Selected Poems Pengantar - Foreword
Soetardji Qalzoum Bachri
Selected Poems
R os e
Sanksi pelanggaran pasal 44 Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1987 Tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 1982 Tentang Hak Cipta. 1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja atau tanpa hak mengumumkan atau memperbanyak suatu ciptaan atau memberi izin untuk itu, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 100.000.000,- (seratus juta rupiah). 2. Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyebarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan atau menjual kepada umum suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelaggaran Hak Cipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1), dipi dana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp 50.000.000,- (lima puluh juta rupiah).
R os e Selected Poems Translated & Edited by
Ali Mamiya Murparsaulian Rida K Liamsi Pengantar - Foreword
Soetardji Qalzoum Bachri
Yayasan Sagang Pekanbaru 2013
Rida K Liamsi Rose Selected Poems Oleh : Rida K Liamsi Translate & Edited by: Ali Mamiya, Murparsaulian, Rida K Liamsi Pengantar - Foreword by: Soetardji Qalzoum Bachri @ Penerbit : Yayasan Sagang Komplek Riau Pos Group Jalan HR. Soebrantas, KM 10,5 Pekanbaru, Riau Pelaksana Penerbitan : Armawi KH Layout : Rudi Yulisman Diterbitkan Pertama Kali oleh Yayasan Sagang, Pekanbaru, 2013
ISBN : ...
Rose Selected Poems
ulisan ini tidak diniatkan sebagai suatu kritik puisi. Ini hanya kesan dari seorang penyair terhadap karya seorang penyair lain. Suatu komentar sekilas dan berdasarkan pada ketertarikan pada sajak-sajaknya. Sejak dari masa awal kepenyairannya, saya merasa antusias terhadap puisi Rida K. Liamsi. Ini terutama disebabkan semangat perpuisiannya yang bertolak dari akar budaya Melayu Riau yang dijadikan pangkal jati diri dari upaya pencapaian puitikanya. Sebagaimana kebanyakan para penyair dari Riau, puisi Rida sangat kental dengan warna lokal Riau. Dalam sajak-sajaknya yang terbaik kata-kata dari khazanah Riau sering muncul memberikan keunikan dan kesegaran dan sekaligus membantu menimbulkan nuansa makna yang dalam. Sajak-sajaknya menyimpan dan memancarkan semangat hidup yang padat. Suatu semangat yang ingin “menciptakan takdir� dari takdir yang sedang dihadapi. Suatu semangat pantang menyerah yang ingin memenangkan perjuangan dan pergulatan hidup atau makna, walau kemenangan tak pernah mutlak. Selalu ada terasa semacam kenisbian, namun hidup ataupun maknanya meninggi dibanding takdir sebelumnya. Pada kebanyakan sajak-sajaknya sering terkesan pada saya bahwa penyair mengisyaratkan hidup adalah perjuangan untuk meraih makna yang diimpikan, memburu mimpi, “memburu
his review is not intended for a criticism of poetry. This is only an impression from me as a poet to the work of another poet. A glimpse comments that based on my interest in his poems. Since the beginning of his literary period, I have been enthusiastic to the poems of Rida K. Liamsi. This is mainly because the spirit of his poems departed from Malay cultural roots that have been used as the base identity of his poetical achievement. Just like the most of poets from Riau, Rida’s poems are heavily influenced by local colour of Riau. In the most of his best poems, the original words from Riau are often appeared to provide uniqueness and freshness and induce the deep shades of meanings. His poems keep and spread the firmly spirit of life. A spirit that wants to “create the destiny” out of the destiny being faced. An unyielding spirit that wants to win the fight and struggle of life or the meaning, though the win is never be an absolute victory. It always exists as some sort of relativity, but the life and its meaning is higher than the previous destiny. In most of his poems often impressed on me that he suggests the life is a struggle to grabbing the meaning being dreamed, chasing the
pelangi” untuk merealisasikan obsesi. Namun ketika sampai, ternyata sampai pun tak pernah mutlak. Selalu halte dicapai itu tanda-tanya: kemana? Hidup berikut makna yang tersimpan didalamnya, tidak pernah diam, selalu bergerak, selalu berada dalam perjalanan, dalam kesementaraan. Puisi Rida, sebagaimana puisi yang baik, berupaya mengabadikan kesementaraan ini, dalam makna. Suatu perjalanan atau perjuangan dari kesementaraan untuk sampai pada kesementaraan yang lain dan seterusnya dalam upaya meraih keabadian. Suatu perjuangan dari semangat hidup yang terus bergerak dalam perubahan untuk meraih pencapaian makna. Semangat perubahan ini juga ikut mempengaruhi diksi pada beberapa sajak. Kata kata yang bermunculan, kadang, pada hemat saya, bisa dianggap bukan sekedar untuk pilihan perpadanan bunyi, demi rima ataupun irama. Tapi kata kata muncul demi perubahan itu sendiri. “Ingin” menjadi “angin” menjadi “angan”, misalnya. Dan karena semangat perubahan, lambang, simbol, tanda dari kata kata dalam sajaknya bisa berubah-ubah dalam banyak makna: “...dan kau berkata: Seberapa jauh kita berlayar kita harus sampai harus melabuh sauh dan turun ke pelabuhan tapi jangan menoleh ke belakang sebab di belakang adalah laut sebab laut adalah misteri yang menyimpan rindu yang mengeram takut
dreams “chasing the rainbows” to realize the obsessions. But when it comes, it is apparent that the destination is never absolute. The place where we have reached is the question mark of: where? Life and its meaning inside, never still, always moving, always on the way, in temporariness. Rida’s poem, as the good poems, trying to capture the temporariness, in the meanings. A journey or a struggle from the temporariness to get to other temporariness and so on as an effort to gain the eternality. A struggle of the spirit of life that continues to move in the changes to achieve their meanings. The spirit of this change also affects the diction in his poems. Words that have sprung up, sometimes, in my opinion, can be considered not just for sound options appropriation, for the rhyme or rhythm. Yet the words appeared for the change itself. For example, “ingin” to “angin” to “angan”. And because of the spirit of the change, a symbol, a sign of the words in his poems can change in a lot of meaning: “... And you said: How far will we sail we must arrive must drop the anchor and go down to the harbour but don’t look back because there is the sea behind because the sea is a mystery that kept the longing that brood the fear that wrote the love that buried the hatred “. (“ In Stockholm “) I find here a second person pronoun “you” also implies the first
yang menulis cinta yang memendam benci”. (“Di Stockholm”) Terasa bagi saya pronoun orang kedua “kau” menyiratkan juga orang pertama (aku penyair). Ada paradoks dalam ucapannya. Di satu sisi jangan menoleh ke laut, tapi di di sisi lain lautlah yang mengantarkan pelayaran kehidupan kepada “maqam” pemaknaan yang lain. Laut yang luas dalam puisi Rida bisa menampung berbagai pelambang makna yang tak jarang terasa berlawanan, paradoksal, absurd, terasa misterius dan sulit untuk ditakar akal. Metafor tak jarang terasa dibuat untuk tidak konsisten menimbulkan perjuangan dari pembaca untuk dapat mengahayatinya. Namun disitu pula letak misteri dan salah satu pesona dari sajak-sajaknya. Misteri yang mengaduk dan menyimpan berbagai perasaan batin manusia. Bagai laut yang menyimpan rindu, takut, cinta, benci. Semua perasaan ini menjadi semacam pendorong yang bagai laut mengantarkan kapal “melabuh sauh/ dan turun ke pelabuhan”. Pelabuhan yang pada hemat saya adalah kemantapan dalam (pencapaian) makna. Dan pelabuhan itulah rose tempat penyair menyandarkan jiwanya merenung pada pencapaian yang telah diraih, memandang mawar pencapaian, tempat sejenak atau selamanya curhat akan ikhwal makna dari pencapaian Gerak hidup atau perjuangan kehidupan adalah aktivasi dari motivasi “ingin”dalam upaya merealisasikan “angan”. Sebagaimana halnya harapan, ia mengarah ke depan. Maka “jangan menoleh ke belakang /sebab di belakang adalah laut/......./ dan laut / ....../ yang membunuh mimpi” (Di Stockholm). Kenapa laut yang membunuh mimpi? Mungkin tersebab ingin dan angan tak jarang tenggelam akibat peristiwa di laut, seperti halnya yang tampak dalam sajak “Tempuling”. Banyak sajak sajak
person (the poet). There is a paradox in his words. On the one hand “do not look to the sea”, but on the other side “sea” is a driver of life to “maqam” it’s another meaning. The vast sea in Rida’s poems can accommodate a variety of the meaning of symbol that often feels the opposite, paradoxical, absurd, mysterious and difficult to be measured by the reason. Metaphors in Rida’s poems often seem made for inconsistent, it makes the struggle of the reader to understand it. Yet there also lies the mystery and charm of his poems. The mystery that pouring and storing various human inner feelings. Like the sea that keeps the longing, fear, love and hate. All of these feelings become a kind of driving force that drive the sea like a ship “drop the anchor / and go down to the harbour”. Harbour which in my opinion is the stability of the (achievement) of meaning. And the harbour itself is ROSE, the resting place of his soul, the contemplation place on the achievements that have been achieved, looking the roses of achievement, a place to vent for a moment or forever about the meaning of achievement. Life movement or the struggle of life is the activation of motivation “will” in order to realize “wish”. As with expectations, it leads to the front. So “don’t look back / because there is sea behind / ....... / and sea / ...... / that killed the dream” (In Stockholm). Why did the sea kill the dreams? Perhaps because of “will” and “wish” that may often drowned by the events at sea, as it appears in the poem “Tempuling”. Many poems’ rhyme in Tempuling anthology talks about the struggle in life. The words concerning of the fight such as lose, win, stab, surrender are often appear in his poems. The side of fight and struggle of hard life often overshadowed and find it in the rhyme. Since the beginning of his poems such as “Ode X”, Rida showed life must be start and addressed with hard struggle. Do not sweep up by beautiful red roses in the morning. But the poet
Rida dalam kumpulan ini menyangkut ikhwal akan pertarungan hidup. Kata kata sehubungan dengan pertarungan seperti kalah, menang, tikam, menyerah, sentak, tak jarang muncul dalam sajak. Sisi perjuangan dan pergulatan hidup yang keras sering membayangi dan mengucap pada sajak. Sejak dari sajak awalnya seperti “Ode X”, penyair menampilkan hidup sejak paginya harus disikapi dengan pergulatan keras. Tidak berhanyut-hanyut terpesona pada indah merah mawar pagi. Tapi penyair dengan keresahan dirinya lebih memilih terjun “.... pergi dari satu ke lain malam” demi meraih makna dari misteri kehidupan: “Ada seribu mawar seribu merah seribu pagi basah Tapi aku mau pergi dari satu ke lain malam”. Karena hidup adalah perjuangan, maka sejak awalnya yang layak diberikan adalah keringat dari perjuangan itu: “Mawar merah pagi yang basah Jangan berikan selamat pagimu Pada bumi yang cemburu kupu-kupu berikan bau peluhmu” (“Ode X”) Perjuangan dengan semangat pantang menyerah: “...akupun tak pernah / menyerah pada keluasan/ pada kebiruan/ pada untung nasib/ yang hanyut dari teluk ke teluk/ yang terumbang ambing di/ pundak ombakmu” (“Laut”).
with disquiet in himself prefers to plunge “.... go from one to the other night” to achieve the meaning of the mystery of life:
“There are thousands of roses” Thousands of red Thousands of morning dewy But I just want to go from one to the another nights. “ Because life is a struggle, then life deserve to get the sweat from the struggle: “Rose Red In dewy morning Do not give your dewy morning To the earth hat jealous to the butterfly Just give the smell of your sweat “(“ Ode X “) The struggle with unyielding spirit: “... I also never / give up to the vastness /the blue / the fortune / that drift from bay to bay / that floating away /on shoulder of your waves” (“Sea”). The fighting of life is shown as a fight between Tempuling and Kemejan, or between him and sea. The fight itself gives the meaning to the life and the dignity of life, the respect to the opponents of fighting. Just like the story in the novel of Ernest Hemingway “The Old Man and The Sea” where the old fisherman gave great respect towards opponents of his fighting: the large swordfish that finally could arrested. Although swordfish that pulled by the boat nearly
Pertarungan hidup dilukiskan antara lain sebagai pertarungan antara tempuling dan kemejan, atau antara aku penyair dan laut. Pertarungan itu sendiri yang memberikan harkat makna pada kehidupan dan memberikan martabat, respek pada lawan tarung . Semacam kisah dalam novelette Ernest Hemingway “The Old Man and The Sea” dimana nelayan tua itu memberikan rasa hormat yang besar terhadap lawan tarungnya: ikan todak besar yang akhirnya bisa ditangkap. Meski todak yang ditarik perahunya nyaris habis dimakan ikan- ikan pemangsa dalam perjalanan menuju darat, namun tangkapan bukan sia-sia. Tangkapan itu tetaplah tangkapan makna, buah dari pertarungan yang memberikan martabat bagi sang nelayan tua. Menang atau kalah bukanlah menjadi perhitungan benar. Perlawanan terhadap kondisi dan situasi kemanusiaan, laut dan ikan besar yang meronta dalam pancingan, terhadap takdir, itulah yang utama. Karena tahu kalaupun sampai pada suatu keberhasilan tetap saja berada dalam kondisi takdir yang lain, namun dalam takdir yang lebih meninggi. Kondisi atau takdir yang berubah menimbulkan pemaknaan yang berubah-ubah pula pada kehidupan. Sebagaimana berubah pula makna pada kata, metafor pada sajak-sajaknya. Dalam beberapa sajak “laut” adalah musuh yang menakutkan, yang membunuh mimpi, dan yang harus ditikam. Di sajak yang lain, “Mak” laut (“samudera”) adalah ibu yang memberikan keteduhan pada sang aku untuk manja, memberinya motivasi untuk menggapai cita-cita: “ Mak kau adalah samudera// Dan aku berenang di dalamnya bagai seekor lumba-lumba. Berenang memburu pelangi, mengibas ekor mengejar angin. Dan kau menggelitik punggungku: Teruslah! Kejar angin. Kejar ingin!” Ada 4 sajak berjudul Rose di dalam kumpulan ini. Dan nama kumpulan puisi ini juga Rose. Tentu Rose dapat dianggap sebagai
destroyed by predatory fish along the way to the ground, but the catch is not useless. The catch is still catch of meaning, the result of the fight that gives dignity to the old fisherman. Winning or losing is not a correct calculation. The fighting to the conditions and situation of human, sea and large fish that wriggle in the fishing rod, the destiny, that’s the main thing. Because knowing of the reaching the successful nonetheless still in a state other fates, but in the other destiny that is higher. Conditions or changed fate raises the changing meaning in life anyway. Change as well as the meaning of words and metaphors in his poems. In some poems “Sea” is a terrifying enemy that killed dreams, and must be stabbed. In another poem, “Mom” sea (“ocean”) is the place that gives the peaceful to him to spoiled, give him the motivation to reach the goals: “Mom you are the ocean / / And I swim like a dolphin in it. Swim to chase the rainbows, wagging my tail chasing the wind. And you tickle my back: Keep going! Chase the wind. Chase the wanting! “ There are 5 poems titled Rose in this book. The name of this collection is also ROSE. Rose certainly regarded as the main thing for him. So what is ROSE? Although ROSE does not always have to be roses, but I remembered the great Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi. “Have you ever plucked a rose from R.O.S.E?” Rumi wrote. I understand it as an effort to find the reality behind the words. There are five poems titled Rose. Also bring my memory to the arrays of Gertrude Stein “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” (Sacred Emily “, 1913). Of course there is no correlation between Rida’s poems and the works of Gertrude Stein. It is only my memory about array from Americans expatriate poet. Many interpretations of the array “Rose is a rose ....”. However, saying Rose for four times raised the mystery
sesuatu yang utama bagi penyair. Lantas apakah Rose? Meski rose tidak selalu harus mawar, namun saya jadi ingat pada sufi besar penyair Jalaluddin Rumi. “Pernahkah kau memetik mawar dari M.A.W.A.R ?” tulis Rumi. Yang saya pahami sebagai upaya mencari realitas dibalik kata. Ada lima kali judul puisi dengan nama Rose. Juga membawa ingatan saya pada larik Gertrude Stein “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” (Sacred Emily”, 1913). Tentu tidak ada urusan puisi Rida dengan karya Gertrude Stein. Ini hanya urusan ingatan saya pada larik penyair ekspatriat warga Amerika Serikat itu. Banyak tafsir dari larik “Rose is a rose....” itu. Namun sampai empat kali menyebut rose menimbulkan irama misteri yang tersimpan dan terpancar dari rose. Begitu pula pengulangan lima judul yang sama “Rose” pada kumpulan puisi Rida menarik perhatian akan misteri makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Menurut pengamatan saya kelima Rose adalah lima keping “belahan jiwa” dari sang aku sajak atau penyair, teman dialog interior penyair dimana sang aku dan kau adalah sama. Tempat penyair mengadu, “curhat” kepada dirinya sendiri, menilai diri sendiri, setelah perjalanan dan pergulatan mencari makna kehidupan yang penuh keasyikan dan kadang melelahkan dan menyebalkan. Tempat dan tujuan untuk menyatakan dan memperkuat ikrar tekad rindu yang menggebu-gebu, rindu “di padang terbuka” yang “lupa batas/ luruh waktu / tak pagi / tak petang / tak manis / tak pahit / tak / tak / tak / tak haus / tak lapar // tak kira / tak kira / beribu lie / beribu sungai // beribu jam / beribu hati / beriburibu mimpi / harap dan dendam /terpendam” (“Rose I”). Dalam ROSE II diutarakan sisi “destruktif ” dari mabuk rindu, “Rasa rinduku / padamu adalah ragi / rapuhkan ranting / ragaku
of rhythm that stored and radiated from the Rose. Similarly, repeating the same five-title “Rose” in Rida’s anthology evokes the interest to know the mystery of the meaning in Rida’s poems. According to my review the five poems of Rose is five pieces of “soul mate” of the poetry or the poet, an interior dialog friend of poet, the space where you and I are the same. The place of pitted poet, “vent” to himself, to judge himself, after a journey and struggle in the meaning of life that sometime full of happiness and sometimes exhausting and annoying. A place and the destiny to declare and pledge commitment to strengthen the passionate longing, longing “at the meadow” , “no border”/ no time limit / not morning / not afternoon / not sweet / not bitter / not / not / not / not thirsty / not hungry / / never expect / thousands of miles/ thousands of rivers / / thousands of hours / thousands of days / thousands of dreams / hope and revenge / hidden “(“ Rose I “). ROSE II expressed in the “destructive” of drunk longing, “My longing /to you is like yeast / failing the branch/ of my soul / is poison / softening my stomach vein/ is termite / tearing down my secret room”. There is a complaint: “why do you become ripples / not a raft / crossing my feeling / why do you become bushes / not rattan / whickering y line of longing”. However, despite the complaining the poet remains firmly in the position of longing: “I am willing to melt / inside your whirlpool current / ROSE”. In the others three ROSE he seems aware of fatigue and the things that are not expected, there is no explosion expression. The meaning of ROSE was changed. Rose is more like surrender, losing of longing and give up to the time. More musing into, and eventually all left handed at the time noted. Rida, when he described the nature, for me he is a maestro. His experience as a journalist seems to make him very skilful in describ-
adalah racun / lecuhkan urat / rabuku adalah rayap / runtuhkan ruang rahasiaku”. Ada keluhan: “Ngapa kau jadi riak / tak jadi rakit / seberangkan rasa / rinduku / Ngapa kau jadi resam / tak jadi rotan / anyamkan tali rinduku”. Namun walau mengeluh sang aku tetap mantap dalam posisi merindu: “aku mau luluh dalam / pusar arusmu/ ROSE”. Dalam tiga ROSE lainnya menyadari berbagai kelelahan dan ikhwal yang tidak diharapkan, tak ada ledakan ungkapan. Makna ROSE pun berubah. Ia lebih merupakan penyerahan, kepasrahan, kekalahan dari rindu dan penyerahan kepada waktu. Lebih merenung ke dalam, dan akhirnya segala diserahkan pada waktu yang dibiarkan mencatat. Rida, ketika ia melukiskan suasana alam, bagi saya ia seorang maestro. Pengalamannya sebagai wartawan agaknya yang membikin dia sangat trampil dalam mendeskripsikan suasana, lokasi, ataupun alam. Duet antara deskripsi metafor alam dan suasana hati, sering mempesona. Lihatlah ini: “Di ujung Ulele, aku menyaksikan matahari bangkit dari busur waktu Perih dan ngilu Kilatan jingga jatuh dan membangun kengerian di antara puing dan harapan yang lantak Beribu-ribu lalat berzikir sebelum terbang ke langit Mengadu kepada-Mu Mungkin bersama roh dan kepedihan Mungkin bersama ketidakpercayaan dan rasa sesal. Mungkin bersama beban sejarah dan kebebalan waktu yang panjang” (“Aceh Suatu Hari, Sesudah Tsunami”)
ing the atmosphere, location, or nature. The duet between the description of natural metaphors and moods, often dazzling. Look at this: “At the edge of ulele, I am witnessing the sun rise from The bow of time Sore and pain The purple lighting fall and create horror among rubble and destroyed hope Thousands of flies chant before flying to sky Telling You Maybe with spirit and painful Maybe with disbelieve and regret Maybe with burden of history and the stubborn time That long” (“One Day in Aceh, After the Tsunami”) Or this: “Unless cry of waves Eagle’s shriek Far and pain Between weather And thundering of the rock A Tempuling was stranded at the side of the beach After the storm A boy stared Anxiously” (“Tempuling”) I limit the quote only from two poems. Because if I continue, it will be a long post. I want to say here, Rida’s expertise in describing the nature scene and the mood, for me, he can be equated with Chairil Anwar and Amir Hamzah in their poems: Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil (Chairil Anwar) and Aku Berdiri (Amir Hamzah).
