Florida Roofing Magazine - January 2017

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ROOFING A Publication of the FRSA – Florida’s Association of Roofing Professionals

2017 Buyers Guide Distributors • Manufacturers Service Providers • Sales Representatives

Top Five Attic Ventilation FAQs The Workers’ Comp Circus is Back YouTube Directors App The Slavin Doctrine S.T.A.R. Award Sustainable Roofing Project Winner: Advanced Roofing Inc’s Lockheed Martin Solar Carport

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ROOFING Available Online at www.floridaroof.com/florida-roofing-magazine/

FRSA-Florida Roofing Magazine Contacts:

42 Sustainable Roofing S.T.A.R. Award

S.T.A.R. Awards – the Spotlight Trophy for the Advancement of Roofing – Sustainable Roofing Award went to Advanced Roofing Inc last year for its work on the Lockheed Martin Solar Carport.

8 | Annual Buyers Guide

Keep this issue for reference throughout the year, featuring FRSA Distributors (page 8), Manufacturers (17), Service Providers and Consultants (35), and Sales Representatives (39).

For advertising inquiries, contact: Heidi Ellsworth at: heidi@floridaroof.com (800) 767-3772 ext. 127 All feedback including Letters to the Editor and reprint permission requests (please include your full name, city and state) contact: Lisa Pate, Editor, at: lisapate@floridaroof.com (800) 767-3772 ext. 157 Florida Roofing Magazine, PO Box 4850 Winter Park, FL 32793-4850 View media kit at: www.floridaroof.com/ florida-roofing-magazine/

18 | Goodbye to Saturday and Other Changes to the FRSA Expo

Saturdays are going out with a bang at this year’s FRSA Expo. On the iPad

22 | Top Five Attic Ventilation FAQs

It may not be obvious to customers, but attic ventilation is an important component of roof longevity. The Roof Assembly Ventilation Coalition answers the top five questions it receives from roofing professionals. www.is.gd/iroofing

24 | The Slavin Doctrine

Roofing contractors are often sued for work even after the client has signed off on the project. Depending on the circumstances, the Slavin doctrine provides a precedent that may shield contractors from such suits.

Any material submitted for publication in Florida Roofing becomes the property of the publication. Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the author(s) alone and do not imply an opinion or endorsement on the part of the officers or the membership of FRSA. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. Florida Roofing (VOL. 2, NO. 1), January 2017, (ISSN 0191-4618) is published monthly by FRSA, 7071 University Boulevard, Winter Park, FL 32792. Periodicals Postage paid at Orlando, FL. POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections (form 3579) to Florida Roofing, PO Box 4850, Winter Park, FL 32793-4850.

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING





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Stepping into 2017 As we welcome in 2017, I wish you all the best in the New Year and trust that your holidays were enjoyable. Hopefully, you were able to spend time with family and friends and are recharged for what looks to be a very busy and prosperous year. Facing us in 2017 are some challenges with the Florida Building Code (FBC) and the new International Building Codes (IBC) – both front and center for FRSA and the Codes Committee. We expect the code change process to be brought before the Florida Legislature to make changes that will allow the Florida Building Code to retain its integrity while streamlining implementation processes. Currently, the Florida Building Commission is required to update the FBC every three years to reflect the most current version of various international codes. We are expecting to see legislation to use Florida’s current (2017) Building Code as the foundation code, by giving the Commission authority to decide which provisions of the international codes are appropriate and necessary for Florida. We expect that the legislation will continue to allow the adoption of annual technical amendments to the Code that relate directly to public health, safety and welfare. This will certainly be an interesting piece of legislation that FRSA Legislative Counsel Cam Fentriss will be monitoring closely for FRSA and we will almost certainly have opportunities to be directly involved with it. The new FBC Sixth Edition is slated to go into effect on December 31, 2017 barring any unforeseen issues that may crop up this year. FRSA is creating seminars based on the changes in the new code and we anticipate having them available at the Convention. In February, FRSA’s Affiliate Council will meet at the offices in Winter Park for a roundtable meeting designed to help each affiliate prepare for meetings, provide guidance on financial and tax information, review meeting procedures, discuss successful marketing campaigns and brainstorm ideas for local meetings and events. FRSA will pay for a hotel room for one person from each affiliate to attend and we encourage you to send someone to represent your affiliate. Now’s the time to prepare your projects to submit for the S.T.A.R. – the Spotlight Trophy for the Advancement of Roofing – Awards. Hopefully, you’ve been documenting them with multiple high-resolution pictures that we can use on the covers of Florida Roofing Magazine and on our website. Each year, incredible jobs are profiled, but sometimes don’t have the visual documentation

that help the judges decide on winning projects. The submission portal is open on FRSA’s website, www.floridaroof.com/convention/ and you can begin uploading your projects now – don’t forget the pictures! As a member of the Executive Committee, I have first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of staff and committees, and a front seat on many of the projects developed during my five-year term. One of the most successful, both financially and FRSA President George Ebersold, visually, are the changes made to Tom Tanenbaum Roofing Inc, Orlando FRSA’s magazine, Florida Roofing. It’s been a year since we launched the reformatted publication and what a resounding change it has been. Advertising revenue has doubled and the magazine is now self-sustaining. I want to thank all of our advertisers who supported us over the years and enabled us to become a first-rate publication. January is the Buyers Guide issue and includes listings of all FRSA Associate members, along with the products and services they provide. We hope that you will keep this issue handy and refer to it throughout the year as your need for additional products arises. We ask that you support those companies that support FRSA and the industry. Best Regards,

George Ebersold – FRSA President george.ebersold@tanenbaumroofing.com

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING



The Workers’ Comp Circus is Back If you don’t want people to notice what you are doing, create a distraction. That is exactly what the workers’ comp claimant lawyers are doing right now. Let’s break this down. In 2003, the Florida Legislature put limits on what lawyers for injured workers can collect in attorney fees because a) the system is supposed to be “self-executing” which calls for very few lawsuits, and b) injured worker lawyers were making so much money, often more than the injured workers were getting in benefits. It was a substantial cost driver that was responsible for a large portion of the high workers’ comp rates. In May of last year, the Florida Supreme Court threw out those limits and we are back to an attorney fee freefor-all. Right away, a number of cases came in for a landing and claimant lawyers were awarded large fees – some very large. Put another way, it took no time at all to get back to the level of abuse that caused the need for the 2003 changes. With a stack of cases lined up for the big fee hand-outs, it stands to reason that workers’ comp rates must go up – they have to because the increased attorney fees are a BIG increase in cost to the system. Claimant lawyers know that their grab for fees is solid evidence for an increase in rates, but they don’t want legislators, employers, or employees to focus on that. They will try to distract us, hoping we don’t notice that they are responsible for the increase. Their manufactured distraction needs to be something like making some statement that gets everyone’s attention because it sounds good and it seems like it could be true, but it is not, and NCCI and insurers will be motivated to spend a lot of time and money trying to explain the whole complicated process and drag out the useless discussion past the end of the legislative session in May – if possible. That is very convoluted. The claimant lawyers have thrown their smoke bomb into the crowd, asserting that NCCI is shady and that they manipulate rate calculations with an evil adding machine in a dark corner of some basement. Claimant lawyers are trying to convince us that NCCI is calculating proposed rates in secret without showing anyone how they arrive at their figures, and, making things worse, the Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) is just letting them get away with it. Wrong. That is just not true – not even close. In our 20 plus years of experience dealing with NCCI, we know they provide an absolute ton of material to explain their proposed rates. In fact, FRSA and FRSA Self Insurers Fund frequently use their material, ask questions, make comments, and propose changes. The proposed rate filing NCCI submits to the OIR is reviewed in excruciating detail by the staff at OIR and they almost always counter - they rarely just rubber stamp what is submitted. Anyone who suggests the process is not open and above board and 6


that proposed rates are not thoroughly vetted is ignorant or just not paying attention. Part two of the claimant lawyers’ distraction is to advocate for “open rating,” rather than the uniform rates proposed by NCCI, a rating organization that exists for the purpose of collecting data and forecasting rates. If we had open rating, then each insurance company would apply to OIR for approval of the rates it wants to charge. On the surface, it sounds great because a company that wants your business could get approved to charge lower rates. But think it through: the advantage would go to the largest insurers because these are the companies that can afford to charge less to gain market share. What happens once they gain enough market share? If the large national insurance companies can undercut rates long enough to drive out the competition (small Florida workers’ comp carriers), then, once that is complete, they can and will call for much higher rates because they will control the market. Even before they drive smaller Florida companies out of business, they will create very real tension and chaos for employers looking to find coverage because they will also be controlling what they demand from employers before they are willing to write a policy. You may ask why claimant lawyers want to promote something that could reduce the number of insurers available to provide coverage because, after all, insurers are the ones who write those big juicy checks these lawyers want so badly. Chances are they are either not thinking it through, do not understand the concept of profit and loss, or they just figure, since employers are required to provide the coverage, the government would step in and bring back the “good old days” of the Florida Workers’ Compensation Joint Underwriting Association (FWCJUA) for coverage. The moral of this story is that claimant lawyers who stand to get filthy rich from worker’s comp litigation are not the experts or go-to authority on how best to calculate workers’ comp rates or make coverage available because, on that subject, they have a GIANT conflict of interest. If they try to convince you to support open rating or doing away with NCCI, please ignore it. We need to concentrate on making sure the workers’ compensation system is affordable for employers and helps injured employees by using funds for benefits, rather than attorney fees.


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2017 Buyers Guide Distributors 1ST COAST METAL ROOFING SUPPLY

186 State Rd 207 E Palatka FL 32131 Phone: 386-325-0242 Toll-Free: 844-241-8468 Fax: 386-326-4260 www.1stcoastmrs.com Contact: Mark Donlan mdonlan@1stcoastmrs.com


5445 Williamsburg Dr Punta Gorda FL 33982 Phone: 941-505-4367 Fax: 941-505-9120 www.abcsupply.com Contact: James Jurkas Phone: 239-940-8809 james.jurkas@abcsupply.com Branches 950 SE 11th Ave Cape Coral FL 33990-3021 Phone: 239-573-2707 Fax: 239-573-2714 Contact: Reid Carner reid.carner@abcsupply.com

1150 NW 23rd Ave Ft Lauderdale FL 33311-5738 Phone: 954-584-3633 Fax: 954-584-3730 Contact: Robert Landrum bob.landrum@abcsupply.com 5550 NW 12th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL 33309-2815 Phone: 954-776-5110 Fax: 954-776-7856 Contact: Ian Rovner irovner@bradcosupply.com 17195 Jean St Ft Myers FL 33967-6022 Phone: 239-437-4778 Fax: 239-437-4030 Contact: Jason Toepler jason.toepler@abcsupply.com 400 Rinker Wy Lake Worth FL 33461

Pickup September 2016 Page 14 / DCSM



Phone: 561-585-4999 Fax: 561-585-4657 Contact: Don Hamby don.hamby@abcsupply.com 7275 NW 7th Ave Miami FL 33150-3607 Phone: 305-751-8576 Fax: 305-751-8579 Contact: Steve Gory steve.gory@abcsupply.com 2751 NW 73rd St Miami FL 33147-5923 Phone: 305-836-3641 Fax: 305-836-2152 Contact: Tony Barra tony.barra@abcsupply.com 6100 NW 74th Ave Miami FL 33166-3710 Phone: 305-597-9392 Fax: 305-597-9484

Contact: Dolores Hernandez t.hernandez@abcsupply.com 1100 Sun Century Rd Naples FL 34110-8430 Phone: 239-597-1604 Fax: 239-597-2529 Contact: Neil Egan neil.egan@abcsupply.com 2725 SW 32nd Terr Pembroke Park FL 33023-7714 Phone: 954-893-4100 Fax: 954-893-4105 Contact: Donnie O’Sullivan donnie.osullivan@abcsupply.com 1971 Hammondville Rd Pompano Beach FL 33069-1958 Phone: 954-960-1511 Fax: 954-960-0465 Contact: Wayne Comer wayne.comer@abcsupply.com 1231 NE 48th St Pompano Beach FL 33064-4910 Phone: 954-570-3286 Fax: 954-570-7768 Contact: Coe Steele coe.steele@abcsupply.com Contact: Tim Hashagen tim.hashagen@abcsupply.com 3680 SE Dixie Highway Stuart FL 34997-5247 Phone: 772-283-8282 Fax: 772-283-3928 Contact: Ron Frantantoni ronnie.frantantoni@abcsupply.com 2725 Hillsboro Rd W Palm Beach FL 33405-1019 Phone: 561-832-0505 Fax: 561-832-0264 Contact: Adam Hamby adam.hamby@abcsupply.com 7392 Haverhill Rd N W Palm Beach FL 33407-1033 Phone: 561-863-8600 Fax: 561-848-0174 Contact: Matthew Lynskey matthew.lynskey@abcsupply.com A.C.T. METAL DECK SUPPLY

