RTI Newsletter Volume 9

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COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine

#istandwithindia LEAD THE CHANGE

RTI Community Service Officer You Can Save a Life By Reading This! In general, we as Tablers are people who enjoy our lives, we try to make the most of it and we're always looking for opportunities to help others and make a difference. All ok so far………..Still people and also Tablers struggle from time to time. This struggle can be temporary and manageable for many but there are a lot of young men that are having heavy struggles and don't know how to deal with it. It's hard to talk about it even with your dearest friends and closest family. You should be strong as a man, you shouldn't cry, you shouldn't talk about your feelings. Let's end that STIGMA!

PAUL VREEBURG RTI Community Service Ofcer

Round Table as an organization has over 30.000 members worldwide. With an average Table size between 10 and 20 Tablers, Round Table looks like a perfect place to talk about your struggles. We all know that this isn't always happening due to various reasons. Question is what your Round Table should do about it and what we as RTI can do about it?

RTI Community Service Officer There are several associations that are having funds, trusts or platforms that can be used by members who are in trouble financially or mentally.We also know that it's not possible to have these kinds of structures for every association due to size of the association, due to rules and legislation in the country or due to other reasons. As RTI we would like to play an important role in this. Creating a financial support on international level is bringing some difficulties but we can start by supporting Tablers who want to reach out when they are facing mental health problems. We support them by listening and by talking to them. We can try to get them in the right direction. This is a specialist's job but with 30.000 members we have many specialists.You can think of doctors, psychiatrists, sociologist, emphatic Tablers, Tablers that can support in other ways.

Let us build a sustainable international help platform for those brothers who need it. Let us create something beautiful that Tablers can reach out to. And don't think that you'll never need it! I've personally seen the most successful people and businessmen going down mentally. I was lucky that they've all recovered, and they are doing well now but this would have never happened without professional help and brother who was there when they needed it the most. Do you want to HELP? cso@round-table.org Yours in International Tabling, Paul Vreeburg RTI Community Service Officer 2020-2021 RT144 Heerhugowaard the Netherlands

WE NEED HELP We are looking for Tablers that want to support this idea We are looking for those specialists We are looking for associations that have experience with these kind of projects We are looking for Tablers that faced or facing mental health issues and want to share their stories to help others.

Social Media Manager Dear Brothers, We all are going through very challenging times… there is a lot of uncertainty and tension around. But it was really heartening to see a lot of us, going out of our ways to passionately serve the needy in every possible way. Social media in itself has a very important role to play. Its usage has been very instrumental in providing critical information and getting help at the right time. I would use this space to point out some important facts about usage of social media in this pandemic 1. Check and Re-check Whenever you publish any information on your social media handles, ensure that the information is verified. With so many treatments and cures coming out everyday from the social media university, it is very important to check the facts before posting it.

VISHAL SADARJOSHI Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

2. Spread hope not fear Try to make your posts as positive as possible. Avoid negativity or fear in your posts. Try to keep your followers and friends in a positive space as much as possible. 3. Say no to rumours There are a lot of rumours sprouting out almost every minute. Don’t be a media for propagation of the same. This is the best way to stop the spread. 4. Share happiness. Repost Inspiration. Don’t hesitate to share good thoughts or happy quotes. This time we need to reach out to everybody in a positive note. If we can be a reason for somebody’s smile, that’s the best possible gift ever. 5. Silence is golden There is a lot of hatred around. This is because many people are on the other side of this pandemic. The emotions come out after loss of some near and dear ones. It is natural. Sometimes the frontline workers also face the brunt of these emotions. At these times its always better not to comment or instigate the issue. Sometimes silence works. We all are passionately doing our best to help as much as possible. As a parting note I would request everybody to stay safe and wear a broad smile. Take care of yourselves and your family. We all know…This too shall pass. take care. Vishal Sadarjoshi Social Media Manager Round Table International

Connect with E-Club, add value to your life & Adopt. Adapt. Improve: https://rtinternational.org/e-club/



On the occasion of Holy Ramadan, Dhaka Round Table - 1 arranged ifter distribution program with the help of “Decent Tyre” for roadside people with the assistance of Dhaka Metropolitan Police - DMP, Traffic Ramna Division. Thanks Mr. Rafatul Islam, Assistance Police Commissioner, AC - Traffic Ramna, Dhaka Metropolitan Police DMP for his presence and cooperation. To taka part in this great initiative DRT Members, Decent Tyre & Dhaka Metropolitan Police - Traffic Ramna division ensured their safety and health protection and distributed 300 packet of ready food at Dhaka City busy intersection - Moghbazer Traffic Signal.


