Porsche News October - November 2016

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The Official Journal of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc.

You can pay by Credit Card for applications and renewals online: Porsche-QLD.org.au Tick One Box in One Category Annual Membership

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July 1 to June 30

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$115 (Annual Fee $115)

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With the Porsche Club QLD Inc. (An association incorporated under the Association Incorporated Act of 1981). I agree to abide by the rules of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE






October - November 2016

NEW MEMBERS Please complete details on next page PORSCHE






PORSCHE REGULARS Events Calendar President’s Prose Motorsport News Editor’s Notes From The Social Desk Membership Report PCQ Motorsport - Championships Table Market Place Parts for Sale Membership Form Members’ Business Directory


FEATURES Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 37 Page 40 Page 42 Page 45 Page 47

CONTRIBUTORS Thanks to the following members and friends for their contributions: Porsche Cars Australia, Jack Keiseker, Kent Keiseker, Allan Carseldine, Lee Cooper, Bill Black, Kevin Vedelago

New Panamera Hybrid Model Launched Cars and Coffee @ the farm byron bay New 911 GT3 Cup with ultra-modern drive Leyburn no longer rocks Harrigans Irish Pub - Calypso Bay A little about me, Lee Cooper Member Profile Rennsport Noosa Beach Classic Car Show Motorsport - Round 4 Lakeside Motorsport - Round 5 Morgan Park Motorsport - Round 6 Mt Cotton Hillclimb

Page 8 Page 10 Page 13 Page 14 Page 18 Page 20 Page 23 Page 24 Page 26 Page 29 Page 30 Page 33

COVERSHOT Cover Photo: Noosa Beach Classic Car Club Show Tim Place Inside Cover Photo: Noosa Beach Classic Car Club Show Allan Carseldine PORSCHE



2016-2017 Committee and Assistants President Lee Cooper pres@porsche-qld.org.au

Vice President Kent Kieseker vpresident@porsche-qld.org.au

Executive Secretary Gail Hart secretary@porsche-qld.org.au Finance Director Phil Hart treasurer@porsche-qld.org.au Motorsport Director Kevin Vedelago comp@porsche-qld.org.au

Social Director Greg McWhinney social@porsche-qld.org.au

Web Master Jeff Clancey admin@porsche-qld.org.au

Membership Secretary Eckhard Schwarting membership@porsche-qld.org.au

Communications Director Peter Stapley editor@porsche-qld.org.au

Merchandise Director Allan Cameron marketing@porsche-qld.org.au




Porsche News is published every two months by the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. primarily for the members and supporters. Print Post Number:


Please forward all correspondence to:Porsche News Porsche Club Qld GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Members’ contributions ae welcome and encouraged. Original articles and photographs will be returned if requested. Email to editor@porsche-qld.org.au The opinions expressed or inferred herein are not necessarily those of the editor, committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. The Porsche Club Qld Inc. meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm at: PORSCHE CENTRE BRISBANE 146 Breakfast Creek Rd Newstead 4006 (Unless otherwise notified. Please check the Calendar for changes.) Management Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month - venue to be advised. Advertising: Porsche News has a circulation of approximately 500 copies, and is read by approximately 500 discerning readers and enthusiasts. Advertising rates vary, depending on locationa and size of adveritisment (see last page). For sale or wanted ads in the back of the magazine are free to club members for their private ads, $50 for commercial advertisers and $25 for non-members. Photos will be included when space permits. Advertisers should ensure that advertisments comply with the current Trade Practice Act, as responsibilty lies with the person, company or agent submitting the advertisment for publication. Club Web page is www.porsche-qld.org.au Membership: Please direct all membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary; or phone any committee member; or write to: Membership Secretary, PCQ GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Membership is from 1st July, through till 30th June in the following year.


Calendar 2016

The Club extends a warm welcome to the following new members:


Scott McPherson Shaun Clark

911 SC, 944

Christopher Small John & Tina Kokshoorn Bernie & Heather Baz Rod Pacey Gavan Starr-Thomas

Cayman GT4

Boxster 911 SC, 911

Thomson Mark Koffal Brendan Lloyd Nick & Linda Bourne

Tuesday 13th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane

Sunday 16th

German Auto-fest / Oktoberfest at the EKKA

November Saturday 5th

Coffee & Cars starting from 7.30am Samios Foods 37 Turbo Drive Coorparoo

Saturday 5th

Sprint Event - Lakeside

997 Carrera S

Tuesday 8th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane

Cayman GT4

Sunday 20th

Social Breakfast Run

987 Boxster

Sunday 27th

Motorsport & ICC - Willowbank

Ian Button

Karina Honey & Mark

Coffee & Cars starting from 7.30am Samios Foods 37 Turbo Drive Coorparoo

997, 987

Gary Vedelago

John Teulan

Saturday 1st

912 GT3 Cup Car 986 Boxster

December Saturday 3rd

Coffee & Cars starting from 7.30am Samios Foods 37 Turbo Drive Coorparoo

Saturday 3rd

Interclub Challenge - Trophy Presentation

Tuesday 6th

Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane

Saturday 10th

PCQ Christmas Party Plough Inn South Brisbane

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So here we are, the first of my bi monthly reports, not much for the first as the changeover is only recent. As club members would know David Beard stepped down at the AGM this year after 6 years as the president of the Porsche Club Queensland, as did the majority of the committee, and a new committee elected. I am very proud to say that I am the current, unopposed, PCQ President and really looking forward to taking on this role with enthusiasm, clear and open management of the clubs funds and to hopefully bring positive changes and growth to the club activities and management. I believe the committee is there to manage the club for the club members; the club does not belong to the committee but is for the members so whilst we endeavour to keep the finances in check those same finances are not just to build up a bank account as a business but also to provide activities and events and material possessions for the members. The current committee is a good mix of long time Porsche club members, past committee members and new youngsters eager to learn and help with running the club and events. It is going to be a good year ahead I can see already. At this point I would like to welcome aboard Cameron Allen who is taking over the marketing role in the club, Peter Stapley who has been overseas enjoying some travel will be looking after the editors’ role and will be attending his first committee night this month also. The long term club members Greg McWhinney looking after social, Gail Hart as Secretary who has held this position previously for some time, Phil Hart one of our four “life members” who has taken over as treasurer and has very tight fists!! And Bill Black as VP looking after ICC events and Concessional Rego letters for Special Interest Vehicles over 30 years old, I’m sure will do outstanding work for the club. That leaves me with the new comers, the I.T. Boys are outstanding, brilliant and every other superlative you can think of. Jeff Clancey has taken the very involved and time consuming role of webmaster and powered ahead brilliantly solving issues with the wave of a finger and Eckhard Schwarting is taking on membership and also doing a marvellous job, the two together are dynamic. Leaving me finally with one last person to welcome and that is Kevin Vedelago, the new motorsport director. Kevin has had a pretty intense start to his time on the committee, already feeling the difficulties faced when trying to book a venue for an event after one was cancelled on us due to management double booking the venue. Scheduling events has become quite a difficult task and requires some dovetailing of events with other clubs or purchasing slots within the already functioning events at QR or Lakeside



