Look Local Cobham & Oxshott

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LookLocal April 2020

Cobham & Oxshott

Your award-winning local community magazine

Delivered Free

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Claremont Fan Court School An independent co-educational school for pupils aged 2½ to 18 years

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Outdoor Living In Comfort With Cane-Line Furniture



31 to April




32 23 24 26 28 32 34 38 42 49 50 52 53 54

Music Matters Crossword Puzzle What’s On in April Fetcham Tandoori Gardening Matters Sudoku & Digi-Search Computer Tips Cobham Bookshop Reviews What’s Cooking? Church Services Useful Numbers Puzzle Solutions Advertisers’ Index

I am writing this introduction, several weeks before it will reach you. As a result, with news and advice changing daily with regard to the Covid-19/Corona Virus, it is very difficult for us to predict the situation by the time our magazine reaches your home. As a community lead publication, our pages are always full of local events and activities for you to read about and more importantly attend. It takes us all month to collect/collate & compile our events listings and as a result, it is impossible for us to change or remove all these entries as our print press awaits our magazines now. Groups and organisations may decide to cancel or postpone their published events, so please check with the organisers before you go along. Do remember that we include a wonderful collection of local businesses and services for you to take advantage of, maybe now is the time to sort out all those little jobs you haven’t had time to organise before. It is important that we continue to support our local businesses. We all need to focus on what really matters during testing times; we have been very touched at the level of concern locally for the elderly members of our community. A group called ‘Corona Community Care’ has been set up with just this in mind, many local people are keen to help elderly neighbours or those who are having to self isolate and need help. Please see page 16 for details. Simple acts of kindness could make a massive difference to someone’s life. As the main recommendation for keeping well, is good hand hygiene, we have enclosed an official hand washing guide. This is so important and seems to be the number one way to cut your risk of being infected by the virus. Soap and water will do the job, follow the recommended methods and keep your hands away from you face as far as possible. Stay safe good people and I wish you all a peaceful Easter. With Best Regards,





Next Copy Deadline 5th April for our May Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags

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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 7


Come along any time between 10.00am – 4.00pm FREE COACHING ON THE DAY & FREE TRIAL PERIOD Our clubhouse is open for refreshments Our club coach John Lee said ‘if you have never played bowls why not give us a try, it is fun. All ages welcome’ Experienced bowlers thinking of joining a new club, please come along too. All you need to bring along are flat shoes! You can play all year Lawn bowling in the summer & play Short Mat Bowls for winter months in our clubhouse. We welcome you even if the weather is bad just come along & we will make arrangements for you to play and give it a go another day.

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CASH PAID ON THE SPOT Please call Richard on 0791 240 5208 (weekdays between 10am - 3pm) or visit www.worldsendbookshop.com I am based in Leatherhead & can visit you.

Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 9













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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 11


200,000 Geraniums – trailing and upright. Over 100 varieties & colours. All grown here on our nursery at The Vineries. Spectacular price all season long.

£2.99 or 10 for £25

Home grown basket and container plants. Over 100 varieties for colour all season long. Including fuchsias, trailing petunias,Verbena, million bells and many more.

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Home grown veg to be home grown by you. Including salad leaves, peas, beans, cucumbers, 20+ varieties of tomatoes, courgettes and more. Pot Vegetables Pack Vegetables

A fantastic range of fruit bushes & plants Producing melons, olives, blueberries, raspberries, rhubarb, currants, gooseberries to name but a few, plus over 60 varieties of herbs to choose from. Strawberry plants £1.79 each or 10 for £15 Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk



on a wide range of terracotta & glazed pots.

4 PERENNIALS FOR £10 1 Litre Square pot Perennials. Normally £2.99 each


(3 plants in a pot) Normally £5.99 each

Large Range of Roses including

DAVID AUSTIN ROSES Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk

AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr


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Community Coronavirus Care Are you self isolating, worried about going out or need some help generally? Community Coronavirus Care are a group of people from your local community that would like to help. We currently have volunteers in Bookham, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Ashtead, Cobham, Epsom, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Banstead and surrounding areas. We can pick up shopping, collect prescriptions, walk the dog and much much more, wherever we can.

How it works... 1. Call us on our freephone number and tell us how we can help.

0800 3077 111

2. Details of what is needed will be passed on to volunteers and you will be matched with someone in the local area who can help. They will then be given your contact details and you can speak with them to get the help you need. This group is a volunteer lead community initiative carried out by the good will and the want to help the vulnerable people in our local area to ease pressures on other local services. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have a genuine need and we will be happy to help in any way we can.

Find us on Facebook: tinyurl.com/ccc-surrey

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18 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

• Resin Driveways • Landscaping • Shed Foundations & Builds • Driveways & Patios • Decking & Fencing • Turfing • Artificial Grass • Brick Built BBQs • Garden Design & Transformation • Porcelain Patios Known for our incredible garden transformations and very competitive prices. We provide a high quality garden design and landscaping service to residential and commercial properties throughout London and Surrey For a FREE CONSULTATION please call Alex on 07547 671 855 or rosesenquiries@gmail.com Follow Us @roseshq_

To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 19

Guidance on how to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus (COVID-19)

How to handwash WITH SOAP AND WATER 1


Do Wash your hands with soap and water often - do this for at least 20 seconds. Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.

Wet hands with water


Apply enough soap cover all hand surfa


Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) if you cough or sneeze.

Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand using rotational movement

Rub tips of fingers i opposite palm in a circular motion

Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards. Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

Don’t Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. For Government advice please visit www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19information-for-the-public For NHS advice please visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19 For FSB advice and resources for small businesses please visit www.fsb.org.uk/coronavirus


How to handrub WITH ALC OHOL IC HANDR 1

Apply a small amount of the product (about 3ml) into a cupped hand


Rub with backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced


Apply enough to co all hand surfaces


Rub each thumb cla in opposite hand us rotational movemen

Duration of entire procedure 40-60 seconds


p to aces

Rub hands palm to palm



Rinse hands with water


Rub back of each hand with the palm of the other hand with fingers interlaced


Dry roughly with a single-use towel



Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced


Rub with backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced


Use towel to turn off tap

Your hands are now safe

Duration of entire procedure 20-30 seconds

U B (containing at least 60% alcohol)


asped sing nt


Rub hands palm to palm


Rub tips of fingers in opposite palm in a circular motion


Rub back of each hand with the palm of the other hand with fingers interlaced


When dry, your hands are now safe


Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced


T H E F A M I LY Y O U C A N T U R N T O ... Seven generations of our family have been helping and advising local families in their time of need. For over 230 years we have been providing funerals, both modest and traditional, with care and compassion.

