wait a little bit longer will increase the interest and desire of the people wanting to attend. Emma was keen to ask if there would be any intention to move the Rennsport event to other racetracks around the country. Some suggestions might be Phillip Island and maybe a trip to sunny Queensland.
Therefore as we began working on our website we set ourselves the ambitious goal to make the website easier to use and to make it more suitable and stable for the ever increasing (mobile) traffic that we are experiencing year on year. From user feedback we learned that product and support information needed to be easier to find, with a clear and open navigation structure. Also, as we realized that most people use our website to check their results, we want to make it easier to find your results in an ever growing set of race and practice results. Moreover, as we get more requests for live result feeds and mobile apps, we have redone the entire data warehousing to dramatically increase the uptime and stability of the website.
The buzz at the track about the event was:
To help you find your data faster it is crucial that we know who you are, so we can direct you to the right content immediately. Moreover, if we know who you are we can, for instance, help you remember to renew your FLEX subscription and in the future send you alerts if new results become available online for yourself or the racers you are following. Therefore we wanted to tie everything into one login. I now see that forcing a login does not make the website easier to use, especially as we are experiencing problems with the automatic migration of accounts from the old data warehouse to the newly built one. Additionally, since not all functionality has been implemented completely, the functionality of the new practice environment is too limited.
“It’s all about the spirit of Porsche. It’s been successful and we’ve been overwhelmed by how many people have turned up with their Porsches.” “More than 240 Porsches competed over the weekend, with a further 120 on display, while another 50 to 60 were displayed in the car park.” A big thanks to all who made the trip down. PCQ was well represented form show ‘n’ shine, to circuit racing, regularity and lets not forget the most important, spectators. Letter sent to us re: Lap Timers You may be aware that we have had some difficulties with the website and access to check results. We received the following letter regarding this and I have included it here for your interest: Dear customer,
Why did we change the old results website? Simply because the current demands on the website outgrew its capabilities. This resulted in overloaded servers with slow response-time and increasing down-time.
To correct the situation we will do the following in the coming days: •
The launch of the new website should have been a very positive moment for you, our customers, as well as for all the people at MYLAPS that worked so hard in the last months to make it a success. However, I must admit that we have failed to live up to the high standards that we set for ourselves and that you rightfully set for us. As a result, the result and practice sections of our website have not gotten better but worse to use, and for that I am sorry.
We will remove the need to login to see event results and put it back to where you have come to expect it: after the race results and before the individual lap times. We will revert back to the old practice environment where you can also see who is out on a certain track, until we have adequate functionality for the new one. We will keep working behind the scenes to make the migration process smoother. We will never throw out any information, so rest assured that we will tie your old data into your new account. We are doing everything we can to make that happen sooner rather than later. Even though there are many advantages if you renew your FLEX transponder through your MYLAPS account, we will
also make it possible to renew it the old way: through the web shop, until the account creation and migration process works flawlessly. Within a few weeks we hope release the functionality to receive alerts if new lap times or results are available for you. These steps are aimed at relieving the largest parts of the complaints we have received. I appreciate your patience and hope that you will stay with us to see what great things we have in store for you in the near future. Best regards Bas van Ren
It will be business as usual for us at the next race meet and Eric will have our times well in hand. Noise Complaints There has been much discussion about the cancellation of events due to noise levels. The following information is to fill you in on what is happening in relation to this topic. The Norwell round has been cancelled, as the track advised us that the decibel rating was 78db. As you know, a normal road car is around 80db. A rating at the track this low has given us no ability to participate; I think electric cars may be the next option…. Mt. Cotton Skid Pan is out as well, so no Motor Kana. I have attached the email sent from the track for your reading pleasure: “Thank you for considering Mt Cotton Training Centre as a venue to conduct your clubs upcoming motorkana. There are a number of requirements that Porsche Car Club should be aware of prior to hiring facilities. These requirements include, but are not limited to insurance's - public liability of $20M and professional indemnity, strict noise limits, details of qualified trainers, details of proposed event, cancellation policy in place, no drifting activities. I appreciate Porsche Car Club have used our facilities previously, however during some of these occasions there have been issues regarding vehicles satisfying our noise requirements. Mt Cotton Training Centre is not a CAMS sanctioned venue, therefore our noise levels fall within the ADR and Environmental Protection Act 1994 requirements which are noted in
Annexure B of the Hiring Agreement (attached). As a guide, Mt Cotton's noise levels are at least 5db(A) lower than CAMS sanctioned events. If the motorkana you're organising is part of club championship activities please note that if a vehicle exceeds the designated noise limit those vehicles will be excluded from participating in any further activities on that day.” Next Run Our next run is a hill climb at Mt Cotton in late August, then a run at Queensland Racing in mid September. We have also been lucky enough to capture a Saturday morning in mid October at Lakeside. Finally we will round up the year with a 2 day weekend at the famous Morgan Park. It’s been great racing with you this year and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the next event.
Richard Walker Motorsport Director
Remember the benefits of membership include:
Membership Status July 2013 Single Memberships: 86 Family Memberships: 68 Equating to 222 Members ( including 4 life members)
Motor Sport events held at Queensland Raceways, Morgan Park or Lakeside,
As we transition to the new membership year the club remains in a strong position, at 222 members with the renewals mainly coming in on time.
Social Activities that include club nights, touring and other events,
Special Events in conjunction with other Clubs,
Remember – Renewals will be past due by the time you read this. The club extends a grace period to members but don’t leave it too late as you may have to pay the joining fee again!!
Six Issues annually of the Club Magazine: Porsche News,
Weekly Newsletter updates by email,
A range of discounts and special deals, on a variety of services and products,
For those of you yet to renew there is a renewal form in this magazine, and they are also available on the website. As we mentioned last issue Steve has updated the website to accept renewal payments – so you should be able to renew online in now.
C.A.M.S Affilliation, and
Assistance with applications for Special Interest Vehicle discounted registration in Queensland.
To stand for a committee position or vote at the 2013 AGM (Next Club Night 13th August) you need to be a financial member. There will be a sign in sheet at the door, so if you can bring your Membership Card that will help. Now is the time to pass out the membership flyers, to allow your friends to join in with the great activities we have planned for the next year. I will bring along plenty of flyers to the next club night (13th August) so remember to grab some extras to keep in the car. To stand for a committee position or vote at the 2013 AGM (13th August) you need to be a financial member. All the best, and see you at the next club night. Tim Place Membership Secretary Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au
ALL EUROPEAN AND BRITISH DAY AT LAKESIDE PARK This year Lakeside Park will be holding an all European and British day at Lakeside Park. To be held on the 6th October, it will be run much the same as their very popular All American Day and All Aussie day, but this time their aim is to do it with a bit of class and elegance and what is more elegant than a classic made Euro and British cars. It will be restricted to only British or European built cars only. There will be Club cruise sessions available to 8 clubs. These Club Cruises will cost approximately $25 per car for 20 minutes track time, for up to 100 cars (you may share cruise sessions with other clubs). If you would like to enter, please contact Richard Walker (comp@porsche-qld.org.au) ASAP as these are very popular and sell out incredibly fast! There will also be a show and shine and Track challenge composed of a drag and slalom event. This will cost $20 per driver and is open to the first 40 entries received. Gate prices are $10 per person in the front gate and $10 per car into the infield. 9
Interview with Sir Jack Brabham by Phillip Manadalidis
orldwide, Sir Jack Brabham is a motorsport legend and I knew that if I could interview this royalty from Formula One, it would be a “tombstone” moment (what, a tombstone moment? It’s a “Top Gear” expression, which is a moment you will remember when you are on your deathbed). However, Sir Jack Brabham, a famous man, was very hard to find. Why did I think it would it be easy? Along with Greg Norman and Nicole Kidman, they are described as “National Living Treasures”. He is known around the world, surely he would like his privacy. My fascinating research finally leads me to Mr Ian Tate of the Historic Racing Register of Victoria. Here was a wonderfully helpful man, who provided that important link. Then it took another two weeks after making contact with Mr Tate, before I spoke to Lady Margaret Brabham. Lady Margaret is Sir Jack’s wonderful wife. She is his protector and car provider. Yet I couldn’t speak to Sir Jack. I read a lot about this man, what influenced him, was sort of bloke was he, what made him so passionate about fast machines and more importantly, what did his success say about Australia? I was about to find out. Once I received permission for an interview, via Lady Brabham, another two weeks would pass before I could talk to the man. One diabolical day at work, office noise at its maximum, daily tasks increasing, a colleague is two minutes through a long unimportant dialogue, then my private mobile rings. A strong, youthful and assertive voice on the other end says, “It’s Jack”, a microsecond passes, my mind is racing, I don’t know any “Jack’s” who call me? As I was a more than a little stressed, I retorted, “Jack who?” He fired back at me with equal gusto, “Jack Brabham”. I could not talk for a couple of seconds, Sir Jack Brabham; Formula One legend was finally talking to me. I was speaking to the “man”; my day wasn’t mundane anymore, far from it. When I finally got to interview him in person, driving down this a tree-lined driveway, a concierge greeting me just outside the impressive foyer, I thought to myself, he has retired to a very pleasant place (I should note here, driving to this interview, in an immaculate Black 996 911, gave me the feeling that this car was the right car to drive when you are about to visit someone famous). When you ask any of the staff about him, they smile and tell me a small warm and affectionate detail about him. They are proud, protective and a little in awe of him. They give him, their utmost respect. But why is an interview with Sir Jack Brabham appearing in a Queensland Porsche magazine? Yes, he drove one of them here in Australia! He also competed against them and beat them early in his career. Yet something more important than that; Sir Jack may be Australia’s most famous sporting identity. In an earlier Porsche Club Queensland interview, a question was asked of Steve Tibaldi (a local Brisbane Porsche Community identity and a representative of Porsche Brisbane) about who is Australia’s greatest sportsman and his answer was telling and insightful. When Steve was asked who is Australia’s most famous sportsman, he said, “If you asked the general public, Donald Bradman, the cricket legend, but if you look world stage, Sir Jack Brabham is the man”. Steve is right. This is something I have too have always believed. Australians see Bradman as their hero, but on the world stage, he is little known. Brabham on the other hand competed on the world stage. So when Steve said that he lived in Queensland, the stage was set and unbeknownst to Steve, he had sent me on a mission. I had to interview and write about this man, this legend. What else is there about the guy, this National Living Treasure? The Porsche Club here in Queensland loves Motor racing. Sir Jack raced against Porsches early in his career, so he would definitely have something to say that you the reader would find interesting. The records are there, Sir Jack Brabham has won three Formula One Driver’s Championships; in 1959, 1960 and then in 1966, when he won it in a car of his own design and manufacture. He is the only person in the world to have won the World Drivers and Manufacturers Title and it is unlikely anyone else will be able to do this. How can I say this? Well, it was 46 years ago when he achieved the milestone and to date, no-one else has done so, so I have the statistics on my side. Plus there are only two other drivers in Formula One history who have won Grand
Prixs in cars of their own manufacture; they are Dan Gurney and Bruce McLaren. Interestingly, one drove for Sir Jack and one was mentored by him. Gurney won one Grand Prix race and McLaren one as well. Though Sir Jack is deemed an Australian National Living Treasure, along with more household names like Greg Norman and Nicole Kidman, the majority of his fan mail doesn’t come from Australia; it comes from the United States and Germany. When the 60th anniversary came about for his 1959 World Championship, it took the Historic Racing Register, a vintage motor racing club, to organize the celebration. He might be a National Living Treasure, but only his inner circle was interested in celebrating this great man’s achievements for his country. Some say, the way a country treats their living treasures, shows the nature of a country’s soul. When I reflect on this, I wonder if many Australians value or even know about this living treasure. In his very young days, Sir Jack was certainly the pure Australian, an Aussie. His world was his suburb and city. When asked if it was it at the time he was racing on the dirt tracks that he first decided to drive Formula one, Sir Jack said that he didn’t know Formula One existed when he was racing the dirt tracks. To further underline this “Aussieness”, when asked what his favourite car was when he was a kid, he said a Chrysler. To Sir Jack, at the time it was better than all the rest of the vehicles available. Now, Sir Jack is in his eighties and the stories that he told me were of a man who was resilient and tough. When he ran out of fuel in the American Grand Prix a Sebring in 1959, his car coasted to a stop just 100 metres from the finishing line. If anyone assisted him get the car over the line, he would have been disqualified. Sir Jack pushed the car across the line himself to finish 4th, physically collapsed after the effort. However the effort gave him 4th position and enough points to win the World Driver’s Championship. This toughness was shown again in the Portugal Grand Prix of 1959, when his Cooper Climax hit a backmarker
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and then went into a telegraph pole. Sir Jack was flung out of the car and onto the track (no seat belts in those days) where he suffered some injuries, but not enough to stop him though. He was back racing the next weekend, as you do, where he went on to win the event. How many people do you know get flung out of cars one weekend and then get back to racing the next weekend? However this toughness did not transfer to the cars he drove. Max Stahl, the Australian motoring journalist described Sir Jack as having great mechanical sympathy with his cars. When I questioned Sir Jack on this, he agreed, he said that “you had to feel the car, so you didn’t break it”. And feel the car he did; Sir Jack told me that he was always working on the cars whilst he was racing them. Sir Jack was a “hands on” guy when it came to mechanics stating that “I worked on the cars all the time.” When he was with Coopers, he would come up with the ideas and share them with the chief engineer Owen Maddock and team owner John Cooper.