1560 Jessie St Jacksonville FL 32206 Toll-Free: 800-894-7741 Fax: 630-978-7825

www.metaldecksupply.com Contact: Michael Polizzi sales@metaldecksupply.com ALLIED BUILDING PRODUCTS CORP 701 S Market Ave Ft Pierce FL 34982 Phone: 772-466-3461 Fax: 772-466-4542 www.alliedbuilding.com Contact: Brian Horn brian.horn@alliedbuilding.com ATLANTIC ASPHALT & EQUIPMENT

4100 N Powerline Rd Ste O-2 Pompano Beach FL 33073 Phone: 754-307-2307 Fax: 754-307-2324 www.atlanticasphalt.com Contact: Shea O’Neil Phone: 781-808-1507 soneil@atlanticasphalt.com BEACON ROOFING SUPPLY/ RSG/JGA

8501 Sabal Industrial Blvd Tampa FL 33619 Phone: 813-326-0135 www.beaconroofingsupply.com Contact: Kris E Stites kstites@jgabeacon.com CROSSROADS BUILDING SUPPLY INC 1700 N Orange Blossom Trl Orlando FL 32804 Phone: 407-648-4393 Fax: 407-648-0781 www.crossroadsbuildingsupply.com Contact: Don Sandagras don.sandagras@crossroadsbuildingsupply.com D-MAC INDUSTRIES 1880 D-MAC Dr Alpharetta GA 30534 Phone: 770-664-7120 Toll-Free: 800-878-3622 Fax: 770-664-5682 www.samedaysteeldeck.com Contact: Sarah Vigilant sales@samedaysteeldeck.com

Branches 3131 Caruso Ct Orlando FL 32806 Phone: 407-545-6762 Contact: Sarah Vigilant sales@samedaysteeldeck.com 5400 NW 32nd Ave Miami FL 33142 Phone: 305-921-4342

911 NW 53rd Ave Gainesville FL 32609 Phone: 352-376-7511 Fax: 352-377-3424 Contact: Doug Stringfellow dstringfellow@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Barry Billings bbillings@gulfeaglesupply.com 2040 Grand Blvd Holiday FL 34690 Phone: 727-938-2886 Contact: Kelly Joyce kjoyce@gulfeaglesupply.com

6316 Anderson Rd Tampa FL 33634 Phone: 813-703-1411 EXTREME METAL FABRICATORS

2160 SW Poma Dr Palm City FL 34990 Phone: 772-872-8034 Fax: 772-872-8035 www.extrememetalfabricators.com Contact: Richard McKuhen richard@emfab.net GULFEAGLE SUPPLY

2900 E 7th Ave Tampa FL 33605 Phone: 813-636-9808 Fax: 813-200-3844 www.gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Sandy McClain info@gulfeaglesupply.com Branches 1700 N Hercules Ave Bldg 3 Clearwater FL 33765-1139 Phone: 727-443-3369 Fax: 727-443-3612 Contact: Dave Sullivan 1851 SW 43rd Ter Deerfield Beach FL 33442-8131 Phone: 954-931-7044 Fax: 954-426-6675 Contact: Todd Fowler 96 Hill Ave Ft Walton Beach FL 32548 Phone: 850-244-2107 Fax: 850-244-3113 Contact: Jim Ludwig jludwig@gulfeaglesupply.com

1751 N Nova Rd Holly Hill FL 32117 Phone: 386-673-8600 Fax: 386-673-3006 Contact: AJ Reeser 2649 Rosselle St Jacksonville FL 32204 Phone: 904-387-0441 Fax: 904-387-9022 Contact: Andy Beckerman 111 N Lake Ave Leesburg FL 34748 Phone: 352-530-4100 Fax: 352-414-4873 Contact: Frank Cooper fcooper@gulfeaglesupply.com 482 Commerce Wy Longwood FL 32750 Phone: 407-830-7453 Fax: 407-834-6627 Contact: Ben Zwolski bzwolski@gulfeaglesupply.com 5085 S Industry Dr Melbourne FL 32940 Phone: 321-242-8085 Fax: 321-242-9170 Contact: Chris Daniel info@sclra.com 4241 SW 70th Ct Miami FL 33155 Phone: 305-668-5055 Fax: 305-668-5161 Contact: Orlando Alvarez oalvarez@gulfeaglesupply.com 5750 NW 32nd Ave Miami FL 33142 Phone: 305-633-4679 Fax: 305-633-7640 Contact: Miriam Mata mmata@gulfeaglesupply.com 10705 Rocket Blvd St 10

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


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Distributors Orlando FL 32824-8500 Phone: 407-826-0700 Fax: 407-826-0733 Contact: Dave Merritt dmerritt@gulfeaglesupply.com 2215 E 17th St Panama City FL 32405 Phone: 850-785-6733 Fax: 850-784-6609 Contact: Dell Jackson djackson@gulfeaglesupply.com 831 Lookout Dr Pensacola FL 32505-2431 Phone: 850-438-9299 Fax: 850-438-8506 Contact: Bob Falke bfalke@gulfeaglesupply.com 950 W 13th St Ste 1 Riviera Beach FL 33404 Phone: 561-232-3840 Fax: 561-584-5136 Contact: John Rich

Contact: Stephanie Rich srich@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Mike Zwolski HAPCO INC 390 Portage Blvd Kent OH 44240 Phone: 330-678-9353 Toll-Free: 800-345-9353 Fax: 330-677-8282 www.hapcoinc.com Contact: Shari Carlozzi sales@hapcoinc.com HEELY-BROWN CO 1280 Chattahoochee Ave Atlanta GA 30318 Phone: 404-352-0022 Toll-Free: 800-241-4628 Fax: 404-350-2696 www.heely-brown.com Contact: Scott Goza sgoza@heelybrown.com HOUSE OF LADDERS

1565 Northgate Blvd Sarasota FL 34234-4760 Phone: 941-355-7161 Fax: 941-351-7941 Contact: Pat Runde prunde@gulfeaglesupply.com Gulfeagle Supply (Tapered Dept) 1565 Northgate Blvd Sarasota FL 34234-4760 Phone: 941-358-5682 Fax: 941-351-4207 Contact: Jay Cook 3191 46th Ave N St Petersburg FL 33714-3817 Phone: 727-525-4044 Fax: 727-521-3762 Contact: Greg Stealey gstealey@gulfeaglesupply.com 1961 Maryland Cir Tallahassee FL 32303 Phone: 850-574-7650 Fax: 850-574-8153 Contact: Farley Maxwell fmaxwell@gulfeaglesupply.com 2900 E 7th Ave Ste 200 Tampa FL 33605-4200 Phone: 813-636-9808 Fax: 813-549-1776 Contact: Jim Resch Contact: John Zakrzewski jzakrzewski@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Brad Resch petieboxer@aol.com

4711 N Dixie Hwy Ste E Ft Lauderdale FL 33334 Phone: 954-772-1844 Toll-Free: 800-334-6909 Fax: 954-772-0989 www.houseofladders.com Contact: Guy DiScuillo guyjld@houseofladders.com HYDRAULIC MACHINERY INC 5024 N 56th St Tampa FL 33610 Phone: 813-621-8002 Fax: 813-626-8759 www.craneworx.com Contact: John Calfee johncalfee@craneworx.com L&W SUPPLY 250 Carmalita St Punta Gorda FL 33950 Phone: 941-474-8185 Fax: 941-639-6653 www.lwsupply.com Contact: Pam Blosser pblosser@lwsupply.com METAL MASTER SHOP 7484 NW 8th St Miami FL 33126

Phone: 305-261-9290 Fax: 305-261-9299 www.metalmastershop.com Contact: Juan Carlos Canizares juancarlos@metalmastershop.com ROOFERS MART SOUTHEAST INC 3175 Copter Rd Pensacola FL 32514 Phone: 850-266-2800 Fax: 850-266-2801 Contact: Mitchell Cawley mcawley@rmal.com

3601 Work Dr Ft Myers FL 33916 Phone: 239-275-6433 Fax: 239-275-6434 Contact: Yader Areas yareas@srsicorp.com 315 US Highway 41 Inverness FL 34450 Phone: 352-464-6417 Fax: 352-341-2841 Contact: Enzo Pipitone epipitone@srsicorp.com


4930 Spring Park Rd Jacksonville FL 32207 Phone: 904-674-0375 Fax: 904-674-0376 Contact: Ryan Badia rbadia@srsicorp.com

2501 Park Central Blvd Decatur GA 30035 Phone: 770-981-5169 Toll-Free: 888-321-3847 Fax: 770-981-1725 www.roofmaster.com Contact: Glenn Beacham Phone: 205-616-9991 glenn@roofmaster.com

4401 US Highway 92 E Lakeland FL 33801 Phone: 863-393-0093 Contact: Scott Weldon sweldon@srsicorp.com

SPEC BUILDING MATERIALS 2840 Roe Ln Kansas City KS 66103 Toll-Free: 866-585-7785 Fax: 913-905-3390 www.speccorp.com Contact: Mel Stevenson m.stevenson@speccorp.com SUNCOAST ROOFERS SUPPLY 14212 N Nebraska Ave Tampa FL 33613 Phone: 813-383-0050 Fax: 813-383-0051 www.suncoastrooferssupply.com Contact: Sarah Davis Phone: 813-347-5881 sdavis@srsicorp.com Branches 12883 US Hwy 19 N Clearwater FL 33764 Phone: 727-535-9596 Fax: 727-535-9528 6277 NW 28th Wy Ft Lauderdale FL 33309 Phone: 954-933-4770 Contact: Jake Arndt jarndt@srsicorp.com

8205 NW 74th Ave Medley FL 33166 Phone: 305-455-6690 Contact: Abe Cordoba acordoba@srsicorp.com 2251 Mercy Dr Orlando FL 32808 Phone: 407-650-9152 Fax: 407-650-4940 Contact: Tammy Sharp tsharp@srsicorp.com 7555-B Gardens Rd Riviera Beach FL 33404 Phone: 561-848-1400 Contact: Derek Carrillo dcarrillo@srsicorp.com 1926 72nd Dr E Sarasota FL 34243 Phone: 941-539-7485 Fax: 941-751-3465 Contact: Zach Grossman zgrossman@srsicorp.com 1170 Capital Circle NE Tallahassee FL 32301 Phone: 850-329-7469 Contact: Paul Walsh pwalsh@srsicorp.com 14212 N Nebraska Ave Tampa FL 33613 Phone: 813-664-8686 Fax: 813-664-8674

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


Distributors Contact: Andres Torres antorres@srsicorp.com SUNLAST METAL 2120 SW Poma Dr Palm City FL 34990 Phone: 772-223-4055 Fax: 772-781-7492 www.sunlastmetal.com Contact: Terrance Kapron tkapron@sunlastmetal.com SUNNILAND CORP

PO Box 8001 Sanford FL 32722 Phone: 407-322-2421 Toll-Free: 800-432-1130 Fax: 407-324-4421 www.sunnilandcorp.com Contact: Larry Pressley lpressley@sunnilandcorp.com Branches 3140 Kutak Ln Ft Myers FL 33916 Phone: 239-334-2179 Fax: 239-334-1029 Contact: Bill Strong wstrong@sunniland.com 6130 N Florida Ave Hernando FL 33442 Phone: 352-465-4900 Fax: 352-465-1808 Contact: Frank Rooks sunniland415@yahoo.com 1563 Pine Ave Holly Hill FL 32117 Phone: 386-677-1916 Fax: 386-677-1652 Contact: Bert Eddy hollyhill@sunnilandcorp.com

4115-5 University Blvd W Jacksonville FL 32217 Phone: 904-448-0623 Fax: 904-737-7618 Contact: Loretta Hartley jacksonville@sunnilandcorp.com 507 N 14th St #3 Leesburg FL 34748 Phone: 352-728-2444 Fax: 352-728-2524 Contact: Angela McDermott leesburg@sunnilandcorp.com 7600 NW 74th Ave Miami FL 33166 Phone: 305-883-0113 Fax: 305-883-0545 Contact: Thomas Parrish miami@sunnilandcorp.com 479 Industrial Blvd Naples FL 34104 Phone: 239-643-4944 Fax: 239-643-3476 Contact: Scott Ortegon naples@sunnilandcorp.com 1323 NE 17th Rd Ocala FL 34470 Phone: 352-351-3137 Fax: 352-351-1255 Contact: Tony Flores sunnilandocala@embarqmail.com 2517 Shader Rd Unit 1 Orlando FL 32804 Phone: 407-291-2101 Fax: 407-522-0142 Contact: William Cantrell orlando@sunnilandcorp.com Contact: Billy Nicholas orlando@sunnilandcorp.com 317 Griffin Rd Panama City FL 32413

