Destino Rural 01 in English. Ornithological Tourism in Spain

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destino rural Nº 01 Ornithological Tourism 2009

Ornithological Tourism in: Cáceres Navarra Andalucía Valencia

Galicia: The paradis of birdwatching Ornithological Tourism 2009







Ornithological Tourism 2009


destinorural des Ornithological Tourism 2009 Pg. 20

Pg. 4

Guide of the Natural Spaces in Galicia for Bird Watching. With almost hundred thousand hectares considered as Zone of Special Protection for Birds (ZEPA), the Galician region is an excellent observatory of hundreds of unusual species, some of them threatened, which live in different natural environments of singular beauty.

Aves Cantábricas (Cantabria’s Birds) not to miss any detail. Discover in depth the ornithological richness of the region with the nature tourism activities that Aves Cantábricas proposes.

Pg. 26

Caceres, the great bird observatory of Europe. Caceres has become the European region with the best and most varies conditions for the practice of birdwatching.

Pg. 22

The Natural Park of La Albufera. The Natural Park of La Albufera is shown to us as one of the most important wetlands of the Iberian Peninsula, either for its extension (21,120 Ha) and for the valuable biodiversity it holds.

Pg. 24

Pg. 16

Navarra. Twelve excellent destinies for ornithological tourism. The situation of Navarre, between the Cantabria Sea, the Valley of the Ebro and the Pyrenees, turns this small region into a superb destiny for the observation of birds. The efforts of the Navarre Government for the ornithological tourism count with a wide net of professional services and information points.

Study and ringing Group L’AlbuferaEstudi Verd. Collaborates with the Direction of the Natural Park of La Albufera of Valencia through ringing campaigns, monitoring of aquatic birds and excursions in the environment of this beautiful park of Valencia.

Pg. 30

Routes of birdwatching in the Region of Aljarafe-Doñana. The extraordinary attraction of the marsh, together with the richness and natural diversity of the territory, converts the Seville’s Doñana into a paradise for ornithological observation.

Pg. 34

Guide of Ornithological Tourism Professionals. In our firsts incursions in ornithological tourism it is highly recommended to be guided by accredited professionals.

Edited by: Entropía Ediciones S.L. C/ Molina Lario,14-3º izda. 29015 Málaga. Tel. +34 952 609 363 / +34 952 223 113. Fax. +34 952 223 129 / / Published by: Concha Manjón. concha@ / Direction & Design: Salvador Hernáez. / Maquetation: Laura Toledo Rojas. / Redaction: Begoña Romero / Eva Fontiveros. redaccion@entropia. es / Redaction secretary: Isabel Baltasar. / Colaboration: Juan Domingo Montero (administration) / Magda Demeester (commercialization) / (webmaster) / Carles Cachafeiro (translation) / Photos: Archivo Entropía. Comunicación & Turismo / Maps: Karlos Arroyo, Laura Toledo Rojas, Salvador Hernáez / Distribution: COEDIS. / Printed by: Imagraf. Legal deposit: MA-1356/98 / Cover photo: Estuario del Río Miño (Galicia). © Xacobe Melendrez Fassbender. © Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible. / / /

Ornithological Tourism 2009




Photos: © Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible




WETLAND OF CORRUBEDO. This space formed by a spectacular dune’s complex and the lagoons of Carregal and Vixán, is protected by the figures of Natural Park, ZEPA, Ramsar Site and LIC.


Ornithological Tourism 2009

Protected Spaces to enjoy the most natural Galicia With almost hundred thousand hectares considered as Zone of Special Protection for Birds (ZEPA), the Galician region is an excellent observatory of hundreds of unusual species, some of them threatened, which live in different natural environments of singular beauty.


alicia has a surface of 29.574 km2 in which there is a great variety of habitats thanks to its geographical position and to its varied relief. The variety of existing climates causes environments such as the oceanic, Mediterranean, mountain… These circumstances favor the consolidation of Galicia as one of the best destinies to practice Ornithological Tourism. Nowadays, there are fifteen places that, according to the different regulations, are considered zones of special protection for birds (ZEPA) and, therefore, they are magnificent observatories for the seekers of singular birds. The selected zones are Illas Cïes, Ribadeo, Ría de Ortigueira e Ladrido, Complexo Intermareal Umia O Grove, A Lanzada, Punta Carreirón e Lagoa Bodeira, Costa da Morte, Illa de Ons, Costa de Ferrolterra Valdoviño, Complexo Litoral de Corrubedo, Costa da Mariña Occidental, Ría de Foz, Ancares, Esteiro de Miño, Baixa Limia Serra do Xurés, Serra da Enciña da Lastra and Pena Trevinca. All of them reach a total surface Ornithological Tourism 2009

of 94,089 hectares of protected space, a whole natural bet for preservation of these ecosystems and natural environments and of the birds living on them. Hereinafter we take a short closer look to the main attractions of these zones, highlighted by the beauty of their landscapes and the singularity of the species they protect.