Atau ini : “ Kecuali tangis ombak Pekik elang yang jauh dan ngilu di antara cuaca dan gemuruh karang Sebatang tempuling tersadai di gigi pantai sehabis badai Seorang bocah menatapnya penuh gelisah” (“Tempuling”) Saya mencukupkan mengutip hanya dari dua sajaknya saja. Karena kalau saya teruskan, tulisan ini akan menjadi panjang. Cukup saya katakan di sini, kepiawaian Rida dalam melukis suasana alam dan hati, bagi saya dapat disejajarkan dengan kemampuan Chairil Anwar dan Amir Hamzah dalam sajak mereka: Senja Di Pelabuhan Kecil (Chairil Anwar), dan Berdiri Aku” (Amir Hamzah). Akhirulkalam, membaca beberapa sajak-sajak Rida yang mutakhir, terasa bagi saya karya-karyanya semakin kuat. Bila pada sajak-sajak awalnya kadang ia kelihatan terpesona pada ungkapan dan larik milik para penyair lain, yang membikin saya agak terganggu dalam membaca karyanya, maka pada sajak-sajak mutakhir ungkapannya semakin khas personal, dalam dan indah, yang pada hemat saya menjadikannya sebagai salah satu penyair terbilang di negeri ini. ***
Finally, by reading some poems of Rida K Liamsi, I feel his works are getting stronger. In his early poems, he sometimes seemed fascinated by the expression and array of other poets, which makes me somehow disturbed in reading it, then in his current poems his dictions getting more original and distinctive personal expression, deep and beautiful, which in my opinion have been bring him become a regarded poet in this country. ***
Pengantar-Foreword Soetardji Calzoum Bachri .......................................................xii Daftar Isi-Contens ....................................................................xxviii - Pada Hari Itu Kepada Asmini ................................................................... 2
On That Day To: Asmini ........................................................................... 3 Ode X...................................................................................... 4 Ode X ...................................................................................... 5 Biarkan Duka Cita Itu .......................................................... 6 Let the Grief............................................................................ 7 Bulang Cahaya....................................................................... 9 Bulang Cahaya..................................................................... 10 Hai Rasa Kepingin yang Lelah .......................................... 14 Hi the Tired Passion ............................................................ 15 Elegy (I) ................................................................................ 18 Elegy (I) ................................................................................ 19 ROSE (I) ............................................................................... 20 ROSE (I) ............................................................................... 21 Rose (II) ............................................................................... 26 Rose (II) ................................................................................ 27
- Laut ..................................................................................... 30 The Sea .................................................................................. 31 - Tempuling ............................................................................ 34 Tempuling ............................................................................. 35 - Pancang Nibung (I) ............................................................ 38 The Stake of Nibung (I) ....................................................... 39 - Kemejan ............................................................................... 42 Kemejan ................................................................................ 43 - Pancang Nibung (II) ........................................................... 46 The Stake of Nibung (II) ...................................................... 47 - Ombak Sekanak .................................................................. 48 Sekanak*) Waves ................................................................ 49 - Di Borobudur ...................................................................... 52 At Borobudur ....................................................................... 53 - Tangan (Kepada Melayu)............................................................... 54 The Hand (To Malay) ......................................................................... 55 - Episode (II) .......................................................................... 58 Episode (II) ........................................................................... 59 - Ranting Pauh ....................................................................... 62 Pauh Twigs .......................................................................... 63 - Ah ! ..................................................................................... 64 Ah! ..................................................................................... 65 - Secangkir Teh, Sejentik Tari .............................................. 66 A Cup of Sake, a Flash of Dance ........................................ 67 - Suatu Siang di Penghujung Abad ...................................... 68 An Afternoon at The End of The Century ......................... 69 - Di Stockholm Kepada: DI ........................................................................ 72 In Stockholm
To : DI ............................................................................... 73
- Di Seberang Gedung Putih ................................................ 76 Across The White House...................................................... 77 - Jebat ..................................................................................... 80 Jebat ..................................................................................... 81 - Rembang Petang ................................................................. 84 Before Afternoon .................................................................. 85 - Episode (I)............................................................................ 88 Episode (I) ............................................................................ 89 - Suatu Pagi Di Sebuah Beranda .......................................... 94 One Morning In a Veranda ................................................ 95 - Nguyen ................................................................................. 98 Nguyen .................................................................................. 99 - Mengingat Kalian..............................................................100 Remembering You..............................................................101 - Asam Paya ..........................................................................104 Asam Paya..........................................................................105 - Kasturi ................................................................................106 Kasturi ................................................................................107 - Sanghai Baby .....................................................................108 Sanghai Baby .....................................................................109 - Di Great Wall .....................................................................112 At the Great Wall ...............................................................113 - Seekor lumba–lumba yang Ngembara Kepada Idrus...................................................................116 A Nomad Dolphin To Idrus ...........................................................................117 - Surat Kepada GM..............................................................120 A Letter to GM ...................................................................121 - Percakapan Akhir Kepada Z .........................................................................124
The Last Conversation To : Z .............................................................................125 Aceh Suatu Hari, Sesudah Tsunami ...............................126 Aceh, One Day After Tsunami ..........................................127 Di Tebing Lauttawar .........................................................140 At The Cliff of Lauttawar ..................................................141 Di Tapaktuan, Mereka Takut Menunggu Malam .........144 In Tapak Tuan, They are Afraid Waiting for the Night ..145 Di Masjid Amir Hamzah .................................................148 At Amir Hamzah Mosque .................................................149 Perjalanan ..........................................................................150 The Journey ........................................................................151 ROSE (III) ..........................................................................152 ROSE (III) ..........................................................................153 Ada Suara Sauh .................................................................156 The Sound of Anchor .........................................................157 Aku Telah Menangkap Isyarat Itu kepada OBA ..................................................................158 I Have Seen The Signs to OBA ...........................................................................159 Kalekatu Kepada : Thab ........................................................................ 162
Kelekatu To : Thab..........................................................................163
- ROSE (IV) ..........................................................................166 ROSE (IV) ..........................................................................167 - Kedidi Kini Sendiri Pergi Mencari .................................168 Kedidi Is Now Alone Searching for ...................................169 - Di Jabbal Rahmah .............................................................172 In Jabbal Rahmah ..............................................................173 - Di Masjidil Haram Setelah Menara Zamzam ...............178
At Masjidil Haram After Zamzam Tower .......................179 Dayang Ku Laut.................................................................182 My Lady Sea .......................................................................183 Aku Menunggu di Stasiun ...............................................192 I Was Waiting At The Station ............................................ ROSE (V) ...........................................................................196 ROSE (V) ............................................................................197 Dan Sejarahpun Berdarah Soneta Cinta untuk H .....................................................200 And The History Bled Love sonnet to H ..............................................................201 Cerita-Cerita dari Korea Kepada : Kho, Jang dan Choy ........................................222 The Stories From Korea To : Kho, Jang dan Choy .................................................223 Jejak Hujan.........................................................................236 The Rain Trace ...................................................................237
Catatan-Note Catatan Pengarang - The Author’s Note Rida K Liamsi ..........................................................................240 Catatan Penerjemah - Translator’s Note Ali Mamiya ..............................................................................244 Catatan Editor-Editor’s Note Murparsaulian .........................................................................252
Rose Selected Poems
Pada Hari Itu kepada Asmini
Pada hari itu di sungai seputih susu angin peraman menghunjam pusar menguncang tebing dan rumpun ilalang butir-butir embun menyaput cadas
yang pucat yang kusut Di rahim siang yang kerap gelisah matahari bangkit kembali membakar lembah dan puncak bukit bencah-bencah bening melelehi tebing
yang merah yang rekah sementara angin mengemas sisa-sisa panas ke dalam lipatan sepi
On That Day To : Asmini
On that day in the river as white as milk the hidden wind was blowing, piercing into the vortex shake the cliffs and clumps of reeds while the grain of dews was covering the rocks
that pale that wrinkled in the corner of the anxious day the sun rose burned the valley and the top of the hill while the silent mud was washing the cliffs
that red that cracked and the wind held the remnants of your warmth to the fold of loneliness
Ode X
Ada seribu mawar seribu merah seribu pagi basah Tapi aku mau pergi dari satu ke lain malam Luluhkan sukma dalam gaung gaib gua resahku Karena seribu bunga layu dalam genggamanku Karena aku tak bisa berikan selamat pagiku pada kupu-kupu Mawar merah pagi yang basah Jangan berikan selamat pagimu : Pada bumi yang cemburu kupu-kupu berikan bau peluhmu
Ode X
There are thousands of roses thousands of red thousands of morning` dewy But I just want to go from one to another nights Melting the soul in the echo of the magic in the my restless cave Because thousands of flowers are withered in my grip Because I cannot give my morning greeting to the butterflies Red rose In the dewy morning Don’t give your morning greeting : To the earth that is jealous to the butterflies just give the smell of your sweat
Biarkan Duka Cita Itu
Telah adam salipkan ia di kaki gunung percintaan Telah adam logamkan ia pada karat sebilah pedang Dan kitapun menerimanya sesempurnanya :
Sayangku Biarkan bulan di situ mencurahkan rindu Biarkan mentari di sana mendedahkan luka Biarkan kita di sini di cermin kacau di jurang waktu Sayangku Biarkan dukacita itu jadi seteru
Let the Grief
Adam has crucified it at the foot of Romance Mountain Adam has steeled it to the rust of a sword And we accept it as perfectly :
My love Let the moon stay there pouring the longing Let the sun stay there showing the wound Leave us here in front of our dusty mirror at the cliff of time
My love Let the grief be the enemy
Bulang Cahaya
Elang putih berekor panjang mengigal birahi di ujung tanjung mengirim isyarat ke semua pintu Terimalah cintaku cinta tak berkeris cinta tak bersuku cinta yang tak tersurat dalam lagu-lagu Angin berkisar perahu berlayar kudengar sendumu di ujung sitar: layang-layang bertali benang putus benang tali belati cintaku lepas, cintaku kenang cinta sejati, kubiarkan pergi hatiku kusut rinduku hanyut birahiku luput
Bulang Cahaya
A white Eagle with long tail shaking the lust at the edge of the bay sending the signals to all doors Please take my love love without shape love without tribe love that is not written In any songs The wind is whirling the ship is sailing and I heard your grief through the thrumming of sittar: The Kite with the yarn the yarn is breaking the yarn is changing my love has gone, my love to memorize my true love , I let it gone my heart tangles my longing drifts my lust missed
Ombak gemuruh mengobar dendam membakar hari mengubur mimpi mengirim rindu ke semua pintu: Inilah cintaku kudulang jadi timah kupahat jadi patung kurendam jadi rempah kugulai bagai rebung kusimpan dukaku sampai ke ujung Kemarau menderau padang kerontang sedih pedih dendam rindu sangkak pantang sumpah serapah jadi barah jadi luka sejarah
The waves roared heating the revenge burning the day burying the dreams sending the longing to all doors: This is my love I wash it become the tin I carve it into the statue I soak it into the spices I boil it like Rebung*) I keep my sadness To the edge of time The arid roared The field dried sad sore revenge longing hurdle, abstinence curse become cancer, become wound of the history
Elang putih berekor panjang mengigal sendiri di ujung petang mengirim rindu ke semua pintu kini cintaku jadi sembilu
A white eagle with long tail Shaking alone in the end of afternoon send the longing to all doors Now my love become a deeply pain
(1975/2001 *) Rebung is the bamboo shoot
Hai Rasa Kepingin yang Lelah
Hai rasa kepingin yang lelah kau telah sampai pada akhir semua cawanmu kembali pada gua nasibmu Istirahatlah sambil meminumkan sisa anggur lukamu dan sekatkan diri dari umbai mimpi siamu jangan bilang sia sia nangiskan rasa di rasa yang tak nangis sedihkan siapa yang tak sedih kau sudah di luar hitungan waktu disisihkan dari halaman buku-buku siapa menyapamu selain sajak yang kau tulis atas kening yang suratkan rahasia dalam rahimmu selain puisi yang kau tikam di ulu hati
Hi the Tired Passion
Hi the tired passion You’ve reached your last cup back to the cave of your fate Please have a rest drink the remaining wine of your wound and sealing yourself from the edge of your useless dream don’t tell It is useless Don’t cry for the feeling of the sense that is not crying don’t be sad for the one who doesn’t care You have been excluded from the time count excluded from pages of books who greets you other than the poems that you have written on your forehead which tell about secret in your womb other than the poems that you have stabbed into the core of the heart
selain kata pertama yang kau pungut di rumput yang kau takut sebut Hai rasa kepingin yang lelah kau sudah masuk dalam perangkap yang Adam pun khilaf Istirahatlah ! Sambil meminumkan sisa anggur lukamu kau sebut namamu yang kau adalah siapa yang pernah kau halau lewat seribu pintu yang derau langkah kau menghimbau dari selaksa jangkau
other than the first word that you have picked from the grass that you afraid to mention Hi the tired passion You have entered the trap just like Adam’s mistake Please have a rest and drink the remaining wine of your wound then call your name that you are who you have called that you have expelled through a thousand doors, with your stormy steps calling from a thousand reach
Elegy (I) (Mengenang Mishima )
Elang kurik di puncak hari Pandang Tertukik Ke Ranting mati Bulu Bergidik Melenjit Tinggi Banzaiiiii! Cakar Terbidik Ke Ulu hati Banzaiiiiiiiii!
Elegy (I) ( Remembering Mishima)
Speckle Eagle in the peak of the day Staring Swooping To the Dead twigs Feather Shudder Flying High Banzaiiiii! Claw Straw to the Heart Banzaiiiiiiiii!
Rasa rinduku padamu ROSE adalah kuda di padang terbuka tak henti lari tak siang tak malam tak panas tak hujan tak perih tak luka tak satu tak dua tak tak tak tak nyerah tak kalah tak menyimpan pedang tak gantung kapak tak kemas tali tak kubur mimpi tak sebelum rinduku tenggelam dalam kalbu tidur dalam nadimu Rasa rinduku padamu ROSE adalah kembara di padang terbuka lupa batas luruh waktu
ROSE My longing to you is like horse at the meadow can’t stop running day and night sunny and rainy pain and wound not one, not two none none none won’t give up won’t lose won’t bury the sword won’t hang the axe won’t pull the rope won’t bury the dreams won’t do anything before my longing sink in soul, sleep in your vein ROSE My longing to you is like an adventur at the meadow no border no time limit
tak pagi tak petang tak manis tak pahit tak tak tak tak haus tak lapar tak kira beribu lie beribu sungai beribu jam beribu hari beriburibu mimpi harap dan dendam terpendam Rasa rinduku padamu ROSE adalah panah yang melesat melintas cakrawala tak putus asa memburu demi detik demi napas demi lelap demi sirap denyut nadiku menunggu menerkam
not morning not afternoon not sweet not bitter not not not not thirsty not hungry never expect thousands of miles thousands of rivers thousands of hours thousands of days thousands of dreams hope and revenge hidden ROSE My longing to you is like an arrow flying across the universe never give up Hunting for every second, for every breath for every sleep for every beat of my vein waiting striking
tiap langkah tiap jangkau tiap cekam tiap jemari tuliskan cinta tikamkan sembilu rinduku Rasa rinduku padamu ROSE adalah pahit di padang anggur bagai cuka bagai racun bagai maut kutabung tiap tetes tiap hirup tiap hela nafas ketika mulutku katup menyebut rinduku membunuh cintaku padamu
every single step every single reach every single grip every fingers is writing my love is stabbing the knife of my longing ROSE My longing to you Is bitter in the farm of grape like vinegar like poison like the death I save each drops each sniff each breath when my mouth is closing calling my longing killing my love to you
Rose (II)
Rasa rinduku padamu adalah ragi rapuhkan ranting ragaku adalah racun lecuhkan urat rabuku adalah rayap runtuhkan ruang rahasiaku Ngapa kau jadi riak tak jadi rakit seberangkan rasa rinduku Ngapa kau jadi resam tak jadi rotan anyamkan tali rinduku Rasa rinduku padamu adalah rusa di padang terbuka biar kau adalah bayang hari yang kerap lindap dan sendiri aku mau luluh dalam harum rumputmu
Rose (II)
My longing to you is like yeast failing the branch of my soul is like poison softening my stomach vein is like termites tearing down my secret room Why do you become ripples? not a raft crossing my feeling? Why do you became bushes not rattan whickering my line of longing ? My longing to you is like a deer at the meadow although you are a shadow of the day that often in shade and alone I am willing to melt inside your sweet smelly grass
Rasa rinduku padamu adalah pancang di laut tak sepi biar kau adalah palung waktu yang aku tak tahu ujung lubukmu aku mau luluh dalam pusar arusmu ROSE
My longing to you is like a stake in the rumbling sea although you are a trough of the time although I don’t know your end I am willing to melt inside your whirlpool current ROSE
Seperti mereka sediakala akupun berdiri ditebingmu dengan sebatang tempuling Tikam! Maka kutikam jejak riakmu yang kutahu tak siapapun tahu di mana tubirmu Sentak! Maka kusentak tancap harapku yang kutahu tak siapapun tahu di mana palungmu Seperti mereka sediakala akupun tak pernah menyerah pada keluasan pada kebiruan pada untung nasib yang hanyut dari teluk ke teluk yang terumbang ambing di pundak ombakmu
The Sea
Just like them used to be I stand on your cliff holding a Tempuling *) Stabbed! Then I stab your trace of ripples waves that I know nobody knows where your deepest place is Puled! Then I pull my step of hope that I know nobody knows where your trough is Just like them used to be I also never give up to the vastness to the blue to the fortune that drift from one bay to another floating away on shoulder of your waves
Seperti mereka sediakala akupun senantiasa Tikam ! Sentak ! Tikam ! Sentak ! Tikaaaaaammm ! Sentaaaakkkk ! ! ! ! ! Tempulingku Asinmu Hanya musim yang bermain
Just like them used to be I am always ready To Stab! To pull! To Stab! To pull! To staaaaab ! To puullll ! ! ! ! ! My Tempuling Your salty Only season that play on
(1982/2000) *) Tempuling is short Harpoon
Sebatang tempuling tersadai di gigi pantai sehabis badai Seorang bocah menemukannya sehabis sekolah : Tuhan Siapa lagi yang kini telah menyerah ? Tak terlihat tanda-tanda Tak tercium anyir nasib Tak tercatat luka musim Kecuali tangis ombak Pekik elang yang jauh dan ngilu di antara cuaca dan gemuruh karang Sebatang tempuling tersadai di gigi pantai sehabis badai Seorang bocah menatapnya penuh gelisah : Tuhan Diakah yang kini telah menyerah ? telah kalah ? : Tuhan Dia memang telah berbisik
Pindahkan pancang sebelum pasang
Tempuling *)
A Tempuling was stranded at the side of the beach after the storm A boy found it after school
: My Lord who else has given up? No signs, No rancid smell of fate, No wound of season is written Unless the cry of waves Eagle’s shriek far and pain between weather and thundering of the rock A Tempuling was stranded at the side of the beach after the storm A boy stared anxiously
: My Lord Is he the one who has given up? has lost?
: My Lord He has whispered: Move the stake before the tide
Hatiku memang telah terusik ketika sehelai waru gugur lesap lewat tingkap tersuruk di antara tungku menunggu gelap Sebatang tempuling tersadai di gigi pantai sehabis badai Seorang bocah merasakan pelupuknya telah basah : Tuhan Bawalah seseorang menemukannya menguburkannya di antara pantai memberikannya satu tanda dan jangan biarkan arus membawanya jauh ke lubuk dalam yang aku pun tak tahu di mana akan kutuliskan rinduku
Indeed, He has been disturbed, when a piece of Waru *) fell down, disappeared through the hatch hidden between the stove waiting for the dark A Tempuling was stranded at the side of the beach after the storm A boy felt his eyelids has wet
: My Lord, please bring someone to find him to bury him between the beaches and put a gravestone And don’t let the stream take him far into the depths Into the place where I don’t know how to write my longing
(1982/1996/2000) *) Waru is hibiscus tiliaceus tree
Pancang Nibung (I)
Pancang Nibung di surut berdengung teritip ngelembung di musim bersabung sudah beribu perahu tambat beribu kail redam beribu umpan lesap beribu pagut luput beribu harap lepas beribu tunggu lalu tapi cuma ombak cabar arus cuma arus gempur perahu cuma perahu goyang pancang cuma pancang koyak jejak
The Stake of Nibung (I)
The stake of Nibung *) Humming when receded the barnacles swelled at the fighting season Thousands of ships have been mooring thousands of hooks faint thousands of baits vanished thousands of bites escape thousands of hope gone thousands of waiting passing by but only waves against the stream just the stream strike the ships just ship shake the stakes just the stake torn the trail
cuma jejak menjejak redam tapi cuma bisu bila kemejan akan di mana kemejan akan ke mana kemejan akan tapi cuma cari beribu tahan menunggu kemejan beribu tangan mengedan kemejan beribu bisik membujuk kemejan Pancang nibung di surut berdengung teritip ngelembung di musim bersabung Cuma waktu mencabutmu dari terumbu
just trace step on the faint but only the silent when will Kemejan **) be where will Kemejan be where is Kemejan going to and just searching thousands of stands waiting for the Kemejan thousands of hands holding the Kemejan just thousands of whispering persuading the Kemejan The stake of Nibung Humming when receded the barnacles swelled at the fighting season Only the time revoke you from coral
(1988/1990/2000) *) Nibung is Oncorperma filamentosum ** ) Kemejan is one kind of shark
Ke lubuk paling ceruk manakah kau akan menyuruk ke palung paling ujung manakah kau akan berselindung Akan sampai juga jejak tempuling menghentak punggung membiarkan engkau melepas dendam zaman ke pucuk laut
Apa lagi rahasiamu memenangkan pertarungan ini ? Ada padamu ombak tapi tak badai Ada padamu arus tapi tak berangin Ada padamu taring tapi tak bergeming
To which deepest of depth are you going to hide To what hole very end are you will take refuge The Tempuling will be there shaking the back to let you release the revenge of the time to the end of the sea
What are your other secrets to win this fight? You have waves but move less You have stream but windless You have fangs but useless
Apa lagi rahasiamu‌. Kecuali lubuk ke mana sebelum menyerah kau akan kembali Kecuali nasib kepada siapa kau akan berdamai Kecuali dendam ketika kau mengibaskan ekormu Ketika kau hitung detak detik jejak langkahmu di antara amis musim di antara ngilu waktu di antara tikam
dan kilat tempuling kecuali pekik pedihmu : Tuhan inikah nasibku inikah cintamu
What other secret you have‌ except the depth to where before surrender you will go back except fate To whom you will reconcile except revenge when you flick your tail when you count the tick tock of your foot trace between the rancid of the seasons between the pain of time between the stabbing
and the shiny of the Tempuling except your groan of pain :
God Is this my fate? Is this Your love?