ROUND TABLE ITALY FINALLY BACK ON TABLING! On the 22nd of May 2021 we finally have

Tha charter wasalsosponsored by the

expansion of RT Italy being a great place

our first Charter of the Year. A new Club

Municipal Administration of Jesolo, and

to show our logo to people that come from

was born in Area 2, the RT78 Jesolo!

the mayorwasreally happy about the

allaround of Italy.

partnership bornbetween the RT and the We finally got back to meeteachother in

City of Jesolo.

I can just say: come to Italy and go meet the guys in Jesolo, you will surely have an

real, and we cannot ask more than chartering a new club for this event, 90

After many Speeches of our Past

Italian Tablersalltogethersupporting the

Presidents, we finally got to the main

new club.

party, amazing food, fantasticvenue, the

After thatgreat event we are even happier

atmosphere we could breath was

that our National AGM is confirmed in

The Amazing event started on Friday night

incredible, and Tablers from Jesolo did a

Faenza on the 3rd of July!

with a really good Pizza Party in an

reallygreat job.

amazingvenue on the seaside. The

Jesolo is situated betweenVenice (just

mo0rnign after we finallyhad the official

30km to the east) and Trieste, a really

charter and thenItalian National President

wonderful and tinytown just on the


Martino Mercatali was really proud to

adriaticsea. A reallygreat place wherelots

Daniele Cusi

make 8 new Tablers, starting with the new

of italians and lot of foreigners use to

I.R.O. RT Italy 2019-2021

officialPresident of RT78 Jesolo, Marvin

spent their holiday. This means that Jesolo


is a really good strategic point for the

amazing tabling experience.

You can find all infos on www.agm2021.it


ROUND TABLE MAURITIUS My dear tablers and friends! Greetings from Sunny Mauritius! Trust this article finds you and your loved ones safe and well! It has been an absolute privilege and honor to serve as the President of Round Table Mauritius(RTM) this last year. My tenure as President started in May 2020, when Mauritius like most parts of the world experienced the COVID-19 pandemic for the first time. My Presidency was invariably subject to two lockdowns due to the pandemic, which made for difficult situations. It was with this backdrop, we held the first ever RTM webinar in May 2020with past and current Tablerswith the central theme of the Covid-19 Outlook touching on economic, employment and legal issues. In July 2020, Mauritius was unfortunately struck with an ecological disaster which stemmed from the MV Wakasio oil spill. We at RTM took the initiative together with Club 41Maurtius and the Afrasia Bank Mauritius to pool funds and raised an amount of Rs 1,000,044/- to help those families whose livelihood was directly affected. In October 2020 we had a car treasure

hunt (Rallye Bigorno) activity which proved to be a great fellowship event. The participants were engaged in numerous activities ranging from treasure hunts on the road to challenging activities which culminated in a BBQ party on the beach. I must confess the event surpassed everyone's expectations being the first Side by Side event to amass over 140 participants. In November 2020we were fortunate to experience a physical half yearly meeting which took place at the Mauritius International Arbitration Centre where again we received a record number of attendees for a half yearly meeting where important decisions were taken on the way forward for Tabling in Mauritius. We were also involved during the year at looking at the legalization of RTM and in that vein met with the Registrar of Associations. What importantly came from those meetings were that we were provided with a definitive formula on how the legalization process was to take place with the Member Tables first registering themselves following the National Board which was an important milestone.

their travel plans. Today with hindsight, I believe the right decision was taken and we have on a positive note secured the hosting of the AMI meeting in May 2022. In January and February of this year, we contacted the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation and were committed to have a plant a tree initiative on the island in April 2021 in line with the AMI initiative, however, unfortunately Mauritius went into a second lockdown on the 10th March 2021resulting in us having to postpone the event. This year has been an especially challenging one with the pandemic and its far-reaching effects. However, as we have so well learnt and experienced, us tablers believe in adopting, adapting and improving our ways which has demonstrated the resilience and dedication of tabling and tablers in Mauritius! We hope to see you all in Mauritius in May 2022 for the AMI and RTM AGM! With my warm regards. Yours in tabling.