Os Ancares (Lugo)

This Natural Space, protection zone for the brown bear, takes a very wide area, shared with the Autonomous Region of Castilla y Leon and the Principality of Asturias. The river Navia and its many affluent run through this territory dotted of bushes and in which vegetation floods the mountain slopes. Here we discover Eurosiberian species, some of them almost extinguished, such as the common grouse, the middle spotted woodpecker and the woodcock. We also find an interesting population of raptors and the birds typical of bushes, grazing land and rocky bush. 5




The obser ver c annot miss the exc eptional marine birds that live in the beautiful Islas C铆es Costa da Morte

This ZEPA includes the coastal areas of Baldaio (marshes and sandy areas), the Sisargas islands, the coastal stretch of Punta de la Nariga-Punta Roncudo, the estuary of the river Anll贸ns, the coastal complex of Traba and the coastal stretch of Arou-Cabo Villano. It includes marine waters and rocky islets that favor the exist-




ence of colonies of common guillemots, kittiwakes and black-backed gulls, among others. However, this entire zone is an area of regular transit and stop for hundred thousands of migratory and overwintering marine birds, which shall surprise visitors. The waters between Baldaio and the Sisargas Islands and the Roncudo cape are zones of special

relevance. The non-marine birds related to the coastal cliffs must also be highlighted and includes species such as the red-billed chough, the peregrine falcon or the crow. The wet zones and beaches also receive interesting populations of aquatic birds with Baldaio and the inlet of Insua as main points to visit by the traveler.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

Illas Cíes (Pontevedra)

The heavenly archipelago was included in the inventory of important areas for birds in Spain, since it holds very interesting colonies of marine birds, some of them with an exceptional importance. In group, the nesting birds count at least with 45 species.

Ons (Pontevedra)

Its 923 hectares include important colonies of marine birds distributed by the entire archipelago. The most singular are the yellow-legged gull and the shag.

On the other hand, the availability of cultivated areas, bushes and trees cause that the terrestrial birds of Ons is the most varied of all the Galician islands, with around 50 nesting species and numerous migratories.

Costa da Mariña Occidental

This ZEPA is also formed by various differentiated areas and counts with an extension of 2.168 hectares. The main value of the natural space resides in its interesting colonies of marine birds, mainly located in islands and islets. The

Ornithological Tourism 2009

ECOSYSTEMS Previous page: Coast of Baldaio in Costa da Morte. Up, Costa da Mariña Occidental. Down, left. Illas Cíes. Over these lines, Birds in the Ons Archipelago.





VARIETY Up, Corrubedo, which holds rear observation populations that nest in dunes. To its right, O Grove, one of the main bird hibernation zones in Galicia. Down, left, another image of Corrubedo. In the center, ValdoviĂąo, with important colonies of marine birds. To its right, a spectacular perspective of the RĂ­a de Foz.

yellow-legged gull, that has in this area some of the most numerous colonies of the Cantabrian and Galician Coast and the shag are the most abundant species.

Corrubedo (A CoruĂąa)

Although the quantity of its bird population is relatively small, we must highlight its large diversity, in accordance with the habitat variety, and holds infrequent species




or of much localized distribution. Nesting populations highlight in sandy and dune areas, of two species of threatened shorebirds in Galicia: the stone-curlew and the Kentish plover. To know it better, it is convenient to visit the Interpretation Center of O Vilar-Carreira in Ribeira.

Umia O Grove (Pontevedra)

Due to its specific richness and its

Ornithological Tourism 2009

Ría de Foz-Masma (Lugo)

This zone holds interesting populations of aquatic birds, especially during winter and the autumn migratory pass. It stands out as stop zone of a moderate number of anatids such as the mallard, the common teal, the Eurasian wigeon and the rear brent goose, as well as various shorebirds and Eurasian spoonbills.

Ortigueira e Ladrido (A Coruña)

Estuary complex formed by the mouth of the rivers Mera, Baleo and other five water flows of lower significance with an extension of more than 3,000 hectares. The main interest of this ZEPA resides at its capacity to receive especially varied aquatic birds and important contingents of various species. It is one of the main zones of Galicia by the total hibernating aquatic birds (6–7,000 units), and by the concentrations of shorebirds (1,500–1,900) and anatids (2,500–3,000).

Ribadeo (Lugo)

This coastal wetland declared ZEPA and Place of Communitarian Importance, results very interesting by its aquatic bird populations, especially during winter. We must mostly highlight its contingent of anatids, and particularly the hibernation of Eurasian wigeon and pintail. Also to highlight is the population of Eurasian curlew, among other species of shorebirds.

Estuario Miño abundance, it is the main zone of hibernation of aquatic birds in Galicia and, together with the marshes of Santoña (Cantabria), the most outstanding of the Cantabria and Galician coasts. The ZEPA receives every January from 13,000 to 16,000 birds. On the other hand, it is an important point of migratory stop for various species.

Valdoviño (A Coruña)

This beautiful place counts with interesting colonies of marine birds such as the European storm-petrel, the shag and some small colonies of yellow-legged gull. In the Gabeiras islands we find an important winter dormitory of great cormorant. The birds of the cliff include the peregrine falcon, the blue blackbird, red-billed chough and the Eurasian jackdaw.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

This is the main winter quarters in Galicia for shorebirds such as the sanderling, the Kentish plover. It also holds a considerable hibernating population of great cormorant. Especially important are also its nesting and migratory populations of reedbed passerine species, among which we highlight due to their rarity, the savi’s warbler, the aquatic warbler and the endemic subspecies of the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus subsp. Lusitanica). 9




ZEPA RIBADEO AND RAMSAR SITE RIA DE EO The RĂ­as Altas reach its maximum stylization with the 800 meter average width that separates the margins of the Eo River. Up to 4,000 specimens of migratory birds spend their winter here.




Ornithological Tourism 2009

MOUNTAINS Up, Encoro (reservoir) of Salas in the municipality of Muiños part of the ZEPA of Serra do Xurés. Down, left, examples of the goat of the Xurés, in process of reintroduction. In the center, the Estuario do Miño where the threatened Kentish plovers hibernate. Right, Enciña da Lastra.

Serra do Xurés (Ourense)

It stands out the presence of raptor birds, including very threatened species and with much localized distribution, as it is in the case of the golden eagle, the bonelli’s eagle, the eagle owl and the ortolan bunting. In contrast, the natural space holds some species typically Eurosiberian, such as the tree pipit, the garden warbler, the red-backed shrike, the common bullfinch and the yellowhammer.

