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on Amsterdam

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HOUSEBOATS A second Amsterdam

COFFEESHOPS Not only for drinking coffee

TERRACES Enjoy both sun and water

If you love flowers, visit the zoo.

175 years of Artis Royal Zoo in Amsterdam

Our Features



A SECOND AMSTERDAM Amsterdammers love their canals, they want to live on them in houseboats and spend their Sunday afternoons floating around on them.



40 46 54

Talking of boats: the world’s only houseboat museum can be entered through the ship’s former deckhouse - a tiny space that was once inhabited by a family of four.

COFFEESHOP AND COFFEE SHOP Strictly speaking, in Amsterdam there is a difference between a coffeeshop and a coffee shop. If you want to find out why, you’ll encounter the pragmatic Dutch.

CULINARY AVENUE The most attractive shopping street in the Netherlands (according to the Dutch) is also a culinary avenue of the highest standard.



Terraces come in all shapes, sizes, colours, textures and flavours. This is specially true in Amsterdam – a city where waterside terraces are everywhere to be found.

ADDRESS P.O. Box 29 1616 ZG Hoogkarspel The Netherlands T 0228 – 85 57 25 E W EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Robert van der Zwan T 0653 - 31 63 74 E EDITORS Lizet Deutekom, Constanze Fluhme, Wilag Kater, Benjamin Roberts, Henry Salman, Carla van Splunteren, Evert Stel (photographer), Paola Westbeek (also English language editor) ART DIRECTOR Peter Leeuwerink SALES MAGAZINE Inez Stertefeld T 0622 - 14 27 89 E


SALES WEBSITE CITYRUSH Arthur van der Zwan T 0652 - 69 93 95 E

Around 1500, Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen (1470-1533) stood at the forefront of a long flourishing period in Dutch painting.

PRINTED BY Moderna (Belgium)

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The Cornelis Schuytstraat in ‘Oud-Zuid’ (Old South) is a shopping street with its own grandeur.


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60 HIP & HOT

Yes, Amsterdam has all kinds of culinary highlights to offer.


Amsterdam is about photography, paintings, theatre, sculpture and much more.

ATS HOUSEBO A second Amsterdam

S COFFEESHOP Not only for e drinking coffe

TERRACES sun Enjoy both and water






• Amsterdam as it should be: a waterside terrace just around the corner - see p. 54.

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4 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014







Spring 2014 I 5

2,500 houseboats "To The AmsTerdAm cAnAls, I hAve forever pledged my whole heArT. AmsTerdAm fIlls my ThoughTs As The mosT beAuTIful cITy In our counTry." Those Are The openIng lyrIcs of The mosT fAmous song AbouT AmsTerdAm. AmsTerdAmmers mIghT be ArrogAnT, buT nobody cAn Accuse Them of noT ApprecIATIng TheIr cITy And cAnAls.

6 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014

Spring 2014 I 7


Text Benjamin Roberts Photography Evert Stel, private collections, AGP, RVD

Previous pages Amsterdam is... 2,500 houseboats and 18,000 recreational watercraft. Page right top “I can be myself at work.” How do gays express that in Amsterdam? On a boat, of course! Page right below What about a real garden in front of your houseboat?


fact, Amsterdammers love their canals, they want to live on them in houseboats and spend their lazy Sunday afternoons floating around on them. To get an idea how boat-happy Amsterdammers are: there are approximately 2,500 houseboats hooked up to city water, electricity and sewage; and 18,000 small, recreational watercraft line the canals. Besides that, there are boat hotels, a Cat Boat (refuge for the feline), and a Houseboat Museum. “IT clEARs my hEAd” With more than 165 canals and nearly 1,300 bridges, Amsterdam is a city of water, and well, the boat is the just about the best way to admire the 17th century architecture of the city and historic ring of canals. Locals think the same way, just like Jan Jelle van Hasselt who has had a boat for more than 20 years. He never gets tired of sailing the canals of the city and usually goes out for a trip after dinner with a thermos of coffee. "It clears my head," he confesses. During the winter months, Van Hasselt keeps his 7.5-metre Beenakker Vlet vessel on dry dock in AmsterdamNorth. The rest of the year he has it moored in front of his house on the picturesque Groenburgwal canal where it is stands guarded by the majestic church tower of the Zuiderkerk. Van Hasselt's favourite route is over the Keizersgracht with its stately 17th century homes. Van Hasselt divulges: "It is the only major canal that large tourist-operated boats are unable to navigate because the bridges are too low. And that makes it nicer for the smaller, recreational boats." Van Hasselt also likes taking the boat out with his friends, colleagues and visitors from abroad, especially for longer trips beyond the city limits. In that case, he brings the barbecue along. IT’s A mUsT! Most small boat owners feel the call of the canals come the spring. That usually started around Queen's Day, celebrated until last year on 30 April. It's the ‘unofficial’ start of the boating season. This year the country will celebrate King's Day for the first time on 26 April. If weather permits, it should be a boating frenzy on Amsterdam's water-

8 I Rush on Amsterdam

ways. On festivities such as Queen's Day and Gay Pride (the first Saturday of August), watercraft fill the canals to such an extent that it is impossible to see the water. Van Hasselt reveals: "On those occasions my boat usually has 15 to 18 people and plenty of food and drink." According to Van Hasselt, "the best route for tourists is the Prinsengracht, Amstel River, Oudeschans, and of course the Red Light District". He interjects: "It's a must for all tourists!" For the more adventurous-hearted, he recommends the Nieuwe Meer, the large lake in the southwestern part of the city, or sailing east through the Oranjesluizen (Orange Sluices), which lead to Blijburg, the beach of the new district of IJburg. FloATIng dIscoThEqUEs Sailing over the canals and Amstel River is nothing new. In the 17th century, it was a common recreational activity for young people to travel the city's waterways. It was one of the only ways young people could be with the opposite sex without a chaperone. They went out on a boat, took food and wine, and usually had a lute and songbook to sing from. Because the country did not have wooded nature for young people to retreat to, its waterways were the next best thing. In other cities in Holland, young people also went out on the boat. The 'May Song' was the most common song in many songbooks. It celebrated the month and the return of spring when young people could finally go out sailing again. Sometimes the lyrics had a sexual twist by referring to Cupid. For young couples, nothing was more romantic than the Dutch waterways. It was the perfect setting for wine, women and song. In 400 years, things haven't changed much. Today on warm, summer evenings, the canals of the city are clogged with small boats in all shapes and sizes. People of all age groups are out on boats. However, the most prominent group are still young people who sail on large watercraft stocked with food, booze and some even with complete professional stereo systems. As nighttime falls, these boats turn into floating discotheques.

Spring 2014


Spring 2014 I 9





1. During the 17th century, in Amsterdam as well as in the rest of Holland, young people loved to go out on the boat. The 'May Song' was the most common song in many songbooks. It celebrated the month and the return of spring when young people could finally go out sailing again. 2. Heading for a barbecue on a boat? Why not? 3. Amsterdammers celebrate Queen’s Day (now King’s Day) on their boats from the canals.

ConCERTs on ThE wATER Recently, authorities have banned blaring stereos on the canals after residents on the three major canals started to complain that their windows were vibrating from the penetrating bass coming from some boats. However, music on the water is not likely to be banned. Each year in late August, a live classical concert is staged on a makeshift podium that spans over the width of Prinsengracht. As far as the eye can see, concert-goers are seated in their small boats, sipping wine and eating homemade treats. The boats are packed from side to side so that the boat-fearer in the middle can easily walk from boat to boat to reach the quay for a necessary restroom visit...

Nutshell' (‘De Notendop’). Sijpkens, who is as vibrantly dressed as his boat, points out, "the acoustics are optimal from under the bridges.” With a trumpet in his left hand and his right hand on the keys of a miniature church organ, Sijpkens is literally and figuratively a one-man show. When boaters and pedestrians on the bridges and along the canals have the good fortune to come across one of The Nutshell's spontaneous performances, it turns into a happening. People stop, sing along and dance.

People stop, sing along and dance

A boAT mUsiCiAn? YEs, indEEd Water and music have a long tradition in the city. Captain and musician Reinier Sijpkens combines the two. From under bridges, he gives live performances from his small, colourfully painted music boat, christened 'The

10 I Rush on Amsterdam

In the 22 years since Sijpkens has been a boat musician, he has become a national phenomenon. In January, he performed for the Dutch Royal Family. Sijpkens doesn't do it for the money. People donate the amount they can afford at one of his nautical performances. Performing from his boat is his passion. He explains: "During a performance people forget everything and enjoy the moment. I relish the interaction with people. The urge to perform comes from my heart. I want to share those beautiful moments with others."

Spring 2014




Boat rental agencies To experience the canals like the city's residents, boat ownership is not required. There are many companies that rent small watercraft on an hourly or daily basis. The average cost is about â‚Ź 25 an hour and the boats seat 4-6 people. A nautical license is also not required for boats and yachts smaller than 15 metres that do not travel faster than 20 kilometres per hour. For information about renting a boat, check the website www., and use the link 'Boat Hire'. This link provides a list of companies renting small boats. Amsterdammers such as Van Hasselt agree: "It's the best way to see the city."

'aan de amsterdamse grachten' by Wim Sonneveld Aan de Amsterdamse grachten Heb ik heel mijn hart voor altijd verpand Amsterdam vult mijn gedachten Als de mooiste stad in ons land Al die Amsterdamse mensen Al die lichtjes 's avonds laat op het plein Niemand kan zich beter wensen Dan een Amsterdammer te zijn

A nautical license is not required

And as the song continues: "All the people of Amsterdam, all the lights late in the evening on the square, no one could wish for anything more than to be an Amsterdammer."

Spring 2014


1. Each year in August, the Grachtenfestival (Canal Festival) features stages built in canals and on boats. There, you can enjoy all kinds of classical music. 2. With a trumpet in his left hand and his right hand on the keys of a miniature church organ, Reinier Sijpkens is literally and figuratively a one-man show. 3. Keeping up with the news while enjoying the canals...

To the Amsterdam canals I have forever pledged my whole heart. Amsterdam fills my thoughts As the most beautiful city in our country All the people of Amsterdam, All the lights late in the evenings on the square No one could wish for anything more Than to be an Amsterdammer I 11

City News

City News Museum of Bag and Purses

First Dutch King’s Day

Head of the River

CelebratiNg barbie’s 50th (?) birthDay

DiffereNt from QueeN’s Day?

row, row, row your boat...

This year, the Museum of Bags and Purses will be celebrating the arrival of Barbie in the Netherlands in 1964. Barbie will celebrate her golden jubilee with the exhibition ‘50 Years of Barbie in the Netherlands’. In the United States, she had already made her appearance in 1959.

The world famous Dutch Queen’s Day, previously celebrated on 30 April, will have a first this year which foreigner visitors can experience with the population of Amsterdam. After the crowning of the new king, Willem-Alexander, last year, the Netherlands will celebrate King’s Day for the first time on Saturday, 26 April.

In 2014, the largest, annual Dutch rowing event will take place once again in Amsterdam. This championship of the River Amstel for fours and eights is also known as ‘Head of the River Amstel’.

You will see how the most popular doll ever is a reflection of her time: she keeps up with the latest fashion trends. Barbie began with haute couture, brocade, silk dresses and fur. In five decades she became more and more fashion conscious. For example, Barbie sported the ‘flower power’ look of the 60s and the glitter disco outfits of the 70s. In the 90s, she even wore designers clothing such as Naf-Naf and Benetton. Throughout the years, fashion designers such as Donna Karan, Vera Wang and Calvin Klein have created outfits for Barbie’s birthday. Hence, Barbie became a real fashion icon within the time span of 50 years. Until 4 May, you can celebrate along at the Tassenmuseum Hendrikje (the Dutch name for the museum).. 12 I Rush on Amsterdam

On King’s Day, many Amsterdammers love to haggle and bargain, not at all strange, seeing that their city was built on trade. The Vrijmarkt (literally ‘free market’) gives everyone the chance to sell their second-hand goods, thus creating one of the world’s largest flea markets on the streets and parks of Amsterdam. Besides secondhand wares, plenty of food stalls fuel your bargain hunting.

For ‘The Head’ more than 500 participating crews are expected on 22 and 23 March. 4,000 participants will represent rowing Holland. The rowers battle in a large number of divisions, and their ages vary between 15 and 80 years. ‘The Head’ took place for the first time in 1933. That makes it one of the oldest Dutch championships for both beginners and advanced rowers. Women and men row in coxed fours and eights for the same distance of approximately 8 kilometres from Amsterdam to Ouderkerk.

Furthermore, the city bursts out in royal orange as Amsterdam enjoys the biggest main street party of the year with live music and DJs, spontaneous parties and orange pride. It’s a charged atmosphere not to be missed for anyone visiting the city.

The first start is on Sunday at 10.00 hrs in the area of the Nieuwe Amstelbrug (New Amstel Bridge). It will be followed by starts spread out over the entire day until 17.00 hrs. Spring 2014

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Colours at the Keukenhof

Heineken Experience

Hortus Botanicus

TulIp magNIfICENCE juST arouNd ThE CorNEr

YES, alSo drINkINg bEEr!

moST bEauTIful TErraCE IN amSTErdam

Think of Holland and, as a visitor to Amsterdam, you automatically think of tulips. With millions of tulips in a thousand different varieties, the flower park Keukenhof in the nearby town of Lisse is truly unique.

“All! Or nothing at all!” writes the ambitious brewer and innovator Gerard Adriaan Heineken (18411893) to his mother. This statement is typical of the entrepreneur who shortly thereafter, in February 1864, took over a brewery. Just three years later he had a large brewery built on Stadhouderskade.

As a busy visitor to Amsterdam, you can take a break at the gardens of the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam. There, you can find one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, right in the heart of the city. If you want to admire flowers, smell herbs, look up plant names, or find a nice shady spot on a sunny day, then you’ve come to the right place at Plantage Middenlaan.

This year, the focus of this immense local tulip party will be on Holland itself with exhibitions on the history of the tulip, the 17th century tulip mania in Amsterdam, and modern tulip cultivation. On Saturday, 3 May, the so-called ‘flower parade’ will visit Keukenhof, passing along the famous ‘Keukenhof Corso Boulevard’. The parade comprises more than 20 floats and over 30 luxury cars abundantly decorated with flowers and accompanied by several marching bands. To enjoy the tulip magnificence at the Keukenhof, visit the flower park from 25 March until 18 May of this year.

Under Heineken’s leadership, beer production rapidly increased, especially due to the success of the (at the time new) low-fermenting lager. The exhibition ‘Heineken’s Amsterdam’ at the Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam City Archives) shows the growth of the enterprise . The exhibition ‘Heineken’s Amsterdam’ held from 7 February until 11 May can be combined with a visit to ‘The Heineken Experience’ – the official Heineken Museum located on Stadhouderskade and boasting four floors of multimedia exhibits, brewer’s materials and a tasting bar.

The Hortus is both an intimate garden with an impressive collection of plants and a delightfully welcome flower-filled breath of fresh air that provides respite from all the noise usually found in a city. A peaceful oasis that invites you to stroll, observe and enjoy. There is a children’s programme and there are guided tours, but you can also amuse yourself at your own leisure at Hortus. Perhaps you’d care for lunch.


In de Olofspoort is a tasting house located in an authentic building with a beautiful crow-stepped gable in Dutch Renaissance style dating back to 1619. Upon entering, the interior exudes the warm atmosphere of a 17th century tasting house. Many locals like to go there to have a drink, perhaps because it is more than just a typical Amsterdam ‘brown’ café. The surroundings of the tasting house breathe the same 17th century ambiance as the café itself. Amsterdam flourished during this ‘Golden Age’. At the tasting house, you can choose from approximately 200 different drinks, mainly special or unique Dutch gins (jenever). For groups, fun and educational tastings and cultural tours are organised around Old-Amsterdam.

14 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014

© Rineke Dijkstra

© AFF Basel CH / AFS Amsterdam NL


Anne Frank in special play

It’s National Mill Day

London Calling

NEW ThEaTrE IN ThE WEST of amSTErdam

ThE duTCh goINg baCk IN hISTorY

PoP muSIC aT ITS bEST IN amSTErdam

In a theatre specifically built with a single purpose in mind, a play about the life of Anne Frank will be presented as of Thursday 8 May. The play is based on the diaries of Anne Frank. Her life before she had to go into hiding will also be highlighted.

Since 1972, every second Saturday in May has been National Mill Day in the Netherlands. On this day, more than 600 windmills and watermills open their doors to the public, also in Amsterdam and in the capital’s immediate surroundings.

In the west of Amsterdam, close to the city’s commercial harbour area, a state-of-the-art theatre is being built, giving the opportunity to incorporate an innovative translation system. As of 1 July, this translation facility should give foreign visitors the possibility to experience the play in his/her own language.