What about Sir Jack’s nickname, “Black Jack”? Was it a reference to his driving style, his toughness on the track or was it his considered silence when there was conversation around him. It has been documented that his driving style, which was dirt track derived, had Sir Jack, on occasion, in the gravelly part of a corner, so he could shower the face with loose stones of a too close competitor. Certainly when interviewing him, he was very economical and considered with his words. He did not have time for small talk. However many questions about motor racing, certainly had him enlivened and on quite a few occasions he was laughing. He stated that he loved his time in Formula One. Yet one characteristic that showed throughout the interview was that he would not be brought into controversy. For example, when we discussed his knighthood and the fact that Sir Jack was the first racing car driver to ever to do so, I asked whether this upset all the other English Racing drivers, the Graham Hill’s, the Stirling Moss’s, etc. Sir Jack just said, “Well, they didn’t show it”. When pressed on what Sir Stirling Moss said after his knighthood, Sir Jack said “He had no problem with it, we are good mates”.
Was he a car mechanic? No, by qualification he was an aircraft maintenance engineer, serving time in the Royal Australian Air Force working on de Havilland Mosquitos and Bristol Beaufighters. Both complex aircraft of the time, one powered by the famous V12, 27 litre Rolls Royce Merlin engine and the other by a 14 cylinder Bristol Hercules air cooled Radial Sleeve Valve engine. A sleeve valve motor is still a four stroke system, but there are no valves. Inlet and exhaust gases enter and leave the combustion chamber, via a moving cylinder bore sleeve. The sleeve has ports which are covered and uncovered. Why get speak of such technicality? I believe Sir Jack’s understanding of these complex mechanical devices gave him the inspiration and knowledge to build the world beating Formula One Repco motor.
What about his friendship to Sir Stirling Moss, who nicknamed Sir Jack as the “Nut Brown Australian”. I asked, what nickname did he have for Sir Stirling? He laughed and said that he didn’t have a nickname for him. I then asked about his most disliked car, he stated “There were many cars that I didn’t like”. I pushed a little harder on the subject, “Please, just name a few”. He answers, “In the early days there were plenty of bad cars”. Sir Jack knew which ones they were, but I wasn’t about to find out. When asked about the Volkswagen Beetle, he did have an answer, “It was a good car in its day; it was good, cheap transport”. When asked whether Ferdinand Porsche got the design right, with air cooling, horizontally opposed engine configuration and low centre of gravity, he said “The rear suspension wasn’t good enough”.
This attribute of understanding his racing machine, gave him a competitive advantage. When you look at the amount of world Driver’s championships he won (3), Sir Jack is amongst the greats; Sir Jackie Stewart, Niki Lauda, Nelson Piquet, Ayrton Senna and Sebastian Vettel
What about the effect of hard work and glamour of the Grand Prix lifestyle on his family? I showed him a photograph of himself with French film actress Francois Hardy. The photograph was taken on the film set of “Grand Prix”, a Hollywood film made in the late 60’s starring James Garner. I asked Sir Jack what his wife said when she saw this photograph. Did she say, “Did you have a nice day at the race track?” Sir Jack smiled and said that his wife “wasn’t too happy when she saw this photo”. He went on to say that his life constructing and racing cars was very hard on the family, but that is what you did.
Sir Jack’s competitiveness was clear, he won back-to-back World Driver’s Championships in 1959 and 1960. After these two world championship victories, Cooper were looking for a new engine for the season, as the new 1.5 litre capacity rule had come into effect. However the season with the Coopers in 1961 was his last. The Cooper’s didn’t make the adjustment to the lower powered 1500cc formula. Sir Jack knew there was no readily apparent engine solution for Cooper, which meant that they would not have an engine for the 1961 season. Then an offer came from Enzo Ferrari for Sir Jack to drive for the Ferrari team. When I asked in the interview about his decision to knock back the offer to drive for Ferrari, Sir Jack was very matter of fact stating “He would rather beat them, (Ferrari) rather than join them”. This statement was very ambitious, because up until this point in time Sir Jack was not building Formula One cars, so to beat Ferrari and all other comers some 5 years latter is an amazing feat.
Whilst on the subject of his family, I showed him an historic photo of Sir Jack driving around Oulten Park, with seven year old son Geoffrey looking terrified. The statement I put to Sir Jack was, “When this photo was taken, the media did not attack you for not being concerned with the child’s safety, no helmet, no harness etc”. Sir Jack just smiled. He didn’t answer, so I then turned the statement into a question, “Have we as a society become too cocooned in safety concerns and the avoidance of risk?” Sir Jack, chuckled once again, the “Black Jack” dry humor arose again, “Well he became a successful racing car driver didn’t he?” Sir
Jack didn’t offer more, he had answered my question. No harm had come of the child Geoffrey and that is evident in Geoffrey’s success as a racing car driver. His legacy of competitiveness was clearly being handed on.
Repco Engine Retro
Sir Jack’s competitiveness was passed through to his children. Even though he did not want his children to race cars, they did so. They each became successful racing drivers in their own right. Now one of his grandson’s is racing in America. When I asked about his proudest moment as a father, he spoke of when his son Geoffrey Brabham winning Le Mans, whilst his other son David winning the GT class of the same race. The pair of them was on the winners’ podium together. Through the interview it was clear that Sir Jack was also pragmatic and non-sentimental. When asked about whether he had any regrets of selling or disposing of cars, he said no. “I sold everything, cars and motorcycles. Everything that I could make a quid out of, I did. I have no regrets”. There was lots of laughter. When he was asked about the best single modification that he did to motor car, he answered very economically. “I put the engine in the middle.” Sir Jack laughed and then said “It was the best thing that ever happened”. I pressed him further on this issue, as the Cooper Team were putting engines in the middle of their 500cc Formula cars in 1955. These engines were put in the rear, close to the rear wheel, as they wanted to keep the chain length to the back wheels as short as possible. They were not put there because of weight distribution issues. Then I discussed the Dr Ferdinand Porsche designed Auto Union Type C, which was successful in Formula One in 1934. Even though the Auto Union Type C was successful, other teams did not follow the same engine configuration. However, with the back-to-back Cooper Team Manufacturers championships of 1959 and 1960, where the engine was put in the middle, the game plan of Formula One changed forever. So for historical correctness, the first constructor to put the engine in the middle wasn’t Sir Jack or the Cooper Team. That accolade would go to Ferninand Porsche, but Cooper, with Sir Jack being part of the design team, were the group that changed the whole of Formula One configuration till this day. This engineering and design practicality showed once more when Sir Jack was asked about Porsche’s Formula One Car in 1959. He was competing directly with Porsche back in 1959. When asked why the Cooper Team had the advantage over the Porsche, he said simply, “The engine was in the wrong place, as it was behind the back axle, hanging out over the rear of the car”. When asked latter in the interview, whether Porsche made the correct decision to withdraw from Formula One and concentrate on Sports Cars, he said “Yes and that’s when they started winning Le Mans”. Sir Jack also raced a Porsche here in Australia, a Porsche 959 at Sandown Park. I asked Sir Jack what he thought of the car? “It was a very good car. It was a modern car, very interesting car to drive actually”. Did he have anything else to say about this car? No, true to form he was economical in his words and it was onto the next question.
Now to the success in 1966, which perfectly illustrates his knowledge of combining Formula One motor racing rules and the practicalities of engineering. With the rules changing in Formula One in relation to engine size (now 3 litres), Sir Jack knew that there wasn’t any competitive motors out there, so he took a punt, he knew that he had to build an engine. He went to America to find an engine block, he then engaged Repco, the Australian engineering company, to adapt the small block Oldsmobile American V8 motor into a Grand Prix motor. Once he had the motor, he needed the car to put in in. Being the pragmatic one, there was a chassis lying around the factory. The BT 19 was a chassis designed for another motor, a flat-10 Alfa Romeo motor, which never materialized. So the car was modified to fit what would be the world beater, the Repco V8 Engine. This World winning Championship car, the BT 19 was nicknamed by his mechanics as the “Old Nail”. Why the Old Nail? I asked Sir Jack and he answers dryly “It was a bit of a mongrel”. His engineering hunch paid off, the BT19, which wasn’t crashed during the season, won Sir Jack the world championship! It is now history that Australian engineering and innovation beat the world in the Formula One sphere. Then in the next season in 1967, an old team driver of the Brabham team, Dan Gurney, who was the first driver in the Brabham team to win a Formula One race, formed a partnership to build a Formula One Car with Carol Shelby. The car was called the Eagle and was powered by an English engine, the Westlake. So here was an American driver trying for a similar constructor/driver Formula One Victory. Gurney had substantial sponsorship from Goodyear, as they wanted to break the dominance of the tyre manufacturer Firestone. Let’s look at this historical time frame of 1966, the Americans were putting astronauts in orbit around the earth (they hadn’t landed on the moon at this time) and they were designing and building SR71 spy planes which could fly at Mach 3 (these aircraft still hold the airspeed record for a manned aircraft). But when the American Formula 1 technology was put up against Sir Jack and his Repco Brabham, the Americans were beaten. Plus, every other nation was trounced by this Australian team. I will acknowledge my bias, I am an Australian writer, but this feat is a milestone for our national identity. The Carol Shelby’s team American Eagle won only one race and the Brabham, with Jack driving, won seven races. When I went into more detail on why the American Eagle Westlake car couldn’t beat the Repco Brabham, Sir Jack said that “The Westlake engine was good, but not as good as ours.” Me, personally I love it when we beat the Americans on the world stage. Then again, I am not the only one, remember when Alan Bond won the America’s Cup in yachting? The world media, focused on Australia, as we beat the giant, America at its own game. There is another side of Sir Jack which is worth exploring and it is to do with New Zealanders. Back in 1958, Sir Jack saw Bruce Mclaren’s driving brilliance and brought him over from New Zealand to Europe and had him race for Cooper. McLaren won his first Grand Prix at the age of 22 (at the time, the youngest person to win a Formula One Championship), with Sir Jack in the Cooper team. Then in 1963 he set up his own team, McLaren Racing Limited, now the second oldest active team in Grand Prix team after Ferrari. McLaren won only one Grand Prix in a car of his own manufacture. Compare this with Sir Jack who had a total of seven wins. The other driver he mentored was Denny Hulme, who raced with Sir Jack and who won the World Driver’s Championship in 1967, driving another Repco Brabham. Sir Jack wanted to bring Australasia to the world stage and he did so magnificently.
Porsche Type 804 Forumla 1
When I asked Sir Jack, would this feat of Australian engineering ever be repeated, that an Australian manufacturer could build a world beating Formula One motor, he said no. Sir Jack states, “We do not have the facilities or the people to build it”. Australia has lost its manufacturing and engineering intellectual skills. The means and the brains behind those winning times are no longer in Australia. I wonder if any Australian politician really cares that this has happened. They talk about a “clever country” and Australian manufacturing being competitive on the world stage, but these same politicians put rules and regulations in front of our manufacturing talent and cripples it. To construct a Formula One car, race it, win the World Formula One Driver’s and Manufacturer’s Championship in one year, has never been repeated by anyone else in the world. Unfortunately, not many other Australians see or know about the importance of this achievement, as his fan mail comes from overseas. Here in Australia we as a nation love Cricket, along with Don Bradman. Don’t get me wrong, Bradman was brilliant, but on the world stage, he is second in line to Brabham. However, the loss of our automotive expertise is the most tragic part of this story. The current and traditionally strong economies, America and Germany make cars. China, the world manufacturer of “things” is moving in that direction. What is happening here in Australia, we are going in the exact opposite direction, we are eliminating that capacity. Some would argue that we cannot compete, therefore our automotive industries should die, but here is a fact, the American and German car industries are subsided by their own governments by over 200% more than the Australia car industry. So are we the “clever country.” A question mark is the most appropriate answer.
Sir Jack Brabham and Franciose Hardy
Sir Jack shaped Formula One. He has either mentored or influenced other race drivers to follow his footsteps in building and racing cars. He is unique in Formula One history, his former team members are the only other Grand Prix drivers that have done the same, Dan Gurney and Bruce McLaren. Whilst Brabham Racing, All American Racers (Eagle) no longer exist, McLaren does, alongside Ferrari and is one of the most successful Formula One manufacturers. Whilst some say what is so special about this attribute; making your own car and racing it? Well, no one else has done it. Then as a driver, he wins three World Drivers Championships and is still fourth in the historic world rankings. Did Sir Jack change Australia? He increased our self-confidence a bit; he made Repco a world renowned name, but largely no. What he did do, just for a couple of years, was to show that Australia could be the best in the world through our engineering skills. Sir Jack changed how some of the world viewed Australia. For a while, we were seen as the “clever country”. I just hope that in the future, someone like Sir Jack Brabham can step up on the world stage and show them how brilliant Australia intelligence and engineering can be!
