PERSONALISED EMAIL and economical upgrades....
PERSONALISED EMAIL and economical upgrades….
Recently a number of large volume email providers have service added, and this can be as little as £25 per year. closed their services; usually due to the cost of providing For less than the cost of filling your car up with fuel Foran lessemail than the cost of and fillingemail your car up with Recently large volume emailmay providersyou have have the service being too greata number for anyofrewards which address service forfuellife. you have an can emailadd address and email for life.for their services; usuallyO2, due to the cost of providing be returned. Theseclosed companies include Tesco and Additionally, you further emailservice accounts the service being too great for any rewards which may Additionally, you can add further email accounts for Which. andand so on. mum,the dad,kids the kids so on. be returned. These companies include O2, Tescomum, and dad, In an article on the BBC’s website ( Which. news/business-51571275), they wereBBC’s referring the In an article on the website to ( news/business-51571275), referring to the cost and inconvenience of maintainingtheyanwere existing cost and inconvenience of maintaining an existing email email address when moving from one broadband address when moving from one broadband provider to provider to another, in this case werespecifically specifically another, in this casethey they were referring to BT andTalktalk, Talktalk, but is not unique to theseto providers. referring to BT and butthisthis is not unique these providers. You may be asking what benefit could the email providers be gaining? generalthe answer is a simple two You may be asking what benefitThecould email fold answer - you give them permission to “read” your providers be gaining? The general answer is a simple emails to provide contextual advertising and they can two fold answer - mail youyou give them permission toyou “read” frequently trying to up-sell their other products - both of these are agreed and to in they their terms your emails to provide contextual advertising is a service we provide and we would be happy to and conditions when you sign to their service. This is aThis can mail you frequently trying to up-sell youuptheir other service we provide and and we set would take you through the options thingsbe uphappy so you. to This is the reason why the likes of Outlook, Hotmail products - both of these are agreed to in their terms take youYou through the alloptions and diaries, set things up so you. would have your emails, contacts, to do and Yahoo are keen for your email traffic. For example: lists, all hosted on the internet so that all of your devices and conditions when youaresign up to their service. Youa would have all your emails, diaries, contacts, to do if you in correspondence with someone about would be reading from the same source and having your This is the reason holiday why the of Outlook, Hotmail lists, hostedautomatically on the internet so that all of your devices you likes may start to see banner adverts, usually in all emails updated. browser, holiday The holidaywould firm be reading from the same source and having your and Yahoo are keenyour forweb your emailfrom traffic. Forfirms. example: Low cost computer upgrades would have paid for this advert or “impression”. This is if you are in correspondence with someone about a emails automatically updated. The thought of moving all your programs and data onto evidence of contextual advertising. a new machine can cause palpitations to many! A way to holiday you may start to see banner adverts, usually in Low cost computer upgrades Changing your email address and notifying your avoid this, is to upgrade your existing machine. Windows your web browser, contacts from holiday firms. The holiday The thought of moving all your programs and data can be time consuming and a bitfirm of a headache. 10 and Mojave are reasonably accepting when it comes would have paid for advert or “impression”. Thissolution is onto machine can cause palpitations to many! A To this mitigate a recurrence of this, a perfect is to a new to running on old hardware. To remove the frustration purchase your own email address, also know as domain evidence of contextual advertising. way to avoid this, is tomachine, upgradea your existing of a slow running great option is tomachine. replace name. Once bought, this address is yours forever your current hard drive with a Solid State Drive (SSDs); Changing your email address and notifying your Windows 10 and Mojave are reasonably accepting when (assuming subscriptions are maintained). thetoperformance boost is impressive and To is said to be upthe contacts can be time consuming and a bit of a headache. it comes running on old hardware. remove By way of an example, let’s say your name is John to 20 times quicker, which is pretty astonishing! SSD’s To mitigate a recurrence of this, perfect (subject solution is to frustration a slow a great option Walter, you couldapurchase to availability) the have of fallen greatlyrunning in price, machine, so the cost of the upgrade name “”, and your is email purchase your owndomain email address, also know as domain to replace current hard a Solid State and foryour us to copy all your datadrive to thewith SSD, could be way addressthis couldaddress be less than the buying a new machine. name. Once bought, is yours foreverThe beauty Drive (SSDs); performance boost is impressive and of this arrangement is that this is yours forever and Please call us for more information. (assuming subscriptions maintained). said to be up to 20 times quicker, which is pretty should are the supplying firm decide that email isn’t istheir Epson Ink price update By way of an example, let’scansay your John Youastonishing! SSD’s have fallen greatly in price, so the “thing”, you move it toname anotherisprovider. may In December 2019, Epson announced they were going thinking (subject this arrangement is expensivethe and exclusive Walter, you could be purchase to availability) cost of the upgrade us bytobetween copy all5%your to increase theirand ink for prices and data 10%. to to companies, but you would be wrong. To purchase the At that time we purchased large quantities of ink to domain name “”, and your email the SSD, could be way less than buying a new machine. domain name and have it registered to you for 2 years is mitigate the price change for you. We still have stocks of address could be The beauty us for more information. only £35.00 (+vat), then it is necessary to have the Please email call the lower cost inks, but they are starting to dwindle. Get of this arrangement is added, that this is yours andper year. Epson Ink price update service and this can be asforever little as £25 them while you can! should the supplying firm decide that email isn’t their In December 2019, Epson announced they were going This guide was Lesincrease Beer, from Tecres Leatherhead, “thing”, you can move it to another provider. Youwritten may byto their ink in prices by between 5% and 10%. who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. be thinking this arrangement is expensive and exclusive At that time we purchased large quantities of ink to to companies, but you would be wrong. To purchase the mitigate the price change for you. We still have stocks domain name and have it registered to you for 2 years is of the lower cost inks, but they are starting to dwindle. only £35.00 (+vat), then it is necessary to have the email Get them while you can!
This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.