For centuries, mills have played an important role in the in the development of the Dutch landscape. Thus, the image of Dutch mills is iconic, even though almost all mills gradually lost their function. Nevertheless, many operating mills can still be admired today. During National Mill Day, visitors can see a mill from the inside. Millers and owners organise all kinds of activities to illustrate that mills are vital, living monuments that deserve to be preserved.

Pop festival ‘London Calling’ takes place twice a year at the Amsterdam pop temple Paradiso. The festival started in 1992 as a showcase festival for new, promising talent from Great Britain. Today, ‘London Calling’ offers a podium to new, alternative bands from around the globe and functions as a stepping stone to appearances at clubs and festivals.

The play has been set up in close cooperation with the Anne Frank Foundation in Basel, an organisation in which Anne’s father, Otto Frank, played an important role. The theatre will also include a restaurant and a bar.

Pumping stations work (much less noticeably) every day and can also be visited during National Mill Day (officially: National Mill & Pumping Station Day). Without these mills, the Netherlands, a country that lies mostly below sea level, would largely flood.

The festival has hosted many names which later made their breakthrough to a large audience, including Foster The People, Florence and the Machine, Bombay Bicycle Club, Friendly Fires, The XX, Blur, The Kooks, Editors, Bloc Party and The Libertines. The lineup of bands for 2014 includes: Desperate Journalist, Wolf Alice, Arthur Beatrice, The Delta Riggs, Ice Choir, Proper Ornaments and Hospitality. Tickets for the shows on 9 and 10 May 2014 are now available through presale.

The liTTle Orphanage

The Amsterdam Museum offers families with children a fun discovery adventure through time. In other words: what was life really like in an orphanage of the 17th century? In the permanent exhibition ‘The Little Orphanage’, young visitors will discover in a fun and exciting way how daily life was like for children during the time. The building complex of the Amsterdam Museum belonged to the Burgerweeshuis (Civil Orphanage) for four centuries. With ‘The Little Orphanage’, the Amsterdam Museum wants to bring the building and its history to life in a stimulating and imaginative way. Visitors to ‘The Little Orphanage’ step into another world and find themselves in a lively and bustling 17th century.

Spring 2014 I 15

The story of

FROMANTEEL WATCHES. Fromanteel is named after a famed Dutch clockmaker from the 17th century who used to own a modest clockmakers workshop at the Dam Square in Amsterdam. ‘The Amsterdam’ watch is crafted to commemorate the place of birth of the brand and its namesake. On the champagnesilver finished dial the exact coordinates of the former workshop are displayed. A well thought understated designed watch, refined for the office, and sporty for weekends away. Its price? Not what you’d normally expect from a Swiss timepiece. More info: Price: € 379, -



Amsterdam Arena

Amsterdam Tulip Days

Are you in for a game?

CIrquE du SolEIl IS baCk IN ToWN

FINE gardENS WITh a SpECIal FloWEr

YES, amSTErdam haS a CaSINo

From March 13, Cirque du Soleil is hitting Amsterdam again with a production which has charmed millions of spectators all over the world.

Amsterdam has a special bond with the tulip. That’s why Museum Van Loon, together with garden designer Saskia Albrecht, will be organising the Amsterdam Tulip Days once again in 2014. On 3 and 4 May, 15 (mostly private) gardens will be opening their doors and gates for you.

When talking about Amsterdam, you probably would not think of the city as a city with a casino. However, this city of canals, museums, flowers and bikes enjoys the company of a real casino.

Written and directed by David Shiner, ‘Kooza’ is a return to the origins of Cirque du Soleil that combines two circus traditions – acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. The show highlights the physical demands of human performance in all its splendor and fragility, presented in a colourful mélange that emphasises bold slapstick humour. The name ‘Kooza’ is inspired by the Sanskrit word “koza,” which means ‘box’, ‘chest’ or ‘treasure’. The name was chosen because one of the underlying concepts of the production is the idea of a “circus in a box.” “Kooza is about human connection and the world of duality, good and bad,” Shiner says. “The tone is fun and funny, light and open. The show doesn’t take itself too seriously, but it’s very much about ideas, too.”

On both days, the tulip will be the focus, in some gardens even based on a theme. With this event, Amsterdam aims to give the tulip a place in its unique city history. After the introduction of tulip bulbs in the 17th century, the bulbs were sold by Dutch merchants, even before they had a chance to emerge through the ground. Ultimately, progressively higher prices for tulip bulbs were no longer achievable. The ‘tulip bubble’ was a fact. The result: the tulip market crashed, merchants landed in poverty, and the history of the city of Amsterdam was forever linked with the tulip. Today, that connection, however, is different: Amsterdammers sell tulips, but only as a decorative flower for use within the country and export abroad.

Holland Casino Amsterdam is located right in the centre of the Leidseplein (Leidse Square) entertainment district. It offers the complete casino experience with slot machines, video machines, table games and bars & restaurants. To enter the casino you need a valid passport or ID. The dress code is stylish and well-groomed. The casino is open daily from 12.00 until 03.00 hrs. The restaurant ‘The Brasserie’ – with an overview of the game tables – is open daily from 17.00 until 02.00 hrs. A futuristic and trendy night club, called The Lido Club, is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 20.00 until 03.00 hrs.

NatioNal MuseuM WeekeNd

In 2014, the National Museum Weekend will be held once again: this year on 5 and 6 April. The Museum Weekend is an annual event in the Netherlands. During this weekend you can visit museums in the Netherlands and Amsterdam with discount and sometimes completely free of charge. This year, the theme of the Museum Weekend is ‘Catch a Museum’. Each participating museum organises their own unique activity. For example, such an activity can be a separate, temporary photo exhibition with photos from a private collection. The Museum Weekend was held for the first time in 1981. Annually, the weekend attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Spring 2014 I 17

18 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014

From freighter to tourist attraction Walking through the streets of amsterdam, you’ve probably noticed the many types of boats that line some of the city’s canals. houseboats, especially, can be quite intriguing. currently, the dutch capital counts approximately 2,500 of these floating homes. some 750 of them are moored along the famous canals of the city centre such as the prinsengracht and the brouWersgracht. one houseboat is very special.

Spring 2014 I 19


Text Paola Westbeek Photography Houseboat Museum, Anastasia Malkin

Page right top The living room, with its vintage furniture and oldfashioned details, is both cosy and very inviting. (Courtesy of Houseboat Museum) Page right below Enamel kitchenware in the deckhouse; the kind that one is still likely to find in the homes of Dutch grandmothers. (Courtesy of Houseboat Museum)


come in all shapes and sizes. From the basic and modest to the more elaborate and luxurious. Some have even been turned into hotels. But what they all have in common is the feeling of freedom they offer their inhabitants. City-dwellers can still enjoy the advantages of urban living while at the same time avoiding some of the disadvantages.

FRom FREighTER To mUsEUm The Houseboat Museum is a good example of a houseship. Built without a motor and only mast and sails, it was first used to transport timber. By 1923, the ship was owned by Hendrik de Beijer and christened with the name ‘Hendrika Maria’. During those days, it was still being used for transport – at that time for the shipping of sand and gravel from the rivers around Arnhem and Nijmegen.

There are usually no noisy neighbours to put up with, and because of their location, houseboats provide a sense of holiday year-round. Eager to find out more about this unique type of habitation, our quest took us to Houseboat Museum Hendrika Maria. Originally built as a freighter in 1914, the houseboat (a not-to-be-missed attraction during your visit to the capital) has been located on the Prinsengracht since July 1997. It officially opened its doors to the public in September of that same year.

It wasn’t until 1967 that the ship lost its working function, and the cargo hold was transformed into a houseboat. From that time, until it became a museum three decades later, the ship was briefly used as a workshop for painter Herman Stoel, later a sailing home, and finally, from 1982 until 1996, it was moored in the city of Amersfoort and owned by its last inhabitants, Paul van de Zwart and his partner.

A biT oF hisToRy Houseboats became popular after the Second World War, but it wasn’t until 1973 that they were approved as an acceptable form of housing. In their early days, houseboats were everything but comfortable and luxurious. In fact, they were predominantly inhabited by the underprivileged and were often frowned upon. Today, however, houseboats have become an iconic part of the city’s scenic charm and are an attractive form of living for many.

When the Hendrika Maria went up for sale, Vincent van Loon immediately jumped at the opportunity. Van Loon himself was living in an ark on Prinsengracht (where he remained for a period of 22 years) and was frequently met with questions or gazes from curious passers-by who sometimes even knocked to ask if they could take a peek inside. Enough reasons to put his plans into action and create an originally one-of-a-kind museum – in fact, the world’s only houseboat museum.

There are three different types of houseboats: houseships, which were originally built to transport cargo in the early 20th century and were mostly made of steel or iron; housevessels, which have the hull of an old ship but have had their original steering house and deck layout removed in order to create living space; and arks, which were designed especially for housing, built on a concrete base and requiring little maintenance.

Within the time span of three months, Vincent managed to transform the ship into the museum it is today. With it, he aims to give visitors an idea of what life on a houseboat is really like, while at the same time providing a bit of the history behind these interesting vessels.

20 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014


Spring 2014 I 21





1. The Houseboat Museum aims to not only let the visitor experience life on board, but also to show some of the history of these unique vessels. (Courtesy of Houseboat Museum) 2. The living room is heated with a wood burner, but throughout the boat there are also radiators connected to a gas-fired central heating boiler. (Courtesy of Houseboat Museum) 3. The dining area with its warmly coloured carpeting is part of the vintage decor that makes the houseboat feel so welcoming. (Photo by Anastasia Malkin)

ChARmingly dECoRATEd Measuring 23.3 x 4.5 metres, the boat has a decent-sized living area of 80m2 making it more or less equivalent to the average apartment space in Amsterdam. Yet as you approach the boat and descend the narrow steps that lead inside, it’s a little difficult to imagine whether comfortable living could ever be possible on board. The museum can be entered through the ship’s former deckhouse – a tiny space that was once inhabited by a family of four when the boat was still being used for the transport of cargo. The quaint, homely decor is highlighted by a charming wood burning stove and the kind of oldfashioned enamel kitchenware that probably still exists in the homes of grandmothers across the country today. Situated under the rear deck are two (for current standards) incredibly small cupboard beds: one was used for two adults, the other for two children.

desk found in the next room (part of the converted cargo hold), you might believe you’ve accidentally intruded into a cosy Dutch home circa 1955. After paying a modest entrance fee and being asked where you’re from – 95 percent of visitors are foreign – an information card, available in 20 different languages, is provided to serve as a guide during your visit. At the reception desk, drinks and small souvenirs can also be purchased.

A cosy Dutch home circa 1955

Although limited in size, the area immediately conveys a welcoming atmosphere. If it weren’t for the receptionist’s

22 I Rush on Amsterdam

SURpRiSingly SpACioUS The visit continues on to the authentically furnished living room. Surprisingly spacious and rather inviting, it has various seating areas including a pleasant reading corner complete with comfy armchairs and nicely stocked bookshelf. The room’s interior design features vintage items, wood furnishings and plenty of small details that enhance the antique look and feel of the houseboat. Further on, you will find a children’s corner that was once in use as double bedroom, a bathroom complete with

Spring 2014




shower and toilet (not open to the public due the installation’s fragility), a presentation area where a fourminute slide about life on the water plays continuously, and the bow (or fore-cabin) which can be seen through a window and houses a berth once used as sleeping space for the servant. The hendrika Maria Turns 100 Annually, thousands of visitors from every corner of the world make their way to one of the city’s most unique attractions. It doesn’t come as a surprise to hear that after their visit, some even begin to ponder the possibilities of trading a life on land for a contented life on the water. Appealing as it may sound, however, houseboats don’t come cheap (certainly not in the capital’s inner city) and require a steady amount of maintenance. No reason though not to stop by the Houseboat Museum during your visit to Amsterdam. After all, the ship will be marking its 100th anniversary this year. See you on board!


Where and When Houseboat Museum Amsterdam, Prinsengracht 296 K, 1016 HW Amsterdam, T 020 427 0750

1. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while browsing through some of the reading material available in the living room. (Photo by Anastasia Malkin)

Opening hours: Summer season: March to October Open: Tuesday through Sunday 11.00 - 17.00 hrs Also opened: Easter Monday and Whit Monday Closed: Mondays and 26 April (King’s Day)

2. This year will mark the 100th anniversary of the Hendrika Maria. Yet another reason to stop by and discover this unique tourist attraction! (Courtesy of Houseboat Museum)

Winter season: November to February Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11.00 - 17.00 hrs Closed: Monday through Thursday Also closed: 1 January, 25, 26 & 31 December Prices: Adults: € 7.50 Children 5-15/Museum Pass/ Groups of 10 or more: € 3.00 I amsterdam city card/Holland Pass ticket: free

3. The houseboat measures 23.4 x 4.5 metres and has a decent-sized living area of 80m2. From the outside, one is likely to wonder just how comfortable living here really is. (Courtesy of Houseboat Museum)

Spring 2014 I 23

what’s in store MIXING ITALIAN SOUL AND INTERNATIONAL SPIRIT For the spring/summer 2014 collection, Canali cleverly mixes its Italian soul with an international spirit. The result is a collection of menswear featuring exclusively designed fabrics that play with prints and challenge classic, masculine colours. P.C. Hooftstraat 60, Amsterdam

KARDASHIAN KOLLECTION? PLEASE GO THE ‘BIJENKORF’ Khloe Kardashian recently introduced her Kardashian Kollection in the Netherlands at the major department store ‘de Bijenkorf’.The collection aims at the young, self-confident woman and is exclusively for sale at all branches of 'de Bijenkorf'.... and through the website: Dam 1 (Dam Square), Amsterdam or

RECYCLING AS AN ART: FROM BAGS TO COVERS Freitag gives a new life to used truck tarpaulins, resulting in beautiful bags and carrying cases. The Swiss company also brings you protective covers for smartphones. These covers are unique, suitable for all smartphones and will make your model stand out in a crowd. New in the collection is the Freitag F333 sleeve for the Samsung Galaxy S4. Available at - ‘290 SQM’ (address: Houtkopersdwarsstraat 3); - ‘Guus’ (address: Rozengracht 104)


LIEBESKIND BERLIN IS HERE TO STAY Liebeskind Berlin opened a store last year on Huidenstraat. The brand, which is very popular when

Highland Park whiskey is a vibrant, gold, 15-year-old whiskey with

it comes to bags, accessories and clothing, is known

aromas of white chocolate and a touch of tropical fruit combined

for its casual and unique style. The collection has an

with a soft, sweet smokiness. The unique, award-winning wooden

exclusive look yet is still affordable. Every year seven

packaging is decidedly reminiscent of an old Viking ship. Find out

new bags collections are launched. They range from

why. Available at independent liquor stores.

handbags to mobile/tablet cases and laptop bags.

Huidenstraat 11, Amsterdam

24 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014



n 1956, Junghans introduced a clock based on a design by the famous Swiss designer, architect and painter, Max Bill. Because it was such a huge success, Junghans decided to also manufacture watches based on this design. For a few years now, they have been reproducing these watches again.The design has been kept almost the same, breathing the atmosphere of the 50s and 60s. The chronoscope on the photo is ¤ 1,545. All models are in stock. Amsterdam Watch Company, Reestraat 3

A POWERFUL YET SIMPLE STATEMENT WITH A BAG If you are looking for the finest ladies’ fashion brands, Van Ravenstein is the place to be. New during spring and summer at Van Ravenstein is the signature Jil Bag by Jil Sander. It has a contemporary design, is cut in a rectangular shape, and makes a powerful yet simple statement. Keizersgracht 359, Amsterdam

WHAT IS A ‘LIQUID REFLECTIVE COAT’? One of the trendiest fashion brands of this moment, is the Italian designer brand Stone Island. The label stands out because of its specialisation in treatment of fabrics and dyeing techniques. A feature of Stone Island is the compass logo that is tied with buttons on the sleeve of the left arm. The jackets are indeed very unique. An example is the ‘Liquid Reflective’ coat, which uses small fragments to reflect light. Tip de Bruin, Nieuwendijk 82-90, Amsterdam

INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED (DUTCH) JEWELLERY BRAND The Dutch jewellery brand Choices by DL, designed by Debora Huisman-Leeser, recently celebrated its fifth anniversary. Choices by DL has indeed become a nationally and internationally renowned jewellery brand. The anniversary also plays a role in the Choices by DL flagship store at Gassan Diamonds. A new version of the Classic 1818 ring was launched in the store – a classic ring but with a ‘rocky’ appearance shining through its tough, black coating. Gassan Diamonds, 020 622 5333

LACE-UPS, LOAFERS? YES, BUT ALSO ITALIAN FLAVOUR Betsy Palmer carries an extensive range of lace-ups, loafers, ankle booties and comfortable heels in the finest leather/colour combinations. The company has been selling the family-controlled, high-end

Spring 2014

Italian brand Pantanetti for seven years now. Please come in and check the summer 2014 collection. Rokin 9-15, Amsterdam I 25

Meet Holland’s most famous district: the Jordaan

Arty inspirational lovable The Jordaan is known for iTs diversiTy. shopping is a real Treasure hunT in This beauTiful area. for example, you’ll find vinTage wear for a sTeal here, record shops selling Jazz albums, special bookshops, galleries, and Trendy designer furniTure shops. plus, The area is sTeeped in hisTory.

