Sage Magazine Issue 3

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Soul Traveller Radio You Can Be The Change

Celebrating the Launch of the new internet radio station bringing a message of positive awareness to the world.

Tribal Life

Reclaiming The Sacred Spirit How Tribal Influences are becoming part of the next generation culture.

Shimmering Sounds Leigh Ann Phillips

An indepth look at Leigh Ann Phillips world of Crystal Bowls and Frozen Mantras.




spirituality • healing • music • cards • books • awareness • understanding

sage magazine

WELCOME TO SAGE MAGAZINE ISSUE 3 Welcome to the third edition of Sage Magazine… quite simply, an amazing time to be alive and present on the planet! 2014 headlines as the Year of Divine Timing – releasing the old to receive the gold! The year we place faith over fear and honour all that we are and all that we are becoming. As individuals, we are treading truth for the collective consciousness, sharing our unique gifts and dissolving all illusion of separation. This inspired edition of Sage seemed to weave its own magic; whispers of the ancients through Jennifer Starlight, reclaiming sacred spirituality in ‘Tribal life’, dolphin inspirations with Eva Annaluna and the healing balm of the bowls with Leigh Ann Phillips. So many contributors and so much community…our gratitude runs deep. In January I journeyed to Oahu and Pele’s playground, the Big Island of Hawaii. The majority of my time was spent ‘talking story’ with a true Hawaiian Oracle William Laukea and my good friend Janet.. We absorbed the energies of the ancestors at many sacred grounds “hidden in plain sight”,this was Willy’s favourite line! My 15 year old daughter Georgia has remained with them on the island for 4 months to learn the wisdom of the waves and magnificent marine culture, you can follow her adventure too Every single soul intention needs a song to make it truly sing….and so, on March 1st, we are feeling incredibly blessed to share with you the launch of Soul Traveller Radio - conscious music to further empower and enhance your well-being. We share our story on page 26 it was the next radiant step for us to ‘be the change that we wish to see in our world’. I leave you with a precious gem….’residing within YOU is exquisite beauty and Divine intelligence, light the lamp of love and shine brightly for all to see…be the change Soul Travellers….Sat Nam

Tanya xxx



Editor Tanya Allison | Heart Whispers

Tanya Allison | Shayne Locke | Jennifer Starlight Anne Hartley | Lia Scallon |Eva Annaluna Lee Wakefield| Rob Flint | Greg Doyle | Ayya Yeshe

Publisher and Art Design Shayne Locke | Liquid Digital Marketing


Digital Production Peter Campbell | My Entertainment Cover Art Work Dolphin Yin And Yang by Eva Annaluna

Phoenix Distribution | Chris Hooper Promotions | Blue Angel Publishing | Healthy Lifestyle Expo | Bali Spirit Festival | Conscious Living Expo| Larimar Swimwear Innerself Magazine | Lariese Organics | Liquid Digital Marketing | Heart Whispers | Melanie Crawford | Soul Traveller Radio | teNeues | The Invisible College



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SAGE magazine


LIVING IN THE LOVE OF THE GODS The channelLings of min through jennifer Starlight

SAGE magazine

Image by Francene Hart



The introduction to Min An invisible force is demanding the attention of each of us, an invisible force that up until now has perhaps been relatively silent but never complacent. This force, this strength, this power, is in fact our own Soul, and its desire is to move us into vaster and more expanded states of awareness, and in anticipation, it also aches for an intimate relationship with it’s Human form. My own journey back to Soul Self could almost read like a science fiction novel to an outsider and in 2005 after 20 intense years of service as a psychic medium and author for Spirit, I arrived at my own inner spiritual crossroads seeking something far deeper for myself than what I was experiencing. And it was at this crossroads that Min appeared, an ancient Egyptian consciousness and soon to be devoted guide. And at the time of this fated meeting I did not realise that he would be of such profound assistance to me and countless others in the journey back to what I had been searching for…. the love and intimacy of my own Soul. I have now been Min’s ‘physical vehicle’ for 9 precious years and have personally experienced and applied his advanced and practical teachings to my own life and have no language to express my gratitude for his grace. Min’s intentions and teachings are always expressed from the purest love and this has been displayed very tangibly on more than one occasion when I have broken down after a public transmission, unable to hold back my deepest emotions of love for him and the honor I feel to be of service to Spirit in this way. I am often asked what is it like to be a trance channel for such a Being from the Spirit world and I must say that to begin with it was a huge challenge to completely surrender to such a powerful force. In the early days I would struggle with our energetic union and become very tired afterwards, but as I learnt to let go and trust Min’s detailed instruction on the trance process, I began to find myself more energized after every transmission. My deepest fears of relinquishing personal control have been replaced with my deepest faith in the Spirit world and its pure intention to serve all of us. And more recently I have been honored to be asked by Lord Maitreya, also known as The World Teacher to many, to be one of his channels at this remarkable time of our human evolution

JENNIFER STARLIGHT Jennifer Starlight & Peter Harris established The Invisible College on the Gold Coast, Australia to create a sacred platform for the empowering and practical teachings and healing techniques that have been gifted to them by Spirit, which include The Diamond Light Temple Activations & Elemental Medicine Training. They also offer powerful transformational sessions and personal transmissions with Min. More information is available at their website.

SAGE magazine

Min was revered by the ancient Egyptians as the God of Fertility.


Min’s Message (received by jennifer starlight) I share with you now excepts from two public transmissions by Min. Please note that Min will often use the term ‘We’ in recognition of the Collective Consciousness of which he is an aspect and is known to me as The Union of Love & Light. However many may also know this Spiritual Brethren globally as The Brotherhood of Light of which Lord Maitreya is also an integral part. ‘When you can see the majesty and the mystery of another, and acknowledge it, there shall be healing beyond anything you have known in any modality on this planet’. Min Omaat (You are a universal blessing) Omaat dear ones is my greeting to each of you at this time of conscious evolution and as We bring ourselves forth in honour and reverence, We perceive within each of you a light, a mystery, and a divinity of such beauty, it renders us speechless. So please acknowledge that each of you is a universal blessing! I call myself Min, because I understand that you, in your Human Being, that in your Human identification, need imagery and need personality to relate too, before you can receive what it is I have come to share with you. Min is also an alternate term for Master In Nature and represents my burning desire to dive deep into the exceptional pleasures of your physical world through my consciousness. Your humanity is now on the crest of a wave, or as some of you may feel, on the edge of a cliff! And in truth, you are awakening the divine spark, the divine spark that is within all of existence and you are awakening it through the gateway of your Human heart consciousness. Our journey with you to this point has been compressed to a large degree, for as long as your perception has believed that Spirit is separate from yourselves, our true path together cannot be made manifest and it is time to understand, that as Human Beings, you are in fact ‘physical extensions’ of what you term Spirit. And the chain of Divine Current that eternally links us to you now needs to be not only healed but also revealed. Did you the Human ever consider that you are the grandest vision Spirit has ever perceived of itself? We wish you to understand that at the beginning of Earths creation was what we wish to term the ‘First Temple’. And this First Temple was and is the pure consciousness of your Mother Nature and her Elements, for Mother Nature in its very essence, is the physical manifestation of love upon your Earth Plane. And please understand this First Temple is also found within the biological cells of your own bodies, in the sacred songs of your own souls, and in the majesty and the mystery of your own hearts. And it was here We co-existed together in such joy, such pleasure and such love, within the great cycle of the ethereal realms of this First Temple, and, I Min, now return

at this most powerful time of your Human history to help you to remember your ancient ways, the pure and powerful ways, the ways that shall now set you free from your suffering. Understand you are the Master Souls who have had the courage to expand their expression beyond anything that the consciousness of God has ever experienced before, and we beg you now to awaken yourselves from the illusion of separateness, and become the truth of what you are. A Divine Human Spirit. Breakdown the barriers of conditioned separation and let your Spirit radiate in great reverence through you, its human reflection. And to each of you, whose despair and homesickness has overshadowed your desire, be still and hear the call of your Soul and its Spirit. Be still and allow that pure force of love that is you, to be heard in the silence. For if you have not been cast fully under the shadow of illusion, then We understand that you feel as though you walk between the Worlds, between the Worlds of illusion and reality. This dimension of Earth is a very rare jewel indeed within the Crown of Creation and it is so precious and so magnificent, just as you are. Understand a revolution is now taking place within your human race and it is not one of technology or outward advancement. It is in fact the evolution of each and every one of you, through your desire for true transformation and the aching call to return consciously back into the majesty and mystery of your own Souls, where true spiritual nourishment and expansion can be found. Suffering, sorrow and grief have all been required to be experienced by each of you, so you may understand what it is like not to be in conscious and intimate union with your Soul Self. So be grateful for every tear and know there is divine purpose and gift within all of your human experiences.It is time to draw upon that aspect of yourself, which is untouched by this suffering and sorrow, it is time to call it into your conscious awareness, call it into your emotional body, to call it into your physicality. And when you can understand and feel what a great privilege it is to be upon your Earth plane, then you shall experience Heaven upon the Earth. For you have been given the gift of your five senses, so you may experience love at such a physical and tangible level. You are each holy vehicles for Spirits love to be made manifest into physical form. I send forth these transmissions to support you, guide you and empower you. Each of you is a universal blessing unto yourselves, and to one other. And ‘Omaat’ is the sacred sound that carries my blessing to you. So, Omaat, dear ones, may our journey together be filled with wonderment, love and true expansion of our divinity as One… Min


SAGEmagazine magazine SAGE

Image by Paula Nicho Cumez

ISSUE 01 | MAY 2013

ISSUE 03 ISSUE 01 | MAY 2013

SAGE magazine

MOON MEDITATION By Tanya AlLison Weaving Wellness Into Your World

New moon ceremony prepares the way for new beginnings - the medicine of manifestation – What do you wish to create in your world on a physical level? Relationship level? Planetary level? This is a time to recognise your gifts of service and allow yourself to receive love and guidance from the spirit world, prompting your intuitive spark of Divine intelligence to move forward with a clear vision for yourself and your community as a whole. This is a Ritual reconnects us with the wisdom of the ancients; beautiful period to begin relationship anew; with self or with another and to call back your spirit and begin those that have walked before us, who understood a fresh, empowering cycle. the passage of the moon, the cycles around the sun that resonated with their entire way of life and Ground your energy and plant your soul seeds in survival. The full moon represented completion of a the abundance of Earth Mother; soil or sand under cycle, an ending and a release, just as a tree shakes your feet, listening to the sounds and song of away its dead leaves, so the full moon gifted the tribal circle with an opportunity to end a cycle in the nature, an ocean swim or a bush walk. The veil thins dramatically at this time, a natural phenomenon that physical and the spiritual. many do not realise but should instantly understand because if the sun is Source energy than it’s very Full moon ceremony is a time to let go. Meditate on these areas; where are you stuck? Where is there dis- shadow is rich with the vitality of knowledge and ease or disharmony? Are your relationships nurturing clear- seeing vision. or negative? Are you willing to change this now? Open to the realm of magnificence and your mind Write down all that you wish to release on scrap will naturally quieten in awe of who you really are – paper and with a clear, authentic voice announce meditate upon your Divine intentions, or even better, your intention to the universe to now release that which no longer serves you and therefore the planet join a group and create ritual together. By using – “I am the change that I wish to see and my purpose your crystals to form a grid, your prosperity prayer is magnified and the new moon magic transcends is just that!” limited mind to unlimited consciousness. Use sage to cleanse your environment, light candles All ritual remains an act of love for self, a freedom and burn the scrap paper with your written words to express our life force. Remember that you are not of release under the glow of the moonshine. Do doing inner work to become more, you are doing not forget that all crystals are so much more than inner work to reveal more. More of the perfect and their mineral composition; rather they are tools of powerful essence of you that already exists within the lightworker, in service to humanity with specific the depths of your Being – weave wonder into this healing roles and capabilities and need to be a part world and contribute a wealth of love and abundance of your full moon ritual. Optimal cleansing and that illuminates sacred steps for all Soul Travellers to clearing of dead energy is bathed away ready for activation with the new intentions of the lightworker. follow. Meditation is a powerful practice to incorporate into our daily routine. Ceremony, in a prepared sacred space can further enhance and nurture our connection to the Divine outside of busy lives and the struggle against the dense energies of city living and a high tech society. The full moon and new moon cycles are an idyllic time to reclaim ritual and illuminate your journey.



download your free introduction to meditation available now as an ebook click here

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Hartmann Valley, Cafema 2005 Photo Š Jimmy Nelson Pictures BV,,


TRIBal LIFE Reclaiming the sacred spirituality by shayne locke

Featuring LANDMARK imagery FROM Jimmy Nelson’s


SAGE magazine

Dha Village, Kashmir, February 2012


TRIBAL LIFE As a people, we have done more in the last 300 years to remove tribal cultures than the last 200,000 years of social evolution. We forget however that it was the establishment of tribal life that ensured our survival in the first place. Tribes are a natural progression for every species. Whales function best in pods, cows in herds, birds in flocks, so is it any wonder that tribes formed part of our deep ecology on the planet. With the diminishing tribal cultures within the world we need to start taking stock of two areas that tribes held as sacred to their spirituality. The first was acting as caretakers for the planet. Nothing was wasted, the world wasn’t overrun and a respect for the world around the tribe was paramount. Many cultures contained a ritual that hunters performed once an animal was caught. A prayer of thanks for the animal for providing their sustinance, the landscape around them and the life they will live because of the food. And committing the animals spirit to the afterlife. This was respect for the life and the world in which they lived. The second sacred act was their way of life. Everything from hunting, gathering, protecting, childbirth and death held a special part within the tribes spirituality. Every act, every celebration and every moment of mourning was meaningful and satisfying. It is these two lessons that we should take on board before the tribes are all gone from this realm. To incorporate these sacred spiritual acts within our own journey should help remind us that we have a responsibility to be caretakers on this planet and remind the future generations about the beautiful history that has come before us.