Phone: 850-392-7395 Fax: 850-392-7399 Contact: Robert Schoggins 19910 Veterans Blvd Pt Charlotte FL 33954-2077 Phone: 941-625-1224 Fax: 941-625-0156 Contact: Brooke Peterson ptcharlotte@sunnilandcorp.com 1100 W 17th St Riviera Beach FL 33404 Phone: 561-841-7773 Fax: 561-841-9004 Contact: James Cardwell westpalm@sunnilandcorp.com 165 Gus Hipp Blvd Rockledge FL 32955 Phone: 321-632-3572 Fax: 321-631-6106 Contact: Rob Martin rockledge@sunnilandcorp.com PO Box 8001 Sanford FL 32772-8001 Phone: 407-322-2421 Fax: 407-324-5784 Contact: Tom Moore Contact: Phil Spake Contact: Chris Frank cfrank@sunnilandcorp.com Contact: William Sehrer bsehrer@sunnilandcorp.com 6493 Parkland Dr Ste 101 Sarasota FL 34243 Phone: 941-752-7389 Fax: 941-752-7915 Contact: Josh Brown jbrown@sunnilandcorp.com Contact: Karl Harring bradenton@sunnilandcorp.com 3443 Heid Rd Sebring FL 33870 Phone: 863-593-3440 Fax: 863-593-3442 Contact: Jessie Trevino

sebring@sunnilandcorp.com 3715 Peddie Dr Tallahassee FL 32303 Phone: 850-701-4860 Fax: 850-701-4865 Contact: Roger Benton tallahassee@sunnilandcorp.com 5577 SR 542 W Winter Haven FL 33880 Phone: 386-967-8888 Fax: 863-967-8819 Contact: Brent Binns winterhaven@sunnilandcorp.com THOMPSON AGGREGATE & MATERIALS CO INC 5015 E Hillsborough Ave Tampa FL 33610 Phone: 813-248-3456 Fax: 813-626-7010 www.gometalroofing.com Contact: Brian Kocsis bk@gometalroofing.com TRIANGLE FASTENER CORP

6800 Suemac Pl #2 Jacksonville FL 32254 Phone: 904-695-0404 Toll-Free: 800-486-1832 Fax: 904-695-0062 www.trianglefastener.com Contact: Alan Belcher abelcher@trianglefastener.com WILLOUGHBY SUPPLY 2901 Titan Row Ste 110 Orlando FL 32809 Phone: 407-251-9070 www.willoughbysupply.com Contact: Frank Iammarino fiammarino@willoughbysupply.com

Distributors Products Index Built-Up Roofing Materials Asphalt ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp 12

Cold Applied

Fumeless Asphalt

Roofing Felts

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp


Polyester/Polyether ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply

Caulks and Sealants Acrylic ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Penetration Seals ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp


Liquid Applied Roof Systems ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Hapco Inc Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Mastics ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply

Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Roofmaster Products Co Triangle Fastener Corp


Generators and Compressors

Chutes Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Roofmaster Products Co Triangle Fastener Corp

Conveyors Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Roofmaster Products Co

Fastening Equipment Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA

ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Hapco Inc Heely-Brown Co Roofmaster Products Co Triangle Fastener Corp

Hoists Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Roofmaster Products Co

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Silicone ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Urethane ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Cements and Coatings Cements ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Fabrics ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


Hot Air Welding Equipment ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Hapco Inc Heely-Brown Co Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Kettles and Kettle Accessories ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply

Ladders ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment House of Ladders Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply

Leak Moisture Detectors Roofmaster Products Co

Material Handling Equipment ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment House of Ladders Roofmaster Products Co

Metal Roofing 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA


Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Motors Roofmaster Products Co

On-Deck Roofing Equipment


Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Roofmaster Products Co

Roll Forming Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA

Roof Tile Manufacturing Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA

Sheet Metal Equipment

Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment House of Ladders Roofmaster Products Co

Torches ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Triangle Fastener Corp

Truck Attachments and Accessories

Single Ply Equipment

Water Pumps

ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Roofmaster Products Co

Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Hapco Inc

Spray Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Hapco Inc Roofmaster Products Co

Tankers Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Roofmaster Products Co

House of Ladders

Fasteners 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply House of Ladders Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply

Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Gutters 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply

Insulation Adhesives ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Attachments ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Radiant Barriers ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Rigid ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp



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Distributors Products Index Sprayed



ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Tapered ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Lumber ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Metal Roofing Accessories

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp


Shingles ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Solar Applications ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Standing Seam ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp



Stone Coated Steel

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Copings and Gravel ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Modified Bitumen

Roof Top Accessories

Air Conditioning Supports Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Sunniland Corp

Bird Control Sunniland Corp

Cupolas Sunniland Corp


ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

SBS ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Roof Deck/Deck Materials A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply ABC Supply Co Inc CrossRoads Building Supply Inc D-MAC Industries Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Curbs CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Sunniland Corp

Drain and Drain Guards ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Expansion Joints ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

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Structural ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

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Flashings ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Lightning Protection and Grounding ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply

Pavers ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Pedestals ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Stands and Support


ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply House of Ladders

ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply

Shakes Metal 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Shingles ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp


ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp



ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply House of Ladders Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Vibration Control ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Walkways/Walk Pads ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply House of Ladders Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Weathervanes ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp


Safety Equipment and Clothing

ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Shingles - Asphalt ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp


Composite Shingles ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Natural ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Solar Systems Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply

Tile Accessories ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Tile Fastening Systems Foam ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Mortar ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Straps ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Single Ply Roofing Systems Tie Systems ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Skylights ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp


ABC Supply Co Inc Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp

Tile Roofing Clay ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Concrete ABC Supply Co Inc

Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Synthetic ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Tools Axe ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Brooms and Brushes ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Caulk Guns ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Hand Tools ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Knives and Blades ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc

Distributors Products Index Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Magnet Sweeper ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Measuring Wheels ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

Metal Roofing Tools ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp


Slate Roofing Tools

ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp Triangle Fastener Corp

ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply

Power Tools ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Reels ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Sheet Metal Roofing Tools ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Thermometers ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Roofmaster Products Co Suncoast Roofers Supply

Underlayment Mechanically Attached ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Roof Boards ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply

Self-Adhering 1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply

Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Synthetic Products ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Ventilation Products ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply

Solar-Powered ABC Supply Co Inc Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA CrossRoads Building Supply Inc Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Triangle Fastener Corp

Waterproofing Systems ABC Supply Co Inc Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Beacon Roofing Supply/RSG/JGA Gulfeagle Supply Suncoast Roofers Supply Sunniland Corp

Manufacturers ACME CONE CO

3237 W 1st Ave Eugene OR 97402 Toll-Free: 866-516-4079 Fax: 541-246-8686 www.acmecone.com Contact: Tim Luck tim@acmecone.com ANCHOR COATINGS INC 2280 Tally Rd Leesburg FL 34748 Phone: 352-728-0777 Fax: 352-728-6177 www.anchorcoatings.com Contact: Amanda Kelley mandie@anchorcoatings.com


PO Box 5449 Tampa FL 33675 Phone: 813-248-2101 www.apoc.com Contact: Frank Glasscock Phone: 423-440-0957 fglasscock@apoc.com ATAS INTERNATIONAL INC 6612 Snowdrift Rd Allentown PA 18106 Phone: 610-395-8446 ext 233 Fax: 610-395-9342 www.atas.com

Contact: Juanita Riepensell jriepensell@atas.com ATLAS BOLT & SCREW CO 1628 Troy Rd Ashland OH 44805 Phone: 419-289-6171 ext 1369 Fax: 419-289-2564 www.atlasfasteners.com Contact: Robert Carnick rcarnick@atlasfasteners.com ATLAS ROOFING CORP

Phone: 770-612-6270 Toll-Free: 800-388-6134 Fax: 770-952-3170 www.atlasroofing.com Contact: Stephanie Daniels Phone: 407-982-6628 sdaniels@atlasroofing.com BERMUDA ROOF CO INC 414 Seasage Dr Apt 4 Delray Beach FL 33483-6734 www.tile-tite.com Contact: K Breslauer breslauerc@bellsouth.net Listing continued on page 28

2000 Riveredge Pkwy Ste 800 Atlanta GA 30328 www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


Goodbye to Saturday and Other Changes to the FRSA Expo Cheryl Sulock, CMP, CSEP, FRSA Director of Convention & Expo

The Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Expo transitioned from a three day show to a two-day show a few years ago, with the Expo open to attendees on Friday and Saturday. While everyone seemed happy to eliminate the extra day, the grumblings were loud and frequent about the show still being open on Saturday. Many efforts were made to make the Saturday show floor just as busy as Friday. The FRSA Convention Committee tried coordinating affiliate buses, hosting special seminars for foremen and superintendents, and offering Saturday-only exhibitor specials, cash prizes and free beer. At the close of the 2016 Expo, exhibitors once again voiced their opinion through online surveys, emails and phone calls to the FRSA Executive Committee and staff. WE HEARD YOU! After a careful review of the available options and existing venue contracts, the FRSA Executive Committee decided to make a shift to the event days beginning in 2018 when the event moves to the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center. From 2018 through 2020, Wednesday will mark the kick-off with FRSA sports tournaments, seminars, and the popular Welcome Reception. The Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Expo will be open on Thursday and Friday.

for the event, taking place June 22-24 at the Orange County Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Orlando in Orlando. The Convention Committee has decided to make sure Saturday goes out with a bang! Attendees will gather during Saturday show hours in the Lounge for complimentary Mimosas, Bloody Mary’s, and light breakfast snacks. What goes great with a Saturday morning Mimosa? How about cash prizes? New for 2017, attendees will have the chance to participate in the FRSA Square Challenge by stopping by the booths of participating exhibitors and collecting stamps on a pre-printed card. Completed cards will be turned in on the Expo floor for a chance to win cash prizes. Stamps can be collected on Friday or Saturday; winners (18 years or older) will be selected on Saturday and must be present to win. Combine these exciting new events with numerous educational seminars and several networking opportunities, such as the fishing, clay shooting and golf tournaments and the popular Thursday Night Welcome Reception, and 2017 promises to be a great year. Adding to the excitement, the Friday Night S.T.A.R. Awards presentation has been further condensed, allowing everyone to get right to the lively, late-night After-Party.

What About 2017?

What About 2021?

2017 will mark the last time the Expo is open on Friday Time will tell! A truly great event must be constantly and Saturday, as no major schedule changes are planned evolving to meet the needs of an ever-changing industry. Rest assured, the FRSA Executive Committee, Convention Committee and staff are always willing to listen, be flexible, and make bold changes to keep up with these needs.

What About Right Now?

Registration for the 2017 event will once again be online and will open in the spring. In the meantime, stay up-to-date on the latest Convention & Expo news by visiting www.floridaroof.com, liking us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/flroof, or following us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/FRSAExpo. Need a booth for the Expo? The show floor is 80 percent full and booths are currently being assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Cheryl Sulock at 800-767-3772 ext. 177 or cheryl@floridaroof.com for more information. Interested in becoming an event sponsor or joining the FRSA Square Challenge? Make your company stand out before, during and after the show. Contact Cheryl Sulock for more information.






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YouTube Directors App Chelsea Welsh, MBA, Gutter Helmet National Marketing Manager

There has been so much discussion about the importance of video content in today’s marketing mix. This content can teach us how to fix a flat tire, carve a turkey or find a local business that can solve a problem we might have. I know many of you can think about times when you looked at a YouTube video and that video helped you to make a buying decision, based on that video content. There are millions of videos uploaded every day to YouTube or across social media. This content spans from entertainment to video testimonials. There are many music artists that got their start by sharing their videos on YouTube. We ask ourselves, why is video content so compelling? One answer: 65 percent of us are visual learners according to the Social Science Research Network. Humans are visual creatures and we process information on what we see through our eyes. In today’s society, we are bombarded with stimuli; everything from music, commercials, newspaper ads, etcetera. There are over 1.5 billion individual units of content generated every day, according to HubSpot. YouTube estimates over 100 hours of video is uploaded to the site every minute. On Twitter, over 140 million tweets are posted every day. Videos are even more effective. Cisco predicts that by 2019, 80 percent of all online traffic will be videos. Direct Marketing reports that nine out of ten consumers watch at least one video per week. Instead of reading a how-to article or press release, more consumers would rather watch a video. Including a video in blogs, emails, and other written content increases the chances that individuals will open and view content in its entirety. With all that said, it’s not easy to put together these videos. It often takes time, money and creativity. Many local businesses struggle to put together videos that will indeed help promote their product and services. YouTube, identified this concern and the frustration that the local businesses were feeling. They recently launched the YouTube Directors App. This app allows small businesses the ability, through easy to navigate templates, to produce high level video content. This video content can be used in a variety of ways. I would like to challenge you to take a look at the YouTube Directors App.

