Bbk russian car industry

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Russia: Opportunities for Swiss Subcontractors in the Automotive Sector




RUSSIA: OPPORTUNITIES FOR SWISS SUBCONTRACTORS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR Russia will become Europe’s biggest car market by 2020, when it will reach annual sales volume of 4.4 million, the Boston Consulting Group forecasted recently in a study, despite the fact that car sales are projected to decrease in 2013. In mid-term progress since Russia is an emerging market with a low vehicle ownership per capita (280 cars per 1000 people), people are still expected to accelerate their demand for new cars until a saturation point of around 400 automobiles per 1000 residents is reached in approximately 2020-2022. Engines of continued growth, which remain in place, include a relatively small and aging car park, improving consumer income and an unabated appetite to own a respectable and reliable car as a symbol of social status and a sign of independence and personal mobility in a vast country. The current localization process of international car manufacturers in Russia opens several business opportunities for Swiss producers of automotive components and equipment for the automotive sector. The main goal of the Russian authorities is to boost the local production. In this context Swiss automotive suppliers can target several customer groups in Russia: Distributers for the spare part market, International OEMs, National OEMs, Joint ventures OEM, International OES, National OES, Joint ventures OES. International OEMs and OESs may probably stick to their proven suppliers, which they know from other markets. If a supplier does not have such established relations, a more promising strategy could be to tackle the local or joint ventures car and components producers, which are currently looking actively for foreign components in order to increase the quality of their cars or automotive components. In this context many of them will have to invest considerable sums in order to modernize their production facilities. The demand for imported tier 2 and tier 3 components will probably rise within the next year, as the localization of tier 1 components production gains ground in Russia. Here again, international companies will probably rely on proven business relations, but joint ventures or innovative Russian companies could be more interested in new offers. Language: English Number of pages: 130 Author: Julie Bächtold, Senior Trade Advisor, SBH Russia Northwestern Cluster: Daniel Rehmann, RussiaContact Other Reports: Are you interested in other Reports for other sectors and countries? Please find more Reports here:


9.7. Company profiles OES _____________________ 63

1. INTRODUCTION _____________________________5 2. LEGAL ENVIRONMENT/ BUSINESS CLIMATE ____5

9.8. Support Measures of the Nizhny Novgorod Government87 9.9. Support Measures of the Samara Government _____ 89 9.10. Support Measures of the Tatarstan Government ___ 92


9.11. Support Measures of the Ulyanovsk Government ___ 94


10. NORTHWESTERN CLUSTER ________________ 95 10.1. General Information on St. Petersburg / Leningrad




MARKET ____________________________________22

10.2. General Information on Kaliningrad __________ 100 10.3. SWOT-Analysis Northwestern Cluster __________ 101

6. CUSTOMERS ______________________________24 7. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES ________________26

10.4. Company Profiles OEMs __________________ 102 10.5. Company Profiles OES ___________________ 108 10.6. Support Measures of the St. Petersburg Government 119

8. THE CENTRAL CLUSTER ____________________29 8.1. Kaluga Oblast ___________________________ 30 8.2. Moscow Oblast __________________________ 31 8.3. SWOT-Analysis Central Cluster _______________ 32 8.4. Company Profiles OEMs ____________________ 32

10.7. Support Measures of the Leningrad Oblast Government119 10.8. Support Measures of the Kaliningrad Oblast Government ______________________________ 120

11. OEMS OUTSIDE THE CLUSTERS ____________ 120

8.5. Company Profiles OES _____________________ 39 8.6. Support Measures of the Kaluga Government _____ 49 8.7. Support Measures of the Moscow Oblast Government 52

12. EVENTS AND MEDIA ______________________ 127 13. IMPORTANT ADRESSES ___________________ 128

8.8. Central Cluster Development_________________ 52

14. CONCLUSIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS ______ 129 9. VOLGA CLUSTER___________________________53 9.1. The Nizhny Novgorod Oblast _________________ 53 9.2. The Samara Oblast________________________ 54 9.3. Tatarstan ______________________________ 55 9.4. The Ulyanovsk Oblast______________________ 55 9.5. SWOT-Analysis Volga Cluster ________________ 56 9.6. Company profile OEMs ____________________ 56

List of tables

Table 1: Industrial Assembly Regime ____________________________________________________________ 7

1. Introduction After modest beginnings in Tsarist Russia, the Soviet auto industry caught up during the massive industrialization under Stalin and became the fifth largest automotive producer in the world in the 1980s. The annual production at that time was approaching 1.8 million units with most production plants being located on the territory of the Russian SFSR. Nevertheless, from the very beginning, and even in its best years, the Soviet auto industry was heavily dependent on foreign know-how. Ford was a pioneer by establishing the first Soviet mass automaker GAZ in Nizhny Novgorod in 1929 and AZLK in Moscow one year later. At the beginning of the 1960 Fiat was chosen by the Soviet authorities as knowledge partner to build a modern car for the Soviet mass market. In the Samara oblast within only 4 years a huge automotive plant was built along with a new city for more than half a million inhabitants. This city was named Togliatti. The territory of the future Volga Federal district became then the centre of the Soviet automotive industry including Izhevsk (Udmurtia) and its automotive plant built with the assistance of Renault and Naberezhnye Chelny (Tatarstan) with Europe’s largest heavy truck plant KAMAZ, constructed with the support of German and US-companies, as other locations. One of the peculiarities of the Soviet automotive industry was the fact that these plants were designed as huge vertically integrated manufacturing units, where almost every component down to the screws were produced in-house. After the crash of the Soviet Union, the Russian automotive manufacturers continued to produce car models designed in the 1970s. Even today you can see a lot of them on Russian streets outside big cities. Already in the 1990s it became obvious that the Russian car industry cannot bring its production to a decent technological level on its own. As the sector is of tremendous importance for the country with 600 000 people directly being employed and some 23 million involved in related industries, the Russian authorities decided to seek foreign support again. By utilizing the carrot and stick approach they managed to convince the international automobile corporations to first assemble their cars for the Russian market in Russia and later localize the production to a certain grade. Due to the increasing localization of the production of foreign brands and the improvement augmentation of quality and technological level of local brands, the Russian automotive sector opens opportunities for Swiss suppliers.

2. Legal environment/ Business climate After the economic crisis in 2008 it became clear that the Russian automotive industry was in a difficult state 1 and could not recover without external assistance. Given the importance of the sector for the Russian industry as a whole, the government decided to draw an action plan for the restructuring of the sector entitled the “Strategy for the Development of the Automotive Industry of the Russian Federation till 2020”. This strategy provides the framework for the future development of the entire automotive value chain.2 According to the strategy the industrial policy of the Russian authorities should pursue the following priorities in the automotive sector:

Stimulation of development and production of innovative vehicles and vehicle components, creation of new and modernization of operating producing units in the territory of the Russian Federation


Minpromtorg Rossii: Strategiya razvitiya avtomobilnjy promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federacii na period do 2020 goda, p.11-21 EAC: Market Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in Russia, Mai 2013,, p. 7 2



    

Manufacturing new Russian vehicles on par with world technical standards when it comes to safety, reliability, fuel efficiency, environmental characteristics Development in the territory of the Russian Federation of high-quality production of vehicle components for export Development of regional cluster initiatives for production of vehicles and vehicle components Emerging role of research in development and improvement of vehicles, vehicle components and production technologies in the automotive industry Development of constructive partnership of national automakers and developers with automotive industry groups3

The target of the Strategy is to manufacture till 2020 80% of the vehicles sold in Russia in the country, to raise the share of the automotive sector to 2.8% of the GDP and the combined value added along the supply chain in Russia to a minimum of 50 billion EUR.4 In order to implement the Strategy the Russian authorities fostered the close cooperation of the traditional Russian automotive companies with strong international corporations. Additionally, they marketed actively Russia as a production location among the leading automotive producers in the world. The success of these efforts is evident in the announcement of the Russian Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade, Alexey Rakhmanov: “We look towards the future of the Russian auto industry with a sense of optimism – for us, it has evolved from something markedly national into a rather multifaceted, international industry.”5 In order to persuade foreign car manufacturers to localize their production in Russia, the government undertook several measures to improve the investment climate: Officials did their best to attract direct investment by changing tax policy, removing administrative barriers, developing infrastructure, simplifying customs procedures, providing investment guarantees and co-financing investment projects. The main tax and customs preferences were provided within specially defined industrial assembly regimes, which were regulated mainly by the decrees No. 166 and 566 of the government of the Russian Federation. Companies signing investment agreements under these decrees profited inter alia of preferential customs duties rates for car components (0%-5%). But in its first redaction despite the efforts to favour the production of local components over imports, two main factors inhibited the growth of local production: the relatively low quality of auto components manufactured by traditional Russian components producers (by various estimates, only up to 5% of them comply with ISO/TC-16949), and the very low levels of unit demand from any one Russian automotive factory for any one component. The latter was taken into account in new amendments to the decrees No. 166 and 566, according to which car manufacturers willing to extend their reduced customs duties until 2020, have to commit to much larger capacities, increased localization and research and development activities. Due to the requested deep factor of localization for OEMs (55-60% instead of the earlier 30%) even the production of engines and gearboxes is planned. OEMs willing to conclude an investment agreement under decree 166 had to submit a corresponding inquiry till July 2013.


Russian Automotive Market Research: Viktor Khristenko, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation at the session of Government of the Russian Federation introduced the Development Strategy of the Automotive Sector up to 2020, 09.03.2010, 4 EAC: Market Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in Russia, Mai 2013,, p. 7 5 AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 13, Interview with Alexey L. Rakhmanov, Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade



Table 1: Industrial Assembly Regime

Source: Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS’ automotive industry, February 2012, p.16

Original component suppliers are to benefit from much more flexible rules with a localization rate of 35-45% depending on the product type. Around 180 declarations of intent of OES have been signed by foreign suppliers and the Russian government, of which almost 70 were converted into binding investment agreements.6 If the remaining automotive suppliers want to profit from the new industrial assembly regime they are to submit their business plans to the authorities not later than December 31 st, 2013.7 According to the Russian Governmental Automotive Strategy 2020 the current vertical specialization of the Russian OES should be transformed into a horizontal one. As for now, each domestic OES produces components and spare parts of particular categories for a specific OEM, which leads to small production volumes and capacities, lack of competition, poor product quality and a lack of incentives to invest in the development of new products.8 The strategy foresees that the OES will grow bigger and produce components and spare parts for more than one OEM. On the other hand, each category should be produced by several competing manufacturers. These improvements should make it possible to establish a component production, which corresponds to the state-of-the-art technology and manages at the same time to be economically profitable. To implement this scenario, the Russian government is ready to invest 148.5 billion RUR in the modernization of production facilities and R&D. The last economic crisis has facilitated the restructuring of the sector. Russian companies have come to the point where they understand that they need to share high-quality assets and market access in exchange for technical and financial support. The entrance of Russia in the WTO in mid-2012 has changed the business environment for car manufacturers producing in Russia. The preferential customs duties granted under the decrees 166 and 566 of the government of the Russian Federation contradict the provisions of the WTO’s General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Russia had to negotiate with the WTOmembers and agreed to decrease the timeframe for preferences to 1st July, 2018 (as opposed to 2020 as stipulated by the investment agreements).9 Furthermore this will lead to a reduction of the customs duties rates for the import of new cars from 25% to 15% 2011-2018. This decrease in protective measures for automotive producers manufacturing in Russia could result in a certain increase of the share in overall sales of foreign produced vehicles, especially during the final three years.10 In order to compensate the cessation of the tax benefits, the Russian government intended initially to introduce a recycling fee for imported cars. But under the pressure of the EU, this fee was then also declared mandatory for cars produced in Russia. According to the newest plans of the authorities the car manufacturing companies in the country should receive subsidies linked to every car 6

EAC: Market Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in Russia, Mai 2013,, p. 9 7 AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 17, Interview with Artyom Kursakov, Head of Government Relations, Volkswagen Group Rus OOO 8 Minpromtorg Rossii: Strategiya razvitiya avtomobilnjy promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federacii na period do 2020 goda, p.23. 9 AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 22, Interview with Maria Donchevskaya, Associate, CMS 10 Lexology: Russia’s accession to the WTO: implications for the automobile industry, Dr. Thomas Heidemann and Dr. Maria Donchevskaya, CMS,



produced dependent on category, motor volume and ecological class. There are subsidies for the maintenance of working places, for R&D and for energy for all OEMs which have concluded an assembling agreement and for the OEM in the special economic zone (SEZ) in Kaliningrad. In connection with its WTO admission, Russia has also assumed the obligations of compensating European manufacturers of car components for the possible decrease in imports resulting from the “industrial assembly” regime. Compensation should be regulated through a tariff quota mechanism.11 If the volume of imported components from Europe decreases by 3% a year as compared to the level in 2010, the European manufacturers will have the tariff quota opened and Russia will reduce its import duties for EU car parts and components by a commensurate amount to 0%-5%.12 Apart from the legislation on industrial assembly there are a couple of other legislation acts, which have a significant impact on the sector in Russia. The authorities are currently revising its laws to make the country more environmentally friendly. In the automotive sphere, an important goal is the termination of the production of Euro-3 automobiles in Russia. As of 1 January 2015, Russia will be a Euro-4 country, as from January 2016 – a Euro-5 country.13 Recently, Russia has been making a lot of efforts to push innovation in the country. The goals and measures of the government in this area are outlined in the “Russian Innovation Strategy 2020”. It includes an assessment of the current state of the innovation system and points out some of the problems, which need to be tackled. The strategy outlines measures to be taken, such as stronger integration of international cooperation on innovation, improving the educational system, providing incentives for students in engineering and natural sciences, strengthening innovation activities in the business-enterprise sector, increasing the share of competitive RDI funding, implementing Technology Platforms and developing roadmaps for key technology sectors.14 It was decided to go for a mixed innovation strategy: In several areas like aerospace, nanotech and composites, nuclear power and ICT Russia may claim to be among the global leaders, providing world-class innovative solutions and technologies (leadership strategy). In other areas including the automotive sector the country will follow the path of developed Asian countries importing and adopting the most advanced technologies available on the market (catch up strategy).15 Thus, companies willing to do technology transfer to Russia can count on a strong support from the Russian administration. Technical regulations still represent a major barrier for trade with Russia. Russian national standards and verification procedures often differ from other national, regional or international standards (e.g. ISO standards), and, as a rule, foreign (EU, U.S., etc.) certificates are not accepted in Russia although they can facilitate the national approval of the product. It is therefore important to ensure that products are properly approved before selling to the Russian Federation. The absence of the necessary approval can lead to delivery delays and contractual liability of the exporter. Product conformity is controlled by customs upon import, but also within Russian territory when the product is sold or used, for instance in construction. Goods, which do not comply with technical regulations and mandatory requirements, cannot be placed in the Russian market. Moreover, under the Russian Civil Code a commercial seller guarantees the conformity of goods to mandatory requirements. Non-conformity is considered a defect giving rise to warranty claims. The Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart,, an agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, manages the GOST R certification system. Historically GOST R standards (see also are based on GOST standards, which were originally developed by the Soviet government. Today GOST standards are the official standards of the Euroasian Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States (EASC,, headquartered in Minsk, which is recognized by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) as a regional standards organization for the CIS. On the whole Russia has more than ten mandatory and hundreds of voluntary certification systems (list published on There are for instance sanitary standards (SanPINs, which are administered by Rospotrebnadzor), hygienic norms, etc. and other product requirements which must be taken into account (e.g. Rostekhnadzor certificate for technical equipment used on hazardous industrial sites cf. Federal Law No. 116 of July 21, 1997 “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Sites”, Pattern Approval Certificate for measuring instruments cf. Federal Law No. 102 of June 26, 2008 “On Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements”, etc.).


AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 23, Interview with Maria Donchevskaya, Associate, CMS European Parlament News: Trade MEPs back deals with Russia that improve trade terms for the EU, 13 Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, March 2013, p.11 14 Finnode: Russian Innovation Strategy 2020, 15 Finnode: Russian Innovation Strategy 2020, 12



The Federal Law No. 184 of December 27, 2002 "On Technical Regulation" was meant to streamline and overhaul national technical standards and to ensure the passage from a mandatory certification system to a modern system, based on selfdeclaration. Full implementation of the law, originally planned for 2011, would mean, in particular, that all GOST standards (approximately 500,000, newly published on will have been replaced by, respectively integrated in published technical regulations. Technical regulations will also clearly define the form and procedure of product verification. As a rule, technical regulations are approved for a specific category of product or specific categories of products by federal laws. However, the implementation of Federal Law No. 184 became more complex with the creation of the Customs Union and the necessity to harmonize technical regulations at the supranational level. The technical regulations approved at the national level are published on The following regulations, which are relevant for automotive suppliers have been approved as of April 2013:  Wheeled transport  Exhaust emissions by cars  Fire safety equipment Technical regulations of the Customs Union are approved by resolution of the Eurasian Economic Commission based on drafts prepared by a designated member country. All technical regulations and drafts are published on The following technical regulations relevant to automotive suppliers have been approved at the Customs Union level (based on national, regional and/or international standards) as of April 2013:     

Machinery and equipment (in force as of February 15, 2013) Wheeled transport (in force as of January 1, 2015) Tractors (in force as of February 15, 2015) Fuel (in force as of December 31, 2012) Personal protective equipment (in force as of June 1, 2012)

In numerous cases compliance with standards or, after their enactment, technical regulations must be confirmed (product certification). Russian law and Customs Union regulations distinguish between:  Mandatory declaration of conformity (in the form of a certificate of conformity or a declaration of conformity)  Voluntary declaration of conformity (including under the GOST R system) Eventually, mandatory declaration of conformity (product certification) will be required only if and as provided for by a technical regulation. In many cases mandatory declaration of conformity still takes the form of a certificate of conformity. Certificates of conformity are delivered by an accredited certification body based on a test evaluation of the product. The certificate of conformity is a pre-requisite for the import of the relevant products to Russia and must be submitted during customs clearance. GOST R Certificates of Conformity confirm compliance with GOST R standards, TR Certificates of conformity compliance with technical regulations, other types of certificates (e.g. telecommunication approval, RTN certificate for hazardous industrial sites, etc.) compliance with other standards. For some products, a declaration of conformity can be used instead of a certificate of conformity. The declaration of conformity is issued by the manufacturer or importer and confirms that the product meets applicable Russian technical and safety standards. A declaration of conformity can be based on the manufacturer’s own test results or tests made by an accredited certification body or test laboratory. It must be issued according to the enacted template and registered with a certification body accredited with Rosstandart. Ultimately declarations of conformity should replace certificates of conformity in the majority of cases and make redundant testing a thing of the past. Where technical regulations exist at the level of the Customs Union (CU) product conformity is confirmed by a certificate, respectively declaration of conformity issued in the format defined by the CU. These confirmations are valid throughout the entire CU. Alternatively, compliance can be confirmed by national certificates. Where technical regulations and standards are uniform throughout the CU, national certification is acceptable even in the absence of technical regulations at the CU level. Product tests conducted by certification bodies or laboratories accredited in one of the CU States are recognized throughout the



CU. In the absence of technical regulations at the CU level, national technical regulations and other safety requirements continue to apply. Compliance is then confirmed by national certificates. Certificates of conformity are required, inter alia, for certain electrical equipment, automobiles and trucks, etc. Declarations of conformity are sufficient, for instance, for metal-processing machines, compression-type machines, etc. The Customs Union countries approved a common list of products the conformity of which must be confirmed (Resolutions of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 319 of June 18, 2010 and No. 620 of April 7, 2011). Products requiring a Certificate of Conformity, respectively a Declaration of Conformity are further listed in attachments to Resolution No. 982 of the Russian Government of December 1, 2009. A more detailed list can be found in Information of Rosstandart from May 25, 2012 (based on Russian Product Classification or OKP Codes) and, for import, a joint letter of Rosstandart and the Federal Customs Service from December 27, 2011 (based on Foreign Trade Classification or TNVED Codes). The registers of certificates and declarations of conformity can be accessed through (Russian register) and (Customs Union register). Russia participates through Rosstandart in the following international certification systems (among others):    

International Organization for Standardization (ISO, Certification of electrical and electronic equipment (IEC or International Electrotechnical Commission, Certificate System for Measuring Instruments (OIML or Certification of passenger cars, trucks, buses and other transport vehicles (1958 Agreement of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions,  Testing of handguns and ammunition (1969 Brussels Convention for the reciprocal recognition of proof marks on small arms) These agreements provide for the recognition of international certification in Russia and prevail over domestic rules. Sales contracts with Russian importers should deal with the issue of certification and clearly define which party bears the related cost and responsibility. It is generally easier to certify products locally than from abroad, and the Russian importer may be better qualified to deal with certification issues. However, certificates obtained in the name of a local distributor are valid only for use by such local distributor. Therefore, if the foreign manufacturer wishes to control Russian distribution channels it may be worthwhile obtaining the certificate in the name of the foreign manufacturer. National legislation (including technical regulations) defines who can apply for product certification and what procedures can be used for what products. Care should be taken to select a professional provider of certification services. Customs regulations are another main concern of companies doing business in the Russian Federation. Following Belarus’ and Kazakhstan’s joining the Customs Union in 2010, Russia’s customs regulation is undergoing a harmonization process. The Customs Code of the Customs Union replaced the Customs Code of the Russian Federation effective July 2010. A new Federal Law “On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation” from November 27, 2010 implemented the Customs Code of the Customs Union in the Russian Federation. As of January 1, 2010 the classification system used by the Russian Federation (“Nomenclature of Goods of Foreign Trade Activity” or TNVED/ТНВЭД) was substituted by the “Nomenclature of Goods of Foreign Trade Activity of the Customs Union”, a system using a ten-digit standardized code and ultimately based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) of tariff nomenclature of the World Customs Organization. Simultaneously, the Customs Union introduced a Unified Customs Tariff (a revised version became effective on January 1, 2012). Customs preferences (e.g. for developing countries) and non-tariff measures (import-export licenses, quotas, etc.) have been harmonized to a considerable extent. Customs Union member states will eventually apply tariff and non-tariff regulations only in their trade with third countries. Goods must be declared upon import from a third country to the Customs Union in accordance with the customs regime (newly termed “customs procedure”) selected (e.g. import for internal consumption, temporary import, etc.). Until all relevant economic legislation (e.g. currency control regulations) within the Customs Union are harmonized, goods will continue to be declared to customs of the country where the importer has its domicile (e.g. to Russian customs if the importer is a Russian company). Consequently, only a Russian company can declare goods for import to Russia. Foreign companies (including their



branches and representative offices) can declare goods only in a limited number of cases, but not for general trading purposes. As a rule, the goods are declared by the importer or a customs broker (newly termed “customs representative”). When the goods cross the border of the Customs Union by road the carrier submits to the border authorities basic documentation on the goods, and the goods then follow under customs control (in domestic transit) to the customs terminal at the point of destination where they are cleared through customs. Today most customs terminals are located just outside big cities, at major crossroads and not near the borders. The export and import of goods out of and into Russia is, as a rule, subject to the payment of customs duty. The Customs Union uses three types of tariffs: the ad valorem tariff (fixed percentage of the value of the goods), specific tariffs (a specific amount of money per unit) and combined tariffs. Tariffs are set for each class of goods based on the Nomenclature of Goods of Foreign Trade Activity and are calculated based on the customs value of the goods. Imports are further subject to VAT (normally 18%). A customs processing fee (customs clearance, transport, storage) must also be paid. Customs duty, VAT and customs processing fee are collectively referred to as customs payments. Normally customs payments are collected by customs. However, if the import is not subject to customs control (e.g. within the Customs Union), VAT is levied in accordance with the applicable international treaty (normally by the tax authority of the country of the importer) and a special VAT declaration must be filed upon the import of goods from a Customs Union member state. The list of documents required for customs clearance can be impressive (see, in particular, Article 183 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union) and their correct preparation requires experience. The main documents are the following: 1. Documents on the Importer: Prior to filing its first customs declaration, the importer must register with customs by submitting its certificate of registration, tax certificate, articles of association, etc. Registration is required only once. 2. Customs Declaration: The Customs Declaration (декларация на товары or ДТ, formerly ГТД) is used to declare the goods to customs and contains basic information on the goods (description, weight, number of units, etc.), the customs regime (procedure) selected, the importer, consignor and consignee, the class (as per the nomenclature of goods) and the customs value of the goods, their country of origin and the carrier. Since January 1, 2011 the same format is used in all Customs Union countries. The declaration can be filed in paper or electronic form. 3. Declaration of Customs Value: The Declaration of the Customs Value (ДТС) is an integral part of the customs declaration and confirms the value of the goods, which serves as basis for the calculation of customs payments. There exist various methods to calculate the customs value (including for the case where the exporter and importer are associated entities), and customs can request additional documentation depending on the method used. The customs value includes the cost of transport and other costs related to the import. The same format has been used within the Customs Union since January 1, 2011, and an international treaty, Resolution of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 376 of September 20, 2010, the Customs Code of the Customs Union, Federal Law “On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation”, etc. define how the customs value must be calculated by the importer and in which cases the value so declared can be adjusted by customs. 4. Transport Documents: These depend on the type of transport (road, rail, air, sea): bill of lading, FIATA bill of lading (combined transport bill of lading), railway bill, airway bill, truck waybill (CMR). 5. Commercial Documents: The commercial documents (contract, commercial invoice, pro forma invoice, insurance certificate, etc.) are important for the calculation of the customs value.



6. Certificate of Origin: A certificate or declaration of origin is required to benefit from preferential customs tariffs or in other cases where the origin of the products has significance for the calculation of customs payments or otherwise. Certificates of origin are issued by special institutions in the country of the manufacturer. 7. Certificate/Declaration of Conformity, Import License, etc.: Import restrictions include non-tariff restrictions (quotas, import licences), restrictions based on national interests (gold, silver, cultural values, military goods, etc.) or international treaties (e.g. protection of rare species), special restrictions on foreign trade (e.g. antidumping measures, embargoes), technical trade barriers (technical standards) and other safety requirements (sanitary, phytosanitary, epidemiological, veterinary, radiation, etc.). In many cases the importer needs to submit documents confirming that the goods are admitted for import into the territory of the Customs Union, respectively the Russian Federation (see, for instance, Government Resolution No. 53 of February 7, 2008 concerning certificates and declarations of conformity). For further information see below sections on “Import and Export Regulations”, “Technical Standards” and “Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures”. 8. Deal (Transaction) Passport: The deal or transaction passport is a document issued by the Russian bank of the importer and required under Russian exchange control regulations. Transaction passports are used to monitor cross-border payments. 9. Sales Contract: Russian law requires foreign trade contracts (contracts for the cross border delivery of goods or services) to be in writing. Sales contracts for the delivery of goods are normally governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) if its application was not contractually excluded by the parties. Customs law further regulates the conduct of audits by customs after customs clearance of the goods. Documents must be retained at least three years after the goods have been cleared through customs. Substantial information can be found on the official site of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (, which contains a quite extensive section in English.16

3. Russian market for vehicles and automotive components Russia, the second-largest automotive market in Europe, went through a period of high increase in car sales: 30% in 2010 and 39% in 2011 which flattened significantly to 11% growth in 2012 reaching 2.935 million units17. With this figure Russia exceeded the pre-crisis level for the first time due to the increase in household incomes and satisfaction of deferred demand. 18 The sales of Russian brands as a share of the total light vehicle market declined from 25% in 2011 to 21% in 2012. Another important feature was the drop of the premium vehicles share and the shift of consumer preferences to middle price segment. 19 For 2013 experts had different opinions on how the market will develop: Russian car sales were expected to be more or less flat according to the Association of European Businesses (AEB). PriceWaterhouseCoopers foresaw a modest growth rate of 5%,20 Avtostat on the 16

All information on certification and customs: Swiss Business Hub Russia: Legal Provisions: 2012, 17 AEB Press Release: Russian Automotive Market is to consolidate close to its current level in 2013, 18 Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, March 2013, p.7 19 Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, March 2013, p.12 20 Moscow Times, 23.01.2013, p. 4



contrary a slight decrease.21 The first half year with a decline of about 4% showed that it will most probably go in the last direction. Reasons for the curbed consumer growth are the increase in credit interest rates and general perception of economic uncertainty. Actually, a shift in demand towards budget class models is noted, as well as a gradual recovery of demand for premium class cars22. Concerning midterm forecasts, Russia as an emerging market with a low vehicle ownership per capita of 280 cars per 1000 people is still expected to accelerate its demand for new cars until a saturation point of around 400 automobiles per 1000 residents is reached in approximately 2020-2022.23 Other engines of continued growth, which remain in place, include a relatively small and aging car park, improving consumer income, growing number of car lending programs provided by banks jointly with OEMs, development of infrastructure and highways, and an unabated appetite to own a respectable and reliable car as a symbol of social status and a sign of independence and personal mobility in a vast country. 24 With these conditions Russia is said to remain one of the most attractive markets in Europe for cars with a 5% annual forecast growth for light vehicles from 2013-16.25 As the Russian car industry has a very low export rate and the foreign automotive corporations are producing in Russia almost exclusively for the local market, the sector depends highly on the country’s overall economic situation and the consumer confidence of the Russian people, which in their turn are closely linked to the international prices for commodities. Joerg Schreiber, President and Managing Director, Mazda Motor Rus LLC and chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers committee explained that “everything depends on the domestic market environment, and Russia is surrounded by regions where economic development is quite difficult”26.