Enciña da Lastra (Ourense) Such high diversity of habitats in an area of bioclimatic transition

Ornithological Tourism 2009

are determinant for the existence of the most singular and richest nesting bird community of the Galician Autonomous Region, with more than 100 species, an excellent representation of rupicola and Mediterranean birds in the Galician area and a rich community of raptor birds. Among these lasts, we must highlight the presence of at least 21 species and there is also a varied mix of Eurosiberian and Mediterranean birds. This varied sample of destinies for the observation and the knowledge of birds is completed with the recent incorporation, following the criteria of the EU, of a new ZEPA (Pena Trevinca) and the next declaration of another one (A Limia) 11






Within the abovementioned zones, we must highlight the wetlands as points of special interest, since they hold unique habitats that need to be preserved. In these places, due to their special characteristics, there are multiple ecosystems so that the coexistence between different types of species is very frequent. The inventory of wetlands of Galicia includes more than 1,000 places, mainly distributed between the coastal sectors, the interior sedi-




mentary depressions and the sublitoral and central mountain areas. The coast of the province of A Coruùa, in accordance with its larger length, concentrates the highest number of marine and coastal wetlands (the 70% of the Galician coastal wetlands), followed by Pontevedra (22%) and finally by Lugo (8%). The list of wetlands of International Importance promoted by the Ramsar Agreement includes to the date a total of 1,500 wetlands distributed through the entire planet. Among them, five are inside the Galicia’s territory. The contribu-

OBSERVATORIES Four images of the dunes and birds in the Complejo HĂşmedo de Corrubedo, which constitutes a space of great ornithological importance since it holds 35 hibernating species with a total number of specimens between 1,000 and 5,000.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

tion of Galicia to the listing began in December 1989 with the inclusion of the Complejo intermareal Umia - O Grove, A Lanzada, punta Carreirón and laguna Bodeira and las Rías de Ortigueira e Ladrido, spaces to which joined in 1993 the Laguna y Arenal de Valdoviño and the Complejo de las playas, laguna y duna de Corrubedo and, finally in 1994, the Ría del Eo. The wetland of Ortigueira y Ladrido holds an important diversity of coastal habitats. These areas sustain overwintering populations of migratory birds that follow the route of the Eastern At-

lantic, while constituting a refugee area for the marine birds in periods of adverse climate conditions. In the dunes and lagoons of Corrubedo there are very curious endemic species and an important nesting place for aquatic birds. The lagoon and the sandy area of Valdoviño show typical dunar ecosystems with adapted species. The Complejo Intermareal Umia - O Grove holds three different wetlands and fourteen habitats, while the ría de Ribadeo is mainly an estuary wetland formed in the mouth of the river Eo in which intertidal habitats predominate.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

OBSERVATORIES Up, mouth of the river Mera in the wetland of Ortigueira. Down, from left to right, birds in the archipelago of Ons. In the center, Complejo intermareal Umia-Grove, really formed by three different wetlands. Finally, estuary of the river Miño.





Espacios Naturales de Galicia Estaca de Bares Costa de Mariña Occidental Ría de Ortigueira e Ladrido

Souto da Retorta

Ría de Foz

Lagoa e Areal de Valdoviño Ferrol

Costa de Dexo A Coruña

A Costa Da Morte

Fragas do Eume As Covas do Rei Cintolo

As Catedrais Ría do Ribadeo

Terras do Miño

Cabo Vilán Santiago de Compostela

Encoro de Abegondo -Cecebre

Lagoa do Rei Lugo Os Ancares

Complexo Dunar de Corrubedo e Lagoas de Carregal e Vixián

Illa de Sálvora Illa de Ons

Cumio da Curotiña

Fraga de Catasós O Courel

Illa de Cortega Illa de Arosa


Illas Cíes

Macizo Central

Vigo Monte Aloia

Natural Monument Some places of Communitarian Interest-Red Natura 2000 Natural Site of National Interest

Maps: Laura Toledo Rojas

Biosphere Reserve



Natural Park Wetlands RAMSAR Agreement

Souto de Rozabales Pena Trevinca O Invernadeiro

Baixa LimiaSerra do Xurés

Atlantic Islands National Park

Sierra da Enciña da Lastra

Canon do Sil (A Ribeira Sacra)

Complexo Pontevedra Intermareal Umia- O Grove

info Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible San Lázaro, s/n 15781 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) Información ambiental Tel. +34 986 805 026 Fax. +34 986 805 020 http://medioambiente.

ZEPA (SPA Special Protection Area for Birds)


Ornithological Tourism 2009

NATIONAL PARK Up, Galicia holds since 2002 the thirteenth national park of Spain: the named Parque Nacional Marítimo Terrestre de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia, which contains the archipelagos of Cíes, Ons, Sálvora and the island of Cortegada, with 7,138 maritime hectares and 1,195 terrestrial hectares. Its marine bottom is an authentic natural garden, with more than 200 species. It is the kingdom of marine birds such as shags, yellow-legged gulls, and common guillemots. To the left, Illas Cíes.

Ornithological Tourism 2009




Photos: © Servicio de Promoción e Imagen Turística. Mapa: Laura Toledo Rojas





Ornithological Tourism 2009

12 paradises to observe birds in Navarre The situation of Navarre, between the Cantabria Sea, the Valley of the Ebro and the Pyrenees, turns this small region into a superb destiny for the observation of birds. The efforts of the 3 Navarre Government for the ornithological Estella tourism count with a wide net of professional services and informaViana 9 tion points.