What is YouTube Director for Business?

way that only sight, sound and motion can convey. Businesses tell us that making video is difficult, and YouTube Director is one way we’re working to help every business make and use video to drive their business forward. There are three simple steps: ■ Download the app from the App store ■ Select your template ■ Point and shoot, the app will walk you through the Chelsea Welsh steps. Upload your finished video to YouTube and start promoting. Here is a link to the case study that YouTube did when they challenged a few local businesses to post a YouTube video in 20 minutes – https://youtu.be/ufI7su3KXng. Here are a few mind eye opening facts about video content:

As effective marketers, it’s our job to create visual content that can help the consumer make the right decision about your company. Video content needs to grab their attention and slow them down long enough to see your message. Video is a very strategic and powerful medium, which tells a huge story about your brand or your company. If you are not actively producing video content for your website, social media et cetera, I ask that you take the challenge and start today. Set a few hours aside in the next few days and make a point to at least create one video featuring your company and upload it to YouTube. I would like to hear your success stories and see your videos. I can be reached at cwelsh@semetals.com. Add this as a part of your marketing strategy and you will be surprised at the level of success you will see.

YouTube Director for business is a free app that helps businesses easily make video to connect with customers on YouTube. It contains over one hundred templates that walk users step-by-step through the creation of their video. Once your video is complete, you’ll have the opportunity to promote it on YouTube with help from a video ads speChelsea Welsh, MBA is the National Marketing Manager cialist. Video Ads on YouTube are a powerful way to reach at Gutter Helmet, A Gibraltar Industries Company. She can be new customers and share the story of your business in the contacted at cwelsh@semetals.com www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


Top Five Attic Ventilation FAQs Paul Scelsi, Air Vent, Inc., on behalf of the Roof Assembly Ventilation Coalition

On the surface, attic ventilation may not appear to be a “top of mind” concern for contractors working on the roof and inside the attic. After all, there’s insulation, underlayment, shingles and flashing to tackle, too. However, based on the volume of questions the member companies of the Roof Assembly Ventilation Coalition (RAVC) receive about attic ventilation, it is clear contractors are thinking about it. Here are the five most commonly asked and answered questions the RAVC receives.

Why is it Important to Ventilate the Attic – What is its Purpose?

Attic ventilation provides year-round benefits to help fight heat buildup in the summer, moisture buildup in the winter, and ice dams in climates with snow and ice. This helps to prolong the life of the building materials – including the shingles, helps to improve the comfort level inside the home, and helps to lower the utility bills by reducing the load on the air conditioner and other appliances such as fans and refrigerators. RAVC member companies have case studies documenting these benefits. The summertime benefits of attic ventilation are often more obvious to the contractor than the wintertime benefits. That’s understandable. It’s not too difficult to realize the attic can get very hot in the summer, and if that hot air is not properly removed through ventilation it can become problematic. However, the wintertime benefits are less obvious, but, quite possibly, more important. That’s because the average family of four generates an estimated 2 to 4 gallons of water vapor each day through activities such as cleaning, showering, breathing, etc. Some of this water vapor rises into the attic. In the summertime, the outdoor air temperature, as well as the air inside the attic, is warmer than it is in the winter, and warmer air can hold more moisture than cold air can. But in the winter, the amount of water vapor that the air can hold is substantially lower. As a result, it can condense as frost or water droplets, drip onto the insulation, and, in time, contribute to mold, mildew, wood rot and poor indoor air quality.

How Much Ventilation Does an Attic Need?

The starting point for any attic ventilation project is always, “What is the size of the attic space to be vented?” The International Residential Building Code (IRC) defines attic size in terms of its square footage – length x width, floor of the attic. Once a contractor knows the attic square footage, the amount of necessary attic ventilation can be calculated. The code minimum for attic ventilation in the 2012 IRC, Section R806 – Roof Ventilation[1] is as follows: 1 sq. ft. of Net Free Area for every 150 sq. ft. of attic



floor space. This means, for every 150 square feet of attic floor space there should be 1 square foot of Net Free Area. (NOTE: While the IRC does not address the need for more attic ventilation as the volume in the attic rises with roof pitch increase, member companies of the RAVC do in their various resources).

What’s the Ideal Way to Ventilate an Attic? It is the recommendation of the RAVC that the attic ventilation system always be balanced. This means an equal amount of intake net free area through vents positioned in the soffit/overhang or near the roof’s lowest edge and exhaust net free area through vents installed at or near the peak of the roof. This allows cool, dry air to enter the attic at the lowest point helping to remove any warm, moist air from inside the attic through the exhaust vents – along the entire underside of the roof deck. If the attic ventilation system cannot be balanced 50% intake/50% exhaust, it’s better to have more intake than exhaust because it’s been our experience most houses lack proper intake. Additionally, any excess intake will become exhaust on the leeward side of the house because the intake vents on the windward side of the house will have “pressurized” the attic. As a result, the intake vents on the leeward side of the house will work “with” the exhaust vents to release air. However, if the attic has more exhaust than intake it is potentially problematic because the exhaust vents could become intake to compensate for the lack of balanced intake. For example, a ridge vent could pull air from its back side if it can’t obtain air from intake vents. Or, a wind turbine could pull air from a nearby wind turbine on the same roof because there is not enough intake low on the roof to pull from. In either scenario, the exhaust vent is potentially ingesting air and weather which it’s not designed to do.

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Its our commitment to furnish the most up to date, easy to follow technical literature. P.O. Box 497 s Morrilton, Arkansas 72110 s Fax (501) 354-3019 s Phone (800) 535-8597 s www.bi-tec.com Manufacturers of Advanced Technology Waterproofing Membranes


The More Exhaust Vents on the Roof the Better it is for the Attic, Right?

Well, it depends. If it’s more of the same type of exhaust vent, it is OK (as long as it does not exceed the amount of intake as explained earlier). But if it’s a combination of types of exhaust vents, it’s potentially problematic. In general, there are five types or categories of exhaust vents: ridge vents, power fans (traditional electric and solar powered), wind turbines, gable louvers, and roof louvers. The RAVC recommends never mixing two types of exhaust vents on the same roof above a common attic because it could short-circuit the attic ventilation system. Here’s how it can happen. Air follows the path of least resistance. That path is supposed to be from low in the attic (intake vents) to the highest possible exit point in the attic (exhaust vents). If two different types of exhaust vents are combined (for example, a ridge vent and a gable louver) the primary path of air becomes the distance between the two types of exhaust vents. That short-circuits the proper flow of air and could cause one of the exhaust vents to ingest weather because it is suddenly functioning as an intake vent. When it comes to intake vents, by the way, it’s OK to mix multiple types on the same roof (for example, rectangular under-eaves and roof-top installed edge of roof vents) because they will be in the same wind pressure zone working together. That is not the case with multiple types of exhaust vents.

height, only ventilate the higher one or separate the attics. As wind passes over an externally baffled ridge vent, it creates low pressure zone, drawing air from the attic. The faster the wind moves over the baffle, the greater the pressure it creates. Typically, wind moves faster at higher elevations, therefore, the higher ridge will be exposed to high wind speeds. If the wind speed difference is adequate, the pressure at the higher ridge may be enough to pull air into the lower ridge vent. Thus, it’s best to separate the attics with plywood or poly sheeting to create two distinct attics. Once the attics are separated, ventilating all of the ridges is acceptable. By Paul Scelsi, Air Vent, Inc. Scelsi is Chairman of the Roof Assembly Ventilation Coalition, whose mission is to be the leading authority and technical resource on ventilated roof assembly design and performance.

[1] In part, the IRC states: Enclosed attics and enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied to the underside of the roof rafters shall have cross ventilation for each separate space. …The minimum net free ventilation area shall be 1/150 of the area of the vented space. …Exception: The minimum net free area shall be 1/300 of the vented space provided one or more of the following conditions are met: 1) In Climate Zones 6,7 and 8, a Class I or Class II vapor retarder is installed on the warmin winter side of the ceiling. 2) At least 40% and not more than 50% of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic rafter space…with the How are Multiple Ridge Heights Handled? The rule of thumb for ridge heights states that all ridges balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or cornice can be vented whether they run parallel or at angles to each vents. Check local codes for any differences between the IRC and other. If, however, the ridges are more than 3 feet apart in local municipalities.


B O A R D C E RT I F I E D B Y T H E F L O R I D A B A R I N C O N S T R U C T I O N L AW • National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Gold Circle Award for Service to the Roofing Industry, 2014 • General Counsel, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee and Director of Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Association (FRSA); FRSA Education and Research Foundation Governor Endowment • West Coast Roofing Contractors Association (WCRCA) Byron Curry Award for Service to the Industry, 2009 • FRSA Earl Blank “Heart” Award for Service to the Roofing Industry, 2011 and FRSA President’s Award, 2008 CONSTRUCTION LITIGATION






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Listing continued from page 17

BERRIDGE MANUFACTURING CO Phone: 954-818-1126 Fax: 949-585-8973 www.boralna.com Contact: Jeff King jeff.king@boral.com BOSS PRODUCTS 350 Ring Rd Elizabethtown KY 42701 Phone: 270-769-3385 Toll-Free: 800-928-2677 Fax: 270-765-2412 www.bossproducts.com Contact: Carol Remington Phone: 614-397-9052 cremington@soudalaccumetric.com

6515 Fratt Rd San Antonio TX 78218 Phone: 210-650-3050 Toll-Free: 800-669-0009 Fax: 210-650-0379 www.berridge.com Contact: Christy Thurman cthurman@berridge.com


BITEC INC PO Box 497 Morrilton AR 72110 Phone: 501-354-8585 Toll-Free: 800-535-8597 Fax: 501-354-3019 www.bi-tec.com Contact: David G Allen dga@bi-tec.com

BORAL ROOFING 1369 Hammondville Rd Pompano Beach FL 33069-2935

CONVENIENCE PRODUCTS 866 Horan Dr Fenton MO 63026 Phone: 330-714-6466 Toll-Free: 800-325-6180 www.touch-n-seal.com Contact: Mark Hohl mhohl@convenienceproducts.com CROWN ROOF TILES 6018 Highway 72 Arcadia FL 34266 Phone: 863-993-4004 www.crownrooftiles.com Contact: Barry Dyble bdyble@crownrooftiles.com

11320 W Watertown Plank Rd Wauwatosa WI 53226 Phone: 414-774-2250 Toll-Free: 800-726-7845 Fax: 414-607-1515 www.bostik-us.com Contact: Tom Mylott tom.mylott@bostik-us.com

BITUMAR USA 6000 Pennington Ave Baltimore MD 21226 Phone: 410-354-9550 Fax: 410-354-9552 www.bitumar.com Contact: Tom Lecorchick Jr tomjr.lecorchick@bitumar.com

CERTAINTEED CORP 1 King Oak Ct Hilton Head Island SC 29926 Phone: 843-342-9164 Fax: 843-681-5617 www.certainteed.com Contact: Bob Cranswick robert.d.cranswick@saint-gobain.com


CARLISLE SYNTEC INC 308 W Davis St Decatur GA 30030 Phone: 404-474-3775 Fax: 404-506-9958 www.carlisle-syntec.com Contact: Jeremy Dickmann jeremy.dickmann@carlislesyntec.com

915 Highway 45 Corinth MS 38834 Phone: 662-331-1978 Toll-Free: 888-343-0456 Fax: 662-287-6744 www.diroofseamers.com Contact: Chris Curtis chris@dimetalworks.com


5700 Washington St Naples FL 34109 Phone: 239-594-0530 Fax: 239-594-2064 www.dcsm.net Contact: Dan Osborne dan@dcsm.net DOW BUILDING SOLUTIONS

129 Woodlands Creek Dr Ponte Vedra Beach FL 32082 Phone: 989-615-4975 Toll-Free: 866-583-BLUE (2583) Fax: 866-712-7234 www.dowtilebond.com Contact: Kaethe Schuster kschuster@dow.com DREXEL METALS CORP 1234 Gardiner Ln Louisville KY 40213 Toll-Free: 888-321-9630 ext 115 www.drexmet.com Contact: Brian Partyka bpartyka@drexmet.com DURO-LAST INC 525 Morley Dr Saginaw MI 48601 Toll-Free: 800-248-0280 Fax: 989-753-8945

