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OFFICE AUTOMATION – I OFFICE OPERATIONS 5. SPEED POST, TELEGRAM AND COURIER SERVICES Apart from telephone, an office is generally equipped with other various means of number of other mode of communications, like Speed Post, Telegram, Fax and Courier Service. These above mentioned services are commonly used in an office set-up. These services are used for the speedy communication of messages and documents. It is important to understand how these function and when it is most appropriate to use these services. This lesson will help you to make a decision regarding which communication mode to use under a given set of conditions & how to use it in proper manner.


Objectives After going through this lesson, you will be able be able to:

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Understand how these services are provided by the respective providers Operate or use these devices / services in an office set-up Be able to judge whether a particular communication tool is appropriate in a given situation or not

Introduction Apart from Telephone, other modes of communication are also utilized in an office, to transfer messages and documents from one place to other place. These modes like, Speed Post, Facsimile Transmission (also known as Fax), Telegram, Courier Services became an integral part of a modern office. One should known which means need to be utilized when & how.

Speed Post 5.2

Speed Post: What is it? It is an express mail service of the Indian Post office. Its distinguishing feature is its speed of delivery. Through this service, one can send mail quickly to various parts of the country and abroad. It is also called the EMS service or


the Express Mail Service. It provides time bound delivery of mail. The delivery time depends on the distance. The Speed Post service is in stark contrast to the ordinary mail service of the Indian Postal Department where delivery delays are very common.


Principle of Operation The whole country is divided into 8 zones on the basis of pin codes. In each zone there are National Speed Post Centres, which are interconnected through VSAT. For example: The Speed Post Centre located at Gole Market (in Delhi) is a National Level speed post centre. Within each state, there are state level speed post centres. National level Speed Post centres regulate the delivery and pick up of the mail through the state level speed post centres. Depending on the distance to be covered, a mail sent by speed post may take anywhere between 24 to 72 hours for delivery. How does the ‘Speed post’ system operate?

• • • •

Step 1: The customer visits the nearby post office. Step 2: The customer presents the parcel to be sent through speed post. Step 3: The official weighs the parcel. Step 4: The official checks the destination of the parcel to ascertain the postal charge to be levied. The speed post charge is levied on the basis of two parameters: o Weight of the parcel o Distance between the post office and the destination. The table of charges for domestic and international mail (charged by Indian Post) is annexed in Annexure I.

• •

Step 5: The article / parcel is bar coded. Step 6: A unique bar code number is generated and printed on the receipts. These numbers are generated by the computer in computerized speed post centres and manually where the computerization has not yet taken place. Four receipts are generated for every article mailed. These receipts are of different colours, each of which is used for a distinct function. Yellow Slip: Issued to the customer (Sender of the mail ) White slip: Pasted on the article. Blue and Pink slips: For Internal Records of the Post office. The bar code is a pattern of black colour lines of varying thickness resulting in a unique code. This unique bar code is the identification of the article. It can be very useful to trace the article in case of loss-in-transit.


A sample receipt (yellow colour) is shown below:

i) On the left, observe the abbreviation EMS written on the receipt above. ii) This receipt has been prepared manually since a computer system has not been installed here. Hence, the receipt is handwritten. This receipt was issued to the customer. iii) A cluster of black coloured vertical lines is the unique barcode on the receipt (appearing on left). casesuch , the parcel a gift, declaration form to this iv)InOne receiptcontains is pasted on the thesender article.signs The aother two receipts are effect. maintained by the post office for further processing and records. v) On the left, details of date, time, weight, charge and signature are written. 6 : right,The customer pays the (To:) charges and a yellow vi)Step On the details of the receiver , and Sender are coloured written. receipt is him. Thecorner, customer advised retainPost the is receipt till the delivery of vii)issued On thetotop right the is logo of theto Indian printed. the mail to the destination one is complete. viii)On careful observation, may see a circular black stamp on the left part of the receipt. It bears the words ‘POST OFFICE STAMP ‘in the centre. ix) On the left side, the last line reads ‘Customer copy’ i.e. this particular receipt is meant for the customer.

