Cam newsletter october16

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CWM a MynyDD

Rural Development Programme Issue 2 • october 2016


Let’s Get Ready to Rural! Walking Working Women



FeatuRes Let’s Get Ready to Rural!


Is it Pop Art or Art Pop-up


Now you can eat, drink and sleep Cwm a Mynydd 08 Lets get ‘shedded’


Walking Working Women!


Checking out what is under our feet!


Cwm a Mynydd @ the Agricultural Shows


Sustainable Energy


The Caerphilly Business Forum Awards Wales Valleys Walking Festival Rural Community Development Fund

21 22 24

Hello! W

elcome to the second issue of

are a number of interesting projects that

the Cwm a Mynydd Newsletter

could get supported by Cwm a Mynydd.

– we hope you find this issue as

Congratulations to the successful projects

enjoyable as the last one! Since the last meeting

that have got through the recent round of

of the Cwm a Mynydd Local Action Group,

Rural Community Development Fund with 5

there have been a number of developments.

projects going forward to the second stage of

Firstly, the EU Referendum took place in June

the assessment process. In addition, we have

and the result will have a significant impact in

had positive feedback from Welsh Government

Wales and the rest of the UK. We have received

regarding our Sustainable Management Scheme

confirmation from WG that funding for the

projects and will be submitting the following

LEADER programme which funds Cwm a

for the next round of funding: ‘Gelligaer and

Mynydd has been secured up until December

Merthyr Commons’ and ‘Southern Landscape

2021. Whilst this is good news, we await further

Partnership’. There are other funds open and due

details on the impact of the Referendum on

to open through the RDP and we encourage you

the wider RDP and indeed other EU funded

all to look into these sources of funding - http://


Secondly, a warm welcome to Julian Bosley who joins the Cwm a Mynydd RDP Team as RDP Sustainable Energy Officer – Julian has been

Cwm a Mynydd RDP Ty Fry Farm, Heol y Bedw Hirion, Bedwellty, NP12 0BE. T: 01443 838 632

farmingandcountryside/cap/ruraldevelopment/ wales-rural-development-programme-20142020/?lang=en.

getting out and about and meeting various

We hope you enjoy this second issue of the Cwm

partners and stakeholders and has identified a

a Mynydd Newsletter and as always please get

number of potentially exciting projects to take

in touch with us if you have any queries or have

forward – please get in touch with him as he’s

any project ideas that you would like to discuss

very interested in any innovative project ideas

– we are here to help.

you may have. Cwm a Mynydd RDP team A big thanks to all the applicants that have applied to the Implementation fund – there

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Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . May 7

We’re not just at the #caerphillyfoodfest we are forging ahead with the #CaerphillyChallenge #flyingtheFlagForEurope

Let’s Get Ready to RuRaL! IMPLEMENTATIoN FuNd


uly saw the closing date for the first ‘open

assess potential ‘State Aid’ issues and identify

call’ process for projects to be funded

opportunities to add value to and complement

through the Implementation fund. The

strategic programmes. Following this

implementation fund is available to fund pilot

assessment, the projects are now put forward to

projects looking to test innovative ideas and

the Cwm a Mynydd LAG for assessment.

approaches within the Cwm a Mynydd LAG area.

If the LAG is happy to support the projects, there will be an opportunity for each applicant to

Through the ‘open call’ process, a diverse range

present their project to the LAG and outline what

of projects have come forward showcasing the

they hope to achieve – this process will hopefully

innovative ideas of people and organisations

enable greater opportunities for collaboration

across the Cwm a Mynydd LAG area. As

and cooperation between projects and help

part of the initial assessment of projects,

foster, from the outset, the partnership approach

each application was sent on to the Welsh

which will be embedded into the delivery of

Government for comment, in particular to

each project.