Pancang Nibung (II)
Pancang nibung di laut berdengung Entah berapa camar yang pernah hinggap Tinggalkan jejak di puncak tunggumu
( 2002/2011 )
The Stake of Nibung (II)
A Stake of Nibung At the buzzing sea Don’t know how many seagulls ever stop by Leave the traces at the top of your hope
Ombak Sekanak
O, Ombak sekanak Angin barat gelombang barat Laut sekanak ombak sekanak Kemana kita akan pergi Pergi Seperti sepotong sabut Terombang ambing Terkapung kapung di pucuk ombak di pucuk buih di pucuk angin di pucuk ingin di rasa ingin dirasa dingin di rasa sansai di rasa lepai Di mana kita akan sampai Sampai seperti sepotong sabut yang tersangkut yang terlempar yang terdampar di bibir pantai di celah karang di tiang jermal
Sekanak*) Waves
O, Sekanak waves western wind western wave Sekanak sea Sekanak waves where will we go Leaving Like a piece of coir tossing around floating around at the tip of the waves at the peak of the foam at the end of wind at the peak of wish in feeling willing in feeling cold in feeling tired and feeling paralyzed Where we are going to arrive like a piece of coir drifted snagged thrown stranded on the edge of the beach between gap of corals
di kaki tebing di peluk teluk Kita seperti sebuah perahu berlayar berlayar kertas berlayar kain berlayar mimpi berlayar di angin barat di gelombang barat di laut sekanak di ombak sekanak Kita seperti sebuah laut laut yang tak semua surut ombak yang tak semua reda badai yang tak semua kita seperti sebuah gapai yang harus sampai sampai ke pantai melepas samsai melabuh sauh menambah sungguh
O, ombak Sekanak (2001/2003)
at the pole of fish house At the feet of cliff at the corner of the gulf We’re like a boat sailing sailing with paper sailing with cloth sailing a dream sailing at the western wind at the western waves at Sekanak sea at Sekanak waves We are like a sea not all sea recede not all waves silence not all storm We are just like a reach that should achieve reaching the beach releasing tired drop the anchor tie up the pledge O, Sekanak waves (2001/2003) *) Sekanak is an island in Riau islands where the old Malay language is found
Di Borobudur
Di batu relief aku membaca sebuah perjalanan ke keabadian di tengah keheningan di bawah keteduhan di antara kealpaan di antara huruhara Tetapi wajah yang arif itu seakan memberi tahu perjalanan memang takkan pernah sudah takkan pernah sampai dan kita memang tak tahu di manakah keabadian itu Di depan stupa, aku menyaksikan kemurkaan cuaca yang mengikis jejak sejarah yang sekerat demi sekerat meluncur ke kesunyian waktu Adakah lagi sesuatu yang terpahat di situ mengingatkan zaman tentang kenisbian?
At Borobudur
On stone relief I read a journey to the eternity in the middle of silence under the shade between the negligences among the riots But the wise face seems telling me the journey is never going to end will never reach the destination and indeed we will never know where the eternity is Before a stupa I see the wrath of the weather erode the line of history cut it down one by one sliding into the silence of time is there anything else sculptured there reminding the time about relativity?
Tangan (Kepada Melayu)
Jangan bilang punya tangan Kalau cuma bisa tadah cuma bisa garuk cuma bisa raba cuma bisa kocok Sebab tangan barulah Tangan kalau bisa jadi TANGAN bisa tangkap bisa tepis bisa sepak bisa tumbuk bisa tampar Sebab Tangan barulah Tangan Kalau tidak jadi t-a-n-g-a-n Sebab tangan barulah tangan Kalau malu pada Tuhan Sebab Tuhan tak tegah
The Hand (To Malay)
Don’t say you have hand if it is just for asking just for scratching just for touching just for shaking Because hand will be the hand if it become THE HAND able to catch able to ward able to hook able to punch able to slap Because Hand will be Hand If it is not function as the h-a-n-d Because hand will be a hand If it is ashamed to God Because God will never say No
Tangan jadi parang asal tak sembarang tetak jadi pedang asal tak sembarang tikam jadi besi asal tak sembarang keras Sebab Tuhan sudah Phuah! Sebab Tuhan sudah bilang Nah! Sebab Tangan adalah Anugerah Maka jangan sembarang Ah!
The Hand could be a machete if it does not cut randomly Could be a sword if it does not stab randomly Could be iron if it is not hard randomly Because God has Given Because God already said Yes! Because Hand is a Blessing Then don’t just say Argh randomly!
Episode (II)
Guntur yang kelindan menikam siang Sayup Perih Tertindih di antara mega
Tiba-tiba gerimis tiba-tiba panas MENGERAS ! Sebaris pelangi lingkup dan menyusun beribu huruf Tiba-tiba sunyi tiba-tiba ngilu MEMBATU !
Episode (II)
The whirling thunder stabbed the day faint hurt crushed between the clouds Suddenly drizzle was falling suddenly heat was coming. HARDEN! A line of rainbow was covering and drawing out thousands of hope Suddenly silent suddenly in pain FROZEN!
Tuhan, Di bendul pintu seorang nenek tersedu memandang burung petang terbang semakin jauh kelabu
Tuhan Jejak-Mu kah itu menancap di pucuk jantungku ?
( 2001/2011)
O Lord, At the sill of the door an old lady was sobbing stared the birds that flying before the dark comes far away Fade into gray
O Lord Is Your wisdom Sticking in the tip of my heart?
Ranting Pauh
Ranting pauh yang luruh ketika sepasang kaki menyentuh di suatu subuh, tak pernah mengeluh. Karena tahu, sebuah perjalanan jauh telah meletakkan bebannya yang penuh, dibalik jubahnya yang lusuh.
Pauh Twigs
Pauh*) twigs were falling down when a pair of legs touched them in one silence dawn, never repining Because knowing, a long journey has placed the full burden, behind its shabby cloak.
(1998) *) Pauh is mango tree
Ah !
Di Sehelai sajjadah di hadapan Ka’abah aku menyerah rasa dipunggah resa didedah resa diluah
Allah aku bersalah
AH !
On Sajadah before the Ka’abah I surrender Feel like being striped Feel like being opened Feel like being scolded
Allah I’m guilty
Secangkir Teh, Sejentik Tari
Secangkir sake, sejentik tari, Kiyoko san Angin sungai, dan suara gendang, menerobos bedakmu Aku menghirup rupa, menghirup wangi, menghirup tradisi Menangkap makna di balik kelebat payung jinggamu Mencari suara-suara abadi di balik kimonomu Kau kah itu kiyoto san di balik gemuruh
Play Station dan keletah Sincan Ketika aku mabuk dan kikikmu
A Cup of Sake, a Flash of Dance
A cup of sake, a flash of dance, Kiyoko san The breeze of River, and the sound of drum, infiltrating your makeup I breathe your face, I inhale your fragrance, I sense your culture Catching every meaning behind your orange umbrella Searching for eternal sound behind your kimono Is that You Kiyoto san Behind the noisy of
Play Station and the coquettish Sincan When I’m drunk and your giggling
Suatu Siang di Penghujung Abad
Suatu Siang, penghujung abad Bahang melinia menyentuh gerbang terbangkan beratus gagak derukan beribu dingin Tuhan, aku saksikan zelzah gemetar menatap angin dan aku gemetar menangkap ingin Berapa sampaikah desah harapku berapa sudahkah derap langkahku sementara hariku menderu di busur waktu Di Northbridge, penghujung abad tonil kekanak menyambar rindu tarikan derai pantai nyanyikan keletah ombak senandungkan derita tebing Tuhan, aku bayangkan bakong gemetar menatap angin dan aku gemetar menangkap ingin
An Afternoon at The End of The Century An afternoon at the end of the century The warm of millennium was touching the gate Caused Hundreds of crows fly away blew thousands cold God, I watched Zelzah street was shaking when stared at the wind And I was trembeling when I cached the hope How far my moan of hope has been reaching How many of my foot step has been completing While my day was roaring at the arch of time In Northbridge, at the end of the century The children play brought back the memory Dancing the sound of the beach Singing the flirtatious sound of waves Humming the pain of cliff God, I was imagining Bakong *) trembling when stared at the wind And I was trembeling when I cached the hope
Berapa sampaikah benang mimpiku berapa sudahkah jahit jubbah jiwaku sementara hariku menderu dibusur waktu Di Northbridge, penghujung abat Gemuruh concorde menyibak dingin dan kalender terlepas menuju malam Tuhan, aku saksikan Zelzah gemetar menahan musim dan aku gamang menentang ingin.
How far my thread of dreams has been reaching How complete the coat of my soul has been sewing While my days roaring at the arch of time In Northbridge, at the end of century The sound of Concorde revealed the cold And the calendar slipped off into the night God, I watched Zelzah street was shaking to hold the season And I was nervous to against the wanting
*)Bakong is the writer’s birth place (Singkep island – Riau )
Di Stockholm Kepada: DI
Dari sebuah taman di Stockholm, suatu petang kita menyaksikan monumen sebuah jangkar di antara pelabuhan dan tiang-tiang perahu dan kau berkata : Seberapa jauh kita berlayar kita harus sampai harus melabuh sauh dan turun ke pelabuhan tapi jangan menoleh ke belakang sebab di belakang adalah laut sebab laut adalah misteri yang menyimpan rindu yang mengeram takut yang menulis cinta yang memendam benci
In Stockholm To : DI
From a park in Stockholm, in an afternoon We watched a monument of anchor between the guays and the masts of vessel and you said: How far we will sail we must arrive must drop the anchor and go down to the harbor But don’t look back because there is the sea behind Because the sea is a mystery that kept the longing that brood the fear that wrote the love that buried the hatred
Dari sebuah taman di Stockholm, suatu petang kita memandang cuaca dan gemerisik angin dan kau berkata : Seberapa jauh kita berlayar kita harus menyimak cuaca kita harus menghitung angin tapi jangan menoleh ke belakang sebab di belakang adalah sepi sebab sepi adalah misteri yang menyimpan dendam yang membunuh mimpi
From a park in Stockholm, in an afternoon we looked at the weather and sound of wind rustled and you said: How far we will sail we must understand the weather we must calculate the wind but don’t look back because there is a lonely behind because lonely is a mystery that kept the revenge that killed the dreams
Di Seberang Gedung Putih
Bill, Ada beratus-ratus orang di seberang taman membangun tenda memasang pamplet menghadapkan muka mendedahkan dada meneriakan beribu kata Adakah kau di sana mendengarkannya tapi pintu pagarmu menelan Suara Aku juga di situ di depan gerbangmu mengunjuk puisiku membacakan petisiku: Indonesia tanah airku tanah tumpah darahku di sanalah aku berdiri jadi pandu ibuku Mungkin kau di situ mengambil tahu tapi pintu pagarmu menatap bisu
Across The White House
Bill, There are hundreds of people across the park building tents sticking pamphlets showing faces exposing braves shouting thousand words Are you there listening but your gate swallowing the sounds I was there in front of your gate showing my poems reading my petitions: Indonesia, my home land the land where I shed my blood there, I stand to be the guard of my motherland Maybe you are there take a note But your gate Staring in dumb
Bill, Ada beratus-ratus orang di seberang taman melambaikan tangan mengucap salam menunggu jawaban dari dalam meskipun kau tetap diam meskipun kami percaya sekali-sekali kau sibak jendela menangkap perubahan cuaca Sambil berkata : Mereka harus mendengar Amerika! Dan aku juga di situ di depan gerbangmu menangkap harum bunga dan anak rumput mendengar cicit tupai dan daun maple mencium bau arak dan sendawa pemabuk sambil menambah bait puisiku sambil menambah alenia petisiku: Indonesia tanah air beta Negeri kaya, Zamrud khatulistiwa
Di sinilah kami terlena
Bill, There are hundreds of people across the park waving hands saying for the greeting waiting answer from inside although you are keep in silent although we believe some time you open the window capturing the changes of weather while saying: They must listen to America! And I was there at front of your gate inhaled the sweet smell of flowers and the smell of grass listened to the voice of squirrel and the leaves of Maple smelled the arrack and the belch of drunkard while adding the rhyme of my poem while adding pharagraph of my petition: Indonesia is my homeland The rich country, the Emerald of Khatulistiwa*)
we are complacent here
(2001) *)Khatulistiwa is Indonesia terminology to mention the equator
Telah kau hunus keris telah kau tusuk dendam telah kau bunuh dengki tetapi, siapakah yang telah mengalahkanmu Kami hanya menyaksikan luluh rasa murkamu celup luka cemburumu kubur rasa cintamu di bayang-bayang harimu Kami hanya menyaksikan waktu menghapus jejak darahmu angin menerbangkan setanggi mimpimu ombak menelan jejak sisamu di balik cadar mimpi-mimpimu Kami semua telah mengasah keris telah menusuk dendam membunuh dengki meruntuhkan tirani
You have unsheathed the Kris You have stabbed the revenge You have killed the envy but, who has defeated you? We just witnessed your anger melting dipping wound of your jealousy burying your love in the shadows of your days We just witnessed the time was cleaning your traces of blood the wind was flying your flavor dreams waves swallowed the rest of your trail behind the veil of your dreams We all have sharpened the Kris have stabbed the revenge killing the envy tearing down the tyranny
Tapi siapa yang telah mengalahkan kami menumbuhkan khianat melumatkan sesahabat memusarakan sesaudara Kami hanya menyaksikan waktu yang berhenti bertanya sejarah yang berhenti ditulis dan kita hanya membangun sebuah arca
But who has defeated us growing the treason squashing the friendship vanishing the relation We just witnessed when the time stop asking the history that no longer written and we only built a statue
Rembang Petang
Adakah kita memang telah siap ketika sebuah rembang datang rembang petang dan kita harus menyapanya dengan sukma yang tenang? kita ternyata masih sering terkesiap ketika menangkap gemersik dedauanan ketika bunyi tokek mengusik ketika sebuah iring-iringan lewat meski hanya sebuah arakan pengantin sebuah sunatan kanak-kanak sebuah unjuk rasa para tunawisma Kita memang masih sering renyah ketika sukma bersentuh dengan remah-remah ketika harus berkemas di pekarangan menyisihkan sisa dedaunan yang luruh sesudah hujan sesudah panas mengali lubang membakar dan menatap asap layap menuju lanskap Kita memang masih dering resah ketika melewatkan saat rehat
Before Afternoon
Have we well prepared? when the afternoon is about to come just before afternoon and we have to greet it with peaceful soul? We are in fact getting startled often when capturing sound of rustling leaves when the sound of gecko is harassing when a convoy is passing by although just a convoy of a bridal a children circumcision a demonstration of homeless people We are indeed often being fragile when the soul touches little things when have to clean up the garden remove the remain of falling leaves after the rain after the dry digging a hole to burn and looking at the smoke fly away going to the sky We are indeed often being worry when passing the break time
saat meneguk kopi menyetel kaset atau membelai pundak Blacky saat tiba-tiba merasa : hidup seperti sebatang akasia di sudut jalan membangun bayang-bayang panjang dan lengang ketika tiba rembang rembang petang Kita memang masih sering terkesiap ketika menatap kalender mengingat hari menyetel televisi dan bergumam : kematian seperti sehelai daun luruh ketika rembang terpuruk di sudut jalan dikubur bayang-bayang Apakah kita memang telah siap ketika tiba sebuah rembang rembang petang Dan menyapanya dengan sukma yang tenang?
at coffee drinking time turning on cassette player or caressing Blacky’s shoulder suddenly feel : life is just like an Acacia Tree in the corner of the street constructing shadows Long and quiet when the afternoon about to come just before the afternoon We are still getting startled often when looking at the calendar remembering days turning on television and mumbling : the death is like a leave falling down when its time arrived wasted at the corner of the street buried by shadows Have we well prepared? when an afternoon is about to come Just before afternoon And greet it with soul a peaceful soul?
Episode (I)
awang dede dede oi bingkaslah awang bingkaslah kawanan mokeh menghijau langit menabur pekik menukik sunyi bumi bernyanyi anjungan si dayang ke puncak ara gelitik peri kilaikan birahi himbau si bujang menjejak hendak ke getah cempedak awang dede dede oi bergegaslah awang bergegaslah
Episode (I)
awang dede*) dede ooh grow up quickly my son grow up quickly the herd of birds the sky turns greeny spreading the screams swooping in silence the Earth is singing house of a lady to the tip of tree tickling of the fairy stopping the lust calling the son stepping the will to the gum of jackfruit awang dede dede ooh please be rush my son please be rush
jangan biar angin membuai ingin jangan biarkan mimpi mengayun harap sebab sunting siapa di ujung jari di sunting siapa menghitung hari sebab sunting siapa di ujung kening di sunting siapa melukis angin sebab ke mana rindumu ke siapa rindumu akan sampai sesampai mokeh memekik rasa serasa bayan mengilai aduhai awang dede dede oi berjalanlah awang berjalanlah
don’t let the wind swing the wanting don’t let the dreams swing the hope because whose crown at the edge of finger who is proposed so count the day because whose crown at the edge of forehead who is proposed so have to paint the wind because where is your longing to to whom is your longing for will be given Once the bird screams their feeling Seems like bayan *) screaming hi awang Dede dede ooh please depart my son please depart
ke mentari bangun menangkap kecapung ke mentari rebah menangkap kelembak ke malam rindu menyunting dayang dayang senandung senandung nasib senandung luka senandung angin membakar ingin senandung sampai tak sampai langkah aduhai awang dede dede oi berkemaslah awang berkemaslah sebab mimpi yang berlayar diayun takkan pernah melintas kurun sebab ingin yang bermain di angin tak kan pernah meraih champin
to the sun when it raises to catch dragonfly to the sun when it sets to catch butterfly to the longing night to propose a lady a singing lady the song of fate the song of wound the song the wind burning the will singing until it can’t be reached with amazing steps awang dede dede ooh please be prepared my son please be prepared because the dream which sail in mind It will never passing the time because the will which plays in the wind will never reach the champion
(1982/1988/2002) *) Awang Dede Oi ....is the lyric from the traditional song of malay **) Bayan is a kind of bird -long tailed parakeet
Suatu Pagi Di Sebuah Beranda
Suatu pagi di sebuah beranda angin gemetar pada gordin nadi berdebar dan angin menyambar Di cermin takut bermain menepis ingin Rasa Ada yang tak lagi balik padamu ku sesiapa Ada yang mengkristal di cawan kopi larut dalamku mu sesiapa
One Morning In a Veranda
One morning in a veranda the wind at the curtain was shaking the pulse was pounding and the cold was snatching In the mirror The fear was dancing refused the will Passion Some are no longer back to you to me to no body Something cristalize in the coffee cup soluble in me you somebody
Ada yang terlepas dari pertemuan itu ngilu mengiris waktuku mu sesiapa Suatu pagi di sebuah beranda Ada yang sudah jadi lain Barangkali Ku Mu Sesiapa Barangkali cuma angin bermain menyisakan sentuhannya yang bacin
something fell apart from that moment sorrow erasing my time yours everyone One morning in a veranda something became strange perhaps that was ME that was YOU that was EVERYBODY
Or probably just the wind playing and left its touch dirty touch
Selamat malam Aku mencium rambutmu yang masih bau mesiu Aku kecup dahimu yang masih rasa asin Aku lihat di matamu laut yang damai dan mimpi yang kelam Dan aku tutup pintu tenda sambil melihat langit, menandai bintang Ke mana perahumu akan menyeberang? Di bibir pantai aku dengar nyanyian Getir dan sayup Mungkin dari sela-sela lunas perahu Mungkin dari jerigen air, dan sisa layar yang koyak : : Kebebasan itu hak Kebebasan itu mimpi Kebebasan itu harga diri yang berdarah jika menyerah Kebebasan itu lubang kematian yang menunggu saat kau kalah Kebebasan itu burung elang yang terbang jauh, dan kau duduk di paruhnya Selamat malam, Kulihat kau tak pernah mengeluh
Good evening I kiss your gunpowder smelly hair I smooch your salty brow I see a peaceful ocean and a bleak dream in your eyes And I close the door of the tent while watching up the sky, marking the stars Where is your boat going to cross? On the shoreline I hear a song Pain and faint Maybe from the sidelines keel of the boat Maybe from a jerry can, and the scraps of torn sail : Freedom is a right Freedom is a dream Freedom is a bloody pride if surrender Freedom is a hole of death waiting for your lose. Freedom is an eagle that flying away and you sit on its beak Good night, I know you never repine
Mengingat Kalian
MAK Mak kau adalah samudera, maka alangkah : Alangkah luas, alangkah dalam, alangkah biru, alangkah teduh Dan Aku berenang di dalamnya bagai seekor lumbalumba Berenang memburu pelangi, mengibas ekor mengejar angin Dan kau menggelitik punggungku : Teruslah ! Kejar angin, Kejar Ingin! Jadilah Paus biru, karena bisa menjelajah lautan Melawan badai, menenggelamkan perahu Ketika aku menyalip haluan, kau bilang : Tiang dan layar, tanda mereka akan sampai KE MANA Tapi harus ada angin, harus ada ingin Dan angin bisa mempermainkan ingin. Mengirim dingin, mengubah musim Jangkar melingkar, tanda mereka akan sampai Di MANA Tapi harus ada karang, harus ada pancang Dan karang bisa merubuh pancang menggendang arus, mengirim badai Aku lumbalumba manja. Terus bermain, mengejar angin. Memburu ingin Dan kau samudra alangkah, membasah punggungku, menantang angin ku
Remember You
MOM Mom, you are the ocean, you are so: So vast, so deep, so blue, so calm And I swim like a dolphin in it Swim to chase the rainbows, wagging my tail chasing the wind And you tickle my back: Keep going! Chase the wind, Chase the wanting! Be a blue whale, because it explores the oceans against the storm, sink the boat When I sneak to the bow, you said: Mast and sail are the signs WHERE Yet there must be the wind, there must be the will And the wind can fiddle the will. Sending the chill, change the seasons The anchor tied, is a sign WHERE they will be but there must be a rock, there must be a stake And the rock can topple the stake hit the tide, send the storm I am a spoiled dolphin. Only playing, chasing the wind, chasing the wanting and you are the ocean; you would be, flush my back, challenging my wind
BAH Mereka bilang kau karang, maka alangkah : Alangkah keras, alangkah tegar, alangkah kukuh Dan aku berdiri di pundakmu menatap musim Mendengar ombak, mengeram badai, meluruh sauh Dengarlah gemuruh gelombang, katamu Karena gelombang mengajarkan arti bimbang Bimbang akan mimpi, bimbang akan sampai Bimbang akan jejak, bimbang akan cari, bimbang akan dapat Rasakanlah getaran badai, karena dia mengajarkan arti andai Andai mimpi kau berketai, andai jejak kau tak sampai Andai kau teluk, andai kau adalah ceruk Andai kau adalah pasir, andai kau adalah desir Andai kau segalanya hanya pantai, hanya badai Hanya sansai Dengarlah keletah laut Kadang laut sunyi dan ombak berdesir Kadang malam gelap, dan laut menggigil Kadang kau bilang, karang adalah mercu yang menjulang Suar kapal mengatur arah, mengemudi tuju, mengira sampai Kadang, malam kelam, dan maut datang tanpa memberi salam Tapi laut, tak pernah selesai disebut dengan rasa takut...
