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OFFICE AUTOMATION – I MODERN OFFICE EQUIPMENT 10. USE OF THE TELEPHONE, TELEPHONE DIRECTORY, STD & ISD SERVICES, PREPARATION OF A TELEPHONE INDEX, MOBILE PHONE SERVICES, CONFERENCING FACILITY Communication is one of the most important function any organization. Today electronic mode of communication plays a major role in all means of communications. Telephone is the most important in all of these. Today, it became an integral part of any office set-up. An understanding of its functions, features and related services will enable the student to manage office operations effectively.

10.0 Objectives After going through this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • • • • •

Understand the working of a telephone Use the telephone effectively Understand the concept of a mobile phone Use the mobile phone effectively Use Conferencing Facility in a Telephone Use STD and ISD services Use the Telephone Directory Keep a record of important telephone numbers in the form of a telephone index

10.1 Introduction Telephone became one of the common names in our life. From large corporate to small shops, you ca find it everywhere. Now, it becoming a necessary trait to able to use it properly and having sound knowledge about its all features.

10.2 Brief History Credit for the first practical telephone goes to Alexander Graham Bell. He patented the telephone in the year 1876. A German experimenter P.Reis had


already devised an instrument for transmitting sound of constant pitch but did not succeed in reproducing voice. In Bell’s original electromagnetic telephone, the receiver and transmitter both consisted of an electromagnet with a pivoted armature connected to the centre of a flexible diaphragm. The two instruments were then connected together with a battery in circuit. He called it the ‘Electrical speech Machine‘.

Telephone 10.3 The Telephone: What is it? A telephone is a telecommunications device which is used to transmit and receive sound (most commonly voice and speech) across distances. Literally translated, the word ‘telephone’ stands for: tele = far away and phone = voice. It is a device for reproducing sounds at a distance. It is an apparatus for transmitting sound (especially speech) to a distance by wire, cord, or radio usually by converting acoustic vibrations into electrical signals for transmission. This kind of communication happens through a network of telephones. 10.3.1 The Principle of Operation Most telephones operate through the transmission of electrical signals over a complex telephone network. This allows almost any phone user to communicate with another telephone subscriber. A caller is able to establish contact with the other person simply by dialing his/her telephone number. 10.3.2 The Basic Working of a Telephone When the subscriber lifts the receiver, a dial tone is heard by the subscriber, informing him that he may now dial. The dialled digits route the call through several switching stages before the call is connected. If the line is engaged, a ‘busy’ tone is heard by the calling subscriber. If the line is free, a ‘ring tone’ is heard by the caller to inform him that the required number is being rung. When the call is answered, the ringtone stops. The call is automatically metered against the caller, and a speaking circuit is completed. The connection is in the control of the calling party. When the call is complete, the calling party may disconnect the call. 10.3.3 The Essentials of a Telephone System The three basic essentials of a telephone system are: •


A telephone set to convert sound into electrical impulses and back again.

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A transmission system to carry these signals over a distance (with acceptable limits of distortion and attenuation), and a Switching system to connect any two telephone sets. Such connections are now usually made automatically as the caller, by dialling the required number, sends out a series of pulses which activate the switching system, and are monitored electronically.

10.3.4 An Automatic Telephone Exchange Manual exchanges are rare and hence shall not be discussed here. In the automatic system, the equipment at the exchange is able to complete the call without the aid of an operator. The subscriber controls the exchange equipment by the operation of a dial which is part of the telephone instrument. However, a certain number of operators are still required to assist a subscriber in the case of any difficulty. The exchange equipment consists of: • • •

Line switches Group Selectors and Final Selectors The operation is controlled by subscriber’s dial, which interrupts the current from the exchange at regular intervals. These electrical impulses operate the group and final selectors which seek out the called line and connect the call.

