The Official Journal of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc.
October - November 2013
Events Calendar President’s Prose Editor’s Notes From the Control Tower Membership Report Championship Points Membership Form Market Place Parts for Sale Members’ Business Directory
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Porsche Party Celebrating 50yrs of 911 Club Nights The 944: The Perfect Modern Grand Tourer CAMS Praises Safety of 2014 Carrera Cup Porsche Panamera with 300hp Diesel An RS, a GT2 and a Spitfire Ring King Porsche 918 Spyder 911 Turbo Cabriolet and Turbo S Cabriolet Member Profile - Pat Kennedy Leyburn Sprints New Member Profiles Breakfast at Sirromet Winery Sanctuary Cove River Curise Round 6 - Mt Cotton Hill Climb Round 8 & 9 - Queensland Raceway Christmas Party Invitation
Thanks to the following members and friends for their contributions:
Cover: A Spitfire, RS and a GT2 by Lincoln Wilkins
Lincoln Wilkins, Justin Baldwin, Pat Kennedy, Steve Foss, Rod McCray, John Forson, Donna Beard, Sheldon Arkinstall, Richard Walker.
Inside Cover: Derek van Renen
Page 8 Page 12 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 23 Page 26 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 34 Page 37 Page 43
2012-2013 Committee and Assistants President Dave Beard 0413 121 213 pres@porsche-qld.org.au Vice President Grant Sparks vpresident@porsche-qld.org.au
Executive Secretary Kent Kieseker secretary@porsche-qld.org.au Finance Director Sharon Donsky treasurer@porsche-qld.org.au Motorsport Director Richard Walker Motorsport Assistant Emma Ayers comp@porsche-qld.org.au Social Director Donna Beard social@porsche-qld.org.au
Web Master Neil Macdonald admin@porsche-qld.org.au
Membership Secretary Tim Place 0419707 905 membership@porsche-qld.org.au Communications Director Sheldon Arkinstall 0421 271 029 editor@porsche-qld.org.au Production Assistant Rachel Place
Porsche News is published every two months by the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. primarily for the members and supporters. Print Post Number:
Please forward all correspondence to:Porsche News Porsche Club Qld GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Members’ contributions ae welcome and encouraged. Original articles and photographs will be returned if requested. Email to editor@porsche-qld.org.au The opinions expressed or inferred herein are not necessarily thos of the editor, committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. The Porsche Club Qld Inc. meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm at: PORSCHE CENTRE BRISBANE 146 Breakfast Creek Rd Newstead 4006 (Unless otherwise notified. Please check the Calendar for changes.) Management Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month - venue to be advised. Advertising: Porsche News has a circulation of approximately 500 copies, and is read by approximately 500 discerning readers and enthusiasts. Advertising rates vary, depending on locationa and size of adveritisment (see last page). For sale or wanted ads in the back of the magazine are free to club members for their private ads, $50 for commercial advertisers and $25 for non-members. Photos will be included when space permits. Advertisers should ensure that advertisments comply with the current Trade Practice Act, as responsibilty lies with the person, company or agent submitting the advertisment for publication. Club Web page is www.porsche-qld.org.au Membership: Please direct all membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary; or phone any committee member; or write to: Membership Secretary, PCQ GPO Box 584 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Membership is from July in one year to the end of June in the following year. This magazine is proudly printed by:
Merchandise Director Michelle Shaw
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Calendar 2013 Membership
October Tuesday 8th
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
The Club extends a warm welcome to the following new members:
Sunday 20th
Motorsport Round 10 - Lakeside
James Campbell
Allan Carseldine
Tuesday 12th
Club Night - Porsche Centre Brisbane
Saturday 23rd
Social - Morgan Park Dinner
Mark Leader
Saturday 23rd Motorsport Round 11 & 12 - Morgan Park & Sunday 24th
Scott McPherson
Monday 25th
Dean Tighe
Article deadline for Club Magazine
Keith Hayman
Friday 6th
Christmas Party & Motorsport Awards Wild West Theme - see invitation page 43
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Welcome to the 75 odd new Porsche Club Queensland members that have joined our club over the last 2years. We have met you at our monthly club nights for the first time, at our social drive day runs and many for the first time at our annual Xmas party and Motorsport awards night. And may I say it’s great to meet up with you, find out about your Porsche and introduce you around to other like minded club members ( we pretty well have one of everything LOL). Over the coming 12 months, PCQ will quite possible pass the 500 member mark and we would like to meet with more of you. Be that at our upcoming motorsport events, social drive days or our monthly Dealership club nights. After all PCQ only exists for the pure enjoyment of its members and at our heart, we are simply a local portal to fully exploit the Porsche ownership experience. So a simple question members may ask..how do I (and my Porsche) capitalize on PCQ? Well the first rule of understanding joining our or being part of a club - any club - is that no club comes to you - you need to go to it. Then the music can happen. So how? A monthly club track day overview. Whether you male or female, young or not so young, have a 924 or a 30 year old 911 or even a new 991, whether you have done zero track day events and a solid first timer or got your strips and nailed the ring? We as in PCQ have a 5 lap ‘non race’ timed run group suitable for you and your Porsche. Your Track day entry cost
will be around $200. In addition to this entry fee and a track license form signed off (all of 3 mins filling out), you will require a minimal amount of modifications such as a fire extinguisher to your Porsche. Taking your Porsche on a Porsche club track day will be one of the most liberating and invigorating experiences you will ever undertake - in your life. Yes it’s that good. Want to find out and take the next step? Come along to our next track day event and get started asking questions and visit or club website. Need more motivation? Come along to one of our free track day passenger rides. Either way just make yourself known and start participating. Social drive days. Visit our website EVENTS CALENDER and place the drive day dates in your smart phone. More often than not we meet and depart Porsche Centre Brisbane on a given Sunday at around 10am for a run in our Porsches to a chosen booked restaurant for lunch. Around 40 club members usually come along. How do you join in? Just follow the steps on our club website so if we have a bookings for lunch we can book you in. Or just let Donna know via email, text or a phone call and we will count you and if applicable your partner. Kids are welcome. Not so much the Pets.
The Porsche Club of Queensland is truly a great club to experience and there for the picking- but it can’t exist without YOU. Nor
will it need to. PCQ has in the past and will continue to well into the future, subsidize many many PCQ track days and social events including the annual PCQ Xmas party and Motorsport awards night. Many members may be surprised to learn that PCQ subsidize this annual event to the tune of around $6000 a year to ensure the purchase cost of our tickets are as low as possible and open to as many members as possible. Father’s Day at QR Many members will recall the annual pilgrimage to QR for Father’s Day where we took dads round and round the track for Charity. We raised tens of thousands of dollars. We stopped a few years ago due to insurance issues which was a huge setback for Muscular Dystrophy which we supported. As we did others. At our first committee meeting after our AGM I tabled my commitment to restart the annual Fathers day track day for Charity. Sadly I’m getting nowhere. QR and Lakeside has its own track day commitments I can’t at this point work around. Maybe we have to work in with QR somehow but if you are keen to give this initiative some legs let me know. See you clubside. Dave Beard Club President
Well, this edition see the commencement of my fourth year as Communications Director for the Club; hasn’t the time flown by quickly! Being a part of the Committee is very fulfilling and at times challenging role, as anyone who has held such a role (in any sort of club) will know. During my time I have been lucky enough to have been part of a very strong, supportive and cohesive Committee, which helps to make the job that much easier and more pleasurable. The strength of the Committee can be judged by the fact that most members are into their 3rd or 4th year of service. Once again, we have a very jammed-packed edition, with some very interesting stories and reports. As you would have seen from the cover of the magazine, there was quite an amazing photo-shoot conducted last month that just beggars belief. What makes this even more impressive is the fact that it is all as a result of the imagination and drive of a 15 year-old high-school student; Lincoln Wilkins. There are more photos and a short article explaining how the event was organised later in the magazine. Thanks and congratulations to Lincoln. From an administrative note, the club’s financial report, including the Profit and Loss statements can be found on the club website under clubinformation / minutesandreports / 2013minutesandreports Sheldon Arkinstall Communications Director
While the cat’s away the mice will play. I have had some fun putting this edition together while Sheldon is enjoying himself overseas. Thanks to everyone for their articles and submissions. Any complaints please forward to editor@Porsche-qld.org.au any compliments to subeditor@ Porsche-qld.org.au Rachel Place Sub-editor
keep up to date with what’s happening in and around the club - join the club facebook page Porsche Club of QLD
Vale – John Grieg The Committee has recently become aware of the sad news that club member John Grieg passed away on 24th August 2013. John was an owner of a 924 and had been a member of the club since 2008. The Committee would like to pass on condolences to John’s family and friends.
Vale – George Savage The Committee has recently become aware of the sad news that club member George Savage passed away on Friday 8 March 2013, aged 79. George was the beloved husband of Margaret, loving Father and Father-in-law of Catherine and Simon, Peter and Helen, Jennifer and Luke. He was also the proud Grandfather of Harry, Lily, Lewis, Ben, Josie, Oliver and Eve. George has been a Porsche Club Qld club member since 2006 with his Boxster. The Committee would like to pass on condolences to George’s family and friends and apologise for the delay in passing on this news to the club membership.
Hello, fellow motor sport enthusiasts, we’re coming up to our last couple of track days for the year. We only have 3 more championship point rounds left. Lakeside sprints will be round 10, on Sunday 20Th October, followed by rounds 11 & 12 at Morgan Park on Saturday 23rd and Sunday the 24Th of November. Morgan Park will be sprints and regularity. Hang on a minute Mr Motor sport Director, I hear you all say, Norwell was cancelled. That only makes a total of 8, including sprints and motorkhana at Queensland Raceway. Yes you’re right, we have been forced to drop one event, so in actual fact we will only have eleven championship rounds. To make it easier for those of us who can’t count more than 10 or remember which event was dropped or what number it was, we will keep number 7 as Norwell. This round 7 will count as one of the rounds that can be dropped, for those of you who have competed in more than 9 rounds. Remembering your top 9 rounds will contribute to championship points. Our last track day was at Queensland Raceway, which was a beautiful sunny day with many drivers cracking PBs (personal bests). Our next round is at Lakeside on Sunday the 20th October. Lakeside will be a half day of sprints, with the social club coming out for breakfast happy laps.
This year luck has been on our side and we have had fantastic weather at the track. Let’s hope we can be as lucky for next years calendar. Weather is one external factor that we are unable to control and there are also many other factors that will influence dates and the availability of the track. For example, V8 super cars take first priority, then any national series, then state rounds, then multi-club racing, then interstate sprints and last of all club sprints. To make the track days more accessible to all, the subcommittee will attempt to not encroach on family time e.g.: school holidays. We will also take into account non Porsche Club QLD events e.g.: Porsche Club NSW Bathurst event, V8 supercar, Leyburn sprints, McCleans Bridge Lakeside, PCQ concourse, and PCQ social drives. We have proposed to have 8 rounds over 6 events comprising of 5 sprints, 1 motorkhana, 1 regularity and 1 hill climb. Another hot topic of discussion has been the starting times at our track days. Due to the noise restrictions at Lakeside our starting times have been set, gates open 08:00am as per subregs and QR at 07:30am. These are the non-negotiable times that have been set by the track so please attempt to keep cars quiet , including when taking them off the trailer, prior to these times.
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Track safety at QR has also taken on a new policy of making it compulsory to wear Hans devices for all circuit racing events and vehicles with harness restraints. A road registered car with sash belts in a sprint event is not required to wear neck restraints at this stage. General Manager, Keith Lewis, stated, “After discussions with competitors this morning, it has been decided that HANS Devices or other suitable neck restraints will be compulsory at all race meetings held at Lakeside or Queensland Raceway from 2014. The feedback we have had so far in relation to the changes has all been extremely positive and it would seem that the drivers share our view that it can only help to make our sport even safer.” (September 9, 2013). Finally, at a PCQ CAMs event we require an official CAMs scrutineer to do spot audits and safety checks on all cars according to CAMs regulations. The subcommittee would like to invite club members to become CAMs officials. Anyone who is interested please contact myself, Richard, at comp@porsche-qld.org. au or visit the CAMs website http://www.cams. com.au. The upcoming Morgan Park Warwick event would be the perfect opportunity to complete the on-site practical assessment. Happy Motoring Richard Walker
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Thanks for your vote of confidence at the AGM, I am proud to remain in this role with the committee for the next year. The club is in a strong position again at 440 members, and has now officially moved into the 2013/ 2014 membership year. The renewals continue to come in which is great, as there are some exciting events scheduled for the rest of the year. Time to update your contact details: Please keep the club up to date with your details, either by email, or by updating your details directly on the website. The club sends out weekly email newsletters to the Main Members email address, and occasional SMS reminder updates about events. If we mobile details chance a last
don’t have your correct email, phone number and vehicle you may be missing out on the to participate, or not hear about minute change to an event!!
The club extends a grace period for members to renew without penalty up till September 30, so don’t leave it too late as you may have to pay the joining fee again!!