DAD They said you are a rock, you are so: So hard, so tough, so strong And I stand on your shoulder facing the season Listening to the waves, holding the storms, throwing the anchor Listen to the rumble of the waves, you said Because the waves teach us the meaning of worry Worry about the dreams, worry about the end Worry about the trace, worry about the things, worry about the result Feel the tremble of the storm, because it teaches us the meaning of “if ”, If your dream gone, if your trace did not reach If you were a bay, if you were a niche If you were the sand, if you were swish If your everything just a beach, just a storm just suffering Listen to the whims of the sea Sometime the sea is silent and the waves are ripple Sometime the night is dark, and the sea chills Sometime you say, the reefs are high towers The ship’s light is driving direction, steering the destination, expecting to reach Sometime, the night so dark, and the death come without giving any signs But the sea, never finished being called with fears ... (1996/2002)
Asam Paya
Asam paya Di dalam dulang Di tengah rumah Matahari sepenggalah Ah ! Mengapa dijamah Di ujung siang Burung terbang ke seberang Siapa bilang akan pulang?
Anak gampang
Asam Paya*)
Asam Paya In a tray In the middle of the house The sun is still young Ah! Why touched? At the end of the day The birds fly to the other side Who says they will be back?
“Easy child”
(2003) *) Asam paya is zalacca conferta
Dang, ambilkan keris ! Untuk apa? Akan kulimau? Cih! Berpuluh purnama di peram lupa Masih berbisah? Phuih! Dendam tak mengubur suara! Sebab Tuah kata
Sebab Jebat pesan
Sebab Sultan masih Temberang!
Dang, get my Kris! What for? I will wash it with lime Pooh! Tens of months have been forgotten Is it still poisonous? Phuih! Revenge is not burying the voice! Because Tuah**) said
Because Jebat***) told
Because the sultan is still “Big mouth�
(2003) *) Kasturi, Tuah and Jebat, are the heroes in malay legend (Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat Hang Tuah) **) Sultan is the king
Sanghai Baby
Di Nanjing Lok, ujung semi menyisakan gigil Plaza basah, sehabis renyai Dan kau datang dari sebuah sudut yang hiruk Dari balik trem dan kereta turis : Sir, Aku tawarkan sebatang rokok dan sejenak kehangatan Punyakah anda 100 yuan? Dingin memang membangkitkan rindu Denyar lampu di antara taman yang basah Membangkitkan gairah Dan aku bayangkan kita berdiri di sisi jendela di puncak menara Dan memandang Pudong yang gemerlap dan Yang Tse yang gelap Wahai pualamnya tubuhmu dan berahinya parfummu 100 yuankah ?
Sanghai Baby
At Nanjing road, at the end of spring left shivering The plaza is wet after spatter And you emerge from a hustle corner Behind the trams and the tourist trains : Sir, I offer a cigarette and a little moment of warmth Do you have 100 Yuan? Indeed, the cold causes longing The lamps light in between the watery park Raise the desire And I imagine if we were standing By the window At the top of a tower And looking at the sparkling of Pudong And the dark of Yang Tse river Ohh your marble body and the lure of your fragrant is it really 100 Yuan?
Di tong sampah, selembar koran siang tengadah : ini sebuah negeri yang sedang berubah Harapan memang berdarah. Tapi jangan menyerah! Itu mungkin hanya suara angin pegunungan yang Bergeser ke lembah Ayo terus melangkahlah! Kemarin, di balik kaca bus dari Su Zou Aku menyaksikan ladang sayur dan danau mutiara Berombak dan gelisah Tour Leader cantik bersutera merah menyapa di ekor mata, : Jalan tol dan listrik melimpah, membuat cinta sebuah sedekah 100 yuankah ? Malam makin larut dan langit seakan keriput Dari balik patung sang walikota yang berwajah baja Kudengar Shanghai bernyanyi: jangan menangis Baby!
(2003/2005) *) Shanghai Baby, judul sebuah novel karya Wien Hui
In a garbage can, a page of newspaper opened : This is a country in changing The hope is bloody. But do not give up! It is probably just the wind of the mountain Shifting to the valley Keep moving on! Yesterday, behind the window of a bus from Su Zou I saw flower fields and a lake of pearl Waving and look uneasy A beautiful tour leader with red silk was starring : Toll roads and electricity are everywhere, because the love become a charity Is it still 100 Yuan? The night is getting high and the sky seems wrinkled Behind the cold face of mayor’s statue I hear Shanghai is singing: Don’t cry Baby!
(2003/2005) *) Shanghai Baby is the title of a novel written by Wien Hui
Di Great Wall
Akhirnya aku sampai ke negeri itu yang kata leluhurmu, di kaki Tiong San. Angin gunung yang lembab, dan dingin yang mengurung tahun, memang pantas membuat dirimu bak pualam. Lembut dan liat! Membuat kesetiaan dapat abadi bagai salju. Membuat lagu rindumu seperti sungai yang liar dan menjelajah jauh sampai ke jantungku Katamu, di tembok raksasa itu, cinta dapat disucikan karena tiap kita menjenguk ke lembah, kabut akan memperdengarkan musik abadi tentang sepasang kekasih yang menuliskan kisah cinta mereka dalam genangan airmata, darah dan salju kesedihan. Dan aku seakan mendengarkannya. : O, hati yang luluh, masih adakah jalan bagiku untuk sampai ke kehilangan yang jauh. Yang jauh! yang telah dirampas saat bunga kehidupan mulai tumbuh dan sisa berahi selesai dibasuh! O, kesetiaan yang di hujam benci dan ketakutan, dapatkan cinta bertahan ketika airmata telah jadi salju, dan kerinduan telah jadi batu, ketika sebut telah jadi lumut ?
At the Great Wall
Finally I am in the country that your ancestors said, lay under the Tiong San The mountain breeze is humid, the cold surrounds the whole years, it has created you like marble. Soft and tough! Couse the fidelity become eternal like snow. Couse your longing become a wild river and reaching into my heart You said, at the great wall, love can be purified because in each pole when we looked down into the valley, the fog will play the timeless music about a couple who wrote their love story in tears, blood and snow of sorrow. And I seemed hearing it. : O, the crushed heart, is there any way for me to lose until nothing left. None! That had been taken when the flowers of life start to grow and the rest of lust is just being flushed! O, fidelity that stabbed with hate and fear, could love survive when the tears turned into snow, and the longing have became stone, when words have became moss?
Akhirnya , aku mendaki tangga demi tangga, menahan denyut demi denyut, mengepal gigil demi gigil, karena katamu, jika harapan yang sayup di kabut, di bancuh dalam panas gairahku, maka rindu yang terpendam akan bangkit dan mengalir bagaikan hawa yang, dan membawa langkah ke manapun menuju Ying, yang tak pernah surutpun. Sebab rindu yang menggumpal jadi salju, akan abadi menjadi benci. Sebab luka yang berdarah, akan menjadi sungai, mengalir jauh ke lubuk setia yang paling celah. “Sir. anda berhak dapat medali ini, karena telah sampai ke Gerbang yang terjauh� suara penjaga kios souvenir berdesir bagai angin. Dingin. Ingin ! Akhirnya, aku merasakan rinduku padamu, kini jadi kabut yang melayap pergi melintasi lembah. Seperti tetes-tetes keringatku yang jatuh bersama lelah, menerpa tebing, menyentuh rumput, dan bersama lautan cina yang lain, jadi sungai, dan mengalir jauh ke Yang Tze. Akan kah sampai padamu?
Finally, I climb each step of stairs, holding every pulse , gripping each trembling, As you said, if a faint hope is by the edge of fog, mixing with my passion, then the buried longing will rise and flow like an atmosphere of Yang, and lead any steps to Ying. It will never recede. Because the longing which has been clotted and be the snow will become an eternal hatred. Because the bloody wound, it will be a river, flowing into through gaps of the most fidelity Finally, I feel my longing to you, and it turns into fog which will go through the valley like drops of my sweat that fall along with weary. Splashing the hill, touching the grass, and together with another Chinese sea, become the river, and flows away into the Yang Tze . Will it reach to you?
Seekor lumba–lumba yang Ngembara Kepada Idrus
Seekor lumba–lumba yang ngembara dari beting ke beting, dari teluk ke teluk, satu ketika akan lelah dan mengapung. di puncak alun. Angin timur, alangkah teduhnya. Saat bermain, mengibas ekor dan menyemburkan pelangi ke pucuk awan. Saat menikah dan menanam berahi. Saat langit membentang harap, saat mimpi membentang layar. Tapi apakah selalu harus berharap? Di setiap teluk ada pelabuhan. Di setiap teluk ada perahu. Di setiap teluk ada yang berlabuh. Tapi apakah selalu harus mengeluh? Di laut tak selamanya ombak. Di laut tak selamanya karang. Di laut tak selamanya surut. Di laut tak selamanya segala mimpi hanyut. Ada yang tersangkut. Ada yang terdampar. Ada yang jadi lumut, jadi karang. Jadi pasir, jadi badai.
A Nomad Dolphin to Idrus
A nomad Dolphin swims from sea to sea. Bay to bay, one day will get tired and floating at the top of wave. The wind of the east, make you are so shady. When it plays, wagging its tails and squirting rainbow to the highest cloud. When mate and plant passion. When the sky lay hope, when dream extend sail. Yet, should always hope? Every bay has harbor. Every bay has boat. Every bay there is always ship anchor. Yet, should always complain? Sea does not always have wave. Sea does not always have rock. Sea does not always experience low tide. Sea does not always drift all dreams. Some are stuck. Some stranded.Some become moss, be rocks, be sand, be storm.
Seekor lumba-lumba yang ngembara, Jika tiba masanya akan ngembara lagi. Bermain ombak, bermain angin, mengejar laju, memburu rindu. Tapi bilakah akanterdampar? Bilakah sayap kekar berhenti menampar? Bilakah ekor liar berhenti melayar? Seekor lumba-lumba yang ngembara, seperti musim, sekali datang sekali beredar. Tapi laut tak henti menunggu kembara membentang layar, kembara menurunkan layar. Dan kau seperti perahu-perahu yang lelah, kini saatnya melabuh jangkar.
A nomad Dolphin, if the time coming will travel again. Playing with waves, playing with wind, chasing for ships, hunting for longing. But when will it strand? When will the tough wing strand? When will the tail stop sail? A nomad Dolphin, just like season. Once coming, and then leaving. But sea never stop waiting traveler spread the sail, the traveler lower the sail. And you are like tiring ships, now time to drop the anchor
Surat Kepada GM
Adakah kita masih percaya keniscayaan kata-kata? Di bendul pintu, setiap minggu kau letakkan kata-kata Dan aku memungutnya sambil beringsut ke jendela Di luar langit beragam warna, beragam makna Dan kata-katamu berubah menjadi ribuan kata, ribuan makna, ribuan warna, Jadi taman, jadi hutan, jadi kota, jadi kita, jadi KATA, Tapi apakah kita masih percaya kepada keniscayaan kata ? Pada hanya sebuah kata? Di luar orang membawa lembing, membawa belati dan meluah kata-kata Dan kita tidak bisa menegahnya dengan kata : Jangan! Sabar! Istighfar!
A Letter to GM
Do we still believe to the inevitability of words? At the front of a door, every week you placed the words And I pick it up while shuffling to the window At the outside the sky is so colorful, each with different meaning And your words turn into thousands of words, thousands of meanings, thousands of colors, Become parks, become forests, become cities, become Us become WORDS, But do we still believe in the inevitability of the word? Just a word? At outside people bring spears, bring daggers and shouting words and we cannot stop them with word: Don’t! Be Patient! Istigfar!*)
Seperti kampak, mereka harus menetak Seperti belati harus di tikam berkali-kali Kita ternyata tak bisa bilang KUN! PAYAKUN! JABBARKUN! Kita tak punya kuasa Kita perlu beratus kata, beribu kata Pun untuk bilang YA! Di bendul pintu,setiap minggu, kau letakkan kata-kata. Dan aku memungutnya sambil menatap ke luar jendela. Seperti helai-helai kelopak, aku taburkan kata-katamu Biar jadi beratus kata, beribu kata, jadi berkata-kata Hidup ternyata semakin niscaya, semangkin tak percaya pada kata-kata Pun pada KITA !
Like an axe, it must hack Like a dagger, it must stab countless times We apparently cannot say KUN! PAYAKUN! JABBARKUN! We have no power We need hundreds of words, thousands of words Even to say YES At the front of the door, every week you placed the words I pick it up while staring out the window Such as the strands of petals, I sprinkle your words Let it be hundreds of words, thousands words, be sentences Life turns to be inevitably, unbelief in words Even to US!
*) seek forgiveness
Percakapan Akhir Kepada Z
Kami telah melepasmu dengan talkin Ada Yasin Ada Zikir Ada Fatiha Tapi suara terompet itu Meneteskan air mata : Di diri kita masihkah tersisa dendam purba ? Di ruang intermediate Di antara siang dan jarum infus Kita bicara tentang berita dan hipertensi Tentang kantung kemih yang pedih dan bau obat yang menyengat : Di diri kita masih kah tersisa dendam purba ? Allahuakbar Subhannallah Kullunafsin zaikatul maut : Tuhan, dari hati yang purba, terima dia di sisi-MU Sesiapnya, sesiapnya
The Last Conversation To: Z We have let you go with Talkin With Yasin With Zikir With Fatiha Yet the sound of the trumpet Shed the tears : Inside our selves is there ancient revenge stay? In the intermediate room In between hose and infusion needle We talked about news and hypertension About a painful bladder and the stink smell of drugs : Inside our selves is there ancient revenge stay? Allahuakbar Subhannallah Kullunafsin zaikatul maut God, from my deepest heart I hope, take him by YOUR side as he has prepared.
Aceh Suatu Hari, Sesudah Tsunami
1 Tuhan, adakah engkau murka ? 2 Di ujung Ulele, aku menyaksikan matahari bangkit dari busur waktu Perih dan ngilu. Kilatan jingga jatuh dan membangun kengerian di antara puing dan harapan yang lantak Beribu-ribu lalat berzikir sebelum terbang ke langit Mengadu kepada-Mu Mungkin bersama roh dan kepedihan Mungkin bersama ketidakpercayaan dan rasa sesal Mungkin bersama beban sejarah dan kebebalan waktu yang panjang 3 Siapakah yang telah Kau hukum ?
One Day in Aceh, After Tsunami
1 God, are You angry? 2 At the edge of Ulele, I am witnessing the sun rise from the bow of time Sore and pain The purple lighting fall and create horror among rubble and destroyed hope Thousands of flies chant before flying to sky Telling You Maybe with spirit and painful Maybe with disbelieve and regret Maybe with burden of history and the stubborn time that long 3 Who have You punished?
4 Di Baiturrahman, Di ujung gerimis, setelah hujan tangis Aku menyaksikan hamparan pualam yang muram di pucuk malam Sujud tahajjudku, terasa ngilu dan menulis beribu bisu : Ya Rahman Ya Rahman Adakah engkau yang kemarin menyusun bata di pagar altar Mu ? Adakah mereka yang setiap subuh meneriakkan azan di puncak aras Mu ? Adakah mereka yang membasuh debu, menjahit luka para Syuhada-Mu ? Aku menyaksikan kesunyian yang panjang, gaung yang sayup Di antara mimbar Senyap yang mendekap Debu yang mengendap Di dekat serasa beratus ratus roh tiarap meratap : Kamilah yang pagi itu hanyut bersama gelombang Bergulung bersama pohon papan beton dan sampah sampah rumah
4 At Baiturahman Mosque, At the end of drizzle, after the rain of tears I saw the sad and cold floor at the midnight My kneel, with all my pain, and writing thousands mute : Ya Rahman Ya Rahman Were they arranging bricks yesterday at the fence of Your altar? Have they delivered azan every early morning at the top of Your kingdom? Have they washed dust, sew the wound of Martyrdom? I feel long loneliness, nearly heard echoes Between the pulpits The silent embrace The dusts settle on Among me almost hundreds of spirits prone wailing : We are the one who drift with waves in that morning Rolling with the trees board concrete and houses which have become garbage
Kamilah yang meregang nasib, melepas nyawa, menyelam lemas, menggampai tiang, melepas harapan. Kamilah itu... 5 Adakah Kau mendengarnya ? 6 Di muara Kruengraya, tangis nasib menyusun pilu di sisa-sisa rumah Di sisa-sisa buku dan tas murid sekolah Aku menatapnya ketika warna coklat dan arus yang gelisah tak lagi mendengar bagai magis seudati berkisah Aku mencecah geliat paginya ketika dingin tak lagi sengilu kerinduan Inong Bale yang tumpah di sajjadah Pepohonan tegak, dengan pucuk yang retak Tak tercium bau mesiu Tak tertera bercak darah Kecuali gelombang semak dan hamparan sampah Apak ! Semua sudah menuju muara tak berdaya Semua telah menyerah Kalah !
We are the one who stretch our fate Release the life swimming weak reaching the pole elease the hope We are the one... 5 Are You listening? 6 At the mouth of Kruengraya, the crying of fate compose on the remaining of houses At the remaining books and student’s bags I looked at them when the brown and nervous current no longer listen just like magic of Seudati chant being sang I pinched the wriggle of morning when the cold is not as pain as the longing of Inong Bale on the prayer rug The trees are standing while its top is crack There is no smell of gun powder There is no spotting of blood Except the waves of bush and overlay of garbage Stink!! All have gone to the estuary powerless All have surrendered Lost !