10.3.5 What is the function of a Public Switched Telephone Network? A Public Switched Telephone Network regulates the functioning of various telephone numbers. Each local area has a unique code that is prefixed with the telephone number. Some systems allow calls within a local area to be made without the need of prefixing the specific local area code. For Ex : A call made within Mumbai would not require the caller to prefix 022 before the local number. However, if a call is made from Delhi to Mumbai, then it is necessary to prefix the local area code with the number to be able to connect to the area network. Most telephone networks nowadays are interconnected with the international telephone network. The format of the telephone numbers is often standardized at a maximum of 15 digits. The number should begin with a country prefix followed by an area code or city code and then the subscriber number. For Ex. to dial a Delhi number from another country, the caller should dial the following number: 91 - 11 - 26711989. Some of the key telecom operators providing phone services in India are given as part of Annexure I


10.3.6 Important parts of a Landline Phone

Earpiece for hearing Button for disconnecting

Mouthpiece for talking

Connecting Cord •


Key Pad for dialing

On the left side of the telephone is the handset that one can hold in the hand.

10.3.7 The Key-Pad of a Telephone It would be useful to observe the number pad closely.

To resume the dial tone To temporarily put the call on hold. To dial the last dialed number To put the ringer in silent mode.

For speed dialing Observe the picture above: • • •

Function depends on specific model of phone

This is the key pad of a telephone. The number keys on the left (in a 4 by 3 matrix) are used to dial numbers. Often these keys carry alphacharacters too. Function keys are on the right side. Additional function keys may be available in telephones, depending on the type of model.

Self-Check Questions 1. What are the essential elements of a Telephone system? Fill in the Blank 2. Most telephones operate through the ______________ of electrical signals over a complex telephone network.


10.4 Other Features & Utility 10.4.1 Call Forwarding It is also called the call diverting function. You can forward an incoming call if the person called is not available. The call may be forwarded to another telephone number where the called party is available to take the call. It is possible to activate ‘call forwarding’ in case the line is busy, if there is no answer, or for calls from specific unwanted numbers. It is possible that a person may not want to be disturbed by routine calls or may want to accept only important calls. 10.4.2 Call Waiting While calling if one hears an engaged tone, the call waiting feature sends a beep to the called party, signifying that another call is in waiting. At this point, the call waiting feature gives a distinct message to the called party about the incoming call. The called party then has the choice to continue the existing call or switch over to the incoming call. After attending the incoming call, the called party has the choice to once again switch back to the first call. Therefore through this call waiting feature, a called party is able to juggle between two calls depending on the priority of the call. It is important to note that while one call is being answered, the other call is not suspended. The beep sound or the signal indicative of a call waiting is loud enough to be audible by the called party even in the midst of an ongoing conversation. Usually this beep sound is made after a fixed interval of time usually 10 seconds. The call waiting feature gives you the opportunity to quickly dispense with one call and handle the other one at length or vice versa. With the benefit of this feature, there is no need to have two separate telephone lines to handle a lot of incoming calls. It may be noted that some telephone lines may be ‘call waiting’ enabled while others may not be. Most telephone connections have this feature inbuilt in the services offered. 10.4.3 Caller ID (Caller Identity Display or CID) Caller ID stands for Caller Identification that means it identifies the caller. This service is provided by Telephony Intelligent Network Service. Usually the short form ‘Caller ID ’is used to refer to this service. The caller’s telephone number is shown on the called party’s telephone equipment while the phone is ringing. The caller id is transmitted between the first and the second ring. For Ex. if a call is made from the number 01126711234, then this number shall be displayed on the telephone equipment of the called party, while the bell rings. Further, If this particular number is 6

stored under the name Rajat Kataria in the called party’s phone, then the caller ID display would show the name <Rajat Kataria > instead of just showing the telephone number. 10.4.4 Hands Free / Speaker Phone When this key is pressed, the voice of the caller is heard through the ‘speaker’ key on the keypad. When the speaker is on, you may put the receiver back. You are then able to listen to the voice of the caller without having to hold the handset while talking. This feature is useful when you are flipping through a file and at the same time talking on the phone.

10.5 Application and Usage area The Telephone is used to connect to people located far and wide. It is widely used in homes, offices, corporate establishments and other organizational entities. In the wake of globalization, it has become even more important to connect to people at distant locations. By using a telephone, you can talk to people, give urgent information, discuss an issue or seek information. Briefly, it helps in quick information transfer, removes any ambiguity and gives you the opportunity to send and receive clear messages.