Gisborne Festival, North Island January 2011

SAGE magazine


Altanysogts. Bayan Olgii. March2011 Photo Š Jimmy Nelson Pictures BV,,

SAGE magazine

RENEWAL OF TRIBAL CULTURES As a society we are becoming connected once again. Visiting places, cultures or people, we are stirring an energy within us that has been laying dormant. Deep within the very fibre of our being is a remembering. In a recent discussion with Soul Traveller artist, Deya Dova, whose own heritage is indigenous, she described this as a flame of who we truly are. ”External signatures of prayer beads and cultural symbols are gateways of rememberance.” The next generation are opening up to what is happening on the planet, switching on and connection to the consciousness. ”We are entering a time of quickening where our true history will be revealed to see who we are as a race.” As a culture we are beginning to gravitate towards tribes once again. We are now seeing a parallell in today’s society with the tribes of history. In relating with one another, we stir up a deep desire of belonging and needing to be part of a tribe, in whatever form that may take. Deya describes this as our birthright to be connected. ”It is in ourselves, our’s in our memory.” She related a story of seeing American Indian headresses appearing at festivals. She herself began wearing a headress and sees this simple act as just another point of connection with others in a tribe like ritual.

Taupo Village, North Island January 2011

Shama Kabani, CEO of the Zen Marketing Group sees ritual as part of the tribal renewal. ”Rituals have power because they serve as symbols for something greater. They can unite and build loyalty. Whether that ritual is one chief presenting another tribe’s chief with a sash representing bravery or inviting friends to grab some Starbucks.” The one thing our DNA understands is how much value the indigenous culture can teach us in remembering who we are as human beings on this planet we currently call home.


Lamayaru Village, Ladakh February 2012

SAGE magazine


Yamal Peninsula, Ural Mountains March 2011 Photo Š Jimmy Nelson Pictures BV,,

SAGE magazine

Ganden Monastery, Tibet, July 2011

BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY In his landmark project, Before They Pass Away, Jimmy Nelson captures the lives and traditions of the last surviving tribes who have managed to preserve their traditional ways and customs within our increasingly globalized world. The British photographer’s epic portraits present these dignified inheritors of noble and age-old traditions in a proud spirit and in all their glory-a unique visual experience. This exquisitely photographed showcase for world tribal culture is not only a joy to look at, but also an important historical record. This book reveals the wide variety of human experiences and cultural expressions across the agesand we’re delighted to have it among our fall offerings. This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they-and wehope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory.


Nelson’s large-plate field camera captures every intricate detail and fi ne nuance for posterity. What’s more, this splendid pageantry is set against a vivid backdrop of some of the world’s most pristine landscapes. Before They Pass Away Jimmy Nelson published by teNeues _______________________________ Size: 29 x 37 cm / 11 2/5 x 14 1/2 in. 424 pp., Hardcover with jacket 402 color photographs Text in English, German, and French € 128 $ 150 £ 100 ISBN 978-3-8327-9759-1

© Before They Pass Away by Jimmy Nelson, Maasai, Tanzania, published by teNeues, € 128, also available as Collector’s Edition XXL - Photo © Jimmy Nelson Pictures BV,, Jimmy.Nelson

teNeues Publishing Group Kempen Berlin Cologne D端sseldorf Hamburg London Munich New York Paris

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Chasing The Sun With DJ Ryan Farish

Shayne Locke Presents Who Are You?

Morning Meditations With Tanya Allison

Listen At Proudly Sponsoring Bali Spirit Festival

March 19-23, 2014



Soul Traveller Radio launch March 1, 2014 At the end of 2013, an idea was birthed in our hearts. Both myself, Tanya and our good friend Leigh Wood from Phoenix Distribution wondered how we could promote the conscious artists that we have grown to love during our journey. Where could an artist that has produced an album that is spirit and passion filled be heard? With music and styles ranging from indie folk to kirtan to mantras, the only way an artist can be discovered is word of mouth, social media or be stumbled upon in the local new age bookstore.

The line-up of programmes is exciting as we bring about a new style of radio station. Morning meditations, positive affirmations instead of news breaks, interviews with artists to find out more about who they are and how they started their journey, Saturday night specials with DJ Ryan Farish direct from LA, author profiles showcasing the latest books and live chat shows with healers, mediums and other Sage Magazine favourites such as Melanie Crawford and Jennifer Starlight.

On the flip side, how do we find music that is not dictated to us by the record labels and commercial radio stations? How do we experience new music that is not just positive but can also help us on our own journey.

We are also mindful of our global audience so wherever you are in the world our programs will be repeated at the core times for your location (AEST, PST & GMT) It means that our shows are repeated a few times during the day, offering you a chance to catch up on programs you may have missed as well.

These questions lead us to the only possible answer... let’s start our own radio station, one that is providing the music we want to hear, the topics we want to think about and the messages that will aid us in our spirit filled growth. The answer was Soul Traveller Radio launching on March 1 with all conscious music. Soul Traveller Radio will be available anywhere there is an active internet connection. We will have a widget so it can be added to your facebook page and a player (complete with album art and track information) that is accessible on PC, Mac, tablets and mobile devices. In the coming months we will introduce a mobile app and provide links so you can buy the music directly from the Soul Traveller Radio Player.

We are excited to be presenting Soul Traveller Radio and would love your feedback on what you would like to hear. Take a listen – and join our facebook page to provide feedback In every show and every song, we are bringing a message of change and personal growth. Our tagline is “You Can Be The Change”. Let that be your mantra for 2014. Join us at Soul Traveller Radio for a listening experience that will inspire and motivate you towards positive change in your own life.


MArch 19-24

APRIL 25-27

May 23-25

SAGE magazine

Soul Traveller Radio REGULAR SHOWS Daily Meditation with tanya Allison Each morning at 6am Tanya Allison will present a Meditation half hour. Most meditations will be guided or semi-guided and set to music, offering a chance to reflect and focus before the day commences. Expanding on her own meditation teachings, Tanya will present meditations guided by her and others such as Alana Fairchild, Michelle Newton and Jai-Jagdeesh . As the meditations are being broadcast at 6am in the three main times zones, you will have an opportunity several times throughout the day to quieten your mind and open your heart for inspired living.

Chasing the sun with DJ RYAN FARISH Direct from LA, Grammy nominated and Dove Award winner, Ryan Farish transcended musical genres to create a global “Ryan Farish” brand with his globally syndicated radio show, Positive Beats. With over 60 million views/plays on YouTube and 2 million downloads on the first generation, and presenting range of tunes including his own and some of his DJ friends, Ryan Farish will take you into Saturday nights from 8pm. Soul Traveller Radio is excited to be presenting Chasing The Sun with an emphasis on Electronic Chillout Music that is both positive and uplifting.

WHO ARE YOU with Shayne locke A focal point of Soul Traveller Radio will be searching for new conscious music and showcasing artists and authors that have a message in alignment with the core values of Soul Traveller Radio. Who Are You, which will air every Sunday night at 6pm already has a line up of artists that have unique stories about their journey in music, life and spirituality. With a background in independent music, Shayne Locke presents his in depth look at a different artist each week to give the listener an insight into new and different conscious music available. Album launches and artist profile make up Soul Traveller Radio’s Who Are You?


Soul Traveller Radio MURRAY KYLE


MURRAY KYLE - 2 March Our first show on March 2 features musical Troubador, Murray Kyle. We journey with Murray as he discusses his music and his life from the shores of the Ganges river in India to the quiet country town of Uki near Mt Warning, Australia. Murray discusses his albums and the inspiration drawn from life experiences blending a mystical shamanic sound with devotional soul, R&B and positive roots. His conscious message for these changing times as well as a live presentation of a new track is presented in an interview with Murray Kyle, not to be missed. Find out more about Murray at We have 2 copies of Murray’s latest album, Mountain Song to give away, simply click the album cover to enter.

SAGE magazine

Soul Traveller Radio STEVE GOLD WHO ARE YOU with

STEVE GOLD - 9 March

On March 9, Who Are You will present the music and message of Yoga music favourite, Steve Gold. The show will travel with Steve as he talks about how his career in music commenced with Yoga teacher, Shiva Rae and now encompasses platforms shared with Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Lousie Hay. Steve talks about his passion for surfing and love of the ocean. A beautiful interview featuring a sneak preview of his new single, I Feel The Beat. Find out more about Steve Gold at Sage Magazine and Soul Traveller Radio have two copies of each of Steve Gold’s albums to give away - So Much Magnificence and Let Your Heart Be Known. Click the album cover below to enter.


Soul Traveller Radio DEYA DOVA


DEYA DOVA - 16 March Who Are You on March 16 will showcase the exotic voice of one of electronic music’s most unique talents, Deya Dova. Hailing from the Nullarbor desert, Deya’s music has embraced a multitude of diverse sounds culminating in her latest EP Symbiotic, which sees her infuse electronic sounds with lyrics and sounds originating from the Ancient, the Primal and the Mystic within. This special will leave you wanting to hear more of Deya Dova who has become a favourite at festivals around the world. Join us as we enter the world of cinematic soundscapes and euphoric tribalism with Deya Dova on Who Are You. You can also read Deya’s thoughts on New Tribalism in the Tribal Life article in this edition of Sage Magazine.

Visit to find out more about Deya Dova Sage Magazine and Soul Traveller Radio have two digital copies of Deya Dova’s new EP, Symbiotic Click the album cover below to enter.

SAGE magazine

Soul Traveller Radio LEIGH ANN PHILLIPS WHO ARE YOU with

Leigh Ann Phillips - 23 March On March 23, Hawaiian based Leigh Ann Phillips will present a unique sound as we look at her new album Mikรกel. In a special interview on the big Island with Tanya Allison. Leigh Ann Phillips music is an infusion of crystal bowls, mantras and Enochian which many call the language of angels. Providing an insight into her unique Crystal Sound Collection, Leigh Ann will discuss how she has infused her crystal bowls with ancient mandalas and has developed a method of brainwave entrainment through the use of her voice and the quartz crystal singing bowls. Join us on Who Are You with Leigh Ann Phillips and Tanya Allison and for more information visit Check out the interview with Leigh Ann on page 60 of this issue of Sage Magazine. We also have two copies of Leigh Ann Phillips new album Mikรกel to give away. Click the album cover below to enter.