Text Constanze Fluhme Photography With thanks to contributors

Page right top The Jordaan district has everything: canals, houseboats, museums, shops and – last but not least – friendly people. Page right below Old meets new in the Jordaan: it has been a folksy neighbourhood through the ages and has now grown into a popular environment for artists, hip thirty-somethings and students.


Jordaan was built as a district for both the working class and immigrants that arrived in the city during its large expansion in the early 17th century. It has been a trendy, folksy neighbourhood though the ages and has now grown into a popular environment for artists, hip thirty-somethings and students.

RembRandt was heRe Rembrandt van Rijn was probably the most famous artist who ever lived in the Jordaan. He moved there during an unsuccessful period, as the rental rates were not very high then. His house was on the Rozengracht (Rose Canal) and his studio was on the Bloemgracht (Flower Canal). The famous painter was buried in a poor man’s grave in the Westerkerk (Western Church), which is not the main church of the Jordaan. Although you can hear the church’s carillon and see its beautiful tower (the Westertoren) from everywhere in the neighbourhood, the church is actually located just outside the area. The Jordaan’s main church, the Noorderkerk (Northern Church), is located on the Noordermarkt. It was designed by Hendrick de Keyser and built between 1620 and 1623.

ChaRming CouRtyaRds The Jordaan has a multitude of hofjes. These charming courtyards feature peaceful, well-kept gardens surrounded by former almshouses that have been beautifully restored. These courtyards were funded by wealthy members of society and served as a shelter and save haven for the poor or elderly. Some of the courtyards are closed to the public and only open during special ‘open monument days’. But, if you happen to come across one of their entrances, and it is unlocked, most residents will not mind if you sneak in for a quiet peek.

what’s not to love? Most of the museums in the Jordaan are small. Examples include the Pianola Museum with its old, mechanical pianos; the Theo Thijssen Museum dedicated to the famous Dutch writer; the Houseboat Museum which lets you experience life on board; and a fluorescent art museum called Electric Ladyland. On the edge of the Jordaan, you can find the Anne Frank House on the Prinsengracht (Princes Canal). The new Jordaan Museum is dedicated to the history of the city quarter. Get inspired and join us for a stroll!

26 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014

Spring 2014 I 27




1. A great selection of home decorations at ‘De Weldaad’. 2. Taste the best homemade apple pie in town at ‘Winkel43’. Usually, it’s still warm because it comes fresh out of the oven. 3. Looking at the shop window of ‘Pompon’ makes you want to use flowers as a work of art.

Urban vintage? De WelDaaD You might not be able to resist this shop! It is located in a former garage and sells restored and original furniture, architectural antiques, urban vintage, and new decorative products. Mirjam, the shop’s enthusiastic owner, imports furniture from several European countries such as Hungary, Denmark and Sweden. De Weldaad (Well-being) is open seven days a week.

apple pie? Winkel43 In an attractive house, where the Westerstraat meets the Noordermarkt, café Winkel43 was established and built in traditional Amsterdam fashion. Because of its privileged location, on sunny days you can enjoy a cup of coffee or have lunch out on their terrace. But beware: the café is always busy. Its apple pie has become a well-known delicacy,

28 I Rush on Amsterdam


so tasting it is a must. On both market days (Monday and Saturday), Winkel43 opens at 7.00 in the morning. A tasty slice of fresh apple pie is waiting for you. Don’t forget to ask for freshly-whipped cream!

FloWers? pompon Pompon is a favourite flower shop in Amsterdam that sells remarkable flowers and original arrangements. Their bouquets are reminiscent of those seen in the still-lives painted by 17th century Dutch masters. If you’re looking for something special and out-of-the-ordinary, then this is the place for you. Pompon also offers a wide collection of handmade glass work, unique vases, ceramic pots, and garden furniture by the brand Viteo.

Spring 2014




UniqUe and coloUrfUl? aarde

delicioUs food? Yes!

Aarde (‘Earth’) offers a unique collection of old and antique furniture and objects from Central Asia. You’ll find a wide selection of colourful old and new textiles; silk and felt products; copper pots and jars; wood, stone and pottery bowls; tribal, silver jewellery and beads; and hand-knotted, wool carpets and kilims.

Organic produce has reached the self-contradictory pinnacle of urban rustic chic at what can best be described as a ‘bulk food’ boutique: Delicious Food. Go there for the most enticing displays of pastas, nuts, exotic spices, and quality oils and vinegars. They also offer a good choice of Fairtrade coffee beans. At the shop, you will always find a great gift to bring back home. Don’t forget to buy some nice cakes or pastries to enjoy on-the-go.

The craft products are imported by the owners directly from Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Iran and Uzbekistan. ‘Aarde’ sells beautiful, ethically-produced furniture made of high-quality Indian rosewood which looks great in combination with the old Asian furniture that can also be found at the shop.

Spring 2014


1. Visit ‘Aarde’ and fill your home with furniture from Central Asia. 2. Delicious Food will seduce you with organic delicacies. 3. For fashion addicts, LikeThis is certainly worth a visit.

Women’s fashion? likeThis LikeThis is women’s fashion made in Amsterdam! The brand’s motto is: “It’s nice to like things because nice things make people happy.” Each item is created with true attention to detail and has an elegant yet edgy look. The collection’s mix of quality materials, unique patterns and I 29




1. Design your life with furniture and accessories by Marcel Wanders at Moooi.

contrasting colours will always add something fabulous to your wardrobe.

2. At Milk & Cookies you will also find antique toys.

Furniture and... ? Moooi

3. Piccola: a tiny shop filled with handmade jewellery and other curiosities.

This venture founded in 2001 by Marcel Wanders and Casper Vissers is named after the Dutch word for ‘beautiful’: ‘mooi’. The third ‘o’ in the brandname stands for their product’s extra value in terms of beauty and uniqueness. In addition to Marcel Wanders’ designs, the Moooi portfolio contains a range of work from other nationally and internationally recognised designers. Marcel maintains an influence throughout the brand and is personally responsible for the overall design selection process. The collection’s style is exclusive, daring, playful, exquisite and based on the belief that design is a question of love.

30 I Rush on Amsterdam


Vintage For kids? Milk & Cookies Milk & Cookies is a vintage shop that offers children’s clothing, furniture and accessories. If you love things from the past, don’t forget to visit Milk & Cookies. Besides vintage clothing, the shop also offers shoes and accessories and contemporary fashion with a nod to the past. The collections are put together with great enthusiasm and are absolutely unique!

unique jewellery? PiCCola aMsterdaM For years, Noomi van Gelder has been designing jewellery especially for the Dutch magazine Happinez. Her designs are a source of inspiration and strength. For her shop, Piccola Amsterdam, she designed a variety of unique necklaces in different styles. She also invented the ‘click-a-wish’ necklace which can be worn with three different charms: a rose quartz to represent love, a yin yang to represent balance and a crystal to represent life’s energy. At her tiny workshop Spring 2014



located at the corner of the Prinsengracht and Westerstraat, you will also find jewellery from various international artists.

Johnny Ramli? WRkshp13 Wrkshp 13 sells Johnny Ramli’s jewellery, beautiful leather bags and clutches as well as Marie Y Levi’s hand-woven and knitted scarfs made from beautiful materials such as cashmere, wool and silk. The jewellery is handmade out of highquality materials such as oxidised silver, gold and precious stones. These contrasts support each other and together with the small details make the jewellery unique. Johnny Ramli’s passion combined with his use of religious icons and antique coins, gives each piece a different meaning.

Spring 2014

Women’s label? oRson + bodil The highly-acclaimed Dutch designer Alexander van Slobbe studied fashion design at the Arnhem Institute of the Arts where he graduated in woman’s and men’s design. With the start of his women’s label orson + bodil in 1988, he wanted a reappraisal of craftsmanship, to concentrate on development of individual pieces, and to introduce small series of each design, preferably made by hand.


1. Wrkshp 13 is a onestop shop for jewellery, leather goods and knitwear 2. The Dutch clothing line orson + bodil is designed for women of the world.

In 2003, the Archive Collection was launched. It features pieces inspired by previous designs and presented in different guises by varying fabrics or altering the shape and length of the original garment. This approach makes orson + bodil modern while satisfying the demands of a sustainable, luxury label. Alexander van Slobbe was responsible for designing the uniforms used by the staff of the newly opened Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. I 31




1. Francisco van Benthum recently delighted an enthusiastic public with his creations at Amsterdam Fashion Week. 2. Gort offers jewellery for every taste. 3. The real gentlemen can shop for great accessories at Property of...

Men’s label? Francisco van benthuM

tiMeless pieces? Gort

Since 2003, Francisco van Benthum has been the leading force behind the luxury men’s fashion label of the same name. Van Benthum began his career in the late 90s, right after he graduated from the prestigious fashion department at the Arnhem Institute of the Arts.

Gort offers a beautiful, high-quality collection of unique jewellery. It is diverse and consists of timeless pieces in different price ranges. The collection has something for everyone and those who enter the shop can rest assured that they will walk out again carrying something beautiful.

He immediately started his career as a men’s wear designer by exploring and stretching the borders of traditional men’s fashion and playing with its codes and restrictions. Soon, that became his trademark: adding a contemporary twist to the classical form by reinterpreting and recomposing the outline and elements of the traditional men’s wear silhouette. His concept shop on the Herenstraat is surely worth a visit!

The shop has a wonderful ambience, which is partly due to its own workshop. The atmosphere is personal and laidback, making the shop accessible and putting customers at ease almost immediately. Besides their own collection, you will find special jewellery items from other brands such as Charlotte by Ehinger Schwarz 1876 , Charlotte-Stories, Maier & Beck, Swivel by Pur, Jeh Jewels, Cardillac, Vincent van Hees, Marçin Zaremski, Vinx Hollands Glorie, and many other designers and goldsmiths. If you love watches, check out the latest additions from Mondaine, Alfex, and Bering.

32 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014


noorderMarkt on saturdays and Mondays

foods here, including fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, fresh herbs, pastas, grains and olive oils.

Every Saturday morning the organic market (Boerenmarkt) occupies the Noordermarkt in the heart of the Jordaan. In the past, this was the market where farmers used to sell their crops. Today, it is known throughout the country for its wide range of organic products.


Men’s bags and...? ProPerty of… Property Of... features a collection of men’s bags and accessories that was launched in the autumn of 2006 by café owners and design collaborators Peter Teo and Richard Chamberlain. The collection was created over many cups of coffee and continued to develop around the simple idea of creating useful, well-made products that reflect the designer’s interest in a straightforward aesthetic. The Property Of.. team strives to create a design language that incorporates the best of the old with new manufacturing technologies. The products are formed using traditional hard-wearing materials such as wax cloth and vegetable tanned leather, which are used alongside contemporary coated tarpaulins, corduroy and distressed cotton canvas. The look and feel of the shop has been influenced and shaped by the culture of cafés. The daily changing cast of characters, the activities, events and ‘life’ that unfold within this urban oasis, are a constant source of ideas and inspiration. Spring 2014

Although you will find a few stands selling jewellery, clothing, soap and cosmetics, the majority of the market is dedicated to food. Stop by the Noordermarkt for a quick snack or to stock up on ingredients for a gourmet dinner. You’ll find a full spectrum of organic

On Monday mornings the Noordermarkt is home to a small but delightful flea market that offers a mix of secondhand goods ranging from antiques and books to clothes and household shabbychic. At the edge of the Noordermarkt’s flea market, you’ll find a number of stalls selling fabric by the metre. On Mondays, there is also a textile market (Lapjesmarkt) just around the corner on the Westerstraat. This market used to be devoted especially to fabrics, but old furniture and trendy second-hand clothing have also become popular merchandise.

De Weldaad Noordermarkt 35

Moooi Westerstraat 187

Gort Herenstraat 11

Winkel43 Noordermarkt 43

Milk & Cookies Westerstraat 141

Property of… Herenstraat 2

Pompon Prinsengracht 8-10

Piccola Prinsengracht 16

Aarde Westerstraat 10

Wrkshp 13 Prinsenstraat 13

Delicious Food Westerstraat 24

orson + Bodil Herenstraat 38

LikeThis Westerstraat 70 LikeThis/winkel

Francisco van Benthum Herenstraat 13 I 33





ING UD APP L INC USH tspot YR r a ho e it in CIT fo h typ g ot kin Just tb Loo ent? ill ge and w ev or d you ation s! an nform ction i e dir

Then there is only one place to be: THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF RUSH ON AMSTERDAM

CityRush CityRus Rush 34 I Rush on Amsterdam

Summer Spring 2014 2013


Amsterdam and Hard Rock Cafe

Both a melting pot HARd RoCk CAFE is jUsT As inTERnATionAl As is AmsTERdAm. THE woRld-ClAss REsTAURAnT FEEls AT HomE in THE bilingUAl dUTCH CApiTAl. EnglisH And dUTCH ARE jUsT Two oF THE Common dEnominAToRs oF THE CiTy And REsTAURAnT. Text Robert van der Zwan Photography Hard Rock Cafe

Page right top What is Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam? A restaurant or a museum or... both? Page right below Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam is... very Amsterdam. The water can be found alongside it and the same goes for a canal touring boat.


may be a melting pot of some 180 nationalities, but Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam attracts just as many people from all over the world. That may have something to do with the Museumkwartier (Museum Quarter) which is practically right around the corner. The major museums – the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum (Municipal Museum) – can all be found within walking distance. This comparison can also be made in another respect. Amsterdam may be a world renowned museum city, but Hard Rock Cafe is a museum in its own right. A musical museum that is: the tables always look out onto the worn wind-, stringed- or percussion instruments that once belonged to famous pop musicians. Authentic instruments indeed, given away by artists who are willing to donate something to a place where you can casually enjoy a hamburger assembled on the spot or a quirky cocktail. The restaurant (museum?) shares this relaxed atmosphere with the Dutch capital. Anyone who wants to take a picture without ordering a bite or a drink, will only have to mention that in Dutch or English. It’s not a problem at all.

36 I Rush on Amsterdam

ComplETEly wRong At the same time, it would be completely wrong to see Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam as a cut-out concept, perfectly situated in a cosmopolitan environment such as that only known in capitals. The history of Hard Rock Cafe tells another story. Founded by Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton in 1971, the ‘cafe’ began as an attempt by two American twentysomethings to get a good burger in the British capital. Because Tigrett and Morton were downright music lovers, they named their first restaurant ‘Hard Rock Cafe‘. The intention was to have a low-key eatery, serving hearty American food. This philosophy worked. While the proprietor on Park Lane in London thought that both boys would not hold out for even six months, Paul McCartney and his Wings were swinging next to the famous Ritz Hotel two years later. FooTbAll ClUb And... gUiTAR? A year later, the sponsoring of a local football club seemed to produce an unexpected result. Faithful visitors to Hard Rock Cafe were allowed to keep leftover T-shirts with Hard Rock logo at no cost. Nowadays, anyone in Amsterdam who wants to get an impression of the cur-

Spring 2014


Spring 2014 I 37


1. The Dutch rock band ‘Golden Earring’ has had worldwide hits such as ‘Radar Love’ and ‘When the Lady Smiles’. Of course, this Dutch rock band also visited Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam. Wearing glasses: singer Barry Hay. 2. Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam is committed to local initiatives in the fight against breast cancer. For example, such an initiative took place in October 2013 during ‘Pinktober’ month. On the far right, Claire Skudder, sales & marketing manager of Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam. The proceeds of this benefit went to the local initiative known as ‘ A Sister’s Hope’. 3. Hard Rock Cafe stands for... quirky cocktails. Photo Team Stigter. 4. Hard Rock Cafe is also a fan of Dutch football.





rent T-shirt collection, can visit the shop right next to the restaurant on Max Euweplein...

vegetarian choices. Smoking and grilling does not take place outdoors but indoors.

