UCCS College of Business
Volume 8, Issue 8 March 3, 2016
Th e B a c k
Welcome Back
Family and Friends
Thank you Alumni
Alumni on the Move
Stay in Touch
2016 PGM Eboard
By: Jeffrey Gathmann As students start to get back into the swing of things with school and golf, all students have the opportunity to earn a spot on the 2016 Jones Cup team that will compete on a national stage at PGA Village in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The road to the Jones Cup is the program’s equivalent to the PGA Tour’s season long race for the FedEx Cup. Students will have the opportunity to earn a spot on this year’s Jones Cup team by playing qualifying rounds and competing in this semester’s major at the Club at Ravenna! Questions begin to pop up, such as who will be the Jordan Speith of the program and win Player of the Semester? Also, who will be like Jason Day, Rory
Front Row: Ellie Sick, Clyde and Kayla Gadberry. Back Row: Mollie Sutherland, Allen Haynes, Brian Carroll, Jayden Bruun, Mac Borowicz, Nathan Houghton, Mark Bacheldor, Dylan Christensen and Dean Venkat Reddy
Mcllory, and Justin Thomas and have low round of the semester? Among all of those questions, the most important question that will
2016 Family &Friends Golf Tournament The Family and Friends Golf Tournament run by the Intro Cohort of the program is a two day celebration for all students and their families. A great two days to celebrate good memories and another successful semester, but also to say goodbye and bid farewell to another promising and talented senior class. April 22nd & 23rd, 2016 Click here to register your Team:
be answered by the end of the semester is who will represent UCCS in the battle of all battles in this year’s Jones Cup?
Spring Workshop at Top Golf-Colorado