Rovaniemi Log House Catalogue

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Wha t i s La p la nd for you ? May be It's Rovaniemi houses...



Table of contents Table of contents


Santa Claus Lives Here


Green Gold


The Uniqueness of Lapland Timber


Rovaniemi Materials


KELO is Unique


Golden pine


The Structure of a Log House


Grandeur Houses (from 350 m2)

Spacious Houses (200-350 m2):

Cozy Houses (up to 200 m2):

Russian Switzerland (1026 m2)


Gloria (346,9 m2)


Harizma (191,4 m2)


Kamchatka (915,5 m2)


Arizona (315,6 m2)


Jaz (189,6 m2)


Gorki (867,3 m )


Scandinavia MĐš (315,3 m )


Prestige (167,7 m )


Harmony G (828 m2)


Caprice (312,1 m2)


The Classic House (156,2 m2)


Harmony Modern (774,4 m2)


Shale (302,5 m2)


Dacha (142,8 m2)


Nika (665,6 m2)


Flagman (287,6 m2)


The Country House (141,5 m2)


The Villa (603,7 m2)


Scandinavia (277,4 m2)


Breeze (95 m2)


The Legend (549,1 m )


Anastasia (275,0 m )


Hope (525,8 m2)


The Swedish House (265,8 m2)


The Amber House (500,7 m2)


Nord (243 m2)


Scandinavia with a swimming Pool (499,6 m )


Villa Lappi (236,7 m )


The Silver Age (476 m2)


Suomi (224,7 m2)


Fable (471 m2)


Karelia (223,0 m2)


The Sun House (411,2 m2)


Lider (218 m2)


Scandinavia with a garage (390,2 m2)


Jana (211 m2)

Viola (355,7 m )


Lapland (207,4 m )


Comfort (202,4 m2)










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Santa Claus Lives Here


Santa Claus Lives Here The Rovaniemi trade mark was named after the town of Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland. It stands at the crossing point of the two big rivers Ounasjoki and Kemijoki. Rovaniemi is the place where the dreams of children from all over the world are realized. There is an office where letters and requests for Christmas presents are received, along with a main office where Santa Claus meets guests. There is also a central post office from which guests can send greetings letters and parcels to their friends and relatives. This is the magical Northern town in which a festive atmosphere is ever present, and the constant presence of Santa Claus and his friendly team of elves are to be felt. The local people are careful to preserve the rich national traditions of Lapland. The culture is therefore quite original and unique. Laplanders are drawn to bright colours. There are many intense red, blue and green colours in their national clothing. The music of Lapland, which is very relaxing and able to draw your mind out of everyday reality, is popular in Finland. Lapland is the most exotic place in Finland. Many things are perceived differently here as opposed to other parts of the country. The summer consists of the Polar day when, for almost two months, the Sun doesn’t dip beneath the horizon. And one can enjoy unusual night walks.

The late autumn is an extended period which acquired the name of the Winter Kingdom. Although the world and life around are always changing rapidly, Lapland, with its unique natural beauty, distinctive people and unhurried flow of life, remains unchanged. People from different parts of the world love to come here to enjoy the beauty of the sun-dappled hills in autumn, and to familiarize themselves with the fairy-tale quality of winter in Finland. This quality of winter is wonderfully described by Tove Jansson in his stories about the Moomin Trolls. Lapland is the fairy-tale world where many dreams come true. Nature that is untouched by human beings is enough to take the breath away, feelings become more sensitive, and a sense of harmony with the world emerges.

The main sightseeing attraction of Lapland is, of course, Santa Claus. His presence is felt in everything. The people of Lapland, and especially of Rovaniemi, the home of Santa Claus, say that the festive atmosphere is the prevailing feature of life there.


Green Gold


Green Gold For many kilometres, the Finnish Polar region is covered in thick forest, the most part of which is pine forest. Laplanders proudly call it ‘green gold’. The forest occupies a special place in Finnish folklore. From the earliest times, it has been adored, valued and respected. Such an attitude has been passed on from one generation to the next, and modern Finns are still passionate about it in the same way. Over many centuries, the forest has played a pivotal role in the development of the Finnish economy. Finns themselves like to joke that they come from the forest. All year around and especially in winter, the Finnish forest looks absolutely magical. Snow covered fir tree along with rays of sunlight reflected on their branches create a magical atmosphere in which it is possible to forget all the problems and worries of modern life. This, along with the ecologically clean environment, makes breathing a lot easier in these Finnish forests. Added to all this, the reign of silence allows the attainment of a certain inner peace. All worries seem to just melt away and pale into insignificance next to the grandeur of Nature. It is not by chance that Lapps call their forest ‘green gold’. Finnish pine is valued almost like gold due to its unique qualities as a construction material. People therefore have a special

attitude towards the forest. Careless tree felling is forbidden, and for each tree felled a new one has to be planted by the owner. On their own initiative, individual owners group together into associations, and, through them, they manage the replacement of trees that have been felled. One of the aspects of the activity of such associations is combined forestry management. The owners hire professional forest specialists who look after not only the well being of the whole forest but of each tree too. Finnish spruce and pine, timber that is famous for its unique qualities as a building material, grow specifically in such forests and, in accordance with the highest European standards, Rovaneimi’s authentic wooden houses are constructed using these materials.

Finns value and respect their forest. Such an attitude has been passed on from one generation to the next. Environmental issues are the most significant subject for debate in Finnish society.


The Uniqueness of Lapland Timber


The Uniqueness of Lapland Timber Lapland pine and spruce are unique due to the climatic conditions in which they grow. In the low Polar temperatures, all the processes of life are considerably slowed down. At this latitude, winter lasts for 6 months. The beautiful pines grow very slowly and therefore the wood has a very high density structure and develops a resistance to a hostile environment. As a result of the slow rate of growth, they look much smaller than trees of the same type grown in more southerly latitude. The growth of a tree can be compared to a human life. In much the same way as a human being, a tree has its ‘child’, ‘adult’ and ‘elderly’ stages. In Lapland, a tree is classified as an ‘adult’ when it is a hundred years old.

effect on health and well-being. People living in wooden houses are less prone to headaches, depression and stress. Not everyone can live in an ecologically clean environment, and therefore the opportunity to do so is increasingly vital for people in the modern world. It is clear that a wooden house is not just a building, but is a special world into which to invite friends and family. It should therefore bring joy and radiate a good, harmonious atmosphere. Such a world, that reflects both the individuality and the unique life style of its owners, can be created in a TM Rovaniemi wooden house from Lapland.

Lapland pines and spruces are valued around the world, and many people specifically select these types of tree as their building material of choice. Due to the special structure of the wood substance, the moisture content and the oxygen level are balanced at the right level in the house. Timber interacts with the environment in a very special way. It has the ability to disinfect the air. It is also an ecologically friendly material that therefore does not cause any allergic reactions. The warm and sun-like colour of wooden buildings creates a unique psychological ambiance which has a calming influence on the nervous system and has a good

Due to the severe climatic conditions and slow rate of growth the Lapland pines and spruces develop a very high density structure and a resistance to a hostile environment.


Rovaniemi Materials Rovaniemi offers a wide range of building materials that are known in the wooden house building industry, such as rounded logs, chinked square logs, laminated square logs and laminated round logs. This is alongside two exclusive materials, the famous Golden pine, named after its special warm golden colour and dry ‘dead standing’ pine KELO. Each type of material has a broad range of typo sizes. This is an advantage as it gives customers a wide variety when choosing a material. Customers are therefore able to select the most suitable size in accordance with specification and price of their house. Different climatic conditions pertaining in the area where the house is to be erected will also influence the materials used in construction.

the specialists from Rovaniemi select, from the wide range of materials on offer, that which is most suited to that particular architectural project and which shows the future building to best advantage.

The choice of material, though, generally depends on the personal preferences of the future owner of the house. Taking into account both a client’s picture of their ideal wooden house and the climatic conditions pertaining in the chosen location,

Round Log 210


Massive Log 70х170



Hand-made Logs


It is ecologically clean. The special atmosphere has a beneficial influence on the health of the occupants. The low density of the timber ensures that the construction is both lighter and cheaper to erect. Due to a unique drying process, the optimal moisture content in timber is achieved and therefore the natural qualities of the wood are not spoilt.

Laminated Log

Laminated Round Log

Преиmущества деревянного доmа Rovaniemi:


A minimal shrinkage level of timber is achieved because of the usage of special drying process and know-how in regulating and control of shrinking. Excellent parameters regarding sound and heat insulation. Fast and easy assemblage techniques.