• •

• • •


Step 7: In case the customer sends a gift , a separate declaration is required to be given by the sender Step 8: The officials sort the mail and pack the speed post mail separately in a bag. To distinguish it from the regular/ordinary mail, the word ‘Speed post is written on the bag Step 9: The red coloured collection vans collect the mail bags from all the post offices Step 10: The incoming mail is fed into the regular system of delivery and dispatch Step 11: A separate mechanism exists for the delivery of speed post mails to ensure speedy delivery of the parcels

Background Information The Speed Post Service was introduced on 1st August 1986. Under this service, the mail is delivered within a given time frame, failing which full refund of postage is made. The national network of Speed Post now covers 82 major


towns all over the country. A contractual speed-post service, free pick-up service, book-now-pay-later schemes are also available under the SpeedPost Service for regular and bulk customers.


Need for the Service The Indian post department has a wide network encompassing all parts of the country. It is the largest postal network in the world. Today, the country has 1, 53,423 post offices, out of which, 1, 37,183 are in the rural areas and 16,240 are in the urban areas. Its major advantage is its vast coverage of the country through its network of post offices and postmen at various locations. It is able to reach the remotest parts of the country. Regardless of the commercial viability, the Indian Postal Network caters to the delivery service needs of all the regions in India. Due to a large volume of mail, delivery through the conventional mail service was often delayed. It sometimes led to loss of mail in transit. These inefficiencies of the ordinary mail service led to the birth of the speed post service. A Business Development Directorate was set up on 1’Feb 1996 with the objective of providing premium services for meeting the needs of specific customer segments. One such premium product of the department is the ‘Speed Post ‘service

5.6 • • • •

Other Features Fast, reliable and time bound service. Proof of delivery facility also available. Online track and trace facility Weights limit up to 35 kg. Some of the attractive features of the speed post service are:

• •


Free pick up service Same day delivery service

Application and Usage area The speed post service of the Indian Post is a widely used service by individuals and organizations. Speed Post service is quite like a courier service. By introducing this service, Indian post has been able to maintain its supremacy in the business of mailing. Private players like Bluedart, Skypak, DHL etc. offer courier services, a close alternative to speed post. With the proliferation of private courier companies, Indian Post is no longer the sole provider of mail service. However, the unique features of Indian post are:


• •


Wide coverage and reach to the interior regions of India Competitive rates

Additional Information Indian post publishes a brochure of all its services. It is a thin red colour brochure, a picture of which is shown below. For more information about services of Indian post, one may procure the brochure from a nearby post office.


Advantages and Limitations The Speed Post service of the Indian post service offers time bound delivery service of parcels. The speed post service is able to reach every nook and corner of the country even if it is commercially unviable. This service is an improvement over the ordinary mail service of Indian Post and it is better known for its advantages among the users than its limitations.

Self-Check Questions 1. What is the function of a Bar-Code in a Speed Post? Fill in the Blank 2. Speed Post is a product of ______________ Department.


Telegram 5.10 Telegram: What is it? It is a system of conveying information between two points. A telegram is sent by a device called the Telegraph. A message sent by a telegram to another party, reaches its destination normally within 24 hours. The delivery time may exceed 24 hours depending on the distance and the volume of traffic. The telegram service scores over ordinary mail service as it can send messages much faster. Presently, the Telegram service is operated by BSNL - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. The telegram charges depend on the length of the message and the distance involved in its transmission. Hence, telegram messages are usually brief, coded in minimum number of words possible. Wherever possible, short forms are used in writing the message.

An example of a message written for transmission through Telegram: Cm soon. Fthr ill The intended message is: Come soon. Father is not well However, it is coded in short form, as it will cost less for sending the telegram.