due to the numbers of events already run by the track management. Warwick is no different with many a time dates given and we either have to take or leave as these are the only slots available between race meets and other meetings. It is a juggling game with dates, tracks, interstate events like Bathurst 6 hour, Bathurst V8s, long weekends etc etc. So far he has managed the first hiccup with resounding success and has some great ideas and is so motivated to succeed I can see a great year ahead for motorsport. Our first committee meeting was an extended rather enthusiastic evening with the wonderful IT guys fixing and sorting on the hop. Many things were discussed and ongoing issues being sorted over the next few meetings. Be sure to read the minutes that are posted on the club website as Gail puts a lot of effort into their production and you will see what is discussed and what decisions are made. September club night was a quiet affair with only about 45 members attending, as Porsche Centre Brisbane are undergoing a remodel and there were many cars in the show room it left minimal room so it was probably quite fortuitous the numbers were low. There has also been a change regards seating for our meetings, usually we are provided with the seating from PCB client chairs at desks, however, they have up scaled the seating and are no longer available to use. The committee is looking into our options and hopefully this will be sorted by the next club night. I would like to thank Porsche Centre Brisbane for opening up their doors for our meetings even though they are undergoing massive changes and as always the staff give up their personal time to stay behind and look after our needs. Finally on changes, I would also like to change up the food and drinks on club nights mixing up the food from month to month and a few other changes at events as we go. Gifts were given to the past committee members that attended the club night, these were from the club members and new committee as a thank you for their hard work and efforts over the past 12 plus months. This is a tradition that had been in the club for many years and usually done at the AGM however it has been missed for some time so was done at the September meeting. Ian Ryan was also honoured with the presentation of the trophy and prestigious award Club Person of the Year 2016-2017. Ian who has been in the club for many years, is part of the “RIM Racing” (Ross, Ian, Michael) group who did so much work at track days and social days for so long, he has been looking after club night food and drinks for the past number of years and is a deserved recipient of



this award. Well done and congratulations to a wonderful person and devoted member of the club. I am going to have to get someone other than my husband to take photos on the night as he seemed to have forgotten his duties!! Finally I will finish off with saying that I am always approachable and contactable (all details on club website) and will take on any criticism and work on rectifying, any request or new ideas or just to say hi. Ideas, requests and criticisms will always be put forward to the committee for discussion as it is a committee run club and good governance is expected. Don’t forget we have some great events coming up, Noosa Beach Car Classic on the 2nd October, club DTC at Lakeside 8th October which is like a very open khanacross style event and not hard on the cars, the Oktoberfest at the Ekka on the 16th October and of course the Christmas party at the Plough Inn on the 10th December. Check out the calendar and lock in some dates. Until next time, happy motoring Lee Cooper President

Ian Ryan Club Person of the Year


Since the AGM, we have only had one event and that was the Mt Cotton Hill Climb on 27 August 2016. The next event was going to be the dual rounds at Willowbank for the Motorkhana in the morning and the Drags in the afternoon on 1 October 2016. Regrettably, there was a mix up with the booking and these two rounds have been cancelled. We have now scheduled an Autocross at Lakeside DTC on Saturday 8 October 2016. This Event will then become Round 7 – Autocross – Non-Speed Event. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone that has not participated in motorsport before, as it is relatively low speed and very safe. For anyone that is intimidated by multiple cars on the track at the same time, this event is perfect as there is only one car on the track at any given time.


Round 8 – Lakeside Sprint is locked in for the 5 November 2016 and this will be our last speed event for the year. We have taken 2 run groups in the Lakeside Open Sprints, this means we will be limited to 30 cars. Round 9 – HSCCQ – ICC – Motorkhana at Willowbank is scheduled for the 27 November 2016. This event will allow us to compete in the ICC as well as providing a third non-speed event in our competition.

events are going to have a big say in who is ultimately our Club Champion. 2017 is going to present several challenges, the main issue will be our ability to deliver a balanced schedule from February to November. At this stage, we are provisionally planning for six speed events and three non-speed events. We have also put passenger rides back on our radar.

This event will round the year off with our competition comprising of 6 speed events (Sprints) and 3 non-speed events (Non-Sprint). Under our Rules of Competition, each eligible competitor will be allowed to drop one speed event and one non-speed event. Currently, there is quite a bit of congestion at the top of the Club Championship table, so our last three

Unfortunately the last round of the ICC held at the Lakeside DTC was on the same day as the Round 6 Hillclimb of our competition. With many of our members who have been supporting our club motorsport at Mt Cotton, PCQ participation at the ICC event was low. There are 2 rounds left in this year’s ICC calendar, the re-scheduled Regularity to be run by the BMW Club at Lakeside on 16th October and a motorkhana at Willowbank on Sunday 27th November organized by the HSCC which will also be the final round of our PCQ 2016 Competition.

tied on 119 points in second place. Our newly elected Treasurer, Phil Hart, is leading the individual driver’s competition in his 996 GT3 with 134 points, a 6 points lead over second place. Thanks to superb navigation by Gail in the Observation Run, Phil placed equal first scoring a maximum 70 points. This was followed up with a second place finish and 69 points at the Lakeside DTC where Allan Carsledine, unofficial club photographer, drove his 968 scoring 41 points. All ICC results are now on the club website.

After 7 rounds of the 2016 ICC Competition, the Lotus Club is leading with 134 points followed by Porsche Club and MG Car Club

At the September ICC committee meeting, the 2017 Competition was discussed and it is hoped that we can better integrate the PCQ

Kevin Vedelago Motorsport Director

motorsport calendar with ICC events. This will have a threefold benefit by helping the continued financial viability of our club motorsport competition, raise the Porsche Club presence and increase the number of our members competing in the ICC.


Bill Black



Date Event Type and Organising Club 19 – June 2016 Regularity Sprint, Lakeside – BMW/Alfa Club 09 – July 2016 Sprint at Morgan Park – Porsche Club 30 – July 2016 Weekend Observation Run – MG Car Club 27 – August 2016 Sprint at DTC, Lakeside – Lotus Club From the incoming Editors Desk 27 – November 2016 Motorkhana, Willowbank – Holden Sporting Car Club 03 – December 2016 Cars and Coffee Trophy Presentation – Z Car Club

EDITORS It is with some trepidation that I take over as Editor of the Porsche Club Brisbane Magazine. My predecessors have set the bar high and one of the first tasks for me is to thank them for stepping up and completing one last issue while I was away in Europe. To the Editor, Sunel, and Sub Editor Rachel my heartiest thanks for all your work on this and the previous issues. Any club magazine can only be as good as its members’ input and I am hoping to hear from all of you. Is that project car nearing completion? Do you have any great Porsche stories we can share? I must be upfront and admit that I am one of ‘those’ Landshark people - with my first 928 purchased while living in Cairns about 15 years ago. Like many 928’s the aircon did not work too well and during the torrential rain of the wet season keeping up with the interior condensation was a full time job. A move to New Zealand saw the demise of the Porsche ownership and it was not until about 2 years ago that the love affair was re-ignited. My recent trip overseas took me to the Porsche museum in Stuttgart, a Porsche drive car for a few hours around the hills and a long look at this year’s museum feature celebrating40 years of the Transaxle. The Porsche Drive was my first in a Cayman GT and now my 928 love is being severely tested!




In the next issue we hope to do a feature on the transaxle and all its variants and if you have stories or pictures please forward them to me. The transaxle era covered the 924, first launched in 1976 as a joint-venture with VW to make an affordable sports car although VW pulled out before the car was completed. This was quickly followed in 1978 by the 928, in 1981 the 944 and finally, for the transaxle, the 968. If you have any suggestions for articles or potential future articles please feel free to contact me. Peter Stapley Communications Director





A year in review; The main thing we try to achieve at PCQ is to provide a range of social events across 11 months of the calendar year. Recently we have had two Breakfast runs, one in Brisbane and one to Byron Bay Cars & Coffee, which we’ll do again next year, amongst other events such as indoor karting which was extremely popular and fun and lunch drives through the hinterland. This year saw our club participate in two Interstate Porsche Club events – Rennsport at Sydney Motorsport Park – with two day social drive to Sydney and two social drives – one on Saturday with a run up into the Blue Mountains for Brunch and one on Sunday with the PCNSW club on a ‘wet’ Sunday morning drive around the South-west area of


Sydney ending up back at the resort across from Sydney Motorsport Park for a nice hot breakfast and having some great chats with our fellow PCNSW Porsche owners. This was followed up with Christmas in July with PCNSW at Coffs harbour – two day social drive and to and from Coffs harbour – which was a lot of fun. Something else to keep in mind for 2017 is the Porsche Nationals TBA. Next year will see one or two social drives during the year to arrive at PCQ motorsport events – so members can see the event and feel engaged with the motorsport side of club membership, lunch included.

the theme will be casual with Concourse and Motorsport awards handed out during a great night out. Details to follow shortly. Don’t forget if you attend any social or motorsport PCQ event please feel free to provide photos and write stories on social events to be published in the club magazine. Also I’d like to promote club apparel, currently we have PCQ winter jackets, Black Polos’ in men’s and women’s sizes, Black long sleeve tee shirts and white short-sleeve tee shirts, as well as caps. Cheers Greg McWhinney Social Director

PCQ Christmas Party will be at The Plough Inn - Southbank, we have arranged music and

MEMBERSHIP REPORT Here it is – my first column as Membership Secretary. A little bit about me: I have been a member of the Porsche Club Queensland since 2001 just after I bought my first 911. Over the years I have really enjoyed the camaraderie and events put on by the club, so I want to extend my thanks to all the committee members over the years who have made the club what it is. While I have assisted in Motorsport sub-committees and helped with Motorsport events at various times over the years, this is the first time I have been part of the Management Committee. I’m looking forward to the next 12 months!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new members, and also to all renewing members. I also encourage all members to get involved with club events in order to get the most out of your membership. There is always something going on (see our calendar in the magazine or on our club website) and we look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event.