Natural Space

1 2


5 6


7 Sangüesa


Tafalla Olite




1. Natural Park Señorío de Bertiz..................Valles Atlánticos

Oak and beech trees’ forests placed in the Atlantic valley of Baztan


2.Natural Park Ultzama..............................Sierras Occidentales

Oak groves and Atlantic countryside 3. Natural Park Sierra de Urbasa-Andía.......... Sierras Occidentales

Mountain range with big beech groves, pasturelands and rocky places


4. Lindux- Ibañeta...................................................Valles Atlánticos

Mountain hills with beech groves and pasturelands; key migratory points 5. Irati- Abodi...................................................................Pirineo

Mountains with beech groves and pasturelands 6. Belagua.........................................................................Pirineo

Alpine mountain zone with white pine, beech and lack pine groves, pasturelands and rocky places 7. Natural Reserve Foces de Lumbier y Arbayún....Prepirineo

Great rocky canyons and Mediterranean forest zones 8. Sangüesa Region......................................................... Zona Media

Fluvial valley and low hillsides with Mediterranean vegetation 9. Natural Reserve Embalse de las Cañas......................Ribera

Lagoons of open water lagoons and marsh vegetation 10. Sotos del Arga............................................................Ribera Mediterranean and closed fluvial groves of Arga river 11. Natural Reserve Laguna de Pitillas............................Ribera

Endorreic lagoon placed in steppe environment

NAVARRE In the previous page: La foz de Lumbier, cut by the river Iratí. The canyon holds an important colony of griffon vulture. In the urban area of the pre-Pyrenean town of Lumbier you can visit an interesting Interpretation Center where the traveler shall find detailed information about the species of the zone.

12. Natural Park Bárdenas Reales....................................Ribera Steppe prairies with muddy cuts and rests of Mediterranean pine forests

Ornithological Tourism 2009





info Turismo de Navarra Tel. +34 848 420 420 Birding Navarra Ornithological Information Points Centro de Interpretación de “Las Foces”, en Lumbier Tel. +34 948 880 874 Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza de Ochagavia Tel. +34 948 890 641




Accommodations, ex are proposals broug quality brand B

Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza de Roncal Tel. +34 948 475 256 Área Natural Recreativa del Bosque de Orgi, en Lizaso (Ultzama) Tel. +34 948 305 300 Observatorio de “El Bordón”, en Viana Tel. +34 696 830 898 Observatorio de la Laguna de Pitillas Tel. +34 619 463 450


tlantic, Mediterranean and Alpine. The geographical and climatologic conditions of Navarre make it a destiny of contrasted landscapes and varied fauna and flora which offers excellent conditions for the observation of birds. From the damp valleys of the north to the steppe landscapes of the Ribera del Ebro, travelers shall discover in this small territory very different habitats: leafy oak and beech groves, rocky canyons, countryside and grasslands, Mediterranean forest… The peculiar relief of the region and this richness of natural spaces explain the great variety of registered species in the 10,000 square kilometers of extension of the Reyno: more than 310. The lammergeier, the pin-tailed sandgrouse,

Ornithological Tourism 2009

xcursions and guides ght together by the Birding Navarra the bearded tit or the black woodpecker are some of the regular occupants of this natural paradise which ornithological tourism lovers can’t miss. Indeed for them, a series of recommended places have been selected and qualified all along the region, which bring together a great number of species easy to observe. The Natural Park of Señorío de Bertiz, the Oak Groves of Ultzama, the Natural park of the Sierra de Urbasa-Andia, Lindux-Ibañeta, Iratí-Abodi, Belagua, the Natural Reserves of the Foces de Lumbier y Arbayun, the Comarca de Sangüesa, the Natural reserve of the Reservoir of the Cañas, the Sotos del Arga, the Natural Reserve of the Lagoon of Pitillas and the Natural Park of the Bárdenas Reales are the elected enclaves as indispensa-

ble for the birdwatcher and between all of them they agglutinate almost the totality of registered species of the region. There are six points of information in which traveler should stop. The Interpretation Center of ‘Las Foces’, in Lumbier, shall show the traveler through interactive activities the marvelous environment of canyons dug in the rock. The Nature Interpretation Center of Ochagavia and the Nature Interpretation Center of the Roncal, in two spots of uncommon beauty, introduce the traveler into the alpine nature of Navarre. The Orgi Forest is a compulsory stop to enjoy a magic walk between thousand-year-old oak trees. Finally, the observatories of El Bordón and Viana give the chance to observe in all its magnitude the birds in the wetlands.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

LANDSCAPES From left to right: the Hayedo de Irati, home of the white-backed woodpecker. The night falls down over Bárdenas Reales: stone-curlew, pin-tailed sandgrouse and dupont’s lark live in this steppe landscape. A delightful Pyrenean landscape shows up from the fog of the Valcarlos Valley. There are in Navarra professional services with specialized offers for the ornithological tourist, in which quality service and environment respectful activities are guaranteed. 19



Photos: © Aves Cantábricas, S.L.