In 1979, when renowned guitarist Pete Townshend jokingly hung up one of his prized guitars to mark his favourite spot at the London establishment, he had no idea that with this, Hard Rock Cafe would experience its launch as a museum. What did Eric Clapton – this other guitar legend – do? When he heard about Townshend’s initiative, he had one of his guitars sent to London. The rest is, indeed, history. 72.000 original, onceplayed instruments are hanging on the walls of the more than 174 Hard Rock venues worldwide. A guitar once belonging to world renowned guitarist Eddie van Halen – the DutchAmerican founder of the rock band Van Halen – is now hanging above the entrance in Amsterdam, for example.

The young generation who founded Hard Rock Cafe, however, didn’t want to stay indoors. Quite the contrary. Peter Morton, but even more so Isaac Tigrett, considered becoming part of the local community very important. Other things came from the sponsoring of a local football club. After the unintentional sale of Hard Rock T-shirts, came the idea to sell special edition T-shirts with artwork and signatures of individual artists. With this, millions of dollars were raised for a good cause of their choice.

An unintentional sale of T-shirts

TAkE TimE To bE kind Hard Rock Cafe started out with homemade burgers and quirky cocktails. The menu now consists of numerous sandwiches put together on the spot, salads, ribs and

38 I Rush on Amsterdam

Hard Rock Cafe has many mottos, yet there are two main mottos: ‘Take time to be kind’ and ‘All is one’ (in other words: ‘Love all, Serve all’). We are all people who deserve friendliness and attention. This should be apparent not only in a friendly wait staff at the restaurant, but also in the efforts to help those who are in less fortunate situations at that moment.

Spring 2014


AmERicAn indigEnoUs TRibE In that sense, both founders were happy that an indigenous tribe from the south of the United States, the Seminole Tribe, wanted to expand Hard Rock Cafe worldwide with the intention of increasing that sense of community. Connected with its own community, international expansion for Hard Rock Cafe would also mean being able to make more local contributions in more places. With this perspective, an American indigenous tribe from Florida became the owners of Hard Rock Cafe, thus contributing to a very assertive company that did not allow and will not allow itself to be imitated. Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam also makes a contribution to the local community. The international initiative against breast cancer known as ‘Pinktober’ benefits the local ‘A Sister’s Hope’ project in Amsterdam. During American Thanksgiving the Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam delivers sandwiches to the homeless of the Dutch capital. Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam collects clothing in exchange for a drink at the restaurant. Like these, there are many other local initiatives.

Spring 2014

inTERnATionAl, yET moRE locAl Local responsibility takes shape in another form at Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam. Sales & marketing manager Claire Skudder regularly travels to countries such as India where she helps orphanages and schools. She works closely with the ‘Streets to Sanctuary’ initiative, saving women from the red light area in Mumbai. “It is very moving to hear a mother say ‘thank you for saving my daughter,’” says Skudder.

What you see here are jackets once worn by Michael Jackson. No, this is not ‘merchandising’. This is Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam as a pop museum. Of course, you can also add a little something to your own outfit. But not at the restaurant/museum, but at the shop right next door.

The ‘All is one’ concept continues to have an international scope, yet is carried out locally. There is no question of an uncommitted marketing hype. Just through the sale of T-shirts alone, the Hard Rock Cafe donates millions of dollars annually to a good cause. No more than the restaurants are fake museums, are the many philanthropic actions only meant to lure customers. Anyone who still has doubts can consult the website for further information – or visit Hard Rock Cafe Amsterdam. I 39


Marijuana tells you something about Amsterdam

Coffeeshops: not only coffee Upon ARRiving AT AmsTERdAm’s CEnTRAl sTATion, mAny ToURisTs mAy EnCoUnTER ThE disTinCTly swEET, hERbAl sCEnT oF ‘mARy JAnE’, oThERwisE known As mARiJUAnA oR hAsh. Text Benjamin Roberts Photography Benjamin Roberts, De Dampkring


the late 1960s and the ‘Flower Power’ days, Amsterdam has been known the world over for its hash bars or coffeeshops where customers can ‘legally’ purchase marijuana and hash in small amounts. For the last 40 years, the city has earned the title of a modern-day version of ‘Sodom and Gomorra’ due to its toleration of both prostitution and the use of cannabis (as marijuana is also known; other words are ‘weed’, ‘pot’ and indeed, ‘hash’). In Quentin Tarentino’s Oscar-winning movie Pulp Fiction (1994), one of the many eclectic dialogues between mobsters John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson, explains Amsterdam’s liberal drug policy in a nutshell: Jackson: “Tell me about those hash bars again. It’s legal now, right?” Travolta: “Yeah, its legal now, but not a 100% legal. You just can’t walk into a restaurant, roll a joint and start

40 I Rush on Amsterdam

puffing away. They want you to smoke at home or in certain designated places.” Jackson: “And those places are… hash bars?” Travolta: “Yeah, it breaks down like this: It’s legal to buy it, it’s legal to own it, and if you are a proprietor of a hash bar, it’s legal to sell it. It’s legal to carry it, but that doesn’t matter, now get a load of this. If you get stopped by a cop in Amsterdam, it’s illegal for him to search you. Now that’s the right cops in Amsterdam don’t have.” Jackson: “Oh man, I’m going’, that’s all there is to it. I’m fuckin’ going.” FiRsT onE in 1972 The Dutch term for hash bar is the English word ‘coffeeshop’ (both words written together). In 1972 the first coffeeshop was opened where only soft drugs could be sold, and no alcohol. The term ‘coffeeshop’ is a euphemism and refers to the coffee houses, which were popular in the 18th

Spring 2014


century when coffee was considered to be a drug because of its caffeine buzz. According to Ron Schuitema, manager of the coffeeshop De Dampkring (The Atmosphere), Dutch law allows coffeeshops to operate “if they do not advertise, sell hard drugs, disturb the peace, sell to anyone under 18 years of age, and sell no more than five grams a day to an individual.” Schuitema laughs: “De Dampkring would never need any advertising anyway.” AlicE in WondERlAnd Since coffeeshop De Dampkring was featured in the movie Ocean Twelve that starred Matt Damon, George Clooney, and Brad Pitt in 2004, there has been a steady flow of tourists and locals who visit the homey, 70s retro-style interior. From the outside, the establishment nestled at Handboogsteeg 29, resembles something from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland with its fantasy-like façade of swirled wood and colourfully-rounded images. Schuitema explains: “Customers from all over the world keep return-

Spring 2014

ing because they like the laid-back atmosphere”. Prices at De Dampkring range from € 6.50 to € 14, and choices can be selected from a comprehensive menu, as if ordering food in a restaurant.

Is this a coffeeshop? Indeed it is: De Tweede Kamer (The Second Chamber). . (Photo: Benjamin Roberts)

However, with their extensive options including details about smell, taste, effect and length of flowering, some visitors might be overwhelmed and not know what to choose. The friendly and well-informed personnel puts an end to all that. They inquire if customers are first time users and recommend something that suits their taste. Schuitema adds: “We want our clients to make the right choice, so they have a nice experience. That is what it is all about.” As ThE cRoW FliEs Currently there are approximately 220 coffeeshops still operating in Amsterdam. There used to be many more, but under pressure from the European Union, the municipality is tightening its regulations. Since 1 January 2014, coffeeshops within 500 meters of high schools are not allowed to be open before 18.00 hrs. Currently, city officials I 41




1. Enjoying a joint: feel free to try, or ask the friendly and wellinformed personnel first. (Courtesy of De Dampkring)

and coffeeshop owners are caught up in a tug-a-war battle over whether the 500-meter distance is as the crow flies or walking distance. For a compact city such as Amsterdam, that makes a big difference for coffeeshop owners.

2. Adriaen Brouwer, The Smokers (ca. 1636). From Benjamin B. Roberts, Sex and Drugs before Rock ‘n’ Roll: Youth Culture and Masculinity during Holland’s Golden Age (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012)

InTImAcy oF A DUTch homE For the residents of Amsterdam, coffeeshops are a normal phenomenon. They are located in every district and are as standard as the neighbourhood baker, cheese shop and dry cleaner. Contrary to other countries where marijuana belongs to the illegal realm, there is no ‘seedy’ atmosphere in coffeeshops. In fact, because smoking a joint is legal, visitors often have the same feeling as if drinking coffee in a café. And just like cafés, coffeeshops come in all shape and sizes: from the ultra-modernly decorated to the bruin café (the old ‘brown’ Amsterdam tavern).

lampshades and family portraits. De Tweede Kamer (Dutch for ‘The Second Chamber’), nudged in the Heisteeg 6, is not much bigger than a bedroom. The dimly-lit interior with wooden tables and chairs, and light purple-coloured wallpaper accented with blackand-white photos of old Amsterdam, is presided by a regal state portrait of Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard from the 1950s. The ambiance is inviting and the epitome of Dutch cosiness. Any Dutch granny would surely feel at home here.

A Dutch grandmother's living room

In fact, many coffeeshops have the ambiance and welcoming vibe of being in the intimacy of a Dutch home. It is not unusual for them to resemble a Dutch grandmother’s living room, decorated with knick-knacks, pink-fringed

42 I Rush on Amsterdam

Similarly, a clean-cut, thirtysomething gentleman carrying a grocery bag may jump off his bike and run into the coffeeshop to buy some hash. Don’t be surprised if he does this with the same nonchalance as if he were buying a newspaper at a local newsstand. SomE ThIngS nEvER chAngE This easy-going and civilised manner has a long history. In general, smoking in Holland is older than the hills – if the country did have any hills. In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic was one of the first in Europe

Spring 2014




to wholeheartedly embrace smoking tobacco after the plant was first introduced to Europeans and smoked in a pipe. Before that, Europeans never inhaled anything into their lungs. In the Middle Ages people (especially youngsters) experimented and tried to reach a narcotic state by burning herbs and other plants, and hanging their heads above the smoke. But it was never inhaled through a pipe. During the 16th century, only sailors and soldiers smoked tobacco. It was considered to be low-class to smoke. That all changed around 1620 when students at the University of Leiden experimented with smoking tobacco as a possible cure for small pox. Unfortunately, it did not save any lives against the plague, but students did enjoy the nicotine high that smoking tobacco gave them. By 1650, smoking tobacco had become a mainstream habit. People from all social backgrounds smoked to such an extent that visitors to the Dutch Republic often complained that the country smelled like ‘tobacco’.

Spring 2014

A dEEp TRAncE In the 17th century, tobacco was still a luxury product and needed to be imported from Virginia and the Caribbean. Not everyone could afford tobacco. Bohemians avant la lettre such as the Flemish-born painter Adriaen Brouwer (1606-1638) who worked in Amsterdam and the city of Haarlem, were fascinated with smokers. Brouwer depicted many of them, usually in tavern scenes, as social outcasts that were drinking and playing cards. For painters, depicting smoking was often meant to symbolise the sense of taste and smell. In The Smokers (ca.1636), which hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Brouwer portrayed himself wide-eyed and playfully blowing circles of smoke. His fellow characters are seated, holding pipes in their hands. Their eyes are glazed as they stare at the ceiling as though in a deep trance. One art historian claims that Brouwer’s smokers aren’t puffing on a pipe – they’re sucking on it. They’re smoking pot.


1. Maybe you're in for a psychedelic experience? (Courtesy of De Dampkring) 2. Almost ready... an unrolled joint. (Courtesy of De Dampkring). 3. Is this a coffeeshop? Yes, it is. De Dampkring (The Atmosphere), was featured in Steven Sodenbergh’s movie Ocean Twelve (2004). (Photo: Benjamin Roberts) I 43


Bugatti Polo Ralph Lauren Pierre Cardin

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You can park your car at only 80 meters away, at our expense

The Haarlemmerstraat and the Haarlemmerdijk

A most tempting Culinary Avenue It’s hard to ImagIne, but not that long ago, the neIghbourhood known as the haarlemmerbuurt – datIng to the early 17th century and home to two of the cIty’s most popular shoppIng streets – left a lot to be desIred.

Text Paola Westbeek Photography Hans Westbeek, private collections

Page right top Give your health a real boost with one of Jay’s super juices. (Photo by Hans Westbeek) Page right below Meeuwig & Zn. and Mondo Mediterraneo, two shops that offer gourmands a taste of the southern European sunshine: one with mostly oils, and the other with traditional Italian cuisine. (Photo by Hans Westbeek)


the 70s and 80s, buildings in the Haarlemmerbuurt were empty, the area was dominated by coffeeshops, and the presence of sex and drugs related activities was prevalent. But by the late 80s and 90s, that all changed: buildings were renovated, more housing was made available, and speciality shops started to settle into the neighbourhood. Today, the Haarlemmerstraat and its extension the Haarlemmerdijk are two bustling streets brimming with an array of interesting shops – including some of the city’s finest food addresses.

Let’s have a look at these fine food addresses in the most enjoyable shopping street of the Netherlands (according to the Dutch people themselves in 2012).

46 I Rush on Amsterdam

lIquId health: Jay’s JuIces Mastermind behind this friendly juice bar is Jay Garrido – a man with an inspirational story. Born in Aruba, a small Caribbean island, Jay came to the Netherlands at 21. After being involved in the dark world of drugs, alcohol and crime, he had a vision that would change his life path and drive him to pursue his calling: making healthy juices. Jay’s Juices opened in 2000 and since then, it has been a haven of energy and well-being. Fresh ingredients are used, and Jay even grows his own wheatgrass for the invigorating shots served at his bar. Whether it’s the juice or whether it’s Jay’s charisma, everyone who walks in, walks out with a spring in their step.

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Page right Caulils is one of the country’s top delicatessens. Do not attempt to leave without ordering a piece of Remeker cheese – one of the best in the country! (Photo by Hans Westbeek)

Oil pARAdisE: MEEUwig & Zn. Meeuwig & Zn. carries olive oils purchased directly from small-scale farmers in Italy, Greece, France, Spain, Turkey and Portugal. The oils are stored in stainless steel tanks and are freshly tapped into bottles measuring 200 ml, 500 ml and one litre. Each bottle has a label indicating the origin of the oil and the date. A card lists other information such as the type of olive, production, aroma, taste and culinary uses. Besides olive oil, you’ll find other types of oils, condiments and a selection of delicatessen products. A liTTlE piEcE OF iTAly: MOndO MEdiTERRAnEAO At Mondo Mediterraneo, the decor is a direct reflection of the food on offer: pure, fresh and authentic. The catering company/delicatessen is run by Giancarlo and Gemma, two Italians from the Abruzzo region who have a real gift for pleasing the palate. And lucky for us, at their cosy eatery, we can sample things such as seasonal risottos, pastas, gnocchi, sandwiches, soups, salads and desserts. All homemade, sunny, and served with a smile. And spEAking OF sAndwichEs: il TRAMEZZinO Il Tramezzino not only makes the best espresso in the city (with the oldest Italian coffee brand, Caffe Vergnano), but they make some pretty tasty tramezzini, too. Popular in Italy, the sandwiches are made with crustless bread and generously filled with a selection of mouthwatering combinations. To ensure freshness, each tramezzini is kept under a moist tea towel. The only downside about walking into this sandwich shop? Choosing!

48 I Rush on Amsterdam

ExqUisiTE gOURMET pROdUcTs: cAUlils Caulils is one of the top food speciality shops in the Netherlands carrying fine charcuterie, excellent cheeses, condiments, chocolates, flours, wines, champagnes, and even fresh lobster and oysters. Don’t even attempt to leave the shop without a piece of one of the most delicious Dutch cheeses: Remeker. Made with raw milk from Jersey cows, it is available in two varieties: Olde Remeker (aged for a minimum of 18 months) and Remeker (aged for a minimum of 7 months). If weather permits, treat yourself to one of Caulil’s picnic baskets, and head to a beautiful spot. The baskets serve two and come in two price ranges. The basic one includes items such as a bottle of white wine, Remeker cheese, Iberico sausage and olives (€ 28.50), and the fancier one features champagne, Comte cheese, Pata Negra ham and Canadian lobster with mayonnaise (€ 89.50). chOcOlATE, pAsTRiEs And cAkEs: UnliMiTEd dEliciOUs Care for a peanut butter-wasabi bonbon? Or a luscious slice of carrot cake topped with a buttery, cream cheese icing? Since its opening in 2002, Unlimited Delicious has remained one of the city’s favourite chocolate and pastry shops. Only the highest quality products are used: Fair Trade chocolate, fresh eggs, fruits and spices. During the colder months, a cup of their thick hot chocolate is hard to beat. And come the summer, opt for one of their refreshing ice cream varieties.

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1. There are many interesting flavours to choose from at Unlimited Delicious. Why not put together a box filled with your favourite varieties? 2. At Vlaamsch Broodhuys (‘Flemish Breadhouse’) you can get your fresh loaves of sourdough, or stop for a bite at the Baker’s Café. 3. Are we in Amsterdam or Andalusia? At Hollandaluz the tiles are hand-painted, the lamps are from Granada, and the products are full of earthy, Spanish temperament.