Dried ‘Dead Standing’ Pine


Golden Pine

The high processing quality of the material surfaces allows for a minimum of wall decoration. Extensive architectural possibilities and esthetic appearance.

Rovaniemi Materials

Round Log Round logs are valued by people who treasure classical wooden houses, since they are pleasing to eye and look typically Russian. A house made of round logs looks rather like a tower-chamber out of Russian fairytales and is ecologically friendly. Massive Log Massive log is a widely known building material. It is processed on specialized high-precision equipment in order to obtain perfect lines and correct sizes. It is an ecologically clean material which allows for a balance of the humidity and the level of oxygen in the house, which makes for a comfortable internal microclimate.

Laminated Log High quality processed material which preserves its form during exploitation and does not crack. It possesses higher durability due to the special gluing technology and has excellent façade surfaces along with a minimal level of shrinkage in height (only 1-2%). It is also quicker to build.

Laminated Round Log Laminated round log is one of the most modern materials used in wooden house building. It combines within itself all the qualities of chinked laminated squared log with the charm of the round forms of traditional round logs.

Dried ‘Dead Standing’ KELO Pine This is a building material produced by hand. It is distinguished by a fine silver colour, an original texture and a strong fragrance of pine. The main advantages of this timber, however, are the fact that its appearance changes very little over time, the fact that it is ecologically friendly and the fact that it has very minimal moisture content. This results in an almost complete absence of shrinkage. Golden Pine This timber got its name from the warm golden color that the timber possesses after the trunk has been processed under a strong jet of water. Due to such processing, when only the top level of bark is removed, the timber preserves all its natural protective properties and remains resistant to severe climatic conditions.


KELO is Unique


KELO is Unique Rovaniemi has introduced a totally new and exclusive material onto the Russian market – dried ‘dead standing’ pine KELO from Lapland. In Europe, dried ‘dead standing’ pine has been very popular in recent years amongst the more well-off people who are looking for non-standard solutions. People in Russia are now also offered the possibility of using this material. the low Polar temperatures

processing is done by hand, makes KELO into a special hand-crafted building material. KELO has a lot of advantages in comparison to other building materials. These include a) the fact that the timber has a very minimal level of moisture, b) the fact that it is ecologically friendly and c) the fact that there is almost no shrinkage over time that ensures the almost unchanging appearance of the logs.

Kelo is a special pine. This tree comes exclusively from Lapland, where it grows very slowly due to the low Polar temperatures. Due to the severe climatic conditions in which it grows and its slow rate of growth, KELO possesses a high level of timber density and is highly resistant to environment influences. When pine reaches a certain age, the needles and branches fall off and the root system stops receiving the necessary nutrition. Finally, the tree dries out. If the pine remains standing vertically then, during the decades and centuries, irreversible changes take place and the tree dries out in a ‘dead standing’ position. Before the tree can be used for building, specialists have to watch it over a long period in its place of growth. After a positive evaluation, the dried ‘dead standing’ pine is ‘pulled’ very carefully from the earth along with its roots to ensure that no damage is done to the thickest part of the trunk or to neighbouring trees. It is then transported out of the forest on special machines. Experienced specialists study carefully the trunks of each tree and select individually the ones which are fully compliant with all the necessary requirements. Dried pine undergoes no manufacturing processing and therefore Kelo preserves all its natural attributes. The careful section of trees, added to the fact that all

Dry ‘dead standing’ pine has a fine silver colour, an original texture, a strong fragrance of pine. With all its advantages, Kelo allows the imagination of architects to flower, and bring to life the most ambitious and interesting projects. Projects from dried pine are exclusive and created from individual designs. It allows for the creation of perfect comfort inside the constructed premises, and satisfies the client’s aesthetic expectations. Each building made from KELO is therefore unique. On the one hand, the work of master craftsmen, who work out of ancient traditions built up over centuries, is much in evidence and, on the other hand, the logs of timber are allowed to display their true beauty. A house made from KELO will always stand out from other buildings. Walls made of the grayish logs of different lengths and thicknesses are transformed into real silver in the sunlight and the house takes on an almost fairy tale quality. The inside of the house is also rather like a dream come true. Additional decoration is not necessary, and the soft colour of the timber radiates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. In both summer and winter, there is an optimal climate in a house made from KELO. This means that the temperature is always comfortable and the atmosphere is both aesthetically and psychologically pleasant. Houses made from KELO are Rovaniemi’s calling card, embodying, as they do, the principle of ecological cleanliness achieved through the usage of technologically advanced materials.


Golden pine


Golden pine Golden pine of Rovaniemi is a special type of timber. Partly it got its name from the warm golden colour that the timber possesses after the trunk has been processed. It is processed in the following way: during the winter in the Lapp forests, the trees go through a strict and thorough selection process done by specialists. Then they are delivered to a factory, in which the top level of bark is removed. A non-mechanical method, such as water pressure streaming, is employed to do this. Due to such careful moisture processing, the timber preserves all its natural protective properties and remains resistant to severe climatic conditions. After this type of cleansing, the tree is dried thoroughly in a natural way. The most important characteristics of Golden Pine as a building material is the fact that it is completely clean ecologically. It possesses a natural protective film which preserves the timber in the presence of various different and severe climatic factors. As the tree trunks do not undergo mechanical processing, the timber is able to preserve its structure and individuality almost completely. Therefore the factory specialists are able to carefully select each tree trunk due to its size and the quality characteristics of its timber.

like to build a wooden house unlike any other, then you will not find a more suitable building material than golden pine. The Rovaniemi houses, made from Golden pine, are assembled by hand. Each log is size-adjusted. The walls are of almost ideal smoothness. In fact it is a severe temptation just to touch the golden timber with the hand and see just how silky it feels. Additional decoration is not necessary, and the soft colour of the timber radiates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. It is pleasant to be inside such a house and it is easy to breathe there, since the structure of the timber is untouched, retaining the structure of living wood that is capable of balancing moisture and oxygen levels.

Golden pine can rightly be considered a unique material. Therefore, if you would

Golden pine interacts with the environment in a very special way. The faint fragrance of pine disinfects the air and does not allow for polluting substances to penetrate. The amber colour of the walls gives the house a healthy psychological atmosphere.


The Structure of a Log House Interior doors Interior stairway

Underfelt Roof boarding


Ventilation batten Thermal insulation

Roof panel Window and door covering boards Ridge beam

Rafters Exterior doors

Moisture barrier


Assembly batten Roof panel

Roof beam Flashing Balcony railing

Fascia board

Setting bolt


Terrace railing

Terrace decking Plinth Plinth strip

Terrace steps

Foundation pillar

Nailplate Thermal insulation Terrace joist Floorboard


House projects Rovaniemi’s wooden houses are produced in modern factories in Finland. Rovaniemi specializes in the production of individual houses and wooden buildings for public usage.

* * The house sizes and the usage of premises in given projects are subject to variation and may change. The house area is given by axis.



Russian Switzerland

The striking faรงade of this house emanates a feeling of luxury. Despite the fact that the house is of such a huge size, it still manages to appear elegant. The large areas of the balconies and terraces create an impression of especial lightness. A fully equipped swimming pool with a fitness hall, a hall with a fire place and numerous guest rooms and bedrooms give it the atmosphere of a Swiss resort. The spaciousness of the house allow for the opportunity to opt for different purposes, either as a comfortable living space for a noisy, welcoming family, or as a mini hotel. It could also be turned into a retreat house for guests, or a place where big companies hold business meetings.