For those of you yet to renew the best way is by the Online Form on the club website (the only place you can use your credit card). If you wish to pay by cheque, then you can use the form in this magazine, or download one from the website and post it in with your payment.
We are about to get some updated membership flyers printed – so if you have any ideas on updates you think would improve the flyer, please let me know.
Remember benefits of membership include:
Single Memberships: 190 Family Memberships: 125 Equating to 440 members (inlcuding 4 life members)
• Motor Sport events held at Queensland Raceways, Morgan Park or Lakeside,
Membership Status September 2013
• Social Activities that include club nights, touring and other events, • Special Events in conjunction with other Clubs,
All the best, and see you at the next club night.
• Six Issues annually of the Club Magazine: Porsche News, • Weekly Newsletter updates by email,
Tim Place Membership Secretary Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au
• A range of discounts and special deals, on a variety of services and products, • C.A.M.S Affilliation, and • Assistance with applications for Special Interest Vehicle discounted registration in Queensland.
ALL EUROPEAN AND BRITISH DAY AT LAKESIDE PARK This year Lakeside Park will be holding an all European and British day at Lakeside Park. To be held on the 6th October, it will be run much the same as their very popular All American Day and All Aussie day, but this time their aim is to do it with a bit of class and elegance and what is more elegant than a classic made Euro and British cars. It will be restricted to only British or European built cars only. There will be Club cruise sessions available to 8 clubs. These Club Cruises will cost approximately $25 per car for 20 minutes track time, for up to 100 cars (you may share cruise sessions with other clubs). If you would like to enter, please contact Richard Walker (comp@porsche-qld.org.au) ASAP as these are very popular and sell out incredibly fast! There will also be a show and shine and Track challenge composed of a drag and slalom event. This will cost $20 per driver and is open to the first 40 entries received. Gate prices are $10 per person in the front gate and $10 per car into the infield.
Porsche party celebrating 50 Years of 911 stops traffic
Australia. Over 100 Porsche 911s forming a convoy 1.5 kilometres long streamed across Sydney Harbour Bridge last Sunday morning as Australia gave its birthday gift to Porsche headquarters in Germany in recognition of “50 Years of 911“. A lane of the Sydney Harbour Bridge was reserved for the special parade, with the Porsche NSW Police Panamera leading the convoy of 911s in turn led by the ‘World Tour 911’ – a pristine 1967 model from the Porsche Museum. An internationally renowned Australian icon was needed for the global
celebrations with Sydney’s famed harbour bridge deemed the obvious choice. ‘50 Years of 911’ celebrations have so far been held in Paris, Geneva, Stuttgart, Shanghai, London and Sao Paolo – but none have been as ambitious or as audacious as closing off a section of one of Australia’s busiest roads. The Porsche parade included the rare, the exotic, the unique and the very fast – from the second customer 911 delivered into Australia in 1965, to two of the famed 1973 Carrera RS, a svelte white 964 Speedster from 1993 and one of only a few 911 GT2
RS from 2010. The combined value of the 911s participating was above $15m. Some Porsche enthusiasts travelled over 200 kilometres to take part in the drive which took 15 minutes to complete; starting at Millers Point and ending at Taronga Zoo. A short film of the historic event is currently being produced and will be released soon on porschepassion.com.au and YouTube.
Article and photos courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia
The convoy departs in single file, heading towards Sydney Harbour Bridge
911s of all types and age reach the finish point at Taronga Zoo
A proud moment for this Aussie 911 aficionado Australia stamps its mark on the 50 Years of 911 celebrations
The stream of Porsche 911s begin crossing Sydney Harbour, headed by the ‘World Tour 911‘
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By Sheldon Arkinstall Denis spoke to the club about his new business “The 3D Car Club” which is a new concept in marketing vehicles (and other merchandise) for sale on the internet. Denis has constructed a special studio (complete with 360° rotating carousel) and camera technique that provides 3-dimensional, 360° pictures of your car that can be used on websites to attract more attention to your car (product). These pictures can also be supported by audio of the car and interviews with the owners if desired. Denis also has his own website (http://3dcarclub.com/) were the cars can be listed for sale. The website also offers a raft of other “social media” features.
Denis Keane
The Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Tuesday August 13th to review the year and to elect the Club Committee for the 2013 / 2014 year. A small, but enthusiastic gathering of club members were in attendance on the night and enjoyed the usual (for an AGM) free drinks and nibbles. Once again, the majority of the Committee volunteered to stand for another term and were uncontested for their respective roles. As the Webmaster position was vacated by Steve Foss (after 2 years of service, this position along with the newly sanctioned role of Merchandise Director saw the only new additions to the Committee being. Our new Committee members are Michelle Shaw as Merchandise Director and Neil Macdonald as our new Webmaster. Congratulations to you both and welcome aboard! Given that it was our AGM meeting, there were no special guests for the night and the only new member was Allan Paterson pictured.
September Club Meeting The September club night was held on the 10th and on this occasion, our special guest speaker was Denis Keane from 3D Car Club.
Allan Paterson
The only new club member in attendance was Scott McPherson who owns a 1975 911 2.7 Carrera Targa.
The 944: The Perfect Modern Grand Tourer Story and Photography by Justin Baldwin Before the 928 owners start howling their arguments, let me explain. My previous road trip experiences have been in big, thirsty V8’s, but that was back when fuel was 28 cents per litre and radar speed guns were yet to be invented. With small, nimble and frugal cars like the 944, road trips can again become affordable. My work puts me on the road most days; however my usual range is limited to Southeast Queensland. The 944 has proven to be a reliable and robust workhorse, capable of massive loads, depending on the packing skill of the driver. I have had many amazed onlookers while at Bunning’s, loading in my work supplies. The opportunity of work in Rocky, Mackay, Townsville and Cairns was all that I needed to once again hit the wide open road.
Day three. Mackay to Townsville and I am greeted by the signs of a cane harvesting season in full swing and clear skies. The road is good, with only small delays, but the prospect of two B-double semi’s riding my rear bumper, while being stuck behind several cars doing 90100 kilometres an hour, scares the hell out of me. At this point I switch on the CB radio and listen into the two trucks talking about how best to force their way past, even with the poor road conditions and limited passing opportunities. I take the option to pull in for a coffee and let the two trucks tailgate the next poor victim. Little did I know, this would not be the last event of this type and I now feel that the bad reputation of interstate truck drivers is more than warranted.
cry from the single lane road I drove as we entered in the ‘70’s. I avoid the usual city hotels and stay at Clifton beach and what a welcome sight it is! The area around Clifton Beach and Palm Cove rivals Noosa and the night time atmosphere and dining options are amazing. The development has retained the charm of the area and inserted some first class hotels and restaurants into the existing beachfront bush land. I have one of the best meals ever in palm Cove and highly recommend the area as an alternative to the city if you are ever in Cairns on business. All too soon it is time to head south again and with some reluctance, I repack the trusty 944 and head for home. With no drama or even the slightest hiccup, the 944 delivers me home with only the tell-tale battle scars of bugs and stone chips to show for the effort.
Day one, which covered Brisbane to Rockhampton, was not exactly what I expected. It was more stop than go, with road work delays at least giving much needed respite from the ‘goat track’ known as the Bruce Highway. In fact, the road is so bad that the CD will not play without skipping, so I resort to the trusty ABC national. Day two, which saw me drive from Rocky to Mackay, leaving the worst of the traffic delays and road works behind and giving me the chance to stretch the legs on the 944. I was still doing 100, but these days it is KPH, not MPH and I don’t have to stop at every petrol station along the way. I always said the old V8 could pass anything on the road, EXCEPT a petrol station!
Driving into Cairns, I am greeted by a huge four lane highway and industrial centre, a far
It takes quite some time, elbow grease and some great Bowden’s products to clean off the grime and guts and now the old girl is due for a well-deserved oil change and a rest. Day four. Townsville to Cairns and the rain hits hard. More road works and even longer delays mean a slow trip and I am saddened to see the huge sugar mill being dismantled for scrap at Tully. This is just a sign of the ailing sugar industry. The other striking change is the sheer number of houses built south of Cairns in what used to be sugar cane fields.
So next time you are planning a trip north, leave the Cayenne in the garage safe and sound until the next school run and give the Northern folk a chance to see some proper old classics being driven, not hidden. All I can suggest is to put some protective film on the nose and the mirrors to save some paint, or like me be proud to wear the marks like a badge of honour!
CAMS praises safety of 2014 Carrera Cup racer
Australia. Innovative safety measures of the new 911 race car to be used in the 2014 Porsche Carrera Cup Australia season have received praise by Australian motorsport governing body, the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS). The 2014 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup car, based on the series-production Porsche 911 GT3, is a pure-bred race car which will be used exclusively in next season’s Carrera Cup championship. Porsche has implemented modern technologies and innovations into the new GT3 Cup model; improvements including performance, efficiency and driver aesthetics. However, improved safety features of the new 911 race car have drawn admiration from CAMS, with its Track Safety Manager, Bruce Keys, commending Porsche’s focus on improved driver safety. “The significant advances in driver safety built
into the latest Porsche Carrera Cup Car sets new standards for a one make series,” said Keys. “The adoption of the very latest technology and FIA Standards in safety cage design, driver seat retention and security, together with the innovative driver extrication and vehicle recovery facilities are welcomed by CAMS.” The new 911 GT3 Cup features an improved safety roll cage, along with a new racing safety seat, which meets the very latest FIA requirements, that wraps around the driver to provide more protection to the head and shoulders. A unique feature to the 911 GT3 Cup is a rescue hatch in its roof. A new addition to the GT3 Cup, the innovative hatch provides improved access for medical staff to the driver and allows for an easier extraction of a driver should it be required. Porsche Cars Australia Motorsport Manager, Cam McConville, is looking forward to
introducing the new car to teams ahead of a highly anticipated 2014 Carrera Cup season. “Porsche has improved the new 911 GT3 Cup car in every way from its predecessor – the current Carrera Cup car, which in itself is a fantastic vehicle,” said McConville. “Externally, the car looks impressive but it’s when you look beneath the skin that you see the rewards of Porsche’s expertise. The new car is safer, has increased performance and provides a greater experience for the driver – all elements that have made this car so highly sort after for next season.” The new 911 GT3 Cup cars arrive into Australia in early 2014, when they will be delivered to customers at a hand-over event.
Article and photos courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia
Porsche Panamera with 300hp Diese
With its completely new 300 hp (221 kW) engine and dynamic performance package, Porsche has made the Panamera Diesel even more attractive, just in time for this year’s International Motor Show (IAA). The luxury grand tourer has once again been fitted with a V6 engine with a displacement of three litres, but power output has been increased by 50 hp (37 kW) – a significant 20 per cent increase in performance compared to its predecessor. Torque has also been substantially increased, from 550 Nm to 650 Nm between 1,750 rpm and 2,500 rpm, providing even greater acceleration at lower speeds. As a result, acceleration time is reduced by eight-tenths of a second, meaning that the new model goes from 0 to 100 km/h in 6.0 seconds, while the top speed has increased to 259 km/h compared to the 244 km/h achieved by the previous model.
In addition to the improved power output, dynamic performance has also been optimised. For instance, the Panamera Diesel now features the controlled rear-axle differential lock, with Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV+) as standard for the first time – to date, this feature has been reserved for the petrol engine Panamera models. The transmission and chassis have also been retuned. Around 8,500 Panamera Diesel vehicles have been delivered so far and the model accounts for a share of around 15 per cent of the complete Panamera model range. The only aspects that still remain of the previous Panamera Diesel’s V6 engine are the basic engine dimensions. The moving parts in particular, such as the crankshaft drive and pistons, have been completely re-designed and dimensioned, with the aim of increasing the power output. Porsche has combined its new engine with a water-cooled turbocharger for the first time, too.
The new turbine provides a greater air flow, as well as a higher boost pressure of 3.0 bar (formerly 2.5 bar). This power needs to be reliably converted into traction, which is where PTV+ comes in: The system comprises an electronically controlled, fully variable rear-axle differential lock and targeted, individual brake interventions at the rear wheels. At low to moderate speeds, the PTV Plus improves agility and steering precision; at high speeds and when accelerating out of bends, it delivers greater driving stability. The more powerful characteristics of the turbo engine also offered an opportunity to re-tune the transmission. In order to reduce fuel consumption and improve comfort at higher speeds in particular, the gear ratio is longer for the rear axle, meaning the Panamera Diesel uses a lower engine speed to achieve the required vehicle speed.