Cantabria Ornithological Services

Aves Cantábricas (Cantabria’s Birds)

not to miss any detail

Discover in depth the ornithological richness of the region with the nature tourism activities that Aves Cantábricas proposes Las aves como no Birds as you’ve never seen them. Ornithological tourism in Cantabria involves experiencing the proposals of Aves Cantábricas, a business initiative that gives value the natural resources of the region through formation, interpretation and investigation activities, with the conservation of the natural environment as main objective. One of the star services of this company is the aquatic bird’s observation in the marvelous spot




named Marismas de Santoña. The best way to discover it: a guided

boat ride during the low tide period. With departures in Santoña or in Colindres, the visitor shall

board in a ride of two hours and a quarter of duration with a professional who shall guide you in the identification of birds and a first quality telescope to facilitate the sighting. Enjoy the first lights of the daybreak onboard while tasting a warm drink is a pleasure that the ornithological tourist can’t miss. The short size of the group, from 4 to 6 persons, guarantees the exclusivity of the service. Who prefers to step on solid land can visit one of the six Protected

Ornithological Tourism 2009 Especial

Natural Spaces of the region: the National Park of Picos de Europa and five Natural Parks; Oyambre, Saja-Besaya, Dunas de Liencres, Collados del Asón and Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel. Aves Cantábricas offers routes guided

by route specialists in routes of half journey (4 hours) or complete journey (8 hours) to visit the most spectacular corners of these places. You can choose between organized routes or custom-made routes. Bigger groups than 10 persons shall also benefit from special offers. But if it has to be with personalization, we cannot miss the chance of programming an observation route for the chosen bird species. Alpines, picids, raptors… the visit is established as the consumer wants, who is accompanied in the transfers between the different zones. The duration of this service is 8 hours and the birds shall be observed with prismatic and telescopes. This service is offered to minimal groups of 4 persons. Beyond land and marine birdwatching, it is possible to walk ravines and cliffs that take your breath away, listening the bellowing of deers and observing the costumes of the Spanish Ibex... The wild and rough landscape of Cantabria shall not cause indifference to anyone, whichever he/she likes.

Ornithological Tourism 2009 Especial

AQUATIC BIRDS One of the star services of this company is the bird observation in the natural spaces, wetlands and ZEPAS of Cantabria.

info Aves Cantábricas, S.L. Plaza de los Valles, 10, 5º D 39300 Torrelavega (Cantabria). Tel. +34 647 225 234




Photos: Š Parque Natural Albufera


The Natural Park of La Albufera The Natural Park of La Albufera is shown to us as one of the most important wetlands of the Iberian Peninsula, either for its extension (21,120 Ha) and for the valuable biodiversity it holds.


he important aquatic bird community of this space, with worldly threatened spaces such as the marbled duck (Marmaronetta angustirostris), and the rich biodiversity of fauna and flora, with the presence of various exclusive endemism of the region, has caused its declaration as Natural park. La Albufera counts with different figures of supranational protection: it is considered since 1989 as Wetland of International Importance according to the criteria of the RAMSAR Convention and was declared Zone of Special Protection for Birds, and proposed as Place of Communitarian Interest, according to the criteria of the communitarian guidelines in force. From time immemorial, this wet-




land has been object of an intense human exploitation (saltworks, hunting, fishing, agriculture, ranching, etc.), that has caused an important modification of the natural environment. The non-cultivated surface, occupied by marsh natural ecosystems has been reduced in only a 10% of the total surface of the park.

Birds of La Albufera

In La Albufera we register exclusive botanic endemism of the Valencia Community, as well as a great number of vertebrates and invertebrates of great interest. However, it is in the birds where La Albufera presents an outstanding international value. This way, the wetland registers important winter

concentration of aquatic birds, highlighting the reached number of anatids, between 20,000-30,000 birds the last years, and some winters, and with high numbers of redcrested pochard (Netta rufina) and European shoveler (Anas clypeata). Moreover, during this period there are also important winter concentration of herons (around 4,000 birds), shorebirds (1,000-2,000 birds) and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) with more than 3,000 birds.

The breeding period

During the breeding period, La Albufera also reaches an international outstanding roll. In the lagoon, the number of colonial herons exceed sometimes the

Ornithological Tourism 2009

6,000 breeding couples, in which we find species such as the purple heron (Ardea purpurea) (40-60 couples), squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides) (150-250 couples), little egret (Egretta garzetta) (800-1.500 couples) or night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) (100-200 couples). We must also highlight the reached number of colonial shorebirds such as the common tern (Sterna hirundo)

lared pratincole (Glareola pratincola) (a few breeding couples but with postnuptial concentrations of 250-400 units), little tern (Sterna albifrons) or Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) (only 50 couples). It is the second most important place in numbers of the Iberian Peninsula (after the Delta de l’Ebre) and one of the main areas of breeding of shorebirds of the Western Mediterranean.

La Albufera has become one of the main reproduction places for herons in the Iberian Peninsula (between 1,600-2,200 couples), sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) (between 1,000-1,600 couples), gull-billed tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) (400-550 couples) or slender-billed gull (Larus genei) (30-70 couples). We also register high number of black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) (300-400 couples) and avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) (60-120 couples). Finally, we must mention the presence of scant species such as the col-

Number of breeding birds

Between anatids and coots, the low quality of the superficial waters conditions that the number of breeding birds is not so high. In any case, we highlight the nesting presence of red-crested pochards, common pochard, as well as the marbled duck, endangered species, the purple swamp-hen and the red-knobbed coot whose presence is associated to reintroduction projects.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

BIRDS Previous page, flock of seagull in La Albufera. Over these lines, the named fang ducks in the lagoon.

info Parque Natural Albufera C/ Pintor Marti Girbes, s/n El Palmar (Valencia) Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda. Parques Naturales C/ Francisco Cubells, 7 46011 Valencia




Valencia Ornithological Services St u dy an d r in g in g G r o u p L’Albu fe r a - E s t ud i Ver d

Marsh birds in La Albufera of Valencia The study and ringing group rates with the Direction of of Valencia through ringing birds and excursions in the park of Valencia.

RINGING In this page, moment of the ringing in the Park of La Albufera of Valencia. In the following page, diverse species that can be seen in the Valencia Park and ringing group during its work.