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Manufacturers www.duro-last.com Contact: Bill Boyer, CPRC bboyer@duro-last.com

Contact: Scott A Krug Phone: 772-631-8094 skrug@seamancorp.com

EAGLE ROOFING PRODUCTS OF FL LLC 1575 E CR 470 Sumterville FL 33585 Phone: 561-436-5765 www.eagleroofing.com Contact: Manny Oyola Jr manuelo@eagleroofing.com

FIRESTONE BUILDING PRODUCTS 250 W 96th St Ste 150 Indianapolis IN 46260-1318 Phone: 317-575-7000 Fax: 317-575-7031 www.firestonebpco.com Contact: Timothy Dunn dunntim@firestonebp.com


2301 W 8th Ln Hialeah FL 33010 Phone: 305-885-9991 Toll-Free: 800-579-0944 Fax: 305-885-9008 www.eastcoast-metals.com Contact: Andrew Castellanos Phone: 305-318-7225 andrew@eastcoast-metals.com ENGLERT INC 1200 Amboy Ave Perth Amboy NJ 08861 Phone: 732-826-8614 Fax: 732-826-8865 www.englertinc.com Contact: Mitch Gaber m.gaber@englertinc.com ENTEGRA ROOF TILE LLC 1289 NE 9th Ave Okeechobee FL 34972-4339 Phone: 863-467-0042 Fax: 863-467-0045 www.entegra.com Contact: Terry R Johnson tjohnson@rooftile.com EVERGREEN SLATE CO INC PO Box 248 Granville NY 12832 Phone: 518-642-2530 Fax: 518-642-9313 www.evergreenslate.com Contact: Phil Prehoda phil@evergreenslate.com FIBERTITE ROOFING SYSTEMS 2687 SE Castle Pine Pl Stuart FL 34997 Phone: 330-262-1111 Toll-Free: 800-927-8578 www.fibertite.com

FLAMCO 6940 Stuart Ave Jacksonville FL 32254 Phone: 904-783-8400 Toll-Free: 800-634-3937 Fax: 904-783-8403 www.flamco.com Contact: Clark Jones clark@flamco.com FLEX MEMBRANE INTERNATIONAL CORP 2670 Leiscz’s Bridge Rd Ste 400 Leesport PA 19533 Phone: 610-916-9500 Toll-Free: 800-969-0108 Fax: 610-916-9510 www.flexroofingsystems.com Contact: John Doyle jdoyle@flexmembranes.com FORD SHEET METAL INC 2974 St Augustine Rd Jacksonville FL 32207-4155 Phone: 904-398-9781 Fax: 904-398-9782 Contact: Thomas Ford fordsheetmetal@bellsouth.net FRANKLIN INTERNATIONAL

2020 Bruck St Columbus OH 43207 Phone: 614-445-1234 Toll-Free: 800-877-4583 Fax: 614-445-1813 www.titebond.com Contact: Zachary Zaza Phone: 614-456-6819 zacharyzaza@franklininternational.com GACO WESTERN 8853 Bella Vita Cir Land O’ Lakes FL 34637-3510 Phone: 772-828-1849

Fax: 813-200-1517 www.gaco.com Contact: Matthew Bradley mbradley@gaco.com GAF 13361 N 56th St Tampa FL 33617 Phone: 813-597-4493 www.gaf.com Contact: Charles Adams cadams@gaf.com GARDNER-GIBSON

Phone: 519-688-2200 ext 709 Fax: 519-688-2201 www.gerardusa.com Contact: Francis Underhill funderhill@headwaters.com HUBER ENGINEERED WOODS 10925 David Taylor Dr Ste 300 Charlotte NC 28262 Phone: 704-731-2668 Fax: 704-731-0568 Contact: Mike Oates mike.oates@huber.com HUNTER PANELS

PO Box 5449 Tampa FL 33675 Phone: 813-248-2101 Toll-Free: 800-237-1155 www.gardner-gibson.com Contact: Geoff Highfield Phone: 941-661-4813 ghighfield@gardner-gibson.com GENFLEX ROOFING SYSTEMS 250 W 96th St Indianapolis IN 46260-1318 Phone: 317-575-7206 Fax: 317-853-3208 www.genflex.com Contact: Eric Ziemba ziembaeric@genflex.com

15 Franklin St Portland ME 04101 Toll-Free: 888-746-1114 Fax: 877-775-1767 www.hunterpanels.com Contact: Mary Schenker mary.schenker@hpanels.com ICP ADHESIVES & SEALANTS

GRACE CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS 14287 Nugent Cir Spring Hill FL 34609 Phone: 352-293-5345 www.gcpat.com Contact: Mike Hale mike.hale@gcpat.com

12505 NW 44th St Coral Springs FL 33065 Phone: 954-905-0532 Toll-Free: 888-774-1099 Fax: 954-344-3578 www.icpadhesives.com Contact: Max Miller mmiller@icpadhesives.com



14429 SW 2nd Pl Ste G30 Newberry FL 32669 Phone: 352-498-0778 Toll-Free: 888-393-0335 Fax: 352-498-7852 www.gulfcoastsupply.com Contact: Bo Copeland info@gulfcoastsupply.com HEADWATERS ROOFING PO Box 220 Courtland ON Canada N0J 1E0

PO Box 437 St Augustine FL 32085 Phone: 904-430-7200 www.iko.com Contact: Donna Dove donna.dove@iko.com INTERWRAP-TITANIUM & RHINOROOF One Owens Corning Pkwy Toledo OH 43659 Phone: 419-248-7984 Toll-Free: 888-713-7663

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


www.interwrap.com MARCO INDUSTRIES Contact: Stephanie Ball 4150 S 100th E Ave Ste 301 stephanie.ball@owenscorning.com Tulsa OK 74146-3650 Phone: 918-622-4535 ITW/ERSYSTEMS Fax: 918-622-4536 www.marcoindustries.com Contact: Pat Polumbus patpolumbus@marcoindustries.com 14724 2nd Ave Cir NE Bradenton FL 34212 Phone: 941-962-9436 Fax: 972-554-3939 www.ersystems.com Contact: Steve Killan stevek@itwsealants.com JOHNS MANVILLE 80 Loudoun Ct Maitland FL 32751 Phone: 407-429-8626 www.jm.com Contact: Todd Rauktis todd.rauktis@jm.com KARNAK CORP 330 Central Ave Clark NJ 07066 Phone: 732-388-0300 Fax: 732-388-9422 www.karnakcorp.com Contact: Chris Salazar csalazar@karnakcorp.com LAKESIDE CONSTRUCTION FASTENERS

MCELROY METAL INC 1500 Hamilton Rd Bossier City LA 71111 Toll-Free: 800-950-6533 Fax: 800-319-3590 www.mcelroymetal.com Contact: Pablo Mila pmila@mcelroymetal.com MFM BUILDING PRODUCTS 1327 Constitution Pl E Tallahassee FL 32308 Phone: 850-576-1791 Fax: 800-391-8518 www.mfmbp.com Contact: Park Adams park@mfmsales.com MID-STATES ASPHALT PO Box 20617 Tuscaloosa AL 35475 Phone: 205-292-9888 Toll-Free: 800-489-2391 Fax: 800-880-3834 www.msaroof.com Contact: Jake Goodin jake@msaroof.com MILLENNIUM METALS INC

6476 Highway 135 N Paragould AR 72450 Phone: 870-586-0147 Fax: 870-586-0643 www.lakesideworld.com Contact: Eric Velliquette ericv@ipdworld.com LANCO PAINTS & COATINGS 600 Mid Florida Dr Orlando FL 32824 Phone: 407-240-4000 Toll-free: 866-447-2400 Fax: 407-240-4046 www.lancopaints.com Contact: Mike McCall Phone: 813-466-4436 mmccall@lancopaints.com

10200 Eastport Rd Jacksonville FL 32218 Phone: 904-358-8366 Toll-Free: 877-358-7663 Fax: 904-358-8285 www.mmi2000.net Contact: Tonya Steele Phone: 904-616-7108 tonyac@mmi2000.net MULE-HIDE PRODUCTS

1195 Prince Hall Dr Beloit WI 53511 32


Phone: 608-365-3111 Toll-Free: 800-786-1492 Fax: 888-218-7838 www.mulehide.com Contact: Kathy Pacelli Phone: 407-718-2014 kathy.pacelli@mulehide.com O’HAGIN LLC 210 Classic Ct Ste 100 Rohnert Park CA 94928 Phone: 707-872-3620 Toll-Free: 877-324-0444 Fax: 707-872-3630 www.ohagin.com Contact: Mike Fulton Phone: 386-804-7010 mfulton@ohagin.com OMG INC 153 Bowles Rd Agawam MA 01001 Phone: 512-797-5548 www.olyfast.com Contact: Matt Duncan mduncan@olyfast.com

Phone: 717-336-7900 Fax: 717-336-7320 www.proguardcoatings.com Contact: Pete Rowan prowan@proguardcoatings.com PROGRESSIVE MATERIALS LLC 540 Central Ct New Albany IN 47150 Phone: 812-944-7803 Fax: 812-944-7804 www.pmsilicone.com Contact: Joe Schweitzer joe@pmsilicone.com PROTECTO WRAP CO 1955 S Cherokee St Denver CO 80223 Phone: 303-777-3001 Fax: 303-777-9273 www.protectowrap.com Contact: John Hopkins info@protectowrap.com ROOF HUGGER PO Box 1027 Odessa FL 33556 Phone: 813-909-4424 Toll-Free: 800-771-1711 Fax: 877-202-2254 www.roofhugger.com Contact: Dale Nelson sales@roofhugger.com

OWENS CORNING 7910 Canyon Lake Cir Orlando FL 32835 Phone: 407-473-7564 Fax: 419-325-6449 www.owenscorning.com Contact: Marcus Williams ROYAL ADHESIVES & marcus.l.williams@owenscorning.com SEALANTS PETERSEN ALUMINUM CORP 102 Northpoint Pkwy Bldg 106 Acworth GA 30102 Phone: 770-427-3678 4401 Page Ave Fax: 770-420-2533 Michigan Center MI 49254 www.pac-clad.com Phone: 517-764-0334 Contact: Mike Weis Toll-Free: 800-248-4010 mweis@petersenmail.com Fax: 517-764-6697 POLYGLASS USA INC

www.royaladhesives.com Contact: Jim LaBenne Phone: 517-474-0300 jim.labenne@rascp.com

1111 W Newport Center Dr Deerfield Beach FL 33442 Phone: 954-233-1239 Toll-Free: 888-410-1375 Fax: 888-410-1375 www.polyglass.us Contact: Melissa Mulligan mmulligan@polyglass.com

SAFETY RAIL CO 4244 Shoreline Dr Spring Park MN 55384 Phone: 952-777-1732 Toll-Free: 888-434-2720 www.safetyrailcompany.com Contact: Jim Sidla jim.sidla@safetyrailcompany.com

PRO GUARD COATINGS INC One Industrial Wy Denver PA 17517

SAS USA INC 6801 NW 77th Ave Ste 302 Miami FL 33166 Phone: 305-428-0200

Manufacturers Fax: 305-428-0201 www.sas-inc.us Contact: Juan Lestegas jlestegas@sas-inc.us SEMCO 11801 Industry Dr Jacksonville FL 32218 Phone: 904-696-4233 Toll-Free: 800-874-0335 www.semetals.com Contact: Magan Jenkins mnjenkins@semetals.com SIEVERT INDUSTRIES 7130 Clinton Rd Loves Park IL 61111-3872 Phone: 815-639-1319 Fax: 815-639-1320 www.sievertindustries.com Contact: Brad Lindsay blindsay@sievertindustries.com SIKA SARNAFIL INC 3483 Satellite Blvd Ste 315S Duluth GA 30096 Toll-Free: 800-443-0223 ext 231 Fax: 770-495-0027 www.usa.sarnafil.sika.com Contact: Jon Jacobsen jacobsen.jon@us.sika.com SIMPSON STRONG-TIE 2221 Country Ln McKinney TX 75069 Phone: 954-401-9302 Toll-Free: 800-999-5099 Fax: 972-542-5379 www.strongtie.com Contact: Ed Groblewski egroblewski@strongtie.com SOPREMA INC 490 Nadeau Wy Apopka FL 32712 Phone: 407-756-3606 www.soprema.us Contact: BeLinda Sedberry bsedberry@soprema.us