project groun fl. 611,5 m2

c/ó 2,4

dining roo m 37,6


home cinem a 35,0

terrace 77,0

bedroom 29,1 WC 7,7

c/ó 2,4

hall 6,8

storage roo m 3,7

corridor11,2 billiard roo m 39,8

storage room 3,1

c/ó 2,5

hall 24,4

sauna 3,9

Useful area

834,4 m2

Terrace & balconies area

191,6 m2


40,7х30,9 m

sauna ïîìûâî÷íàÿ 3,1 10,1 dressing room corridor ïîìûâî÷íàÿ 9,3 4,7 9,2 corridor 19,6

dressing room 7,6

1 floor

bedroom 33,5

270,7 m2 WC WC 7,1 7,4

hall 29,1

c/ó 1,9

5,0 kitchen 15,7 storage room 7,7

1026 m2

c/ó 1,9

terrace 30,0

Total area

storage room 7,8

swimming pool 231,0

Russian Switzerland

drawing room 43,4

balcony 22,3


4,3 2,4


gym 58,7

2 floor 143,8 m2

balcony 25,5

balcon y 12,1

bedroom 27,9 WC 16,1

hall 16,3

n ope




WC 3,9 bedroom 14,8

children's room 15,9




The name Kamchatka seems to indicate a resistance to the difficulties of the Russian winters without losing the romantic aura which is the ‘character’ of this house. This reminds us of Kamchatka itself. This design is adapted both for all year round living and also for seasonal holidays. Both ways of using this house are possible due to the materials used by Rovaniemi and the successful planning of the layout. Every member of a family living in a Kamchatka house will find a favourite personal corner in which to be on their own and to have thoughts and dreams – this is allowed for by the fact of there being a number of bedrooms and other purpose-built rooms. The house is designed in such a way that it is suitable even for erection in areas of seismic activity.


project 11,7

204,8 m2

gym 27,0

WC 3,6 hall 25,3 7,9



billiard room 57,9 rest roo m 37,8

groun fl. 11,9

fireplace room 23,1

winter garden 41,2

Total area

915,5 m2

Useful area

811,1 m2

Terrace & balconies area

104,4 m2


23,2 Ń… 18,5 m

300,9 m2

WC 3,8

porch 23,7

hall 7,9

hall 26,0 drawing roo m 62,8

terrace 34,6

kitchen-dining room 36,6

1 floor w elo


hall 38,0


hall 34,5

bedroom 29,1

bedroom 28,9

balcony 10,5

cloakroom 10,5

balcony 14,2


WC 7,6 13,2

216,4 m2

b to

2 floor WC 17,5

193,4 m2 playing room 66,5

hall 27,8

rest roo m 30,9

balcony 9,2

office 28,9




This spacious, three-storey house possesses the sort of bright individuality that always stands out and makes people take notice. It can blend into even the most complex landscapes and will still look harmonious on a plot of land with any type of surroundings. The many and different windows fill the internal spaces with light and add a sense of spaciousness to them. A large terrace on the second floor is a wonderful place to enjoy the sunset, watch the sunrise, study the stars or even just to feel gusts of refreshing wind on the face. In the Gorki project everything is thought out down to the tiniest detail, and therefore the spacious area of the house is used to its maximum effect. This house is fully equipped for all year round living away from the bustle of the city. It is the ideal place for sharing all the best moments of life with close family and friends. The project was designed by the architectural studio of Ustinov and Chesnovitsky.




hall 7,7


4,2 2,3 2,7 4,2 29,0

dressing room 9,2

rest room 37,9

3,2 4,9

bathroom 12,6 11,6

867,3 m2

378,0 m

Useful area

659,3 m2

Terrace & balconies area

208,0 m2


28,5 х 21,6 m

terrace 54,2

groun fl. billiard roo m 49,0

339,7 m2

drawing room 47,8 4,8

8,5 2,6

1,7 1,9

tech. room 16,6

Total area


banya 12,6 sauna 4,8

security 18,8

terrace 46,2


kitchen dining roo m 43,4 19,7

gallery 10,0 veranda 20,9

terrace 63,4

terrace 33,9

1 floor 149,6 m2

c/y 1,9 8,1 cïàëüíÿ 26,9 hall 11,2


terrace 10,3

hall 5,6 15,1 WC c/y 3,8 2,6 4,2 bedroom cïàëüíÿ 27,0 16,7




Harmony G


Harmony G house can be related to Scandinavian Constructivism style which has its own unique requirements to the materials used for construction. Simplicity is the main idea behind it all, and it is mainly glass, stone and wood that are used. Using these materials is unusual but is quite reasonable. Wood is a traditional building material in the Northern regions. The appearance of Harmony G house seems to combine elements that naturally do not meet together: ice and fire, cold glass and warm wood.


Harmony G WC 4,6

personnel room 15,2 hall 18,8

hall 24,6

winter garden 22,6

bathroom 4,2 cloakroom 3,4

cloakroom 14,5

children's room 18,3

sauna 5,6

dressing room WC 3,6 14,0

hall 11,9

playing room 19,8

home cinem a 27,4

groun fl.

WC 3,7

terrace 131,9

Total area

828 m2

Useful area

591,9 m2

Terrace & balconies area

236,1 m2


36,5 Ń… 27,2 m 5,8 5,4 10,4 drawing room 84,2

kitchen 19,7

dining room 23,6 covered terrace 27,6

1 floor

cloakroom 4,7 bedroom 29,3

hall 7,3

cloakroom 1,8

bedroom 19,7


hall bathroom 6,9 6,9 cloakroom 4,6

belo n to ope

bedroom 19,0

bathroom 9,0

library 25,0

balcony 30,6



Harmony Modern


Harmony Modern house has an original and interesting design which differs from the other through straight lines, laconic geometrical forms. Harmony Modern house is designed in a fashionable style which is known as Scandinavian Constructivism. The main features of this architectural style are the simplicity of lines, the absence of small details in both inside and outside. Inner rooms are distinctly bound to the axis. Harmony Modern house consists of several units which functions could be determined according to the demands of the customer.



personnel room 16,5

winter garden 24,9

children's room 19,9

cloakroom 15,7

drawing room 46,6

hall 27,0

Total area

774,4 m2

402,7 m

Useful area

567,1 m2

Terrace & balconies area

207,3 m2


40,0 х 21,2 m


covered terrace 28,3

terrace 94,1


groun fl.

terrace 50,5

hall 14,2 6,4 6,7

õîç. áëîê 11,8

kitchen dining room 21,5 25,7

rest room 44,1

WC 4,2 sauna 6,4

cinema hall 55,1

1 floor 164,4 m2


bedroom 36,6

bathroom 10,1 hall 7,9

n to ope



library 27,6

hall 14,8 4,7 bedroom 24,8

bathroom 7,8

bedroom 34,8

balcony 34,4



Harmony Modern





The Nika project has everything applicable to the notion of comfortable life in the countryside. The underlying concept behind the design of this house is the principle of maximum functionality. On the first floor there is a spacious combined kitchen and dining room, a living room with a fire place, a terrace, a gymnasium with a swimming pool as well as a garage with space for two cars. The second floor consists of three bedrooms, a billiard room, a living room with a mini kitchen and a spacious hall. Large glazed areas fill the internal space of the house with light and create a sense of free space. The outside of the house has a very harmonious appearance and it is very well proportioned. The Nika house will undoubtedly become a favourite place for all members of a family and their guests. This house is ideal both for permanent and temporary living. The house has been designed by the Bartov architectural studio.


Nika 35,1 27,1 45,0


Total area

665,6 m2

201,2 m

Useful area

608,0 m2

Terrace & balconies area

57,6 m2


25,8 x 13,5 m


pool technical room 30,00

Garage for 2 car s 44,6 6,0

shower 1,3

Sauna 6,1

banya 6,1

dressing room 10,3 WC WC hall 5,6 2,2 2,2

swimming pool room 59,2 3,7

bedroom drawing room 16,0 14,4

bedroom 18,1 bedroom 18,1

drawing room 47,6 hall 14,2

terrace 34,6

WC 6,5 hall 20,8

282,6 m2

1 floor billiard room 47,5

181,8 m2




terrace 11,7


hall 6,0

groun fl.

gym 13,3




The Villa


This house is not only impressive due to its size but also by the eloquence of its architectural appearance. Each faรงade has its own look, but as a whole, none of them contradicts with the overall look of the house as a whole. The forms of the house are dynamic and expressive. The inner space of the house is dominated by a huge living room. Large windows ensure that the surrounding landscape is part of the backdrop, and give the impression of merging the living space with the landscape. The living room is connected to the dining room where there is a French window from which there is a panoramic view. There is also a way out onto an open terrace here. The kitchen is connected to the living room and they are separated by a kitchen bar. The entrance hall is connected to the study. On the second floor there are two bedrooms, a toilet with a hydro massage bath, and a hall with an exit to the lodge.


sauna 9,4 shower 3,2 1,6

The Villa laundry 11,4

storage room 9,3 WC 3,7 4,7

dressing room 13,7 16,2

basement 217,8 m



hall 17,3

swimming pool room 49,8

storage room 8,3

gym 18,9

storage room 10,7

WC 2,1 kitchen 15,9

storage WC 3,1 7,5

dining room 27,4

603,7 m2

Useful area

555,2 m2

Terrace & balconies area

48,5 m2


22,8 x 14,7 m

groun fl.