Khimija Ukrainy, SNG, mira: Russia: V international conference “Polymers in the automotive industry”, 22 Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, February 2012, p.6 23 AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 12, Interview with Alexey L. Rakhmanov, Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade 24 AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 6, Interview with Joerg. M. Schreiber, President and Managing Director, Mazda Motor Rus LLC 25 Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, March 2013, p.2 26 Moscow Times, 15.01.2013, p. 4



Table 2: New Car and LCV Sales in Russia by Groups in 2011/2012

Source: Data submitted by the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee; retail sales of imported and locally produced vehicles, December 2012



For the commercial vehicle segment, the negative consequences of Russia’s admission to the WTO (which leads to lower import duties) could be especially notable, as second-hand sales are very popular in this sector in Russia. In 2012 alone, the growth rate in the sales of new commercial vehicles has dropped significantly to 5% against 56% 2011. Experts assess the average growth rate for sales of new commercial vehicles in the period 2013-2016 to level off at a rate of approximately 4%. The bus segment was growing in line with the other automobile subsectors with 14% in 2012. The share of domestic brands is gaining ground reaching 63%. Suburban and city buses prevail in the bus production structure, accounting for 57% and 42%, respectively, of the total bus output.27 The automotive suppliers sector was hit even more than the OEMs during the crisis 2008/2009 in Russia. The light vehicle production decrease dealt a blow to component demand and while the major Russian OEMs managed with the government’s support to restructure their debts, most independent suppliers could not benefit from state support. With much lower demand for OEMs, a number of them had to declare bankruptcy.28 In 2011 the sales of car components recovered with a peak growth of 33%. in 2012 the growth rate was still 8%. Since many of the OEMs did not open new production capacities (as planed for 2013), many car component producers received order volumes much below their expectations. In 2012 the market for components reached sales worth a record 41.8 billion USD, 49% of which were sold to OEMs and 51% as spare parts for maintenance and repair. These two sectors have developed quite differently during the crisis. While OEMs were hit heavily by the crisis in 2008 and purchased significantly less components in 2009 and 2010, the spare parts market has been rather stable. Despite this discrepancy, both subsectors showed an impressive growth rate in 2011 (15% for spare parts, 49% for components for OEMs). According to experts, the potential of the market remains high due to the need of OEMs in high quality components and the support of the Russian Government for joint production of Russian and foreign partners. Furthermore, a shift in import towards products of countries with a well-developed automotive industry is expected. Table 3: Automotive Component Market

Source: Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, February 2012, based on Autostat research agency, Ernst & Young estimates

27 28

Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, March 2013, p.21-22. AEB Business Quarterly, Autumn 2010, p 24, Interview with Ivan Bonchev, then Automotive Head, Ernst&Young



4. Automotive production in Russia Russia has inherited a considerable number of automotive plants from the Soviet planned economy, which are capable to produce a large number of cars per year. However, due to their outdated technologies and design, it is very difficult for these factories to compete with the foreign brands. During the last few years the traditional Russian brands have been looking for strategic partners among the foreign car manufacturers. Today, practically all Russian companies are working in partnership with the industry’s international automobile corporations. You could safely say that not a single so called “stand-alone” Russian enterprise continues to operate without a foreign auto making partner in one form or another.29 The AVTOVAZ company for instance is cooperating with Renault and even models sold under the Lada brand resemble nowadays Renault cars. The Russian brands account for a market share of about 40% in terms of units, but in terms of sales volume their share is much less with about 12% or 8 billion USD. The big international automotive manufacturers are engaging themselves in Russia not only in partnership with Russian companies, but also with green field investments. Virtually every foreign car manufacturer set up a plant in Russia during the past few years or has concluded assembling contracts with Russian producers. Table 4: Foreign Car Factories and Joint Ventures

Foreign car factories Volkswagen Peugeot-Citroen/Mitsubishi Volvo Trucks Honda GM Hyundai MAN Nissan Scania Toyota

Assembling of foreign models by Russian companies AVTOVAZ – Renault GM-GAZ GM-VAZ GM-Avtotor KIA-Avtotor Ford-Sollers BMW-Avtotor Hyundai-TAGAZ Daimler-KAMAZ Toyota/Mitsui&Co/Sollers Mazda-Sollers

In 2013 the production capacity of the car factories in Russia are estimated to reach 3.2. million cars a year.30 The foreign manufacturers have to localize the production up to 60% in eight years (resp. 30% in 7 or 8 years for agreements under the previous redaction of the decree), according to their agreement with the Russian authorities. However, most of the foreign manufacturers have been falling behind their localization plans. According to Avtostat agency for many foreign producers the share of locally produced components accounts currently only for about 10-15%. The foreign car manufacturers are concentrated in several areas of Russia known for the best infrastructure for this production. Naturally the component producers also prefer to set up plants in these regions. Traditionally, the automotive cluster was situated in the Volga district with Tatarstan, Samara, Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod oblast (KAMAZ, AVTOVAZ, GAZ, UAZ, Sollers, Ford Sollers, General Motors, assemblage of Volkswagen, Chevrolet and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter brands at GAZ). During the last years Kaluga managed to establish a new automotive cluster not far from the existing factories still operating in Moscow (Renault, Volkswagen, Peugeot-Citroen/Mitsubishi, Volvo Trucks). The third cluster is located in the Northwest of the country in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad and Kaliningrad oblasts (BMW, Chery, Hyundai Motor/Kia Motors, Ford Sollers, General Motors, Toyota, Nissan).31


AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 10, Interview with Alexey L. Rakhmanov, Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade Vedomosti: Avtoevoluciya, October 2013, p.4. 31 Vedomosti: Avtoevoluciya, February 2012, p. 7. 30



Automotive Clusters

Source: EAC, Market Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in Russia, Mai 2013,, p. 6

The import of new and used cars significantly decreased during the past 10 years. Today about two thirds of the vehicles sold in Russia are produced �in-house�. As for the overall production of light vehicles, experts estimate that it grew by 13% in 2012, a rather moderate growth in comparison to the 43% registered in 2011, caused by the creation of new production capacities and the higher utilization of existing ones. With the absolute figure of 1.7 million cars produced in the country in 2012 Russia beat for the first time an old record dating back to the Soviet times.



Table 5: Production Volume LV 2012 Source: Volume: Estimation of the information agency Avtostat. Localization: Open sources. Figures differ largely among available sources; we have selected an average value in order to give

Production volume of light vehicles in Russia 2012 Company Avtoframos (Renault) Avtotor (BMW, KIA, GM) Avtovaz Ford Sollers (Alabuga) GAZ (N. Novgorod) GM GM/VAZ Hyundai Motor Izh-Avto Nissan Peugeot-Citroen/Mitsubishi Sollers TAGAZ Toyota/Mitsui&Co/Sollers Volkswagen (Kaluga) Others

Volume 160 000 262 000 540 000 119 000 8 000 85 000 63 000 215 000 50 000 48 000 51 000 40 000 9 000 30 000 160 000 20 000

Localization 56% Assembly Local Brands 60% Local Brands 30% n/a 45% Local Brands 17% 34% Local Brands Local Brands 15% 30% n/a

a general idea.

According to industry experts during the next few years the production of light vehicles will further increase mainly due to an increase in the output of foreign brands.

Table 6: Forecast LV Production till 2015

Source: Ernst & Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, February 2012, p.10, based on LMC Automotive

Concrete projects of several automotive OEMs were announced and will further increase the production capacity in Russia.



Table 7: LV Production Capacity

Planned production capacity of light vehicle manufacturers in Russia (per year, including existing ones) Company Avtotor Mazda (Joint Venture with Sollers) Toyota (Joint Venture with Sollers) Ford Sollers Honda Volkswagen Peugeot-Citroen/Mitsubishi

Capacity 500 000 50 000 Later 100 000 25 000 690 000 40 000 360 000 125 000

Source: Forum Avtoevoluciya, supplement of the “Vedomosti” newspaper, 13.12.2012, p. 5-7

The Russian authorities intend also to bring R&D in the automotive sector to the country. However, innovation is not always the merit of foreign companies. In the automotive sector one could observe during the last years also the evolution of a genuine Russian innovative project, the Yo-Mobil. This is a hybrid car, which is developed by Russian engineers in close cooperation with the automotive supplier Magna, and is scheduled for serial production, beginning 2014. The drive of the Yo-Mobil consists of a hybrid design that operates with two small electric motors, a bank of capacitors and a small engine that can use either gasoline or natural gas. The engine works almost continuously, generating electricity that powers the motors directly or charges the capacitors that discharge energy for start-and-stop city driving. Noteworthy and perhaps suspicious, the internal combustion engine is a “rotary vane” type. Rather than moving up and down as in a conventional engine, the pistons move in a circular arc. The advantage of this design is that there are fewer moving parts resulting in a smoother operation. According to the engineers, the Yo-Mobil will need about 3.5 liters of fuel per 100 km, which is a fuel efficiency surpassing that of the Toyota Prius. The maximum speed will top at 120 km/h and the range at approximately 700 km, when both its natural gas and gasoline tanks are full. These parameters can be achieved due to the car’s light weight and its innovative engine. However, the company supported by the Russian oligarch Prohorov has encountered several problems in the realization of its project and the launch of the production was postponed several times. The high potential for import substitution in the car production in the Russian Federation remains one of the main features of the Russian automotive component market. The volume of the primary market for auto components in 2012 accounted for USD 20.57 billion according to estimates of the specialized information agencies Avtostat and ASM-Holding. For 2016 experts forecast a market volume of USD 6-12 billion. 32 New players are expected to enter the market since many automotive component production segments witness a relatively low level of competition. For many years, there was no independent supplier industry in Russia, because all the traditional manufacturers produced the automotive parts themselves.33 The Russian Government is supposed to provide comprehensive support to joint productions of Russian and foreign partners to attract new technologies to the country.34 In Russia, there are three main categories of original equipment suppliers: 1. Companies engaged in the production of components for existing and outdated Russian car models, primarily affiliated with domestic OEMs and independent companies. They usually have a worn or obsolete technological base, lack new technologies, and often professional management. They are also typically short on investment resources and lack engineering skills to master new types of products and develop their customer base. Their products are of poor quality, which prevents them from supplying components to foreign OEMs. 2. Joint ventures created by Russian and foreign manufacturers employ relatively modern production technologies and equipment supplied by international partners. They are usually engaged in the production of technically simple components with low added value (bumpers, harnesses, lights, etc.) designed by foreign partners, or on licensed assembly of sophisticated components with low level on subcomponent localization (transmission gears, engines, etc.). They have practically no intellectual property rights, in-house engineering and R&D centers and generally specialize in a small range of products of one or two component categories. 32

Vedomosti: Avtoevoluciya, October 2013, p.4. AEB Business Quarterly, Autumn 2010, p 6, Interview with Martin Jahn, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Volkswagen Group Rus 34 Ernst&Young: An overview of the Russian and CIS automotive industry, February 2012, p.16 33




Foreign original equipment suppliers are relatively new to the Russian market and still have a low level of localization of both subcomponents and raw materials. Usually, they have insignificant production scale determined by overspecialization and rather limited customer base. Foreign original equipment suppliers currently focus on technically simple components with low added value (eg. seats, ignition plugs, exhaust systems, etc). Global OEMs are interested in seeing their traditional Tier-1 and Tier-2 partners follow them as they enter the Russian market.35

Due to the fact that the genuine Russian automotive industry cannot reach the necessary quality standards, several international automotive suppliers have appeared on the market recently. Localization in the Russian Federation will be one of the main concerns for all international car manufacturers in the coming years. Some foreign automotive suppliers have concrete needs of pre-suppliers in the area of plastics, injections/blow moldings, metal stamping and metal tube bending and welding. Components with good potential for local sourcing are:  Metal casting, forging and stamping  Seats and seat systems  Interior and exterior plastics (panels, bumpers, etc.)  Batteries  Tires and wheels  Automotive glass and mirrors  Painting and coating materials  Wiring harnesses36 A major challenge remains the following production groups:  Power train (engine, transmission, drive shafts, differentials, etc.)  Chassis, driving axles, suspensions, etc.  Electronics  Thermal systems (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning, hoses).37 Around 190 declarations of foreign suppliers planning to establish production facilities in Russia were signed of which almost 70 were converted into binding investment agreements till mid 2013.38 Many of the global automotive suppliers did not choose to invest in greenfield projects in Russia, but looked for partners among the local players. This had the advantage that they could profit from existing workforce and infrastructure and in some cases even open doors to Russian OEMs and aftermarket access. On the other hand, the Russian partners benefited from the technical know-how, improved quality and process management systems of the foreign companies. However, while the benefits for both sides are obvious, there are also some hidden threats which should not be underestimated – those include difference in business cultures, overly optimistic expectations from both sides, etc. Unfortunately, quite a number of joint ventures had therefore to be stopped.


AEB Business Quarterly, Autumn 2010, p 24, Interview with Ivan Bonchev, then Automotive Head, Ernst&Young AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 21, Interview with Ivan Bonchev, Investment Director, SI Capital Partners AEB Business Quarterly. Summer 2012, p 21, Interview with Ivan Bonchev, Investment Director, SI Capital Partners 38 EAC: Market Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in Russia, Mai 2013,, p. 9. 36 37



LV Production Capacity

Source: Russia: Russian Automotive Market Research, Russia - The race to localize, Tatyana Arabadji, 18.11.2012, Table 7: Component Producers

Company name Antolin Asahi Glass Autoliv BASF Benteler Automobiltechnik Continental Continental Cummins Delphi DuPont Ebersp채cher Faurecia Federal Mogul Grupo Antolin

Headquarter Spain Japan Sweden Germany Germany Germany Germany USA USA USA Germany France USA Spain





Components produced in Russia glass security belts nitrocellulose paint, catalysts, polyurethane elements of suspension engine control systems plants for tires, plugs, fuel systems joint venture with Kamaz; assembly of engines electrical elements, plastic details nitrocellulose paint exhaust systems plants for elements of the interior and exhaust systems piston blocks elements of the interior, lightening of the passenger compartment, window regulators lightening systems

Hyundai Mobis Inergy Automotive Systems Johnson Controls Lear Leoni Magna International

South Korea France USA USA Germany Canada

Magneti Marelli Michelin PPG Industries Robert Bosch Schaeffler Group T.RAD Takata Tenneco TI Automotive Toyota Boshoku Valeo Visteon ZF Friedrichshafen

Italy France USA Germany Germany Japan Japan USA Great Britain Japan France USA Germany

plastic details for the interior and exterior fuel tanks seats, seat covers seats, wiring harness wiring harness elements of the interior and exterior, details of the body, passive security systems lightening systems tires coatings plugs, wiring harness, starters, generators, fuel pumps

plant for steering wheels, security belts, airbags exhaust systems fuel and brake systems seats wiring harness, climate control systems elements of the interior, audio systems, electronics gear boxes

International car suppliers become more and more interested in Russia and there are several of them, which have already announced their plans concerning assembly plants in Russia: Denso (Japan) TRW Automotive (USA) Cummins (USA) Brose Fahrzeugteile (Germany) CIE Automotive (Spain) Webasto (Germany) Modine Manufacturing (USA) Dura Automotive Systems (USA) Edscha (Germany) Bulten (Sweden)

5. Swiss automotive suppliers in the Russian market In general, Swiss automotive suppliers are more famous for manufacturing equipment rather than components. For decades the Swiss machine-building companies have been quite prosperous in the Russian market. In 2012 they accounted for about 24% of the Swiss exports to Russia in comparison to 20% in 2011. Of course, these are not only machines for the automotive industry. But the automotive industry in Russia is one of the main client segments for the Swiss machine builders. The list of Swiss machine builders active in the automotive industry in Russia includes: Agathon AG Amsonic AG Baltec AG Bystronics Laser AG RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


Eckold AG Ernst Grob AG Esco AG EWAG AG Fehlmann AG Feintool Technologie AG GF Agie Charmilles Haeusler AG Hatebur LNS SA M채gerle AG Maschinenfabrik Mikron SA Monnier + Zahner AG Muller Machines SA OC Oerlikon Balzers AG Pemamo SA Pfiffner AG Reiden AG Reishauer AG Schaublin SA Schnyder SA St채hli L채pp Technik AG Star Micronics AG Starrag AG Strausak AG Studer AG System 3R Tesa SA Urma AG As for the Swiss automotive components, probably most of them are imported into Russia within the ready kits that are brought in by the international car manufacturers in order to be assembled for saving customs duties. Nevertheless there are some Swiss components producers, which managed to make business directly in Russia. Two projects gained some public attention recently: The KAMAZ Company, a leading Russian manufacturer of powerful trucks, has developed a new fire engine. The truck has been developed in cooperation with the HIROMAX Swiss Company. The fire engine has been made exclusively of stainless steel, aluminum, and plastics, in accordance with a special non-dying technology. Thanks to the innovative HIROMAX system, it is possible to put out household fires without flooding neighbors below. KAMAZ plans to turn out at least 200 units per year. AVTOVAZ has started the small-scale serial production of its first electric automobile model: El Lada with electric engines, inverters and DC/DC blocks of the Swiss company: MES SA and charging equipment of the Swiss company Brusa. The first party production, which consists of 100 vehicles, will be sent to Stavropol Region to be used as taxis. An agreement proposing the sale of 100 electric cars to the regional administration had been signed between OAO AVTOVAZ and the government of Stavropol Region on 30.08.2012. The Russian manufacturer has delivered the first of these automobiles to the regional administration. El Ladas have a maximum velocity of 130 km/h and can travel a distance of 150 km, once charged for 8 hours. For a long time there has been only one Swiss automotive supplier manufacturing in Russia. EFTEC, worldwide supplier to the automotive industry and member of the EMS Group, operates two production facilities in Russia, one in Nizhny Novgorod and one in Elabuga (Tatarstan). The company develops, produces and markets materials and application technology in the specialized fields of bonding, coating, sealing and damping. With these applications EFTEC holds leading market positions throughout the world. In 2012 D PLAST-EFTEC generated net sales of 82 million CHF with a workforce of 211 employees. Till recently, the markets of Central and Eastern Europe have been serviced through a regional joint venture with the Czech company D-Plast. The EMS Group has now taken over the other 50% share in this joint venture to hold sole control of the EFTEC business in Central and Eastern Europe. With this take-over, EMS intends to further increase business in the growth markets of Central and Eastern Europe and to strengthen its leading market position as global automotive supplier. The purchasing price amounts to CHF 60 million. In the beginning of this year another big Swiss automotive supplier, Autoneum, announced that it would start producing in



Ryazan close to Moscow acoustic and thermal management components as of the end of 2013. The new plant is conveniently located with good connections to all automotive clusters. Workforce figures at the new plant should reach about 200 by 2017. Just very recently Liebherr announced that its engine building unit in Bulle (Switzerland) will establish a joint venture with KAMAZ in Tatarstan.

6. Customers Swiss automotive suppliers can target several customer groups in Russia: International OEMs National OEMs Joint Venture OEM International OES National OES Joint Venture OES Distributers for the spare part market International OEMs and OESs may probably stick to their proven suppliers, which they know from other markets. On the other hand, sometimes exactly the international OEMs and OESs are putting pressure on their suppliers to localize also in Russia. If the supplier does not produce in Russia he will not only loose a business opportunity in this country but maybe even loose its home market as the OEM or OES will choose a supplier which is ready to deliver local content in every important market. International OEMs and OESs in Russia generally have well-organized supply departments which identify and contact potential customers. As a second step they negotiate on supply terms. All of them underline that their requirements towards suppliers do not differ in Russia from anywhere else in the world and the products here are usually also tested by experts from their home countries. The supplier approval process usually takes from 2 to 5 years. The company Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok for instance started its search for local suppliers in 2011 and so far has only two confirmed partners with two more most likely showing up soon. Requirements to the suppliers include test and control processes right at the manufacturing facility. Anyway, if a supplier does not manufacture in Russia he will have to deal with the international supply department in the home country as the Russian office is only in charge of manufacturers producing in Russia. If you do not have established relations with OEMs and OESs in the home market, a more promising strategy could be to tackle joint venture or local car and components producers, which are currently looking actively for foreign components and equipment in order to increase the quality of their vehicles or automotive components. In this context many of them will have to invest considerable sums in order to modernize their production facilities. Local automotive and automotive components producers are sometimes not easy business partners to deal with: Their websites may contain only scarce information in English. Key decision makers are hard to identify and even harder to reach. Assistants on the phone do not speak any foreign languages and often just hang up in frustration or lack of motivation. Even when an initial contact has been established, they don’t respond to mails for weeks, but when they do, they ask for an immediate decision within one or two days. The list of similar shortcomings could be continued. Briefly, in many cases it is impossible to communicate with Russian clients if you do not have a profound Russian background – in language and in culture. In joint ventures the western partners usually bring in certain knowledge of state of the art technologies. On the other hand the



production facilities provided by the Russian partners are in an obsolete condition. As they aim to supply the international OEMs and OESs they have to meet their minimal quality standards, which bring a need to invest substantially in the modernization of the equipment and components. Therefore, as a rule, they are interested in offers for new machines and modernization of the existing equipment, as well as the supply of high quality components. As shown in practice, unfortunately, the western business administration is usually not the first priority to be implemented, which means that in dealing with joint ventures many challenges of doing business with local companies, described above may be applicable as well. If the Russian market is very important for you, hiring a Russian employee who deals with his or her compatriots can be a good solution. At first, when you are still checking the potential of the market, the cooperation with an external specialist (experienced in doing business in Russia) can be helpful. He can do all the correspondence, the follow-up by phone and accompany you to important business meetings in order to translate. OEMs and OESs usually negotiate with component suppliers directly due to complicated huge volumes and the need for tailor-made products. For equipment it is quite a common scheme that there is a Russian importer/distributor in-between which represents the Swiss machine builder in the Russian market. The Russian importer/distributer not only markets the products in Russia (and often in the whole CIS) but also takes care of the import, customs, logistics, certification and service. The spare parts market is prospective for component producers with a good price/performance ratio. Russian consumers are very cost-oriented and many of them try to save when buying spare parts. Although the international OEMs are pushing to do service and repairs only with official dealers there are still many private small repair shops. Usually, the spare parts market is served by importers/distributors and regional wholesalers. As they have experience dealing with foreign partners, it is often easier to contact them than to contact potential clients. However, you should also be armed with patience and the capability to adapt to local business culture. Russia is a country where good business partners and contacts are extremely important. Local business partners can be very helpful in dealing with authorities or solving other problems. Good business relations often take time to develop, so the initial stages of a business operation, when a network is yet to be built up, tends to be the hardest. One effective method of acquiring new contacts is the participation in trade fairs. Both Moscow and St. Petersburg have modern international exhibition sites where trade shows are held throughout the year. The most important venues are Krokus Expo and Expozentr in Moscow, and Lenexpo, Restec and Farexpo in St. Petersburg. The events are versatile, ranging from professional industry-specific fairs to congresses or contests. In a first attempt rather than to present your products in a booth we recommend to just visit the fair. Please note that a fair visit should be prepared carefully, e.g. potential interesting partners should be contacted in advance. Consulting agencies represent another channel for finding interesting business partners. A serious consultant will bring in market knowledge and can start a targeted research. The personal contact with potential partners is crucial and we always recommend visiting the business partners in person. You should not apply Swiss standards to the offices of Russian companies, but if you compare just a few you can easily understand which of them are working efficiently and which do not.



7. Market Entry Strategies There are several schemes on dealing with the Russian market: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Working from Switzerland directly with potential clients Working with an agent Cooperating with an importer/distributor Hire own employee in an external organization Establish a representation in Russia Establish a subsidiary in Russia Establish a manufacturing facility in Russia

As described above in the first case it is very important that contacts with the potential clients are made by a specialist, experienced in doing business in Russia. This person can be engaged internally or externally. To serve clients from Switzerland may be an option if you have only a very small number of big clients who are experienced in taking over the whole logistic process, including customs. To work with agents is not a common practice for foreign companies in Russia. First of all because the foreign company with an agent still have to solve the challenge on how to import the goods. Secondly, it is very difficult to check the reliability of agents and last but not least for high professionals this seems not to be the best working option nowadays. They will rather work for a renowned company or just establish their own organization. However, importers/ distributors sometimes work with agents to cover the whole territory of Russia. Cooperation with an importer/distributor is a very widespread scheme for foreign companies entering the Russian market. Needless to say, embarking upon co-operation with an onsite distributor is a major decision having significant strategic and financial impact. When choosing a distributor it is of utmost importance to make sure that the company is both personally and economically involved in the industry and the region where you intend to sell your products or services. An ideal distributor will have many years of market experience and have developed reliable business relations with the clientele that you are targeting. Distributors play a key role in the mediation process. They negotiate with retail outlets, the local authorities as well as individuals, depending on products and industries. You can expect a distributor to charge a margin of 20% and more. Some foreign companies work with an exclusive distributor, others have several distributors for different regions of Russia. Often this is more an historical fact than a conscious choice. Of course it is easier to deal with one distributor than with a couple of them. On the other hand if you have only one distributor you have to be sure that this is really the right one. Usually, Russian distributors insist on the exclusive right to represent a certain company in the Russian market if they have to invest a lot to promote its products. It is crucial to consider your partner’s proficiency in the relevant industry. Most distributors specialize in an industry or range of products. The better the match between your product and the distributor’s specialization, the better your chances of a successful collaboration. Finally, it always pays to have a clear concept of what you want to achieve in the negotiation process. The clearer you are about your own goals, the better you will be able to assess your potential partners. Be aware that your additional support in promoting your products locally is usually required. As a matter of fact, due to high demand, successful distributors have been able to choose who they want to collaborate with. Therefore, it has become customary that foreign suppliers offer training to sales and marketing specialists and prepare marketing materials and product samples. Especially in the long run, support of this kind often becomes a critical success factor. As distributors usually sell a wide range of products from different manufacturers, it can be helpful to finance a special brand manager within this company. With this you are sure that you get all useful information on clients and business developments and you have the possibility to directly supervise this person.