11801 Industry Dr Jacksonville FL 32218 Phone: 844-5-STEALTH www.stealthbond.com Contact: Magan Jenkins mnjenkins@gibraltar1.com SYSTEM COMPONENTS 10 W Streetsboro St Ste 207 Hudson OH 44236 Phone: 330-528-0684 Fax: 330-528-0846 www.systemcomponents.net Contact: David Figueroa dfigueroa@systemcomponents.net

TRI-BUILT MATERIALS GROUP 15 Union Ave E Rutherford NJ 07073 Phone: 201-507-2552 Fax: 201-507-3763 www.tribuiltmaterialsgroup.com Contact: Rick Rominger rick.rominger@tribuiltmaterialsgroup.com TRI COUNTY METALS 301 SE 16th St Trenton FL 32693 Phone: 352-463-8400 www.tricountymetals.com Contact: Chris Weatherilt chrisw@tricountymetals.com

TROPICAL ROOFING PRODUCTS TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS INC 1904 SW 31st Ave Hallandale FL 33009 2300 35th St Phone: 954-983-3434 Tuscaloosa AL 35401-7010 Fax: 954-963-2033 Phone: 205-759-5741 www.tropicalroofingproducts.com Fax: 800-841-1925 Contact: Richard Zegelbone www.tamko.com richard@gotropical.com Contact: Tim Willoughby tim_willoughby@tamko.com TAMPA SHEET METAL INC 1402 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa FL 33606 Phone: 813-251-1845 Fax: 813-254-7399 www.tampasheetmetal.com Contact: John Jiretz, CPSC john@tampasheetmetal.com TARCO One Information Wy Ste 225 Little Rock AR 72202 Phone: 501-945-4506 Toll-Free: 800-365-4506 Fax: 501-945-7718 www.tarcoroofing.com Contact: Steve Ratcliff Phone: 501-687-9200 sratcliff@tarcoroofing.com

TRUFAST 02105 Williams County Rd #12-C Bryan OH 43506 Phone: 419-636-6715 Fax: 419-636-1084 www.trufast.com Contact: Kara Roth kroth@trufast.com UNIFLEX-SHERWIN WILLIAMS 9481 Dowden Rd Apt 5108 Orlando FL 32832 Phone: 305-509-9077 www.uniflexroof.com Contact: Marisol Masferrer marisol.masferrer@sherwin.com UNION CORRUGATING CO 701 S King St Fayetteville NC 28301 Toll-Free: 888-685-7663 Fax: 800-586-2498

www.unioncorrugating.com Contact: Randall Pritchett rpritchett@unioncorrugating.com UNITED STATES GYPSUM-USG 20381 Corkscrew Shores Blvd Estero FL 33928 Phone: 513-260-7808 Fax: 312-214-5679 www.usg.com Contact: Patrick Hiltman philtman@usg.com VALERO MARKETING & SUPPLY PO Box 4606 Corpus Christi TX 78469 Phone: 361-289-3236 Fax: 210-370-4513 www.valero.com Contact: Rick Rodgers richard.rodgers@valero.com VELUX AMERICA LLC 31019 Baclan Dr Wesley Chapel FL 33545 Phone: 813-245-1621 Toll-Free: 800-888-3589 Fax: 864-941-4870 www.veluxusa.com Contact: Tom Gaudette tom.gaudette@velux.com VERSICO ROOFING SYSTEMS

1275 Ritner Hwy Carlisle PA 17013 Phone: 321-663-7800 Toll-Free: 800-992-7663 www.versico.com Contact: Christian Evangelista christian.evangelista@versico.com

Manufacturers Products Index Adhesives

ITW/ERSystems Millennium Metals Inc

Bird Control

Franklin International

East Coast Metals Inc

Valero Marketing & Supply Versico Roofing Systems


Asphalt Shingles

Built-Up Roofing Materials

Caulks and Sealants

Berridge Manufacturing Co Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc East Coast Metals Inc Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg

Atlas Roofing Corp IKO Industries O’Hagin LLC

East Coast Metals Inc ITW/ERSystems Mid-States Asphalt

APOC BOSS Products Convenience Products Dow Building Solutions

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


Manufacturers Products Index Flex Membrane International Corp Franklin International Gardner-Gibson ITW/ERSystems Lanco Paints & Coatings Mule-Hide Products Royal Adhesives & Sealants

Coatings APOC BITEC Inc Gardner-Gibson ITW/ERSystems Lanco Paints & Coatings Mule-Hide Products

Concrete Tile Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc East Coast Metals Inc Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg

Copper Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc East Coast Metals Inc Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg

Edgings FLAMCO

Equipment D.I. Roof Seamers Flex Membrane International Corp Royal Adhesives & Sealants

Fall Protection Safety Rail Co

Fasteners Flex Membrane International Corp ICP Adhesives & Sealants Inc ITW/ERSystems Millennium Metals Inc Mule-Hide Products StealthBond Versico Roofing Systems

Fastening Equipment D.I. Roof Seamers Flex Membrane International Corp


Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg

Gutters Mule-Hide Products

Insulation Atlas Roofing Corp Dow Building Solutions Flex Membrane International Corp Hunter Panels ICP Adhesives & Sealants Inc Mule-Hide Products Versico Roofing Systems

Metal Roofing Berridge Manufacturing Co Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc East Coast Metals Inc Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg Millennium Metals Inc SEMCO StealthBond

Modified Bitumen BITEC Inc Flex Membrane International Corp Mule-Hide Products Tarco Versico Roofing Systems

Retro-Fit Roofs Roof Hugger

Roll Forming Equipment Berridge Manufacturing Co

Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg Millennium Metals Inc SEMCO StealthBond

Shingles Berridge Manufacturing Co

Tile Accessories/Fastening Systems/Adhesives Convenience Products Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc Dow Building Solutions ICP Adhesives & Sealants Inc Simpson Strong-Tie

Single Ply Roofing Systems Tile Roofing Systems Duro-Last Inc East Coast Metals Inc FiberTite Flex Membrane International Corp ITW/ERSystems Mule-Hide Products Versico Roofing Systems

Skylights Duro-Last Inc VELUX America LLC

Slate Roofing Systems East Coast Metals Inc

Standing Seam Berridge Manufacturing Co Millennium Metals Inc

Steel Structural Berridge Manufacturing Co Millennium Metals Inc

Structural Roof Hugger

East Coast Metals Inc O’Hagin LLC

Tile O’Hagin LLC

Tools Royal Adhesives & Sealants

Underlayment APOC Atlas Roofing Corp BITEC Inc Flex Membrane International Corp Gardner-Gibson InterWrap-Titanium & RhinoRoof Mule-Hide Products Tarco Versico Roofing Systems

Ventilation Acme Cone Co FLAMCO Millennium Metals Inc O’Hagin LLC SEMCO

Roof Deck/Decking Materials Mule-Hide Products

Roof Top Accessories D.I. Roof Seamers Duro-Last Inc East Coast Metals Inc Flex Membrane International Corp Mule-Hide Products Royal Adhesives & Sealants SEMCO StealthBond Versico Roofing Systems

Acme Cone Co Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc FLAMCO

Safety Equipment


Berridge Manufacturing Co Dan’s Custom Sheet Metal Inc East Coast Metals Inc

Berridge Manufacturing Co Millennium Metals Inc


Green Roofing Systems

Safety Rail Co

Sheet Metal


Is your company missing from the Buyers Guide list? Contact Maria Armas 800-767-3772 ext. 142 or maria@floridaroof.com for membership information.

Service Providers and Consultants EAGLEVIEW TECHNOLOGIES 3700 Monte Villa Pkwy Bothell WA 98021 Toll-Free: 866-659-8439 www.eagleview.com Contact: Melissa Mazurek melissa.mazurek@eagleview.com

ADP PAYROLL SERVICES 369 Harwood Ave Satellite Beach FL 32937-3148 Phone: 321-795-4472 Fax: 321-989-0289 www.adp.com Contact: Antonio Perez antonio.perez@adp.com

CLAIMEXPRESS.COM 616A Shelby Rd Everman TX 75140 Phone: 877-240-7722 Fax: 866-816-0227 www.claimexpress.com Contact: Donald Haight donaldhaight@claimexpress.com

ENGINEERING LABORATORIES 11965 SW 142nd Terr Ste 106 Miami FL 33186 Phone: 305-971-1133 www.engrlabs.com Contact: Dean Carlson deancarlsonpe@engrlabs.com

AFIRMPAY 4737 N Ocean Dr #132 Lauderdale by the Sea FL 33308 Phone: 954-448-7594 www.afirmpay.com Contact: Chelsie Cooper chelsie@afirmpay.com


ALLIED ROOFING CONSULTANTS & SERVICES 6040 S Orange Ave Orlando FL 32809 Phone: 407-857-6500 Fax: 407-857-2281 www.alliedroofingconsultants.com Contact: Joanne Brooks joabrooks1@aol.com BONDED BUILDERS WARRANTY GROUP 11101 Roosevelt Blvd N St Petersburg FL 33716 Toll-Free: 800-749-0381 Fax: 844-722-7113 www.bondedbuilders.com Contact: Steve Hooker stephen.hooker@bondedbuilders.com BRAUNER SAFETY SERVICES 22478 Grouper Ct Boca Raton FL 33428 Phone: 407-403-3959 www.braunersafety.com Contact: Jim Brauner jim@braunersafety.com BROWN INSURANCE INC 1872 Tamiami Trl S #G Venice FL 34293 Phone: 941-493-1886 Toll-Free: 800-493-1886 Fax: 941-497-6325 www.floridaroofinginsurance.com Contact: Jerry Brown jerry@brownins.net

1017 North H St Lake Worth FL 33460 Phone: 561-722-9881 Fax: 561-582-8039 www.kcwand.com Contact: Katherine Cleary kc@kcwand.com COMMERCIAL ROOFING CONSULTANTS INC

707 Brookhaven Dr Orlando FL 32803 Phone: 407-447-7663 Toll-Free: 877-297-7663 Fax: 407-447-7665 www.crcroof.com Contact: Tiffany Drexler info@crcroof.com DATAFORMA INC 410 Kings Mill Rd York PA 17403 Phone: 866-764-9992 Fax: 717-428-2126 www.dataforma.com Contact: John Wolfe jwolfe@dataforma.com DELTA ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS INC 6497 Parkland Dr Ste C Sarasota FL 34243 Phone: 941-727-2600 www.delta-engineers.com Contact: Lance Manson Phone: 941-779-6696 lmanson@delta-engineers.com

ESC SAFETY CONSULTANTS INC PO Box 691447 San Antonio TX 78269 Phone: 210-695-8701 Fax: 210-695-8786 www.escsafety.com Contact: Sergio Vazquez svazquez@escsafety.com FEDERAL ENGINEERING & TESTING INC 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach FL 33069 Phone: 954-784-2941 www.fed-eng.com Contact: Jodie Weber jodie@fed-eng.com FHB INSURANCE 2600 Centennial Pl Ste 100 Tallahassee FL 32308 Phone: 850-402-1834 Fax: 850-425-6244 www.fhbinsurance.com FLORIDA ROOF MOISTURE SURVEY & CONSTRUCTION 461 23rd Ave N St Petersburg FL 33704 Phone: 727-895-3988 Fax: 727-896-2737 Contact: Douglas Cardoza floridaroof@gmail.com FLORIDA ROOFING MAGAZINE

PO Box 4850 Winter Park FL 32793 Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 ext 127 Fax: 407-679-0010 www.floridaroof.com/ florida-roofing-magazine/ Contact: Heidi Ellsworth heidi@floridaroof.com

FLORIDA TEC 10735 SW 216th St #146 Miami FL 33170 Phone: 305-256-4550 Fax: 305-256-6833 www.floridatec.net Contact: Angel Alvarez angel@floridatec.net FRANK H FURMAN INC

1314 E Atlantic Blvd Pompano Beach FL 33060 Phone: 954-943-5050 Toll-Free: 800-344-4838 Fax: 954-942-5304 www.furmaninsurance.com Contact: Rob Foote, CPCU, ARM rob@furmaninsurance.com FRSA ASSOCIATION


BUILDPAY LLC 1564 Palmwood Dr Sarasota FL 34232 Phone: 941-735-7810 www.gobuildpay.com Contact: Gary H French gfrench@gobuildpay.com


A/R/C ASSOCIATES 601 N Ferncreek Ave Ste 100 Orlando FL 32803-4899 Phone: 407-896-7875 Fax: 407-898-6043 www.arc-arc.com Contact: Joseph Williams, RRC




PO Box 4850 Winter Park FL 32793 Phone: 407-671-3772 ext 100 Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 407-679-0010 www.floridaroof.com Contact: Lisa Pate lisapate@floridaroof.com FRSA CREDIT UNION

