College of Business
Th e B a c k B y : J e f f e r y G at h m a n n
Volume 9, Issue 9
April 9, 2016
G R E A T J O B 2 0 1 5 - 2 01 6 E B OA R D !
2015-2016 Eboard
The Next Generation
Slopes to the Course
Family and Friends
Kelbel Cup
Alumni Spotlight
E-Board is comprised of a select few students who are elected by their fellow peers to lead the PGM program in daily and monthly activities. This years’ E-Board continued where the previous E-Board left off, which was to continuously provide the best for the future leaders of the golf industry. Current Vice President, Patrick Kundracik, had this to say about his experience and opportunity of being elected Vice President: “Being Vice President of PGMSS has truly been an incredible experience, one that I will never forget. This experience has not
Front Row: Ellie Sick, Andr ea Ballou, Kayla Gadber ry, J amie Gr iffin and Dylan Christensen Back Row: Brian Car roll, Allen Haynes, J ustin Goldsber ry, J acob Duenckel, and Patrick Kundracik
only further molded me into a future golf professional, but most importantly made me become a better man then I was. The role of Vice President has given me the opportunity to be a part of things that I never dreamed to experience. The PGA Merchandise Show, PGM MSR Monitoring, being on Tee to Green Radio Talk Show, G4 Golf Summit, build relationships with great PGA Professionals, and The Century of Golf Gala. These are just some of the opportunities that gave me the ability to grow as a person through passion, diligence, knowledge, being proactive, public speaking, but most importantly it showed me the reality of the golf industry. It showed me that being a PGA Professional is more then just a title, but rather an Experience that changes not only you but can change the lives of others. Going outside of my comfort zone and becoming Vice President was one of the most life changing experiences of
my college career, and it will forever be a reminder of all the opportunities there are if one is willing to take a leap of faith.” Current President, Kayla Gadberry, had this to say “Joining the executive board as the first female president was one of the best decisions I ever made in this program. It was not an easy decision to make, but I am so happy I chose to get more involved in the program. The leadership, networking, and communication skills I have developed over the past year have helped me grow as a professional in ways I could never have imagined. I encourage all of my peers to participate on the board as its benefits are endless.” Both Kayla Gadberry and Patrick Kundracik worked eto help continue what previous E-Boards have accomplished and worked upon improving. They did not work alone as Allen Haynes, Andrea Ballou, Brain Carroll, Dylan Christensen, Jacob Duenckel, Mack Borowicz, Danielle Sick, Jamie Griffin, and Jayden Bruun were elected to comprise the other positions on E-Board.