Photos: © Estudi Verd



L’Albufera-Estudi Verd collabothe Natural Park of La Albufera campaigns, monitoring of aquatic environment of this beautiful


Ornithological Tourism 2009


a laguna de L’Albufera The lagoon of La Albufera of Valencia is one of the main coastal lagoon environments of the Mediterranean. It’s a landscape formed recently at the expense of the fragile balance established between the erosion, transportation and sedimentation forces acting in the contact line between the continent and the sea. We must take into consideration

thereof. The richness (seen as the number of species) and the abundance of the aquatic birds of La Albufera of Valencia, place this wetland between the most important of Europe. Altogether, we’ve registered a total of 332 bird species, to which we must add another aloctone whose origin is related to escapes. Yearly, in the Natural Park of La Albufera there can be registered

Among their activities there are ringing campaigns, monitoring of birds and excursions through the Park of La Albufera in Valencia that the lagoon of La Albufera and its rice fields are a changing environment and as a consequence they hold different bird communities during the seasons, being the hibernating and the summer seasons the most attractive, as shown in the book “Avifauna urbana y periurbana de la ciudad de Valencia” edited by the Council of Valencia and Estudi Verd. The members of this group do excursions with students and bird enthusiasts coming from all over the Peninsula and abroad, finding in those ornithological routes all the recent and detailed information

an average of 240 to 250 species, from which 76 are usual breeding species. During a yearly cycle we can register up to 85 different species. The richness shows variations from one year to another and, in fenological terms, the majority of the registered species are not exclusively from a concrete period, they can be observed in more than one phase of the year cycle. This way, we use to register around 73 migratory species, 49 hibernating, 29 nesting, 5 exclusively in summer (not nesting) and around four occasional.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

info Grupo de estudio y anillamiento L’AlbuferaEstudi Verd Avda. País Valenciano, 137-2ª 46900 Torrent (Valencia) Tel. +34 615 827 198




Photo: © En Ruta Naturaleza y Aventura


Caceres, the great bird observatory of Europe Caceres has become the European region with the best and most varies conditions for the practice of birdwatching. The 70% of the surface of the Extremadura territory is perfect for birds, from which a 34% has any type of protection. Nowadays it counts with 69 Zones of Special Protection for Birds (ZEPA) with more than a million hectares.


he province of Caceres hides uncontaminated corners that become for the travelers a real ecologic paradise. Any season is good to travel to this amazing Extremadura enclave. Stunning nature that has the immortal greens of the northern valleys (el Ambroz, el Jerte, Sierra de Gata, la Vera, las Hurdes) and the southern (Ibores and Villuercas), the immense prairies of the countryside in Arañuelo, not forgetting the ecologic jewel of Caceres: the National Park of Monfragüe.




The Vía de la Plata and the crossborder zone of La Raya are other zones of special tourist interest. The Mediterranean climate, with Atlantic influence, generates hot summers and affable winters and favors the existence of a great variety of unaltered natural spaces. In the region there is a great part of bird species almost disappeared in other regions of the continent, such as the monk vulture, the black stork, the Spanish imperial eagle, the Spanish sparrow o the bustard. The central part of Caceres, in

the surroundings of the capital, is protected by the declaration of Zone of Special Protection. Every year, thousands of British, Dutch and even American, search in the regions such as Llanos de Caceres and Miajadas-Trujillo a privileged destiny for the observation of birds. Las Villuercas, Los Ibores and the stretch of Tajo Internacional are other Zones of Special Protection for Birds.


In the northwest of the province we

Ornithological Tourism 2009

MONFRAGĂœE AND AMBROZ In the previous page, a birdwatching group in MonfragĂźe. In this page, amazing autumn tonalities in the forests of chestnut trees of the Valle del Ambroz, in the north of Caceres.

Ornithological Tourism 2009





MEDITERRANEAN FOREST Up, surrounded by the Tajo, and crossed by the Tiétar, we find Monfragüe, the best sample of Mediterranean forest of Spain, due to its extension and conservation. In the 17,852 hectares of the National Park, hundreds of vertebrate find their homes, among which we must highlight tens of threatened species, such as the Iberian linx, the imperial eagle, the black stork (left photo), the griffon vulture and monk vulture. In the following page, medieval village of Granadilla.




Ornithological Tourism 2009

find the National Park of Monfragüe, organized around the course of the rivers Tajo and Tiétar, which converge in the park. It is set in two parallel mountain ranges that show all the charm of the Mediterranean forest. The most outstanding thing, besides its beauty, is the great biodiversity. The singularity of species the park holds has no comparison in Europe. In fact, it is the zone that concentrates the largest colony of monk vulture and imperial eagle of the World, with more than 200 and 11 couples, respectively. Two of the most privileged corners are the Salto del Gitano and the Peña Falcón. This last, holds an important colony of predatory that fly over the margins of the river Tajo.

Los Barruecos

Another enclave of special landscape interest is the place named Los Barruecos, declared Natural Monument. This singular enclave, placed in the southwestern part of the Province, shows curious rocky

outcrops packed between granites, numerous pools and ancient dams.

Llanos de Caceres

In the central zone, we find the named Llanos de Caceres. A Zone of Special Conservation crossed by the mountain range of Montánchez, which combines meadows, urban areas and mountain, but attracts numerous bird species.

