The Back 9

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UCCS College of Business

Volume 6, Issue 6


Th e B a c k U P DA T E

January 20, 2014



By Mollie Sutherland, PGA, LPGA Program Director


Director’s Update


Internship News




Where are they Now


Winter Practice


Message from Doc


In a matter of hours, another cohort will be completing Level 3 Checkpoint and growing the UCCS PGA Golf Management Alumni! The Checkpoint Celebration Dinner is always a special evening together with families and guests reminiscing about the last 4 ½ years. This year we have a special guest, PGA Member, Will Robins. He will share his story about his path to PGA Membership. m/tagged/Wills+Journey The PGA Show is approaching and we hope to see many of you at our Booth # 2782. Come by to hear about the events we are hosting, new internship sites and meet some current students.

First Row: Left to Right: Mollie Sutherland, Arick Zeigel, Kayla Gadberry, Major Dan Rooney, Sam Ginnett, Bagpiper, and Mark Bacheldor Second Row: Ryan Adams, Bobby Moehlenpah Third Row: Ryan Weber, Zach Moya, and Bobby Lane Fourth Row: Ryan Shivley and Chris Ingram

It is always great to see you and receive an update on your latest news! I challenge you to get involved with your local PGA Section, nominate your mentors for Section Awards and continue to grow the

game we all love. We wish you a great upcoming season and continued professional success. We are very proud of UCCS Alumni...The Next Generation of Leaders in the Industry!

I n t e r n s h i p N ew s and help develop the next generation of PGA Golf Professionals. My tracks have The start of a New Year is been all over the country, always a time for reflection following interns as they have on the year that was and a had opportunities at TPC time to plan for the year Sawgrass, Blackwolf Run, ahead. It has been an Mission Hills Country Club, exciting year in the PGA Golf Emerald Dunes, and Sea Management Program here Island to name a few. It has at UCCS and I am excited for been an honor to tour these the year ahead in 2014! I great facilities and get to meet have had the opportunity to some world-class PGA Golf grow our internship program, Professionals! I have also had visit and tour new facilities By Mark Bacheldor, PGA Internship Coordinator

the honor of escorting both the Jones Cup and Kelbel Cup teams to Florida and Las Vegas, respectively. This program stays very busy and I am excited for the upcoming year of continued growth in our internship program and the continuation of mentoring and developing our fantastic students. I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming PGA Merchandise Show! Please

stop by our booth and say hello; it would be great to catch up. And, if you are interested in hosting an interns in the future, please contact me so we can set something up at your facility. Have a great start to 2014!

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