7 Adakah Kau menghendaki sejarah berubah ? 8 Di punggung Leuser dan Seulawah Mereka yang selamat dan menyaksikan gelegak marah-Mu Menulis catatan dan sajak-sajak kengerian Melukis sisa tarikan napas dalam warna-warna yang pucat dan tangan gemetar Mereka menyaksikan airmata yang tumpah di layar kaca Mereka menatap luka yang memar di lembar-lembar surat kabar Mereka termangu, Mereka tergagap, Mereka nanar, Aku mendengar mereka bergumam di antara cangkir kopi dan bau sayur di warung-warung Aku mendengar mereka berbisik di antara selisik para peziarah dan pembagi duka: “Dulu , tiap malam kami mendengar bunyi peluru, tetapi kami masih bisa bernyanyi. Di balik pintu, di atas dipan, di ruang hotel dan kamar karaoke. Dulu, tiap siang kami menyaksikan truk serdadu, dan gemertak bunyi senapan, tapi kami masih bisa main catur. Di balik pintu, di beranda warung, dan pengkolan jalan. Dulu, setiap azan, tiap selesai sujud, tiap selesai do’a Kami masih mendengar gemuruh ombak Ulele bagai mozaik, bagai kidung kerinduan para perantau:
7 Do You want the history change? 8 At the back of Leuser and Seulawah Mountain Those who survive and witness Your anger Writing notes and poems of horror Painting the remaining of breath in pale colors and trembling hand They watch the tears are falling on television They look at the bruise scars from the pages of newspaper They stunned They look confused I hear them humming between a cup of coffee and smell of vegetables in stall I hear them whispering among pilgrim and sharing the sorrow “Yesterday, every night we heard sound of bullets, but we were able to sing. Behind doors, on the bed, at hotel room and karaoke room. Yesterday, every noon we watched trucks of soldier and rattle of guns, yet we still played chess. Behind the veranda of food stall, and the corner of a street. Yesterday, every adhan, after wudhu, after prayed, we heard the sound of Ulele Waves like mozaik, like song of longing for traveler
Olele si Kutaraja, boleh tak boleh dibawa saja .... Dulu kami masih bisa pergi jauh, membawa rencong, membaca saman, dan mendendangkan keperkasaan si Inong Bale dalam cerita. Dulu....” Di punggung Leuser dan Seulawah Ketika hujan dan hutan basah, aku menyaksikan seluruh urat pohon berdarah. 9 Adakah Kau menghendaki mereka berhenti menakar hari? 10 Di bawah tenda-tenda kanvas dan kain perca Di antara bungkus mie instan, pakaian bekas dan air mineral Aku masih mendengar suara zikir dan istigfhar Di barak-barak dan papan-papan peneduh Di antara suara para relawan, di antara suara tulus dan omongkosong kemanusiaan Di antara muslihat kekuasaan dan intrik politik Aku menyaksikan gadis-gadis sunti mengemas jilbab, menyambar buku, dan bersimpuh di bawah atap: ‘’Pak guru, masihkah kau bisa dipercaya? Masihkan kau mengajarkan harapan? Masihkah kau bernama masa depan?’’ Di antara mesjid dan surau, di antara mushalla dan meunasah yang tersisa
“Olele si Kuraraja, boleh tak boleh dibawa saja”*) Yesterday, we were still able to go away, taking Rencong**), Saman and sing the heroism of Inong Bale in story. That’s Yesterday...” At the back of Leuseur and Seulawah During rainy and the wet forest . I watch all the roots of trees bleeds 9 Do You want they stop measuring the day? 10 Under the tents made from canvas and rags Among instant noodle, second hand clothes and mineral water I still listen sound of chant; zikir and istighfar At barracks and board of shelter Among sound of volunteers, among sincere voices and the nonsense of humanity Among deception of power and political in tricks I watch little girl fixing their hijab, taking books, and sitting under the roof.” Sir, do you still can be trusted? Do you still want to teach us about hope? Are you something called future?” Among mosques and constraints, among places to pray and remaining Meunasah I watch teenage boys, straighten their cap, tighten their belt, and clench hands: This is the land of law!
Aku menyaksikan bujang-bujang tanggung Meluruskan kopiah, mengencangkan tali pinggang, dan Mengepal tangan: Ini negeri hukum! Ini negeri Syariah! Ini negeri demokrasi! Ini negeri Cut, Teuku, Rencong, G..... Ah! Punggung Sigli masih mendesah, tebing Langsa tetap gelisah, laut Lokhseumawe dan padang-padang kembara di Biruen..., sesekali masih ada suara senapang dan berita televisi tentang hak azazi dan mimpi-mimpi utopi Ah! Tapi di jalan-jalan lengang Kutaraja, lampu-lampu mulai menyala, Ada deru pesawat dan suara kereta Di keremangan Meulaboh, pagi menyapa dengan harumnya Takengon mocca Di antara angit bau jasad dan deru traktor menghapus jejak yang luput dari sajak Di Tapaktuan, sisa gigil masih terasa, tapi suara-suara tak menyerah terus mendesah: Kami sudah dibesarkan sejarah, dan kami akan terus membangun meunasah!
This is the land of Sharia! This is the land of Democracy! This is the land of Cut, Teuku, Rencong, G... Ah! The back of Sigli is still moaning, the cliff of Langsa is still anxious, the Lhokseumawe sea and savanna of Kembara in Bireun,.. sometime there are sound of guns and news of human rights and dream of utopia on television ‌.. Ah!! At the deserted roads of Kutaraja, the lamps start to ignite The roar of air craft and sound of motorbike At the dim of Meulaboh,, The morning greets with the nice smell of Takengon Mocca Between the stink of dead body and roar of tractors that deleting the traces that missing from poems In Tapaktuan, the remaining tremble is still there, but sound of struggle keep moaning: We have been grew with history, and we will keep building Meunasah
11 Tuhan, Siapakah yang telah Kau hukum? Tetapi mengapa di sini Di negeri yang katanya dengan seudati mereka membangun tradisi Dengan rencong mereka menulis sejarah Dengan saman mereka mengubah zaman 12 Aceh, suatu hari setelah tsunami Di antara ketakberdayaan dan rasa ngeri Hanya harapan dan cinta yang tak pernah mati!
11 God, Who have You punished? Yet, why here At the land that construct the tradition with their Seudati***) They wrote history with Rencong They change the time with Saman****) 12 Aceh, One day after tsunami Between hopeless and sense of horror Only hope and love which are never die
(2005/2008) *)
�Olele si Kutaraja, boleh tak boleh dibawa saja� is the lyric of traditional song in Aceh **) A rencong (Acehnese: reuncong) is a traditional weapon from Aceh, Indonesia. It is slightly similar in appearance to a kris. As with krisses, people attribute mystical powers to rencongs. The rencong is still worn during traditional ceremonies ***) Seudati is the name of a dance that originated from the province of Aceh. Seudati cames from the word SYAHADAT ****) Saman is the dance that originated from the province of Aceh. Saman is usually performed to celebrate the events - to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Di Tebing Lauttawar
Di tebing Lauttawar, kita ternyata bisa menyaksikan hari bangkit dengan warna pagi yang berseri, meski ombak yang berdesir, dan angin gunung yang layap, seakan tetap menggugat: Sejarah apa yang ingin kalian tulis, dengan bedil dan bau mesiu? Kami telah mengusir penjajah dengan rencong, setelah mereka kami biarkan menanam teh di bukit-bukit kosong. Di tebing Lauttawar, ternyata hari lewat dengan lebih hangat karena uap kopi yang gurih, suara jaring yang ditebar, dan geliat ikan yang menggelepar, telah menyisihkan berita televisi dan keletah surat kabar. Di puncak Takengon, gempa masih kerap menggampar, tapi pucuk-pucuk pinus masih bisa berkelakar: Di sini Tuhan memang lebih sabar!
At The Cliff of Lauttawar
At The Cliff of Lauttawar, we can see the day raises with the glow of morning, although the waves ripple, and the mountain wind is silent, as if they are suing: What kind of history do you want to write, with guns and the smell of gunpowder? We had repelled invaders with rencong, after we let them grow the tea at the empty hills At The Cliff of Lauttawar, the day is warmer because the savory steam of coffee, the sound of fishing net when it stretched, and the wriggling of floundering fishes, has put away the television news and newspapers? At the top of Takengon, earthquake is still slapping, but the tops of the pines are still laugh: Here God is patient indeed!
Di tebing Lauttawar, ketika bulan penuh, dan kabut malam mengendap, memang masih kerap terdengar bunyi panser dan peluru menyambar. Sesekali, di lobby hotel para tamu disuguhi kisah Tengku Bantaqiyah di Beutong Bawah. Tapi di gelap malam, para hansip masih ronda dengan pentung dan rencong di pinggang. Dan di bibir pekebun teh dan pelancong Eropa, malammalam menjadi lebih berona. “Di sini, kemerdekaan milik semua, dan bedil di simpan di bawah jendela� Di tebing Lauttawar, warung nasi, tetap menggulai rending. “Rasa Aceh, resep Padang� dan sambil menonton liga Italia, si Buyung melenggang: Ma baju Ronaldo tu? Di tebing Lauttawar, di bawah bayang-bayang potret Cut Nyak Dien dan Teuku Umar, sebelum kabut menghilang, kita masih bisa berkelakar : Di sini kerasnya rencong memang masih bisa ditawar
At the cliff of Lauttawar, at the full moon, and when the fog is going down, sound of panzer and bullet snatched can be listened sometimes. Once for a while, at the hotel loby the guests were told about the story of Tengku Bantaqiyah in Beutong Bawah at the hotel lobby. But in the dark of night, the night watch still conducts their patrol duty with bat and rencong at their waist. And on the lips of tea planters and European travelers, the nights become tinted. “Here, freedom belongs to all, and a rifle will be stored under the window” At the cliff of Lauttawar, restaurant still cook Rendang. “Taste of Aceh, Padang recipes” and while watching the Italian league, a boy was saying: “Where is Ronaldo’s shirt? At the cliff of Lauttawar, under the shadows of a portraits Cut Nyak Dien and Teuku Umar, before the fog disappear, we were telling a joke: Here, the hard of rencong is still negotiable
Di Tapaktuan, Mereka Takut Menunggu Malam
Tuhan Di Tapaktuan kami kini takut menatap laut Sebab biru yang membentang harap, seketika bisa jadi misteri: laut jadi hitam, laut jadi surut, laut jadi pekik kematian Sebab, di ujung tanjung, telah lesap beribu-ribu cinta, telah terkubur beribu-ribu mimpi. Sampai kini, tangisan kekanak, jadi belati menikam hati. Di Tapaktuan kami kini takut suara gelombang. Sebab, debur yang dulu membuai tidur, telah jadi guntur. Gelombang seketika jadi senyap, gelombang seketika jadi badai, gelombang seketika menerjang, Sebab, telah punah beribu-ribu rumah, telah tenggelam beribu ladang. Sampai kini, asap yang bangkit dari tingkap, mengirimkan luka ke pelosok dunia. Mengapa kami jadi nestapa? Kini sukma berhenti menyanyi Kini tidur seperti siksa panjang di ujung ranjang Kini angin laut Simulue seperti kawanan gergasi menebar ngeri Kini kami berzikir dalam diam, menunggu malam
In Tapak Tuan*), They are Afraid Waiting for the Night
God In Tapaktuan we are now afraid of looking at the sea Because the blue which spread of hope, at once can be a mystery The Sea turns into black, The Sea recedes, the sea become the scream of the death. Because at the end of the cape, thousands of love had disappeared, thousands of dreams had been buried. Until now, the mourning of children had become a knife that stab the heart. In Tapaktuan we are now afraid of the sound of waves. Because the waves that used to lull now become the thunders. The waves is silent at once, the waves become the storm at once, the waves crash at once Because, thousands of houses had been extinct, and thousands of fields had been sunk. Until now, the smoke coming from the lid, send the wound to all corners of the world. Why are we in sorrow? Now the soul stops singing Now sleeping is like long torture at the end of the bed Now the breeze of Simulue sea like herd of giants spreading horror Now we pray in silence, waiting for the night
Adakah kami pernah khianat? Di Tapaktuan, kami masih tetap membentang sajadah, Menabuh beduk, Meneriakkan azan Meratip doa Membasuh dosa Membaca saman Adakah kami memang alpa? Di Tapaktuan, Kelong Betawi masih berlampu Masih bergolek perahu cadik Berdebur ombak beranjak musim Tapi jam yang berdetak, seperti kelewang yang siap menetak Dan kami takut berkata tidak Tuhan Di Tapaktuan, kami takut hari menjadi malam
Have we ever betrayed? In Tapaktuan, we’re still lay down prayer rugs, Beating the drum, Sounding Azan Chanting Prayer Washing the Sin Reading Saman Have we ever been negligent? In Tapaktuan Kelong Betawi still has lights Canoes with leeboards still leaning The waves is swashing when the season is changing But the clock keeps ticking, like a saber ready to hack And we’re afraid to say no God In Tapaktuan, we are afraid when the day become the night
(2005/2008) *) Tapak Tuan is The capital of South Aceh District
Di Masjid Amir Hamzah
Sehabis magrib Aku ratib dan meletakkan setangkai bunga di nisannya Tuhan, singkirkan rasa benci dan aniaya Tak ada daya, tak ada daya, tanpa kehendak-Mu Dan maut menjemput, pun saat jiwa bersujud Dan maut wangi bagai setanggi dibakar lumut
At Amir Hamzah Mosque
After Magrib*) I chant the words of praying and put a bucket of flowers on the gravestone God, please get rid the hatred and mayhem please get rid of hatred and mayhem No power, no power, without YOUR will And the death comes, even when the soul kneels And the death’s smell is like incense being burned by the moss
(2005) *)Magrib is praying time for muslim just sunset
Inilah Besitang! Tak ada suara senapan dan tak ada hardik menjelang sarapan Tapi mengapa gelisah? Hutan karet dan sawit diam dalam kelam. Ada sisa hujan Dari pos jaga wajah letih dan mata yang waspada saling menyapa : Apa kabar Jakarta? Di arah tikungan yang menajam, Di antara meja teh panas dan kue bolu Ada puluhan bekas peluru. Seperti lukisan perahu : Di sini, kemarin, seorang letnan di tembak. Tak sempat berteriak Di sini maut singgah seperti jejak seekor biawak Inilah Besitang Ada papan nama dan bendera-bendera Ada penjaja surat kabar dan kartu telepon genggam Ada suara kereta dan truk yang lewat Ada suara senapan dikokang Ada nasehat: malam memang bisa sangat kelam
The Journey
This is Besitang! There are no sounds of guns and the scolding before breakfast But why should be anxious? The forest of Rubber and oil palm are silent in the dark. The rain almost stops From the security post tired face and alert eyes are greeting each other : How is Jakarta? At the sharp curve of road, Between the table of hot tea and cake There are dozens of bullet. Like painting of a boat : Here, yesterday, a lieutenant was shot. No time to scream Here the death comes like a lizard trail This is Besitang There are signboards and flags There are newspapers peddlers and cell phone cards sellers There are sounds of passing trucks and trains There are sounds of guns cocked The night indeed can be dark
ROSE (III) ROSE Sudah berapa lama kita di sini Begini Aku sudah semakin lelah Meski takkan pernah menyerah Aku sudah semakin pasrah Meski takkan pernah kalah Aku sudah terlanjur dalam tenggelam Lumat dilumat ombak Remuk diremuk karang Terkubur di kubang lumpur Tapi takkan pernah tersungkur Maka kini kubiarkan kau memutuskan Apakah akan terus begini Di sini Apakah kau masih seperti dulu: Membiarkan hari mencatat desah rindumu pada sisa-sia ombak musim timur Agar kau dapat selalu datang dan merasakannya saat musim tiba dan membiarkan rinduku hanyut dan menyentuh jemari kakimu dan aku hanya merasakan ngilu! Mungkin kau yang ingin tetap seperti dulu: Membiarkan derai pasir sehabis badai tersandai, dan melukis rinduku di biru pantai, dan kau membacanya sambil mengilai!
ROSE (III) ROSE How long we have been here Like this I am getting tired Although I will never surender I almost resigned Even though I will never lost I already drowned wander with the waves broken by the reef buried in a wallow But I will never fall Now I let you to decide Do you want this way? Here Are you still like I used to know; Let the days write your sigh of longing in the remains waves of east season So you always visit and feel the time when the season come and let my longing float and touch your toe and I just feel the pain! Perhaps you want to be like used to Let the sound of pattering sand after the storm stranded and paint my longing in the blue of beach, and you read it while smiling!
Atau kau mungkin tetap ingin seperti dulu: Membiarkan waktu yang mencatatnya di karang sehabis pasang, dan membiarkan semuanya menyimpan rindu dalam lubuk luka kita yang dalam. Biar tak ada yang tahu selaut rindu Biar tak ada yang duka sedalam luka Biar tak ada yang percaya, bahwa waktu ternyata adalah nestapa dan kita tak berdaya ROSE Kini kubiarkan angin yang mencatat Sudah berapa lama kita begini Di sini Kini kita biarkan waktu mencatat Bahwa cinta mengalahkan hianat
Or you want just like used to be: Let the time write it on the reef after the high tide and let all things keep the longing into the depth of our pain So nobody know a sea of longing So no wound inside wound So nobody believe that the time is definetely sorrow and we are powerless ROSE Now I let the wind write How long we have been like this In Here Now we let the time write That love conquers treason
Ada Suara Sauh
Ada suara sauh Jatuh Luruh Jauh Ada isyarat kapal berlabuh Tapi siang menjauh Dermaga melenguh Kecipak ombak isyaratkan mimpi yang luluh Hasrat yang melepuh Aduh Kapalmu tak pernah melabuh sauh
The Sound of Anchor
There is a sound of anchor fall Decay far There is a sign of ship ready for anchor But the day fade away The wharf is mooing Splashing of waves shows a sign of melting dream Desire that blister ouch Your ship is never dropping the anchor
Aku Telah Menangkap Isyarat Itu Kepada OBA
Aku telah menangkap isyarat itu, bahwa kau akan segera pergi jauh melintasi waktumu Ketika selesai kubaca ngilu requim aduhaimu Maka ketika sunyi yang senyap itu menyergap, aku membayangkan kau baru saja membacakan sajak-sajakmu di antara rindang pohon, di antara zaal dan kerudung putih, di antara kesunyian hati yang tak berhenti gelisah. Di antara kengerian suara burung tartar melintas gelap. Aku telah menangkap isyarat itu, bahwa geliat sungai airmata yang mengalir dalam sajak-sajakmu, adalah kenangan panjang akan persahabatan, adalah kerinduan dalam akan cinta dan kehilangan. Bahwa sajak-sajakmu telah berkata: Sebuah perjalanan yang jauh, yang senyap akan membawa semua ke sana, dan meninggalkan sajak-sajak di semua tebing, di semua simpang, di semua buku tamu.
I Have Seen The Sign To OBA*)
I’ve seen the signs, that you will go away crossing your time When I finished reading your beautiful requiems in pain When the quite silence ambush, I imagine you have just read your poems Among the shady trees, in between the zaal and white veil, in between the silence of a restless heart. Among the horrors sounds of tartar birds that passing the dark. I have seen the signs, the river of tears is flowing inside your poems. is an old memory about friendship, is a deep longing on love and loss. Your poems had said: A long journey, in silence, will take all there, and leave the poems on all cliffs, in all intersections, in all the guest books.
Aku telah menangkap isyarat itu, ketika gumpalan sepi sajak-sajakmu berkata: Hidup, adalah batu cadas tempat kita memahat cinta dan kegelisahaan. Alangkah keras, alangkah melelahkan. Tapi kita harus menyiapkannya. Kita harus meninggalkan jejak. Kita harus membuka pintu meski maut telah mengantungkan kapak. Aku telah menangkap isyarat itu, ketika kuterima smsmu dan membacanya dengan penuh sembilu.
(2000/2006) *) Ode Barta Ananda
I’ve seen the signs, when a lump of quiet in your poems has said: Life is a rock, where we carve love and anxiety. How hard, how exhausting. But we have to prepare. We have to leave traces. We must open the door although the death has hanged its axe. I’ve seen the signs, when I received your text and read it with the tears.
(2000/2006) *) Ode Barta Ananda
Kelekatu Kepada: Thab
Ada ketika kita menjadi seperti kelekatu Terbang dari lampu ke lampu Dari pintu ke pintu Dan akhirnya terdampar di bawah bangku Tapi tak ada yang menyapa Tak ada yang bertanya Kesepian seperti degup maut yang berdetak di ujung stateskop Hanya kita yang merasa Aduhai! Aduhai Aduhai Hanya kita yang tahu, apa yang tak pernah sampai Ada ketika kita menjadi seperti kelekatu Memandang kilap air dan terhujam ke batu Tapi tak ada yang menyapa Tak ada yang bertanya Keterasingan seperti sebuah lemari masa lalu tercuguk di balik pintu Hanya kita yang merasa kepedihan yang mengalir dalam Kabel lampu–lampu
Kelekatu To : Thab
There was time when we became a Kelekatu Flying from one lamp to another From one door to another Finally stranded under the bench And no one would say hello Nobody asked Lonely like the beat of death tickle on the edge of stethoscope We are the one who have an Aduhai!*) Aduhai Aduhai Only us who knows, the things that never reached There was the time when we became a Kelekatu Looking at the shine from water and its blast on the stone But no one would say hello Nobody asked Alienation just like the old wardrobe Stuck behind door Only us who knows the pain that flows inside the wire of lamps
Hanya Senyap Senyap Senyap Hanya kita yang tahu, apa yang tak sempat terucap Ada ketika kita menjadi seperti kalekatu Menunggu resa angin, menjadi isyarat musim Memburu cahaya, dan gugur saat gelap tiba Tapi kita tak tahu Bila Bila BILA
Only silence Silence Silence Only us who knows, what has not been spoken There was there time we became a Kelekatu Waiting for the taste of wind became a sign of season Chasing the lights, and fall when the dark came But we do not know when When WHEN
( 2006 ) * ) Kelekatu is flying white ant ** )Aduhai is the expression of feeling pity
Alangkah pedihnya. Alangkah pedihnya. Kerinduan yang panjang seketika luluh hanya karena sebuah kata: Tak bisa! Dinding ruang yang jingga, dan suara biola yang membara, tak dapat menegakkan nadi Menegakkan janji. Menyudahkan mimpi. Seperti segelas racun, meneguknya, meski dengan rasa sesal dan takut, menjadi keputusan keputusasaan. Mengapa terjadi ketika rindu sudah sampai ke ujung tunggu? Alangkah pedihnya. Alangkah pedihnya Hanya sebuah kata telah jadi jembia cinta. Tak bisa!
What a pain. What a pain My longing suddenly gone just because your words: It Can’t be! The wall colored in orange, and the sound of violin which killed, could not beat my pulse Uphold the vows. Finish the dream. Like a glass of poison, drink it, even with guilt and fear, become a despair decision. Why it happened when the longing had arrived at the end of waiting moment? What a pain. What a pain Just a word that has been stopping the love. It can’t be!