ARTisAnAl bREAd: VlAAmsch bRoodhUys Vlaamsch Broodhuys (‘Flemish Breadhouse’) prides itself on making rustic sourdough bread with a minimum of ingredients and a maximum of passion. Some of the ingredients used are stone-milled Camprèmy flour and salt from Guèrande. The loaves have a characteristic dense, chewy texture, a perfect crust and a delicate aroma. At the Baker’s Café (on the premises), they serve salads, soups, quiches and sandwiches (made with their own delectable bread, of course).

Cheese lover’s can find just about every kind of Dutch cheese imaginable, but also an interesting assortment of imported cheeses, breads, nuts and dairy products. Locals come here in the morning for their freshlybaked croissants. Not surprising, since their sweet aroma entices you from afar!

Every kind of Dutch cheese

spAnish TEmpERAmEnT: hollAndAlUz Are we in Amsterdam or Andalusia? At Hollandaluz the tiles are hand-painted, the lamps are from Granada, and the products are full of earthy, Spanish temperament. Hollandaluz is best known for their Pata Negra hams, chorizos, blood sausage, fresh tapas and sherries. But that’s not all. You’ll also find imported oils, vinegars, canned fish, olives, spices, Manchego cheese and wines. Little time? Order a sandwich made with the flavourful Barra Gallega bread and have it on-the-go.

50 I Rush on Amsterdam

chEEsE And moRE: KAAslAnd The Haarlemmerdijk has been home to Kaasland – which literally translates to ‘cheeseland’ – for more than 30 years.

ThE pERFEcT cUp: TEA bAR From teapots to Chai – Tea Bar is both fancy tea boutique and tea break retreat. Upon entering, the herbal scents will envelop your senses, but what will astound you most is the wall of tea melanges with concoctions bearing names such as “Sensual Healing” and “Choco Chanel”. Feel free to sniff before you buy, and should you wish, have your chosen blend brewed for you right on the spot to enjoy on the premises.

Spring 2014




BAKING PARADISE: THE MAD BAKERS If you enjoy making cakes, cupcakes, cookies and other sweet treats, you’ll love spending some time at the Mad Bakers. Owned by Dutch-American baking queens, Vanessa and Ashley, the shop sells baking supplies such as cookie cutters, moulds, mixes, fondant, decorations and more. Not a baker? Try one of their beautiful (not to mention sinfully delicious!) cupcakes. CONFECTIONERY FOR CONNOISSEURS: PAPABUBBLE This isn’t your average candy shop. Papabubble is a gourmet factory where each sweet creation is meticulously handmade with natural products and plantbased colourings. In the middle of the shop, visitors can witness the actual candy-making process. The hard candies come in a wealth of shapes and flavours. They also make lollipops and can even personalise their edible masterpieces upon request.

merdijk can rightfully be seen as Amsterdam’s most tempting Culinary Avenue. From inviting restaurants to specialised delicatessens, if you’re looking for the gourmet side of the city, you’ve come to the right place! PLACES MENTIONED IN THIS ARTICLE Jay’s Juices: Haarlemmerstraat 14 Meeuwig & Zn.: Haarlemmerstraat 70 Mondo Mediterraneo: Haarlemmerstraat 68 Il Tramezzino: Haarlemmerstraat 79 Caulils: Haarlemmerstraat 115 Unlimited Delicious: Haarlemmerstraat 122 Vlaamsch Broodhuys: Haarlemmerstraat 108 Hollandaluz: Haarlemmerstraat 71 Kaasland: Haarlemmerdijk 1 Tea Bar: Haarlemmerdijk 71 The Mad Bakers: Haarlemmerdijk 97 Papabubble: Haarlemmerdijk 70


1. A paradise for home bakers or cupcake lovers, The Mad Bakers carries both baking supplies and delicious cupcakes. (Photo by Hans Westbeek) 2. A tea assortment like nowhere else? Please go to Tea Bar! 3. Located on the Haarlemmerdijk for more than 30 years, Kaasland, or ‘Cheeseland’, sells a wide selection of both imported and Dutch cheeses. (Photo by Hans Westbeek)

GOURMANDS, YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Not only locals, but also gourmands from all over the world have discovered why the Haarlemmerstraat and Haarlem-

Spring 2014 I 51

De Tafel van Twaalfhoven Dutch design at its best T 0031 (0) 6 263 469 42

Birkenstock Store You can find the biggest choice of sandals, slippers, clogs and collectors items specially made for the Birkenstock Store Amsterdam here.

The Birkenstock Store Amsterdam 1e Constantijn Huygenstraat 76 and Westermarkt 19 T. (020) 689 1267

Are YOU in for a deal? Are you in for A deAl? PleAse show our Cityrush APP to one of our fine Advertisers below And you’ll enjoy A treAt! BOOkstOre ‘VrOlijk’ 10 % discount on every product we offer DAmtOUrs – sightseeing ArrAngements ¤ 25 discount on a beer bike tour FemAle PArtners – lingerie all kinds of discounts! Fresh sUPPOrtiVe heAlth ClUB – Fitness 10 ¤ for a day pass instead of 15 € hOOgstins – lUxUrY giFts a 10 % discount on any product megAzinO stOre – FAshiOn discounts on top brands of up to 60 % sCOOter rent AmsterDAm 15 % discount on day prices shirDAk silk rOAD textile gAllerY – Felt AnD silk textiles discount on fur cap and slippers seVentYFiVe – FAshiOn sneAkers free sneaker cleaner sets, value 18.90 € s.Y.U. grOOming Center – grOOming sAlOn FOr men 10 % discount on a shave or haircut the WiCkeD kitChen – restAUrAnt discount on a three-course menu

FOr mOre DeAls, PleAse Visit

Spring 2014

Rush on Amsterdam I 53


terraces AmsterdAm boAsts A vAst number of terrAces, smAll And lArge, trAditionAlly cosy, hip And hot, in pArks, on squAres, or just plAin old pAvement cAfĂŠ terrAces. how do you decide where to hAng out? for this issue, we hAve focused on wAterside terrAces. enjoy!

54 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014

Spring 2014 I 55


TRAnqUil yET vibRAnT? RestauRant De Belhamel Located at the intersection of Brouwersgracht and Herengracht on the tranquil outskirts of the Jordaan, ‘De Belhamel’ (‘The Rascal’) offers a magnificent view of both canals. In summertime, the outdoor terrace overlooking the water is a lovely place to enjoy fine food. The menu reflects French-Italian cuisine and has distinctive Mediterranean and CentralEuropean influences. There’s a touch of Dutch, as well. De Belhamel has received the prestigious Michelin Guide’s Bib Gourmand award annually since 2007. Brouwersgracht 69, T 020 6221095,

A viEw oF ThE cAnAl Ring? Walem Café RestauRant The terrace of Walem Café Restaurant is one of the great attractions of this popular establishment in the centre of the city, just off Leidsestraat. It’s right in the middle of the canal ring! Warm-weather dining on the buzzing canal-side terrace with its spectacular view is a real treat. Keizersgracht 449, T 020 6253544,

ThE woRld AT yoUR FEET? eYe BaR RestauRant Housing the new film museum, the stunning EYE building across from Central Station on the north bank of the River IJ (say ‘eye’) also houses a bar/restaurant with a lovely terrace on the water. The owners of the restaurant were recently given the Hospitality & Style Award 2012 for their various enterprises. Need we say more? Good food, fine wine, a congenial ambience and one of the greatest views in the whole city! IJpromenade 1, T 020 5891402,

56 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014


ClosE, yET FAR AWAy? Wilhelmina dok The food at Wilhelmina Dok is much appreciated for its Mediterranean finesse. In addition, the website Special Bite hails its terrace as one of the most special in the whole of the Netherlands. You’re close to the city here, a stone’s throw from the ferry, which takes you to Central Station for free. Yet you feel far away, almost in another world. Wilhelmina Dok has a great terrace with a great view, and everything else is fine, too. Noordwal 1, T 020) 6323701,

InTERnATIonAl AllURE? haRbouR Club Harbour Club is a unique location with international allure and exceptionally good food in a former wine terminal turned fashionable chic. 2,200 square metres, with a great terrace overlooking the water. Cruquiusweg 67, T 020 7670421,

WAnT To kEEp IT pRIvATE? hilton GaRden teRRaCe

WAnT To look ARoUnd? Silk Road ReStauRant The Silk Road Restaurant and its terrace on the second floor of the Mövenpick Hotel offer a beautiful view of the River IJ, as well the historical city centre. The all-day dining establishment boasts creative, international cuisine and a new menu with each season. Executive Chef is Jamie Sharrat.

Spring 2014

Piet Heinkade 11, T 020 5191200,

Treat yourself to one of the best terrace lunches that Amsterdam has to offer, on one of its most private terraces, also featuring a bar outside. Sip a cocktail in the Half Moon Lounge overlooking the marina. Or enjoy fine dining at the hotel’s award-winning Roberto’s Restaurant with regional specialties and classic tagliatelle dishes. Apollolaan 138, T 020 7106000, I 57


CiTy AT yoUR FEET? Sky Lounge AmSterdAm Granted, it’s not really waterside, but does look out over the water – and how! Located near Central Station and on the top floor of the DoubleTree by Hilton Amsterdam, the Sky Lounge offers a breathtakingly beautiful, panoramic view of the whole city and the River IJ. Its large balcony and enormous roof terrace (over 100 square metres) with its own outside bar add to the cosmopolitan feel and unique ambience of the place. The Sky Lounge opens at 11:00 each morning. Oosterdoksstraat 4, T 020 5300 849,

PERFECT wATERsidE loCATion? de JAren The crème of our crop – in terms of both its perfect waterside location (where the Kloveniersburgwal canal meets the river Amstel) and excellent food (salad bar on the upper floor inside). On sunny days, you usually have to wait a little before a table on the terrace becomes available. But it’s worth it. Walk through the lively main café, one of the largest in Amsterdam, and you will end up at the back, that is to say: ‘on the deck’. Nieuwe Doelenstraat 20-22, T 020 6255771,

EURoChiC And somEwhAT PARisiAn? Hèt terrAS HoteL de L’europe Hèt Terras Hotel De l’Europe is a warmweather dining destination where ‘vintage Eurochic riverside dining’ pairs with ‘modern, Parisian-influenced café classics’. A charming, open-air patio offers breathtaking views of the river Amstel, the Munt tower, the flower market and Amsterdam’s famous canals. Nieuwe Doelenstraat 2-14, T 020 5311619,

58 I Rush on Amsterdam

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lovEly TERRAcE oR TWo? Cafe RestauRant fIjnhout The Old West area of the city has become popular and hot lately, and it’s where you’ll find Fijnhout. Boasting a lovely terrace on the canal and a garden at the back, Fijnhout offers an attractive, modest menu and especially selected, very affordable wines. Jacob van Lennepkade 384 D, T 020 758 3820,

in sEARch oF comFoRT? InteRContInental amstel amsteRdam Whether you prefer to unwind with a glass of wine or a cup of tea, the InterContinental Amstel Amsterdam provides a welcoming atmosphere for those in search of calm and comfort. You could indeed consider three terraces: the one belonging to the renowned Amstel Lounge, the terrace belonging to the Brasserie and the new terrace belonging to A bar. ‘A bar’ is a new bar with a fresh ‘look & feel’ that offers not only a terrace, but also barrel-aged cocktails – to name only one specialty. The beautiful terraces overlooking the river exude an informal ambience, inspiring light-hearted relaxation. With a regular DJ programme 'A bar’ is a perfect spot to enjoy the charm of the city. Professor Tulpplein 1, T 020 622 6060,

WATching sAiling vEssEls? RestauRant Zouthaven At Restaurant Zouthaven, fish features prominently. Enjoy, among others, fruits de mer, oysters, fish soup or the ‘Catch of the Day’. The ambience in its white, minimalist interior is just like the food: very, very nice. From its huge deck, with a magnificent view of the river IJ, you can watch all kinds of sailing vessels pass you by, including some huge cruise ships. Restaurant Zouthaven is part of ‘Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ’, a musical venue that is top-notch.

Text Carla van Splunteren Photography Private collections

Spring 2014

Piet Heinkade 1, T 020 7882090,, I 59




lOnG pura

dE bElhamEl 60 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014

Hip & Hot Bridges InspIred by ron blaauw restaurant

Oudezijds Voorburgwal 197 T. 020 - 555 35 60 At Bridges, inspired by Ron Blaauw it’s all about fish. Always the best fish and only when in season. Executive chef Joris Bijdendijk presents a wide variety of fresh fish and seafood, both in our restaurant and in the Raw Bar. Oysters, lobster sandwiches, delicate fish tartar and ocean fresh fish, everything prepared while you watch. You can eat in the restaurant as well as dine in the exclusive privacy of the Private Dining, with view of the Vinothèque, the climatized domain of the sommelier and his fine selection of wines. Our Executive Chef Joris Bijdendijk serves modern and trendy dishes in Restaurant Bridges with an emphasis on seafood and fish, mostly Dutch organic produce with a French twist. Bridges was awarded a Michelin star in November 2013. At the Raw Bar, located in the heart of our restaurant, one of our chefs prepares dishes creating lively interaction with our guests. Bridges’ Cocktail Bar offers exclusive wines and vintage champagnes by the glass. International cocktails, shaken by our professional mixologists, together with wine flights will be served matching bites. Our sommelier Jasper van den Hoogen tastes and selects the wine in the Vinothèque. He serves specially composed wine arrangements and vintage champagnes. Most wines can be ordered per glass. LUNCH MO-FR: 12.00-14.30 LUNCH SAT-SUN: 12.30-14.30 DINER: 18.30-22.30 vALET pARkINg

sYriANA restaurant

Akersluis 8 T. 020 - 669 09 33 Syriana, a restaurant with a Syrian-Lebanese kitchen, a cuisine that is relatively unknown to restaurant visitors and continues

Spring 2014

to amaze people. The tastes are a class apart, you could say we are dealing with a new culinary taste maker. People like the kitchen because it has many appetizer courses, called ‘mazas’ - very similar to the Spanish tapas. In the restaurant you can also enjoy the unique Arab high-tea with lots of Syrian and Lebanese sweets & treats. Lunch, brunch and cocktails are being served during the day and at night a delightful dinner with Arab tapas-dishes. The Lounge with the 1001 night decor on the first floor or the Eden room at the ground floor can be booked for parties, meetings, large dinners and business events. Suggestions can be made for menu, entertainment and theme’s. New at Syriana is the “All you can eat concept”- you can eat 6 rounds and order 4 dishes per round from the in total 56 dishes with a choice from vegetarian, meat- or fishmaza’s. So you can explore the Libanese kitchen in a fun way. Price : € 19,50 during weekdays and € 22,50 on Friday and Saturday because of the live music and performance of a Belly dancer.For after dinner cocktails & shiska please visit the Club Lounge Syriana Deluxe. kITCHEN OpEN DAILy FROM 12:00 - 22:00 OpEN 365 DAyS A yEAR SEE yOU AT SyRIANA!

loNg purA restaurant

Rozengracht 46-48 T. 020-623 89 50 Selamat Datang, welcome ! Restaurant Long Pura ‘’Eternal Temple’’ is located in a typical monumental building in the centre of Amsterdam, nearby the Western Church in the cosy Jordaan area. Here hides a beautiful and colourful Indonesian temple. Upon entering you will be pleasantly surprised by the contemporary, stylish and warm interior with Balinese elements. Our Chef and his team prepare tastes and fragrances to delight all your senses. You will be greeted with the “Selemat Datang” welcome by our traditional Indonesian dressed staff. Enjoy the abundance of our famous rice tables or varied à la carte menu.