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Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . May 7

Cwm a Mynydd Creatives arts Week 2016 9th until 15th July celebrates local creative talent! @cwmamynydd

IS IT PoP ART oR ART PoP-uP CWM a MYNYdd CREaTIVES aRE TRaIl BlaZERS oNCE aGaIN or the past few years,

Family Dental Health Centre, St

got involved with each artist

the Cwm a Mynydd

Davids Hospice, Parc Penallta

contributing to the marketing

Rural Development

and Ty Penallta each became

and promotion of the event

Programme has been

places of the unexpected

that allows our support to

supporting creatives share

as temporary galleries. This

reach even further. The project

their creativity far and wide

veritable trail didn’t stop there

worked with 12 artists and

and 2016 was no different.

either as the love of art spread

members of the Mid Valleys

Through the Cwm a Mynydd

out from Ystrad Mynach to

East Art Society and 8 Pop-up

Creatives Network, we create

reach the Living Room in New

gallery locations as well as

a space where artists, potters,

Tredegar, the Workers Gallery

Caerphilly CBC Town Centres

carvers and animators, to name

and Studios in Porth and the

Team and Arts Development.

but a few, can get together

Mid Valleys East Arts Society in

The week itself ran from the

to talk about ideas, projects


9th July until the 15th and saw


visitors blazing along the trail

and to share experiences. It

6 • Cwm a Mynydd - •

is through this process that

A number of creatives threw

to discover the unexpected

the idea for the ‘Arts Week’

open the doors to their

across the valleys. Plans are

first emerged back in 2014.

studios, showing the public the

already afoot for Arts Week

Fast forward to 2016, and Arts

creative process in its natural


Week returned as less Pop-

environment, with open

Art and more Pop-up Pop-In

studios taking place in Argoed,

as Ystrad Mynach High Street

Parc Penallta and Newbridge.

transformed into a series of

In a first for the artists and the

Pop-up galleries. Local artists

network, Arts Week 2016 was

collaborated to create creative

a true collaboration between

hubs as M&R Barbers, The

Cwm a Mynydd and those that Cwm a Mynydd - • • 7

Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . 8 Feb

Get Booking, last places on FREE #Branding Workshop with the incredible@Tessa_Stuart @#Abergavenny - 19th Oct 9 - 1pm



he Food, Drink and

a space with businesses and

author of ‘Packed’ and ‘Flying

Hospitality Network

enterprises that could sell and

off the shelves’ exploring what

bring together two

stock it.

brand and packaging does

staples of the world of Cwm a

for growing sales as well as

a Food, Drink and Hospitality

Food and drink Producers

Expo in the County. The

interested in the regional

‘Expo’ will work with both the

events can follow this link to

Caerphilly Business Forum and

book on to the event https://

Cywain to offer a range of

Mynydd – Food and Drink, and

Launched at the Caerphilly

Abergavenny Food festival

Hospitality. Whilst we recognise

Food and Drink Festival, the

talking about how to get a pitch

that, is in fact, three things,

Cwm a Mynydd Programme has

at the 2017 festival. The event

these two networks of rural

worked with network members

will also feature successful local

development 2.0 have merged

to create opportunities at a new

food business Baked by Mel (a

for a bigger and better network

regional networking event to

business supported by Cwm

support to independent

in rural development 3.0

be held on the 18th and 19th

a Mynydd under the previous

producers and hospitality

Those interested in the expo

reflecting the benefits of having

October in Cowbridge and

programme) and White Castle

providers, aiming to boost local

can email

makers of our amazing range

Abergavenny with a keynote

Vinyard. The Network is also

supply chains and the local

uk to express their interest in

of foods and drinks sharing

workshop from Tessa Stuart,

spearheading the creation of



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working with network members to create opportunities!”