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Music Matters

With easter in mind,

we hope you enjoy this month’s music quiz.

QUESTIONS: 1. Who wrote the “Rites of Spring”? 2. Which band, soon to reunite and tour again, release an album called “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway”?


3. Who asked musically, “How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning”?

Crea�ve landscape design and construc�on services.

4. On what album, did Simon & Garfunkel sing “April Come, She Will”

Wildlife gardens Wild flower meadows & roofs Bespoke outdoor living areas Custom built cabins Waterfeatures & ponds

5. Who sang about ”The Soft Rain of April”? 6. Who sang about “Wooly Bully”? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 53

07584179241 or 07879653982 For more informa�on and to view our por�olio please visit...

www.wildby.design Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 23

crosswordpuzzle Solutions Page 53 Clue: 14 Across

Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 27 Across



1. Objectives (4) 3. Eccentric (8) 9. Traveller to a shrine (7) 10. Brink (5) 11. Possessed (5) 12. Stockings (6) 14. Chirping insect (6) 16. Seller of cloth (6) 19. Specimen (6) 21. Back-hander (5) 24. Behave badly (3,2) 25. Openly disobedient (7) 26. Former sweetheart (3,5) 27. Meat from a calf (4)

1. Draw near (8) 2. Large fruit (5) 4. Gypsy (6) 5. Polite (5) 6. Root vegetable (7) 7. Arduous journey (4) 8. Worn away (6) 13. Eastern (8) 15. Intoned (7) 17. Snub (6) 18. Infrequently (6) 20. Part of the eye (5) 22. Likeness (5) 23. Luminous ring (4)

24 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020

Clue: 2 Down

Clue: 20 Down


Supporting local people facing life-threatening illness Brigitte Trust volunteers offer a free service of emotional support and practical help to people diagnosed with cancer, MND and other life-threatening illness when it’s increasingly hard to cope at home. Weekly visits build a relationship with client and carer, with time to share the feelings and concerns serious illness brings. Volunteers with current driving licences are invited to join our friendly, supportive team. We’re recruiting now. To book your place on our next Taster Session call us on 01306 881816 or email admin@brigittetrust.com or visit wwww.brigittetrust.org for more information.

SURREY CHARITY BRIGITTE TRUST “BAGS” £25,000 TESCO CENTENARY GRANT Tesco shoppers throughout Surrey have been voting with their blue tokens during the latest Tesco Bags of Help promotion which saw grants of £25,000, £15,000 & £10,000 awarded to community projects. The Brigitte Trust has been awarded first prize. Thank you to all who voted for us! The Trust covers the whole of Surrey with a free service of home visits from trained volunteers offering emotional and practical support when a life-limiting illness is diagnosed. “We are overwhelmed to have received such a financial boost through Tesco’s Centenary Celebration” said Lucy Beach, Charity Manager at the Trust. “Volunteers are the true heroes of our charity, building relationships, sharing special time together and helping people and their carers live the best life possible through their illness. “This funding means we can recruit and train more volunteers to support people and their families facing the effects of cancer and other serious illness across Surrey.” The presentation took place at Denbies Wine Estate. Pictured L to R: Vanessa Smith, Charity Promotions Manager, Jan Way, Trustee, Peter Crossley Chair of Trustees and Lucy Beach Charity Manager with Clover, the charity’s PAT dog …and a small helper.

Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 25

what’s on...

Weds 1st

Elmbridge U3a, Monthly Meeting at Claygate Village Hall, Church Rd KT10 0JP from 2.00pm. Membership Secretary: members@elmbridgeu3a.org or 0208 979 2737

Weds 1st

Cobham Crafters knit and natter group at Cobham Library, The Cedar Centre, Cedar Road, Cobham, KT11 2AE from 10am - 12noon. Everyone Welcome.

(1st Weds monthly)

(1st Weds monthly)

1st - 30th

Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, KT10 9JG from 11am - 4pm. Bring the whole family together this Easter & treat your loved ones to the magic of our Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/

Thurs 2nd

Talk: Art & the Creation of Painshill by Michael Symes at Painshill Park, Cobham KT11 1JE at 11am - 12pm. The relationship of art to gardens is central to the development of the English Landscape Garden, covering the influence of paintings, comparison between them & gardens, & the actual application of the principles of painting. www.painshill.co.uk

4th -19th

Easter Egg Statue Trail at Painshill Park, Cobham KT11 1JE at 10am - 6pm. Giant, colourful Easter eggs are waiting to be found in the Painshill landscape this Easter. Find them all and win a tasty prize! Included with general admission. www.painshill.co.uk

(1st Thurs monthly)

Sunday 5th (weekly)

7th & 16th

Weds 8th

(2nd Weds monthly)

Jazzy Sundays at The Bear, Oxshott KT22 0JE, 3pm - 6pm. Nothing quite says Sunday like a good old fashioned British roast, all to the sound of jazz. www.thebearoxshott.co.uk The Little Bushcraft Family Adventure at Painshill Park, Cobham KT11 1JE at 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm. On our morning adventures we’ll be exploring the woods and building dens. For our afternoon adventures we will be discovering fire craft and campfire cooking. If you have any questions, email the education team at education@painshill.co.uk Scrabble club at Cobham Library, The Cedar Centre, Cedar Road, Cobham, KT11 2AE from 10am - 12noon. Come and join in the fun and play a game of Scrabble.

save the date in may 2020 Sat 2nd MAY 2020

Family farm day at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 10.30am 4pm. Family-friendly farm experience. Say hello to cute lambs, rabbits and piglets to name a few. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/whats-on

23rd - 24th MAY 2020

Happy Days Festival 2020 at Imber Court, Ember Lane, Esher, KT8 0BT from 2 - 10pm. 2 day concert that prides itself on blending all decades of amazing music (classic, modern & contemporary) from all genres. For more info or to book tickets visit www.hdfestival.co.uk

If there’s an event in May that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros by Friday 10th April. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details are correct at time of print, however it is advisable to check event dates and times with the venue/organisers in case of changes.