If no reliable distributor is available in a certain sector or if products of a Swiss manufacturer have to be marketed to clients in several different sectors that cannot be covered by one single distributor sometimes the manufacturer opts for hiring an employee within an external organization. According to the Russian labor law it is not favorable to hire a local person from abroad, therefore there are specialized companies established under Russian law, which hire persons on behalf of foreign companies. Usually, they can offer additional services like import, logistics etc. Some of them are originally staff research companies, others – consulting companies. As always, it is important to compare offers of several providers. Many foreign businesses first open a representative office. As a rule, representative offices have no commercial activity (i.e. do not manufacture products or render services) and are purely cost centers. They are therefore typically not permanent establishments (the definition of the permanent establishment of a Swiss company in Russia can be found in the double tax treaty between Switzerland and Russia) and do not pay corporate profit tax, asset tax and VAT. At the same time they allow the foreign company to rent office space, to open bank accounts and to hire employees. The representative office is not a separate corporate identity, which means that the foreign company opening a representative office is fully responsible for its debts and liabilities. Local subsidiaries are most commonly incorporated in the form of limited liability companies or closed joint stock companies. The minimal share capital of limited liability and closed joint stock companies is 10,000 rubles. These legal forms allow the company to do business like any other Russian company. It can buy, sell, import, etc. The localization of the production is a big step for every company and in Russia with its omnipresent bureaucracy, it is especially complex. For the production foreign OES can choose different strategies:     

Greenfield investment: e.g. Johnson Controls, Tenneco, Lear, TI Automotive, Hyundai supplier park Acquisition of Russian OES (Brownfield investment): e.g. Magna – Technoplast Joint Venture between Russian & foreign OES: e.g. MW – Evrodisk Joint Venture between 2 foreign OES in order to share risks: e.g. Faurecia – AD Plastik; Magna Cosma – Shin Young Group Joint-Venture between foreign OES & Russian tier-3 supplier: e.g. Gestamp - Severstal

It is important to note that the approval procedure for investment projects is different in every region of Russia. During the past few years the Russian government has made efforts to simplify the regulations. Reforms to improve the conditions for entrepreneurs in the construction sectors started in 2008. The roadmap for 2012 foresaw shortening of the delivery time for construction permits and a reduction of the involved state bodies. Even the costs for small-scale investment projects from foreign companies easily mount up to EUR 10-20 million due to high expenses for good quality buildings and complicated bureaucratic procedures. Important factors for the successful set up of a manufacturing plant are:  Transparent costs for land development and especially the access to electricity  Affordability of the plot of land intended for building  Developed municipal infrastructure  Qualified working force  Good transport connections  Support by the local administration A project can be declared a “preferential investment project” by the regional administration in order to get additional support. But as this is predicated on certain requirements and a lot of paperwork, it has to be checked on a case-by-case basis to confirm whether this is really an advantage. Even if an investor decides not to go for a preferential investment project, it is often helpful to sign a memorandum of understanding with the regional administration in order to ascertain the backing of the officials, concerning issues like organizational support, purchase of the plot for building, lowering land development costs, fastening approval processes, tax holidays and financing, development of municipal infrastructure. Furthermore, the regions can offer support in form of state guarantees, subventions, development of land, etc..



Regional administrations are generally prepared to grant tax incentives, which can include:  Capital tax: tax holiday or reduced taxes for movables and immovables, used for the realization of the investment project.  Transport tax: tax holiday or reduced taxes for means of transport, purchased for the realization of a preferential investment project.  Real estate tax: tax holiday or reduced taxes for the land plot purchased for the realization of the investment project One of the decisions an investor has to make is the geographical location of the future manufacturing plant. As many regulations are set on a regional level, it is important to choose a region with favorable conditions and where one can count on the support of the regional administration. According to the experience of “Beiten Burkhardt” law firm’s experts, the following cities are especially popular for manufacturing projects of foreign companies (in alphabetical order): Alabuga (Special Economic Zone in Tatarstan) Astrakhan Belgorod Bryansk Kaliningrad Kaluga Kazan Kemerovo Krasnodar Krasnoyarsk Kurgan Moscow Naberezhnye Chelny Nizhny Novgorod Novosibirsk Omsk Samara St. Petersburg Chelyabinsk Togliatti (Spezial Economic Zone in the Samara region) Tomsk Ufa Vologda Yekaterinburg Special economic zones and industrial parks exist in several regions. Residents of special economic zones can benefit from simplified administrational procedures, easy purchase of land plots, autonomous infrastructure, flexible construction rules and high quality services. The developers and operators of industrial parks can be either official or private entities. The Swiss company DEGA Group deals with real estate development as well as turnkey construction of industrial facilities and has been active in the Russian Federation since 2003. In 2006, it established the well-functioning Noginsk Industrial Park in the Moscow region. Other projects are in a stage of planning. SEZs and industrial parks with automotive focus



Source: EAC, Market Opportunities for the European Automotive Industry in Russia, Mai 2013,, p. 16

Managing supply chains in Russia is considerably more challenging than in other markets. Potential risks, such as difficulties with customs and tax authorities, long run routes, incompatibility between truck sizes, poor road infrastructure and port congestion combined with just-in-time requirements demand sophisticated transportation strategies. To optimize logistics costs and operate in a lean production environment, enterprises engaged in automotive manufacturing in Russia are regionally concentrated in clusters.39 The import of construction materials and equipment for the future plant is a separate issue, which should be given the necessary attention, as well. On the one hand, it can cause a lot of troubles due to the complicated bureaucratic and customs procedures. On the other hand, one has the possibility to save a considerable sum on taxes and fees if one knows how to declare the goods to bypass the additional tax burden. Since the import of investment goods is not quite the same as the import of products for sale, a consultation by an expert can be useful even if customs and logistics departments already exist within the company.

8. The Central Cluster The central cluster is located around the two very different centers Kaluga and Moscow. It is one cluster only because of geographical closeness. But in fact the conditions in Moscow, the Moscow oblast and in Kaluga oblast diverge quite heavily. 39

EAC, Market Opportunities for the European Automotive, p. 14. RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY








The automotive industry in Kaluga is very young. The governor Anatoly Artamonov heard in 2005 that Volkswagen company was about to start production in Russia. He wrote them a letter introducing his oblast and promoting it as the best location for the future plant. Apparently, he was very convincing and due to the excellent conditions he proposed, Volkswagen Group decided to build its factory near Kaluga. Governor Artamonov and his team did not relax on this success but took it as the perfect base to attract other car producers and their suppliers. Today the oblast is home for the three car producers Volkswagen, Volvo, Peugeot/Citroen/Mitsubishi and about 25 suppliers and still ranks among the best locations for foreign automotive suppliers, when it comes to localizing. The oblast benefits today from a solid industrial base with a pool of trained workers, a recently built infrastructure and the relative closeness to Moscow and all automotive OEMs in the country. Moscow on the other hand is a traditional site for automotive production, but the development in recent years has driven this sector out of the city. Nevertheless the French auto concern Renault decided to invest EUR 480 million in the plant “Avtoframos” in Moscow with a production capacity of 188 000 Renault cars a year. Right beside this location is the territory of the former plant ZIL, which has been restructured according to plans of the Moscow government. 50h are still reserved for assembling (and later full cycle production) of cars. A daughter company of ZIL has therefore bought another company, which had signed an agreement with the Russian authorities on car manufacturing. That agreement can be reactivated and grants several benefits. Renault, Nissan, Hyundai and Fiat are possible partners for this project.40 Furthermore there are still several automotive component manufacturers active in the Moscow oblast, but due to high real estate and labor costs, the oblast does today not rank on the top for automotive companies willing to localize their production.

8.1. KALUGA OBLAST According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the total area of the Kaluga oblast is 29,800 km; economically active population amounts to 553,000 people, total population accounts for 1,009,900 people as of the end of 2012. Major cities are Kaluga (population 343,000) and Obninsk (population 106,000). The Kaluga oblast is the leader in the Russian Federation by the growth rate of its industrial output and the second largest by the growth rate of fixed capital investments per capita. There are 11 industrial parks in the Kaluga region (please refer to chapter 9.6. for more details) and a special economic zone Lyudinovo (Trilateral agreement on establishment of an industrial special economic zone on the territory of the Municipal District of the «Town of Lyudinovo and the Lyudinovo District» was signed on 25.01.2013). These provide automotive industry investors with the opportunity to quickly organize the construction of factories and production bypassing much of the red tape. The territory of the Kaluga oblast possesses developed infrastructure and communications. The Kaluga Region is in the top 20 regions in terms of the road network density, including railways and motorways. Internationally important motorways «Moscow - Brest», «Moscow - Kiev» and «Moscow - Warsaw» pass through the territory of the region. The main railways are «Moscow - Kiev» and «Vyazma - Kaluga». At present, the city airport undergoes large-scale reconstruction. The Kaluga oblast has high scientific and innovative potential. There are 28 higher education institutions and over 40 scientific organizations working in the region.41 Since 2006 the government of the Kaluga oblast has been working on the establishment of a manufacturing cluster in the automobile industry. As a result, 12,000 new jobs were created at the automotive cluster production facilities. 226,000 vehicles were produced by the Kaluga region automotive cluster in 2012, for a total of 630,000 vehicles since 2007. Additionally, 500,000 cars were produced by Volkswagen Group Rus Kaluga plant.

40 Vedomosti: Avtoevoluciya, October 2013, p.5. 41 RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


Logistics in the Kaluga Oblast

Source: The Kaluga Region Development Company

The automotive cluster in Kaluga is mainly concentrated in three industrial parks, which are each dominated by a big OEM plant of an international corporation: “Grabtsevo” with Volkswagen, “Kaluga-Yug” with Volvo and “Rosvo” with PeugeotCitroen-Mitsubishi.

8.2. MOSCOW OBLAST Moscow and the Moscow oblast on the contrary have long traditions of automotive manufacturing. But in recent years the development of the city becoming more and more expensive in terms of labor and real estate has led to the closing, relocation and redevelopment of a number of manufacturing sites to other regions. Nevertheless, due to its favorable location, availability of resources and investment incentives, Moscow and the Moscow oblast have attracted some global OEMs and suppliers, such as Renault, Valeo, BASF, Lear, 3M and others. In addition, a number of industrial parks have been created to accommodate further investors. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the total area of Moscow oblast is 44,379 km; economically active population amounts to 10,768,300 people, total population accounts for 19,027,613 people as of the end of 2012. The main city Moscow (population 11,979,529) is considered as separate federal subject. Moscow oblast ranked third after Moscow City and Tiumen oblast by the volume of Foreign Direct Investment in 2012 (USD 4.6 bln). Industrial manufacturing in Moscow oblast comprises more than 25% of the regional income and more than 40% of the investments. In terms of industrial manufacturing the region ranks at #2. The major sectors are: machine-building and metal processing (over 20%), chemicals (over 14%) and metallurgy (10%). There are about 1000 industrial companies based in Moscow oblast, 30% of which are large and medium-sized manufacturing entities.



There are over 350 higher educational institutions working in the oblast.42 Currently, there are two big car production facilities left in Moscow:  Avtoframos which is owned mainly by Renault and produces Renault Logan, Sandero and Duster cars.  ZIL which is in a restructuring process with the support of the Moscow government and plans to produce foreign cars in the future. The company has not yet decided on its partners. Renault, Nissan, Hyundai and Fiat were under discussion in this regard. In the Moscow oblast several automotive component manufacturers are active despite the clear disadvantages like high rent and labor costs. Obviously for them it is very important to be located centrally (i.e. near the headquarters) and to easily find qualified staff. The transport infrastructure of Moscow oblast includes 10 federal motorways, interconnected by ring roads, the most dense railway network and 3 international airports. Road density is 670 km/1000km2. The Central Ring Road (521 km) is scheduled for completion by 2017.

8.3. SWOT-ANALYSIS CENTRAL CLUSTER Table 8: SWOT-Analysis Central Cluster

Strengths 


Kaluga region is ranked #1 in the rating of investment attractiveness of the World Organization of Creditors (WOC)

Tax benefits

Administrative support from the Kaluga region legal entities

Developing industrial parks

Availability of qualified workforce

Developed logistics and transport infrastructure

Proximity to the capital, Moscow, and the largest consumer market in Russia

Proximity to the federal authorities headquarters

Capacities of European OEMs

Administrative barriers (especially in Moscow oblast)

High turnover and cost of the personnel compared to other regions of Russia

Possibly higher cost of operation as compared to other regions



Volkswagen, Renault and PSMA announced their further localization plans

Possible changes in both federal and regional legislation

Lack of potential Russian partners with modern technologies

Growth of competition from already localized producers and Russian companies

8.4. COMPANY PROFILES OEMS Golitsino Bus Plant JSC (GAZ Group) Contact data

Moscow oblast

42 Moscow Region Investment Prospects, Moscow Region Government, RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


Odintsovo district Malye Vyazemy village, 1 Tel: +7 (495) 647-62-21 E-mail: Web: Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

2011: GOLAZ-5291 Kruiz – 13 (based on SCANIA chassis); GOLAZ-5251 – 10; LIAZ-5256 – 206

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

Develop production of intercity bus GOLAZ-5251 by up to 500 buses annually. Create new tourist bus Kruiz-2 with production capacity of 200 buses annually.

Foreign suppliers

Golitsino Bus plants uses components from Scania, Eberspächer, Cummins and ZF

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

In order to make its buses more competitive the company has integrated several components of foreign producers (see above). The engineers are regularly checking the possibility of integrating other foreign components.

Contact person

Vladimir Syomin – Managing Director Tel: +7 (49633) 247-62-21 E-mail: Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources "Marussia Motors" LLC. Contact data

127473 Moscow Chernyshevskogo per. 1 Tel: +7 (495) 788 06 92 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

2000 cars, so far two models have been developed.

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

Marussia Motors plans to open a plant in the Moscow region with a capacity of 10,000 cars per year

Foreign suppliers

KW, Cosworth

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Marussia Motors is a young company. They are ready to check new components. Marussia was often mentioned as a favorite to win the tender for the construction of the limousine for the Russian president and cars for other high ranked officials.

Contact person Ilya Yurevich Bulychev, General Director Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, public sources Peugeot Citroen Mitsubishi Avtomobili Rus LLC



Contact data

Kaluga Rosva industrial park Tel: +7 (484) 222 86 22 Web:

Established in

January 2008

Number of employees

1,700 (3,200 planned)

Annual production volume by models

Production of Peugeot 308, Citroen C4, Citroen C-Crosser, Mitsubishi Outlander, the initial plant capacity of 45 thousand cars per year in 2012 with a ramp up to 125 thousand, full capacity - up to 300 thousand

Localization rate by models

Peugeot 308 – 33% Peugeot 408 Sedan – 33%43: vehicle body surface elements, windows, front panels, seats, bumpers, internal and external plastic elements and wheel rims are produced in Russia. The rest of the components is imported (50% from Europe, 10% from China, 5% from Argentina) Mitsubishi Outlander – 10% at the first stage (pressed body parts, bumpers, rear lamps, exhaust systems, dashboards, seats and glass) – planned to be localized up to 30% by 2014 Citroen C4 L – 10% at the first stage; will be increased up to 30% in the future According to the agreement with Ministry of Economic Development, the average level of localization of all PSMA Rus models should have come up to 30% by 2015

Plans for future

Increase its share on the Russian market with up to 6%

Suppliers producing in RF

PSMA localization in Russia Supplier


Localized parts

Suppliers of localized car components for the Peugeot 408: localization level – 33%


As per Avtostat 26.03.2013



Lear Ltd.

Nizhniy Novgorod region


Gestamp-Severstal-Kaluga LLC

Kaluga region

Pressed body parts

Alfa Automotive Technologies LLC


Boot pressed parts

Magna Tehnoplast CJSC

Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod

Front and rear bumpers

Yapp Rus Automotive Systems LLC


Fuel tank

Faurecia Automotive Development LLC


Exhaust systems, interior plastic parts, dashboards and consoles, door lining (front and rear), rear wheel arch liner, saloon and boot noise insulation, upholstery, boot carpet and shelf

Michelin Russian tire company LLC

Moscow region, Davydovo


Eurodisk LLC

St. Petersburg

Pressed wheel disks

HT&L Fitting RUS LLC


Wheel assembly

Tramiko LLC

Stavrovo, Vladimir region

Roof liner

AGC Bor Glass plant CJSC

Nizhniy Novgorod region, Bor

Automotive glass complete sets

Leoni Wiring Systems Rus LLC

Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny



Nizhniy Novgorod region, Gorodets

Rear lamps

PHR (AD Plastik) CJSC

Samara region, Vintay

Central air deflector

Suppliers of localized car components for the Mitsubishi Outlander III: localization level – over 10% Lear Ltd.

Nizhniy Novgorod region


Gestamp-Severstal-Kaluga LLC

Kaluga region

Pressed body parts

Magna Tehnoplast CJSC


Front and rear bumpers

Faurecia Automotive Development LLC


Front door lining

AGC Bor Glass plant CJSC

Nizhniy Novgorod region, Bor

Automotive glass, complete sets

Source: AUTOSTAT agency Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

In order to further localize the production the company is looking for suppliers manufacturing in Russia. Global suppliers should contact the European purchasing office. Only if there is a manufacturing facility in Russia, contact should be made locally.

Contact person

Jean-Christophe Marchal, General Director Daniel Majerus, Purchasing Director E-mail: Tel : + 7 48 42 22 88 07 (Kaluga), +7 495 775 55 86 (Moscow) Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources Renault (Avtoframos OJSC) Contact data

Moscow Volgogradsky prosp.,42/36 Tel: +7 (495) 7754000 Web:

Established in


Number of employees

4,000 (6,000 planned)

Annual production volume by models

CKD production of Renault Logan, Sandero, Fluence and Duster SKD assembly of Renault Latitude and Koloes Annual capacity of 188,000 cars

Localization rate by models

Renault Logan and Renault Sandero level of localization is 60% (based on Autostat agency formula = cost of localized parts/cost of all parts) and includes pressed parts, bumpers,



dashboards, seats, glass, lighting, rear view mirrors, exhaust systems, fuel tanks, batteries, aluminum wheel disks, tires, some body components, enamels, paints, etc. Plans for future

Modernize production line and increase production capacity

Suppliers producing in RF

Renault localization in Russia





Localized parts

Alfa Automotive Technologies LLC


Pressed body parts

Avtocomponent Plant LLC

Nizhniy Novgorod

Rear-view mirrors


Moscow region, Pavlovsky Posad

Paints, enamels, lacquers

AGC Bor Glass plant CJSC

Nizhniy Novgorod region, Bor

Automotive glass complete sets

Bosal Avtoflex

Orenburg Region, Novoorsk

Exhaust systems

D Plast-Eftek NN

Nizhniy Novgorod


Dow Izolan JV LLC

Moscow region, Vladimir

Betaseal, Betawipe pastes

DuPont Russian Paints


Cataphoresis, paints, enamels, lacquers

Elast-Techologies LLC

St. Petersburg


Faurecia Technoplast Automotive

Nizhniy Novgorod

Door panels, dashboards, dashboard cover

Stavrovo Automotive Systems (Inergy) LLC

Vladimir region, Stavrovo

Fuel tank

National accumulator corporation “ISTA�

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine




Wheel disks



Carpets, roof liner, boot racks

Lear Ltd.

Nizhniy Novgorod region


Lik-Avto LLC

Nizhny Novgorod region, Gorodets


Polad CJSC

Samara region, Togliatti

Wing arch top cover, rear door and boot lining with noise insulation, mudguards


Nizhny Novgorod

Polyurethane seat and seat back filler

Revokot Mastics LLC

Moscow region, Kolomna

Painting mastics

Shell Neft CJSC \ Shell Neft LLC


Brake fluid




Valeo Climate Control Tomilino LLC

Moscow region, Tomilino

Saloon heater


Samara region, Togliatti

Chassis (front and rear axle beams, engine frame, front rotary elements)

Source: AUTOSTAT agency

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Renault/Auvtoframos has already a very high localization rate. Nevertheless there still is room for improvement and in order to further localize the production the company is looking for suppliers manufacturing in Russia. Global suppliers should contact the Paris purchasing office. Contacts should be made locally only if there is a manufacturing facility in Russia.

Contact person

Bruno Ancelin, Managing Director, Alliance Director of Industrial Planning E-mail: Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources Volkswagen Group Rus LLC Contact data

Kaluga Grabtsevo industrial park Avtomobilnaya str., 1 Tel: +7 (4842) 711011 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

6,100 (4,200 initially planned)

Annual production volume by models

Full cycle consumer car factory (Volkswagen Polo Sedan and Tiguan; Skoda Octavia and Fabia), including welding, painting, design

Localization rate by models

The level of localization is approximately 50% (seats, tires, filters, fuel tanks, wheel disks, interior trim elements, axles, lighting equipment and rear-view mirrors, shock absorbers, dashboard elements, exhaust systems and dashboards, front body elements, bumpers, and fuel tank cover modules, boot and floor trim elements, etc.). Volkswagen Polo Sedan is 40% localized. Planned level of localization is 60%.

Plans for future

Develop production line, further localization, increase market share

Suppliers producing in RF

Volkswagen localization in Russia





Localized parts

Lear Ltd.

Kaluga, Nizhniy Novgorod region


Gestamp-SeverstalKaluga LLC

Kaluga region

Pressed body parts

Nizhnekamskshina OJSC

Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk


PTG BIG (BIG Filter)

St. Petersburg

Air filters

Visteon Rus LLC


Interior trim elements

Bentler Kaluga LLC


Suspension elements

Magna Tehnoplast CJSC

Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod

Front body elements, bumpers and fuel tank cover modules

Yapp Rus Automotive Systems LLC


Fuel tank

HP Pelzer RUS


Boot and floor trim elements

Faurecia Automotive Development LLC

Kaluga, Leningrad region, Luga

Exhaust systems and dashboard elements

PF Continental Automotive Rus LLC


Dashboard elements


Moscow region

Basic enamels and lacquers

Avtokomponent LLC

Nizhny Novgorod

Side mirrors, plastic saloon elements

JV Prevent Immobilien Rus

Moscow region, Ozery

Seat covering

Microtech CJSC


Wiring harness components

Cherepovets Integrated Iron-and-Steel Works OJSC

Vologda region, Cherepovets

Rolled metal

HT&L Fitting RUS LLC


Mounting wheels



Rolled metal products

Source: AUTOSTAT agency Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Volkswagen plans to further localize the production. The company is looking for suppliers manufacturing in Russia. Furthermore it has decided to set up an engine production in Russia. Global suppliers should contact the European purchasing office. Only if there is a manufacturing facility in Russia, contact should be made locally.

Contact person Dr. Josef Baumert, Plant Director Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources Volvo Vostok CJSC Contact data

Kaluga Kaluga-Yug industrial park Suvorova str. 29 Tel: (4842) 71-44-00; +7 (495) 9611030 E-mail:, Web:,

Established in

June 2007

Number of employees

700 (1,000 initially planned) Truck production (Volvo and Renault brands): In 2012: 4,387 Volvo trucks and 1,572 Renault trucks. Total production capacity allows producing 10,000 Volvo trucks and 5,000 Renault trucks annually. The development of new plant for Volvo construction division started in 2012. Planned annual capacity is 2,000.

Annual production volume by models



Localization rate by models Plans for future

About 30% Planning to localize 40% of cabin production by 2016 (EUR 90 milion to be invested) with a production capacity of 15,000 cabins per year. Additional EUR 53 milion will be invested into parts and components production.

Suppliers producing in RF


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Volvo is planning to localize the production of cabins. Furthermore, it would like to purchase electrical components and details of the running gear in Russia.

Contact person Lars Peter Anderson, General Director Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources AMO ZIL Contact data

Moscow Avtozavodskaya str. 23 Tel: +7 (495) 620 45 26 Web:

Established in


Number of employees Annual production volume by models

5,670 2009: 2,332 CVs 2010: 1,160 CVs 2011: 1,265 CVs

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

The company is in a rather difficult economic situation with a declining production. Negotiations with a few global OEMs on joint production of LCVs (among others: Hyundai, Fiat, Renault, Nissan) Development of LCVs (ZIL 5301 and 4327) and MCVs (ZIL 4331 and 4334) chassis production. For the production of foreign car models the daughter company MOSAVTOZIL will be in charge. Production of automotive components and parts for LCVs and MCVs. Production of special purpose vehicles based on ZIL and other OEMs chassis.

Foreign suppliers

ZIL has worked with various partners for instance the Japanese IHI, the Chinese FAW and the Austrian Rozenbauer.

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Igor Zakharov, General Director E-mail: Contact person MOSAVTOZIL: Igor Kulgan, tel: + 7 (495) 620 45 01 Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources

8.5. COMPANY PROFILES OES Alfa Automotive Technologies LLC – JV between ZIL (Russia) and IHI Corporation (Japan) Contact data



Moscow Avtozavodskaya str, 23, bld.15 Tel.: +7 (495) 7831745 Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Production of pressed body parts, stamped body parts

Plans for future



Renault (Avtoframos) Peugeot, Citroen (PSMA Rus) Nissan, Lada (AVTOVAZ) ZIL (AMO ZIL)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Maxim Kondratiev, General Director Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency BASF (Germany) BASF Vostok LLC Contact data

Moscow oblast Pavlovsky Posad Mishutinskoe shosse, 72 Tel.: +7 (496) 4351949 Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Automotive coating (paints, enamels, lacquers) Production capacity: 6,000 tons annually

Plans for future

Increase production capacity up to 20,000 tons per year


Renault (Avtoframos) Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC) Lada, Renault (AVTOVAZ) Ford (Ford Motor Company) Automotive service companies

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Global suppliers should contact the European purchasing office.

Contact person

Semen Belyakov – General Director Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Becema CJSC (Russia) Becema-Kaluga LLC, plant in projection Contact data




Kaluga-Yug park Kirpichnaya str. 3 Tel: +7 (4842) 514626 E-mail: Web: Established in

Projection phase

Number of employees

500 (planned)

Component production

Automotive detachable equipment production (vessels, tanks)

Plans for future

Currently, the company has invested EUR 1.2 milion of EUR 13.3 milion planned. The construction is in progress.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Ludmila Beznosikova, General Manager

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Benteler Automotive LLC (Germany) Contact data

Kaluga A-park Suvorova str., 121/2 Tel: +7 (4842) 211-168 E-Mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Automotive suspension components production

Plans for future

Benteler plans to deliver its components to five OEMs in Russia


Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Hubert Koopmann – General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Bosal International LLC (Belgium) Contact data



248008 Kaluga 171 Tarutinskaya str, Tel: +7 (4842) 22-24-15, 22-24-17, +7 (495) 9810431 E-mail:,


Established in


Number of employees

30 (1000 planned)

Component production

Production of exhaust systems and tow bars for OEMs and the aftermarket

Plans for future

To add production lines for tube, jacks, metal substrate radial flow catalytic converters, hot alloyed strip casting and rolling, and foil rolling and coating + to establish a major logistics hub enabling other suppliers to distribute replacement parts for the aftermarket throughout Russia.