To stimulate your dining experience, all our food is prepared using fresh ingredients. Also very suitable for family -and business dinners. kITCHEN OpEN MON - SAT 18:00 AND 23:00 SUN 17:00 THROUgH 23:00 OpEN 365 DAyS A yEAR wIFI AvAILAbLE

de BelhAmel restaurant

Brouwersgracht 60 1013 GX Amsterdam T. 020 622 1095 Restaurant De Belhamel is located at the junction of two of Amsterdam’s most beautiful canals, the Brouwersgracht (“Brewers’ canal”) and the Herengracht (“Gentlemen’s canal”). It is one of the city’s prettiest spots, quietly situated at the edge of the Jordaan area and offering splendid views on both canals. In summer dinner is served outside in these lovely surroundings. Not only the location, also the restaurant’s interior is unique: the venue is entirely decorated in the early 20th century Art-Nouveau style, with many original details. The restaurant and entresol give a view over the canals, the bar offers a fine opportunity to enjoy an aperitif before dinner. In addition to our fine dining, De Belhamel is Amsterdam’s place to be for hot and cold lunches. Our hospitality and friendly aura draw a pleasant mix of professionals and local residents. De Belhamel is perfect for a business lunch or dinner and also hosts anniversary, wedding and birthday celebrations. The magnificent view from the high, wide windows in the façade will make you feel surrounded by Amsterdam’s beauty while you enjoy lunch or dinner at this restaurant. The restaurant’s cuisine has French - Italian bearings, but the menu also offers traditional Dutch dishes. We are looking forward to welcoming you at De Belhamel. SUN - THU: 12.00 - 16.00 AND 18.00 - 22.00 FRI AND SAT: 12.00 - 16.00 AND 18.00 - 22.30 I 61


VOOGES bubblES & winES

Hard rOck cafE


Sazanka 62 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014


bubbles & wines wine & champagne bar/bites

Nes 37 T. 020 - 422 33 18 In one of the quaintest streets of Amsterdam, and only one-minute-walk distance from famous Dam Square, you will find wine & champagne bar Bubbles & Wines. In a modern, intimate chocolate brown ambiance you can enjoy more than 50 wines by the glass (including 6 sparkling) and over 200 by the bottle. Our specialties are our “wine flights”, three half glasses from one grape variety but from different wine regions. Make nice matches with our Gourmet Bites (luxury finger food) or just come in for a glass of Champagne, Pinot Grigio or Pinot Noir. Our friendly and professional staff will help you out choosing your wine and they will give you advice on what Bites will match the best. After dinner you can enjoy our choice of beautiful Grappas and other digestives or have another glass of your favorite wine. For gourmet lovers Bubbles & Wines is the best choice for a complete evening out! Mon-Sat 15.30 - 01.00 Sun 14.00-21.00 Kitchen open - 00.45

Hard rock restaurant

Haparandadam 50 Max Euweplein 57-61 Amsterdam 1017 MA T. 020 523 7625 Hard Rock International is getting ready to launch their new Menu in April 2014, drop into the Amsterdam location to be the first to try some new dishes and some old time favourites! This is Hard Rock! Classic American Food, made in house from scratch. It doesn’t get any better than this, the freshest ingredients, sourced directly by our chefs and transformed into a feast fit for a rock star. Get your napkins ready, because our fork-tender signature smokehouse specialties are marinated in awesomeness before they’re slow-cooked, right here in our own in-house smokers. Love me tender?

Spring 2014

One bite of our slow-cooked, authentically Memphis pulled pork, chicken or brisket and you’ll know why we’d never trust something as important as this to anyone else. Just one of the exciting new additions to a classic menu is, Margarita Madness - Air Mexico Take flight with a sample of three signature mini margaritas! Choose 3: Wildberry, Pomegranate, Watermelon, Blue Curacao, Mango or Cucumber. Accompanied by a personal-sized-portion of chips & salsa. ReStauRant: Sun - thuRS: 11:30 – 24:00 (Kitchen cloSeS at 23:30) FRi - Sat: 11:30 – 01:00 (Kitchen cloSeS at 00:30) MeRchandiSe: Sun - thuRS: 10:00 – 24:00 FRi - Sat: 10:00 – 01:00

mappa restaurant

Nes 59 T. 020 – 528 91 70 In the very heart of the city on the historical street Nes, Mappa is situated in a former coffee house opened in 1810 by the Frascati brothers who became famous for their very popular Frascati Café (from 1940 on). Later, the building was used as a theater with Frascati Café as a part of it. Since 2001, however, restaurant Mappa is the happy occupant. Mappa offers Italian cuisine and “everything is home-made and made with love.” Authentic Italian food is what Mappa offers, and the restaurant is proud of the fact that all its home-made dishes are made from fresh, biological products. Mappa is mainly known for its variety of pasta dishes, but besides the pastas it also has some beautiful antipasti (starters) and a few fish and meat specialties. The menu at Mappa is changed regularly to ensure creativity and quality in the kitchen. Needless to say, good Italian food goes hand in hand with beautiful wines. The wine list at Mappa is predominantly Italian, from small vineyards in Puglia to great wine masters such as Walter Massa. The interior of Restaurant Mappa is stylish in a timeless way; 60 people can be seated here. The staff at Mappa is friendly and always ready to help. As hospitality is very important to Mappa, you are guaranteed a wonderful evening out at the restaurant.

thuRSday - SatuRday FRoM 18.00 - 23.00. ReSeRvationS RecoMMended.

sazanka restaurant

Hotel Okura Amsterdam Ferdinand Bolstraat 333 T +31 (0)20 678 74 50 Nowadays, many people are familiar with the customs of teppanyaki; the Japanese art of cooking at a hot griddle in front of guests. Teppanyaki’ literally means ‘grilled on an iron plate’ (teppan = iron plate, yaki = grill). In Japan this is probably the oldest method of preparing food, invented when the Japanese grilled their fish on a shovel above an open fire. At Sazanka Restaurant of Hotel Okura Amsterdam the teppan chefs demonstrate that their exquisite cooking is a far cry from the ‘show-and-throw’ spectacle often associated with teppanyaki cuisine. Fish, meat and vegetarian dishes, side dishes and desserts are presented with gastronomic allure, in which the quality of the ingredients is of central importance. Dining at Sazanka guarantees you culinary enjoyment, and above all an entertaining time – whether there are just two of you, or you visit in a group. There are 11 griddles in all, offering places for groups of up to ten people. It is also possible to reserve a private room. lunch: gRoup lunch on RequeSt dinneR: 18.30 – 22.00

opening tiMeS Kicthen: Mappa iS happy to welcoMe you Monday - wedneSday FRoM 18.00 - 22.00 I 63


VOOGES SOciÉtÉ wundErbar


pOnt 13

luciuS 64 I Rush on Amsterdam

Spring 2014


Société Wunderbar bar / restaurant

Corner: Rokin 84–Enge Kapelsteeg 3 T 020 – 370 34 48 I Wonder……….. Is it a bar? A restaurant? A cocktailbar? A club? It’s Société Wunderbar. A place with a cozy, stylish and metropolitan ambiance, where you will be surprised by great food and drinks. The chef, Frits Berends, created a menu based on his international experiences, using authentic, fresh and organic Dutch products. The bar serves all kind of drinks like different kind of gin tonics, aperetivo’s from all over the world, specially developed cocktails, a very distinctive wine list and our unique collection of Grand Cru Champagnes. Société Wunderbar is located on a prime location in the heart of the city, the Rokin. The beautifully restored building used to be the residence and office of Prince Hendrik, husband of Queen Wilhelmina, around 1910. The somewhat hidden entrance is in the Enge Kapelsteeg, connecting the Kalverstraat and the Rokin with on that side also a very nice open air terrace. Come and enjoy food and drinks, mingle with the cosmopolitan Dutch and international crowd and let yourself be entertained by the enthousiastic staff. Please note the very special artwork by street artist Max Zorn, who specially made this piece for Société Wunderbar. Enjoy Tue – Thu 1600 – 0100 Fri – SaT 1600 – 0300 Sun 1500 – 00.00

open cafe / restaurant

Westerdoksplein 20 1013 AZ Amsterdam T. 020 – 620 10 x10 Café Restaurant Open, a great example of modern architecture on the railroad swing bridge “19S” dating from 1920. You imagine yourself on the water with a panoramic view over the IJ, surrounded by the architecture of the new Amsterdam

Spring 2014

where both the crisp daylight as the atmospheric evening light have free reign. In warm weather, the special window construction opens via a unique fan system and both inside and on the terrace you can enjoy the beautiful transparent and open character. Open is for everyone - business or private from the city or neighborhood or visiting - for dinner or a glass of wine. The open kitchen is characterized by passion for fair and fresh seasonal products. You can enjoy a well balanced and pleasantly priced modern style European dinner menu. Open is situated on the edge of the Jordaan, within walking distance from Central Station and by car, public transport and even for small cruise ships within easy reach. OPEN is accessible to everyone via elevator or stairs via the terrace. 3-courSe dinner menu € 34,and 4-courSe dinner menu € 44,KiTchen open daily : 18.00 – 22.00 Sunday cloSed Bar : mon – Thu 17.00 – 01.00 and Fri and SaT 17.00 – 03.00 / Sunday cloSed

pont 13 restaurant

Haparandadam 50 T. 020 - 770 2722 Restaurant Pont 13 is housed on an old ferry (pont=ferry) built in 1927. Until the 1990s, it used to travel back and forth across the IJ lake. When it was declared ready for the scrap heap, René Langendijk bought it to turn it into his dream restaurant. Since 2005, Pont 13 has its anchorage at the romantic post-industrial Westelijke Houthavens, characterized by a great deal of cultural development. A beautiful place to be, with a wonderful skyline – the Amsterdam harbor, interesting new architecture, and numerous boats of all kinds. The European cuisine of Pont 13 has an original character, with the Italian slow food tradition as inspirational starting-point. On an open fire organic dishes are prepared. The combination of the décor of the rebuilt ferry, the impressive view, and last but not at all least the slow food kitchen makes this a place where you just love to be. Distinctive are the relaxed, homely at-

mosphere and the delicious food. Pont 13 imports wines, meat and home-canned fruit from the beautiful Italian region Le Marche, where owner Rene has a little farm. Serving a FeSTive mulTi-courSe dinner lunch daily From 12.00 - 16.00 dinner daily From 18.30 - 22.00

LuciuS Seafood restaurant

Spuistraat 247 T. 020 624 18 31 Lucius seafood restaurant is already for more than 38 years a reliable address for the true gourmets who love fish. A seafood restaurant where quality and atmosphere are the most important thing. Whether you like a simple piece of grilled salmon or rather be surprised with a special fish specialty, we welcome you all! As from day one, Lucius has always been a place for national and international guests. For many years we are receiving guests from all over the world. We provide our guests a menu in nine languages. Of course we are also visited by guest from our local area and the rest of the Netherlands and many of them have been loyal guests for years. Together with our employees we do everything to let you experience a wonderful evening. you are welcome Seven dayS a weeK BeTween 17.00 and 24.00. KiTchen open mo-Su 17:00-24:00 reServaTionS recommended I 65

Arts & Culture

Text Wilag Kater et al. Photography With thanks to contributors





Special (?) theme: money, pros and...

Shakespeare starts his journey in Amsterdam

Artist driven, leading to a broad(er) horizon

Lotus Dome? Living Dome

30 and 31 May; 1 June 2014

29 and 30 April 2014

30 May – End of August 2014

7 February – 5 May 2014

During the ‘Open Art Studio’ days in Amsterdam’s Jordaan district, you will be able to see the artworks of more than 60 artists in their own workshop. These artists work together in the ‘Open Art Studios Jordaan’. The organisation has set up a new joint plan for 2014 centred around a specific theme: money.

On Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 April, Hamlet will be seen at the Stadsschouwburg (City Theatre) in Amsterdam. In honour of Shakespeare’s 450th birthday, London’s Globe Theatre will be travelling all over the world with their most popular play. Amsterdam is scheduled to be their first international stop.

The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam will be presenting the ‘Lotus Dome’ by Daan Roosegaarde for the first time in the Netherlands, from 7 February through 5 May 2014. The Lotus Dome is a ‘living’ Dome consisting of hundreds of ultralight aluminium foils that unfold in response to human behaviour.

Money is rarely a subject in the art world due to its association with crude commercial aspects. Therefore, it makes it all the more interesting to see how artists depict ‘money’ as a general theme. Do they have a predilection for money or do they hate it? What can you buy with it, and is it simultaneously alienating? Do you denounce misconceptions such as exploitation, poverty and war?

On 23 April 2014 (Shakespeare’s actual 450th birthday), the Globe Theatre will start a two-year-long world tour. The goal is to play Hamlet’s tragedy in every country on the seven continents. Artistic director Dominic Dromgoole: “We’re not going to leave anyone out. Antarctica? Fuck yes!”

The Holland Festival is the international performing arts festival of the Netherlands and Amsterdam, featuring world renowned artists. Since 1947, the annual festival has been offering a diverse variety of performing arts and plenty of music, usually in connection to other art forms. Thus, the Holland Festival has been an international concept for decades offering ‘serious pleasure’ for the largest and most diverse audience possible.

Apart from the main exhibition, you can, of course, visit the artists’ studios to look for a piece to display in your home or office.

Therefore, this will be the first actual world tour in theatre history. The performers will travel by boat and aeroplane, jeep and train. They will play in theatre and jungles, town squares and beaches.

66 I Rush on Amsterdam

Present at many different locations in the capital, the HF has a timely and high quality character every year anew. For each edition of the Holland Festival, the focus of the event is determined by the work and development of artists from every corner of the world.

The high-tech work of art has been travelling the world since its creation in 2012. Having been on display at a number of historical locations abroad, the Lotus Dome will now face a contemporary juxtaposition with the Rijksmuseum’s 18th century period room.

At the same time, the Holland Festival is always on the lookout for new forms and work that appeals to a broad audience.

“What’s so special about this work is that you can actually touch it, unlike other art in a museum. The relationship with the museum visitor is an intrinsic part of the work,” says Daan Roosegaarde. Spring 2014


1. Artist Cartrien van Amstel in her studio, talking about her work to all who might be interested.


2. On 23 April 2014 (Shakespeare’s actual 450th birthday), the Globe Theatre will start a two-year-long world tour. The goal is to play Hamlet’s tragedy in every country on the seven continents.


3. The theatrical success ‘War Horse’ plays an important role during the Holland Festival this year. The puppeteers of the famous Handspring Puppet Company make horses move, breathe, snort, gallop and prance. 4. The Lotus Dome comes to life in response to a visitor’s body heat.


4 Spring 2014 I 67



VAN GOGH MUSEUM Vallotton: inspired by Japanese print art 14 February – 1 June 2014 During the 1890s the FrancoSwiss artist Félix Vallotton (1865-1925) belonged to the group of artists known as Les Nabis (The Prophets). This circle of young, avant-garde artists embarked on a new path whose highly decorative style of art was influenced by Gauguin and Japanese prints. The Van Gogh Museum has an important collection of works on paper by Les Nabis, which includes a large number of woodcuts by Vallotton. The exhibition Félix Vallotton. Fire beneath the ice displays a mixture of paintings and prints. Around 60 paintings from various international

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museums, such as the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, the Kunsthaus Zürich, The Baltimore Museum of Art, The Art Institute of Chicago and various private collections, combined with some 40 prints from the Van Gogh Museum’s collection provide an overview of every facet of Vallotton’s oeuvre.

As a painter Vallotton developed a highly personal style, drawing his inspiration from Japanese print art, the work of the Neoclassical French master Ingres and photography. His style is characterised by a smooth finish, a cool atmosphere and a sophisticated use of colour.

Félix Vallotton attended the academy of art in Lausanne and moved to Paris in 1882 in order to continue his studies as a portrait painter. However, he has chiefly won international renown with his remarkable black-and-white woodcuts, which are unparalleled in style, technique and mood. An underlying tension or threat is always present in these works, although they also incorporate humorous elements that often harbour social criticism.

Vallotton deliberately detached himself from the world which he observed sharply in all its cruelty and absurdity. This observing attitude is a feature of both his paintings and his woodcuts. What turmoil do his smooth surfaces conceal, what emotions slumber beneath that cool detachment?

FOAM AMSTERDAM Rethinking of war photography 21 March – 1 June 2014 For visitors interested in art photography, Foam Amsterdam presents ‘The Enclave’ by Richard Mosse, a confronting multimedia installation. Infiltrating armed rebel groups in a war zone, Richard Mosse, Trevor Tweeten (filmmaker) and Ben Frost (sound artist) travelled in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo throughout 2012. At this Foam exhibition, six large screens represent the enduring conflict situation in Congo. The war zone in Congo is plagued by frequent ambushes, massacres and systematic sexual violence. ‘The Enclave’ is the culmination of Mosse’s

Spring 2014


1. ‘La Retour de la mer’, 1924. Painting by Félix Vallotton. Courtesy of Van Gogh Museum 2. ‘Drag’, 2012, a photo depicting a jungle war zone. © Richard Mosse / Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York 3 & 4. ‘Naked woman’ is not a drawing by Rembrandt, whereas ‘Two men talking’ is. Naked woman, b/w chalk on blue paper, 373 x 244 mm, Amsterdam, private collection. Two men talking b/w chalk, 118 x 98 mm, Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Kupferstichkabinet.


attempt to rethink war photography. Exploring aesthetics in a situation of profound human suffering, ‘The Enclave’ immerses the viewer in a sinister and challenging world. Shot with infrared film, the screen results are vibrant, with psychedelic magenta coloured sites of a jungle war zone. The heart of the project is, as Mosse states, an attempt to bring “two counter-worlds into collision: art’s potential to represent narratives so painful that they exist beyond language, and photography’s capacity to document specific tragedies and communicate them to the world”. Richard Mosse (1980, Ireland) holds an MFA in photography from Yale University School of Art. In 2012, he received a visual arts bursary from the

Spring 2014

Irish Arts Council and held the international artist residency at Künstlerhaus, Berlin. In 2011, he was awarded a Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, with a supplemental stipend. Trevor Tweeten (1983, US) moved to New York after his BA at the Augsburg College in 2006. As cinematographer, he produced feature films and video art projects ranging from narrative to documentary to experimental. His work in video and film is noted for its strong imagery and lyrical visual style. Ben Frost (1980, Australia) lives in Reykjavik, Iceland. His music is about contrast and influenced by classical minimalism, punk rock and metal.