The Gran Turismo with the new engine offers an NEDC fuel consumption of 6.4 litres/100 km, which is equivalent to 169 CO2/km. In addition, gears one to four of the eight-speed Tiptronic S transmission have been designed with a shorter gear ratio, giving the Gran Turismo an impressively powerful acceleration and sprint capability. This improved agility is also evident in the runninggear set-up: The anti-roll bars on the front and rear axle are slightly more rigid, giving the Panamera Diesel a sportier feel than its predecessor. The Panamera Diesel with the new engine replaces the current 250 hp (184 kW) variant, with Australian deliveries commencing in March 2014. The new Panamera Diesel will be priced from $204,600 – up from its predecessor showroom price of $196,700. Article and photos courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia
An RS, a GT2 and a Spitfire Story: Lincoln Wilkins (high school student and Porsche enthusiast)
These days there are many automotive photographers, in fact there are so many that most photo shoots are no longer unique. I knew I wanted to take a photo that would make people go “Wow!” when they saw it. A photo that would become the one that owners would talk about for years to come. For that to happen, I was certain that I had to organise an event that was not only exclusive, but was appealing enough for the owners to trust a 15 year old to organise it. For weeks I was stumped as what to do. One day I had an idea, an idea that literally came out of the blue. At the time it seemed extremely farfetched, but after sitting down and thinking about it, I realised it was achievable. I spent countless hours planning before I started contacting people and asking if they wanted to have their supercar photographed with a World War II Spitfire (owned by Brian, a mate of my Dad’s) flying at low level over their cars. Many were sceptical that it could be achieved and said that they were not interested, however to my relief, I found four people who were more
than willing to give it a shot. After looking at the weather maps, we decided that the flyover would be on the 4th of August. Brian Scoffell, the owner of the aircraft was just as eager as I was for the shoot to take place. Brian is a talented skydiver and an exceptional pilot; he has suffered from leukaemia and is now a dedicated fundraiser for the Leukaemia Foundation (http://www.leukaemia.org.au). He has participated in countless charity events and has successfully raised money while flying around Australia! On the designated day, the owners of Lexus LFA (Brett), Porsche GT3 RS (Dave Beard) and Ferrari 360 Spider met with me at Park Road, Milton. After giving a few directions we left for the airstrip, rendezvousing with the GT2 (Brad Rankin) en route. I was lucky enough to ride as a passenger in the GT3 RS. The drive up was incredible, only then did I realise just how special these cars were, the sound of the LFA, the looks of the Ferrari and GT2 and the handling if the GT3 RS was just unbelievable.
After arriving at the runway, we set the cars up as planned. Brian fired up the Spitfire, took to the air and performed his first fly over. The first pass was incredible; but to our surprise, the second pass was even lower and even faster! We were expecting him to fly low, but not that low, but hey I’m not complaining! I found it difficult to have the nerve to stand still taking the photos while the Spitfire came at me at 370kph, while just about 4 metres off the ground. My dad however, ducked every time as indicated by his useless photos. I would like to give a special thanks to the pilot (Brian) and car owners Dave (GT3 RS), Brad (GT2), Brynn (Ferrari 360) and Brett (Lexus LFA) for coming out, it was truly a fantastic day that was enjoyed by all. This event is scheduled to take place once again, with the goal of raising money for the leukaemia foundation. If you have an exotic car and are interested in participating please contact me through my Facebook page “Lincoln Wilkins Photography”.
‘Ring King’ Porsche 918 Spyder
The Porsche 918 Spyder has become the first homologated road car to conquer the 20.6-kilometre lap around the Nürburgring Nordschleife in less than seven minutes! With a time of six minutes and 57 seconds, the super sports car equipped with a hybrid-drive shaved 14 seconds off the previous record. Wolfgang Hatz, member of the Porsche AG Board of Management in charge of Research and Development, had the following to say: “We promised a great deal with the 918 Spyder, namely to redefine driving pleasure, efficiency and performance. We have kept our word.” As is always the case with Porsche, the 918 Spyder is also leading the way for future generations as the latest in the line of super sports cars. It is currently making its global debut at the International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt. With its unique technology, the 918 Spyder blends maximum driving
dynamics with minimal fuel consumption. By taking the Nürburgring record, Porsche’s latest sports car demonstrates the enormous potential that lies in Porsche’s pioneering plug-in hybrid concept and is underpinning the leading role the company enjoys when it comes to developing sporting hybrid cars. “The radical hybridisation of the 918 Spyder from the very outset is what made this lap record possible,” says Dr. Frank Walliser, head of the 918 Spyder project. “The lap time on the Nordschleife is and remains the toughest measure of a super sports car. Posting a time of 6m 57s, we achieved a result of which everyone in the development team and at Porsche as a whole is rightly proud.” The record, which previously stood for four years, was even broken during the first attempt in the test drive on the morning of September 4. All three drivers
– former European Rally Champion Walter Röhrl, Porsche test driver Timo Kluck and Porsche factory driver Marc Lieb – were quicker than the existing record with each lap driving the two 918 Spyder models used and posted lap times of less than seven minutes on numerous occasions. Ultimately, it was Marc Lieb who posted the absolute best time of 6m 57s, driving at an average speed of 179.5 km/h, as measured by independent organisation Wige Solutions. Marcus Schurig, editor-inchief of sportscar magazine “sport auto”, was on hand as an objective observer of the record-breaking runs. The two sports cars, which each deliver an output of 887 bhp (652 kW), were equipped with the optional “Weissach package” to increase the driving dynamics and were fitted with the standard Michelin tyres developed specifically for the 918 Spyder. Article and photos courtesy of Porsche Cars Australia
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911 Turbo Cabriolet and Turbo S Cabriolet
Powerful, efficient and wonderfully open Australia. The dynamic prowess of the 911 Turbo combined with open-top driving pleasure defines the latest 911 Turbo Cabriolet models. Some 50 years after the 911 made its debut and to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the 911 Turbo, the open-top versions of the 911 Turbo and 911 Turbo S will be revealed at the LA Auto Show on November 20. Expressed in figures: The turbocharged 3.8-litre six-cylinder engine delivers 383 kW (520 hp) in the open-top 911 Turbo and 412 kW (560 hp) in the S model. The cars accelerate from zero to 100 km/h in 3.5 and 3.2 seconds respectively, reaching a top speed of up to 318 km/h. And all this while achieving fuel consumption figures just below the magical 10-litre ceiling – 9.9 L / 100 kms (equivalent to 231 g/km CO2) for both cars, in fact, under the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Compared to the out-going 911 Turbo and Turbo S Cabriolet models, the new generation cars deliver 30 hp more power and are 0.2 seconds faster in terms of their standard acceleration while paradoxically being 15 per cent more efficient. Active rear-axle steering and active aerodynamics for even greater dynamism The driving dynamics offered by the two new top-of-the-range Cabriolet models is something that cannot be expressed in simple figures. With PDK dual-clutch transmission as standard together with the new PTM all-wheel drive and rear-axle steering and active aerodynamics, the open-top 911 Turbo models are the ultimate
open air performance cars. While the rear-axle steering has an immensely positive impact on handling for the two new super sports cars – both on the race track and during everyday use – the active aerodynamics can be tuned to offer optimum efficiency at the touch of a button, depending on the driver’s mood. More than ever before, both of these new top-of-the-range models also make a clear visual statement about their performance. The characteristic, widely flared rear haunches of the new 911 Turbo generation are 28 mm wider than those of the 911 Carrera 4 models – a virtually level surface of just over a hand’s width extends out from the C-pillar to the outer edge of the vehicle. The impressive effect of this width is accentuated still further when the top is down. Another eye-catching feature of the 911 Turbo Cabriolet is the exclusive Porsche panel bow top with its lightweight magnesium frame. This innovative technology enables the Cabriolet to look exactly like its Coupe sibling when the top is closed. This identical arch, which also offers advantages in terms of aerodynamics, is not possible using conventional construction techniques. As with predecessor models, the roof opens and closes in around 13 seconds, at speeds of up to 50 km/h. Premium furnishings in the interior The interior of the new Cabriolet models follows that of the 911 Turbo Coupe. The S-model boasts a particularly extensive range of features, including adaptive Sport Seats with 18-way adjustment and memory,
backrest shells in leather trim with double cap seams, and various carbon-fiber highlights. A two-tone Black/Carrera Red interior is also available as a no-cost option. As with the predecessor models, the Bose sound system is fitted as standard – and, for the first time, a Burmester system is also available on request. What’s more, the radarcontrolled adaptive Cruise Control system, camera-based road sign and speed limit recognition function and reversing camera are also available as options. The new topof-the-range 911 Cabriolet models are now on sale in Australia priced from $388,800 and $463,100 respectively, with customer deliveries commencing towards late April 2014. Article Courtesy Porsche Cars Australia
Member Profile
Pat Kennedy
I was never a raving “one car freak”, so when I was asked for this story I felt a trifle embarrassed. I like all cars, well, within reason, but I think I always appreciated the build quality of the Porsche marque. Then around the turn of the Century, we had a turn in business dealings with a timber dealer you could trust. A few trees came down and the bank balance went up and I said it’s now or never. The first 911 SC I looked at was ‘passed’ by Don Munro, who said I wouldn’t get a better one. I looked at a few others and came back to the opinion that Don was right. I joined the Porsche Club about the year 2000, because I’d always had the belief that if you bought a “foreign” car, you joined the “foreign” car club to find out what your machine was really about. For this article, Sheldon asked what my first car was? That really was a “foreign” car! With some money (not enough to go car-shopping), I was conned into buying a Peugeot 202 convertible. It was sporty in the extreme! It was known as the “triangle car” by the nurses at the Vaucluse Caritani hospital. When viewed from above with the top down, the reason was obvious. A friend had the “rectangle” car, which you don’t want to know about. What had I done to make my first Porsche special? Well, I had always wanted to do the Mille Miglia, so I aimed for the next best thing and began a slow, but steady programme for entering the Targa Tasmania. At first I thought my car was too good to bastardise, but Don convinced me that I knew all about this car and you wanted something decent under you anyway. So after installing a roll cage, upgraded brakes, etc, we did the event in 2004. If you ever want a fund of stories to you entertain (i.e. bore) people for the rest of your life, then doing one Targa should do the trick. I interviewed plenty of past competitors to ensure that I adequately prepared for the event, at least as much as I could on a limited budget. This (budget) goal was achieved, as my co-driver John Colvin and I did the event for only $10,000. That included entry fee, the trip down and back, motels, meals etc., but not grog. Not that that would have blown out the budget! Preparation of the car was also not in that price, as that was done bit-by-bit over the course of two to three years. Would I do it again? Would I ever! At the finish I felt like I’d survived Custer’s last stand! There’s a bunch of ‘desperates’ that compete in the event! As an example, there was a Healy Sprite that caught and passed us about ten kilometres into a seventeen kilometre stage. So you think that was bad enough, he’d started two minutes behind us! He probably had twincarbies or something! However, at the back of
Pat and his current ‘steed’
By Pat Kennedy
our mind all the time was the thought that we had to drive all the way back to Queensland in this car after the event was over. If only we had been in the Factory team! In support of this fact, we passed him (the Sprite) next day, hard up against a rock wall in a very wet Hellyer Gorge. After the Targa I felt that the car (or me) needed to go faster. Don Munro once again came to the rescue and surprise, surprise, found a 3.6 litre motor that would just fit in. A couple of “Cup” cams, a ‘slippery diff’ and a few other bits and pieces and we had a lovely car. This was especially true on the road, where it was effortless, almost like an automatic. I kept competing in Tarmac rallies, as well as Sprints and I rang the curtain down on my “career” after the glorious Suncoast Classic, based in Noosa. I really enjoyed this event, as it was on roads that I knew and I even had a (sort of) pit crew. We even had a lunch in my home town and didn’t get the reception I deserved – or maybe I did! Well, I decided that that was it and put the car up for sale. I realised that while I still had the car, I wouldn’t stop wanting to compete in events. I also knew that I wouldn’t be World Champion, as I lacked money and talent. Steve Goodson was the lucky man who bought it and agreed with me on the price. Of course
I kept saying that I shouldn’t have sold it, but doesn’t every body think that when he’s sold a good car? I then bought a beautiful 993, with metallic dark green paint and black leather upholstery. Again I shouldn’t have sold it, but I wanted a car that I could drive everyday. As it had low miles, adding more mileage to it reduced its value significantly, therefore making me not want to drive the car. So I sold it too. Now I’ve ended up with a nice SC, in attractive light blue paint and a few nice little modifications (e.g. a 3.2 litre motor!). It has a good ‘Club history’, as it has been owned by one P. Hart and then Brett Wentworth. What have been the highs and lows of Porsche ownership? The 2004 Targa and the 2006 Noosa Classic of course!
a Range Rover (I’ve had good service from them). What’s my favourite section of road? The next one. What’s over the hill? What’s my favourite music? Normally I can’t hear for the engine noise, people screaming, women crying, dogs being sick, etc, etc. Well, other than that, I do like some Bruce Sprinstein, some ‘Seger’s – real guitar pluckin’, banjo pluckin’ music! What’s my favourite magazine? “Car” and “Motor Sport” were, but I cancelled them, as they remind me of my age. Now it’s just the Club mag. Favourite web-sight?
And the lows?
What’s a website? Some thing about ducks?
Getting two punctures on a weekend trip to Kimbala in a ‘no mobile phone’ area and then travelling back to Brisbane in a tow truck with no leg room!