Renault/Dacia (Avtoframos)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Vadim Terekhin, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Continental Automotive Systems Rus LLC Contact data

Kaluga Fridrikha Engelsa str, 163 Tel.: +7 (4842) 717-219; (4842) 717-220 E-mail:, Web:

Established in

2009, plant operational from January 2013

Number of employees

200, 800 planned

Component production

Engine control systems, injection systems and fuel system components Engine control systems annual capacity: 1 milion blocks (mostly its Easy-U 32-bit ECU)

Plans for future

If the project is successful, there is room for another production line on place


Peugeot (PSMA Rus)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Christian Koegl, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Dow Izolan LLC – JV between Dow Chemical (USA) and NPP Izolan (Russia) Contact data

Moscow oblast Vladimir Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya str., 81 Tel.: +7 (4922) 412701 E-mail: Web:

Established in




Number of employees

150 (120 initially planned)

Component production

Rigid polyurethane foams, flexible polyurethane foams, shoe soles, adhesives, compounds, sealants, elastomers and coatings, release-agents

Plans for future

To increase production capacity and develop new products in 2013-2017 period


More then 1000 clients in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc., including Renault (Avtoframos)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Mikhail Tsarfin, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Faurecia Automotive Development LLC (France) Contact data

Kaluga V-park Glagoleva str., 3 Tel.: +7 (4842) 2111914; (4842) 59-19-43 E-mail: Web:

Established in

2011, plant under construction

Number of employees

35 (300 are planned on full capacity for two new plants – exhaust systems and interior production)

Component production

Exhaust systems, interior plastic parts, dashboards and consoles, door lining (front and rear), rear wheel arch liner, saloon and boot noise insulation, upholstery, boot carpet and shelf

Plans for future



Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC) Peugeot, Citroen (PSMA Rus)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Bertrand Lavolle, General Director Sergey Fedchenko, Director of Kaluga branch Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Gestamp-Severstal-Kaluga LLC (Spain) Contact data

Kaluga oblast Grabtsevo park Zavodskaya str. 57 Tel:+7 (4842) 21-10-30 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees




Component production

Production of car body components – chain of processing rolled metal products, from coil to car components. Production capacity – 13 milion stamped parts annually

Plans for future

To upgrade production facilities


Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC) Peugeot, Citroen (PSMA Rus) Renault (Avtoframos) Lada (AVTOVAZ)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Josep Rodo Cima, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency HP-Pelzer Rus LLC (Germany) Contact data

Kaluga 3d Akademichesky proezd, 19/2 Tel: +7 (4842) 220-980 E-mail:, Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Production of transportation devices and equipment

Plans for future

The production facilities should be enlarged, planned overall investment EUR 20 milion .


Volkswagen Polo (6 products), Skoda Octavia (4 products) (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Claus Juergen Zikking, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Lear LLC (USA) Contact data

Kaluga 171B Tarutinskaya str. Tel.: +7 (4842) 791822 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

170 (250 planned)

Component production

Car seats production



Plans for future



Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Jean Bernard Blondeau, General Manager Frank-Ulrich Richter, Head of Kaluga branch Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Magna Technoplast CJSC (Canada) Contact data

Kaluga, Grabtsevo park, 1st Automobilny proezd, 21 Tel: +7 (4842) 761901 E-mail:; Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Bumper production and coating

Plans for future

Currently Magna has about 20 local suppliers. The company plans to double this figure.


Volkswagen and Skoda (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC) Peugeot, Citroen, Mitsubishi (PSMA Rus)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Magna regularly organizes forums for existing and potential Russian suppliers.

Contact person

Dmitry Popov, General Manager E-mail: Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Michelin Russian tire company LLC (France) Contact data

Moscow oblast Davydovo Zavodskaya str. 1 Tel: +7 (49641) 73532 Web:

Established in


Number of employees

1,200 (include Russia and CIS offices)

Component production

MICHELIN and B.F.Goodrich summer and winter car tires: 1.5-2 milion car tires. Since 2011, truck tires recovery shop: 50,000 of truck tires recovery. Since April 2013, logistics complex, which can store 240,000 car tires or 80,000 truck tires. Its launch will enable Michelin to boost daily warehouse capacity in Davydovo to 64,000 car tires and 16,000 truck tires.



Plans for future

Michelin announced a further investment of EUR 35 million into the plan in Davydovo. Furthermore the company may invest further in projects in Russia and the CIS. With respect to the new logistics complex, plan to reduce tire supply times by 30% and cut tire storage costs by 5% annually over five years. Warehouse efficiency will increase 7% per year and storage capacity will increase 50%.


Peugeot, Citroen (PSMA Rus) Ford (Ford Motor Company)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Thierry Chiche, General Manager E-mail: Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Pilkington Glass LLC (UK) Contact data

Moscow oblast Zhukovo Stekolnaya str. 1 Tel: +7 (495) 9805027 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Glass production: 240,000 tons

Plans for future

2011 Pilkington agreed with the Russian STiS to build a new plant for energy-efficient and selfcleaning glass for the construction. Investments are about EUR 300 million.


Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Alexey Strygin, General Manager

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Severastal-Gonvarri Kaluga LLC (Spain) Contact data

Kaluga Grabtsevo park Avtomobilnaya str. 1 Tel: +7 (4842) 719600 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Service center for metals (blanking, slitting, cut to length):



Plans for future

C2013 the company plans to open a second line. With that the capacity will amount to 170 thousand tons of metal-roll per annum


Renault-Nissan, Peugeot, Volkswagen

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Dmitry Zavodsky, General Director Tel: +7 (4842) 719600 Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Valeo Climate Control Tomilino LLC (France) Contact data

Moscow oblast Tomilino Garshina str., 11 Tel: +7 (4980134) 615700 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Thermal systems (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning), saloon heaters production

Plans for future

Opening of other plants


Renault (Avtoframos) Lada (AVTOVAZ)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Antoine Delplyas, General Manager Marianna Pak, International Development Manager Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Visteon Rus LLC (USA) Contact data

Kaluga A-Park 1st Automobilny proezd 7 Tel: +7 (4842) 211-272; (4842) 211-261 E-mail:, Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Automotive components, systems and assemblies production Annual production capacity: approximately 120,000 sets

Plans for future

Plans to attract new clients in Russia and after that start exporting to the CIS and other markets




Volkswagen Polo (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC) Renault (Avtoframos)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Pascal Wable, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Yapp Rus Automotive Systems LLC (China) Contact data

Kaluga Grabtsevo park 2nd Automobilny proezd, 2 Tel: +7 (4842) 211-501; (4842) 72-13-00 E-mail:, Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

250,000 car fuel tanks annually

Plans for future



Volkswagen (Volkswagen Group Rus LLC) Peugeot, Citroen (PSMA Rus)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Yamin Uan, General Director

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency List of other OES in Kaluga and Moscow regions Date of investment agreement signing

Revenue (Euro mln) last available

Project implementation stages

OES (country)


Key products

Avtopribor-mash LLC (Russia)


Automotive sensor components, terminals for power transformers, etc.


2.2 (2011)

CIE-Avtokom (Spain) – JV between CIE Automotive (Spain) and Avtokom


Stamping, tube forming, welding, machining and plastic injection


1.1 (2011)

Construction completed

Continental Kaluga LLC (Germany)

Rosva industrial park, Kaluga

Tire production



Construction completed



Construction completed

FD CJSC (Russia)


Micro and auto electronics



Construction completed

Fuchs Oil LLC (Germany)

Rosva industrial park, Kaluga

Lube production44



Construction completed

Fuyao Glass Rus LLC (China)

Grabtsevo industrial park, Kaluga

Automotive glass production



Construction completed

HT&L Fitting RUS LLC (Italy)


Wheel assembly


1.2 (2011)

Construction completed

KZAE OJSC (Russia)


Electronics production


27.7 (9m2012)

Construction completed

40.9 (2011) Mahle (Germany)

Kaluga region, Obninsk

10,000 square meter shipping center for the spare parts business in Russia. Mahle production units may also be localized at the site



Construction completed

Pramo Concern CJSC (Russia)


Generators, thermostats, starters, wiping systems, radiators for foreign brands



Construction completed

Scherdel Kaluga LLC (Germany)

Kaluga region

Assembly parts, welding assembly, wire and tube bending parts


2.3 (2011)

Construction completed

Volkswagen Group Rus LLC (Germany)

Grabtsevo industrial park, Kaluga

Engine production



Construction completed

8.6. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE KALUGA GOVERNMENT Legal acts As of 01/01/2013, investment activity in Kaluga oblast is supported by the following legal acts:  The Law of the Kaluga oblast № 31-OZ dated 16.12.1998 "About state support of the investment activity in the Kaluga oblast " o Financial support under regional budget o Tax abatements and incentives o Tax credits o State support and participation in preparation and realization of regional target programs and investment projects o Informational support  The Law of the Kaluga oblast № 263-OZ dated 10.11.2003 "About corporate property tax" o Corporate property tax rate equals 1.1% for newly produced (acquired) property (within a tax period) and for modernized (revamped) fixed assets (within a tax period) in respect of the value added in connection with such a modernization (revamping)


Oil production is included into automotive components production list




Apart from that, starting from January 1, 2013 pursuant to subparagraph 12, paragraph 1, article 3 of the Law, tax breaks will be provided to organizations with respect to revamped, modernized, upgraded property and/or acquired equipment under production facilities modernization program duly registered pursuant to Kaluga oblast laws, if the relevant investments are within the Table brackets:

Table 9: Reduced Property Tax Rate Conditions Kaluga

Amount investment millions, USD )

of (in

Tax free period (2.2% standard rate)

3.22 – 9.66 inclusive


9.66 – 16.1 inclusive


Over 16.1*


*Benefits are granted to pharmaceutical companies for a period of 5 years Source: The Law of the Kaluga oblast № 263-OZ dated 10.11.2003 "About corporate property tax"

The Law of the Kaluga oblast № 621-OZ dated 29.12.2009 "About the reduction of the tax rate of corporate income tax payable to the regional budget for companies investing in the Kaluga oblast " o A taxpayer investing in production facilities modernization programs shall pay the income tax at the following rates depending on the amount invested in revamping, modernization, upgrading and/or acquisition of additional equipment under production facilities modernization programs: 1. From RUR 10 million to RUR 30 million – 15% 2. From RUR 30 million to RUR 70 million – 14% 3. Over RUR 70 million – 13.5% o Investors included in the Production Facilities Modernization Program Registry shall have a right to apply a lower tax rate when calculating corporate income tax for the period, in which the relevant capital investment cumulative amount reached the aforesaid sum in the period between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2015 o For limited number of industries reduced income tax rate period is seven years in the case of total capital expenditures in the first three years being over RUR 3,000 million (please refer to table [13] for more details on tax rate)

Table 10: Reduced Income Tax Rate Conditions Kaluga

Income tax rate

Tax free period (one-by-one)









Source: The Law of the Kaluga oblast № 621-OZ dated 29.12.2009 "About the reduction of the tax rate of corporate income tax payable to the regional budget for investors carrying out investment activities in the Kaluga oblast "

The Kaluga oblast Ministry for Economic Development regulation № 92-p dated 01.02.2013 "About approving the register of investment projects, the registry of manufacturing modernization programs and their amending"

Social benefits are guaranteed by the following order:  Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Kaluga oblast from 21.10.2011 № 792-p " On approval of the Regulation on the provision of social benefits to employees of organizations that are located and operate directly in the industrial parks and technology parks for reimbursement of the debt payment or loans on purchased or constructed houses, including mortgages" under the long-term program "Promotion of Housing Construction in the Kaluga oblast " for 2011-2015 "45


Kaluga Region Development Corporation:



Kaluga also provides infrastructure for investments projects: There are five industrial parks in Kaluga which focus on the automotive industry:

Industrial park

Resident companies

Area, ha, total (free)

A-Park (part of Grabtsevo industrial park) ( ects/objects/a_park_project/)

 

LLC Bentler Automotive – production of components for car suspension LLC Visteon Rus – production of components for car doors

20 (13)

Grabtsevo ( ects/objects/grabtsevo/)

       

LLC Volkswagen Group Rus – production of light vehicles LLC Severstal-Gonvari-Kaluga – service center for metals LLC Gestamp-Severstal-Kaluga – car body components production CJSC Magna Technoplast – production and paintings of bumpers LLC JAPP Rus Automobile systems – of car fuel tanks in plastic LLC Novo Nordisk – production of insulin CJSC Berlin Hemi AG/ Berlin Pharma – production of pills LLC Fuyao Steklo Rus – production of glass

730 (445)

Kaluga-Yug ( ects/objects/ksouth/)

   

CJSC Volvo Vostok – production of commercial trucks and lorries CJSC Becema Kaluga – production of car bodies and tanks LLC Mako Furnitura – production of components of window frames LLC Merkator Holding – production of overhanging equipment for servicing the roads

115 (30)

Rosva ( ects/objects/rosva/)

LLC Peugeot-Citroen-Mitsubishi Automobiles Ru – production of light vehicles LLC GE Rus – turbine repair LLC Fuchs Oil – production of lubricating oils LLC Continental Kaluga – production of tires

472 (212)

V-park (part of Rosva industrial park)

Faurecia Automotive Development – production of transportation devices and equipment

11 (n/a)

  

Source: The Kaluga Region Ministry for Economic Development

The Automotive Industry Training / Re-Training Center was established at Kaluga IT and Management College. The training facility has an area of 10,500 m2, 30 shops and 14 classes. Up to 500 people can be trained simultaneously.46 The center has modern European equipment and relevant methodological training materials. Both shops and classes of the center have an optimal set of training aids (multimedia presentations, training videos, visual aids, stands with training materials, process equipment). The training is delivered by highly qualified lecturers having certificates issued by the leading European educational institutions. The center provides training in the following key areas: welding, hydraulic and pneumatic automation systems, motor transport, production automation systems, robotics, logistics, mechanic and assembly works, mechanical metal processing, industrial electrical and electronic equipment, etc. The center trains 2,824 people, including 2,000 trainees attending vocational training programs arranged within the scope of agreements concluded between the Kaluga oblast government and the leading employers of the region. Apart from that, the training center offers re-training and re-qualification programs. Over 2,000 people were re-trained in 2012. The center successfully implements the dual education approach to train personnel for LLC Volkswagen Group Rus and LLC PSMA Group.


Kaluga Region Development Corporation,



8.7. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE MOSCOW OBLAST GOVERNMENT A full list and description of legal acts and investment incentives of Moscow oblast are available on the following website (in Russian only): Table 11: Tax benefits in Moscow oblast

Type of tax

General tax rate

Tax rate for new investors

Tax rate on Dubna Special Economic Zone

Income tax


15.5% (up to 8 years)

15.5% (up to 5 years)

Property tax


from 0% (up to 7 years)

from 0% (up to 5 years)

Land tax


Provided by the municipality

0% (up to 5 years)




0% (on equipment imports)

The Moscow oblast can offer the benefits of the Special Economic Zone Dubna to investors. Residents of the zone have the right to carry out technological innovation activities in the territory of the Special Economic Zone, therefore the zone is not suitable for big scale production like in automotive manufacturing, but rather for high-tech production and research. There are Special Industrial Production Zones in Klin, Noginsk and Stupino with a total territory of 1500 ha, developed by a consortium of Japanese integrators.

8.8. CENTRAL CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT Although for the Moscow region the development of an automotive cluster is a priority it has not yet decided on a special strategy on how to develop this sector further. When localizing, automotive producers can profit from benefits, which are generally offered to all investors. On the other hand, Kaluga has a clear vision on how to further develop the automotive cluster there. In accordance with the Kaluga oblast investment development strategy 2020, development of the automotive cluster is defined as one of the key objectives of the region. The key goals of the automotive cluster development are  Automotive production maximum localization by development of the automotive components manufacturing  Integration of the currently existing manufacturers in Kaluga oblast into production process line by modernization and reorganization activities  Support of small and medium engineering and technological businesses in the automotive sector  Development of R&D centers in the automotive sector Major steps and guidelines:  Reduction of the administrative entry barriers  Development of industrial parks and centers  Stimulation of innovative products and approaches  Development of education and recruitment systems  Tax benefits



9. Volga Cluster The automotive cluster of the Volga district is by far the largest in Russia. It consists of four major regional automotive subclusters and produces about half of all cars manufactured in Russia. This territory is the traditional homeland of the car producers in Russia, dating back to Soviet times. In every region one big player marks the center of the regional subcluster:    

AVTOVAZ in Samara oblast, which manufactures personal cars, pickup trucks and LCVs; GAZ in Nizhny Novgorod, which manufacture light and medium-duty commercial vehicles, buses and passenger cars; KAMAZ in Tatarstan, which manufacture trucks, trailers, buses, tractors and special cars for oil and gas complex, wheel tractors, road- construction and municipal machinery; UAZ in Ulyanovsk, which manufacture SUVs, pickups, LCVs and microbuses.

In former times these huge companies with several thousands of employees each were organized as vertically integrated companies. Nowadays, it turned out, that these giants are not flexible enough to answer the demands of the markets. Therefore many of the auto component divisions were disintegrated and work as juridically independent suppliers. Nevertheless, there are still tight connections between the OEMs and their former divisions. Currently, the main target of virtually each of these traditional Russian automotive component producers is not only to manufacture the traditional components for traditional Russian car models, which are no longer produced, but to develop new components which do meet the increased quality and innovation standards of the Russian OEMs and ideally also of the foreign OEMs. Some of them try to do it on their own, while others seek the support of foreign OESs. However, as the market for quality components is growing, it gets more and more interesting for foreign OESs and they are now in the process of localizing their production in Russia. This is a serious threat for Russian traditional car component producers of which not all manage to adapt to the new circumstances. Generally speaking, we can see three types of component producers in this cluster: 1. 2. 3.

Genuine Russian OESs, producing for a very good price and adapting somewhat successfully to the new requirements of the market. Joint ventures, having good knowledge of technologies and the local market, trying to integrate the two different business cultures. Foreign OESs, providing excellent products and adapting to the Russian reality with its administrative difficulties.

Which of these strategies is more successful cannot be judged from a general point of view. It depends on the concrete product, mainly on the technology gap between Russian and foreign producers in a certain field. Despite the difficulties and challenges, which OESs in this cluster encounter in actuality, the current development shows that the Volga district will remain probably the most important cluster for the automotive production in Russia. The competitive advantages for automotive producers like professional staff and established education and training programs have lead to the fact, that many new investors, even when going for a greenfield project, choose this region with its long-lasting automotive traditions as location for their business. The oblast administrations, trying to keep its workforce busy encourage automotive projects with large incentives.

9.1. THE NIZHNY NOVGOROD OBLAST According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the total area of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast is 76,900 km2, the total population amounts to 3,310,597 people. Major cities are Nizhny Novgorod (1,250,615 inhabitants) and Arzamas (106,362 inhabitants).



Agricultural land occupies 41% of this area; forests, 48%, lakes and rivers, 2%; and other lands, 9%. The oblast is not rich in natural resources, which are, mostly, limited to commercial deposits of sand, clay, gypsum, peat, mineral salt, and timber. The oblast ranks seventh in Russia in industrial output, while the processing industry predominates in the local economy. More than 650 industrial companies employ nearly 70,000 people, or 62% of the workforce involved in material production. Industry generates 83% of the regional GDP and accounts for 89% of all material expenditures. The leading sectors are engineering and metalworking, followed by chemical and petrochemical industries and forestry, woodworking, and paper industries. The first three sectors account for about 75% of all industrial production. Nizhny Novgorod is very well linked by train. Since December 2002, a fast train has been transporting passengers between Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow in less than five hours. Currently, the route is served by the high-speed rail Sapsan. The city lies along the Trans-Siberian Railway, with direct trains to major cities in the Urals and Siberia, as well as to Beijing, Pyongyang, and Ulan-Bator. The Nizhny Novgorod International Airport has direct flights to major Russian cities, as well as to Frankfurt, Dubai, Prague. The city is also an important center of Volga cargo and passenger shipping and is served by Russian highway M7 (Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan – Ufa).47 The cluster in Nizhny Novogorod dates back about 80 years, when the GAZ plant was built. After few difficult years, following the colapse of the Soviet Union, the cluster has been developing well. Foreign companies brought new technologies and the local manufacturers increased the quality of their products in order to compete with the foreign ones. Today there are several machine-building, military and devices producers located in the area, which manufacture components for the automotive OEMs. Furthermore the cluster includes several universities, scientific institutes, engineering schools and R&D facilities.48 In 2011 the government of the Nizhny Novgorod oblast, the Holding “Russkie Mashiny” and GAZ signed an agreement according to which the companies of the holding will invest about 7 billion RUR in the automotive industry in the oblast. The government for its part will work on the complex development of the companies in this sector. GAZ today focuses on the production of light commercial vehicles and covers about half of the market in this segment in Russia. In spring 2013 the company started with a new generation of this line, the Gazel Next. Besides its own brands, GAZ assembles cars for Volkswagen, General Motors and Daimler. Along with this, GAZ develops the cooperation with foreign auto component producers like Bulten.49

9.2. THE SAMARA OBLAST Samara oblast is located in the southeastern part of European Russia on the banks of the Volga River. The oblast covers an area of 53.6 thousand square km, the total population amounts to 3,214,100 people. The largest cities and towns of the oblast are Samara (1,169,000), Tolyatti (719,000), Syzran (179,000), Novokuybyshevsk (108,000), Chapaevsk (73,000), Zhigulyovsk (57,000), Otradny (48,000). Main resources of the oblast are oil, natural gas, shale oil, and various mineral resources for building purposes, water resources. The industry of the oblast is presented by 400 large and medium plants and over 4,000 small ones. Mostly developed are the following industries: machine-building and metal working, fuel, power engineering, chemical and non-ferrous metallurgy. Samara is an important transportation hub in Russia. The transport system in the oblast, located at the intersection of the international transport corridor "North-South" and "East-West", provides links of federal and regional significance in all directions. The main volume of traffic in the Samara oblast is by rail and road transport and passenger - on road and urban electric transport. The oblast has two river ports. OJSC International airport Kurumoch is the largest in the Volga Federal District, one of the ten leaders in Russia. Airlines connect Samara practically to all of regions and CIS capitals. Regular flights are arranged to Prague, Frankfurt, Tel Aviv.50


Nizhny Novgorod Investors Guide, Ministry of investment policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region,Путеводитель%20английский.pdf. 48 Vedomosti: Avtoevoluciya, October 2013, p.5. 49 Vedomosti: Avtoevoluciya, October 2013, p.5. 50 Samara Region in Figures, Ministry of Economic Development, Investment and Trade of the Samara Region,



Automotive is one of the backbone industries of the Samara oblast. Samara oblast features the highest concentrations of automobile industry organizations and the highest share of the automotive industry in the GRP structure of all subjects of the Volga district. The automotive cluster of Samara oblast produces about 22% of the GRP, but it employs only 5% of total workers in the economy of the area.51 The automotive industry in Samara oblast is mainly linked to the company AVTOVAZ the giant of the Soviet and Russian auto-industry with a production capacity of about 1.2 million cars a year. AVTOVAZ cooperates with its strategic partner Renault-Nissan and also assembles their cars in its factory in Togliatti (Samara oblast). Another important project is the joint venture GM-AVTOVAZ, which plans to build new production lines for the new Chevrolet Niva. In the automotive component segment the oblast has created a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), which focuses on automotive component producers. Territorially the SEZ is located close to AVTOVAZ and should attract local and foreign car component producers.

9.3. TATARSTAN The Republic of Tatarstan is located in the center of a large industrial region of the Russian Federation at the crossing of important highways connecting East and West, North and South of the country. The Republic covers an area of 68 thousand square km, the total population amounts to 3,786,488 people.The largest cities are Kazan (1,143,535), Naberezhnye Chelny (513,193) and Nizhnekamsk (234,044). Tatarstan is one of the most economically developed regions in Russia. The industrial sector of the republic is presented by the oil-gas-chemical complex (oil production, manufacturing of synthetic rubber, tyres, polyethylene, and wide range of oil refinery products), major engineering enterprises manufacturing competitive products (heavy trucks, helicopters, aircrafts, aircraft engines, compressors, oil-gas-pumping equipment, river and sea vessels, commercial and motor cars), development of electric and radio instrument engineering. Tatarstan is rich in natural resources, powerful and diversified industry, and high intellectual potential and qualified human resources. The Republic of Tatarstan has a multibranch transport network including all types of land, air and water transport. It is situated at the intersection of the main transport routes linking extracting districts of the Urals and Siberia, districts of manufacturing industry in the center of the country and the southern agricultural zone. The air transport is represented by the three airports “Kazan”, “Bugulma” and “Begizhevo”. There are 3 cargo ports with 5 cargo districts and 3 enterprises of industrial railway transport in Tatarstan. Motor transport and road infrastructure play a big role as some parts of the republic are not well connected to the railway network.52 The automotive industry in Tatarstan is organized around the big truck producer KAMAZ. The republic managed to attract automotive producers with very advantageous conditions in the Technopark KIP-Master and the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Alabuga. A challenge for the region is the transport infrastructure, because the railway and road connections do already meet the limits of capacity.

9.4. THE ULYANOVSK OBLAST The Ulyanovsk oblast is located in the heart of the Middle Volga region, on both sides of the Volga. The geographical location makes the region an attractive center for logistics and transport schemes of federal and international level. The oblast covers an area of 37.2 thousand square km, the total population amount to 1,382,300 people. The largest cities and towns of the region are Ulyanovsk (61,800 inhabitants) and Dmitrovgrad (128,000 inhabitants). The economy is characterized by a high degree of industrial development: The manufacturing sector accounts for 21% of the GRP. The main industry of the Ulyanovsk oblast is mechanical engineering (53.2% of the total production volume of manufacturing sector). The main industries are aircraft construction, car engineering, machine tools production, heavy power and transport engineering.53


Automotive Cluster, Invest in Samara: Guide to Investment, Republic of Tatarstan, PwC 2013, 53 The Ulyanovsk Region, Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, 52



Ulyanovsk oblast is a large transport hub. The oblast is encompassed by air, train and vehicle routes to and from all places in Russia, international airlines connecting the Volga region with Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and China. Ulyanovsk has two river ports on both banks of the River Volga. Ulyanovsk is the only city in the Volga Federal District with two A-class airports. Ulyanovsk-Tsentralny and the international airport Ulyanovsk-Vostochny are equipped with state-of-the-art radioelectronic navigation systems which make it possible to receive all types of aircraft regardless of weight, including An-124 Ruslan and Boeing-747. The largest airlines in the region, Volga-Dnepr and Polet carry passengers and freight.54 Ulyanovsk oblast ranks 5th in Russia’s automotive industry. Manufacturers of the automotive cluster in the Ulyanovsk oblast are presented by machine-tool constructing, instrument-making and automobile industry, and also by manufacturers of automotive components. Developed technologies:  Design of automobiles and auto-components  Instrumental and stamping production  Casting (ductile iron, steel, nonferrous metal)  Metal processing and mechanical assemblies  Heat treatment of details  Manufacture of plastic parts and rubber  Manufacture of electrical equipment and cords  Manufacture of cooling and heating systems55

9.5. SWOT-ANALYSIS VOLGA CLUSTER Table 12: SWOT-Analysis Volga Cluster



Long-lasting tradition in automotive production

Administrative barriers

Solid industrial base (halls, machines, etc.)

Availability of qualified workforce

Possibly higher cost of operation in some specially designed areas (SEZs, Technoparks)

Network of experienced service providers (engineering, instrument production, R&D, etc.)

Decentralized structure of the cluster

Developing industrial parks

Developed logistics and transport infrastructure

Capacities of Russian OEMs

Ambition of local authorities to develop the automotive cluster



SEZs in Tatarstan and Samara, Technoparks

Overload of the regional transport logistics

Switch of local OEMs to new quality standards

Possible changes in both federal and regional legislation

Lack of potential Russian partners with modern technologies

Growth of competition from already localized producers and Russian companies



Regional Investment Climate, Development Corporation, Ulyanovsk Region, Investment offer on placement of production on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region, Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, 55



Contact data

445024 Samara region Togliatti Highway Ugnoe 36 Tel: +7 (8482) 73 80 09 Fax: +7 (8482) 73 82 21 Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2012 – 65,453 persons

Annual production volume by models

Total – 552162 personal cars, including: LADA Kalina – 119506 personal cars LADA Priora – 148985 personal cars LADA Granta – 121418 personal cars LADA Largus – 16764 personal cars Enterprise plans, that by December, 2013 the number of produced Nissan Almera models a month will be increased to 3000 units.

(in 2012)

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

Realization of the program for innovative development. The major goal is the development and introduction of new models, including innovation, technologies, design and production of low-cost vehicles, which provide sustainable competitive advantages to Lada cars on the market of the Russian Federation and the countries of export. Total production of personal cars to be more than 1,000,000 units per year as of 2017.

Foreign Suppliers

Faurecia Eberspächer ArcelorMittal Manufactura Moderna de Metales

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company constantly works on the modernization of the models. Therefore, it is interested in new state of the art components. Partner Renault is a reliable advisor concerning the introduction of new technologies.