Sir Jack Brabham driving with Son in Olston Park 1967
Denny Hulme and Sir Jack Brabham
CLUB NIGHT For the club night on Tuesday 9th July, the special guest speaker was Alan Stean (from Competition Tyres at Underwood competitiontyres.net.au) who gave a detailed presentation on Hankook’s new racing and performance street tyres. Alan spoke about various benefits of each of the new tyres – a new “R-compound” road tyre called the Ventus TD (Z221) and their new twin-groove track tyres called the Ventus Z214 that have been developed to compete against the similar Hoosier tyres used by many club members. Both tyres are available in a wide range of fittings suitable for Porsche’s, but it would be best to talk to Alan directly for more information and exact fitment requirements and prices.
By Sheldon Arkinstall
The Grand Prix de Pau Historique 11 & 12 May 2013
Pau (pronounced Poh) is located in southwestern France in the foothills of the French Pyrenees, a region known as the Pyrenees Atlantique. Pau held its first motor race in about 1901, but didn’t become a major event on the racing calendar until sometime in the 1930’s when its street circuit became famous for the duels between the teams of the day such as Bugatti, Delahaye, Bentley, MG and Mercedes. Its history and heritage in street circuit motor racing are second to none. Pau is one of the many street circuits that still exist in Europe, with the most well-known being Monaco. The Pau circuit winds and twists its way around part of the old town and through the Parc Beaumont. The main straight in front of the railway station is long and fast and the corners are tight and narrow. Despite its age and beginnings, it could have been tailor-made for the small and nimble Porsche 911, as well as a range of other small European sports racing cars that were designed for this very type of circuit, where lightweight, speed, handling and the ability to corner fast are all important.
Story and Photography by Stephen Callaghan
speeds on the straights, after which drivers are confronted with the need for heavy breaking before turning into the next corner. The beauty of street circuits is that they look and feel like proper roads, complete with all the hazards that public roads offer, such as kerbs, gutters, pedestrian crossings, cambers and traffic light junctions, obviously suitably protected and switched off for the occasion. Unlike purpose built race tracks, street circuits have a uniqueness that cannot be copied or emulated. They require a different driving style. The Historic Racing event is divided into a variety of categories depending on vintage and classes of cars. The categories include:
Trophee Phil Hill for Sixties Endurance Cars Trophee Argentin for Historic GP Cars pre 1961 Trophee de Pau for Historic GP cars pre 1966 Trophee de Pyrenees for Historic Formula Ford Trophee Legende for GP cars avant –guerre (pre war cars)
Car No 32 – 1965 Porsche 911 entering Pont Oscar corner
Entry to the Pits – Car No 32 the 1965 Porsche 911 The actual circuit has not changed much since the 1930’s, winding its way past the casino and the various statues in the Parc Beaumont, along past the railway station and below the old viaducts of the Boulevard des Pyrenees. The circuit is difficult, with some very complicated and tight corners, particularly the ‘Epingle du Lycee’ which must be one of the tightest hairpin corners on any motor racing circuit anywhere in the world. The circuit is about 2.8km long, with cars reaching very high
The FIA Lurani Trophy for Trophy Junior cars
Typical of most historic motor sport events access to the pits is generally easy so it’s possible to get up close to the cars and speak to the drivers and pit crew. Being mostly enthusiasts they are always keen to tell you about their cars and their experiences on the track.
The Pau eve two weekends and takes in the Historic Racing series The The Pau event is spread over two weekends and takes in the Historic Racing series on the first weekend with the Grand Prix de Pau on the second weekend. The second weekend is for more modern cars ncluding a race for the Porsche Carrera Cup France Series. I was there for the Historic Racing event which took place on Saturday May 11th and Sunday May 12th 2013. Much of the historic racing is devoted to vintage racing cars such as pre war Bugatti’s, Delahayes and BMW’s or open wheeler cars from the Fifties and Sixties. There were also marques such as ERA, Connaught, Maserati, Lotus, Cooper and Ferrari with some of the historic Formula Ford’s being early Nineties vintage. Many people come to Pau just to see rare and exotic cars race as they did many years ago. This year saw no fewer than thirteen vintage Bugatti’s competing against old Old adversaries Car No 70 The Swiss entered 1965 Porsche 911 challenging Car No 84 rivals from the 1930’s such as Delahaye and BMW. These old, but very the French entered 1965 Alfa Romeo 1600 GTA at Freinage de la Gare corner.
quick cars, with their skinny tires and virtually no driver protection, were built specifically for street circuits such as Pau and the entertainment the cars and their drivers provided was terrific.
In both of the one hour races, numerous battles for the lead took place between the AC Cobra’s, E Types and Porsche’s, with early sixties Porsche 911’s being the most popular weapon of choice. Small, nimble with great handling, particularly in the corners, these cars were well suited to the type of tight circuit racing required on this track and they continually harassed and challenged many of the much more powerful cars such as E types and Cobras.
One of the crowd’s favourites - Bugatti’s at the fast right hander at Virage de la Gare
The racing was full-on over the weekend, with events on Saturday commencing at 8.15am, with qualifying rounds of 25 minutes each (45 minutes for the endurance racers). The official racing program for the Sixties endurance racing cars, which had many Porsches in its lineup, commenced at 7.30pm on Saturday evening. Being Europe in late spring, darkness sets in well after 9.00pm. The beauty of Pau, as with many of the European street circuits, is that the track is close to the centre of the old town, so access to numerous restaurants and hotels is easy and convenient. You can finish watching the days racing by 8.30pm and be in a local restaurant with a good bottle of claret and a great meal by 9.30pm. It doesn’t get much better than that. One of the main attractions and one which included a big lineup of cars was the Sixties endurance cars. These had the longest race of the event, staged in two separate one hour races. As would be expected from anything in the Sixties, the lineup of cars included various Jaguar E types, AC Cobra’s, Austin Healey’s and Porsche 911’s, with Porsche being the most numerous marque in the event. Drivers and cars came from France, Great Britain, Belgium, Portugal, the US, Switzerland, Libya and Argentina.
Car No 16 the French entered 1965 Porsche 911 lapping Car No 81 the French entered 1963 Triumph Spitfire on the back uphill straight at Montee Bonaparte One of the many exotic and very rare entrants in the Sixties Endurance race was the stunningly beautiful 1963 Drogo bodied Ferrari 250 GT. Not the type of car you usually see parked down at the local shopping centre.
Out of a total of about thirty five cars, seven were Porsche 911’s. As with all motor racing to finish first, first you have to finish and the Porsche’s demonstrated good reliability and tenacity over some of the other marques in the event.
Car No 75 the 1963 Ferrari 250 GT Drogo Overall, The Grand Prix de Pau Historique event was a great spectacle of rare and exotic cars, both on and off the track. It is held in a great location and provides a chance to see some first class European historic racing at very close quarters. So if you happen to be in Europe in the vicinity of Pau during May, then this event is a must see. Full details can be obtained from the Pau Grand Prix website and tickets can be purchased on line for a reasonable cost.
62 E type Jaguar being pursued into Freinage de la Gare by cars No 16 and No 70 both 1965 Porsche 911’s
An alternative is to put your own historic Porsche into a container and ship it over to Europe and join some of the other Australians who do this sort of thing with a variety of cars each year.
Porsche celebrates 50 years of 911 w tion model
Australia. Porsche is celebrating 50 years of 911 with a special exclusive limited edition model based on the Carrera S to be unveiled at the International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt on September 12. Like the original 911, the 911 50th Anniversary Edition is a coupĂŠ with a flat-six rear engine and rear wheel drive; although the anniversary 911 features the wider body normally reserved for the all-wheel drive Carrera
4. This special edition will be limited to 1963 cars, a number that represents the year of the 911 world premiere. A limited number of the 911 50th Anniversary Edition will make their way to Australia, arriving just before the end of the year, priced from $270,100. Indeed, it was at the IAA in Frankfurt in 1963 that Porsche presented the original model to the public, initially
as the type 901. Since then the 911 has evolved without interruption. In the process, the unique character of the 911 has been preserved and its DNA stamped on all Porsche models. This limited edition of the 294 kW (400 hp) 911 Carrera S incorporates key elements that have defined the 911 through its 50 year evolution: for example, Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) with special tuning to complement the
This is repeated in three colour embroidery on the headrest and in two colours as a logo on the tachometer and the aluminium door sill plates. The symbol is also on the cup holder panel together with the limited edition number of each car. Other exterior features include high-gloss window frames and aerodynamic sport design exterior mirrors on the door panels. Tributes to the original 911 exist in the interior as well: green labelling on the instruments with white pointer needles and silver caps on the instrument pivot pins, just like 50 years ago. Another special feature is the centre panels of the leather seats, which are designed with a fabric pattern reminiscent of the “Pepita” tartan design from the 1960s. The full-leather interior is designed in agate grey or black with decorative stitching, some in contrasting colour. The driver and front passenger experience typical 911 driving comfort with 14-way sport seats or optional 18-way sport seats plus. The gear shift or selector lever – which matches the decorative panels on the dashboard, doors and centre console in brushed aluminium – comes from Porsche Exclusive. The 911 50th Anniversary Edition sprints from zero to 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds (4.3 with PDK) and can reach a top speed of 300 km/h (298 with PDK). The car’s NEDC combined fuel consumption is 9.5 L/100 kms (8.7 with PDK), which equates to CO2 emissions of 224 g/km (205 with PDK). Press release from Porsche Cars Australia
new model’s increased track width and exceptional cornering dynamics; sports exhaust system for a truly fitting emotional sound; special 20-inch wheels which are a visual tribute to the legendary “Fuchs” wheels finished in matte black with machine-polished centres. Furthermore, chrome trim strips on the front air inlets, the fins of the engine compartment grille and the panel between the rear lights add to the distinctive appearance of this limited edition model. Another
technical highlight of the car’s equipment is the Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS) with bi-xenon headlights and dynamic cornering lights. Two unique colours are available for the anniversary 911, a darker graphite grey and a lighter geyser grey metallic. Black monochrome is also available. Each of the cars has a two-tone 3D-effect badge on the rear lid with the numbers “911 50”.
Drive Day
King Ludwigs Maleny
Story and Photos by Anthony and Marc Gerada
The weather-gods were kind to us, after inclement weather for a long string of days, a clear and glorious day was rolled out seemingly just for PCQ’s drive and Christmas in July celebration. We gathered at the Aspley Coffee Club from around 9.30am and after a quick coffee, we were on our way and heading northwards towards Nambour on a scenic 126 kilometre run to King Ludwigs German Restaurant in Malaney. The group consisted of 27 people and about 13 cars. King Ludwigs is in a beautiful, hilly setting with spectacular views over the Beerburrum State Forest, the Glass House Mountains and out to Moreton Bay. We were treated to sumptuous home-made, three-course German meal which included soup, alternatively served roast pork and veal medallions
with beer gravy and bread dumplings. Dessert consisted of berry-filled pastry and apple strudel, served with ice-cream, cream or custard. Kids had Frankfurt sausages and bread crumbed Wienerschnitzel. A good selection of German beers and wines were available to accompany the meals. A few well German dress running the efficiency for
trained Fräuleins in traditional made short work of table service, show with the precision and which the Germans are famous.
The King Ludwigs musicians entertained us throughout our stay. They including two accordion players and a cowbell ringer, all appropriately dressed in lederhosen and dirndl-style dresses. Our host played the tuned cowbells or Almglocken, also known as Alpine Bells. They do sound much better as one gets more intoxicated.
We were led to a few Bavarian-style party games and everyone had a chance at playing the fool by way of playing an instrument, being part of pass-the-hat circle or doing the chicken dance, all in German style. The audience participation was excellent, everybody got involved willingly and the mood was great. New friendships were made, existing friendships strengthened and the cars had a good stretch of legs over a combination of highway and winding hilly roads. Many spent the rest of the day in the Maleny area, while a few stayed overnight to enjoy one of the finest retreat areas in Queensland. Many thanks to Donna and the social events organisers for an experience that won’t be forgotten in a hurry.
Carrera Cup
prepares for next generation racer
Porsche’s latest incarnation of the world’s most successful race car, the 911 GT3 Cup, is now available to order for the 2014 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia championship. A limited number of the purpose-built race car is destined for Australian shores to be exclusively raced in the Australian one-make sports car championship in 2014. All current Participation Agreement holders were given the first look at the new GT3 Cup car at Porsche Rennsport Australia and now have first right until July 1st 2013, to secure one of the new race cars. Post July 1st, the new 911 GT3 Cup cars will be offered to existing Porsche clients who have previously expressed an interest in entering the Carrera Cup ranks. Pending availability, potential new competitors to the championship can then secure any remaining cars for the 2014 Carrera Cup season as of August 1st, 2013. The all-new 911 racer will be delivered to respective buyers at a fourday hand over event in early 2014, consisting of two days of compulsory Teams technical training followed by two days of compulsory on-track testing. The new Porsche 911 GT3 Cup cars are priced at €171,600 (ex-Factory) plus freight, spare parts packages, duties and taxes. Porsche Cars Australia Motorsport Manager Jamey Blaikie is pleased with the initial interest in the new generation 911 GT3 Cup car and is looking forward to rolling out the latest Carrera Cup machine to the Australian market. “The demand for this car in the market is strong and will continue to be until we sell the final available car ahead of the 2014 season,” said Blaikie. “Buying a new 911 GT3 Cup doesn’t only secure you a brilliant race car. The purchase of each GT3 Cup from Porsche Cars Australia is coupled with the added value of securing the ability to enter the 2014 Carrera Cup season, which cannot be purchased separately.”