What’s on my wrist?
Money no object, what car?
My favourite road car ever?
Probably a Porsche Panamera, otherwise
McLaren F1 – really the ultimate road car!
A 50 year old Seiko “Sportsman”, which my family won’t let me replace. Tradition I guess.
Pat at speed at the Suncoast Classic
Pat and Co-driver - John Colvin
On the ferry to Tassie
Pat doing some late breaking at Targa
Next Club Night - Thursday 10th October
Porsche Centre Gold Coast Massive Prize Draw on the night
In the spirit of partnership with the Porsche Owners Club of QLD Porsche Centre Gold Coast has has generously donated a prize for one of the attendees of the October club meeting. The prize** (for a Porsche Owner and Club Member who attends on the night) will be one (1) full Porsche Paint Rejuvenation and Interior Detailing Package!!! Consisting of: A Light rejuvenation package valued at $995.00, and A Car Care Kit valued at $120.00, including the following: · 1 x bottle of Porsche Factory Car Shampoo · 1 x bottle of Porsche Factory Leather Cleaner · 1 x Mint Microfiber Car Wash Mit (for Cleaning) · 1 x Mint Microfiber Chamois (for Drying) · 1 x Mint Microfiber Cloth (for finishing) Thats a total prize value $1,115.00 (**prize to be redeemed before 31 December 2013 from Porsche Centre Gold Coast)
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We ventured out West for another weekend of motor racing in the Historic township of Leyburn (pronounced LEE-burn) on 16th, 17th and 18th of August for our second year of Leyburn Sprints competition. Leyburn is 219 km southwest of Brisbane, 36 km from Clifton, Toowoomba is approximately 75km’s away and Warwick is approximately 60km’s away, so it is out there on its own, except for two days each year when it comes alive! Leyburn holds its annual sprints in the third weekend of August every year to commemorate the running of the 1949 Australian Grand Prix on an airfield track just outside the town. This year it attracted 193 entrants for the event. Being Queensland’s first ever Australian Grand Prix in 1949 as its inspiration, the Leyburn Sprints were resurrected in 1996 by a local Mike Collins, a self-confessed motor sport junkie, who latched hold of the idea to establish a commemorative event for 50th anniversary of the Australian Grand Prix in Leyburn and immediately contacted the Historic Racing Car
Club (HRCC). The plan was to re-establish Leyburn on the Australian motoring calendar and after gaining public approval and community consultation, the Historic Leyburn Sprints was developed. Of course the “local” – Steve Foss was there in his 2008 Westfield XTR2 with his pit crew (his son Matthew), virgin entrant John Forson was there with his wife Sue in their 1976 Porsche 911 Targa and then there was us. We nabbed a spot close to the entry/exit of the pits and set up camp. Phil Hart was a no show this year in his 1999 Porsche GT3; his excuse being that Gail wouldn’t let him! I think the fact he needs his ‘Nana nap’ every afternoon was more the point. But seriously, we were all pleased to see Phil up and around and well enough to make it to Leyburn on Sunday for a few hours of motorsport spectating. It was interesting to note that Leyburn has been sponsored by Gotzinger Smallgoods, but due to his Ekka commitments Anthony Van der Drift was unable to attend. We should also mention the visits from other
previous competitors and fellow club members to cheer us on. There were many entrants whom have competed for years and a lot of familiar faces in the crowds. We also ran into some fellow Targa Tasmania competitors in Greg Bankin in “Buttercup”, a 1966 Datsun P441 Bluebird and Stephen and Ginetta Rochester in their beautiful old 1959 Triumph TR3A and it appears they have convinced their son Nicholas to enter in a 1974 Caterham Seven Sprint, making it a full family effort. This year we had moderately coolish weather with wind, some rain and beautiful sunshine. No repeat of -5 degree temperatures and storms of last year. The hay bales on steroids were in place again this year and making some contestants push the brake a little harder to avoid any punishment. There were a total of five Porsches running this year, my ’81 911 SC, John’s ’76 911 Targa, Perry Dayas with his newly acquired ’75 911 Carrera, Peter Corbett
Stories by John Forson | Rod McCray | Steve Foss
Following our visit to Leyburn Sprints last year to give our fellow PCQ members some moral support, plus enter our 930 into the Show and Shine, I was keen to enter our 911 into this year’s sprint event. After giving the car a good mechanical check, including replacing the brake pads, seals and brake fluid, it was off to Leyburn for Friday’s scrutineering and an overnight stay in Warwick. It was to be an early start for racing on Saturday morning. It was a very pleasant 5 degrees Celsius, (better than last year’s minus 5 degrees), so it was a good start to the weekend’s motor sport weatherwise. There were 195 nominations for the weekend’s sprint, with an anticipated four runs per car each day. Being my first time competing at Leyburn, Saturday’s runs served as a big learning curve, with my times improving by 6 seconds over the day. A few showers of rain made life a bit interesting early on, but for the most part, the course was a dry one. Sunday’s racing was the business end, and with continued good weather times fell even further. At the end of the weekend I was fortunate enough to have the fastest time in my group and collected my First Place “Leyburn Rock”. Sue and I had a great weekend and even though there were only 3 PCQ members competing we all tasted success with Steve Foss winning his class and Rod McCray getting 3rd place in class. We were joined over the weekend by spectators Sheldon Arkinstall, Ian Preston and Phil and Gail Hart.
by John Forson
LEYBURN Home of Historic Motorsport with his GT3 cup car and Dennis Cotton with his ‘74 914. Saturday started with a ‘pea soup’ fog in Nobby, but by the time we’d reached Leyburn some 25 minutes’ drive away, it was slightly windy and cloudy. I ran a sub one minute run on the first run and thought I was going to have a cracker of a day. How wrong I was. As we were lining up for our second run, the heavens opened; Fossy was calling for a bucket so he could bail out his car! Ah, the joys of open-top motoring. After about 15 cars went around, the clouds parted, the sun came out and the track dried nicely. Needless to say that lap was one I’d rather not talk about. Runs 3 and 4 were both better than run 1 and thanks to yellow flags on run 3, I got a re-run and set a 57 second lap. Overnight at Nobby, we had a big storm with thunder and lightning and lots of rain and I was left wondering how the track would be the next day.
Sunday started beautifully and stayed clear and sunny all day. The Brave-hearts who camped out told us it showered lightly overnight and the storm went on its way, leaving the track nice and grippy. The first run on Sunday resulted in a 58+ second lap, which I thought wasn’t too bad. The next run was the best of the weekend, clocking 56.7 seconds. Phil Hart who had graced us with his company for the day said my ABS worked really well - pity my car doesn’t have ABS. Next run I tried to better the time, but missed out by 0.4 of a sec and the last run of the weekend, which I stuffed up was only 0.3 of a second slower than my fastest lap. Go figure! In a way I was glad Phil didn’t compete, as I then had a chance of getting 3rd place in class, but hopefully he’ll be back next year better than ever. I did offer to drive his car for him, but I got the impression he wasn’t keen on the idea and just to make sure, he arrived in his ‘grey nomad express’, sans caravan. In the end I was awarded third place for my category and was proudly “stoned” along with all the other winners of the Leyburn Sprints, including all
members of the Porsche club that competed. I’m not one to brag, but my name got a mention in the local rag as well. I don’t consider I did too badly considering I was running against Ray Vandersee in his Skelter and the 2012 Cup car and finished 76th out of some 193 cars in the competition. I can happily say that I still have the Leyburn bug and will return again next year with all the competitors and spectators for the 19th running of this motor racing/ social event, supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation as their chosen charity for support. Images courtesy of the Leyburn Motor Sprints Committee.
by Rod McCray
A weekend of camping and 8 minutes of motorsport! My Leyburn Experience… By Steve Foss The Leyburn Sprints weekend has always been a highlight of my motorsport experience for the year. I grew up in Leyburn and it is exciting to catch up with family and friends in a relaxed environment. Each year I pack up the car and head west, set up camp in the paddock with my son a Matthew and hundreds of other Motorsport enthusiasts. We were lucky that the ‘weather gods’ were kind and we enjoyed mild temperatures overnight, which made it bearable in the tent. This year regulars Sheldon and Phil Hart did not compete, but John Forson joined us for the first time and excelled, taking home a first place trophy in class on debut. Rod McCray was in one of the toughest run groups and ended up with a third place in class and Stephen Callaghan was the other Club Member competing in his MGB. On my part it was a bit of a shaky start for the weekend, after the customarily slow sighting lap, the heavens opened for my second attempt and I must say I did not put in my finest lap. It went bad from the start and ended with me coasting through turn 4 in neutral, not an easy feat with a sequential shift gearbox. But, by the end of Saturday I had achieved a ‘PB’ and was leading my class by a safe margin of 2 seconds. Sunday morning Phil and Gail Hart showed up in the Porsche Club compound. Phil has had some health issues and could not compete, but we all appreciated the effort he made to come and support the team. Phil was in top form, just as I was happy with my ‘PB’, he pointed out where I was going wrong. “Change up a gear for the last corner and you will pick up a couple of tenths” was the suggestion. There was also another comment about the frock I may have been wearing; a little more motivation to do better. But, who am I to argue with ‘Driving Yoda’. The next run and I change into 3rd gear for the last corner and learned that Phil was right and I picked up another 2 tenths! Thanks mate. Well, what can I say at the end of the day I did a ‘PB’ by 1.2 seconds, won my class, watched heaps of Motorsport and best of all, had a weekend of camping with friends. Next year I will be back again for my 16th year competing at the Leyburn Sprints.
New Member Profile
Billy Beer
Hi, Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Billy Beer, I am a 30 year old accountant and work for ITR Pacific in Yatala on the Gold Coast, I am Married with 1 beautiful boy aged 16 Months. I bought my first Porsche about 6 months ago off Ebay with the intention to fix her up and use it to Join the Porsche Club of Queensland and fulfil my lifelong dream of Driving a Porsche on the Track. I Bought a 1987 944 Celebration Edition out of Melbourne as it suited my budget and according that I have done it they seem to be very capable for track driving. My initial idea was to give it the 944 Turbo Look by updating the front bumper and adding the rear valance but I decided to keep it stock standard. I would call myself a hobby mechanic with No mechanical experience however with the resources available on the internet and friendly advice from fellow Porsche owners all over the world I have to date managed to get this non-Runner to a state now where its running extremely well. All parts are replace with brand new OEM parts as my aim is to not just fix but get it back to a new state. Mechanically the car is now in A1 Condition. My next project is to redo all the interior and a do a complete respray. I can’t wait for my first Track day with the Porsche club! I want to encourage all Porsche lovers that don’t have the money to buy 911’s to go for a 944 as they are so easy to maintain, plenty of spares available at very good prices. I am already looking at buying my next 944 which will be a Turbo. Any up for sale?
New Member Profile
Kevin Vedelago
Michael D’Silva
Hi, I have been in love with the 911 as long as I can remember. I vowed that one day I would finally buy one and in May this year, I bought a silver Carrera S. The wife still does not feel the love but my two boys are on board. I live in Brookfield and I run a Property Development and Construction Company. I have never been a member of a car club, but I am looking forward to being a part of PCQLD.
New Member Profile Hi, My name is Michael D’Silva...My first Porsche is this Cayman S, 2006 in Silver. My occupation is actually a Sales Manager for Southside Toyota at the Gabba.. My partner Natasha also loves the car and wants to buy one for herself. We have 2 cats, and live in Greenslopes so hope to meet up with some other owners and enthusiasts soon. In fact, I’m thinking of adding an older air-cooled 911 to the garage soon.. just have to figure out what all the different models are!
Breakfast at Sirromet Winery Well folks, does Brisbane weather get any better! Another stunning day for a social drive! We started our August run from Porsche Centre Brisbane bright and early at 7.30am (yes, I said 7.30AM)! Attendance was excellent on the day, with a good group of cars and around thirty club members (who don’t mind an early start to the day) turning up. We travelled out through the bayside suburbs; down to Wynnum, along the Esplanade through Manly, Lota and then onto Wellington Point - just magic weather; the Bay was looking superb. From there we travelled out through Capalaba and Alexandra Hills, onwards to Mt Cotton and the beautiful Sirromet Winery for brekkie. When you arrange a booking for fourteen or more people, Sirromet serve a set menu breakfast. It was massive, bacon, eggs, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans, hash browns, English muffins and all the orange juice, tea and coffee you could drink. So much food in fact that you didn’t need lunch!