SAGE magazine

a love story of oceanic proportion

Home Heart Hawaii BY tanya allison

“ matter how rough the ocean in your life, there is truly a purpose... we are all here to finally manifest that wonderful world that we are all, as Soul Travellers, envisaging�


SAGE SAGEmagazine magazine


“...THERE is a power that reveals itself when we believe...” Through a magical series of synchronistic events that began before I left Australia for the Big Island in Hawaii, I was introduced to a truly beautiful couple Eva Annaluna and Lee Wakefield, who oversee Home Heart Hawaii, their home that also provides a sacred space of retreat for 1 – 4 people. The retreat is located at Captain Cook, a mountainous area with spectacular views of the pristine waters below. Their story of how they came into relationship and the unique soul signature that they contribute as a couple makes for a magical read and confirmation of our abilities to manifest our wildest dreams into reality. Eva’s journey begins in the Netherlands; diagnosed with a

crippling pain in both arms, she struggled to even lift a pencil and was told by the medical fraternity that this disease was irreversible; Eva’s spirit was unwilling to accept this diagnosis and so began her own walk to wellness. As soon as Eva was able to hold a crayon again, she began to pour her entire beingness into her paintings and poetry, years of inner work that transformed pain into life force once more. Following the publication of Eva’s book “Here I Am” – a stunning collection of her art work and poems that glistens with dolphin smiles and a strong connection to the fire goddess Pele, Eva was frequently asked ‘When did you visit Hawaii?’ This prompted a giant leap of faith to head to the shores of the Big Island, with a strong awareness that it was time to meet her soul mate

and immerse herself in the healing energies of the dolphins….Pele was calling Eva and Lee home. Lee moved to the Big Island after a previous relationship ended; as an astrologer, the planetary alignments beckoned him to deepen his understanding of self. Pele’s island granted safe harbour for Lee to embark on an inner journey of self-renewal that helped to settle Lee’s spirit into a deep knowingness of peace and a trust that he too was calling in his soul mate. Both Eva and Lee agree that it was their willingness to attract a relationship on a higher consciousness level that enabled them both as individuals to actively work on removing all inner obstacles and make manifest their heart’s desire to be in right relationship.


There is a power that reveals itself when we can ‘believe before we receive’ – Eva wrote a poem, cut an extra piece of pie and poured all of her heartfelt essence into a painting (this adorns our front cover) for the man she was yet to meet. Ultimately, it was the divine intervention of the dolphins that gently nudged Eva and Lee together. On an ocean swim they bumped into each other not once, but three times! Surrounded by dolphin couples that resembled the yin yang embrace in Eva’s soul mate painting, Eva felt in her spirit that she could hear the dolphins whispering on the waves , ‘He is the one’, though snorkel and mask prevented them from actually recognising at first, that Eva was staying at Lee’s place of work. They revealed that neither was necessarily

feeling ‘this is it’, but a trip to the volcano initiated soul recognition and Eva’s return to her homeland brought to light an understanding of their love for one another, five months later they were married. As I listened to this love story, I could feel how powerful we are as beings of light to co-create with the universe and manifest with clear intent, this meeting of twin flames felt guided and planned from a place of Divine perfection. Lee shared that for the first time his heart was wide open and he could relate to Eva on a very transparent level; they gave each other permission to be themselves through the key of communication, gently coaching each other into consciousness.

Both Eva and Lee held a deep desire to open a spiritual centre on the Big Island with their soul mate; dreams really do come true when we call in our purpose on this planet, rich with the knowledge that we live through incredible challenges to be of service and share with others. Eva reminds us, that no matter how rough the ocean in your life, there is truly a purpose, we are all truly here to finally manifest that wonderful world that we are all, as Soul Travellers, envisaging. Together Lee and Eva are sharing their passion and helping to create this new world at Home Heart Hawaii, combining their natural healing gifts to facilitate spiritual growth and transformation for others.

“...We Are Coaching Each Other into Consciousness.”

A New Dawn © Eva Annaluna

SAGE magazine

Dolphin Journey © Eva Annaluna

“...SPIRITUAL GROWTH WITH A DOLPHIN SMILE...” The accommodation at Home Heart Hawaii is aptly named “The Jacaranda Suite” after the magnificent jacaranda tree shining its sheltering branches of love on the property, the lilac blossoms holding deep significance for Eva from her healing trance journeys and even flowered unusually early to capture Eva’s attention and seal the sale.

latitude line that extends from the bay where Eva and Lee met, through their property and all the way over the mountain to the crater of a living volcano. It is here, on this powerful grid line that the veil is very thin, your intuition expands beyond belief and synchronicity is accelerated, fertile ground indeed for transition and new awareness.

experience to include dolphin swims, ceremony at Pele’s playground, intuitive life coaching, channelled dolphin drawings and many other modalities that are all tools for abundant living…or you can do nothing and simply allow the beauty and tranquillity to soothe your senses and illuminate your mind, body and spirit.

Energetically, the geographic location of this sacred land alone is transformational – Home Heart Hawaii is situated on Maunaloa, the most massive mountain in the world and from the sea bottom, is one of the largest structures on Earth, they are literally positioned on one gigantic rock! If you are a lover of rocks and gems, this is paradise found!

The entire community on the Big Island of Hawaii is so aloha, so spiritually evolved, truly a centre for change; the decision to ban GMO foods highlights a growing consciousness, people standing in their power and embracing choice.

You can be sure that however you choose to experience Home Heart Hawaii; it will be spiritual growth with a dolphin smile.

Not to mention the importance on the planet of the 19.5 Northern

Eva and Lee’s courage and love for each other, paves the way for all of us to pioneer our own personal empowerment. The Jacaranda suite is a gateway for new beginnings, you can tailor your Home Heart Hawaii

Story written with aloha by Tanya Allison. To join Eva and Lee’s Circle of Light Newsletter, visit their website


Saraminde © Eva Annaluna


by Eva Annaluna

The flames reach higher than my streched out hands Whirling and swinging I dance in the burning heat of the fire. Overjoyed I shout in ecstacy with the sound of rattle and hum Pele Honua Mea greets me: ’She who gives life, Priestess of the Moon.’

A sparkling desire travels impatiently through my body. Raw creative power is palpable and proposes to me firmly. YES! I’d like to be merged as One. Licking tongues of Light rush along my fluttering skirt. ’Show your Being in Pele’s name!’ Reborn out of the glowing ashes I arise like a Phoenix bird while spreading my new wings.

Here I am. Eva Annaluna: ’She who gives life, Priestess of the Moon. Dedicated to Pele Honua Mea, Fire Goddess of Hawaii. To obtain a copy of Here I Am visit Eva’s website here.

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“...OUR MISSION - Tri Hita Karana: Harmony with God, Harmony in Community, Harmony with Nature...” Celebrating the 7th year, the BaliSpirit Festival has become a magnet for fans, students and followers of every yoga, movement, healing and music calling. Weeks before the Festival, Ubud begins to fill with a colorful, international tribe of conscious travelers, gathering in anticipation of one of the world’s most inspiring events. The organisers, Kadek Gunarta, Robert Weber, Meghan Pappenheim, shared a vision to create a Festival that would both build and support community through the full spectrum of yoga and a rich diversity of world music and dance. Set in the spectacular grounds of the Purnati Center for the Arts in Batuan, just 10 minutes south of Ubud, the Daytime Workshops and Dharma Fair enjoy an open-air venue unmatched for its inspiring, tropical beauty. Styles of yoga and movement have included Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Yin, Laughter, Power, Anusara, Ashtanga, Silat, Capoeira, Poi, Qi Gong, and Juggling. The BaliSpirit Festival illustrates the Balinese Hindu concept of Tri Hita Karana: living in harmony with our spiritual, social, and natural environments.

Featuring top international yoga and dance instructors by day and exciting world musicians after dark, the BaliSpirit Festival is a spiritually charged event that celebrates yoga, dance and music and the merging of East with West cultures through the arts. Set over three full nights in a spectacular outdoor concert venue, this year’s program features World Musicians, Balinese Ceremonial Rites, Dancers, DJs, Mystic Voice Artists, Bhakti, Chanting and plenty of didge, drum and spirit-lifting beats from all over the Earth. Headlining the music is Australian artists Xavier Rudd, OKA, Kevin James and (occasional Australian resident) Tahir Qawaal as well as USA’s Dustin Thomas, all of which can be heard on the new Soul Traveller Radio from March 1st ( Other artists include Indonesia’s own Nostress from Bali and Kande, from Aceh, Tantra Lounge’s hit Sufi band, Niyaz, beautiful Senegal/ Sweden collaboration Sousou & Maher Cissoko, and from the USA, Peia, Karnamrita Dasi and Daphne Tse, with their delicious ecstatic soulful devotional music.

SAGE magazine



Musical multi-instrumentalist and festival darling Xavier Rudd heads a star-cast of musicians gathering from around the globe to turn up the vibes at this year’s Bali Spirit Festival. Jetting to Bali after sell-out performances on home turf in Australia, Xavier Rudd, live and in awesome company on stage in Ubud, will be one of this year’s most unforgettable festival experiences. Australian countryman and Rainbow Serpent Festival favourite, OKA Collective, join the once-in-a-lifetime constellation of performers hand-picked from nations including Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, China, India, Syria, Ghana, Kenya, Canada, Australia, USA, Senegal, Chile and others in a program that crosses boundaries and is emerging as a world leader in its own right. Set on one of the most beautiful open-air concert stages anywhere, the Festival’s night program at Arma Museum is a wonderland of sacred trees, ancient architecture and state-of-the-art technology.

With such a diverse range of artists from around the world, every musical taste is well and truly catered for. Some of the stand-out artists this year, apart from Xavier Rudd and Oka that will be covered by Soul Traveller Radio as they take part in the festivities include Dustin Thomas, Kevin James Carroll, Tahir Qawaal and Daphe Tse. No stranger to the festival and a favourite last year was the singer songwriter Dustin Thomas. Labelled as an old soul in a young frame, Dustin sees the world through new eyes and delivers a new spirit of folk music. Likewise, fellow Hawaiian resident, Daphne Tse is presenting a unique style of folk, infused with mantra. With her music featured by Shiva Rae on yoga compilations, it is no wonder Daphne us a regular at the BaliSpirit Festival. Two more acts this year have made a career out of chanting. Kevin James mixes ancient mantras with English translations while Tahir Qawaal features traditional Pakistani Qawwall chanting with a heartfelt vocal mastery. Both artists for part of the Bhakti Night and will have you joining the circle to create a magical experience of oneness together.



Tahir Qawaal

Daphne Tse


BALISPIRIT FESTIVAL 2014 YOGA and workshops This year’s BaliSpirit Festival is offering a range of workshops for anyone not interested in filling their whole festival plate with Yoga and Music. Conscious Movement Workshops with dance teachers from Greece, India, Brazil, USA and Indonesia with styles ranging from Boogie Yoga, Zorba, Hooping (yes...with Hula Hoops), Latin and African. Healing and Meditation Workshops covering Sound Healing, Crystal Bowl Healing, Aquatic Bodywork, Breath Work, Reiki and Oneness Meditation. Finally, this year Bali Spirit Festival offers various Seminars on a broad range of topics. One of the festival’s favourites is bound to be Jamie Catto who describes himself as a Rebel and Creative Catalyst. Reveiwed in the last issue of Sage Magazine, Jamie’s workshops are not to be missed. Also on offer are seminars on Vedic Science, Shamanism, Essential Oils, Growing Younger and Nutrition.

Apart from the music side of the Bali Spirit Festival, a huge drawcard for festival attendees will be the Yoga Workshops. Anyone attending a Yoga class understands that there are many forms of Yoga. This years festival leaves no yoga stone unturned.

Another well known teacher at the Festival this year is the man known as the Rainbow Yogi - Marcus Felsner. Born in the Austrian Alps, Marcus infuses Yoga with music and breathe through the use of Kirtan.

Styles include Vinyasa and Vinyasa Flow, Acro, Kundalini, Anusara, Hatha, Tantra, Tripsichore, Lakashmi Yin & Yang, and for the adventurous - Aerial Yoga and Circus Arts.

Marcus explains that ”Singing Bhajans or Kirtan is a great way to connect with the divine – it is a bit like Pranayama it makes you breathe deeply and takes you to the here and now! “

One of the more popular teachers is Katy Appleton from the UK who has developed Apple Yoga. Katy famously instructed Geri Halliwell in her Yoga transformation and has since sold over half a million copies of the Geri Yoga DVD.