5.11 Background Information Invention In 1819 Oerset discovered that an electric current deflected a neighboring magnetic needle, the direction of movement depended on the direction of the flow of the current. Cooke and Wheatstone, applied this principle and produced the first electrical telegraph system in 1837.Their first system was a five-needle telegraph requiring five lines. This was followed by the doubleneedle and then the single-needle system. Electric telegraphy began just before the middle of the 19th century. There was a huge demand by the newly built railways for some means of conveying messages between signalmen to ensure the safety of trains. Samuel Morse, inventor of the Morse code, made use of the electromagnet and made his first working model of a telegraph by 1835. The first practical telegraph was set up in 1837, linking Euston Railway station in London with Camden station a mile away. A few years later, when the railway telegraph helped to bring about the arrest of a murderer, public interest in the invention was assured, and until 1880, when telephones became easily available, the telegraph was the standard means of rapid communication within a district. Telegraph wires and cables may be above or below the ground or on the sea bed. Optical fibres


and radio waves are also used to carry the signals, and satellites relay them from one part of the globe to another. With the invention of the teletypewriter, telegraphic encoding became fully automated. Early teletypewriters used Baudot code, a 5-bit code. These yielded only thirty two codes, so it was over-defined into two "shifts," "letters" and "figures." An explicit, unshared shift code prefaced each set of letters and figures.

5.12 Current Scenario Now telegrams are carried along the same wires as telephone conversations, using different frequency ranges. Radiotelegraphy uses radio waves instead of a wire to carry the message. Like long distance telephone links it may be relayed by communications satellites. Optical fibres transmitting beams of laser light are now in use and carry considerably more information than an electric cable of the same thickness. New Developments include the widespread use of mobile telephones based on a cellular network that provides the SMS (short messaging service) for sending written messages across distances. Radiotelegraphy or wireless telegraphy transmits messages using radio. Modern inland telegraphic communication is now carried out by teleprinters. The teleprinter consists of the transmitter and the receiver, which are mounted upon one base and are driven by a small electric motor. The transmitter consists of a keyboard, and a transmitting unit, controlled by the keyboard, which transmits signals in the form of electrical impulses.

5.13 Future outlook A continuing goal in telegraphy has been to reduce the cost per message by increasing the sending rate. There were many experiments with moving pointers, and various electrical encodings. However, most systems were too complicated and unreliable. A successful expedient to increase the sending rate was the development of telegraphese.

5.14 Telegraph A telegraph is a machine for sending telegrams. It transmits and receives messages over long distances. It does not involve physical transportation of letters. It is a Greek word, meaning tele = far and graphein = write. It transmits written or printed messages to a long distance by making and breaking an electrical connection. It is a communications system which utilizes the interruption or change in polarity of direct current for the transmission of data signals.


A telegraph transmits messages by electric signals and was developed before the telephone in 1837. Telegraphy messages sent by telegraph operators using Morse code were known as telegrams or cablegrams, often shortened to a cable or a wire message. Later, telegrams were sent by the Telex network, a switched network of teleprinters similar to the telephone network, were known as telex messages. Telegrams were often used to confirm business dealings and unlike e-mail, telegrams were commonly used to create binding legal documents for business dealings. Recent forms of data transmission include fax, email, and computer networks in general.

5.15 Additional Information A list of telegraph offices is printed by the government of India. It is called the Telegraph Guide. It also consists of list of principal telegraph offices in other countries. It contains allied information too. The telegraph guide is a useful reference book, maintained by all the telegraph offices of the country.

5.16 Principle of Operation The Procedure for sending a telegram is as follows: • • •


Step 1: Visit the nearby post office. Step 2: Write down the message to be sent clearly. Try to compose the message as briefly as possible. Step 3: A form is required to be filled for sending a telegram. The sample form is shown below:

Seen above is a copy of the form to be filled for sending a telegram. Please note that: o The table of rows and columns shown in the center, is the space provided for writing the message. The message should be clearly written as the numbers of words to be transmitted are counted. Each word of the message is written in each cell of the table. On the left side of the table, the word ‘Message’ is written vertically o The sender’s name is written below the message, against the words ‘SENDER’S NAME’. The sender’s name is also telegraphed o In the last line, sender’s address, phone number and signature are also written. In some cases, where the receiver is not reachable, the telegram is returned to the sender’s address. This is the reason for recording the sender’s address and phone number o Just above the message, the receiver’s name and address are written in the space provided for the purpose o On the extreme right, the word ‘WORDS’ is written. Here, the count of number of words to be telegraphed is to be written. The telegraph official counts the number of words in the telegram and writes the figure in this particular cell. The telegram tariff is based on this information o Some types of telegrams are: Express Telegram, Ordinary Telegram and Greetings Telegram