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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 27



Fetcham Tandoori has been my Curry Restaurant of choice for too many years to mention! It is always a treat to visit this family run restaurant, which opened way back in 1983. Following a recent refurbishment and the introduction of some wonderful new dishes, it’s now better than ever. We went along one Sunday evening and Anis Haque the owner, treated us to a selection of the new regional dishes they have on the menu. The restaurant looks really lovely. It is newly decorated and tastefully elegant. No electric water fall pictures here! The service was, as always, friendly and efficient, the staff know their regular customers, but everyone is made to feel very welcome. Anis told us about his decision to introduce some new dishes, which are more authentic and more in tune with the

food he grew up eating. In fact, his own mother’s cooking is the main influence for the new menu selections, and she spent many hours in the kitchen with Anis, putting together this exciting new menu. Ingredients are sourced locally, are organic when possible and are bought daily. Suppliers include highly regarded local butcher, Conisbee and Son’s, as well as Gray’s Gelato Ice Cream from Goldstone Farm. The cooking methods have also changed. Things are done in a far more traditional way; spices are slowly roasted and ground, in-house to create wonderfully fresh flavours and vibrant colours, and the end results are like individual works of art. In the photos included here, you can see for yourself some of the food we enjoyed; the flavours were mouth watering

and it was so good to try something a little different. Dishes are inspired by, and come from, different regions such as Bangladesh and India and these include a great selection of Vegan dishes and even a little bit of street food too! Of course, all the old favourites are still available for the slightly less adventurous, but I do strongly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone. If you are a little unsure about what to order, just ask. Anis or one of his team, will be more than happy to guide you. You won’t regret it. The take away menu is a little different from the a la carte, but has also been carefully put together to still offer a great experience at home too. I take my hat off to you Fetcham Tandoori, this is surely a winning combination. Your restaurant offers

a wonderful place to eat fabulous and authentic curry dishes with friends and family, whilst at the same time experiencing something a little different, which is truly special. THANK YOU FOR A LOVELY EVENING. WE WILL BE BACK VERY SOON. The dishes we enjoyed were:Bombay Bhel Beetroot & Aloo Murug Chicken Chicken Chettinad Murug Makoni Sagolir Manksho Saffron Pilau Peshwari Naan

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specialise in: We specialise in: We specialise in: and competitively priced roofing services New UPVC Fascias &We Gutters • External Painting specialise We specialise in: roofing services and in: competitively priced Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs

Re-pointing Chimney Stacks •All All Roof Repairs Chimney Stacks • All Roof Repairs We in: WeSpecialise specialise in: Re-pointing Chimney Stacks •All Roof Repairs Re-pointing Stacks ••Re-pointing Roof Repairs Re-pointing Chimney Stacks All Roof Repairs We specialise in: 20 YearsNew Guarantee Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired Roofs Flat Roofs Tile & Slate Roofs Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired Leadwork && Leadwork Valleys Renewed &Repaired Repaired Leadwork Valleys Renewed Durable & Waterproof New Roofs • Flat Renewed Roofs •New Tile &Repaired Slate Roofs UPVC Fascias & Gutters • External Painting Re-pointing Chimney Stacks All Roof Repairs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs 20 Years Guarantee Fire Retardant New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • Moss External Painting Removal • All Work Guaranteed New UPVC &&Gutters •••External Painting New UPVC Fascias Gutters Painting Durable Waterproof Stacks •External AllRepaired Roof Repairs New UPVC Fascias Gutters External Painting No&Re-pointing Joints, Seams or Chimney Welds Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Re-pointing Chimney Stacks All Roof Repairs Fire Retardant Moss • All Work •Guaranteed Maintenance FreeRemoval Moss • All Work Guaranteed No Joints, Seams or Welds Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired Moss Removal All Work Guaranteed New UPVC Fascias & Gutters External Painting UV Resistant Maintenance Free Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired Work Guaranteed UV Resistant New Moss UPVCRemoval Fascias &All Gutters • External Painting 20 Years Guarantee New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • External Painting Durable & Waterproof Moss Removal Guaranteed GRP fibreglass roof systems • All Work Fire Retardant Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed No Joints, Seams or Welds 20 Years Guarantee

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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 31

Gardening Matters MULCHES

As I sit here in early March, we’ve had wall-to-wall rain for what seems like 63 weeks, boooo. However, there may be the odd day in the near future when you’ll need to retain moisture in your garden (pahahahaha), and mulching is a good way to do that, so here are some suggestions for mulches to bung on your patch. Mulches are best applied mid to late spring and autumn when the soil is moist (no worries there) and warm. Avoid applying them in winter/early spring when the soil’s cold or in summer when it’s dry. They’re spread over bare soil or on the surface of compost in containers and are either biodegradable or nonbiodegradable. As the name suggests, biodegradable mulches break down gradually to release nutrients into the soil and help improve its structure. Lack of space prevents a comprehensive list, but the usual suspects are composted stable manure, garden compost, leaf mould, bark and Strulch. Stable manure adds nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil, is widely available in this area, usually for free, but can smell yucky, isn’t very attractive and often contains weed seeds - because that’s what horses eat. It should be well-aged and/or heat-treated. Garden compost is also free and is as available as you’ve made it. As long as you’ve avoided adding perennial weeds to your compost heap/bin, it’s a good solution but takes a while to rot down sufficiently. Leaf mould is readily available if

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32 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020


you’ve bagged it up the year before, but it needs at least a year to rot down, isn’t very attractive and you’ll need ONE HELL of a lot of bags to provide for an average garden. Bark exists in practically every garden centre. It’s longlasting, attractive and doesn’t blow away easily, but it’s relatively pricey and the pigeons have a right old time kicking it all over the place. But my most recent discovery, my one of choice now is… Strulch. This is an AMAZING product made from mineralised straw and I’d never heard of it until a customer introduced it to me (thank you, Helen). It’s very light, it suppresses weeds, doesn’t hold water (so rainfall can soak through to the soil), goes a very long way, and best of all, lasts for up to 2 years before degrading. Take a look at the website for more information: http://www.strulch. co.uk Non-biodegradable mulches, including slate, shingle, pebbles and gravel, don’t add nutrients but have the advantage of looking decorative. However, they can be costly and weeds have a nasty habit of pushing up between the gaps unless you lay membrane underneath. All in all, biodegradable mulches tick most of the boxes. As well as retaining moisture in summer, biodegradable mulches protect the roots of plants in winter, improve soil texture, encourage worms and can help prevent weeds, so what’s not to love? Mulch away.