Contact person

Damir Kashapov, Deputy President for Supply

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency ZAO «GM – AVTOVAZ» Contact data

445967 Samara region Togliatti Ul. Vokzalnaya 37 Tel: +7 (8482) 758-000 Fax: +7 (8482) 758-060 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2012 – 1,600 persons

Annual production

2012 – 62,981 personal cars (Сhevrolet Niva brand)



volume by models Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

Development and production of an updated version of Сhevrolet Niva. Increase production capacity.

Foreign suppliers

For some models: Opel (engine), Bosch (ABS)

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Jeffrey Scott Glover, General Manager

Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency OAO «KAMAZ» Contact data

423827 Naberezhnye Chelny (Tatarstan) Avtozavodski prospekt 2 Tel: +7 (8552) 45-27-45 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

52,000 persons

Annual production volume by models

2012 – 51,000 trucks Enterprise produces a wide range of vehicles: trucks (over 40 models, more than 1,500 kits, righthand vehicles), trailers, buses, tractors, engines, power units, and different tools.

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

To remain the most important player in the markets of the CIS countries, to increase the market share in the attractive markets of Eurasia, Africa and South America, positioning in the middle price segment, development of integration with Daimler.

Foreign suppliers

Joint ventures with ZF, Cummins, Knorr-Bremse, Mogul Corporation, CNH Global NV, Marcopolo and Liebherr.

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company intends to increase the quality of its products therefore it is constantly checking the possibility of integrating foreign high quality components.

Contact person Irek Gumerov, Deputy Director General of OJSC KAMAZ, Director of Development Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency OAO «PO ElAZ» Contact data



423600, Alabuga Prospect Neftynnikov 1 Tel: +7 (5557) 5-57-75, Fax: +7 (5557) 5 57 -33 E-mail:, Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2011 – 2,101 persons

Annual production volume by models

The enterprise is a famous producer of special machinery of the Russian Federation and CIS for the oil and gas complex; wheel tractors, road-construction and municipal machinery, vehicle components. There is a Ford Sollers line at the factory, where in 2012 about 20,000 vehicles - LCVs Transit, minivans S-Max and Galaxy as well as the crossovers Kuga and Explorer - are assembled

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

Production of competitive stamping vehicles that meet the demands of consumers, both in quality and in the organization of supply, development of new markets. In 2014 the company starts with the assembling of construction machines of Cukurova Makina Iмalat ve Ticaret. In the beginning the annual capacity is 300 vehicles. Later it should be increased to 500-600.

Suppliers producing in RF


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company wants to increase the quality of its products, therefore it is constantly checking the possibility of integrating foreign high quality components.

Contact person Camille Salmanovich Galimov, General Manager Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency OAO Gruppa «GAZ» - OAO «Gorkovski Automobilnui zavod» Contact data

603950 Nizhny Novgorod prospekt Lenina 88 Tel: +7 (831) 299-09-90, 299-09-84, Fax: +7 (831) 299-09-99 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

About 25,000 in the whole GAZ Group

Annual production volume by models

Enterprise produces light and medium-duty commercial vehicles, buses, passenger cars (only in Nizhny Novgorod oblast). Products of GAZ Group’s Gorky Automobile Plant – GAZelle NEXT, GAZelle BUSINESS and Sobol, «Valdai» and GAZ-3309 medium-duty trucks, «Sadko» and «Zemlyak» off-road vehicle. GAZelle NEXT, GAZelle BUSINESS and Sobol – more than 87,600 cars. «Valdai» and GAZ-3309 medium-duty trucks, «Sadko» and «Zemlyak» off-road vehicle - more than 16,400 cars. Buses of small and middle class – more than 10,400 buses (small – 7,930, middle – 2,470 buses). Joint ventures with Volkswagen, General Motors and Daimler.

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

The company wants to defend its leading position in the market of Russian LCVs.

Foreign suppliers

Joint ventures with Bosal, Bulten, CLN SpA.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company wants to increase the quality of its products therefore it is constantly checking the possibility of integrating foreign high quality components. Currently, GAZ uses machines of the Japanese company Komatsu. The engine factory of GAZ, Yaroslavskiy Motorniy Zavod, uses equipment of Heller, Thyssen Krupp Krause, Liebherr, JW Froehlich, Riko, Durr Ecoclean, Carl Zeiss.

Contact person Alexander Moiseev, Director of Production System Development of GAZ Group Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency OOO «Obedinennaya avtomobilnaya gruppa» - OAO «Izhevski Automobilnui zavod» Contact data

426060 Izhevsk Ul. Avtozavodskaya 5 Tel: +7 (3412) 648-103, Fax: +7 (3412) 464-161 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

2012 – 35,448 personal cars, all Lada models. Capacity volume 220,000.

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

Increase of the volume of production to 350,000 personal cars.

Foreign suppliers


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Offers should be submitted to AVTOVAZ, the mother company of Obedinennaya avtomobilnaya gruppa.

Contact person Alexey Alexandrovich Alexeev, Director Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Ulyanovsky Avtomobilnyi Zavod (UAZ) Contact data

432034 Ulyanovsk Moskovskoe chaussee 92 Tel:+7 (8422) 40-91-09, +7 (8422) 40 90 40 + 7 (8422) 40 64 63+ 7(8422) 40 60 48 Fax:+7 (8422) 40-60-70 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

10,000 (in 2011)

Annual production volume by models

Sales 2012 SUV: 29 129 Pickup: 3 639 LCV: 16 016 Microbus: 11 869



Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

The company wants to further develop its automobiles and to adapt them better to the needs of the consumers. Mr. Kuzin informed that they are very interested in Swiss equipment.

Foreign suppliers


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The engineers are working on an optimization of the products and check the possibility of integrating foreign components.

Contact person

Dmitry Kuzin, Leading Specialist of Autoparts‘ Development Group Preproduction Department E-mail: Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Mercedes Trucks Vostok Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhye Chelny Promzona Proizvodstvennyi proesd 47 Tel: +7 (8552) 53-40-32, 53-40-33 E-mail: Website : Assistant of Production Director Regina Vasina Tel: +7 (8552) 53 49 55 (ext. 6501, 6502) E-mail: Supply Department: Darya Porfireva Senior Productive Procurement Specialist Tel: +7 495 797 53 70 (ext. 6532) E-mail:

Established in


Number of employees

About 300

Annual production volume by models

About 3000 trucks in 2013, the production capacity has been increasing every year

Localization rate by models

Localized production of seats and tires

Plans for future

The company is working on the modernization of the production and has to increase the purchase of locally produced components. In 2018 the capacity of the plant is set to reach 10 000 trucks.

Suppliers producing in RF


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company works mainly with established suppliers, but has to increase the local supply.

Contact person

Axel Bense, Director of Production, Plant in Naberezhnye Chelny



Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency BAW RUS Contact data

432042 Ulyanovsk Ul. Gerasimova 10, str. 1 Tel: +7 (8422) 34-91-02 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

3 truck models and 1 bus model

Localization rate by models


Plans for future

The company is willing to increase the purchase of locally produced components.

Suppliers producing in RF

Avtodetal Service Zavod Elektrom

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is looking for suppliers producing in Russia.

Contact person

Sergey Shershukov, Director for Supply Tel: +7 (8422) 34-91-11 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency Ford Sollers Elabuga Contact data

423600 Tatarstan Elabuga SEZ Alabuga Ul. Sh 2, kor. 1/1 Phone: +7 (85557) 7-68-00 Fax: +7 (85557) 7-68-00 (4098) E-mail: Website:

Established in


Number of employees

About 2,000, planned – 4,000

Annual production volume by models

Currently 65,000 vehicles per year 6 models: Transit, Explorer, Kuga, S-Max, Galaxy, Turneo

Localization rate by models

35% of all Ford cars produced in Russia. Once the engine and the die stamp factories in Alabuga are opened the localization rate should be increased significantly.

Plans for future

Ford Sollers has plans to open another factory in Naberezhnye Chelny. The total production capacity of the two plants in Tatarstan should be 200,000 cars a year as of 2017.





producing in RF Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Ford Sollers is actively looking for local suppliers. They plan to buy components from about 10 suppliers, mainly big components like plastic panels or bumpers

Contact person Vladimir Kuzmitskiy, General Director Source: Public sources, Dow Johns Factiva, Spark-Interfax agency


445350 Zhigulevsk (Samara oblast) Pr. Otvaghnui 22 Tel: +7 (8482) 31-64-00, Fax (8482) 31-64-00 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 457 persons

Component production

The company produces batteries.

Plans for future

The company would like to become supplier of more international OEMs.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Group President, Nikolai Mikhailovich Ignatiev Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Avtokompensator Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny KIP MASTER Tel: +7 (8552) 99-98-33 Fax: +7 (8552) 91-04-93 Mobile:+7 (960) 068-34-44 E-Mail:

Established in


Number of




employees Component production

Expansion joints, metal hoses

Plans for future

The company has developed expansion joints for MAZ, VAZ and NEFAZ vehicles.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Currently the company uses Korean machines for production.

Contact person

Kurbanov Sergei Nurmukhamedovich – General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Avtocomponent Contact data

603016 Nizhny Novgorod Monastyrka str. 17Đ° Call-center Tel: +7 (831) 255-60-35 Fax: +7 (831) 255-68-33 E-mail:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Mirrors Heaters, climate systems Interior parts External components Instrument cluster The company also produces construction materials.

Plans for future

The company spends a lot on R&D; currently 30 new products are in development.


GAZ, AVTOVAZ, Nissan, Renault, VW, Bosch Lear, Faurecia, Zanini, Valeo

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

For the engineering, the company works together with Toyota Engineering Corporation. It uses equipment from Ficosa International, EDAG Engineering+ Design, Takata-Petri, Eisenmann, Krauss- Maffei, Siebenwurst, Frimo, Blaupunkt. The company is open for new corporation proposals.

Contact person

Maxim Shishin, Deputy Director for Strategic Planning

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



Avtodetal - Service Contact data

432049 Ulyanovsk Ul. Pushkareva 25 Tel: +7 (8422) 24-04-44 Fax: +7 (8422) 24-04-67 Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Clutches Engines Transmissions Mountings Brake systems Steering systems

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company uses equipment from the Swiss machine building enterprise Codere.

Contact person

Elvira Alimova, Director for Supply Tel: +7 (8422) 24-04-41 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Avtotechnik Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Promyshlenno-Kommunalnaya zona promzona Ul. Mashinostroitelnaya 93 Tel: +7 (855) 237 48 65, +7 (8552) 20-36-63 E-mail: Website:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Interior components

Plans for future

The company is currently in a restructurization process



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person



Khaziev Ramzil Nurmukhametovich, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Avtotekhnika Contact data

603037 Nizhny Novgorod Ul. Travyanaya 6 Tel/fax: +7(831) 429-00-05 / 225-12-08, 27-93 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Interior trim elements

Plans for future

The company is constantly working on the optimization of the products and the increase of the product portfolio



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is interesting in partnership with foreign companies in order to increase the quality of the products

Contact person

Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Castritskiy, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency BBS Contact data

445043 Togliatti Ul. Severnaya, 39, structure 1 Tel: +7 (8482) 42-20-91 Fax: +7 (8482) 42-20-91 dob.4 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 31 person

Component production

Plastic components

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person General Manager, Valery Alexsandrovich Butsaev Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



CARDAN Contact data

446010 Syzran (Samara oblast) Ul. Gidroturbinaya 13 Tel: +7(8464) 37-25-18 Fax: +7 (8464) 37-25-18 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 450 persons

Components production

Cardan shafts

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person General Director, Alexander Andreevich Podolinsky Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency DAAZ Contact data

33513 Dimitrovgrad (Ulyanovsk oblast) Pr. Avtostroitelei, 78 Tel: +7 (84235) 5-17-76 Fax: +7 (84235) 5-30-77, 5-27-62,1-72-09 Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Fuel system components Body fixtures Boosters Ignition switches Brake hoses

Plans for future



GAZ, GM-Avto SeAZ SAAZ UMZ Plastik



CSKB Progress Kinelagroplast VRT BRT AVTOVAZ KAMAZ IZHAVTO Ural etc. Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Victor Larenov, Director for Production Tel: +7 (84235) 5-36-35 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency ELAZ Contact data

423603 Tatarstan Elabuga Prospekt Neftyannikov 1 Tel: +7-800-700-16-25, + 7 (85557) 5-57-37 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Production and assembling of metallic components

Plans for future

The company is constantly adapting and developing its product portfolio in order to meet the various demands of the market.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is looking for strong partners in order to increase the quality of its production.

Contact person

Kamil Salmanovich Galimov, General Director

The main activity of the company is the production of special vehicles and the assembling of tractors.

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Elektropribor Contact data



420061 Kazan Ul. N. Ershova 20 Tel: +7 (843) 272-40-01 E-mail: Web:

Established in

1917 (in Moscow)

Number of employees

About 1000

Component production

Speedometer transmitter Harness for speedometer transmitters Heater motor Main activity: Production of components for the aerospace sector

Plans for future

The company is constantly adapting and developing its product portfolio in order to meet the various demands of the market.


KAMAZ Dmitrovgradskiy Zavod Radiatorov

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is looking for strong partners in order to increase the quality of its production.

Contact person

Victor Zheltov, Production Director Pavel Shatskikh, General Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency EXEDY VIS RUS Contact data

445015 Togliatti (Samara oblast) Ul. Makarova 23 Tel: +7 (8482) 69-15-31, Fax: +7 (8482) 69-15-15 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 120 persons

Components production

The company manufactures clutch disks.

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

General Director, Evgeniy Gennadievich Rotman

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



Ford Sollers Engine Factory Contact data

423800 Alabuga (Tatarstan) SEZ Alabuga Ul. Sh 2, kor. 1/1 Tel : +7 (85557) 7-68-00 Fax : +7 (85557) 7-68-00 (4098) E-mail : Web:

Established in

Planned to be opened end 2015

Number of employees


Component production

Production capacity 105 000 engines a year with the possibility to be increased to 200 000. First engine to be produced: 1,6 Duratec.

Plans for future



Ford Sollers Russia

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Ford Sollers will rely mainly on established relations. But as it has to reach a certain localization rate, producers manufacturing in Russia have a big advantage.

Contact person


Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Ikar Ltd Contact data

420034 Kazan A/ya 88 Tel: +7 (8552) 52-71-99 E-mail: Website:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Steeering wheels, interior components, instrument panels

Plans for future

The company is constantly adapting and developing its product portfolio in order to meet the various demands of the market.





GAZ Rostselmash Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Valery Naumov, Deputy Director General for Production Tel: +7 (843) 562-01-02 ext. 330 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Kamatek Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny, Promyshlenno-kommunalnaya zona promzona Proezd Proizvodstvenny 45 Tel: +7 (962) 5791111 Tel: +7 (8552) 53-45-47, Fax:+7 (8552) 53-47-46 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Exterior SMC components

Plans for future

The company negotiates with the Chinese automotive producer SHANTUI in order to manufacture components for them.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is negotiating the purchase of press equipment, painting equipment and is going to expand its production capacities. The company is working with fiberglass SMC.

Contact person

Ruslan Kamalov, General Director, E-mail: Yuriy Alexeevich Novikov, Deputy General Director, Production Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Kamskiy Zavod Tormoznoy Apperatury I Agregatov Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Proezd Lineiny d 22/25 Tel: +7(8552) 44-38-87; 44-38-81 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of




employees Component production

Brake systems

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Proshin Andrei Vladimirovich, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Krista Contact data

446010 Syzran (Samara oblast) Ul. Dalnevostochnaya 38 Tel: +7 (8464) 37-19-60 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Interior and exterior plastic parts like bumpers, moldings, aerodynamic panels. Production capacities in Syzran, Togliatti and St. Petersburg.

Plans for future Customers

AVTOVAZ GAZ UAZ IZHAVTO KAMAZ GM-Avtovaz Ford Negotiations with GM, Renault, Volkswagen

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is constantly modernizing its production facilities. Currently it uses equipment of Italian and German machine builders.

Contact person Alexander Kostin, Deputy President for Production Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Lada – Polymer Contact data



44500 Togliatti (Samara oblast) Ul. Kommunalnaya, 33 "A" Tel: + (8482) 99-92-02 Fax: +7 (8482) 99-92-02 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 43 persons

Component production

Water pumps with a sideways assembly Washer tanks, Expansion tanks Washer pumps Filters Washer fluid reservoir

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Rais Anverovich Pseryaev, General Manager

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Leninogorskyi Mekhanicheskiy Zavod Contact data

423250 Tatarstan Leninogorsk Ul. Bugulminskaya 23a Tel/Fax: +7(85595) 9-24-94, 4-04-83 Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Disks, brackets covers, pull rods, electric connectors, bolts, adapters, rings, gear sticks, components for EURO-3 engines

Plans for future

The company is constantly adapting and developing its product portfolio in order to meet the various demands of the market.


KAMAZ Borisovskiy Zavod Avtogidrousilitel

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is looking for strong partners in order to increase the quality of its production.

Contact person

Gulsina Nailevna Shashkova, Director for Development E-mail: Tel: +7 (85595) 4-04-83 Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Motor – SUPER Contact data



445043 Togliatti (Samara oblast)

Ul. Borkowskaya, 11, str. 15, Tel: +7 (8482) 75-84-81, 63-58-26 Fax: +7 (8482) 63-58-93 E-mail: E-mail: Web: Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 656 persons

Component production

The company produces air filters, amplifiers, steering shafts, stabilizers, surges, pens, heaters etc.

Plans for future

The company is investing constantly in the modernization of the production facilities in order to remain supplier of the conveyor of "AVTOVAZ", as well as the development of new products.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Dmitry Leonidovich Savenkov, Director Contact person Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Nachalo Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Promyshlenno-Kommunalnaya zona promzona Ul. 40 let Pobedy 25 office 17 Tel: +7 (8552) 77-83-18 E-mail: Website:

Established in


Number of employees

About 1000

Component production

Body parts, clutches, brake pads, suspension elements

Plans for future

The company constantly works on the further development of its products and on new products for the foreign car brands.


Most of the Russian car manufacturers

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Anatoly Gorozhankin, Director for Production E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Contact person

Nizhnekamskshina Contact data



423580 Nizhnekamsk Promzona

Tel: +7(8555) 49-79-30 Fax: +7 (8555) 24-15-70 E-mail:
 Web: Established in


Number of employees


Component production


Plans for future

Remain the main Russian tire producer


Avtovaz, GAZ, VW

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is looking for strong business partners in order to optimize the production.

Contact person

Zagit Foatovich Sharafeev, Director of OOO “UK “Tatneft-Neftekhim”, Tel: +7 (8555) 49 73 42 Tel:/fax + 7 (8555) 24 12 31 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency NPP Sotecks Contact data

603095 Nizhny Novgorod Shuvalovskiy proezd 5 Tel: +7 (831) 297 30 29 Fax: +7 (831) 298 04 37 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Polyurethane seats and seat back fillers

Plans for future

Increase the production capacity, widen the customer range.


Ford, Johnson Control, Renault PSMA, VW, GM-Avtovaz, GAZ, UAZ

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Sotecks cooperates with Hennecke GmbH.

Contact person

Alexander Shalavin, Main engineer Tel: + 7 (831) 298 04 11 Fax: +7 (831) 298 04 37 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


Polad Contact data

445944 Togliatti (Samara oblast) Chaussee Ugnoe 105 Tel: +7 (8482) 70-15-00 Fax: +7 (8482) 70-15-00 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 823 persons

Component production

Stamping parts Plastic parts

Plans for future

The company constantly works on the optimization of its products and production processes. It has its own R&D department.


Renault Nissan Ford TRW Automotive Bosch Kiekert MAZ IZHAVTO UAZ AVTOVAZ GM-AVTOVAZ Benteler Faurecia Lear GAZ LIAZ

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company cooperates with Feintool AG, Lyss

Contact person

Sergey Yurevich Gospadarev, General Manager Development Department: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Proftermo Contact data

423825 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Bsi promzona Ul. Profilnaya 106 Tel: +7 (8552) 77-83-68, 77-80-72 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of

About 50



employees Service

Heat treating

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Anatoli Ervinovich Tsveer, General Director Contact person Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Riat Contact data

423823 Republic of Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Ul. Pushkin 4 Tel: +7 (8552) 52-71-99 Fax: +7 (8482) 75-90-02 E-mail: Website:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 191 person

Component production

Interior and exterior components of polymer and composite materials, seats

Plans for future

The company plans to further develop the automotive components division.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Vladimir V. Melnikov, Deputy Director General, Director of Development Tel: +7 (8552) 53-44-24, E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Rulevye Systemy Contact data

445000 Togliatti Ul. Severnaya 101 Tel: +7 (8482) 75-90-03 Fax: +7 (8482) 75-90-02 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 191 persons


The company produces hydraulic steering boosters.



production Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Eugene Mihailovich Parhandeev, General Manager Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Samara avtozhgut Contact data

443093 Samara Ul. Dzerzhinskogo 11 Tel: +7 (846) 268-98-00, 207-09-70 Fax: +7 (846) 268-98-12 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 466 persons

Component production

Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles, parts and accessories for motor vehicles

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Alexander Konstantinovich Dorofeev, General Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Samarski podchibnikoviy zavod Contact data

443009 Samara Ul. Kalinina, 1 Tel: +7 (846) 995-01-86 Fax: +7 (846) 995-38-61 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 2 218 persons

Component production


Plans for future






Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person General Manager, Aleksandr Anatolevich Seljev Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Sollers Shtamp Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Elabuga SEZ Alabuga Ul. Sh 2, kor. 1/1 Tel: +7 85557-5-19-84 Fax: +7 (85557) 7-68-00 (4098) E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Production of mold-pressed and pipe line-up components for automobiles.

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Opportunities for machine builders, especially if they have had previous relations with Ford.

Contact person

Andrey Matyushin, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency SZPI Contact data

445140 Timofeevka, Stavropolski district (Samara oblast) Ul. Obvodnaya, 3 Tel: +7 (8482) 20-77-84 Fax: +7 (8482) 20-77-79 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 180 persons

Component production

Plastic components of the interior Brake blocks Air filters Etc.

Plans for future






Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Offers of the suppliers to the company's management

Contact person Natalya Petrovna Janchenko, Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Tekhnotron Contact data

423800, Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Promzona Ul. Motornaya 38 Tel: +7 (855) 2202050, +7 (855) 2202051 Fax: +7 (855) 2202050 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

Around 1000

Component production

Fan Propeller Multi-cyclone air cleaner Air intake Air pipe Trailor hitch Magnet Clutch

Plans for future

The company is constantly adapting and developing its product portfolio in order to meet the various demands of the market.


KAMAZ, Rosselmash, Eltekhsnab, Kamskiy Motornyi Zavod, Uraltrak, AZ Ural, YaMP, Rostselmash, MAZ, MTZ, BELAZ.

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is looking for strong partners in order to increase the quality of its production.

Contact person

Nuriev Marat Abuzarovich, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Tissan Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Ul. Dorozhnaya d 31 Tel: +7 (8552) 46 53 11 E-mail: Web:

Established in




Number of employees


Component production

Single-layer polyamide tubes, single-layer and multi-layer fuel tubes, tubing formed with tips, spiral pneumatic tubing, spiral electric cables, pulsator tubes, spiral tapes, fittings: nut, sleeve, bush

Plans for future

The company is very ambitious; it wants to become the main supplier for plastic tubes in Russia.


KAMAZ, AVTOVAZ, GAZ Group, UTES, UAZ, Ford and Peugeot / Citroen have certified the company as potential supplier.

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is open for cooperation in order to improve its products. In the past it has cooperated for instance with French experts in order to implemente the newest technologies in its production.

Contact person

Eduard Islamov, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Togliatti Komplekt Avto Contact data

445043 Togliatti, Ul. Kommunalnaya, 40, structure 14 Tel: +7 (8482) 70-40-50, Fax: +7 (8482) 70-39-90 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 115 persons

Component production

The company manufactures heaters, air filters, radiators, thermostats.

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Taslim Orudzh Oglu Osmanov, General Manager Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency TPV RUS Contact data

445143 Podstepki (Samara oblast) Ul. Proizvodstvennaya 8 Tel: +7 (8482) 53-90-07 Fax: +7 (8482) 53-90-33 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of

2013 - 657 persons



employees Component production


Plans for future

Release of the new level of quality components for new models of "AVTOVAZ".



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Maksim Vladimirovich Simonov, General Manager Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency TZTO Contact data

445611 Togliatti (Samara oblast) Ul. Industrialnaya 9 Tel: +7 (8482) 27-03-43 Fax : +7 (8482) 03-27-61 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 1,940 persons

Component production

More than 2,000 stamping components, mostly small components.

Plans for future

Production of competitive stamping details that meet the demands of consumers, both in quality and in the organization of supply, development of new markets.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Vladimir Alexandrovich Inkin, General Manager Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Ulyanovskiy Motorniy Zavod Contact data 432006 Ulyanovsk Ul. Lokomotivnaya 17 E-mail: Web: Established in


Number of employees


Component production




Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Dmitriy Shchukin, Director for Development Tel: +7 (8422) 79-64-29 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Upravlenie maloi mechanizaci Contact data

445934 Togliatti (Samara oblast) Ul. Severnaya, 26 Tel: +7 (8482) 62-62-00, Fax: +7 (8482) 69-61-80 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 - 186 persons

Component production

The company produces connectors, panels, rod lever, amplifiers, panels, etc.

Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Vladislav Nikolaevich Kaplin, General Manager Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Utes Contact data

432071 Ulyanovsk Ul. Krymova 14 Tel: +7(8422) 42-17-52 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production

Electronic fuel pumps Foot pumps Connectors for the fuel system

Plans for future

The company is currently developing an electric power steering system for AVTOVAZ





Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person

Alexander, Kornilin, Director for Automotive Production Tel: +7 (8422) 41-81-46 E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency VAZINTERSERVICE Contact data

445015 Togliatti, Ul. Makarova, 23 Tel: +7 (8482) 69-15-31, Fax: +7 (8482) 69-15-15 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 1,226 persons

Component production

The company produces brake pads, kits, rods, brackets steering shaft, clutch disks and diesel fuel.

Plans for future

The company invests in its production facilities in order to be a system supplier of automotive components, supplied to both domestic cars, and foreign cars producers in Russia.



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Evgeny Gennadievich Rotman, General Manager Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Volzhski machinostroitelnui zavod Contact data

445024 Togliatti (Samara oblast) Ul. Severnaya, д.111 Tel: +7(8482) 73-66-00, Fax: +7 (8482) 73-66-22 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

2013 – 878 persons

Component production

Automotive wiring harnesses Stamping-welded products



Plastic products Plans for future




Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Vladimir Valerievich Silver, General Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Zavod Mashdetal Contact data

423800 Tatarstan Naberezhnye Chelny Promashlenno-kommunalnaya zona Remontniy proezd 57. Tel : +7 (8552) 37-21-99, (8552) 37-25-84 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

60-400 persons

Component production

Brake blocks, rings, pivots

Plans for future



KAMAZ, Knorr Bremse

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers


Contact person Rashit Shakirovich Minnebaev, General Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Zavolzhskii Motor Plant Contact data

606522 Nizhny Novgorod region Zavolshye Sovetskaya str. 1a Tel: +7 (83161) 67218, +7 (83161) 66270 Fax: +7 (83161) 37242, E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Component production volume by components

Aluminum brackets, engines Recently ZMZ started an output of prototype batches for ÂŤEuro-4Âť engines.