10.6 Technological Advancements Until recently, a ‘telephone’ generally referred only to landlines. A landline is a fixed line connection where the handset is connected to the telephone unit with a wire. Advancements in the mobility of telephones have led to the increasing use of cordless phones and mobile phones. Since Cordless phones and mobile phones are widely used across homes and offices, it will be useful to have some basic information about them. 10.6.1 Cordless Phone A cordless telephone is a telephone with a wireless handset. It is a wireless phone because its handset is connected to its base station by radio waves. This phone is portable as one can simply pick up the handset and move around in an area. It can be operated within a radius of 100 metres of its base station (Exact radius of mobility depends on the particular model). Its base station is charged with electricity. It requires a regular power supply for its operation.


Wireless Handset

Base Station

10.6.2 Mobile phones These have been described later in the lesson.

10.7 Advantages & Limitations of the telephone Advantages • • • • •

It enables to instantaneously connect to people in distant locations. It saves money and time as you need not physically travel to talk to people. It is the ideal mode of communication for sending urgent messages. It helps to speed up your business transactions. It also helps in developing ones social life as one can maintain contacts through regular conversations. Limitations

A telephone has become a part of ones life its limitations, if any, are far outweighed by its utility.

Self-Check Questions 3. What are the basic application & usage of a telephone? 4. What is basic advantage of cordless phone in comparison of a normal telephone?


10.8 How do business phones operate? Business firms may have single or multiple telephone numbers for the main switchboard. Multiple extension numbers could originate from a single telephone line or telephone number. When a call is received the switchboard operator asks the caller for the name of the person he / she wishes to speak to. Then the operator transfers the call to the desired party through an internal extension number. If the called party is not available to receive the phone, the call is transferred back to the switchboard. Therefore to reach a person in an organisation, typically the caller dials the telephone number followed by the extension number of the called party. Alternatively, the caller may be prompted by an automatic voice system to key in the extension number of the called party. If the caller is not aware of the extension number, the call is then directed by the operator to the called party. For example, within Galaxy Corporation, a caller may simply dial the extension number 236 to reach Mr. Kapoor. However, an outside caller will need to dial 435 - 236 to reach Mr. Kapoor (with the last three digits representing Mr. Kapoor's extension). Nowadays, the EPABX system is being used for directing calls within an office, as it is very efficient and simple to use.

10.9 Proper Telephone Etiquette Telephone Etiquette is more important than ever in today’s business environment. Most of our business communication takes place over the phone: in the office, at home, in the car, virtually anywhere. In this area, proper phone etiquette can make or break deals or relationships. Given below are some guidelines to help you use the phone as a powerful tool. •

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When answering a business call, be sure to identify yourself (and your company, if applicable). For Ex: You may answer a phone call like this: Hello! This is Ridhima. How can I help you? A courteous and a warm greeting helps to build rapport with the caller and puts the other person at ease. Receive a call with a “Hello”. Literally, the word Hello means a warm greeting in which we try to find out the ‘how-about’ of the other person. If you are answering someone else’s line, be sure to include that person’s name in your greeting, so that the other party does not think that it has reached the wrong number. For example, if answering Pragya’s line, Ridhima should answer the phone by saying “Hello! This is Pragya’s line. I am Ridhima speaking. How can I help you? “


When you make a call, let the phone at the other end ring 3-5 times before you hang up. This gives the other party enough time to finish whatever they may be doing and reach for the phone. When you are the person making the call, be sure to use proper phone etiquette from the start. When the ‘gatekeepers’ i.e. the Secretaries and the Receptionists, direct you to the concerned person, it becomes very important to create a positive impression. The ‘gatekeepers’ have the power to forward your call to the concerned person or to truncate the call there itself. Hence, it pays to be polite to the person who answers the call. Some business relationships, especially in fields like sales and marketing, start or stall right at the front desk. It is a good idea to memorise the names of the top assistants, and secretaries. Addressing individuals by their names make people feel identified, noticed and acknowledged. It immediately predisposes the individual favourably towards the caller. If a call refers to any previous conversation or a personal meeting in the past, remind people of the previous conversation and then link it to one’s present message. Such a reminder makes others more attentive and receptive to the new message or information. Sometimes people get busy and forget or vaguely remember a previous conversation. Also, sometimes an issue that is important to us may be of little significance to the other individual, and hence may not be adequately recalled by him/her. If your call is unexpected: If your call is unexpected and you are kind of ‘dropping in’, then you must ask the person ‘can I talk to you right now? Or say ‘is it convenient for you to talk right now about ……..’Such a polite question reflects your humility and helps in getting the other person’s consent. In case the other person expresses his inability to devote any time at the moment, briefly state the purpose of your call and ask for an appointment at his/her convenience. Take care not to drop the phone, on the table or the floor. The noise may send negative vibes to the individual at the other end. It may even harm the relationship. It is advisable not to chew or munch anything while you are talking on the phone. It is considered disrespectful and may distract not only you but the other person also. Ensure that the background noise is kept to the minimum. Especially so in the case of a formal, highly important call or when the sound quality is unclear. It will help you in listening to every bit of the other person’s message.