PO Box 5799 Winter Park FL 32793 Phone: 407-657-7212 Toll-Free: 877-657-7212 Fax: 407-671-7014 www.frsacu.org Contact: Marissa Tatum mtatum@frsacu.org

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


Service Providers and Consultants FRSA EDUCATIONAL & RESEARCH FOUNDATION

PO Box 4850 Winter Park FL 32793 Phone: 407-671-3772 ext 123 Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 407-679-0010 www.floridaroof.com Contact: Meghan Roth meghan@floridaroof.com

JACK BROWN & ASSOCIATES 6770 Lantana Rd Ste 10 Lake Worth FL 33467 Phone: 561-434-3155 Fax: 561-434-3157 www.jackbrownandassociates.com Contact: Jack Brown jba@gate.net

Phone: 813-963-1669 Toll-Free: 800-741-1955 www.morrowinsurance.net Contact: David K Hernandez david@morrowinsurance.net

J.W. EDENS INSURANCE & BONDS 325 5th Ave Ste 108 Indialantic FL 32903 Phone: 321-725-7000 Fax: 321-725-7856 www.jwedensinsuranceindialantic.com Contact: Phillip Lane plane@jwedens.com

8708 Technology Forest Pl The Woodlands TX 77381 Phone: 281-297-9014 www.oncenter.com Contact: Charity Araoz charity.araoz@oncenter.com





PRECISION ROOFING CONSULTING LLC FRSA SELF INSURERS FUND PO Box 520868 KEYSTONE CERTIFICATIONS INC Longwood FL 32752 Phone: 407-583-0556 Fax: 407-562-1790 www.precisionroofconsulting.com R Contact: Joe Graham U S E L F INS joe@precisionroofconsulting.com 4099 Metric Dr 564 Old York Rd Ste 5 PRI-CONSTRUCTION Winter Park FL 32792 Etters PA 17319 MATERIALS TECH Phone: 407-671-3772 ext. 233 Phone: 717-932-8500 6412 Badger Dr Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 717-932-8501 Tampa FL 33610 Fax: 407-671-2520 www.keystonecerts.com Phone: 813-621-5777 www.frsasif.com Contact: Aly Hill Fax: 813-621-5840 Contact: Debra Guidry ahill@keystonecerts.com www.pricmt.com debra@frsasif.com MAC’S CRANE SERVICES & Contact: Brad Grzybowski GREASE GUARD LLC ERECTION INC materialstesting@pricmt.com 2019 Corporate Ln 865 Sheoah Cir RENEW FINANCIAL Naperville IL 60563 Winter Springs FL 32708 1221 Broadway 4th Floor Toll-Free: 800-913-7034 Phone: 407-699-7133 Oakland CA 94612 Fax: 630-548-9610 Contact: Clarence McDonald Phone: 610-433-7486 www.rooftopsolutions.com clarenceoldboy@aol.com Toll-Free: 888-996-0523 Contact: Greg Stark MALLARD SYSTEMS Fax: 610-973-2711 greg.stark@rooftopsolutions.com 7006 Stapoint Ct Ste G www.renewfinancial.com INSURANCE INSTITUTE FOR Winter Park FL 32792 Contact: Nathan Walsh BUSINESS & HOME SAFETY Phone: 407-960-1766 Phone: 678-699-1547 4775 E Fowler Ave Fax: 407-960-1767 nwalsh@renewfinancial.com Tampa FL 32817 www.mallardsystems.com Branch Phone: 813-286-3400 Contact: Bob Qualters 875 SE Warren Wy www.ibhs.org bobq@mallardsystems.com Stuart FL 34997 Contact: Mark Zehnal, CPRC METAL ROOF ESTIMATING LLC Phone: 678-699-1547 mzehnal@ibhs.org 926 Spindle Palm Wy Contact: Nathan Walsh INVESTIGATION SPECIALISTS INC Apollo Beach FL 33572 nwalsh@renewfinancial.com 800 Trafalgar Ct Ste 370 Phone: 813-777-9432 RENOVATE AMERICA Maitland FL 32751-7118 Fax: 813-419-4141 2250 Valkaria Rd Phone: 407-677-0511 www.metalroofestimating.com Malabar FL 32950 Fax: 407-677-1067 Contact: Glenn Weidner www.stakeout.com estimator@metalroofestimating.com Phone: 321-220-0371 www.renovateamerica.com Contact: Mike McDonald MORROW INSURANCE GROUP Contact: Mike Antheil isi101@stakeout.com 18936 N Dale Mabry mantheil@renovateamerica.com Lutz FL 33548 36


R.K. HYDRO-VAC SERVICE INC PO Box 669052 Charlotte NC 28266 Phone: 704-393-9473 Toll-Free: 800-762-8361 Fax: 704-393-9479 www.rkhydrovac.com Contact: Ron Shafer rons@rkhydrovacnc.com ROOF ADVISORS INC

5615 Lago Del Sol Dr Ste 201 Lake Worth FL 33449 Phone: 954-275-8268 Contact: Daniel Stokes danny@rairoofconsultant.com ROOF ASSESSMENT SPECIALISTS INC 2605 72nd Ave #922 Ellenton FL 34222 Phone: 941-812-5996 www.rasfl.com Contact: Ron Kough rkough@rasfl.com SKYMEASURE BY CORELOGIC 216 Southern Magnolia Ln Sanford FL 32771 Phone: 407-955-2046 Toll-Free: 855-802-3010 Fax: 978-233-9395 www.skymeasure.com Contact: Wayne Mathews wmathews@corelogic.com T&S ROOFING SYSTEMS INC 1461 NW 23rd St Miami FL 33142 Phone: 305-265-2654 Fax: 305-265-2685 www.tsroofingsystems.com Contact: Louis Toledo sgonzalez@tsroofingsystems.com TCG ROOF INSPECTIONS 4520 W Village Dr Ste B2 Tampa FL 33624 Phone: 813-963-5253 Fax: 813-963-6685 Contact: Thomas C Gans tgans11155@aol.com

TERRACON CONSULTANTS INC 1675 Lee Rd Winter Park FL 32789 Phone: 407-740-6110 Fax: 407-740-6112 www.terracon.com Contact: Gary Yaeger gary.yaeger@terracon.com THE ESTIMATING EDGE 1301 N Congress Ave Ste 400 Boynton Beach FL 33426 Phone: 561-276-9100 Fax: 561-276-9492 www.edgeestimating.com Contact: John Lombardo Phone: 561-655-4156 jlombardo@edgeestimating.com


www.vcgfl.com Contact: Stephen Shanton sshanton@venturebuilt.com

407 N Howard Ave Ste 100 Tampa FL 33606 Phone: 813-579-3278 Fax: 813-902-7612 www.trentcotney.com Contact: Trent Cotney, PA tcotney@trentcotney.com

WALKER REID STRATEGIES 8401 Lake Worth Rd Ste 103 Lake Worth FL 33467 Phone: 561-642-7729 Fax: 866-651-2385 www.walkerreid.com Contact: David Diaz info@walkerreid.com

VENTURE CONSTRUCTION GROUP OF FL 301 Yamato Rd Ste 1240 Boca Raton FL 33431 Toll-Free: 866-459-8351 Fax: 561-892-0999

WARNER ROOF CONSULTING INC 1407 Flight Line Blvd Ste 11 Deland FL 32724 Phone: 386-736-7515 Contact: James Warner, CPRC jwarner12@cfl.rr.com

WILLIAM JOHN ASSOCIATES INC 400 N New York Ave Ste 115 Winter Park FL 32789 Phone: 407-521-1601 Fax: 407-521-1603 www.williamjohnassociates.com Contact: Jeff Mansfield jeff@williamjohnassociates.com

Service Providers and Consultants Index Advertising/Publications

Infrared Roof Scans

Florida Roofing Magazine

Commercial Roofing Consultants Inc Auto Delta Engineering & Inspections Inc Brown Insurance Roof Assessment Specialists Inc Frank H Furman Insurance Morrow Insurance Group

Aerial/Satellite Roof Management

Commercial Roofing Consultants Inc Legal Trent Cotney, P.A. Construction SkyMeasure by CoreLogic Law Group

Association FRSA Association

Claims Management FRSA Self Insurers Fund


General Liability


Loss Control

Brown Insurance Frank H Furman Insurance Morrow Insurance Group

FRSA Self Insurers Fund

Certification Services

Roof Consultants

Frank H Furman Insurance Keystone Certifications Inc

A/R/C Associates Commercial Roofing Consultants Inc Delta Engineering & Inspections Inc A/R/C Associates Commercial Roofing Consultants Inc Jack Brown & Associates Delta Engineering & Inspections Inc Roof Advisors Inc Roof Assessment Specialists Inc Jack Brown & Associates TCG Roof Inspections Roof Advisors Inc William John Associates Inc Roof Assessment Specialists Inc TCG Roof Inspections Software William John Associates Inc On Center Software The Estimating Edge Educational Programs FRSA Educational & Research Testing Lab Foundation Cleary Inspections Services Inc

Brown Insurance Frank H Furman Insurance Morrow Insurance Group

Health Brown Insurance Frank H Furman Insurance Morrow Insurance Group

Workers’ Comp Frank H Furman Insurance FRSA Self Insures Fund Morrow Insurance Group


Engineering Delta Engineering & Inspections Inc

Financial Afirmpay BuildPay LLC FRSA Credit Union Renew Financial

Testing Services Delta Engineering & Inspections Inc

Vacuum Services R.K. Hydro-Vac Service Inc

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING


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Sales Representatives AEROEDGE USA PO Box 341 Westport CT 06880 Phone: 203-216-4826 www.aeroedgeusa.com Contact: David Keeton dkeeton@aeroedgeusa.com ALL POINTS TILE & SLATE INC 162 E Broadway St Oviedo FL 32765-5011 Phone: 407-366-2521 www.allpointstile.com Contact: Penn Marshall Phone: 407-366-2521 penn@allpointstile.com ARC MANUFACTURING LIMITED 14 Bell Rd Kingston 11 Jamaica KNG11 Phone: 876-818-5626 Fax: 876-757-7962 www.arcja.com Contact: Victor Cummings vjncumings@arcja.com BUILDING PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT

PO Box 298 Logansport IN 46947 Phone: 574-722-3101 Toll-Free: 866-766-3254 Fax: 574-722-5543 www.wegotclips.com Contact: Angela Hall a.hall@wegotclips.com

CADAMAR GROUP 169 SR 580 W Oldsmar FL 34677-3664 Phone: 813-855-5354 Fax: 813-854-3169 www.cadamar.com Contact: David DeMeza david@cadamar.com

LIFTING EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS 431 Cleveland Crossing Dr Ste 201 Garner NC 27529 Phone: 919-710-6515 www.liftinges.com Contact: Tony Hutten tony@liftinges.com

EJM COPPER INC 1911 Ellman St Orlando FL 32804 Phone: 407-447-0074 Fax: 407-447-0075 www.ejmcopper.com Contact: Edward Majewski ejmcopper@aol.com

MAPA PRODUCTS 4329 Emerson St Jacksonville FL 32207 Phone: 904-398-7334 Fax: 904-398-3670 www.mapaproducts.com Contact: Ron Poole teampoolejax@mlpoole.com

EQUIPMENT CONNECTION INC PROREP 212 5th Ave Melbourne Beach FL 32951 Phone: 321-727-1773 www.equipmentconnection-inc.com 204 37th Ave N #352 Contact: Nelson Bloom equipmentconnection@gmail.com St Petersburg FL 33704 Phone: 727-512-8581 GREENSTAR PANELS Fax: 727-895-6535 1704 Combee Rd S www.smarterthanwater.com Lakeland FL 33801 Contact: Wayne Heironimus Phone: 863-559-3781 wayne@smarterthanwater.com www.greenstarpanels.com ROOF-A-CIDE Contact: Paul White 2045 SW 127th Ave paul@greenstarpanels.com Davie FL 33325 KAPITEL STEEL Phone: 800-806-6727 4013 Palladian Wy Fax: 866-237-5855 Melbourne FL 32904 www.roof-a-cide.com Phone: 407-502-0110 Contact: John Browne www.kapitelsteel.com info@roof-a-cide.com Contact: Christian Karch ROOF-A-CIDE WEST christianka@kapitelsteel.com DISTRIBUTORS 1640 Field Rd Sarasota FL 34231

Phone: 941-374-4572 Toll-Free: 877-258-8998 Fax: 941-921-3250 www.roof-a-cide-west.com Contact: Irene Graziosi irene@roof-a-cide-west.com SANTAFE TILE CORP