With over 30 yoga teachers, this year’s BalaSpirit Festival is a paradise for everyone interested in Body, Mind and Spirit. To book your ticket, head to over to the website, Tickets start from USD $150 and early bird prices apply until 28 February, 2014.

SAGE magazine





SAGE magazine


AS MEDITATION Meditation, prayer or even positive thought there is one thing that a lot of people struggle with... moving your mind aside so you can allow spirit to work within you. This seems to be the most common comment that my partner Tanya hears when she is holding her meditation classes. And the truth is, we all struggle with it at one point in our journey. I recently came across a study that said we are bombarded with anywhere between 3,000 and 20,000 messages everyday. Is it any wonder that the mind is the one thing we find the hardest to shut off. This constant connection to technology is commonly known as the Grid. Unless we live an isolated existence, we all are subject to the grid at some point in our day. If you are a business person like me, you are plugged in constantly – phones, computers, tv’s, radios...and yes sorry to use the F word – Facebook – one of the biggest contributors to our daily message intake.

form of active meditation because it takes us out of the flow of daily life...away from the grid...and into a different flow. The flow is you, your board and the ocean.

“Everything that is going on is controlled by the grid; the media, financial, industrial business complex Some are positive and some are negative however that fills the air with messages about what we should they are all messages that do nothing to quieten the think, what we should do, what we should buy. We mind. So how do we remove ourselves from the grid have lost our ability to have any quiet time to think. of cluttered, chaotic energy and tap back into the pure We don’t even know what to think because our universal energy of Source. thoughts are delivered in a pre-fabricated way – here is your McDream.” Several years ago, some good friends of mine, Michael and Cheryl Johnson, took a big purple couch to the Will continues, “Surfing to me is unique because beach and invited people to sit and tell their story. you sit in the water in this tranquil way, waiting for The Purple Couch caused a stir and won an Emmy in waves to come, totally at peace. A wave comes and the process but the story that captured my attention you paddle as hard as you can then you are up to your was by a guy called Will Marre´ the founder of feet. All you are trying to do is flow with the wave. You Thought Rocket. aren’t trying to fight the wave, you are just in this flow state.” Will explains that activities such as surfing are a

”When I am surfing and in the flow, I feel unplugged and I see a perspective that is so different.”

ESCAPING THE GRID Will Marre´ describes meditation as the ability to listen to the deep identity of your soul. “It is hard to unplug from the grid and do it. When I am surfing and in the flow, I feel unplugged and I see a perspective that is so gets you out of your worry state, out of your clutter and into what you are doing in the fullest possible way.” So to completely understand active meditation, you have to view it as not just releasing your mind and changing your thinking; you have to release everything, mind body and spirit to the activity so that you have unplugged completely. Steve Gold, singer and teacher who has collaborated with Deepak Chopra and Yoga Guru, Shiva Rea, recently mentioned to me in an interview on Soul Traveller Radio that he cannot stand having a day pass where he is not in contact with the ocean in some form. When he is there he never wants it to end. Wave time is his form of active meditation. “Obviously seated meditation is not for everybody. Being able to sit and just observe the breath is a practice for monks. Active meditation is any form of activity where you lose a sense of time and leave behind the chatter of the mind, whether a sport or singing, playing the guitar, or certainly surfing.” Lucky enough to embrace both passions, singing and surfing, Steve also sees that it is a connection with flow and breath. “Letting go of tension and being flooded by an awareness of what the tension was, then allowing the relaxation to come through is very accessible in surfing. If there is a Zen quality at all, it is found sitting on the board and floating on the surface.” (Steve Gold’s full interview can be heard at The Zen of Surfing sounded like a great title for a book on active meditation but can it really be as simple as both Will and Steve described. Could the act of sitting on a board provide your daily dose of meditation.



SAGE magazine

THE ZEN OF SURFING Jaimal Yogis, author of Saltwater Buddha, left his home as a teenager on a quest to find Zen on the Sea. Armed with his copy of the book “Siddhartha” and enough money to buy a surf board, he found himself in Hawaii where Buddhism and Surfing became his life. “To become a Buddha is to become awake. One of Buddha’s very first teachings was that the earth expounds Dharma meaning the very world in which we live in describes how to awaken. And since most of the earth is ocean, with the right intention, you can learn to be a Buddha by playing in the waves.” Jaimal sees the ocean as the means to help him achieve that meditative state that many turn to Buddhism to find. Jaimal considers a quote by Zen Surfing Guru, Suzuki Roshi as his favourite to explain the Flow state by comparing thought waves to ocean waves. “Even though (thought) waves arise, the essence of mind is pure...Waves are the practice of water. To speak of waves apart from water or water apart from waves is a delusion.”

riding on the permanent flow Another unique way of looking at it is described by Yoga Daniel (, “After years of practice we manage to surf beyond the tiny waves close to shore (individual consciousness) out into the ocean (divine consciousness)...eventually you will be able to ride the permanent wave”. When we are surfing, every part of our being – body mind and soul becomes one with the waves, allowing our thoughts to become pure and our spirit to become awake. This is the essence of the Flow. This is the truth about Active Meditation. Unlike other forms of meditation that provide a spirit and mind experience, active meditation uses the body as well, allowing the participant to become one with the world, one with the Flow. Whether it is surfing, yoga, running, walking the dog or even just watering the garden, removing yourself from the Grid and placing yourself in the Flow gives you the opportunity to fully surrender to the energy in the universe around us. If you find it difficult to quieten your mind and meditate then it might be time to unplug from the “energy” Grid and plug into the energy of life. For more information on Surfing As Meditation visit:


”become one with the world, one with the Flow.”

SAGE magazine

Druidry for the Modern Age


I MOTHER EARTH by David Demaret


“It is a spiritual pathway that connects us at the deepest levels with the earth and with nature.” Never in human history have guardians and protectors of the earth been more needed than now. In a world where the pollution of the water table is secondary to the profits that can be made from extracting natural gas from beneath the earth’s surface; where mining companies can save money by paying huge fines rather than rehabilitate the land they have destroyed with open cut mining practices, where old growth forests and untouched rainforests are cleared and the habitats of endangered and threatened species are lost to meet the demand for cheap timber and palm oil, now, more than ever, Mother Earth needs her Druids. The Druids held many roles in Ancient Society. Druids were the nature priests and sages of Celtic Society. They were advisors, magistrates and physicians. They were poets, scholars and historians. So integral to the Ancient Peoples lives, were the Druids that their duties, far too numerous and important to be carried out by any one person, were distributed among three classes, Druids, Vates and Bards. The Druids were the ‘high priests and priestesses’ of the tribe. It was the role of the Druid to be an advisor, administrator, a judge and ambassador for their tribe. The Druid would also oversee important ceremonies and rituals. Vates were the seers and diviners among the Druids. They were trained to recognise omens and foretell events. Being more accessible to the people, they were also the healers, surgeons and herbalists who worked with nature to ensure their people remained healthy both in spirit and in body. The also wrote the sacred songs and stories so essential to the peoples secular and spiritual lives. They were the watchers, the protectors of the druid traditions, rituals and the people. Bards were responsible for memorising and performing the poems and songs that would extol the heroic deeds of the tribe’s kings, warriors and history. They were the keepers of the tribe’s genealogy. Without their stories, sometimes turned into songs, the people would quickly lose their tribal history, accounts of significant deeds and traditions. The more we look into the history and roles of the Ancient Druids, the less likely it seems they were the blood thirsty sorcerers, sacrificing innocent victims to their pagan gods that the scribes and historians of the day, would have us believe. Druidry in the Modern Age is just as spiritual and

nature centred as ever it was in Ancient Times. It is a spiritual pathway that connects us at the deepest levels with the earth and with nature. It is a way of life that encourages inner development and spiritual journeying as much as it connects us with the ‘real’ natural world around us. It is a way of viewing our place in the world, not as masters or owners, but as a part of something much greater; a small piece of a vast web of life that is interconnected and symbiotic. Like the greatest of rivers on earth are fed by many smaller streams and creeks, Modern Druidry is fed by many and varied sources. I do not believe that the Druidry we experience today is a traditional practice from ancient times. Between the Roman occupation and early Christian influence, it is very unlikely that original Driudry survived unbroken over such a long period of time. That is not to say we do not have access to some historical records of Ancient Druidry. Both Roman scribes and even some early Christians have written about Druids, and some of these written records still survive today and speak to those who take the time, and make the effort, to seek it out. This information however, must be viewed in the context in which it was written. Neither the Romans nor the early Christian Church could be considered to be particularly friendly toward Druids or their nature based religion. There are lessons about Druidry to be learned from the ancient Celtic stories. There is a lot of lore and teachings encoded in the oral traditions of these people who stood side by side with the Druids of the ancient world. The songs and stories were used to pass on the knowledge and cultural practises among the Celts from one generation to the next. This lore is still available to us today, in the same form, locked away in the stories that have survived from ancient times. Written down for the first time in the 6th century, the Welsh story of Ceridwen and Gwion, is not simply a retelling of the myth of the birth of an enlightened bard, it offers guidelines on how we can grow spiritually and develop our gifts and creativity. This wisdom is just as available to us now as it was when it existed only in its oral form, perhaps a thousand years before it was committed to paper.

SAGE magazine

“It is a way of life that encourages inner development and spiritual journeying as much as it connects us with the ‘real’ natural world around us.” Given that Ancient Druidry was developed by creative people of the past, drawn from the otherworld and enacted in their physical world, so we are able to do the same thing. Particularly so in this modern era, information has become so readily available. Walk into any bookstore or public library, and you are bound to find at least a few books written about Druidry, or the Ancient Celtic songs and stories. Type ‘Druidry’ into any internet search engine and you will be inundated with information. We are so fortunate to have such a wealth of information at our fingertips. We as Modern Age Druids no longer have to separate ourselves from our wider community, train in secret, sacrifice our youth to learning or travel to secluded places in order to acquire or receive instruction in Druidry. Perhaps the best part, we don’t have to be concerned about being persecuted or even killed for this knowledge. Fortunately, the ‘memory’ of the practise of Druidry is locked away in the memory of those who have been druids in their past lives. By reconnecting with these past life memories, the traditions of Druidry can be, perhaps not reconstructed, but reimagined. By incorporating the information that has been recorded with remembered knowledge, discovery, rediscovery and similar spiritual traditions like Shamanism, Druidry can be just as relevant and important to us today as it was to the ancient peoples. Just as the natural world is constantly growing and changing, so to, can our practise of Druidry. One of the fantastic things about Modern Druidry is there is no set dogma that must be followed. Druid law was never recorded in a written language; rather it was passed on from one person to another orally. The modern practitioner is then reasonably free to ‘construct’ their own spiritual path. You can draw inspiration from other spiritual practices, such as Wicca or any of the varied Shamanic Traditions from around the world and incorporate these into your own spiritual pathway. For example, it’s not necessary for a Druid to also be a psychic, but if you are, why not incorporate this skill into your druidic practise? The fact you may be a Christian or a Buddhist need not preclude you from also being a Modern Age Druid. Though on a personal level, I do feel that some of the established monotheistic religions, with their patriarchal nature, prohibitions on performing magick,

rejection of reincarnation and the illusion of having ‘… dominion over the beasts and… the earth itself’, do not really lend themselves easily to Druidry. But, that is a personal decision for each practitioner to make for themselves, I would not want to discourage anyone from reconnecting with mother earth, to protect her or watch over her. Like any other group of people, when Druids gather together, you will find many and varied beliefs and opinions about what it is to be a Druid. There are however several core beliefs that many, if not all, Druids share. 1. Nature is divine and sacred to a Druid. 2. A belief in the ‘Otherworld’, a world that exists beyond our physical senses. 3. The cycle of death and rebirth, reincarnation of the soul after dying in the Otherworld in order to be reborn into the physical world. Our death in the physical world, in turn, allowing us to be reborn in the Otherworld, and so the cycle continues. 4. Love and respect for all, be they human or animal, as part of the Great Web of Life. Being but a small part of the Great Web of Life we humans can expect to ‘reap what we sow’.