Benefits of Membership include: - Motorsport Events including Sprints held at Queensland Raceway, Morgan Park, Lakeside as well as Hillclimbs, Motorkhana, Autocross and Drags - Social Activities including club nights, social drives and other events - Special Events held in conjunction with other clubs - Six Issues annual of the Club Magazine “Porsche News”

Get out and drive! Eckhard Schwarting Membership Secretary

- Regular Newsletter updates by email - A range of discounts and special deals on a variety of services and products - CAMS affiliation - Assistance with applications for Special Interest Vehicle discounted registration in Queensland




New Panamera

hybrid model launched

Australia. The Paris Motor Show later this month will see Porsche unveil the fourth model in the Panamera range: the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid with controlled all-wheel drive and an electric range of up to 50 kilometres. The new Panamera 4 E-Hybrid generates some 340 kW (462 hp) of system power and delivers fuel consumption figures of 2.5 L/100 km in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) for plug-in hybrid models. That corresponds to CO2 emissions of 56 g/km. The Panamera 4 E-Hybrid is available to order now, with prices starting at $242,600. Purely electric range of up to 50 kilometres At Porsche, the term "hybrid" is synonymous with not only sustainable mobility, but performance too – a fact proven not least by the victory of the 919 Hybrid in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2015 and 2016. This philosophy is now also defining the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid. The new Porsche plug-in hybrid always starts in purely electric mode and continues as a zero-emission vehicle up to a range of 50 kilometres and a maximum speed of 140 km/h. And yet this Panamera too is a sports car among the luxury saloons: The all-wheel Porsche achieves a top speed of 278 km/h



and delivers a system torque of 700 Nm from stationary without hesitation. The four-door hybrid sports car breaks the 100 km/h barrier in just 4.6 seconds. The torque is transferred to all four wheels and the standard three-chamber air suspension ensures an optimum balance between comfort and dynamism at all times. New hybrid strategy based on the Porsche 918 Spyder The superlative performance is no fluke: The new Panamera 4 E-Hybrid features a hybrid strategy never before seen in this segment – a strategy based on the 918 Spyder. The 652 kW (887 hp) 918 Spyder is the fastest seriesproduced vehicle ever to lap the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Its record time of 6 min 57 secs can in part be attributed to the additional power provided by two electric motors. As with the 918 Spyder, the power of the Panamera electric motor – 100 kW (136 hp) and 400 Nm torque – is made available as soon as the driver touches the accelerator pedal. On the predecessor model, the pedal needed to be pressed at least 80 per cent of the way down to unleash the additional power of the electric drive. Now, the electric motor


and petrol engine interact in perfect harmony from the very outset. Like with the 918 Spyder, the electric motor is available to deliver additional power at all times. This, together with the performance characteristics of the new 2.9-litre V6 biturbo engine (243 kW and 450 Nm), generates an impressive boost scenario based on electric motor and turbochargers. In the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid, the electrical energy is also used to increase the car’s top speed. At Porsche, this new type of “E-Performance” – more power, more driving fun, lower fuel consumption – is seen as the performance path of the future. New hybrid module and fast-shifting eightspeed PDK Together with the V6 petrol engine decoupler, the electric motor heralds the new generation of the Porsche hybrid module. In contrast to the electro-hydraulic system of the predecessor model, the decoupler on the new Panamera is actuated electromechanically by an electric clutch actuator (ECA), resulting in even shorter response times.

As on the other second-generation Panamera models, a new, extremely fast and efficientshifting Porsche eight-speed Doppelkupplung (PDK) transmission is used to transmit the power to the all-wheel drive. This transmission replaces the eight-speed automatic torque converter transmission on the predecessor model. The electric motor is supplied with power via a liquid-cooled lithium-ion battery. And despite the fact that the energy content of the battery (which is integrated under the luggage compartment floor) has been increased from 9.4 to 14.1 kWh, its weight has remained the same. The high-voltage battery takes just 5.8 hours to fully charge via a 230-V, 10-A connection. If the driver chooses to use the optional 7.2 kW on-board charger and a 230V, 32-A connection instead of the standard 3.6-kW charger on the Panamera, the battery fully charges in just 3.6 hours. The charging process can also be started using a timer via Porsche Communication Management (PCM). Moreover, the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid is fitted as standard with auxiliary air conditioning to cool or heat the passenger compartment during charging. Porsche Advanced Cockpit with hybrid-specific displays One highlight of the second-generation Panamera is the newly designed display and control concept in the form of the standard Porsche Advanced Cockpit with touch-sensitive panels and individually configurable displays. Two seven-inch screens either side of the analogue rev counter form the interactive cockpit, and, in contrast to the other versions in

the range, the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid features a power meter tailored to hybrid operation. The intuitive operating principle of the hybridspecific displays is similar to that used in the Porsche 918 Spyder super sportscar. The power meter provides data such as the amount of electrical energy currently being used as well as that recovered through recuperation. A 12.3-inch touchscreen functions as a central PCM control and display unit. The driver can access various items of hybrid-specific information both here on the dash and in the instrument cluster. The boost assistant and hybrid assistant are both practical and informative. The boost assistant display shows the energy available for boosting, while the hybrid assistant provides various visual signals for regulating the electrical drive power. Ultimate efficiency in “Hybrid Auto” mode The Sport Chrono Package including the mode switch integrated into the steering wheel forms part of the standard equipment on the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid. The mode switch and Porsche Communication Management are used to activate the various driving modes. These modes include the familiar “Sport” and “Sport Plus” modes from the other Panamera models equipped with the Sport Chrono Package. The hybrid-specific modes are “E-Power”, “Hybrid Auto”, “E-Hold” and “E-Charge”. The Panamera 4 E-Hybrid always starts in the purely electric “E-Power” mode. The “Hybrid Auto” mode is a completely new development. When this mode is selected, the Panamera changes and combines the drive sources

automatically for ultimate efficiency. The “E-Hold” mode allows drivers to consciously conserve the current state of charge to enable them to switch to electric and therefore zeroemissions mode in an environmental zone at their destination, for example. In “E-Charge” mode, the battery is charged by the V6 engine; to achieve this, the petrol engine generates a higher level of power than is actually needed for driving. The highest level of drive performance is made available in the “Sport” and “Sport Plus” modes. The V6 biturbo engine is active continuously in these modes. In “Sport” mode, the battery charge is always maintained at a minimum level to ensure there are sufficient e-boost reserve capacities when needed. “Sport Plus” mode is all about maximum performance and allows the Panamera to reach its top speed of 278 km/h. This mode also recharges the battery as quickly as possible with the help of the V6 biturbo engine. In Australia the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid starts from $242,600 with deliveries expect in mid 2017. The plug-in hybrid version is the fourth model in the new Porsche Panamera range; all models are all-wheel drive. The range now consists of the Panamera Turbo (404 kW / 550 hp), the Panamera 4S (324 kW / 440 hp), the Panamera 4S Diesel (310 kW / 422 hp) and the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid (340 kW / 462 hp system power). These four models represent a fusion of sports car and passenger car to form a Gran Turismo concept offering a unique combination of dynamism and comfort.