Plans for future

The company continues to develop its basic product line of engines and automotive components:



- with expansion of traditional model range - diesel, gas & petrol versions, - with expansion of range of automotive components under orders of foreign companies. Customers

Ford, UAZ, GAZ, PAZ, KAMAZ, Knorr Bremse

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company is interested in a partnership with foreign companies in order to increase the quality of the products

Contact person

Andrey Matzushin, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency List of other OES in the Volga Region OES (country)


Key products


Project implementation stages


Naberezhnye Chelny

Cooling modules


Opened in 2012


Naberezhnye Chelny

Side door latches Latch modules Rear compartments Latches Mini actuators Strikers

Russian and international automotive OEMs

Opening planned for the end 2013

Automotive Glass Alliance Rus


Automobile glass

Lear Ltd

Nizhny Novgorod



Opening 2009

Magna Technoplast

Nizhny Novgorod

Bumpers, mirror lines, sills, window lifters, rear door linings


Factory bought by Magna in 2008

Leoni Wiring Systems Rus




Opening 2012


Nizhny Novgorod oblast

Rear lamps, locks



Bor Glass Plant (AGC Glass)

Nizhny Novgorod

Automotive glass

Ford, Avtovaz, Nissan, GAZ, PAZ, VAZ, KAMAZ

D Plast Eftec

Nizhny Novgorod


Renault, Avtovas


Saar Gummi Russland

Nizhny Novgorod




KMZ Trading House


Welding components

Design state



Exhaust gases cleaning systems

Design state




Opening 2013



Under construction

Steering wheels Airbags Coskunoz Alabuga Car body parts Ford Under construc-tion Alabuga Sources: Spark-Interfax agency, AUTOSTAT agency, Dow Johns Factiva, public sources

9.8. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE NIZHNY NOVGOROD GOVERNMENT In Nizhny Novgorod oblast there is a law “On State Support to Investment Activities” in force, which provides for measures of state support to investors implementing priority investment projects in the oblast. Such investors can enjoy financial assistance, including tax preferences and reimbursement of a part of the loan interest rate. The benefits refer to profits tax and property tax to the extent payable to the regional budget. The benefit on profits tax payable to the oblast’s consolidated budget pursuant to the federal fiscal legislation depends on the ratio of sales generated by the implemented priority investment project to company’s total sales as specified below: Table 13: Profit Tax Reduction Nizhny Novgorod

Sales generated by project as percentage of total sales 2–10% 11–15% 16–20% 21–30% 31–40% 41–50% 51–60% 61–70% 71–80% over 81%

Profit tax reduction 1,0% 1,5% 2,0% 2,25% 2,5% 3,0% 3,25% 3,5% 4,0% 4,5%

If a business has standalone divisions located outside Nizhny Novgorod oblast, the calculated sales volume will not account for the performance of such divisions. If a business is entitled to a reduced profits tax rate under different enactments, the total reduction in the rate of the profit tax payable to the oblast budget cannot exceed 4.5 per cent. An investor can be exempt from the corporate property tax to the extent payable to the regional budget, if the property was created, purchased, or used to implement a priority investment project. The list of such property shall be agreed with and approved by the province’s Ministry of Investment Policy. Tax benefits afforded to investors are only valid within the project’s payback period and not longer than five years from the date stipulated by the investment agreement, but not before a regional law confirming the agreement becomes effective. An investor can, at its own discretion, determine the start date for tax benefits; that date can differ from the day on which the enactment enters into force. The House of Assembly upon the regional Government’s recommendation may, on an exceptional basis, decide to extend to a maximum of 2 years the validity of tax benefits of an investor implementing an industrial or infrastructure project in Nizhny Novgorod oblast, including transportation infrastructure, with a payback period exceeding five years. Investors implementing a project in Nizhny Novgorod oblast can be exempt (during the validity of the investment agreement) from paying rent for lands used for investment purposes to the extent payable to the regional budget. Investors implementing their projects on a loan basis can be refunded the interest on their borrowings.



A part of the interest paid for bank loans is refunded by the regional budget through a transfer to the investor of budgetary funds amounting to a half of the interest accrued pursuant to the loan agreement, but not more than a half of the interest accrued at the RF Central Bank discount rate in force at the date of the loan agreement. The total amount of benefits afforded to an investor cannot exceed the funds invested in this particular investment project. All official procedures of interaction of an investor with the authorities which are related to launch and implementation of an investment project are set forth in regional statutory acts. These are the following procedures:

Submission of the application to implement an investment project;

Provision of a land site to implement an investment project;

Granting a priority status.

To get the documents required to start construction, an investor shall interact with one authority only, that is the regional Ministry of Investments. Thanks to the new system, the time required to get a land site for the investment project is reduced (to only 104 days). All decisions on investment projects are considered without delay by the Investment Council, headed by the Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region. At the moment there are 77 projects with a priority status granted, which equal 360 billion rubles worth of investments. The Nizhny Novgorod Government – taking in consideration branch priorities, key advantages and problems of the region has decided to establish the Nizhny Novgorod oblast’s Automotive and Petrochemical Industrial Innovation Cluster. Governor Valeriy Shancev even announced recently that the establishment of the automotive cluster is the main pillar of the industrial development strategy in his region. The development of the automotive cluster should allow integrating innovation, industrial production, and modern project systems in order to establish an effective production process. The localization of the production of automotive components should primarily serve the OEMs in Russia, but also those abroad. The target of the region is to become the leader in the automobile industry and motor components production in Russia. The cluster is located at the crossroads of the most important logistics routes: M7 Volga federal motorway, Gorky Railway junction and the Volga and Oka confluence can provide access of the manufactured good to all the largest Russian markets. Among anchor tenants of the cluster there are GAZ Avtozavod and SIBUR. In 2013 and 2014 two more companies are to become part of the cluster as Volkswagen and GAZ Avtozavod joint project will reach its designed capacity and RusVinyl, a JV of SIBUR and Solvin, PVC plant will be commissioned (to manufacture 330 thousand tons of PVC a year, the output to be potentially increased to 500 thousand tons). The cluster builds cooperation networks among 70 industries, 16 universities and vocational colleges, 6 R&D centers as well as lots of engineering, commercial and servicing organizations and transport, power, utilities and social infrastructure facilities. There are four industrial sites defined to develop the cluster: two of them have the essential infrastructure and are located on the Caprolaktam area (300 hectares) and GAZ area (54 hectares). The other two are underdeveloped and located in DzerzhinskVostochny (Eastern) industrial park and near Doskino (total area of 660 hectares) next to the anchor residents. In addition to the cluster industrial sites, technoparks can also be a location for the production of automotive components. For instance the Dzerzhinsk-Vostochny (Eastern) industrial park (403 hectares), where the French company A. Raymond will produce automotive components. There is a draft law On Industrial Parks in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast which aims to set up areas with engineering, transport and telecommunications infrastructure provided to host industrial and other enterprises and develop industrial cooperation among them.



9.9. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE SAMARA GOVERNMENT The government of Samara has made efforts to create a comfortable investment climate. Businessmen can count on support from the side of the administration in every step of their investment projects. For investors implementing investment projects in Samara oblast of RUR 650 million or more the government recommends a conclusion of the investment memorandum and appointment of the supervisor, which will allow the authorities to provide information aid, consulting, assistance in selection of areas and land sites. Financial benefits for investors include: Table 14: Financial Benefits for Investors Samara

Name of state support measure

Exemption from property tax

Support volumes (financing, interest rates, the amount of benefits, etc.) Rate - 0%. For up to 100 million RUR of the cost of the investment project. Benefit period - 2 years; for 100 to 500 million RUR - 4 years; for 500 million RUR and above - 5 years.

Terms and Conditions

The benefits apply to the property created or acquired in the course of implementing the investment projects or intended for its implementation, starting from the month when the property was accounted as a fixed asset. Provided upon submission of the written application by the taxpayer to the tax authority with the attached business plan approved by the Ministry of Economic Development, Investments and Trade of Samara Region.

Reduced interest rate on the income The regional rate - 13.5%. The privilege applies to profits from the sale of tax payable to the regional budget For 100 to 500 million RUR of the cost goods (works, services) as a result of the of the investment project, benefits implementation of the investment project, from period the beginning of the reference period in which 4 tax periods, for 500 million RUR the income from the investment of the project and above - 5 tax periods. was retrieved, determined according to tax records. Provided upon submission of the written application by the taxpayer to the tax authority with the attached business plan approved by the Ministry of Economic Development, Investments and Trade of Samara Region.



Subsidies to cover costs incurred as part of the implementation of investment projects

Subsidies in the form of The legal act regulating procedure and reimbursement of the expenses conditions for granting the subsidies has been incurred by investors while developed and is currently awaiting approval implementing the investment projects: a) To perform work related to connecting energy consuming devices of the engineering infrastructure of SEZ (allows 102 million RUR for 20132018, including: 12 million RUR in 2013, 14 million RUR in 2014); b) In the course of implementation of investment projects for the works, related to connection to power supply sources (110 million RUR for 20132018, including: 10 million RUR in 2013, 15 million RUR in 2014); c) To equip industrial sites with objects of engineering infrastructure (500 million RUR for 2013-2018, including: 50 million RUR in 2013, 50 million RUR in 2014).

The state guarantees of Samara oblast According to the Law of Samara for the return of borrowed funds oblast of 13.12.2012 # 129-DG "On the attracted for investment activities regional budget for 2013 and the planning period of 2014 and 2015"

The state guarantees of Samara oblast, which ensure proper execution of all obligations by the borrower to the creditor arising from the implementation of investment projects, provided on a competitive basis, under condition that period for repayment of borrowed funds does not exceed seven years

The Samara government has established a Development Strategy to 2020 according to which JSC "AVTOVAZ� should undergo a large-scale modernization of production, implement a program to improve product quality and introduce new models. By 2017, production is projected to reach one million vehicles per year (2700 cars per day). The government also thinks about creating an industry for recycling cars, as Samara is one of the cities with most cars per capita in Russia (about 240 cars per 1000 inhabitants). The Special Economic Zone (hereinafter - SEZ) for production "Togliatti" is the most important investment project in the Samara region. It was created in the municipal district of Stavropol near the production site "AVTOVAZ" on a plot of 660 ha. In 2015 the construction of the infrastructure will be finalized. Developed industrial infrastructure will provide savings in capital costs for the investor of up to 30%. The proximity of railways, roads, port and airport Togliatti "Kurumoch" will facilitate the transportation and logistical issues. The SEZ special regime of entrepreneurial activity provides investors with exceptional conditions for the establishment and development of business in Russia. Landholder, the owners of the plants are given the right to buy in the future the land on which their plants are located. Investors will be offered all types of communication infrastructure for the organization of the production process, industrial, warehouse and office space within the SEZ "Togliatti". Connection to all types of energy resources is free. The SEZ should be an effective system of public administration, to ensure maximum comfort for business interaction with the state and municipal authorities and regulators. The system of "single window" to speed up the process of registration of residents, to reduce administrative barriers, while providing investors with a single point of contact for all dealings with the state. To obtain the status of a SEZ "Togliatti� resident, the minimum investment shall be 3 million Euro. RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


For the first 5 years of the SEZ, residents are exempt from land and transport taxes. Property tax will not be charged for the first 10 years. Income tax rate will be credited to the budget of the Samara region, for the residents of the SEZ "Togliatti" reduced to 0% and will be valid until the end of 2018, followed by a gradual increase. Investors enjoy additional tax benefits on profits: accelerated procedure for recognizing development costs and accelerated depreciation. The SEZ "Togliatti" is already in a regime of free customs zone. It allows investors to avoid overpayments related to the importing of equipment, resources and materials and export of finished products. Foreign goods imported into the territory of SEZ "Togliatti" (equipment, raw materials, components, construction materials) are placed and used without payment of customs duties and taxes, and without application of non-tariff regulation. Customs union shall be placed under the customs procedure of customs-free zone without paying export duties, and without application of the prohibitions and restrictions. Table 15: State Support for SEZ Residents Samara

Mechanisms of the state support

Forms of state support


0% – until the end of 2018 3% – for the period from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2020 Reduced rate of corporate income tax payable to the regional budget

7% – for the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2022 10% – for the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2024



13,5% – for the period from 01.01.2025 onwards

Tax benefits

Additional profit tax benefits

Exemption from property tax

for 10 years from the month following the month of registration of the property created or acquired for doing business in the SEZ

Exemption from payment of vehicle tax

for five years from the date of registration of the vehicle used for the operation of the SEZ

Accelerated procedure for the recognition of R & D (research costs and development activities are recognized in the accounting (tax) period in which they were produced, the amount of actual costs)

available for the entire period of SEZ

Accelerated depreciation (special rate does not apply to fixed assets related to 1-3 depreciation groups in relation to its depreciable fixed assets)


Customs benefits



Exemption from payment of value added tax and customs duties

is granted for the duration of SEZ

9.10. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE TATARSTAN GOVERNMENT Tatarstan is ranked sixth in Russia when it comes to general investment volume in the main capital. Tatarstan has managed to continually increase its investment potential rating during the last couple of years. This increase was influenced by the establishment of investor-friendly regulatory environment, stable economic growth and high political stability. The main regulations and rights of investors are described in law 1872 On the Investment Activity in the Republic of Tatarstan. The law stipulates the form and methods of the investment activity state regulation including  Beneficial conditions of land use and other natural resources  Granting of state guaranties (by tender)  Distribution of funding of investment projects (by tender)  Provision of credits  Development, approval and funding of investment programs  Benefits of regional taxes and charges Under Tatarstan law, investors carrying out investment projects in Tatarstan receive tax benefits for the payback period of the investment project, which cannot exceed seven years (13 years for investments in heavy engineering) after the project began. Table 16: Tax Benefits Tatarstan

Current rate 20% 2.2% 1.5% * Given a relevant resolution by a municipal council

Beneficial rate Profits tax 15.5% Property tax 0.1% Land tax 0%*

Machinery and automotive parts is one of the priority sectors for investment in Tatarstan. It includes metallurgical production and production of finished metals, machinery and equipment production, production of electronics, electrical and optical equipment, and production of transport vehicles and equipment. The Tatarstan Investment Development Agency (TIDA) was founded in 2011 to help promote investment into Tatarstan and facilitate and support investors entering the region. TIDA operates as a “one stop shop” for all investors and investment projects and has already shown a clear ambition to become the leader among such agencies in Russia. In order to ease the set-up of production facilities in Tatarstan, the authorities decided to create a large network of industrial and technological parks which provide the infrastructure for the construction of plants. At present there are 1 Special Economic Zone (SEZ), 5 techno-parks, 3 technological parks, 2 industrial parks, 1 technopolis and 7 business incubators operating in Tatarstan. We will present now the ones which are especially interesting with respect to the automotive industry. The Special Economic Zone Alabuga was created in 2006, it provides investors with completely prepared industrial, engineering, transport and customs infrastructure as well as with a number of tax and customs preferences. Among the residents are world known business companies like Ford-Sollers, Saint-Gobain, Air Liquide, Rockwool, Sisecam, Hayat Group etc. Automotive companies in Alabuga OOO Ford Sollers Yelabuga (the factory is operating) Production of commercial motorcars and off-road vehicles, Ford gasoline engines OOO Sollers-shtamp (the factory is at the design stage) Production of mold-pressed and pipe line-up components for automobiles ZAO Automativ Glass Aliance Rus (under construction)



Automobile glass production OOO KMZ Trading House (the factory is at the design stage) Production of mold-pressed and assembly welding components OOO Alabuga-motors (the factory is at the design stage) Electric bus production OOO EcoTechnologies Alabuga (the factory is at the design stage) Reprocessing of worn tires into rubber crumb OOO NTC MSP (the factory is at the design stage) Production of exhaust gases cleaning systems for automobiles «Coskunoz-Аlabuga» (under construction) Production of car body parts There are favorable property tax rates for residents. Concerning the federal tax they comprise 2% — the first 5 years, 7% — the following 5 years, 15,5% — till 2055. Taxpayers may also use an accelerated depreciation schedule with a coefficient not exceeding 2. Property, land and transport tax equals 0% since tax base appearance Residents are to keep separate records of income and expenses during production activity in the SEZ territory and outside of it to receive tax benefits. Tax vacation begins with the appearance of tax base . An investor according to the federal legislation has the right for free import of raw materials, equipment and components to the SEZ Alabuga territory. Free customs zone regime working in the SEZ Alabuga territory makes it possible to import goods without payment of customs duty and VAT. The procedure of a free customs zone was started up on the SEZ first construction stage in April 2008. From 2012 the free customs zone regime began operating in the whole Alabuga territory. The customs terminal with an area of 28 hectares and equipped with the most modern equipment makes it possible to expedite the customs clearance procedure. Foreign equipment, raw materials, components and construction materials are not subject to import custom duties and VAT due to free customs zone regime. Companies, which have received the SEZ resident status till 2012 may export ready production made from foreign goods and acknowledged to be goods of the customs union from the SEZ territory to the countries of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) without custom duties and VAT payment. Unlike Moscow and region where connection cost to electric power costs 1 million dollars the connection at the SEZ Alabuga is free. Rent cost of 1 hectare ground averages 900 USD, while purchase cost is 1100 USD. The total investment volume into the projects in the territory of the SEZ Alabuga is more than 2.5 billion USD. Federal and regional authorities invested more than 15.5 billion RUR into the Special Economic Zone Alabuga infrastructure development. The KAMA Industrial Park (KIP Master) was founded in 2004 by the government of Tatarstan and OJSC KAMAZ. KIP Master focuses on machine building and hosts small- and middle-sized companies producing car components. The modern production facilities is comprised of 107,000 sq. meters of administration and 31,000 sq. meters of utility areas. KIP Master offers relatively low rent costs, a logistics terminal, rent vacation in the beginning, status of privileged partners for OJSC KAMAZ, beneficiary rights to government grants of Tatarstan, additional services as accountancy, customs, banking etc. 136 enterprises operate on the territory of KIP Master, including 37 enterprises working with KAMAZ. At the current stage, the construction of the huge project “Innopolis Innovation Centre” has started. It is a new city specializing in information technologies where the potential population is expected to reach 150,000 people. Furthermore, the creation of Kazan Smart City, a new urban development that will help advance high technology, medicine, education, and tourism, will help



boost the republic’s potential for innovation-oriented development. Kazan Smart City will foster sources of growth for the entire region, establishing Kazan as an international business hub.

9.11. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE ULYANOVSK GOVERNMENT One of the main goals of the Government of the Ulyanovsk oblast is to create favorable conditions for business development. Any company, which qualifies for the relevant legislative acts can take advantage of regional initiatives aimed at support for investors in Russia. In order to support investors in Russia, the Ulyanovsk oblast has developed advanced legislative and regulatory framework, which provides tax benefits for investors. It allows the companies to localize production in the Ulyanovsk oblast and to receive specific incentives and subsidies defined by the Law of the Ulyanovsk oblast from 26.11.2003 № 060-ZO On Corporate Property Tax on the Territory of the Ulyanovsk Oblast, the Law of the Ulyanovsk oblast from 04.06.2007 № 71-ZO On the Reduction of tax Rate on Corporate Profit Tax for Certain Categories of Taxpayers, the Law of the Ulyanovsk oblast from 06.12.2007 № 130-ZO On Transport Tax in the Ulyanovsk Oblast, decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk oblast from 01.12.2010 № 418-P On Some Measures for the Implementation of the Law of the Ulyanovsk Oblast and the decree from 15.03.2005 № 019-ZO On the Development of Investment Activity on the Territory of the Ulyanovsk Oblast. Tax benefits:  13.5 % tax rate for the corporate profit tax in the part to be paid to the regional budget for 15 years from the moment of occurrence of the taxable base (a reduction by 4.5%)  0% tax rate for the corporate property tax for 10 years from the moment of occurrence of the taxable base  1,1% tax rate for the corporate property tax from 11th till 15th years from the moment of occurrence of the taxable base  0% tax rate for the land tax for 8 years from the moment of occurrence of the taxable base  0% tax rate for the transport tax for 10 years from the moment of occurrence of the taxable base Within the first 10 years of investment project implementation the investor is provided with a system of subsidies on costs incurred within the implementation of the investment project. The companies which implement especially significant investment projects on the territory of the Ulyanovsk oblast within a period of 10 years from the moment of occurrence of the taxable base will get reimbursement of the costs paid to the regional budget on corporate profit tax. Such initiative providing tax incentives for investment in Russia means that within the first 10 years of the project implementation the investor in fact will not pay any taxes to the regional budget. The funds received by the investor in the form of subsidies may be used for the payment of any investment expenses. There are two industrial parks in the Ulyanovsk oblast, which focus on automotive production. On the site of Dmitrovgrad Automobile Units Plant an industrial park is being set up with 15 thousand square meters. Project goals: 1. Creation of new brand, which is attractive for investors and partners. 2. Development of basic technology. 3. Development of R&D. 4. Extension of the sales market at the expense of partners' sales markets. 5. Development of logistics and service functions. 6. Total project cost – 5.7 billion RUR of which: 7. Investment in equipment and accessories – 4.8 billion RUR. 8. Renovation of the industrial park site – 0.9 billion RUR. 9. Number of employees – 8.4 thousand. Project partners: Cimos, Delphi, TRW, Magnetti Marelli, Katcon, etc. The project Zavolzhye Industrial Zone with government support from the Investment Fund RF was confirmed on 28 August 2009 by order of the government of the Russian Federation. The total area of the industrial park is 623.0 ha; free space in the industrial park - 525.4 ha. The automotive component producers Takata (air bags, safety belts and wheels) and Schäffler (automotive and industrial components including bearings for trucks and cars, clutches, engine components and parts of belt drives with a total of about two billion RUR are residents of the park. Ulyanovsk can also provide well-educated professionals for the automotive sector. The following educational institutes prepare staff for the industry:



Ulyanovsk State Technical University Dmitrovgradsky Technical College Ulyanovsk Automechanical Vocational School Ulyanovsk Electromechanical College

10. Northwestern Cluster The North-Western region of Russia encompasses two automotive centers in St. Petersburg / Leningrad oblast and Kaliningrad oblast. During the time of Soviet Union there was no automotive production in this region. Within about 10 years from 2002 an automotive cluster with about actual 7 OEMs and 22 spare part producers has been established in St. Petersburg / Leningrad oblast through greenfield investments by foreign companies. Due to this fast development of the automotive cluster St. Petersburg has been referred to as the new Detroit of Russia. The Northwest Federal District is one of the most developed in terms of economy of the Russian Federation producing 10 percent of the country’s GDP. It is also responsible for 11 percent of the country's overall industrial output. 83 percent of the population lives in cities – this represents the highest rate of urbanization among the country's federal districts. In the following graph the development of the local car production of the automotive clusters in North-West Russia (in units) is shown:



Table 17: Car Manufacturing Volume in North-West Russia

Volume of car manufacturing in North-West Russia (in thousand units) Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

St. Petersburg 47.5 19.9 (-59%) 69.4 (+349%) 259 (+373%) 389.3 (+150%)

Leningrad Oblast 65 41.3 (-36%) 80.4 (+194%) 99 (+23%) 119 (+20%)

Kaliningrad 108.5 60.4 (-44%) 170.2 (+282%) 222 (+30%) 250 (+13%)

Total 221 121.6 (-45%) 320 (+263%) 580 (+81%) 758.3 (+31%)

The current capacity growth of car production is driven more through the implementation of the decree 166 in 2011 and pushed more by the government industry policy than by market growth. It also includes the risks of overproduction in the still uncertain market development. In 2009 for example the automotive market was reduced to half its size during the economic crisis in the clusters in North-West Russia. At the moment most production expansion is the result of partnerships between foreign OEMs and Russian car producers (e.g. Ford-Sollers in Leningrad oblast and in Tatarstan) to fulfil the requirements of decree 166. Reasons for the successful establishment of the automotive cluster are:          

Port of St. Petersburg which simplifies the process of delivery Geographical proximity to Western Europe Developed transport hub Extensive support by the local government Developed infrastructure Political and macroeconomic stability Legislation with tax incentives to promote investments Special economic zones Qualified labour forces Large scientific and educational centre

In 2011 most of OEMs in the automotive North-Western cluster (Nissan, GM, Ford-Sollers, Magna) signed decree 166 with the government. The goal of decree 166 is to localize the car production up to a level of 60% until 2018 and boost the car production until 300,000 / 350,000 cars per year to retain import duties for car parts from 0 – 5%. The strategy of the foreign OEMs is thus to corporate with Russian contract manufacturers regarding the production volume and to pursue a complete-knockdown kit production, CKD and SKD, due to local assembly policies, weak supply base and an uncertain market. But while CKD assembly should not exceed 5% of assembly according to decree 166, there the CKD assembly is the preferred kit assembly method in the cluster. Next step would be ‘full local production’, but so far only Ford-Sollers Vsevolozhsk announced a switch from kit assembly. The following graphs show the actual localization and investment plans of OEMs:



Table 18: Localization in Automotive Production in North-West Russia



Established in


30% (Ford Focus)

CKD Ford Focus

Toyota General Motors

30% planned level 20% (July 2012)

2007 SKD Assembly

Volume of investment (million USD) 1,200 (20112015) 150 309


24% April 2013 80% 2016




45% Own supplier park Shushary Industrial Zone Shushary Industrial Zone


CKD Solaris




All trucks



200-300 (2013)

All trucks

Scania MAN

Produced cars (2012) 300,000 100,000 (2014) 230,000 (2015)

100,000 (2014) + Nissan Togliatti (Almera)

Model range Focus, Mondeo

Chevrolet Cruze, Chevrolet Captiva, Opel Astra, Opel Antara Nissan Quashqai, Pathfinder, Hi-Cross,

Hyundai-Solarius, KIA-Rio

In the future the cluster will consist of foreign OEMs, local Russian car contract manufacturers, mostly foreign tier-1 spare part producers and some Russian component producers which will have to modernize in cooperation with Asian or Western European tier suppliers. There are several investment programs to increase the volume of produced cars, to increase the percentage of localization, to establish supplier parks and attract tier-1 producers to build up production facilities. Fiat-Chrysler announced in 2012 that it will build a factory in St. Petersburg with a yearly production of 120,000 cars but no final investment agreement has been achieved so far. Yarovit Motors plans to build a factory to produce the hybrid Yo-Mobile near St. Petersburg. The launch of the production was already postponed and it is uncertain if the production of the Yo-Mobile will start at the end of 2014 or in 2015 . Leningrad oblast plans to establish a bigger automotive cluster for producers of car components in addition to the existing companies. In Kaliningrad oblast, Avtotor currently profits from zero duty on import car components as part of the Special economic zone. But this arrangement will expire in 2016 and at the moment it is unlikely that the government will prolong it. That is why in 2012 Avtotor announced that it will develop a big automotive cluster with car production of about 350,000 per year in cooperation with Magna from 2014 on to retain favourite terms in the import of car components within degree 166. The goal of the government industry policy will be up to 400 spare part producers in 2020. But only 40 are present for the moment and many more are still hesitating to open a local production. The future will be to develop more supplier parks like Hyundai did, but that is not enough. There is still a shortage of supply. More growth can be achieved using the strategy of JV between Russian component producers with mostly outdated technology and foreign tier-1 producer to modernize the production and quality of spare parts fulfilling the ISO Quality Management Systems. Due to decree 566 tier-1 producers have to localize also their production in Russia. In the Hyundai supplier park tier-2 producers can deliver directly their products to the present tier-1 suppliers. But outside of supplier parks it will be difficult to motivate tier-2 suppliers to build up local facilities due to little volume and uncertain market development. Even Hyundai with its supplier park has a localization rate of 45%, which is below the needed 60% in 2018. Local OEMs try to attract spare part producers with the establishment of supplier parks near the OEM factory. Hyundai, for example, starts its car production together with a supplier park of its spare part producers. Or they include the spare part



producer from the beginning in the OEM factory like Toyota with Toyota-Boshoku. GM and Nissan plan to set up specific supplier parks in the future for special needs (e.g. Nissan for plastic parts). In contrast to OEMs, Russian spare part producers were already present in St. Petersburg / Leningrad oblast and have supplied the traditional Russian OEMs in the Volga region with their products. Due to SKD-assembly and custom free import of auto components in Kaliningrad oblast there are currently no spare part producers present. But if the set-up of the new automotive cluster planned by Avtotor & Magna is successful, there will appear another cluster of spare part producers in Kaliningrad. With the establishment of most tier-1 OES there will be a shortage of tier-2 producers, as the Tier-1 OES have to localize their production as well. For the near future the automotive cluster in Northwest Russia will consist of foreign OEMs, a local Russian car contract manufacturer in Kaliningrad, mostly foreign tier-1 OES and some Russian component producers, which will have to modernize or be forced to leave the market. There are two steel producers which can deliver components for tier-1 and tier-2 OES: Severstal (Cherepovetz, Vologda Oblast, in a JV with Gestamp and Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Work (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, over its local daughter company Intercos-IV.