porch 2,5 6,8

Total area

laundry 14,3

hall 14,1

hall 5,8

hall 7,7

drawing room 57,1

240,0 m2

terrace 5,4

cloakroom 13,5

bedroom 19,6

terrace 16,6

1 floor

balcony 6,3 WC 10,8

c/รณ 7,1

hall 23,9 bedroom 21,3

balcony 4,0

bedroom 19,4

bedroom 14,3

5,3 cloakroom

145,9 m2


bedroom 19,4



The Legend

The Legend house is an original house of the Rovaniemi brand. It can be placed in any landscape. The fact that one of faรงades is made out of glass makes the house extremely light and different from any of the other projects. Due to such an unusual architectural solution, the house seems exceptionally spacious. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, two bathrooms, a study and a large number of maintenance areas. The house can be used either as a temporary or as an all year round living place. A large glazed area allows for the enjoyment of the beauty of the countryside surrounding the house, for relaxing in the living room or just sitting in the dining room and drinking a cup of tea. If it is also required to take in a breath of fresh air and listen to the birds singing, then there is a spacious terrace of area 100 sq. m.



children's room 21,0

bedroom 21,0

1,7 hall 8,0

bedroom 21,0

WC 4,5 corridor 6,1

terrace 10,2

bathroom 7,3

laundry 7,5

storage room 5,4

hall 17,2

cloakroom 3,3

WC 3,5 4,0

lobby 6,3

Total area

549,1 m2

491,4 m

Useful area

421,7 m2

Terrace & balconies area

127,4 m2


25,7 x 18,3 m


drawing room 47,5

hall 7,5 dining room 22,7 terrace 100,0

kitchen 22,0

porch 8,2

groun fl.

bedroom 29,5

cloakroom 10,1

hall 13,5 guest room 18,3

bathroom 7,5

corridor 3,5

terrace 9,6

The Legend

1 floor 57,7 m2 office 17,5

mezzanine open

to bel








library 34,5





A combination of Scandinavian mansion and modern ideas in architecture – for those who like non-standard solutions in life. A family nest – a modern family mansion for habitation of all family members. Second floor bedrooms also used as a living space having adjoining individual bathrooms and cloakrooms. A spacious hall with a double-sided fireplace – one more interesting find of the architects of this project – will gather all residents in the evening. This fireplace is the core of the house central area. It will not only provide cozy warmth in the living-room but also allow to enjoy an unsurpassed barbeque feast on the terrace. The recreational zone with a gym and a swimming pool adds up to the functionality of this cottage. Located on a picturesque land, surrounded by aged pines, this house, with no doubt, will be a matter of pride to their owners.


hope 4,4

groun fl.

lobby 1,9

children's room 15,6

bedroom 18,5

lobby 3,5

hall 17,6

WC 3,6

Useful area

467 m2

Terrace & balconies area

58,8 m2


31,4 Ń… 18,7 m

gym with a swimming pool 83,9

dressing room 3,0 shower room 5,8

dining room 22,4 drawing room 39,3 c\y 2,0

525,8 m2

WC WC 2,6 1,6

storage room 5,8 kitchen 12,6

Total area

sauna 4,8

hall 6,0

1 floor

balcony 11,3

bedroom 23,6

bedroom 26,8 WC 5,6

WC 8,1 balcony 11,3

WC 4,1

laundry 6,8

bedroom 18,8

guest room 11,4

e op

cloakroom 5,6

hall 22,2


office 19,5

to low


balcony 11,3



The Amber House

The main advantages of the Amber house are its outstanding exterior, a large number of premises for various functions, and the possibility of flexibility over the purpose of each room. The entrance of the house leads straight into a spacious and remarkable living room that is bathed in light from the large windows that are located on the front façade. On the first floor, there is a well-spaced living room with a fire place, a kitchen-dining room, a study, a room for a children’s nanny, a sauna with shower blocks, a leisure room and a domestic room. On the second floor there are several large bedrooms useful for accommodating not only the owners but their guests as well.



The Amber House terrace 20,0 lobby 5,8

storage 4,2

WC 5,0

Total area

500,7 m2

304,5 m

Useful area

401,5 m2

Terrace & balconies area

99,2 m2


22,6 x 17,6 m


office 21,0

hall 29,5

rest room 21,2

sauna 6,0

cloakroom 4,3

laundry 10,5

bedroom 11,2

groun fl.

drawing room 53,9

kitchen-dining room 22,0

terrace 68,0

1 floor 196,2 m2 balcony 8,3 bedroom 17,1

WC 6,6

bedroom 19,7

WC 7,5

bedroom 18,2


bedroom 19,7

storage 4,0

hall-playing room 56,5

storage 3,8

bedroom 14,4

below open to



Scandinavia with a swimming Pool This is a spacious house designed in the Scandinavian spirit, and it can accommodate every kind of family and its guests. A large glazed area gives the house a lot of light. Large terraces allow for the enjoyment of the fresh air. The clear functional layout into different zones enables each member of the family, dependant on their mood, to either find solitude or come together for cheerful group activities. An undisputed benefit of this house is the swimming pool.



Scandinavia with a swimming Pool

sauna 4,9

shower 3,5

bedroom 14,5

WC 3,3

drawing room 35,9

kitchen-dining room 26,4

384,8 m

Useful area

395,4 m2

Terrace & balconies area

104,2 m2


28,8 x 17,1 m

hall 4,5

êëàä, WC 3,7 4,2 terrace 42,2

499,6 m2

bedroom 14,5

hall 23,8

cloakroom 10,7

Total area


terrace 26,2

terrace 15,7

balcony 2,8

balcony 2,8

1 floor 114,8 m2

bedroom 14,5 6,7 cloakroom

bedroom 14,5 hall 19,1

6,7 cloakroom

bedroom 24,3





WC 6,8


swimming pool room 96,0

rest room 24,4

groun fl.




The Silver Age


The Silver Age house, the design of which was undertaken by the famous Finnish Hannu Voutilainen Bureau, is a real diamond in the Rovaniemi wooden house collection. Looking at it from the outside, it even has the appearance of a wonderfully faceted precious stone. The noble gray colour of the walls, made out of dried ‘dead standing’ KELO pine, beautifully frames the large panoramic windows. The usage of KELO ensures that there is minimal decoration, and therefore the colour of the walls both inside and outside remains forever vivid. All the necessary rooms are here and the ground floor has enough space to encompass a garage with space for two cars. The architect has used a traditional axis feature for the functional layout of premises. The first floor is a general entrance zone where there is a living room, a dining room, a sauna and a small winter garden. The second floor is private and includes three bedrooms and a guest room. Large terraces and balconies, a spacious kitchen and a second storey above the central living room all help to make this house really exclusive.


The Silver Age basement

Total area

476 m2

Useful area

377 m2

Terrace & balconies area

99 m2


17,5 x 19,2 m 14,1

garage 45,2

4,7 WC

5,7 9,5

hall 6,2

storage room 10,3

winter garden 12,0

drawing room 42,2 office 14,7

dining room 16,7

rest room 21,9

hall 21,8

bedroom 16,5


bathroom 6,2



o nt


hall 8,4

bathroom 10,5



drawing room 41,1

bedroom 16,6


rest room 14,7

1 floor

bedroom 26,7




terrace 11,8

WC sauna 2,8 4,8


kitchen 24,8

groun fl.


bathroom 6,9






An amazingly functional, spacious and at the same time comfortable house. It is as though designed to ensure a fairy tale life away from city hustle to its owners. The elegant classic of the house facades is effectively highlighted through the choice of color. A spacious terrace, partly covered, finishes the house appearance. It will definitely become a favorite place to rest for the whole family. An optimal choice of rooms and their comfortable location allow the owners to invite guests all year round, feeling a harmonious unity with the surrounding world.


Fable 6,7

groun fl.