Cars & Coffee

Photos Kent & Jack Kieseker



@ the farm bryon bay








New 911 GT3 Cup with ultra-modern drive

Boasting a completely redeveloped drive, the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup will take to the starting line on the world’s race tracks from 2017. The rear of the world’s most-produced GT racing car now houses a four-litre, six-cylinder flat engine for even more drive. Thanks to thoroughbred motorsport technology, the compact engine with direct fuel injection delivers peak performance of 357 kW (485 hp), a 19 kW (25 hp) increase in power over its predecessor.

model. The wheel dimensions are also unchanged: One-piece 18-inch racing rims with a central locking mechanism are used – with 270 mm Michelin racing slicks on the front axle and massive 310 mm on the rear axle. The intelligent aluminum-steel composite construction ensures maximum rigidity and a lightweight body. The new 911 GT3 Cup is ready to race weighing in at just 1,200 kilograms.

A range of innovative details also improve efficiency in addition to engine performance, ensuring even better durability of the naturally aspirated engine in racing mode. Importantly, maintenance costs have also been reduced.

Engineers have also once again focused specifically on driver safety during development. The driver is protected by a solid safety cage and an innovative, bucket-style racing seat that is moulded particularly heavily around the head and shoulder area. The enlarged rescue hatch in the roof, in line with the latest FIA standard, makes it easier to provide initial treatment and recovery following an accident.

A valve drive with rigidly mounted rocker arms and a central oil feed is being used for the very first time. Furthermore, an integrated oil centrifuge is used to optimise oil defoaming in the engine. A crankshaft with significantly increased rigidity has also been installed. A new front apron and a new rear end improve the downforce of the new 911 GT3 Cup and therefore enhance traction and performance. The prominent 184-centimetre wide rear wing has been retained from the predecessor

Porsche manufactures the 911 GT3 Cup on the same production line as the 911 road car in its main plant in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen. The basic race tuning is performed at the Weissach motorsport centre, where vehicles are also thoroughly tested by a professional race driver prior to delivery to the customer.

Some 3,031 units of the 911 GT3 Cup have been built in the 996, 997 and 991 model lines since 1998. This makes the Porsche racing car from Stuttgart the most-produced and mostsold GT racing car in the world. The new 911 GT3 Cup will be used in the 2017 race season, initially exclusively in the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup, which is held alongside the Formula 1 races, and in the Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland, as well as in North America. The new race car will make its local debut in the 2018 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia championship, one of 20 race series around the world where the 911 GT3 Cup is used exclusively. The 2017 specification 911 GT3 Cup is priced from 189,900 euros excluding freight and tax charges. First purchase option for the 2018 version 911 GT3 Cup will be given to teams competing in the 2017 Porsche Carrera Cup.


Article courtesy Porsche Cars Australia



Leyburn No Longer Rocks Article by Bill Black Photos Lee Cooper

This year was the 21st running of the Historic Leyburn Sprints. Porsche Club members have always been amongst the entries from the very first 1996 “around the houses” street sprint. That year there were 11 Porsches entered including past President Gavan Starr-Thomas, past Motorsport Director John Gilmore, Robert St Hill, Leon Trapp, and Julian Rajah to name a few. This year there were 9 club members competing, but not all driving their Porsches. One, because his Beetle is still in bits and had to drive his 911, decided to fraternize with the other air cooled mob, only because they had a barbeque and were prepared to feed him. Once again club member Fossy was on the entry list. Stephen grew up in Leyburn where he lived in a house behind his Mum & Dad’s grocery store on the main street just a stone’s throw from the pub. Fossy reckons the organisers wouldn’t accept his entries back in the early days because he drove a Mazda RX7 and it wasn’t until 2002 when he bought his Porsche 912 that his entry was finally accepted and since them he has not missed a Leyburn Sprint. Interestingly he bought the 912 from Phil Hart and according to Fossy it is still under warranty. In recent years Fossy has entered his Hyabusa powered Wesfield XTR2.



The weekend is not about huge amounts of track time, but more about the cars and the social activities. It would be one of the most eclectic range of cars to gather in one place. The oldest car to run was a 1929 Austin 7 with a 4 cylinder side valve 747cc engine right through to modern Evo’s and BMWs. The most photographed car was club member Steve Cooper’s immaculate 356 “Outlaw”. The crowd pleaser on track was definitely the Audi S1 Quattro. This is an amazingly accurate replica of the awesome 1985 group B rally cars built with all the correct and genuine parts. Its’ on track performance matched the looks and sound of the 1980’s World Rally Championship days when they were in the hands of Walter Rohrl and Michele Mouton. Our Porsches were joined by quite a few other air cooled rear engined cars including two Goggomobiles. One being the 300cc sedan and a legendary Dart with the big block 400cc twin cylinder 2 stroke in the back. There was a good roll up from the VW Car Club with a brace of Beetles and a lone Type 3 Fastback. The sound of V8 engines abounded with the usual herd of Mustangs, Corvettes, GT Falcons and one very rare 1968 6.4 litre AMC AMX. Also keeping the “muscle cars” company was a 1951 Morris


Minor with a 5.0 litre V8 shoe horned in under the bonnet. My last run at Leyburn was 2005 when the course was on the old layout which only had 3 corners and a couple of hay bale chicanes. This was my first run on the new course which although still has the start in front of the Royal Hotel, now has 6 corners as well as hay bales to negotiate and a relatively fast sweeper over the finishing line making it a little more challenging and a lot more fun. We were greeted with showers and a wet track on Saturday morning, but by mid-morning with a drying track, lap times started to drop. The mercury dropped below zero overnight with Sunday delivering clear blue skies and perfect track conditions by the second run mid-morning. The best lap time of the weekend went to young Dean Amos in a Gould GR37 with a 42.5447 second lap. The Gould is a British built hillclimb open wheeler powered by a 3500cc Judd F1 based engine and was running on the obligatory soft Avon hillclimb slicks. The Goggo’s finished 197th and 199th with a best lap of 1:18 for the sedan and 1:27 for the Dart. PCQ Members Results

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Best Lap



Phil Hart

996 GT3






Greg Turnham







Bill Black







Stephen Foss

Westfield XTR2






Brendan Lloyd

996 Cup Car






Sheldon Arkinstall







Steve Cooper








Rod McCray







Stephen Callaghan







Steve’s 356 was put in the special interest class along with more modern cars such as Commodores and BMW M3. If the 356 had been classed with the other sports cars of similar age and engine capacity, Steve would have placed 2nd in that class. After 20 years of presenting rocks as trophies, the Leyburn quarry must have run dry because this year the trophies were made from local hardwood. This disappointed Phart no end as he was after one more rock to finish of his retaining wall. A great event that is highly recommended to any car enthusiast, as are the meals at the Pittsworth Pub.








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Harrigans Irish Pub - Calypso Bay Photos Lee Cooper







For those who do not know me, aside from the heckler at club nights, I have been a member of the Porsche Club Qld since 1998 along with my husband Steve, also known as the “bag carrier”. I have competed over a number of years in the motorsport for the club winning my class as well as a few seconds and thirds, ladies trophy, having a lap record to my name albeit for only a short period of time, competed at Bathurst, Targa Tasmania where Greg and I did well, South Australia Rally with a not so happy ending and love to get involved in the social side of the club. I have had the prestigious award of “club person of the year” given to me in 2004 and have previously been on the committee as club night coordinator as it was known then, Secretary and President. Due to personal circumstances I had to relinquish that role half way through my third year.