“Importantly, demand for the GT3 Cup cars currently racing in Carrera Cup has remained comparatively strong. With GT3 Cup Challenge and Porsche enthusiasts providing a steady marketplace, some of the current generation cars are being sold for as high as $150,000.” With over 2,400 units sold worldwide since 1998, the 911 GT3 Cup is the world’s most successful race car, with the new model to become the fourth generation GT3 Cup car to be introduced into the Carrera Cup Australia championship since its 2003 inception.
Press release from Porsche Cars Australia
Summary of Technical Specifications: Concept – Single-seated, purpose-built race car – Based on the 911 GT3 Bodywork – Lightweight bodywork with aluminium-steel composite construction – Welded-in roll cage Engine – Aluminium six-cylinder rear-mounted boxer engine – 3,800 cc; stroke 76.4 mm; bore 102.7 mm – Max. power: 338 kW (460 hp) at 7,500 rpm – Max. rpm: 8,500 rpm Transmission – Porsche six-speed sequential dog-type gearbox – Internal pressure-oil lubrication with active oil cooling – Limited slip differential – Triple-disc sintered metal race clutch – Pneumatic paddle shift system Suspension Front axle: – McPherson suspension strut, adjustable in height, wheel camber and track Rear axle: – Multilink rear suspension, adjustable in height, wheel camber and track Brake System Two independent brake circuits for front and rear axle, adjustable by the driver via brake balance system Front axle: – Aluminium six-piston racing callipers in monobloc design – Multi-piece steel brake discs; internally vented and slotted, 380 mm diameter Rear axle: – Aluminium four-piston racing callipers in monobloc design – Multi-piece steel brake discs; internally vented and slotted, 380 mm diameter Rims and Tyres Front axle: – Single-piece Porsche Design light-alloy rims with centre lock, 10.5J x 18 ET 28 Rear axle: – Single-piece Porsche Design light-alloy rims with centre lock, 12J x 18 ET 53 Weight – Approximately 1,175 kg
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Shannons 2 Days of Thunder Round 5 Story and Photos by Richard Walker This year at the 2 Days of Thunder, championship points were once again hotly contested, with competitors harnessing the red mist and putting it to good use. With torrential rain and storms for the week leading up to the 5th round of the year, it was great to see the sun come out on the Saturday morning after a heavy fog blanketed the sunrise. It was one of the best weather weekends we have had all year. Each year I look forward to this event, as it showcases the love of muscle cars and exemplifies racing in a friendly and positive way, with other like-minded car enthusiasts. It was exciting for our club, PCQ, to be able to share this passion with other heavy punchers of the motor racing world. The Porsche 956, GT3 RS, the GT3 Cup Car, the Turbo 944 and the 911 old school were able to show the rest of the pack how it’s done, with some outstanding lap times that punched well above their weight. I really like this event, it has great atmosphere and draws a big crowd. Spectators are treated to a view of the whole track, so none of the action and excitement is missed. It’s a great track, safer for new drivers as there is good run off and corners with lots of grass. Even the best seasoned driver winning all their races for the weekend, use this safety buffer to take full advantage of their Porsche as a ride on mower, just ask Wayne… If you are time poor like the rest of us, with work and family commitments and can only attend one race event on the calendar, then this meet is the one for you. This year PCQ members were not limited to sprints, as at other club events. The need for speed drivers had the opportunity to join in the Porsche Invitational Circuit Racing, Sports Cars or Regularity. For those that don’t want to race, a show and shine or trip around the track with friends for a happy lap at a more comfortable pace
Jeff Neale preparing the GT3 for Action
is also available. And for those who like trophies in their cabinet at home, you only have to race for the weekend to add to your collection, normally you have to race in a series for the whole year. The distinguished visually impaired driver’s comments on the night drive included, “Thanks for that, now let’s not ever do that again.” The junior drivers however, who must eat a lot of carrots said “that it was really scary with ghost cars in the mirrors.” This is when cars and the track lighting are seen in the mirror and move across the face of your mirror as you turn a corner. The depth perception is lost and you can’t tell how far a car is behind you, or if it is a stationary track light. Some of the younger drivers really enjoyed the night drive and were doing PB’s (personal best times). Most track days start with an early morning; up at 4am, hook up the trailer or load the last things in the car before heading out. Breakfast is a cup of coffee at the roadhouse and for the lucky ones; someone special cooks breakfast, makes them a cut lunch with little treats, just ask Rod. When you get to the track it’s car unloading, driver’s signin, prep the car for the day, check tyre pressures, fit timing transponders and for those looking for that allusive one second swap tyres. As you know, Porsches don’t require too many changes to set up for the track. The transition from road to track is fairly minimal. If inclined you can get carried away and change brake pads from soft spongy road pads to hard sharp racing pads, as this can reduce the amount of heat build-up in the brake callipers and prevent brake fade. If you want to get really carried away, the torsion bars can be adjusted from soft to hard by changing a couple of bolts. Most of us just change the tyres from road spec to slicks and we all know that the most cost-effective and
best set-up to improve the car’s performance is to tighten the loose nut behind the wheel. The track had a week’s worth of rain, so it was pretty clean. This made the surface of the track slippery for the first couple of runs of the day until some rubber was laid down. This means that rubber from the hot slicks is peeled from the tyres and fills the voids in the bitumen between the small stones, improving the grip surface. We were lucky that the big block Chevy’s did a pretty good job of this for us. With cold air temperature the Porsche turbo’s came into their own, the cold air giving the engines more zoom (zoom = mechanical engineers technical term). The day panned out with the following: 7.00am: 8.00am: 9.00am: 9:30am: 11:20am: 12:30pm: 3.00pm: 4.00pm: 4.45pm:
Scrutineering Circuit Driver’s briefing Circuit Driver’s qualifying Sports car regularity The first round for the Porsche Invitational First round of the sports regularity Porsche invitational second round Sports Car regularity PCQ sprints
The PCQ sprints ran off into the night. A big moon watched over the drivers, while Ian and Ian had the BBQ ready, sizzling up those famous tasty Gotzinger sausages. The three race sessions on Saturday meant that Porsche was represented on the track for 5 hours, with 70 minutes for the Porsche invitational, 90 minutes for the sports car regularity and 2 hours for the PCQ sprints. The night sprints had six sessions that were broken into two groups.
A keen young spectator overlooking Russ Kempnich’s 956
Chris Matters
Greg “Varmit” Turnham
William Holzheimer
Steve Cooper
Antony van der Drift
Bill Black
Rod McCray
Russell Kempnich
Brett Wentworth
Simon Livingstone
Gary Taber
Emily Cooper
Tim Tritton
Don Munro
David Dodds
David Kempnich
David Yould
Having a great day!
A morning session on Sunday saw an early finish for the Porsche Club Sprints, with Porsche Centre Brisbane kindly donating their time to cook another delicious selection of Gotzinger gourmet sausages. For those of you who weren’t there on the day, yes we do race, we don’t just sit around eating sausages all day. Results for the event were as follows: 2012 open class championship award winning family the Holzheimer’s had their work cut out this weekend taking out Third place in Open class, with the Kempnich father and son team taking out First place in the Porsche invitational and first place in E class. The Cooper’s father and daughter team took out first place in run group 2 and the Croydon’s father and son team pulled a third in juniors. The class winners of the day can be seen below: Open Class Porsche Invitational 1st 2nd 3rd A1 Class 1st 2nd 3rd A2 Class 1St 2nd 3rd A3 Class 1st 2nd 3rd B Class 1st 2nd C Class 1st 2nd 3rd D Class 1st 2nd 3rd E Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Rob Annett Wayne Henning Russell Kempnich William Holzheimer
1:15:124 1:15:139 1:15:740
Brett Wentworth Chris Matters Jeff Neale
01:16.273 01:18.415 01:23.751
Greg Turnham John Schilling Gavin Bradford
01:20.363 01:21.671 01:22.385
Tim Tritton Craig Woodman Ian Gall
01:21.224 01:26.723 01:33.835
Antony Van Der Drift Don Munro
01:23.821 01:26.305
Bill Black Ross Kennedy David Dodds
01:23.930 01:26.833 01:30.242
Gary Taber Simon Livingstone Rod McCray
01:27.053 01:27.842 01:31.012
David Kempnich Anthony Thompson David Yould
01:28.217 01:38.896 01:40.424
Rod McCray
Russ Kempnich
As you all know, a good track meet doesn’t just happen; a lot of hard work goes into making it run as smoothly as possible. A big thank-you must go to all that helped out. The little things that you all do as a club, make a big difference. Thanks to Jeff Neale for organising the weekend and to Rod and Eric for tallying trophy points. A special thanks goes out to Jim Richards for generously sparing time to present PCQ track sprint trophies and to John Tetley for presenting trophies to Porsche Invitational Winners. To top off a fabulous day at the track, Porsche Centre Brisbane outdid themselves by displaying some of their show room cars, including Panamara, Cayenne, Porsche 991 and the new Boxster. They also supplied lucky door prizes for everyone that entered for the weekend. Revolution Race gear also donated prizes to the drivers and just when you think nothing else could top this, Racer Industries also donated prizes to the PCQ members that raced on the weekend. Some individual prices were valued at $300. So with all the prizes and trophies handed out to the lucky ones it was pack up and off home.
John Needham
I would like to thank all the drivers, pit crews and their families that came out to support Porsche Club Queensland on a fantastic weekend. Richard Walker Motor Sport Director
Ben Croyden
Webber to Contest Le Mans for Porsche in 2014 Australian Formula 1 driver Mark Webber has signed a multi-year contract with Porsche, that will see him compete in Porsche’s new LMP1 sports prototype at the Le Mans 24 Hours and in the sports car World Endurance Championship WEC in 2014. The 36-year-old Australian has already raced at Le Mans twice. In 1998 he finished runner-up in the FIA GT Championship at the wheel of a sports prototype. Over the course of his Formula 1 career from 2002 until today, Webber has achieved 36 podium places, nine race victories and has started from pole position 11 times. “It’s an honour for me to join Porsche at its return to the top category in Le Mans and in the sports car World Endurance Championship and be part of the team,” says Mark Webber. “Porsche
has written racing history as a manufacturer and stands for outstanding technology and performance at the highest level. I’m very much looking forward to this new challenge after my time in Formula 1. Porsche will undoubtedly set itself very high goals. I can hardly wait to pilot one of the fastest sports cars in the world.” “I’m very pleased to have secured Mark Webber for our LMP1 project as one of the best and most successful Formula 1 pilots of our time,” says Wolfgang Hatz, Member for Research and Development at Porsche AG. “Mark is without doubt one of the world’s best race drivers, he has experience at the Le Mans 24 hour race and on top of that he’s been a Porsche enthusiast for many years.” “I learned to appreciate Mark’s qualities
when we were both involved in Formula 1,” says Fritz Enzinger, Head of LMP1 at Porsche. “He is one of the best pilots I could imagine for our team. I’m absolutely delighted that we have such an experienced and fast regular driver on board from 2014.” Competing in the new LMP1 car alongside Mark Webber are the two long-standing Porsche works drivers Timo Bernhard (Germany) and Romain Dumas (France), as well as the exFormula 1 test driver Neel Jani (Switzerland). Bernhard and Dumas already joined forces in 2010 to bring home overall victory from the Le Mans 24 hour race. In the years 2007 and 2008, they secured the American Le Mans Series title at the wheel of the RS Spyder LMP2 sports prototype. Neel Jani has contested the LMP1 class since 2010.
Mark with his personal transport 997 GT2
Mark’s new work transport LMP1 Sports Prototype
New Porsche Le Mans LMP1 Sports Prototype The new Porsche LMP1 sports prototype, which will compete in the sports car World Endurance Championship (WEC) and in the 24 Hours of Le Mans from 2014, successfully completed its first rollout on the Porsche test track in Weissach in June. Before the eyes of board members of Porsche AG, Porsche works driver Timo Bernhard took his new ‘wheels’ through its initial function check. The LMP1 racer turned its first laps on the circuit several weeks earlier than originally planned. “We are well on schedule,” says Fritz Enzinger, Head of LMP1. “Our newly formed team has worked with utmost concentration on getting this highly complex vehicle on the track as soon as possible. This allows us a few additional weeks for more testing and further development. “From 2014, the regulations are primarily based on efficiency. This makes the competition amongst engineers more interesting and
presents us with completely new challenges.” Since the decision in mid-2011 to return with the LMP1 racer to top motorsport as a works effort, the Motorsport Centre at Weissach has grown significantly. A workshop and an administration building were built and accommodate around 200 employees who are responsible for the design, assembly and deployment of the LMP1 car. From the 2014 season, the racer will be fielded by a Weissach-based works squad. “I was involved in the development of the new car right from the outset,” says Porsche works driver Timo Bernhard. “I’m very proud that I was the one to take our baby through its first paces today. Already now the car feels great. I look forward to testing the vehicle in the coming weeks and months with my friend and colleague Romain Dumas.” Bernhard (32) and Dumas (35) are the
first two appointed drivers in the LMP1 project and will carry out the majority of testing on various international circuits. “During the development of our new LMP1 vehicle, we faced the same challenge as in the series production development of our road cars,” says Wolfgang Hatz, Board Member for Research and Development at Porsche AG. “Our aim was to achieve the best possible efficiency without compromising performance.” Matthias Müller, Chairman of the Executive Board at Porsche AG, particularly emphasises the benefits customers will enjoy from the development of the high-tech race car. “The engineers were able to start with a blank sheet of paper in the design of the new LMP1 car. Hence, they were able to apply many new technologies within the framework of the regulations that will also benefit the customers of our road cars in the future. After all, there’s a race car in every Porsche.”