In November 2020, we had a difficult decision to take not to host the AMI AGM in May 2021. We realized that the quarantine requirements of 14 days would not assist our international delegates in

Mithilesh Lallah RTM President 2020/2021



ROUND TABLE SENEGAL Focus on Senegal Created in 1981,” Table Ronde Dakar 1” (Senegal's Round Table) was sponsored by fellow French & Belgium Round Tables. Over the years it has tried to improve its print on social projects and help in many are as where need applies with in its own capabilities. In spite of the low attendance the past five years our little Table has increased in numbers reaching 15

enthusiastic tablers to date. We look forward to growing and possibly in the horizon of 2022 forming, helping to open first Table in Mauritania and contributing to many other national projects in our beautiful country which needs tremendous help in so many fields.

A year between sadness and confinement The COVID 19 pandemic has had heavy

Saddest things this year werethe losses

We take this opportunity to pay tribute to

consequences in Senegal and in our daily

around us…The charming,strong,

Sorayawho left us too early after an

life. The curfew put in place during almost

amazing and young wife of our National

incredible fight against the disease,

a year did not allow us to live our Table

Secretary and important founding

to Hassane–Presidentof Club41 2020-2021

like the other years. This made our

members of the Round Table Dakar 1, who

- and Jean-Paul, Club 41's Vice President

meetings and actions almost impossible.

became Clubers.

in the past.

These beautiful people will always be with us, in our thoughts, and we will never forget them.

ROUND TABLE SENEGAL Joy and simple happiness Despite this blocking situation, we were able to share some moments of conviviality between us and with our families and we were able to integrate two new formidable tablers.

Regarding our actions, we were also able to donate food and basic necessities for children and infants to the "PouponnièredeMbour", located 80 kilometers from Dakar - nursery for orphans and disadvantaged children.

Moving forward and prepare 2021-2022 Moving forward and prepare 2021-2022 Hoping to wake up soon to the news that the pandemic has stopped, we are preparing for next year. There will be a lot of work and many social actions to catch up on. Objective number 1 is the recruitment of

several new Tablers to grow the Table and compensate for the number of Tablers who will be leaving for Club 41.

help the most underprivileged communities as we have been doing for several years.

Objective 2 is to support Mauritania in their desire to open their very first Table. Last but not least, is to raise big events (blood donation, lottery, markets, ...) to

Cyril Ott President 2019/20, 2020/21 “Table Ronde Dakar 1”


RT-22 Kemi, Northern Finland. “How to make wine” @ february Temperature -16 degrees, wind 9 m/s and the 5 hour long meeting outside with bonfire.

RT-53 Kouvola, Southern Finland. “Winter hiking” @ march Guys from RT-53 had hiking meeting at Repovesi National park

RT-21 Oulu, Western Finland, “Winter biking” @ february RT-21 Oulu had winter biking and ski school meeting in the middle of the forest

RT-117 Kangasala, Western Finland @ august Over night trip to Seitseminen National park. Sauna, food and bonfire.

Brothers visiting OT-114 club, @ September Eye surgery at Tampere.

RT-75 Tornio, Northern Finland. “Hybrid meeting” @ November Enjoying GT at wintery and snowy Finnish Lapland while someone of us is still working

ROUND TABLE ISRAEL The Israeli Round Table is considered small and consists of only Round Table 3 who belongs to the International Round Table association. But the numbers do not scare us. On the contrary - due to this challenge, we make great efforts to carry out as many projects for the benefit of the community as possible, projects that would not have been carried out if it wasn't for us. Hello, my name is Tomer Freund, a member of Round Table 3, Haifa, Israel, and President of Round Table Israel. In the team with me is Assaf Medicks, a member of Round Table 3, and IRO of Israel.

Our fundraising is based on an annual

a lot of time and effort from the table

gala which includes a show and

members who want to sell as many tickets

refreshments. Ticket sales for the

as possible and raise funds for additional

evening and orchestrating the various

projects throughout the year.

logistics and cost saving efforts require

In the past year, due to COVID-19, we have not been able to carry out a gala evening, but thanks to many donations from companies and individuals who are annual guests and donated still, we were able to continue amazing projects for the community. Since the establishment of the table, the care for the less fortunate has been on our minds, and during the pandemic these help and assistance became much more important.

Recently we have witnessed increasing violence due to the security tensions in our country, which creates even more places that require help. I am proud to present to you some of the projects that members of the Israel Round Table have done recently, all on a full volunteer basis, and with a lot of good, genuine and sincere will:

ROUND TABLE ISRAEL lone Soldiers: There are many soldiers who come to volunteer in the Israeli Defence Forces from abroad, alone and without their families, out of Zionism and a desire to contribute.

