TELEPHONE A place for all, Time for all
A new Befriending Service for people over 65 living in Bookham and the surrounding area is now available. l
Do you feel lonely and would like to receive regular telephone calls?
Do you know someone who feels lonely?
Our volunteers are being trained to support people.
One to one contact for those who are lonely or isolated. For more information or to make a referral please contact:
Tel: 07596 837063 email: Further information can also be found on our website
Registered charity number 1192001 Company limited by guarantee Reg No. 781747
THE MEETING PLACE Our new Telephone Befriending Service offered to older people in Bookham and the surrounding area who feel lonely or isolated is beginning to receive referrals. It is important to us that we link these referrals to one of our trained volunteers who might have similar interests. If you or anyone you know would benefit from this one to one contact which in time could be face to face do contact us on 07596 837063 or email It is wonderful that the vaccine against covid has been rolled out to so many people but of course there are still those isolating and those affected financially by job loss. The Community Fridge still delivers around 150 bags a week and thanks to a grant from one of the leading supermarkets were able to deliver some special extras at Easter. There is a Help Yourself table at the front of the Youth Centre on Saturday mornings from 11am-12noon. Our band of volunteers are so hard working ensuring that not only is this a lifeline to many but it also prevents food from going to landfill.
Our Language hub for those for whom English is not their first language and our Lipreading for people who are very hard of hearing are continuing on zoom until such time as we are able to meet in person. We keep in touch by phone with many of our regulars who are looking forward to the Coffee Shop reopening, which we hope will be in early summer.
For more information see our website
22 Looklocal Magazine - May 2021