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In this years wrap up article I allow myself a little retrospective look over the last few years of this event. From its beginnings under the stewardship of Terry Webster and myself at Southbank back in 2007, (yes that’s 7 events ago) to the almost clockwork operation at Ormiston House, where the event has matured into an event with something for everyone. In the initial Southbank days we were very focussed on getting the judging into a balanced level that would withstand scrutiny. (Let’s face it I only took the event on, as my car didn’t win back in 2006, no matter how much I offered the judges!) Then as the years have progressed, we have tweaked the formulas and fine-tuned the judging techniques so that an exceptionally prepared older car can beat a new car. Interestingly Tony Van der Drift and Merry Sparks have placed
themselves in an interesting position for next year, competition-wise, with Tony beating Merry in 2012 and then Merry coming back for the win this year, what’s Tony’s plan for 2014? or will someone sneak in from left field (yes Wes I am looking at you !) For those of you who are reading this, having never competed, you are definitely missing out. We have moved from giving extra points for Mileage, Vehicle Age, and even a point for having a Porsche Club Sticker, to a truly level playing ground. We have removed the entire engine judging category, and trimmed the under body jobs, in order to complete the judging, with the judges who step forward to assist, in the time allowed. It’s a credit to the judges (this year: Stan Adler, Sheldon Arkinstall, Brian Dore, Bob Gray, Ken Hill, John Kahler, Kent Kieseker, Michael Paine, Ian Preston, Wayne Robinson, Terry
Story by Tim Place
Webster, and Craig Willet), that they can, in the limited time they have, get around all the cars and produce a consistent set of results. The small reward of a hat or a t-shirt seems insufficient for the effort they put in on the day, so my personal thanks goes out to you thanks. This year’s event showed a surge in the people who just came out with their friend’s, to park their cars for display, and enjoy the Queensland sunshine, some pleasant conversation with a beverage of choice. A fact I was very happy with, as sometimes our cars (mine included) spend more time in the garage than out and about, providing enjoyment for their owners and the general public. This year we had 27 cars to be judged and about 70 in total - so more came for a look than competed, perhaps they were just taking notes for next year?, or maybe just enjoying the social interaction and a relaxing day by the bay.
Grant Sparks
Merry Sparks
Wayne Robinson
The last few years we have held the event at Ormiston House, Wellington Point, as they provide the grounds at no cost (Southbank was charging us a fee to use the grounds), allowing the club to put the entry fees back into the event. Ormiston House makes a little money off the gate fees, and that’s nice to be helping out the community, they had 300+ people through the gates this year. Thanks needs to go out to “Bowdens Own” for providing the prizes for the event, as they have done at every event since 2007, It was especially generous, as the 2012 Concours was held so recently (September 2012). It was great to see so many people out and about this year, I even had time for a sandwich and a chat with some of them at the end of the day, when the presentations had been completed and the pressure (for me) was off. So if you are considering coming along next
year, just do it, it’s a great day out! For the competitors I appreciate the serious amount of work that went on before the day, and I sympathise with those of you that contacted me after the event, to let me know that you couldn’t complete due to health or mechanical issues. The day of the event always throws up events from left field, I remember chatting with Bob Gray early in the day saying “You are the only entrant here in the 944/ 968 class Bob, looks like you have won a trophy”, and then Rod Bickerton arrived in his 944, “you have some competition Bob”, and then in drives Wes Wall in his 944, “serious competition now Bob!”. I seriously expected any minute that Peter Ritter would arrive in his almost showroom 924, but unfortunately Peter suffered a mechanical failure on the way to the event and was unable to compete.
Stan Adler
Wes Wall
Here’s a certain future Porsche owner. James Kemp, who had a great day at the concours. James is such a huge Porsche fan that he has over 2,000 pictures of Porsches on his phone! I bet he got to add plenty of new material.
Two classes were won un-challenged, but the entrants were not to know that, and prepared their cars in readiness of competition. So if you have a Cayenne or a 928 you let these trophies be won without a fight!!! Here is the list of the classes and placing’s, congratulations to all, your cars are a credit to you.
Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class
Class 356 924.944.968 928 911.912 65-73 911.930 74-89 964.993 89-98 996.997 98-08 Boxster.Cayman Cayenne Racecar
1st Place Anthony van der Drift Wes Wall Terry Webster Andrew Hurst John Forson Mal Fraser Merry Sparks David Sharam Kent Kiesker Stan Adler
2nd Place John (Jack) Whittaker Bob Gray S Cameron Alistair Walker Ken Hill Wayne Robinson Ian Preston Rod McCray
It was nice to see the race cars out on display, each with their own points of difference, Rods display of Targa trophies was a nice touch, let’s see a few more (trophies and race cars) next year! The visit by a Carrera GT was a nice addition to the day, and certainly sparked of a vast amount of photos, you never know what will come out of hiding on days like this! In the past we have had a 959, several well-known Race cars, and a Spyder all from club members; stay tuned for something special for next year!! John Kahler took video footage of the day, and edited it into a professional documentary, which we played at the last club night. Check the website, as this footage will be going up onto the web in all its HD glory – thanks John. I’m looking forward to next year’s event – keep an eye on the website for the events in June 2014, and let me know if you can help out on the day, training is provided and it’s a nice way to meet some club members. Video footage courtesy of John Kahler available at: http://youtu.be/ppu6tndToVQ
Rennsport Concours Story: John Forson
Photos: Allan Carseldine
It all began with the PCQ Concours in September 2012. Luck was on my side and I won my class with our 1982 Slate Blue Metallic 911 Turbo. Having also won “Best European” car in the Shannons 2012 and the Leyburn Sprint “Show and Shine” a month earlier, I felt I was on a roll and decided to go for broke and enter the Rennsport Concours, held in Sydney on 25-26 May. The decision to enter was the easy part. Given that this was going to be a national event, I felt that it might be a bit more serious than our PCQ Concours, but as no judging guidelines were provided by PCA, I was ‘flying blind’ as to where my energies should be spent in further preparing my car for the big day. Tim Place gave me some helpful guidance, particularly in relation to the fact that the engine bay and underside of the car would be included in the inspection – at this point, I realised that I needed to do a bit more work than I’d initially thought and so began my more intimate relationship with the undercarriage of my beloved 930… With the car up on jacks and wheels removed, I began what was to be the first of many evenings spent lying on the garage floor! Having been used as a road car for the past 30 years, the vehicle’s nether regions required some extensive cleaning to bring it up to the required level. Likewise, the engine and engine bay were given a very detailed “detail”… I began to see shiny oil lines in my sleep! To cut a long story short, some five months later, I believed that the car was close to being to where I felt comfortable in displaying it at a national level. This confidence wavered somewhat once I was advised by Rennsport organisers that, as I had previously won my class in the PCQ Concours, I would be competing in the Master Class at Rennsport! Early on in the preparations, the question of transportation to the event was raised. As fine weather could not be relied upon for the journey to Sydney, it was decided that a fully enclosed car trailer was required. Much research was undertaken, with the end result being the purchase of a custom built car trailer with metal nose cone and metal frame. A fully enclosed vinyl cover was added, complete with zippered doors to allow easy access to tie down points and to also allow for the doors to be fully opened on both sides. Gleaming inside and out, the 930 was loaded onto said trailer and it was off to Sydney! Enter RIM Racing, AKA Ross Goldsmith, Ian Ryan and
Michael Leu. While not seen in public together for some time, it was decided that for such an auspicious occasion, a reunion of the “Rat Pack” was in order. Ross accompanied Ian in his Cayenne, while Ian’s friend and car photographer, Allan Carseldine, kept me company in the Audi. Michael flew down and met us at Eastern Creek on the Friday. All were on hand early Saturday morning (including Tom and Glen, sons of Ian and Allan) to witness the great unveiling and off-loading of the 930 in the car park of the Chifley’s motel. Once the car was positioned in the Concours display area, it was left up to the judges to do their job. Ian Preston’s beautiful yellow Boxster lined up alongside the 930 and five other entries. There were also well over a hundred cars entered into the Show and Shine section of the event. The announcement of the winners and place getters was made around 2.00pm on Saturday - I stood on the podium, proudly holding my 3rd place trophy, feeling all the hard work had been well and truly worth the experience. I would like at this point thank my wife Sue, for putting up with the many hours I had spent with my “mistress” in the garage over the previous few months, as well as her assistance and eye for detail with some of the finer points. Also a special thanks to Allan Carseldine for some of the photos used in this article. It was also very pleasing to see the great number of Queenslanders present in both the display and racing events at Rennsport 2013. Everyone I spoke with enjoyed the event greatly. The one disappointment was the inclement weather leading up to the event, with the result that the Concours display was positioned well away from the main motorsport area and so not noticed by many attendees. As to my next event? I have decided to rest on my laurels……having since added to the trophy cabinet with another PCQ Concours 2013 class win, I have now retired from the show circuit and am content to be driving a very clean 930, just as the good Dr Porsche intended it should be.
2013 Championship Points 7/29/13
Car No
2013 Championship Points - Porsche Club Queensland
997 GT3 Cup 997 GT3 Cup 996 GT3 Cup 997 GT3 Cup 996 GT3 Cup 997 GT3 Cup Car 956 Group C 997 GT3 Cup 997 Cup 997 GT3 Cup Car 996 GT3 Cup 996 gt3 cup 996 gt3 cup 944 S2 GT3 Cup GT3 Cup 996 Gt3 cup car 996 GT3Cup
3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 2,8 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,0 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6
2006 2006 2004 2008 2004 2005 1985 #NV
Open Open Open Open Open Open
24 154 4 4 8 81 69 47 54
William Holzheimer David Holzheimer Charles Holzheimer Grant Sparks Thomas Holzheimer Darren Hennig Russell Kempnic h Wayne Hennig Russell Kempnich Rockie Whitbread John Needham Dean Croyden Ben Croyden Steve Adams Phillip Holzberger Steve Cooper Ric hard w alker Trevor Needham
2004 2003
Open Open
34 124 555 94 111 69
Brett Wentw orth Des Pearce Jef f Neale Robert Annett Chris Matters Steve Cooper
930 turbo 997 GT2 997 GT3 997 GT3RS 997 GT3 RS 993 GT2
3,4 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6
1977 2008 2007 2007
A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1
17 19 168 3 666 50 9
Greg Turnham Gavin Bradf ord Emily Cooper Jim Schilling David Tilbury Kevin Johnson Stan Adler
911 sc 996 GT3 993 GT2 996 gt 3 rs 911 GT3 996 GT3 RS 996 GT3
3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6
1979 2000 1975 2004 1999 2004
A2 A2 A2
19 21 15
151 308 43 50 968 75 478 403
Tim Tritton sven koremans Larry McFarlane Kevin Johnson Craig Woodman John Walker Adam Krauel Ian Gall
911 carrera 996 turbo 911 911E 996 gt3 rs 968 911 T 996 Turbo 911
3,6 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,0 3,6 3,6 3,6
1974 2000 1972 2004
A3 A3 A3 A3 A3
1971 2001
A3 A3 A3
53 9 128 555 233
Anthony Van Der Drif t Stan Adler Don Munro Jef f Neale Hoa cheng Sven Sorensen Alan Bell
964 C2 911 carrera 911 911 911 carerra Cayman S 997S 930 Turbo
3,6 2,7 3,6 3,6 3,4
1989 1975 1974 2009 2007
19 21
Terrance Kehoe Grace Sorensen
996 carrera 997S
78 5 210 331 7 130 25 111 207
Bill Black Ross Kennedy Eric Van Dyk Simon Cilento Philip David Heydenr Alan Bell David Dodds Chris Matters Chris Low e
911 911 Carrera 944 S2 911 SC 996 Carerra 930 Turbo 911 987 Boxster S 996 C2
2,7 3,2 3,0 3,6 3,4 3,3 3,2 3,2 3,4
2006 1999
95 536 46 257 175 75 229 996 59 333
Gary Taber Phil Brook Simon Livingstone Rod McCray Eckhard Schw arting Eckhard Schw arting Ronnie Slebos Athol White Matthew Moorhead JAMES DUNSTER
944 Turbo 911 911 911 Sc 911 SC 911 Carrera 911 Carrera 987 Cayman standar 911 COUPE 996 C4S 928 S4
2,5 3,2 3,2 3,0 3,2 3,2 2,7 3,2 3,6 5,0
1986 1977 1974 1981 1989 1989 2007 1974 2003 1987
166 66 22 44 122 6 12 10 41
130 175
2007 2003 2004 2004 1991
1969 1985 1989 1979 1999 1988
Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open #NV
A2 A2 A2 A2
Round 1 LS 19 17 15
Round 4 MK
Round 5 QR 17 12 15
9 21 19 19 17 8,5 7,5 6,5
8 8 7
11 11 10 10 5,5 21 17
21 19 17 15
21 19
22 17 15 19
17 20 17 13 19 11
17 19 17
17 15 10,5 17
21 19
22 16
19 19 19 17 17 19 21
19 21 17
20 18
18 16
15 17 16 15
21 15 19 13
Round 3 QR 15 11 13
13 21
Round 2 MP
21 17 19 15 13
20 18 16 14 12
22 18
17 17 16 11 21
20 19 18
21 19 17
12 7,5
18 16
20 18 17
17 15 15 14 10,5
51 46 40 35 22 21 21 19 19 17 16,5 15,5 13,5 11 11 10 10 5,5 83 36 34 30 19 36 81 57 45 38 28 17 14 53,5 52 19 19 19 17 17 17 95 81 33 32 17 16 15 15 14
14 20 16 20
Total Points
104 84 74 42 25 17 17 16 11 100 54 53 48 27,5 17 15 15 14 10,5
RENNSPORT AUSTRALIA Regularity Disvison 1 For those of us without the necessary license, log book or budget, it was regularity not racing. But nowhere in the regularity hand book does it say that one must drive slowly, nor does it say anything about not dicing or even the ‘red mist’. It’s all about lap times; some might say consistency, for others, the quicker the better. The 105 regularity cars that entered at Rennsport were divided into three groups, roughly based on age of car. All Division 1 cars were 356’s and 911’s with the pre-1974 ‘steel bumper’ look. Surprisingly, no 912’s or 914’s were present. Division 2 catered for cars from 1974 to about 1997 and Division 3 from 1998 through to the present. Of the 24 competitors in Division 1, there were four PCQ members; Rob Annett (1968 911 2.0), Chris Thompson (1972 911 with 2.7 transplant), Simon Livingstone (1974 911 ST look-a-like with a 3.2) and myself (1969 911 2.7). Even though it was a celebration for the 911 turning 50, there were eleven 356’s on track, something unseen at PCQ events. In the lineup was Kevin Nicol (PCA) driving the museum owned 1959 356 Carrera GT. Many of the 356’s were “outlaws”, including Stewart Webster’s with a 2.8 litre 911 engine and Neil Kelly’s with a 2.7. The remaining cars were all 911’s. Although there was no shortage of duck tails, I think the only genuine ’73 2.7 RS belonged to PCNSW member Byram Johnston. A car you definitely didn’t want to have a coming together with. There were two “ST” look-a-likes, Simon’s and Russell Norden’s immaculate early 911 with a 993 3.6 litre Varioram shoe-horned into the engine bay. Also, a few of the early 911’s had received the “R” makeover, with Lucas tail lights straight off a 1960’s box trailer.
