SAE University College - Orientation Guide

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From wherever you have joined us, I warmly welcome you to the SAE community. We’re passionate about helping you reach your potential and aim to support you to thrive and succeed in both your personal and academic endeavours. There is no better way to commence your journey with us than to attend your Campus Orientation session.

Orientation is the time to get prepared for your studies, meet the key SAE people at your Campus, get to know other students and familiarise yourself with the Campus and its facilities. There will be information about your academic course of study, support services available to assist your learning and personal journey, staying healthy and making the most of student life.

So as you commence your learning journey, I encourage your attendance and active involvement in your Campus Orientation program and wish you every success with your studies.



Welcome, and congratulations on joining us at SAE. We’re in the business of helping you become a legend in the world of creative media. To help you achieve this, we do things a little differently. For a start you’ll be learning by doing, you will be working with fellow students (peers) and faculty, and engaging in a range of activities and projects designed to develop your skills and knowledge and support your success.

At SAE we help you become job-ready by providing you with an opportunity to learn in an industry-style setting. The Stage 1 Handbook will help explain how this works. We suggest you keep a copy of the handbook so you can come back to it at any stage throughout your course.

This handbook is part of a larger information pack which contains a number of resources. You should familiarise yourself with these resources as they give you the ‘basics’ of how to succeed in your course. The digital link for the Handbook can be found in the appendix or on Campus Online. It forms part of the larger information pack you will receive on commencement which includes:

· Unit Guides (for the units you will be enrolled in)

The SAE Transferable Skills Framework

The Transferable Skills Framework is designed to improve the student’s ability to both achieve higher performance in the Institute’s assessment as well as develop the behaviors required for employability. Guidelines for Holistic Assessment in Stage 1 Group Work Agreement

Reflective Practice

At SAE, we have designed our curriculum to develop and assess your capabilities in three, interlinked domains:

Proficiency - the intellectual, creative and technical tools of your trade and the tangible output of their use.

· Process - the ways in which you go about using and reflecting on these tools to create things of high quality which meet the needs of your target audience. Person - the transferable skills that make you better at working with other people in creative media.

We refer to this as the 3Ps. Proficiency, process and person each have their own set of skills, knowledge and behaviours that you will develop and practice and which form an integral part of our holistic assessment framework.

Each week you will be asked to reflect upon each of the 3Ps in relation to the work undertaken in class. Reflective practice helps to bring unconscious aspects of experience into conscious awareness. By bringing these aspects of experience to the conscious mind, we can begin to make choices about what attitudes, practices and values we should adopt.

Professional creative media practitioners do this frequently through a range of methods including keeping journals, creating blogs and discussing their practice with others. There are simple questions that you can use to become a reflective practitioner:

What feedback was I given this week?

· What did I lear n from this week’s class?

· What do I need to brush up on? What additional lear ning do I need? What are my next tasks?

You’ll use these questions every week to reflect on each of the 3Ps in your after class activities. Students are expected to routinely share their documented reflections in class and receive feedback from their peers and Lecturers.

Of course, the final, and most vital parts of reflective practice include making adjustments to improve your practice and the maintenance of the reflection process as an ongoing activity.

We also recommend you review your course in more detail and understand the individual units you will undertake throughout the course. A link to all SAE courses is found in the appendix


We understand commencing study is a juggling act, which is why we have put together some helpful hints on time management to assist you in your transition. A link to this document can be found in the appendix

Regardless the type of student you are, entering tertiary study can seem like a huge adjustment. You may need to make some changes to your lifestyle, add to an already busy schedule or manage a few learning curves that you weren’t expecting. Here is a guide to help you navigate this transition. This document is located in the appendix

Parents are often key in our decision to commence study. Our handy Parents Guide outlines the ins and outs of SAE to help them understand why SAE is the best choice for future creatives. The Guide is located in the appendix


Academic Calendar

Keep up to date with important dates of your qualification through the year. SAE Institute operates on three Trimesters a year - each Trimester being approximately 13 weeks. View our Academic Calendars in the appendix

What is census date and the last day to withdraw without fail?

There are key dates each Trimester which determine the financial and academic consequences of any change in your enrolment status throughout a Trimester.

Census Date

Friday of Week 3

(for Higher Education 13 week study periods)

The census date is the last date in each Trimester that you can make any changes to your enrolment (eg: add or drop units, change course or specialisation, defer or withdraw from your course) without incurring a penalty. This means if you drop a unit, defer, or withdraw after the financial census date, you will still be liable for the applicable fees for the unit/s, unless there are Special Circumstances.