MUSEUM HET REMBRANDTHUIS Rembrandt or... not? 1 February – 27 April 2014 How do connoisseurs recognise an authentic Rembrandt, and what distinguishes his work from that of his pupils and contemporaries? Attributing works to artists has always been an interesting part of art historical sciences. The fascinating exhibition ‘Rembrandt, or Not? Old Drawings, New Names’ focuses solely on the criteria employed by an art historian when making an attribution. Starting 1 February at the Amsterdam museum Het Rembrandthuis (The Rembrandt House), you will be able to gain insight into this specialised work through 60



drawings. During the exhibition it is as though the visitor is looking over the shoulder of the specialist, hence discovering the intimate characteristics of the artist’s hand. Amongst the works on display are drawings by Rembrandt and booklets of his pupils and contemporaries. What all of the works have in common is that they have been analysed by art specialist Peter Schatborn in the last decade. During the course of his career, Schatborn became one of the world’s leading experts on Rembrandt drawings. For decades, he has also been closely associated with the Rembrandt House. I 69



ARTZUID 2014 A sculpture route for the young Until 20 March, also from 15 June ‘ArtZuid’, the longest sculpture route in the Netherlands, was successfully brought to a close in September 2013. The freely accessible outdoor exhibition attracted approximately 380,000 national and international visitors within the space of four months. They walked or biked along the 2.5 kilometre-long sculpture route in the Amsterdam neighbourhood Oud-Zuid (Old South). A record number of 80 schools and academies visited the third edition of ArtZuid. Thousands of school children made use of the free educational material. Because of that success, the organisers of the biennial festival

70 I Rush on Amsterdam

came up with an immediate sequel for this year: ‘ArtZuid Junior’. ‘ArtZuid Junior’ is a unique art and educational project in which 32 schools and artists will be participating. Together with the artists, talented pupils will design sculptures. Each school will select five gifted pupils who will get the most out of their talents with the help of their ‘own’ artist. In several master classes, the artist will help the pupils develop a concept and make a miniature model. All models will be judged by a professional jury. But you can also vote yourself. Each miniature model has a corresponding number; that way, you can SMS the number of your favourite model. The names of the winners will be known on 17 March 2014.


The Vondelpark was consciously chosen as the place of exhibition. The large city park located in the heart of Amsterdam will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2014. ‘ArtZuid Junior’ will therefore be given the theme ‘My Vondelpark, Our Vondelpark’ and will be completely dedicated to this celebration. The winning miniature models will ultimately be rendered in large format. They will be scattered throughout the park and can be admired during the whole summer starting on 15 June.

MUSEUM VAN LOON Children’s portraits: then and now 28 February – 9 June 2014 Since 1636, the Amsterdam merchant family Van Loon has had portraits made of its children. During the course of time, this had led to an extraordinary collection featuring a wide variety of children’s portraits by artists such as Dirck Santvoort, Nicolaes Maes and Thérèse Schwartze. All of the children’s portraits at Museum Van Loon – from monumental works to intimate miniatures – will be shown to the public for the first time in 2014. The motive behind the exhibition are the three contemporary children’s portraits recently made by

Spring 2014


1. ‘ArtZuid Junior’ is a unique art and educational project in which 32 schools and artists will be participating. 2. Portrait of a young girl painted by Dirck Santvoort in 1636. 3. Miles Aldridge , ‘Actress’, chromogenic print, 67 x 101 cm.


painter Katinka Lampe of the young generation of children. Lampe’s portraits are characterised by great precision and beauty, though they are not exact representations. While visiting Museum Van Loon, Lampe was struck by the similarities between her own work and the historical portraits in the collection. Lampe was preceded by other famous artists. There are works by leading (children’s) portrait painter Dirck van Santvoort (1610-1680), but also works from his contemporary Nicolaes Maes (16341693), one of Rembrandt’s pupils who had a much broader oeuvre. Furthermore, work by Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918), who also painted portraits of the Dutch royal family, and whose work was shown extensively at the Van

Spring 2014

Loon Museum in 2011, is also on display. Katinka Lampe previously exhibited her work, among other places, at De Kunsthal in Rotterdam. Her work is collected nationally and internationally. Lampe’s style of painting is controlled and smooth. In a sensitive yet unsentimental manner, she renders her portraits with a high level of abstraction. This is further emphasised by the fact that Lampe gives her portraits numbers instead of names or titles. Therefore, in combination with the other shown historical portraits, more room is created for the personal associations of visitors to this special exhibition.

GALERIE REFLEX AMSTERDAM Real women with a cinematic touch 1 March – 21 April 2014 Photographer Miles Aldridge’s new solo-exhibition at Galerie Alex Daniels-Reflex Amsterdam consists of 24 large-scale works in colour and one in black-and-white. Known for his beautiful, glamorous women who seem to be living in perfect worlds, Aldridge always transmits a certain cinematic feeling. “Miles sees a colour-coordinated, graphically pure, hardedged reality,” says famous film director David Lynch about his work. But when you look closer, the worlds of ‘his’ women aren’t as perfect as they seem. It’s a dream that could just as easily turn into a

nightmare: perfect appearances and blank expressions could be interpreted as passivity. The way Aldridge portrays them, women appear in a state of contemplation. This leaves the viewer wondering what’s going on in their heads.The tension between the exterior perfection and the internal turmoil powers these photographs. “A slightly uncomfortable quality is what I’m after,” Aldridge says explaining himself, “I don’t feel like making happy pictures about beautiful models being content. These pictures, they’re pictures of humans, not mannequins. They’re troubled, wounded and confused, questioning who they are now that they have everything they want.”

Rush on Amsterdam I 71


Master to the masters ARoUnd 1500, JAcob coRnEliSz. vAn ooSTSAnEn (1470-1533) STood AT ThE FoREFRonT oF A long FloURiShing pERiod in dUTch pAinTing. hE hAd A lARgE WoRkShop on AmSTERdAm’S diSTingUiShEd Kalverstraat WiTh mAny ASSiSTAnTS inclUding hiS Son, poRTRAiT pAinTER diRck JAcobSz., And hiS gRAndSon, pAinTER, cARTogRAphER And pRinT dESignER coRnEliS AnThoniSz. Text Wilag Kater Photography Amsterdam Museum

Page right top Jacob van Oostsanen: vault painting the last Judgement (ca. 1518/1519). Displayed at the Great or saint laurence Church alkmaar. Page right below Jacob van Oostsanen: the Nativity of Christ with the Boelen Family (1517); 128 x 77 cm, Museo di Capodimonte Naples collection. Displayed at the amsterdam Museum.


the time, Van Oostsanen was already a celebrated artist/entrepreneur with patrons in Holland and beyond. His oeuvre shows a clear stylistic development, from the late Middle Ages to the early Renaissance. He was a contemporary to Albrecht Dürer and Lucas van Leyden, and teacher to Jan van Scorel. Van Oostsanen’s oeuvre laid the foundation for the blossoming of the famous Dutch painting of the 17th century, which included names such as Rembrandt van Rijn. Van Oostsanen combined his talent for drawing and painting with a hearty dose of ambition and a good sense for conducting business. Among other things, this was evident in the broad spectrum of his productions. He painted for the affluent burghers and the clergy, produced prints with religious content for pilgrims, and sold print series to the middle class. Thus, he served multiple market segments. He owed his fame to impressive works such as the vault paintings in the Great or Saint Laurence Church in Alkmaar, a city approximately 50 kilometres above Amsterdam. The work The Nativity of Christ with the Boelen Family from the Museo di Capodimonte in Naples also established Van Oostsanen’s name as a wealthy, successful entrepreneur. SignATURE AS hAllmARk Initially, Jacob van Oostsanen painted traditional religious scenes in late Gothic style and was hardly influ-

72 I Rush on Amsterdam

enced by ancient art and Italian painting. The master and his descendants never visited Italy – something that was frequently done by later artists. Noteworthy is the fact that Van Oostsanen was the first artist in Amsterdam who signed his work, therefore allowing us to know him by name. He distinguished himself from his colleague painters and printmakers with a hallmark, a signature. The signature, which can clearly be seen on his self-portrait, Portrait of Jacob van Oostsanen, became a real ‘brand-name’ after it was also used by his son Dirck Jacobsz. and his grandson Cornelis Anthonisz. With this signature, buyers immediately knew that they were purchasing a quality piece from the Van Oostsanen family workshop in Amsterdam. WEARing glASSES = dEcEiving At a later stage, and under the influence of humanism, Van Oostsanen’s work was not only found in churches, monasteries and chapels, but also in the homes of burghers. For the emerging middle class, education and acquiring knowledge (traditionally for monks) quickly gained momentum. This created a need for moralising paintings and drawings illustrating daily life. A beautiful and early example of this is the allegorical genre scene A Trader of Glasses, or The Ill-Matched Lovers: Jacob van Oostsanen’s stunning satire about the relationship between partners with a considerable age difference. The moral: an elderly, wealthy man runs the risk

Spring 2014


Spring 2014 I 73





1. Cornelis Anthonisz. van Oostsanen: A Bird’s Eye View of Amsterdam (1538); 116 x 159 cm, Amsterdam Museum collection. Displayed at the Amsterdam Museum

that his young wife is only after his money and is likely to welcome younger lovers. At the time, ‘putting glasses on someone’ meant deceiving them. As artist and entrepreneur, Van Oostsanen had a good feel for the rise of the middle class in the 16th century.

2. Jacob van Oostsanen: Noli me tangere (1507); 54,5 x 39 cm, Staatliche Museen Kassel collection. Displayed at the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar.

PERsonAl PoRTRAiTs Your passport photo may be common and recognisable to you. Yet in the Middle Ages the phenomenon ‘portrait’ was quite uncommon. Personal portraits hardly existed, and certainly not with the inclusion of a name.

3. Dirck Jacobsz.: Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen Painting His Wife Anna (ca. 1550); 62 x 48 cm, on loan from the Toledo Museum of Art (Ohio, USA). Displayed at the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar.

In The Nativity of Christ with the Boelen Family, Margriet is the woman on the far right dressed in black and wearing a white veil. Her brothers can be seen on the left wearing the light habits and pointed hoods that were part of Carthusian attire. Furthermore, Margriet sits across from Vechter Dirk Boelensz., the only brother that was still alive when the painting was made. The other figures on the left and right are Margriet’s brothers and sisters. Some of them can be identified, such as Margriet’s sisters Agnes and Duifje. They can be seen wearing the brown habits of the Saint Lucia Convent into which they had entered. Margriet’s mother, Margriet Class Heijnensdr. (?-1459) is represented as the holy Margaretha. Her husband, Dirk Boel Heinricksz. (?-1459), can be seen kneeling opposite her.

'His young wife is only after his money'

Van Oostsanen was one of the first artists to change that with his painting 'The Nativity of Christ with the Boelen Family'. In this painting he depicts distinctive faces with personal features and separate characters. Faces that can subsequently be traced back to the patron of the work, Margriet Dirk Boelenszdr. In 1512, she donated the work to the Saint Andrew’s Monastery, a Carthusian monastery in Amsterdam where her two brothers Hillebrand and Jacob lived.

74 I Rush on Amsterdam

The grouping in the painting follows the traditional pattern common in these types of scenes: the parents are given the most important place (close to Christ), the sons kneel behind the father, and the daughters are placed behind the mother.

Spring 2014


ExhIbITIon As A TRIpTych The exhibition ‘Van Oostsanen: The First Dutch Master’ can be seen at three different locations between 15 March and 19 June 2014.

1. Jacob van Oostsanen: A Trader of Glasses (ca. 1515). On loan from a private collection. Displayed at the Amsterdam Museum.

Amsterdam Museum At the Amsterdam Museum, you can experience Amsterdam around 1500. At the time, it was a small city full of monasteries, with emerging burghers coming to power, and with a Catholic city government that was non-violently replaced by the Protestants during the Alteration of 1578. At the museum, attention is also devoted to the descendants of Van Oostsanen who continued running his workshop until far into the 16th century. A masterpiece by his grandson Cornelis Antonisz., is A Bird’s Eye View of Amsterdam.


IconoclAsTIc ATTAcks The Carthusian monastery suffered immensely during the Beeldenstorm (Iconoclastic Attacks): a Protestant uproar against the lavish wealth of the Catholic Church that took place in the Netherlands in 1566. The whole monastery was destroyed in 1577. It is therefore rather remarkable that the greatest known independent work by the artist, The Nativity of Christ with the Boelen Family, managed to remain in such good state. Besides this extraordinary painting, many other works have been loaned from partners such as the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen. Furthermore, many of the 60 paintings, 20 prints and more than 60 woodcuts and drawings come from renowned international collections such as those of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Toledo Museum of Art in Ohio and the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. A rare sketchbook comes from a collection in Berlin and contains 48 pages of portraits, cityscapes and figure studies.

Spring 2014

Municipal Museum Alkmaar At the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar (Alkmaar is a city located approximately 50 kilometres above Amsterdam) you will find a virtually complete art historical overview of the life and work of master Jacob van Oostsanen, including a large number of paintings, drawings, stained-glass windows and other objects. You will get to see the work Noli me tangere from Kassel (Germany). The work Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen Painting His Wife Anna from the Toledo Museum of Art (Ohio, USA) will also be on display. Great church Alkmaar In Alkmaar, you will literally ‘look up’ to master painter Van Oostsanen at the Great or Saint Laurence Church. High above, you can see The Last Judgement dating to 1518 – a vault painting that after eight years of restoration was finally attributed to Jacob van Oostsanen in 2011. The vault painting literally forms a pinnacle in Van Oostsanen’s career. The discovery of this particular Van Oostsanen work was a direct impulse for the exhibitions in Amsterdam and Alkmaar. A number of special cycling and walking routes have been designated to link the locations of Amsterdam and Alkmaar. These routes pass by significant places in the life and career of Van Oostsanen. Thus, you travel through Jacob van Oostsanen’s country and experience his unprecedentedly high-quality style of painting and his eye for detail. An eye for detail that helped him lay the foundation for the later flourishing of Dutch painting. I 75 a new website for Rush on Amsterdam G DIN APP U L INC RUSH otspot in Y a h e it CIT ing forust typt both J ge ok Lo vent? will n and u e o i o r t a o ns! dy an nformectio i dir


CityRush CityRus Rush

HOTSPOTS The website offers visitors all kinds of possibilities, and includes the city’s top hotspots. This is the place to be whether you are looking for a certain type of restaurant, a nice hotel, a well-known museum (or maybe a less well-known museum), and much more. After choosing a hotspot, a city map will appear which will be useful when you plan a route to the relevant destination in the city of Amsterdam (and, when applicable, beyond). An easy-touse search engine will bring you anywhere in no time. EVENTS A list of hotspots is not the only service offers visitors. The site also features a calendar of upcoming events. If there is time to spare for something special, the site will not disappoint you. Especially because all of these events are chosen by the editors of Rush on Amsterdam. ARTICLES Those who want background information on any of the well-known places in Amsterdam, will also be at the right address. Whether you are interested in the Rijksmuseum (the ‘Night Watch’!), the Van Gogh Museum or the

34 I Rush on Amsterdam 76

Heineken Museum... The archive of Rush on Amsterdam is pretty endless. As is the corresponding archive of Should you have an endless curiosity for everything that the Dutch capital has in store, then a visit to is highly recommended. APP Yes, there is a CityRush app for your smartphone or tablet too! With this app, you can choose your favourite hotspot or event on a map and – if you would like to do so – read all about it. Let your Apple or Android device calculate the route to the hotspot or event you would like to visit. Know your way around in Amsterdam right from the start! TOGETHER The site will make one other thing clear. is an initiative of both Rush on Amsterdam and YOU in Amsterdam (the other famous hotel magazine in Amsterdam). Both magazines are published by EHAM Publications. Together, the two magazines are available at about 80 % of the capital’s hotels. Both Rush on Amsterdam and YOU in Amsterdam are renowned for their quality and their completeness. You will not miss a thing.