WC 4,9

229,5 m

dressing room 13,2

massage room 12,0


rest room 44,0

billiard room 46,4

Total area

471 m2

Useful area

326 m2

Terrace & balconies area

145,1 m2


23,4х16,92 m

hall 19,5 hall 12,2

hall 5,8

sauna 12,0

hall 22,4

dressing room 12,2


terrace 119,9

ïàðíàÿ 24,9

1 floor 96,8 m2

WC 12,2

cloakroom 5,4

bedroom 27,9

bedroom 21,9 hall 7,5

bedroom 21,9

balcony 15,7



The Sun House

This house is in the Alpine style. It is characterized by the contrast of the stone lower level with the wooden construction on the upper part. The faรงade is done out in light and clean tones which give a feeling of freedom and spaciousness. The entrance of the house leads into the living-dining room complete with a fire place. The corridor leads one through a separate area that has a sauna, a shower room and a toilet. There are four rooms from 15 sq m to 25 sq m on the second floor. The main bedroom has a toilet and a cloakroom. One of the main advantages of the Sun House is a well-developed system of roofed terraces. It is always possible, despite the weather, to breathe fresh air and enjoy the natural surroundings. The garage is part of the main block of the building but is not adjoined to it. This prevents any noise and smell from invading the house.



The Sun House

dining room 25,1

kitchen 9,1

ïîìûâî÷íàÿ 8,0

terrace 25,2

terrace 15,8 sauna 5,5 WC 2,2 corridor 7,1 storage WC 2,2 2,3

groun fl.

Total area

411,2 m2

243,8 m

Useful area

328,4 m2

Terrace & balconies area

82,8 m2


24,9 x 14,8 m


garage 38,2

laundry 5,7 bedroom 16,7 hall 6,9

drawing room 38,0

terrace 8,5

1 floor 167,4 m2

balcony 11,9

bedroom 26,4

bedroom 19,7

WC 7,2 WC 4,9

cloakroom 6,1 bedroom 16,3

gallery 17,8

open to below

balcony 7,5

balcony 7,5

cloakroom cloakroom 6,1 7,2

office 15,3



Scandinavia with a garage


In this project, one of the most popular model designs of Finnish wooden house, Scandinavia with a Garage, is offered as a variation on a theme. This project maintains both the appearance and the main idea of the traditional Scandinavia project, which is functionality and comfort of living. Quite rightly the living room occupies the ‘heart of the house’ and exists on two levels. A very original idea came about in order to allow for as much light as possible to enter the space – the architect uses a transparent material on the overhang of the lower roof above the big window. As a result, the terrace is sheltered from bad weather and from the wind. The house has a clean outline and the living room is filled with light and air.


Scandinavia with a garage 1,6

kitchen-dining roo m 25,1

cloakroom WC 3,7 4,3

257,3 m

Useful area

353,7 m2

Terrace & balconies area

36,5 m2


22,1 Ń… 16,4 m

terrace 21,5

hall 25,2

office 14,6

bedroom 19,0

lobby 7,0 porch


1 floor

balcony 4,1

132,9 m2


bedroom 21,0 WC 5,0

390,2 m2


e op

e ob

cloakroom 3,6

garage 42,2

Total area


drawing roo m 35,5 16,1 hall 11,4

groun fl.

WC 6,6

hall 29,7

6,6 cloakroom

bedroom 19,0

bedroom 19,0






This is a typical Finnish house. The main characteristics of a Finnish house are their pragmatic and well-considered aspects. Only when all the details have been carefully considered is it possible to appreciate the comfort, coziness and enjoyment of a wellearned rest. The Viola project is a good example of the great skill and ability of the architects to give an unusual appearance and meaning to run-of-the-mill construction details. The main construction features appear on the faรงade and, somewhat unexpectedly, become the main decorative feature. The crossing of horizontal and vertical lines creates a strict but simple pattern which is supplemented by the presence of different types of window. The unusual form of the roof gives a finished and rather laconic appearance to the house.




office 20,9

bedroom 9,7 lobby 2,9

hall 3,3 WC 5,9

355,7 m2

204,4 m

Useful area

314,7 m2

Terrace & balconies area

41,0 m2


20,9 x 11,9 m

terrace 26,5


drawing room 46,1

shower sauna 2,4 3,9 veranda 7,8

Total area


kitchen-dining room 20,8

hall 14,3

porch 3,3

groun fl.

rest room 9,0

1 floor 151,3 m2

bedroom 17,6

WC 3,5

bedroom 30,6

bathroom 9,5

balcony 3,9

1,7 rest room 17,9

corridor 14,9 cloakroom 5,4 bedroom 20,5

balcony 3,3

WC 6,8

o nt









The Gloria project differs in that the internal house space is laid out with maximum functionality, regardless of its comparatively small area. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen with a food storage room, a dining room with an exit to an open terrace, and a living room with a fire place, which is visible from all angles. There is a large and well lit entrance hall, which has the capacity to receive a large number of guests. Next to the entrance hall there is a study, separated from all other rooms in the house, in which it is therefore possible to work undisturbed. A rest room and, further along, a shower room with a toilet and a sauna are connected to the entrance zone. The rest room has an exit onto a roofed terrace. There is also an extra entrance, on the side where the plot of land is, into a domestic room. On the second floor there is a main bedroom with a cloak room and a toilet, two other bedrooms with wardrobes built in and exits onto a spacious balcony. The hall area on the second floor is connected to the second storey of the living room, and has an exit onto a balcony which faces out onto the private part of the land plot.



covered terrace 8,3

WC 2,6

office 13,8

rest room 10,7

laundry 5,8

Total area

346,9 m2

228,9 m

Useful area

270,1 m2

Terrace & balconies area

76,8 m2


21,0 x 15,0 m


porch 2,0

WC 3,1 hall 13,7

drawing room 49,7 storage 2,4 3,5

shower 5,0

hall 12,9

kitchen-dining room 28,5

covered terrace 19,4

covered terrace 18,5

1 floor 118,0 m2

balcony 8,6 hall 14,5

en op

WC 6,2

cloakroom 3,3

sauna 6,0

groun fl.

b to w


WC 6,7 bedroom 20,2 bedroom 16,7

bedroom 19,2

balcony 7,9




The architecture of this house is unusual in Russia. A wide roofed terrace, that runs for the whole length of the house, is, without doubt, both comfortable and practical in the climatic conditions pertaining in Russia. The unusual way in which the mansard has been constructed allows for many different possibilities with the interiors of the bedrooms. A large, roofed terrace is accessible under even the most inclement weather conditions. Alternatively, if people feel the need to enjoy the beauties of nature and feel the expansiveness of the space around the house, then there is an open terrace accessible from the opposite side of the house.




porch 11,0

drawing room 26,2

rest room 19,3

lobby 4,3 WC 5,0

sauna 3,7

WC 2,4

hall 13,8 hall 6,7 2,4

dining room 19,8

groun fl.

Total area

315,6 m2

224,9 m

Useful area

265,4 m2

Terrace & balconies area

50,2 m2


23,5 Ń… 13,7 m


tech. room 4,9 lobby 4,5 garage 33,6

kitchen 13,0

terrace 25,5

1 floor 90,7 m2

o nt




op bedroom 16,5

bedroom 15,3

gallery 8,2

WC 11,2

bedroom 18,8

cloakroom 8,8



Scandinavia MĐš

Scandinavia MK is a variation on the popular Scandinavia project. It is an extremely light and spacious house due to the large glazed second floor living room and an oriel window with a panoramic view, very well placed by the designers of this project. The distinctive feature of this project is that the two terraces are united into one, giving extra comfort and convenience to both guests and owners of the house. This area is perfectly suited for the leisurely taking of tea by the family on warm summer evenings. There is another balcony on the second floor, and the areas of the storage room and the entrance hall are larger on the first floor. Two of the advantages of the Scandinavia MK house are its functionality and comfort for living. It was designed for people who prefer resting peacefully in the country surrounded by family and friends to the rat race of city life. The house is equally suitable for all year round residence or as a summer cottage.



Scandinavia MĐš office 6,9

terrace 58,0

Total area

315,3 m2

204,5 m

Useful area

241,1 m2

Terrace & balconies area

74,2 m2


14,5 x 16,3 m


guest room 19,6

hall 21,1

lobby 8,6

groun fl.

sauna 5,8

WC 5,8 drawing room 36,4

kitchen dining room 25,2

1 floor balcony 2,3

balcony 3,2

110,8 m2

bedroom 19,6

bedroom 16,1 hall 23,8

c/Ăł 9,2


e op w elo


bedroom 21,0

balcony 3,7




House ÂŤCapriceÂť - very interesting and original project. He imeet three levels and an open terrace with a front side doma, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a sauna, and a bay window kruglom 1 st floora is a dining room with velikolepnym panoramnym vidom. House Caprice convenient both for permanent residence and for recreation. The unusual outline of the house makes it look as if it were striving ever upwards. This feature is underlined by narrow, vertical oriel windows and by the construction of the roof. This austere and elegant house will doubtless become an object of pride for its owners and a favourite place to be for all members of the family.