10.9.1 Certain Useful Guidelines •


State the purpose of the call early in the conversation. The purpose of the call should be stated clearly. It should not get lost in the sidelines. Avoid stating the main purpose of the call at the end of the conversation. Such a positioning may dilute the importance of the main topic. It is a good idea to jot down all the important points that you would like to cover in a call. When you are making a formal call, such a strategy is especially useful. Sometimes, we may get so engrossed in talking about unimportant topics, that we may loose sight of all the issues we wanted to

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discuss. When you actually make the call, mentally keep a track of the points that you have covered and the ones that you need to cover before you end the call. Keep a pad and pencil near the phone. Be ready to write down important information like addresses, phone numbers, dates, or other important facts that might be discussed during the call. Take notes during phone conversations. This will help you to be attentive while speaking on the phone. Also, it will be a useful reference for later use. While listening to a long conversation keep responding by saying “yes” “I see”, “great”, “that’s nice “ or “wonderful” at the end of each logically framed piece of information. It tells the other person that you are really listening and acknowledging them. Summarize the message at the end of the call. More so, in the case of a long call, where meaningful information has been exchanged or some key decisions have been taken. For Ex: You may end by saying ‘As we have agreed, in future I shall progressively participate in Marketing functions as well as my regular sales assignments. In case I face some problems, I shall seek guidance from you’. Such a summary helps in reinforcing or rather cementing certain decisions taken during conflicting situations. Such a summary also helps in confirming and checking that both parties have perceived the situation similarly. Try to smile while talking.It helps in generating warmth between the caller and the called and adds to the overall effectiveness of the call.

10.9.2 How to end the call? • • • • •

End the call on a positive note. Thank the other person for his time. Show appreciation for any help, support or any critical information that the other person may have given you. Express interest in continued conversation with the person over a period of time. Also express your desire to serve/help the other person in case of need. To get a better understanding and assimilation, you may go through the pictures provided a part of Annexure II


Telephone Directory 10.10 What is a Telephone Directory? It is a book listing the names and telephone numbers of people who are connected to a particular telephone system. It is also known as a telephone book. Subscriber names are generally listed in alphabetical order, with their postal or street address and telephone number. Every subscriber in the geographical coverage area is usually listed, but some subscribers can request for the exclusion of their number from the directory. Their number is then said to be "unlisted" or "exdirectory". Telephone directories can be published in ‘hard copy’ or may alternatively be available in the electronic form. In the latter case, the directory can be provided as an online service through proprietary terminals or over the Internet. It can even be provided through physical media like a CD-ROM. Sometimes a telephone directory may also be known by the colour of the paper it is printed on. For example: White Pages generally indicates personal or alphabetic listings. • Yellow Pages generally indicate a business directory that classifies business related services. It almost always includes paid advertising. Other colours may be classifications which are relevant to that country’s customs for ex. Government agencies are often printed on blue or green pages. •

The Yellow Pages telephone directory has information on business establishments and corporate organisations. For example, if one is looking for information on paint dealers in their neighbourhood, they should look up for the heading ‘PAINTS’ under the alphabet ‘P’. Within paints, one will find information about the distributors and dealers in paints. One can look up the addresses of the dealers and select those that are in their neighbourhood.