The census date is also the deadline to: Apply for a Government HELP loan


· Apply for a Tax File Number and submit evidence to Student Services OR pay for your tuition fees if you are not applying for a HELP loan

Information on Special Circumstances is available on the SAE website as well as in the appendix

Last Day to Withdraw Without Fail

This is the last day you can make any changes to your enrolment (eg: drop units, defer or withdraw from your course) without incurring academic penalty. Last Day to Withdraw Without Fail is Friday of Week 8

If you drop any units before this day, you will receive a WK grade - (Withdrawn without failure grade) against the unit/s you dropped and this is not included in the calculation of your Grade Point Average (GPA). You are still liable for the applicable fees for those unit/s, unless there are Special Circumstances.

You will also be charged tuition fees to repeat the unit/s in a future Trimester.

If you are an international student you may apply to withdraw from a unit of study by this day, without being academically penalised, only if you have special circumstances. Please contact your Student Services Team to discuss your situation.

If you drop any unit/s after this day, you will receive a WF (Withdrawn with Failure grade) against the unit/s you dropped. This counts as a Fail grade in the calculation of your Grade Point Average (GPA). You are still liable for the applicable fees for those unit/s, unless there are Special Circumstances.

You will also be charged tuition fees to repeat the unit/s in a future Trimester.

Information on Special Circumstances is available on the SAE website as well as in the appendix


Eligible SAE students will be required to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF), to support a wide range of non-academic student services, facilities and student-focused initiatives.

This government-approved fee is levied on all eligible students to allow us to allocate specific funding for services including learning, careers and counselling services and student-led events and activities. The Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and the Student Services Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines (the Guidelines) outline how the funds are allocated, spent and reported.

You can pay this fee upfront or defer through SA-HELP.




Apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (if applicable)

SAE recognises industry experience and previous studies from accredited institutions. The amount of credit will vary according to individual circumstances and the course. Applicants are encouraged to submit credit recognition information as part of the enrolment process so that course progression can be mapped accordingly. For more information please refer to our Recognition of Prior Learning Policy This policy can be found in the appendix

To apply for RPL please contact your Student Services team.

Applying for FEE-HELP & SA-HELP

As a domestic fee-paying student at an approved higher education provider, you may be able to get a FEE-HELP loan from the Australian Government to pay for all or part of your tuition fees. You may also be able to get a SA-HELP loan to pay for your Student Services & Amenities Fee. A FEE-HELP loan does not cover costs like accommodation, laptops or textbooks.

To apply for your FEE-HELP & SA-HELP loan, you must complete two separate electronic Commonwealth Assistance Forms (or eCAF) before the census date of your commencing Trimester. An eCAF for FEE-HELP and an eCAF for SA-HELP will be emailed to your personal email two weeks prior to Orientation. To complete your eCAFs you must have:

Unique Student Identifier (USI) and, · Tax File Number (TFN) or, provide evidence you have applied for a Tax File Number from the Australian Taxation Office

If you have applied for your TFN, you must subsequently notify SAE of your TFN as soon as you receive it. If you do not advise SAE of your TFN, your eCAF will become void and you will not be able to access a FEE-HELP or SA-HELP loan.

You will be required to pay your tuition fees upfront to SAE.

Please complete both your FEE-HELP & SA-HELP eCAFs as soon as you receive it. The last day to apply is the census date of your Trimester.

If you are eligible for a FEE-HELP loan, you need to be aware of the HELP loan limit (the maximum amount you can borrow).

Before submitting your FEE-HELP eCAF you must also read the current FEE-HELP Information booklet available online.

This booklet outlines your obligations under the HELP loan scheme, including the requirement for students commencing a new course of study to have a Unique Student Identifier as per the Student Identifiers Act 2014. When you submit a request for Commonwealth assistance form, you are declaring that you have read and understood the booklet and your obligations before you access the loan.

The FEE-HELP booklet is available on the Study Assist website in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats. This can be found in our appendix

Student Portal

Students can use the Student Portal for any of the following tasks and more

· Work with money matters like:

- Access your SAE financial summaries

- Access invoices and your financial balance

Access your attendance records

· Check your timetable

· Check your attendance

Check your results

Communicate with teachers using student email

· Access Campus Online (the Learning Management System)

Access campus information such as policies, web site and important dates

You will receive an email from Student Services with your login details closer to your start date.

SAE Student Email

Each student enrolled at SAE is provided with a student email account which is the main point of contact for lecturers, facilitators and general staff. It is essential that you check your email daily. You will receive information on how to set up your student email approximately prior to Orientation.



Library Account

To ensure you have access to Library resources please set up your SAE email account. To search for resources, visit the Library website Please see the Activating your Library Account instructions for more information.