8825 NW 95th St Medley FL 33178 Phone: 305-885-9002 Toll-Free: 888-305-TILE (888-305-8453) Fax: 305-888-0050 www.santafetile.com Contact: Andrea Pascual apascual@santafetile.com TC PARKER & ASSOCIATES 2269 E Cardinal Dr Midland MI 48642 Phone: 989-600-0572 www.tcparkerassociates.com Contact: Tom Parker tcp@tcparkerassociates.com TIERRA NUEVA GROUP LLC 14 NE 1st Ave Ste 1205 Miami FL 33132 Phone: 786-616-8868 www.vencor.com.ve Contact: Arturo Ortega ao@vencor.com.ve WALKER REP GROUP PO Box 606 Tangerine FL 32777 Phone: 352-552-1307 Contact: Tom Walker tom@walkerrep.com

Sales Representatives Index Accessories

Building Products Development

Caulks and Sealants


Greenstar Panels ProRep

Safety Equipment and Clothing All Points Tile & Slate Inc Brauner Safety Service

Clay Roof Tile

Prefabricate Aerodynamic Drip Roof Edging


Recycled Materials



Roof Cleaning

All Points Tile & Slate Inc


Roof Top Accessories

All Points Tile & Slate Inc

All Points Tile & Slate Inc Santafe Tile Corp Roof-A-Cide Brauner Safety Services

Building Products Development

AeroEdge USA

All Points Tile & Slate Inc Roof-A-Cide West

Brauner Safety Services

Single Ply Roofing Systems Slate Roofing Tools Slate

Standing Seam Metal

Tile Roofing

All Points Tile & Slate Inc

Tile/Tile Fastening Systems

TC Parker & Associates


Brauner Safety Services


All Points Tile & Slate Inc

Wind/Water Damage Prevention AeroEdge USA

Building Products Development www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING



The Slavin Doctrine It is not unusual for a roofer to be sued when someone is injured on a project, even if the injury occurs after the project has been accepted. Often, the injured person sues the roofer alleging that his/her injuries were caused by the roofer’s defective construction. Notwithstanding an injury, even if the construction was defective because it did not comply with the owner’s design, the roofer still may avoid liability. One method to avoid liability is application of the Slavin doctrine. The Slavin doctrine holds that a contractor is not liable for personal injuries to third parties if the injuries were caused by patent defects and the owner has accepted the work. In other words, if the defective condition was obvious at the time the owner accepted the contractor’s work, the contractor will not be liable for damages resulting from the defective condition which occurred after the date of acceptance. The Slavin doctrine emerged from the Florida Supreme Court case Slavin v. Kay, 108 So. 2d 462 (Fla. 1958). In Slavin, the plaintiff was injured in a motel as a result of a sink detaching from the bathroom wall and falling on the plaintiff. The plaintiff sued the motel owner and the contractor that installed the sink seeking compensation for the injuries the plaintiff suffered. Although the court recognized that a contractor may be relieved of liability for injuries to third parties occurring after the owner has accepted a project, the court also stated that the contractor would only be relieved of liability if the owner could have discovered and remedied the dangerous condition. In other words, the condition must be discoverable rather than latent for the contractor to avoid liability. The Slavin court found that the sink’s defective condition was hidden from ordinary observation and was therefore a latent defect, and held that the contractor could be held liable for the plaintiff’s damages. Several cases have expanded upon the original ruling in Slavin. In El Shorafa v. Ruprecht, 345 So. 2d 763 (Fla. 4th DCA 1977), the court upheld the Slavin doctrine and recognized that under Slavin the contractor would not be liable if it was the property owner’s negligence in failing to correct the defect that actually caused the injury. The court held that if the owner could have corrected a defective condition that was known or reasonably would have been known after the owner accepted the project from the contractor, then the owner was the true cause of a third party’s injuries, and the contractor would not be liable. In 1986, the Florida Supreme Court applied the Slavin doctrine in a case involving a paving contractor. Edward M. Chadbourne, Inc. v. Vaughn, 491 So. 2d 551 (Fla. 1986). In Chadbourne, the plaintiff was a passenger that was injured in an automobile accident. The plaintiff argued that 40


his damages were the result of a two inch drop in the center of the pavement which caused the car accident. The plaintiff sued the paving contractor seeking compensation for his personal injuries and the wrongful death of his wife. The court found that the Department of Transportation had accepted the work performed by the paving contractor and had examined and tested the contractor’s work extensively prior to the acceptance. The plaintiff attempted to equate the paving contractor to a manufacturer of a product, which would make the paving contractor strictly liable for all damages arising out of its work. The court declined to follow the plaintiff’s reasoning because the contractor had installed as well as manufactured the pavement, and upheld Slavin. The court ruled that because the Department of Transportation had accepted the work performed by the paving contractor and the Department of Transportation should have known about the alleged defect, the paving contractor could not be held liable for the damages sought by the plaintiff under any theory of liability. Over the last 55 years, the Slavin doctrine has continued to protect roofers from liability for injuries caused to third parties as a result of an owner’s negligent maintenance of a project. Hopefully, none of our members will ever need the Slavin doctrine, but if your company is sued for personal injuries, the Slavin doctrine might save the day. Author’s note: The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation. Trent Cotney is Florida Bar Certified in Construction Law, General Counsel and a director of the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association (FRSA), a director of the West Coast Roofing Contractors Association (WCRCA), and a member of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (MRCA) and several other FRSA affiliates. For more information, contact the author at 813-5793278 or go to www.trentcotney.com.

S.T.A.R. Award Sustainable Roofing Project Winner Florida Roofing is continuing coverage of the winning projects from the 2016 S.T.A.R. Awards – the Spotlight Trophy for the Advancement of Roofing – which highlights industry projects throughout Florida. FRSA members submitted their roofing projects completed during the previous year, along with an application detailing the project, and in-progress and completion photos for placement in one of six categories.

Project submission required a description including tear-off (if applicable), preparation, design work, installation, problem solving and any other information that might be unique to the job, such as safety requirements or field fabrication. Categories for submission included: Sustainable, Community Service, Steep Slope, Low Slope, Specialty Metal, and Unique. A panel of three industry professionals was established to review the submitted projects. Judging criteria included, but was not limited to: aesthetics, size, completion time, special circumstances, unique project design, complexity of project, workmanship, teamwork, testimonials, and creative problem solving. The judges selected three projects in each of the six categories to receive either first, second or third place S.T.A.R. Awards. Advanced Roofing Inc won first place in the Sustainable category for their Lockheed Martin Solar Carport project. Its team consisted of: Contractor: Robert Kornahrens Project Manager: Paul Burns Superintendent and Foreman: Josh Gordon Manufacturer/Consultant: Advanced Green Technologies Manufacturer: Hanwha Solar Panels Manufacturer: Sungrow Inverters Project MVP: Paul Burns Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. They are the largest industrial employer in Florida with approximately 12,000 employees in the state. The company’s Mission Systems and Training



facility in Oldsmar, Florida employs about 500 employees and 100 contractors providing engineering, software development and other services for the companies programs.

Project Background

In 2014, Lockheed Martin contracted Advanced Roofing and sister company Advanced Green Technologies to design and build a massive 2.25-megawatt solar carport at their Mission Systems and Training facility in Oldsmar, Fla. The project encompasses 7,260 solar modules mounted on a 151,400 square foot area that is 24 feet in height, which provides clean energy to the facility and protected parking for 534 vehicles. Advanced Roofing was awarded the solar carport construction and solar installation project over seven other national contractors after a rigorous bidding process managed by Lockheed Martin. What Advanced Roofing brought to the table was not only experience in large-scale solar power installations in Florida, but also the ability to both design and build the project.

The Process

Advanced Roofing was the turnkey engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor on the Lockheed Martin project. The project scope included the entire parking lot asphalt replacement,

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installation of a custom designed steel carport structure with concrete foundations equipped with a solar power racking system, and an under-canopy LED lighting system. Overall, between Advanced Roofing and Advanced Green Technologies, the team was able to self-perform most of the overall project installation because of its in-house resources in roofing, sheet metal, cranes, and renewable energy.

Overcoming Challenges

Being located in Florida, the carport solar array provided some design challenges due to the hurricane force winds that can reach 150 miles per hour or more. Taking these wind loads into careful consideration, the team was able to make the adjustments and include them in the structural design. And because Factory Mutual insures Lockheed Martin, the project had to meet strict guidelines for the high-speed wind zone. “Any time that Factory Mutual becomes involved, projects become heavily scrutinized,� mentioned Clint Sockman,

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Advanced Roofing Vice President of Renewable Energy. Also, because of limited parking spaces during the construction process, the project had to be carefully phased so that employees had somewhere to park safely and the facility could continue to operate without disruptions. Hanwha SolarOne Company provided the high-efficiency, S-series solar modules for the project, with inverters provided by SunGrow, and Advanced Green Technologies providing the steel carport structure. Components supplied for the project were rated for the Florida environment, such as wind resistance and corrosion resistance from saltwater spray. Environmental issues were also taken into account with the steel structure and coatings on the steel structure, since it is a 25-year energy production asset. Interconnection was a fairly easy process based on Advanced Roofing’s experience and understanding of Florida’s regulations governing the tie-in of renewable power installations into the existing grid. Furthermore, bringing an added “green� dimension to the environmentally friendly construction project, the team was able to recycle the inch-deep soil that was removed from the entire parking lot to donate to the City of Oldsmar’s new BMX Supercross facility that is nearby.

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FRSA – Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association !" Ĺ‹ Ń´oub7- !ooCm] -m7 "_;;| ;|-Ń´ om|u-1|ouv vvo1b-াom www.fl oridaroof.com ‰‰‰ĺYoub7-uoo=Äş1ol




The solar carport project was completed on time, and on budget without safety issues or disrupting Lockheed Martin’s daily operations. Furthermore, upon completion of the solar project in September 2015 it held the title as the largest private, non-utility owned solar array in Florida at 2.25 Megawatts. The solar carport system can deliver significant savings to the Lockheed Martin overhead, cutting its utility costs up to 65 percent for annual savings of about $300,000. That’s a savings of $6.5 million over 25 years, and a greenhouse gas emissions savings of 35 percent from deflecting energy consumption from conventional fossil fuel sources. In addition to the energy saving and reduced environmental footprint, the carport is also providing some much-appreciated shade for employees.

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“High-quality tile installation calls for highperformance components such as TILE BOND™. The strong, yet workable, initial adhesion helps my crew complete jobs quickly and precisely, and the ready-to-use kit ensures quality, on-ratio adhesive in a simple, portable and maintenance-free system.” Israel Jimenez, Independent Roof Tile Installation Specialist, Clearwater, Florida Photo courtesy of Eagle Roofing Products

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Cory Ewert TAMKO Building Products, District Field Sales Mgr Cory has been employed at TAMKO for 11 years and is in- How long have you been involved with FRSA? 4 years volved on FRSA’s Young Professionals Council and on the What do you personally find most rewarding about Educational Foundation Endowment Board of Governors. being involved with FRSA? Being involved in the FRSA has allowed me to build meanHow did you get started in the roofing industry? I started as a Specialty Product Manager for TAMKO in ingful relationships that have helped me develop in my the Midwest. This position allowed me to learn from many profession. TAMKO Territory Managers and their customers. What advice would you give to someone interested in What’s your favorite part of the job? In my current position, I find that having the opportunity to recruit, hire, and train new people into our industry is one of my favorite parts of my job. Seeing them grow into successful and productive employees is a very rewarding experience. What’s the most unusual roofing project that you’ve been a part of? The Tennessee Williams Home and Welcome Center. What do you consider a waste of time? Not learning from mistakes. What’s your favorite vacation? Spending time with my family regardless of the location. What would be your dream job?

The roofing industry has been very good to me, but if I were to do something else, it would be Short Stop/Lead-Off man for the St. Louis Cardinals. If you could spend time with three people (living or not), who would they be and why? I would like to spend time with my grandparents that I unfortunately never met. I would like to know about their lives and about my parents as children.



joining the roofing industry? My advice to people joining our industry is to be a good listener and learn from the people they come in contact with. This industry is full of high-quality people that are often willing to share their professional experiences with others. What’s your favorite pastime activity? Spending time with my family and friends. With two young boys, we really enjoy our outdoor activities where they can burn off excess energy. What would be your ideal place to live and why? If I didn’t have to worry about working or the education of our children, we would love to live in a Florida coastal town of the many islands. A good goal for retirement. What other activities and organizations are you involved with? Our Lady of the Angels, Boys & Girls Club, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Reef Medics and I9 Sports. What would surprise others to learn about you?

I was a Big 12 Academic All American.

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