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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 33


From just atilebroken an entire new roof weall cover all aspects of roofing From abroken broken tiletototile antoentire entire newroof roof we cover all aspects of roofing From just aFrom an new we cover aspects of roofing From just ajust totile entire new roof we cover all ofofcover roofing From just abroken broken tile toan anbroken entire new roof we cover allaspects aspects roofing From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing just a tile to an entire new roof we all aspects of r From just aa broken tile totoan entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing From just broken title an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofi From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing

Allroof roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs All repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • flat GRP flat roofs All roof repairs ••re-pointed New roofs • •Re-roofing • • •GRP roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / • De-mossing roofs Exterior painting All roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs All roof repairs New Roofs Re-roofing GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs New Roofs Re-roofing •downpipes GRP roofs Chimneys /fascias, re-pointed •guttering De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting All roof repairs •rebuilt New Roofs • soffits, Re-roofing • & GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt /• re-pointed • • De-mossing roofs • Flat Exterior painting UPVC Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Painting Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed De-mossing • Exterior Painting All roof repairs ••soffits, New Roofs • roofs Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs UPVC fascias, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, guttering && Chimneys rebuilt /guttering re-pointed • downpipes De-mossing roofs • Painting Exterior Pa Chimneys rebuilt /soffits, re-pointed • visit De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering downpipes fascias, downpipes Emergency services available Emergency 24hr services available Chimneys rebuilt /soffits, re-pointed •24hr De-mossing roofs • Exterior Call UPVC us today for a FREE Quotation or & our website for more details: Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Emergency 24hr services Emergency 24hr services available Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering &available downpipes

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Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.

34 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020

If "everybody knows" such and such, then it ain't so, by at least ten thousand to one. -- Lazarus Long

5 4 6

2 7 8 7 9 9 0 8 2 4 8 5 7 9

3 5 5 3 8 8 4 5 0 7 7 4 8 8

7 8 7 2 4 6 9 9 9 5 3 6 4 3

4 6 5 2 7 7 5 4 2 7 6 3 7 6

8 0 8 3 5 3 8 8 8 5 4 5 2 9

5 9 8 4 0 6 6 2 4 6 6 4 5 2

9 3 4 5 3 1 7 3 6 4 5 8 4 7

3 8 9 7 8 9 2 6 6 6 5 2 0 3

8 4 5 8 3 3 9 3 2 4 3 2 1 7

4 4 0 4 5 7 4 3 9 7 5 0 6 6

7 5 2 3 0 5 7 9 7 2 5 2 3 5

5 6 7 2 3 1 4 4 2 9 3 4 7 1

6 3 2 1 5 1 9 7 2 8 1 5 5 2

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 32234, 33947, 36927, 38445, 55388, 56723, 59840, 74859, 76376, 78926, 81522, 84583, 84725, 84756, 98673, 99082

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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 35

Princess Alice Hospice

DEVOTED SONS SHARE MUM’S SECRET POETRY The life, loves and longings of Susan Ealey are told in this book of verse compiled from hundreds of handwritten poems discovered by her sons after her death. A Woman’s Verse by Susan Ealey, tells of the highs and lows in the progress from childhood to womanhood, through youth, first love, raising a family, and into later years. It also features the hardship of single parenthood, growing older, loss, secret love and finding one’s place in the world. Susan Ealey was 69 when she died at Princess Alice Hospice in October 2019. Her son Matthew, himself a screenwriter and author, said: “Though my mum was only at the Hospice for two or three days, it made a massive difference in those final days, for her to be out of hospital”. Following Susan’s death, Matthew and his brother Marcus, found 320 unpublished poems she had written over the years, stashed away in a folder under her bed, the pile of handwritten poems had no titles, no dates or explanation. “In finding Mum’s poems and deciding to publish them, we both knew immediately we wanted to give our proceeds to the Hospice as a thank you from us; also, we believe it’s what Mum would’ve wanted.” Her sons dedicated their efforts to choosing and categorising a selection to include in A Woman’s Verse. “It will read as a poetry journey of my mum’s life from youth, to family, to love, to views on the world,” said Matthew. “We want our beautiful and powerful mum’s

36 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020

words to be read by as many people as possible, in her memory.” Susan was a striking young woman who worked as a PA in Fleet Street and model, in the late Sixties and Seventies. She had her boys in her twenties and continued with her career, later becoming a single mum and juggling work and family. Matthew said he recalls her writing poetry since he was a child, but she always kept her creative work to herself - apart from the occasional verse or two she’d share. “Her own mother died when she was just 23, and she had a lifelong avoidance of hospital,” said Matthew. “Luckily she had always had a very healthy life and was never ill when we were growing up.” “The option of Princess Alice Hospice was just perfect - it gave us the time together in her last couple of days, to hear her final wishes, even plan her funeral with her - in privacy, peace and quiet,” said Matthew. “She had a great room, with a lovely view, which she could enjoy during her favourite season - autumn. She was treated with huge compassion and kindness, dignity and respect. “It was the best place she could have been. We were so impressed - there are no words.” Matthew, 45, and Marcus, 49, have stayed in contact with the Hospice, from which they continue to derive comfort and support. A Woman’s Verse poetry book is available, via Amazon Paperback and Kindle. Proceeds will go to Princess Alice Hospice and Cancer Research.

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PERSONALISED EMAIL and economical upgrades....

PERSONALISED EMAIL and economical upgrades….