A little about me, Lee Cooper, President Porsche Club Queensland

Steve and I joined the club not long after we purchased our second Porsche a silver manual 993 which at that stage was one of the newer and top end pieces of machinery in the club... Oh how things have changed... Our love of the marque started many many years ago, before I bought Steve a weekend at the Porsche Driving School at Mt. Cotton which only solidified our relationship, ours with the cars that is! Our first Porsche was a red 911 1986 SC 3.2L model in immaculate condition, our second purchase was the silver 993 1994 3.6L, a smart move by Porsche Centre Gold Coast at the time, take it home for the weekend and see how you go!! Of course it never went back did it and things have grown from there. We now have a stable with 3 x 993 GT2, 1 road and two race cars, a Jimmy Richards owned Cup Car, a mark1 GT3 club sport, Gt3 RS, a Singer inspired 1983 SC donor backdated to 1972 long bonnet model 911, a 1960 356 B just slightly modified, another 356 shell waiting to be worked on, a 1979 turbo bodied 911 SC currently being transformed into a 1972 RSR. Two out of three of our children have the same love for the cars, Emily you will see at track days and loves her runs around the tracks though I seem to have lost my race car to her!!, and Cameron who, when back in Australia as he is studying in San Diego, loves to get back out on the track and whip his dads .... ! Both are very good drivers. As you can see we have quite a love for the Porsche Marque. Whilst I was President of the club in 2006 I got to attend the International Porsche Presidents Meeting in Germany, one of the highlights of my time and definitely one of my husbands. It happened to coincide with the pre release of the 997 turbo so the presidents and their partners were lucky enough to drive these out to the Michelin Driving Centre at Templin just outside Berlin for a day of amazing driving on skid pans, drag strip, and slalom style course. Discussions on the directions Porsche were taking, the new GT3 RS and of course the involvement of the clubs and promotion of the marque were on the agenda. It was unforgettable. Enough of the past, move on to the future. I will be working, with the committee, towards growing the club and our involvement with other Australian Porsche clubs and events where we can, Porsche Cars Australia, Porsche Germany and provide enough and varied social and competitive events within our own club and generally provide a great atmosphere and camaraderie for all members. As we are an eclectic bunch with a love for a variety of models but that is what makes us the club we are. I hope I get to meet you all at one of our events throughout the year, make sure you come say hello. Lee







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keep up to date with what’s happening in and around the club - join the club facebook page Porsche Club of QLD




MEMBER PROFILE :- Nick & Linda Dorricott My interest in Porsches started when I was living in Germany. My Dad was in awe of the neighbours VW Beetle which always started first time in all weathers, even in 2 metres of snow. From then on I was a VW fan. When I was 15, in 1975, I went to the London Motor Show and fell in love with a Martini 911 Turbo and this began my Porsche enthusiasm. In 1992 I bought my first Porsche, a 1980 mark 1 924 Turbo in guards red, which was a rare car then, and even rarer now. It was a hoot to drive with the turbo lag. We emigrated to Australia from the UK in 2005, but decided not bring the 924 Turbo over with us due to the strict import regulations. However, we really missed owning a Porsche so we started looking for a replacement and found a 1998 2.5 986 Boxster, also in guards red, which we bought in 2009. It’s a great fun car for weekend drives and we love it. I have driven a lot of porsches, but love the 986, such a sweet engine, and even my little granddaughter loves it (see photo). Linda loves driving with the top down, luckily the climate in Australia is brilliant for this. It has taken us a long time to join the Porsche Club but have finally done it. We look forward to taking part in the Porsche days out with the club and spending time with other people who appreciate the marque.

MEMBER PROFILE :- David Crutcher

I grew up in a small country town in the south west slopes of NSW in the middle of the wheat / sheep belt. I then went to University at Wagga and in the late nineties my wife and I moved to Brisbane. In 2003 we started our own IT Recruitment business, Montare Recruitment and I am pleased to say that after 13 years it is still going strong. Anyway enough about me, let’s talk cars. As a kid I was a BMW fan and I still am however I have a real passion for Porsches (I have recently restored a BMW 3.0CS). My first car was actually a Holden Gemini! It was a great little car. I think the stereo was worth more than the car. I still remember the day I drove my first Porsche home. It was a copper bronze 1978 911 SC. The interior was cork. It

wasn’t my ideal colour combination however I loved it. It had almost 300,000 k’s on the clock. I thought it was fairly docile until I got to about 5000rpm and then it came to life. I had it for 18 months and then sold it and bought another 911 SC with a lot less k’s and it was light green. I named it the ‘flying lettuce’. It was my daily driver and after about 2 years I decided I wanted something a little more modern and so the search began for a 993 Carrera S. After 3 months of searching I found a 1998 993 Carrera S in Vesuvius metallic in Melbourne. I have had it for just over 4 years now and drive it about twice a week. It is just a fantastic car and in my opinion one of the best looking Porsches ever made. Ah, but my Porsche story doesn’t end there. I’ve always wanted a V8 and despite the mixed opinions I recently acquired a 1986

928S (86.5) with low k’s. I am fortunate enough to have a hoist so I have been steadily working on getting it back up to scratch as there was a fair bit of deferred maintenance which required attention. Timing belt, engine mounts, washer system, full fluid change / flush, plugs etc. My next step is to redo the interior and upgrade the exhaust. It is different to the 993. The 993 is more like a go cart and the 928 a GT cruiser. It’s a great feeling to walk out to the shed and think will I go for a cruise in the 928s or a spirited drive in the 993! I am truly grateful to be their owners and while I have been laying low in amongst the Porsche club I would love to make contact with like-minded members to swap stories over a coffee or on occasion something a little stronger!




Photos Lee Cooper















. 30






PROPERTY DIRECT HOUSE 236 Montague Road West End,Qld

PORSCHE CLUB QUEENSLAND MOTORSPORT 2016 ROUND 4 - LAKESIDE A relatively small field of 18 Drivers took to Lakeside for Round 4 of the PCQ Motorsport calendar. A glorious sunny winter’s day, absolutely perfect for racing. A complete contrast to the previous weekend which was the rained out running the BMW hosted Interclub Challenge. The format for this event was two run group which were incorporated into the QR Lakeside Open Sprint Series. Each run group had 3 runs with an additional run which was an “all in” both run groups. The first run group saw the likes of Stan Adler and the writer go under 60sec whilst the rest of the group held their own with low 60’s. This group was pushing hard and no less than four drivers (including the writer) succumb at least once to the dreaded “Hungry” corner.

Thankfully, vehicle injuries were only minor. The second group delivered a range of times from low 60’s to mid-range 70’s; one thing is for sure, they all had a lot of fun and incident free. The stand out performer for the day was Stan Adler with a very impressive 58.9770sec in the second last run of the day. This performance sees Stan consolidated his position at the top of the PCQ Club Championship with 410.5 points; 53.5 points clear of second place. The only negative was that this event became our first event this year to make a small loss. Overall, the motorsport programme is in a good place and in current in the black. The Motorsport committee fully supports the events at Lakeside and we believe that the small number where as a result of an unusually

large number of external events and situations that were out of our control. The Motorsport Committee are confident that the number at our final sprint event at Lakeside will see a return of participants at this track. The next event will be Morgan Park on the 9th July 2016. This event will be part of the Interclub Challenge and early numbers would suggest that it will be very successful. Finally, the PCQ Motorsport family wishes to express its condolences to the families of Bill Black and Sven Koremans, both of whom lost a family member in the week prior to this event.


Kevin Vedelago Motorsport Director







Morgan Park Sprint - PCQ Round 5 and Inter Club Challenge Round 6 Article by Bill Black Photos by Lee Cooper

Our second trip to Morgan Park for 2016 was bound to be a big event as it was not only Rd. 5 of our Motorsport Competition but also Rd. 6 of this year’s Inter Club Challenge. Having built up a good rapport with other car clubs over the past year, we expected this event was going to be well supported. We ended up with over 70 entries from a total of 11 different car clubs. Fantastic support from the Lotus Club and again from both MX5 and the 86 Drivers Club. The range of cars was absolutely amazing, and at last I had company from the 1960’s with an MG, Austin Healy and Lotus 7 and right through to the late model Toyota 86’s, Elise’s, MX 5’s, Porsches and a pair of well sorted VW Golf R’s straight from the Time Attack Series. With such a diverse range of cars and performance levels, coupled with some entrants not able to nominate an approximate lap time for Morgan Park, sorting the run groups proved a challenge. With 4 fairly even run groups we managed to accommodate the double entered cars and were set for a good number of runs. What we didn’t count on was the Warwick winter weather. Not for the first time was the start of the first run delayed due to fog. There was not a breath of wind and at 10 o’clock a thick blanket of pea soup fog still hung over the track. Finally a breeze sprung up revealing a crisp clear sunny day and those in the know could sense a day of near perfect track conditions lay ahead as the first group go out as soon as the fog lifted. Thanks to great organization by Nigel and Cyril, all 4 groups got 2 runs on the K Circuit before lunch. After the break to feed the flaggies and drivers we had a further run on the long track, before switching to the E Circuit for 3 runs. A member of the MX5 club said he zeroed his trip meter at the start of the day and had clocked up over 100 km of track time by the end of his sixth run.