Summer Spring 2014 2013

(for adults only)

Fast Facts AMSTERDAM TOURIST INFORMATION Besides providing tourist information such as hotel reservations, excursions and theatre tickets, the Amsterdam Tourism & Convention Board (ATCB) provides information on excursions, guided walking tours, attractions, restaurants, shops, parking facilities and public transport. The information offices of the ATCB can be found at several locations: opposite Central Station, on platform 2 inside the station, on Leidseplein and at the Schiphol arrival hall. ATCB – T 0900 4004040 (40 eurocents p.m.)

I AMSTERDAM cITy cARD In addition to public transport and a roundtrip of the canals, almost all the Amsterdam museums can be visited free of charge with the electronic I Amsterdam City Card. You’ll also receive a 25 % discount at restaurants and tourist attractions, free admission to

78 I Rush on Amsterdam

the Holland Casino, and, among other things, a free guided tour of the Amsterdam Diamond Group. You can buy the card for 24, 48 or 72 hours. ATCB – T 0900 4004040 (40 eurocents p.m.), also:

INTERNET Internet stalls of the telephone booth type can be found all over the city centre. The WiFi identifcation ‘Hotspot Amsterdam’ allows you to connect to the internet from various locations with a wireless enabled desktop, laptop or smartphone within range of a hotspot zone.

from post offices, ATCB offices (= tourist offices), tobacconists, some supermarkets and department stores.

USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS • Central emergency: 112 • Doctor’s service: 0900 503 2042 • KPN telecom information: national 0900 8008 international 0900 8418

BANKS Banks are open on weekdays from 09:00 through 16:00 or 17:00 hrs. Most banks are closed on Monday mornings. Some larger branches stay open later on Thursday evenings.



To call abroad from the Netherlands, dial 00 followed by country code, area code and number. For the country codes, please see the Tele Info section in the Amsterdam phone book. The Netherlands country code is 31. For most public phones you need a phone card, available

Money and traveller’s checks can be changed at banks, some hotels and specialised exchange offices such as GWK (at Central Station) and SUNRO Change.


it is much easier than before to hail a cab on the street. TCA Amsterdam Taxi Centrale – T 020 677 77 77 (or 777 77 77) Electric Taxi Company Taxi-E – T 881 00 44 44

HIRING BIcycLES Bicycling is a wonderful way to get around Amsterdam. To hire a bike, look in the phone book under ‘Fietsen-verhuur’. A word of warning: always lock up your bike, as bike theft is rife. There is a free bicycle parking area at Central Station.

BIcycLE TAXIS An environmentally-friendly means of transportation in the city centre is offered by the bicycle taxi. You can hail them on the street or reserve one by telephone. – T 06 1859 5153 (or 06 2824 7550) – T 06 454 13 725

There are fewer taxi stands than there used to be, but these days

Spring 2014




In Amsterdam, travelling by water can be done in all sorts of ways.

You are strongly advised not to take your car into the inner city. Parking is expensive and wheelclamping is too, at least € 64. You also run the chance of having your car towed due to illegal parking. It will cost you a minimum of € 180 to get you car back! Paid parking in the city centre applies Monday through Saturday 09:0024:00 and Sunday from 12:0024:00 hrs. Car parks can be found at ‘de Bijenkorf ’ (department store near Beursplein, off Damrak), Byzantium (near Leidseplein), Europarking (Marnixstraat 250), Heinekenplein, Museumplein, Prinsengracht 540-542, Waterlooplein and Central Station. Stadstoezicht / Parking Authority – T 020 553 03 00

Canal Bus stops near all the major museums, shopping areas and attractions. T 020 626 55 74, address Weteringschans 26, Lovers Museum Boat leaves at the front of Central Station and stops at all the major museums. T 020 530 54 12, address Prins Hendrikkade 25, Meyer’s Rondvaarten offers canal cruises and special arrangements on request. T 020 623 42 08, address Damrak jetty

PUBLIC TRANSPORT Water Taxis are not cheap, but offer an enjoyable means of transportation. T 020 535 63 63, address Stationsplein 8, Spring 2014

GVB, Amsterdam’s public transportation company, provides integrated metro, tram and bus service throughout the city and its surrounding areas. Since 2010, a comprehensive chipcard ticket

system allows you to travel on the metro, trams and buses, using just one card. The so-called ‘OV chip card’ is available at the GVB office in front of Central Station, at railway station ‘Amsterdam Lelylaan’ and at railway station ‘Amsterdam Zuid’. The chip card is also available at the ATCB tourist offices, many supermarkets and most tobacconists. When travelling by tram, single-trip chip cards are available from the conductor (please walk to the rear end of the tram). GVB travel info – T 0900 9292, also:

SCHIPHOL AIRPORT How do you travel to Amsterdam Schiphol International Airport? By car: Schiphol Airport is only 20 minutes by car from the centre of Amsterdam. The airport is centrally located on the motorway network in the country’s urban agglomeration of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam

and Utrecht. All these cities are rather close at hand, while the rest of the country is easily accessible via the A1, A2, A4 and A9 motorways. By train: Schiphol can be reached by train from the city centre in 10-15 minutes. There are also excellent rail connections to the airport from the rest of the Netherlands and from abroad. Schiphol has a stop for the high-speed train, too, taking you to Antwerp, Brussels and Paris. Train tickets are sold at the Netherlands Railways counters and ticket machines at Schiphol Plaza. There are money changing machines here if you need coins.

BUSINESS CENTRE SCHIPHOL All business and secretarial services are available at Schiphol Airport, including offices and meeting rooms – T 020 653 24 80. Also: Schiphol Information – T 0900 0141 I 79

Arts & Culture Listing An overview of most of the city’s culturAl estAblishments. PleAse cAll to check for sPecific oPening hours. keeP in mind thAt mAny museums Are closed on mondAys. for generAl informAtion, PleAse diAl 0900 4004040. for tickets to events, PleAse contAct ‘de uitlijn’, telePhone 0900 0191. ALLARD PIERSON MUSEUM

Oude Turfmarkt 127 T 020 525 25 56 AMSTELKRING MUSEUM

Oudezijds Voorburgwal 40 T 020 624 66 04 AMSTERDAM MUSEUM

Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 359 T 020 523 18 22


Amstel 115-125 T 0900-252 52 55





Sandbergplein 1 Amstelveen (= near Amsterdam) T 020 547 50 50



Prins Hendrikkade 600 T 020 620 48 78 ARTIS ZOO

Plantage Kerklaan 40 T 020 523 34 00 BIMHUIS

Piet Heinkade 3 T 020 788 21 50 BIJBELS MUSEUM (MUSEUM OF THEBIBLE)

Herengracht 366 T 020 624 24 36

Keizersgracht 324 T 020 623 13 11


Nwe. Jonkerstraat 8 T 020 620 80 27





Prinsengracht 263 T 020 556 71 00

IJpromenade 1 T 020 5891400


Ceintuurbaan 338 T 020 662 34 88



Concertgebouwplein 10 T 020 0900 671 83 45 CULTUREEL CENTRUM AMSTELVEEN

Plein 1960 Amstelveen (= near Amsterdam) T 020 547 51 75


Marnixstraat402 T 0900 - 3352627



Plantage Kerklaan 61 T 020 620 25 35 ENGELSE KERK (THE ENGLISH CHURCH)

Begijnhof 48 T 020 624 96 65

80 I Rush on Amsterdam

- See Eye

Keizersgracht 609 T 020 551 65 00 HASH MARIHUANA & HEMP MUSEUM


Nieuwe Amstelstraat 1 T 020 626 99 45


Stadhouderskade 78 T 020 523 96 66



Nieuwe Herengracht 14 T 020 530 87 55 HOLLAND EXPERIENCE 3D MOVIE THEATER

Waterlooplein 17 T 020 422 22 33


Plantage Middenlaan 2A T 020 625 84 11


Dam 20 T 020 5221010





Keizersgracht 401 T 020 531 89 89 JAZZ - SEE BIMHUIS


Herengracht 497 T 020 626 53 78 KINDERMUSEUM (CHILDREN’S MUSEUM)

Linnaeusstraat 2 T 020 568 82 33


Linnaeusstraat 2 T 020 568 82 00


Mauritskade 63/ Linneausstraat 2 T 020 568 85 00


Amstel 56 T 020 624 05 34


Dam Square T 020 620 40 60 KUNSTFABRIEK

Haarlemmerweg 315d T 020 488 94 30 T 020 418 28 85


Dorpsstraat 50 Amstelveen (= near Amsterdam) T 020 641 57 54


Keizersgracht 672 T 020 624 52 55


Utrechtse Dwarsstraat 13 T 020 428 63 68 MUSEUM WILLET HOLTHUYZEN

Herengracht 605/ Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 359 T 020 523 18 22 MUZIEKGEBOUW AAN ‘T IJ

Piet Heinkade 1 T 020 788 20 00 MUZIEKTHEATER

Amstel 3 T 020 625 54 55 www.het


Kattenburgerplein 1 T 020 523 22 22 NEMO/ NEW METROPOLIS

Oosterdok 2 T 0900 919 11 00


Dam Square T 020 626 81 68


Oudekerksplein 23 T 020 625 82 84 PARADISO

Weteringschans 6-8 T 020 626 45 21 PIANOLA AND PIANO MUSEUM

Westerstraat 106 T 020 627 96 24


Jodenbreestraat 4 T 020 520 04 00 RODE HOED


Museumplein Jan Luykenstraat 1 T 020 674 70 00


Leidseplein 26 T 020 624 23 11

STEDELIJK MUSEUM AMSTERDAM THEATER FABRIEK AMSTERDAM Czaar Peterstraat 213 T 020 522 52 60 THEATERMUSEUM Herengracht 168-174 T 020 551 33 00 TRADE UNION MUSEUM Henri Polaklaan 9 T 020 624 11 66 TROPICS MUSEUM - SEE KIT TROPENMUSEUM VAN GOGH MUSEUM Paulus Potterstraat 7 T 020 570 52 00 VERZETSMUSEUM - SEE DUTCH RESISTANCE MUSEUM WAALSE KERK (WALLOON CHURCH) Oudezijds Achterburgwal 159 T 020 623 20 74 WESTERKERK Prinsengracht 281 T 020 624 77 66 WOONBOOTMUSEUM Prinsengracht opposite nr. 296 T 020 427 07 50

Spring 2014


Amsterdam’s Shopping Areas CITY CEnTrE Two of the city’s most popular shopping streets can be found near Dam Square. Running from Central Station to the Dam, Nieuwendijk has a misleading name - it means ‘new dike’ - for it is actually the oldest dike in the city. This shopping area with numerous clothing stores, boutiques, shoe stores, souvenir shops, fast-food restaurants, etcetera, bustles with tourists. Kalverstraat runs from the other side of the square to the Munt. Named after the calf market that was held here in the 15th century, it is teeming with fashionable clothing, footwear and gift stores. The boulevard Rokin also starts at Dam Square. Just ignore the construction going on (for the NorthSouth Line metro) and stroll along the stores with women’s wear, gorgeous shoes, art, cigars, diamonds and jewellry. The short but very busy shopping street Heiligeweg crosses Kalverstraat just before the Munt and leads to Koningsplein where you’ll find the world-famous floating Flower Market and Leidsestraat, ending up in renowned Leidseplein.


north from Rozengracht as far as Brouwersgracht are what original Jordaaners consider to be the Jordaan proper, but the Jordaan actually extends south from Rozengracht to Elandsgracht and includes indoor market De Looier, which is the largest permanent indoor Art and Antiques Centre in the country.

UTrECHTSESTrAAT To the east of the city, between famous Rembrandtplein and Frederiksplein lies Utrechtsestraat,

SPIEGELKWArTIEr Spiegelkwartier, a shopping area in the eastern part of the city centre, has an international reputation for fine art and antiques. Concentrated in and around Nieuwe Spiegelstraat, this district close to the Rijksmuseum boasts over 80 antique shops and galleries. An area that’s a must for lovers of art and antiques!


Endless ideas for events

Hobbemastraat, Van Baerlestraat and the Byzantium plus chic P.C. Hooftstraat are part of the Museum Quarter in the south of the city and famous for its designer boutiques. Shoppers will find virtually every famous label and fashion house here, among them Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, René Lezard, Chanel, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Louis Vuitton, Roberto Botticelli and Tod’s, to name just a few.


Are you looking for a venue for your event, product launch or company party? Of course there is plenty of choice, until you start looking for an inspiring environment as well. Thatís when it is worth considering the Amsterdam Beurs van Berlage. Its unique history and impressive ambiance will turn your event into something truly special. We offer 21 different rooms for 50 to 1,200 persons, and our very own catering company Maison van den Boer can make sure your guests want for nothing. Have we given you any ideas?

(The Nine little streets) This lively and picturesque neighbourhood encompassing the cross streets between Singel and Prinsengracht, in the area between Raadhuisstraat and Leidsestraat, offers a great variety of shopping, OLD WEST restaurants and cafés. The area is Not far from the Jordaan lies1 also fascinating for its architec- BvB.adv_Evenementen_148x105_ENGELS.indd Old West with, among others, ture: indeed, the 9 Straatjes is a Kinkerstraat and the Ten Kate microcosm of canal-belt architecMarket. Close to the Vondelpark, tural styles. parallel to Overtoom (these days JOrDAAn known for its great number of inThis district (to the West of the terior decorating shops as well as center) may be Amsterdam’s most variety of restaurants) and within famous neighbourhood besides a stone’s throw of the city’s centre the ‘Walletjes’ (Red Light District). is Kinkerstraat, a cozy shopping The streets and canals extending area characterised by an interestSpring 2014

ing mix of people and cultures, a great variety of shops, a busy but friendly atmosphere and the pleasant Ten Kate market which crosses Kinkerstraat.

Beautiful villas and luxury hotels abound in the chic, elegant district known as the Apollokwartier (Apollo Quarter). Go and have a look at Cornelis Schuytstraat, and be sure to leave yourself some time for a leisurely stroll along Beethovenstraat.


The De Pijp district, roughly rectangular in shape, is located to the Endless ideas southeast of the city centre, just beyond the girdle of canals, close a popular shopping street rich to Leidseplein en Rembrandtplein. 14:43:30 in history. Undulating over16-07-2010 the Its perimeters are demarcated by bridges that cross the HerenStadhouderskade and the Amstel. gracht, Keizersgracht and PrinsenIt has become a very popular gracht canals, Utrechtsestraat is neighbourhood, a true cultural renowned for its many speciality melting pot and boasts, among stores and boutiques and a great others, a great variety of (ethnic) variety of (international) restaurestaurants and the Albert Cuyp rants. Market. I 81

Hotel Listing


3- STAR HOTELS Amstel Botel Amsterdam House Hotel Eureka Best Western Blue Square Best Western Blue Tower Best Western Dam Square Inn Best western Leidse Square Hotel Bellevue Hotel Delta Hotel City Centre Floris France Hotel Hampshire Hotel Beethoven Hampshire Hotel – Lancaster Amsterdam Hampshire Hotel Theatre District - Amsterdam Hampshire Hotel Prinsengracht Hem Hotel Holiday Inn Express Amsterdam Schiphol Holiday Inn Express Amsterdam Sloterdijk Holiday Inn Express Amsterdam South

82 I Rush on Amsterdam

In THE LObby Of THE fOLLOwIng HOTELS Hotel Aalders Hotel Alexander Hotel Alfa Plantage Hotel Amstelzicht Hotel Amstelzicht Hotel Arena Hotel Blyss Hotel Bronckhorst Hotel Casa 400 Amsterdam Hotel CC Hotel Central Park Hotel Citadel Hotel D’Amsterdam Hotel Europa 92 Hotel Luxer Hotel Nes Hotel Nieuw Slotania Hotel V Hotel van Gogh Hotel The Neighbour’s Magnolia Ibis Amsterdam Airport Jupiter Hotel

Meiniger Hotel Amsterdam City West NL-Hotel Museumplein NL-Hotel district Leidseplein Nova Hotel Amsterdam Owl Hotel Park Inn by Radisson Amsterdam Airport Prins Hendrik Prinsenhotel Rembrandt Classic RobertRamon Remco Hotel Amsterdam City West Sandton Hotel de Filosoof Singel Hotel The Bridge Hotel The Concert Hotel The Times Hotel Tulip Inn Amsterdam Centre

A – train Hotel Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Centrum Southwest Campanile Hotel & Restaurant Amsterdam South-East Hotel Sint Nicolaas Hotel the Exchange Ibis Amsterdam Centre Ibis Amsterdam City Stopera Ibis Amsterdam City West

Spring 2014

造 329,-


T. +31 611 61 55 55




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