Recently a number of large volume email providers have service added, and this can be as little as £25 per year. closed their services; usually due to the cost of providing For less than the cost of filling your car up with fuel Foran lessemail than the cost of and fillingemail your car up with Recently large volume emailmay providersyou have have the service being too greata number for anyofrewards which address service forfuellife. you have an can emailadd address and email for life.for their services; usuallyO2, due to the cost of providing be returned. Theseclosed companies include Tesco and Additionally, you further emailservice accounts the service being too great for any rewards which may Additionally, you can add further email accounts for Which. andand so on. mum,the dad,kids the kids so on. be returned. These companies include O2, Tescomum, and dad, In an article on the BBC’s website (www.bbc.co.uk/ Which. news/business-51571275), they wereBBC’s referring the In an article on the website to (www.bbc.co.uk/ news/business-51571275), referring to the cost and inconvenience of maintainingtheyanwere existing cost and inconvenience of maintaining an existing email email address when moving from one broadband address when moving from one broadband provider to provider to another, in this case werespecifically specifically another, in this casethey they were referring to BT andTalktalk, Talktalk, but is not unique to theseto providers. referring to BT and butthisthis is not unique these providers. You may be asking what benefit could the email providers be gaining? generalthe answer is a simple two You may be asking what benefitThecould email fold answer - you give them permission to “read” your providers be gaining? The general answer is a simple emails to provide contextual advertising and they can two fold answer - mail youyou give them permission toyou “read” frequently trying to up-sell their other products - both of these are agreed and to in they their terms your emails to provide contextual advertising is a service we provide and we would be happy to and conditions when you sign to their service. This is aThis can mail you frequently trying to up-sell youuptheir other service we provide and and we set would take you through the options thingsbe uphappy so you. to This is the reason why the likes of Outlook, Hotmail products - both of these are agreed to in their terms take youYou through the alloptions and diaries, set things up so you. would have your emails, contacts, to do and Yahoo are keen for your email traffic. For example: lists, all hosted on the internet so that all of your devices and conditions when youaresign up to their service. Youa would have all your emails, diaries, contacts, to do if you in correspondence with someone about would be reading from the same source and having your This is the reason holiday why the of Outlook, Hotmail lists, hostedautomatically on the internet so that all of your devices you likes may start to see banner adverts, usually in all emails updated. browser, holiday The holidaywould firm be reading from the same source and having your and Yahoo are keenyour forweb your emailfrom traffic. Forfirms. example: Low cost computer upgrades would have paid for this advert or “impression”. This is if you are in correspondence with someone about a emails automatically updated. The thought of moving all your programs and data onto evidence of contextual advertising. a new machine can cause palpitations to many! A way to holiday you may start to see banner adverts, usually in Low cost computer upgrades Changing your email address and notifying your avoid this, is to upgrade your existing machine. Windows your web browser, contacts from holiday firms. The holiday The thought of moving all your programs and data can be time consuming and a bitfirm of a headache. 10 and Mojave are reasonably accepting when it comes would have paid for advert or “impression”. Thissolution is onto machine can cause palpitations to many! A To this mitigate a recurrence of this, a perfect is to a new to running on old hardware. To remove the frustration purchase your own email address, also know as domain evidence of contextual advertising. way to avoid this, is tomachine, upgradea your existing of a slow running great option is tomachine. replace name. Once bought, this address is yours forever your current hard drive with a Solid State Drive (SSDs); Changing your email address and notifying your Windows 10 and Mojave are reasonably accepting when (assuming subscriptions are maintained). thetoperformance boost is impressive and To is said to be upthe contacts can be time consuming and a bit of a headache. it comes running on old hardware. remove By way of an example, let’s say your name is John to 20 times quicker, which is pretty astonishing! SSD’s To mitigate a recurrence of this, perfect (subject solution is to frustration a slow a great option Walter, you couldapurchase to availability) the have of fallen greatlyrunning in price, machine, so the cost of the upgrade name “walter-family.co.uk”, and your is email purchase your owndomain email address, also know as domain to replace current hard a Solid State and foryour us to copy all your datadrive to thewith SSD, could be way addressthis couldaddress be john@walter-family.co.uk. less than the buying a new machine. name. Once bought, is yours foreverThe beauty Drive (SSDs); performance boost is impressive and of this arrangement is that this is yours forever and Please call us for more information. (assuming subscriptions maintained). said to be up to 20 times quicker, which is pretty should are the supplying firm decide that email isn’t istheir Epson Ink price update By way of an example, let’scansay your John Youastonishing! SSD’s have fallen greatly in price, so the “thing”, you move it toname anotherisprovider. may In December 2019, Epson announced they were going thinking (subject this arrangement is expensivethe and exclusive Walter, you could be purchase to availability) cost of the upgrade us bytobetween copy all5%your to increase theirand ink for prices and data 10%. to to companies, but you would be wrong. To purchase the At that time we purchased large quantities of ink to domain name “walter-family.co.uk”, and your email the SSD, could be way less than buying a new machine. domain name and have it registered to you for 2 years is mitigate the price change for you. We still have stocks of address could be john@walter-family.co.uk. The beauty us for more information. only £35.00 (+vat), then it is necessary to have the Please email call the lower cost inks, but they are starting to dwindle. Get of this arrangement is added, that this is yours andper year. Epson Ink price update service and this can be asforever little as £25 them while you can! should the supplying firm decide that email isn’t their In December 2019, Epson announced they were going This guide was Lesincrease Beer, from Tecres Leatherhead, “thing”, you can move it to another provider. Youwritten may byto their ink in prices by between 5% and 10%. who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. be thinking this arrangement is expensive and exclusive At that time we purchased large quantities of ink to to companies, but you would be wrong. To purchase the mitigate the price change for you. We still have stocks domain name and have it registered to you for 2 years is of the lower cost inks, but they are starting to dwindle. only £35.00 (+vat), then it is necessary to have the email Get them while you can!

This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.

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Book Reviews APRIL 2020 ‘Nightingale Point’ by Luan Goldie (Paperback £8.99) Inspired by the 1992 Amsterdam air disaster this novel is set in London, when the residents of Nightingale Point find their worlds shattered by a similar aviation disaster. Among them Malachi, a broken hearted student struggling to raise his streetwise kid brother Tristan; Mary, a nurse with a secret life; Pamela, a teenage athlete prisoner in her own home, and vulnerable Elvis who loves his new flat with its laminated instructions and fridge filled with his favourite food. All their perspectives define alternating chapters of this brilliant debut novel.

‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron (Paperback £16.99) This is not a book only for artists, but for everyone who would like to experience more creative flow in their lives. Over the course of twelve weeks this book guides us through the process of opening up to the opportunities for enjoying more freedom, more passion, and more self-respect. Exploring the truth of what makes us feel flat or uninspired, and what gives us joy, Julia Cameron invites us to think about our inner artist in a new way and start letting them out to play in every area of our lives. After six weeks I’m thrilled with the results I’ve had, and I know I will keep using the practices and return to the book many times in the future. It’s life-changing! ‘The Ghost Factor’ by Jenny McCartney (Paperback £8.99) The novel is set in Northern Ireland during the ceasefires in the mid ‘90s when “punishments” meted out by the paramilitary vigilantes were at their fiercest. The reasons for the punishments vary from joy-riding, drug dealing and, in Jacky and Titch’s case, the theft of some Jaffa Cakes from the wrong corner shop. This is a wonderfully large-souled page turner.

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There is a real treat in store for the fans of stylish French chic in the petite shape of the new Peugeot 208, a hotshot rival to all the runners in the ever increasing horde of super-minis and city cars. The last 208 was not too great a challenger to the well established likes of the VW Polo, the Ford Fiesta and the Seat Ibiza - but the latest version this sporty and elegant 208 will give them all a run for their money. And I am an unashamed fan. It offers the option of three petrol engines, one diesel and a promise to put an electric model into the fray. This hatchback has been voted the European Car of the Year. It is all set for even further success and even more global awards. It’s a looker. A five seater. And spacious on the inside, even for the leggiest among us. The electric model has a welcoming range of 217 miles. And any noise levels have been suppressed so your eardrums are not invaded either in stop-go situations or flat-out on motorways. The 1.2 Puretech engines have a boom that fades at motorway pace, and the diesel sounds a bit more hoarse whatever your demands on speed, but you would not regard it as unpleasant. The six-speed box may not enjoy the precision of say a Ford Fiesta or the Ibiza - but is responsive and slots easily into every gear. A slight setback are the views from behind the tiny steering wheel. The thickness and angle of the car’s

46 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020

windscreen pillars obscure some of your view through twists and bends - but there are reasonably proportioned door mirrors. However, the rear pillars and sloping roof limit what you can see behind your back. As for parking. No problem. Fitted as standard on all models are rear parking sensors. If you are a penny pincher subject to lengthy journeys and massive mileage all year round then it is worth giving consideration to the diesel powered version purely for economy reasons. And that brings me to the 1.5 BlueHD 100. It has bags of punch from the lowest of revs and feels as sprightly as can be when it sets off from standstill. With its useful pulling power and acceleration you are freed from meddling with the gear stick. Even the least costly trim level ACTIVE is more than adequately equipped with 16 inch alloy wheels, heated door mirrors, automatic lights, air con and a leather steering wheel. The ALLURE adds 17 inch alloys, electric rear windows, climate control, privacy glass, automatic wipers and power retracting door mirrors. And there’s more. Much more.... The brainstormers behind the scenes at Peugeot have come up with a genuine showcase contender in the hard-fought city car battleground. Go for it... Specification: The Allure: Engine 1.2. Speed 0-60 in 9.6 secs. MPG:44.3. Price: £18.870.

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Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 47



April / May 2020

Help maintain the natural beauty of our local woodlands Come & join our friendly team & enjoy the great outdoors. Tasks include cutting up old wood to make log piles, removing ivy from trees & clearing litter & anything else to enhance the natural beauty of our woodlands. Wednesdays 10am –1pm. No experience required just enthusiasm. All tools & equipment provided.

Encourage local businesses to become more dementia friendly

An organisation supporting dementia awareness are looking for Admin & Event Support & Community Marketing volunteers. Both roles can be carried out from home (plus 4 meetings a year). Require computer literacy, use of MS programmes & access to the internet & email.

Deliver support to your local community Drivers with their own cars are needed to collect meals from your local community centre & deliver to clients’ homes. As well as delivering meals & handling money, the volunteer would report back to the Centre Manager if the client appears unwell, confused or absent.


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To book an appointment: Call us on: 01372 463 587 Email: contact@csva.co.uk www.centralsurreyvoluntaryaction.co.uk

48 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020

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Phone Now for an Appointment

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135 Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX 49

​c hocolate egg cupcakes The perfect Easter treat, and so easy to make - follow the simple recipe for gorgeously chocolatey sponges, then top with our ready-made chocolate icing and a Mini Creme Egg.

ingredients 100g unsalted butter, softened 175g caster sugar 3 British Blacktail Free Range Eggs 75ml whole milk 150g self-raising flour ½ tsp fine salt 25g Cadbury Bournville Cocoa Powder 400g tub Cooks’ Ingredients Tanzanian Chocolate Icing 2 x 89g pack Cadbury Mini Creme Egg (Serves 12)

method 1. Preheat the oven to 180˚C, gas mark 4; line a 12-hole muffin tin with Cooks’ Homebaking muffin cases. Using electric beaters, cream together the butter and sugar for 2-3 minutes in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy, then beat in the eggs until combined, followed by the milk. Mix together the dry ingredients and sift into the mixture. Beat in gently until combined. 2. Divide evenly between the muffin cases and bake for 20 minutes. Cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then lift out and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. 3. Give the chocolate icing a stir, then transfer it to a piping bag fitted with a star-shaped nozzle (or you can spoon it on if you don’t have a piping bag). Pipe over the top of the cakes. Halve the Mini Creme Eggs by cutting down the join with a sharp knife. Arrange on top of the icing and serve.

cooking tip An ice cream scoop is useful for dividing the cake batter evenly between the muffin cases.