Ideal weather and track conditions produced many PB’s and a lot of very happy drivers. Quickest on both tracks was Geoff Noble from the Lotus Club driving a road registered 2004 Elise. Geoff posted a very impressive 1:18.9 on the K and a 1:03.9 on the E circuit. Fastest Porsche was Greg Turnham with two PB’s in his 1979 3.6 911. Brothers Karl and Kevin were always near the top of the time sheets in their Radicals. The Coopers made it a family day with Steve, Cameron and Emily all on track while Lee was behind the camera. Cam was consistently quicker than his Dad even though he was driving Mum’s pink car. There were plenty of dices and friendly competition throughout the day with Stan Adler (2.7ish Carrera) trading times with Kevin Vedelago (997) all day. Sven Koremans (996TT) and Eckhard Schwarting (911 3.2), co-drivers from Lemons, chased each other all day with Sven coming out on top. Taavi Orupold (Boxster S) and Michael Treffene (911 2.7) were also barely separated on the time sheets.

improvements have resulted in a much closer points table. Stan has maintained the lead in this year’s championship after 5 rounds.

It was great to see Roger Hall bring along his 1988 911 Carrera 3.2 Club Sport. One of only 148 built that year of which very few came in right hand drive. Porsche fitted it with the 231 HP 3.2 engine and a re-chipped Motronic allowing higher revs. It went on a diet thanks to delete options of electric seats, electric windows, rear wiper, central locking, radio and some insulation with the result being about 50 kg less than the standard Carrera. Handling was improved with Bilstein gas shockies fitted all round. Roger’s, like most Club Sports came in Grand Prix White with distinctive red “Carrera CS” script down each side. A rare car that will only appreciate in value and an owner not afraid to put it on the track.

The camaraderie built up with members of other car clubs through our shared motorsport events has ensured future support and financial viability of PCQ motorsport. This was no better demonstrated at Morgan Park than by Paul Clemens, President of the Z Car Club. Paul could not compete due to mechanical issues with his car, but came up and supported the event by manning the flag point under the bridge for the whole day.

The refining of the benchmark lap time system was again vindicated, with many drivers who set PB’s, also bettered the benchmark lap time and were awarded more than 100 points. The number of competitors in the 2016 PCQ competition grows with each event and the

PCQ came out on top of the Inter Club Challenge club points with 70 points thanks to Karl, Kevin (Radicals), Greg and Cam (Porsches), followed by Lotus (69 points), 86 Drivers (68 points),with MX5 and Z Car clubs filling the minor places. Lotus still maintain their lead after 6 rounds of the I.C.C. series, being 5 points ahead of Porsche. PCQ members however dominated the I.C.C. Pre-1986 Road Registered results, filling the top 8 places. Stan Adler (’75 911) was quickest and gained maximum points, followed by myself (’69 911) and Don Munro (’74 911 3.6) in third place. Ross Kennedy (’85 911), Michael Treffene (’76 911), David Dodds (’75 911), Mike Miller (‘82 928) and Greg Rosentreter (’82 911) filling the next 5 places and relegating the older Lotus, MG and Sprites to also rans.

It was a big day and certainly would not have happened without the help of our many volunteers. A big thank you to the CAMS officials Alana, Nige, Kevin, Cyril, Fred, Jamie and the flaggies. Club members who helped make the day happen Gail (money & transponders), Lee (photos), Jeff (lap timing), Eckhard (results), Sven (lunch) and Kevin (help where ever needed). With a profit of over $4,500, motorsport has again help bolster the club’s bank balance.







PORSCHE CLUB QUEENSLAND MOTORSPORT 2016 ROUND 6 - MT COTTON HILL CLIMB Saturday 27 August 2016 saw PCQ return to the MGCCQ Mount Cotton Hill Climb facility. It has been several years since the subtle tones of a finely tuned Porsche has graced this track. The track doesn’t quite fit the purest image of a Hill Climb; as it is not a continuous rise/ climb. This track starts with a sharp right and climbs to a long sweeping left hander followed by a quick straight down hill, then to be greeted by a sharp right hander; followed by another climb for the second loop, sweeping left into the second straight down hill, then a technical left to the final rise as you head for home. Not a particularly quick run in terms of speed but particularly quick in terms of driving precision. Although the first Hill Climb took place in France in 1897, Hill Climbs became very popular in the UK as this type of motorsport really suited the light and nibble English sports cars. Nothing has changed, power is great but weight and handling are the key. The results on the day testify to this as the larger powered Porsches struggled to achieve the times of the

older, lighter cars. (Driver’s might have had something to do with that as well) The day commenced with a relaxed Driver’s Briefing and then we were into it. Stan Adler provided the first bit of entertainment for the day when he went the wrong way up the second loop on his first run. Far crueler people than I have suggested that Stan should “stick to going round in circles”. To Stan’s credit, he dismissed the error and went on the record with a very respectable 49.150 seconds, the third fastest time for the day. Mike Miller had a small “off” exploring the limits of grip in his 928 on his second run. No damage to driver or car, just a DNF for that run. Bill Black car had a slipping clutch on every uphill section. Bill wasn’t sure what annoyed him more the fact that the slipping clutch affected his lap time or the fact that he was

going to need to take the engine & gear box out of the car for the 4th time this year. Bill proved to be the King of the Mountain (Hill) with the fastest time of 47.680 seconds. Marks for consistency would have to go to Eckhard Schwarting who had three consecutive runs 49.260, 49.220 and 49.260, all within 4 hundredth of a second. Sector 2 of those three runs was identical to the thousandth of a second. Eckhard’s 93 points (second overall for the day) now sees him as the provisional club championship leader after adjustment for the removal of the lowest round. Finally, congratulations to new member Gary Vedelago upon completing his first ever motorsport event; hope to see you at the last sprint of the year at Lakeside in November.


Kevin Vedelago Photos by Ken Krenske











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PORSCHE CLUB QUEENSLAND MOTORSPORT 2016 championship points table




For Sale

Porsche Design Executive Saddle Bag

Circa 1985 Limited Edition Porsche Collectable

(only known other is in Porsche Design Museum L.A. USA)

Email michael-donovan@bigpond.com for PDF brochure or text 0407 600 939 with email address Superb condition - P.O.A - Item is in SEQ and available for inspection









 All club and competition work. Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brakes, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and modifications, including fabrication and machining.  Servicing , wheel alignments, trouble shooting.  Pre purchase appraisals.  25 years PCCQ member, 3 club championships. Many class wins and records. 20 years building, modifying, restoring Porsches.  Low rates, quality work and personal service. Ph: Brett Wentworth 0419990993 | 14/22 Allgas St Slacks Creek 4127 Email: brettww@bigpond.com

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Porsche 911 Turbo 997 Auto - MY07 91,000 kms, excellent condition, Full Service History. Full Leather interior, many options.