– – –

Express Telegram reaches faster than the ordinary one Ordinary Telegram serves the basic function of sending a message Greetings Telegram is primarily for sending greetings like ID Mubarak, Happy Diwali, and Congratulations etc. The telegram office maintains a list of commonly used greetings and their corresponding codes. Therefore, to send a greeting ‘ID Mubarak , one simply needs to write the code ‘1’ instead of writing the whole message. The code ‘1’ is telegraphed, and is counted as one single word. After the message has been transmitted, the code is decoded into the verbal message i.e. the greeting. The benefit of sending the greeting telegram is that its charges are only for one word while the complete greeting is received. The examples of a few codes from the list maintained by the telegraph office , are shown below: Code ‘1’ Code ‘2’ Code ‘3’

Heartiest Diwali Greetings Id Mubarak Heartiest Bijaya Greetings

Other crucial information to be provided : o Office of origin o Telegraph number o Charges etc.

Step 4: The concerned official counts the number of words to be telegraphed including the receiver’s name and address and the sender’s name are counted. Step 5: The number of words to be transmitted forms the core basis for calculating the charges to be levied. Step 6: The sender pays the tariff, books the telegram and gets a receipt from the telegraph office. The sender can present the receipt to the telegraph office, in case of non-delivery of telegram. A copy of the receipt is shown below:

• •


: : :

Certain observations: • The charge of a telegram is Rs. 4, mentioned in the receipt • One of the details reads: classed ‘O’. It means that the type of telegram is ‘ordinary’ • Details of place and time of booking are mentioned: o Booked at New Delhi JNU office o At 9:53 A.M. • Other details shown are: Date, Name of receiver. • On the lower right corner, one can see the initials of the officer in charge, in blue ink. A sample of the charges for domestic and international telegrams is given in Annexure II • • •

Step 7: The telegram details are keyed in the computer system. Step 8: The telegram details are processed and immediately transmitted to the central telegram office in the concerned state. Step 9: The central office forwards the telegram to the concerned nodal office. A printout of the telegram is generated at the nodal station. Given below is the picture of the Telegram.


Certain observations: • This is a copy of the actual telegram that is folded, put in the envelope and delivered to the receiver • The top line shows the type of telegram as ‘Ordinary’. There is another type called ‘Express’ Telegram which reaches faster than the ordinary telegram • The message is delivered to the receiver ‘Pankaj Chopra’ • The message content reads ‘CONGRATS • Below the message is the name of the sender, SANGEETA • Kindly note that the entire message to be telegraphed is written in capitals for the purpose of clarity

Step 10: The telegrams received at nodal stations, are folded in envelopes and delivered to the desired location through messengers. (Sample shown below)

Observations: • A telegram is folded into a small envelope and delivered in the form shown above • The name of the receiver ‘Pankaj Chopra’ is seen through the window envelope • The service is provided by BSNL, hence its name on the top


Example A telegram sent from Secunderabad to a Receiver at Vasant Vihar (in Delhi state). • •

• • • •

• •

Transmission of a telegram to the central telegraph office in Delhi The central telegraph office is located at the Connaught Place office in Delhi. Therefore, the telegram originating at Secundrabad is forwarded to the Connaught Place Telegraph office Depending on the location of the receiver, the Connaught Place office will further forward it to the nearest telegram office In this particular case, since the telegram is to be sent to Vasant Vihar, the telegram will be forwarded to the telegraph office nearest to Vasant Vihar. The J.N.U. telegraph office is nearest to Vasant Vihar The telegram will be routed from Connaught Place office to the J.N.U. telegraph office. It will be received in a printed form via a printer at the receiving telegraph office The telegram will be folded, put in an envelope and delivered through the messenger boys Appropriate records are maintained

5.17 Application and Usage areas It is an economical service provided by BSNL to send urgent messages across long distances. The service extends to the international regions too. Currently, message transmission has been made possible though services like e-mail, Fax and the Messaging services of Mobile Phones. The Telegram service is still in use, however, its usage has diminished significantly. It is due to the fact that relatively faster modes of communication are able to accomplish the same objective with the advantages of relative ease and economy.