If you have never been to Sirromet, trust me it’s worth a visit. They have their fine dining restaurant “Lurleen’s”, where we had our breakfast, but they also have ”The Cellar Door”, where you can get more casual meals or cheese and crackers and a bottle of wine to enjoy on the lawns. They hold a lot of weddings there as the grounds are spectacular, along with live-music events (A Day on the Green), which are very popular. It’s a stunning spot and a great Sunday drive destination. After we were all ‘fed to the gunnels’, we drove the short distance down the road to the Mt Cotton Hill Climb circuit where a few of our Motor Sport enthusiasts were competing. The Hill Climb is a great spectator spot as you can see the whole track; very exciting, especially when there is a spin! It was a great chance for the social side of the club to mix with the motor sport side and I hope we can do more of these events in the future. I also just wanted to say a big “Thank you” to Mark Gerada for once again taking some wonderful photos of the day. Mark would have to be one of the keenest Porsche Fans you could meet – so thanks Mark we appreciate your enthusiasm! Just a quick reminder to save the date (06/12/13) for the club’s annual Christmas party and awards night. This year we are going with a ‘Wild Wild West’ theme; there will be a mechanical bull ride for the adventurous and loads of raffles and prizes.
Article by Donna Beard Photography by Mark Gerada
Sancutary Cove River Cruise & Seafood Buffet Lunch Article by Donna Beard Photography by Richard Walker
Well – another great day had by all who attended this awesome day out. – Brisbane club members met at Porsche Centre Brisbane at 10.30am for a 11am departure. We travelled down the M1 to Sanctuary Cove - sounds easy !! – But alas – we did not know about the road-works at Springwood – what a nightmare, at times we weren’t even moving – of course nothing we can do about that – the boat would just have to wait for us. I’m sure the members from the Goldy who met us at the boat didn’t mind having a few drinks on board until we arrived - all be it ½ hour late. We managed to get away fairly quickly though off through the magical waterways of the Gold Coast. It’s quite a different perspective looking at
those gorgeous homes from the water. Massive amounts of $$$$ spent on those homes on the exclusive islands of the northern Gold Coast. Felt like a bit of a sticky beak checking them all out – but what are you gunna do ? ( LOL ) Food on the boat is very good – a great selection of cold and hot meats , salads and vegetables and of course some seafood thrown in as well. Plenty to go back for seconds or thirds if you were so inclined. The entertainment on board was the dulcet tones of “ Mr Goodnight “ wedding singer – he was really good – I thought he was part of the crew at first as he had a captains shirt on – maybe his secret ambition, but he kept
the music coming all afternoon with tunes you could sing along to. – We also had a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday for our illustrious president whose birthday it was on the day. A shout out to the Geraldo’s who had car trouble on the way down and had to turn back. – Next Time !! A quick reminder of the Xmas Party and Motor Sport Awards on Friday 6th December at Riverside receptions at New Farm from 6.30pm to Midnight. This year we are having a Wild Wild West Theme so dust off your chaps and spurs and join in for another fun night. Donna
Round 6 - Mt Cotton Hill Climb Story and Photos by Sheldon Arkinstall Round 6 of the Club’s motorsport championship was held at the MG Car Club’s hill climb circuit at Mt Cotton on Sunday the 25th of August. The event was run in conjunction with this month’s social event, a breakfast at Sirromet Winery, which is also the subject of a story appearing in this edition of the magazine. As a result, the number of spectators appeared to out-number the competitors be at least double! Hopefully some of those spectators will have caught the “hill climb” bug and will compete at the next hill climb event. Once again, the hill climb did not attract a huge entry list, but the 18 competitors who attend had an excellent morning of competition, with the event being held under perfect weather conditions. The day was generally ‘event free’, although one competitor did have a ‘closer inspection’ of the mound of Queensland nut shells that from a safety barrier at the bottom of the hill. Also of note was the return to competition of a long-standing club member and his very impressive and equally well-know 934 replica, Bruce Simpson. It’s been quite a few years since Bruce stretched the legs of his 911 at a PCQ event, but he did himself and the car proud by recording the fastest lap by a Porsche and 3rd fastest lap of the day at 46.35 seconds. Welcome back Bruce! Fastest lap of the day went to Dean Tighe in his frighteningly fast Dallara which scorched around the tight and very steep circuit in a stunning 42.65 seconds! This is almost 3 seconds faster that his nearest competitor of the day and is quicker than anything I’ve ever seen at Mt Cotton. Well done Dean! Second fastest lap of the day went to Karl Johnson in his Radical SR3 with a time of 45.72 seconds. The overall results for the day are listed below, congratulations to all who competed and hopefully we’ll see a much bigger entry list next time we visit Mt Cotton.
Driver’s Briefing
Getting ready for the first run 36
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Car No. Car Type
Year Capacity Tyres
Points PB Points Total Points Outright
Bruce Simpson Alexander Noller
4 33
Porsche 934 Porsche 930 Turbo
1977 1978
3.4 3.3
Road Legal Road Legal
A1 A1
46.35 50.50
18 16
1 1
19 17
3 8
Gavin Bradford
Porsche 996 GT3
Slick or Twin Groove A2
Kevin Johnson Sven Kormans
50 308
Porsche 996 GT3 RS Porsche 996T
2004 2000
3.6 3.6
Road Legal Road Legal
A3 A3
48.92 50.54
18 16
1 1
19 17
6 9
Anthony van der Drift
Porsche 964
Road Legal
Bill Black Ross Kennedy
78 5
Porsche 911 Porsche 911 Carrera
1969 1985
2.7 3.2
Slick or Twin Groove C Slick or Twin Groove C
48.03 50.88
18 16
1 1
19 17
4 11
Gary Taber Eckhard Schwarting
95 175
Porsche 944 Turbo Porsche 911 Carrera
1986 1989
2.5 3.2
Slick or Twin Groove D Road Legal D
50.44 51.69
18 16
1 1
19 17
7 12
David Yould John Forsen
944 72
Porsche 944 Turbo Porsche 911 Targa
1986 1976
2.5 3
Road Legal Road Legal
54.43 54.75
18 16
1 1
19 17
16 17
Derek van Renen
Porsche 911T
Road Legal
Dean Tighe Karl Johnson Stephen Foss Stephen Chadwick James Austin
12 55 160 149 16
Dallara F395 Radical SR3 Westfield XRT 2 Volkswagen Golf Gti Suzuki Swift Sport
1995 2007 2008 2008 2010
4 1.5 1.3 2 1.6
Slick or Twin Groove Slick or Twin Groove Road Legal Road Legal Road Legal
40.22 45.72 52.09 53.08 55.52
20 18 16 14 12
1 1 1 1 1
21 19 17 15 13
1 2 13 14 18
1st Climb - John Forsen
Antony van der Drift
Bill Black
David Yould
Dean Tighe
Derek van Renen
Eckhard Schwarting
Gary Taber
Gavin Bradford
James Austin
John Forsen
Karl Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Ross Kennedy
Stephen Chadwick
Steve Foss
Bruce Simpson
Sven Kormans
Rounds 8 & 9 Queensland Raceway Alex Smith enjoyed a passenger ride
A misty morning heralded the start of Rounds 8 and 9 at Willowbank Queensland Raceway, but that did not quash the determination of the entrants, as by 9.00 the sun was out for a great day. With two rounds to be completed in one morning session, things got underway quickly, but still allowed plenty of time to catch up on the gossip.
The Motorkhana was challenging as usual and, I’m sure everyone was pleased with their day. Our numbers were slightly down again, there was plenty of spare quality track time available for members. Dont miss out next time, grab some for yourself and join in on October 20 at Lakeside (see the website for more details).
A foggy start to the day
Photos by Richard Walker
166 66 22 44 122 6 12 10 41 24 154 4 4 8 81 69 47 54 34 94 124 69 555 111 4 33 17 19 168 3 666 69 50 151 9 308 151 43 50 968 75 478 231 53 9 128 130 555 233
Car No
William Holzheimer David Holzheimer Charles Holzheimer Grant Sparks Thomas Holzheimer Darren Hennig Russell Kempnich Wayne Hennig Russell Kempnich Rockie Whitbread John Needham Dean Croyden Ben Croyden Steve Adams Phillip Holzberger Steve Cooper Richard walker Trevor Needham Brett Wentworth Robert Annett Des Pearce Steve Cooper Jeff Neale Chris Matters Bruce Simpson Alexander Noller Greg Turnham Gavin Bradford Emily Cooper Jim Schilling David Tilbury Steve Cooper Kevin Johnson Tim Tritton Stan Adler sven koremans Tim Tritton Larry McFarlane Kevin Johnson Craig Woodman John Walker Adam Krauel David Brand Anthony Van Der Drift Stan Adler Don Munro Alan Bell Jeff Neale Hoa cheng Sven Sorensen Grace Sorensen
997 GT3 Cup 997 GT3 Cup 996 GT3 Cup 997 GT3 Cup 996 GT3 Cup 997 GT3 Cup Car 956 Group C 997 GT3 Cup 997 Cup 997 GT3 Cup Car 996 GT3 Cup 996 gt3 cup 996 gt3 cup 944 S2 GT3 Cup GT3 Cup 996 Gt3 cup car 996 GT3Cup 930 turbo 997 GT3RS 997 GT2 993 GT2 997 GT3 997 GT3 RS 934 930 turbo 911 sc 996 GT3 993 GT2 996 gt 3 rs 911 GT3 993 GT2 996 GT3 RS 911 carrera 996 GT3 996 turbo 911 carrera 911 911E 996 gt3 rs 968 911 T 996 Turbo 911 964 C2 911 carrera 911 911 930 Turbo 911 carerra Cayman S 997S 997S
Car 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 2.8 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.4T 3.3T 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.3 3.6 2.7 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.4
NEWS 1971 2001 1972 1989 1975 1974 1988 2009 2007
2000 1974 1972 2004
1977 1978 1979 2000 1975 2004 1999 1975 2004 1974
2004 2003 1977 2007 2008 1998 2007
2007 2003 2004 2004 1991
2006 2006 2004 2008 2004 2005 1985 #N/A
Year Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B B B B B B B B
17 15
19 21
17 10.5
21 19
5.5 21 15 19
8.5 7.5 6.5
Rnd 2 MP
19 21
19 21 15
17 19
13 21
Rnd 1 LS 19 17 15
19 21 17
19 21
17 19
21 19
Rnd 3 QR 15 11 13
16 14
20 18
Rnd 4 MK
20 17 13 19 11
17 19
22 15
11 10
8 8 7
12 15
Rnd 5 QR 17
19 17
Rnd 6 MC
17 18 20 16
20 13 15
Rnd 7 QR 16
Rnd 8 MK 67 46 40 35 22 21 21 19 19 17 16.5 15.5 13.5 11 11 10 10 5.5 83 47 36 36 34 19 19 17 101 87 60 38 28 19 17 17 15 104 51.5 40 38 17 17 17 17 130 101 49 32 30 17 16 14
Tot Pnts
2013 Championship Points (Provisonal)
392 94 475 65 149 81 57 55 180 55 4 12 50 59 160 21 14 191 16 666
229 996 59 333 944 72 112 40 112 7 104
175 78 5 210 331 403 7 40 25 111 11 28 207 95 175 536 46 257
Car No
Terrance Kehoe Bill Black Ross Kennedy Eric Van Dyk Simon Cilento Ian Gall Philip David Heydenr Nicole Duffell David Dodds Chris Matters Perry Dayas John Gill Chris Lowe Gary Taber Eckhard Schwarting Phil Brook Simon Livingstone Rod McCray Lexi Schwarting Ronnie Slebos Athol White Matthew Moorhead JAMES DUNSTER David Yould John Forson Kent Kieseker Stephen Kempnich Ellen Kieseker David Kempnich Anthony Thompson Jack Kieseker Wayne McAuliffe Robert Annett Derek van Renen Steven Annett Stephen Chadwick Phillip Holzberger Lyle Kearns Karl Johnson Michael Brennan Karl Johnson Guy Harding Dean Tighe Kevin Johnson Bill Jordan Stephen Foss Eric Van Dyk Scott Osborne Dennis Harsch James Austin David Tilbury
911 987 Boxster S 911 Carrera 928 GT 996 C2 944 Turbo 911 Carrera 911 911 911 Sc 911 SC 911 Carrera 987 Cayman standard 911 COUPE 996 C4S 928 S4 944 Turbo 911 Targa 911 SC 944S2 911sc 944S2 911 SC Cayenne 924 Turbo 911T 911T 911T Corvette Golf Gti SR3 RS Commodore VZ Radical SR3 180SX Coupe #N/A Golf R Dallara F395 Radical SR3 Nissan GTR R35 Westfield XRT 2 BMW E46 320i BMW E36 M3 993 GT3 Suzuki Swift Sport C63 AMG
996 carrera 911 911 Carrera 944 S2 911 SC 911 996 Carerra
Car 3.4 2.7 3.2 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.2 3.2 3.6 5.0 3.4 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.2 2.7 3.2 3.6 5.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 #N/A 2.0 1.5 5.0 1.5 2.0 #N/A 2.0 4.0 1.5 3.8 1.3 2.2 3.2 3.6 1.6 6.3
2007 1981 1968 1969 #N/A 2008 2011 2004 2007 1991 #N/A 2011 1995 2007 2011 2008 2003 1994 1995 2010 2008
2006 1975 1990 1999 1986 1989 1977 1974 1981 1989 2007 1974 2003 1987 1986 1976 1981 #N/A 1981
1998 1969 1985 1989 1979 1977 1999 1977
19 17 21
17 19 21
13 21 17
Rnd 1 LS 13 21 17 19 15
18 18
14 10.5 17
20 7.5 19 18 12
17 13 21 19
19 17
18 16 20
18 20 16
20 18 16 14
21 17 19 15
20 16 20
Rnd 4 MK
Rnd 3 QR
Rnd 2 MP
21 17
18 17
22 18
Rnd 5 QR
19 17
19 17
19 17
Rnd 6 MC
21 17
18 17
15 13
Rnd 7 QR
12 16
18 16 20
18 20
Rnd 8 MK 13 159 103 74 44 32 25 19 17 16 15 13 13 155 98.5 54 53 48 16 15 15 14 10.5 137 68 61 37 28 21 17 12 50 17 17 48 44 42 38 38 37 35 21 21 21 17 17 16 15 15 13 13
Tot Pnts
2013 Championship Points (Provisonal)
You can pay by Credit Card for applications and renewals online: Porsche-QLD.org.au Tick One Box in One Category Annual Membership
New Membership
July 1 to June 30
Single Membership1
$175 (Annual Fee $115 + $60 Joining Fee)
$115 (Annual Fee $115)
$175 (Annual Fee $115 + $60 Joining Fee)
$115 (Annual Fee $115)
$198 (Annual Fee $138 + $60 Joining Fee)
$138 (Annual Fee $138)
$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee)
$58 (Annual Fee $58)
Next step - Complete Part B
Single Parent Membership Family Membership
Renewing Member
Next step - Complete Part A
Next step - Complete Part B & C
Next step - Complete Part B & C
Junior Associate Membership
Next step - Complete Part A
Next step - Complete Part D
Half Year Membership
Next step - Complete Part A
Next step - Complete Part A
New HALF YEAR Membership (Annual Fee Discounted 50%)
January 1 to June 30
Single Membership1
(Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B
Family Membership3
$118 (Annual Fee $58 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B & C $129
Junior Associate Membership4
Single Parent Membership2
(Annual Fee $69 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part B & C
(Annual Fee $29 + $60 Joining Fee) Next step - Complete Part D (Please print clearly)
(Sign below as applicant)
First Name:
PCQ Membership Number:
** If updates to your details are required: complete detail sections on the next page
Please Sign Below
Application cannot be processed without Signature
My Cheque or Postal Note made out to Porsche Club QLD for: $ I wish to:
Apply for . Renew my .