My trepidation about driving Eastern Creek for the first time was not helped by Division 1 drawing the short straw and being the first group on the track, which was still wet from the previous day’s rain. Wet track, cold tyres and not knowing which way the circuit went was only made worse by being passed on the “warm up” lap by Ron Goodman’s 356, shod with what looked like 5.60 x 15 Olympic Air Rides! The car spent more time sideways with enough opposite lock and car control to win any drift competition. Practice lap times weren’t all that good, but we did dry the track out for the following groups. We had only one hour after practice in which to nominate a regularity lap time. Always a difficult task on a track you haven’t driven before and even harder when your only times were on a wet track. Simon (Livingstone) and I nominated a lap time 10 seconds less than our quickest practice lap, based on the theory of 5 seconds quicker for a dry track and another 5 seconds after “learning” the track. Talk about a lucky guess, as we fluked a first and second in the first regularity run, which must have pissed off the locals. As we were unable to change our nominated time during the week end, for some of us our regularity results suffered badly as we got to know the track better and our lap times dropped. But I don’t know anyone who would swap a fast lap time for a good regularity result. Unofficially, I think PCNSW member Graeme Evans (1970 911 2.7) won the regularity with a total of only 228 points from the 3 runs. Rob Annett amassed 1046 points, Chris Thompson 915, Simon Livingstone 593 and myself 500 points. Congratulations to Porsche Cars Australia for putting on a fantastic event, at a great track with an impressive collection of Porsche exotica.
Story by Bill Black
Also, thank you to the organisers, officials (Stan might disagree) and volunteers. Special thanks also go to Exclusive Body Werks for sponsoring our group. Highlight on the track? The final run on Sunday where I had a great 7-lap dice with PCNSW’s Russell Norden in his 1970 3.6 911. Spectator highlight? Watching Russ, who qualified the 956 on pole, then showed mechanical sympathy by starting from the back of the grid to save the rare and expensive drive train parts from a standing start. Russ carved his way through the field to finish second, needing only another half lap to catch the leader. Add together the value of all the cars passed by Russ and it still wouldn’t equal the value of his 956. Favourite car? The ex- Brian Foley 1969 2.3 911 ST, sponsored by Chesterfield from a time when smoking was allowed (even in the pits), when the only water that came near a Porsche was rain and when cars were driven by men, not computers. There is no better Porsche photo than the one from Easter 1970 of Foley chasing Jim McKeown’s 911 through The Dipper at Mount Panorama. There was only one negative. The treatment Stan Adler received from officials, an insurance company and some of the other drivers, following an incident in his final race. Video footage clearly shows that Stan did not have case to answer and was very hard done by. Biggest surprise? To see so many club members come down just to spectate, including RIM Racing with Ross, Ian and Michael all in attendance. Maybe the event should have been called RIM Sport Reunion.
78 46 11 94
34 53 95 16 21 7 61 12 10
22 26 3 50 32 66 555
Historics Groups N and S 1975 2.7ish 01:47.623 01:47.575 3rd 01:48.267 2nd DNF Stan Adler 911 Carrera Fastest in category - Geoff Morgan (1975 Carrera) 1:45.801 Bill Pye (1974 Carrera) 1:47.423 Stan Adler (1975 Carrera) 1:47.575 Regularity Div. 1 Pre 1974 Bill Black 911 1969 2.7 02:07.957 01:54.723 1st 01:53.242 1st 01:50.806 Simon Livingstone 911 1974 3.2 02:10.862 01:57.578 2nd 01:57.136 8th 01:53.958 Chris Thompson 911 1972 2.7 02:09.609 02:01.982 6th 01:58.729 18th 01:58.751 Rob Annett 911 1968 2.O 02:18.423 02:08.658 18th 02:10.104 17th 02:09.469 Fastest in category - Bill Black 1:50.806 Russell Norden (1970 911 3.6) 1:50.884 Simon Livingstone 1:53.958 Practice - wet track Regularity Div. 2 1974 - 1996 Brett Wentworth 930 1976 3.4T 01:51.826 01:47.617 9th 01:45.361 5th 01:45.484 Antony van der Drift 964 1989 3.6 01:55.313 01:54.434 19th 01:50.138 7th 01:49.967 Gary Taber 944 Turbo 1986 2.5 T 01:59.162 01:53.508 6th 01:53.700 10th 01:53.059 Emily Cooper 993 GT2 1993 3.6T 02:07.879 02:04.058 10th 01:56.476 40th 01:54.012 Eric Van Dyk 944 S2 1989 3.0 SC 02:00.230 01:58.376 17th 01:56.691 34th DNS 3.O 01:59.921 01:57.696 25th 01:58.745 24th 01:57.711 Stephen Kempnich 944 S2 1989 Rod McCray 911 1981 3.O 02:00.752 02:00.102 16th 01:59.156 28th 01:59.273 Bob Buckley 911 1987 3.2 02:09.218 02:08.017 22nd 02:04.510 37th 02:09.766 Anthony Thompson 911 1980 3.O 02:10.427 02:15.583 38th 02:05.470 33rd 02:04.901 Fastest in category - Brett Wentworth 1:45.361 Mark Croudace (1993 968CS) 1:47.324 Mark Bloxham (944 Turbo) 1:48.465 Regularity Div. 3 1997 - 2013 Charles Holzheimer 996 Cup Car 2004 3.6 01:44.702 01:43.166 3.6 01:51.773 NTR Terry Knight 993 RSCS 1995 Jim Schilling 996GT3 RS 2004 3.6 01:56.237 01:51.197 Kevin Johnson 996 GT3 RS 2004 3.6 01:53.130 01:53.196 Chris Matters Boxster S 2006 3.2 01:57.522 01:56.215 David Tilbury 996 GT3 2000 3.6 01:56.650 01:54.398 Jeff Neale 997 GT3 2007 3.6 02:02.887 01:56.840 Fastest in category - Charles Holzeimer 1:42.804 Vivienne MacMahon (997 GT3) 1:43.591
15th 01:42.804 18th DNS 01:47.996 25th DNS 28th 01:49.933 17th 01:49.377 23rd 01:51.536 14th 01:54.283 2nd 01:53.781 8th 01:53.112 10th 01:53.585 19th 01:54.425 11th 01:55.441 30th 01:56.416 Vince Muriti (997 GT3) 1:45.142
17th 18th 21st 15th
11th 23rd 26th 41st 31st 24th 4th 19th
13th 24th 14th 18th 22nd
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Full Membership Associate Membership6
With the Porsche Club QLD Inc. (An association incorporated under the Association Incorporated Act of 1981). I agree to abide by the rules of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE nd
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Children 17 years of age and under and full time dependant students: Name:
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PART D. NEW MEMBER: JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (Parent or guardian to sign below for applicant) First Name:
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PART E. Porsche Club QLD Local Member Business Guide Entry Business Category
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PART F. Porsche vehicle details (REQUIRED for Full Membership) MODEL
NOTE (i.e. Carrera )
Contact Number
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Please Note:
Applicants should allow up to 6 weeks for processing. Porsche Club QLD Memberships are non-refundable and not transferable. Renewing Membership payments are due July 30, and must be paid prior to Sept 30, otherwise the $55 Joining Fee will apply. Annual General Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of August. Only financial Full Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Full Members must be financial prior to voting.
Single Membership: Covers one Member only. Single Parent Membership: Covers one Member (parent) and children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. Family Membership: Covers two Members (as spouse/ partner) & children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. 4 Junior Associate Membership: Covers one Associate Member6 17 years or under, who is not part of a Family Membership3. 5 Full time dependant student: requires current Student Identification card. 6 Associate Member: Any person eighteen years or over who does not own or have access to the use of a Porsche motor vehicle, but who considers themselves a genuine enthusiast of the marque or can assist the club in any way, may apply to the club to become an Associate Member. Associate Members do not have club voting rights, and are unable to stand for committee positions. 2 3
Post to: Porsche Club Queensland GPO Box 584 Brisbane QLD 4001 For Urgent Response Fax to: 07 3009 0465 or Scan and Email to Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au Money Order
Office Use Only Name on Cheque Membership Type
Membership Type Full
Cheque Cheque No: Single Parent
Dated: Family
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/ Junior
• All club and competition work. Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brakes, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and modifications, including fabrication and machining. • Servicing , wheel alignments, trouble shooting. • Pre purchase appraisals. • 25 years PCCQ member, 3 club championships. Many class wins and records. 20 years building, modifying, restoring Porsches. 6 years at t&d building motors, gearboxes and performing the majority of club preparation. • Low rates, quality work and personal service. Ph: Brett Wentworth 0419990993 3/59 Chetwynd St Loganholme 4128 Email: brettww@bigpond.com
964 Turbo C4 - 5 speed
This is a fantastic project car - 1991, 964 C4 Turbo running gear with the classic looking Dec ‘89 body - designed as my ideal car.
This 23 year old beauty traveling just 100,000 km, has had every major department refreshed. The genuine 964 Turbo 3.3 Lt engine (replacing the tired 3.6 unit) was fully refreshed and installed by T&D Auto and covered just 5000 kms since installation mid 2011. The Grand Prix White paint is amazing for its age. A 993 GT front air scoop has been added - just for looks and better air flow! This example of a Carrera 964 Turbo has the amazing handling capacity of Big Red Turbo brakes, turbo suspension and four wheel drive leaving you in absolute control particularly under acceleration in any condition - very hard to beat! Even with such performance this car is a pleasure to drive in city or country roads. I designed this project rebuilt C4 964 3.6 thinking of Tasmania, an ideal road tournament winner for Targa conditions. Winding tight curves, heavy braking and acceleration in unkind conditions is just the type of work suited with the huge advantage of the all wheel drive, big brakes and - that engine is just so sweet!!!
$69,990 ono
(Would consider trading down to smaller car (pref Porsche).
(will consider trade down)
Call 0412 740 582 or email glyttle@optusnet.com.au
1992 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet
This vehicle is in excellent (orginal) condition, and has always been kept undercover. All mechanical work that has been carried out on this vehicle has been completed by T&D Autos Brisbane (including engine rebuild 166,000kms) and more recently Eurotune on the Gold Coast. New tyres 12 months ago. Both myself and the previous owner are Porsche Club Qld members. This is an exhilarating vehicle with performance and looks that will not disappoint.