““Mother Earth is not simply a spiritual concept that exists in our inner world. She is real, She is a physical and spiritual being.”

Harvest Goddess Image by Holly Sierra

SAGE magazine

“While, over time, the earth can rejuvenate herself and repair the damage that humankind causes, it is the duty of her Modern Druids to care for her as best we can.” Not everyone has the desire to be a part of a practising Druid Grove or group. Being a solitary Druid is just as valid a pathway as being a member of the largest of Groves. There is a wealth of information available on Druidry and both the new practitioner and veteran are able to access this for themselves. There are a multitude of courses or groups you can engage with all over the world. Druidry is no longer the sole property of Celts, Gauls or Britons. Being a solitary Druid myself, I know the value in having a mentor, someone who I can speak to and discuss my practise with. At the end of the day, if this is the path you choose, learn to trust your intuition. If a book, website or even a mentor suggests you should do or experience something that does not feel ‘right’ it probably isn’t. Spend time getting in touch with the natural world again. This can be as simple as taking a walk in a local park and listening for the sounds of nature around you. Spend some time in your garden, plant something new in your garden, perhaps a native or something colourful. If you are fortunate enough to live in a rural area or you own property, you could plant a tree, even a grove. Reconnect with nature. Most importantly, try to make the time to do this on a daily basis. Our spirituality is something that can and should be part of our everyday life, so it should be with the practise of Druidry. If you already spend time in meditation, try this outdoors, in your backyard, a quiet spot at the beach or parkland if this is possible. I have found just placing my bare feet

on the grass while meditating helps to connect me to the earth and her energy. Perhaps you might consider getting involved with an environmental or animal conservation group. You don’t have to be a militant activist releasing laboratory animals, or an enviro-nazi, chaining yourself to a tree in an old growth forest, but a simple act like planting saplings with a community service group or just picking up rubbish in a local park all makes an important contribution. Becoming involved in wildlife rescue is something that would be both beneficial to the natural world and personally rewarding. If you don’t have the time or expertise to commit to wildlife rescue, perhaps sponsor an endangered animal at a zoo. Make a donation to the local wildlife sanctuary the next time you visit. Most of these establishments operate without the benefit of government funding, and will welcome a donation of money, or even your time, no matter how small. Take the time to connect with an animal in a meaningful way. This may be as simple as spending time with a pet, or volunteering your time at an animal shelter. The simple act of taking a ‘shelter dog’ for a walk and showing it kindness or affection will make a small difference in its life, and this will flow on to you. Mother Earth is not simply a spiritual concept that exists in our inner world. She is real, She is a physical and spiritual being. While, over time, the earth can rejuvenate herself and repair the damage that humankind causes, it is the duty of her Modern Druids to care for her as best we can.

ABOUT ROB FLINT In this life, Rob resides in Central Queensland where he works as a History Teacher, a Soul Traveller and Modern Age Druid. Rob enjoys working with Spirit Guides and Power Animals; and has a keen interest in reconnecting with past lives and unlocking the knowledge from those experiences. Rob can be contacted via the Sage Magazine website.

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SAGE magazine

Simply Seeing


See the one you’re with. Do this today if loving them is a challenge for you right now. You know, what isn’t lovable is not that one before you, it’s your image of them that obstructs the truth and beauty of what’s right in front of us. This “seeing” is not done by the eyes but the eyes can help. If you breathe in, relax and drop back in to the chest where breathing starts and ends, there you’ll find a secret seeing. It’s always there but not always noticed. When we drop back into this, our whole body begins to “see”, not just the eyes but every cell in our being becomes an “eye”. Sit in this by being here and simply breathe … Now let this be a felt experience. Encounter what is happening from here … you’ll quickly notice the perfection that surrounds you and fills you. As you look around, begin with the sounds you hear … this is the pulsation of Presence, reverberating in you and around you … feel into it with this “seeing”. Rumi reminds us to “listen with the ear of the Heart” … this is the “seeing” we are experiencing here. Sit in this and let the atoms caress your ears. You’ll notice with the felt sensation that the stillness that begins to

establish itself emanates a sweet inner sound … a soft almost imperceptible whoosh or hum … let this inner sound sweep through you as you look and listen. Notice how the atmosphere shifts … every little sound and sight feels so right and so perfect. This is pure Heart Song. Now, take note of this Beingness you are immersed in. This never really leaves you. This is always here, it’s simply a matter of taking the time to “see” this. The next step is an important and powerful one. When the one you are with comes near you now, drop back into this and “see” them. Try it, simply “see” them, and see what happens in this seeing. Try it today and watch your life transform. Leo Drioli has been a pioneering leader and spiritual teacher in the consciousness movement for over 25 years. Launching one of Australia’s first new age magazines, Golden Age in 1988, he quickly established himself as a writer releasing his first book “Every Moment’s a Miracle” in 1996, now a best-seller. Leo currently publishes Inner Self Magazine


Learning to Love Yourself, - Angela Treat Lyon,

Sage Magazine & Soul Traveller Radio

CONGRATULATe LIA SCALLON for winning the OWMMA Award for Best New Age Album 2013


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An afternoon at the home of Leigh Ann Phillips on the island of Oahu in her sacred space surrounded by an astounding collection of crystal bowls was truly a dollop of syrup for the soul. Leigh Ann is an award-winning singer, songwriter, sound healing practioner, lecturer and teacher. Following her spiritual song has been a very humbling path for Leigh Ann, her deep reverence and love for the bowls is infectious and she feels that the beauty for all of us being here right now on Earth is that we are getting to make a choice and the choices that are more constructive, are the ones that are really bringing in some amazing energies and tools to ‘raise it all up’. The Shimmering Sounds Collection of crystal bowls that Leigh Ann has personally created are just some of the tools that can assist all of us in this powerful process of expansion and healing. For many years Leigh Ann has aligned with her teachers, Dr Mitchell Gibson and his wife Archarya – they gave permission for Leigh Ann to use specific mandalas that have

Rose Quartz Crystal Bowl - Prosperity

purposefully been etched onto the crystal bowls in The Shimmering Sounds Collection, they are visually unique with a specific purpose for the three things that most of us want to improve in our life – health, relationships and finances. Leigh Ann that mandalas are really ‘frozen mantras’, you are looking at sound in art because all geometric patterns emanate an energy based on the geometric shapes. The gift of sound is that it opens up the perceptional doors between logic and intuition; there is a magic window, so just by hearing the sound of the bowls you are building brain cells. You literally have more brain cells in your one brain than there are stars in the known universe! The first crystal bowl in the series is etched with the peace, healing and blessings mandala; this ancient mandala in a primordial language gives energy just by looking at it – play the bowl, and you increase and empower that energy. Aquamarine was the gem stone chosen to help eradicate deconstructive energies so that fear no longer runs the show.


Moss Agate Crystal Bowl - Protection

SAGE magazine

We clear our Dantian (our energy centre) by feeling it through our emotions. We have palaces in our Dantian – literally places of higher energies that live in our body, so people get ill because their houses or palaces are not pure and need purification, sound greatly assists in the process of purification. The second crystal bowl is for prosperity; rose quartz and pearl infused with Pikake – a fragrant flower native to Hawaii and used in leis and Buddhist ceremonies and also a touch of vanilla. Vanilla is like mother’s milk, it is very nurturing. This ancient mandala is etched not once but four times around the bowl. Prosperity is not just about money in the bank, it is about a deep level of peace, connecting to the emanations of Divine Creative force that run through our bodies and allow us to receive on many levels and actually bring in life!

inspired life. Leigh Ann shared that any mandala can be put up to four times on any bowl, but suggests it be the same mandala – one intention at a time. There are other gemstones such as amethyst, emerald, moldevite, citrine, turquoise, carnelian, black tourmaline, lepidolite and many others. Leigh Anne will be creating bowls with gemstones never used before for the bowls… “There is a spiritual empowerment that I have learned from the many years of spiritual learning from Acharya and Dr. Gibson that has “supercharged” the bowls. I am finding that these are the bowls people are drawn to, because of the spiritual energy imbued in them. The mandalas actually emanate a certain kind of energy, and the sound from the bowl enhances and amplifies that intention. Can you tell I love what I do? (smile)”.

Two new lines of bowls are in the design process; one of Hawaiian gemstones, flowers and trees that The third bowl is a protector – made of Moss Agate are being infused into the quartz. The upcoming with Apache Tear Obsidian. Moss Agate is very one is sunstone with Haleakala essence, a powerful for amplifying the bioenergetic field. combination of pines and trees high above Maui The Apache Tear has a facet to the stone that helps near Mt. Haleakala. Haleakala means, “House of with grief and with clearing. This mandala is about the Rising Sun.” The other one is the Baby Bowl releasing and removing attachments or anything line. negative that may be preventing us from living an Aquamarine Crystal Bowl - Healing


You literally have more Brain Cells IN YOUR ONE Brain than there are STARS in the Known universe

These bowls are to help the young soul about to be birthed and once he/she is born. Between the ages of 0 and 2, most babies are still coming into this world. Often they will be going back and forth between their past life and the newly formed life. That is why they are mostly asleep, they are literally going back and forth. Between the ages of 2 and 6, children are mostly in a theta brain state, absorbing the energies of their environment. This is also where children will pick up the energetic patterns of their parents subconsciously, and unconsciously. The baby bowls are designed to avoid those energetic pit falls, and have the sound be their built-in alpha system. For more information visit about-leigh-ann/ Leigh Ann’s newly released album ‘Mik’ael’, available through Spirit Voyage is an exquisite collection of songs that will open your heart to the meditative energies contained within the sound of the crystal bowls and their mandalas. To further amplify the energy, the songs have been recorded in Enochian, the sacred language of the angels. This beautiful healing music offers a bridge between the celestial worlds and earth and will illuminate your sacred space and spirit beyond belief!

SAGE magazine

Truer Worlds

You can own nothing in this world. by greg doyle


“As you identify the sources of your un-ease you inadvertently begin to defragment yourself, piece by piece.” Some of you may feel a sense of relief at reading this—of weight lifted. Others may feel a sense of loss. What you are actually tuning into as this occurs is your earthly energy body. You see, everything you allegedly own, as well as your job, your partner, and even the guise you present to the world in the name of professionalism, is essentially a relationship to you based on energy. It is the energy of these “things” or “situations” that impact upon you, not the objects directly. So it is in your energy body, and ultimately in your physical body, that you experience the relationship with all things. How do you actually feel about yourself right now? Empty, full, abandoned, loved, alone, bad, wonderful, unfulfilled, fulfilled? How do you sense your presence? Close your eyes for a moment. Can you sense yourself? Can you also sense within you the essence of those others who are closest to you, or more correctly, your relationship with them? Can you also sense where you are living right now? Your house is also incorporated into your energy field, your greater energy body. Your town or suburb, your city—can you sense these situations within your body? How do they make you feel? Do they give you energy, do you feel love; or do they in some way detract from you or make you feel lessened? Your job, your character—are they really you? Your friends, your country, even your planet—your relationships to all these things are within your body, are aspects of your greater energy body. They are you in this dimension. How do they make you feel? I remember years ago coming across the process of looking within my physical body with the aim of relaxing it. I became obsessed with this form of internal consciousness, fascinated with the layers of tension that seemed coiled within me. Every time I’d sit down, whether in a train or a shop or on the beach, I’d sense within, and with my breath I simply let go what was whatever was

there, clenching me in some way. Of course I had discovered meditation, but I couldn’t believe its power! It was as though a new sense had been ignited from within me. Why didn’t everyone know about this? When you begin to genuinely recognize the actual makeup of your greater body, you also unleash a power that releases you from the perennial need to react or to suffer. As you identify the sources of your un-ease you inadvertently begin to defragment yourself, piece by piece. And as you eliminate these aspects of your greater body that you believed to be you and that somehow suffocated you, you ironically recognize them not to be of you. This truly is the great paradox! You see, all these things, people, relationships, jobs, places and situations that impact upon you, that compose you, that can make you feel well or ill— at the moment you recognize them as the stuff of your greater body—they simply disappear. It’s like breaking the picture down into assorted jigsaw pieces, and them removing the pieces one by one. Eventually you’re left with a perfectly blank canvas. Nothing there! Just the base—thing free, place free, character free, relationship free. Free. That’s who you are: a living, breathing, perfect paradox. It’s called being human. Now ironically, it is in this state of non-duality— in which the reactive aspect of your being has simply left the scene—where you will find a more intuitive and pleasurable sphere of interaction with the world of form around you. It is as though a gentle but penetrating rain-shower has cleansed the atmosphere around you, allowing your senses a greater scope of feeling and caress. Time will show its spaces, releasing you from its illusory shackles, and you will break free from the bondage you normally associate with as being your life. Your spirit recognizes this and is constantly guiding you toward this space of nonreactivity, non-duality—a greater reality.

