The Proof No. 7

Page 31


Very,very,many letters from Arthur Page ARPS detailing his not incon, siderable success in · .;o~~itions & exhibit!'_- ..,~ Good work Arthurbut next time please OONTHighlight the bits you want printed with that "DayGlo" pen. the camera only see·• s a SOLID black heavy line. For the record-Yes I db know Ha11 Place Bexley_, I supped with the Mayor at an Exhibitionoof lotal Came.ra C, I won the A::lll.i"a l ,-,ver.t, to the ·-~u~d 6t mu~h ~n~shing .•

How this for a thought? When Group's request printed address labels,made by the Bath computer, for the posting .of Newsletters, The label is issued with the approp- riate postage stamp for - eprinted destinationeg: not exceeding 1009.) ~ think of the impact & goodwi 11 it could have on ong suffering members no o mention repaired relations. My proposal for this sc eme at the last r.ouncil eeting was seemingly not understood ? Ed.

Mr V.J.Heppelthwaite • Dear Mr H. ~ · was glad to receive the Autumn 83 issue of "Proof" ,after being out of communication with the Group for more than a year. The fault no doubt lay with Headquarters. Your comments about extending the activities of the Group outside the Home Counties are wel-come. It can only come about if members in the regions are prepared to take some initiative, so perhaps I should stick my neck out and offer to organise something in this area, or help anyone else to do so. I have been lecturing on archaeology and tutoring pn training excavations for Bristol University Extra Mural dept: for almost a quarter of a century, so I am used to arranging meetings and field trips My position as Trustee of the Western Archaeological Trust and Delegate to countless archaeological organisations gives me wide contacts for arranging lectures or guided tours.It should be quite easy •••• etc:: etc; Yours sincerely Charles Browne. whilst a little old this letter underlines the willingness of (some)members to lend a hand to the Group and The Royal Photographic Soc.: with such lengthy delays built into publication of the official RPS JOURNALpoor attendances at meetings particularly away from the Metropolis,come as no surprise to the Chairman, The only answer seems to be more frequent news from the Groups DIRECT, but with postage even for a postcard at half-a-Crown apiece, & t-ORMALdelivery at just under three shillings & sixpence much more would have to be allocated to Groups by Headquarters •••••••


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