5.18 Advantages and Limitations • • •

The telegram service pioneered the message sending service. It is an economical means of sending messages. One of the limitations is that one needs to specifically visit a telegraph office, fill up the form for sending a telegram. This long processing time for sending a telegram may prove to be prohibitive to the likeability of this service.

Self-Check Questions Fill in the Blank 3. Telegrams are sent using the machine called the ___________________


Answer True or False 4. Telegrams are carried along the same wires as telephone conversations, using different frequency ranges.

Courier 5.19 What is Courier service? Courier service is mainly engaged in express door-to-door delivery of letters and mail-type articles, small packages and parcels. Mainly private companies like DHL, DTDC, Bluedart etc. are involved in the courier business. Some courier companies even offer pick-up of the parcels at the doorstep of the customer. courier service is available for domestic and overseas locations. Usually, courier companies use one or more modes of transport which may be privately or publicly owned. The packages may be delivered by air mail or through ground delivery, depending upon the location. It may be sent by Railway Courier or by the means of road (Trucks / vans) Certain courier services provide delivery of parcels the same day. The delivery time of packages depends on the location of the receiver. It may also vary from company to company. Courier services are often available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Some of the courier companies in India are: Skypak India, DTDC, X press India, Firstflight Couriers, Bluedart etc.

5.20 Principle of Operation •

• • • •


Step 1: It needs to be ensured that the particular courier service company complies with all legislative requirements, industry standards and special handling procedures. Finally, before you decide to ship any item, you should make sure that your item can be legally shipped. Certain items cannot be delivered; and are called the banned commodities Step 2: The delivery schedule and the tarrif charges for sending courier vary from company to company. The same may be procured by enquiring telephonically, visiting the courier office, or scanning the official website of the company Step 3: Once the specific courier operator has been selected, the sender may book the parcels for deliver Step 4: The courier operator issues a receipt to the sender. The sender is advised to maintain it until the delivery of the parcel is complete Step 5: Usually a unique number is generated for every parcel booked. This number is mentioned on the payment receipt issued to the sender Step 6: It is optional for the sender to insure the parcel or the commodity by paying an extra amount for the service

Step 7: The courier operator determines the charges for the courier and bills the sender for the same. The expected delivery date/time is also conveyed to the sender Step 8: The sender may present the receipt to the courier operator in case of delay or loss of parcel

5.21 Application and Usage Areas • •

Courier service is especially useful in case one requires urgent delivery of documents. Courier companies usually provide guarantee that high priority packages will arrive in a timely and professional manner. Courier services are essential for reliability in expediting door-to-door delivery, to any destination in the world.

5.22 Value Added Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Facility to track your package and make sure it gets to its destination. Insurance of package for protection against risk of loss/ breakage / damage in transit. Same-day service, a one-or two-hour "rush". Daily routes. Non-stop, exclusive service. Next flight out. Global operations. 24/7 service. Delivery of bulky equipment. Flexible payment terms. Signature service —the courier boy will wait while the recipient reads the delivered document(s) and signs it. Short- or long-term contract for regular deliveries. State-of-the-art technology. Proof of delivery returned to the sender. Issuance of guidelines for packing. Customs clearance and Warehousing services

5.23 Users of Courier Services Courier companies serve a useful business link by providing efficient delivery services to national and international locations. They provide a crucial ancillary service to a diverse clientele viz. advertising companies, air freight agencies, distributions businesses, financial services, website owners, insurance agents, attorneys, manufacturers, medical facilities, banks and other lenders, pharmaceuticals, printing specialists, real estate agents, repair


service specialist, retailers, title companies, travel agents, and just about any other business that requires immediate delivery service.

5.24 Advantages and Limitations Courier services facilitate quick, guaranteed delivery of parcels across long distances. Apart from this, various value added services are also provided by the industry. This industry is the backbone of the economy as it aids efficient functioning of other industries. Since, the courier industry is largely privatized barring the Speed Post service of Indian post office, there may be aberrations in the tariffs charged by various private operators.

Self-Check Questions 5. What is the basic difference between Courier Service & Speed Post? Answer True or False 6. Courier can be used to deliver documents urgently 7. Courier can be utilized to deliver very short messages also

5.25 Summing Up This lesson has described other important modes of communication and their relevance in modern office setup. You must have got an idea about that in what are the ideal condition of utilization and proper to use these modes of communication. It is advisable for you to utilize these in real life to gain hands on experience.