SAGE magazine

”When you release yourself, you then begin to really see. I had become...nothing.” Over a decade ago, energies began to take me out of my body while sleeping. They showed me many things ranging from other realities, past lives, extraterrestrial cultures and even my death. This was very confronting. Now to make matters more confusing, these states of awareness were more heightened than normal waking consciousness, as in my senses were accelerated and very, very clear. For a long time normal 3-D reality just didn’t cut it. In fact, no where near it. It felt jaded, watered down, lacking in humility, and dog-eared to say the least. It took a long time to readjust. Eventually, I began to recognize the interaction our material world was having with these other, more vivid realities. I recognized this sense of space, magic and other-beingness to be in fact weaving its way all through our reality, imbuing it at all times with its guidance and divine touch. As I released further into the comforting arms of this knowingness, my relationship with myself became free of any guilt, insufficiency or unworthiness. I allowed myself to acknowledge my true perfection. And that was when the magic truly started to happen. When you release yourself, you then begin to really see. I had become...nothing. Everything that was outside of me, in fact all that I was experiencing, was me. And vice versa—as in everything inside me was being experienced outside of me. And at the same time I felt utterly immaterial. Once again, the great paradox: the teetering game of awareness that is this human existence. Now, rather than feeling I was pulling away from this dimension, it was quite the opposite. I felt more immersed in its ecstatic ebb and flow while at the same time entirely removed from the drama of it. Reactivity was sapped. It had lost its life-spring. What we perceive to be our lives here on earth, are merely the prints of our immortal fingers caressing this beloved dimension. It’s like a

glorious virtual computer game, where the answer to every move is love—can only be love. Not resistance, not fighting, not attacking nor controlling. Only love. We are the gods, the creators. We’re the very stuff of the universe—the stars incarnate! This perfect world that we dream of, that is free of blood-lust, corruption, inequality and the need to suffer—a world of love—is a reality, is an actual vibratory world. All we need to do is reach for it, not fight for it. We need to give off its signal, so that it can hear us and pull us onto its loving embrace. For you see fighting can only beget fighting and resistance can only beget resistance. All is energy, and as such they can only attract the same. Once the energy of the fight is initiated it is perpetuated like an ever-playing virtual ping pong game. So you see, in truth, there is no fight. This is part of the illusion that is incessantly spun around our heads to perpetuate the myth of bondage, hatred and injustice. Take a deep breath and just let it go—all this apparent injustice within you. Let go of the rage too, for in truth, it binds you. Let go of the fear, for in truth, it ensnares you. Let go of the hatred, for it is what keeps you in the illusion of hateful circumstances. And it all begins with you, the individual, the beloved one. One flick of an eyelid can alter our reality altogether. It’s our choice. It’s your choice. In the astral realms I’ve come upon peoples and worlds that emanate this sense of well-being and genuine ease of contentment. And I don’t mean people walking around all dressed in white with perpetual half-smiles and vacuous gazes. I’m talking beings with startlingly open faces, visionary concepts and a joy I’ve never really encountered in this realm. The air around them seems infused with a breed of ecstasy that is in someway connected to our own feelings of sexuality, yet way beyond. A curious and powerful magnetism, indeed!


SAGE magazine

“...we as humans are one with the planet and as such we can only truly heal ourselves, and flourish, together.” I met quite regularly, for a while, with a particular race of human-like beings who communicated with me telepathically. I accessed them by means of an astral elevator that appeared in my bedroom after leaving my physical body. We always met around a large rectangular table with me at one end. There were around eight of them and we would discuss issues relating to our worlds. I never consciously understood their concepts—they were simply beyond my grasp of comprehension. When my turn came to speak, I felt myself talk quite eloquently on the subject of unequal distribution of our wealth leading to inequality and suffering on our planet. These people were clearly not from earth as they carried no ego around them. You can see this very clearly when you come upon such beings. Their faces and eyes were super clear, and genuinely empathetic yet without any trace of reaction. I would hear my voice emanate from around me, though not through my vocal chords. The points I discussed were also not consciously thought out, or reached for in any way. It was as though I was giving off a signal. Now, I liked this place, I didn’t want to leave. The last time I met with them they told me I was okay and that I’d be coming home soon. The reason I relate this too you in such detail, is that I believe I’ve altered my awareness by bringing such memories back with me. More than the issues themselves, is the energy of the issues that has been the most

transformative aspect. I am in no way a politically motivated person, yet through these conscious astral experiences I am far more connected to our planet and its call. More than ever I recognize that we as humans are one with the planet and as such we can only truly heal ourselves, and flourish, together. We are the earth, and the earth is us. There is no separation, and as such the motivation of the militant activist within us is essentially self-defeating—as there is no fight. Self-mutilation serves no one. Real and enduring change can only come about through love, respect, empathy and oneness. The game of human relationships is of course a microcosm for our universal state of being as we quest in search of our divinity, that was never absent to begin with. In every person is a planet, and in every opportunity for growth a flower is seeded. By letting ourselves off the collective hook, we begin to recognize our true reflection through the receding murkiness of the collective unconscious as it drops away its feigned mask of fear, separation and belief in un-love. The age of self-acceptance—indeed self-love—is upon us, and once fully activated will usher forth a dimension of such truth and clarity that we will finally recognize our own reflection and smile in the eyes of the other, and all things. And here, home will be found.

About The Author Greg Doyle is a trained classical musician, Reiki master/teacher, and passionate surfer. Awakening the Giant Within is his first book, and outlines his spiritual awakening. Born in Australia, he currently lives with his wife, Monika, a flautist, in Spain. Visit Greg’s website at


SAGE magazine


”Living well is learning to die every day, every moment, to our thoughts, to our emotions, even to our life. Only by learning to die to everything can we meet life and death fully....”


I want to face my fear of death before the body dies, but how do I do that? Right now as I write, my cat, Shimla, is sleeping peacefully on the chair near the heater. My other cat, Pushkar, strolls in and with a graceful roll of his body, lies face up on the warm pavement in front of the heater with a blissed-out look on his face, totally unconcerned with what may happen next. If death should come the next moment, so be it. There is no concern. He is too busy living life moment-by-moment to be concerned with the future, totally releasing one moment and welcoming the next. As human beings, we are very rarely in the present moment. Rather we tend to be “lost in our thoughts,� one moment thinking about our past and the next about our future. If we stop chasing past and future, we land in the present moment, here and now. From here, death is happening in every moment. One moment subsides and that is the death of that moment. Then another moment arises and that is the birth of another moment. The truth is that we go through birth and death continually. They take place every moment. Learning to recognize this moment-to-moment birth and death is to go behind our ideas and concepts about death. The essence of death is discovered in the gap between one moment ceasing and another one beginning. That essence is the wakefulness that is our true nature. Facing the fear of death Death and dying are taboo topics in the western world. While we all know the inevitability of death and the fear that it inspires, this is not a reality we like to face. We would rather deny, repress and run from death. This, however, will not help much because in the end, death always catches up with us.

Death was part of the contract when we accepted the idea of life, and facing death before we die gives us the choice to rediscover the awareness and the love that will guide us when we have to confront this most feared moment of our lives. Our bodies progress from childhood to adulthood to old age. But there is something within us that never changes, never becomes anything other than what it has always been. This is the truth of the essential self. It is who we are when we are born, what remains unchanging as our bodies age, and it will still be the same when we die. The only thing that changes is the appearance and there is no appearance that can touch what we really are. Only the form changes Our bodies are temporary vehicles and they appear and disappear in the awareness that we always are. No matter how many billions and billions of bodies come and go, awareness remains unchanged. The appearance may shift, but our awareness and being are still the same. Only the form changes, like you would change your shirt. Consider an outfit you used to like. You wore it, looked good in it, were comfortable in it, and when it no longer served its purpose or got worn out, you threw it away. Our bodies are like that, but our true nature, as awareness, is not altered by death. If we let our minds wander to envision ourselves beyond death, we lose sight of our true nature as ever-present awareness. Time is a concept in awareness, and it is created by the mind. But awareness exists outside of time, independent of bodies coming and going, unconcerned with any temporary appearance.

SAGE magazine

TO DIE BEFORE WE DIE What does death mean to you, deep down, in your gut, nakedly? How we define death is how we will experience death and this is an important question that will guide us in how to die well. To die well, we need to learn to live well. Living well is learning to die every day, every moment, to our thoughts, to our emotions, even to our life. Only by learning to die to everything can we meet life and death fully. Every story comes to an end. Every moment comes to an end. What we call our life and our story is just one moment after another, a million moments succeeding one another, giving the illusion of continuity. But if we look closer, we see that this continuity is illusory and that each single moment is born and then dies, and then is born again like the ocean’s waves. The I in the story with which we identify also arise and dissolve each moment. If we watch closely, we will notice that the I of this moment disappears when the next moment arrives and the next I is born ever fresh, ever new. Only the mind strings them together as the same continuous self.

You are the One that witnesses death Investigate the natural life cycle of one single moment. It doesn’t have to be any moment in particular; you can use your next moment. Watch the moment being born, watch it live, and watch it die. Take note of what happens when that moment dies. Do you die? Awareness is totally and completely present when each moment dies. This Eternal Presence is the only constancy. All else is temporal. In recognizing the illusion of continuity, we have the opportunity to stop fearing death and to know the deeper reality that exists underneath and beyond death. We realize that we are not the one that is frightened. We are That which is witnessing fear. We are not the one who dies. We are the One that witnesses death. Then we are no longer afraid of death because we know that death is not apart from the life that we are, and that only That which is able to renew itself is truly eternal.

By observing this continuous ebb and flow, we start to understand how death and life are intimately connected. We see that it is only through death that something new can be born. Life without death would be a state frozen in eternity. No reality, no creativity, no new discovery would be possible. By learning how to die in each moment, we discover that with each death there is rebirth. Only by releasing our grasp on the continuity of our own individual existence do we have the opportunity to see the luminous space from which all forms are born and die. Then our mind relaxes, becoming open and accepting of the inevitable changes and deaths that are part of any life. Welcoming the sensation of fear with complete openness slowly softens the barriers that we have created with our habitual patterns.

Enza Vita, is founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the awakening of all beings. Enza has worked in the consciousness community as editor for glossy magazines Woman Spirit and Health & Wellbeing in the 90’s, and as co-editor of the newspaper Innerself for the last 12 years. Culminating in a profound spiritual realization in 2007, she began to write and answer questions for those who came to her … which eventually became her soon to be released book ”Always Already Free – What is Enlightenment and What Does It Matter Anyway?”



Awakening one community at a time

Enza Vita & Leo Drioli Founders of InnerSelf Welcome to InnerSelf Newspaper, your resource for information about health & wellbeing, personal growth, and spirituality. Each issue of InnerSelf presents quality in-depth interviews with prominent national and international leaders and experts in the holistic field.

Spirituality Health & Wellbeing Personal Growth Relationships Interviews Astrology Prosperity Energy Healing Planet Healing

Through cutting edge, practical and insightful articles about personal growth and health & wellbeing, our aim is to inform, inspire and uplift. InnerSelf presents global views coupled with local news and events, always with the purpose of creating a community voice by also featuring local practitioners. This helps to connect the reader with a wealth of international, national and local resources mapping out alternate routes to a healthier, happier and more conscious life. We at InnerSelf love our work,and we rejoice in knowing that both our contributors and readers, also love taking responsibility for their own lives. Our newspaper speaks directly to this growing, aware community, acting as an authentic voice for today. This give and take of collaboration sweetens and enlivens the journey for all.

