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SHORTHAND I (ENGLISH) 14. PREFIXES AND NEGATIVE WORDS You are now familiar with making strokes for most of the words. However, there are some words in which few letters are commonly prefixed. One should be able to identify these prefixed letters and strokes.

14.0 Objectives After going through this lesson you will be able to – 1)

make the strokes of the words in which com or con are prefixed;


make the strokes of the words in which com, con or cum occur in between the words;


make the strokes of the words in which group of letters are prefixed to the words. For example Accom, Magna, Magne, Magni and Intro;


make the strokes of the words in which group of letters are prefixed to the words. Trans, Self, Sel-con, Self-com and In; and


make the strokes of negative words.

14.1 Introduction In this lesson you will learn about the strokes of the letters com, con, cog, accom, intro, trans, self, magna, In, which are commonly prefixed to the words. To make the word negative some letters are also prefixed to the word. A prefix is added in the beginning of a stroke.

14.2 Initial Com- or Con Initial Com- or Con is represented by a light dot written in the the word. For example:

beginning of


In a few words clear outlines are obtained by writing the prefixes fully. It is also convenient. For example:

14.3 Medial Com- Con-, Cum- or Cog Medial Com- Con-, Cum- or Cog - either in a word or in a phrase, is indicated by disjoining the form immediately following com, con etc. For example:

This method of disjoining the form is also used after a dash logogram when this is written upward, but not when it is written downward; compare the following example:

14.4 Accom- or Accommo-

14.5 Magna-, Magne- or Magni-


14.6 Intro-

14.7 TransTrans- may be contracted by omitting the stroke 'N'. For example:

Sometime the full outline of Trans is preferable. For example:

14.8 SelfSelf- is represented by a small-disjoined circle S written close to the following stroke in the second vowel-place. For example:

14.9 Self-con- or Self-comSelf-con- or Self-com- is represented by a disjoined circle S written in the position of con- dot.


14.10 In - before Str, Skr, and H (Upward)

14.11 Negative Words In words with prefixes giving negative sense, particularly in, il, ir, im and un, full strokes of the word are used. Compare the following example:

14.12 Logograms Logograms, joined or disjoined, may be used as prefixes or suffixes. For example:

14.13 Grammalogues





Self-check Questions 1.

Fill in the blanks: (i) The sign of prefix is indicated in word _______. (initially/finally) (ii) Magna, Magne or Magni is expressed by a disjoined stroke _______. (iii) Intro is expressed by doubling the stroke ________ (iv) Self-con/Self-com is indicated by ______________.


What do you mean by prefix?


How are medial com, con, cum or cog indicated in prefixing words?


Write any two words with prefixes giving negative sense and make the outline.


5. Is it possible to make an outline as prefix or suffix in logograms. If yes, give an example.

14.14 Assignments 14.14.1

Class Assignment


The mastery of these terms is not a task of such magnitude as to disconcert any one of reasonable self-reliance and self-control.

No enterprising man need

entertain a moment's doubt as to his ability to learn these significant terms.


transmission of goods to a commission agent or other consignee involves the preparation of documents which will ensure the transfer of the goods to him without unnecessary delay. The arrangement of consular invoices and other forms properly inscribed and attested must be recognized as a common matter of daily routine. 14.14.2


Home Assignment

We thank you for your communication and instruction regarding the lightning conductors for the Agra Sports Club. The slight misconception has now been removed, and your recommendations shall be carefully considered. We are having the corner stones inscribed this month and we have no doubt that you will find the inscription will satisfy you. We suggest for your consideration that it would be instructive and useful to have a translation of the inscription printed and circulated before the opening ceremony.

14.15 Summary •

A prefix is added in the beginning of a stroke.

Initial Com- or Con is represented by a light dot written in the beginning of the words.

In a few words clear outlines are obtained by writing the prefixes fully.

Medial Com- Con-, Cum- or Cog - either in a word or in a phrase, is indicated by disjoining the form immediately following com, con etc.

This method of disjoining the form is also used after a dash logogram when this is written upward, but not when it is written downward.

Accom- or Accommo- is represented by stroke 'K', joined or disjoined.

Magna-, Magne- or Magni- is expressed by a disjoined stroke 'm'.

Intro - is expressed by ntr, i.e. double length of stroke 'N'.

Trans- may be contracted by omitting the stroke 'N'. Sometimes the full outline of Trans is preferable.

Self- is represented by a small-disjoined circle S written close to the stroke in the second vowel-place.

Self-con- or Self-com- is represented by a disjoined circle S written in the position of con- dot.

In - before the circle strokes Str, Skr, and H (Upward) is expressed by a small hook written in the same direction as the circle 'S'.

In words with prefixes giving negative sense, particularly in, il, ir,im, un, full strokes of the word are used.

Logograms, joined or disjoined, may be used as prefixes or suffixes.

14.16 Answers to Self-check Questions 1.

Fill in the blanks: (i)








disjoined circle ‘S’


Prefix are added in the beginning of a stroke.


It is indicated by disjoining the form immediately following com, con etc.




Yes. Example : almost



14.17 Terminal Questions 1.


Write the Prefixing words represented by the following signs. a.

A light dot.


A disjoined circle S written in the place of con-dot.


A disjoined circle S written in the second vowel place.


Repeating m or n stroke


The stroke K joined or disjoined

Write the following words in shorthand using prefixing rules: competent, compare, commissioner, incomplete, recognized, introducing, transmission, self-control, immaterial, magnify, accommodation, self-made, discontinue already, underrate

14.18 Reference •

Pitman Shorthand Instructor and Key, Wheeler Publishing, Allahabad, 2003.

14.19 Suggested Reading •

Pitman Shorthand Instructor and Key, Wheeler Publishing, Allahabad, 2003.

14.20 Glossary


Prefix –

letter or a group of letters which when added prior to the word forms a new word.

Negative word -

opposite meaning word, which is formed by adding few letters prior to the word.

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