10.11 Ancillary content A telephone directory may also provide instructions about how to use the telephone service in the local area. It may give important numbers for


emergency services, utilities, hospitals, doctors, and organisations that can provide support in times of personal crisis. Seen below is the contents page from Yellow pages. The contents page provides information on additional services offered by the telephone directory. The listing reads as: • Map of Delhi, • Emergency Lines, • Schools, • Educational Institutes, • High Commissions, • Embassies, • Financial Institutions, • Homes for the Aged, • Honorary Consulates etc. The complete list is visible in the picture below:

STD & ISD Services 10.12 The use of STD and ISD STD (Subscribers Trunk Dialing): A telephone call made outside a particular state is an STD call. For Ex: For an individual staying in Delhi, all calls outside Delhi would be STD calls. Recently, all telephone calls within the NCR are considered local calls (they were earlier STD calls). An STD call is different from a local call in that the area code changes. Often a specific STD connection needs to be installed in the telephone line. The STD call charge is higher than a local call. The STD codes of different cities are listed in the beginning of a telephone directory or can even be found on the internet. For Ex: Delhi’s STD code is 011, Calcutta‘s code is 033 etc. STD calls are nationally bound.


It is important to note that an STD facility may not be inbuilt in some telephones. It requires a separate installation or connection for which specific charges need to be paid. Most mobile phones offer STD and ISD facilities as an inbuilt feature. ISD Services: International Subscriber Dialing (ISD) is the logical extension of STD. It enables subscribers to make international calls. By international agreement, every country is allocated a ‘country code’ (CC), examples being France (33), the UK (44), Israel (972) and the USA (1). The country code is then combined with the area code of a particular city. The complete ISD dialing code is: The prefix 00 followed by the country code and then the area code within a country. Just like in the case of STD, a separate connection is required in the telephone to make ISD calls. It is important to note that an ISD call is internationally bound while an STD call is nationally bound. Seen below is the list of STD and ISD codes, found in the first few pages of a telephone directory.

10.13 Installation of an STD / ISD Facility One needs to write an application to the MTNL (Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited) for the installation of an STD and/or ISD facility. Once the facility is installed, it is possible to make STD and ISD calls with the same ease as that of making a local call. The charges for such calls are included in the telephone bill sent regularly.


Telephone Index 10.14 What is a Telephone Index? The best way to understand this is that a Telephone index is a subset and a personalised version of a telephone directory. A phone index is like a telephone diary, including details of one’s regular clients, customers and suppliers etc. It may also include the telephone numbers of employees. Just as a telephone directory contains the names, addresses and phone numbers of all its subscribers, a telephone diary or a telephone index contains the names, addresses and contact details of all the concerned parties relevant to an organisation.

Seen above is a sample telephone index. The flap on the right hand side has small alphabetic tags for listing references under each tag. This telephone index allocates 10 pages for each alphabet. That means that the names of the all clients beginning with ‘A’ may be written within the pages provided for this purpose. One can record a person’s name, address, phone, fax, email etc. on the blank page shown above. Ex: If one of the contacts is Arindam Gupta, his name may be written in the page with tag ‘A’. Similarly, other names beginning with the alphabet ‘A’ will appear on the pages earmarked for ‘A’. Ex: The name of a client Bindiya Gupta will appear on a page earmarked for alphabet ‘B’.


10.15 Preparation of a Telephone Index A telephone index should be alphabetically arranged for easy retrieval and reference. One can buy a telephone diary that has flaps or small alphabetic tags from ‘A to Z’ on its right side so that they are easy to see while opening the diary. A telephone diary may be indexed or organised in alphabetical order on the basis of the names of the contact persons or it may be based on the kind of business or clientele. e.g. the entire clientele representing ‘Motor Parts’ may be put under the alphabet ‘M’. Then, under ‘M’, the names of all Motor parts clientele may be further organised in alphabetical order. For Ex: Under Motor Parts, the names of clientele will appear as: Anirban Singh Balbir Chhatwal Terry Camblin

< Details > < Details

<Details >

A phone index may be on paper or one has the choice of the electronic form also.