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Free Gazing Session with Festival ticket

Gail Thackray

Chris James

Experience Braco’s Silent Loving Gaze Scott Alexander King


2014 April 25-27

May 23-25

october 16-19

Melbourne Melbourne Showgrounds expo Hall, Ascot Vale

Sydney rosehill Gardens event Centre

PertH Claremont Showground exhibition Centre

Dr Sandra Cabot

buy tICKetS onlIne to secure your FREE Gazing Session SEE Full Festival Program

ISSUE 03 Conscious Living is honoured to host Braco’s Live Gazing Sessions in Australia exclusively at the Conscious Living New Earth Festivals in Melbourne Sydney and Perth in 2014


Up to 250,000 people a year go to see Braco. Last year, he received the Peace Pole symbol at a special United Nations community event in NYC in recognition of his 17-year commitment to helping people throughout the world and for the potential influence of his work upon the peace movement. People from Europe, Israel, Japan and the U.S. have attended group gazing sessions, and through live streaming people from Africa, Asia, Australia and South America, even Antarctica, have encountered Braco’s silent gaze: this gaze that many people feel is uplifting and life transforming. For 18 years Braco has dedicated his life to a mission that ignites hope, offers help and support, and creates possibilities in the lives of people. He started offering his gift of his silent gaze in Croatia and is very well known not only in Europe, but now in the United States, Japan, and Australia with live gazing events and also through live online streaming throughout the world. He shares his gift through silent gazes, offering relief from life’s difficulties to the many people that seek his help. Braco wishes only the best for people’s lives and is happy to share his gift to help them. These gazings bring people into a field of possibilities, where they can allow shifts within their bodies and their lives. As visitors feel, become open to and accept this form of help, it can establish renewed balance, health, peace and harmony to face all that life has to offer, as well as looking forward to the future in a positive and optimistic manner. To find out more about Conscious Living Expo or to book your ticket, visit

falling into life Story by AYYA YESHE


’There is nothing to hold onto in this falling we are experiencing, but fortunately there is also no bottom.’ It is not easy to live amidst so much suffering and desperation and always find a silver lining. But I really feel it’s a privilege to do the work I do. In this world it’s so easy to lose what we most deeply value. As life becomes more complicated we find ourselves in repetitive and mentally demanding jobs which we may feel are not very meaningful. We may question what we are doing with our lives and how living the way we do contributes to a better world. At this point many people stop questioning. They reach a precipice they are afraid to jump off, for to do so would mean they would have to give up the safety net and habits they have. Some of us don’t even have a choice - changes in our life find us falling into uncertainty, unable to hold onto anything familiar. Its very disconcerting when everything we identify with falls apart. But that is the point at which all great spiritual growth begins. Have you ever noticed no great adventures are written about sitting in an arm chair and watching tv? Sometimes spiritual transformation is not blissful or comfortable, it’s like having old skin ripped off so that new and deeper wisdom can emerge. And wisdom is not a static thing - you can never rest on your laurels. It’s a process of unfolding and being present with mindfulness and compassion to what is. There is a quote by a Tibetan Lama called Trungpa Rinpoche that is appropriate here, to paraphrase; ’There is nothing to hold onto in this falling we are experiencing, but fortunately there is also no bottom.’ What I’m trying to say here is that the spiritual path is messy and not always comfortable. Life is messy and not always comfortable. It’s hard to create a better world... but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. When I first ordained as a nun, I had many unrealistic dreams and expectations. I imagined myself rising above the miseries of the mundane world and living a holy sylvan existence with other holy people.

The reality was of course, very different. There was no place for western monastics, there was no training in my own language and no gender equality. I was encouraged to do a lot of housework and service. I was not treated the same as a Tibetan, but it was really good for my ego that was seeking comfort and certainty in a new and more holy incarnation! Even later in monasteries I found nuns fighting with each other. Monasteries are just microcosms for the larger world, people inside them still have problems, but the point is they are trying to clean their minds. So there is some spiritual moral support to be found in spiritual groups. I quickly realised there was no way to help the world unless I purified my own minds greed, hatred, egotism and ignorance and developed more compassion and understanding for others.

SAGE magazine

’We Are like Fireflies Shining for a few seconds in the larger scheme of eternity’

Its impossible to really love others unless you get down on their level and walk in their shoes. When you open yourself to others suffering, you also loosen your grip on your own. Everybody wants happiness and love, but mostly they think of taking it, not giving it... that is where we go wrong. We are destroying the planet consuming more and more in our search for happiness. But in the end we just feel empty because we look in the wrong place.

became very small and manageable. With meditation it lightened even more. We can’t exist without others, we are all interconnected. The very bodies we have, are given by others. The clothes we have and the food we eat is grown by others. We can read and write thanks to the kindness of others.

We are just like fireflies shining for a few seconds Happiness is not just a personal matter, it’s an internal in the larger scheme of eternity, and yet we contain and communal matter. When we don’t know how to all of heaven and earth, it is because we are part of heal ourselves and sit quietly in order to face and everything that we can make the world a better place. transform our suffering how can we find lasting Live simply, kindly, generously and walk lightly. Love happiness outside? When 80% of the world’s wealth as many people without expectation as you can. Care is in the hands of 20% of the worlds population how for the earth and its people. can there be justice, peace and prosperity? In the West we do have a whole lot more than half We share this world with others, so the path to the world who lives on $1.25 a day. For me, this will happiness has to also be about ensuring the welfare ensure a wondrous and meaningful new year. of others. For me teaching some slum children and making them happy has a greater kick than heroin. May you all have peace. I can live with myself knowing I’m doing my bit to create a better and more just world. How can Ayya Yeshe Bodhicitta happiness only be about one person when there are Bodhicitta Foundation 7 billion people in the world? When i focused less on myself and more on others I found my own suffering

Bodhicitta foundation Taking Light into the Dark Places of the World “Happiness has to come from a sense of social responsibility, compassion, and inter-connectedness. universal responsibility the dalai lama would call it.�

Support AYYA Yeshe by sponsoring a child For only $40 a month. Click here for more information

Promoting the human rights and democratic freedoms of Tibetans Australia Tibet Council campaigns for the human rights and cultural freedoms of the Tibetan people. We advocate for stronger government action, educate the wider community on the real situation inside Tibet, mobilise public support, and empower Tibetans to become more effective spokespersons. As an active member in the global Tibet network, we take part in strategic campaign planning and implementation and in building international pressure on China to bring real change in Tibet. We rely on individual supporters like you to carry out this important work for Tibet. Together we can make a real difference for Tibetans. JOIN THE ATC NOW AND BE A VOICE FOR TIBET BY DONATING AS LITTLE AS $10 PER MONTH. CLICK HERE


SAGE magazine

the magical power of sound by Lia Scallon


”In the beginning was the Word... and the Word was...Sound..”

SAGE magazine

”Our ancient ancestors understood that a simple sound could reorganise the body’s structure..” Every single layer of life throughout the universe vibrates to sound. It has been said that the earth itself rings like a bell. Human beings are so sensitive to sound that noise pollution has been called the most common modern health hazard. High levels of unpleasant sound can cause blood vessels to constrict; blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rates to increase; extra fats to be released into the bloodstream; and the blood’s magnesium levels to fall. And it’s not just loud sounds that disturb us, but also those that are dissonant or unharmonious. For thousands of years, cultures throughout the world have used the powers of music to heal the body, mind and spirit, and yet it is only recently that the field of sound healing has emerged into full-scale public awareness. Studies have shown that music can reduce stress, enhance immune system function, slow down and balance brain wave activity, reduce muscle tension, increase endorphin levels, and evoke feelings of love and inner peace. Apart from the effects it has on our physical being, certain sounds can also open doorways to other dimensional realities, as they alter the vibrational frequency of our energetic fields. For millennia, many great spiritual traditions have

prescribed the repetition of certain sounds to promote the experience of transcendent realities. The ritualistic use of specific chants, prayers, incantations, affirmations, and holy words can be found worldwide. Certain meditation practices that emphasize the repetitious chanting of special sounds or mantras have been found to have demonstrable health benefits. Our ancient ancestors understood that a simple sound could reorganise the body’s structure and that specific tones correspond to specific areas of the body. Each chakra for example, can be balanced by a specific tone. In fact, sounds can affect all the various senses and organs of the body, stimulating either the deterioration or regeneration of these systems. Sounds that are harmonious can activate the body’s natural healing abilities, but sounds that are discordant can result in severe disturbance and imbalance in the way we function. We are only now beginning to understand that music can heal us. Music affects us physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. French physician Dr Alfred Tomatis, discovered that different frequencies and rhythms of sound had remarkably different effects on his patients’ state of being. High frequency sounds increase energy levels and create feelings of calm, while low frequency sound often proves disorienting.

Art: Leanne M Williams


Unfortunately, in modern life we are surrounded by low frequency sound. The constant hum of computers, fridges, microwaves, buses and the like create body imbalance, which when severe enough, can develop into a state of ’dis-ease’. If however, we regularly immerse ourselves in the high vibrational sounds found in the symphony of nature, we can redress the balance. Birdsong, the gentle sound of a breeze, cascading waterfalls and streams, and the rhythm of waves breaking on the shore – all these are healing for the body and soothing for the soul. High frequency, harmonic music can produce similar results. Music is a universal language and indeed the human body is intrinsically musical; right down to its DNA which has it’s own melody! Our genes are composed of strands of DNA, which in turn are made up of four nucleotides. In an imaginative leap, geneticist, Dr. Susumu Ohno, assigned musical notes to these four substances. The result was a melodic composition that his musician wife Midori, fleshed out with harmonies. When the scores were performed by professional

musicians, these DNA-based compositions were variously taken for the music of Bach, Brahms, Chopin, and other great composers. The melodies are were so majestic and inspiring that many people hearing them for the first time were moved to tears. They could not believe that their own bodies which they thought to be composed of a mere collection of chemicals, could contain such uplifting and beautiful harmonies. The human body is a self-healing instrument if only given an opportunity to demonstrate it. We are genetically pre-programmed to heal ourselves! Certain music can greatly assist us in activating this innate ability, by bringing the body back into its natural state of balance and harmony. Sound has extraordinary power. Much Scientific evidence now coming to light, seems to verify the teachings of our ancient ancestors who believed Sound to be at the very centre and core of everything that exists in the universe. In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was... Sound.

Lia Scallon is a multi - award winning composer, singer and sound healer. ‘The Luminous Pearl’ which is the 10th album in her ‘Sounds of Sirius’ series of healing music, recently won the International OWMMA Award for Best New Age Album 2013, and is currently nominated for ‘Best Vocal Album’ in the International ZMR awards. To find out more about Lia and her music, visit Free Download of ’Pearl’ from Lia Scallon’s award-winning album ’Crystal Keys’, in honour of the ancient, wise ones of the ocean. May the exquisite music, and the powerful presence of the Humpbacked Whales, touch your heart... Visit Here To View Crystal Keys

Art: Leanne M Williams

SAGE magazine

Photo by Kerrie Fahey



Just imagine that I had the power to grant your every wish and I said to you that within the next twelve months you could have everything you’ve always wanted. Money, ideas, opportunities and other people will all come to help you create all of your dreams. The only condition though is that you need to act on your highest values. Would you be a different person to the one you are today? Would you be kinder, more tolerant, more accepting? Would you use the time you have to prepare for what you want? Then do it now.

The most common belief that most people share is a feeling of ”not being good enough”. If you indulge that fear and by that I mean you talk about how inadequate you feel or you don’t try anything new then nothing in your life changes, except how you feel about yourself. Usually your self esteem diminishes and that’s because you have used your energy, being your thoughts, words and actions to create more of what you don’t want.


If you want your life to change then you need to start acting as if you are good enough. The way to do this is to ask yourself questions I feel sad every time that someone says to me, whenever you want to change a situation. If ”If money was no object I would...” and they you lack confidence you would say to yourself, put their dreams aside because they believe they can’t have them. You have your desires for ”How would a confident person act in this situation?” You would then act like the person a reason. By acting on values you can change that you want to be. Although initially you limiting beliefs, manifest your heart’s desires are pretending to be more confident than you and change the way you feel about yourself. feel there is nothing fraudulent about this behaviour. You act like a fraud when you put Too many people have accepted a belief in on a front to impress someone, or for special limitation which is so prevalent in our society. occasions, then the moment that situation has I want you to really think about this, will the world be a better place if you struggle and deny ended you go back to being yourself. By acting on values you act like the person you want to yourself the things that are really important to be and when you do this repeatedly over time you? Of course there are people with money you become that person. who are not good role models for wealth, but money is not their problems, their problem is lack of self worth. By giving yourself permission to have what you want, even when you don’t know how you are going to get it, you change the energy around you and other people pick up on that. I don’t believe that money is the answer to all problems. I also don’t believe that having no money makes you a better person. I don’t believe that age or circumstances need to limit what you can manifest and I believe that if we pursue our desires in an honourable way we become better people for doing so.