is attached.
Full Membership Associate Membership6
With the Porsche Club QLD Inc. (An association incorporated under the Association Incorporated Act of 1981). I agree to abide by the rules of the Porsche Club Queensland Inc. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE nd
Date Date
NEW MEMBERS Please complete details on next page 43
(Please print clearly)
(Sign below as applicant)
First Name:
Preferred Name on Card:
Postal Address: Suburb:
Home Phone:
Country: Work Phone:
(Sign below as 2nd applicant)
Spouse/ Partner First Name:
Spouse/ Partner Surname:
Preferred Name on Card:
Home Phone:
(Please print clearly)
Work Phone:
Children 17 years of age and under and full time dependant students: Name:
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
PART D. NEW MEMBER: JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (Parent or guardian to sign below for applicant) First Name:
Preferred Name on Card:
(Please print clearly)
Postal Address: Suburb:
Home Phone:
Country: Work Phone:
PART E. Porsche Club QLD Local Member Business Guide Entry Business Category
(per Yellow Pages Directory)
(Please print clearly)
Business Name
PART F. Porsche vehicle details (REQUIRED for Full Membership) MODEL
NOTE (i.e. Carrera )
Contact Number
(Please print clearly) REGISTRATION NO. OR LOG BOOK I.D NO.
(If more space is required please feel free to attach additional information)
Please Note:
Applicants should allow up to 6 weeks for processing. Porsche Club QLD Memberships are non-refundable and not transferable. Renewing Membership payments are due July 30, and must be paid prior to Sept 30, otherwise the $55 Joining Fee will apply. Annual General Meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of August. Only financial Full Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Full Members must be financial prior to voting.
Single Membership: Covers one Member only. Single Parent Membership: Covers one Member (parent) and children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. Family Membership: Covers two Members (as spouse/ partner) & children 17 years and under or full time dependant student(s)5. 4 Junior Associate Membership: Covers one Associate Member6 17 years or under, who is not part of a Family Membership3. 5 Full time dependant student: requires current Student Identification card. 6 Associate Member: Any person eighteen years or over who does not own or have access to the use of a Porsche motor vehicle, but who considers themselves a genuine enthusiast of the marque or can assist the club in any way, may apply to the club to become an Associate Member. Associate Members do not have club voting rights, and are unable to stand for committee positions. 2 3
Post to: Porsche Club Queensland GPO Box 584 Brisbane QLD 4001 For Urgent Response Fax to: 07 3009 0465 or Scan and Email to Membership@Porsche-QLD.org.au Money Order
Office Use Only Name on Cheque Membership Type
Membership Type Full
Cheque Cheque No: Single Parent
Dated: Family
Associate Application Processed Date:
Receipt Number:
/ Junior
• All club and competition work. Suspension, Aerodynamic, Brakes, Engine and Gearbox rebuilds and modifications, including fabrication and machining. • Servicing , wheel alignments, trouble shooting. • Pre purchase appraisals. • 25 years PCCQ member, 3 club championships. Many class wins and records. 20 years building, modifying, restoring Porsches. 6 years at t&d building motors, gearboxes and performing the majority of club preparation. • Low rates, quality work and personal service. Ph: Brett Wentworth 0419990993 3/59 Chetwynd St Loganholme 4128 Email: brettww@bigpond.com
Autofest 2013 Information Pack All German Marque Car Display When? Classics: Sunday October 13th (pre 1980 vehicles only) Modern: Sunday October 20th (1980 + vehicles only) What Time? On each of the two days the festival opens at 1100hr and closes at 2000hr. Vehicles cannot be moved while festival patrons are on site so we must ask exhibitors to display their vehicles for the following times. Time of entry 0900hr-1030hr Time of exit 2000hr - 2030hr If absolutely necessary, an early exit can only be permitted by prior arrangement with OFB festival management. Where? Autofest 2013 will be held as part of Oktoberfest Brisbane 2013. The cars will be displayed in the setting of the Bavarian Beergarden on the festival site. Cost? The cost to exhibit your vehicles to a willing public is free. In fact, Oktoberfest Brisbane would like to show its appreciation by providing up to four occupants of each properly pre-registered vehicle free entry to the festival site on the day. Where is it held? Oktoberfest Brisbane 2013 is held at the RNA Showgrounds. Ordinary visitor entry is via the public gates on Gregory Tce only. Entry for exhibitors is via the Back of House gate only. The full address is: Oktoberfest Brisbane RNA Showgrounds, Sector 3 Entry via O’Connell Tce Bowen Hills, Qld 4006 Best southerly approach via Brookes St. Best northerly approach via Campbell St then Wren St. What else do I need to know? - Numbers limited due to available space, register now! - Registration closes on 7/10/2013 - German marques only - No trailer parking available on site - All persons entering the festival site along with the vehicle owner must abide by the Oktoberfest Brisbane Terms and Conditions of Entry. A copy can be found here: www.OktoberfestBrisbane.com.au/terms-and-conditions - Display vehicles are the responsibility of the owner - Food and drinks cannot be brought on to the Oktoberfest Brisbane site. Vehicles may be subject to a search by the Oktoberfest Brisbane security team upon entry - Entry to the event requires photo ID, if you look younger than 25. Oktoberfest Brisbane’s Security team has the right to check IDs and refuse entry. - Minors receive free entry if accompanied and appropriately supervised by a responsible adult. - Each club to assist with the organising and directing of cars. - For more information about Oktoberfest Brisbane 2013 see www.OktoberfestBrisbane.com.au How do I register? Please register using these three easy steps: 1. Click on the following link www.festivalinductions.com/oktoberfest-brisbane.html . 2. Select the button labelled “Autofest Registration”. 3. Complete and submit the form. That’s all you need to do except for come along with your car on the chosen day. Please remember the times during which entry to the site is scheduled. I got other questions, who do I contact? If there are any other questions we didn’t answer above, please write us an email at autofest@OktoberfestBrisbane.com.au
MG Car Club of Queensland Inc. ABN 17 363 680 667
19 October, 2013 Test & Tune Hillclimb SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS
JURISDICTION. The closed club event will be held under the International Sporting Code of the F.I.A., the National
Competition Rules of the Confederation of Australian Motorsport Ltd. (CAMS Ltd), the Speed Event Standing Regulations and these Supplementary Regulations. Additional Instructions may be issued subject to NCR 69. Insurance for this event will be provided in accordance with Appendix I of the current CAMS Manual. This Event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and Risk Management Policies, which can be found on the CAMS website at www.cams.com.au Organising Permit Number: PROMOTERS: MGCC OF QLD. INC, G.P.0. Box 1847 Brisbane 4001. ORGANISING COMMITTEE will be Gary Goulding, David Robinson (robo25@bigpond.net.au), Annette Truscott (Mob 0407494867) MGCCQ Club Fax: 07 3325 0841 (Original signed entry form must be posted if faxed). THE COURSE will be the Mt. Cotton Hill Climb Course, 37 kilometres from Brisbane, Gramzow Road off Ring Route 45. The course is 946 metres long and bitumen sealed. th 1. ADMINISTRATION DATE Saturday19 October, 2013 47 PORSCHE NEWS STEW ARDS Peter Rayment & Elwyn Eggins CLERK OF COURSE Gary Goulding DEPUTY CLERK OF COURSE David Robinson & Joe Martens Tax Invoice
964 Turbo C4 - 5 speed 964 C4 Turbo - all ’91, 964 and 993 turbo running gear in the classic look Dec 89, 964 body - built as daily drive and Targa event. This 24 year old beauty has travelled just over 100,000 km, had every major department refreshed. The genuine ’91, 964 Turbo 3.3 Lt engine (replacing the tired 3.6 naturally aspirated) was fully refreshed and installed by T&D Auto, 2011. The Grand Prix White paint is in amazing condition for the age. The 993 GT front air scoop is added - just for looks and better air flow! This example of a Carrera 964 Turbo has the amazing handling capacity of Big Red Turbo brakes, turbo suspension and four wheel drive leaving you in control particularly under acceleration on touchy conditions! Even with such performance this car is a pleasure to drive in the city or open country roads. This rebuild C4 964 Turbo was aimed at a Tasmania targa event, an ideal road tournament winner for tough competition - tight winding curves, quick braking and acceleration in unkind conditions, just the type of work suited with the huge advantage of the all wheel drive, big brakes and the superb Turbo power plant. Call 0412 740 582 / email glyttle@optusnet.com.au
Don Munrow with finished product - fully refreshed ‘91, 964 Turbo engine - ready to install Nov 2011
$65,950 ono
(will consider trade down)
997 GT3 CS 2010 Model - $198,000
Porsche 997 GT3 CS 2010 model, with only 16,500kms. Possibly the last of the manual GT3’s with a manual gearbox. Gorgeous Speed Yellow and heavily optioned: - PCCB - Front axle lift - Dynamic Engine mounts - Factory Clubsport version - Factory passenger harness - Speed Yellow highlights in interior - Alcantara console lid with Porsche logo - Mobile phone prep and iPod interface
$198,000.00 Nic 0438 270 672 or email: nicmarentis@mail.com Also listed on David Blacks website - www.dbps.com.au
2002 Porsche Boxster
Concours condition, 40,000 kms, black leather interior, driven sunny week-ends only, serviced at Porsche Centre Gold Coast.
Price: $43,000 ono Contact: Peter on 0418 310 364
1974 Porsche 911 Club Car
or peter.davidson@uchealth.com.au
Porsche 911, 1974 wide-body coupe which makes a great club or road car. Fully road registered with 3.0lt flat six engine. This car has a 5-speed 915 transmission, with a gate shift for easy gear selection. Fuchs wheels with road- track tyres. The car is equipped with two adjustable race seats, with a four point race harness. The car also has standard seat belts for daily driving. Light weight doors and panels. The car has a seat mounted fire extinguisher and comes with a removable roll cage. Left-hand drive.
Price: $25,500.00 Contact: Athol 0418724720
or email race@bigpond.net.au
Porsche 996 GT3 Cup Car
Factory built 2003 Carrera 996 GT3. This vehicle was originally campaigned by Peter Fitzgerald Motor Sport. This vehicle has had very little race hisory and has been stored and maintained as a club car. Its in excellent condition, with a recent leak-down showing the engine is in very good condition. New whell bearings, clutch, seat, harness, etc, etc. Being sold as I have upgraded to a later model 997 for Australian GT series. Why race your good road car on club days when you can have a fully prepared race car that you can race in GT3 Challenge or Australian GT series at low cost.