Price: $152,000 or best offer. Contact: For more details contact Sven on PH: 0400 812 822

Porsche 911 Turbo (996) My01 manual coupe 911 Turbo silver coupe, 6 speed manual Immaculate condition and drives superbly Australian delivered Full log book history 106,000km

Price: $115,000 Contact: David 0400 930 886

2003 Porsche 996 Factory Built Cup Car with CAMS Log Book In Europe these cars are currently selling for as much as 69000 euro ($100,000aud) This car is a six speed H pattern shift with ABS brakes. This car has very little race history and has only been driven at 2 events in the last 2 years.Prior the events we installed a reconditioned gearbox at a cost of 13000 euro from Ebert Motor Sport Germany. This gearbox has ratios for the Nurburg Ring, in that the ratios are adjusted to reduce the number of shifts. Has a very strong engine, Brembo Brake rotors, new seat and harness, refurbished Motec and fire extinguisher is current. We purchased this car 2 years ago for $80000 and spent at least another $30000 getting it to how we wanted it. New wheel bearings, bonnet struts, clutch etc etc. Car is fitted with a dry break fuel system and comes with air lance, 3 sets of wheels with good club tyres. The car is a great car and is an incredibly cheap club car. The car is for sale at $47500 as is. The car is also advertised in Germany for 45000euro for a quick sale. The car is guards red and is wrapped as per the photos. (Bonnet is original colour) We ran this car at Morgan park, and the vehicle consistently outpaced 997 Cup cars.


$47,500.00 Contact: 0448828877 Ben 0400 778107 George Georgefoessel@icloud.com

Australian GT series 2013 (Challenge Division Winning Porsche 2004 996 Cup Car

This immaculate Porsche 996 Cup Car was driven to victory in the 2013 Australian GT Series beating 997 Porsches. This is a Porsche factory Built racecar. This car was originally purchased by a NSW owner and had little race use. The car comes with a CAMS log book and is in very good condition. The car was purchased as an entry level Motor Sports car and was driven to Victory in it’s first year. The car comes with 3 sets of wheels, air lance, new seat and harness. This is an excellent Motor car and would suit a collector or club enthusiast. The car has been fitted with Brembo Rotors and hats, Pagid yellow pads, new clutch (Tilton) This car is a great investment for the club racer or anyone looking to get into motor sport that wants to be competitive. The car is easy to drive with 6 speed manual transmission combined with ABS brakes. The car is a great car and is an incredibly cheap club car. The car is for sale at $57500 as is. The car is also advertised in Germany for 50000euro for a quick sale. The car white and is wrapped as per the photos. (Bonnet is original colour) A quick fast and reliable race car.

Price: 42

$57,500.00 Contact: 0448828877 Ben 0400 778107 George Georgefoessel@icloud.com







WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR PARTS HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au BILSTEIN PSS9 to suit 996 turbo

FOR PORSCHE 911SC (1979)

Front and rear, mono-tube gas shock with 9-stage individually adjustable compression and rebound settings. Have a large adjustment range and would a great upgrade for fast road to race. Price: $1500.00 Contact: Simon Cilento

1 set of BSB (alloy) wheels with tyres $1,000 1 set of rear Bilstein (yellow) Shock Absorbers $400 1 pair of sun visors (need refoaming with PU) $50

Contact: Louis Timmer 07 5574 7753 or 04 0870 0778 (ask for Louis)


Factory parts catalogue for 912 Porsche, in brand new order , in 2 sections

Price: $150.00 Contact: Doug Pepper 07 3356 5546

Jun-Jul 2016

Jun-Jul 2016

Parts For Sale

2 new tyre rods, German made to suit 924S...1986 also suits 944...1984-86 plus Turbo 1986 for Power steering....$300. Rack and Pinion dust covers, left and right...$60. Complete Headlight Assembly...$170. Rear windscreen washer motor and Armiture...$100. Original steering wheel...brown...$50. Luggage compartment roller..brown...$50. Dec-Jan 2016 Contact: Garry....32059136. Email: cruisin.nanpop@gmail.com

Gemballa Road wheels suit 996 Turbo

996 Turbo spoke wheels

Gemballa quality road wheels. Suit 996 turbo. $14,500 new. 9’’ x 20’’ and 12’’ x 20’’. Fitted with Continental Contisports Contact 3, 235 x 30ZR 20 and 305 x 25ZR x 20. No track work on wheels or tyres. Rims are perfectly straight. Some tyres ok. Probably all 4 to be replaced.

996 Original turbo wheels complete with Turbo centre caps. 11’’ x 18’’ and 8’’ x 18’’. All fitted with Pirelli P Zero Corsa track tyres. Tyres front - half worn, rears 1 or 2 tracks days left. Wheels excellent condition as new. Price: $1800

Price: $3,750 Contact Terry 0418 727 997

Contact Terry 0418 727 997 Feb-Mar 2016

Feb-Mar 2016

Garret Turbo, waste gate, headers & mufflers

Gemballa Race strength wheels suit 996 Turbo

Garret A/R.70 Turbo. 4 track days use. 1 Bar Waste gate Headers Waste gate muffler & Pipe. Muffler & Straight through Pipe

Gemballa race rims suit 996 Turbo. 9’’ x 18’’ and 11.5’’ x 18’’ Fitted with Yokohama Advan A048 225 x 40R x 18 and 315 x 30R x 18 front need replacing, rear only a quarter worn.

Price: $1500.00 ono

Price: $2000

Contact: Paul 0457883127

Contact: Terry 0418 727 997

Feb-Mar 2016

Feb-Mar 2016

Number Plate - Q IX11

Falken Tyres Selling Falken ZIEX ZE 912 tyres, 2 x 205/55R16 & 2 x 225/50R16 12 months old, only done 2200k’s.

Price: $200.00 (the lot) Contact: Patrick - 0448 612 781

Price: $2300 ono. Contact: David 0400 930 886

Oct-Nov 2016

Feb-Mar 2016

996 Turbo Car Bra Custom fit, never used. Was bought to protect front from stones chips on track days but never got around to it. Black with silver Porsche wording at front. Cost $400

Price: $225 44

Contact: Terry 0418 727 997



Feb-Mar 2016

Genuine Porsche hardtop to suit 996/997 finished in Basalt Black with grey trim in good condition. This part is normally a $6,000+ option!

Price: Quick sale 1,800$ Contact: Luke 0400386686

Feb-Mar 2016

996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels

996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels (2) with Pirelli P Zero Corsa road race tyres fitted, maybe 1-2 track days left (depends on how hard you drive them). Very good condition wheels that come with Turbo centre caps (not pictured).




Jono O’Reilly 0408 600 008

One only Goodyear 19inch 275/30 ZR, 99% tread.

944 parts The 17” (17x7.5 and 17 x 9) Cup wheels Offset ET 23 Front ET 17 Rear with near new tyres to suit early 944 (non-ABS) and 911s with the same offset.

Price: $150.00. Contact:


Geoff Hughes 33530657 / 0448600229

Also 944 rear bumper and valance $400

Aug-Sept 2015

For sale a Collection of Porsche Excellence Magazines

987 Cayman Car Cover

Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 987 Cayman

The issues are from #32 to #225 and are not for sale individually


Reasonable offers are invited



Aug-Sept 2016

Contact Jo Seeger

Peter 0409181338

email jo-ca@bigpond.com phone no (07) 41242741 or 0412440926

Queensland Raceway lap transponder – Serial # 31948 – purchased about a year and half ago has a five year life span.


Price: Contact:

as above David Bentley 0400 823 370

964 Parts

Factory original cassette holder, sits in console between front seats of 964, 993, etc. Good condition. Price: $50 ono.

Carrera Hardtop Wall Mounted Storage Rack Suits 996, 997, etc. Genuine Porsche part purchased from Porsche Centre Brisbane. Aluminium construction. As new. Price: $399 or offer. Contact: Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au Jun-Jul 2016

4 x Bridgestone RE11S. 205/60R15, manufactured week 49/2014.