The most common belief that most people share is a feeling of “not being good enough”

SAGE magazine

Photo by Kerrie Fahey

SAGE magazine


what’s your obstacle? Think about what obstacles stand between you and your heart’s desires, then think about what value you would need to adopt to help you overcome that obstacle. If you tend to spend without thinking of the consequences ask yourself, ”How would a responsible person act in this situation?” If you tend to spend because you love beautiful things ask yourself, ”How would a person who respects money act in this situation?” Then act accordingly.


Listed below are a list of the most common obstacles that I’ve come across that prevent people from creating financial freedom, and I’ve also included some suggested values that you can work with if you wish to overcome these obstacles. These obstacles can be real or imagined. An obstacle may be a limiting belief, a lack of confidence or it may be based in fact. No matter what your obstacle is there is a value that you can act upon that can change your situation. Your money obstacle

The value you need to work with

I’m not confident enough Self-worth I don’t feel I’m good enough Self-worth I’m afraid of looking like a fool Self-worth I spend a lot of money on myself Respect for money There is no-one to help me Personal responsibility I don’t have enough money because I’m a single parent Personal responsibility I’m too young/old Trust I spend more than I can afford on others Respect for money I forget to pay my bills on time Respect for money I worry about what other people will think Self-worth It’s impossible for people like us to get ahead Self-worth I’ve tried before and failed Self-worth I don’t have my own money Self-worth I am unemployed Creativity I don’t know where my money goes Respect for money Debts Respect for money I don’t know anything about money Personal responsibility Money is not important to me Respect for money I feel guilty for asking for more when I have so much Self-worth I’m afraid of taking risks and losing what I have Trust We argue about money Responsible/tolerant/accepting I worry about money Grateful/responsible It’s your choice. You can accept a life full of limitation. You can say to yourself, ”I’m just an ordinary wage earner, I can’t create the life I really live” How does making this statement make you feel? Or, you can say to yourself, ”Who do I need to be in order to change my life?” Then you could begin the process of living according to your values. Who do you need to be in order to be true to yourself and your dreams?

Anne Hartley is a passionate Life Coach, creator of the Heart Process Coaching Model, author of the best selling book, “Love the Life You Live” and several more titles that help to support many individuals to create meaningful lives. Visit Anne Hartley’s website here

SAGE magazine

Towards The Light Š Eva Annaluna


Dolphin Inspirations celebrating the light by Eva Annaluna It all began years ago when my attention was drawn to a constellation of stars in the night sky. I saw many shooting stars originating from this point in the cosmos and I felt a deep connection that I couldn’t explain. I was being called, but by whom? When I looked up the constellation’s name I was surprised that it was the ’Dolphin’. After that dolphins started showing up in my artwork and a dream was born; to swim with wild dolphins. Years later my dream came true and it changed my life forever. I found deep healing and came home in my heart. The dolphins united me with my Soulmate and life partner Lee. We have a retreat center in Hawaii and swim with the dolphins on a regular basis. During our swims I receive telepathic messages for these times of change. May this ’Dolphin Inspiration’ touch your heart and give you insights to illuminate your path. ’It is a beautiful sunny day with a brilliant blue sky. We drive along a winding road with lush tropical vegetation and marvel at the beauty of our surroundings. When we arrive at the bay we are excited to see a large pod of dolphins. They jump and spin in the air like acrobats; it looks like they are celebrating! We feel their invitation to play along with them and enter the warm ocean. A peaceful feeling washes over me as the water cleanses my energy field. As I dive under I hear the high pitch sonar sounds of the dolphins. My heart bursts with joy and anticipation. I send out a greeting and express my gratitude to them for connecting with us. They answer my call with enthusiasm and let us join their pod. I dive down with several dolphins by my side. They swim very close by me today, as if they are playing a game to see who gets to be the closest! Eye to eye with my dolphin family I feel so blessed... My body vibrates

with pure Light and Love. This state of consciousness is our true essence. The dolphins whirl around me in an ecstatic dance. They create a vortex that forms a portal into a new dimension. Lately I have noticed physical changes taking place and I sense that on many levels I am adjusting to and grounding the new energies. Is my physical form transforming into a Light body? Is that why the dolphins swim so close by? Powerful waves of Light wash ashore in our lives on a global scale. We all need to adjust to these new frequencies. You may become aware of physical changes in yourself as well, as you embody your true essence more and more. Some of us will prefer to take in different food, to match our new vibration. We continue to upgrade ourselves on all levels and at times this may feel challenging. To create space for the new, we have to let go of the old. Doors may close, but new doors will open beyond your expectations! As we surrender to the flow we renew and immerse ourselves in the magic of life. The dolphins hold a bright vision of our future with their loving and playful energy. They teach us to open our heart and find our own path, that fully expresses our unique Being and frequency. Instead of looking at others and comparing ourselves, we need to dis~cover who we truly are. What makes your heart sing? When are you mostly yourself? It brings so much joy and relaxation to do what you love! Following your heart attracts situations and people that resonate with your vibration. It makes life more fun and flowing. When we connect while being true to ourselves, we create a community that supports us for our Highest Good. Our personal choices ultimately affect the whole. When we choose from the heart, we create from the heart and if we all do this, we create a beautiful New World. The dolphins are already celebrating... So let’s join them!

Eva Annaluna is an artist, aura healer, dolphin guide and hostess at the retreat center Home Heart Hawaii. She channels ’Dolphin Art by Mail’ and messages for the Soul’s path to assist people in their process of transformation in a playful dolphin way. Read more Dolphin Inspirations at:

SAGE magazine

astrology for the soul traveller

by Lee Wakefield

I've always had a fascination towards the night sky and in the quest for the meaning of my Earthly experiences I was guided to crack the code of the planetary movements. Over time astrology revealed the answers to my questions and I saw that the planetary patterns mirrored the timing, events and themes in my life and the people around me. It works like a blueprint for the personal unfoldment of our lives. I prefer to work with astrology from an evolutionary perspective and use it as a tool for transformation to gain insight, increase self-awareness and empower people to consciously choose the course of their life. Nothing is written in stone and that is very important to remember. Life definitely gives us situations to deal with for our growth, but how we experience these circumstances and which choices we make is up to us. The more awareness we bring to the play of our life, the more we are able to transcend the limiting patterns and tendencies within ourselves and create the freedom to manifest the life of our dreams. Lee Wakefield is an astrologer, life coach, dolphin guide and host at the retreat center Home Heart Hawaii. Lee uses the ancient teachings, like the Hawaiian Huna wisdom in his coaching work, making him an inspiring astrologer to read your unique sky script. For astrology charts by Lee Wakefield’s Aloha Astrology click here


Planetary Forecast for this quarter: March through May I've always had a fascination towards the night sky and in the quest for the meaning of my Earthly experiences I was guided to crack the code of the planetary movements. Over time astrology revealed the answers to my questions and I saw that the planetary patterns mirrored the timing, events and themes in my life and the people around me. It works like a blueprint for the personal unfoldment of our lives. I prefer to work with astrology from an evolutionary perspective and use it as a tool for transformation to gain insight, increase self-awareness and empower people to consciously choose the course of their life. Nothing is written in stone and that is very important to remember. Life definitely gives us situations to deal with for our growth, but how we experience these circumstances and which choices we make is up to us. The more awareness we bring to the play of our life, the more we are able to transcend the limiting patterns and tendencies within ourselves and create the freedom to manifest the life of our dreams.

The dynamics of the players: Pluto, the Transformational Teacher of Death and Re-Birth will be in in Capricorn, the sign of structure and authority. This combination of Pluto in Capricorn represents the need for the death or breaking down of any disempowering patterns or structures individually or collectively that are holding us back from our full potential. Uranus, the Awakened Impulse for Revolutionary Change will be in Aries, the sign of wanting to be an individual and break free of social conditioning. The combination of Uranus in Aries shows the strong urge to search for our own uniqueness and be allowed to freely express it. Jupiter, the Wise and Compassionate Sage that reminds us of the Spiritual Perspective, will be in Cancer. This sign represents the need to find a deep sense of connection with other people. The combination of Jupiter in Cancer brings people with the same vision together, reuniting our Soul Families and implementing that vision for a better world. When the grand cross forms Jupiter will be aligned with the star Sirius, which will create a portal of energy which gives a tremendous boost to our higher consciousness. Those of us that feel connected to this star, as well as to the dolphins and whales, may experience a reconnection with their cosmic heritage. Mars, the Warrior of Action will be in Libra, which represents the need for harmony and equality in relationships. This combination of Mars in Libra inspires us to take a strong stand and bring balance and justice back to all our relationships.

SAGE magazine

astrology for the soul traveller Cosmic Grand Cross These four planets that we discussed will form a grand cross in the heavens, which holds the planets in a form of dynamic tension with each other that has a strong need for action. Within the cross, Pluto and Uranus are in a square, which shows a very strong need of individuals to break free of the limiting structures of society and authority to empower themselves. This aspect is the high point of the dance between Pluto and Uranus, which was originally seeded in the 1960’s. Those years were very idealistic and the dream that was planted back then now needs strong action from us to bring that dream to fruition. Added to the mixture of this square will be Jupiter (and Sirius) opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus, which will bring a strong spiritual awakening on one hand, but an equally strong challenge by the underworld on the other hand. We will need to use our spiritual wisdom to bring Light in and navigate through the shadows of Pluto that will arise both in our individual lives, as well as in society. With Jupiter in Cancer aligning with Sirius, we as spiritual individuals will come together and form our tribes, so that we unite in a strong energy field that will empower us to bring our higher vision into reality. Mars opposing Uranus, square Pluto and Jupiter, tells us that this grand cross is about taking action, not just thinking about it, but actually doing it. Because the cross is connected with Earth Day the 22nd of April, this is a strong wake up call for all of us, especially Lightworkers, to start living our sacred Earth task. Tune into your heart and ask yourself what your contribution to the new world might be. How do you envision your future and the future of the planet? Does your life reflect your ideals, or do you feel frustrated about situations in your life? Don’t waist your energy by being angry without any focus, but use the powerful energy of this cross to change the course of your life by making decisions that align with who you really are. It is time to start kicking ass!

Respond rather than React Humanity as a whole and we as individuals can choose whether we will consciously respond to this powerful impulse in a positive way, or unconsciously react from our fears and limitations. It may feel very challenging and fiery at times, as part of this cross will bring up energies that try to create conflict and aggression on many levels. However, the influx of spiritual Light coming from Jupiter and Sirius will help us guide this powerful energy into a focused goal and intention. Instead of creating destruction, we can use the life force to built a new world that is based on the power of love, rather than the love for power. Pluto’s process is that of death followed by rebirth. Remember that no matter how dark and tight the birth canal may seem to be, there is Light at the end of the tunnel. A splendid world and magnificent life awaits us after this phase of planetary transformation. There is a Divine plan at work on Earth that we have all signed up for and nothing can stop us now. Be the change you wish to see in the world; we are the ones we have been waiting for. To gain insights about yourself, life path, hidden opportunities and how to better deal with your personal challenges you may schedule an astrology reading with me. We will look at your birth chart, as well as the transits and progressions to see how you are individually connecting to the energy of this powerful grand cross. I am looking forward to assist you in your process and evolution, so that you will gain a greater awareness on how to best play your part on this stage of the global awakening.


coming up in the may issue of


We take a look at the impact that the rise of Yoga has had on Conscious Music and artists like Steve Gold, Deva Premal and Jai Jagdeesh.

”very quickly yoga studios became radio stations and yoga teachers became disc jockeys and my songs ended up on playlists...” Steve Gold




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