5.26 Answers to Self-Check Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Unique identification of each parcel Indian Postal Department Telegraph True Courier services are generally operated by private players like, DHL, Blue Dart, DTDC, etc. But Speed post is operated by Indian Postal Department. As per core functions, they render similar type of services. 6. True 7. False


5.27 Terminal Questions 1. Describe in your own words the usefulness of courier services? 2. Compare the Speed Post service with the Ordinary Post Service of the Indian Post Service 3. List a few value-added features of the Speed Post Service 4. Explain the system of sending a parcel through the Speed Post Service 5. What is the value added services offered by courier companies? How can these benefit a prospective customer? 6. What procedure would you follow if you wish to send an urgent message through a telegram? 7. What basis is used to calculate the telegram tariff? 8. How can the use of a Fax machine assist you in effectively managing office operations? 9. What is the primary function of a fax machine? 10. How does a fax machine operate? Describe in your own words.

5.28 Glossary •

Speed Post: The Speed Post Service is the express mail service of the Indian Post Office. Under this service, mail is delivered within a given time frame, failing which a full refund of postage is made. It is one of the premium products of the Indian Post Office. Telegram: A message sending service of the Indian Post Office that can send messages speedily within the country and abroad. It transmits written or printed messages over a long distance by making and breaking an electrical connection. While the document that carries the message is called a telegram, the device that sends it is called the telegraph. The charges of sending a telegram depend on the length of the message to be sent and the distance over which it is sent. Fax: Facsimile (Fax) - a method of encoding data, transmitting it over the telephone lines or radio broadcast, and receiving a hard (text) copy, line drawings, or photographs at a distant location through a facsimile receiver. A fax machine scans an image, whether it is a text or a photo, by reading a very small area of the image at a time Courier Services: Courier service is mainly engaged in the express door-todoor delivery of letters and mail-type articles, usually packages and small parcels. Courier services guarantee timely delivery of parcels across the country and abroad too. This service is mainly provided by private organizations.


Annexure I: Speed post fares for Domestic and International destinations Speed Post Rates: Domestic Weight


Upto 200 gms Rs 20 201 to 500 Rs 20 gms Add 500 gms or Rs 5 part

Upto 200 kms Rs 25 Rs 40

201 to 1000 kmps Rs 30 Rs 45

1001 to 2000 kmps R.s 50 R.s 60

Above 2001 kmps R.s 50 R.s 60

Rs 7.5

Rs 10

R.s 20

R.s 25

Speed Post Rates: International Weight

Upto 250 gms merchandise items Additional 250 gms.


Asia Middle East Africa Rs 425 Rs. 50


North America

Rs 425 Rs. 75

Rs 425 Rs. 45

Rs 475 Rs. 50

Rs 475 Rs. 75

Rs 475 Rs. 100

South America


SAARC Except Bhutan

Rs 425 Rs. 100

Rs 675 Rs. 75

Rs 375 Rs. 25

Rs 575 Rs. 100

Rs 725 Rs. 75

Rs 425 Rs. 25

Annexure II: Telegram Charges

Telegram Charges 1. Non-Press



a) First 10 words or less

Rs. 3.50

Charged at double the rate

b) Each additional word

Re. 0.50

2. Press



a) First 50 words (excluding address)

Re. 0.75

Charged at double the rate

b) each additional 5 words

Re. 0.10

3. Greetings



a) First 10 words or less

Rs. 3.50

Charged at double the rate

b) each additional word

Re. 0.50

4. Deluxe Telegram

Additional Charge Re. 0.50

5. Cancellation Fee a) Before the transmission has begun

Rs. 2.00

b) In the course of transmission or after Rs. 2.00 plus charge at the Express or Ordinary transmission rate (at the option of sender) for a service advice 6. Phonogram & Telexogram

Rs. 2.00 / telegram

7. Searching Fee a) For searching either sent or recd. Rs. 10/telegram of one telegraph office for one day b) For searching both sent and recd. Rs. 15/telegram of one telegraph office for one day 8. Late Fee (In all cases)