Linkedin Learning Account

LinkedIn Learning will send an invitation to your Student email. For access, please select the link from within your email and follow the Activating LinkedIn Learning instructions


SAE uses Slack as a collaboration and messaging platform. Students are enrolled into Slack channels for every unit, along with their teachers. You can collaborate in and outside of class, send messages, book and hold meetings, see announcements and reminders, link to useful forms, and get help from faculty, Student Services, SSAs, Library and Learning Support and IT on Slack.




Into Units

Academic Administrators will enrol you into units before your Orientation.


Log in to the Student Homepage at to view your timetable.

Student ID Card

Your Student ID card will be prepared by your campus Student Services team during your Orientation, where you’ll need to have your photo taken. Your Student ID card demonstrates you are a bonafide student at SAE who is authorised to be on campus. Your Student ID card permits you to gain access to Library resources; swipe/security access to buildings and/or studio spaces (as may be applicable on your campus) and, will be needed if you are eligible to apply for a Student Transport Concession card in your State.


When possible most classes will be delivered on campus with full access to facilities and equipment.

Reflective practice is a widely used strategy in the creative industries and is an important skill to develop. In conjunction with industry partners, SAE has implemented a range of tools in support of a Flexible, Blended Delivery mode to support your studies whether you are on campus or elsewhere.

Using Zoom For Online Units

The Zoom application is a video conferencing software application used extensively in different industries. Through this application, you will be able to interact with your facilitator and peers no matter where you are. The application works on PC, Mac, Linux, as well on mobile phones and tablets running iOS and Android, however, for the best experience, we recommend that you run the application on a PC or Mac - even if you are on campus for your scheduled class.

How To Attend Your Units On Zoom

Just before your scheduled class time:

1. Log in to Campus Online

2. Open the unit you are wanting to attend

3. You will find the Zoom link in the Online class and staff contact information section

4. Choose your campus/location open the corresponding Zoom link

5. Once the application is up and running, your class will begin!

If you are attending on campus, you can use any available campus computer to participate. Please bring your own headphones, preferably ones with an in-built microphone if you are coming to campus.

If you are attending off-campus, you will need a computer/ device with video and audio capability and reliable internet for the entire scheduled class (microphone, webcam, earphones, etc)

Before And After Class

Your pre-class and post-class activities will remain largely unchanged so please continue to use Campus Online to access materials.

During Class

Your facilitator will run the virtual classroom in a similar way to your physical classroom, in real time, with all of you contributing

You are expected to attend your classes, according to your timetable

Respect, courtesy and collaboration are expected in the virtual classroom, as in the physical classroom. There will be separate zoom ‘rooms’ where you can collaborate with others, and your facilitator will be able to talk to you one on one, and to the whole group.

· You will be able to ask questions and participate using video and chat functions.

Your facilitator will be able to take polls, share screens, show videos and share other resources.

· The emphasis on collaboration, group work and transferable skills is no different, so you will be encouraged to contribute, reflect, support, try and fail. The zoom session will be recorded for your facilitator to review after the class- it will not be available to students after the session.

Attending Classes From Off-Campus

One of the benefits of remote learning is that learning this way develops what are known as ‘remote practice skills and behaviours’. These are essential skills for creative industry professionals globally. So, active and appropriate participation in Zoom classes (where required) is an opportunity to develop your remote practice, and will help ensure you get the most from your SAE experience.

When you attend classes via Zoom SAE has a number of expectations. These include:

Attend classes on time and ensure you participate fully Use both video and audio for Zoom classes whenever possible (have your cameras on) - it’s challenging for others to collaborate and engage with you through a blank screen.

If your internet is problematic and you need to turn your video off, let your group know, and keep involved via audio and chat.

Make sure your virtual background is appropriate for the classroom.

· Find a suitable, quiet and distraction free environment. Set up somewhere quiet where you won’t be interrupted during your class and where background activity won’t be distracting for others.

Keep your audio on mute until you need to contribute.

· Use a headset with headphones and a microphone if possible - this will improve audio quality and prevent disruptions to people around you.

Behave as though you’re on-campus

Don’t share Zoom meeting invites, IDs or passwords. If someone is missing from an invite list, notify the host. Dress and behave as you would when attending a class on campus - you wouldn’t come on to campus in your pyjamas or inappropriate clothing.

Adhere to SAE’s Code of Conduct, and participate fully, with respect and courtesy.


Student Services Coordinators (SSC's)

From Orientation onwards, SSCs are the first point of contact for all your student enquiries. At any stage of your learning and student life journey with SAE, SSOs are available to support you with advice or information relating to enrolment or changes to your enrolment, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Orientation, Academic Progression, International student visa and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) enquiries, local campus activities, Student Policies, Procedures and Forms, Graduation, any other enquiry you may have.