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....bringing the Shed Movement to Caerphilly”


Cwm a Mynydd




Don’t forget if u want 2 know more about Men’s Sheds, join us & @MensShedCymru tomorrow pm @ aberbargoed Grasslands

ShEd WITh a SaW-MIll



3.59 am - 18 May 2016

Lets get ‘sheDDeD’ From a chance encounter over a sandwich at a Rural Housing conference in Newtown in 2014 to a bustling workshop in Aberbargoed, the Cwm a Mynydd Programme really does move in unexpected ways.

the ‘Shed Movement’ to

Timber Yard and Workshop

and are planning some trips

Caerphilly. It has been a long

and is supported weekly by

to visit other sheds in South

en’s Sheds Cymru, an organisation that promotes and

process, as a true shed is a

Mid Valleys West Communities

Wales. The project has made

assists in the creation of spaces where men of all ages

place that is led and supported

First and ourselves. The men

links with Gofal and a number

can get together to pursue their interests, develop

by the men themselves and

have upgraded the Working

of other organisations and is

new ones and to spend time with others who want to do the same

not officers or support workers,

Women’s Wheel, created a

well on its way to becoming a

thing. A few meetings later and Cwm a Mynydd were fully on

but the Aberbargoed shed is

series of planters for a local

fully fledged shed with its own

board with the ethos of the project and saw it as a way to tackle

now finding its feet and has

group and have been working

constitution. The ‘shedders’

some of the issues that were identified in our Local Development

grown to 7 members and has

on their own personal projects

(technical term) meet between

Strategy and with the help of Mens Sheds, Groundwork Wales and

set up home in the joint Cwm

(from strimmer repairs to carved

1 and 3pm on a Thursday at the

Caerphilly Communities First set about the first steps of bringing

a Mynydd and Groundwork

ohm’s and hard wood shelves)

Bowen Industrial Estate.


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Cwm a Mynydd




#WorkingWomen returns with a #Walk & #Talk from the amazing @Jacq_Williams Thurs about overcoming challenges & trekking the #Sahara 10.00 am - 6 Sep 2016

WaLking WoRkING WoMEN!


n the 8th of September the Working

been an Italian café in the 1920’s. Tyfu was set

Women’s Network held its latest event

up in 2012 by the charity Drugaid which helps

with an inspirational walk and talk

people with drug problems get back into work.

by Jacquie Williams. Jacquie is the MD of SCS Aftercare Smoke Vent Maintenance & President of the Women Walking Group but is also an avid supporter of the charity Cancer Research Wales and recently trekked the Sahara Desert in the company of Julien McDonald our very own Mertyhr Tydfil born fashion designer, to raise money for the charity. The members of the network met at the Twyn in Caerphilly then led by Jacquie and Kev (the #teamCAM representative and that evening ‘the token male’) took a short walk up to Caerphilly Castle where Kev expertly informed the group of a potted history of the castle and the legend of the ‘Green Lady’.

A wonderful buffet was enjoyed at Tyfu whilst Jacquie gave a presentation on her trek, the challenges that she faced in the Sahara and also day to day challenges that are faced in her professional life. At the end of the evening the members took time to network and ask Jacquie questions. The next network meeting is being held on Wednesday 12th October at Llancaiach Fawr, this event is a Ghost Tour and talk by Diane Walker, who heads up the all female management team at Llancaiach. For further information and to book onto the event visit

The group then made their way up through the town to the Tyfu Community Café. Tyfu is a social enterprise that is situated in a building that had 12 • Cwm a Mynydd - •

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CHECkING ouT What is unDeR ouR FEET! – ARCHAEoLoGy WEEk


uly sees the annual Archaeology Week

concrete cancer being discovered in the building

and this year as part of that event the

and is in the process of being demolished.

Aberystruth History and Archaeology

Before the land is regenerated and turned to

Society decided to hold a Geophysical survey. Aberystruth History and Archaeology Society was founded just 3 years ago and is a non-profit charity crated to explore and record all things

some new purpose the society asked to carry out the survey to find out more information of about activity that had been carried out on the land in bygone days.

to do with archaeology, history and heritage in

With the help of the society members and

the old parish of Aberystruth. This parish was 14

members of the Brecon Young Archaelogists the

miles long by 7 miles wide and stretched from

geophysical survey concentrated on a piece of

Brynmawr to Aberbeeg and from Beaufort to the

land where bulidings from a former iron works

Tillery Valley.

once stood and dated form the 18th Century.