George on 0400 778 107 (sms)
Porsche 911 Club Car
Log booked, road registered, 3.6L Vario ram motor, G50 close ratio gear box, 1/2 Cage, 3 sets of wheels, fuel cell, coil over suspension (adj shocks), glass guards, bonnet and perspex side and rear windows. Built and maintained by T&D Automotive. Needs minor comestic works and some mechanical attention.
Price: Contact:
Reasonable offers considered. 0413 811 234
1991 Porsche 964 Carrera 2
Australian delivered, immaculate 1991 Guards Red Carrera 2 Tiptronic with full service history, including original tools and manuals. This car is totaly original and unmodified, with a low 85,373kms. Always garaged, very well presented and has been a consistent placegetter in the PCQ Concours. Excellent performance from 3.6 Litre air-cooled flat six engine. A delight to drive, with the excellent Porsche Tiptronic Gearbox, making it easy to drive in traffic and the option of manually shifting as needed. Personalized plates not included.
Price: Contact:
$59,900.00 (or sensible negotiated offer) George 0438 678 084 or email: gepaterson@bigpond.com
2010 911 GT3 Mark III 3.8 litre
This car is the latest Model GT3 with Centre Lock Wheels, dynamic engine mounts, carbon seats, 6-point harness, fire extinguisher and half roll cage (all factory fitted). It has travelled only 4,300kms from new and has always been serviced by Porsche Centre Brisbane. The car has also been fitted with airlift front suspension, clear stone chip film and has full Porsche warranty, which can be extended for up to 10 years for peace of mind. Why modify your road car when you can have a factory built track machine?
George 0400 778 107 (sms)
1992 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet
This vehicle is in excellent (orginal) condition, and has always been kept undercover. All mechanical work that has been carried out on this vehicle has been completed by T&D Autos Brisbane (including engine rebuild 166,000kms) and more recently Eurotune on the Gold Coast. New tyres 12 months ago. Both myself and the previous owner are Porsche Club Qld members. This is an exhilarating vehicle with performance and looks that will not disappoint.
$43,000.00 Kevin 0418 443 547 or email: kevnsim@bigpond.net.au
2002 Porsche Boxster S
Porsche Boxster S (Dec 2002), Facelift Version, Seal Gray, 45,000kms, Reg May 2012, Bose Sound System, Porsche Alarm, 18� Porsche Alloys, Black Leather Interior, Full Porsche Service History.
$46,000.00 (ono)
Dean 0448 005 853
or email dean.morrison218@gmail.com
1985 Porsche 911 Cabriolet
Rare 1985 wide bodied Cabriolet with electric roof, 3.2ltr. Australian delivered, factory aero kit. All the bells and whistles, including rear spoiler, electric windows and mirrors, headlight washers, air con and cruise control. Reconditioned leather seats and trim, dashboard, etc. 268,000kms. Serviced by T&D Automotive in Brisbane and now Porsche Centre Gold Coast. Full service history and receipts available. I am relutctantly now parting company with her as times and lifestyles change.
April 0412 057 813 or 07 5502 0932 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
Porsche 997GT3 RS
GT3RS mk2 3.8l, Black on black, sound upgrade package, tyre pressure monitors, cruise control, climate control, as new, only 1,400kms, no track work, not run in, all factory GT3RS inclusions.
$249,000.00 + GST
Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 4
1990 Porsche 911 (964) Carrera 4 with 156,000kms. Electric sunroof, black interior, badge on steering wheel (No. 716 Porsche Festival Melbourne - 50 years of Porsche, November 1998). Registered until May 2013. Garaged at Stanthorpe.
Price: Contact:
$46,500.00 J Kenyon 07 4681 4655
1982 Porsche 928s
Always garaged. T&D Automotive full service history available. Very good condition throughout - reluctant sale.
Price: Contact:
$14,000.00 - Urgent Sale John 0403 506 661
2006 Porsche Boxster S - $55,000
Purchased new in April 2006 at Gold Coast Porsche; all service completed at same. Has been garaged and covered with Porsche Boxster cover. In excellent condition. 2006 (Type 987) Porsche Boxster S 3.2 litre engine | 6-speed manual | 36,000 kms | Arctic Silver Metallic Sports Seats | 4 new tires put on at 29,000 kms Car is located at Lennox Heads (1.5hrs from Gold Coast)
Price: $55,000 Contact: Marty Delahanty on
(02) 6687-4748
Porsche 997 Cup Car
Very straight, low hours on fresh engine and gearbox. New front rotors, 2 sets of wheels, air jack wand, safety stands, transport tie-down rings.
$95,000.00 + GST Wayne 07 5449 8888 or email: motorsport@noosacat.com.au
1988 911 Carrera Cabriolet
1998 911 Carrera Cabriolet with only 62,000 miles (100,000kms) on clock, new clutch, good condtion throughout. Purchased in Hong Kong, 2 owners only. Car is located at Noosaville, but can deliver to Brisbane.
Price: Contact:
$35,00.00 Maggie Howard email: distinctions@bigpond.com
2004 996 Cup Car
2004 996 Cup Car, fresh “Sonic Motorsports’ engine with 997 upgrades and enhancements, including new 997 Cup heads, 997 Cup inlet maniforlds etc. The car has new Sachs motorsports clutch, upgraded driver cooling system, new suspension upgrades including RSR components; ABS, 2 sets of BBS wheels, air jacks w/-saftey stands. New lightweight carbonfibre bonnet, boot-lid and wing, lightweight front bumber.
Price: Contact:
$70,000.00 Wayne 0417620980 or 54498888 or email: wayne@hennigmotorsport.com
1972 911T-E 2.4L coupe with 915 5-speed gearbox. MFI, Recaros, Pastel Blue, Classic 911
Only 3 owners — second owner stored and never drove car * Original rust-free floorpan, boot, subframe, doors, roof, mudguards etc * Original unmolested specs — only new paint, carpets, headliner, dash top, rubbers, H4s, lenses * Mechanically A1 — engine (MFI) rebuilt early 1990s, gearbox in 2012, plus all new hoses, seals etc * PCQ concours class-winning car (twice) and second outright; occasional use, never raced * Professional RHD conversion with Porsche Factory parts — almost indistinguishable quality conversion * Photographic record and work file available (since owned) * Only 9 examples of this model sold new in Australia in 1972 * Very few remain in original specification like this car * This is the most desirable series 2.4 litre early 911 with the external oil filler. Perfect classic 911 example — nothing to do, just drive and enjoy * Includes valuable spares, manuals, service records. Also have a Factory 1972 sales brochure, colour chart and options list. $POA. Serious enquiries only please. Tel. (07) 3279 3930. For more photos and information, email: mikar5363@gmail.com
1976 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa
3.0 litre, 5-speed, fuel injected, BBS forged alloy wheels, new tyres, aircondiioned, twin exhaust, driving lights, SD player, GPS. Has only travelled 101,000 miles (160,000kms) and is in excellent condition throughout. Refer to club website for more details.
Price: Contact:
$25,000.00 Trevor 0499 589 180 or email: production.7@bigpond.com
1975 Porsche 911 Club/Road Car
Fully road registered, with a 3.6L Varioram (Power Chip) engine, Koni shocks (manullay adjustable), 915 transmission with PSJ and WEVO gate shift, LSD, 944 Turbo brakes, track muffler with spare from 3.2l, half roll cage (removable), 2 sets of Fuschs wheels (road and track tyres - Toyo R888 near new), racing seats, spare original seats, racing harnesses and traditional seat belts for around town. This is an awesome track car that is conservative enough to drive everyday.
Price: Contact:
911ST, RS, RSR Competition hold-down clamps
Pair of Factory Porsche 911ST, RS, RSR long bonnet (suit 196973 911) competition hold-down clamps, complete with hardware. Brand new.
$45,000.00 Brett Walker 0413 046 241 or email: BWalker@byroncapital.com.au
Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars Very rare Factory Porsche Calendars – buy the calendar for the year that your Porsche was made! Each with great Factory photos or racing and production Porsches. Years available: 1972#, 1973#, 1974*, 1975*, 1976, 1977*, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981* & 2000 (unopened) # no bronze medallion; only December date strip remains plus all posters * no bronze medallion Packaged in original delivery sleeves. These calendars are up to 41 years old so expect some minor ageing marks and blemishes, but they are mostly in quite good condition. Hence $50 each – or VNO. Buyers to collect (Brisbane).
Price: $80 or VNO Contact: Mike on (07)3279 3930
Price: $50 each Contact: Mike on 07-3279 3930 Porsche 987 Wheels
997 Parts
1. H & R adjustable coil over suspension (cost $4300) 2. H & R front strut bar (cost $1000) 3. Gemballa branded air box (cost $2000) 4. 4 x 18” turbo rims, for track work. 5. 4 x Hoosier tyres, 19”, 60% remaining 6. “Impact” race helmet, L size, black. All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.
All items must be sold, and ANY offers accepted.
Ian 0412 760 234
Genuine 987 wheels for sale; flared forked thin 10 spoke 2x6.5x17 (offset 55) 2x8x17 (offset 40) Excellent condition, no gutter rash! Price: $500 Contact: Craig 0403253021
WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR PARTS HERE? EMAIL THE EDITOR AT: editor@porsche-qld.org.au 996/997 Wheel Sale
Volk forged wheels with German TUV approval, 8.5x19 and 12x19. Offsets to suit GT3 (and others), 16kg saving over standard wheels. Includes set of sensation Pirelli Trofeo r spec tyres (3 club days)
Full Carbon Stilo WRC helmets, specifically designed for rally use. It is not a standard helmet fitted with microphone holder and wiring. Integrated microphone, plug and wiring are an integral part of the helmet. Also features a flip-up tinted visor.
Champion 8.5x19 and 11.5x19 wheels. Offsets to suit GT3, these are a one piece high performance forged wheel with a 21kg saving (with slicks) over standard wheels. Includes two good front slicks and worn out rear
Price: $3,500 Contact:
Mitch Gaskell email mitchell@gabba.com.au
‘Turbo 2’ Number Plates
Please text my phone number 0407244652 or email me on ppbrook@yahoo.com.
TURBO 2 Number plates. 1 standard and 1 slimline, both in perfect condition.
Assorted Parts
Porsche genuine 997 GT3 brake rotors front and rear, in box never open Price: $2500
Set of OZ Superleggera black centre lock 19” wheels black used twice as new, only scrubbed in Hoosier A6 fronts and R6 on the wheels very light track wheels.
$1,000 each ono
$4000 with tyres or $3000 without.
$3,500 or best offer
Contact: Laurie 0418 480 461 or email laurie329@hotmail.com 964 Parts
Factory original cassette holder, sits in console between front seats of 964, 993, etc. Good condition. Price: $50 ono.
Fabspeed cat bypass ($750) and Fabspeed air intake system ($400). Price: both for $1000
996 Factory Mufflers stainless steel Price: $200 the pair ono.
Dual axle lightweight ‘TiltaTrailer’ brand air bag suspension for ride height and ramp lowering
7 letter prestige plates in box never used Price: $3250.00 Contact: Chris Bradshaw 0418736789 or 38444789 or email: drbee@bigpond.net.au
Price: $5000 Contact:
Simon 0419006995
Porsche 930 Turbo Wastegate
Hot Shot Number Plates
Porsche 930 wastegate. Has been rebuilt and has 0.8 bar spring. Also fits 924 Turbo.
Price: $250 Contact:
George 0457 681 998 or email verikios@internode.on.net
996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels
987 Cayman Car Cover
Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 987 Cayman
Price: $250 Contact:
Peter 0409181338
996 Turbo hollow spoke wheels (2) with Pirelli P Zero Corsa road race tyres fitted, maybe 1-2 track days left (depends on how hard you drive them). Very good condition wheels that come with Turbo centre caps (not pictured).
Contact: 53
Jono O’Reilly 0408 600 008
Porsche 996 C2 Engine 3.4L - $10,750
Genuine GT3 rims to suit 997 and 996 8.5 x 18 front, 11 x 18 rear with Hoosier twin groove tyres P245/35 x 18 front @ 80% tread and P315/30 x 18 rear @65-70%. All in very good condition. Sell complete or separate. Rims and Tyres (February 2013).
$ 3200 ono or separate Rims $2000 Tyres 1200 Genuine Turbo rims to suit 996 and 997 8 x 18 and 10 x 18 in good condition.
Price: $1,200 ono
Genuine Porsche 997 Race steering wheel in very good condition.
Price: $500 ono
Engine is still running and driving in the car. The engine has been left in car on purpose to demonstrate condition. Engine will be removed post sale at the seller’s expense. The car is fully road-registered. Workshop engine inspection done 2 weeks ago. Oil drained and oil filter pleats completely opened up - no metal present. Compression test results: 170170-170-150-160-170. 3-owner only - Porsche 996 1998. Full engine service history available. Australian delivered and complianced from new. Engine number: m9601 66w1 2607. 129,000 kms Updated RMS (rear main seal) installed by Chellingworth Porsche, official dealer, in 2009. Drive and idler pulleys also replaced by Chellingworth Porsche in 2009. Engine has the stronger, double-row IMS bearing. Complete drive-train is for sale - given major upgrade - installing a «GT3» drive train.