Prep: 35 minutes, plus cooling. Cooking: 20mins Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes

St Mary’sStoke Church D’Abernon, Surrey Regular Sunday Services 8.00am - Communion 10.00am - Parish Eucharist 6.00pm - Evensong Special Services and Events Weds 1st 10.30am - Communion, discussion group and Lent Lunch 6th, 7th, 8th, 8.30pm - Compline Thurs 9th 8.30pm - Parish Eucharist Fri 10th 12noon - 3 hour Devotion (Good Friday) Sun 12th 10.00am - Festal Eucharist followed by Easter Egg Hunt (Easter Sunday) 1.00pm - Lunchtime Concert Organ Recital Thurs 23rd Ian Le Grice Regular weekly events in the Church Hall Every Monday, 10.15am - Chair Yoga Every Thursday, 10.30am - Mothers & Others Toddler Group t: 01932 866005 e: admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Our lovely Church Hall is available to hire for weddings, parties & events House & Garden

New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs All minor and major repairs undertaken uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering

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House & Garden

Free quotes and Free advice, please contact of the below:New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs quotes and advice, please contactone the number below.numbers

For more information or to view some of our New recommendations, Roofs - Repairs - Flat please Roofs customer visit All minor and major repairs undertaken

All minor and major repairs undertaken

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uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering Main Office: 01372 Main 889698 M: 0751101372 704889698 252For(24hr emergency service) office: /Leatherhead: more information or to view some of our customer recommendations, please visit Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk


New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs All minor and major repairs undertaken uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering

or find us at TRUST A TRADER

For more information or to view some of our customer recommendations, please visit

For more information or to view some of our

customer please visit or find us recommendations, at TRUST A TRADER

www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk or find us at TRUST A TRADER

Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.

or find us at TRUST A TRADER Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk / find us at TRUST A TRADER

Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below. Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)

MainEmail: office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com

Mobile: 07511 704 252 Magazine - April 2020 50 Looklocal (24 hr emergency service)


Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com 73


Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.

Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com 73

Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.

9am - Morning Prayer WEDS 1ST 10.30am - Baby Talk 2pm - Film Club THURS 2ND 7pm - Ladies Fellowship Supper FRI 3RD 10.30am - Holy Communion SAT 4TH 1pm - Weding of Philip & Emma 8.00am - Holy Communion SUN 5TH (Palm Sunday) 10am - Family Service MON 6TH (Holy Week) 12noon - Stations of the Cross 9am - Morning Prayer TUES 7TH (Holy Week) 7pm - Creative Worship 9am - Morning Prayer WEDS 8TH 12noon - Reflections on the Stained (Holy Week) Glass Windows 8pm - Holy Communion with foot THURS 9TH (Maundy Thursday) washing and stripping of the Altar 12noon - Three Hour Service FRI 10TH 7.30pm - Devotional Music (Good Friday) Performance SAT 11TH 2.30 - 4.30pm - Easter High Tea 6am - Alive at 6 SUN 15TH 8am - Holy Communion (Easter Sunday) 10am - Parish Communion 10am - Kid’s Church - Easter Day Fun 9am - Morning Prayer TUES 14TH 10am - Holiday Club - Wonder Zone

At St Andrew’s

9am - Morning Prayer 10am - Holiday Club - Wonder Zone THURS 16TH 10am - Holiday Club - Wonder Zone 10.30am - Holy Communion FRIDAY 17TH 12noon - Lunch Club 8am - Holy Communion SUN 19TH 1st Sunday of Easter 10am - Family Service 9am - Morning Prayers TUES 21ST 9am - Morning Prayer WEDS 22ND 10.30am - Baby Talk THURS 23RD 3.45pm - Messy Church FRIDAY 24TH 10.30am - Holy communion 7.30pm - Maiastra: String Quartet SAT 25TH Concert 8am - Holy Communion SUN 26TH 10am - Family service 9am - Morning Prayer TUES 28TH 9am - Morning Prayer WEDS 29TH 10.30am - Baby Talk THURS 30TH 2pm - Mothers’ Union WEDS 15TH


parishoffice@standrewscobham.org.uk www.standrewscobham.org.uk

01932 867883

At St Andrew’s Church, You would be most welcome to join us for a free, family

Easter High Tea (with light entertainment)

Saturday 11th April Discover God’s Wonderful World Easter Holiday Club Church Gate House Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th April 10.00am - 12pm Reception to Year 6

2:30pm - 4:30pm

Church Gate House RSVP to Elaine@SAC.Church or call 01932 867883 Transport available if needed

Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 51

useful numbers DENTISTS POLICE ABC Dental Surgery................... 01932 589888 To report local incidents.............................. 1 0 1 Beech House Dental Surgery....... 01932 862290 Cobham Dental......................................01932 866966 SCHOOLS Crome Dental Clinic................... 01932 862600 ACS Cobham International School . 01932 867251 Dental Surgery of Cobham....... 01932 863416 Claremont Fan Court School...01372 473624 Cobham Free School ............... 03303 300237 Hollyhedge Dental...................... 01932 865888 Danes Hill School....................... 01372 842509 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,..... 01372 363670 Feltonfleet School........................ 01932 862264 Notre Dame School.................... 01932 869991 CHURCHES Parkside School........................... 01932 862749 Cobham Methodist Church........ 01932 586988 Reed’s School.............................. 01932 869044 Cobham Presbyterian Church..... 01932 429511 St Andrew’s Primary School........ 01932 863452 International Community Church 01932 571820 St Matthew’s C of E Infant Sch.01932 863212 Sacred Heart Catholic Church.... 01932 862518 St Teresa’s Junior........................ 01372 452037 St Andrew’s Church (C of E) ..... 01932 867883 St Teresa’s Senior........................ 01372 452037 St Mary’s Stoke d’Abernon ......... 01932 866005 Yehudi Menuhin School of Music 01932 864739 United Reformed Church........... 01932 865900 TRAVEL COUNCILS & SERVICE National Rail Enquiries.............. 0845 748 4950 Citizens’ Advice Bureau.............01372 464770 Surrey Bus Services...................... 01483 506919 Cobham Library....................... 08456 009 009 Train information...................... 0845 748 4950 Elmbridge Borough Council....... 01372 474474 VETERINARY SURGEONS Local storage............................... 01372 457855 Beech House Veterinary Centre.....01932 868688 Surrey County Council............... 08456 009009 Cobham Veterinary Centre......... 01932 868786 Cobham Park Veterinary Clinic....01932 590022 CHEMISTS John Ball & Associates................ 01932 868786 Lloyds Pharmacy......................... 01932 862113 Henderson Keywood & Ptners.....01932 864671 Rowlands Pharmacy (Med Cent)......01932 862965 Sainsbury Pharmacy.................... 01932 866488 VILLAGE HALLS Cobham Village Hall.................. 01932 867870 MEDICAL Downside Village Hall................ 01932 865414 Cobham Day Surgery ................. 01932 588400 St Mary’s Church Hall (Hire)...... 01932 866005 St Peter’s A&E............................ 01932 872000 ................admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Royal Surrey Hospital................. 01483 464002 Stoke d’Abernon Guide Hut....... 01372 843046 Non-emergency NHS Help..............................111 Stoke d’Abernon......................... 01932 864166 St John Ambulance ........................... 07900 910292 United Reformed ....................... 01932 864769 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2020. All rights reserved.