The Geophysical survey was carried out in the

Details of the actual findings and a report on

grounds of the former Blaina Comprehensive

the survey will be given in the next newsletter –

School, on what formed part of the sports

watch this space!

field. The school closed a few years ago due to 14 • Cwm a Mynydd - •

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Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . Sep 16

This Friday we’re @ #Nelson Type #Ewe Sales in Nelson talking all this #agri & #rural - If u’r there come say hi, if not send questions here.

CWM a MynyDD @ ThE aGRICulTuRal ShoWS


f you were at either the Machen or Bedwellty

in Cefn Fforest but 2016 saw the show move

shows this year you would have no doubt

to Llancaiach Fawr. In moving, the show now

seen the boys from #teamCAM there

has a truly rural setting and it proved to be

promoting our work. Since our work began on

very successful. #teamCAM partnered up with

the Rural Development Programme back in 2009

Gelligaer and District Young Farmers Club to

we have made it a priority to support the local

create a similar interactive stand to the one at

agricultural shows, to inform on our work and to

Machen and again we were able to share our

provide interactive display areas for local artists,

work and gain ideas for the future from the show

crafters and food & drink producers.


At Machen show we decided to create an activity

We will once again be attending the shows in

where we could engage younger visitors by

2017 and look forward to supporting our thriving

creating races in the way of traditional country

agricultural industries in this way.

fayres what would include a skill element. We took the theme of short supply chain and gave it a fun rural twist, this then became a relay race where 1 runner was a farmer and the other was a lorry driver, the farmer had to take produce (eggs & cheese) to the lorry driver who then had to carry all the good in 1 trip to the market. These races were used to encourage families to come to our stand and then we were able to share with them information on our work and get leads on future projects from these conversations. Bedwellty show this year was very exciting as it changed venue. For over 120 years the show had been held at the Blackwood Show field 16 • Cwm a Mynydd - •

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Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . 19 Mar 2015

Some great potential opportunities highlighted at the Re:Fit Cymru & VentureCymru events last wk providing plenty of food for RdP thought!



ulian Bosley has now joined the Cwm a Mynydd RDP team. Julian’s work will focus on working with local farmers,

businesses and communities within the RDP area in exploring sustainable energy opportunities, whether small scale or large scale projects in partnership and community schemes. Julian is also keen to develop some new networks and cluster groups for particular

businesses to develop business

interact with the RDP team and

sectors, in order to identify common needs

partnerships and short supply

the range of proposals that

and interests and to find some new potential

chains. Julian would also like to

have come forward to (and

diversification opportunities for local farmers

speak with farmers who might

through) the LAG and Welsh

and SME’s.

be interested in starting up a

Government, Julian is happy

‘buying group’, with a view to

to work with anyone that

gaining some buying power

feels that sustainable energy

through joint procurement.

based input could assist their

Example ’live’ projects include exploring the alternative uses of crops as non-food products and the incorporation of new, ‘next generation’ renewable technologies into a variety of built

Finally, given the diversity of

structures working with universities and local

projects and partners that

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Get in touch to discuss your ideas!”

situation – get in touch with him to discuss your ideas!

Cwm a Mynydd - • • 19

the CaeRPhiLLy BuSINESS FoRuM aWaRDs


hether you’re a builder or a baker, in childcare or a clinical researcher or even a farmer or financial consultant, we know that there are countless clever, creative and captivating businesses of

all shapes and sizes out there in Caerphilly. Every year the Caerphilly Business Forum hosts one of Wales’ hottest business awards. Rewarding your success and recognising what you or your business has achieved, the Caerphilly Business Forum Awards is open to any business operating in Caerphilly and is your chance to shout about your success. There are 9 categories in total including Business of the Year - Under 25 Employees and Contribution to the Rural Economy. So whether you are self employed or employed, from a large company or work from Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . Sep 21