You can contact your student services coordinators via;


Phone: 1300 136 933

Slack: #help-studentservices

Student Support Advisors (SSA’S)

Our on site Student Support Advisors are here to support your wellbeing and academic success during your time at SAE. They can provide disability, welfare and learning support as well as assistance for international students. Student Support Advisors can assist with crisis situations and refer you to other internal and external support services. For more information regarding SAE’s disability support please visit disability-support/

To contact your campus SSA directly please find the emails below:

Adelaide SSA:

· Brisbane SSA:

· Byron Bay SSA:

Melbour ne SSA:

Perth SSA:

· Sydney SSA:

· Online Campus SSA:

Student Counsellors

Student Counsellors are available to assist students with personal issues or circumstances that might affect wellbeing and study. This is a free, short term and confidential service. Student Counsellors at SAE are on placement in their final stage of study and are closely and regularly supervised by experienced and qualified SAE counselling staff.

The Counselling Service can assist students with a variety of issues such as grief and loss, trauma and crisis, relationship issues, self-esteem and identity, stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns. All SAE students are welcome to use the Counselling Service.

The National Manager, Counselling and Wellbeing also provides short term counselling to students by arrangement.

To book a confidential appointment please email the counsellors for your campus.


Byron Bay:

· Melbour ne:




· Online:

IT Officers

Each SAE campus has an IT support officer who can provide students with support relating to all of SAE’s digital learning environment as well as email, web and network support.

A 24/7 service desk is available to all SAE students to provide support both on and off campus. Students may access this service either directly on campus via Student Services or via the 24/7 email address: alternatively you may call the IT helpdesk during business hours on (02) 9049 5330.

Tech Team

SAE’s Tech Team is always available while the campus is open. They are responsible for opening & closing the campus, organising all bookings & gear hire, and general maintenance across the entire SAE campus. Each member of the Tech Team is an Alumni of SAE, made up of diverse skill sets. They are an invaluable first point of contact and will be able to assist you with most of your questions.

To find out more information about your campus’ Tech Team or the equipment & facilities available, please visit the TechHub, linked below:

Brisbane Tech Hub:

· Byron Bay Tech Hub: Melbour ne Tech Hub: ne

· Perth Tech Hub: Sydney Tech Hub:


Your Library and Learning Services Department is here to support you in your studies and consists of Learning Services and Library Services. These two services support your learning at SAE in different yet aligned ways.

Learning Services

Learning Services is an online learning advisory service. Learning Advisors are here to support you in a range of areas including:

Unpacking assignment questions and project tasks;

· Academic writing, reflective writing and practice, and creating effective presentations; Planning study and assessment time; Understanding unit outlines and what’s expected academically;

· Developing group work skills and managing group work; Developing reflection skills; Developing skills for managing projects;

· Understanding feedback;

· Digital literacy (improving software and computer skills); English help for International students.

To make an appointment with a Learning Advisor, look for the Book a Learning Advisor link on the Library and Learning Services website and complete the booking form to make an appointment.

Library Services

Library Services are online. Online Librarians are here to support you in your research. Online Librarians can assist students with:

Finding resources including ebooks, journal and magazine articles and online tutorials;

· helping students find, analyse and select appropriate resources for assignments and research; APA referencing and Copyright;

· accessing library systems and resources.

You can contact the Library in various ways based on your needs:

· Chat: Click on the chat bubble on the Library & Lear ning services website and chat with a librarian in real-time.

Zoom: Set up an in-depth Zoom session. Look for the Book a librarian link on the Library & Lear ning Services website.






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FEE-HELP Booklet

Fees & Payments

Library Account Instructions

Library and Learning Services

LinkedIn Learning Instructions

Policies and Procedures

Recognition of Prior Learning

Special Circumstances

Academic Calendars

Parents Guide

Stage 1 Handbook

Student Forms Study Assist Website

Time Management Hints ws2TrEyGKpB9a/view


Cnr Jane St. & Riverside Dr. West End, QLD 4101

Tel. +61 (0)7 3850 2000


Byron Bay 373-391 Ewingsdale Rd.

Byron Bay, NSW 2481

Tel. +61 (0)2 6639 6000


Sydney 39 Regent St.

Chippendale, NSW 2008

Tel. +61 (0)2 8241 5200


Melbourne 235 Normanby Rd.

South Melbourne, VIC 3205

Tel. +61 (0)3 8632 3400


Adelaide 15-19 Franklin Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

Tel. +61 (0)8 8215 7800



116 Roe St. Northbridge, WA 6003

Tel. +61 (0)8 6217 4100


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