Mobile Phone 10.16 Mobile Phone: What is it? A Mobile Phone is an electronic telecommunications device. It is just like a normal telephone, but it can move over a wide area. As can be seen in the picture above, a mobile phone can be held by hand and has an inbuilt keypad. It is a one piece instrument (see picture above) unlike the landline or cordless phone (that have 2 primary parts - base station and handset). A Mobile phone combines the dial pad, function keys, earpiece and mouthpiece all in a single handset.


10.17 Brief History The basic concept of cellular phones began in 1947. At that time, the technology to translate it into reality was nonexistent. Dr Martin Cooper, former General Manager for the systems division at Motorola, is considered the inventor of the first modern portable handset. Cooper made the first call on a portable cell phone in April 1973. Mobile phones began to proliferate through the 1980s with the introduction of "cellular" phones based on cellular networks with multiple base stations. Mobile phones back then were somewhat larger than the current ones, and were designed for permanent installation in cars. Later, they were converted to the size of a briefcase.

10.18 Principle of Operation Mobile phones communicate through electromagnetic radio waves with a cell site/base station. It operates via a cellular network of base stations (cell sites), which are further linked to the conventional network.


10.19 The Function Keys of a Mobile Phone

Power Key: Switches the phone on & off

Volume Keys: adjust the volume of the ear-piece

Selection Keys: Performs the function indicated by the text above 4 way navigation & scroll keys: fro scrolling through names,phone numbers, menus & settings

End Key: Ends or Rejects a call / Exits

Number Keys: To enter numbers & characters

Talk Key: Dials a phone number and answers a call

Used for various purposes in different models


10.20 How to make a call using a Mobile telephone? • • •

Step 1: Press the desired number keys on the number pad of the mobile phone Step 2: Press the green button on the left side of the circular button which has an icon of a telephone. Once this button is pressed, the call is actuated Step 3: After the call is complete, the call can be terminated by pressing the red key on the right side of the circular button. This button has an icon of a red coloured telephone

10.21 Features and Utility A mobile phone offers many services apart from its primary function of making calls. The ‘MENU’ option displays all the functions available in the phone. Once the ‘MENU’ option is activated on the screen, one may keep pressing the ‘down scroll key’ and all its options are displayed one after the other. For Ex. Two such options under MENU have been shown below. Likewise all the options are shown sequentially as one keeps scrolling down. Look at the pictures shown below, in the first picture, if you wish to send a message, you should press the button just below the select key. This will activate the sub-menu of Messages. Else, you may navigate further or exit. The second example shows the option of ‘PHONE BOOK’ in the main MENU. If one wishes to access this option, one may simply press the Key below SELECT and activate the option.

Features: •

Messages: One can read, write, send and save text, multimedia and e-mail messages Short Message Service (SMS): Using SMS, one can send and receive text messages


Multimedia Messages (MMS): Using MMS, you can send multimedia messages that contain text, sound and picture. •

Phonebook: This option is represented as ‘Contacts’ in the Menu of the phone. One can virtually create their own phonebook. One can save names and phone numbers in the phone’s memory. The numbers can be retrieved later for use. Some models have the capacity to store as a many as 250 numbers. The exact storage capacity may vary from model to model Call Register: It keeps a record of Received Calls, Missed Calls, and Dialed Calls Received Calls: One can retrieve the record of all the calls received, along with their respective telephone numbers and allied details Missed Calls: You can track down all the calls that were not answered and hence missed by you Dialed calls: You can view all the numbers dialed from the phone.

• • • • • • •

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Internet Connection: The facility to connect the mobile phone with the Internet. This allows one to browse the internet on their mobile phone. This feature is present in some models and may require a separate installation in others. Camera: An inbuilt camera to capture pictures and store the images. Video Recording: A facility to video record events. Some models offer a video recording capability up to an hour. The capacity varies from model to model. Video-Editor: Certain advanced versions allow the user to edit video recording clips. Radio: An FM radio connection is provided along with earphones. Calculator: An inbuilt calculator to perform basic number calculations. Games: A few games are loaded for fun. Personal Organiser: A calendar, alarm clock, and a ‘to-do list’ are provided. Some versions may offer a speaking clock that announces the time when the alarm rings. For Ex: An alarm for 4:30 would cause the mobile to sound the alarm as well as announce the time. STD and ISD Facility: It has an inbuilt facility to make STD and ISD calls. A conferencing call facility is also available in order to connect to more than one person. Office Tools: The advanced versions offer features for writing documents and making presentations. Built-in Music Player: One’s favourite music or songs may be down loaded and played. Some versions offer services of a video download and playback. Certain Additional Features:

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An inbuilt clock displays the time on the screen. One’s current geographical location is reflected on the screen. The facility of a speakerphone. A choice of Ring tones A variety of phones in different colours and sizes

• • •

A compact size An elegant design with a polished aluminum finish A pulsating light indicator Example:

Seen above is the picture of a mobile phone that shows its Menu. These icons represent various options available on a mobile phone e.g. • • • • • • • • •

Menu: Displays all the options or functions. Messaging: Facility to send messages. Contacts: A Telephone directory in the phone. Log: Record of calls made, calls received or calls missed. Gallery: Saves and edits images, photos, and tones in the phone. Camera: Facility to capture photographs Web: Provides Web Connectivity. Movie: Option to video record events. Calendar: Displays the calendar

10.22 Technological Enhancements A mobile phone is increasingly taking the form of a mini laptop. Very soon it may become a close alternative to a computer system. It already has integrated advanced features like a Pen input and Handwriting recognition, through a touch screen with a stick. Very soon, it may be able to offer voice recognition services also.


Seen below is the picture of a technologically advanced version of a mobile phone called the communicator. Its keypad is just like that of a laptop and it also has certain functions of a computer. The picture of NOKIA 9500 Communicator has been taken as an example.

If one observes the keyboard of a computer and the keypad of the handset shown above, one shall be able to find similarities in the keys. particular model offers various options, some of which have been shown below:


The above picture shows the options of ‘Menu’ on the screen of the Mobile Phone. These are organized in the form of folders. Each folder provides numerous options.

10.23 Application and Usage Area A mobile phone is useful when one is away from the office or home and still want to be in contact with the callers. It allows one to communicate with others and transact business with clients, while one is physically away from one’s work station. Apart from the basic functions of a telephone, it has other features like Call Register, Messages, Phone Book, Internet Connectivity etc. It is increasingly integrating functions of a computer and is therefore taking the shape of a mini office. For Ex. The picture below shows the ‘Office’ option available in the Model ‘Communicator’ (example of NOKIA, Communicator 9500 has been taken).


The Office function provides one with the facility to make presentations, prepare worksheets and create files. These functions, once seen as purely computer-specific functions, can now be performed using a mobile phone. It is expected that mobile phones will also incorporate the technological advancements which have been made in computers. In a nut shell, a mobile phone has a high degree of utility because it helps organize one’s personal and professional life even while on the move.

10.24 Advantages and Limitations Advantages A mobile phone offers features like messaging, phonebook, organizer, calculator and call register apart from its primary utility as a telephone. It even offers connectivity to the internet. Mobile phones are increasingly incorporating the functions of a Computer. Disadvantages The cost of buying it and using it is relatively higher as compared to the landline phones. Also, it sometimes becomes difficult to thoroughly understand all its functions. The functions appear to be complex due to multiple menus and submenus.

Self-Check Questions 5. What are the basic features of Short Messaging Service (SMS) & Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)? Fill in the Blanks 6. Mobile phones communicate through ______________ radio waves with a cell site/base station. 7. Call register in mobile phone keeps a record of ___________ calls, ____________ calls & _________________ calls.


Conferencing Facility 10.25 What is Conferencing Facility? A conference call is a type of telephone call where the calling party is able to establish contact with more than one called party. As the name ‘conference call‘suggests, all the called parties and the caller are engaged in a virtual conference through the medium of a telephone call. The exact number of people that can participate in a conference call would depend on the specifications of a particular model. The conference call may be designed to allow the called party to also speak during the call, or the call may be set up so that the called party merely listens into the call but cannot speak. Some conference calls are set up in such a way that the calling party calls the other participants and adds them to the call. In some cases the other participants call into the conference call, either by dialing into a "conference bridge", (a specialized type of telephone that answers multiple calls) or by using a special telephone number set up for the purpose. Conference calls are most commonly used by businesses. It is especially useful when all the callers are not able to physically gather at a common point and yet need to discuss an important issue to arrive at a decision. Therefore, the use of a conference call enables multiple people to confer or talk without actually being able to see each other face-to-face. It serves a very useful social and business need.