Its back, its bigger tha ever & its 15 years old! The @cbforum Awards have returned. Get entering you clever lot - categories-2016

home, based in a town, industrial site or a farm making food or arcade machines, drawing art or building plans, manufacturing cars or fitting tyres, writing programmes for TV or IT or even supporting young people into work, enter the CBF Awards today. This year Caerphilly Business Forum will be celebrating the 15th Anniversary Gala Awards Dinner on Friday 18th November 2016 at Bryn Meadows Golf, Hotel and Spa, hosted by BBC Wales TV Presenter Jamie Owen. The Cwm a Mynydd Programme has supported the awards for the past 4 years and our category, ‘Contribution to the Rural Economy’ has been one of the ‘stand

ContRibution to the RuRaL eConomy awaRd is baCk!

out’ categories that champion the business in our rural communities. Previous winners have included Hallets Real Cider (twice those clever folks have won), Plant2Plate and our very own LAG member Glyn Davies Auctioneers won in 2015.

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Here’s hoping to another record year for rural Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent!

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of a series of 18 walks covering all 5 authority

situated at the end of the Machen run. This walk

areas and walks that range from easy to very

was guided in Welsh and was run in partnership


with Menter Iaith Caerffili and was lead by our

The Cwm a Mynydd Rural Development

Welsh speaking ranger Kerry Galey.

Programme team have been involved with the

A manor and more – A walk from Llancaiach

festival since we started our work in 2009 and

Fawr to the beautiful Parc Penallta to see ‘Sultan’

each year we contribute to the development and

the 2nd largest earth sculpture in Europe. This

delivery of the festival. The Caerphilly Council’s

walk was packed with information on local

Countryside ranger service provide the guides

heritage, history and facts about the wildlife that

for our series of walks and this year these walks

is abundant at the park and in Nelson Bog.


Marvellous Mynyddislwyn – An

10 Stone Trail – A trail discovering ten historic

enchanting walk though the Sirhowy Valley

features of the Darran Valley enjoying in breath

talking in some spectacular early autumnal

taking views on Gelligaer and Merthyr Common.


Machen Forge Trail – A magical stroll around

This years festival was once again well attended

the industrial past of peaceful Machen including

and for next years programme the festival

the remains of the forge and a stop at the very

will follow the theme of Visit Wales’s ‘Year of

popular Basil & Rusty’s Ice cream parlour which is




he Wales Valleys Walking Festival has been running for 12 years and is collaboration between the

neighbouring local authorities of Caerphilly,


Blaenau Gwent, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Merthyr Tydfil and Torfaen. The festival runs each year for the first 2 weeks of September and is made up

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Cwm a Mynydd @cwmamynydd . sep 23

looking Forward to @CREWRegenWales ‘Sustaining Welsh Communities’ conference on Monday which promises to be interesting and engaging event.



big congratulations to the 5 projects

the projects are successful in the second stage,

that have been successful in the latest

the Cwm a Mynydd LAG area could receive an

(June) round of the Rural Community

investment of over £800,000 which is excellent

Development Fund (RCDF). They include a wide range of projects from community-based renewable energy, to a regeneration masterplan, an enhancement of a community park and an interpretation programme to a 3D printer.

news. We understand from Welsh Government that there will be two further rounds of RCDF funding available; one in December and one in February. We will hopefully secure further funding through

These projects will go forward to the 2nd

the RCDF which will help support a range of

assessment stage and if successful, hopefully add

other projects and groups – we’ll keep you

value to those that have already been approved

posted but please get involved and do not

from the January round and bring much needed

hesitate to contact us should you need any

investment into the area supporting community

support with your applications.

groups which are doing fantastic work. If all 24 • Cwm a Mynydd - •

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Cwm a Mynydd RDP Ty Fry Farm Heol y Bedw Hirion Bedwellty NP12 0BE T: 01443 838 632 The Cwm a Mynydd Rural Development Programme is funded by the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (RDP) which is jointly funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government

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