Mountain ranges of the North of Caceres

The mild climate and the exuberant vegetation of the northern mountain ranges are nowadays the biggest call of the north of Caceres. The named Hurdes, the Sierra de Gata, the valley of Ambroz, el Jerte and La Vera are the regions that form these mountain ranges. They are green lands, rich in water and with abundant vegetation that provides to the riverside landscape a matchless beauty. Autumn is a perfect season to travel to these valleys. A festival

Ornithological Tourism 2009

of unlikely colors and experiences take place in places such as the valley of Ambroz, las Villuercas e Ibores, la Jara or el Jerte.

info Diputación de Cáceres Patronato de Turismo, Artesanía y Cultura Tradicional. C/ Amargura, 1. 10003 Cáceres. Tel. 927 255 597. Fax. 927 255 467




Sevilla Routes of birdwatching in the

Region of Aljarafe-Doñana The extraordinary attraction of the marsh, together with the richness and natural diversity of the territory, converts the Seville’s Doñana into a paradise for ornithological observation, a region where the Association for the Development of Aljarafe-Doñana (ADAD) is developing an interesting valuation program of ornithological and nature tourism.


are some off the most strategic spot for ornithological and fauna observation in a region full of environmental attractions to discover. Another emblematic natural milestone of the territory is the named Corredor Verde del Guadiamar, a Protected Natural Landscape, as a result of the recovery of the riverside after the burst of the mining pool in 1998. But the region holds more interesting environmental resources, such as the natural reserves Dehesa de Abajo and Cañada de los Pájaros, the pine forest of Aznalcázar and Puebla del Río, Isleta, Olivillos or Dehesa Boyal. Around this rich green patrimony, ADAD is developing in the last

years an important program of revitalizing and revaluation of the ornithological tourism, through direct support to entrepreneurs, the formation of human capital, the organization and sponsorization of tourist events, the edition of promotional and educational material, the exchange of experiences, the creation of ornithological and nature tourism packages, etc. Part of this work has been carried out in collaboration with other Spanish and European Development Groups, through transnational cooperation projects such as Arco Atlántico ( or RETO– Red Europea de Turismo Ornitológico (

Photos: © Felipe Rodríguez.

he region named AljarafeDoñana, in the southwestern edge of the province of Seville, constitutes a patchwork of landscapes of great beauty and singularity. Places between the fertile meadows of the rivers Guadalquivir and Guadiamar, its appearance combines the green olive grove and the marsh landscape, besides the expanse of pine forests and Mediterranean mountain. Contributes to the Natural Space of Doñana with the 30% of its surface extension, holding large plains of marsh, an indispensable habitat for hundreds of bird species that live or visit Doñana every year. Veta La Palma, Raya Real, Brazos de la Torre y del Este or Arroyo de Pilas




Ornithological Tourism 2009

MARSHES The marshes of the Guadalquivir (down) show different biotopes such as the Lagoon of San Lorenzo (up) or the extensive rice fields that feed and give refugee to the birds in the summer season (right).

Ornithological Tourism 2009








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Channeling of the river Guadaira




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Alfonso XVIII Río Guadalquivir

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Veta de Alí

Brazo de los Jerónimos Queipo de Llanos

de Abajo (La Puebla del Río) in direction to Isla Mayor. From this village we can choose various routes, going around Entremuros until Veta de Alí, in direction south until Veta La Palma or in direction to Isla Mínima del Guadalquivir, passing by Brazo de los Jerónimos.

El Cestero Olivillos

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Isla Mayor del Guadalquivir


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Photos: © Felipe Rodríguez. Rutas: ADAD. Maps: Laura Toledo Rojas






ROUTE 2 Route of the ricefields The rice fields occupy an extension of 30,000 hectares of the region in the heart of the marshes of the Guadalquivir. It constitutes a rich nutrients larder for birds, especially when the Venta marsh goes dry and food is El Cruce limited. This route starts in the visitor’s center of the Dehesa

ROUTE 3 Guadalquivir route It contains the current course of the Guadalquivir, in addition to its old branches, the Brazo del Este, Brazo de los Jerónimos and Brazo de la Torre, traces of the ancient river. Due to the maintenance of water during the entire year, the branches turn into a refugee for aquatic birds, especially in summer, when the marshes go dry. In this period, they register a population of thousand of specimen of purple swamp-hen, but also purple heron or reintroduced species such as the common coot. The route starts in the Dehesa de Abajo and advances parallel to the course of the Guadaira, which is crossed to go deeper in Brazo del Este, a protected natural place of 1,300 hectares, passing by Cestero and finishing in Margazuela.

SE 653

Cañada de

ROUTE 1 los Pájaros Villamanrique Marshes route de la Condesa The marsh is the ecoSan Lorenzo Dehesa de Abajo lagoon system that gives more La Cangrejera character to Doñana, and also the one who Entremuros Alfonso XIII holds more ornithological richness. The route ar we herein propose e am i orr d aT ua would start in Dehesa G l Isla Mayor del Escobar de de Abajo, where an Guadalquivir o ñ amazing colony of Ca Vuelta de Center of Visitors white stork lives la Arena José A. Valverde Br and the black kite nests. We’ll Lucio del Lobo continue in the Lucio del named Cañada Cangrejo de los Pájaros, the unique private natural reserve of Andalusia, resulting of the transformation of an old gravel pit into a wetland that is used as a home by a great variety of aquatic birds. In the reedbed, endangered species breed in captivity, such as marbled duck or common coot. We’ll continue the route enjoying incredible places such as La Cangrejera, Entremuros, Vuelta de la Arena, Lucio del Cangrejo or Lucio del Lobo, to continue in the visitors center “José Antonio Valverde”, also named “Cerrado Garrido”, which counts with spectacular panoramic over the marsh and from where we can observe a magnificent colony of glossy ibis, to finish our route in the named Caño del Guadiamar.