Self-Check Questions Answer True or False 8. A conference call is a type of telephone call where the calling party is able to establish contact with more than one called party 9. STD stands for Simple Trunk Dialing 10. You should never summarize the message at the end of the telephone call.

10.26 Summing Up In this lesson you have learnt about the following: • •

Telephone, its working and operation Cordless Phones


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Mobile Phones Telephone Directory STD & ISD Services Telephone Index Conferencing Facility

10.27 Answers of Self-Check Questions 1. Telephone Set, Transmission System & Switching System 2. Transmission 3. Basic Usage- connecting people; Usage – homes, offices, corporate establishments & other organizations 4. mobility (but in limited area only) 5. SMS: One can send or receive only text messages; MMS: one can send or receive multimedia (like audio, video applications) along with text messages 6. Electromagnetic 7. Incoming, Outgoing & Missed 8. True 9. False 10. False

10.28 Terminal Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is the main use of a Telephone? How does a telephone system operate? How is a landline phone different from a cordless phone? What is the operating principle of Mobile Phones? Explain the steps involved in making a telephone call with a mobile phone. Give an example. What are the values added features of a mobile telephone? Explain how these features will help you in managing the office better. What do you understand by STD codes and ISD codes? What is the function of these codes? What is a Telephone Index? How is it different from a Telephone directory? If you were to make your own phone index, how would you prepare it? Explain in your own words.

10.29 Glossary • •


Landline Telephone: A landline is a fixed line telephone where the handset is connected to the telephone equipment with a wire or a connecting cord. Cordless Telephone: A telephone with a wireless handset which communicates with a base station connected to a fixed telephone landline. Its handset is connected to its base station via radio waves. Mobile Phone: A term covering cellular phones, satellite phones, and any phone giving wide-ranging mobility. It operates over a wide area via a cellular

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network of base stations (cell sites), which are further linked to the conventional telephone network. Cell Phone, Cellular Phone, or Cell: A Term used to refer to most mobile phones. It technically applies to mobile phones which use a cellular network. Calling Party / Caller: The person who initiates a telephone call. Called Party: The person to whom the telephone call is made. Subscriber: The person who has been allotted a particular telephone connection is the subscriber of that telephone number. He/she pays a regular sum for the hire of the telephone. Telephone number: It uniquely identifies a particular telephone connection. Its number code represents its geographical area and the network area it belongs to. Dial Tone: A continuous buzzing sound that can be heard on picking up the telephone receiver. Most commonly, it indicates that the telephone is in working order. Automatic Redial: A facility to dial the last dialed number once again, simply at the press of a button. Call Forwarding: The call is forwarded to the called party at some other number in case the called party is not available at the dialed number. Call Waiting: An indication that another call is incoming and needs to be attended by the called party. Caller ID: The Identification of the caller is displayed on the telephone unit of the called party. Conference Call: A caller is able to connect telephonically with more than one person simultaneously thus enabling him to hold a discussion with all of them. STD /ISD Services: STD services permit a subscriber to make outstation calls to another state / city. STD refers to national, while ISD refers to International calls. Telephone Directory: It contains the names, addresses and other contact details of all the subscribers. It is organized in alphabetical order. Business directories are separately published where the details of corporate organizations are published. Phone Index: It is a personal telephone diary consisting of names, telephone numbers, addresses and other details of relevant individuals, organized or indexed alphabetically. It is a useful record for future reference. Phone Etiquette: This refers to certain accepted mannerisms, behavioral patterns to be observed while using the telephone. For Ex: Beginning a call with a personal greeting, avoiding background noise, constantly nodding to show that you are listening etc.


Annexure I: Telecom Service Providers in India All operators provide the facility of local calls, national long distance and international long distance calls while some operators provide value added services like the internet. These key telecom service operators in India are: • • • • • • • •


BSNL MTNL Bharti – Airtel Tata Indicom IDEA Hutch Spice Reliance

Annexure II: Making Calls





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