Kedidi Kini Sendiri Pergi Mencari
Kedidi Kini sendiri Pergi Mencari Mencari jalan pulang Mencari jejak datang Mencari tanda musim Mencari arah angin Rasanya dari sini aku datang Tapi pantai semakin landau Rasanya ke sini aku pergi Tapi desir ombak semakin derai Rasanya di sini berahiku hanyut Gairahku luput Tapi hari hanya menyisakan lupa menyisakan alpa menyisakan luka Ke mana suka Ke mana dahaga Ke mana sukma Rasanya di sini aku menawar waktu memaku mauku memeta jalanku menyendu mimpiku
Kedidi*)is Now Alone Searching For
Kedidi now alone Leave Searching Finding the way home Finding a trail of coming Finding the sign of season Looking for direction of wind :
I think from here I came But why the beach is sloppier I feel, this is the place where I go But the waves is swifter Here my lust drifted my lust gone Yet forget is the only things left leaving negligent leaving wounds where the thirst where the spirit I feel I bargain for time here strengthening my idea mapping my way fading my dream
Tapi jam sedingin batu Hati sepedih sembilu Kedidi Kini sendiri Pergi Mencari Mencari sisa-sisa musim Mencari sisa-sia mimpi Mencari sisa-sisa berahi Kedidi Kini sendiri Pergi Menyusur pantai, menyisir ombak, mencari jalan pulang Akan sampai? Sampai lepai Sampai sansai Sampai pada wahai? Kedidi Kini sendiri Pergi Mencari Mencari!
But the clock is as cold as stone the day is as sore as blade Kedidi Now alone Leave Searching Searching for the remains of the season Finding leftover of dreams Finding leftover of lusts Kedidi Now alone Leave Wandering the beach, combing the wave, searching for a way home Will it arrive? Until paralyzed Until exhausted Until reach to the excitement? Kedidi Now alone Leave Searching! Searching!
(2007/2008) *) Kedidi Bird is a calidris family which live in Riau
Di Jabbal Rahmah
1. Sehabis tawaf, aku ingat pesanmu, sebelum panggilan terakhir pesawat berangkat: Singgahlah di Jabbal Rahmah. Tulis nama Kita dan berdoalah. Tentang kesetiaan, tentang cinta, tentang harapan yang akan dibawa sampai ke akhir usia. Sekarang dari Jabbal Rahmah aku kirimkan cerita ini: Aku sudah menulis nama Kita di pilar kesetiaan itu yang aku tak tahu apakah Adam dan Hawa juga menuliskan nama mereka di sana. Tapi seorang Habsyi, memakaikan aku kapiyeh putih, dan memotretku saat kupahat nama Kita dengan spidol hitam. Syukron! Sekeping palaroid dan seratus riyal bertukar dengus, dan aku akan menyimpannya sebagai ingatan. Sekarang aku memandang ke puncak pilar yang menembus langit dan berharap dia akan kekal di sana, seperti sebuah jejak, seperti sebuah perhentian, tempat kita membukukan waktu. Tapi aku tak tahu adakah sosok nama kita masih di sana. Mungkin segera lesap bersama hujan, mungkin terhapus cuaca, mungkin ditelan debu, mungkin ditindih oleh nama-nama baru yang datang bagai deru serdadu yang ingin mencacat gelora rindu mereka di sana.
In Jabbal Rahmah
1. After tawaf, I remembered your message, before the last boarding call: Please visit Jabbal Rahma. Write our name and pray About loyalty, about love, about the expectations to be taken to the end of our time. Now from Jabbal Rahmah I am sending this story: I’ve written our names on the pillars of loyalty that I do not know whether Adam and Eve also wrote their names there. But a Habsy was wearing me a white kafiyeh and took a picture of me when I wrote our name with a black marker Thank you! A piece of Polaroid and one hundred riyal exchange pocket, and I will keep it as a remembrance. Now I am looking at the top of the pillar which breaking through the sky and I hope our names will be eternal there, like a footstep, like a final destination, where we print our time. But I do not know whether our names are still there. Maybe soon the rain will wash it, maybe the weather will clear it, maybe the dust will swallow it, may be the new names coming and roar just like soldiers who want to write their surge longing there overlap our name.
2. Sekarang aku juga berdoa, sambil memandang langit yang pucat dan siang yang kehilangan cuaca: Tuhan, peliharalah cinta kami sampai kebatas yang kami bisa menjaganya. Meski aku tak tahu doa apa yang dipanjatkan Adam dan Hawa di sana dan adakah cinta mereka tetap terjaga menjadi sukma di puncak pilarnya. Karena aku masih mendengar suara zikir, suara ratap, suara desah sedih dan rintih yang tertindih. Juga suara gemetar lutut yang bersujud di teras keras yang bagi tak haus di makan maksud. Adakah doa yang luput? 3. Sekarang aku memandang ke arah bebatuan hitam yang bertumpuk menyusun jenjang, tempat beribu-ribu harapan dan cemas pergi pulang. Aku dengar desah angin kering yang menyambar padang gersang dan belukar rendah. Suara gesekan dedaunan yang gelisah seakan tak pernah di jamah musim basah. Aku melihat berpuluh-puluh unta yang berjubah sedang mengendong harapan, mimpi dan kesia-siaan berhelah mengelilingi Jabbal Rahmah dan sepasang cinta terduduk di atasnya, seakan tak bersalah.
2. Now I am also praying, while looking at the pale sky and a noon that loose its weather: God, please take care of our love to the edge where we can keep it. Although I do not know what wishes prayed by Adam and Eve there and whether their love keep staying on the top of the pillars? Because I still hear the sound of zikir, sigh of sorrow and groan from the suppressed. Also trembling voice of knees kneeling on the hard terrace for thirsty that not thirsty. Is there a pray been unanswered? 3. Now I am looking toward the pilled of black rocks forming stairs, where thousands of hopes and anxious come and go. I heard the sighs of dry wind snatching a barren field and low shrubs. The sound of leaves touching each other in anxious just like it has never been poured by rain season. I see dozens cloaking camels carrying hopes, dreams and useless moving around Jabbal Rahma and pairs of love for seating on it, seemed innocent
4. Sekarang, dari Jabbal Rahmah, aku ingat perjalanan bathin ku: Tuhan, di bentangan padang seluas pandang, aku pernah wukuf. Pernah bersujud. Pernah meratap. Pernah pasrah. Pernah menyerah. Tuhan aku malu‌
Now, from Jabbal Rahma, I remember my spiritual journey: God, in the lay of field as wide as the view, I ever been Wukuf. I have been kneeling. Wailing. Surrendering before you. God I’m shy...
Di Masjidil Haram, setelah Menara Zamzam
Labbaika Alluhuma labbaik... Di suatu penghujung musim panas, aku kembali ke sini, Baitullah. Bulan terapung di langit isya. Alangkah panjangnya siang. Alangkah teduhnya hamparan pualam dan seluruh sujudku luruh. Tapi dari celah dua menara di mana Kaabah bagaikan sebuah benteng zaman tertancap di altar nya, aku melihat Zamzam menjulang, melintas langit dan bayang-bayangnya seakan menelan seluruh hamparan pualam. Aku tiba-tiba cemas membayangkan sekiranya kelak Rumah Kerinduan ini akan jadi hanya sebuah hamparan sejarah di sebuah lembah, dan para jamaah akan lebih banyak memandangmu dari bilik-bilik Zamzam yang gemerlap, dengan suara berdesah. Aku cemas akan kebesaran-Mu. Aku cemas akan keajaiban-Mu. Masih adakah O... negeri kerinduan rasa teduh dan keluluhan sujudku... Tapi elang gurun masih mengepak. Masih terbang berkawan, meski suaranya serak dikepung zaman. Masih bagaikan kuas melukis langit malam dan menyilang bulan dengan kerinduan. Tapi masihkah kelak elang terbang menanda petang? Masih Adakah lagi bayang-bayangnya dibias bulan dan kami menatapnya menari menyongsong musim?
At Masjidil Haram, after Zamzam tower
Labbaika Allahumma labbaik At the end of summer time, I am coming back here. Baitullah. The moon is floating at the sky of isya time. What a long day. What a shady marble field and all my kneels are melting. But from the gap of two towers where Kaabah is like a fortress of time, plunged into His Altar. I see Zamzam looming, crossing the sky and its shadows is like swallowing marble field. I am suddenly worry imagining if this house of longing will be a field of history on a valley, and the pilgrims will see it more from the rooms of sparkling Zamzam, by sigh voice. I am worry about YOUR greatness. I am worry about YOUR miracles. Is it still there.. o the land of shady longing land and my melting kneel.... But the desert eagle still spread its wings. Still flying in herd, although their voices are hoarse because of time. It still like brush painting the night sky and crossing the moon with longing. Yet, will the flying eagle be a sign of afternoon? Will the shadow on the refraction of moon and we will see them dancing to meet the season?
Getaran azan masih terasa. Masih bersembilu menunggu waktu. Hitam kaabah menyongsong malam, masih mencekam dan menekuk lututku terus bersujud dan berseru. Subhanallah... Tapi masih adakah kelak bendang langit musim semi Memanjang di antara hamparan pualam yang suam dan tenggelamkan sujud resahku. Masih akan sampaikah denyar bulan yang jatuh bagaikan lukisan kerinduan di bentangan pualam yang sejuk dan membujuk aku mengubur dendam. Di penghujung musim panas, ketika sisa siang masih panjang. aku menyimpan cemas: adakah kelak perjalanan batin ini masihtetap menggetarkan, dan masih akan luluhkan sujudku di pangkuan-Mu. Labbaikka... Allahumma...
The tremble of azan is still there. Still struggling waiting for time. The black of Kaabah is facing the night, still tense and bend my knees to keep kneeling and shouting. Subhanallah.... But, is there one day the sky of spring spreading between the field of warm marbles and sank my anxious kneel. Will be heard the sound of moon when falling like pain of longing in the spread of warm marble and asking me to burry revenge. At the end of summer time, when the remaining day still long, I kept worry, is there one day the journey of soul still tremble, and will my kneel melting in Your Arm.. Labbaikka.... Allahumma....
Dayang Ku Laut
1. Selagi laut bernama laut O, Dayang Ku Selagi masih boleh kita menyimpai kail Mengasah tempuling Mengencang sauh Memakal sampan Masih boleh kita menyimpan mimpi Mencacak pancang Melepas umpan Menanda arus Mencium musim Menunggu kemejan datang Menunggu kail mengejang Menunggu bulan mengambang Menunggu punggung biru menderu Menunggu hulu melepas tikam
My Lady is Sea
1 Since sea is still called as sea O my lady sea Since we are still allow to tie hook Sharpening the spears Tightening the anchor Fixing the boat We are allowed to keep dreams To pinch the stake To release the bait To sign the current To smell the season To wait for the shark coming To wait for the hook straight To wait for the moon floating To wait for the blue back soaring To wait for the hold releasing the stab
Tikam ngidam Dayang Ku Tikam geram berahimu Tikam harap kemejanmu Tikam angit daging salaimu Tikam rindu, saat kau selak kainmu dan gemuruh malam Menyambut deraikilaimu
O, Dayang Ku Laut Selagi laut bernama laut Selalu ada yang hanyut Tersangkut Luput Tak tersebut
Stab with crave My Lady Sea Stab with furious your lust Stab with hope you shark Stab with passion your fish meet Stab with longing, when you wear your clothes and the soar of night. Welcoming your lough hard.
O, My lady sea Since the sea still called as sea Always something floats off stuck Missed Unmentioned
2. Selagi laut bernama laut O, Dayang Ku Selagi ada surut Selagi masih boleh kita mengemas ambung Menajam serampang Mununggu karang mengerang Menunggu kisar angin Menunggu gerak arus Menunggu saat menikam jejak Jejak hendak Jejak tidak O, Dayang Ku Laut Dengarlah ratap panjang pepohon setu menunggu pasang Dengarlah derai camar mencari pantai Dengarlah kisah si peri bersirip kaki dan berambut gerai Menyandai dada di tebing aduhai Wahai, menatap rindu ke bumbung petang Ke kepedihan berahi tak berpantang O, Dayang Ku Laut Selagi laut bernama laut selalu ada surut Selalu ada yang hanyut Luput Tersangkut Tak tersebut
2. Since the sea still called sea Oh My lady sea Since there is still low tide Always we still allow to pack the bucket Sharpening the spears of stake Waiting for rocks to moan Waiting for wind to change Waiting for current to move Waiting moment to stab the trace the trace of will the trace of no O, My lady sea Please listen to the weep of Setu *) trees waiting for high tide Please listen to sounds of seagulls searching for the shore Please listen to the story of fairy with finned feet and disheveled hair Open the chest on a high cliff O, look at to longing at the top of afternoon. to the sorrow of lust that has no border O, My lady sea Since the sea is still called sea There is always came low tide There is always float off Missed Stuck Unmentioned
3. O, Dayang Ku Selagi Laut bernama laut Selalu ada pasang Selalu ada beribu mimpi hanyut Beribu kata luput Beribu harap lesap Beribu haru biru Maka pasang pun membawa gelombang Maka pasang pun merendam pancang Maka pasang pun mengubur jejak, merubuh cacak Maka ada suara angin Hanya ada desir pasir, menyindir : Ini lagu Serampang Laut Layar dikembang, kemudi dipaut Hidup ibarat pasang dan surut Ke mana angin, ke situ hanyut
3. O, My lady sea Since the sea still called sea Always has high tide Always has thousands of dreams float off Thousands of words missed Thousands of hope gone Thousands of affection be blue Then the high tide brings waves Then the high tide soaks the stick Then the high tide burry the traces, the stick fall Then there is only sound of wind there is only whirl of sand, quip; This is the song of Serampang laut The sail is stretched, the rudder is tied Life is like the high and low tide Where the wind blows, there you will be drifted
4. O, Dayang Ku Laut O, pasang O, surut O, musim yang kini penuh ingin Jangan biarkan angin berhenti bermain Biarkan kami bercakap seperti kerap di tingkap Tentang karang Tentang kerang Tentang setu Tentang gongong Tentang gamat Tentang segalanya yang segera akan tamat Akan Tamat! O, wahai O, wahai Ku Jangan biarkan Laut Ku kehilangan pasang karena Pasang Jangan biarkan Laut Ku kehilangan surut karena s-u-r-u-t Jangan biarkan Laut Ku kehilangan LAUT Jangan biarkan Laut Ku kehilangan DAYANGKU O, Dayang Ku Laut
4. O My Lady sea O High tide O Low Tide O season which now full of wind Don’t let the wind stop playing Let us converse just like squeak at the lid About rocks About shell About river About bark About gamat About all things that will be end soon Will end soon Oh My .. Oh My mine ...... Don’t let my sea loose its high tide because of high tide Don’t let my sea loose its low tide because of r-e-c-e-d-e Dont let my sea loose THE SEA Dont let my sea lose MY LADY SEA O My Lady SEA
Aku Menunggu di Stasiun
Aku menunggu di stasiun Di bangku dingin, subuh yang luruh Sampai kereta terakhir Sampai gerbong terakhir Sampai embun selesai menulis sisa-sisa sansai Tapi tak ada kau Tak ada keresek suara rok Burberry Klebat blus Prada dan wangi Estee Launder Cuma kabut. Cuma suara perincit. Cuma sisa-sisa azan yang layap ke balik bukit Tak ada Kau? Aku menunggu di stasiun Memungut sepi Membalut luka Menunggu cuaca
I was waiting for you at the station On the cold bench, until the dawn was gone Until the last train, until the last wagon Until the dews finished writing sadness But there was no you No sound of friction of Burberry skirt No flashed of Prada Blouse And fragrance of Estee Launder all Just the mist. Just the sound of little bird Only the faint of Azan that lost behind the hills There was no you I was waiting for you at the station Fetching the lonely Binding the wounds Waiting for the weather
Ada suara berbisik dan mengusik : Jangan menunggu Karena sunyi tak bertepi Karena rindu tak berbatu Karena luka tak bisa disembunyikan Dan jangan biarkan waktu mengubur Cintamu Cintaku
( 2008/2011 )
There were whispers and bothered : Don’t wait Because lonely has no edge Because the longing has no limit Because the wound cannot be hidden And don’t let the time burying Your love My love
( 2008/2011 )
Rose (V)
Telah kau tutup Satu satunya celah Tempat aku menghembuskan Rindu dan berahiku Setelah pintu Setelah tingkap Setelah percakapan terakhir Yang resah Yang lelah Yang nyanyah Aku di luar sekarang Tercampak Di antara mabuk dan kebencian Di antara sesal rindu dan alpa Di antara rasa yang pepat resa yang penat
You have closed The only loophole The place where I can breath My Longing and my lust After the door After the lid After the last conversation The restless one The tired one The hard one I am outside now Abandoned Between drunk and hatred Between penitence longing and negligent Between the flat feeling The tired heart
Awan petang yang berarak Jadi gergasi Menyeringai Tawa berderai : O, mampuslah kau Akhirnya kalah Tak lagi mencacak pancang Tak lagi menggelinyang pasang Tak lagi menggelenyar gelombang Siapa yang bisa melawan Sang kala Sang lelah Sang lejuk Sang hianat Awan petang yang berarak Gergasi waktu menelan gelegak dahakmu menggergaji mimpimu mengiris-iris najis berahimu tausal yang membuat kau jadi dajal majal melawan ajalmu Telah kau tutup satu-satunya celah Dan aku kini menyerah Padahlah!
The marched afternoon clouds Which look like a giant Grinning Laugh in Shattering : O, die you Lose at the end The stake is no longer pinch The tide is no longer low and high The wave is no longer ticklish Who can fight? The time The Tiring The boring The traitor The marched afternoon clouds is a giant of time Swallowing your boiling sputum Sawing your dreams Slicing your impure lust to pieces The sample creates of you to be a monster The blunt fights against your death You have closed the only loophole And I surrender now Dammed!
Dan sejarah pun Berdarah Soneta Cinta untuk H
1. Phuih! Aku telah dizalimi sejarah (Mentari lebam. Pagi menghisab sisa embun. Tanah basah, habis dilapah. Kau berkacak segak, menghala haluan. Memandang daratan, menatap langit, mengira angin, menakar musim Nakhoda, bentangkan layar, tinggalkan negeri penuh dengki!)
And The History Bled (Love sonnet to H)
Phuih! I had been despotized by history (The sun was bruise. The morning sucked the dews. The land was wet, taken until nothing left. You stood proudly and shouted, directed the bow. Looked at the land, looked at into the sky, measured the wind, measured the season. Captain, open the sail, and leave the land that full of spite!)
2. Andaikan Aku Tun Teja Andaikan Aku Tun Fatimah Andaikan Aku Putri Retno Dumilah Adakah mereka akan mencampakkan Aku bagai lampin buruk Melengos Aku bagai serampin busuk Menistakan Aku bagai janda tua di katil tersuruk (Perahu berlayar. Selatan mengerang. Renyai tiba dan siang meratap: Wahai Peri sejarah! Telah Kau tumpahkan seluruh asa agar marwah bangsa tercacak tersurat indah. Telah kau sekat bara cinta, agar garis zuriat tak bertumpah darah. Telah Kau humban dengki, telah Kau peram luka. Agar Sang Raja, tegak memerintah. Mengapa kini kau menyerah? Mengapa kini Kau rela mengalah?)
2. If I were Tun Teja If I were Tun Fatimah If I were Putri Retno Dumilah Would they still dump me as an ugly nap? Turned their face away on like me as a stinky rotten mat Despised me like an old widow in the hidden bed (The ship sailed. The south wind moaned. Drizzly rain was coming and the noon wailed. O the Fairy of History!! You had poured all hopes to the dignity of nation to stand hardly. You had sliced the span of ages to make the customary land is written beautifully. You had cut your poison of love to washing the brother blood to not bleeding. You had thrown away the envy, You had hidden the wound, to make the King and his Kingdom still exist. Why do you surrender now? Why do you yield willingly?)
3. Tak pernah Aku menyerah. Tak pernah Aku mengalah. Karena Telah kusauk pusaka. Telah kupeti nafiri. Telah kusambar Sirih Besar. Telah kuputus jejak tamaddun Raja bertegak. Phuih! Tak sehelai selendang boleh dipegang. Tak seulas pinang boleh dikenang. Tak selipat sirih boleh dipilih. Tak akan adat boleh merempat. Biarkan mereka menurunkan bahtera. Biar mereka mengarak meriam. Biar mereka menghela lela. Aku takkan berganjak! Biar hulubalang berhulu jembia. Biar dukun menyedu racun. Biarkan mereka mengasah siasah mengalahkan sejarah Takkan pernah aku boleh disergah! (Camar melintas. Buih putih menindih perih. Kecapi Parsi mencakar hati: Engku Bijak, Engku Perkasa, Engku ranggih berhati besi, adakah negeri berdiri dengan hati? Adakah tahta tegak dengan cinta? Adakah sejarah ditulis dengan madah?)