Rs. 3/-

9. Messenger Fee

Rs. 3/- per telegram

10. Registration Fee for Abbreviated Address a) For a Calendar year

Rs. 200/-

b) For a period of less than a calendar year

Rs. 20/- of each calendar month

11. Multiple Telegrams (Non-Press)

Rs. 5/- upto 30 words and Rs. 3/- for every additional 30 words or part thereof

12. Inspection of Telegram

Rs. 5/- per telegram

13. Photo Telegram a) Up to 335 Sq. Cms.

Rs. 50/-

b) For every additional 100 Sq. Cms

Rs. 20/-

14. Certified Copies of Telegram a) For first 100 words or part thereof

Rs. 3/-

b) For every additional 100 words after Rs. 2/the first 100 words c) The charges for photographs of originals of of copies of telegrams

Rs. 30/-


15. Charges for Telegrams to some Important Countries (Rupees per word) Ordinary Minimum 7 words

Indian Government (Minimum 7 words)

Sri Lanka

Rs. 1.50

Rs. 1.50

Commonwealth Countries

Rs. 2.00

Rs. 2.00


Rs. 2.00

Re. 0.80


Rs. 2.00

Rs. 2.00


Rs. 2.00

Rs. 2.00


Rs. 2.00

Re. 0.65


Rs. 2.00

Re. 0.80


Rs. 2.00

Re. 0.80


Rs. 2.00

Re. 0.80


Rs. 2.00

Rs. 2.00


Rs. 2.00

Rs. 2.00

U.S.A & Possessions

Rs. 2.50

Rs. 2.50


Rs. 2.00

Rs. 0.65


Rs. 1.50

Note: Charge for urgent press telegram is the same as that for an ordinary telegram (Private) to the destination. Urgent press telegrams to commonwealth countries are charged at half the rate for ordinary private telegram to commonwealth countries. The charge for letter telegram is half of that of ordinary telegram, subject to a minimum charge of 22 words. 16. Overseas Telegrams to Other Foreign Countries Ordinary (per word)

Press (per word)

SLAB I All countries in Asia, Africa, Oceania and Europe

Rs. 2.00

Re. 0.50

SLAB II All countries in American Continent and other placed in Western Hemisphere

Rs. 2.50

Re. 0.60

17. Collective Call Sign Service a) Short Range Service

Collection Rate

(i) Single transmission through any one coast station

Rs. 2.00 per word

(ii) Single transmission through more than one coast station

Rs. 4.00 per word for single transmission through 2 coast stations Rs. 6.00 per word for single transmission through 3 coast stations

b) Long Range Service (Beyond 480 kms)


(i) Two transmissions through one coastal station

Rs. 8.00 per word

(ii) Two transmissions through more than one coast station

Rs. 16 for 2 transmission each for 2 coast stations Rs. 24 for 2 transmission each for 3 coast stations


Ship Shore Traffic (Radio Telegrams) Collection Rate a) Charges for Radio Telegrams transmitted from Rs. 3.00 per word offices in India to ships at sea through coast stations in India transmitted from offices in India b) In the case of Radio Telegrams to ships of Indian Navy

Re. 0.80 per word

Note: The minimum Charge for a radio-telegram is for 7 words c) The charges for radio-telegrams to be transmitted to a ship through any coast stations abroad, not situated in India

The charges of telegrams to the country in which the coast-station is situated at full rate PLUS A flat rate of Rs. 3.00 per word

d) Low Rate Radio Telegrams

Re. 1/- per word subject to a minimum charge of 8 words

19. Telegraph Rates (Foreign) Nepal



First 8 words

Rs. 5.00

each additional word Re. 0.40 Pakistan

Minimum 7 words

Rs. 1.30 per word


First 8 words

Rs. 5..00

each additional word Re. 0.40 Burma

Minimum 7 words

Re. 1.50 per word

Sri Lanka

Minimum 7 words

Re. 0.50 per word



First 50 words

Rs. 2.50

each additional 15 words

Re. 0.20


Minimum 14 words

Re. 0.45 per word


First 50 words

Rs. 2.50

Each additional 5 words

Re. 0.20


Minimum 14 words

Re. 0.40 per word


Minimum 7 words

Re. 0.15 per word



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