Veta de la Palma

La Margazuela


Ornithological Tourism 2009

ROUTE 4 Route of the Forest Arroyo Crown of Doñana de Pilas In his route the big size vegetation predominates, formed Pilas Aznalcázar by pine trees, meadows, wild olive groves and fruit trees of the villages of Aznalcázar, La Puebla del Río, Pilas and La Juliana Arroyo Villamanrique de la Condesa. del Alcarayón Each grove counts Cañada with a characterisHonda Villamanrique de tic fauna, from the la Condesa Montes big predatory to del Rey Vado del Dehesa Quema de Tornero the small passerVenta del Cruce ines. The route conLaguna de tains milestones San Lázaro such as the gallery forests of the streams of Pilas and Alcarayón, Cañada Honda and La Juliana (if we choose the north zone, in direction to Bollullos de la Mitación), the named Vado del Quema, Dehesa del Tornero, Montes del Rey or Laguna de San Lázaro. Botanical itinerary El Buitrago

Bollullos de la Mitación

Routes Observing point



adad C/ Marqués de Santillana, nº 64. 41840 Pilas (Sevilla) Tel. 955 753 820.

Ornithological Services

Viturevent, S.L. C/Juan López Sánchez, 15 41850 Villamanrique de la Condesa (Sevilla) Tel. +34 95 575 52 88 Turismo de Doñana Avda. del Pozo Concejo, s/n 41130 La Puebla del Río (SE) Tel. +34 955 777 956 www.turismodedonana. com Hacienda Olontigi C / Ventorro, 23 41849 Aznalcázar (Sevilla) Tel. +34 955 751 976

Population center

ROUTE 5 Route of the Green Corridor and the Countryside of Aljarafe It’s the recovered area after the burst of the mining wastes pool in 1998, which shows an ecologic corridor with the river Guadiamar as central axis. In its medium zone there is a gallery forest whose mission is to be the “green highway” for many species. In the down part, the Guadiamar is channeled in

Ruins of San Antonio tower


Las Doblas

Olivares La Campiña Sevilla

Sanlúcar la Mayor Viewpoint of Benacazón Benacazón

Entremuros to the Brazo de la Torre, whose riverbeds hold thousands of aquatic birds. The milestones that this route covers pass by Ruins of Torreón de San Antonio and the village of Salteras, Doblas in Sanlúcar la Mayor, La Campiña in Olivares, Mirador de Benacazón, and the botanic itinerary of El Buitrago and the Vado del Quema, both in Aznalcázar, until reaching the drain channel of the Guadiamar.

Ornithological Tourism 2009

El Buitrago Botanical itinerary

Bollullos de la Mitación


Puebla del Río Vado del Quema Venta El Cruce Channeling of the river Guadiamar




España Ornithological Services Ser vi ce comp a n ie s

Guide of Or nithological Tourism Professionals

Photo: © Ornitour

PROFFESIONALS Under this lines, flying Phoenicopterus ruber. In our firsts incursions in ornithological tourism it is highly recommended to be guided by accredited professionals.

EXTREMADURA ECOPANGEA Finca Las Jarras Valverde de la Vera Cáceres Tel. +34 660 384 288 EXTREMADURA BIRDING www.extremadurabirding. Tel. +34 924 866 711 / Badajoz ELANUS ANDALUCÍA FUNDACIÓN MIGRES Complejo Huerta Grande, Ctra. N 340 Km. 96.7 11390 Pelayo, Algeciras (Cádiz). Tel. +34 956 679 857. Fax. +34 956 679 126 c/ Inca Garcilaso 1, Edificio REE. 41092 Sevilla. Tel. +34 954 468 383. Fax. +34 954 461 283 VITUREVENT, S.L. 41850 Villamanrique de




la Condesa (Sevilla) Tel. +34 95 575 52 88 ALGAKON Urb. La Alondra,46 41909 Salteras (Sevilla) Tel. +34 955 718 800 TURISMO DOÑANA 41130 La Puebla del Río (Sevilla). Tel. +34 955 777 956 ORNITOUR Avda. Mar Mediterranea,2, Centro de negocios Sotovilla of.11 La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) Tel. +34 956 794 684. Fax. +34 956 174 087 CORRAL CONSEJO C/ Sevilla,6 29410 Yunquera (Málaga) Tel. +34 660 770 064 ARAGÓN ANDARAGON

Camino de las Eras, s/n Alquézar (Huesca) el. +34 974 318 985 CAPRA HISPANICA Cortes de Aragón,136 Teruel Tel. +34 978 890 394 CASATUR Plaza de España, 4 50360 Daroca (Zaragoza) Tel. +34 967 800 969 CANTABRIA AVES CANTÁBRICAS Tel. +34 687 434 643 Cantabria TOTALLY SPAIN Barrio Zoña, 36, bajo izq. 39193 Castillo Cantabria Tel. +34 942 637 359 MADRID SPAINBIRDS C/ Nogal,7, 1B, 28794 Guadalix de la Sierra (Madrid)

Tel. +34 687 837 719 IBERIAN WILDLIFE TOURS C/Alcocer,1, 1c 28214 Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid) Tel. +34 918 989 195 CATALUÑA ESCOLA DEL PARC lescolarvidals@terra,es Dr Martí Buera,22, 43580 Deltebre (Tarragona) Tel. +34 977 489 679 EITRAVEL C/Martí Jordi Frígola,8, Local 33, Palafrugell (Girona) Tel. +34 972 302 132 GALICIA ROTEIROS LEXENDARIOS Estrada Xeral, 125 4ª 15330 Ortigueira (A Coruña) Tel. +34 655 402 122 MUIÑOS DE PONTE NOVAL Mera de Arriba, s/n 15330 Ortigueira (A Coruña) Tel. +34 607 722 065

Ornithological Tourism 2009

Ornithological Tourism 2009




Ornithological Tourism 2009

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