6 8 1


4 2


5 9

Cobham Community Garden is Open Cobham Community Garden opened its doors for a new growing season and volunteers are busy sowing seeds and clearing the beds for this year’s crops. Everyone in the community is welcome. Why not come and meet us and benefit from fresh air, its also a way to learn new skills (or practice old ones!)? And let’s not forget the special healing power of a garden, so well expressed by Monty Don in Gardener’s World. We are situated at the far corner of the Leg O Mutton Fields off Downside Bridge Road, near Holly car Puzzles park, and by we KrazyDad, open from 10am to 121,noon EasyHedge Sudoku Volume Book 18 every Saturday. It’s FREE and no experience is necessary. Just bring suitable footwear and if you have Sudoku them,#2 gardening gloves.

1 6 4PS.8Our3 Head Gardener vacancy 3 2needs 6 8filling 4 5 9 7 1 – do you have experience of gardening 6 5 7 1 2amateur 8 3 2 7 4 8 9 6 3 gardeners? & are interested in steering a group of keen 9 1 7 2 for 3 more 6 4 4 2 9 1 5 8 5 www.CobhamCommunityGarden.org.uk information and location. 5 4 7 6 8 Contact us on hello@cobhamcommunitygarden.org.uk 2 6 1 5 9 7 8 3 4 7 1 3 9 2 8 7 9 4 6 3 5 1 2 3 9 1 5 4 5 3 4 1 2 8 7 9 6 6 9 2 3 8 4 1 5 7 2 7 6 4 9 1 4 3 7 5 9 6 2 8 9 5 8 2 7 6 8 5 3 1 7 8 5 6 1 2 3 4 9

puzzle solutions


5 7 9 1 3 4 8 6 2

1 6 2

8 5

9 3 7 4

7 9

8 4

3 2

4 5





2 7 9 1 8 6 5 4 7 3 9 2 6 1 8 MUSIC MATTERS PAGE 23 1. Igor Stravinsky

9 3 4 3.5Dean 8 Martin 2 1 6 8 5. 4Ah Ha 3 7 5 7 2 9 6 1 4 9 3 2 7 8 6 8 7 1 9 5


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DIGI-SEARCH PAGE 34 2 7 8 7 9 9 0 8 2 4 8 5 7 9

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Sudoku #6 6 1 7 5 8 3 2 4 9 4. Sounds of Silence 5 Pharaohs 2 4 6 1 3 7 8 6. Sam the Sham9 & the 4 3 8 7 9 2 6 5 1 1 7 6 2 5 4 9 8 3 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020 53 8 4 3 1 7 9 5 2 6 2. Genesis

advertisers’ index All Seasons Garden Maintenance...............................37

Mailboxes etc…........................................................47

Ashtead Antiques......................................................19

Maple Garden Maintenance......................................45

Ashtead Interiors.......................................................11

Michelle Davis Footcare............................................40

Biogym-Personal Trainer...........................................18

MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................55

Boardman Gelly & Co..............................................11

N.J. Ricks Decorating...............................................30

Bob Mitchell Bathrooms & Kitchens........................23

New Glass...................................................................7

Bockett’s Farm Park...................................................31

Orchard Cottage Dental............................................48

Bonnie Dogs.............................................................45

Out on a Limb..........................................................27

Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............47

Ovens n Stuff............................................................18

Boyalls Ironmongery & Doors..................................14

Roofcraft of Surrey....................................................50

Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................15

Roofs of Esher...........................................................40

Casseldens Shoes.......................................................47

Roots & Shoots.........................................................56

Cedar Nursery.............................................................4

Rose’s Garden Design & Landscaping.......................19

Claremont Fan Court School......................................3

Roxley Models...........................................................35


SAS Roofing & Building...........................................30

Clocktower Financial Services.....................................2

Surrey PC Tech.........................................................33

Cobham Community Gardens..................................53

Surrey Roofing Group...............................................34

Cobham Dental........................................................15

Sykes & Sykes...........................................................18

Crome Dental Clinic.................................................10

T F Electrical Services.................................................7

DB Garden Services..................................................55

Tec Res................................................................ 38/39

DPB Pristine Ovens..................................................43

The Brigette Trust......................................................25

Dream Gardens.........................................................17

The Prestige Flooring Company..................................6

Elite Tree Care...........................................................41

The Vineries Garden Centre................................ 12/13

Elmbridge Volunteer Centre......................................48

Tidy Tennis.................................................................9

F& S Plumbing and Heating Services.......................41

Trestle Decorating Services........................................44

Fairmile Executive Cars.............................................48

Tudor Property Maintenance.....................................27

Falcon Services..........................................................33


Fetcham Tandoori............................................... 28/29

Wild by Design.........................................................23

Green Roots..............................................................18

Willow Landscapes....................................................30

Hollyhedge Dental....................................................43

World’s End Books......................................................9

HRS Roofing............................................................37 James & Thomas Funeral Directors...........................35


Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors..............................22


54 Looklocal Magazine - April 2020

Roots & shoots

tree surgery and Landscaping Contractors Tel: 01483 503361 Mobile: 07768 456828 Email: shaun@rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk Website: www.rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk

Based in Merrow and established in 1992, Roots & Shoots is a family-run tree care company which offers a professional and comprehensive arboricultural and landscaping service. We take great pride in our reputation and we offer all our clients a professional, courteous, and personal service. All our tree work is done to British Standards 3998 and is carried out to the highest standards by qualified staff.

We aim to ensure the conservation of trees through proper pruning practices. By embracing the latest research and modern techniques we provide the very best care for your trees, and with this in mind, we are happy to provide free advice and estimates. QualifiEd and insurEd 24hr EMErgEncy sErvicE frEE QuoTaTions

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