3. I had never surrendered. I had never yielded. Because I had scooped the heritage, I had put the Nafiri*) on the box. I had snatched the Sirih Besar**). I had ended the tradition ceremony of Kingdom. Phuih ! Not a piece of shawl allowed being touched. Not a single of Areca nut allowed being remembered. Not a single of Sirih leaf allowed to be chosen Not any tradition allowed to gibbering Let’s them lower the arks. Let them march the cannon. Let them haul the gunfire. I would not move on! Let the troop commander raise their sword. Let the shaman brew poison. Let them design strategy to defeat history. No one allowed stopping me! (The seagulls flew across. White foams squashed in pain. The sound of Parsi Harp scratched the heart; O Engku, the Mighty Lady, The Iron Heart Lady; does the country stand with heart? Does the throne stand with love? Does the history written with poetry)
4. Aku tahu tak ada tahta tanpa serdadu Aku paham, Tak ada Raja tanpa meriam Aku ingat, tak ada Menteri tanpa hianat Aku sadar, tak ada permaisuri di balik kelambu, tanpa tersedu Tapi hidup mewariskan rasa, mengkekalkan resa: Tentang cinta, Tentang setia, tentang rela, tentang pasrah, tentang padah. Maka sejarah menyisakan luka, maka siasah menumpahkan darah Maka sejarah selalu hitam, maka cinta menghamparkan dendam (Petang berpendar, elang menukik, dan lelumba berselancar. Angin mati, menurunkan layar: Cinta bukanlah cinta jika hanya tahta memenuh resa. Setia bukanlah setia, jika cinta bertahan dengan jembia. Maka, wahai kerelaan yang lapang, rebahkanlah perihmu, di lengan kesendirian. Biarkan gerai rambutmu, dibelai angin. Biarkan musim mendingin bahang bencimu. Biarkan laut mendendangkan gazal, menaut kenangan kembali surut)
4. Â
I know there is no throne without soldier I understand there is no king without cannon I remember, there is no minister without traitor I realize there is no queen behind a valance without sound of sobbing. But life bequeaths feeling, immortalize the heart: about love, about loyalty, about willingly, about the fate. So the history leaves the pain, so the politic spills the blood, So the history is always black, so the love spreads the revenge (The afternoon showing its light, the eagle was swooping and the dolphin sailed. The wind was stop, lowering the sail: Love is not the love if only the throne that fulfill the heart. Loyalty is not loyalty, if love survives with the sword. Then, O the huge of sincere lay down your pain, on the hand of loneliness. Let your hair flies, caressed by the wind. Let the season freeze your hot hatred. Let the sea sing the poetry, uniting memory to go back to where its start)
5. Mereka memang telah meramu racun, agar kasih dan kehormatan tak beralih. Mereka memang telah meracik fitnah, agar jejak dan kekuasaan tak tergoyah. Tapi Aku telah menyulam cinta, menjelujur setia, mengelim rela, agar Sang Raja, selalu tegak di atas singgasana. Agar bila berkata Ya, maka Ya lah negeri. Bila berkata Tidak, maka selamatlah negeri, Agar, saat malam tiba, dan kelambu diselak, Baginda memunggah rindu seluas samudera, dan mendesah rindu bagai gelombang Selat Malaka. Mereka memang telah menyemai dendam. Mereka memang telah menulis dengki. Mereka memang telah menyelak kain dan menghunus belati. Tapi, Ya Rabbi, tak Kau beri aku jerat cinta, Tak Kau beri aku zuriat tahta. Tak Kau beri aku semangat untuk melumat hianat. Tak Kau beri aku waktu menguras racun, melebur dendam, meluruskan sejarah. Padahlah!
They were indeed have brewed the poison, to make love and honor could not be taken. They were indeed had mixed slander, to make the trail and power could be shaken. But I had been embroidering love, sewing loyalty, hemming willingness, to make the King could always stand on his throne. So when he said Yes, the country would be glory. When he said No, the country would be saving. So when the night is coming and the valance is exposed, The King could express his longing as wide as ocean, and moan his longing like the wave of Malaka Strait. They were indeed had sowed the seed of vengeance. They were indeed had written envy. They were indeed wore clothes and unsheathe the dagger. But, O mighty God, You don’t provide me with noose of love, You don’t provide me with blood of throne. You don’t provide me with spirit to crush treason. You don’t provide me time to drain poison, melting the vengeance, straightening the history. Be Alert !
6. Phuih! Angin mati, pasangkan dayung, Rempuh Barat, taklukkan tanjung Tambatkan pencalang, sebelum rembang (Samudera kasih, biarkan beribu sedih menumpahkan perih di riba mu. Junjungan telah pergi. Tetapi negeri perlu Seri. Kuasa memerlukan kata. Kata mesti di kota tahta ternganga tanpa daya. Raja tegak tanpa mahkota. Sejarah berdarah. Istiadat diludah)
Phuih! Aku telah berjaga separuh usia Aku telah mencatat seluruh isyarat Tapi mestikah tahta tegak dengan dusta Mestikah kuasa tegak tanpa Regelia Padahlah!
Phuih.. The wind stopped, put on the oars. Go west, conquer the cape. Anchoring the spying ship, before the time is coming (The ocean of love, lets thousands of sadness pour grieve on your arms. The highness was pass way, but the country needs a King. The power needs words. The words must be executed. The Throne is weak and powerless. The King stands without throne. The history bleeds. The tradition is spited)
Phuih!! I have been awake for half of my age I have taken note all of the signs. Yet, should the throne stand with lie Should the power stand without its Regelia? Be Alert !
7. (Indrasakti sunyi. Pekik bayan seperti gering. Tingkap ke selat, meratib nasib: O, Engku yang ranggi! Telah kau tegah angin agar tak mengirim ingin. Telah kau cacak ijuk, isyarat menghapus semua bujuk. Tapi dapatkah kau tahan waktu yang bagai sembilu mengerat urat, menyimpulkan tahan marahmu)
Mengapa Aku harus bijak, bila mereka yang berkata tidak? Mengapa Aku mesti menarik langkah, padahal mereka mendedah barah? Ah! Padahlah! Jangan biarkan tangga berderak karena datang yang berkehendak Jangan biarkan tirai terselak, karena datang bujuk yang tak mau ditolak Biarkan para serdadu baris di pintu Biarkan Hulubalang lelah bersila Biarkan Panglima tewas berjaga Biarkan Raja Muda, mencabut keris, mengacung jembia Aku tak akan berganjak! Sebab Akulah panglima. Sebab Akulah laksamana. Sebab Akulah kuasa Akan kutiup nafiri bagi Pelindung isi Negeri Akan kuhantar Sirih Besar, bila tahta layak bergelar Akan kupadan persalinan, bila mahkota layak bercogan Karena Akulah kehendak, yang berkata Ya, yang melaung Tidak Karena Akulah yang menabuh tambur, yang memukul ketawak
7. (Indrasakti was silent. The shouting of bayan like a sick bird. The window to the strait, chanting the fate; O Engku, the wise Lady! You have prevented the wind so it does not send the will. You have set the fiber, as a sign to delete all the persuasion. But, can you hold the time which like razor cutting the veining, forming a knot holding your anger)
Why I should be the wise one, if they say no? Why I must pull out my step, mean while they are cleaning the pus? Uh, meanwhile!! Don’t let the step crack because the will is coming Don’t let the curtain reveals, because the persuasion that cannot be rejected is coming Let’s the soldiers march before the door Let’s the tiring Commander sitting and crossing their legs Let’s the Commander in Chief dead on duty Let’s the second King, pulling the dagger, brandishing the spear I will not move!! Because I am the commander in chief, because I am the admiral Because I am the Power I will blow the honesty trumpet to protect the nation I will send the Sirih Besar , when the throne is good to declare I will prepare the Kingdom Custom, when the crown will deserve with symbol Because I am the will, The one who say Yes, The One who shout No Because I am the one who beat the drum, the one who trigger the gong
8. (Wahai Engku. Sri segala permaisuri. Dengarkan gemuruh langkah para Menteri. Menegak destar, meluruskan kaki : Punai terbang menyongsong angin Elang hinggap membuat sarang Sang Raja datang memohon ingin Apakah disambut genderang perang?)
Padahlah ! Sebab Akulah Engku Puteri Sebab Akulah penyangga marwah, penjunjung Negeri Berlututlah! Jangan acungkan pedang kalian Jangan tembakkan peluru kalian Jangan kuakkan durhaka kalian Sebab takkan ada marwah bagi kuasa yang diraih dengan paksa Sebab takkan ada tuah, jika Panji ditegak dengan salah Berlututlah!
8. (Oh my Engku, the queen of queen. Listen to the steps of minister. That crowded. Standing the headband, straightening the legs: The birds fly against the wind, The Eagle perches building the nest The king is coming, asking for the will Should be welcomed with the sound of drumming war)
Be alert! Because I am Engku Puteri Because I am the guardian of dignity, the Worshiper of the nation Kneel down!! Don’t raise your swords Don’t shoot your bullets Don’t open your seditious Because there is not dignity for power reaching by force Because there is no fortunate if the banner stands in wrong way Kneel down!
9. Maka sejarahpun berdarah, karena mereka datang dengan perang. Maka sejarahpun memendam amarah karena mereka menyambar Sirih Besar dengan pedang. Maka seluruh nadi negeripun mengerang, karena Tahta ditegakkan dengan senapan. Maka Negeri pun tenggelam dalam lautan benci, karena Nafiri dicuri dengan belati. Maka para syuhada pun berkabung, karena mereka datang mengantit perabung dengan beliung. Maka sejarahpun penuh dusta, Karena mereka telah menista sang penjaga Regelia, wanita ranggi berhati besi, wanita tua yang menjaga marwah sejarah dengan hanya seribu kata.
So, the history bled, because they came with war. So the history kept anger because they took out The Sirih Besar by the sword. So all the vein of the nation was screaming, because the throne built by the gun. So the Nation sunk on the sea of hatred, because the Nafiri stolen by dagger. So the dead holly fighters mourned, because they came to take out the top of roof with weapon. So the history full lies, because they have despised the guardian of Regelia ***), the women with iron heart, the old lady who guard the dignity of history only with thousands of words.
10. Phuih! Rampaslah segalanya, tapi kalian hanya merampas dusta Rampoklah segalanya, tapi Kalian hanya menggenggam nista Dan berpalinglah! Maka kalian akan menyaksikan petaka Datang bagai badai dan akan menenggelamkan semua Bahtera Semua Tahta! Semua Negeri punya Seri Semua Marwah punya tuah Semua Tahta punya Bala Semua janji punya benci Semua benci punya sumpah Padahlah!
10. Phuih!! Take everything, but you only take the lie Robbed everything, but you only holding the despise And turn your face on!! So you will see catastrophe Come like storm and it will sunk all the arks, The entire thrones! Each Nation has the King Each Dignity has Fortunate Each throne has Disaster Each promise has hatred Each of hatred has pledge Be Alert!!
11. (Di tingkap menghadap selat, angin terkesiap dan tirai tersingkap menangkap luka Cinta yang telah berhenti berharap)
Nakhoda, naikkan layar Bongkar sauh, Dan biarkan Kita berlayar jauh! JAUH!
11. (At the window facing the strait, The wind was gasping and The curtain was revealing Catching the wound of love which has been stopping to hope) Captain, open the sail Discharging the anchor, And let’s sail far!! Far AWAY
(2006/2008) *)
Nafiri is a kind of muzic proferti, ia a honesty troumpet, a part of tradition in Malay Kingdom **) Sirih Besar is a part of Kingdom Power in Malay tradition. A symbol like a leaf make from the gold. ***) Regelia is a part of traditiom in Malay Kingdom. A Properti for seremony .
Cerita-Cerita dari Korea Kepada : Kho, Jang dan Choy
1. Meski gamang, aku datang, dengan puisi, mantel dan sweater musim dingin. Di televisi cerita tentang perang dan ancaman missil berhulu nuclear, masih jadi berita mutakhir. Di laut Kuning, sang penjaga dunia berkonvoi dengan meriam ternganga. Di surat-surat kabar masih riuh cerita para pendemo membakar bendera . Di akhir berita, ramalan cuaca, makin dingin, karena musim sedang berlari mengejar natal dan salju tahun baru. Meski gamang, aku datang, dengan instrumentalia Atas nama cinta, sambil membayangkan, masih ada sisa-sisa sakura, meski musim gugur telah meranggas segalanya. Aku ingin berdiri di sudut galeri, membaca puisi dan tegak bagai Raja Ali Haji : Kata Pena, akulah raja di ini dunia........
The Stories From Korea To : Kho, Jang dan Choy
1. Although nervous, I came with poems, coat and winter sweater. On television, stories of war, and threats of nuclear missiles are still current news. In the Yellow Sea, the police of the world convoy with open cannon The newspapers are still writing stories about demonstrators who burn the flags. The last news, the weather forecast tells that the day getting colder because the season is running after the Christmas season and the New Year snow. Although nervous, I came, with the instrumental song “In the name of love”, while imagining the sakura is still remain even though autumn has withered everything. I want to stand at a corner of a gallery, reading a poem and Proud like Raja Ali Haji while saying: Pen said, “I’m the king of the world”
2. Di negerimu,puisi adalah maha kata. Maka seperti sediakala kalian tetap percaya dengan puisi membangun janji , dengan puisi menyemai damai, dengan puisi mendekat sesahabat. Maka kalian terus membaca puisi, di ruang tertutup, di gedung kesenian, di kampus, di cafe, dan kuil-kuil. Bergumam dengan suara dalam, meneguk angguk bersama sou ju dan mangkuk-mangkuk. Kampai ! Kalian terus menulis puisi di layar-layar tv, di mobil-mobil , di notebook, di mainan elektronik dan drama sabun penuh airmata yang kalian eksport. Katamu : Kita bermula dari puisi, kita ngembara bersama puisi, kita kembali ke rumah puisi, ke tanah air para penyair.
2. In your country, poetry is the most greatest word Like used to be, you still believe in poetry to construct promises, in poetry to raise peace, In poetry to develop friendship Then you keep reading poetry, in closed room, in theatre, in campuses, in cafes, and temples. Muttering in a deep voice, sipping the nods with Sou ju and bowls. Kampai!! You keep writing poetry on TV screens, in cars, in notebooks, in electronic toys and in soap opera drama you have exported, You said: We began with poetry, we wander along with poetry, we return to home of poetry, to the homeland of the Poets
3. Penyair adalah suara sihir yang mengukir kekinian di altar-altar, di lempengan tembaga inkristi, di langit-langit resto, di petikan gitar, dan di hamparan batu cadas yang gelap, yang suam, tempat kalian merenungkan perjalanan alam. Aduhai.... Di ranting-ranting pepohonan yang ranggas menuju Ansan dan Sekcho, di sisa-sisa hijau belukar, di sayup-sayup asap pabrik dan pembangkit listrik, aku merasakan getar rindu dan kekekalan hidup seperti petikan gitar Indian Suny. Di hati kalian ada bulan. Bulanmu, bulan kita, bulan dunia yang kini luka. Dan kita seperti belajar pada para facebooker, pada para twitter, pada anak-anak muda yang menulis puisi, yang membuat sejarah, yang mencatat geliat hidup di dunia yang terus berubah. Yang tak pernah menyerah. Padahlah !
3. Poet is magic voice to carve current time. At altars, in a piece of copper inkristi, at the restaurant ceiling, with thrumming of guitar and on the dark rock, which warm, where you think about the journey of the nature. Aduhai ... At the withered tweed of trees along Ansan and Sekcho, at the remain of of green bushes, in the faint smoke of factories and power plants, I felt the tone of longing and the tone of eternal life like the thrumming of Indians Suny guitar..... In your heart there is the moon. Your moon, our moon, the moon of the world which now is hurt And we are like learning from facebookers, the Twitters and the entire teenager who write poetry, who make history, who take a note every life in a changing world. Which never give Up. Be Alert.
4. Menyusun Batu Di gunung Saorak Tegak Batu Harap. Itulah puisi yang aku beri selesai makan siang di kuil seribu puisi. Tapi apakah kita memang berdoa, ketika batu demi batu ditumpuk jadi stupa. Yang kudengar hanya suara sayupmu : Inilah negeri kami. Setiap hari memupuk mimpi, setiap saat melipat doa, setiap tahun harap disusun. Seperti tumpukan batu di bukit-bukit, di gunung-gunung, di hamparan padang dan bibir jalan, kami telah menguburkan dendam, menegakkan bendera . Membiarkan Geum Gang dan Saorak saling memandang ketika petang, dan bendang rindunya ada di dada semua Korea. Dan Ulan yang jelita, biarkan bukit itu tetap berduka untuk menjadi tanda bahwa masa lampau adalah jalan panjang yang jejaknya mendera kaki kita . Seperti duka sang Budha, yang arcanya menatap puncak-puncak senja, menyimpan doa para pemuja, membiarkan lilin bermain dan habis bersama angin, dan lupa sudah berapa banyak nama yang tercatat singgah di sana.
4. Arranging stones at the Saorak mountain Stand The Stone of Hope. That was the poem I gave after lunch at the temple of a thousand poems. Yet, were we realy praying when each stone stack and become Stupa? I just heard your faint voce:� This is our country. Every day fertilize dream, each time folding pray every time, expected to be arrange every year. Like stacks of stone at the hills, in the mountains, the spread of field and at the side of road, we have buried the grudge and upholding the flag. Let Saorak Geum Gang seeing each other at the afternoon and, and field of longing exist in every Korean heart.. And The beautiful Ulan, let the hill in grieve as a sign that the past is a long journey where the traces whack our legs Such the Buddha’s grief, his statue is looked at the tops of twilight Keeping the pray of his beleiver, let the candle play and run out with the wind, And forget how many names have stop bye over ther...
5. Di sempadan yang bahang perang mengerang, aku menyaksikan ribuan camar melayang. Putih bagai bagai serpih. Masih ada gemuruh karang karena cuaca tetap garang . Ada itik-itik musim di teluk lengang, menunggu salju datang. Di aquarium masa depan, ada mozaik karang, kerang, kima, dan tulang belulang kedalaman. Katamu : Biar laut bernama laut, meski telah kehilangan surut . Biar surut bernama surut, meski telah kehilangan hanyut. Biar pekik camar dan gemuruh karang, seperti pancang-pancang harap yang tetap terpampang : end to separation, gate to unification. Ada suara meriam, tapi laut tak pernah diam. 6. Tentang sou ju dan kim chi yang kita nikmati sembari mengembara bersama balada cinta dan bulan di hati Indian Suny, aku akan selalu ingat rasa pahit di lidah, dan asam di perut, dan saat-saat berahiku tersulut. Tapi aku telah mengekangnya dengan setangkai lily plastik dan sejentik lentik liriknya. Aku tak tahu adakah dia membawanya pulang untuk dikenang, atau seperti angin dingin yang menerpa kita, sehabis pesta. Pergi dan tak ada yang harus kembali. Seperti kepak-kepak burung mochi, pergi bersama musim semi.
5. The border where the heat of war is moaning, I witnessed thousands of seagulls flying. White like flakes There was thundering of rocks because the weather is till fierce. There were season ducks at the Lengang Bay, waiting for the snow to fall. At the aquarium of future, there are mozaic of corals, Oysters, Clams, and bones Then you said “Let the sea called the sea�, Although it has lost its recede. Lets recede called recede� although have loss the float Lets the shriek of seagulls and thundering reefs, like stakes of hope that remains posted: end to separation, gate to Unification. There were sound of cannon, but the sea was never quiete 6. About Sou ju and Kim chi that we enjoyed while traveling along ballads of love and moon in the hearts of Indians Suny, I will always remember the bitter taste on the tongue, and the acid in the stomach, and moments of my lust was on fire. I had bridled it with a sprig of lily and a little beautiful lyric. I did not know whether she took it home to remember, or like a cold wind that blew us at the end of party. Go and no need to go back like the flaps Mochi, flying with the spring
7. Di Manhae Temple, Han Jung Un menatapku dan bertanya, adakah aku tahu tentang Korea? Aku hanya menggeliat di balik mantel, dan merasakan pisau dingin mengiris sendiku. Di depan patungnya, aku mencatat ingatan , sambil mendengar desir angin membacakan puisinya The silence of my love. Seperti suara terompah yang menapak bebatuan Saorak, berderak bersama gemertak butir-butir sajak, menuju lembah, dan mengajak negeri jangan menyerah. Di balik jubah Manhaenya, aku seakan meraba hati yang beku dan mengepal cinta untuk sebuah negeri yang bernama Korea. Di pundaknya yang tegak, seekor gagak mendongak, yang katamu tak pernah lagi memekik, karena tak ada kematian yang harus dicabik. Adakah dia juga menyusun batu harap di gunung Saorak ? 8. Di sebuah subway, di antara sisa-sisa dingin yang menembus minus, kau bercerita tentang ketakutan dan kecemasan. Tentang gua kehidupan di tengah lembab bau tanah, dan parfum metropolitan. Perang, meski seperti menggigit kim chi setiap hari, tetap menyimpan misteri. Keangkuhan adalah hantu masa depan, mesti dilawan. Kebahagian adalah mimpi yang merayapi urat nadi, membuat hidup selalu menunggu saat pagi. Dan, dari subway yang gemerlap , aku membayangkan berapa juta ton karbon yang menembus waktu, dan merobek ozon, dan kita terperangkap dalam mimpi yang disablon. Hidup, katamu, adalah pilihan, dan kalian memilih bertahan.
7. In Manhae Temple, Han Jung Un looked at me and asked whether I know about Korea? I have just wrigled behind my coat, and felt a cold knife is slicing my joints. In front of his statue, I wrote memories while listening to the wind reading his poem “The silence of my love�. As the sound of sandals steps in Saorak rocks, crunched together the sound rhyme of poetry, going to the valley, and ask for the nation to never give up. Beneath his manhea robe, I felt like touching hisfrozen heart and fists of love for a country named Korea. In his strong shoulder, a crow perches, which you say it never, scream again, because there is no death to be torn apart. Did he also arrange the stone at the mountains Saorak?
8. In a sub-way, between the remnants of cold that already at minus, you talked about the fear and anxiety. About cave of life in the midle of valey, smell of soil, and the metropolis perfume. The War, although it is like biting Kim chi every day, yet still has mystery. Pride is the ghost of the future, must be resisted. Happiness is a dream that crawl the vein, to make life always waiting for the morning. And, from a sparkling subway, I was imagining million tons of carbon through time, and rip of ozone, and we get trap inside printed dream.. Life, you say, is a choice, and you choose to survive
9. Tentang cinta, persahabatan dan harapan, aku menyaksikannya di punggung Namsan Park, pada ribuan gembok. Terkunci. Berkilat. Berkarat. Dan katamu setiap waktu terus bertambah, membangun dinding-dinding ziarah. Kita meraba, menangkap rasa harap, tapi tak terucap. Kita membaca, menatap namanama, tapi tak bersuara. Tak ada kunci, karena tak sesiapapun ingin membuka. Kecuali mungkin cuaca, mungkin musim, yang menggergajinya, lalu melemparnya ke masa lalu. Adakah kita di situ ?