Caprice 5,9


laundry 13,5

124,5 m2 11,2


WC 2,2

sauna 6,0

Total area

312,1 m2

Useful area

286,9 m2

Terrace & balconies area

25,2 m2


12,3 Ń… 14,0 m

rest room 20,2 hall 12,8

shower room 11,0

groun fl.

porch 3,4

terrace 14,5 office 16,3

WC 1,9

105,1 m2

lobby 3,7 hall 7,8

kitchen 16,7

guest roo m 14,8

drawing room 13,7 dining roo m 17,8

1 floor WC 8,0

bedroom 15,8

bedroom 16,2

82,5 m2

cloakroom 3,9



cloakroom 3,9

hall 17,5




Shale is a beautiful and well-designed house which lives up to all the preconceptions about French traditions of relaxing in the country. The large area and the elegant outline of the house are combined harmoniously in this project. It should be noted that there are many windows included in this design. This gives the inside of the house a spacious lightness and gives it an ‘airy’ appearance from the outside. Another advantage of the Shale house is the presence of balconies on the second floor level and of four verandas with exits to the outside. Being in the countryside, it is pleasant to have the possibility of access to the air not only from the entrance to the house but also from the living room or kitchen.



Shale terrace 10,0

terrace 10,0

groun fl.

Total area

302,5 m2

189,7 m

Useful area

256,0 m2

Terrace & balconies area

46,5 m2


15,7 x 13,1 m


drawing room 43,4 office 19,7 kitchendining room 36,1

hall 23,0 WC 16,4

hall 7,2

terrace 9,0

terrace 7,0

1 floor 112,8 m2 low


cloakroom 9,4

balcony 8,5

bedroom 18,1 hall 38,3 bedroom 18,1

bedroom 26,7

balcony 8,5



e ob

WC 17,5




It seems as if the Flagman house is created for people who love the sea. To some people it will look like a reckless cruiser and to others like a stylish liner. But no one will be indifferent to the unique exterior of a house that looks like a ship on land. There are a few interesting features in this house, such as its memorable appearance, an efficient layout to ensure a spacious internal area, and the large area of the glazed entrance faรงade, which allows the surrounding landscape to somehow gain access to the house. Its impressive exterior and comfortable interior are quite effective arguments for choosing the unusual Flagman house. It could well become the quiet harbour from the busy seas of everyday life.



Flagman groun fl.

Total area

287,6 m2

176,4 m

Useful area

246,9 m2

Terrace & balconies area

40,7 m2


14,2 Ń… 15,6 m

2 7,3 bedroom 17,3

hall 9,3 terrace 34,2

WC 10,5

drawing room 67,7

1 floor 111,2 m2

balcony 4,3

bedroom 17,3

balcony 4,3

hall 29,9

bedroom 17,3

studio 27,2

n to

bel o


WC 7,9


sauna 3,7

hall 13,4




The Scandinavia house is the most popular project amongst all the wooden houses. The general architectural planning solution comes from the folk architecture of Scandinavian countries and reflects certain modern tendencies in country house construction amongst Russia’s Northern neighbours. The large glazed area of both the living room and the second storey ensure that this house is always very well lit. For cloudy days however, the architects have come up with a most interesting element that creates a special feature in the house. Transparent roofing on the roof overhang is built in, and it serves as an extra source of light in the house. The design of this house is concentrated upon functionality and comfort of living.



Scandinavia storage 3,5

bedroom 19,6

hall 16,4

lobby 4,9 terrace 27,2

WC 6,4

groun fl.

Total area

277,4 m2

178,8 m

Useful area

218,8 m2

Terrace & balconies area

58,6 m2


14,5 Ń… 15,2 m


sauna 5,2

drawing room 36,7 kitchen-dining room 25,5

terrace 15,9 balcony 2,5

1 floor 98,6 m2

bedroom 16,1 bedroom 19,6 hall 16,1

WC 9,2


op to low


bedroom 21,0 balcony 3,5




The house of this design is built in the finest traditions of a country estate. A spacious living room with a second floor and an exit that opens onto a terrace that is combined with the dining room and the kitchen. Five bedrooms on the first and second floors allow for comfortable accommodation of guests and the presence of bathrooms and cloakrooms will give them extra comfort. On the ground floor, there is everything possible for lovers of dry steam, alongside the requisite service premises. The mansard windows on the second floor help to provide extra lighting and give more interest to the interior of the house. A well roofed and spacious balcony on the second floor and a terrace on the first floor give to the owners of the house an exceptional opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding countryside regardless of the prevailing weather.




hall 13,0 bedroom 14,2

Total area

275,0 m2

153,9 m

Useful area

226,9 m2

Terrace & balconies area

48,1 m2


16,0 x 10,9 m


cloakroom 3,2

bedroom 14,5

groun fl.

WC 3,7

kitchen-dining room 55,6

terrace 18,7

lobby 2,6 porch 2,8

1 floor

op en

bedroom 14,5

storage 3,2

118,7 m2




gallery 23,2 balcony 18,7

bedroom 14,2 WC 3,7

bathroom 5,4

bedroom 20,7



The Swedish House


This project looks simple, due to the economical lines visible in the outline of the house, but it is, at the same time, a very refined house. The house is symmetrical and it is very well proportioned. There is everything here for all year round family residence, such as three bedrooms, a spacious living room, a rest room, a sauna and spacious terraces. The huge window of the two-floored living room blurs the border between the internal space and the surrounding landscape. The house looks as if it were completely penetrated by light. The presence of well situated terraces and balconies allow for a no holes barred enjoyment of the beauties of the surrounding countryside. The apparent simplicity and charm of this wooden house would not leave unmoved those people who have always dreamt about a quiet and cozy place in which to leave the troubles of the day behind. The Swedish House is compact but roomy. It is ideal for people who value both comfort and functionality in the planning of their house.


The Swedish House porch 4,1

sauna 3,8

WC 5,8

lobby 7,2 hall 8,6

kitchen 10,4

groun fl.

Total area

265,8 m2

166,0 m

Useful area

212,7 m2

Terrace & balconies area

53,1 m2


14,4 Ń… 14,3 m

WC 1,7


dining room 20,8

rest room 20,5

drawing room 36,7

porch 10,0

terrace 20,8

1 floor

bedroom 15,9

WC 7,2

cloakroom 10,1

hall 6,0 bedroom 20,6

bedroom 14,7

balcony 5,1

balcony 5,1

99,8 m2

open to below





This house originates from a traditional northern house idea. Rectangular area covered by a two-sloped roof – what can be more simple and functional for snowy northern climate? The house has entrance and exit from both sides. The main entrance is located on the terrace and leads to a spacious living-room combined with a kitchen. A big bedroom can be found on the first floor. All other rooms traditionally have social and utility functions. Restroom is also found there. Mainly private rooms are located on the second floor: two bedrooms, a spacious cabinet and a bathroom. The balcony above the main entrance can be accessed from the master bedroom. You can have a breath of healthy air at any weather. The garage adjoined to the house can be reached both from the terrace and the storage room.This house was built in the Netherlands by our partner Lapp House company.


Nord terrace 15

groun fl.

kitchen 10

dining room-drawing room 52

Total area

243,0 m2

Useful area

213,0 m2

Terrace & balconies area

30,0 m2


14,1 Ń… 12,2 m

garage 21

storage room 6 bedroom 20 hall 5

bathroom 11 hall 2

1 floor balcony 15

bedroom 12

hall 18

office 20

WC 4

bedroom 11



villa Lappi

The Villa Lappi house is an ideal choice for a small family. Both floors include all the necessary rooms. The house is designed in such a way that each square metre of the house area is used to its maximum but the feeling of space is still present. The special features of this house are the big open terrace with an entrance out to the garden, and a very light space occupying two floors above the dining and living rooms. The necessary level of comfort is provided by spacious bedrooms and bathrooms. This is a light-filled house with no dark corners. Inclined mansard windows allow for the opportunity of being lifted up out of a normal perception of space and of being transported into a world of poetry enhanced by the movements of sunlight on simple cubic forms. A favourite chair or bed will suddenly be lit up by a stray sunbeam. The garden provides many hours of opportunity to admire its charms, listen to the singing of the birds or even just looking up at the stars at night.