$43,000.00 Kevin 0418 443 547 or email: kevnsim@bigpond.net.au
Do you need a Car Park? “Our best reference is the work we’ve done!” David Holzheimer, Director
Frostdale Pty Ltd Civil Engineering Contractors is a well respected civil construction company in Brisbane specialising in:
Car Parks - Bulk Earthworks Road Widening - Concrete Paving Repairs and Maintenance Project Management For help you with your Civil Construction needs:
p: 07 3200 9299 f: 07 3200 9202 e: frostdale@frostdale.com.au www.frostdale.com.au 00128_Clubinsight_quarterpagead_horiz_frostdale.indd 1
28/04/10 9:20 AM
Porsche 996 GT3 Cup Car
Factory built 2003 Carrera 996 GT3. This vehicle was originally campaigned by Peter Fitzgerald Motor Sport. This vehicle has had very little race hisory and has been stored and maintained as a club car. Its in excellent condition, with a recent leak-down showing the engine is in very good condition. New whell bearings, clutch, seat, harness, etc, etc. Being sold as I have upgraded to a later model 997 for Australian GT series. Why race your good road car on club days when you can have a fully prepared race car that you can race in GT3 Challenge or Australian GT series at low cost.
George on 0400 778 107 (sms)
Porsche 911 Club Car
Log booked, road registered, 3.6L Vario ram motor, G50 close ratio gear box, 1/2 Cage, 3 sets of wheels, fuel cell, coil over suspension (adj shocks), glass guards, bonnet and perspex side and rear windows. Built and maintained by T&D Automotive. Needs minor comestic works and some mechanical attention.
Price: Contact:
Reasonable offers considered. 0413 811 234
1991 Porsche 964 Carrera 2
Australian delivered, immaculate 1991 Guards Red Carrera 2 Tiptronic with full service history, including original tools and manuals. This car is totaly original and unmodified, with a low 85,373kms. Always garaged, very well presented and has been a consistent placegetter in the PCQ Concours. Excellent performance from 3.6 Litre air-cooled flat six engine. A delight to drive, with the excellent Porsche Tiptronic Gearbox, making it easy to drive in traffic and the option of manually shifting as needed. Personalized plates not included.
Price: Contact:
$59,900.00 (or sensible negotiated offer) George 0438 678 084 or email: gepaterson@bigpond.com
2010 911 GT3 Mark III 3.8 litre
This car is the latest Model GT3 with Centre Lock Wheels, dynamic engine mounts, carbon seats, 6-point harness, fire extinguisher and half roll cage (all factory fitted). It has travelled only 4,300kms from new and has always been serviced by Porsche Centre Brisbane. The car has also been fitted with airlift front suspension, clear stone chip film and has full Porsche warranty, which can be extended for up to 10 years for peace of mind. Why modify your road car when you can have a factory built track machine?
George 0400 778 107 (sms)
Porsche 997GT3 RS
GT3RS mk2 3.8l, Black on black, sound upgrade package, tyre pressure monitors, cruise control, climate control, as new, only 1,400kms, no track work, not run in, all factory GT3RS inclusions.
$275,000.00 + GST
Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
2002 Porsche Boxster S
Porsche Boxster S (Dec 2002), Facelift Version, Seal Gray, 45,000kms, Reg May 2012, Bose Sound System, Porsche Alarm, 18� Porsche Alloys, Black Leather Interior, Full Porsche Service History.
$46,000.00 (ono)
Dean 0448 005 853
or email dean.morrison218@gmail.com
1985 Porsche 911 Cabriolet
Rare 1985 wide bodied Cabriolet with electric roof, 3.2ltr. Australian delivered, factory aero kit. All the bells and whistles, including rear spoiler, electric windows and mirrors, headlight washers, air con and cruise control. Reconditioned leather seats and trim, dashboard, etc. 268,000kms. Serviced by T&D Automotive in Brisbane and now Porsche Centre Gold Coast. Full service history and receipts available. I am relutctantly now parting company with her as times and lifestyles change.
April 0412 057 813 or 07 5502 0932 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 4
1990 Porsche 911 (964) Carrera 4 with 156,000kms. Electric sunroof, black interior, badge on steering wheel (No. 716 Porsche Festival Melbourne - 50 years of Porsche, November 1998). Registered until May 2013. Garaged at Stanthorpe.
Price: Contact:
$46,500.00 J Kenyon 07 4681 4655
1982 Porsche 928s
Always garaged. T&D Automotive full service history available. Very good condition throughout - reluctant sale.
Price: Contact:
$14,000.00 - Urgent Sale John 0403 506 661
Porsche 997 Cup Car
Very straight, low hours on fresh engine and gearbox. New front rotors, 2 sets of wheels, air jack wand, safety stands, transport tie-down rings.
$100,000.00 + GST Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet
1998 911 Carrera Cabriolet with only 62,000 miles (100,000kms) on clock, new clutch, good condtion throughout. Purchased in Hong Kong, 2 owners only. Car is located at Noosaville, but can deliver to Brisbane.
Price: Contact:
$35,00.00 Maggie Howard email: distinctions@bigpond.com
2004 996 Cup Car
2004 996 Cup Car, fresh “Sonic Motorsports’ engine with 997 upgrades and enhancements, including new 997 Cup heads, 997 Cup inlet maniforlds etc. The car has new Sachs motorsports clutch, upgraded driver cooling system, new suspension upgrades including RSR components; ABS, 2 sets of BBS wheels, air jacks w/-saftey stands. New lightweight carbonfibre bonnet, boot-lid and wing, lightweight front bumber.
Price: Contact:
$78,000.00 Wayne 0417620980 or 54498888 or email: wayne@hennigmotorsport.com
1974 Porsche 911 Club Car
Porsche 911, 1974 wide-body coupe which makes a great club or road car. Fully road registered with 3.0lt flat six engine. This car has a 5-speed 915 transmission, with a gate shift for easy gear selection. Fuchs wheels with road- track tyres. The car is equipped with two adjustable race seats, with a four point race harness. The car also has standard seat belts for daily driving. Light weight doors and panels. The car has a seat mounted fire extinguisher and comes with a removable roll cage. Left-hand drive.
Price: $25,500.00 Contact: Athol 0418724720
or email race@bigpond.net.au
1976 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa
3.0 litre, 5-speed, fuel injected, BBS forged alloy wheels, new tyres, aircondiioned, twin exhaust, driving lights, SD player, GPS. Has only travelled 101,000 miles (160,000kms) and is in excellent condition throughout. Refer to club website for more details.
Price: Contact:
$25,000.00 Trevor 0499 589 180 or email: production.7@bigpond.com
1975 Porsche 911 Club/Road Car
Fully road registered, with a 3.6L Varioram (Power Chip) engine, Koni shocks (manullay adjustable), 915 transmission with PSJ and WEVO gate shift, LSD, 944 Turbo brakes, track muffler with spare from 3.2l, half roll cage (removable), 2 sets of Fuschs wheels (road and track tyres - Toyo R888 near new), racing seats, spare original seats, racing harnesses and traditional seat belts for around town. This is an awesome track car that is conservative enough to drive everyday.
Price: Contact:
Brett Walker 0413 046 241 or email: BWalker@byroncapital.com.au
911ST, RS, RSR Competition hold-down clamps
Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars
Pair of Factory Porsche 911ST, RS, RSR long bonnet (suit 1969-73 911) competition hold-down clamps, complete with
Years available: 1972#, 1973#, 1974*, 1975*, 1976, 1977*, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981* # no bronze medallion; only December date strip remains plus all posters * no bronze medallion Packaged in original delivery sleeves. These calendars are up to 41 years old so expect some minor ageing marks and blemishes, but they are mostly in quite good condition. Hence $50 each – no offers. Buyers to collect (Brisbane).
hardware. As new.
Price: $80 Contact: Mike on
997 Parts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars – buy the calendar for the year that your Porsche was made!
Price: $50 each Contact: Mike on 07-3279 3930
(07)3279 3930
All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.
H & R adjustable coil over suspension (cost $4300) H & R front strut bar (cost $1000) Gemballa branded air box (cost $2000) 4 x 18” turbo rims, for track work. 4 x Hoosier tyres, 19”, 60% remaining “Impact” race helmet, L size, black.
All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.
Ian 0412 760 234
WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR PARTS HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au 996/997 Wheel Sale
Volk forged wheels with German TUV approval, 8.5x19 and 12x19. Offsets to suit GT3 (and others), 16kg saving over standard wheels. Includes set of sensation Pirelli Trofeo r spec tyres (3 club days)
Full Carbon Stilo WRC helmets, specifically designed for rally use. It is not a standard helmet fitted with microphone holder and wiring. Integrated microphone, plug and wiring are an integral part of the helmet. Also features a flip-up tinted visor.
Champion 8.5x19 and 11.5x19 wheels. Offsets to suit GT3, these are a one piece high performance forged wheel with a 21kg saving (with slicks) over standard wheels. Includes two good front slicks and worn out rear
Price: $3,500 Contact:
Please text my phone number 0407244652 or email me on ppbrook@yahoo.com.
TURBO 2 Number plates. 1 standard and 1 slimline, both in perfect condition.
Porsche genuine 997 GT3 brake rotors front and rear, in box never open Price: $2500
Set of OZ Superleggera black centre lock 19” wheels black used twice as new, only scrubbed in Hoosier A6 fronts and R6 on the wheels very light track wheels. $4000 with tyres or $3000 without.
Fabspeed cat bypass ($750) and Fabspeed air intake system ($400). Price: both for $1000
$3,500 or best offer
Contact: Laurie 0418 480 461 or email laurie329@hotmail.com 964 Parts
Factory original cassette holder, sits in console between front seats of 964, 993, etc. Good condition. Price: $50 ono. Factory new in box rear view mirror for 964, etc. Price: $40 ono.
Dual axle lightweight ‘TiltaTrailer’ brand air bag suspension for ride height and ramp lowering
Price: $5000 Contact:
Mitch Gaskell email mitchell@gabba.com.au
‘Turbo 2’ Number Plates
Assorted Parts
$1,000 each ono
996 Factory Mufflers stainless steel Price: $400 the pair ono.
Simon 0419006995
Porsche 930 Turbo Wastegate
Porsche 930 wastegate. Has been rebuilt and has 0.8 bar spring. Also fits 924 Turbo.
Price: $250 Contact:
George 0457 681 998 or email verikios@internode.on.net
996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels
Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au
987 Cayman Car Cover
Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 987 Cayman
Price: $250 Contact:
Peter 0409181338
996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels (2) with Pirelli P Zero Corsa road race tyres fitted, maybe 1-2 track days left (depends on how hard you drive them). Very good condition wheels that come with Turbo centre caps (not pictured).
Contact: 51
Jono O’Reilly 0408 600 008
BAD 930 Number Plate Price:
Ben 0408 727 982
Brand new Michelin Slicks
2 x 24/65-19 compound S7A soft 2 x 29/65-19 compound S8A medium
Price: $2,000 (save $1,000) Contact:
Jeremy 0412 131 181
GT3 R Number Plates
Number Plate for new 99I Price: $9,500 Contact:
Jonathon - email jonathon.bloxsom@opteonproperty.com.au
Wanted - 14’ Car Trailer
Number Plates - GT3 R
Price: $3,000 Contact:
996 Adjustable monoball lower control arms. Need more adjustment for Camber? These are for you. Suit 996 GT3 Price: $1,000(new over $1200 each) Contact: James 0410 590 000 or email jea@sedja.com.au
Kerry 0414 443 232
Car trailer to suit low 993 racecar. Only really need 14’ length. No junk please. Contact: Denis 5424 6694 or email dndinoz@skymesh.com.au
Complete set front and rear 996 Cup suspentions, will fit any 996 GT3
Price: $3,500 Contact: James 0410 590 000 or email jea@sedja.com.au
Personalised Plates Price: $4,000 Contact:Peter 0409 181 338 911 996 Car Cover
Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 996 911 in very good condition.
Original 993 Turbo Twist hollow spoke factory numbered alloy rims with tyres. 2x8Jx18 ET52 and 2x10Jx18 ET40 in really excellent condition with Bridgestone tyres 225/40ZR and 285/30ZR (average 50% wear) New price for rims $11,500 - Sale
Des 0412 723 492
Perfect Porsche 911 plate. 2x2 Flexi Plate. Never been used or registered to any vehicle. No holes drilled and still in delivery box.
Price: $3,000 open to offers Contact:Justin - email
Price: $2,900 Contact:
911E Plate
Peter 0409181338
V Turbo Plates
Silver letters on black in theft proof brackets. All offers considered
Price: Alll offers considered Contact: Julia - office hours
Tuesday-Thursday 3256 1517 or email impact_h@bigpond.net.au
NEWS Days of Thunder
Garage Sale!
911 Parts
Genuine 996 GT3 wheels, Continental Tyres with less than 5,000 kms. Wheels and tyres like brand new. Price: $2,650
Carrera 993 3.6L Manual 6 speed gearbox, out of an Australian Car, only 94,000 klm Price: $5,500 Moton canister shocks, 2 ay, bump and 6 rebound positions. As new, will suit any 993 model.