10.1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON ST. PETERSBURG / LENINGRAD OBLAST St. Petersburg is the second biggest city in Russia with about 5 million inhabitants and the second most important economic centre after Moscow. The area of the federal subject St. Petersburg is 1,439 square kilometers, which consists of Saint Petersburg city proper and nine municipal towns. Leningrad Oblast, with about 1.7 million people, located around St. Petersburg, has seaports like Ust-Luga through which a significant part of cars for Russian customers are imported. Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad oblast are a major trade gateway, financial and industrial centre of Russia. Economic growth of St. Petersburg accounted for 12.5% in 2012, per capita income reached 27 thousand roubles. The city is currently ranked 1st among other Russian regions according to the number of small enterprises per 100 thousand residents. The automotive cluster of St. Petersburg/Leningradskaya oblast consists of the following OEMs: Table 19: OEM in St. Petersburg/Leningrad Oblast

Company Ford Toyota General Motors Nissan Hyundai-KIA Scania MAN


Established in

Vsevolozhsk Shushary Industrial Zone Shushary Industrial Zone

2002 2007

Volume of investment (million USD) 330 150

Cars produced (2012)

Model range




Kamenka Industrial Zone Kamenka Industrial Zone Shushary Industrial Zone Shushary Industrial Zone







Hyundai-Solarius, KIA-Rio




All trucks



200-300 (2013)

All trucks

119,000 31,120

Focus, Mondeo Camry Chevrolet Chevrolet Opel Opel Antara

Cruze, Captiva, Astra,

In 2012 389,300 cars were manufactured locally by foreign OEMs in St. Petersburg (with Ford Vsevolozhsk: 508’300). This was a high growth (+112.5%) compared to 2011. St. Petersburg ranked second (after the Volga-located automotive cluster) in car production in Russia with a market share of about 25%. For 2013 a sharp decrease (-20%) is expected in the local production with the total output of around 310,000 due to economic stagnation of the Russian economy (Source:



Besides the described OEMs, since 2000, Caterpillar has been assembling its construction and mining equipment in Tosno (Leningrad Oblast) for the CIS-market, and Nokian Tyres has invested about 300 million USD to open and run a tyre plant in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Oblast. The strategy of local authorities was largely successful to form and build up an automotive cluster in St. Petersburg / Leningrad Oblast. Initially, car manufacturers were attracted and later the producers of spare parts for them. The new automotive cluster is now being formed. The goal is an annual car output of about 1 million vehicles by 2018 with total investment in car plants of 1.3 billion USD. The following tier-1 spare part producers are located in St. Petersburg/Leningrad Oblast: Table 20: OES in St.Petersburg/Leningrad Oblast



Establish ed in

Volume of investment (million USD)

JohnsonControls GestampSeverstal





84.5 Euro

Autoliv Faurecia ADP

Vsevolozhsk Luga

2011 2008


Tenneco Grupo Antolin

Gorelovo Tosno

2007 2011

2.0 14 + 30 (2 factory)

MW Eurodisk Yura Corporation

Kingisepp Ivangorod

2011 2010

50 10







Eberspae-cher Lear Magna Cosma (Peterform LLC)

Vsevolozhsk Shushary

2011 2008 2010




Toyota suppliers park (Kamenka) Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova)





Magna Cosma (Peterform LLC) ToyotaBoshoku SungWoo Hitech RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


Product range

OEM clients

Seats & Seats covers Metal body elements (pressing & assembly) Safety belts Plastic components (seats, carpets, door linings, dashboards, elements) Exhaust systems Components for car interiors (windows, ceilings, door panels Steel wheels Components for automotive brake system Bumpers, instrument panels, door modules assembly, outside mirror assembly Supplier of fuel and brake systems Exhaust systems Seats Body & chassis systems, energy management, instrument panelbean carriers Body & chassis systems, energy management Seats

Ford Focus, Nissan, GM,

Power body parts, front & rear

Hyundai, KIA

Ford, GM, Nissan Toyota, Nissan Ford, Nissan, Avtoframos, VW, Mobis Module

Ford, GM, Toyota Hyundai-Kia, Avtoframos-Renault, Skoda

Ford, VW-

PSMA RUS, AvtoVaz Hyundai Nissan, Ford

GM, Ford, VW, Nissan, Hyundai Nissan Ford Mondeo Hyundai, Nissan, GM

Hyundai Toyota

frames, car bonnet SeJong NVH DooWon Daewon DongHee

Shin Young

Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova) Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova) Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova) Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova) Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova)


Hyundai suppliers park (Levashova)

Exhaust system

Hyundai, KIA

Interior trim, roofs & doors HVAC systems

Hyundai, KIA


Hyundai, KIA

Front engine mounts, hatches, rear & upfront suspension, fuel tanks, pedals Body parts

Hyundai, KIA

Hyundai, KIA

In North-Western Russia there are several tier-3 suppliers (commodities, components for tier-1 and tier-2 producers). The most important tier-3 supplier is the steel producer Severstal in Cherepovetz, Vologda oblast. Leningrad oblast in cooperation with St. Petersburg is developing an automotive cluster for car component producers around Vsevolozhsk, north of St.Petersburg, which includes actual Grupo Antolin, Nokian Tyres, Tenneco Automotive, GestampSeverstal, TI-Automotive and Autoliv.

10.2. GENERAL INFORMATION ON KALININGRAD Kaliningrad oblast is an exclave of Russia, surrounded by Poland, Lithuania, and the Baltic Sea. The total area accounts for 15,100 sq. km, the population – for 941,873 people. Major cities and towns are Kaliningrad, Baltiysk, Pillau, Insterburg, Gusev, Sovetsk. Due to the existence of a special economic zone (SEZ) in Kaliningrad since 1996 with special custom regime (duty free import of components) car assembly has been in existence already since 1997. The contract assembly of different car types in Kaliningrad grew significantly until the crisis in 2008/2009 and again during the post-crisis recovery until 2012 with a volume of 250,000 manufactured cars per year. During the first 6 months in 2013 the car production fell about 6.7% to a volume of 115,100. Table 21: OEM in Kaliningradskaya Oblast

Company Avtotor

Location Kaliningrad

Established in

Volume of investment (million USD)


Produced cars (2012) 250,000 (Contract manufacturing)

Model range BMW, KIA, Open, Hyundai Truck

Spare part producer in Kaliningrad Oblast: Table 22: OES in Kaliningradskaya Oblast

Company Brisk



Location Ozersk

Established in 2000

Volume of investment (million USD)

Product range Spark plugs, Garage equipment for car repair

OEM clients


10.3. SWOT-ANALYSIS NORTHWESTERN CLUSTER Table 23: SWOT-Analysis St. Petersburg/Leningrad Oblast

Automotive Cluster St. Petersburg / Leningrad Oblast Strengths: 

Port of St. Petersburg which simplifies the process of delivery  Geographical proximity to Western Europe  Developed transport hub  Extensive support by the local government  Developed infrastructure  Political and macroeconomic stability  Legislation with tax incentives to promote investments  Special industrial zones  Qualified labour forces  Large scientific and educational centre Opportunities:    

Local production & assembly, Just-in-time production possible Favourite logistic chains Proximity of European market

Weaknesses:     

Shortage of skilled workers Pressure to develop a local qualified supply base Changes in the political environment Traditional Russian OEMs & spare part producers located far away Risk of ‘overproduction’

Threats:    

Localization rules Boom & bust economic development Not enough production volume to attract spare part producers Timing of the market entry for Tier-1 & Tier-2 suppliers

Automotive Cluster Kaliningrad Oblast: Table 23: SWOT-Analysis Kaliningrad Oblast

Strenghts:   Non-freezing sea and river ports  Surrounded by EU-territory, favourable geographical location  Short distance to European market  High density of transport infrastructure  Special economic zone with substantial tariff and tax breaks




   

Support and high attention by the Russian government Investment in transport infrastructure Construction of the Nuclear Baltic Power Plant Possible visa free travel with the EU



    

  

Relative high transport cost in trade with main Russia Low quality of infrastructure Lack of strong scientific research base Shortage of skilled workers Relative high energy prices

Expiration and changes of current favourite special economic zone conditions for manufacturing in 2016 Dependence on transport tariff policy of Lithuania and Belarus Reduced tariffs after WTO accession

10.4. COMPANY PROFILES OEMS Ford Sollers-Vsevolozhsk (USA) Contact Leningrad Oblast Vsevolozhsk Promzona Kirpichni Zavod 1 Tel: +7 (812) 346-71-24, 346-71-15 Web: Established in 2002 Number of employees 2744 (2013) Annual production 119,000 (2012); 125,000 (capacity) volume by models Localization rate by CKD 30 - 35% Ford Focus, 10 – 20% Ford Mondeo (2012) models Plans for future R&D centre, enlargement of capacity up to 300,000. Suppliers producing in Lear (seats & harnesses Mondeo) Russia Neste (fuel) ZAO Tsentrspirtprompererabotka (washing liquid) Standardplast (Vibro-insulation components) BASF-Vostok (Painting) Brunch of Arteko (Coolants) Johnson Controls (seats Focus) Bor glass plant (automotive glass) Gestamp-Severstal (body parts: pressing & assembly) Tenneco (exhaust systems) Faurecia (door panels, dashboards, consoles) Michelin (tyres) Magna (bumpers) TI Automotive (fuel & break pipes) SaarGummi-Russland (rubber seals) Kinelagroplast Kinel (air ducts, lockers) Zavolzhye motor plant (aluminum brackets) Balakovorezinotehnika (noise insulation, boot shelf) Detalstroykonstruktsia (fuel tank, saloon and boot carpets) SKAD (wheel disks) AKOM (batteries) See: Business opportunities Further localization and automation. for Swiss suppliers Contact person Ilya Butin, General Director Olga Petrova, Assistant to General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency General Motors Auto LLC (USA) 196626 St. Petersburg Contact Avtozavodskaya str. 2 Shushary village Tel: +7 812 319 20 03 Web: Established in 2008



Number of employees Annual production volume by models Localization rate by models Plans for future

Suppliers producing in Russia

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

2,000 (2013) Production capacity: 98,000 (2012) Chevrolet Cruze sedan/hatchback, Chevrolet Captiva SUV (CKD), Opel Astra sedan (SKD), Opel Antara (SKD) 20% (2012) Future investment of 1 billion USD; production of Chevrolet Trailblazer in 2013, production capacity 230,000 (2015), level of localization planned – 60% (2018); number of employees – 4,000 Peterform (Magna Cosma, metal body elements) Gestamp-Severstal (metal body elements) TI Automotive (fuel & break pipes) Johnson Controls (seats) ZAO Vlankas (plastic body elements) Kursk Accumulator Plant (batteries) K&K (wheel disks) Automotive (safety belts) Stavrokomplekt (carpets) Avtotekhnika (interior trim elements) VIZA (sound & noise insulation set) Sourcing is done in Russia, Europe and elsewhere. Equipment and electronic parts for press and body shop, new assembly lines; looking for 25 additional component producers to establish a supplier park. Romuald Rytwinski,General Director Sriram Sringari, Head of Purchasing General Motors Russia: E-mail:

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Hyundai Motor Manufacturing RUS (HMMR) (South Korea) Contact St. Petersburg Gorskaja str., Levashovskoe Shosse, Uchastok 1 Tel: +7 (812) 418-01-00 Web: Established in 2010; 70% Hyundai, 30% KIA Number of employees 4,000 (2012) Annual production Production 224'000 (2012): CKD Hyundai-Solarius, KIA-Rio volume by models Localization rate by 47% (2013) models Plans for future Future investment in production facility (planned production in 2013: 230,000) and the supplier park Sungwoo Hitech Rus Ltd. (Door frames) Suppliers producing in Sejong Rus (Components of exhaust system) Russia NVH Rus Ltd. (Interior elements) Doowon Rus (Ventilation and conditioning systems) Daewon Rus (Seats) Donghee Rus (Fuel tanks and rear suspension) Shinyong Rus Ltd. (Body parts) Hyundai Hysco (Cold-rolled steel sorting)



Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Hyundai Mobis (Front and rear bumpers, saloon front panels) Yura Corp. (Harnesses) Han Il Tube (Fuel and brake pipes) Peterform LLC (Magna Cosma) (body parts) Antolin (interior trim elements) Tier-2 supplier for the Hyundai supplier park, qualified car components

Shin Myeong Ki, General Director Andrey Kazak, Director of Production Division Maria Maltseva E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency MAN Truck & Bus Production RUS (Germany) Contact Data 196084 St. Petersburg Uliza Vosduchoplavatelnaia 19 Tel: +7 (812) 449 52 52 Web: Established in 2000 (buses); 2008 (trucks) Number of employees 100 (2012) Annual production SKD Assembly of 200-300 trucks (2013), production capacity 6,000 volume by models Model: MAN TGS WW Euro 4 Localization rate by Unknown, only component-import based assembly; component manufacturing in the future models (gearbox, axle assembly, other components) Localization, joint purchasing office with Scania-Peter St. Petersburg, project of production for Plans for future the following components: steering column, transmission, fuel system, brake system, brake and fuel pipes; fuel tanks, washer reservoir; wheel disks; seats, interior plastic parts, plastic panels, bumpers, tires, rubber sealing materials, floor carpets, interior trimming elements of passenger and baggage compartments; control levers, instrument cluster; batteries, wiring elements; automotive glass, window lifts, mirrors; painting materials; roofing, hatch cover, door plates Suppliers producing in n.a. Russia Business opportunities Future localization targets for Swiss suppliers Contact person Thomas Schneiderheinze, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Nissan Manufacturing RUS LLC (Japan) Contact 194362 St. Petersburg Pargolovo Komendantskiy prospect 140 Tel: +7 812 303 62 24 Web: Established in 2009 Number of employees 2,000 (2012) Annual production Production 42,800 (2012) Production capacity: 50,000 (2012) volume by models CKD Nissan Teana, X-Trail, Murano, Infiniti FX/M (SKD) Localization rate by 24% (2013)



models Plans for future

Suppliers producing in Russia

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Future investment of 167 million Euro; production of Pathfinder SUV (2014) and Quashai (2016), production capacity 100,000 (2014), level of localization planned 80% (2016); cooperation among Renault-Nissan-AVTOVAZ Group Gestamp-Severstal (body parts) TI Automotive (fuel & break pipes) Johnson Controls (seats) Lik-Avto Leoni (electric wiring) Faurecia (seats, carpets, door linings) Eberspächer (exhaust system) Magna-Cosym (assembly of body parts) Magna-Technoplast (bumpers, mirror lines, sills, window lifters, rear door linings) Bor Glas Plant (automotive glas) Tramiko (ceilings) Visteon Avtopribor (dashboards) ZAO ZM (decorative film for door frames) Raviv Group Rus (washing systems) Detalstroykonstruktsia (boot carpets) Establishment of a supplier park for 20 plastic part producers for Nissan

Dmitry Mikhailov, General Director Tatjana Moisechenko E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Scania-Peter LLC (Sweden) Contact 196626 St Petersburg Moskovskoe sh. 177a Tel: +7 812 346 68 80 Web: Established in 2000 (buses); 2008 (trucks) Number of employees 100 (2012) Annual production SKD assembly of 1,300 trucks (2012), production capacity 3,500 volume by models Models: Scania P, R, G 4x2, 4Ń…4, 6x2, 6x4, 6x6, 8x2, 8x4 Localization rate by 10% (chassis); 28% planned in the future models Plans for future Localization, joint purchasing office with MAN St. Petersburg, Export from Russia; Ban on the production of engines that use Euro-2 in 2013. The full switch to Euro-4 in 2015 and to Euro-5 in 2016 will open new market opportunities. Suppliers producing in n.a. Russia Business opportunities Future localization targets, Second plant planned in Sertolovo (Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad for Swiss suppliers Oblast), capacity 3,500/year, investment volume about 70 million USD Contact person Johan Lars Balck, General Director Bengt Aronsson, Purchasing Director Russia E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Toyota Motor Manufacturing Russia LLC (TMMR) (Japan) Contact St. Petersburg



Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by models Localization rate by models Plans for future Supplier producing in Russia

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Shushari village Uliza Sofeiskaja 115 Litera A Tel. +7 812 305 16 99 Web: 2007 1,600 (2013) 28,441 Toyota Camry (2012); 50,000 (capacity), Export to Kazakhstan from 2012 Toyota Camry, planned 30% Future investment of approx. 185 million USD, production of Toyota RAV4 from 2016, enlargement production capacity to 100,000 cars  Toyota-Boshoku (seats)  Toyota-Tsusho-Machinery (batteries)  Autoliv (safety belts)  SEVS Rus (wirings)  Bor Glass Plant (automotive glass)  Toyota Tsushi Machinery (batteries) Requests for automation, special machinery

Mazunara Iosinori, General Director Purchasing office: Galina Staykov, Toyota Motors Europe, direct Dmitry Fedorov, TMMR, services & goods for production modernization, maintenance, utilities, E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Yarovit Motors / Yo-Auto Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by models

Localization rate by models Plans for future

Suppliers producing in Russia Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person







195197 St.Petersburg Feodosiyskaya str. 5, Building A Tel: +7 812 380 44 44, +7 812 640 25 86 Web:, 2003 Yarovit Motors; 2012 JV Yarovit Motors & Onexin Investment Group for Yo-Auto. n.a. Local SKD assembly capacity of up to 500 Terberg trucks (cargo trucks, dump trucks, bolster trucks) per year. In 2012 Yo-Auto, a joint venture of Yarovit and the Onexim investment group, will start the production of a hybrid electric car for inner city driving in 2014/2015. n.a. There are plans to build a manufacturing plant for Yo-Auto in the industrial zone of Marijno with production capacity of up to 45,000 cars per year in 2013. Investment budget for the YoAuto is about 150 million EUR. Magna Prototypes are shown to the public in 2013. Special technology is used for the design and production of the hybrid electric car. Dmitry Razumov , Chairman of the Board

Andrey Biryukov Andrey Ginzbourg, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Announced projects, but no decision until now: Avtotor Holding Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by models

Localization rate by models Plans for future

Suppliers producing in Russia Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

236013 Kaliningrad Uliza Magnitogorskaja 4 Tel: +7 4012 59 00 02 Web: 1997 3,600 (2012) Production 250,000 (2012); 4 manufacturing areas; Production capacity: 320,000 (2013); fabrication and painting or car bodies; possible contract manufacturing of up to 30 models; mostly SKD assembly (2012): a. Kia (SKD): Kia Sorento, Kia Mohave, Kia Sportage, Kia Cee'd,, Kia Soul, Kia Venga, Kia Cerato, b. BMW (SKD): BMW 7, BMW 5, BMW Х3, BMW 3, BMW X1, BMW X5, BMW X6, c. GM (production capacity 50'000, CKD) : Cadillac CTS, Cadillac Escalade, Chevrolet Tahoe, Chevrolet Aveo, Chevrolet Lacetti (CKD), Chevrolet Epica, Chevrolet Rezzo, Chevrolet Malibu, Opel Antara, Opel Astra (SKD), Opel Zafira (SKD), Opel Insignia, Opel Meriva 15% (2012) In 2016 the privilege of SKD assembly and custom free import of car components will end. In cooperation with Magna Avtotor plans to establish an automotive cluster with annual production capacity first of 250’000, later of 350’000. Planned are 21 new car plants, among them 6 full-cycle automotive manufacturing plants and 15 plants producing automotive components. 14 plants should be constructed until 2016 and the rest – until 2018. Localization level should reach 50% by 2022. Overall investment should be around 3 billion Euro and about 20’000 jobs should be created. BMW plans to switch from SKD to CKD-assembly if production and sales pass 30’000 cars. The assembly of trucks and buses of Hyundai should start in 2013/2014. Unknown, SKD-assembly except part of GM Requests for machinery and automation equipment, tier-1 & tier-2 suppliers when building up the future automotive cluster in Kaliningrad. Valery Draganov, President Holding Alexander Sorokin, CEO Vladimir Dlugokansky, Deputy Director for New Projects Department Andrey Verishnikov, Director of Business Development E-mail:

Source: Public sources Fiat-Chrysler-Sberbank (Italy & USA) Established in Number of employees Annual production volume



JV Fiat-Chrysler (80%) & Sberbank (20%) in cooperation with ZIL 2014 (planned), possible investment of up to 825 million EUR n.a. Planned 120,000 cars & vans per year

by models Localization rate by models Plans for future Suppliers producing in Russia Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Source: Public sources

Model range: Chrysler Jeep Cherokee & Grand Cherokee n.a. Not known whether plant will be built in the future. Proposed alternative is production at TAGAZ (contract manufacturing plant). n.a. n.a.

10.5. COMPANY PROFILES OES Autoliv Russia (Sweden & USA) Contact 188640 Leningrad Oblast Vsesvolozhsk Industrial zone "Kirpichny zavod" Zavod "Russki Diesel" Tel: +7 921 9070125 Web: Established in 2008 Number of employees 101 - 250 (2012) Annual production Seatbelt assembly plant; production capacity – about 83,000 volume by components Plans for the future Potential enlargement of production towards airbags and delivery to Nissan Teana and to Hyundai Customers Toyota Business opportunities Special machinery for Swiss suppliers Contact person Patricio Farias, General Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Avar (Avtoelektroarmatura) Contact 180017 Pskov Sovietskaja 118 Tel: +7 8112 664 100, +7 8112 664 336 Web: Established in 1967 Number of employees 1360 Annual production Automotive electronics, safety locks volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Modernization of production facility AVTOVAZ, GAZ, UAZ, KAMAZ, GM-AVTOVAZ, MAZ, GM-Uzbekistan Special equipment

Valentin Pavlovich Vasilev, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



Big Filters Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

198099, St. Petersburg Kalinina st. 53 Tel: +7 812 337-13-28 Web: 1988 400 - 500 Air filters; 1,300 different product variants to automotive customers Delivery to more foreign OEMs (e.g. Renault-Nissan); Modernization of production facility VW-Skoda, AVTOVAZ, GAZ, UAZ, GM-Chevrolet, PAZ, Export to 13 countries (e.g. USA, Israel, UK, Germany) Special equipment, machinery for modernization

Boris Belin, President Nadezhda Tuzhilova, General Director Vladlen Azarov, Commerical Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Caterpillar Tosno (USA) Contact

Established in Number of employees Component production

Plans for future Suppliers producing in Russia Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

187000 Leningrad Oblast Tosno Moskovskoe sh., d. 1/1 Tel: +7 812 7184210 Web: 2000 700 (2012) Production of about 300 components for tracked and wheeled excavators, wheel loaders, forest machines, excavators, loaders and bulldozers and exporting them to Caterpillar factories in Belgium, France, UK and Poland for assembly. Production of engines for Russian bus manufacturer LIAZ. In 2008, the plant began production of excavators Cat 320D and Cat 336DL with a high proportion of production localization. In 2011 the factory starts the local manufacturing of Cat 773 for the mining industry in Russia and the CIS-countries. Output per year is about 300 machines. Cat has a market share after BelAZ of 15-20%. Local welding and painting, metal and machinery shop. Production of 300 chassis per year. Growing local production of excavators for the mining and construction industry. Further localization. Intercos-IV Need of special machinery and automation solutions.

Andrey Borisovich Petrov, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



Ebersp채cher Exhaust Systems Rus (Germany) Contact 195030, Sankt Petersburg

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future

Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Elektropultovcev 7 Tel: +7 812 7401589 Web: 2011 15 Assembly of cold end of exhaust systems for Nissan X-Trail and Teana (Just-in-Sequence Supply Chain). Production capacity of 42,000 components per year. Future extension of existing assembly plant through acquisition of additional orders by Ford, GM, Toyota and Hyundai. Planned production capacity up to 580,000 components per year in 2018. Nissan Special machinery for cold end production (Weld cells and welding), automation.