10. Hangang yang mengalir gelisah, adalah hati yang terbelah, meski ratusan jembatan kalian menjulur bagai lidah. Indah, tapi bagai mimpi yang tak pernah sudah. Seperti musim dingin, ketika semuanya jadi beku, dan harap jadi batu. Meski kalian berlari di atasnya dengan sepatu besi, dan berdoa agar segera tiba musim semi, tapi sejarah tak pernah berubah. Hangang yang mengalir gelisah, hanya kalian yang tahu betapa dendam tersimpan dalam, kemana murkanya terhunjam, dan di mana hulunya diam.
Seoul/Pekanbaru, 2010/2011
9. About love, friendship and hope, I saw them at the back of Namsan Park, on thousand of padlock. Locking, Shining, Rusting. And yo told that they keep increase, building pilgrimage walls. We touch, capturing a sense of hope, but unspoken. We read, looked at the names, but no sound, no keys, because nobody want to open. Except, perhaps the weather, Perhaps the season, which saw off, then throw it off into the past. Are we there?
10. Hangang is flowing anxiety, is a divided heart, although thousand of your bridges stretched like tounge. Beautiful, yet like a never ending dream , Like winter, when everything was frozen, and hope become stone. Although you ran over them with iron shoes, and pray for spring to arrive soon, but the history never changes. Hangang still flowing restless, only you who know how revenge is stored inside, where angry is pierced, and where the upper is in silent.
Seoul/Pekanbaru, 2010
Jejak Hujan
Rasa rinduku padamu adalah jejak hujan yang aku tak tahu di mana luruhnya dan ke mana akan bermuara dan aku hanya ingin mencatat di sisa-sisa kelelahan musim aku memandang sebuah keteduhan di terang matamu dan aku terdampar di samuderanya
The Rain Trace
My longing to you is the rain trace that I don’t know where it sheds and where it will lead and I just want you to know in the remains of my fatigue season I see a beauty in the light of your eyes and I am stranded far in yours
Catatan n Notee
Catatan Pengarang - The Author’s Note: Rida K Liamsi Catatan Penerjemah - Translator’s Note: Ali Mamiya Catatan Editor - Editor’s Note : Murparsaulian
Catatan Pengarang Rida K Liamsi
ETERLIBATAN saya sebagai penyair terhadap kerja penerjemahan puisi-puisi saya yang terkumpul dalam “Tempuling” dan “Perjalanan Kelekatu” yang dilakukan oleh Ali Mamiya dan Murparsulian ini (keduanya wanita). Yang satu penikmat sastra dan seorang executive, dan yang satunya seorang penyair dan wartawan, lebih kepada keinginan agar hasil terjemahan itu, tetap enak dibaca dan penuh tenaga. Walaupun saya tahu, puisi-puisi saya itu sangat menyulitkan para penerjemah untuk mencari kata-kata yang pas dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena itu, saat membaca ulang hasil terjemahan Ali Mamiya yang juga sudah diedit oleh Murpasulian, saya tetap masih suka ikut campur untuk meminta mereka mencari lagi kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang lebih dekat ke maunya puisi saya itu, agar saat dibaca, di manapun, tetap sangat ekspressif dan rasa melayunya tidak hilang. Puisi-puisi yang penuh melodi, dan bagai pisau sesekali menyayat-nyayat. Kerjasama kami bertiga ini memang sudah ada sejak 2010, ketika saya minta bantuan mereka untuk menerjemahkan beberapa puisi yang akan saya bacakan pada beberapa event internasional, seperti Festival Penyair Korea Asia di Seoul, Festival Penyair Korea Asia II di Pekanbaru, Riau, Festival Penyair Asia Pacific di Hanoi, Vietnam, dan lainnya. Karena saya merasa “nyaman” dengan hasil kerja mereka, maka ketika mereka secara bercanda ingin menjadikan buku kumpulan puisi terjemahan sebagai kado ulang
The Author’s Note Rida K Liamsi
uring the process of translating my books – “Tempuling” and “Perjalanan Kelekatu” – in to English, I actively discussed with two female translators – Ali Mamiya (literary lover and an executive) and Murpasulian (poet and journalist) about the wording used in the English version of my books. My main reason to closely involve is to maintain the taste of Malay in the poem although it is translating into English. As the author, I understand that it is difficult to find equivalent meaning of Malay words in English. Therefore, I read the translated version over and over and asked both of translators to find appropriate English of a particular Malay word yet keeping Malay taste in it. I have been known their talents as translators since 2010 when I asked for their skills to translate several poems which I would read in some international events like as The Korea Asian Poet Literature Festival In Soul, The Korea Asian Poet Literature Festival II in Pekanbaru-Riau, The Asia Pacific Poet Festival in Hanoi Vietnam. Their works was “suit” my style. Therefore, when I told them my idea to translate my Anthologies to English, both of them were exiting and willing to translate it. At that time, I said it as a joke. When they told me that the book will be a gift for my 70th birthday, I was honor and thankful. Thus, I continued to seriously make it happen. I understand, however, the result of their work would not as perfect as a literary work. When selecting the poem, I suggested to eliminate some poems
tahun saya ke 70, saya senang dan berterima kasih. Meskipun saya tahu hasil kerja mereka ini belum tentu sempurna sebagai sebuah karya sastra. Saya juga ikut menyarankan agar beberapa puisi saya untuk tidak dipilih masuk dalam kumpulan ini, karena saya anggap sebagai puisi-puisi yang belum total. Di antaranya yang saya minta tidak diikutkan adalah: Pada Jam 25 dari kumpulan Tempuling, Satu Siang di Jakarta dari Perjalanan Kelekatu, dan Cinta dari Perjalanan Kelekatu. Lalu saya, mengusulkan memasukkan dua puisi saya yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam antologi, tapi pernah diterbitkan di surat kabar, yaitu: Cerita-Cerita dari Korea, dan Jejak Hujan. Saya yang menyarankan agar kumpulan terjemahan ini diberi nama: ROSE, dengan mengambil judul salah satu puisi saya dalam kumpulan itu. Saya memang menulis beberapa puisi dengan judul ROSE, yang dalam kumpulan ini ada 5 puisi. Karena bagi saya menulis puisi itu adalah menulis suasana hati. Bagi saya puisi adalah bagian dari proses ibadah saya dalam hidup. ROSE adalah mahakata yang selalu membuat saya terbakar dan melihat hidup dengan gairah.
Pekanbaru, 2013
like Pada jam 25 (At 25 O clock), Satu Siang di Jakarta (One Day in Jakarta) dan Cinta (Love). The reason behind it was I thought those poems were not yet finished to be written. As replacement, I told them to include some new poems like as Jejak Hujan (The Rain Trace) and Cerita-crita dari Korea (The Stories from Korea). I have published both of them in newspaper but not as a book. I called the tittle of this book as “ROSE” The tittle was taken from one of my poems in this book. In this book, there are five poems with the same tittle. My reason to call it as “ROSE” because for me writing a poem is like to “writing your heart ambiance.” Furthermore, writing a poem is part of my religious activity in life. ROSE as “the masterpiece of my word composition”, which always make me exiting and enjoying life with passion.
Pekanbaru, 2013
ALI MAMIYA ESKIPUN saya telah menerjemahkan puisi-puisi dan beberapa essai Pak Rida yang telah dibaca pada event-event Internasional seperti Korea-Asean Poet Festival in Seoul in 2010, Korea-Asean literature Festival II in Pekanbaru Riau, 2011, Asia Pacific Poet Festival in Hanoi Vietnam and Poet Festival Asia in Sri Lanka (dalam event ini Pak Rida tidak jadi datang), saya tidak pernah membayangkan akan menerjemahkan dua buku antologinya. Antologi Tempuling dan Perjalanan Kelekatu. Dua Buku!!! Sebagai pencinta puisi, tawaran ini adalah kehormatan bagi saya. Saya sangat bersemangat sekaligus takut saat menyatakan kesediaan saya untuk menterjemahkan antologi tersebut. Tujuan Pak Rida menerjemahkan puisi-puisinya tidak hanya untuk ditampilkan di event internasional, tetapi juga karena beliau ingin memperkenalkan puisi Indonesia ke dunia, khususnya puisi- puisi dari Riau. Bersamaan dengan hal tersebut beliau juga ingin memperkenalkan budaya Riau, budaya Melayu ke masyarakat dunia sehingga Riau dan kebudayaan Melayu, khususnya sastra, dapat dikenal dengan baik oleh masyarakat dunia. Semua itu dapat dicapai jika para pembaca memahami dan merasakan pengalaman-pengalaman masyarakat Melayu, melalui karya-karya yang telah dia tulis dalam puisinya. Untuk itu, versi bahasa Inggris dari puisi-puisi beliau akan yang sangat berperan.
LTHOUGH I have translated Mr. Rida’s poems and essays for some international event like Korea-Asean Poet Festival in Seoul in 2010, Korea-Asean literature Festival II in Pekanbaru Riau, 2011, Asia Pacific Poet Festival in Hanoi Vietnam and Poet Festival Asia in Sri Lanka (although in this event Mr. Rida did not attend), I never imagine I would translate his two poems anthologies. His anthologies are Tempuling and Perjalanan Kelekatu. Two books!! As a poetry lover, the offering was an honor for me. I was exiting and afraid when saying my agreement for this project. As my understanding, Mr. Rida’s main idea to translate his poems is not only for the purpose of reading them at international events, yet he wants to introduce Indonesian poetry to the world, especially the poetry of Riau. At the same time, he wants to introduce Riau Culture – the culture of Malay- to the world community. Thus, Riau could be famous for its literary works. Those ideas can be achieved if the reader can understand and feel the experiences of Malay society, through words he had composed during some period of time. Therefore, the English version of his poem will play an important role.
Dengan latar belakang tersebut, saya menerima tawaran Pak Rida untuk menterjemahkan puisi-puisinya ke dalam Bahasa Inggris. Memang ada perasaan yang bercampur baur saat saya menerima tawaran ini. Ada perasaan senang karena saya bisa ikut andil dalam tujuan mulia ini memperkenalkan Indonesia dan Riau ke dunia. Di sisi lain ada perasaan khawatir. Saya adalah manusia biasa dengan segala keterbatasan yang saya miliki dan saya juga bukanlah native speaker. Kekhawatiran saya adalah jika hasil terjemahan ini nanti malah mengacaukan makna dari puisi asalnya. Bismillah, saya mulai menterjemahkan puisi-puisi tersebut. Untuk menjaga keaslian puisi, saya selalu berdiskusi dengan Pak Rida. Saya mempelajarinya berdasarkan pengalaman saya ketika saya menerjemahkan beberapa puisi Pak Rida untuk dibaca di beberapa festival. Pada saat itu, setiap kali saya selesai menerjemahkan puisi saya bertanya tentang versi terjemahan, apakah masih mudah dibaca dan masih ekspresif dan sebagainya. Saya mengerti peran saya sebagai penerjemah adalah untuk menemukan makna terdekat puisi ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan mempertahankan pesan Pak Rida bahwa puisinya harus ekspresif, dan mudah dibaca. Berdasarkan dari hasil beberapa diskusi dengan beliau,dan pengalaman menterjemahkan lebih dari 10 puisi beliau, saya membuang jauh-jauh kekhawatiran tersebut. saya kembali menguatkan hati, dan meyakinkan diri bahwa saya telah benar-benar memahami makna dan keindahan puisi-puisi Pak Rida K Liamsi. Beberapa tantanganpun muncul selama proses penerjemahan. Salah satunya adalah menemukan padanan arti dari kata-kata Melayu kuno ke dalam bahasa Inggris, atau bahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Kamus bahasa Indonesia yang selalu menemani saya pun beberapa kali tidak bisa membantu saya. Misalnya saat
I accepted Mr. Rida’s offer to translate his books due to some noble’s ideas behind this project. I found myself in a mix feeling when accepting this project. I was happy because I could be a part of a noble goal to introduce Indonesia and Riau to the world. On the other hand, I was worry because of my limitation as human being and as English non-native speaker. I was afraid the result of my works will ruin the originality or real meaning of Mr. Rida’s poetry. Bismillah, I began to translate the poems.
... “Padahlah”. This word has a different meaning in one poem to another. Consequently, its English word for those poems will be different too. Moreover, Mr Rida’s poems also have many archaic words which make the poems alive and like song lyric. I have to find the closest English word so its rhymes and poetical aspect still there. To keep the originality of poems, I always discussed with Mr. Rida. I learn it based on my experience when I translated some poems for Mr. Rida to be read in some festivals for the first time. At that time, every time I finished translating a poem I asked about the translated version, whether it is still easy to read and still expressive etc. I understand my role as a translator is to find a closest meaning of the poem in to English and maintain Mr. Rida’s message that his poetry should be expressive, and readable. Based on from one discussion to another with him, I put my anxiety aside after translating more than 10 poems. I strengthen my heart, and convinced myself that I had understood meaning and mystery of Mr Rida’s poems.
saya harus menterjemahkan kata “Padahlah�. Kata ini memiliki arti yang berbeda dalam satu puisi ke puisi yang lain. Sehingga, terjemahan kata dalam Bahasa Inggris disetiap puisi menjadi berbeda juga. Selain itu, puisi Pak Rida juga memiliki banyak kata kuno/archaic yang membuat puisi-puisi tersebut seperti hidup dan dan senantiasa bernyanyi. Untuk itu, saya harus menemukan kata-kata padanannya dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga rima dan aspek puitis masih terjaga. Hal tersebut adalah tantangan yang tersulit bagi saya. Selain itu, beberapa puisi dalam buku ini bercerita tentang sejarah jatuh bangunnya Kerajaan Melayu. Beberapa mitos dan legenda masyarakat Riau. Hal ini membuat saya belajar tentang budaya Melayu agar saya memiliki pemahaman yang sama dengan penulisnya. Oleh karena itu, berdiskusi dengan Pak Rida dan Mbak Murpasulian adalah bagian penting untuk memperkaya pengetahuan saya tentang budaya Melayu dan membuat saya lebih mudah untuk menerjemahkan puisi-puisi tersebut. Selain itu, tantangan yang tidak kalah sulitnya adalah menempatkan diri sebagai native speaker ketika menerjemahkan puisi-puisi tersebut. Peran ini akan membantu pembaca memahami puisi dengan mudah berdasarkan konteksnya. Saya memahami bahwa dibandingkan dengan puisi asli dalam versi Indonesia, terjemahan saya ini belumlah sempurna. Terlepas dari tantangan-tantangan ini, proses penerjemahan ini telah membuat saya lebih mencintai puisi. Selain itu, saya belajar banyak tentang budaya Melayu - sesuatu yang tidak saya dapatkan dalam “kehidupan sehari-hari�. Saya sangat menyukainya dan berterima kasih kepada kebudayaan ini yang begitu kaya, indah, dan eksotis. Pengalaman ini adalah hal yang paling berharga bagi saya. Akhirnya, saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Bapak
Several challenges emerged during translation process. One of them is to find an equivalent meaning of old Malay word into English, or even Indonesian. The Indonesian Dictionary which always with me some time could not help me either. For example is the word “Padahlah”. This word has a different meaning in one poem to another. Consequently, its English word for those poems will be different too. Moreover, Mr Rida’s poems also have many archaic words which make the poems alive and like song lyric. I have to find the closest English word so its rhymes and poetical aspect still there. Those are very difficult.
... The most important challenge is to position myself native speakers when translating the poem. This role playing will help the reader understand the poem easily based on the context. I understand that in accordance with the original poems in Indonesian version, my translation is not perfect. In addition, some of the poems in this book were told about the glory and fall of Malay Kingdom. Some are myth and legend of Riau People. Those facts forced me to learn about Malay culture so I have similar understanding with the writer. Therefore, discussion with Mr. Rida and Mrs. Murpasulian is playing an important part enrich my knowledge about Malay culture and make me easier to translate the poems. The most important challenge is to position myself native speakers when translating the poem. This role playing will help the reader understand the poem easily based on the context. I understand that in accordance with the original poems in Indonesian version, my translation is not perfect.
Rida K Liamsi yang telah memberi kepercayaan kepada saya untuk menerjemahkan puisi-puisinya. Belum tentu sempurna, tapi itulah yang sudah saya lakukan, untuk memahami, menikmati, dan mencoba membaginya dengan para pembaca. Untuk menemukan dan mengharungi pengalaman baru dari puisi-puisi tersebut. Tabik ! Pekanbaru, Juni 2013
Regardless of these challenges, this translation process has made me love poetry more. In addition, I learn a lot about Malay culture – something that I will not get in “daily life”. I love and adore so much the rich, beautiful, and exotic Malay culture. This experience was the most valuable things for me.
Pekanbaru, June 2013
Menyusur Jejak Melodius Puisi-puisi RDK Murparsaulian
ering kali karya sastra baik itu puisi ataupun cerpen ketika diterjemahkan ke bahasa lain (misal dari bahasa Inggris ke Indonesia atau sebaliknya) mengalami degradasi baik itu secara makna dan keindahan. Hal inilah yang saya jaga ketika saya tertarik untuk menerjemahkan puisi-puisi karya penyair dan novelis Rida K Liamsi (RDK). Saya khawatir puisi-puisi RDK yang melodius, jadi tidak menarik lagi ketika dideklamasikan, karena itu saya memerlukan waktu yang lama dalam menerjemahkan puisi RDK. Rima baris di belakang puisi-puisi RDK yang terjaga juga harus dipertahankan ketika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa lain. Hal ini pulalah yang membuat saya penasaran dan terus terpacu menyusuri satu demi satu kata puisi RDK. Tantangan lain adalah terkait dengan pilihan kata atau diksi dalam puisi RDK yang kaya akan bahasa Melayu. Tidak jarang diksi bahasa Melayu yang digunakan tidak saya pahami maknanya, mungkin karena kata tersebut terlalu tua atau terlalu khusus, terutama pada saat menterjemahkan kumpulan puisi Tempuling dan Kelekatu. RDK membuktikan bahwa penggunaan diksi-diksi lokal bahasa Melayu dapat menghasilkan puisi yang indah, romantik, penuh makna, namun tetap memelihara sifat
Tracing the Melodic Poems from RDK Murparsaulian
ranslating literature works from one language to another always brings challenges. Degradation risks – meaning and beauty – could appear everywhere. This also has worried me when I was first interested in translating the works from a poet and novelist Rida K Liamsi (RDK), into English. Most of the poems written by RDK are melodic, which since their inception has been designed to deliver the melodic sounds when recited. Therefore, the main challenge when translating RDK’s poems into English is how the rhyme line behind his poems wellmaintained. This difficulty always makes me take a long time to translate every verse of poem from RDK. But the same thing always make me curious and am challenged to trace each word in the RDK’s poems, finding the best equivalent in English, while maintaining its melody. Another challenge is related to the choice of words or diction in RDK’s poems where Malay words are often used. There are quite many Malay dictions that I do not understand, perhaps because the words are too old or too specific, especially when translating the
Saya khawatir puisi-puisi RDK yang melodius, jadi tidak menarik lagi ketika dideklamasikan, karena itu saya memerlukan waktu yang lama dalam menerjemahkan puisi RDK. Rima baris di belakang puisi-puisi RDK yang terjaga juga harus dipertahankan ketika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa lain. Hal ini pulalah yang membuat saya penasaran dan terus terpacu menyusuri satu demi satu kata puisi RDK. universal puisinya. Menterjemahkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Melayu ke bahasa Inggris membawa tantangan lebih berat, karena terlebih dahulu mesti dicari padanan kata dalam bahasa Indonesia yang saya pahami lalu diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris. Namun penerjemahan dua tahap ini menimbulkan resiko degradasi makna lebih besar. Saya yakin hasil terjemahan ini tidak sempurna, karena menerjemahkan puisi-puisi RDK memang mempunyai tingkat kesulitan yang cukup tinggi, namun menarik dan menantang. Terlepas dari semua itu, puisi-puisi RDK yang mengungkapkan proses pencarian, perjuangan hidup, dan perjalanan panjang, sesungguhnya adalah sumber ketertarikan pertama bagi penerjemah. ***
Most of the poems written by RDK are melodic, which since their inception has been designed to deliver the melodic sounds when recited. Therefore, the main challenge when translating RDK’s poems into English is how the rhyme line behind his poems well-maintained. This difficulty always makes me take a long time to translate every verse of poem from RDK. But the same thing always make me curious and am challenged to trace each word in the RDK’s poems, finding the best equivalent in English, while maintaining its melody. Kelekatu and Tempuling anthologies. RDK proves that the use of local words extracted from Malay diction can produce beautiful and romantic poems, meaningful, while maintaining their universal nature. Translating the words in Malay language into English brings further challenge, because it often needs two steps of translation that may lead to a greater degradation risks. Indonesian equivalent of the Malay words must be found in the first step then they are translated into English in the second step. I know this translation is not perfect, of course, because translating RDK’s poems deal with fairly high level of difficulty, although is very interesting and challenging. However, apart from all above, RDK’s poems, that reveal the searching processes, the struggles in life, and the long journeys, are actually the real and original source of attraction for the translators. ***
IDA K LIAMSI, lahir di Dabo Singkep, Kepulauan
Riau, pada 17 Juli 1943, seorang guru, jurnalis, entrepreneur, dan seniman. Yayasan Sagang (1995) yang didirikannya telah secara berkelanjutan selama hampir duapuluh tahun menyelenggarakan pemberian penghargaan tahunan kepada seniman, karya, dan lembaga seni berprestasi di Riau. *** Born in Dabo Singkep, Riau Islands, on July 17, 1943. He is a teacher, a journalist, an entrepreneur and an artist. Sagang Foundation (1995), which he founded, has been ongoing for almost twenty years held an annual award to the artists, artworks and arts organizations in Riau.