Villa Lappi porch 3,4 storage 3,7

sauna 3,7

bedroom 16,3

WC 8,0

groun fl.

Total area

236,7 m2

160,6 m

Useful area

203,4 m2

Terrace & balconies area

33,3 m2


14,3 Ń… 14,6 m

kitchen 10,4

hall 24,5

dining room 11,1

hall 7,7

drawing room 31,1

terrace 22,5


porch 4,4

1 floor 76,1 m2


bedroom 16,3

WC 8,0

18,4 hall 16,4


en t




cloakroom 9,4





b to




A classical, spacious and symmetrical house placed amongst pine trees that are many centuries old is the very best combination of comfort and style. The amount of space and light in the house can only be clearly evaluated when in the two-floored living room. The main bedroom and two other bedrooms of are situated on the second floor. The symmetrical layout of both vertical and mansard windows look very good, especially from the outside, and effectively support the comfort of the interiors. The new ‘city corner’ technology was used in this project.



Suomi terrace 10,0

guest room 11,1

4,0 shower room

Total area

224,7 m2

135,8 m

Useful area

189,8 m2

Terrace & balconies area

34,9 m2


12,3 Ń… 12,6 m


dining room 11,4

WC 1,6

porch 5,5

kitchen 9,6

hall 15,9

laundry 5,8

sauna 3,3

drawing room 21,3

groun fl.

WC 2,5 lobby 7,7 3,1

porch 5,5

1 floor 88,9 m2

bedroom 13,7

bedroom 13,7






bedroom 18,5

hall 16,6 WC 8,9 balcony 7,7




It is an organic house for a family of 4-5 people. A large hall, a spacious living room on the first floor together with a hall of that connects three bedrooms on the second floor allow not only for the family but also guests to live comfortably there. The unusual layout of rooms on the mansard floor is supplemented by some very original lighting ideas. There is, for example, sun light in the rest zone of the main bedroom and in the cloak rooms. In the children’s room, desks can be placed right under the inclined window, a much more comfortable place to do the homework! The new ‘city corner’ technology was used in this project. The outside corners are not proud of the corner of the house, therefore making it possible for this house to fit harmoniously both in a rural and an urban setting.



Karelia terrase 7,9 WC 8,2

sauna 4,7

drawing roo m 23,1

office 17,1

groun fl.

Total area

223,0 m2

133,7 m

Useful area

199,8 m2

Terrace & balconies area

23,2 m2


15,5 Ń… 13,6 m


dinning room 8,0 hall 20,0

kitchen 11,6

4,7 WC 3,0

hall 3,4

storage 3,3


1 floor 89,3 m2 cloackroom cloackroom 3,1 3,1

balcony 7,4

WC 8,6

bedroom 19,5

bedroom 11,3

bedroom 12,0 stockage . 2,7

hall 18,6




This cozy 2-storied house with 192 square meters internal room area allows comfortable dwelling for a family of 4-5 people and their guests. The features of this project are its functionality and space-saving solutions. Thorough architectural design allows to use the house interior space to the maximum benefit of the owner.The laconic image of the facade is decorated with effective bay window, making the kitchen an area filled with light. This can be additionally used in the process of interior design. The “Leader� house can be used for whole-year living as well as for season staying. Abundant bedrooms, spacious drawing-room and kitchen make this Finnish cottage a perfect place for recreation with friends. A covered 23 sq.m. terrace is an additional convenience for the owner allowing pleasant time spending outside in any weather.



Lider groun fl. 3,7

bedroom 12,3 hall 12,4

hall 8,0

terrace 23,4

Total area

218 m2

Useful area

192 m2

Terrace & balconies area

26 m2


12,6 Ń… 10,6 m

WC 7,9 drawing room 26,1

kitchen 14,8

1 floor

bedroom 12,3

bedroom 12,3

hall 12,3

bedroom 15,3

cloakroom 5,7

WC 5,7

bedroom 12,3





A building of right proportions corresponds to desires of those who dream of a house giving a sense of stability and calmness. A bigger part of the first floor is a free space which is relatively divided for a kitchen, dining-room and a living-room. A small cabinet and a bedroom are separated. The living-room has an exit to a big open terrace. It can be an ideal place for recreation: taking sun baths in a bench chair, drinking wine or experiencing other pleasures. A shelter for a car which can be reached from the hall is connected to one of the sides of the house. The second floor contains three bedrooms. Two separate bathrooms and a restroom are an additional convenience.



Jana groun fl. WC 4,3

porch 31,0

office 7,1

kitchen 11,4

Total area

211 m2

Useful area

161 m2

Terrace & balconies area

19 m2


8,4Ń…14 m

hall 4,4 drawing room - dining room 38,5 rest room 7,5

terrace 19,0

1 floor

bedroom 13,6

bedroom 15,5 hall 5,1

bedroom 15,7

WC 8,3

WC 7,9

cloakroom 6,2




This project is an example of how an interesting and saturated internal space can be extremely effectively created within the space allowed by a small house. There are no large internal areas, since they are all very compact. In the entrance area there is the sauna, shower and rest-room block. On the opposite side, there is a small guest bedroom of 11.4 sq m. The two storey living room with a large glazed oriel window allow for the unencumbered enjoyment of the beauties and harmony of the surrounding countryside. Next to the living room there is a kitchen-dining room of area 29.8 sq. m. It also has an oriel window. From the living room, there is an exit to a roofed terrace, where one can while away the time very pleasantly over a cup of tea. Going upstairs, there is a spacious hall with a balustrade, from which there is entrance into a loggia. There are two bedrooms here and a light-filled toilet with a shower cabin.




guest room 9,7

Total area

207,4 m2

126,7 m

Useful area

175,5 m2

Terrace & balconies area

31,9 m2


15,4 Ń… 9,6 m

kitchen-dining room 27,0


hall 12,9


1,7 terrace 10,4

groun fl.

rest room 11,4

sauna 2,9 WC 5,3

drawing room 20,7

terrace 9,3

1 floor 80,7 m2

bedroom 15,5

hall 32,0


op to

WC 4,8



bedroom 14,0

balcony 7,2




This house is of an average size and is distinguished by its simple and austere outline. At the same time, it looks very attractive, due to the economy of line of its architectural structure. It is an excellent place for a family of 3 - 4 people to relax in the countryside. On the first floor there is a spacious area consisting of a kitchen-living room, a large billiards room and a sauna with a shower. On the second floor there are 2 bedrooms and a spacious hall with an opening onto a balcony. The presence of the second storey adds a sense of spaciousness. Overlapping the second floor would make it possible to create an extra room on the second floor.




shower 8,5

laundry 3,0 4,9

groun fl.

Total area

202,4 m2

120,1 m2

Useful area

178,1 m2

Terrace & balconies area

24,3 m2


13,5 Ń… 9,7 m

sauna 3,8

WC 1,3

billiard room 39,3 kitchen-drawing room 29,1

terrace 15,4

1 floor 82,3 m2 ope

n to belo w

bedroom 11,9

bedroom 11,9

mezzanine 13,3


WC 5,5


w b elo



to pen

be lo


hall 12,5

balcony 6,0




The Charisma house has a unique character and carries its name proudly. An attentive observer will notice echoes of certain Japanese motifs that were influential on the architect during the process of designing this house. As a result, there is roof on two levels, a large number of glass partitions and a spacious summer terrace. The spatial centre of this light, single storey house, which is also the spiritual core, is a square living room with an area of 31 sq m. The life of the house takes place in this room and it is sure to become the place where both the inhabitants and their guests gather together. The second level is very original and the large windows leading out onto a terrace solve the problem of lighting the house whilst, at the same time, put the accent on a natural light source for the house.



Harizma groun fl. 191,4 m

rest room 10,5

WC 1,5

terrace 45,2

shower room 6,5

sauna 4,0

porch 4,0

hall 9,0

Total area

191,4 m2

Useful area

140,4 m2

Terrace & balconies area

51 m2


16,1 Ń… 13,8 m

bedroom 11,0

drawing room 31,0

kitchen-dining room 16,2


bedroom 19,5

WC 2,0

tech. room 6,5 1,5

veranda 6,0





The Jazz house is neat and refined and is perfectly suited for a small family. It is an ideal choice for living in the countryside. Everything that is necessary for comfortable living is to be found here, and, as such, could almost be considered as an alternative to an apartment in a city. It was designed to have three bedrooms in the house, one of which is on the first floor and the other two are on the second floor. The active day area, despite its compactness, has specially demarcated zones within it. These are a square kitchen front with a free-standing cooker, a dining room that is accentuated by the inclusion of a large oriel window, and a living room with an exit to a terrace. There is also a fireplace in the centre which dominates both the living room and the kitchen-dining room. Although it is an unusual feature for projects of a small area, the Jazz house has a developed zone, including a guest toilet and a sauna with a shower, which opens out onto a small roofed terrace that is ideal for summertime teas. There is also a domestic room with a second entrance into the house. The project was designed by the architect P.Denisov.