These soldiers live in Israel without parents to support them, during such a difficult time in the army. Therefore, one of the important projects that our Round Table does, every year, is assisting in the purchase of food baskets

for lone soldiers on two major Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashana and Passover. We buy the food and come with our children to pack everything so it can be sent to the lone soldiers.

These food baskets help the lone soldiers get through the holidays better, and with more joy at heart.

Costumes: Another Jewish holiday is called "Purim" in which the children (and also the adults ...) dress up (you'll be happy to know that getting drunk is a religious obligation during the holiday).

This year we helped make costumes for the children in wheelchairs so that they can enjoy the holiday together with everyone.

In addition, we donated 150 costumes to children who are unable to buy, or even make, costumes. And he who has not seen the happy children receive the costumes, has not seen pure happiness in his life.

ROUND TABLE ISRAEL Computers to school children: In light of the health crisis that befalls us and its acute effects on the education system, and in light of many inquiries that have come to us, we realized that there are many children who, even in 2020, do not have a computer with which to join the online schooling.

monitors that also include all the operating systems and software required for online learning. In light of the importance of the project to us, we decided to set up a site for fundraising, and to leverage this even more - we promised to match donations from our

own budget to whatever amount we raise. This led to a large amount of donations, and allowed us to buy and distribute many computers to children from low-income families who with our help, could now learn from home like the other children and not be left behind.

We believe that the lack of a computer can impair a child's sense of belonging, as well as their progress in learning and in life in general. Therefore, we set up the "Must Have a Computer" project, our most ambitious project in the past year, in which we purchased desktop computers and

Another help for school children is the purchase of fully stocked school bags for first graders, and their distribution through the Ministry of Welfare to families who are unable to buy them.

In doing so, these children begin their schooling as equals rather than in a disadvantage.

ROUND TABLE ISRAEL Emergency shelter for women Where there are no people, strive to be one - violence against women is a terrible phenomenon and although we cannot stop it ourselves, we can reach out to those who help women and their children escape.

During the previous year we were privileged to donate many sets of bedding and towels to an emergency shelter for women in Haifa.

Finally, I would like to quote a sentence that I was very attached to personally:

someone else, and if everyone in the world would give their little drop, together we can create a better world.

"It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it"

YIT, Tomer Freund, RT3 Haifa, President of Round Table Israel Assaf Medicks, RT3 Haifa, IRO of Round Table Israel

We should always remember that even if sometimes when we see all the endless suffering that exists in the world, and we ask ourselves how the drop in the ocean that we do can really help, It is important to remember that this drop is a whole ocean for

ROUND TABLE SEYCHELLES Consisting of only 10 Tablers, Round Table Seychelles has seen its fair share of challenges over the year 2020, and for the first part of 2021. Despite facing such trials, most of which was Covid related, Round Table Seychelles has always found a way to emerge on top of whatever was thrown its way. Through nationwide restrictions, we at Round Table Seychelles never stopped adapting to the new normal measures to ensure that our daily running of both our club and association is kept at a high standard. Our charitable deeds are still ongoing, especially now since most Seychellois are not only dealing with a health crisis, but with an economic one as well. However, sadly for us, and the legacy of over 46 years, our annual Regatta, which has been our biggest source of charitable funding, has seen itself silenced by the threat of the pandemic. With our 3-day national charity beach fiesta halted, it does mean we have had to scale down on

some of the assistance we have provided to our valued community. Our biggest project, whichwe have managed to maintain, is the construction of a new block for the National school for the Exceptional Child, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the Office of the President of the Republic of Seychelles. This project will allow the school to receive two new classrooms and a multi-purpose room to accommodate the increasing number of students that enrol in the school, as well as to facilitate some of the special needs activities thatthe school partakes in. Striving to keep our charitable goals alive is not the only area we at Round Table Seychelles have been successful in. Keeping our fellowship flag high has also been one of our major focus this year. While respecting the national health measures placed upon us, we have had great triumph in organise our bonding events amongst our club members. Since

starting our Table year in March, we have organised a family hike to the top of one of Seychelles highest mountains, we have had a family beach day and we had a barbeque family night hosted by our esteemed Entertainment and Fund Raising officer Mr Darrel Benoit. We have also had an internal art competition for the World International Day of Happiness. Fellowship however, does not only extend to members of Round Table Seychelles. Our hand of fellowship has always extended to our partners, namely the Ladies Circle of Seychelles, which we have supported and helped to charter on May 2nd of 2021. We will stand side by side with them as they grow and take on whatever trials they meet. As for Round Table Seychelles, as we move forward into the year, we intend to do so with more determination to overcome our challenges, inspire others around us to do great things like we do and grow in membership, all for the Love of Table. Construction of the New Block of The National School for The Exceptional Child Proudly sponsored by RT Seychelles