996 Cabrio or Coupe custom made car cover. Made from the highest quality materials by Speciality Car Covers (UK). Excellent condition. Price: $125
Tilt-a-Hitch is a hitch that allows a normal car trailer to tilt allowing low clearance cars ease of loading. Used once. Cost $395 Price: $200
NEW Mahle 2.7S Piston and cylinders, 90mm, 175HP, will suit all K-Jetronic engines. Price: $2,650 Genuine 993 RS/GT2 front strut top mounts to suit all 993’s.
Porsche Continenatl 19� Rear Tyre (1). Very good condition 265 / 30 / ZR 19 and very low kms Price: $50 Porsche Cabriolet factory Windblocker and tyre cover/carry case. To suit 996 and 997
Price: Contact:
Stan 0414 911 901
Porsche 911 Seats
George 0400 778 107 (sms is best)
1987 leather, OME electric adjustment model, excellent condition. Can deliver Brisbane, otherwise freight at buyers cost.
Hoosier Competition Tyres Hoosier competition tyres for sale. Only bedded in 5 laps. Rears are R6 compound and fronts are A6 (softer). Sizes are 315 x 30 (2) and 235 x 35 (2), both R19. These were for my GT3 and
Price: $800 Contact: Graeme Meade 0417 589 114 or email grmeade@bigpond. com
fit under the standard guards.
$100 each
Jeremy Norris 0412 131 181
Sparco Driving Seats
Is this the plate you have been looking for? This is for that special person in your life. One slim line and one full size plate. White background black letters.
2 SPARCO DRIVING SEATS (1 brand new, 1 almost new). Purchased these for my 911SC Carerra and installed 1 and completed 2 track days and then removed it when the car was sold. These seats are ideal for motor sport or track days. FIA approved.
Price: $6,500 Contact: Geoff 0409 347 289
Price: $2,650 Contact: George 040 778 107
Personalised Plates
or email poolespt@bigpond.com
Porsche 997 Turbo Exhaust
996 GT3 Spoiler Engine Lid
Fits all 997 Turbo. Complete exhaust system: All stainless steel, with headers and filter. Increased horse power +60. Worth $10,000 new/when bought
Price: $4,000 ono Contact:Domenic
0404 846 860
(sms is best)
I wish to swap this 996 Rear GT3 Spoiler Engine Compartment lid for a standard 996 Carrera engine lid (One with no spoiler), or will sell.
or email smcicchino@hotmail.com
Contact:Phillip 0452 611 075 Price: $700 or Swap
Business Category Accommodation Accountant Accountants Accounting Advanced Driver Training / Accident Consultancy Auto Mechanical Automotive Automotive Automotive Aviation Battery Importer Bookkeeping Builder Builder Business Consultant Bycycles Car Broker Cardiologist Civil Contractor Cleaning Client Relations Manager Computer Solutions Corporate Computers and IT Computers and IT Computers and IT Construction Construction Construction Construction & Mining Contractor Consulting Consulting Convenience Store Debt Collections Dentist Drink Coasters Earthmoving Machinery Sales Earthmoving Machinery Sales Electrical Contractor Electrical Engineering Energy Reduction Engineering Engineering Engineering Excavating Fencing Contractors Fire Systems Food fruit & veg wholesaler Funds Management Funds Management and Real Estate Galvanising Gas Supplier handmade Jewellery Health Health
Brisbane Kedron L5;193 North Quay Brisbane
Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Gold Coast Sunshine Coast Eagle Farm Brisbane South Brisbane Gold Coast Brisbane Noosaville Ballina NSW Australia Brisbane SE Qld Queensland Gold Coast Brisbane Brisbane Toowoomba Archerfield Brisbane & Sunshine Coast Camp Hill Brisbane Yatala sherwood Brisbane Brisbane Richlands
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CMC Indesign Technologies Swan Caulfield & Associates Nightowl Network Collections Noosa Dental Coaster Kings Machinery Action Group Rim Equipment Rod McCray Electrical Pty Ltd hExeis D.A. Kitcher Consulting Pty Ltd AMEC Minproc Aurecon kehoemyers Earthquip Design Fencing Pty Ltd Fire Service Professionals Pty Ltd Gotzinger Smallgoods Cumming Produce Centre Certitude Carter Global Capital National Galvanising Industries Agas National Handmade by Rhonda Performance Health Uniting Care Health
Business Name Blue Waters Holiday Apartments Harding Martin AGK Chartered Accountants SMSF Options Motor School and 4WD Training Pty Ltd Lindsay St Service Centre Rotah Restorations T &D Automotive Specialists Wayne Park Auto & Tyres LEAPP Federal Batteries CHS Business Services UPRIGHT ENTERPRISE PTY LTD EA & PJ Bell Pty Ltd Marketing Improvements Australian Cycle The GT3 Factory Queensland Cardiovascular Group Frostdale Pty Ltd Service Corp Patrick B Smith Pty Ltd Multibiz Solutions Consolidated Computer Services Network Solutions TLC IT Solutions Project Strategies Greyburn Building Contractors www.miagencies.com.au www.CycleSkills.com.au
Www.rotahrestorations.com.au www.TDAutomotive.com.au www.WaynePark.com.au www.LEAPP.aero www.federalbatteries.com.au www.chsgroup.biz
www.smsfoptions.com www.motorschool.com.au
Business Web Site www.BlueWaters.com.au www.hardingmartin.com.au
Business Contact Name Darren Ackland David Martin Adam Krauel Guy Wuoti George Foessel Jim Schilling Bob Thorn Stephen O'Brien Wayne Park Steve Adams Chris Drysdale Eckhard Schwarting Dean Marquart Alan Bell Anthony Thompson Robert Kearney Terry Knight Malcolm Davison David Holzheimer Greg Kermeen Patrick Smith Jeff Neale Timothy Place Aaron Stuart David Hawley Geoff Cunningham Michael Byrne
07 3375 4200 07 3103 0667 0418 732 683 0738610611 0418 310 364
www.agasnational.com.au handmadebyrhonda.com www.performancehealth.com.au
Adrian Flack Rhonda Barwick Graham Lyttle Peter Davidson
www.qcg.com.au www.Frostdale.com.au www.scorp.com.au www.patrickbsmith.net 07 38210033 www.multibiz.net.au 07 38788000 www.Consolicom.com 0413200271 www.Network-Solutions.com.au 07 35055000 www.TLCITS.com.au 0417601600 www.projectstrategies.com.au 55284592 www.greyburn.com.au www.hennigbrosconstruction.com.au 1300 727023 cmc.net.au Peter Kendall 1300 INTGR8 (468 478) www.indesigntechnologies.com.au Peter Coman 0410 111 417 Andrew Swan 0418724720 www.Nightowl.com.au 32011710 Tom Garrett 07 54743855 www.noosadental.com.au Jeremy Norris 0266866936 www.CoasterKings.com.au Phillip Calnan 0438300220 www.machineryaction.com Michael Leu 0412197850 www.rimequipment.com.au Ian Ryan 07 3375 5330 Rod McCray 0732602946 www.hexeis.com Matthew Vanderburg 0427449720 David Kitcher 0418782075 Robert Buckley 0421327599 www.aurecongroup.com Bill Guy 046328100 www.kehoemyers.com.au Terrence Kehoe 07 32771377 www.earthquip.com.au Don Warriner 5495 6280 Robert Smith 0738433433 www.fsp.com.au Trevor Voevodin 07 55493955 www.gotzinger.com Antony van der Drift 07 33793409 nicholas marentis 07 3218 6200 www.certitudeglobal.com.au Paul Burbidge
Business Contact Ph 07 55911695 07 3812 2233 07 33870190 0432634047 0400778107 07 46324510 0418750666 3256 2004 07 33695500 07 54302220 033567877 0409487788 0407156749 0417792767 0417447090 37158228 0433100935 0438601940 0411695694 0411499696
Members’ Business Directory
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Business Locality Australia Northside Brisbane Gold Coast Gold Coast / Brisbane Darra Qld Darra Southport Richlands Brisbane and International Arundel, Gold Coast Kedron Brisbane Surfers Paradise Southport Brisbane Gold Coast Highgate Hill Jimboomba South Brisbane Brendale Gold Coast Gold Coast - Brisbane Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane Gold Coast Brisbane Brisbane Capalaba Brisbane Ipswich Benowa, Gold Coast Suite 5; Specialists Centre; Greenslopes Hospital Brisbane Morningside, 4170 Qld Brisbane CBD Brisbane Noosa Ormeau Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane & Gold Coast Brisbane CBD Brisbane Innercity Brisbane & Worldwide
Gabba Sports Windsor Lodge Enrights Sawmill Rogers Axel and Spring Works Ben Clark Photography Winch Hire Australia Queensland Window Cleaning
Ray White Coldwell Banker Property Direct Crown Relocations HTC trading Pty Ltd Border Sheet Metal Rapid Racking Australia
Business Name Onetest Bloxsom Family Group Ry.Com.Au FIRST Consulting Group Pty Ltd Scientific Analytical Services Centenary Landscaping Supplies Ivan Poole Lawyers Intralux Imagine Consulting Group International (ImagineCGI) Precise Precut Walker Mapping Design for Communication Natural Massage Therapies Action Tyres City Eye Centre Olsen Avenue Specialst Clinic T&C Medical Jimboomba Junction Family Practice & Skin Cancer C Mater Hill Gastro Wiltec Industries Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Action Motorcycles Gold Coast Tesla Motors Porschop Emtec performance tuning Promotive Engineering Driving Events The Racing Room Phil Hart Optometrist Medland Orthodontics Dr Ross Kennedy Harding Performance PAA Laboratories Pty Ltd Post Office Square Pharmacy A Grade Plumbing and Gas Hennig Motorsort Performance9 QR National Limited e-select Real Estate 0412 084 004 0413878762 0419549122 1300893911 07 38121315 5597 3344 07 38478820 1300730949 07 3899 3941 07 3229 9696 732877891 54498888 07 5546 6952 07 3046 9353 0411759770 0412736705 07 30102600 0733607222 07 3260 9218 0410308881 0413808643 0418196388 0435 993 934 07 3394 4200 07 38578628 07 55411 077 07 32711744 3354 1600 07 33762888 1800447708 +61 414 777 018
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www.Willex.com.au www.benclarkphotography.com.au www.Winchhire.com.au www.qldwindowcleaning.com.au www.indrya.com
www,bordersheetmetal.com.au www.rapidracking.com.au
www.raywhitecbdresidential.com.au www.cbpd.com.au www.crownrelo.com
www.agradeplumbingandgas.com.au HennigMotorsort.com www.performance9.com.au www.qrnational.com.au
www.medlandorthodontics.com.au www.rosskennedy.com.au www.hp.net.au www.paa.com
http://www.emtec.net.au/ www.promotive.com.au www.drivingevents.com.au www.TheRacingRoom.com.au
www.metrocentre.com.au Www.jjfp.com.au
www.ActionTyres.com.au www.CityEyeCentre.com.au
www.Intralux.com www.imagineCGI.com ppcut.com.au
Business Web Site www.Onetest.com.au www.bloxsom.com.au www.RY.Com.Au http://www.firstconsulting.com.au www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/SAS centenarylandscaping.com.au
Alex Chambers Ben Clark Brett Williamson Justin Lush David Leneman
Raymond Hackett Matthew Kingsley Lawrence Lee Heinz Albrecht Dr Chris Bradshaw Rodney Willett Johannes Wittman Shane Wilson Chris Maindonald Colin Duck Jay McCormack Gazz Corfield John Gill Michael Harris Paul Stokell Dijon Johnson Phil Hart William Medland Ross Kennedy Guy Harding Rainer Waldmann Stuart Ellis Chris Neal Wayne Hennig Stan Adler David Collins Julian Rajah Steve Goodson Dean Yesberg David Beard Mick Tobin Hoa Cheng Karl Johnson Cameron Mcconaghy Bruce Simpson Mitchell Gaskell Robert Hoare
Business Contact Name David Dahl Jonathan Bloxsom Bradley Carr James Austin Bob Gray Terry OShea Ivan Poole David Tilbury Tony Wheeler Lyle or Aaron Alastair Walker
Members’ Business Directory
Phone: 1300 937 111
Email: joe@jvib.com.au
Contact: Joe Vella | Diploma Financial Services (Insurance Broking), C.dec & Hon. Consul Malta (Nth Qld)
Wheel protection. Real protection. Porsche Insurance. For your Porsche tyres and wheels. Porsche Insurance can soon offer a one off payment that provides three years protection for your genuine Porsche wheels and tyres. Porsche Tyre and Rim Insurance is available to all Porsche models up to 20 years of age. Coverage includes up to one replacement rim per year to the value of $3,540, and coverage of up to two replacement tyres per year to the value of $1,100 each.
Porsche Centre Gold Coast Contact your Business Manager Hayden HadďŹ eld P: 07 55 557911 E: hayden@pcgc.com.au
Print Post PP1000/03711
Contact Hayden HadďŹ eld at Porsche Centre Gold Coast for more information.