Dmitry Osipov, General Director Sergey Potapov, Plant Manager E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Elast Technologii Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

192241 St. Petersburg Yuzhnoe Shosse 37 Tel.: +7 812 269 62 28, +7 812 269 02 40 Web: 1995 n.a. Mud guards, molded rubber products Modernization according to requests by OEMs Ford, Renault-Avtoframos Special machinery

Stanislav Alexandrovich Zharkov, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Faurecia ADP Luga (France & Croatia) Contact 188230 Leningrad Oblast Luga 1 ulitsa Bol'shaya Zarechnaya, Tel.: +7 (81372) 2 68 65 JV between AD Plastik (Croatia) & Faurecia (France) Web: ; Established in 2008, investment of 11 million Euros Number of employees 450 - 500 (2012) Annual production Seats, carpets, door lining, elements of exhaust system, dashboard elements, door panels, consoles, bumpers, instrument panels volume by components



Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Expansion through possible new contracts with Hyundai, GM and other OEMs Nissan X-Trail, Nissan Teana, VW-Skoda, Ford Focus, AvtoVAZ, Peugeot-Mitsubishi-Citroen, Renault-Avtoframos Special machinery for production of plastic parts, automation Lezek Khenrik Maluzki, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Gestamp-Severstal Vsevolozhsk (Spain) Contact 188640 Leningrad Oblast Vsevolozhsk Kirpichny Zavod promzona, kvartal 11, ploshchadka 2 Tel: +7 812 3136810 Web: Established in 2009, total investment until 2013 about 100 million EUR; JV between Gestamp and Russian steel producer Severstal ( . Number of employees 220 (2012) Annual production Metal body elements (pressing & assembly), production capacity of about 100,000 sets of body parts. Production capacity was enlarged to cover new client requests. volume by components Plans for the future Plans for the production of new automotive components and also for a new plant in St. Petersburg. Customers Ford, GM, Nissan , Hyundai Business opportunities Special machinery for Swiss suppliers Contact person Vladimir Aleksandrovich Berezanski, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Grupo Antolin St. Petersburg (Spain) Contact 188681 Leningrad Oblast Vsevolozhsk Novosaratovka Village Warehouse Complex, Industrial Zone Utkina Zavod, holding 1 Tel: +7 812 449 18 40 Web: Established in 2011, investment of 14 million EUR Number of employees 300 – 350 (2013) Annual production Components of interior trim elements (Tier-1/Tier-2) Sales volume 12 million (2012) volume by components Plans for the future

Expansion of production capacity for new customers (GM, Nissan, Toyota, VW). New plant for auto components will be opened in Tosno, Leningrad oblast, in 2015 with investment of 30 million EUR. Sales volume (EUR 12 million in 2012) should increase up to EUR 50 million in 2016. Hyundai-Kia, Ford, Renault-Avtoframos, VW-Skoda New equipment needed for the expansion of production capacity

Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person Kirill Vladilenovich Mesenyashin, General Director Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency RUSSIAN CAR INDUSTRY


Hyundai Supplier Park (Levashova) (South Korea) Contact St. Petersburg Gorskaja str., Levashovskoe Shosse, Uchastok 1 Tel: +7 812 418-01-00, 640 70 71, 640 70 50 Web: Established in 2010; 7 spare parts producers, investment 200 million USD, currently 9 spare parts producers Number of employees 1,300 (2012) Annual production 150,000 – 200’000 component kits for Hyundai Solaris (2012): volume by components Sungwoo Hitech Rus Ltd. (Door frames) Sejong Rus (Components of exhaust system) NVH Rus Ltd. (; Interior elements) Doowon Rus (Ventilation and conditioning systems) Daewon Rus (Seats) Donghee Rus (Fuel tanks and rear suspension) Hyundai Hysco ( ; Cold-rolled steel sorting) Hyundai Mobis (; Front and rear bumper, saloon front panel) Plans for the future Expanding capacity production, potential future delivery to Nissan and Mitsubishi (Kaluga) Customers Hyundai-KIA Solaris Business opportunities Special machinery for Swiss suppliers Contact person General managers: Be Dzheongsu (Sungwoo Hitech Rus) Sin Chang Kyu (Sejong Rus) Vu Khiku (NHV RUS) Kan En Syn (Doowon Rus) Li En Bom (Daewon Rus) Li Chzhong Khvan (Donghee Rus) Cho Eng Mo (Hyundai Hysco) Vu Kyun Seb (Hyundai Mobis) Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Inergy (France) Contact

Maryino industrial zone Web: Inergy belongs to Plastic Omnium Planned 2014 n.a. Fuel tanks; planned production capacity 1 million per year

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Market leader with local market share of 40% Customers Planned Ford and Nissan Business opportunities Special equipment for Swiss suppliers Contact person n.a. Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



Intercos-IV Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

198323 St. Petersburg Gorelovo posilko Lomonosovski Rayon Volkhonskoe shosse 4 Tel: +7 812 3205403, +7 812 2320403 Web: 1991, belongs to MMK (Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works) > 1,000 Designing and manufacturing of large tooling for the automotive industry (Tier-2 supplier). Capacity of up to 250’000 tons of metal products per year Investment in expansion of production: stamping equipment for stamping metal components to become a Tier-1 supplier to OEMs in St. Petersburg Nissan and GM as potential future customers Molds for Ford, body parts to Gestamp-Severstal, Molds to Peterform (Magna Cosma & Shing Young) for components of Hyundai, GAZ, AVTOVAZ, MAZ, KAMAZ, UAZ, ZIL BeLAZ, VW, Caterpillar, Daewoo Motors, Hayes Lemmerz Special machinery and equipment

Boris Mikhailovich Semenov, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Johnson-Controls International (USA) Contact 196626 St. Petersburg Shushary Moskovskoe shosse 70/4, lit. B., Tel: +7 812 3107407, +7 812 3345438 Web: Established in 2005 Number of employees 82 (2012) Annual production Seat assembly and metal welding, foam plant from 2012; production capacity about 100,000 seats per year. volume by components Plans for the future Launch of instrument cluster assembly line; Interios plant assembly, Injection moulding (2015) Customers Ford Focus; Nissan X-Trail; Chevrolet Cruize Business opportunities Special machinery and automation solution for Swiss suppliers Contact person Alexander Ivanovich Zaitsev, General Director Olga Zarubina E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Lear Corporation Vsevolozsk (USA) Contact 88640 Leningrad Oblast Vsevolozsk Promzona Kirpichni Zavod Web: Established in 2009



Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

unknown Automotive seats and seat parts; production capacity of 25,000; investment was about 20 million USD Commissioned by Ford to produce seats for the new Ford Mondeo Modell Ford Mondeo n.a. Dmitry Valerevich Birukov, Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Magna-Technoplast Kolpino (Magna Exteriors & Interiors) (Canada) Contact 196651 St. Petersburg Kolpino Ishorskij Zavod, Building EZH Tel: +7 812 322 84 89 Web: Established in 2010 Number of employees 150 Annual production Bumpers, instrument panels, door modules assembly, outside mirror assembly volume by components Plans for the future n.a. Customers Ford, Nissan Business opportunities Machine tools, measuring instruments, pressing tools for Swiss suppliers Contact person Alexey Ivanovich Soldatenkov, General Director Nikolaus Rumpf, Head of Corporate Office Moscow E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Metalloproduktsia Contact data

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

190020 St.Petersburg Obvodnogo kanala emb. 150 Tel: +7 812 495 95 74 Web: 1993/1996 400 Stamping, sheet metal processing, painting, car accessories, car part design and production Modernization Toyota, Mobis Ru, Ford, GM etc. , export to Germany Interest in JVs and technology transfer Alexander Podsukhin, General Manager

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency MW Eurodisk (Italy) Contact



188452 Leningrad Oblast

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Kingisepp Rayon Alexandrovskaya Gorka Promzona Fosforit Tel: +7 813 75 68 500 Web: 2010, JV between CLN Group (MW=Magnetto Wheels Divison) & Eurodisk; Eurodisk is part of ‘Holding Wheels Production & Trade AG’ (WPT) located in Zug. 135 (2012) Steel wheels and painting of metal components Current restructuring, potential capacity increase with new clients Renault, Nissan, PSA Peugeot-Citroen, AvtoVAZ New equipment for expansion of production capacity

Roberto Baccetti, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Nokian Tyres (Finland) Contact

Established in Number of employees Component production

Plans for future Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

188676 Leningrad Oblast Vsevolzhsk Kirpichny Zavod promzona, kvartal 6 Tel: +7 (812) 3369000 Web: 2005 1,309 (2013) Production of 12.5 million (2012) summer and winter tires for passenger cars and SUVs per year with 8 production lines. Market share of 25% in the Russian premium tyre segment. About 50% of tyres are exported. Export to 40 countries (e.g. Scandinavia, CIS-countries, Western Europe, USA/Canada, China). Expanding local production with up to 14 production lines with a production capacity of 17 million tyres per year. Need of special machinery and automation solution to improve labor productivity.

Andrey Gennadevich Pantyukhov, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Peterform (Cosym) Shushari (JV Magna Cosma International & Shin Young Group) (Canada & South Korea) Contact 196626 St. Petersburg Shushary 39 Lenina str. Building A Tel: +7 812 6405747, +7 812 3467800 Web: Established in 2010 Number of employees 450 Annual production Body systems, Chassis systems, Energy management, Instrument Panel, Beam carriers volume by components Plans for the future 100 million investments for the establishment and expanding production capacity of factory



Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

and maybe another new factory. General Motors, Hyundai, Kia, Nissan, VW and Ford Machine tools, measuring instruments, pressing tools

Terry Devers, General Director Peterform LLC Daria Dranishnikova, Business Development Manager E-mail: Nikolaus Rumpf, Head of Corporate Office Moscow E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Peterform (Cosym) Kamenka (JV Magna Cosma International & Shin Young Group) (Canada & South Korea) Contact St. Petersburg Kamenka Supplier Park, Tel: +7 812 6405747, +7 812 3467800 Web: Established in 2010 Number of employees 550 Annual production Body systems, Chassis systems, Energy management volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Investment of EUR 100 million in the expansion of production facilities in St. Petersburg General Motors, Hyundai, Kia, Nissan, VW and Ford Machine tools, measuring instruments, pressing tools

Terry Devers, General Director Peterform LLC Daria Dranishnikova, Business Development Manager E-mail: Nikolaus Rumpf, Head of Corporate Office Moscow E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Tenneco Automotive Volga (St. Petersburg branch) (USA) Contact 198323 St. Petersburg Volkhonskoye Shosse 4, Tel: +7 812 320 25 57 Web: Established in 2007, investment of 2 million USD Number of employees n.a. Annual production Exhaust systems, production capacity of 100,000 exhaust systems per year with up to 1.5 components volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Expansion of production capacity for exhaust systems up to 210,000 per year in 2013 with investment of 1.5 million USD. Toyota as potential new customer. Ford Focus, GM (Opel Astra, Chevrolet Cruze) New equipment for expansion of production capacity Nikolai Romachenko, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



TI Automotive (UK) Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

188643 Leningrad Oblast Vsevolozhsk Vsevolozhskiy av. 113 Tel: +7 812 676 40 05 Web: 2009 35 - 50 (2012) Supplier of fuel and brake lines

Expansion of production facility with new OEM customers. Increasing of localization. Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Nissan and Toyota Request for CNC machines for bending of  metal tube up to 3m long  diameters of tubes between 4.75mm to 10mm  one or two bending heads Contact person Alexander Kedrov, General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Toplivnye Sistemy Contact

Established in Number of employees Annual production volume by components

192102 St. Petersburg Ul. Samoilovoi 5, Building D Tel: +7 812 325-5752 Web: 1929/1999 Over 1,000 Engine carburettors, cooling system pumps, engine control electronic system elements, petrol pumps & thermostats Trade mark: Pekar (

Plans for the future Customers

Modernization of equipment AVTOVAZ, GAZ, UAZ, LIAZ, PAZ, KAMAZ

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Special equipment, machinery for modernization

Dmitri Nosanov, President E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Toyota-Boshoku LLC (Japan) Contact 196626, St.Petersburg Shushary 1B Lenin str., Building A Tel: +7 812 331 38 39 Web: Established in 2007 Number of employees 21 -50 (2012)



Annual production volume by components Plans for the future Customers Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers Contact person

Seats for Toyota Camry, production capacity: 30-40,000 per year. Enlargement of production capacity for seats up to 100,000 in 2016 by request of Toyota Toyota Injection machine and other exclusive equipment for next model change of Toyota Camry

Kenji Shibata, General Director Natalia Shevtsova, Assistant General Director E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Table of other OESs in Northwest Russia Company


Yura Corporation (South Korea)


Establi shed in 2010

PKF Sirius (

St. Petersburg


ZAO Plata (www.plaza.spb.r u) Vologda Bearing Factory ( CBD (

St. Petersburg


OEM clients Hyundai

Olga Arinicheva

Components for automotive brake systems Suspension springs


Anatoli Petrov

Shock absorbers




Alexey Melnikov



St. Petersburg



Exhaust systems, silencers


Hors-Silikon (

St. Petersburg


Alexey Mikhailov

Wiper brushes, highvoltage ignition wires, belts and seals


Konis (

St. Petersburg


Nikolai Panteleev

Fuel, oil cleaning filters


LTO-Plastic (

St. Petersburg


Andrey Jagubtsov

Injection moulding plastic parts, mould making



St. Petersburg


Dmitry Bakhmatov, Maris Lasmanis

Production of exhaust silencer, dies, injection moulds for aluminium and plastic casting

AVTOVAZ, Ebersp채-cher Exhaust Systems RU

OOO MP Credo St. Petersburg ( Source: Public sources


Rafail Galeev

Seals, rubber bushings, rubber products




Li On Sog

Product range


10.6. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE ST. PETERSBURG GOVERNMENT The investment climate of St. Petersburg was rated in 2012 as follows:   

Fitch Ratings BBB (robust wealth and economic indicators, sound budgetary performance, CapEx flexibility, sound cash position and low debt) Standard & Poor’s BBB (low debt, high liquidity level, good financial indicators) Doing Business 2012: 1st place among Russian regions on ease of starting a business

The authorities view the automotive cluster as a field for strategic investment. According to St. Petersburg Law On Tax Concession No. 81-11 of 14 July 1995 the following tax concessions are available for industrial investors with Manufacturing activities: cars and auto components56: For investments totalling over $500 million during 3 years For investments totalling over $26 million during 3 years For investments totalling over $1.6 million during 3 years For investment projects realized within Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of St. Petersburg For industrial enterprises located in St. Petersburg

Reduced tax rate for profits tax to 13.5% for enterprises with property registered in St. Petersburg. Reduced tax rate for profits tax to 15.5%, property tax exemption. Reduced tax rate for profits tax to 15.5% for enterprises producing electronic equipment and devices. Exemption from property, land and transport tax, reduced tax rate for profits tax to 15.5%, reduced insurance fees to 14%, free custom zone. Reduced land tax rate to 1.25% of the land cadastral value.

Industrial parks: Shushary industrial zone OEMs: Toyota, General Motors, Scania-Peter, MAN Kamenka industrial zone OEMs: Nissan, Hyundai Maryino industrial zone OEMs : Yarovit / Yo-Auto

10.7. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE LENINGRAD OBLAST GOVERNMENT The investment climate of the Leningrad Oblast was rated in 2013 as follows:  

Fitch Ratings BB+ Standard & Poor’s BB+

To promote the industrial investment activities in 2012 a new law Law No. 113-oz On State Support for Organizations Investing on the Territory of Leningrad Oblast and on Related Legislative Amendments was introduced57:

56 57

For more information see: and Source: Baker & McKenzie – CIS, St. Petersburg



According to oblast Law No. 113-oz, the corporate profits tax rate payable to the Leningrad oblast budget will be 13.5% (down from 18%) and investors will be exempt from property tax for investors engaging in activities covered by this law. Irrespective of the term of investments' recoupment, the tax incentives will be granted to companies for terms of 16 - 32 consecutive quarters depending on the total sum of investment (from 300 million roubles to 3 billion roubles and more) made within any three calendar years starting from January 1, 201258.

10.8. SUPPORT MEASURES OF THE KALININGRAD OBLAST GOVERNMENT All of Kaliningrad oblast has constituted a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) since 1996. With the Federal Law on the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region of 10.01.2006 the SEZ was renewed for 25 years until 203159. The SEZ proposes the following tax preferences to SEZ residents:

Profit tax Property tax

General 20% 2.2%

SEZ 0% during the first 6 years; ½ of the current rate from the 7th until 12th year

There are following state guarantees to SEZ residents: Rental fee for the land plot will remain the same during the whole period of the lease contract Foreigners may use a simplified procedure for obtaining visas Tax guarantees not to increase the resident’s total tax burden The SEZ has special procedure to bring in and use foreign goods in the SEZ until 2016. There is a custom free zone with 0% for import duty/VAT for goods coming in and duty when taking out products after processing in the custom free zone, e.g. automotive components. The strategy of local authorities was largely successful to build up an automotive cluster in St. Petersburg / Leningrad oblast. First car manufacturers were attracted and later the producers of spare parts. The new automotive cluster is now being formed. The goal is reaching an annual car output of about 1 million vehicles with total investment in care plants of 1.3 billion USD by 2018. Whereas most OEMs are located in St. Petersburg’s industrial zones, most tier-1 spare part suppliers are located in the Leningrad oblast. With a share of 32.6% of all foreign tier-1 OESs Leningrad oblast holds the first place in Russia, and with 9% of all local Russian spare parts producers the third place.

11. OEMs outside the clusters

Although the automotive industry in Russia is concentrated mainly within the three clusters mentioned above there is a certain number of projects, which are located elsewhere. Some of them are linked to big Russian companies like AVTOVAZ in Togliatti, others to foreign producers. The most important car, bus and truck producers are presented in the company profiles below. Among the projects, the production facilities of Sollers in the Far East of Russia should be highlighted, as it is often referred to as the fourth automotive cluster in Russia. It contains the Sollers owned Sollers Far East producing SsangYong SUVs and the joint ventures Sollers Bussan (with Mitsui & Co) producing Toyota cars and Mazda Sollers. But as Japanese and Korean cars consist mostly of components from Asia, we decided not to present this cluster in an individual chapter, as the business opportunities for Swiss suppliers are rather limited. 58


For more detailed information see: For more information see: and



Nevertheless it is an important factor for the Russian automotive sector and for the local industry. Total Sollers production in Vladivostok in 2013 is expected to be 70,000 vehicles, including Mazda and Toyota cars, in the future the production should be increased to 100,000 cars. More than 3,000 people have been employed in the region because of the automotive industry and according to estimates of the Ministry of Industry and Trade about 1,500 new jobs will be provided by manufacturers of automotive components. The automotive production in the Far East of Russia is heavily subsidized by the Russian administration. 100% of the rail transportation fee between the Far East and European Russia is recompensed by the Ministry of Industry.

Avtomobilniy Zavod Ural Contact data

456304 Chelyabinskaya oblast, Miass, Avtozavodtsev prosp., 1, Tel: + 7 (3513) 29 78 94, 57 12 44 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

About 6000

Annual production volume by models

2012: 7,034 trucks

Localization rate by models

Local Brand

Plans for future

To establish a strategic partnership with one of the world leading truck manufacturers, development and production of Euro-4 and -5 vehicles, to develop vehicles according to European quality standards but 15-20% cheaper, introduction of world renowned components

Suppliers producing in RF

ZF, Raba, Wabco, Knorr-Bremse, Hella, Ebersp채cher

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

In order to make its trucks more competitive the company has integrated several components of foreign producers (see above). According to their annual report 2012 they want to introduce further high quality components.

Contact person

Nikolay Ivanovich Kraynov, Director for Production Tel: + 7 (3513) 29 10 16 Andrey Gennadievich Belov, Procurement Director Tel: + 7 (3513) 29 78 94 Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency ChechenAvto Contact data



366310 Chechenskaya respublika, Argun, Ul. Dzerzhinskogo, b/n Tel: +7 (8714) 72-27-81 Fax: +7 (8714) 72-27-81 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

About 150

Annual production volume by models

1,500 cars

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian Brand

Plans for future

To increase the output and to produce components as filters, mufflers and brake blocks

Foreign Suppliers


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Currently the plant is cooperating very closely with AVTOVAZ. There are plans to increase the output and establish the production of components, but so far due to the difficult economic situation they could not be realized.

Contact person

Sayd-Husayn Taymaskhanov, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Derways Contact data

369000 Karachaevo-Cherkesskaya respublika Cherkessk Shosseinaya ul. 15, Tel: +7 (8782) 20-30-24 Fax: +7 (8782) 20-30-24, E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

About 70,000 cars of the brands Lifan, Geely and Haima

Localization rate by models

Today locally produced: batteries, wheels, circular plates, tires

Plans for future

Production volume 150,000 cars in 2015

Suppliers producing in RF


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

As the company cooperates closely with Chinese car producers and plans to further localize the production, there are hardly any business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Contact person

Khadzhi-Murat Derev, President of the Company

Plan to produce locally: seats, instrument panels, bumpers, mufflers, die-stamping

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Kuzbasauvto Contact data



652571 Kemerovskaya oblast

Leninsk-Kuznetski raion Drachenino Ul. Yubileinaya, d 1 B Tel: +7 (3842) 77-34-78, 77-34-79 +7 951 182 4040 E-mail: Web: Established in


Number of employees


Planned annual production capacity

2,000 buses, 2,000 trucks

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

To increase the production capacity

Foreign Suppliers


Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Assembling of Hyundai buses and trucks, no business opportunities for Swiss suppliers.

Contact person

Viktor Minvalievich Miftofutdinov, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Kurganskiy Avtobusniy Zavod 640008 Kurgan Contact data Ul. Avtozavodskaya 5 Tel: +7 (3522) 44-90-42, 44-42-24 Fax: +7 (3522) 44-44-45 E-mail: Web: Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

2 models of middle sized autobuses: КАVZ-4235 «Avrora» and КАVZ-4238.; current production volume – n.a.

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand

Plans for future

To increase the quality; to broaden the product range, especially by developing an autobus model operating on liquid gas.

Suppliers producing in RF

Cummins, ZF, Sachs

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

The company develops an autobus which operates on liquid gas

Andrey Gennadevich SUKHAREV, Development Director Tel: + (7) (3522) 48-72-57 Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Contact person



Nefaz Contact data

452680 Republic Bashkortostan Nevtekamsk Ul. Yanaulskaya 3, Tel: +7 34783(20480); 23216, E-mail: nefaz@nefaz .ru Web:

Established in


Number of employees

More than 1,000

Annual production volume by models

740 autobuses, 880 crew buses, special trucks

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian brand.

Plans for future

The company regularly works on new models and the upgrade of the existing ones.

Suppliers producing in RF

BP, Cummins, ZF, Voith,

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

In order to make its buses more competitive the company has integrated several components of foreign producers (see above). The engineers are regularly checking the experience or integrating other foreign components. Vladimir Mikhailovich SYUTKIN, Technical Director Contact person Tel: + 7 (34783) 2-36-02, 2-26-20, E-mail: Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Sollers Dalniy Vostok (incl. the joint ventures Sollers Bussan und Mazda Sollers) Contact data

690001 Vladivostok Ul. Dalzavodskaya, d 2, korp 14 Tel: +7 (423) 2513711 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

More than 1,000

Annual production volume by models

70,000, planned 100,000 SsangYong Actyon, Actyon Sports, Kyron and Rexton, Mazda and Toyota Land Cruiser Prado

Localization rate by models

Assembling of South Korean and Japanese kits

Plans for future

On the base of Sollers Dalniy Vostok the regional administration plans to establish a special economic zone for the production of automotive components. According to first estimations this should help increase the localization rate up to 30%.

Suppliers producing in RF


Business opportunities

For companies, which do not already cooperate with Asian suppliers, it is difficult to enter.



for Swiss suppliers Contact person

In Vladivostok: Lybov Sergeevna Shapovalova, Head of Procurement Group, Tel: + 7 (423) 251 37 11 (ext.3300) Sollers headquater: Alexander Korneychuk, General Director of SOLLERS-Far East (incl. Mazda Sollers and Sollers Bussan)

Moscow 123317 Testovskaya St. 10 Moscow International Business Centre, Northern Tower Fax: +7 (495) 228-30-44 Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Tagaz Contact data

344006 Rostov–on–Don Voroshilovsky prospect 2/2 Plant address: 347923, Taganrog, Instrumentalnaya st. 2 Tel: +7 (800) 2002234, +7 (863) 2675915 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees

Estimated 900

Annual production volume by models

About 7,000

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian Brand, assembling of Hyundai, BYD and Chery cars

Plans for future

The company is bankrupt, there is an external director and the future of the enterprise is unclear.

Suppliers producing in RF

Engine licensed by Mitsubishi, many Korean components.

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

As the enterprise is in a very difficult situation, it is probably not ready to negotiate on new cooperation projects.

Contact person

Artem Sergeevich Evseev, External Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Trans-Alfa PLC Contact data



160004 Vologda Belozerskoe shosse 3 Tel: +7 (8172) 21-71-62 Fax: +7 (8172) 76-97-44 E-mail: Web:

Established in


Number of employees


Annual production volume by models

150 buses

Localization rate by models

Genuine Russian Brand

Plans for future


Suppliers producing in RF

Knorr-Brems, RABA, Camozzi, ZF

On the one hand the company management is aware that they have to improve the quality of their buses in order to make them more competitive in comparison for instance with the Belarusian bus producers. High quality European components could help reach this goal. On the other hand the low price of their products is the main competitive advantage and therefore they are not ready to spend a lot on external supply. Andrey Ivanovich KHALIZOV, Chief Engineer for Trolleybuses Contact person Tel: +7 (8172) 21 72 36 Sergey Alexandrovich KOLYBIN, Chief Engineer for Autobuses Tel: +7 (8172) 21 68 93 Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

United Automobile Group, LLC Contact data

426060 Udmurtiya respublika Izhevsk Avtozavodskaya ul. 5 Tel: +7 (3412) 648-103, 648-731 E-mail:, office@ Web:

Established in

2011 on a company first established in 1966

Number of employees

More than 5,000

Annual production volume by models

48,573, including 24,074 Lada Granta

Localization rate by models

Russian brand

Plans for future

The company announced to further increase the production capacity up to 350,000 cars/year. As of 2015 the assembly of foreign brands is planned. There are discussions on the possibility of establishing an automotive cluster in Udmurtia on the base of United Automobile Group.

Suppliers producing in RF

Valeo, Behr, Kiekert, Brose, Visteon, АЕ, Saturno, TPV, Bosch, Hella Auto Technic, Eberspächer, Mando

Business opportunities for Swiss suppliers

Suppliers should apply to the AVTOVAZ headquarter in Togliatti

Contact person

Alexei Alexandrovich Alexeev, General Director

Source: Public sources, Spark-Interfax agency



12. Events and media

Trade Fairs and Conferences Type




Exhibition & Conference

AUTOPROM Russia (International specialized conference and exhibition organized by Restec company) Automotive Production, Components and Technologies,

St. Petersburg, Lenexpo Fairgrounds

12.-14. 03.2014


AutoWorld (International Motor Show organized by Farexpo JSC)

St. Petersburg, Sportivno Konzertniy Kompleks

Exhibition & Conference




Russian Automotive Forum (organized by Adam Smith Conferences) international gathering for the Russian automotive industry MIMS powered by Automechanika Moscow, organized by ITE and Messe Frankfurt companies, International Trade Fair for Automotive Parts, Components, Accessories and Aftermarket Industry Interauto - MIAS (organized by Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center and IMAG) Cars, Automotive Components, Garage Service Equipment, Disks, Tires, Car Care Chemistry, Paint-and-Lacquer Materials, Oils, Car Electronics, Security Systems and Accessories, MIAS (Moscow International Automobile Salon organized by the Association of Russian Carmakers NP and the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre) Most important Autoshow in Russia. Exhibition for Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories

Internet sites and Journals (English) (English) (Russian) (Russian) (Russian) (Russian) (Russian)



09.-13. 04.2014

Moscow World Trade Centre

18.-20. 03. 2014

Moscow Expocentr

25. – 28. 08.2014

Moscow Crocus Expo

28.-31. 08.2014

Moscow Crocus Expo

27.08. 07.09.2014

13. Important adresses Automotive Components Committee Association of European Businesses Olga Zarubina (Johnson Controls International) Chairman Elena Rothman Coordinator Tel. +7 (495) 234 2764 Fax. +7 (495) 234 2807 Department of Automotive Industry and Agricultural Engineering Ministry of Industry and Trade Alexey L. Rakhmanov Director Tel:+7 (495) 632-85-13 Fax: +7 (495) 632-85-15 Email : Napak – National Association of Automotive Components Manufacturers Mikhail Vladimirovich Blokhin General Director Tel.:+7 (499) 973 01 76 Fax:+7 (499) 973 13 49 Address: 127018, Russia, Moscow, Sushevsky val, 5, bld. 2 E-mail:; St. Petersburg Association of Manufactures of Automotive Components (SPbAPAC) Support the forming of a cluster of automotive manufacturers in Northwest Russia. Lobby work done for the interest of the automotive component industry. V.P. Kiselevich President Phone/fax: +7 (812) 313-8254 E-mail:



14. Conclusions / Recommendations

The current localization process of international car manufacturers in Russia opens several business opportunities for Swiss producers of automotive components and equipment for the automotive sector. The main goal of the Russian authorities is to boost the local production. Due to high investment costs this is probably not the first option for Swiss SMEs, especially if they have not been introduced to the Russian market so far and have no order commitment from the part of the car producers in Russia. But the localization of OEMs & OESs along with the restructuring and modernization of the Russian automotive OES sector and the horizontal specialization offer also some interesting export options: High-tech components, which are needed in smaller quantities, can be supplied from Switzerland. However, the international car suppliers rely for imports almost solely on trusted partners from whom they already buy components for their production in other countries. Russian automotive producers willing to increase the quality of their cars might be more open for new products. The demand for imported tier 2 and tier 3 components will rise within the next year, as the localization of tier 1 components production will gain ground in Russia. Here again, international companies will probably rely on proven business relations, but joint ventures or innovative Russian companies could be more interested in new offers. For machinery manufacturers all new investment projects are of particular interest – be it for car or component production. Special machinery, modernization of equipment, increasing productivity through automation solution will be demanded as well as infrastructure design, project management and engineering services. Timetable of market opportunities in Russian automotive market:   

Short-term: aftermarket for spare parts, delivery of specific components from Switzerland directly or via partner services, motorsport, cosmetic for automotive Medium-term: technology partnership with local OEMs/OES, production modernization and quality component manufacturing with further localization Long-term: JV or local assembly and improving product quality

In order to be successful and win new business partners in the Russian market, the following competences are particularly important:   

Local presence either with a subsidiary, a representative office or through a reliable partner Good functioning logistics, generally more important than in the West Customer training

In general, personal contacts with potential clients and decision makers are likely to take much more time than in European countries. Detailed information material in Russian will also be necessary to convince your business partner. The Swiss Business Hub Russia will be glad to consult and support you in all questions related to doing business in and with Russia.



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Switzerland Global Enterprise Stampfenbachstrasse 85 CH-8006 Zürich T +41 44 365 51 51 Switzerland Global Enterprise Corso Elvezia 16 – CP 5399 CH-6901 Lugano T +41 91 911 51 35 Switzerland Global Enterprise Avenue d’Ouchy 47 – CP 315 CH-1001 Lausanne T +41 21 613 35 70

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