RTS beach BBQ competition

RTS2 council meeting

Collage of some of the best artwork from the RTS2 world International day of happiness art competition

Social meeting while we wait for the judges to announce the winners of our International Day of Happiness Art competition.


Tabler Boris Gubaidulin from RT Estonia appreciating the warmth of the RT Seychelles Hospitality on top of the second highest mountain of the Seychelles main island. A once in a lifetime experience for our brother from the other side of the world.

RTS on Top of Seychelles Challenge

President rst in front with VP on the left front and our community councillor front right



Q1 - On Saturday the 3rd of April, 260 men from across the world came together with Round Table International and The Robin Cancer Trust to set a Guinness World Record. What was the record attempt for:1. Donation for Cancer Hospital 2. Inclusion of cancer research in Global Service Project of Round Table International 3. Educating young about Testicular Cancer

The Tabler that wins the maximum number of quizzes will be recognized by the RTI President at the World Meet 2021 with a special RTI Branded gift. Stay tuned for the next issue for the answers of Vol 8.

Q2 - What is E-Club in Round Table International 1. Party every Saturday on virtual platforms like Zoom 2. Virtual Membership with limited rights for guys staying in places where Round Table is not present. 3. Software developed by Round Table to conduct online meetings during Covid Q3 - Round Table International has started an initiative called ‘Blood Brothers’, what is it about? 1. Encourage your eligible sibling to join RTI. 2. Encourage tablers to donate blood. 3. Help tablers in need in the current time of crisis. 4. All of above Q4 - As per the Constitution[rulebook] of Round Table International, an important meeting is scheduled to happen every year Between 15 February and 15 March. What meeting is that? 1. World Meet 2. Regional Meeting. 3. Half Yearly World Meeting 4. RTI Board Meeting Q5 - As per the Constitution[rulebook] of Round Table International, an important meeting is scheduled to happen every year Between 15 August and 15 October. What meeting is that? 1- RTI World Meet 2- Regional Meeting. 3- Half Yearly World Meeting 4- RTI Board Meeting

Quiz Volume 9 1

How much does RTI e-club membership cost for their members? It is Free The elected leadership of the e-Club will have full discretion on the fees being charged apart from, the RTI capitation fee and the annual Tabler. World subscription.


Who can be a member of the RTI e-Club? Current Tablers relocating to another country or area where there is no Round Table club or association present within 50km’s; or Members from where a club has closed and there is no other Round Table club present within 50km’s; or Where the executive board of an Association provides written permission for this member to join the Association, for whatever reason. All of the above


Who will take the day to day decisions for RTI eclubs The elected leadership of the e-Club RT International Board They will be taken at RTI World Meeting


Can RTI Eclub member attend RTI Meetings Yes No


Can RTI Eclub Members Vote in RTI Meetings Yes No

You can fill the quiz before 25th June 2021 on https://forms.gle/Z9U9hsp8ebcfVV9H7

The tabler that wins maximum number of quiz will be recognized by RTI President at world meet 2021 with a special RTI Branded gift. Stay tuned for the next issue for the answers of Vol 9.






• Arabian Gulf • Australia • Austria • Bangladesh • Belgium • Botswana • Bulgaria • Canada • Cyprus • Cameroon • Denmark • Eastern Africa • Estonia • Finland • France • Germany • Gibraltar • Great Britain & Ireland • Hongkong • Hungary • Iceland • India • Israel • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Madagascar • Malawi • Malaysia • Malta • Mauritius • Moldova • Monaco • Morocco • Nepal • New Zealand • Nigeria • Norway • Philippines • Portugal • Romania • Russia • San Marino • Senegal • Seychelles • Singapore • Southern Africa • Sri Lanka • Suriname • Sweden • Switzerland • The Netherlands • Trinidad and Tobago • Tunisia • USA • Zambia • Zimbabwe










PRO, RT INTERNATIONAL 2020-21 pro@round-table.org 91 9229231111 www.round-table.org


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