$12,750 ono
Hoosier Twin groove tyres and spares. Hoosier twin groove tyre set 2 x P245/35R18 and 2 x P315/30R18, with 50% rubber left (imported Oct 2012) at $750, also spare Hoosier tyres 2 x P245/35R18 at 60% $250 pair and 1 x P295/30R18 @ 50% @ $150 and 2 x P245/35R18 @ 30% $150 a pair.
Price: Numerous at ono Genuine Porsche Race Seat - $2,500 Genuine Porsche Race Seat with rails to suit 996 or 997, new 2010. Comes with 5-point belts, legal to 2014 in as new condition. Cost 6500 sell $2500 ono (seat belt bar mount for cars without roll cage available for 997 $300 with seat only, unless seat sold)
Price: $2,500 997 Brake Pad used sets. Front and Rear GT3 997 series 1, PMU club sport 50% front, 40% rear. Cost $1,200, will sell for $400 ono. Rear 997 Carrera Series 2 Padgid RS19 90%. Suit some cup and GT3 cost $650 sell $200.
Set Of Cibie Rally Lights Original Citroen DS 19 Hoodlights or commonly known Porsche rally lights( Pallas).New Old stock 1960’s /70’s.
Price: See text Contact: Jeff on 0419 6 888 55
Front Seats for 2000 996
Contact:Cameron 0407 129 900 Wanted - 14’ Car Trailer
Price: $1700.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969 911 Whaletail And Engine Lid Fibreglass Spoiler with minor scratches and in good condition
Car trailer to suit low 993 racecar. Only really need 14’ length. No junk please.
Contact:Denis 5424 6694 or email dndinoz@skymesh.com.au 54
Porsche 996 6-SPEED MANUAL GEARBOX - TRANSAXLE - $3750 **AS NEW** - DONE 3,000 KM›s ONLY Getrag 996 98-06 2Wd Transaxle - Genuine Porsche Oem Part Purchased Brand New On 22Nd August, 2012 & Imported From The Usa Not A Reconditioned Item - Brand New! Gearbox Is Still Running & Driving In The Car The Gearbox Has Been Left In Car On Purpose To Demonstrate Condition Gearbox Will Be Removed Post Sale At The Sellers Expense Price: $4,850 ono for GEARBOX
Price: $500.00 Contact: Joe 0408004969
Justin 0419 297 297 NOTE - many other Porsche 996 Carrera 2 & 996 GT3 parts also for sale All suspension & steering components 18” factory optioned original 996 turbo wheels “Big Red” front and rear brakes Complete interior including seats/carpets/trims/roof lining Front bonnet -wrapped in carbon fibre film Light-weight rear window - heated & tinted Lhs and Rhs rear quarter fixed windows - tinted Lhs halogen factory OEM headlight complete Coloured Porsche crested wheel centres Factory OEM catalytic converters x2 Dash unit, plus dash air bag Lhs front fender (guard) Lhs complete door Lhs door window - tinted Lhs door mirror assembly Air-con condenser Lhs radiator core Lhs radiator fan
Air bag sensor unit - main Air bag sensor unit - lhs door Factory OEM mufflers x2 Steering rack - complete All pedals Heater/blower assembly All pedals Fuel tank
Number Plate “9 ONE 1” “9 ONE 1” - black lettering on silver background. Will look amazing on any 911, old or new. Plates have never been installed – brand new, still in box. Slim height front plate, normal height rear plate. Go on, treat yourself!
BAD 930 Number Plate Price:
Ben 0408 727 982
Brand new Michelin Slicks
2 x 24/65-19 compound S7A soft 2 x 29/65-19 compound S8A medium
Price: $2,000 (save $1,000) Contact:
Jeremy 0412 131 181
Number Plates - GT3 R
Kerry 0414 443 232
New price for rims $11,500 - Sale
Jonathon - email jonathon.bloxsom@opteonproperty.com.au
Price: $3,500 Contact: James 0410 590 000 or email jea@sedja.com.au
Personalised Plates Price: $4,000 Contact:Peter 0409 181 338 911 996 Car Cover
Price: $7,000
Porsche Techquipment tailored custom-fit car cover with Porsche crest and logo in matching bag for Type 996 911 in very good condition.
911E Plate
Perfect Porsche 911 plate. 2x2 Flexi Plate. Never been used or registered to any vehicle. No holes drilled and still in delivery box.
Des 0412 723 492
Price: $3,000 open to offers Contact:Justin - email
Price: $2,900
Price: $9,500
Original 993 Turbo Twist hollow spoke factory numbered alloy rims with tyres. 2x8Jx18 ET52 and 2x10Jx18 ET40 in really excellent condition with Bridgestone tyres 225/40ZR and 285/30ZR (average 50% wear)
Number Plate for new 99I
991PDK Plate
GT3 R Number Plates Price: $3,000 Contact:
Price: $3,000 o.n.o. Contact: Harry 0407 083 982
Complete set front and rear 996 Cup suspentions, will fit any 996 GT3
Peter 0409181338
V Turbo Plates
Silver letters on black in theft proof brackets. All offers considered
Price: Alll offers considered Contact: Julia - office hours
Tuesday-Thursday 3256 1517 or email impact_h@bigpond.net.au
Garage Sale!
911 Parts
Genuine 996 GT3 wheels, Continental Tyres with less than 5,000 kms. Wheels and tyres like brand new. Price: $2,650
Carrera 993 3.6L Manual 6 speed gearbox, out of an Australian Car, only 94,000 klm Price: $5,500 Moton canister shocks, 2 ay, bump and 6 rebound positions. As new, will suit any 993 model.
996 Cabrio or Coupe custom made car cover. Made from the highest quality materials by Speciality Car Covers (UK). Excellent condition. Price: $125
Tilt-a-Hitch is a hitch that allows a normal car trailer to tilt allowing low clearance cars ease of loading. Used once. Cost $395 Price: $200
NEW Mahle 2.7S Piston and cylinders, 90mm, 175HP, will suit all K-Jetronic engines. Price: $2,650 Genuine 993 RS/GT2 front strut top mounts to suit all 993’s.
Porsche Continenatl 19� Rear Tyre (1). Very good condition 265 / 30 / ZR 19 and very low kms Price: $50 Porsche Cabriolet factory Windblocker and tyre cover/carry case. To suit 996 and 997
Price: Contact:
Stan 0414 911 901
Porsche 911 Seats
George 0400 778 107 (sms is best)
1987 leather, OME electric adjustment model, excellent condition. Can deliver Brisbane, otherwise freight at buyers cost.
Hoosier Competition Tyres Hoosier competition tyres for sale. Only bedded in 5 laps. Rears are R6 compound and fronts are A6 (softer). Sizes are 315 x 30 (2) and 235 x 35 (2), both R19. These were for my GT3 and fit under the standard guards.
Jeremy Norris 0412 131 181
Sparco Driving Seats
Is this the plate you have been looking for? This is for that special person in your life. One slim line and one full size plate. White background black letters.
2 SPARCO DRIVING SEATS (1 brand new, 1 almost new). Purchased these for my 911SC Carerra and installed 1 and completed 2 track days and then removed it when the car was sold. These seats are ideal for motor sport or track days. FIA approved.
Price: $6,500 Contact: Geoff 0409 347 289
Price: $2,650 Contact: George 040 778 107
Personalised Plates
or email poolespt@bigpond.com
Porsche 997 Turbo Exhaust
Price: $4,000 ono Contact:Domenic
0404 846 860
(sms is best)
996 GT3 Spoiler Engine Lid
Fits all 997 Turbo. Complete exhaust system: All stainless steel, with headers and filter. Increased horse power +60. Worth $10,000 new/when bought
0417 589 114 or email grmeade@bigpond. com
$100 each
Price: $800 Contact: Graeme Meade
I wish to swap this 996 Rear GT3 Spoiler Engine Compartment lid for a standard 996 Carrera engine lid (One with no spoiler), or will sell.
or email smcicchino@hotmail.com
Contact:Phillip 0452 611 075 Price: $700 or Swap
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Business Contact Ph 07 5591 1695 07 3387 0190 04 3263 4047 04 0077 8107 07 4632 4510 07 3256 2004 04 1875 0666 07 3369 5500 07 5430 2220 07 3356 7877 04 0948 7788 04 0715 6749 04 1779 2767 04 1011 1417 04 1744 7090 07 3715 8228 07 5445 6065 04 3860 1940 07 3812 2233 04 1169 5694 04 1149 9696 04 4861 2781 07 3821 0033 04 1320 0271 07 3878 8000 07 3505 5000 07 5450 8022 04 1760 1600 07 5528 4592 1300 727023 1300 INTGR8 (468 478) 07 3371 6677 04 1872 4720 07 3201 1710 07 5474 3855 02 6686 6936 04 1219 7850 04 3830 0220 07 3375 5330 07 3260 2946 04 2744 9720 04 1878 2075 04 2132 7599 07 4632 8100 07 3277 1377 07 5495 6280 07 3843 3433 07 5549 3955 07 3379 3409 07 3218 6200 04 1964 3568 07 3375 4200 07 3103 0667 04 3310 0935 04 1873 2683 04 1831 0364 07 3861 0611 www.performancehealthqld.com.au
Adrian Flack Terry Knight Rhonda Barwick Peter Davidson Graham Lyttle
Business Contact Name Darren Ackland Adam Krauel www.smsfoptions.com Guy Wuoti www.motorschool.com.au George Foessel Jim Schilling www.TDAutomotive.com.au Stephen O'Brien Www.rotahrestorations.com.au Bob Thorn www.WaynePark.com.au Wayne Park www.LEAPP.aero Steve Adams www.federalbatteries.com.au Chris Drysdale www.chsgroup.biz Eckhard Schwarting Dean Marquart Alan Bell Andrew Swan www.miagencies.com.au Anthony Thompson www.CycleSkills.com.au Robert Kearney www.BowdensOwn.com.au Dan Bowden www.qcg.com.au Malcolm Davison www.hardingmartin.com.au David Martin www.Frostdale.com.au David Holzheimer www.scorp.com.au Greg Kermeen www.patrickbsmith.net Patrick Smith www.multibiz.net.au Jeff Neale www.Network-Solutions.com.au Aaron Stuart www.Consolicom.com Timothy Place www.TLCITS.com.au David Hawley www.hennigbrosconstruction.com.au Darren Hennig www.projectstrategies.com.au Geoff Cunningham www.greyburn.com.au Michael Byrne cmc.net.au Peter Kendall www.indesigntechnologies.com.au Peter Coman www.mpnc.net.au Rick godfrey www.Nightowl.com.au Tom Garrett www.noosadental.com.au Jeremy Norris www.CoasterKings.com.au Phillip Calnan www.rimequipment.com.au Ian Ryan www.machineryaction.com Michael Leu Rod McCray www.hexeis.com Matthew Vanderburg David Kitcher Robert Buckley www.aurecongroup.com Bill Guy www.kehoemyers.com.au Terrence Kehoe www.earthquip.com.au Don Warriner Robert Smith www.fsp.com.au Trevor Voevodin www.gotzinger.com Antony van der Drift nicholas marentis www.certitudeglobal.com.au Paul Burbidge Robert Carter
Business Web Site www.BlueWaters.com.au
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Main Beach
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04 1208 4004 04 1387 8762 04 1954 9122 1300 893911 07 3812 1315 07 5597 3344 07 3847 8820 1300 443203 1300 287525 1300 730949 07 3229 9696 07 3287 7891 07 5449 8888 07 5546 6952 07 3046 9353 04 1175 9770 04 1273 6705 07 3010 2600 07 3360 7222 07 3260 9218 04 1030 8881 04 1380 8643 04 1819 6388 04 3599 3934 07 3394 4200 07 3857 8628 07 3486 6477 07 5541 1077 07 3271 1744 07 3354 1600 07 3376 2888 1800 447708 04 1477 7018
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David Leneman
Gold Coast Brisbane SE QLD Brisbane Brisbane SEQ Beaudesert Carole Park Brisbane / Australia Wide
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Members’ Business Directory
Phone: 1300 937 111
Email: joe@jvib.com.au
Contact: Joe Vella | Diploma Financial Services (Insurance Broking), C.dec & Hon. Consul Malta (Nth Qld)
Wheel protection. Real protection. Porsche Insurance. For your Porsche tyres and wheels. Porsche Insurance can soon offer a one off payment that provides three years protection for your genuine Porsche wheels and tyres. Porsche Tyre and Rim Insurance is available to all Porsche models up to 20 years of age. Coverage includes up to one replacement rim per year to the value of $3,540, and coverage of up to two replacement tyres per year to the value of $1,100 each.
Porsche Centre Gold Coast Contact your Business Manager Hayden HadďŹ eld P: 07 55 557911 E: hayden@pcgc.com.au
Print Post PP1000/03711
Contact Hayden HadďŹ eld at Porsche Centre Gold Coast for more information.