Qld Personalised Prestige Plates ‘PDK’

Used in 2 race meetings

997 Wind Deflector (New)

HSRCA Retrospeed. SMSP. 6-7 June 2015

Any offer welcome 0419 807 115

Muscle Car Masters. SMSP. 5-6 September 2015


Contact: Dennis

5424 6694

Price: $125 each Dec-Jan 2016 Contact: Stan 0414 911 901

Aug-Sept 2016

Wanted Wanted Wanted Wanted Wanted 928 s4 engine and or parts of Please contact John@dynotuning. net.au or ring, text 0412 084004 Aug-Sept 2016




Wanted. 14” & 15” Steel Wheels

Dec-Jan 2016 14” & 15” Steel Wheels wanted to suit early 911 – any condition. Pick up Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth. Nick 0419 21 33 55 nt@mascoteng.com.au


Original Hero Camera in good working condition. Not worried about battery, waterproof case or cards etc. Just the “naked” camera. Please advise condition and price sought. Contact: David Sharam - westhill@bigpond.net.au

Wanted 993 Targa Manual or Tiptronic Private buyer. If you are at all interested in selling your 993 Targa or know of one that maybe for sale


Vince on 0433 263 998 Aug-Sept 2015

Wanted:- 911 Front seats to suit 1974 Front seats to suit 1974 911 wanted – any condition. Pick up Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth. Contact: Nick 0419 213355 nt@mascoteng.com.au




Number Plate - TOY

This very rare legitimate Dept Main Roads Qld number plate is for sale. Similar Australian plates have sold between $40k -$210k. There is obviously only one such plate can be issued so place your offer in now OR MISS OUT.

Price: Offers above $24,000 considered Contact: Henry Sapiecha 0411645533

Number Plate “9 ONE 1”

Number Plates 986-BOX

“9 ONE 1” - black lettering on silver background. Will look amazing on any 911, old or new. Plates have never been installed – brand new, still in box. Slim height front plate, normal height rear plate. Go on, treat yourself!

Price: $2,500 Contact: Terry 0419 747 568

Price: $3,000 o.n.o. Contact: Harry 0407 083 982

Original QLD heritage plates: Presitge Porsche numbers

‘Turbo 2’ Number Plates

1 std and 1 slimline, both in perfect condition. Price: $3,500 or best offer Contact: Laurie 0418 480 461 or email laurie329@hotmail.com

Ideal for 911 Targa. White letters on slim dark-grey plates. Price: $650 Aug-Sept 2016 Contact:Carl on 0400 171 746

$750.00 ono

$5000.00 ono

Slimline number plates C4S 911 as pictured Price: $4000 ono Aug-Sept 2016 Contact: Call Peter 0409118338

Gold lettering on Black

Price: $911 Jun-Jul 2016 Contact: Barbara 0408 700 778

Number Plates

Suit Prestige Vehicle Black and Gold Classy Plates

Price: Above $4,250 Contact: Helen 0419681772


Contact: Ann 0418872109

Denzil 0429078589

Personalised Plates

GT3 R Number Plates Number Plates - GT3 R

Price: $3,000 Contact:

No plays on numbers and letters , 100% original heritage Qplates. These stunning numbers for the Porsche owner come with pricing as follows: Q991: $35000- Q992: $25000- As a pair $57000Ph: +61 411 11 4395 E-mail: abibrod@yahoo.com.au

Price: $7,000




$1750 or reasonable offer 6 months old Apr-May 2016 Contact: Tas 0403 014 247

991PDK Plate

PCE 911



Kerry 0414 443 232

Number Plates POR-912 & POR-87 Price: $375 for each Contact: Doug. Pepper

Price: $750 Contact: Chris

33565546 email: ausieroadsters@optusnet.com.au

0498 093 097

Hot Shot Number Plates

7 letter prestige plates in box never used Price: $3250.00 Contact: Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au



997S​- slimline plates

Price: Make me an offer Contact: Mick on 0418635621


Aug-Sept 2015

Unique number plates for the pinnacle of the 928. These plates are white on black, both slimline and never been on a vehicle. This one of a kind plate is perfect for the 928 GTS, as it is identical to the nomenclature of the car.




Mellissa Mercer (03) 9670 6544



You can pay by Credit Card for applications and renewals online: Porsche-QLD.org.au Tick One Box in One Category Annual Membership

New Membership

July 1 to June 30

Single Membership1

$175 (Annual Fee $115 + $60 Joining Fee)

$115 (Annual Fee $115)

$175 (Annual Fee $115 + $60 Joining Fee)

$115 (Annual Fee $115)

$198 (Annual Fee $138 + $60 Joining Fee)

$138 (Annual Fee $138)

$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee)

$58 (Annual Fee $58)

Next step - Complete Part B

Single Parent Membership Family Membership

Renewing Member


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Next step - Complete Part B & C

Junior Associate Membership4

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Next step - Complete Part D

Half Year Membership

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Next step - Complete Part A

New HALF YEAR Membership (Annual Fee Discounted 50%)

January 1 to June 30


Single Membership1

(Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B

Family Membership3

$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B & C $129

Junior Associate Membership4


Single Parent Membership


(Annual Fee $69 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B & C


(Annual Fee $29 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part D (Please print clearly)

(Sign below as applicant)

First Name:


PCQ Membership Number:

** If updates to your details are required: complete detail sections on the next page

Please Sign Below

Application cannot be processed without Signature

My Cheque or Postal Note made out to Porsche Club QLD for: $ I wish to:

Apply for . Renew my .

is attached.

Full Membership Associate Membership6

With the Porsche Club QLD Inc. (An association incorporated under the Association Incorporated Act of 1981). I agree to abide by the rules of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE




NEW MEMBERS Please complete details on next page





(Please print clearly)

(Sign below as applicant)

First Name:


Preferred Name on Card:


Postal Address: Suburb:


Home Phone:



Country: Work Phone:


(Sign below as 2nd applicant)

Spouse/ Partner First Name:

Spouse/ Partner Surname:

Preferred Name on Card:


Home Phone:


(Please print clearly)

Work Phone:

Children 17 years of age and under and full time dependant students: Name:

Date of Birth:


Date of Birth:

PART D. NEW MEMBER: JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (Parent or guardian to sign below for applicant) First Name:


Preferred Name on Card:


(Please print clearly)

Postal Address: Suburb:


Home Phone:



Country: Work Phone:

PART E. Porsche Club QLD Local Member Business Guide Entry Business Category

(per Yellow Pages Directory)


(Please print clearly)

Business Name


PART F. Porsche vehicle details (REQUIRED for Full Membership) MODEL

NOTE (i.e. Carrera )


Contact Number



(Please print clearly) COLOUR

(If more space is required please feel free to attach additional information)

Please Note:

Applicants should allow up to 6 weeks for processing. Porsche Club QLD Memberships are non-refundable and not transferable. Renewing Membership payments are due July 30, and must be paid prior to Sept 30, otherwise the $60 Joining Fee will apply. Annual General Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of August.  Only financial Full Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.  Full Members must be financial prior to voting.

   

Single Membership: Covers one Member only. Single Parent Membership: Covers one Member (parent) and children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. 3 Family Membership: Covers two Members (as spouse/ partner) & children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s) 5. 4 Junior Associate Membership: Covers one Associate Member6 17 years or under, who is not part of a Family Membership3. 5 Full time dependant student: requires current Student Identification card. 6 Associate Member: Any person eighteen years or over who does not own or have access to the use of a Porsche motor vehicle, but who considers themselves a genuine enthusiast of the marque or can assist the club in any way, may apply to the club to become an Associate Member. Associate Members do not have club voting rights, and are unable to stand for committee positions. 1 2

Post to: Porsche Club Queensland GPO Box 584 Brisbane QLD 4001 For Urgent Response Fax to: 07 3009 0465 or Scan and Email to Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au

Office Use Only Name on Cheque

Membership Type

Money Order Membership Type Full


Cheque No: Single Parent


Associate Application Processed Date:







Receipt Number:


/ Junior


Members’ Business Directory




Members’ Business Directory




Porsche recommends

The soul of the sports car. Now in the heart of Townsville. Porsche Centre Townsville is now open, bringing the world’s most iconic sports cars with it. Our impressive race-bred Cayenne and the incredible, class-leading Macan could well have been purpose built for North Queensland’s unique mix of on and off-road terrain. Both combine unparalleled four-wheel capability with Porsche’s legendary sports performance to give the driver an arsenal of power and precision that no other car can match.

Visit Porsche Centre Townsville today. porschetownsville.com.au

Porsche Centre Townsville 15-17 Bowen Road Mundingburra QLD 4812 Tel: 07 4729 5222









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