Jaz covered terrace 8,3 sauna 3,7

drawing room-dining room 29,8 WC 2,3

shower 5,8 dressing room 4,2

hall 12,6

kitchen 8,1

covered terrace 8,4

groun fl. 117,9 m


Total area

189,6 m2

Useful area

157,7 m2

Terrace & balconies area

31,9 m2


14,1 Ń… 12,9 m

bedroom 11,5 lobby 1,9 2,7 covered terrace 4,4

1 floor 71,7 m2

balcony 4,0

cloakroom 3,5

bedroom 21,5

hall 5,8

WC 5,2 bedroom 17,1

office 7,7




A cozy cottage for a family of 3-4 people that, despite its modest size, has everything that is necessary for a comfortable break. On the first floor, there is an area that combines living room, dining room and kitchen functions. It has an opening onto a small terrace where it is possible to while away time in the fresh air. There is also a bathroom with a sauna and a rest room. On the second floor there is a master bedroom with an opening onto a balcony and two other bedrooms. One of the rooms can be converted into a room for children and the other has possibilities as a guest room. A wooden staircase, which leads up to the second floor, not only enriches the general interior of the house but, at the same time, forms a decorative feature in the living room.



Prestige terrace

drawing room 29,0

office 10,8


groun fl.

Total area

167,7 m2

99,6 m

Useful area

148,6 m2

Terrace & balconies area

19,1 m2


11,6 Ń… 10,8 m


dining room 13,7 WC 4,9 sauna 4,5

kitchen 9,1

lobby 4,5



balcony 2,3

1 floor 68,1 m2 bedroom 17,6 bedroom 14,6

bedroom 17,3 hall 6,5

WC 7,2



The Classic House


This well-proportioned house of very harmonious proportions is a really classic house. The medium-sized balcony in the French style, complete with lightly-twisted fencing, gives a lightness and uniqueness to the appearance of the house. The house is compact without losing any of the functional parts. On the first floor, there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a toilet with a shower compartment and a sauna. There is also a guest room and a rest room with an opening onto the terrace. There is an exit way from the kitchen to the outside. On the second floor, there are two bedrooms, a spacious hall and a toilet. One of the bedrooms has a cloak room and an opening onto the balcony. The outer walls of the second floor are constructed as a wooden frame with a vertical wooden lining. The internal space of the house has a harmonious feeling about it. There are no wasted or inefficiently used spaces. The entrance hall leads to a fire place, and further on there is a dining room which is completed by an oriel window. Next to it, there is a kitchen and a small living room on two levels. The internal wooden stairs form part of the interior both of the living room and of the house as a whole. The space of the first and the second floors create a feeling of coziness and homely warmth.


The Classic House òåððàñà 5,0


êîìíàòà îòäûõà 7,1

ãîñòèíàÿ 22,8

ìàñòåðñêàÿ 4,5

groun fl.

Total area

156,2 m2

105,4 m

Useful area

137,7 m2

Terrace & balconies area

18,5 m2


11,6 х 10,7 m

äóøåâàÿ 4,2


ñàóíà 3,2

õîëë 4,5 êóõíÿ 6,8

ïðèõîæàÿ 2,7

ñ/ó 1,7

ñïàëüíÿ 11,7

òåððàñà 10,2

1 floor

áàëêîí 1,7

50,8 m2

ñ/ó 2,1

ñïàëüíÿ 15,5 õîëë 8,8

ñïàëüíÿ 16,7

ãàðäåðîá 2,9




Dacha is ideal for those who are weary of the monotonous straight lines and angles so prevalent in urban landscapes. This house is unusual for a wooden construction. In order to avoid regular corners, a unique design method has been employed. The diagonal parts of the walls are constructed as part of the frame along with the insulating material. Although the house is not big, it has everything that is necessary for a family of 3 people to live there comfortably. There are two bedrooms, a study, a spacious living room (including a fireplace) which opens out onto the terrace, and a kitchen which is combined with a dining room. There is also a sauna with a shower, and a rest room. This kind of house will blend comfortably into any landscape, whether it is a Karelian pine forest, the hilly landscape of the Baltic States, or near a lake in Finland.



Dacha groun fl. 142,8 m

rest room 4,5 terrace 7,3

bedroom 15,0

shower room 3,5

lobby 2,9 cloakroom 3,6


Total area

142,8 m2

Useful area

119,1 m2

Terrace & balconies area

23,7 m2


12,9 Ń… 12,9 m

kitchendining room 16,0

sauna 3,0 WC 2,0

drawing room 19,5

bedroom 15,5

cloakroom 3,0

hall 9,0

office 11,5

terrace 14,8



The Country House

This house is typical of a Finnish wooden house. Usadba looks rather reminiscent of a castle straight from the pages of Russian fairy tales. The heart of the house is probably a living room on two storeys with a fire place, and a flight of stairs leading up to the second floor. On the first floor there is a medium-sized bedroom and a big toilet room that includes a sauna. On the second level there are two bedrooms, a toilet and a cloak room. A spacious loggia opens out smoothly onto the internal balcony which effectively connects two floors into one space. Although this house is compact it still contains everything necessary for comfortable living. Its dimensions make it ideal even on a small plot of land.



The Country House porch 4,0 WC bedroom 9,5

shower room 7,7

sauna 4,0 hall 4,6

drawing room 18,3

groun fl.

Total area

141,5 m2

86,9 m

Useful area

108,9 m2

Terrace & balconies area

32,6 m2


9,8 Ń… 11,5 m


porch 3,5

kitchen-dining room 10,3

terrace 14,8 1 floor 54,6 m2

bedroom 11,8

hall 9,8

cloakroom 2,8 WC 5,7



ob elo


bedroom 11,8

balcony 5,7





This is a medium-sized but original house which is reminiscent of a ship. The best position for this model is on the shore of the sea or the edge of a lake, and is ideal as a base for water-based activities. This house would also not be out of place in a forest landscape, where it will bring to mind the surface of water lightly touched by a sea wind. Everything in this house is completely functional and, despite its moderate size, there is no feeling of restriction inside.


Breeze groun fl. 95 m2

terrace 8,8

cloakroom 1,6

Total area

95 m2

Useful area

73 m2

Terrace & balconies area

22 m2


12,1 Ń… 11,5 m

WC 1,6 bedroom 8,1

lobby 3,3 bedroom 7,8 drawing room 20,0 WC 5,6

kitchen-dining room 9,8

sauna 2,4

rest room 7,6 terrace 16,0


Proposal for Corporate Clients and Developers Rovaniemi has extensive experience of working with developers. Amongst projects that are already complete there are the High Eli cottage estate in Solnechnoe village, and the elite Korabelnie Sosni country club in Rocshino in the Leningrad region. All villages have a developed infrastructure and have buildings of the very highest quality, all of which are constructed with natural wooden materials. The Korabelnie Sosni country club should be singled out for mention. It is located on the shores of the Malaya Ladoga Lake and is surrounded by centuries-old pine trees. There are 49 authentic Rovaniemi houses here, varying in size from 145 to 428 sq m. The Korabelnie Sosni project has started in 2005. During the period of its construction, the project won many competitions. It was named the best country village in ‘The Village of the Year 2006’ award. In 2007, it was named ‘The Best Countryside Deluxe Cottage Village Development’ in the national independent prize for achievements in countryside estate development ‘Village of 2007’. In 2008, it was named ‘The Best Cottage Estate in St Petersburg and the Leningrad region’ in the “Social Recognition 2008” category of the ‘The Best Completed Project’ section.



Russia, St.Petersburg, 197342 44 Serdobolskaya street Tel: +7 (812) 327-4409 Fax +7 (812) 327-4404 E-mail:


Russia, Moscow 101000 16/5 Potapovsky lane Building 1 Tel: +7 (495) 624-9493 +7 (495) 624-7322 Fax +7 (495) 624-4009 E-mail:

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